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The Wingham Advance, 1920-05-13, Page 8
�.��..�..,,e� •tea` T�w -Y•' .. V T.. ti �Y. '$t f. y► v ✓ Y d r t a : � � �"�� �' ,f,,,�l. { :v,: r,� �, 4', 1 'R' fy14 ..� • �. �{,`,v ' r;� d,`�r . s,,. +�.�.0 � ,y;' >}-.ire,. •: +t,V • Alli 4 r " by tett t;bil,ltirn: till ivlte hyivtao plods• .., ���' - )MW centsttod him several rears tills. Mrs. 1 gAM 014N%1 OWN1, yt lure Cha*• Curds, Mrs. The 112biattet 'the girl h. "i'ln� lxo `band had. � llttkc ftiy+tll w � � alt wJutetr8pttt ar. J. l4lunl•na, Mrs. A. Algxr, Mrs. Sam. M ho rtl'tu'pta, was.hetd on Wednes- t}ufip ld the asnri roorri Tlaurta J. ft, M J 1 day evattaing, and Most satWartory ro- for their leader, W. George J. Wright,ri$ '.1 . , "VPs}ket,ietiry, Thomas, ,!� . HANNA VV A 11 1 ports' were received from all dapa►rtmonts, who, has gone to 8 Q U WinghAtn to llye, t and lamas. The funtlrsti was beta 0n °�-�'•^-• awgolfl men 0, ON The following were appointed Society, 1';3zhdizr Ilia direction the bands made good Wednesday from the home of his song Jacob on the 2nd COIL, i,"}htoss, so $anth to the ot'hcisl board: progress and the boys" band is in splendid Ztepresentati i Kinloss cemetery and was largely attend- shape for the ttuiniaacr. l I'e was Well liked Eggs Messrs, Ii' R, Ilowlton, A. J.gS1V'alker, by them .all, and they said good^bye to ' � , •• t i , lti�therr, J. M rabun am, A. G Smi h. Mrs, Hint. With keen regret. Alter the supper We cameo I1C1'fJSfi ' � real. bargain lln Men's ed. W. `" V V I MFWThe citizens of Lucknow were sorrow (xreer and I\ rs, Mills. Thursday night, which featured a jolly Al atiogallyr S110", tvinleh we will offer as stricken on PridaY morning to learnt that , ' kly 14 5,,�, Eggs Mr, John Kerr tendered his resignation social hour,. they presented him With an loll,g 115 they last at Il bargain 1nrlCe viz. Dt., p,. Gordon had passed '�rvay the as I't w Steward, Offering Ssdiretary and ever sharp gold Pencil and Orly Plato evening previous. lie had been In poor Treasurer, and A. G. Sinith was aPpulut- Kead, the followingaddress to him-. IN health for nearly eight years but was Highest prices paid. ed to fill the vacancy, Mr. X%T has To Mr. Geo. J, Wright,. Smiths Falls. only taken seriously, ill at -out two weeks been a faithful worker acrd it was with re, Dear. Mr. Wright:—ft have heard 1 , ago, and aftea"takint to his 11114 he never gree that his resignation was accepted with regret of your intention to leave rallied. Ile .was a ve+y tetrad hearted, "+ , �� owing to the, fact that he is overburdened Smiths Falls, where you have rendered SPe(,%3La s"r such ediclent services as bandmaster for I patient man. and laboured early anti Tate l with work. X for the welfare of others, and his 111- Vracey old Stand. Rhone 02. The finance committee for 1020^21 are the past year- During your ' 's. a d nese was, no doubt the result of his un- tiring ezlorts, to answer all calls to relieve *� _ 'Messrs. •SBennett, W. J. I'Iowson, II. R. office, we, the members of the boy's. band the sick and sufferitif;, a ease of vacrlfir^ --^�-- -� ^^-• A^ """ 7sat'd I: A. Mills. I. A: ,Marton, W. !G, have benefitted greatly as a result of your - Greer, Secy,. tinct N. G. Smith. capable leadership. You, have not only }ng bis life: for others, as for weeka at a WIl� DRAM IVMARKLITS The report for`the Year shows a total been an instructor to us, but a friend and • . ' Clothling at time lie fiever knew a gopd night's .rest, membership of 555, There were 41 re. adviser. We nava appreciated the in- '' and in the .end the' strain became toot �l We r e[a t eel during the year and 39 remnved• iciest you hava'taksn in the band as a irk - ."Big Savlirig in Y noon) (Correct up till X�te[lnesda , . much, and lis was forced sea retire, slid ' Wheat No. 2 Spring 1 #ig' to 2 5a The total receipts from all sources amount whole, and. in members individually and our new store. this week. � the entire population of town now mourns 'wheat No. 2 Fall ..., • -109 to "'•2 55 to in.-tho neighborhood of 510,000. The,, while we regret your departure from our �•�� �E+� ��1i�• • - , • ` • .bis -passing an, Ho -was 1n his '62n4 • Fleur , , .. , .. ... ti �0' to '� �� total subscriptions to the Forward Move- midst, we are pleased tltatt you are going . w-*-- * year, anis is.survived by his WIN and Lara ...... . ... . . . . .. . . . 3510 .....:. 55 to G4 rnetit were $7,G00 of which $2,734 has to one of the most desirable districts in � � Y yrs , daughters, Rena and Winnie, and one Butter been forwarded , to the Forward Move ilio province of Ontario, we wish you con- 'This is a spleind d lime of Mahogany an ,Calf + " "' boys' odd bloomer 7Ant•S, SI�GiR 24 to son, Huntley, besides several brothers •Eggs • ,,, , , , , , ,, , , , 4$ to 54 tinued success at Wingharn, where you , All. NO. 1F 50 boys d 1 � . anent committee. $1,357 was Paid' for „� `'� and sisters. The funeral will held to -day Cattle,,-nhed,, butchers.. 9 i)0 to '10 Q0 have received the appointment of band Shoes, made' ori the 11CW English last with " - �'lnS. 'S special ....:.........•.....$2.19 ►� Church to Green- 4 1 choice.. 11 00 to 12 00 Mtsslons and the receipts of the Wo- 34, greys s and blot. p from the, Presbyterian Cattle, butchersr master of the town band, and ask you to Qa1c lain soles slid Goodyear V�telt sewed*„ p Hogs, livetvei>ltt . , , 18 cJa to 19 10 men's 'Missionary Society total $4,iJ• accept 'this token of our appreciation, *� hili cemeteryunder the auspices of the Rev, Mr, Armstrong's salary has been in A. TI. and A. M., and aver h}s last resting Hay .. , .... , ....:.19 00 to 21 00 s d to 1 s Armstrong's during the year, In- 'which we hope will serve to remind you of Up-to-date in every particular'. ` - v"liSt�, 1: plate, might will be written "kis laved (ream , .. • .. , . • . , • • to 'Gil cies a yopr many friends, and we trust pleasant ... , No, I I •--4 doz. boys' blouses ',,II tihiil waists, report of the• -joint board funds shows asdoaat ons in Smiths Falls, Itis Fellow mon, total receipts of the year amounting to stripes and laili colours,,.. 89C and $1.19 p or the kindness whish the had shown 513,320,23 and expenses 58<420,02, Smiths Falls,. April 22nd, 1920, I 'fancy . ti 11 Another mile stone was asssd yestei ' ; da b the congregation of Lucknow f Y iVlr. Wright thanked' them in a few { Y Yduring the thirty, yaara he had lived with At the close of the meeting the ladies . ...■-•�- Presbyterian church, when they celebrat. them. Lunch .was served and asocial of tll0 congregation served luncli and a suiC.able. words and assured them he would i .05VL. 1 `0 ed the. 30tb,Anniversary of tte building hour followed, social time was spent, always remember the splendid boy's, bandH %11 , �I a, 1.11 --Boys' blooll#er Suits `in tweed,. serges of'Smith Falls, no matter' where i e teas.l Wa of the present edifice. Rev; ,Mr. Dunn of Garnet Armstrong met with a painful �.. _ ' • Royce Ave., Torarito, was'the special --=Tile Smiths Falls Record -News. I SOLE AGly1�lT FOR LADIES' accident last Monde ni ht, when he r and vVorsteds. Sizes, 30, 31, 32, 33; 34, 35, y� Tawrt Q� wsNCHAnn 3 ~ ` j'speaker for the day', and the church was attempted to crank his Gar. The crank r� . i3,75 J Special ...................... ........packed in tile, morning and in the even- fiery back breaktn bis,nam between tlie. .Court Qf Eteviefon $ I C,�\te Ing, we feel quite safe in saying thet e j eo le unable to at in, wrist and elbow. He went to Wingham l fr. Geo. Cooke Belgmve, who recent- ssl were scones of p p Tuesday morning and had the x ray put T•r\li 1, NOTION that the Court of. Rsvisien , t for the Town of wi,rgtiare will sit at the Town ly purchased Mr, Armstrongs farm, will AND DERBY SHOES FOR MEN. after the aisles, the gallery, the pulpit < on it, where it was Found the areal. bad Iiittl on. vyedneed,ty, 26th., d aq of ivip,alflze 15 C :buy hogs and srnstver telephone retie for . steps in the choir bad • been filled, This been well set. 7 o clock 11, nig for: rue lie nit gg . pp a a.ingt the Assokenent Ro11 far the Tear 1930. V1 r. Armstronr�*, as lac purpose loading I - 1 ri0 arils silk dress pclplln #n browns, 1 G is partly accounted for, by the kindri;ese of a ,iortx Ti. Qnorrs, C'lork, NO' y v f 1)t, Iilal(e, M. )?. of Winnipeg, :visited: hogs every week at Belgrave as usual. a10 the Methodists In withdrawing their even- 2,50 and '�; .. r relatives in town last week and also per- : " Mrs, F, Anderson is spending' a few has been 4v©r ' 5aind rose, ••na�dy S and greens 9 in service, and also to the fact that M . ' v g _ formed an operation on his nephew, Maim Turnberry �i0U1ICll days with lien daughter, Mrs, Brooks, sick at his daughter s, Mrs, Jr Hopper. Since the first of, May there Dunn forrlaerly mrnlstered to a nelghboui n Y 1165 went over ttie'we gh scales. �`3 50 values. S iec,ial $1.93 per yard., , One man of Iaia -old Alton of Ashfield, Ce The last Creek has been otic a bus { •* 1 to congregation, and y Council met May 23rd, 1920, All g C . yy h1 again. Presentations seem to be the ander; of O motion of as. Mr. Hopper Sr. has had a slight stroke' week irr live stock moving. On Friday i7an't forget the Scratch slid Ir}slt cqn� ss length to e�lcli customer, (friends came to Bear and see. m g members present. n J til C , of 1 s eaker and the day. No less than four tale}ng ' Tacc Mr. Dunn e a very foxy u P memo rs J I. Scott them}riutes of last 'and little hopes is entertained for his re- last James'Tavlor, shipped car of cattle; cert in Friday evening 14tb. delivered two fine sermons. The choir recently and all to residents of the bound- were ado red. As si ned by the Covert'. John Armstrong, car of hogs; Farmer's Farmers are near through With. their X�s (r meating w P g Glub, a mixed car of rattle and bogs. _-- also deserve mention for tiie spe^.ial rywest of ,L,uGknow. The residents of Mr, Simon VanNorman is 1 in uite b• seeding, — .i ' 'ch was .beauti£u1i rendered.. R, R• No, 3 decided to straw their appt'ec- amendments to. the School Act" #919, Y g 9 , .lVo: II ---2 doz, ladies and"n middies, reg. music, whi Y tach Township has to appoint a school ,, Mother's Day was celebrated in the iatioa of the mail carrier on that route, Attendance 'Officer, wrr • •' •'•• """"""" 95c Methodist Church hereby the mothers John Hamilton, and presented him with Moved by W. A, Mines and. J. J. ee1L 1,50 to 2.00. Special � t �+{ of the congregation taking full charge of a well filled purse -of money: Ori Tuea- Moffatt that Peter Mcj)ougall be ap- 0.� the.tnorning service; singing, ushuring day a large, gathering of friends took C.h1*1dru--�m pointed Schoai Attendance:Offieer, The sermon was -place at the hams of Robert Websterarid' even preaching•, One tender in the. McMichael brain delivered by Mrs. Irwin, wife of the and 'presented lit. and Mrs. Webster z)ummer �Iff 4V. with two beautiful chairs, These two was received but as the Council top ider^ ®b pastor. events were followed by lunch and dances it too.bigh the contract was riot let, �l A large gatheritig of friends and neigh- till day b^eek. on friday evening the The following accounts paid: J, T. µ ' � ® bours of Air. and Mrs. JaS. Clarkson of Lennox worts on cttivert $2.00; G. Wil- - �q1 business then 0£ t�1vri met at the hate of son fuel inspector 5,00; _Bert Holmes, i§a+ Paramount gathered at their home one Mr, Sam Murchison and presented him p 8! dulvert 6 • Er0• •Chas Elliott, tile, 11.65, H. ��� �� �� �� - �/,� �d ���� a night last week to eispress in some tang with a chair. The: fourth .'presenttxtfonI Recady-to-Weal �sd xXxVNa✓r6X;°i'l XXXXXXZXNXXX •iblaciq;i their, regret at the removal of that to Mr. and Mrs Clarkson'has already Markley, gravel 9,00; I2, C Weir, wash the familyto Lucknow• During the at•bridgo 2.50. been noted. Mr. and 142rs. Webster and Moved b T, Scan and W. A Mines ..�.----- � � evening a program was given consisting family are leaving for a farm near Bruce- Y J` A,�?.Wash t with that the next council meeting be -held in ' a Boys Ytl tt the of 84 ears.. >~or litany fs sac es, songs,reoitations,,ec, r eld and Mr, Aluechison ties ons to ("� �1 ue DY'rr SeS 1�L1U 1es7 bJO Luckniow nese a h ge Y o p _li f 111 am Dresses q Y J ears be was a drover here, 'and was .D, McKenzie in the chair. An address Detroit, Biuevale on Monday, May 31st, 1920 at * ? Lucknow, May 10th, 1920, Y amen the first, if'not the first to ship was read and Mr, Clarkson.•was presenled 1 p. m„ and as & •court of 1 ivIsion of The death of one of Lucknow s earliest $ R ] '�j 1- Ttve stock out of Lucknow, but for a with a writing deal(. Mrs, Cilart;eon �•rith the roll at 2 p., m Sul~t5, �\Qliijpex'� `cdX]Q �A111CK ��.ct. settlers Mr. Thos. Miller occurred at the R, i?gwe11, Qlerk, home of his daughter in London, where numbeirof years he had been out of the a cabinet of silver. Margaret a casserole business, and had lived alone in his home and Bertha a berry spoon. Mr. Clarkson w''w°` he bad made his home.. for the Iasi few rear the "13i Church". He is survived Augustine years. His death came after, a short Ili- g thanked those present for their' gifts andUENTRAL - MIDDIE.S ' +jyASE'.,� 9)Z,E The regular meeting of the St, Attgus• OROMPF-IRS tine Women's Institute was hold on Wed- Girls and misses strong sa�® ..e,, �qQ�� ��+ gtiQ+sA► MEAT rzesday, 1VIay 12tir� at 2;50 p, m. at the micicTa�ts in latest�Balkan Blue, khaki and fano P r y et 11 *,,p psi]rQ� home of Mrs, Jno. Thom son. styles for all ages. Spec- Ai striped rompers in all a '•q - la uaY dally priced at �1.&9, 2.49 ;^' sizes. Prices $1,00, x.25. �'y� T�w+�+ pyy�� �( and 3,5o. /'►d� �R��LJ �s 1. �4.J1® ""I .7EXTE L `� T W. C, T. U. Notes r and i.$o, ,� $ �i ,U0U Ha` in c rchaSBC�" the r. �.. '�'�' � p'l BOyS t9'DD .3 � business of T. Drum- The regular t'Cefing of the W. C. T. U. 7�JVICif E?iS' l y GT.NGHAM AjV7) 24 will be held at the home of Miss Mulvey 4 PIIQUEs- gond & San, Butchers, ort Thursday, May 12th, at 3 o'clock Khaki jtnicicers and • ['1 we veSpectf Lilly' soll'ct a sharp, ,'Visitors vVg1co;ge. shirts to znatelt, in 12est ea1v, LA`s quality drill. ( Pretty drosses in fast IBJ S17ar(`.Oi yOL12T p`41t1'C?lI� e Prices $tt.$o and r.95.' Colors, serviceable, ging- age, and asstire you. `A S' WO'l2ST- , \ 1 hams that will gives good ff first-class• Servlet.. ��,1 Dake It �Oy . RL tr I j,®¢alGdik� F,2) C, JVIOXZItS ] �-- " wear for all ages. Special '1 fy •, _ Nor Union worsteds all prices $2.49 to 6,00. �$e I ! , .ricin good strong tweeds,. all �@ Neil MIN IR 1 L � e Prices $r.95, 1.50 N•A' w r •r". sizes, ' • 7 •Oak _ .,,.•..,.. 4 _.._� ' Endurance Y. and 5a •. s i+ 1 � WO�SfE , ., 1`-I -� F° l ATO 230 \� �' cG D RE.SSE.S' 3n They - .��NISS.... � • - _ .S'VYTS , : " `- C.laatubrays, plaid and ` /^'�" .� _ striped g nghams, in all ',r7ar it R�S' Hardware Made of stand cotton ii .� t • stint Biles tardy res <i iA n sizes for +misses, women JLA-- 'alid stout sizes.Prices ,,.,�,f, very pretty styles a n dL ,``�� oc�Buckervr% ood values, Prices a. o ' Jr. The Late Robert JCtikitis b $ 5 w3.95, 4 50, s.00 and 6.00. there was 3.$o and 5.00. , On Monday of this Week, WOME,IM S WASH ,SK ZR TS 'l ,� �1; laid to rest in the. Winghafn cemetery, one S PECYAL 'VAL UE,.�' d N. ss I tan 5080®0 + ", i". 1; `' �; Special valuesin wash skirts, made in Note -All Mr.IF�.rPhan ksuformer pgctture& c�ts�i le � <a , , � , '�;'l= of thefervremainingpioneersafthetown- sp HOU'.S'� FlU'?2.NIS1Y�',NG�' . Ey, ,' latest st les of Gaberdine, Repps and Rttg3, L,inoleums and Oil'Cloths, Cur• :�;: ship of Turnberry. „Z ` a l� t `,, }t' ` •:ty,, r In the passing of ills late Mr, Pobert cotton drills, talus and Draperies, Window Shades, L' t S eeial priced $2.93, 3.5o and 4 50, Brass Poles and Rods, vacuum Cleaners. Ari .ARTCRAFT P1ct>�re :_.� __ �_ _. Jenkins, the Community loses one of its► p • `� 4 most familiar and well known residents, tt ,� Born in the year 1840, near the village of - t� ®� PA'RA.SOLS ANS ` ` UM9�2ELLAS s Cloughjordan, in the county of Tipperary, Six Thousand, Seven red Feet . (a dace famed in song and story in the Parasols and umbrellas in cotton and ; Man " # i y� �j last great war and not far removed from 1' X silk tops, all prices. It,• 'A1r EXAMINATION the stirring. events that just now are taking 6` place tin the Emerald ;Isle,) Esrlytri life LA2)IFx VAX,NCiDATS of Thrills an d Laughter , a Of our Wail Taper Stock is all ft he was left to his awn resources: and lied latest styles trod best materials. Spec= n \ • "ask of yell, to hob his own row. ..� tat prices 59 75, 12,50, I$,00 and z5,aa. �•.- ��, ' make i 1011 est ' llnost pretentious, t1le � � The richness and harmony of the . He left the(ou"ld sod) just as he Was get- It torllt; six solid lliolntlls to The g , p r���� . ,tfunniest, xcitin s Fair- color combinations, • the grace and: ting out -of his teens and set sail for Can- This List , OT ,Ir 6np Saviug Values •'� •"I'ht I{llicl{t;l'11OClCG1'uS lCkit"Uc), the t 11 L> int0:3t Ci -Read L itis J = i banks iettilic ever attempted. Every � a`� beauty ofilie designs, and the very ada (the land of'ttis free} where 11a ar- biggest rll1C1 hest Douglas airbar , p , '<� whin rang++ofcnoiCs afforded ihy slur >laved in due time, itiade hi3 Way to the: VrjjtZ LX<1V'EJV' TA21LE CLO THS 212' a 37 g toot of hlhi is l�.tcli eci ti,ltln punch lame assortment, will certainly con- Western Peninsular, -as it was then called,, ML.,N'.s >5`U'IT.V rted pure linen table cloths, bleached. ' pictul<o ever l�l'oducetl, and laudilter. It'll melte you gaslT l very heavy impri , y vine you tbat yoou will do best for the Huron tract had not long been opened All wool worsted tweeds and serges in latest snow white with lustrous fiitisli in beautiful patterns. • many thousand feet anti laugh and �lppl�lt.ld strait yC`ll folk' ,. yburselfby buying litre. for settlement. Working fora farmer for styles. Special prices $-27,50, 35.00 and 42.50. Regular $14,30 for 10.35, ',Six months, y � l5 elf actors 0anin- more %,v C1l *4 t" (7,'700 feet is l"url, `a` nigutst cash or traria prier for ts. a here, he mads Itis way try Smiths lie - cit i11n1, hundreds . t � where he met Catherine dart, wham he you'll -talk about it for weeks! i cent sets, the lease of a-ctlllnplete And �' • u j� % married, together they moved to the 1'ltill"[)R1C1 +y°+tC}in, rWlil;tinrrli, t'oti'l7tly:�, It cost a quarter of a million to E � ' � � WINGNAM BAZAAR township of Tuoiborry, where they began 1 , • 'pretty '+ W. ,l, HILI.I1•`kRD Prop. wOtking nut the problem of life in that Mexicans, New York elulyl-nen, 111rx1CC, l < newly settled place. They lived on a girls, vilhiinwand- It mcalsthe been evening cnjoy-" I rented farm for A few years arid ten pur^ r > ever " t NOTICE TO CREDITORS chased the homestead known On the old- tjja;� Fa,i`rlbanks . ment yoti eve h,11 y en time as the halfway house, a hotel be-- ' .-. - i 111 trio l+.stalo of Ai• fttt;tm .i..Intato►► lat.cs of the ' a - ., .. - ". ,- - Tovrnyt,lp ofTurnberry lit the county of . ing oil the corner) hero they were very t.° + Ituron, retired rartne„deecaeecl, l� n rS['r; i,t trerohy given l,ursu:�,nt to 4ectieu ducr:essful by dint of hard work and care. ,u, httpl cr ]Lh li„ 3. l)., 1931,. the , alt nr:;ons fol saving they tVOrit@d Up to a good indC^ tttt havm}t clalnmy ngainryt the Fstate'f of CVllliain clurt on tartttaoni uto;tS6h d•ip of , p@nden[![:. NltA. JCnkinSi predeceased her f VA11 nary. A.D., r!1•.t1, n.t the Town,4hitt of •kinin husband in 100 leaving two sons, Ed^ THEATRE i part it, ihc! noleutYne , the aitch l• for t:(r LVCFUM � renQ to tlu• ttn,ler4fttnrd, the z{btiritt„ a,ir 0113 WAC[1 tvtt(1 resides On il', farm 8 8ti0rt tiiB^ Special purchase of extra good black inouseline, 36 inches wide, Regular $3.50 for 2,$5, WO.ls Z.N,X tli'1V'7)1."2tWXA'RA,N`0,U0XXE'Ry Special values at Vc, 75c, $1,00 and ',$o, hest clualit. pongee, free from dressing and good with Special prices 1.49 and 1,79. CH1,>t,2)'l X)V'S X23%zz HO.VZ Uletic, all sixes, fast color, Special 49e a Imir, l':xecutn•.'.Arnorbcforn the, 2101 day of IVin� 4.,).,T91ft.th^lrnatnrshndaddre�iw,,withinI lance frot)1 toWii And `i7itliam Olt tits " ct' H17 l G(,,H8T LITTLE :4lro'4'S`" � ' pautteulnr, of their otalmn lit writing and the homestead. nnrarau• tl rears tri tlf xn trd by theur. ! AND rt'ltTH;;1j &lch;�irbrlc Z lbat zirt" Mr, Jamkln"sattrly life in the ttettlero6ot the„tcirl27th driy of htny A, T1.lttse, t n na•,•ts • "j .+� + ilk nr t.he.at(t XC into Viii be diAtiftiod b1• Lira tint# In line with m�O4t of the pi oma is in its f) + ; ._ _Mon, I ues. '+and Wedef f May._17,18 J , 4+ eR{d ltcrcmtnrn amoxiR illq� partlex nbld"Id struKlt and t'r•fW7 ph, Witt) swn'b vzrlub, t 1}nerbtta, siltt� rr and only lit Int ct1 VWe t1t cera t 1Mrrtr tinea iumtirt:,'t`tm�se iayu. In piflliltns l wax tl aolFttalt}va r: uw-h4s fe it t4ftt•ena ztr t �t M e Prices: • Adults 2&'. Children 18c. Wh dVtt�,.�1 A- � t1 � to tt;� . �._ � f#IEl.1��' rR tf1e�~ V'�% ' . R _ i� ,ti l i { Rµ u A' r b r „ M b w .JRa11iie d�.t :�¢��. ",1.;€ de,,..e`+:�"r,