HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-05-13, Page 71 7- '. 77-1,71,� 1 1.r — , ­wwlrw� �,- ­ .- , ­ ­ " F'�Ilwl"W,— -TT . -r� . ��, I 1171� .1 � -- -W­,;-!� 1.11 �� . , � - - VR,-­,�41;�, -1-Tr, �W"" I � I " I , I I .1 1 T71, PN7 -TT I I,, I ­ �-, �1171 I " I . I —t­V,-sT-, , , , 4 Z I .1 1. I . 7 1 I rw� "-1T,W1"1*' ,,, 1177, i �, I � � " I , I WI* ", - . ` -7 - .'�% 11 1W I I I 11 I � I ... 7' - ;1 ' ' I I I � ­ . , , , 11. I . �qr.11�171111.­ � , I " "I'll, �� ;;; 11 I � V '' ,�.. I 01. , 'I " ­ I I N11 I � "I'll "I'll, " 1. , . . I � I I � . 11 ,'­ , ��4�� I." , , I.- *' .... I . . . 1-1 I 1. . I .1 I., .. , I I -1 . t!, :,,= "001111 1:114 - I., ­­ ­­­ � . . .� I p; .. � - = '111: ! -- ­­­.. , ­ � - , ­"-� - -0 1. - I -­— � I- ­.. i - -11 .. I—- I- � .1 - --- ­­ - . I � — - --"- - ­ - -- . ..... � -11 11 101114110 1111111 11 11 ,,�� , I'--- �V& .- -,. partial. As,&, man ot u" I,$ ,bq,i ­ 1.111. %­­ ­­­ - ­ "� - ­­­— I" 114.116.1111111it": , I � 1, 1. 1.1.11 I - 1-111-1- - - - 0 . '--- 1=:t==-= #Aoofti "'. .00 � , M � I I -1 ­ . !! !!!!!i i I i 1 ! ­­­­ ,- � - ' , , - , , great - ,a-,- .11 ..".- ­- ;, ­�!! N rA -Jr I .0 ,Power in prayer. lie meow. Vi I . . �� 11 I I AMr.,L= jnmr( **h", W * 11 -EW 0 n I � 1----11--.X1 .... i �11 , pliolled for the mpis of Israel that I .. :: 1r0A114"i5RfiMK" 'I" -A94 - . " i Pr , (or whicix go was paised up. In lill. .1 � JAPAN AIMEE4 . - . WORLD TO WE : ­� ... � ... I old Ago 8antuel made wo #ous ju4ge*, . - � I � , ,7S � -4 ...Jlilliwwwmh�. I . � 1 Xero 4 U . but they were o,nly hij assigtgulb, . i4 � 1. 11 ,�"rl . ..�, �� I 7`11, . � .... I while lie retained his Judice.l. aftleq. � � . ,,'!� .1 � ,!'.�'. , I , 1, �� I � . � ihk I. �. " Saul Illado k1lis while Sftmu 1- I . I U, CONSORTIUM " .1* SU114'�W 30hool Lev= Vil. May 16, ,01 , , I I I , ALGIAN TV %. � , lived , 11�f ,I,,'( Samuel continued to oxo- I RO -y 1920, VictO17 Vnder Camud, I sajllp�l cute 1114 office to A considerable ox I , i � ". � I 1 '41 ,�. ­,,—�,..""', I I I , �, . I I I . ­ I. I . � I 0 17.2-17. 7.,2-43. tent. I .. .'. .� I I . . ... 'Accepts Allies' Term I ,.. �, a. . . QW841011R.'—What exhortation did . . ; 11 � . I 01 -'I ,,.: , m Re. Raft,01pals, Boon to Ball. '1*#*0,444;#;F . ­ I :. ` I I.. ­,,­'.,� '­­��' �,,,� � . I ... , I �. I : .��,,�r � 00 1. I garding China, r &dO, 8t0&M0bj,V4 ruere are go Au4uy ,A,&4.%,#%,4,, ,,,,j I . - .. �.:, . , COlulllelltllrY -L Is- ' desirlug the Oaintlel give to Israel? What reform I I ­ I , .. 1. '14'"10. , " � Q , ., . - ,� ---- -i : . , - - ,�', , , � 'J� Lord (y. 4,.) 2. Wbilu the Ark abode took,flace in Israel? HOW did the 11 �­,- ! � 77 I , ., 11 ...'� ..:,:, , I,, * --------- ;. to VIOW And. 00 Many )Xlndo Of plawli . I -1 -1, 1. . -� , ,.�� '' . ,. . , , 1�' ,:,�', r I . � In Xlrjatbjearliii—ICII,jfttll.jq-..I)1 W.1-3 Isrho tes show their return to tbv , 1, .1 :;;, "..."., � to Plow them With, that no dounite . ­ . ' " . .� , ­: ­�%:.sl: . , -�:%:,sK --'� I � about five InileS Solitheag.; Of 113th. Lord? Where 4 bpy assemble I * �r 11o; " '.�'��"",,' .. $00,000,000 for Railrpads.,%t Paris c Wireless tclegragby rule Can be laid down m the bot �,:;;�.,41 . ,. , Id t and .:'­ , � . able: �; *, '' 11 I I .,:::; � '11 ,e, /, . , � . method for all soils. I - � 84ettlesh. The people or Betilshomesh for What purpose? Why did tho , I , I . - ;,� .- : I � , � .:.. ­ ,., I ::kil;:�.];?. -;�: i"! .. ­ I , ., �. � WAY yet 'Prove to be the 1110=4 of plow to � 11 : I'�� ;� , .I -�:::�i' 1, -�;e .�. . . Once, buxy vegetation asd Mut to Kiriath-Jearlm for men o Ila r � I ..:,. ,. ... �--��, , .­�I�.. . . , W$ . .. ; plaoo to take tile r.rk of tile . f that Pill tines come up,., Ilow (lid ttit. I .% �� �11 I. . 1 4�7 4. . ,11 . i 1, , "' * � - ,� .preventing many rail%ay An,, sea mAuure, so that they misy decay AU4 i Lard put the Philistines to confusion,,, . . r 1. . �` I'll.", I .. I I � - � .. . ,Lord ,; . � � �11 � �j I .."..'..--1 .. I— feed the future planta. vr, e pow ,to ! w I � r ,. ., . catastrophes. T,Q tl;ls end, 1,, Sac.,t, an a Ay frOln Beth.sl'01110811 to their How did 19amuill co I . I 's; Japan was .. , wineworAte tile . I :. � ']:��;�,,,��i-...�'�i�i��":I�'�'.�"":"�:j�;,; I . Washington report say I ! holue. This Was done and It Was plac. victory of Israel? Y I . 11 ,� I .1 ,;,]::��i�,,;��i.-�,���i��,,:I�,,�.,.'.,�,"'�.,;� " * V'; - I I L L . I'- . Withdrawn all objection.,, to the Chi, Int0rustivusl Time Bureau Is being pulverize the coil gild fit It to. re. � 1. , �;,:Oi,�.,:. I -1 . I . - I r 11 , - . I ..�,.-'­,` a the geed. No other Implement , ed Ill tbo h I I - � I.., I I I I ­ ­ I formed In Jiruase,.4, 11111CII Intend$ to y`,tv . Ouse Of Abilladall. Eleazar, . I I -'-5 "('30 consortium gild has Prepared a 4evelo.9 1 1 , I . -. ., , Abluadab, &L 1, I �::..�,*. '. , � t7mliting will 60 eo much in Ono %peTatiOn to - was consecrated ! ­�',­�;�.`J,� . 11 : ; �:`,--. Communication Accepting the termK tl�rougnout the the 1304 of PRACTIG. 3URVEY � �� Z% � Ineth0di oC tran , .1 . 1 I . .1:X... -� I I '';�:Z:.;'i � 1. I . I �� L 0 f,.4ua.,s Ol ward the malting of an IdeM geed bad, . � _:, ';,.� . . ; .1 , 1: as ,�grbed upon by (jl,4at Britain, the world i%q , .::...,­. 11 I . 1: to take Charge Ot the sacred treasure. TOPlc:—Qu4IIfIeAtIOns for leader. .....X, � .. . ... I , I I aa a good plow in akilled. hAtida, we t . .:�!:�.-.�.!;,::�;� I �st Precision. It Was twenty yeara—The ark of the $tip. 1: :�,F - �,.;,: ... .. . I L � 1: %JnKeO Mates gild France, AwO40 � , 0> "'.11'. 7;: . 010 State 'no i � COAv011ant remained In the house �. ,�,� �.,: .­� . Department was informed tq.day The bureatt le in charge of �Aj. Big. Plow to increase the water hold!ng . � I � � ,: 4blandab f , of I. A great leader proparid. . I � �, by curdin, member of the brench Acaile. Capacity Of tile soil. We plow to de- ; , rout tile time it w,,ts , � � l 1 lk� .. the United States Embassy at Toklo. , . - brought there from Both-sheillesh tin. 11. A penitent and pardoned. peo. ... I'll .il . �, ,.: The co AY 0; miences, Who for many yearF stroy weede, Insects and rodon4ll' : t til David too pla. --- I , I ... �� UsOrtillul will become effective- has imen attached to tile Ilaris ()b� WHY 6%ffQIJL01VJD PWW IN TIM � k It from there to remove , I .. as Boon as the signatures of 6filcialo oervatory. Di r b AUTUMN? l3ecause this, It to Jerusalem, The twetity ye III, Victory, rest, restoration. 11 .. � have been affixe .scuGai g t e aluls ov thio COMPRM- I RX's 111011- ,4, new Orgallizatlon 411. Bigglirdill has tively slow Operation may be Per- t1olted is the time front its being plao. The history ot the PbIlistine posses. The acceptance of the consortium Called .4ttontton ' I I .11 . ,7­1111"�;, . to the fact tkqt all formed more ecollomically when ed In 00 1101180 Of Abluadab to the, ... ­�1:4..,,�... by Japan ends 0, two-year effort to through ,the war the Eiffel Tower 119r6e and Mau power are not at suoll , , , (lion of the'ark is fall of ;litorwt andt ,: ,:..;...", , . I I vlotory of Israel Over the Phillstin - Instruction Its Presence lir,the house * ;::�:*. Provide for the financing of China 11 " es 1. as described in this, lesson. Lk.lilented Of,their goil Dagon wa.3 414�astrall,3 to I ,' -�..`,;::j�::;%�'. by sent d4llY signals that wore picked a Premium m they are during the , I. , ... �.:;i , representative groups of banIcera .n ill) In the most remo�o . i AlEer the Lord,—Tbe Israelites Were Mat idol, "When right and wrong lwl�., I I . �,5��I�i�i!�M-'.-..::- . , quarters of the rush of spring.aeeding. Narly autumn , I . I - - ., I , - �� i , - - , ! ­­�'. . �, ,,�., '.!!� :�;��','.-J.!, . each of the four great countries 91000. ­ I � ,no �satlsffed with ­'::��­:.. " ,P�,10wlug ellg,blea the beat irom, tlia t ,­ , ", ,�,'. , What they Were able 'Onle face to face, there must ll� al�N sys � ;.,�­.,., ...:.��,::"�::::,.;' '. �,�".-��..':,�,'..� ­�::'�:::,. �,'.�.,:��,� . , ,���,'.I�,,�:i�i�'�::���i�i;��",�;:.,.,: i Japan '' �.,:��,, . - , � ... ­ ,: --�,.. ... , " � � -:�,.,�. has oontouiled that Ala "It Is. roost essentl4j .that naviga- ellitember sun to haste I ..: ��.ii!.�;�i�::''� ,.� 1. I I -1 , ,,� , lichuria, _a f I to, l;Ot frOul--the heathen gods they t,rlaarp collision." Carr�ea -from t6wit : �-�. :1, �*­-:;:� -:�,.::;,i;,.-1 and ­ tile deCom. "�.. . Alon90114 Should be e;rcluded frout the own �1 1^1," ­ Mro Kno%,-at.every instant the precise Position of one awn' r f ae Ill nt ., - �? I ,�:':' . . ; : .-I Ge 0, a U a - � were worshipping, its presence plagued w:th In. I ­ '� �, .11 1-.1.1 . .-;,�.�N , operation of the consi�rjtiuul time", says 151. BIA31triltli, "Extessive growth so that It, may , . - COl1fVsAOli And prayer (v. a.8), Creasing severity each place where it � �-�.,-:�.,,�::i:��:�� ,�.,:�:�:��: ,.,,-:::�-::-�,`��,::-; � . � . . � , . feed the 4uc� , W - claiming experiments have boeXl*cakrIe(I out in ,eeed-Ing one, Late, autumn ridging � Ir. . ..'�'.­, . �' .1ij." I .* , .. . ?­��'�:k:::i;:�.,;� ..�.i�ii;', that It had predominant rights in That the lost Year and 'vs. IlAvo reason % with 4 plow greatly beneff,113 in 1�i`l -,*"��'.;�i��!'.'-:��;i� .. ��I..',:!�i� j . I 8. Saml,141-11e had been judge of Is. r `,;�' ��:,! , 1, ��'. .� I I Oted, It"trado Itsolif terribly felt. . I . !��::�:;,,k;k,A territory because Ot proxhulty. - believe that the efforf�. will lead t(. $oils by exposing t , any � IrAel front the death of Iiiii. Ila was Tile account teaches th t wilen I o /.:� ,:.:�::;: 1:;:k:;�;, , . . . :� � 1;,:k�::: .1 , ,: I - he groateiat VC661- I 11 . a li /:�::� I ,�., ,.... P., �.�.i��!:!��!!�i!�i�!�:�,:i.�, The terms of the cousorclum : are 11110)(POCted discoveries, �Oncernlng thi ble surface to, tile actl Preparing the People for the roforma. people of God fail to bear *,estlmony -:-,�KL,�i�,,�"i: :: :. . 11 .1­11­1� '1;i�;,�:i��::`::�:%,:, 1-1.... "I., . , -4 , , . ��iii� ­­... .­ ­ :1 , '�:��!ii:���-:��:- , . on of frdezing - !,!:�i?�& i%�i III! �`.-i,' general and okehaogo negotiation un. va 'i;v )" -,,,.­:: 1.­..:.*i­ ,, ,�,,!: , .. I ..'�, 'Is about tQ be accoill.plish. ,....�...:�..-i�;....,::.:::,.F..�. � . .:. X � " ;­':.�;:­r:­" . � : 0 der ,,atlon,; I tiOA that WE for him amung tae nations, he be. .:. ::::�:�i::T::A�:!­ n actual longitude aimilgr and tliawing, llature'e mo ii;��*-,�,�ii:i�i .. .st wonderful ..,;:,! to those known to exIst*wIth respect Pulverizer, �;i;.! ."'i it will be taken up separately. comes his OiNli w*,tnoE,s, He vindleat- . !%,. -ill'; . '.­��'­.' ed- "Wh011 the right moment came / ... ­'.,�-:�,�:;-;;­ 1`4,­��-: ­ �--:. - 1:,Z,�,;:-�,,-;-el , I . 11111!C11 has made mest of , , - ,:!:!-:,:xj,'�. ­, . Japan Will have ; .*', , - .1 "... .,:�. ,­� ;, "' . : ,.,:.,.�!:.,Z '�' " .��:i` -` -.,�i`, . i� �.:-k,:�:;,"',"I :­­ . .,;". I,.. d e . 1:1:., , , 41�>*.-�:�-'�' I �' . � , the. right to. objebt t'% to l4tItu 0, With .precise . k - . i.l., .� loans for ally work she feeks wjlljeop� of the tim . ,,& ." -� .. �,�,iii���",i� ,� " N . - �, ,.� .. � ... �",k-,.`-,.-!"­-1 ; .A And the desire for better things sprang Od his honor aga:jist the Philistines I .nowl dgc the Geed beds throughout the agea, i ag ,.his return of the arl� Fu%g-.,-,&'g, 11 "I 1"Z1 ., ..�!�.��, I ... �!',�Iii!�� i. ,:,�:i ,; 7,;:1 , %. -,'.,'f�,,,1` . ... . .1, . ., .,.,... , """' `*` * � I I I e, the oun's location and the .. , .. ... - '.... �.: " , ... ,,, I and is to -day our greatest agent in I Up As the fruit of his Prophetic labors, by cOmPeIll ' .. , ,�.. - . .. ..�,,., ­ ­ .... : L �;:� I . �, lie Was ready to take his place A� the As against 14rael in parinItt;ng its cap- k:!;:..-%, ,­� �: - . � 1. : .:��.� . , . �,� , 'r national "life or vitally" at- 00118equent geographleR1,P-061tion ship,, Producing the tilth so necessary for I .- g n -MM -.,-.,;Z:��, ,.,.,..1,- ;� I � , . ardize 111. I a,�; . ...-.:::�:�.: ­ , .��: lea . i :,", . . feet her sovereignty. Under this head, will more easily avoid I ,,-Caln, Bill, -lure. The Lord's sword .s two-edged. r �' �.'i.,"ji:;`."',�,1�;o, I . , . :;�', , , . I IFI.11.`%K`�� , "" * �: ! ,:: ... I I daugoroue ,arge crops. In the autumn a dry F. g. , , , -­---,��!....*.:.4 �"" � It Is said, may be Included the con. ,. . ', ... ­�:.. SPRke unto all the house of Israel,_ �t cuts both wayo. !:*,--.�!-i.`.�.�--? ­ : : , ... ..... ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... ..... ..... . ..... . :, ..... . : ::,., �,� ..... . � . , ..... . ..... . ..... . �i�.�'.!!;�!:;::�m�.�:i. ­., . . " areas." I -310il may be glowed. without causing . I , i .,:*!::,: .:,.....el I I -........:,.� .."i�� i:i­ . struetiou of railways in 'c' tain sec. , -31. Bigourdin Is confIdent that many che , in Inj I . �; ,. I. A great leader prepared. A great D ..... :..., "; ,.;�� I , !�f'­�; . � . " The Influence of Samuel,$ piety and L 1 ! . Y . I � ! ­ .-..­� ,.:::� I or 'Alan. � t OR. e ury tuat'-would follow - efforts extended to - the various I �bcq leader must be great both ;ntellectual. - em, � . , :: ... P: .,.. .. ::: ,:::., ��� , 'lea Accidents have been due to . ;,.:,. t,e - I I � - . . . . . . I I . :::::::::?��, tibuS Of China, pQrticulairly Impossibility he . MOW1119 a soil In that condition in the I ! of Israel. Most of the judges expected ly and morally. Up to the preselil HAT .1 . . churia. Of ships P!CktDg Up ae- 6pring. It I% also pceeible, to Plow - an influ time We have no express communica- MAC(E OF WOOD SHAVIN05 0 The amount of money to. be Waited .Curate time FignalO. 11a Points out ,and so -wat In the, late* autumn that . I V� I , ence over a few tribes, but -1.1 ­ MAreT HAT MADE OF WOOD 5HAVIt 16,5 * also the neCe,ssitY for 0 I Samuel gained a Tiold upon the whola tion from Samuel -'himself. He has (BF-1­0�q) PARISIAN PAPER HAT . ?-� ,") ' ELM) CROW� A under the consortium has not been 6 Most rall- chere is a gloss, or 61ieeu from t � . nation- Put away the to.,Agn g9eps now come into the full exercise of hi.4 t. *"W= 1* . . . estimated, but tht advance soon Of. .m`1 -,l Anould-4board knowing that the rrcs�t -1 I (� - ND BRI M A RE 0FWOODAMD able records for despatchluir trale he L i I , -­ 1. �L , . PAPIFP. -pp_ATIjF-jR,9 Op SILVER � all countrIes, Further experl I Mi�.)­��There 'Was' a dispostlion Oil Prophetic and judicial prerogatives. Paris ' I I 0 $50,000,000 for railroad and other Con- *11, Ile con ;Iuc Illyt ute if winter wi'll turn what WOU14 make . � � I the ,'All Israel—know that Samuel was , I 0 11OW of fers wooden and paper hats to comba structlon and betterment to expected, Hertiall led 1with interml tent ,,lode at Other seasons Into mellow I ,part of Israel to return to the GoJ � t the H, C. of L, . %laves, ;approximately 2,600 seed beds -i , - - . - I Of ISM& And thi-I purpose nas to be established to be a pr6phet of the ----------­---­. ­ ;.�­--­­­­-- - .- InOt-res, If n 9. to replace those of ,,4hort.. soil *n the spring, i " ---­�---­----- -7---- MROifftted by giving up Via gods of Lord." "Ancl Samuel judged Israel 11 � . 0 that should be left and not i � 11 67000 10.0.,0"Ooo.- er length 'low used. . OAVed until spring.—Light sollis that I i the,�heathen. Prepare Your faccuts un- `M. Bigourdin, Whose inyeetigati ! I I I to the Lord.-" irect youx MIzpeh and Rainall, his birthplace and Z- erman 279 to - ` $5 . are recelvilig support In One JloW and soils on ,steep hill aides r In cimult -to Bethel, Gllg�'I, � to hbovalt., P 4, * - heartq 11 - , Passing His pcoltion and authority Must Aid, G ' ' y 11 ..; all Allteq .�l J wash, should not be exposed to T. .. Did n;�t Away holue. IRISH POLICE , I. & countrieb, hopes to create a Gystem ,that . ,' Baallm and Ashtaxoth,-It � were . fully recognized. In the present, &he gales and heavy rains at winter - ,,, was a long whereby the expenses wIlf be dis. .Some beavi clay i I 1116tr1lapel In advance when the people Of cr F r tributed among all nations, for It is and early spring, Isis he assumes a sublimely uncom-, St"We Europe, Says W,,,i th PAPER MONEY �ut away foreign gods, They proml,slng attitude toward the corrup- obvious that once the signals begin 30116 that Puddle durlIng the heavy -- spring ralne are better left and plow, 01. � I ­ were oil the way to vietory. Baallm. Lion of the fAlth, and with as great . I I . ,ALL RESTLESS IN � . . to work there is nothing to prevent ad when they have reached the right , I ; Is 'the Plural of Baal And As',.taro%'h 1idelity points the path of return. . , - � Any mariner from taking dvantage i 10 thd plural of Ashtoireth " . "Prepare yo'ur hearts Unto the Lord," Berliu, 1\1�y t'.—(Alex,tilany's delegates to the Spa — whI a Jegreo of friability to crumble under , I h . . 1 5 Tbe gospel does not deal -with super- " .The PresentSUpply ,,Df Ell., ,of an organization In ell French the mould-lboard, ' , . I I I .1 . I I Oather all Israel t; .Aliz,peh- colif or Allege Lack of Support By scientlets are' taking an important Land that rarely needs the plo.w to , . 011(30, Will X641180 t0k,fttteJJd that Ineetilig if 11 t - , r�art in putting ln+z oper � MIOPeh denotes a w,,tch-tower, It le flelai effects, The heart is the obJeot ' o ,Jq- . tire World, . atlon. prepare it. -Land. that has produced I thought It was about five miles north. Of its message and the sphere of Its silied they will be giv011 a hdarilig' Authorities. . ' - * I hoed crop. such a.3 PO I tatoea, turnips, I . .� . . west Of Jerusalem, but there Is a dif. mission. By righting the heart life it . . , Said1jr. Wirth, Mill-. . .— M . Mange,le or vegetables, usually %o, I �, I I ference of opinion as to Its location. Puts the e1ttrem,ities right. By re.,en- ister of Plivaiiee, Speaking at Dresden yesterday, accord- Ratio of Gold Down to 12 U 111ces . I , BOMB WOUld PIU -e it at Scopus, a hill -crating the Individual it revolutioniye,3 � More Hunger -Strikers Are I LTIMATU I better crop -if the Geed. bed Is - a mile northeast of Jerusalem, society- ingto the,.Nord Deutsche Alli,eineine Zeituilg. frile .%Nill I Per Cent. tormed for the following gra!a crop I assombLly of tile people IV. This II. A peniteut *and ipardoned peo- be I � 9 ,y � � Released, I . ng the plow,' Ribbing, in I ­,.�, as for the Ple, Confession must be attested by wepared to lay the ttile state of affairs before Allied . —­ ate allttlmn has been the only rao . . Purpose of getting ready to throw off . . % %, the Philistine yoke. New York despateh: of 'the plow tha,t has Increaraed puch I I I deeds of peni-tence. The first expr In An address TO ARMENIA 'v"hout us.! . . I 8arnuel would os- relpresentati.1re.8, he decla:rcd, and will be able, to doinon- London cable: The Press* A I Crops at Charlottetown. � . watel�, and poured slou of penitence was to "put away � sso- before the Sales Managers' Club of � � Experimental data. -A. few reaulia I - as far as the New York, .o. P. Austin, statistician fr � P"a for Israel as they werd thus ga, elation a!'"unces that I thered. the atrange .gods." Prayer was'wast- Strate that t .0 1 11 i . ,6. Drew � IT CC0110111 C Position of the c0litillellt de- Belfast 11101nbers of the I.-Ish OM cultural experiments sit Char. � . � ft oil Is ed breath until -th,.s was done I'CleansA Collstab- Of the National City Bank, preeented Communist Gov't. at tottetown, that bear dire6tly on vthf.,3 I t.----rrh act Indicated penitence. your ban-r1s, ye sinners; pu'rify Your P(Allds upon thatof0lerlijKly. . . ulary are concerned, nothing is known Baku � , It 4130 may have had the force of a hoaxte, ye double . . minded." Th6re I ' k Of a contemplated r rike the latest figures of the world eur� problem, are of lil,terest. The Egures I .1 . . I . pledge to God on the part of the peo. "I will shq Illoveluent Sendo Threat secured are from average iields eov� : 4- Ple,to serve him. Fasted-Irn token of must be not only ,consciousness of ut' - ,NN, the door 4 al'Yolle suggesting to 111c anlong the force. . . rency, national debts, interest cliargee ' I . 3ring fo,ur searions from fields ol!oato,� . � �. . I , Th� announcenlent R.,.!nIts 1hore is and other Gcvernmental expenditures, � their contrition and deterininafion. We ter defeat must be contrition, moral that O'crinaliv is bankrupt," he asserted, "The f-aje q unrest among th-1 pf.)IJee in . I . . . an a coniparativbly, level, sandy loam � I have sinned against the Lord. - The anguish, sel r-renun elation, and Pam- disaffected regions- In Ir all the aliowing that the Paper money of the But the Armenian$ Refuse ';Oil, Sod' Plowed in August gave 47 . I , � . . POOPIO PubliclY-colifessed their tins tenee toward Cod. Then only can the- Gerinan inarl� i,q also the fate of "the-J'PrOlch fraiie. quent on the dangers e"Lud, couse- world (exclusive of that issued by tile buGhels and 14 pounds; -sod Plowed In . "allil. tilus humbled themselves before PrIsycr bL< effectual, "Gather all .Is. ' 10 which tile Bolshevik) had increased from $7,- November no Autumn work), 413 . The apostacy bad - � nge rael to. Allzpeb." We are going to Spa to give a straightforward, ho' moil are exposed and what it says ap. I to Obey., ( , . the Lord. They turned froul stra . . . I uoheI3 and 32 poulids, god ploWe,:.- I -99ds, turned, toward the L been na6cuaI and the -repentence must elxplaiiatioii. We hav ' lieSt pears to be lack of support by the all- 00,0,000,000 at the beginning of the I --- � 'I 4 ,6 I I . I old, repen. be as general. A common calamity � ly f. e 110thing to hide. I thorities. . war. to $4,1,,OOO,OQO it Opring, 3 bushelq� and 9. pound.s. � � ted, and confessed their sills. f, however ,060 at the. datd of ,, London cable; Diplomatic advices bess from spring Plowing compared . 1. I I '. Aidged the Samuel ha -s great unifying force. It was the N ,% e a r cl on 0 listcll fWthe deliberations of o ) Tile annOullceniolit asserts that the ar,111141ce, and f56,000,000,000 at state that the Gover:111lelit of Azer. with August plowing, 110 bushels and 6: .1 � . I children Of Israel lit Miz- PbUlqtmo oppression that broughtthe 'K. I 1 I been ocomplaints that the Present time; A,166 -that the na� I . .Pounds; compared with November � � . I . Pell -He declared to the people the Isr,20,.lies to such unanimous action, will not go." the military should ba-e_been more . - balian sent an ultirngtual. Saturday .,. . Course th,�V must take to secu�j tile �-- olowing, 8 buehc'6 and 23 pounds. ,divine favor and O'hutin relief fropl Ill. Victory, rest, r,estoraticii. The — � . fully udlized,to Lid in tiOnal, debts of the world had grown t6*tlie Ar'jiieni�n-iCeFilbil';'-ofT,rlv'a�, There were 45 plots lit this particu- - ­ — the enforce. . . I ths PhJl!-3-.1i,P appresai,m. It Ij pr,)b. %1.1ill%tines urnished, thkaselves the — ,----- nlent Of the law Ili Ireland, but says front $40400,000,000 in 1913 to 4265,-, demanding that tile latter 'withdraw lar five-year- rotation, and the spring i: ;Dille tlidt he acted As a civil lllq occasion for the fulfilment. of SYED the whole tradition of the jr!sli Con. 00a,a00,00Q in 1920, While 'World from disputt,d 'frontier territory, fail. I)IOWIng of sod average 6 butbels be- - trAtc, T� Philistines heard, etc. . . Israel; & no s,t�bul�xy force Is against a strike. - credits, another form of inflation, had - I W � 10, f Pharaoh gave occasion ,lrt� 1111 - Ing. which, the Azerbaijan forces. ivould 0 the poorest autumn method of! ' ' . � They Supposed that the gathering gis. oppostdon - o " 'RE-PEOPLURG liger-5trikero were released a]&' cross Into Armenia. breaking sod. Therefore, plow your . 111C R Promise by attacking 3 the .1 9pther, of the Israelites u -,is . for God to fulfill his promise to Abra, arle 0 I . from the Wormwood Scrubbs Prison U.enornl6uisly Increased. Armenia refused to. comply with ,he iod Ali the autumn, and, as much of � . .i I . movement. a wAr'-like ham (Can. 33: 14). Israel rebell'ou,s, ,, ing I Yd% ft to -day. . Tile ratio of golti to p iper cur- uItlinatuin. No ruillt t I . . They had gathered 0 ary action has Your 6 u1bble as you can. Leave your I humble tbemselvc,� , and Israel repentant, Israel Rg�:ust TO SEND Ell S Tiventy,seven hunger -strike rency Of tile woria, -he said, Which thus far -been reported, but the situa. land after A hoed crop without plow- . I . i , ,er:)re the Lord God, and Israel with God, reDreganted I Were removed from tile rs. who, stood in 1013 at about 70, Per Cent., tion Is serious. The latest news from . I 11 I and seek his I.cip, and naturally the I OF PALE's"kTINE Belfast jail -ng, except to rib it. -J. A, Clark, . : . Mext siep won the immeasurable dletance betwe 11.ut- � to tile hospital durinu the Week wer was at the Close of the War 18 per Baku, on th� CaspiLil SeA, is dated 5uperintendent, Experimental Station, I , . Id be to make prepara. ter weakil-uss and compl3te Inve I --� . discharged to -da- alid departed to e Cent,, and at the Present time ap- April 29, the day after the,'Bolsil Charlottetown, .P. E, I. . r eviki . their homes in tKe - ,ith. proxilat6ly 12 Pet' Cent. r1speciallY entered the sea -0 1 04 . I . . port. It states th,at on +4 11 0 0 � -7-The leaders L11 tile nation. Went lip startling' was- the fact ' thatt while .that date All Allied subjects lit B . ,the 'rictory over their ability. The Philistines "came no Zionist President We!-aman It Is reported that the curfew order' tr011s- to gain 11"lle" To World Commerce Con. � OPPiessors. Lords Of tile Philistines. Wore .... all the days of ,Samup-1.1�1 The forenee at Lisbon. I aku I , : I .� , � . - . I adgilist Israel. -They hastened to put victory brought rest to Israel for many On the dutlook. In Dublin Is to be rescinded at th tile Increase in world Paper had been are safe. �- V nntrx 4 �. -1 down' any 111,vUrrection. that ,Years. A decisive moral triumpli se. I 0id of the month. 0 $33,000,000,060 during the war period, The question -of whether the League .. 'night !)c cures often a prolonged ---I-- I 0-4-13>- 1 . PIRulled' by Israel. Were afraid of the .rest from spjrltu�,l ccnfile smsoli of SesBiona Just Ended Would — the increase since the close .of hos� of Nations ought to t TH RONE �'. � � Ake action con. I , b I F1 .. . Philtstines-The Israclites had expert- t. S'amnel EXPectS 125;000 ILI a a tllit:16� had been $16,000,000,00o. or cerning the fighting b3tween the I . embodied national gratitude by a. pil� Reduce Paper. . - Within R" about one-half as much in tile is Pol6s and Russians, under Article 11 0 ti ­ �, . . � I enced In the past to their sorrow the lar of remembrance at,Ebenezer. It is — athe Of after -War Peace as In. the IELTH - - � , me . I I strength of their enemy, 8 , CeR e . TWO Vears, I IN C 0 r4l"11ONS 51 months of actual V%ar. . of the covenant of the League, and OF "" . t . )lot to cry unto 8 always well to mark tha scenes of PaNs ,cable says' The I tornatio. ----� whether Great BrIta,In was prepared . , � . � the Lord. -In thelf . 11 nal I e world budgets are -now ap" to refer the matter to that body, was - '*�+ +-+*4-+-+-+-*++-#+*-$-**-O-�*-+-W �i . tear and distress, since they had huni. Gplrl London cable:�- Dr. Chayint Weiz- Th � . 'tual .victory, Paralamentary Conference On Com- proximately five times as- much as be- Much interast has been displayed � fore the war, And th6 annual inten�at raised In the House of Commons to- fit 8,- oral of the London papers -over. i , bled themselves before the. 14ord, they I . 71. H. C. .merce hela Its closing 'Session to -day, lualln, Presideit of tile World Zionist I I I � -- was in get. 4-4- With Premier Millerand rresiding, oly the rumor that th.6 famous PeagocA . . ,saw that the,'r -only safet. I IN OVERALLS. charges on world national deotEr n day by,Lord Robert Cecil wid other I ting -help from God ­ The conference Adopted a series, of Commission and head of the Zion-'st over $9,00,0,000,000 ad membefs. Andrew Do-ar Law, the Throne is to be sold by Turkey. . I - . per- annum, . ­ . I Ill. Victory Vor * Israel -(vs. 9-14):. resolution,q, the first of which reques- delegation to the Peace Conference, London cable: aMjor ' " against about ;1,75 Ifi: Governin3lit spokesman, repl!ed that The Peacock Throne of Delhi ,used . 0,000,000 imme . . . ­ ,9- 0, burnt offering -,viloily QUEER SCENES'AT * John Robett ately p&ecedtrrg the war. - thb� Goverajnent Was not prepared to to stand on the magnificent DiwAu-1- , � . . . - .unto .the . ted that internatiollai legisl4tion re says the GOvernment,bf Palestine will Pretyman Newman, inember of Pare . suggest action by t I . bord-The "sucking lamb" must have sibillty in llament for the r,lncble7 Division of ,h,e,,L I � : . I e tea transportation. The second Middlesex, who annouliced, early in the DE VALERA GOINCTI. 0� � pague -Is : Axh, or Hall of Public Audience, lit be n at least seven days old (Lev, 22: - oli�h I I , enacted to' control reapon be Placed in the hands of a high com- pointed out that the sit- Delhi. It was described by a. French : -national co . , a . 27), and 'was offered whole, that is, it K the formation Of all Intel asked inissioner and1i ucancil . uatlon Was not new, althoogt he ad- traveler who saw It in 1666 s the . ,� BRITWH COURT . m- until Such Week that he Would wear overalls in mitted that Article 11 applied equally shape of a bed, 6 feet by 4 feet, sup� I I WAS not divided, "The whole Aninial mission ' charged. with studying the time as Popular representation con be 'the Rouse Of Comillons, Carried out Tells N. Y. Aides He Must to threateaed�-vvars end w�rs already 'Ported by four golden feet from the � I questle, . I . w" burned upon the Altar to denote n Of legislating and arriving introduced in the C I OuntrY. Tile no his threa,t this afternoon, Ile Was the I tlit1q,entire ronsecration to Jehovah of at agrOOlilelit concerning the dell­ks administration Will begin ill a mon W object of .much L.torest, and for a begun, ------- -- 0- 1P 4 bars Above which rose 12 6olumns to : those who Were pleading for deliver. U. S. Ambassador Must ig- of ai'o Allies and fornier-,onemy CoUll- th few moments in the lobby lie .was Leave Soon, support the callopy, The bare were . I I . . 1�1 . . alite." Simuel cried unto the Lord- tries. I , 0 1 01' six Weeks aud�tlle anuouncementof . .,— orated 'with rubles and emeralds' . -141- The third requ the name of the cOmIllissiOnor ,-,lay b MaJ. Newman Is chairman .of tile despatch: The United Ill pearls. With magnificent ,� Tile work he had been doing for Israel nore 'German Envoy. surrounded by photographers. Now York ' an and Cie columns , nations I asted that the various 0 . FAN CON0111ONS 'ec It was called the Peacoc , for Years was proving. efto illmediately t1ke steps to cu,� expecte' . � OW ; � . . .&I'C' to. d shortly. - Middle dasses Tinfoil, Which As spon. Stateg soon way have to worry along Phrone because it had tile figures ot '. � � e --la rue Smiles at T wo I * — drew .n'ear to battl mids'L of London I tall cxPe"90.15, linprom their financial Dr. We' soring the overall� r-ovellielit In Eng. without Hablonn do Valera, the Gelf� I , - � F ed froni Sall Remo, Ita.y, where - land. .� I , I the�rcljgious ceremony the 11hiliqtInea Positl milaiiii, who has Just return peacocks standing behind it, their I � 01w and reduco the Circulation kItYled "President of tile Irish Re. Much Attention to Early ttawiol feathers inlaid with a profusion - � advanced to Attack Israel, %vilor Were Countries, at War. ile purpose of Ile -------- 41+-*- pu�lfc.,, . 1. . wa,i rresent during th% recut cvufer� of prcciou.3 stones, v;f�ed at R6,000,- , � . I unorganized and unpro stubilizing exchange. The fourth do. In M-tireasing a meetIng at 1pish Potato Plantin I � : � I � -parp,J for bat- 1. — clared ,that tb-, reparation clau ffilce of the Supreme Council, says bend salcGinen last night, DO Valera — � 'g. ,000. I I tle. From a human staulpo* it ti Soo' of . I . � . ,,u LOndOn-cable says�* Until the ,United Y should not be I I I I � It was in 1739 that this Wonderful I I the, Philistines, The Lord thunudered Gee a al are anxious to emigrate to i%e, I I 4dVantage was wholly on the side Of , States is definitely at peace with the Vcr�sailles Treat I there are ft great number of Jews; who FlOGGED ,NEGRO intimated that he might depart In the work was carried off. to Persia by , r ell nged, 1 d a; Iced that the Repara. -tine, near future. Ile said: - The following Is a-sumulaxy of re- � I I I I Nad r Shah. Afterward It was captur- : i I 1�lth it great thiluder--Tho .1anguage loally there will be some humoorus sit. tions Colifillission of tile peace Con. but that emigration Will have to be MY friends, this ivay be obg of Illy Po4ts made b," Agricultural Represen- ed b'v the Turks. While the Price ot � bond, TCgUIatOd according to th onoul! t opportunities to talk with you." tatlVestito the Ontario Department of X750,000 offcred Is sald to be an ex - is forceful, It glvi�c; prominence to uDt!Ons at the Court of St, James, 1017011CO Proceed to allocate gold ', 3 ec Ci � 1,31,3, � I'. . thg divine agency. It declares the when the .0 to tile countries which Puttered Possibilities Of tile country, PaloWne TILL HE 01* ED J. L. Faweitt, Irish Consul, also, 7 . . sv - 'can provide for a population of about 'Sp a Agriculture: . I aggeration, It is to i great Violence of the Ntor �War, -and that tile nations, , el,k,,,r ,a,ll.,, � , nited States Ambas tdor through flit be �icticed that the throw the Philistinq ar)ny !,Ito con� rage are'$resont sl,gnator3 to the treaty facilitate ad, NIX million, according to Dr. Mrelz_ — 1. i, 1�1,1 uIld take .,-oil Into The latter pai t of Apr:I was wet and Encyclopedia BrItLunica declarej that Ill- wMell 'gild his official 011tou - .. - Illy the throne waz valued at X6,000,000. vances o POW'deace and te,l you or the Won cold, and the oondit,on Of vegetation � at tile same Court functions with Dr. 11 tile bonds, mann, Who r-ald lie anticipated 130111111011t, Texas, despatch- Charles , i I fusion. I "This ama7ing ral-raelp, was - that fill der� Several newspapers aver -that 'the � Tile next International Conforqueo immigration fron,' such cvul1tr1e8 a, Plane Henry Pord has for Cork ' wrought in anaw�r to Samuel's pray. Sthamer, the Gorman Charao d'Af- s Arline, a negro, was flog cd to death was very backward for the opening G'ovcrument had an offer of 11,500,000 - , an Commerce will be held at Lisbon Russia, and , Holland by forty Inas'ked men on the read be- years Cork f4ator.'ea Will employ 10,000 i 1 faires., q harbor. I Will say that within five of May, some Ilepresentatives putting I ; er, and was a confirmation OLA hl.q And such situations will ore- wou!d start I liras, equivalent to about S750,000, ,. words to Israel As recorded Ili -verse ate considerable interest In the dlplo� next year, it) Which the neutral na- shortly. I tween WOOdvtlfo and I[Olultzo 1,,Ucord- porsona:, progress of sowing as about two weeks for this precious slid histatic relic, I I 3,`�­Wbcdon. smitt011 before Israel- Illatic body at lar&. tIoAls and British dominions will bo Tile inan a3 regards Palestine pr I later thal'i usual, Oil 10riday, how- While the figure appears to be exag- � 111VIte(I to. �end dcJesatci,,. vides for rc-SettlCment durl 'o 1119 to a (10!aYed lliessago. w0h reach- ever, work on the land bad been gon- goratod, At Is undoubted that In this - . Heretofore Israel bad been smitteri igi- Several court functions are sched� -.--.-".- ng the first ed h0ro to -day. Arline WAS chafgad - ---­*�- - � I . . year of between 25,000 and '30,000 per- With having threatened to Itill a white $4.50 A 13USHEL. orally resutred, E'affinates of the , and other antiquities Turkey still haa . I I fate the Philistines. IL Pursilod fbo uled for June and July, And at such It la a 0 -I----- acraages ct -spring grains in by the some assets. The collection of porez- . I Philistines -They followed ul) the Ra- Will be incumbent upon tile United ou 8011i, And the following yt!ar of a Iota, Inan, From evidence taken by the � vivitage the Lord gave thein, %Ingler States Ambassador of probably lott,000, Dr. Welzmaull Coroner, said tile luessage, it did not r Alaa, range all the iiay from lain Ili the old Troasury, tof, exaropley and his official BRITAIn tr A RS allpear f dem'U Potato Growers As- If 511 st,tDOGO per Cent. by coun-des.; a few is the most important, both In qaallty � I i f 1�' BOth-CAr-The exact location is un- family to maintain a warlike indiffer. dq6r4 not think thOrO W01 be Anything . hat it was intended to kill the .1� Individual farmers have' finished, auld tquantity. I � known, but Must have been woe,., o.� Once When they come fit proximity to like a general exodus ot jov a from negro. . . I sured That Price. go . I M 2 ,P While Others had almost nothing c,own. One writer throws $;onto light on � southwest of B1100b, toward the Philip- Dr, Sthamer, Although 110 has pro. England, altholigh tually U, nglish Jews > -- I . 0 ng glyou t- tile subject �bY tile following state- I tines country, Odlited his card at all the other Euro. are likely to emigrato to Palestine. NTENCE Dorlin cable: Sanctioll to a plait early Potato planting, a contilderablk 111011t: . 12. c0led the name of HEAVIEST Lu'" A 0 --- 44-*-'e�­­ LIF—h BE' Much attent',on Is btl It 21bell-ezer-Samuel would comirep- Pean B"filbassie,; gild ogatl n. , r. to crehte a reserve,of 100,000k,000 bull_ acreage already having been put in, L o ,5 1) London callic: Chancellor of the "I Ain afraid that this It, only tl,e I orator the victory and at the s,ftolq tjmg Sthamer so tar has not left his card at T!' 0 TO CAPTURE KIEV. -'-- — . dredwelght �of potatoes Was glvtn by In come casee latcot among miny spurious praten- ,Xchequor Auf,t n (Ilialubr-flain t& -day I For the ' before the land was ascribe the glory to Gott. thd tillited,States PG'mbassy. Murder of a Pontip,c a meeting of reprt6entatives of the realif fit'lor the trop. Th r , gzavo tile Dcr capita (Illect -- 0 o IS a dera to the rlory of being the co!o- � taxation I Government, the municiDalittec, and shortage of good seed in many local'. brated throne of the GreAt Mogul, ; 11, 14. The oppression that.had Af. Practically all the other diplomats figurou for th0' BrOat POWcra durlur I Girl. � the farming Inter flidte4 18rael for A Period of forty have left 'their cAY& at the German 1919. . . , er m Worked 06ts here Yesterday. ties, I Efither the throne Itself. or fragmants y"rit Was At All end, and the I,ord BlulbassY, but belllg In n, state of near. United X1119110111 .. .. .. .... $76 " '-- Polez. I I ­­ ­ \-- The delivery Of tile p0tatoea by the Fall wbeat and clover )Oak well, of it, are always turning up In OrIcn- restrained tile Philistines from making War with the United States, Dr. tyultccl St' Rtcs - - - - - - - . ­ $ 2 7 Xly Pontiac, Alm., report: After being' growers Is made compulgory under Speqfag p,enerally; but some ropre. tal palaces or treasure houses. lit the trash Inroads fftt* ther territory of Sthamer Could not make all official I Out five hours, tile jury At so the plan, ,,it a. fixed 6 ven nigrks the price of 84 1-2 sentat:Vda -are of opinion that recent books of enthusiastic trAvelers, 4 -veil . . rt'rance .. .. .. .. � .. .. .. .. $12 'London cable. According to tile 0'610ek this evening brought In a 1,0r. hundredweight ($4,,5 a MIX W`eather has given the former Israel. Samuel's adthinistration wAg, a .call On the Un",'ECd States Atfibassador. Italy .. .. .. %� 0 in London auction rooths But, Masi Vigorous one. Re, ,tuceseded, At the At the last court function, Anlibasso.- Tlie Chancellor T " " '- - $Ii latest reports '�CcelvNl in London 1; dlet of jll�rder in tile first deg * biRbllel), The object of tho measure ,Crop a slight setback. the story Is a myth, The Turks can-' - elte�q these figures from ,tile Polish ,general headqu-tr-* i against Aimou 11c.3t. 2:1 yea, reO Is te) 04sure the large eltleg and the not have captured and Cannot for LOrd'S, Sellvalit, In breaking ttle dOr DAVIS being Absent, hia .plate wau In reiterating his assertion that tile tepr -s ,old, tl* ln4u,3trljI district,1 a potato yatlon of Fodder Is 86 scant with *jolilo that nearly 200 years have possessed the MeMY'A power In fhoao ioltioa whICh taken by the United I Argo s 11, tile field; SaY3 tile. diplomatic V1111t �'-autll charge(I with having SIX Poll live Stock 18 baing,tbrust orI tile grass Peacock Throne. beeause on the -last States ell rdoPIO Of Orretnt Britain are bearing corree,pandent Gf - tile strangled 19-Yoar-old Vera Schneider, prohibit Ys Der Capita Weekly, and to before there Is 4, really a.ttI* bad been wrested Troin Israel ,d'Affalreq, but there w�lts no Te ogni- Daily Tele. . - The the heaviest 'direct burden OR the War grapil, tile VOIISU I 1011 tile lill,flit of April 25. 110,,�t was the sfyIng bite 4adir cities hetwoen 14kron. and Ottill wero : tion On the PAtt Of either of the I about Population front illicit for them, Grain espe(,Jally,�s se,Irce. SlIall (who had rifled it fror . Infantry , eoisslon on which they fought t . . a imprison. . . r4VtOr0d to Israel, put the two citip aence of the other. 0 pre* costs. 4+-*'— ,t three days ago ilad reached a line at oncf�, -.4alitencel to lit, trading, I . coneentralos aro almost � I n Mill,) ,a roughly 25 11111C3 distant ' train itlev, "tent *.It lfgrquette. 137nder tho Ili ill. 1. . I t1mDossibly they suffr,red a crushing defeat lit his. . named remained In the hAnds, of tb& Besides the� little social Inconveni- , X lligh in valu�,15. ,� � A cinsiderable calvalry screen hay. gall Iftwe, with good conduct deduetta, TIP PO HAMAR. I n d to sue for ilft Philittiffl%. The Amorites ,were see- ences felt by Dr. Sthamer as,,& result Ing pushed fr' Mwt of the live stock ape still � 0111 10 ta, 12 miles altea,d. thla In6alla only about 16 year$ behililf bO- : Inglorious peace. Title was In 1743. ond to the Philistines In power &rnnng Of the prolonged state of war with the CONEY ISLAND Ing carried Rion- on little utter than "Two Years later the tyrant VAs I , � It then ftiipeared from a, strategic the bars. , United 8tatos, he has recently had, sullv(ly that approaches The el,line for wich - .11 tho onvallea of hqrstel. Thev InfiAbitt"d Dublin cable: (1011fiftenting oil the it maintenance �ratlono .Uivp $0,110 murdered in his tent ilear XUchlu, in ' the bithlands of Judah and Bphralm, greAt difficulty In finding British' to Riev w(,re being inade from tho I t'licted Wa%pno of tl 11COt Was Pon- recent resolution Passed by Certain work:ng horses are gi%ttlAg only a Northeast 1-yersla, by some of his own '4 i In CtIrillual all in IDOV brutil In member$ of the 11011186 t)f Reproaclita. Small sbard'of grain wfib their fodd r. I 4,114 tlA* Urdg&VO to tho Israelites do� house renovatora to undertake 'the ro- north 11tild couthwani ir "cl ectivejy IMIA of Oakland (.,Oull. tivod in W e " t habilitation ot his official BATHERS CURBED g"gr"�`ic" ,, Ash!ngton tribesmen. Ills treasure was looted I- Iverawe, frow them, Itilder the e0g). premism, ftill were onsulillill the shapt) j"t,iii, tY. After luring the, girl to In eonneetton 1*0wer hogsi are being ftdi, 113 a large and disperst-I the Peacock Throno able I"doftbip, ot Samuel the peot)lo 'but At last has been suecessful anil Its ; oileration fatulliarlY destribed PPOt ho otrangled ber witit t It 14)nelv with, Irish Drisoners, tjlo 1,,rceman,s nuinber Yof brood sows Were dieposed was broken ro, and such fragments at . of Israel bad fouild help IrOm the dust-ebAted windows are now reeelv- phicerq. as kerelileLl knotteil togpt wn hand- Journar says. , of dutIng the last aix or eight months.. it as survive(I were Inserted in a ##at For P01111011 as wpil as dene,� , her* f) k, Ing attention, Now Y k despatch: The coney 18. IIAIM,A. cut to ,.t"llow ill Th wl. "HOlPed by Dublin (,astle, Mends PriceR now range frOm $18 to $21 A or i,hrone that May still be sc%ft In LOA. --- — or n, rea..4O1ls__1aeV I)eillg tile W e ,-Irl lild dlpil of Irol&n4 In tbe 11nited M sAmuel's SlIdgembil) (VA. Is -Ill. it u I Statox have Cwt, Little p1goi vary in value, rang the museum -of the Royal Palace 0 I " land PORCO tO`-dAY ISSIVId & IhAt Of Ukrainian c,,tp, al ---It wo I( fighting. - -1 U that Mr. Ilen. "Don�tsll for summer bathOrs. Under vlously bo preferable to inallocuVr# -------*-"----- r- � 0 ry aud--bis swei*,th'ostrt h1tys h,, N"It-What ding Teberan This must not be ephttisad I I 1, T 11 I -4t%.- -ell lax A ArDiMed In Ireland by the l3ritleb to loeallty. with the Takht-i-Taou.s. or P6Mw'k Nimsel was a prophet he W Amelia ob- .r # no difficulty Ili turning the Intevoot ;ng front *12 to $2421 a pair accor ^" �I IV, 4, ThO T,Otd 4POkO to him and ho ' .tj & the eMet women entering the Atlantic tile, 1)oIsIlevIkf3 out of the (Illy ,than I nolle.. O!I. blAtillAIrcetio'�4 olljr hA41ot,uTt)Dil8uhy1. "Wet 46rT!C4 t6 igood, itecount. Tke , It yv*d the Ilothing W--44 - ThronkN., In the riame Palace, whi6h 4,oflrl masoage quArt*l. Ane --Y,06, bat It Im or lounsine on the x4nd 1111101t wear to 1mbjtct It, with I'M tint% buildings I Colkgroosillorl'4 m 'a : and Im nottio (-Ompthnolatfon n o0 eAro in gettunp hwt often been mistAke'n by travala* lake 0,ft l*fted. und, ikkirt,- raugt All to tho hive suff#k.r(,d lipa,vily In previous l'boltil n .ar In k",ping them. tempt� for t4A ?Acigul original, but whI011 to whom they wbrt given, r -le Wa-8 r4i. I w1intol to 111 Prudent girl, Vvtrythln; elee Is going uPA el"20' might .be st Them Is a burde to lb"o for stirloux. she is Itocking4. One-vt'lee bitthing %�ults And friendly Population, both �4 which ""' lawful ftinludor to HAMar (4reonwood t,ip - eure that ske ralk man- , Is Thor(, ,hem if xii,rdied vvith rtivemo iti , ,a by tile poopig. lt.nbl ro" Militt SecretAr for Irtsland), A Vanst. 0 i� 090 him W"On he Is assrY.--stray kno", and abcv�, all, there nauNt be' I fighting, 1l) either bolnbardru#rt or yqt ]Red f0 IlVe on the top, f1mr. dia'a." Jr lixing th0m; S;tlllt Ir abuslux a rtlatively modern istructure, hafte I 00, AA 4 ivd*# b'd WAS f6r-K*01119 *ad lit. Storl,es, to 11shhnwyinZ.11 fillplault. 11 f"ll Pt 11PA41 look down er, vour them. Aud A burd#A of Awount at been made In th,o otrly ytars of th* I r +!bl,rr;�. " - The N44ptndent has not gon t . . I On the M00111104. 111tat to be given up ,mesrtilng thim. Alneff%nih century for rath All Ifta, � I .r I '' \ I � -X . R*nry. the Xinx of 11trala.41 I . -� � . I - ,� . - V 11 k� . . . I . . , . � I . % ,.� � � -, I I . , - . . t" � I I ;� ­ I . 0% 11 � I . I � .� " �, I , , I , " , I � i&16��-�i., A-Akw". ,,I - ..- � , 1. "I .... I'll ".. 1." ,�-� 1,11 � I ''I I . 'Ally � I 1. I I � , , .� � ­ ­ -, - 14��, ... �� ., , I ..... ­A;.�41&A I � A& . I 111� , I � , . Ak.iiaA A41ii�& AM ���­ 1, ada"o, 4�.��: W,&.L�4,�.Ak- :i".. I � . Illy ., LLLLL I ---111111 ��l -- -- -- -- — . - --- — I ,"I gig- -�­ I �j-,.J­L),�..i� g,g .11,11111, . I - --- . . .-- � 1111� ..... I , If.b., 11 . ,, "dib ,�i- �­ 'AAk.-I.A,�,­­" I � il;Mi"61A -I � kdW.M&