HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-05-20, Page 1, 911K., I 11 I
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. I 1411k- Single Copies - Tnree Cent I ,WINMAM, ONT, TliURSDAV, MAY 20th, 1920 Subscriptions: $1.50 per yeat . I I
------- -------- -- --- --- 11 L -J-- - - - ... - .------.---- ,,, 1,1111IN"No$ 4
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1 2W-ft.0.ft4.0---W-%-**-*,"-%-4 I AUTOS COLLIDED ~ Ilwlll ^-i~l I--] SERIOUS ACCIDENT INTERESTINQ LETTER . I I 1,
F --- I F---------1 <1 . I .11'..
' Peraonals , FROM. UERMANI X ocal . Itente "; . *..
I math Up On oolk . 1 Elliott Fell* Thrown From Land Roller . e C,
COMING Bad S ;-1-1day Aft9ra L.- I store
I "I' I - ,~.,.~ - , ^^-,- I .
. I At Wiagham ,,~ - . ~ And Badly Hiirt- ,Tb ". . "'M . 11
o, following letter, received %* by I I , I I , ,
" FRIDAY, M A Y 28th ,. Mr. Robert Hill of Detriot,, is renewing ---- Mrs. J. B. Douglas, Wroxeter, is well Mr. G. M. E Mott, Children Aid Coin- I il
. Wingbam came nearly being the scene Acquaintances in town. A serious accident occurred at Mr. W. ridssl6ner, was in town this Nveek, - I - I 1.1"!
. -
an, automobile tragedy on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Tindall Ritchie visited Jos. Henderson's farm on Monday even- .
I . , Mr. McDowell, whb is connected with a . Mr, John McBurney of Tumberry, has .,-
. afternoon when two cars collided and -'Illott Fells, who had been, -d r . ... 1.
. Eye Speci011st I of at Mr. Robt. Carr's in Gray, la4t week. W& when L worthy of persual. It was written by . S"'"ATIONERY , ' '.'
I I turned over at thoB, , line corner and rolling for Mr. Henderson, was thrown large firm inClileago but .well known, in purchase M $- Baptiste's residence on . I 11
I Wtoxeter locality and still counts himself C011tve St- . ,..
, F. F. Honauth, Phni B. JoEephine St. north. Mrs. Wm. Clegg and little daughter, from the roller andseriously hurt. , - Fresh Huron Trout every Thursday I I — ' 1. I 4 ,; ,
Mr. W. M, Adair,and family of Kin- visited at the home 6f W. J. Ridlord, last a1lowick boy ,- .
I Graduate Optician, will beat cardine, were coming down the B. line to week. . The little fellow bad just com leted his W Dear Aunt and Sister.- afiernoon at t4e Central Butcher . shop - We carry an assortment of fine Stationery tha lq* : I f 4 1
Niork. and was driving his team for the I have had a very inter Olver & Benninger, .
I resting vksit to . ' A
I Wingbarn from Wroxeter and Mr, Hunt, Mrs. John Pettigrew of Lions Head, lane when they appear to have become Germany and find -things there in very E ye sp cial t ' UnstIrpassed as to quality,and style—. . .
1. McKibbon's Drug Store , e is at McKibbon's Drug ..
i, t15 electrician, was driving with his family to is visiting at tho. home of her ph, Mr. frightened and ran away., When going bad t4iape indeed. Outwardly one would Store, Filday, May 28th. Eyesight test- I , .
, .
. I 8 a. ni. to 8 p, ni. Teeswater. The two - cars were ineeting Pottigrew, John St. I through the gateway the. roller cauv,ht imagine she had not suffered very much ed and glasses fitted, I-Irices moderate, . Symphony Lawn Linen . - - .75c,'to $1.06 . I .
It . I 00%w.ap-**,**"%640-%%"*-* --%"*--M-4—*--%.I at the comer and Mr. Hunt thoughtlessly Mr. George,.4. Disney left on Monday and the tongue $napped, the roller going by the war as you do not see the outward Don!t forget the G. W, V. A. Dance . . I I .
---- I -- turned to the left thinking to pass the ior Sarnia, after spo ndit* the . winter with zigzag and he was -thrown to the ground. evidences of violence and destruction such and progressive Euclire in * their Club Gage's Kid Finish ......... 60c; to 75c., 1 . . :
. corner before Mr. Adair made the turn his mother and sister in town. . I . i
Mr. Adair's Ford in making the turn. , When the horses arrived at the house, he as is vpromon in Northern France and R onls on Wednesday evening, May 19th. *(Initialed or plain.) , . I ,
struck Mr. Hunt's Gray Dort fairly on The usual Friday evening, B vangelestic was,soon looked for and when found was Boltd,um but whereas the latter countries The ma friends of Miss Vera Webb of 1, I I . , 4 I I
. meeting will be held at the residence of Geo. lying unconscious with a broken piece of are full of hope and jxpections, Gei ,ny Gage's H olland Linen... # . . 40c to 50c 8. I I
Laydeez and the side and both autos turned over, Mr. Mason, to Which you are invited. the line gripped tightly in his hand. hout Hamil on will be glad to learn that she is . . , .
V many is depressed, the people are wit . .111
.1 , recovering nicely after her operation for 25 sheets of paper, 24 envelopes to match, . I I . .
. and Mrs. A, W. Kiddle and children were Mr. and Mrs. FratiVair. of Ancaster, Medical assistance was hurriedly 6 lled sufficient nourishing food and no money I . . 4 .
uenlmen delving with Mr. and Mrs, Hunt, and Ontarloi are visiting with the_ latter,,s and Elliott was brought to the Winghan' to purchase it with. Eventhe Government appendicitis, I .
1 4 THE MOST AT ' for a timeit was thought that their baby mother, Mrs. J. Patterson, Francis St. Hospital where he is doing as well as can cannot. Outside of international-busidess Mr, Qeo. Spotton is advertising the Special—Friday and §aturday-, a bottle of Fountain
ARVULUS ag- was badly hurt but he was taken out from be expected but we believe his condition tho.average pers9n does not understand opening of a business college in Listowel. '
I . raculus monstro- - under the auto none the worse. Mr. Mrs. E. N. Coopef of h4eaford, and is still serious. th ,sident of colleges Pen Ink FRE- B with each box of St,ationel7y. * 1. ."
I I "
I , cities ever acumulated within the Adair's auto was able to,make the garage Mrs. H. B Urquhart of N)feyburn, Sask., . omeaning of exchange, but it is an Ile 18 at Present is pre I ..( . . I
I Ellioq is the fourteen year old son of im ortant factor in business. No country in Toronto, Oshawa, Wingham, Guelph, I .
I confi4es of asingle canves cover- . under it's own power, but Mr. Hunt's are guests of Mr. and Mrs, Pettigrew) I 0 goods Kitchener, Hanover and Oranqville, I I I I .. I'll,
i Ing, comprising a beterogenous of automobile was badly demolished. it is John St. . I Mr. and Mrs. John 9; Fells, Diagonal carilive unto itself. It produces I , I I .. . . ... . , .. 11
Road, and is a studerit of the Wingham the outside world needs And likewise bays Tbe Ladies Aid of St. Andrews Presby- . .. . 1,
. . I
I . . .
incomparable feats upon the flying most f6rtuuate that no one was seriously Miss Helea Wilson, daughter of Mr. High School, His many friends trust 'he goods from these countries which she does terian church will hold a garden party on I I E "A"K T R"'t A S P" E C I A L ' . I . I . ZI
tra'pqz and involving an elaborate injured. . %, Gavin Wilson . , Lower Winghami is home I 1 4
I 11 will soon recover strength. not herself purduce and in order that the the phurch lawn on Tuesday evening, . I I I
I and unpresedente4 display of fero- . ------ --! from Kingston General hospital, for her value of money stable be it is necessary jurftStb. A good program is being pre- Clearing Sale of Writing Pads -We are . putting , in . stock an entirely . ,
clous marnmals, reptiles and sau- Home Patterns holidays. I . . . '. - -- ----.111= th4t every 'country sells as much cr more par,4 Further particulars next week. new line of Writtng Pads an . d on Friday and Saturday to cliar Out ,our pre- . I 9
rians gathered from the four quart- , I I ., * A
o . ra of the terrestrial sphere by in- H. E. IsAm) & Co. have discoiitlnui( Mrs, H. B. RoWnson and little daught- Memorial service At Undies than they buy'from other countries, as in Many fiappy returns of the day to Mr. sent stock we will GIU.0 A BOTTT,R, OV N, K rjtZ4. witi, each and I I I
. I
. ' - Alberta, ' the old days of banter, Now Germany Andrew Miller, Francis St., who celebrat- every writing pad we sell. . .. I .
. trepl L and fearless hunters. I bandling New Idea patterns and er, Dorotby Mae, of Staveley Next Sabbath afternoon at half -past , . . - ., I 11 . Id.
I I I I have improv-ed their pattern department are visiting with her parents, Mr. and two o,clock a Memorial Service will be has nothing to sell and she must buy to ed his 00th. birthday orim,oriday, He is I I
I . I ' . I
DON'T MISS THIS START- by putting in a four hundred dollar stock Mro. J. I Mitchell. Mr. Robinson ac- held in .Eadies church, Tumberry, in feed herself even. As she has nothing of around in his garden and for a walk every ; - . I I .
. , .
LING AND STUPENDOUS of the Celebrated House Pattern. These companied them East but returned to his honor of the men from that congregation vaiva inside, all having been olSaKbqd in day. and his momory is quite fresh and
. . money, which is only a promise to pay a b 'NORE " I
I I . dIRCUS. IT'S IN duties as manager of the'Bank of 1 amil- and neighborhood,wh6 made the supreme the war there . is no collat,crial behind her bright. . , . 0 0
. - patterns are of the beat dad combine ton. I sacrifice in the Great War. A Memorial . rIMCKIBBON's DRU 6 - ..
I style, comfort and economical subscribers . r 8 A.Rainbow Dance will be given in the .
1. . JINX ' I h Wingham Armouries on Friday evening, -. , . . , I I
I . of the Ladies' Home journal can get --------- . , Tablet has been placed in the c urch by is the rnoney of all countries the result - - Drugs and Stationery I . . ,. I
.. Featuring anypattern advertised in the Journal At (;Olhing May 27th I the congreiation and the Turnberry Red , being that in the markets of the world May 28th. Krug's Orchestra of Kitch- Edison Phonographs Phone 53 C, P. R. I * " , I - .
. our pattern counter. See our large Cross societ and it will be unveiled du r. where the German mark used fb. be worth ener will provide the music. The public . I .Tickets . ..-
0 P . or Can . . I I ., % I
. P I I Mabel N ' ma . nd Counter Catalogue of the simplesC And East Lynne played by'the Belgrave ing. the .service by Mr, Roy Hastings 24 cents as compared to U. Sr. - . are,invited to attend this dance as the I I I I 1, . . , . . I I . i
. I Dramatic club -'in the Wingham town 'hall Whose . two brothers lost their lives in -Adian money the same mark is now only I . .,-. I I A
. presented in conjunction with ' most accurate patterns made. . ' . I PrQcepds are, in aid of the G, W, V. A. 1W . -- . .. ,w
1 . . I under the auspices of the, Victory Mission France. I I I I worth one cent. Therefore before thiB ' . I I he is iDZ-5 11 I ,q - ", W I .1 - . 1.11
' I Y" 11 I . I --.;., - , .
1. . at McIlibbon's Drug Store, I war the Germati could buy a pound of .in , . I . . 4
.1 Chaplie Chaplin . !., ---.. --- Circle. -Plan I . Officer Phippen infor s us that I . . . I I . '. . .
.. : , stilvuh-earthing stolen goods in qonnntion , , % . I
. , - , Reserved seats 35 cents 25 cents. ., : (lotrie, Merchants Annoyed . ne mark, he must now ay 40' 1 1 -.4=,, 1 ---- -.---.--.- — :— — . ; I I 1i
I . . . I meat,for.o . . - --- .. I .. I
' , , .
11 . , I., I -in- I .. DISTRICT NEWS . '. . . .. I . I . I I '-Officer Ph - ippen received instructions :, mArlis, as'the value of meat has adv;inced, iwitn the Lower Wingliam ..thefts. The NORTH WELLINGTON LEAGUE r4mcar,63w*us=AmmmorAviamoLqu;vawo i
... 9 ` -- . . A 0ood Entertainment I. I . - casehas been adjourned until Tuesday, . . I I . ;
I . . from Crown -Attorney Seagqr to go to and the value of the mark has declined. . I - I
'The: -Rink" .. ,-Houses to rent" would be the, most I I 2-9 " 01- I
I . . . I .1 , I . Owing to rush. of w(?rk we overlooked 'Gorrie and investigate charges made by the German wages has not improved, the May 25th, when the ,guilty parties will t e . I I . .
, - ;. Popular book. on the market, . if it could. come up for hearing before -Mayor Gur- , The schedule for Group 3 of North, C a I A -'%,IS,- F I ,E I S ' '' . .
- . I mentioning-tke play "The Village 15octor" f 4 labprer being 31 marks , * . -,i , . 7 . I I 1
I I . Benjamin, Bregman and Isaacs, a firm of average pay o I -ague -w' . ., . .
THTiRS-, FRI, SAT, z fill the bill. ' collec- Wellinjion baseball I.e' as drawn I - I
. given by the young people of. St Paulls , nqy. In rings alone Phippen has , I . ' ' " ' ,-
oxetpr News th merchants in, that town, to the effect that per day. I have explained it in meats, .. up at Winghaln Thursday night,. as fol- PHONE ; . . I
. . . Prices; Adults 20c, ,Children I$W. . The Gorrie Vidette and,Wroxeter . church., This play'was certaiftl ',;wqr . . and de but it is indicative of all other commod- tionof about $150. worth.' . ' 1. . I . ., . -,5-0 I . - I
. . . I . , I... I.:
. . . .. ' youths were tormenting them . . I lows: - I . . I I —,---. " " '-,t, . f . : ''. . .1 .. ... 11 .:.. :
11 . . is taking a holiday this - week, Edit of mention as everyone taking 'Part e,.t- , I . I . .. I. 6 ., I . I . ... ..
, '
! Mdtinee 2stArdy 10 and 15c. , 1.0K stroying their . propqriy by throwing Ules in'the same way, and as there is *,q : Aniobg the names 'of those succe%"sfu , ; . . :... .,
. . Nash is sp June 10 -Brussels -at Lucknow;'Tees- ---" ..-.-----., .--"...--"!, ,:. %
, - ,
. I 1 .. .. 4
. . . ending holidaysin New Ontario. celled themselves. Theliall was'papked ,stones through windows, breaking signs, raw material in Germany for the factories in,securing, certificates from the Board of , . I., . . I . . 1. . . :
. See page 8 for next week's shows. .1 nderstand the youngpe6PIe have I . I . , water at Kincardine. . . . . . ; " .. 1- - I . : . -, J
I Rev. Robt. Peiarson, B, A., M.' P. P., and we tu . and other 'forms of dev4lment, The rem to work on there is a very poor prospect E - 149 , .,. .. 1. " . . . . I . ... I .
. . n - .. I I xamiriers,in Optometry to practice OP' ' June 15-Wingbam at T esWater in- am I , I i . I , , ,
-------- --------= - merit, orf ;.Xl , , .
. I I , , stt . , , , . : , .. " - .
. .1 . . .. I 1
. . . ethodist Church, on M . . in ` appear before Mayor Gurney. in Wing, ing to help h - n . ussels at Wingh'arr . I I I . . , . ... .:.
I .. . . .
LYCEUM .THEATIZE , the]. I . . particularly Would be
. I mention' anyone. , '000 . .
t . of Calgary, gave a stirring address in, the been asked to Put this enteriai s that several of the Gorrie'boys will or the people, The Government is try- tomet n ntario by, ex- cardine at Brussels, - ; I'—
I . It i
# . . ,
11, M ay 9th, Mother's , Wingbarn at sorne future4te.. To matters, but t ey Are in a very eliption from examinAtiot ve notice the June'23 Br 1 . , ,
. Day, at L . , ham on May 25.th i difficult position as the* Government Of names of R. M. McKayi:,Wingham, And ' Teeswater at Luckno 1, 1`0 U. - I - . . .. . 11
. . . I . - . . . . . .
I K fie I I j - . . ;
. ' "Play . stronger than the W. C.Aaams, Hamilton, son of Mr. and June 29- incardi at- "Iren,wateti . . . ,
! "The Diggeot Little show" Southall . iptoniswithout a blacksm'Eh, 'doing the others an injustice as all ed- I I n June 24- . .
R . ! a y country is no . . .11 11 ...... 11, -
. . . very well from the worried Vavors Cilarch'Union' .1 . . . ., . . . . , . " , .
.. . . . I .: . .: I 1; "'VI . ..r.. . P. , . . . . ,.. . ..
I.. I - George Speare, the last of tbp sons Pf their part.. I . people .they represent and as a result, Mts. William Adams, John SL Lucknow at Brussels. . . . .
. . . .." . . 'Vulcan in . that bown, being obliged to quit housewife and her pretty daughtW,to the 'Bishop Williams while presiding over they have no money and want the Allies . . I I L . . I . . . - ., '..
I . --Oe . I as 'Tepresented, July 7-Teeswater at. Wing4m. "'" , , t- "'. to you:' . .. . ..
. . . Mr A, W. Kiddke who b Is of pore, jmpqr ance, I . . .4
. unt of ill -health. thirsty darky. . I ... .1
I . I . .the Synod of Huron at Brantford last to support .them, The pro'posal they i 0 -. , . :
. 11 . . the'Prfidenflial Insurance Co. in Wingharn . July 87Lucknow at Kintard ne. than knost tbei,,-ibin a you buy,. , i
. ' ' . '
. I .. - ` -a -the ' . .. I
. LADIESTURSES,,- ', 0" acco ealdng favorable of church tutio aidd.a to the American packers was,to , ,,, :13 -not give i'fl' ' -
. 1. I A ,etter was rwead at the last.meeting of Mrs. David Lockhai.t 9ead, ..j j . :,i week sp . . I - . , Vhy t rst,place iw-Taur , I
.. .1 Ii lib".1d .I . . I 'N .said in part "The forces of evil were many I fdr'tlii pdst fd,i years accepted a, Position july Luckriow at Teeswa.ter. , I .
0 -) 1,10, . ule? .', Tlifs we be ,
.1 e oclerich town council, from Senator , Many,friends were thocke , arn,o (Continued on page 5 in Clevelan"d', Ohio, and will .move to that July 16 Wingbam at Kincardine, 0 bills of expendit ". w -
.:: . A good assortment'just received. a t times more the forces which stood against I . 1. V ,I I .
Proudfoot in wl Ach Jie offered the town July 20-Teeswater at Brussels. lieve Is sound I y-,
1. . Coine in and them the death of Ruphemia Thompsonj belov- the country during the war". gh asked I 11 cityin the near future. ,He is hol i .po 16 which 'in th.c ,
.. . . . , ding a , .
I .
,three lots on, Harbor bill. . ed wife of Mr. David Lockhartof Auburn,, that church union be further d TUE DE'Aftl ROLL cloaring auction sale of household .effects July 22-Wingham at Lucknow. ehd will pay you well- '... '. .. ;.' .
I . -X- I Rev." Mr. Fe rrinof ArmQw, formeil of - e and ex- I '. .. ,% at his residence, nearthe old Glove fActory July 26 -Brussels at TeeswAter. I . . . .. I . I
- n who died at her home on Sunday. ' ' De Pressed the belief that Canada was an ' . 1, ... I im. .1 I . . I
I We have the largest stock of - Wroxeter has'xeceived word that his 0 ceased was a most esteemable ' young on Saturday afternoon, May 22nd. July 28 -Kincardine, at Win& Orde * Yotil,'GI-1c ` I I :
I I I . excellent place for such union to Coin- A1319TJNID BRUNDAGE ' ' Aug. 2-br4ssels at kincardine; Luck r . : eries I
has been'promoted to the accountancy in woman and leaves to mourn her loss a I Relict of the late B. . Mooney, and one ' ' - 1 I - . . . . . 1. I
. mence. The cardinal points of Christian A c'ar-load of, Government Inspected n . .. I I
. WALL PAPER the Royal Bank at St. Catherines. - husband and four little children. One 11 ow at Wingham, .. At'Christie's . ' . I
. religion, lie said, wer ,, identical in All ef the pioneers of Witigharn, passed peaceA eggs, gradin . 9 etras is being .shipped this ]I Aug, 0 - Kincardine at Luqkn0w; Wing- I I . I
A=".Aww"W"&. - &
, , J& .A& wage dail.
T IMLI-n ham - buan I " ", V
4 M w A 4%Ao
"-# - w a2u =w.-m w
I %
I -1
V il
- I
.1. r d I I
I I .1
. I and the prices are the LOW14$T. 5 John Cameron, -aged 82, son of John little girl was drowned at a picnic about creeds.' Minor points alone made sectar- fully away on Saturday, May i5th. at the week from'Hirst's -egg warehouse. This . - .:
. , ham at Brussels, . -----------1 ------------ ^-----I—
Cameron, of the sixth concession , of three ears ago. The late Mrs. Lock- - age of 87 years. The deceaeed who is the first car ofeggs to go export from . 1 I .
I --It- Huron Township, w I a% electrocuted at hart is a daughter of the latei Samuel ian divisi ons. I . : was born in Pennsylvania, t S , settled at * . Ump res-Teeswater-Jack Good, Gor- . . I 1 %
. I this section of the country this I year, and don Small, W, T. Hisco'x. Brussels -W. I The Tea and CW& House . .. 1,
. Large office Desk for sale. Niagara Falls on Tuesday of last week and Mrs. Thompson. Don4ybrook. The Birth Of A Nation Niagara Falls, Orit., with her parents, and , . I I
I . I .- I . ! , - "
I remains were laidAo rest in Blyth ceme- Mr. Griffith's treatment of the magnifi- moved with her We husband in the year one-ofthe:first to go from Canada this A. .Grewar, Robt. Dowing, A. L. Stewart. I 1. . I . I .1 ;
I . while engaged in Ins duties'at the power t . season, Progressive salesmanship .and Kincardine H. Magwood, Joe McGinnis; 00" mm"-- ymm come MOMMOM I
,. I , I to tery on Wednesday afternoon Aa the cent the -me- is so much grea er and grand- 1867 who opened the first tin and hard- I
'A , Plant His remains -were br oughf, , I ' expert supervision of the han ston. Wing -ham -Thos, I ------------.----=-
.. tended. er than the origin ri e product is re onsible for this shinment TV lr lf. I
I U Rialeik. and interment made 'there. 'The ftineral was largelyat . _al play that there can be ware store in Wi gliam. In religion th I .
4 . . I . McLean, Lack Kennedy, U. r. CIftm-mmoxamm 0
11 ULU. MUN & W The lat Mr. Cw.neron is survived by hi!f Pretty May Wedding no comparison. For example, he presents deceasea was a Methodist and was held in going forward. According to Mr. Lucknow-Russell. . Robertson, - . McLean . .
. . -
I . I I . gliest esteem by all her acquaint- Hirst pq,ces area ittle too high for much I . .
, . widow and two children. 18,000 actors and 3,000 horses instead of the hi I '
. , Stationery, Patent Medicines, I . A very pretty -*, edding ,Y as solemn- the tiny "armies" of the theatric board2. ances, To mourn her death she leaves movemidrit . export; but if prices here de. Johnston, Russell J91inston. a=. Lat
, l Books, School Supplies, Wall Paper, I . The fate of SlAr William Hearst possililY iied at the ,home of Mr. and Mrs, He shows 5,000 scenes in place of four or three sons and three daughters: Robert cline a little, or the exchange situation be- Convener -Howard Gray, Wingb Post Victop Bonds-
, I Faney Goods, Toys, etc, I I Justifiles Premit!r Drury going slow with Ralph Metcalfe,'Wednesday, May 12th, five; far-flung b4Lttle lines of many, many and Frank in business here, George H,, I favorable, progressive firms I I I . , . . I
--e-----# ,it comes more . I
.1 . E:%A%~11-1. -3 regard to tetaiperarice matters, but when their eldest daughter, Margaret miles,and Xu Klux rided right out in the editor of the Ripley Express. The like the above mentioned will lielp to keep
, . — doesn't look wf ell to see so -many legislat- Jean was united. in marriage t . o Sergt. open, which a , rpass in thrills any Vand- daughters are Mrs, Thos. L. Jobb of Woman's Institute Newest Song Hits
ors crawling u nder the barn every time st ' I Qmada'sfarm products to the front in, .. . 1 1
- '
I EVEPYBODY'S COLUMN probib . itim is mentione I d. . erlingHaskins of..Hamilton. Rev*. F, erbilteuprace. Yet the' individual act- Vingham, Mrs. Thos' Sparling of - t;e Marl -lets of the world. The regular monthly meeting -of the
- - ' Stride of Wroxeter, officiated. The bride iDg is as fine and artistic as in I ,short Saginaw, and Mrs James Sparling of . .!!:=. .r-- Institute will be held in the Council `1
xUOTION SALE -Cattle- at Thos. Coulter's Senator Pt3oudfoot has succeeded in se- was gowned in sand colored silk crepe de-. cast" drama, the work of Henry Walthall Meaiord. I - I Chamber on Thursday, Ma *Coin- Victild-A's mid Pianos
11 Sale L -tables, Blyth, on Sat., 22nd, . .
101fresh cows with calf at foot and May mencing at 3 o'clock, The. program -'for I
. . I era, due to calf in two weeks. 10 spring- curing a nun lber of war,tropbies for Gode- chene, and cirried a corsage of white as the Clansma.n and of Mae Uarsh. as The funeral which -was. largely attended I Card Of Thooki q -
. LOTT & BTACPDXALD, rich. Wini-4 iarn not being blessed with a carnationg. She entered the parlor ledn- Flora, in particular, rising to heights of took place on Monday 'from the family Throu h tbe columns of Tiiu AD- the meeting will be, Secretary's Annual T T "ATLER
. . 44 Proprietors'. senator caui -go without so fir as any of ing,onthe-arm of her father to the straim genius, Coming to Wingbam. Towrl Hall residence, Diagonal road, the servic being viiyou Nve, wish to' thank friends and report, President's address, Roll call, . H. W. SO T V I
; . AUCTION SALI;--Rousehold Effects in first- The membe is at Ottawa seem to care. of music play d by her sister, Miss Laura Tuesday, May 25. . conducted by Rev. R. F. Armstrong, past- neighbors for their sympathy in our re- answered by paying of fees, and election
olass condition, ,piano. organ range, heebt- Applicatism. was made for something Metcalf& The bride was assisted by het or of thi Methodist church. The follow- cent bereavement and also for the beauti. of omcers for ensuing year, All members Music Dealet, . ;
eve rugs, phonograph, ohairs, tables, singer I V . are requested to be vresent. . I . I
Terms a Ong this ! ,ine some months ago, sister, Miss Clara Metcalfe, who wore a Coming Juue, 3rd. ing were pall -bearers: W. 1-1. Gurney, A. ful floral gifts I . U-=xcNRvRNr=6m..Rw*mrHmrx" I I 11 1.
sowing machine. Ali as good as now. , . I 0
cash. Saturday afternoon, Alay 22nd in Wing- carried a I . I A
t hava. Nlany irr iends cf Donald Patterson will navy blue silk Georgette, and, The Murless Players will present the E. Lloyd, W, J. Greer, 14, E, f-sard, James R.R Moo,my and membem of the !=!!t----------,------- ------------- ,,--- ----------7,7--.--- . . . A
I I "W, . ,, I
A. W. KIDDLL, PrOP. be sorL7 t'o hear of his death at his .home corsage of sweet peas, The groom was three2aCt drama "The Misleading Lad ` Fyfe, and A. G. Smith, family. - . I
: T, It. Brx.,(ETT, Auct. . 10 IMMINDOMM XX.W,M;'X4N6,XXV,4XL0, - . I
--. — 'Fr. was assisted by his brother, -Mr. Caroll Hask- in the Wingbam town fiall, on Thursday, I - . I X Pe XT IF. XT X X X I .
1 - , , on x1a,y morning. Mr. Patterson . I I I I i
I BABY 0A.1tttIA.G3@ FOh S&LH-Apply at, cou-a y eingineer for some years and only ins of.1-1amilton. While congratulations June 3rd. under the auspices of the Wing. - MRs. Sis-itunt, MeBummy The Late Nellic mexintion - . N , I I
TrinADVANCE. I rec,entlp retired from this position 1which were being extended, Miss Jean SteWartj ham Bowling Club. The Stratford Another of the oldest residents of this It is with sentir enta of profound sorrow X . , I . I I
. . ,
FOR SALF -Resuauranb doing bIg busin"s is -now beirig filled by his so'n "Roy. In- cousin Of the Sride rendered a beautiful Herald has the foDowing to say of this en vicinity passed to her Eternal Rest on , that we i ecord the I death of Miss Nellie I . ..
in Wingham. Reasonable torms because tertainment: The crowd that greeted the Wednesday of last week in the person of McKinnon, who died on Sunday, May 9. X . Il'i
of sloknees, Apply. - tknient took place in Hall cemetery, Au. selection on the piano. During the sign-
ing of the register, Miss Laura 'Metcalfe, Murless Players at the Opera House, 'as a . IV " I X I
Box A, ADvANcm. ,Ikurn, ori Tuesday afternoon, I Jane Young, relict of the late Samuel Her death come not only shock to , i , I A - , 7 !"
- Al" ". ,,fl. "I A' ; ,
-lied brick. houso and quarter sore Prof. Tomlinson, B. S. A., of Guelph, PAng "One Fleeting I -lour" - Deceased was a native of her family but to the whole community, .11-4 ; ,* " , , :, 11 -
FORSALE . They receiv- Tuesday evening, was the largest seen McBurney , , , .. - 14 I
"' ' X I
I of garden, bath, furnace, electric lights, was in Ripley last week supervising the ed many costly and ,beautiful presents here for many a day, when the comedy Ireland and came to Canada when quite as she was only allingr a short time. The X , 41 - , . .* I
. . 11 , .
dalinioderneonyoulences. Apply at. - ; . IM"; 9AV
. An e ;. i 12.-!111' , . 1,41. I
'014, planting of trees in tile memorial park showing' the high esteem in which .th drama "The Misleading Lady" wits ,pre- young. 1 Witli her husband she bore remains were brought 'to her homeon X I I A, I", "I i. . . I - ,
Tily., ADVAN . . , , .T, , " I I
' - ,
. e:v,l 11 " % .,
FOR SALE-Ithode 181and E for iettiujn there. There were 500 trees dotiated by young couple are hel( , sented, this Was one of the best and most many of the trials of pioneer life while Monday. The funeral took place on X I I I. . .. 11" -1 R i
. Apply to AlnerliT10" ItOcll' residents of the surrounding district, and St. p,3uls Church Notes V^ appreciated productions ever staged here. hewing a home for themselves in East Wednesday. She leaves to mourn her x . - I
, FOR 8AGIC-4WO Gray-DortR rdodelo, nis a great ma4y of,these were put in, thou6 , - The rising curtain brought forth rounds Wawanosh and retired to Wingham al- loss her father, and mother, Annie of I . ! I
. I ., il il'..-11 ,
I - - 1 4 1
Two Gray-Dorts. Model 9,1017; One Gvay.. the work is" far from complete May 23rd Whitsunday-1he fifty-first X I'll , .' I
s,; Ono Overland. md. Among of applause. The perforinance was fol. most Menty yqars ago. She. was a most Detroit Floxience, Archie and John at I W 0 Ili
. . . . . . . . . . 1 .. .
Dort. 1111oury De. 8 ot, - eplet"d annivereary of the opening of the church, lowed with keen interest and there was highly respected lady and is survived by ,home. 'To thern we i,xtend our sincere IN" 1- 11 I
4 75.1918; ne " evrof, the doroors of trees was Thomas Wolth, Of I . -.. X I
to e strato to You oth i -you bu * 11ti L. 11tribution will be commemorated by special services uot a weak charater in the whole caste. four sons and one daughter viz: John in Sympath5l. A X
. e i es savin your oney on m urc 0 we ,the fourth concession, whose co
: ou ser fee. 'Xires an . leessorles 131. 'was 100 fine black walnuts. co . v X *
argon an . . nli"Lr', &-so-Ns. . Rev. E. Phillips, of Fuliorson, Man., 33, D., rector of St. jades church, Brant- pany has appeared hom and they never Ea -At Wawanosh and one daughter, Miss . I . 1Lff , 11
. -- ford. %ecial music at 'both services. fail . recentfy about thirty-five 111 Fe,et lReadwy for tht--;-
nducted by Rev, C. E. Jenkins M. A- This was the eecond time that tile cOn" Turnberry, Samuel. Robert and Joseph of 0 ersess Pals Meet I
NIAN, oit mr, -who bad been staying with his Charlotte, who cared for her mother at ' (?ne 0 1
GOOD GldNERAL WO, sisters, to draw a crowded house. -vL'ning x qu
WAINTED-10or Ilorno in Toronto. only MrS. M. Morgan at Mount porjj for Sunday School at 10 a. m. me cm3 of the 161st Huron Batt. y X
0ood H01110, easY hours, 820A) home. Two other sons Adam and Wil- ex- -r-lb
mtbegood cook, ApPlYto, nd river -in Monday, May ,24-A co ' X I
t eo,ZT. some timd, fell into the Maitla I I liam have gone on before. kathered at Hotel Mossop, Tor . 1
7 Shannoll St., Toronto, some way, Monday, May 10th, and was "At MAU , V.
I'" 111111 11,omlls ngregational, Advertising Rates Too Low onto, to re ' ""
month I C. 0. Home" Will be hold under the autpic- Owing to. the oever increasing cost of The funeral was held on Friday after. Inew Old acquaintance. Among the senior ,%,01 , -
v: Col. -Murdie; Major 24th of %.ftj '
1.1 —
. I a I IR L WANTED -For restsurant work, goo(i u'"ned. A search party was at work all es of the W. A. Itev. C. U. Jankins wilf print paper and materials we have been noon to Wingbani cematery. Servic& ,officers present we i V4 X
I give an address and a good programme compelled to make the following an. h - Major MeTaggart, Play- lillk"T . 9AV
110, Apply to night, and located the body at 6 oVock were conducted W Rev, Dr. Petrie, past- S Ow, 1', T- O- X
1ln21111d;I unzzT4 will be provided. It is hoped that all Muncement and to see to it that it is or of St Andrews Presbyterian church, of must&, and Capt. Vanstone, Adit. After -
— in -the morWng. Rev. Mr. Phillips leaves Do your celebrating in goodilooking, comfortabic' "I
UOUSID FOR SALL-Apply for Tt!ticulara to aw members will be present. Strangers carriedouttotheletteX. Unlesswbereblis a asuniptuousrapastAiad been disposed of X 25.
. . .1 ))! ,Vxs. .. idow, one sitter Mrs., Morgan, Mount which the late Mrs MeBurney was Murdie proposed the 'A Footwear.
. I - Forest, andl one brother, Tom Phillilips of specialty invited. . are printed at Tim AovANcu free notices I'd Col. toast to tile -1
. 0ST-Betweett Lucknow and Li8tow4"on Toronto. He was in his Sgth y May 26, 21 -The annual metting of cannot be given of entertainments at ember. I I totbeKing. The toast to the 1111st Batt. k ,
4 _ ear. -
L L.aturday,lklayfth,ahood for a Ford ?m . . wasprop.)sedl)y Major MeTaggart and avy o:
Xindly please leave or call at; county Coostabla Collins brought a Huron Diocesan W. A. will be held in which financial gaiti is, to be made by the . X . '.. 1, .
..". I .- Tirb ADVAxen. iung tnan named Harold Peacock, of London. Mrs, Sitell and Mrs. Geo. organization*. conducting them. 'There North IturAo Werals - .,. responded to by Major S112W) Col. Mt1rdi0 X NVelve La(lies' and Geutq' Oxfords in the new styles, iu Black or
)(411) WANTBI) - For Gonetal liouso Work, kuron township, into Xinerfirdine on a Allen will attend as delegates from St. were so.many free, notices during the The antmal 'Meeting of the North stated that tile best and ea iest tinio lie I ,
ApPlY to. I wits Gravvix, charge of nonsupport and abusing Ills wife P Ault a branch, I days of Red Cross and other Patriotic Huron Liberal Association (for Federa had spert in the Artny was durirsg his %t,' dark 11,rown Ileathers $4.so to 8 to,co. , . I I I
. John Ht. I May 28-Ttio' convention of Church "oele 11 conunand of the 161st. This X Two Ryelet Ti" or Ilituips for Ladies in' Patentan(l Rid Leathers . I
-Itig . ,ties, folk appear to think everything purposos) will be held in the town hall POtiO i I
- Peacock went overseas aod served dat S .
T ENDI,,'ItS-Wlioloor,,Pop.t)rat,n Widow will the war. Whila in Ungland lie niet lit,4 'Workers of the Deanery of Huron, will be else must continue freO. t5 cents an Wingliam, )n Tuesday, May 28th at J he attributed to t1w, fact that the N. C. !J $4.tO to $9.00. 1 I
be received by Rov, J. lelahaven, Too5wati-
'd or ,until the 41b. day of June for ilterationll Nvife,a Aliss Edwards. Tlioy held at Goderich. Opening services in St. inch for advt. up to 100 inches and 10 P. in. . . O."s and men, "played the gearne." Major Now creatiou.4 in Canvass $lines' Oxfords slid Pumps in White And .
va present be. k ,I I
addiflon,j to tho Clinrch of the SaLerbel els church, Remaining sessions, cents a line for local notices is tile rate %k AlcTaggart stated itas his opinion thata Color,"35' 75 to $5.0c). 0
Hiart. I'lans and specificationg any be sqyil came engaged and she later followed hin, Georg Going To, "Codall lq , I I X
the varish houm, TepswAter. al!,6 at the to this country. Tkay were married in dinner and supper, at the Sunset hotel, on charged by Tilt, AiWAM-P, when n4 finer body of nien never left Canada and We Can plaeu your fe(-t ill splelldill Vonklitions for the .z4th aud do . "
I&` X ';
.ffiee ofthe urebiteet A. W, HoLltl.'4, 10 Illoor All church workers are printing ts done, People sending notices Thos, Drummond,k Son who tecently Major!Sllaw quoted figures as to cagualt- it reasonably. L
. 11L.Torouto. tiowe )torauytoiidtiruoLnt-,ee.i- ; Dctrioit and thes) came to Huron ta live, the lake thore. . . I I
sarily accept(A. . well. invited. by letter or teleplione thould state who sold their butchering busirie8s here to i", decorations, of(-. which moved that . I
.- .. ......... ..------ , Recently all has not been going V.a*k*W*"WW~W --
'TI1t)sc wljo know Mr.s. Poscock, sm,v she The Yount People's. Bible class wish. "" to will IA- rusi-A)n6ible for payment thereof. Olver &- Beninger have purelmed a butch- the Officers atid inch of the fluroll Batt.. K , , I 11 I
ID. Ro Copeland , , 'rrol Ufum- had played a plendld part in tile ,!,reat
is an exceptionally fige, Ny,alpan, aud inuch. thank tke community for their generous Mmt of the organizatious are better able : er busiam in Hensall. Mr. B I
1)V$IV-XANCZ -synilixthy is, felt for hor sht- bting it patronage of "The Yuung VillAge Doctor I to pay their way than newspapers are mond wilt move his family there in the victory. Short addre&v.& wore alo-o given I VV J " 4",^. ^ I . ,
Fire, Accident SicII:nv,js ,itir,,inger in ot straege I nd. 11exco,k and announce the proceads to be nezrly to grant grati4 rate.& This is one source cour" of 0e ttext fews dayi. We regret by Cgpt, Vanstone, Q. M. S. Imck- and C. VT 0 a GI -CAM , I
ft, Swam. of revenue to a newspaper, particularly the retroval of the Diummond family S. M. Jane. The evening was concluded
I Automobile Insurance it Specit%lty while working 0, the ,Awmill at Luttlk . from our town as they are very worthy by all joining hands and singing 'For A . , I
I louly tUs bilst coinpanies reptevent#41 at 1. *L few weeks oic iiad two doom ON bli' 15twx-mber, a welcom awaits you sit when b1ills, dodgers or programs are not dwWAA " I .
I - I citizens. .1 A*WtAng Syme -10 .... " 111-:11 I
4f61*..r11oW0-,A RAtes ...... 1, teR hand vzventd. - 3L PsIW's chamb. AM wals A,^ lownd. I J , XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX I . i",
# I . . I 1 t
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