HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-05-20, Page 5Y y,. ,,, - 7 ,.,. .., !ri .+ N 'L-wv �� P ; .p ••' yj � 'fir '4 `. ?Mndry) IAq tah, l/W ...._ ` Town Ha ll, W ingham __l�f•_L�A__1_.. mr TT.O wRAVnr+ br* to litre kumriter or winter' an4. -41 lila a prat�pittrt• Strmsts, for tm tel* theR stores are deplattd, it is a grove I .Part, al's narrow Md the ctbwd Juit All t question what is to bec()Me of them. In; it. You cafi't walls fast, inust lust go Many respects ti.ey area wonderful, with the crowd, Yesterday I went to people, very industrious and thwvugh. The Hague and saw the :Peace Palace. The moment; you enter their country I It looks as though It needs a tennwit. you cannot but admire thele praseveretrce Also visited the Art Gdllery. The pia ores are those painted by old Dutch Mas - . ,, f,..._ r.,... ••� zX••IG,•r „'.wt..sw,,,a.,i�w�„'�,�, .Nyt,4 .way'` '� �P" � ,�:.1•'�r, � �� �p� w. _ _-.:._.�_ �� ...� -..._ - �.....:...... ..._ \` ' i . �ll,�f. �_� � •�~��ii M ref �. �/Nt 1 4 . o"" 71 y as tgey convert sloughs into: lerwe "el"" ,a►a wne ' Y tern and are wonderful, such coloring.- everyA", ivix_& A 40 quer avi+il]adle acre ]>a bean tilled but it These pictures were Despise several bun- ,. will be months before the fruits of such { labor will be inedible farm In the mean- drsd years age but you almost expect the �t ds. Siummer , �g� CANADIAN �T (. time it is anybody's itueca as to what will subject by open its Tips and speak to you. _ FARE Y Y ELL 4.rA,��l ADI A �l T OU Close by the Hogue is an old fishing vi1- happen. Hamburg, her chief port, lea ]age of Sli`ovening and the fisher folk are wonderful city, beautiful beyond any • _ ~, . -, -. .very quaint. This village is now a much ' • other seaport ani] with lacillties strictly frequented seaside resort but the originals New., n fish Voile'sWash Goods Y modern and limitless. Milos, upon Smiles � . . have not Changed. their ways. The E of dock and warehouses, fair surpassing �7ust received a Shi pent of tame ' A trill assorted stock of Gingham�ys,• MI HTIEST S ACL VE C E outside particularly area novelty to an i 3*�, R DO anything in Rngiand "or New York outsider Lvltb their hoop -skirts and white ��,1t plash "��'tlil *s 1. � a'�'1 txSlit�s,-l�ovtwlt�' '�'�'tt41� Gt�tasl;�, �'afxc�s 1 I t�ljt'o it and a everything in the strictest order• lace traps• I am expecting to leave for `. r i, t that drt beautiful in dem voiles and Print in tt great array tafftt» tr nge say the English speaking people England in a day or two and sail far New 1' sign. afid extra fine in qua A wide, , are most welcome and there is ns, evi- •tci t7 S kt3 Select from. t + 1 York on April 3rd .by the Mauretonla. , �' �, „. •:s'i� Bence of bad feeling in th'' p w chcxici, of a>tet"t�S ilnd'eolOrs Suitable ft�i" l 1°rt g c hotels and 1 Hope to get up to Scotland but cannot i restuaranta so they get preferred service, say.as am travelling i t Mor- All oQcasions, 38 inches wide, ,, s peciall ( c.� I tea. e_.ng w th Nelson M r .. � 1 Y, Blouses • , ' ., � !l In the occupied territory, which is that ; ris and his pians are somewhat indefinite, XIb rived at $ ' ' �. ,,:• , , ';; i part lying East, and West of the Rhine, 1.5 a 3 tit d• ,; • `: I hope you aro both well and that the New voile Blouses that aro, attract- ' the English and A oricgp troops. are well .. Winter has not been too severe on YOU, . ive and dainty,'-' Georgettes aad Crepe :, s:• Tilted but the Presets and Belgians most �.,� 's r Kindly give my best regards to Mrs, Underskirts heartily disliked, and to tell You the truth tie Cherie six clistitictive styles atiGl quillit- ' Robt, Douglas, With love, ' a�. $ 50 to 13.00 I'm not mach in love with the French just Bred. � '°"'les • , ` ,'' now myself. I have heard many English ,: _ _ _._: Silk Taffeatine Underslrit'ts, pleated . ' and United States soldiers say, `"We had With Apologies To Beigrave Ro.unces, made of splendid weaf'ing rna- Silly Hosiery the wrong ally.. France stinging under Mr. N. F. McLean, general passenger • the treatmept of X&7Q and groaning under t tenial shown in Navy, Rose and Purple'. Sunalxler UriderLveai' } agent of the White Star bine, and Mrs. a-t'i5sierGS arse Corsets the terrible losses of the present war, in ar'6 ��.l:ia value at ;�i5,25 caclx. Also a large •. Mclean, drovt:into Wingham on Thurs, ' � , sist like Shylock upon '"the pound of afternoon from Gaderich, Mr. Mclean r New Neclw� ate, 4 -flesh"' but there is a danger that in taking brought a hardware traveller. who was assoi tnzent of black assortmentof black ry Fanc and Sport Veils k .,;•. Y p tp ; y,tY" it Germany will bleed to death. 13ertTg is very anxious to do Wingham and return and .colored underskirts at popular prices. Patent and Fancy Belts , likewise a beautiful city, but contains too to the city on the early train on Friday . ' much evidence of vanity, not what I morning ,At Belgrave Mr. McLean stop - f ��✓ `' should term pride in her achievements: as ped, int .ding to bill the villiage for the r MEN'S' ,' ' WEAR A SPECIALTY. t f( r i s• any country or person may be periiiltted a annuaet jreyhound Excursion, and when ' r certain degree of pride, but vanity indi- he alighted was accosted by his anxious 0 " categ her belief in her superiority over all passenger. thus, ""Well now, ' if I had •�•- j other, The evidence of this German pre- known Wingbam was so small, I should ,_ _ too,domination thought before the war is °' r " never have come. 11 I I Av M I L L S, M Proopce XVanfed Cash or Trade.. Seeds a specialty Are You Mill* Cash Pares Por Boys And furls lid Case razes will again be offered by. the i e . SxriPlicfty erne Gracefulness Combined ' I � . s � `'�• Canadian Bankers. Association in co-, - • owners-ot Victory Loan Bonds? If you are, operation with the Dominion Department you know how easy it is to collect your inter- -andof Agriculture to boys and girls who feed e local est, and are satisfied that our `rinci al is safe. Summer Fairs. FallnFairs�e Those heligible Y p p But do you know that Provincial Government to compete fox these prizes will do well to y + • and Municipal Bonds, which like . Victortouch- This i$ the same b attraction that has created new records y yet n with the ]Deal Branch 13anlc • Bonds, possess ironclad safeguards, also a4'ard Manager at the earliest possible moment. , �-� -- ' •f-, � � ; t'�., �; � :� „ • . this r.� hsf feature prompt eau f in teres. ane tp h p a n e ' t 'l, 1 e � F a b los , i ' p p Y No t;me. hou d . t n finding out '. ;• : :+ • �+.-• a K ,�. • Ali every city AAI Canada.' interest coupons, which are attached to each -.. about these Competitions. The impart- bond, can be removed and cashed on the due ante of quick action is apparent, when it date, while the bonds themselves are readily is understood that the calves and pigs Will be shown helve with the original musical Scare with accepted b Banks as collateral for loans. P l? y must be feel by the competitors far a • • Write ,us, and we shall be glad to mail you a period of'at least six weeks before being $ ecial ATI uric• list of .these bonds, paying an interest retufn exhibited. Tull information and, assist- ' o£ from 5.80 to 7(7a. g once will ioe,cheerfuliy given by the Bank ' fi d l ,M tt i Is ft'M es %a.. IC hoc �'�c. t i't1�� sM1ar at �.31D. Manziers 14 the vicinity of the Wingham First time at popui p a 9 g p ; �'^1 Fair.. �Y. Wood, Gond Company h C Seats now on sale at Mc ibbr► s, Drug Siam, � Blyth k1 +Yi Canadian Pacific Railway Building � • \ �� t }rs The %"omen s Institute. helel their ttn- ronto r _ 4 Act uickl and Avaid the Mush. x noel tneeiing areal election of olTieers on Wgdnesday, last. Report:, show a very successful vear'si work. Receipts fair the '.. up his cattle, hogs, sheep or wheat, or the few months there will be no Germany. •,-•--,.•-_,.r.-.-..-'._.__._.�__..�._.,_..._.___.-.._.,�.__�.,..,_ _ year being' fitl18.71 Expenditure $(i36,•E5 1N I EKES IflNG LETTER TER EI�UM t is , o f ce of This would be a co dit'otr he world can- leavin a balance. of 310.20'to b in th D5-1:0200 Biatree8928 30eenta' Arcs B930 Drega600S DreC3SiO3 17ressS307 planter h cotton or such a pre w ul n i t most apparent in Berlin, sed this was the l)r. Wilktnsaa Dead g $ a 2b sesta 8itirt8928.26Cent6 3G.cOnts 25 Cent9 28tent6 38 Ruta UERM►ANY a er, All of which means that German not permit, although we feel fiercely to. ear's work. 'tie officers elected for the. P p Y P secret of the war, She thought she. was a James Wilkinson, Ex -Reeve of Huron v - •• faces m blatilroa s' and . it is equally ward her for what she bas done,,- It • .comas Year areas follmv,: The Fashion Book Fq r Sunnmer. .' .. many Y q Y �. Nation of supermen, even the bdvine site Township, died at his... home in Ripley, g y to a tl, n r (Continued from page 1.) . The Id be still greater calamity if she 1'restetent tVirs..l: ichniond. u vi es emo,tiute esting"reading'^amartlydremed women can i6pkrc. serious for the rest of the world h woo a g ea ca ami y popular a had cleverly been allowed to ab. on Thursday morning after an illness o , ., ellect that they supply them with -meat German people depressed and -•bel leas. wasto disinta rote.. Australia is now at t few days.- The late Mr.Wilkinson 1st Vke.Presi<ient Mrs;. leo plestone g�� p P P P g sorb this idea as to their- superiority over ii Y 3's, , E ���'T��Y�►,�. ���%��,' ��e�T�$�e.NS � • ' . • in exchange for German Government The Government officials are discouraged, the -breaking point and both she and `veterinar ser e n and had been a 'n- gnd. v�ice.President. Mrs. J. NeEtro • h ,, g , peoples of .other nations, but .the ruling i S'" g a , e pr mi • , y For xnn� Now Ready rioter for 5 years. These notes are anarchy . and Bolshevism may be the Germany is trying to delay the evil day. glasses.' were at that samet]me clever l entin the public life of the community, Secy -Tress, Mrs. R. Wightnian simply promises to pay and you know result as one official said to us, either the Nature has been most kind to them ac' enough o" s . for many years. He was on the fIuron Asst. Secy-Treas., Mrs, Herrington- . gh t impede upon that seine Dopar • A.t the ; you won't give much for a promissory mark must increase in international value they have had a very mild winter which lace his interiority and subservience to the Township Council board for Ib years, and piagiat, Mrs H. NcElroy . note Of a bankrupt and the Armercian or iso that we "can buy goods from you at a in view of the lack of coal and food has • retired from active participation . in mun- Dist. Diredtor, Mrs. Popleston ' classes I don't think Germany had .any P - Canadian farmer would not care to give price which the public can afford, or in a been fortunate but people must eat . in reason for the war except her collosal am- g A BAZAAR } p icipal matters only a few Years a o 1i.epresentatitres to ]District 14ieeting tp, bition to rule the world and subjugate He was 59 years of age, and is survived be held in Wingham in June, Mrs. Stein- ,.. ..._.__....,_. ..w..._. .._. _ - Tf ui• 4 1 • e � riplex Take the jolts Out of Canada's Rough Roads Tappreciate fully what an fort formed confined to . the improvement Triplex Springs heavy car of long wheelbase. are,. you must ride in the (over- --To be relieved from nerve - land and, see what they do. rackingjolts and to o confi- To light weight and economy dentlyaead. over rough roads of 100 -inch wheelbase they add at a good roads' speed. the steadiness and road flexibility The made-in•-CanadaOverland of 130 -Inch Springbase. is a. strikiiig example of the new Itis a new sensation to hide in strides being n nde by Canadian a light weight car with the corn• industry! L. Kennedy, Dealer, Wingham U6s4•ice aridFactor%est 'Wil erltend Limited Toronto C4 lire echos. Torant+o,1,4� Wznniprg xnd Rogina . .�,� + _� �,�• ria• ,e:... � ^ .everyone to her will and she figured that by four children. The funeral was held she was powerful enough to do it. We to Ripley cemetery on Sunday'afternoon• hp1T Mrs, Cater, HIM Rtchmonk,• Mrs. zli hest Prices for E;gs Ustsh• or Trade. "Ni'il hang. g Rkcbmond, Mrs. Carr, all know the result, she is now only a shell and conducted under the auspices ^ of �- ��`�•r•"�+`•_ """`""'"� �'•���'""�`•' _._.._____._._._.�_ ` of her former self and for the time being. L• G• L. and G. Q. F. her greatness hat depaited but she can be District Meetings made into a very useful wheel in the The annual district meetings will be world's machine shop. It is therefore a held in the Methodist Church, Brussels,. question for the allies to decide how they May 18th and 19th: 'Ministerial session can best help her. I was glad to get out Tuesday, N IS To ' will open at 19 a, m. and theOXAT o , - of Germany and when I arrived in Rotter•, general session at 9.30 a. m•, Wednesday. . dam I was very hungry fora good theal Tuesday evening a public meeting will be ` andgot it. In Germany a Iittle black held, to be address by Rev, J. N. , Clarry, If ou have delayed painting, Our property y p g' y P y bread, sour and unpalatable coffee, mads B. ,•,. Kincardine, on ""After the Forward out of wasted peas or beans (awful stuff,) Movement,. What?" and by Rev. R. F. has suffered. Jho not put off any longer. no milk (all the cows being killed for Irwin, Lucknow on , "Lay Ministerial ,Save the surface and you Save all. Look army food,) no butter or fats of any kind livangelism in the Local Church". Past - around and you will find many One pound of potatoes per p Y person weekly, ,ors are requested to send all Epworth J, pound meat week l . We did better I, d S d s 1 1 places, both inside and out that eaAue an un ay ciao schedules to than this as we had money and even in a Rev. R, C. Keriov, not Tater than • five land of hunger money possesses adVant days preceeding district meeting, .as per age. There is plenty of good food in H01- discipline, Sec., 176. E. F Armstrong, land. It is a Rimy country full of canals, chairman; and F. E. Clysdale, Fin, Sec. windmills, boats, people and . wooden There will be 18 ministers and 18 laymen shoes the people simply swarm. I don't in attendance, it is expected. The annual known where they all come from or go to. Conference will be assembled in Stratford In the evening every street is alive, just the first week of June. iHITE STAN LINE Aninual Excursion GODERIC H_ to DETROI Tad P tur0 I 0 call for a coat .of paint. Now is the time. Nature is re -decorating, get in line and dci the salve. The most economical method is ,to use MARTIN 10 0% P U RE PAUN`I'' AND V RRISHE Their covering power and lasting qualities are very. great. It wilt pay you to insist ort gettinthis papular brand. For whatever Painting or vartnalung you do, there is a special MARTIN-SENOUR Product, tach ore guaranteed to best serve tht purpose for which itis made Consult us as to your requirements, We have a fall stock and complete information as to dtcorativa schemes, Let us advise you. RAE THO PSON Wingham, Ontario v fr L STEAMIER �.i��i�rNi� I roz :Lille STAYTN4'H, SAVIi, .SpEMMY, 00Hr, t)12TAilI,Tt Will leave Goderich 11JE'SDAV, JIJNE ISM 9„30 a, Mev, EO T, Arriving Vt. Huron 2 P. sit., Detroit 6 P. in. Returning, leaves Detroit, Thursday, Julie zyth, r.00 p, nm. Detroit time, The only boat trip from Goderieli to Detroit this :.casoit. 'Visit your friends and see big wonderful Mtroit :again. Now store than a wiilion people and: owingg so fast In lto elation aril rieltte that it is d"tinfd s(k)II to become the worlds largest ant greatest city, "The Heart of the i" S.A." i Band Moonlight out t;lf (;rt derich Monday lsve'g, June 14th, S p.m., Orchestm for Dancing in Steamer's Hall Room. 4 hours on beautiful leaks Hut -on. 50c, 0.0 n"punt ltAl N T \ .... ._ �_2 VAQta9IS r, q � .. 09 i � f '.e .�X air. ;.. � � •"r' ,"R �';.,� i .... , 1. ,..-4 •• •, ,. �