HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-05-20, Page 7".e_
4 -
England Remains
". 0
1 Cent -re of rinance
, .,
stmi" pleplayed 61"co .Ar"10100 shakoe 13011 -of "prom-acy Will
Shift Prom 4ond on to Niw Yoric.
I TW��tl�
� I
4,Badaet or"News
. rrom the Old Land
. ", �, " Y,
. , I � ��
.1.11 � �
-quippad witia trlawtotmpl3o %*#4 for
p4litil: sad aziLoutiolss omy. 'I �u
switchboard bAw a upsaity or 1.�tis
mtouslong and ILU trau". T4(t 1w, Lot
Usis telephone *try�zs In oa,(:h of It*
3,200 roonts , And flive are forty pablie
telephone lawiths . itat yed by four
3witchboard-4 counee.ted with the wit it
switchboard. The following glyt-o
some Idea of a few of the Itaills v 11,wil
make Up Dart of the telaphoue vyb-
:em- 031) fases, ".170 condioniers. I -
� ,- . , " - 11-1 -1-1 -1 - . - . I .. I . I I . I I - I I ' L
, �� M L : Aged 102, Mrs, Sarah Evans, of owbalbus. workers have been offered too relays. 5'"No 1wrips, 38,500 Jachs, ,
I I � Liandystilo Gogo, (�ardlganohlre, has 00- now and is. more In Jime. ,50,000 soldered connections, 7,926iQ00
1 , ,eet or W10.
11 - �� , , � Knocked 4own by it train at Ban.
I . I I I . cited. 11 bury, Oxfordshire, .NET. John Hunt, 06 _.. � - I
. . I ot�N
.. �s:11 L IL Shortave of fire I ,.-" _
I Is Causing dif- solicitor, died front his Injuries. _ AjV. '
(B. NI, Talbot, In New '!rork Sun nations aad - sold. Her barter and *11 I.. - I .". � . ,ti � Lot Inconsequence O4 hLQaV j rains a gar. . .L 10___%1.9 ..
I and Herald.) , h conspicuous ,� I "'L .. � :f '' - I fitulty in keeping the uorth-ef lous landslide occurred on the Llan. _
::: �: - I 1. . coast blast furnaces going. I
proportions men to N44poleon's day I L " I tylliu-LIaurhalaoir Load, gontgowery W -
,�", 1.� � ii .
A little more than three years ago, - LL !�"j 11,; L.'.;;, __11,�L , I L I I I
... :: , .
that lie termed Einvlaud 0, "nation of ''.0. � L I ,� 1. I 061frtoge-S. oxfor47-stropt, London, , Shiro. ;;�_ RES [BE
when. it looked Aa it the war might Shopkeepers." I . w�7 ;, ,,, I I :* I '. L have bought the buRfuess Of A. H- Mrs. Haydock, of C111arawood Tow X'" '
end withottt Airectly involving the It Britain Is the world's greatest I ... 1� '� L� .. I �.,. . " ,,�'. I on, WbJtWJCk, l..(,IeaL,torShJre, hW
I �
i 1, IiA . �� :,��l I . 111ull, 1,#1ralted. draperselteading.
Vulteoli $tate�, aie questimi was fre- shopkee And that position. (10- 3, . . .11 : , I I In these days of big prices a tbleig,
:1, . . . . : Nottingham .W%r juicy beefsteak for A, big taiu.4
�� .: 1 � V L Vicar of 110,.y. Trin,ity Churen, given 43,000 to tho .
quently Aska4 whotber the Unite;l P,,,,I,,Itl,lrll,], on the spirit of adven- �;,, .... . ,� : I Ole$-aStlCal EdUCatiOn Ft und. would Almost cost As much As moui
ture on tile part of capl-tal, Is the X - . Anorley..S .U. Since 107, the Rev- J- London port oi-aployeks have de. of us. lia,ve for our antire meAt Ailo%%-
States had gained and could main- ambition of other , nation$—wl'Y . 1. .
talu the financial leadership of the not capital of the United States de- L I - Worthington Atkin died suddenly. cided
, L to accept the report of the r6cent an,00, and theL reault.JS We IA06YO It MW
' . . .
I " 1 : �� 1, � , I r, X. C., of the Court of Inquiri awarding oloanw.wo a 4ora, But when we do. it to such , a
wolrld. . velop tills wou'derfull. Pluck and thus ,�.. I... : Mr. John A. Slate
Glancing back through the periodic- capture tile tinineial leadership? �. LL ... rt,11-east ,pircuit) who Iva$ � an an, minimum wage of 10. a'ilay. treat that It must be well selected �,Ud
11 '.,�� .... I..... I L' I no law, has died Within twenty-four, liours of thir W,11 served ..
.. ,..
Because there is nor; the Saute tie- "I �11 11 .._.`�'4.;,�%��,, .,a L . thorlty, on commercial
als and newspapers of that period, one ... .. . 1. " �� 'death of Mr. Benju.tdo, Bigalf.'Itiene Porterhouse And Sirloin are -the
cessity for the ;sipirit of adventure tit "'....... li .1 I in London. - most expensive because of the waste
finds.that men whose opinions were the international sense, This leads -1 : _____ 11 A woman farmer, of Oldbury, Worcestershire from tile rat and b9ne, RUMP 4�w.
... - - . I I . . L L _ ... 11 L n unknown midole-aged near his wife died Also. And they were bur. less W
taken at high value were not only again to the geogiraphical l,oc&t4on of ' found dead in a bog -'at Killay, asta., Zound Is not as tonder*
Convinced that England had q England as con,trasited With that of MUSIC I-RCREASES THE APPETIT 0. . Swaasea, had &PRarentlY Sunk while ledtogether, . . the first two, A good steak should to
. ,eded her the United states. � comfort 0, I
position of supremacy to us, but that A ninno In a d1nirvj.oir,An Argentina railway company, sollwtous of the f the passengers on Its try4ng to cross it. I I Gold and silver watelies and medalf at least an Inch thick. These expen-
. In a sense capital in America is give Steaks should,bo broiled, If Dos -
lines, Is furrildhing Its dtnlng- cars with planes, on one of which a lady passenger Is bere seen perform- Through coatinUOU$ heavy rains, bavo been presented by Messrs. Brun. .
& Company
a definite attempt was being made just as adventuresome as Capital in I I I wheat and ot,her ,young crops are nor, Mond , , Norwich, to sible. They do not get t9ugh, cooked
to school the public into Its part in England, But wheit Aimerloa needs ing, thus relieving the monotony of a long trip. . rotitirg in parts of Cheshire and I , ,311 employees with more than twen- this way, and It sea"ol quickly, a.9
cotton she finances, , it in the 8011th- - --- -_ - - - - __ . - Service - they should be, all the Juices .%re katit
clinching this position, which It was I . ___ I many acres will have to be To ty-tive ,years, .
. ___ - __ . _.", ___ ___ ___ , ._________-___1__ ---- --- 14, To broil properly, put In a greas-
e4siterit stAtes. England has to Come . � NoncotatoKmist, elturdhes In the
. sown. L.
taken for granted bad already been here or go to Egypt, America's oil, way make a visit to America Destroyed by fire during the Sol- Rhymaey Valley, South Wales, are ad broiler, place About three inches
. Some L � from the heat and turn every te a o-
reached. tin, iron ore, cerea,19P timber, tobacco t�tne this year, but It was learned that Chats bou, i th � tragetto 4IStUr4)4We8 in IS13, the granting Increases to their ministerp .n a
The Idea that America might not and Other products can be financed SHOI-11 HIM I tive British Premier has made no plans ancient parlsib church of Rowley to make the salary fikily 10.0 por Cent: ends. After the first minute It need -
I within her own bordem. England of t4at nature. I . Regis, Staffordoltire-,4S being rebulIX. above the pre-war rate. n't be turned quite wt frequently, A
have'wort this position so completely must go to,tlie ends of the earth, If the Do'dor Tees, reared at steak an Inch thick will cook in five
did nbt begin to disappear until seiver-� her capital Is to be em-ployed at .111 Shortage of farm. help is %eertly felt Two young Oak 't For a, two-year-o.,'d Aberdeen An- or six minutes, according to whether
41 months After 11 the qrralstice was It must -ieel, far away Aelds. C S throughout rural localities about Sar- L Kew Gardens from 0904 gatheiriad on 'gus bull Just Shipped to America, Mr It ir, wanted rare or -well done. ,
nia. So Acute has'this become that a the battlefield of Verdun, 'have been j. Whyte Rayston. the noted Scottish THU PRYING PAN,
signed and England once more began Tito vE]* position ief-t,he two nD,- I&I largely decreased acreage sown Is the PSYCHOLOGY AND MEDICINE planted oil Piatersham Common. breeder, has received 46,000, a record If there IS nOL broiler It tan be
to ohow'expected stamina. In fact tli)ns, makes It plain that Dugland , alternative resorted to, and grave re- Tbe medical aapects of psycilolog Lord Haig has been appointed price for the breed. cooked almost as -*well In the frying
must alwo$t Of neceSsIty be the tL- OF THE" DAY suits are likely to follow. y chairman Of the Council of the Royal Dr, Macnamara. the new 'Minister of I pat. This itarst be Very bLot and no lot
therti was a period of about six or nanotal Centre of the world. - It the hwio received much attention during United Service Institution and Lord
seve'a months After the Armistice dur� populatton Of the United States and The Council of Ambassadors at Labor, has apoointed. Sir David Shack- must be put, Into It. Be c .reful not
of Great Britain were . Paris decided that the Danube Coal- the past year,or so. Partlev"11 hag Beatty vice-chairman. leton and Sir Jamea:11aster�ou-SmItI4 to prick it when turging or you will
. .
ft which It was openly declared here the population 'this been the case in war hospitals de- ' A. s , heat of Palms In brouze'trom of lose the jui2es, Remove to a bot plat -
that .1his Whole of Europe, including to suddenly exChauge territories the mission should meet in Juns,probably _ it, to be joint permanent secretaries
Oreat Britain, was hopelessly bank- financial Centre of the world would, Several Tylure Fined $600 for lit Vienna, with representatives from voted to the cure of shell-sbock and French Red Cross wbikers has been the Ministry of Labor. ter, and season well -with salt, pepper 1
rupt. There is nothing peculiar or IU all likelihood remaln London, countries along the Danube that have kindred troubles. -.90 lTv1pA_.,ant in. placed at the ba,ge of the Edith CA- and butter. , Many- cooks cover Closely
Pqz;:IWg In the fact that America it is true Brit'lialt erl- Failing On Income . veil Memorial, Trarelgar-squam LO11- Lady Astor has entered for the Par. for a few minutes, and set lit a w0lit
-,)auklng exp already signed treaties of peace. deed, has the inental H,a'_ Of'tha't . liamentary golf handicap which will p1sce to dra,w, out the JuIces, -
ead. U, S. railroad requests for Govern- don,
should have thought England bank- once gives -that nation a great I Tax Returns. treatment become that it may almost Queen Alexandra, at markborough be played at Sandwich In June, She 1 d
. I Worcestershire .sauce, catsup 4n
rUPt for It was at least six* months America. hag re%,v born hankeris such as . went funds to the extent of $500,000,- be said to constitute the chief means to Miss A. U. Peter. will be the first woman. to compete In various of the coiptnercial BRuclas "Oro
atteri hostilities ceased before Eng- the Goselions, the Cuoliffev Or the 000 for the purchase of equipment tie- of combating this widespread and olls, kin the gold badge awarded for her the tournament. ' � all good served with. beefsteik� Ma#tre
cessary to restore the lines to a "nor, ' hes P , it
land. herself tressing Aftermath of the war. The loug and distingulShe I , dating frotu Whotel, butter ,is often a read OVW-
she stood. who is conceded to be one of L4 119- � mally efficient basis" Were turned - To make AbAt
g �-ae a Poll- B -1 1 I
understood Just' where Rothohilds. But Reginald McKenna, d.,5ervice In t A fine Tudor ceiling
!T110 English press Was filled with land's greatest bUnken , NY DANN4E COMMISS[07' down by the Senate Committee oil In- treatment of psycho,taeVrosis Is, how. Queen Viotoria's Jubilee Institute fcLr ,the tint half of the kxteeuth century, when It Is Cooked. or
, go .. ever, by no means. purely a military Niurses. . has been discovered at,the house of hream. a fOUTth of a cup of butt .,
�he darkest kind of predictions and tiolau 6uly a very few yeats a', I so .* terstate Commerce, I afair. We find similar conditions pre, Dr. Browner, in St, Giles street, NOT- then add drop by-dtop three-quol
. skill can certainly be da- --------- 0-0-9-- Mr.'John Checkley -Who hag; been �
' 711
.warnings about national bankruptcy, thAt banking valling to a very great extent in civil in business in H;arrog4otor 56 years, with, said originally to have been an of a tablosp9ontul of 19MOn 1111cia-.11
- visloped within the Span of an ordi- Six of Russ. Delegation at M . I I THE M--SHROOM SAUCE, -
A14 when the railroad strike par- career, American balik- life, though the more pronounced mail- has been counecto44 �-- With Christ Ion. IA .
-a ifestations, such as � L A brown eauee:r with tou.911roo6l".1,
-410ze6 the whole country. causing the nary businer London Would Copenhagen Off to H, PAYBAU 109s -Of speech, Church for over 60 Y,ali, 00CAPYIng Viscount Jelliciae has been Appoint- , .
I L ,)TAC , erg transplanted to HIG loss of memory, paralysis and so on, the position of vlcari�,.,pwirdan for 22 ,ad rector's warden. at St, Lawrenc( Oita of the. favortte. accompaniments
British Government to reinstate I quite surely be, able to build kip aii3Or- London. I which are common enouO among consecutive years . ., I of the steak,.�iivQd'lix the restaurants.
.tically all the war time systems ot,ra- ganization that would, give the'm the n : ' I Church, near Ventriolf, Isle of Wight, Steak and o � or popular
t1oh-lug, and running up the ,latio, L U41 * - by British 'i soldiers and are the result of shocks, and I piori%' Is anoth, �
L prestige now on-joyed . I N OR' L� RA dne hundred old �.-�,Oogllsli an office prevlouXy'� held by lito combination. -`,Tho,,AteAk is cookerlignol .
debt still further, there were more finance, � ' , TWIN ,"'EN .
Five honorary degrees were confer, FU I Ivi and strains endured on active service, Preach watches, formOV'Part Of the mother-in-law, -the late. Lady Aguas put Into a Warm �Iaee. Then the thiA-'
- I t Is not surprialng, . ENGLA,ND,,S poSir-MON 1,11RA1. red by McMaster University at its an. -.---.— I way not be so obvious or so Common. Schloss Collection, ,yj�4�re sold iLt Cayzer. ,.� . ly sliced onigha are'cooked slowly In
L .
, ih�ftforq, that this same idea - of it is the geographical ,location, that . nual convocation. "I Nevertheless, the principles which sp- Christie%, lAndon, toil.. g8,219. Coal Lieut. -Colonel G. M., Orwerod, as- the meb,t Julcei,,Pare must be takelt
wid0pread bankruptcy In Europe had ply to these Are to some extent appli- timeke'sper is tradjf(64 ly repu4d , , �
. lo -o that they do,not�burn.
1 5� makes England gTeat. And until some ,Six members of th6 Russian delega. Governor of Michigan Urges cable to the psyeho-neuroses of ordin.' "'li al sistant chief constab . of Lancashire
IA'ke-4 hold In America. Ation and de- .. I to have belonged to,JQ Aftes II. 1918 lt�,u �.been apbointed Ti(��, PJANK IT.
' �
. WH,'KT THE FINANCIAL CENTRE shift in the world's POPUI . tion which has been In Copenhagen for idi ary life, Lord Mostyn's collii�Jlob of books chief Constable of 416#_Pussox. The The best out tv,plank Is tile rump.
, n . Rea' ustment. filck:,, Pan broil it, then
. I � MEANS, velopment occurs hugland Will PrOb- some time has left for Lo don. " HOW THE MIND WORICS 0 06thebYps, LOU- salairy is P.750, risirig.10 9950 a year. Have It cut t
ably continue In her present Place. ' N. L. Lusty, Justice of the Peace, . realized 26,178 at �t, I 3 pla4Lk, Put a row of 1140t
Bult all that has passed, and we now Lansing, Mich., 'Mal '.--Governor The old simple generalizations Con- don, ;E 710 wag paild WT. a .copy of the 93,000 towards the Wottinglia.m. So- vemove to thi .
It , At present the world's population. and Treasurer of Rodney, Ontario, Ing Mind and Matter hita rather Works of Sir David .L,,yndsay, dated oes ound the edge ot
%,vs. concrete figures showing that .1 cleslastieal Education, lFund has been mashed pot4t. ar oven.until-
, seems large enough that no con6ider. Sleeper this afternoon called on De- cern ago his'loAsh! the plank and put In a hot
gritioli trade is mounting rapidly to died at his home in that town. � gone by the board. I spea ,. from a '156 by Mrs. Haydoolt, "of Charnwood ,
. able shift could. take place. But who trolt manufacturers, aspec�ally those .8. A year We, Col -
the pre-war level. It is easier liow'to The first wool shipment for grading saga medical point of view of cou'�se. We ' 'laotion of -early J . �,tiollsh plays given . . %e potato boider is brown. Have a
-; can tell what the airplaue, may do? reached Guelph ged in the automobile hidustry, are no longer content to aocnime that, 20,000. . , � , Towers, Whitwick, 'I�iji4dlnshire, who ,Ittle stuffed -ontou$� Or poppers, or
I jqdge whether England has been SUP The steam vessel built up, the Western , consisting of about , . L . , ' d' totall
I The airplane ,�Plght 10,000 pounds, I to adjust wages, -as a means -of,lower- provided the mind shows 3ittle that LSoly Russell Cotes, wIfe of Sir is in her 80tI1 year An y blind, baked tomatoes. ready to put around
. he tihanclAl Hemisphere. . f11g rent profiteering, " 11%e Governor can obviously be called disease, such Merton 'Russell Cotes,-. has died at A monster male sallVon, weighing 1tv and a spoonful or, heated and seas-
I ,centre of the world. and it not.*to a%- make America the clearing house be� W. H, Howard, of Westwount, Que., , . r hus- 44 lb., was caught lu'Ah,o,'RIver Thurse. an q n
ainine the factors that have anablid declared such a Move Would do more troubles as do manifest themselves Bournemouth, She %hdi hei oned canned peas at -ev ft ta ceff
.� tween ,the extremities. of the Pacific . . The catch, a record for the river. was around the edge adds greatly to Its at -
her former rank. . , . Of the Atlantic. ' I has been appointed chief of police of to readjust conditions in crowded De- must therefore be physical In origin. hand made y Magatficent aim , Miller" fly by
� her, to regain and the extremities -Cornwall. I mail made with a "Du 0activeness. .
.The financial Centre of the world - I dustrial contras than Certain rather fanatical Persons go to to the town, Including their resi- . sty . - .
I Such an overit appears to be far Ulev'en oil wells drilied lit Great troit and other In the other.extreme and declare that dence, But Cliff H914 AUd Its art Mr. W. Miller, tile oldest.gillie in the . hw Witt,
Scea, not necessarily have to be the' enough In the future, however, to per-, eighborhood. - -- Summer will,soon, be here, ni
trade Centre of the world, That ls.'It wit ,Magland to enjoy her comfortalble Britain have produced 100,000.gallons . all act% a ,Legislature could page. every trouble that afflicts mankind treusures U,ow an art gallery and A i I
twea not be the place wheke the most I Ition for many yeans. Her emarg- -of. oil. Governor Sleeper, In his mesGagiao originates In the mind; -and their Cale- museum 'bearing the name of the The death Is announced of the Dow- the fruit doeserts And we might ft(%
I POS .. crault"' on. low Wages, bration of that idea shows all the de- donors, - They both !received the ager Viscountess WolieleY, widow of ',veil take advantage of these last days
goods are manufactured or sold to 1, ence from the reconstruction pe�lod Rev. U . Phillips, of Emerson, Man" ,gaya he Is act "a, .re to appea. ',it such fects of reasoning and Presumption froedom of the borouilt, in 1908, and Field -Marshal ViSCOUnt "Wols L eley. Co satisfy our family's appetite tor
other countries. I I . -f ,., . nor 4oeG lie des' -
I f will find her wit' n a niore solid -out'- wa.3 drowned In the Ma' '.,.ad Rh _ EL role. but ba,%ee )its argument OIL a the,t accompany any obession. by a recently celebrated - eir diamond Fifteen men and fittean, Women were Pie, for we probably will not want to
TO be the financial centre Londoor I dation than ever, To speak,fof herl 26' at Mount Forest, Oat. speclai inquiry he iiae been conctuct7- fixed Idea. Yet the theory of this new wedding. . P" . oake
best facil- I i)ankrupt is worse than nonsense. Shia - I elected to the Council - of - Carbzoork x L them When the thermomete'r
or New York must have the ipt unlesa .,some Rifron Anglican Synod has fixed the lag, and is sincere in his conviction gospel of health contains much that steam trawlers IfkUdod 6,320 pack- Church, Sheffield; at, tbLe,E . aster Vest. joes up. Why not try some r s
!ties for handling the business trans- will never be bankri minimum stiliend for Clergy at $1,300, that wage, readjustment would bring can be practically demonstrated as A as of fish :�. . , anusuai ones for�a change., I
actions necessary in order that goods cataetrophe should. Overw`11811,11 coutin- - 1. I 4 at Rainagate last mouth, ry meeting.
ental Equropei Shia is not much worse with free re.tory.. quick relief, true. A o'.nnamon pie Is. as delicious as
may be exchanged between one Court- '*If in the, rea.1justment of these The school of thought which devotes compared Wfth 220 last March.- A Mrs. Harlot, wlid'dtated she had ite Dame ,sounds. To make it, mix half
a wai� , Six men were fined at Windsor $600 s "prefer- since January 1919 seven Rerman- carried on her late hupbuna's business .
try and - another. There must be off fluanCiAlIv as a result or th her each for fallinc for six days to send wages," the Governor say, , Its attention to what Is called Psyche- � I cupful of sugar, a tablespoonful of
I smooth working banking maphinery flven t men With families, t Commissions have been granted for two years .Was ,40.. unsuccessful !Iour, a tablespoonful of ClUnAX4011.
The following table shows ho%v , analysis has wany undoubted Achieve- an fir the ranks. candidate for 'the Post* L 'b
loans to other nations cowliaria* With Income tax returns to the ar.thoritles, ones, wag I 'of barber at
flist of All; That condition is so and a halt made to paying boys from ments to its credit. The Psych,6-dnaly- t4D soldiers. serving the Yolks of tWo'.eggq. a tablespoonful
lyroad as to be nearly all-inclusive. It our own: , Thomas Carey, a returned soldier, IS ,,o 20 years old between $7 and $11 Mr. in -auk E. Priest, chairman of Boston WorkhouM . ' . 3f butter nn,a� hal�, a cupful of Cold,
properly operated money Loans to By England.. By U. S. aged IV, was drowned In the Assini- a day, greater good could be accom- lat concentrates upon the mind rather i ord, of qiter together, Irt,, the order given.
involves $ 1 ,000, . to get out a than upon the body. Ile traces "r- Messrs. A, V. Roe & Co�, Ltd,. aIr- The funeral of,Mr, George r
market, and numerous other services. Rugsia ....$2.840,000,000 98 000 bola River wlic-i trying P"Ielied than through any legislation, 'chapel-en-le-FrIth. wlio was a bell
-ace 2,250,000X� 2 9M),000,000 ca:fioe. I � 11. tain physical symptoms back to their OrOt m4nufacturersia has died, aged Bake In one cruA dnd when done
sucli as may be found wit'hin a nar- Fra I have found In my inquiry that ringer at tile Parish Church for nearly 5pread over It a meringue made or
Low- -60,000,000 , 1:011,000,000 New steamer services are being in- few, if any, of these young men have origin In the mind and begins ]its cure 60. - the two whites -and 'brown In the
row,radfus of Wall Street or Italy ..... U ),006 N0,000.000 augurated betwen Montreal and Wes! , -agents the mind as I . For the 48th year in succession, seventy years, was attended by Terri
nother Im- Belgium .. 438,50( any bank accounts, despite their high there. He r hav
bard street. Insurance is a Ing a dual nature Which way be term- Mr. A. 0. Parker has been elected torials, the old Volul;teers (whom 110 ,)van. Serve cold' ,
� are another. Other Allies 2,56,000,000 I36,000,000 Africa,'South Africa and Sweden. wages, and they are spending their ad Subconsciousness and Conseloud- verger of Holy Trinity Church, joined over sixty years ago) Loyal LFJMO�q AND BREAD CRUMBS, ,
portant. factor.' Ships * Serbia .... 10000,000 27,flool000 The smaller -textile mills in New money foolishly as they go along r I Protestant Association $011001 man- A lemon pie made with breaderumbig
Tariff laws are another. _____L_ —_ ness. The first Is the origin of all . Ruildto d, Surrey. � I
Then in addition there Is one more $5,27.`,000.000 England are sufferinj from cancella. from Day day to pay day. elve hab- Impulses, the second is that depart- - One of ih,i directors of Sir Oswald agers, and metabers of the Parish is another unusual dessert. ,Mix to -
Condition, that perhaps has more to do Total .. 48,8-W,50000 tion of contracts owing td increases "They are forming an expert ment in which reason operates. If for Stoll,a music-liall companl%;, Mr. Wal- Council and other bodies. I gether the juice and grated rink 0,
with, a nation's inter l national financial Loal"3 tO ET19' in cost of production. It whicil is prov!ng a detriment to o departments Con- ter Battle, who died Aged'77, was bur- Alias Madeline Seymour, the actress, One lemon, a Cupful of Sugar and Vie
supremacy than any Other one thin land by U. 4,270,000,000 Queen's University beld Its annual the woral and physical standards of any cause these tw .
91 , S. . _ 1. I young America," filet, or if the conscious side -falls to -led at Rrotripton. Cemetery. has been gmatert a divorce against her Yolks of two eggs. Have read- .'a
, - It
That Is the inherent spirit of restless ___ _____� ,convocation, at which fout, honorary 4 $4- control the 'unconscious, this lack of After being buried for two years husband, Major Allail . Gerald Rold cupful ,of breadcrumbs wh!c have
' Kellett, on the grounds of legal de- been soaked in a cupful of bo�llng
Adventure on the part of capital seek- Gr'd totals $8,92000,000 $9.547.000,000 degrees were conferred. . WhIft harmony manifests Itself In one of le plate, . Said to have
. ch we some valueab sortion and in6isconduct. water. Stir together and bake In one
. Ing to plioll out further slid further tit by Several meu in Woodstock and . the many forms of trouble whl I beentstoleu, has beeft unearthed in and seventy-elghi crust. Use the egg whites for tha
ad fields, In ,Deducting the $4,270,000,000 le ZErr 04 clasify as psycho -neuroses. . Four thousand .
luto, new and unexplori Arden at Artichoke Hill, St, . disabled i�en have beetitr-Ined or are meringue,
search of treasures yet undiscovered. the Unl�ed States to Great Biltain, Stratford were fined $600 and costs I A SIDIPLE EXAMPLE a �g .
we find that trigiand lent to her Al- each for failing to send In their income U'S The man of to -day is a compound George's-iii-thei-East, �]- training for the brof .trade,,while the?',' BANANA CUSTARI). , -
- S,r,0RE T O,p SUMEMACY. lies on her own account more than tax returns. are 1,300 on t � I I ' f:�A. list,
Lf& She . creature, partly savage and, partly eiv- Sir Francis Newbolt, X.�., Is to be It A banana custard pie. Is alwast too
orlie secret of tile SILPrem&CY of T 60A MOVE TO 0 a tit. an Official Referee of the Supr9me eller 'and, a n
ar and a half billion dollars. d: - od to be trite. To make it u6e your
the A sneak thict stole $860 worth Of . Jilzed. His primitive or sayag A great trav "c"t"r I 2 go
evejy great centre of finance from was able to do that even while a of Mr. -.Henry W. V has d a
',, e drawer in the atinets play i relatively surbordinate Court in plac e-"eY, Sir Edmund G -Iles LQder law, own favorite custard pie recipe, only,
thip - ancient days of Byzantium down demands for capital for 11,r own War Vt tory bonds from a ____ afte 44 yelirs' gar- aged 70, at Leonardglae� Horgh Instead of flavoring With vanilla or
here modern Rome, Madrid asd operations were extremely heavy. apartments of Mrs. Win. F arrell, at the part in his life. Civilization.has trang- who hag resigned . r ;ex, where he tad,.,,a prlvmte zoo- . nutmeg, add a large r.'pe banana,
to' on., was tile eagerness of the Now that the War is Over, she is Royal Hotel, Woodstock. , p.erlin, May * ,Allied' pressure tie muted them Into forms that bear a vice. S u S's I collett;106i , L ', mashed to a pulp. , .
I p�'d -s- c of the A remarkable recovery Is reported forbid GermanY to construct Any aer- more direct relation to present-day Sir William Arthur Robinson, see- I091Ca - with full Day 7but not e'.T- .
We CID ,outemplathig cancellation retary Of the Air mlulstr�, has been Leve WHIPPE)D CREAM PIE,
.althy Ss to send ships to dt JAI craft whatsoever, together with condltions than they would otherwise
. '
ta.nt aborts to traffic with unknown debta of her Allies. That of Russia at St. Joseph's Convent, at Fort Wil- rnment have. The whole of his experlen appointed first pwretarY to the penses will be given.to UAVaJ officers A ch000lato whip . pod Cream pie, .
races, bar, Practically cancelled itigelf, At liam, of a nun who had been unable Germany's fear that the Gove teach bint that prinittive 1) ce ton to the and men In the rifle team represent -
L .Zh'a fact that tile fl - any rate, neither England nor Am- for twelve months to Walk owing to a Lady be forced to obey such a perma� goes,to 48- Health Ministry lu'aucce$8 Ing the Ullited Kingdom which the wich le really'a. layer cake, when onto
nanclal can glous as such are rather Out Of P14CO late,Sir Robert Mord'it - made th alwaye. a "repeater," ad the
tr ,Of the World bas boonged at one erictL will bar able to collect these debts tubercular knee. nent injunction, may make Amer;ca t, ,I Rifle Association proposes to boys ,call it, In every household,
aried for many Years. The burden Of these, the home of the Zeppelins and Schuret- nowadays and .11t L far from, assisting Mr. T, Dodd has Won for 27 years Nationa
p6jWd or another to widely v, - Toronto Board of Control passed a te-I him to live would: if Indulged. Itirlis. -, In succession the prize given by the send to Australla.4, file autumn. Crearn tx cupful of sugar With, halt u,
d Countries shows thst this loans will bear alike on both - court ,anz ah cruisers. U 6, Cie he as At a Black -COUntrYpolice court the cupful of buttee substitute, Add tho
i*c""� 4" spirit of adventure is not tries. They Will be 110 More of a resolution informing Premier Drury The director-general of the Zeppelin erlinlilately, Tender life itupossible. Ile 'Wye Garde er So ty for t b t- complainant gave her name as Ann,. half A Ctipfol of
traberent. human handicap to t �Iand than to the 'that it would oppose any Attempt to is trained front, lil's earliest years to -which won Yolks of three egge,
oo�tlttea to any particular Ing a works is now on the way to New York them In a grown rhubarb. Tito sticks. Hathaway, and the magistrate sugges- a
element, but 19 inspired by .toadl- United States. 'Neither Pon try can Increase street railway fares. aud Prof. John Schuette, head of tile control them and to Adopt the prize this year warei 40 in. long. water, a fourth of a cupful Of com i, a
tlioAs and opportunities, be adjudged bankrupt on the -Ir art.- Henri Do ClerVal has been, appointed So, hundred olifferent ways to the service ted that she came from Stratford -on, small teaspoonful of Ortuaraon, a
. by the Minister of Commerce as 'huette-Lmuz Airship Building Yards, the kind of life he hag nowadays , a, war memOrIS1 'to cyclists, a Avon, ,,No," she replied 11 I come fourth of A teaspoonful of mao,6, halt
I* earlier times ca,pital followed the Count. leaves for N9w York next week, botil Of 2AU,umetit Is to be bUllt, by permla' ' a.me
---,*,--- F reach Commercial Attache in the Do- * ng the trans- to live, And so adaptable Is the hu- . from Paradide." Paradise I$ the a a teaspoonful of cloVes, three ton,
nag. Armlea ,we,at first and oon- with the ylow of negotlatt of Lord Ayleatiord, (.1i Meriden
th for develop� on, active so long as the oondl- $10" tile site being of a street In the town Where she spoonfuls of baking powder and fliour
quefed itol then weal i fei of their reop works to the Dial' 111ind that, Oman, Wanvickslilrof and flavor with a teAspoonfitt of va-
tions he has been brought up,lil To. - , 11 wIth
mlatit ventured forth. But In recent Achblshop S. I). Mathieson, of Rup- United Stwes. ulty is chqsea, 4$ the most central Part of live$ .Admiral J. E. M. Wilsono retir, allia, Bake In three layers. n
-al has bscome' more RED SUPP06RTS "'I"' L� main normal, little or no diffic Vice
centuries dispit erVs Land Anglican Diocese, left for -10� 0 — I Englau& � 1d, has died at Plymouth, aged 87. Whipped cream.,,flavored with vanilla
start More the aggressor' The flag Dingland to.attend the LambetIv Con- experielaceil. SUBLIMATION 'beaths. from Influenza In the 96 4, Mn Solomon J. Solomon , R.A., Is and Joe with a chocolate leing. �
now usually follows capital. The farence, � THE ART OF or Was great towns of the kingdom were 332 Lit allegorical ricture f^= XAMON POTPIm
.OMPatA- For a great many men the,W Ing f
ehanga has come because P WERE Following injuries received while AUSTRIA FIRST recent week, eumpared with 479 paint It War Main- .9 lemon potple is easy to hn*e,
,�c,ed Capital to hunt releat- their first experience of anything vlo- In a Wo, previous Weeks, pregentatiOu to the 16*18
tion has fol working in the Stratford Chair Com- lently unusual In 'th,, way of conoll- mod 892 in the t orial. easier than the Usual one or two,
iz54,17 lot new and profitable places . I i For London the tigitres were 106 Afid Mc,,qulllu in an Atreo cruet pie, And so is a very good omer�
where there 19 le-gs necessity for .-- pany,$ plant, William Rockey died in tions_ The Instinct of Self-D17eserVA- Lieut. C, It, . ; .
I 1� tion, whICh is one of the strongest Of 124, And 13 fresPectivOly- ,Ue to LOU -
'a oppoptun- ,IvVarsaw, May 'I.—ri Ighting for tbe L "he General Hospital Tuesday night, TO BE ADMITTED I aorOplanel flow from PrAE gerwy recipe,
clime bargaining and MOT , 1has retired UU' don (700 m1les) in 1, hr. 46 min. Put two cupftils of water In a StoW. L
Ity -for, large And unexpected return. V68seasion of the Xlev bridgehead area A Constantinople despatch to t110 . . . tile natural Impulses, was not Only Sir, John W0141ASOU chief mag. It is -not proposed tq have naval Dan, and add it Cupful and it half Lot
yf we examine the bankltlg facll'i- has been resumed. An official Coal-, 31,Xellange Telegraph - Company bears . . outraged At every turn. but he bad der the ASO rule froM thO M P011100 manoeuvres thlaryear, Sit JRmeh ii�ralg sugar, the Juice of three leMON4 and
pes: and Other qualifications of both as that the Bol." the report that Axerba!Jan has de- . consciously to put it Away. It had to Istracy of the 96ftopolitii .
ories and P,ugland We find thAt tormication atitioutic Cau Join Nations League be replaead, by another more SLOW courts, to which lit -was appointed In stated In the House Of COmmOuS' boll for a few ALJnUtea. For the Pastry
;nforce old English silver tea -kettle, sift three teaspoiOntals; of baking pow -
Ain superior Maelliu- shavik, after bringing UP TO, - olareol war on. Armenia. to the environment In which he, As a 19J3, For an a pinch
X11% Albert and Queen, V,Ilvab6th Of I soldiel-, found himself. Tito substitut Charged at Willesden men- dated 1743, the �
lihe latter has much � This Summer. pridoorty, ot Sir der - and of salt with a Cupful
ery. 1�ut that is chiefly due -to the nients, launched a counter-attite1r. The Croydon by airplane I 9 A Woman I Alfred
looser experience tit dealing with In- gtotlod,chatged hands In the infantry 11elgium. left . . lie Adopted WAS �that Of espirlt de tioned, as evidence of her reopedtabill- Jodrell, 9471 was paid at Christie% and A halt of flout, And cut into It 1%
. A financial encounters, and the Poles atid Ukraln" Wednesday afternoon for Brussels. Corps, the replacing of an egootleal Int- do.,it with the Sallie London. . fourth Of a cupful of shortening. Mot
iternationsl problem$ of A Geneva cable says -C Austria. and Ity,, that, she had last 30 ttr, 804MU01 VICULIng has been AP- sufficient watoi�to make 9, soft dough
to Eng- Jana capturo'd two nowly-arrIved b%t- , David Larkin was fined $25 and probably fludgary, mag be admitted pulse for one that was more Altruistic, firm of parwbrolrorg fc��* the �
St,tiare. The SAM8 OPPIleg 'This process, which -We call sublimA. gnted Itecorder at 1)aacaster In out. and drop by ispo6nfuls lot* the 16MOA
land shiNing, which has to peer in tAllong, The Poles have extended the costs At 13attle Croak for having Shot ye4ro. pt for 20 Minutes.
bridgehead Pne in tho north-eastern arrant has to the 1,iaague of Nationg, at Its first tion, goQR on tit All our m11148 every $loo to Sir prattic Newbolt, X-C., Sauce. Cover and - , .
any ,merchant wriTit1c, in the world, ducks from an airplane. A W 0 of tatluetim has 0000- 009 , � 0, 06
BUt Zoglaud, had to Make her stowt region and fighting CoriGnues, The itisued for E'492V Golf, tofmer general meet:ng this summer, it Is day, partly Consciously 0,114 pal'tly in' An opidoml Court official Rat- .. . .
been red In thq. Swgilpta, Valley, The Out- tile now SilProme .' , ,
� As,tile fitiallotal Centre. she hod to communicatiou mention% lively air army instructor, Owner Of the Platte. learned from a high isource. Gar. stinctively. It involves tt diverston singing erett to th'QL ValUe of
defeat Competitors— fights in tho angttgementg to the rast, This Is tile first utre3t lit Allchigan Un- ather than a supPressiou Of etlerf;Y- break is 4ttr1L%Atc4 to the butt. copper eolno zC400,- MOSCOW REVOLT
"60t and Ay, Bulgaria and poasibly Turkey r mWe In the last nine
France, Hollaud, Spain and, mbre re- of Kiev, the Dolsheylki h4vinl�� at- der thL,, new JANV Providing against the Ina, I it to whoin We Attempt to 011PPr011s 4,11 lestival, wh*eh %ttractod sevoV01 a A.' .. W 11106 bo YL 0- QU
a Use airplanea agAinst thwe a 111embero at outlot dred people !rDra 0,11 Parts Of th V � ,
tigAtly, Gorratur If Alto ouce0ediad tompted t 11, the a"oul, Ingtinet without motiths %galhot 0, yeArIj average of
.10 of plant!5 in hunting 411chs, , , will be mail proyl4ing !Ln ley. ald-j. ., '. in Parlia.
in building Up tile necesgaTy maeltin- holding t L- bridgehead. . The first (ITOW111119 tragedy Of the "(10.011, the date o#A, which hils VOt for the energy behI44 that Instillet A mentorlal to thg Mott Of Norlofk, 4179,000, said " ir. 13 S ON 1111104
err there. is no . reason whi Oil% , L, season in tile Haqtern TOW119111PS, been fixed. that trouble oCcUrc;. The sUbject An Suffolk, L.,Ssex and Cambridgesbiret went.
ishould have been AA lusutmoulitalyle � �xtrialaely Buggentive one, And I Who fell in the wgi, it to be erected � — ��#E� , '..
TLL banker. lit Qt'., oetirr4d At Black Lahe, Whell �,
,16 to, the America BLACK OUTLOOK ,ormarry, it is reported, will par. 0,11 e ,eo Into it uig privo,te q;e1quolle ruxohfLuge- Copenhagen cable: A T6611164 has
0bStgp bankers were brothen, Thomas and Toitiasso ticjp,tt(� In the International Enanalal wish that I had 8DUCe to 9 the LondoU SoelbtV Of East Augli- occurred In Moscow but Appears to
fact, the A,inerleau . . . "'o ' 5 conference at Brussels on the Sallie more mully. This art of Sublimation by t1lis Great ulastorn Railway L
by outside Competition or 109t tbeir lives, NA7101 thCal Wa us, and It 19 Is what Produces Poets, Pallittirs, 4114 C1119 at Tito also Of the priVato telephone Px' have been successfully quelled by thib
arant, who suce ads, it sends exPlbreira , COMPUY'R Offices#
L to thLe I)Omt ,
E .Intli Itelp eanie. The firk)t
throttled ceded in elloglog basid as tit(.- VIlled natlo 1,1v Soviet Government, acearding to Prj�
bad -to Opportunity to 'establish the . VNIA A1A,i`rt.011` further pointed out that this Is part Artists of all klitool q orpool strott Qh6nga �flce building Of Any V,,Ite AdVices reee:v6d here late to -day.
.ti,111114tes _ L E.C. I . . grow& with the erection Ot
bmia"4ry working fhallitlea atia grain FOR AR I , � rf,fQrnJ 4mry botel or 01
1141114 letivel eight children And Me of the Plan of tile allies to re-eistab- �Into the 'wilds I. Dri;,hton Wgtch CV)MMIttee h4yia de. ons, The largest Organized Incendlarlem, by tbe rebbla
ib,§ tequired oxperift-ce, Ii 11 as 000n as poss:blc politleal and I 01's- Every 111411 Who f1ros hiq e01141, . I �notiqldsvtblo prODOrtl . .
AMPINTURIMOTAN CAPITAL latter a Wife M'd four 0111ldtian- IS tions uncongenial, And has SPIrlt eldeil 'to T000-MoleAt tUo Appointment of over constructed '113 that Of 90 NOW eaused many firos In the tolshevilit
UkOXING. P101s, N"17 � ,,—Bolshevism 16' At the Amize.4 UtIdOr Judge Ortle, at eO111U1er(,4cLJ relatiotis witli former ' oonsto.blo yorlt 11()t'01 Willeh has beta vacantly capital, and it number of Military do-
frh# t1flak that Wag lacking wit aa- spreading rapidly from 13titum, Trans- (Irallgoville, (,co enougl, to attempt to alter tli�in Is In Mr. Ch4l'Iels GrItAll go ehlef 3,166 Dots were destroyed. The leaders ot
. , Tge 11. Dulte, a N0110 (.,,only countries, taking the League that sense sublimating, -NV-e Are At to %jeeepolatt tg jilt AVIMS111 (IOntle- 6poiA,ad to the D*dbllo, It,00CUPies
3:a, and Goorglx may turn 3301' q'0"Vu$J1ip former, Was elearW of 0, Of ,*�atioas as the, ehortest Pourse to resent only on the threA1014 Of 00 The JAP'lAry VJ1WR tof 41,Qflo. X,r. GrIf- ooi,Aara toot of floor Space, having An the, rejolt are said to hgtVo been Or.
,1eUtitreA0W8 0APItial, Cauca ,lit, according to detail- Charge of 111awilaughter in not supplY* a-tornplisli th!s t�nd. Thn first Ainit. D 1101VIedge of things J)Syellologle4l 4n4 L fin, Who Is 6 . )tn, 110 feet long by 15 Tested. .The ,rionspirators used the
EJUSIAnd b" 10,4$ belon a ir�ttion sit- shevik over nig I I - it Mot tonstAble of lAttOni operating rO% � 6t ,
in Col 0011fident.0 reports rocolveil In of- ,jig medical ottentlance for a doole3tie oral meo.ting of the League ,of N4- geovery that is inade, has rminal room 30 fee Polish off6tralve its tho main Argumont
,usted on ,what might be termed, � 'I each fresh di had 11 -Vgk%rs poltee experlenee In reot wide, a to
TILOAt eirelcig here, Armenia, It ,*Iln his employ, tiOno W111 be held at Geneva, willio showing how Profound wag and GIstmaTiggo, GrImaby, (tUd CllthlbrOe long 40 26 feet ,airle, a r(istrOOM 23 :n their agitation.
Any OthOr fle"Ll betwoon, the fightingf --1-_ --*V,6.____'--_ reveals a �t. Itud OL locker and Wash. �__1*4+ I....,-%
1%6cWb of the World, a barren Island. said, .f� eaught A tw0.(1%y e0aferene,c of reprenellta- 1�3till is -our IgnoranCe, Yet Sir William Mitoball-Thomson, toot by 14 toot !
liif R
,1W Iiye%hood for many -de,miles has Turks and the warring factions In V, iftattonf4 Intere.."tea Ill tho, -1 e,,ta jaalt(� .1tay botutt that Toy UU8. nl(y4t J�tllaulatlng and far-reaching , p., is ,to bo ParIlimentply Secretary tO roon, So Itat by 14 toet. Tile 6per. 1,Wa.Iter, this stuft Isn't ,at for it
I f orgat T11ta L field of possibilitio.ki, the Miulstry of Food, f oner eblot oper.
Azerbit1jan. While the Arnitulan V1tII-'t,v0,; O prevention wic ating force ConAll pig to oat.11 "My mistake sir. I
*A b"11 Argwn from hitr OWIL 9611. gnt problem ,c)f fire U, band ean wakp," said the eQURI ri� I 0, 0 eriLtor,
1*0 hi,s been (,,ompelled to spnd h1tr roarig Ind the loftrers In thfit COUntrY i at in the ChAtcall Laurier at Ott.%Nva latly -,Nil right," stitid P, man In tile ____k0�_+0____A_ ,oil A SIMPly olesisnad J1611101141 111, 4tor, W10 0311tt"Int chief 'Dp I thought It WS -14 Or I WOUldh"t 11INS
ltai&tm t* *11 PACts Of I'" world to aret (,oritrollad by 10(l,al SoVlet4ft, Whirb. - 01(y Auspi('0A Of the Dominion audle'llee. "(11n, alicad and do It. I JUIAt : llrldgiA'S Caller-4low WOUld V t4 Dorestord to tl.ght fsuDerVI86rA find '110 Attendants. brought it tto you."—P,ittog Traits -
lit Qn'ire <,,Ofttrdl 'Ind" Itparil, your hits4band s4v tllftt llf"A R like, to have a 1101110 or your ojva? I MArble to thit late LO
a is' T-ft%Ted ray Pit � ociatioll. ,hbaltd t!0nSL't6 Of tw4nly-
- �
bdfig btek SUPPIlet to h6r- The tkn# ,ecording to t'he aftem Piro pre�.Oent;t)n As.A, 11(�(, of tbo 1L1,1;1 tit fiiw words."_T)etrott Vre(l Vook-Vine! I'm fireJ btmifl[ft' elb,ar to be placed Ift. lit. PILUl's C40todt4l. The 'Awlte cript. . I
4"Me whpo thty brolvatt back Mote lit iny how, A pre. ,,a;; hti(�n a To.(,,arre. seript. Claiming an advantia of 10A., 14-Adott -,ate* positido.3, 1AIVIrteeh "Itittall
heratIf. and rpeelik herk;, the Altlatititt geneMlly Th . )eople%q rafallic.l._11(mton Tron
t%g1t. WSland Ueeded for r 1-lo.vil (IN'TrT 1'rf-!�;, 1
0% was toot PA bet Ohl" to MhOr is r(m.410r44 Alloost 116POlt". rvort:� that Preinle I . I
"W�� , , , � 5' 7,11 ..,
� 't �V,
I I 01T, *MR ,
Y� XWR-- , f p ,,7rF.PTWW4,.�, . -.1
, , -
IL _ Mr. -11 I 1. , I _. 'IT -117TPTWI IN7 1-17T01071 I"
" M