HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-05-20, Page 3, -
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I I -------' -1 . . . . . . . . , .1 I , � r � I I . I I I 1. I 11 I , I I r I . I I I I
I- - - .- I I I . I I
10 ___ ______ - - ----. - I - - - - I
I � . ---7-1__ I .� I 1-1-1, -11.611. 1 them plenty of wholesome chick food&
i such as baby ehl,& scratch,"n baby , - - - - .5 � I �, 1. -0- ",
V I . chick grit, oyster shell, charcoal and - 0 . ".00 Aww:owr I
I .. sprouted grairfi. Xeep An oven tem- - I I .
. I , I r poratum At All times during the ear- ',� .
. _%e_r - . C, 17 at4 a, tc - thAt is the most critlea) I , .
1%W I tillve 19,10 tile aevelopment of the win- - . ��
.. � I
) � . t ter layer. Keep them growing well . � 11
. � throughout the summer. Do not over it I I
Ir ,11, I 3 Iful, 0 M: A N I - I m""'O"'T"
nO.V DO A" *10 NOW7 30
r"'Vos. It. ,
. RECOVERYICertalu insects . are � rated sA iato!4
lw� lactuAls-the ant, the bee, t1ae ('0*-
, roschA And OkO old 4nd We-
: � I ,� crowd your house. Veed, plenty of These are tlao daya, when onela $hows Remarkable Curative lutImate friend ot cure, *a bedbug.
� gooti growing feeds, such as grain frIcado [bring or send you the fruit of * They've got brains. Nor lit this
� I . � ' vracUed corn, 200 I . Merely A Itsure, of apecoh, The mos-
�. I mixture of 200 lbs. ,1� -4 d4r'a hunting in the wooeo_ Many Power of Lydia 9. Pink. "
: 40- wheat, 100 of onto, together with a I A boue quite, An undeniably clever tugect,
I � owlto has; looked at the gift . posse4es a recognizable brain; end
1 1 1 rabbit as a Auloalice because she � ,so likiwiso does the bogsetly, wbich,
L - . I . I I I I I corn meal, 100 crushed, oats,* I Q . , , � 1_; compound. 1� though It neither tolls like the Ant
dry Mash mixture of 100 Ibs. bmu,'100 i.,. - - harwo Vegetable
0 �,�
I 0 .., I ... 11004't know how to cook it. She has
.1. I I I . shorts and 20 lbs, of beef scraps,, keep- , . nor spiu3 like the caterpillar, Is praq,-
, � I Ing at the $mine time plenty of grit, , Wed, S"sibly Una It woo 00 tough� �
1� I .11 - . -;,:7��*, 1
. oystt-.r 0oll and charcoal where they 11, . that the family refused to try it, aa& Chealeyj Out.- "Before using Ly&E: ably theamArtest of the wbole When.
" ,
,,,0. Au"wp 11, mr she is air d to The nervous system of a caterl
� I have access to it. I follo I At make another attempt. FluUhata's Vegetable Compound X was ptliar
. I During September, seloct your moat . l6y,s� 116 Are some recipes that game a total wreck, I had torrible,pains in � Is A -more thread along which to
Wash Out va0ur Pores can . 'a —
promising pullets from the floe have Passed on as tried and Tay sides and was not regular. Inally strung a, series of tiny knots of nerve,
I ' ,k and 1% IRk-, .,—$ha"�1&(y,A%:: true-, .', I got so weak I �Quld not. go up stairs stuff. One finds the same arrange,
I get them Into their winter quarters .." ... , . �
! With Cuticura Soap In order that they . � *,, , I . A balred rabbit stew is delicious it without stoypiIX to 'rest, h way Up Mont in a mosquito, but with A nerve -
I aveb1clear . way become Accus- . Made. after this New Englead house- the steps. tried two doctoro'but they %not at one OU4 expanded Into. 4
i nf, sweet, healthy sWn with tomed to their new ourrouxidings. " or VXP'ERIENCE 016i�i wife's,rule. the cute bor rabbit Into did vie no good. I saw your medicine recognizablebralm The knots. are
thl or no �
1, -ow PIC J-;' that only a sharp advertiseil in the newspaper$ And - called "gauglia."
tM 644 trifflog expense. Con- winter quarters the house
,, =11mble wholesome treatin Pieces And leaves It over night in a -
OL Msssaslaa and other fo '!. Pan Of cold Witter, In the ra thou t I would give t a trial. I took uch. the sAme way with a
40 2. should be light, free from draught or A . orultig I it Is in
I _
0* I I I 0aretirinasmear the facewith Cutictui dampness and have plenty of fresh � blade can�give a perfect alto dries it well. She cook$ a hUlf, : jou tc the Vegetable Compound human being, In a man -the thread
r ottles of
I 40in-tinenton the end of the finger, Wash air, A good winter ration for tke Shave, also� that a blade ' rhull4of salt pork cut Into small dice, and was restored to health, I am mar- of nervo-otuft Is represented by the
� I ff Ave n and
. I Ott . ilnutes with Cuticura Soap s, corn, 200 Ilea adds the rabbit and cooks until ried, am the mother of two childro spiu0 cord. Au enlargement of one
. 0 vist r, u g plen of! &oaX),, beft so, cannot renisin sharp with- ft,
� I , b. hands which at no as, ,wheat, 100 oats and 100 barley and dry both Are 4 rich golden grown. In a and do all my housewor1c, mft eighp end of the latter (speaUlng In rather
I .0, nse mash 200 lbs. screenings, 100 bran � , 100 4 ba'kiak dish she puts first a layer of cows, and do a hired man's work and
d no in a o ents. RR )ttt. stropping. Couple that- does
Idw r � 9. V. crude terms) Is the brain
p 21k. Oinbnent 25 sad 500. Sold shorts, 100 cornmeal And 20 of beet the rabbit, then a layer of thfuW enjoy the best of health. I also found your thinking; and the box of bone
throughouttheDominion CanadianDepot; . acraps. Hens should Always, have these facts with the sliced onions. When it' is all used Vegetable Corn ound a great help for which houses your mind inichina Is
, - "
. � * Lirmite outraid. plenty of grit, oyster shell and,ollar, further� fact that the she pours over It a cup of water and my weak back 9eforo. my babies were a composite of so
a , I
- uUcuriLs!.S.Ipi-.�fos.i:zimhoutmusr4 .veral vertebrae at
, I I coal before them and In this way you AutdStrop :Razor is the A 11P of tomatoes. tcook in a slow born. I recommend it to all mytriends the top, of your spine, expanded and
-_ - 10 over for two 'or throe hours. When *be are in need of medicine, and yott
I . I ===-- can easily double Your' poultry, ir - modified In form to setve this imP.0rii-
I flts�W. W. Baird, superintendent, . only i'afety razor that d�,ne, thloken the gravy with flour may print this letter if you wish."- ant. purpose, The intelligence of a
Experimental Farm, Nappan, N.S. �- And -butter. Serve with a bit dish of Mrs,.'IKENR�y JANKV, R, It. No, 4, Ches- spider, . which Is An arachnid, Is More
. +"-# - 811arPena'. itSelfl and' YOU creamy mashed potatoes, ley, Ontario. %V
. . . - 01
dly oeems'possible that there is sect, Crabs and lobstem h
MA � It bar . highly developed than that of an in-
- HOUSING GRbWING anicxrms Vvi 11 be Ui no doubt as to- J,UGCAM RABBIT. , n woman in this country who will con. � 017 fairly
, � Growing chicks s�oulrb_e'pr`ovided which safety razor to use.. � We Often read of Jugged rabbit. It complex nervous systems, Aa* must
t Is not hard to make, Joint the Tab. tinue to suffer Without giving �
- ''POULTRY with a house that will give them a r - 'Idla E., suffer frightfully wb,eh"they are broil -
I place to .tay In bad weather and At . Any dealer will demon- bit and cover It with cold water, to , Pinkham's Vegetable Co!n r
. . , pou a trial ed or boiled Alive; yet, became tuy
� which a cup of vinegar has bee - after all the evidence that is c mally cannot cry out, their frantic strugglOs
night. No particular styles of house strate the Auto$trop Razor ed'. 14ave it ja,� a add
I the water and vine. being published, proving beyon,, contra4 under such torture excite no atteu-
� WORLD ' Is recoihmended, but it should be so to you, ntee satisfac- An hour, Into a stone crock diction. that this grand old medicine has tion.
built that it will provide ample yen- "3r4 11 r largo onlon. Put the rabbit *6merk
n ' C Mr.."'a, relleved more suffering among I Even an (
� 1�1' tilation, dryness, sunlight, freedom tio , or roef un - I pf purchase , )yster has a,brain of a I
I . - - .. .
: 4-1 . -10 0 I i kt 0 94 9 $ 0 0 4 0 ##* price. . . . Into It and cover with bacon slices. than Any other medichme in the world. s.jt;'�%no a clam likewise. The brains
� I . - ------ from draughts, and arranged so it can 11'� 1-1 Ad enough water to Just. cover',and i � I 111, I Ahes are very Interior, w� com- I
Why should we produce winter lay- bo cleaned' easily and frequently, $5.�o 'A -5M' season with ealt, pepper, paprika a" 0 *'r
The lumber fr6m piano and A 4.1�,!,Z., . I pared with those f -,-6m1nAl$, -but 1
ers? Because there is An. increasing dry- 1� Only *. - -,44i a dash of cayenne. Ptit the cover on to on a p'l ate, thell on top of this the optic lobes are enormously do- I
L demand, not only at home but Abroad, goods boxes can be used In building , 1� I � tightly and 'bake In a slow oven for *W -ped, because -tinny creatures,, to I
� for poultry and poultry products.� suclo a house, and when covered With complete with strop and i*elvi ' two hours. Thicken'flie graxy In the an equal lAyer Of the sweet potato get the f� tl they need, must be A1;1e
� What has caused tAls great demand? ordinary roofing paper to keep out the hlades in ad' attractive Assort- "Jug.11 ,Continue until.the dish is the desired
Thore are several reasons -which, when rnent of cases to suit Any pur- size. When serving, cut In slices. It to see well in dim light under water. 1
� rain, wil. make d6strable quarters. It poseo ��' TO ROAIST M . I preferred, color part of thw , Irish. po- ,' Reptiles generally are very stupid
taken. collectively, are very, convinc- Is suggested that the houses be built .11 I To roast a rabbit, prqpare In the tatoea with eggs'and use instead of creaturm. Ace so It Is. not surprising I
Ing why ,such, a'shortage. should exist on the colony plan, so they ca a, be I . , 11 same WAY You 'Would a chicken. Wake the Gweet-pbtato. %, to find that their brains Are remark- 1
In poultry a,nd, of necessity, poultry moved from place to place, thus pro- AutoStrop* Safety Rajor Co., Limited the same sort of forcemeat that 'you A black cloth wfung from cold ably small. That of a twelve -foot 1
. .
oprd.ducts. I v1ding the ,chicks with tresh� .ground '� Autoftr0 Buildins. Toronto, Clanaft UsUally use for chickens and stuff It Water and placed over the eyes and Alligator Is - no bigger then yo_r� �
� - I FIrstly', because Canadians ax� eat. to range over. 1H levating a h6use six 202 , carefully, Oew It up, drAw the logs forehead Of A patient Who is suffering thumb. . . *1
� . ft'g more eggs every year. Secondly, Inches above the ground will help' . close to the -body and fasten With 4 with headache or nervousness Is of, ' It Used C\ be Imagined that think -
600464 there is a greater export de- to keep the floor dry, by means of the � ' *ewer, Season well, place a couple ten more restful and helpful than a ing power hiid In timatel.- to do with i
3mbuld for Canadian eggs and poultry eiroulatlofi of air, and the space un- I of slices of oalt pork over the back. white *no used In the eame way, It, 'the complexity of the brain convolu-
�, .. t6i meet the demands in foreign coun. der the house will also provide shelter - � Bake slowly and baste very fro0ent- has the same effect as darkening tho'� tions, But this is surely not a fact, I
� trle&--the latter having been dople. for th� ,chicks. * . . , . 7 1Y. It will takA a -bout two hours to room, and Is much more convenient' for the br Jn of an elephant to ingre
ttq of their laying stock during the In placing the chicks lr� their grow? ' �,9�1�i . I � ====� for the one caring for the sick, as, well '0DIaPleX In'this. respect than thaf of'
� . , -� g,1-7, . as being much 'better for the patient
I ,war. Thirdly, because of , the high 1 1 1 a ,�I'il . , a m4m; and. the same Is true of a
�Vrj,ees of feeds �and the comparatively . t,M`,';? *
" 140%, for there is nothing more needful in a vhalols brain. The whale and the
Xenora, Ont., Ja, 1920. T110re axe Wany refreshing fruit elqphant seem to require more con-
� L 141niment Co.,' X I !' sickroom than p!"e.nty of Gunlight. .
i4f .1 lo,ii prices of market poultry during The Mina,rd's Id desserts to fbo made from tiulte on - ,volutibne because they are such huge
. the third and fourth Years,of the war, Yarmouth, N. S., . " � . - -
� I tmeAut �Wat a great many laying1ens Dear Sir --Just a few Ifiteir In favor of th(t market, fresh -or dried, Mat will I . . � WZYWO OF USE. . :�!� animals,. it Is a motor question for
I your Liniment I would not 'be. withouf; Jbo, a More t1tting end to the heavier ... 0 * 4 i, " enormouir bulks. .1 .1 ; � I
I , L were killed off. Fourthly, because not M1,TARD'S LINIA1F,NT'\for aliything, as foods -of the iiourlshing 'winter meal, V 4� , / _.-680 ., 11:
. - suffl�leiii attention had been given to It will relieve almost an�rt4ing, When I For Instance, a delicious Wane Mange According 'io oAected �
I the h4tcWqg of early chicks for win. go hunting I always takd a,�Ibottle In can The made from tigs as follows. I 1. . - with the Department of Agriculture
- .
I P trIJI., J - . 'aehington most of the weeds are. lest Medicinefle
� ter layers. Consequently, the poultry- gooket. It is the best f6rf'Cold' In V
Iii4n'tour..; their returns were hot ant- .11ad I ever used; and forl Cold in the nG BLANC MAiNGID. at _ I
I I Chest, -and every other partlof a person,. , � . I , ,;�. � our best farmers, contrary . to the
6"it to meet their expenses, and the and for Sore Use Yone favorite recipe for blano I �� i
I ,,Throat it has4no equal. it
. usual belief, They Are busy, It 0-
. Inokiage 14 poultry raislac-has been Is also a good liniment for tile haW as I Mange. using the Proportions for a pears, working their roots down deep . , Has Ever, Taken
. 'Ilk. .While lidt, add 9 half . - .
always use It. I have alsottalce quart of in
veo slow to what is might have been, Ishes off of horses with MIT � � Into the soil to bring up unclalm ele
. 1ha4 there been sufficient profits reall- IANDITENT and I would use no ,other" Pound of washed figs cut In small '�'�J �;j�� -4. line making t .�
I t. As I * ,, �A,. moubs, at the same t he N% HELP
� -the poultry Industry for any reason. P or man or Beas I pieces, and cooked until -tender, with , . IL'O, ..�� I .1,5, soil porous. Moat of them have otlier
�_ .* . zed, out,of , think It Is far ,the beat. .1 � - � ane -fourth cupful of -sugar and two frequently followo fbe neglect of � uses, and it Is doubtful It a single FROM DODDIS MEDICINES.
VItite it is not Intended to mislead I remain, , z !.f
_ _1 I fact that big money can -t,;: i, 7 - plant Is in existence that Illustrates �
you luto the . . yours tr iay, . 's tablespoonfuls of lemon Juice, Turn all Injury. Germs and dust got Into * I .
I W made cut of poultry and their pro- I 1 (Signed) DANirim XAC LAnEX, 'i the whole mixture into molds and the wound, It begins to fester, blood- "pure cussedness." . -
11�cts 'With 'the prevailing'high prices - serve when chilled with a meringue �, poisoning beta In, and sometiMes The story of beggarweed Is a good He Recommends ,Evel5lbody Who Has
.�� � made from the whites of eggs, a table- the loss of a 11mb is the result. Illustration It got its cad name when ahaking 'or -P2)ln in 1he Hearpt to
�, , of�,fe&s, yet this can be said, that Ing house for the ffir'st time it is bost spoonful Of. powdered sugar for each Safeguard yourself against such it was supposed *to be a weed And V -3a Dodd's Dyspepslo Tablets and
I , . your returns may be increased very to confine them,for several da . egg and about one-half tablespoonful a possibility by Applying . Zam-Buk nothing more -the veriest plag�e of OoddIs Kldney 'Pills
1. =atorlally by producing winter layers. erecting a terapor=Y yard W] I of lemon juice. � ! -,-j- I At ,Once. This antiseptic balm de. . t -be cotton fields. A little wht:e ago Birmingham, Sask., May 10.-(Spev
T,U following results, whia were,ob- they can run for five of six days, un -1- - SOALLOTOD APPLES. - stroYs all germs and prevents tog-
, � this same weed wa.3 found to be the dieJ,)-r'Dodd's Kidney . Pills and
ntal Farm, tit they, loam where- to'retur.n, wh�'� Batter a ,deep baking dish or cas- t6ing and blood-Dolsoning. Then best forage and hay plant in the Doftd's Dyspsvpsla, Tablets -are the best
!± , � .
� .. I .j
- - I I serole. Starting with the crumbs from the bealing esoenbes promote the Southern States, Horses, cows, pigs,
. � V I . f t 'with ms�diclhes my son has ever taken."
- , - "_`�_ 1 4'
, � il a stale loaf of bread and three eupfuls . growth of now tissue and It Is not bons, everything devours I This Is the statement of Mr. Jo -
i I 10, V W-_ - Of sliced apples, alternate crumb$ and long before the wound to com. greediness, The leaves are being hannes Re:Asoul a wall_known real_
� I I ' E DICAL, I HST PTAMN apples In, thin layere, pouring over Pletely heated. � �. ground up. to make flour, outof which dent here, ',When he started to take
, .
I , I : 0 � TO MACH &LU Nd(DISEkSES i each melta buter and sprinkling with ZaM-Buk should be kept handy bread said to be of excellent quality Is . them," Mr. 'Relason. continues, "there
� - K I N. 13 LOODIS. . - NCE�Jw MO -1 I sugar and nutmeg. Thla 'Will taelt In every home, office, store and fa& Made. . was not much hope of him. .Soon
� ERV, . )NDE ,. --I about twoAhirds, of a cupful ,cf, but- tory for cuts, scratches, burns, The �vtivet bean 'was a vine used After starting to take the Dodd's Medl.'
I I o' NS LTATION FREE CORRESPI I I half cupful Of sugar, ,scalds agd, bruises.' 'It Is equally only for ,ornament, but it has turned clues he began to Improve In health
� '� .. `11. C � . . unless are very sour. Add "tood f0r eftems, rashes, bolls and out to be a producer of 0�6 largest
I ""= fodder and now he Is well."
- ' I the
I I , � � . the Juice of.half i'lemon before You 141cers,- All dealers, goo, box. quantity of valuabte hay and, His advises everybody who hes,sbak.
� 70 Lombard Street "" 70 0 R,0 NT ter and f breiA.crUmbs, known In the world.,
� . I . . . __ - Put Gn. the last layer o ". .1 . e -Dodd's
. � _ . mmmm"MM ,,which ,,,should be on top. Bake until � . - . . - I Ing or -pain In the heart to us,
. I
I 24appau, frolil five of the best winter the fence Is removeilkand they are w al. lbrowit and the apples tender. . . r_— I EXPLAINING IT. ' lCitney Pills and Dodd's Dyspepsia
� - . -, I . ", � 1-6c a rabbit. ,Serve with a gravy Tabloto. ,
� "�, I also , from lowed their liberty. Care should be , "The operator has given me tlie The Dodd's Medicines act on the two
� Lyerb".- r lot,. 1919, to March Slat, 1920, taken hot to crowd theN&hteks by plae- IL made from the drippings. . wrong number," said the man's voice, essentials to good health� The Tab-
.. _ Pried Tabbit to aelicious., but The "The number's all right," said the
I w.ill bear this out. . Ing them too many -in 4nyJohe house. ' * ; sure You have a young and tender lets help to digest the food and pro-
� .The five beat birds laid 413 eggs When die chickens coverithe greater ' one before you try this. Cook Mr 10 womws voice; "the operator has.. dilce good blood. The Pll�s act on the
at A total cost of $8.21. The total part of the floor at,ni&tflit is an in- - ` C F BABY'S OWN TABLETS given it to the wrong pe'rs6n.11
f t
* A � Or 16 minutes In boiling water and . . . kidneys, healing and strengthening
value of the e,-zs laid and sold for dication. that they xwva too crowded.. ftiv n,�' - I ,'� " .;.* . drain. When cold dip in well--Geaeoned t-"0__ " hem, thus, ensuring that the blood la
� . " ' " - , bread ,crumbs and frY In equal Parts Death, t
6 eating was $23.78, Jer.ving a profit of At such a time they abould be thin -i n�� ,;, ' A Frightful kept -free from Impurities. For the
� $15.67. The fWe poorest laid a total ned out and placed IuNMother house.; BaWs Own Tablets Are a ,regular of, JaZd and -butter until a good brown. work of liealthy k,dneys' is to strain
7 I I , .
� i
- , " f $8.10 with a , 4 . I I Joy giver to the little ones--they.nevoTr Thl0ken the gravy with flour and add Suffocated by AsthMa Wl Impurities out of the blood,
total value of $1.99, making a loss of , COMMERCIAL CHICK FEED 1Z fall to make the cross baby happy. a cup of r.1ch Milk. Pour over the . Ask Your neighbors It Dodd's Kid-
. $6.11 for the six months. Figuring on - ! % When baby is cross and fretful the rabbit and serve At once. ,� hey Pills do not heal and strengthen
. 6e has only a fev�,'ehlokons Currant jelly Is an ideal accompaul. The Dread of Suoh An ,Unhappy End'
e basis of 100 hens like the first five, When f mother may be sure something' is the I the kldnoyW�
� � I ToU have a profit of 4312.00 ag�lnst It is less trouble to Parchase',prepared matter for'It is, not baby's nature to Meat to rabbit served in.. any way. � oppresses Every sufferer. . . 000 . I
: a lot's of *122.00 frPni the latter. In chick feeds, but where a considerable he cross unless he Is'ailing. Mothers, The best Var for keeping butter Every sufterer from Asthma knows . THE AEPJAL AGS.
I � computing the above, only the actual number are reared It is sometimes If. youi. baby is cross; If he cries a through the ,wlnter,ls to vack-it hard the terror, the abject -fear that over- -
tood consumed is taken Into. .consid- cheaper to buy the finely omoked great deal and needs your constant In stone Jaro. pressing out all the comes , them when atruggling for
oration -labor ane interest on inv6st- grains and mix them together. Some , . water possible, Over -the top ley a breath. The old-fashioned remedies , Wti8h, Wentigt Pailltg., a Rosy
� -attention day and night, give' him a generous square of wet cheesecloth
I ment neglected. Now it can readily chick feeds contain a large quantity dose of Baby's Own Tablets. They are may relieve, but never cure. Best re� I Pioture. .,
. be seen. -that the winter layer Is by of grit and may e.ontain grains of a mild, but th and cover with A layer of fine salt. *suits come from ,CattarbozGne, which �
far the more profitable hen to have. poor quality, so that they should bei orough laxative whicli VveiY time the salt Is lifted for but- cures Asthma after holpe Is abandon -
More especially when the high Cost Of carefully examined and1guaranty as to� will quickly regulate the bowels and ter to be -taken out, smooth the top ed, It' A. distinguished British scientist has'
chase. I ,stomach and thus relieve constipation Of ,the 'butter And cover again care. p because Catarrhozone kills
, teed Is taken into coz6ideratlon. quality secured before Pur .e - and Indigestion, colds and simple fully. the asthma germ that It cures. Chok- painted a fascinating, fmagl,iat!ve Vie -
. * 0 , ,
I . ,.Th order to produce profitable win- � fevers and make baby happy-Ahere Ing spells and ta,bored breathing, are tuy;e of the -ossibilWos of air traffic
!,or layers, we must select eggs for ISN'r THIS ROMANTIC? For freezing Any mixture, use Salt relieved, sur,Zoeating 'sensations and
-.44. , 2katching from not only our Most , sure' .7 is a smile in every dose of the and tee In the proportion of one part In the near future. He predicts it
healthy and vigorous birds, but from Tw� toes. loved ,by tour. com 'for Tablets. Baby's Own Tablets are -sold parta, respectively. For paek- loss ot breath are cured. Every trace time when the traveler from London
. -ars and sentenced to d -le by by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 hig frozen dislies use ,one part salt to and even old chronies experience tin- will save three days in the journey to
five,ove of asthma Is driven from the sys
. our., best laying strain. Hatch these live Applications of Put4amla ,Corn cents a -box from The Dr, Williams four Parts lee. . .
along about the first,of April and not Extractor. If 70a Want to ,cure corn$, Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. An *rmamontai way to serve pota- mediate relief and lastin.- cure. Now York, 11 days In the Journey to
, , Aster than the list of April, When "'Putnam's" Is ithe 46nly 1thing-try . .1 as* toes Is. as follows: Wash and season Equally good for Bronchitis, throat, AY I
_ the' chicks art hatched, great care this �,plalnless remedy, 26c at,all deal- Customs of Ancient Irino, . SOPar4tell. sweet and -Irish potatoes; trouble and Catarrh. The large ono IndlA And 23. d a In the journey -to
� MuO be taken that the baby chicks erg. I .oil— � I Put a smooth layer of the Irish pota- dollar outfit includes the inhaler and Australia; when Airplanes will cover
Ao not get stunted, otherwise, they -*$ 0 Abroad, where 'many quaiat, �ajld __ . . ., , , lests two months, sold by all dealers a regular average of 1,200 miles a
�. 1 Will not be as good as later hatche _/ — .
d "Why is It ypAr mother;tbrusto us curious hotels, taverns and inns of I � or from the ,Catarrhozone qo., Itinga , day and when 'raffle Will 6.regula.
ston, Canada. '
birds of Maturity. Keep brooders and so seldom Alone?" "She knows me respectable antiquity abound, it is if ___.0-+V_ tod Ili series of air levels of 2,000
brooder house clean, light and free better than you do, lohn.'�-Yale Its.' natural to find numerous odd customs.
'from, dampness and draught. Give . . . " - -_$ PROFESSIONAL CRVELTY. feet each; private plane% uil to 2,000
cord. I I . . . 4 1 1 For Instance, there IS an inn In a I J VIq "The trouble with this'toot] , ' ines
. .1 . I — town on the Rhino wherein whenever I �. I feet; commercial Mad, In the
r . I - 19W0151 -ow- - - � __ I I" said I
1. .1 %�� � a'Patron is heard to swear he must , ., .41 .# I the dqntist, probing it with A long, next level; "ord'Anary flying," togeth-
, %% ,
/ .,-.�.,` * " I �. , .0
. ,,� - . , " place coin equivalent to the bar on t slender Instrument, "is that the nerve, er wlt�. the -fast commercial machines,
. � � . .
1. I , . ,
lt� ,�'�141. the counter. :1 .1 . Is dying," In the next; then the official planes
I V, - of each nation (from 6,00 to 10,000,
I % I Until recent years there Was A most ,� . .. "It seems to me, doctor," groaned
"Ift I I - , At, , _,�____ Cordor respectable old Inn in WArwlekshiro 4 .*- , I the victim, "that you ought to treat 416d), Including those of the air pollee,
. the proprietor of which was accuiRom- odw'# 4 tho,dying with a. little more respect." "Who will drop down on offenders in
. - I
. 1. 1. Fabric. -ed to Invite all his patrons to accom-, I P �., Asthma. Doesn't V�ear Off Alon * 'the lower depths;' and finally the
` . pany him And his Wife On Sunday . e' 1)o UVOIS Above 10,000 feet which. will be
� I 6 � .. i morning to a church directly opposite. v, _. 4# not make the mistake of waiting for . used for International travel.
� 6 the Inn. On returning from service �. asthmato wenr away ,by itself. While , This sclontist believes that theirs
Q 1, - I I each customer was expected to par- .. ___ you -are waiting tho disease Is surely will be such a tremendous Increase of
L � ____,_,__,_,:;=01,ft N Take of refreshments offered by the ti gathering a stronger foothold And you �afr travel tbAt it Is already time to
19 r hospitable -landlord free of charge. I . L ; . live In danger of stronger and I yet 'tousider how routes shall be `4efluod
.. � . Those who put up at one hotel in - . stronger attarks. Dr, J. D. X61090' A est use c#n
Mance never drew a ndat pic. Edinburgh obtain, It they alle accus- Amn CLoi=s cov= Simsem, As,thma 'Remedy taken early, will pro -
IN fute nor built a fair house. tom(ad to the Ways of the place, a AMA I)xsPoNDEticir tomm Joy, vent Incipient ,conditiou from becom- be made of our present knowledge
e I : Arms Sroxxnas comos 1txAW*, , chro,ato and saves hours of a7wftl sut- -of the air turrents of the world. Such
. III � V,,A� , f,�^ - - . 0. , I first. hand knowledge of the Scottish Arnla WZArXES9 COMEFA ST=TtQTA.1, terlu$�. . A picture 44 -he paints may seem very
, I— . disposition, Patrons of this hotel - I .. unreal, but those who have seen the
a In the ffid1drig of Partridge Tires must remember to keep their shoes or In the sPring when you're "all AN IT,tP0i�T_A14T_%1RWAXTT10N. birth of the locomotive, the tattritio
.. . ' 6$.' Said tile wife, as 811`4 StIOAM engine, the eleettle telegraph,
i ; nothing is left to chante-detail boots In their rooMs overnight, other�- in" -fagged out -blood thin, if "Why, Alph6ns
founcl her husb4nd In the hall strapping the ,telephoho, the submarino, itable,
IN perfection is sicured by craft. wise their footgoar will be blacked, yoU Will turn to Nature's rernedy, up -the family umbrollas as if lie were the motor car and w1rolosa telegre.
� manship 9clentifieally directedi regardless of its original 001011-11;* a tallic niade from wild roots an ly �,ou are not going to take all thOMe to P11
- Im , i I Bita. , 'Its, wbidh has stood f rs about to deVatt on a Journey. "Certain- y and tolephon6, will say be Iftere-
� I fs , 1'. I 11 - and rigid inspection insurts %, 1 00 6 , I bat � . ou it, , town with IYOUVI duloua. The Internal combustion <Ai-
, I � outstanding quallt.,�, as th6 beat 0 i "Ifarguerita," lie remponded, firmly. glue With Its Ight. weight and high
.. tn% :: , 11 _ Aw*y- With Deptedsion gild Melah- Dring. tolUe-
3 .1 find strength regained. 0 'he d "I've you forgotte" that tills 0"'lln' speed) WAS the beginning of4ti Oolu-
h oholy4TIiese two evils are the Ac- we are bayipw friends to AuDDer?"
� t t : �; . Patttidge Tires $tre g1l coinpaniment. of a disordlored atomitch to toll you it's Dr. Memo 61 on 1113tit, Alphonse, our guests would lion the ultimate character of Whfoh
I � 'D �i I that good Tires can' - Medical Discovery,Xut up in tablet never Ateal-" I dt Ili Impossible to fiOrSO .
I .. q and itorpid. 31ver and ancans wretched oSteal? Who said they would? got . .1 1, .1 6. 6 6, I . � -
I " � , Poseibly be. ness to all Whom* they visit. The or liquid f . sold by eVery'
, 11 Dut thity would recognize the Aftitiths
� 0. 4 �, * ' 1, i surest a -Ad Speediest way to ,00mbat druirigist in tho'la,ftd. After a hara on the han_a1_e_s,_,,__*,.,*4._ ,A Hou*061d Mdd16ln6.T,h6y .that
I mwli- , w", g, . th-em. J% with Parluelee'd Veottible W111ter-shut UP indoors, your blood Worms -Ate ,eneo-dragett (by m6rb,14 ertits of ,I)r. Thomas? noledtflo oil In
I I are acquainted with the sterling .,prop -j
I I 1-- I I 1 7,1 -1 I Pills, which will restore the healthful neeft a temp,erance tonic, a tissUe. conditions of the stomach and iboWelo, tho,treAtment of many allmentswould
- - - - - - - - - I Vlldfli; ''I Action of it'he stomach and bring relief. builder Alid blood-rdaker Such ag this and eo pubalst. AtIller'O, Worm PO* not ho without It In'the how. It Is
1-- 11 = ... � -
. I . .1 They have 1)roved their usefulness "Medical Diseovery"ofDr.Pierce's, ders will Alter those tonditions ai. trdly,& household IfttiII01116 And 98 I t IS
l I . I in thousands of ,cases ond will con- SAMA, O.4T.-"I1W&a In A very bad most immodla:tely and will sweeptho 1, MectIve in de#,Iilhg with
.. . tinuo to givo relief to th,e guffering many or-
� + ,, L COAdIttOn. t Could not eat without, foel. worms laway. NO destru0lvo pard' dinarr totaptaltag it to choap6r thail
� I I . 1� who are ,wise. enough to use them. Inadlatrused. 11PAIAftestion so badly SUA ,Can 11VO In COAtact witlt this, & 400tor. ,So, keep It at haftd,as the
� . . I I L I - 6640 -
� . : I I W&S blWaYs In misery, * I had liver ineilletne, which An not only 0, Wdrift cdi:tor It may Come Most unolpocted-
I I I I - Vow far ,from h6r do you IN6211 troublo tswoll, and the two just put tag, degtroyer, but a liettIth-91VIng MOM- ly. �
' Am! - ooked the man W10 had, 114tonot at- "down and out, for about five years, 1 Mae 47foolt bAlleficial to the young -coil- 1 41'6 16 ' "'' "A'
, tentIvoly to the real estMa agent, had many tood dwtoft but lot no rollef. Littution, and as suelt it has ao super- ,
111111111Z�_ �
I "V
. I I "Oh, stw6ral mWW' "I'm sorry for I took Doctor Pler&s 0ol 6n Me4fcal lot. � 4 k -you , it portfoll&f In.
, thai. I'm sure my, family could be D166ov"y whd befom I had t^ken two . ..------,A.*.#-.— vkad the U011n, Cabinet makm "I ,
TIRE * hapoy foroyer In this suburb it we ; bottles I was inneh improved, and In Ifts If you wait to set rid of Your aoh*e �[ don't know, rolled t4e cautious
__ . th4a sN menthe I was well. I could oat Od your vidna bury them deep und4r f 04000". Times art to tiaeortAin,
Came as rh elr ' e, ,me I enm only -drov� lift m You ocesslat- a
----.1 . "..". 11 I I 1-11 "'11 . � I..'' 111- 4y AAd- bear you tAk alp*ut IVF_ .=�*, mad do my vrork with pl6unra.w Your mercies beyad resurrection.- I=- 4,etea vsuor :tau it & au.
. .
- k -11 -1 I -1 I I -1 . I 11 1wi"ustan st". - I . XA*40X, M 310"d Sk T. L. Cviyl6r. . . *"Itoa Ow. �,
,__��Z�,--,----�".--,L��---"-�-.�,--,��--"-------.---,--. .
I I +++_+��, I
I t . sin I
V 4 Zt, the
w: tin bath V
tep ate and
- so* I
� (
___ ,_ I
;, 7.e ,40wwop
.vu ,wo
pf,100 , "�_
?". "�", ,�"'o,��
.- I
,P1 IN: SL I I
k� M � S n M 0
. I I �j "!, ,
4 . . . %
:�' .1
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� L. L x6 1 I., I I I *I'll I I I I � I..",, I :� I.., 1�. I . N40 I I I I ... O'.0, L li:l .1 I .
, ��_Z, - I 1, I " ... , 1, �, - . � I . . I. '411, L I ',)�&�
5"L ' li��l!llllllwa"�ll,� -, , I �, V, % ;1 I , ,,� 0, I _!_1 LL Aiv, ,.�_ ,,, 111. .I- 11 .
, .. - % L �1,
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I 11 I L
-11 ak�dj.l , - , :;��, - A.�_�, '�, � . �Aoft_mj&,o
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_"'.". � — " — �,,�'toWl 11. . I
, 'a. 'A"T ,f "4 1147W'L , .,
.. :1 I . � I . , L' , .�,
DE110ATE 01ILS ' �
.,.-.,. �, 4,
Rich, Iftod Plood Nostled to Ko" Up
1; growing glrla are to become well
� The Gulf Wktream is probaWy tuo
. �. ,
developed, healthy women their bloo d
19 randest and raost migbty of any tAr.
.. w
, I
supply must be carefully watchoC
. restrIal, phenamosa. its wate" are
characterized by a d,sep Indigo blue
Mothers should not Ignore their uik4
,color of great clearnesm and, bIgh
� "I
nettled-moodo or the Various troubles
temnerature. 1. can be penetrated by
� 11 .
that tell of approaching Womanhood,
It beconstantly
the eye to considerable depth, -,id
., I
should borao la mind
generally its meeting with the leas
, .:#��
... I
that Palo, bloodless girls need plenty
raftte relftr raters tan to at One
t 11
of nourishment, Plenty of sleep and
regular 9pen-air exercise. But a lack
. Ititi,alfficultlor,.iho;Aindtogmp
of appetite, And tired, aching limbs
tile imm�nsxty of this great acogn
tend to hinder progress. To save ;PA*
, river. The strults of Florida At Its
I L�111 I
weak, thin -blooded sufferer she must
narrowvt3t r.,)Ji1t In about forty miles
have now rich, red blood and u6tblag
wide. A ,calcu'atlon of the averap
MQQts 11 case of this kind so well as
vollulie c,*' A� ,ter paujJng in one hour
1. I
Dr. Williams Pink Pills. These pills
gIve3 the enrouious sum of uluety
; !
not only enrich and Increase the blood
oillion tona.
supply, they help the appetite And aid
The theories as to the cauie of
digestion, relieve the weary back and
orean (urrcuts have teen many.
I .
limbs, thus promptly restoring health
Franklin's theory, which has maur
L -
and strength and transforming an'
r4vocatcs at the proseut day, w. as
aeuito girls and women Into cheerful
that the winds produce the current
happy, people. Among, the thousands
, Y il a air n.oving over the surface
who. have obtained neW health and
)f the water,, and he Jilustrated this
strength through the use of Dr. Wll�
licory , rolloWl, g: "It Is known
by th �
liams Pink Pills Is Miss violet Bootli,
.hat a large ple6e of,water, 10 miles
Gionarm, out., who says: -"For a long
.-,ro.qd and &cm,rilly only three feet
. L .
lime, I was in a badly run down coa�
leelo, has by a -strong wind had Its
dition. I was, pale, breathless at the
water drIven. to one side, and sus-
I I .
least exertion, and could hardly do
, tained so As to become six feet deep,
any housv%�ork Witlioiit stopping to
while the windward side Was laid I,-
rest. I often had s0 ore headaelles,
d r Y. " As will be seen later, this.19
L Oor and fickle,
and my appetite was p
a well-t2ken example of the force of
and I would get up In the morning
the wind in-causIng the Gulf Stream,
without feeling the least bit rested,
but it does not quite allow the whole
I bad tried several medicines, but did
of the truth. I
not get benefit from anything until
I In the tro.nlcat re,glons there is A
. � �
T began iho use of Dr. Williams Pink
� ateadY movement of the air from east -
. . .
Pill;, W h k oxes.
to irest, known as the trade winds.
Sonth of a certain.11ne situated near
-%. . . I .
I �
I could see Aa improvement, and after
using six boxes I found my health fullr
hs nds flow from A
. . L . . iL.
. . �
restored. I feel althogether different.
southwe,.terly directlQu, while north
of the equator they come from a More
. . I I
since I used the pills that I strongly
advise them for all weak, run down
rotitliweEterly direction,, while nortla '
. . (
of the equator they come from a More .
people," ..
If you are weak or ailing in any way,
I nortlicaFterly direction. The witift
. : . , ,,
avail yourself at Once of the splendid.
,nro not always strong, nor are they
Constant in dir �tlon, but they do not
,� ..:�
' � ,
home treatment which Dr. Williams
Pink Pills so easily afford, and you
vary much, end then oaly for brief
� .
. L
. % .1
" "
will be among those who rejoice In
verlods. I
W4ads blewilig .
, � I
. . , .
regained health. These. pills are sold,
t4e water indure a current Iii thalat� , ,
. ... "
'by all dealers in medicine, or may be
ter due to friction. At first It Is only , ,
. 1. . �., I
had by mail at 50 cents abox or st;,
the merest skinf'that moves, but
%. I .
,Lboxes for $2.50. by ,writing The Drk
gradually the motion Is toinmunicat-
Williams Medicine Co., Brockville.
ed from layer to layer until at last, If
I . .
. ,
I oldp� -
the wind Is long continued, as In the , . 4
1. 1i ,niesheplierd Xwn-
trade wind region, the movement e -
.1. .. 'i
tends to lower depths, 300 Or 400 feet,
or perhaps more . .
I i
I saw a wonderful thin last night
These trade wind currents meet fin-
in the pasture 6JLthegaky;
ally the partial barrier of the Islands ,
The ehepherd MoOn *As guarding her,.
(Vr�itng t , he eastern part of the Carri.
I I li
As the sheep went filing by.
, .al
L ea i, and a .portion of the flow es, ,
- I
� . .
through the passages between
I ,
. I
Out from the purple, ralat-hung W654
tho.m. - From bore it contInuds Its
, Eastward bound V00 theY.�
And never a sound nor call they made,
course across that sea until It reaches
,. a J
And naught did the sliepherd say. -
the obstruction of the Honduras And
. LL .
- I L
Yucatan coasts, from which It escapes I
I - �
Two by two they gently 2noved,
by the easiest rout , o, -which Is into the "
- .
Tbree by three. nd tour,
Gulf of Mexico. �
L. � .
Six by six and eu,"It by eight.
And oh, ten thousand more' "L
It has boon tound, however, that the
I �
Water entering the Caribbean by this
... . .
Billowy abit and -lily white. I
means is ndt more than one-half of .
.11 . I . I
BetweM them the tender blue,
the aniount which flows through the
. �
Those wonderful, beautiful sheoR tbeY
Straits of Florida from the Gulf of
I :
Wading the pasture t . hrough.
I I .
Mexico, and the other half Is, sup,
plied from a Kurce ,%yhIch, does not
. . �
. . � �
And the Shepherd Xoon w,,t 1, i,41
coire under the head of a Measurable
1P out,
curron t, The other s6urce Is the
.. I
Among her lovely sheep;
wave caused by the vind, Every rip- I
Guiding them safe to the great corral,
they must to sleep.
ple carries a certain Amount of water .
, '
'Where . ,go
� �
in the direction tdWard which It Is
. . . 4 & . I
. . i TIME TO GO. '
flowing, irrespective of the �curront
1. I (Londoii Blighty.) . I
I C-
aused by its friction, and when. the, -
. I . L �,
3Re had ,hold f*rth for go -long on the
subject ,of his adventures that the en-
waves becoLio'larae, tons of 'water,
are hurlel from the crest Into the
tira smoking -room was distinctly bored.
trough every time the wave breaks. ,
� L .
V Inally he rea,ohed India, I
"It was there that, I first saw 4 r4an-
When one Is on board a vessel, *
eaterAlger." he announced, boastfully.
floating upon Its watert, one is not -as
"Poohl that's nothing," said a mild-
Much impre-,,arl the Power and
looking little man, edging towards the
grandeur of this wonder of nature as
door. "I once saw a man-eating rabbit.11
And he sauntered gracefully out.
he Is when lie ,stands totere a tower -
. �
L Ing mountain, an Immense iceberg, or ��
.. .
a fall of water such, As Niagara, but
when one renie. .bers that the mighty
I �
torrent, speding on hour by hour and
I day by day, in a ,. Aume equal to
all the largest rivers in the
I .
combined carrying its beneficent heat
to temper the diriate of continents,
. . ]
on� begins to reall.-c that of all the
1; ,
I I - I
forces of the physical world none can -
, I
IR & M8381190 tO Ailing WOMOR 006tor
equal tit!,; one river of the ocean, .
Pounce de L -3.)n, while on his fam�
: . ..
HaMilt0ft TOUR )W It IS Done
ous .eearch for '.".-e P ountain of Youth,
L , ��!'.
made the d4Tovery of this great
I .
. . I .
sl -ream. After his failure to find ,on
In speaking of the ills from which
Ee coakst of tipper Florida, the--mealls
. L I I
women suffer, Dr, Hamilton poitits
of cheating death, he turned to the
. i .
out that"nine out of every ten women
southward and cklrted the shore for
. ;
L . ;
are by nature inclined to habituallcon.
hundreds of,mllco, thus stemming the
stipation. , Harsh purgatives are re-
.current. .
I . . .�
sorted to which only Intausitv the
The nawo of "C'ulf. Strew.1111 was
. .
L � .
trouble. Although not generally
r1r-1t Fu;9est'd by Benjamin Franklin
known, it Is a constipated condition
bwalisn :t i�auc3 from the Gulf of
. . ;
. i
of the bowels thitt causes half the
-11oxico. WhIlt it is only a part of
. . i
sickness and tired weariness -4th
che grand v1i,-ro of - oceaa elroula- �
. 1,L1 �
which all womankind is so familiar
tion, and tho (111,f of xe.tleo i�. In
It was after long Years of study t1tat
rcai,ty only .. DtD,,)DIng place, as It
. I
Dr. Hamilton perfected the pIlls which
,vero, for Its waters� this name Is gon- .
. L I 1.
e vellous -benefit
Fralb, apil'od ,o tt.o turrent i1my as
. . . I...
to women the world over. In his pills
it wa-3 given b- Franklin - that is, _1
1. . �
of Mandrake and Butternut every suf-
the (M,rent cZalg fron, tile Gulf" of
: .11 L
ferer will find an absolute sliecitic for
Maxico and spreadin,& abroad over
; I I
constipation, sick headache aed bit-
the X , orth .`Qla:itl,�, .
lionsuess. It is safe to say that*Dr
In a la,*, -,,c r,rm IIL,d'tlle Carlbbeatt .
Hamilton's Pills bring better health
hzwlng'a coMparatwely constant win.1
and keep the system. it! a more vigor-
cloWing or(r .'ts v lio!e turface, , this
ous condition that any,other medicine
antioa is prectifally a sin)ultalleoul
. .
ever discovered. At all dealers, in 45c
0iovenjent It it.; curfare waters tn tl,'-
boxes. I I -
wo.tward a..1 a continual escape of
. .I,,.
4 � 0
tbe vater ripapei'l lfj� At tile .i.I.Ccu'- %
Her Sars Oi?en,
tlon,ofterel 1�y the land Ifito the Gulf
of Mexico, through the Straits of
. A little gill ,who always has hei!.
Fh�rlda Pnd Into i'te Atlantic,
ears open for the �onversation of her
The Cult Stroani would h little
I :
elders, hoard herStt4ndindther diag-
felt on tile CbASL of Luropo did It not
nosing a case of t hives. Later this
re-cive a great addition to Its volux-de
: ,
Ittle girl notitod a rod spot on her,
,)Fl:eat vAmn en routo. This Is by
arm. She tan to hor grandm,)ther, ox.
means of a gentle flow from the
clatraing, "Oh, grandam. ate, I have
northca,tt trade wind current that
� !,
the he"bs, too."
passes outside the Caribbean Islands
Worma Teci utoo"no TiTiovitality of
Mid the lWinums. The surface tem.
perature ,of thbi outside curronC* 13
children and etidangbi thel., lfvt%s, A
almlyle And effective cure is Motbon
about tile Same III Its Passage Along
Graves' Worm Vxternilna0:. .
t lVest in ties Islands as the Gulf
. 1. , 4 'A 0 t —
f9tream In the Straits of Florida, but
( is .104.9 Violent In its movolueots,
God takes our yestotdaYS;.,d1rn and old,
and them Is less Intermingling of Its
upl,er And lower waters, so that It �1,
Touched with sorrow aud titining.
.irrives off Cape Hatteras with & Much
And gives to us, With graco 1111tOld,
hir;her fomperatur� than that Of the
The years' soft dew and the MOM of
il.uro turbulent Gulf Stream,
. $ j,Jj_ L
alves us the fresh beginning,
,".A; 40 0 @W- .a
itil"COVERING0 .
0 ntD,&1tD WIltbroL 1gH0P1`XJN*G.
(.Nw.v Vork 14vening Sunj
miomethin, droppitd.
lKoWly Wit surely the world is reqover�
A1.11", frbin th(� shook of the war, and thIA
it 1600t, prices CO dmin.
e�lul;tjy no well ai 11'uropa Is 'ht"efiting
— .
by t to Owuge. That Prices are not drop-
Th6re Is. nopolsonous IngrMleat In
pm;;, 1,9 nat tit it�;elf an unfavorable symm,
, "
Holloway's Cbrit Cure, and it can be
I""' That Nvill come In time, not 'jud.
denly Or uneximetedly, -but slowly, 86
p ,
used without danger of figlury,
that busin"s m%y accommodate itself
1-1 -1. �_
to the Change.
Lawyer -And t have saved
W10al alt ond lins been pUt to world-
you from tbat bootlogging chafte,
1010 inflation and whon turovalla 11ro
t1action I(-P,c11Ps% �ioffiethlnx Ilk* it, wont:
What d6 you con8lder ray services
t1il 'VolUn 0
1'. W11pn .A�Inerjaftn imports be.
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Worth? Negro ellent-I ain't got A*
%la ex0orts, when Iftbor at.
monty, WAR but I'll 4IV6 You two W. L
0111.4 one(! More, Its old efflel#ftovi thf-d
ions of whieW.-Stanford ChaDgrraL
tlrlee�q 111w;t tum downward, n the
Inpallwhi,.p. tl1A country 11hould be Pat.
1#0 need, to, give A6W VoWer to tho
J('11t. Tile Woj�fdL has just pass#d thr9ugh
On Of tht,
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"to Of 06491enl�&, now vitality to .
11101A oxhausting wA1% Of all
tkI,4tory Naturally it beedit r#At aa4
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the human, affectiont to sotlAn IA4
llm(� fJ)*1' 1,('0LUI)J�J'atiLo", ,but in The f�nd &11
olavato V"slon; culde onthutima t1l
%%i:l lie Nvell.
a right direction, ind 0016ilk 6A to
tho, lit h. lauguato of man to 0, M*
2ftft.w_-11. r, whl"llk,
The nian of few words is j
for thia book agaiat *411tag tm Z�10!
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