HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-05-20, Page 8THEt�TRE��;' L G�� X air, n4h MR` "N 4 $ typical of Cecil I -U-1 h the luxury .. Staged ,vit ................ TliF �c B -%r.Zp­ x' -w DeMilld-;A'spil ial Ceel DeNIille* Produc -E rZCIL .33l, D�1,11,TLvs iih 'a cast includin'is Itiott Gloria - tion �v Z. 'oh'Silvia Ashton and )O.uL- Qand� ypux Nus b4rO S f Theod Roberts. 1 wans 3 day, ys-Monday, Tuesday and Wed' es. ty*'26. May 24.,' .5.and 'Children. 15c. Adults 25C. memo Big Jill W Ka"callee Rates. Mr, W.?. Clarke and Mrs, Clarke, o V r Mouth Ten'derl Wirigham last week Detroit, were 'in Mr. Clarke came here to readjust the lora AreY s Sore 'or. 91 1 9. o0t-,UuM eed'n' policies of tl�e,Macabeei;' The cornpan3 cliims that owing to laws enacted by th, Avi Your Teeth Loosening. -I. Dominion Government they are force If so, you have li?.iggsll Disease, Pyorrhea,, or Trench Moutli, and to raise their rates. The -increase Is a enormous one iind whether" or not it NO you need compel some of the local me;rlbersto with or cogs Diseneo draw and lose their policies is hard to say K&nedy f JMI,, A member who has a' $1,000 policy,' an Why suffer when you can easily,�treat yourself in- the comfort and I ""Y privacy of your .own home by this, sure, safe and Painless, method, and.'. was, paying $18.60� must no, which will give you immediate relief? Write annually $57,80; another paying'$ -11,4 on $3,000 must now 'pay,$141.80; anothe p,�JC,GS , REMFDY COMIPANY, Urnited 144 Carlton Street, Toronto' Ont. payir%.Wi.'00 on $2,000 must now pa Pyorill Specialtsill gm! mill 10 S208.60, and another paying $37-20 .$f,600 must now pay $69.85. The othe "Just arrived in time, nurse, delay might have can afford to 4 . . ... ..... ost us our patient, No doctor . . .......... 1i take chances with his,motor. Imperial Polar -ins and Imperial Premier Gasoline- makes every d Ri motor run perfectly. NVp can always u a rely on Imperial prod ct Eli iiiMill-MR R i 01 tPr lilt NV r M1,111, M11 g You Can Depend On VVE RY drop of Imperial Polarine is 100% lubrication, It spreads -L.:j a protecting cushion of oil between all wearing parts,'making each par function smoothly and reducing wear to a minimum. It has exactly the right body ---forms a perfect piston -to -cylinder seal, maintains compression, conserves power and saves fuel. It does'not break down or run thin under extreme heat. Imperial Polarine burns clean, reducescarb4n deposits to a minimum and assures long life, smooth running and reliability to your motor at all times, under all conditions, There is an Imperial Polkrine grade for every motor need, from crank shaft to differential. Consult the Imperial Polarine Chart of Recommendations for the correct grade to use in your car -it is on display wherever Imperial Polarine is, sold, Sold in one and four gallon sealed cans,,steel kegs, half -barrels and contal containers me barrels, by dealers everywhere in Canada. Buy in large" and save money. Q0 IMPERIAL POLARINE IMPERIAL "LARINE HEAVY IMPERIAL POLARINE A (light medium hill (Medium Iii hill (Extra heavy WY) A GRADE SPECIAZZY SCITTED TO YOUR Mil I i . 6'A V14AW 0 'A �$ � �-. in A FAA pim, 0 Thw*by May, g6th",* 190 T91 WINOBAX LDV kto �3 J exxxMX=XXXX XX=XXXXXXXX%U WbItilIchurch ok ill 61 spent a few hay's .at her home HANNA here. missellii Lillian and Helen Patterson are visiting in ToroutO and Hamilton, Miss KaAo Smith of Gait, spent a fow days at the home of Andrew F ox prior to C for a few days with, blood poisoning in his leaving for Montreal and other Eastern poinif,. Mr: Kenneth Patterson has beeif laid up 1 4'6 or A L Q D Two auto loads vlz. Air. and Mrs. flurry McGee, Mr. and Mil Roy McGee, VIM Mrs, William Ileecroft, Mrs. Sparking, Thurs., Fri., beato , X. Mr. and Mrs. Will Lyon and Mr. and 'Mrs. Dustan Beall motored to Sea - full on Sunday and spent the day with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Our' week end specials are your 0 # I ecure Kirke, opportunity to sl� excep- 0 Mr. and Mrs. John Craig and child and 7.11 Mr).. ('711lies spent Sunday with relatives tilonal bargains. - at Auburn. The many friends of Mrs. Duncan Me - ravish, formerly of Whitechurch, will re - Note These for This'Week. gret to, hear of her having to undergolap operatlop for apperill but hope for ber speedy recovery. The operation was X, %0. performed at the home of tier parents, 4th No. I--'10 dozen boys' cotton jerseys in navy, con of Huron, on.Moriday morning by Dr. Ilambly of Wingliall white.ga ,,nd khald, trimmed, reg. 75c, special 59c. Our local chicken man, Mr. Duricar No. 11-5 dozill new Spring Caps for boys, in Xonnedy has so many orders for baby h,P chicks that be is unable to supply,the de• t%vecds and serges. Reg. $1,50, special $1.0. ' He has purcli�scd several neA mind. I llngl.ecylinder Auto Tire Pump L11 No. .111-6dozen menill knitted neckwear,somewhere ew . on the Western Boundry or Sat da t imb to guig td= 8th. -Finder kindly' leave rts ,00� a N age, heathers, plains -and stripes $1.25 and 1,50, Special P, at 79c. NOTICE Xo All rubbish Must be cleared away befor, Largest stock of Men's and.Boys' Clothi 119 at the 2lsL d% of. May, 0.0, Al�illtlxly 111813GOtD Sanitary reasonable prices-, O� TOWNSHIP' OF TURNBERRY Court Of Revision X% TAKE NOTION that the Court of Rovislo for the ToWn of 'ffingbam will i at th rowrill Hall on Monday, 314. day of Ma3 1920,,at 2 oi P. in.. for the hearing o t a ,eal -a ainst. the Assesismell t; Roll for th( No. 1-5 dozen fine blas gypill a year 1920, I PAUL Po-,vBLT,,, Clork. ",Ireland and the Irish." Tha reverend' X in sizes 8.1 to 10. , Reg. 75 and $1.00, special 49c.. % incuba:tors. Success Duncan! Horne Rule and Our menpave made a 9ptpndid job of gentleman will touch on TOWN OF WINGHAM No. li-Speciat line of skirts 011 i'salO, ii.n silics I � % interesting subjects. -Admill thelboundry road around here.' It 1.4 now pther inte up tc $10,00. SpeciO.$4.79, Court Of Revision -up to the Wingliam men to fix up their. 5 cents, Everybody some. and se es, values TAKE NOTICE that the Courh of Revision end of this -road. Xfor the Town of winghamwill sit at the Town Hall on Wedliesday, 26th., day of May, 1920 at - The many friends of Mrs. David Lock= No. 111 -Children's H�ats in sfravvlgr -and 'felt,,,-,, 7 ri�l V. in. for the bearing, of appeals against the Assassin 1920. of Auburn, formerly Eupbemia Jrt Roll forthe year Reg. price up to $1:00. Special 75c. JiN A Gil Ci Thompson, of Donnybrook, -were shocked 'ENTRAL 11 AV to learn of her death on Sunday. u INOTICE TO CREDITORS 4?ll - Miss Lorna McClenagban is visiting Wo w2r. In the Estate of William Johnston late of the with her grandmother, Mrs. Jas. Barbour,, Township of Turnberry In the County of ri cord} cc Fie' gHuron, retired farmer. deceased. J . s: 140TIOR is hereby given pursuant to Section . Miss Cooke who has been visiting with f fl 60, Chapter 121 R. S. U., 1914, that all 8 6L a s -.9 having claims against the Estate of VrIOnl, her sister, Mrs. Robert McClenaghan for Jobston who died on or about- the 28th clay of Tiav ng parebased. the February, A - .D., 1920, at the Township of Turrill the past two weeks returned to her home, The. Store with the'Stock. berry In the County of Huron, are required to in Elora on Saturday. business of T. 'Drun - send to the undersigned, the Sollol tor for the I'Jil;xecutrl on or before the 27th day of Mar and & Son, Butchers; X A. D,, 1920, their I Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Drink%vater of names and addresses with full particulars of their clainis in writing and the Lucknow, spent Sunday with Mr, and we res pectf ally solict A d Al vix nature and securities (it any), hold b their. n AND FURTURR TAKE NOTICE after Mrs. W. J. Radford, Whitechurch. share of your patron - the said 27th di of May A. D.1920. the assets age, a n d assure you of the raid Estate will be distributed by the ed. A Man �vtl%)Se word WW 4S sivid E%ecutora among the parties entitled WING HAM *kRKETS borld,.-, A L nu T bel- or our' thereto, having regard only to plainig of which first-class service. good as his in they sball thou have notice and the Estate will Bluevale d 111 any B (Correct up till Wednesday noon} citizen's on Vonday, not n claim not filed at the time of said distribution. X real live lecture will be gill:ven in the Wheat No. 2 Spring ...... 1 �98 to 2 55 Mr. Alex McKellar,, disposed of his D Dat ed, at Wingharn this 26th day of April A. Bluevale Methodist church on Friday eve - 0 Wheat No. 2 Fall ...... 1 98 to 2 55, 1920 1 of 0 LVE R & B E N' N (I E R double r6sidcn'ce,, at the noll of (lie DUDLEY HOLMES, ning, May 28th. Rev. R. F. Irwin r Flour ............... .... 6 60 to 7 00 Solicitor for the I�xeoiqtorst Lucknow, will deliver his famous lecture) 3- to 38 town, to Mr, Charles MCCIOUg' Adam and Robert Johnston. yUird .................... 0 n B6tter .............. 55 to 64� rs Eggs .................... 48 to 54,' ^ll I Cattle, mad., butchers... 9 00 to 10 bo Cattle, butchers chill 00 to 12 00 Flogs, liveweight ..... 18 05 to 19 10 All Hay ... .... I I .... I ... 1. 19 00 to 21 00 1 Cre'a'm ........... t o 691 are in pfoportion according . to, age. One 1 member, we understand, his but four years more to pay his dues and then he :begins to draw benefits. His yearly dues times what he formerly paid. , It may bo M qMy have now been increased to over six nt demanded the irl r thep% 24t -of ut that the \Governme Direas Acceaa%ji iles fo creased rate to protect the policy' holders, but if the rates Were too low before, the gentlemen who conducted the affairs of the Macabees are to blame,for that state of affairs. It is nothing short of a die- Ladies Ready to Wear, grace that men who have paid insurance Men's and Bo'ys'Clotbing all their lives and have* reached,,the age; Voile Blouses $3.00 to 7,55. when they cannot get another insurance I Top Coats and ]Rameoats Crepe and Georgette Blouses T5 should be compelled to pay such eicessive rates oe lose their policies. No doubt. to 20.00. many will be forced to surrender their Men's bothinis, special values at $29- Gaberdine pi or have their value greatly dis- .50, 35.00 and 42.50. All wool Serge and G counted, and be left in old age Without -1, $16.50, 22.50, 35-00. 1 separate Skirts $10 to 18.50. Men"s Raincoats adequate insurance.. Wash Skirts, cotton, gaberdine and repps, special ,"2.95 to 6.00, - Wroxeter Shits and and I Middies, latest styles for all ages, Miss Mary Gibson of Arthur, spent a I In fancy' cotton, percale Ad. silk from $1.69l, 2.49 to 7.00. fill days recently at her home here. the best inahers, Arrow, Forsyth and Mrs. Lamonbly is at present enjoying. a Ladies' English' Raincoats, regu- few days visit with friends at Dunnville. Tooker. Prices $2.00 to 9,50, lar $12.50 for 9.75. We are pleased to state that Mrs.§Coats, velour, and serge. 0 . Archie McMichael, who has been very 1 poorly forthe past few months, is gettirg! Poll Prices $18.50 to 47.50. White Furs and Maribou. Prices better and is able to be'aroundjIgain Straw Hats Another old and respected rell of $6,50. to.20.00. Ilowiclo township pall away on Mon - Felt Hats 25 doz. Women's Silk Hose,- all day of last week in the person of Mr. e JamesBall. Decdased was in his sixty- Sizes and colors, reg. $2,50 to'3.01), for $1.95. fourth year, and had not enjoyed 'good Dell Health for some time. The funeral took JSWE COATS Black Messaline Silk, reg. $3.50, place Thursday afternoon, Interment for $2.85. 'being made in the Wroxeter cemetery. Spring Caps All the latest styles And Extra quality Pongee Silks at color, Price s$3-50020-00, $1.49 and 1.79. Mi., il Nars, Herb Thomas and family, motored to Waterloo on Saturday retul'tl- G -A 0 C Z It Y I)ZI*A A:rNZ)Vlr ing on Sunday. Mill Tillie Cairo of the Deaconess, House Furnishings* Z V, (Low Cost of Living Prices.) flonicTorouto i,, spending a few weeks itton ussels Rugs.' Pure Lard, I lbs for liege at her old home. W Axminster land 13v Shredded Wheat, 2 f0"'r­.­,­ � ........... 2SC Mr" Ova, Pollard of Mullet, and Miss , Seeded or Seedless Raisins, lb . .. * ,Il Bes,jje, ouly daughter ol141% and Mrs. Linolus andOil Clotlis. raundry Soap, allmakes, io bar . ..tr,00 Robert Cocherlinill' Of tOwt), were TliOtIY or $xo.00 per box. , . inat-ried ;it the Plit'st-t-i Manse 01) CongolLutn Rugs all sizes and' widths Sill Gloves Lut, 2 far .......................... . 28C. Saturday eve by Rev. Geo. Telford, M. A. in n&W Patterns. Corn Vlakes, a Jpk9 ...... * .............. 100 Latest styles i n all t he Best 70c Tea, q IN for ................ $3.15 lialtil good red, a till .......... .... 45e m 11w citizen's Inectilm hold on Il l Bl dirt Rods and Pole,..;f newest sthades-. Prices $1.25 cill Starch, per I)kg ... ............... W to -liscosqatid plan tor the ervet- jul otic a Xletil hall, it was thought Willdotv SShades-, etc. to 230, acl4isabti toe sc« ore snore funds, and put thiis patil honor on a Ill sullistal iM basis. -rho IV. C. T. 11. will bo held at the houle _It, Mt.s. (Rev.) 10ioi,l on Friday 4 snhject "Screiltilie 'returictnil PRODUCV, WANTHAD Vill w0h:01l V Ill (Vidlev 111adea bushlevs it ip. ""', to kloilili"I ich %)it Mtiiidny- P110NE, 71. In Iliv derith oil Ftidoty of Xr. Minald VAI lft',ott kit Faillit WnwarIl title of the fl beti known figures in put-Aic life i'4 relli ------- - 4T