HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-05-13, Page 3U A*
I . I I '%
. I ; I'D , OjijONG DISCME6
"I'll, QPN. ploms
I ...... . NV )TED,
11111- No KV
- , 70 Lombard Street 10 nuffirvA
lot- ,I
The Old Librarian
On the last night of the year an old
Ilan, *at In III& room Alone. The earth
VAQ cold AU4 still as a White
R14 in Its shroud, The .... 11,21,8.!
14 round her with the heavens all
i4re." The leafless trees stood out Ili
tmrp and stiff relief against the clear
144 cloudl,as sky. Within the room
be GlIence. Was profound not a sound
*uld be beard louder than the slow
IreAthing of the old Man,= the tali -
lig of the burning embers In the grate
11% head leant upon his hands 48.
IRZIU9 Into the glowing recesses of
he tire, he wandered back Ili mem-
Iry Along the path which he had .4our-
keyed since childhood, Hour after
lour passed, until the whole world
leemed asleep, and lie Alone was,
Waite. At last, the clock from the
lid church tower Slowly beat cloven
Ind as Its echoes died away W tho
Ile" air, his attention. twaa slowly
ittrgeted by 4 Shadow Which
lliap.6d. Itself Into ther form of a man
Ilder and more venerable than him -
)elf. Was he a dream? . It could
kot be! All was so real and palp-
tble. The venerable stranger with
I'llite hair, long white beard and gar -
heats of faded green, ornamented
VAIL' withered flowers and gather-
kiffs from autumn fields and or-
lbards, having a pure white cloak
ianglag frord' his shoulders, sp-
)roached and gazed Into the 'face
If large volumes which he laid en
I tabl% said then stood up and told -
id his Arms us It willing to -be ques-
II-olied, I
, ddWho are thou? and why art thou
ere?" was asked, with 4, subdued
Ind -trembling voice. .
I'lam,11.,replied the mysterious via-.
ter,. with a hollow, death -like wund,
kke a w ntery wind muffled by the
1alli4i snow, ..I am the old year, and
I am( sent to you with, these volikines
im otddr that you may persue them."
"T fiese volumes: what are they?"
"They 'a
,,,,,,,,, are t e records of thy .Aie
I 'have been watching every
lay during my own existefice," L
C%Y litef Impossible! who has writ -
It it? Who could have written it?"
"One halt has been written by'an
inaeon hand, but the other portion by
Yourself," * - I
"I? pray let r:e look Into one of,
I-, 1he yolUmes?" .
"Certainly. Here to one of last,
It Is trUe. I never saw It before, or
thought of It. Are these the only
volumea?" I .
"These! why, there are u Many for
every year of thy life." .
"And where are they?' ,
"All gone where these r
. . .Aust go In
a 'very short time, to be laid u
the universal library above; re,
o remain With those of all other
men until each life Is read at last
by its own writer In the hearing of
the world, an d in the light of -the
Great judgment."
The old man fell on his knees
And cried: I
"Oh, I See nothing, nothing In those
volumes, but goodness -mercy, wis-
dom.. patience, love -everything on
God' a part that Is worthir of himself;
but on iny part; woo is inw-day by
day, Week by 'week. Alas, how droad-
tul I My life has been wasted on more-
, 4.
ly selfish ends. I have been ricU. to-
wards myself oiily and not towards
God, and therefore I have been poor
Indeed. I have boon proud, vain, blind.
,--without God, without Christ In the
world. I beseech YOU destroy the vol,
umes," . I
"That Is impossible.,' sa h
year: 'they do Trot belong to me now.
As they are written, even so must
they remain. until we meet again,
No power could destroy one of thy
thoughts or actions."
"What can I do? olij tell me,"
Tile oli YWr said: "One half"page
remains yet to be written, for It is
near midnight;, and All thou hast
said, and art now, shall be described
in it, But another year is about to
come to the world. That now year
has probably received, it may be
twelve volumes, it may be only a
Single page. Thou _wtit thyself fill
the Allotted space, whether small or
great. 00 live, then, each hour that
the pa'. 6 which records it shall nar-
rats the life of a true And good man."
I,,But, oh! bow can I 'Plot k)ut the
pastr . . - - .
Old Folks Need .k
I I Mild Bowel Tonic
tionth. TVrn up any day .1 of week
h ft,,exatlilne It, and prove the truth
ces Imsfinabl % Their bearing is not
And Should (Avoid the Use a.
of what t CO.,, I
"0114110* 0 9 0 0, 0 0
Harsh Pills and Drastio
"Give me, then any one I dare
Lot, I cannot chocso for myself."
. The c1d year selected one volume
^ " '" ' A^-
Ipparently- at'random, and presented
Old' peo lei no, Inatter how sound
to- the irstener, sAying, "open any
and healthy, should avoid cath,,, C
f Its pages, ,and I shall explain to,
pillso, purgdtive water, Salts aAt;' I
,thee its meaning.'!
such tdirkporary relief measures. ey
Ths, vold man took the volume and
ease' condit' .ons to -day, but bind yon
kPoOd IL The left side of the page
u wors than ever to -morrow.
*V 50
iVaST written with one kind of ink, the
Wis better to got the bowels Into
dght with another, The records of
tbe-babit of performing their n0ed-
L shigId hour occupied a page. "Read,
ful-eupetlon at a certain time each.
tonsIder, question," said the old year.
day ,.. and this call be done by
"Tell me then, O' ear, what are
strengthening the muscles of the
L11 these things I see on the pages
Stomach and bowels by the tonic
to the left'rhand, written with pure
action of Dr. Hamilton's Fills, a mild
Wght characters?"
laxative that sets as close to na-
"These pages" alrea. . recorded
ture's way as possible.
trhatever has been givea , to thee
Thousands of people, old and
Irolli on high, day by day, hour by
young, prevent and cure habitual
4OU All thy temporal mercies, for
constipation by us -Ing Dr. Hamilton's
b3ainple, suoh as food, clothing, home,
Pills, a mild Yet active medicine that
Inouff, etc, And vou will observe
's noted for Its promptness in our-
kaverill. noted below' which record
Ing headaches, belching gas, - scur-
Ilow 'these things* were provided', and
ness In the stomach, fullness after
*be labored and suffered In erder to,
meals, liver soreness and muddy com-
bestow them on thee... pray read a
plexion. You'll have the best ,of
Hugle page,, -and see what Ila-. been
health, feel good, eat well, digest and
tone for the perishing body."
sleep well IIA you regulate the systemy
4,put I perceive that many of these
by Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake
gains: mercieg, are repeated, But I
and Butternut ,25c per box at all deAl.
Would take a, year to read over this
record! .For I see ten thousand
. things marked here n3 1 given:
. ." 0 -A -11 . q ,
Gure Sij qk. -
Friends,' 'relatives,' Ideliverances
from danger,' 'afflictions,' 1comfGrts
. ,
In trials," 'talents,' 'gifts,' lopporturli-
Said the head barber (all bObers
ties of receiving good' and of 'doing
being head ones,'strletly .speaking),
.,Iood,' 'teaching by conseiencs,' 'ad-
"I can always tell a man who Is Used
Video,! and other things inn-merable."
to shaving himself by the way he trier]
"There are many thin- I cannot
to puff out His thet,ka, Ill ,ticklish
linderstand In this record. What mean
Places," . .
those strange characters?"
"They represent thin-. given and
. -
Pralaca this Asthma, Rern6dy, A
10fie by God In wisdom, mercy, and
grateful user Of Dr. J. D. KellOgg
Asbilinio. Remedy finds it the 4Dnl,y rem -
love, which cannot yWl. be 'understood
or explained."
edY that will give relief, though for
The old man grasped ills volume.
thirt4en Tears he ,had sought other
11,01p, . )r,Oars Kyf needless suflerint
oms -chapters he pawed by.
may be prevented by using this won -
But he Searched for some days whose
derful -realedy at the (first wariling-of
records he thought Might be most
trouble. Ra use Is sirdple, Its cost
favorable to himself. As he read both
is slight -end it calt be purchased al -
pages, his faqb-- got pale, his hands
moti anywhere.
'. trembled. He closed the volume and
-------- ** -
said. "I cannot stand this historyl
, I .1
I I ,
- I
i I I
Mostly On the Subject,of Toso and
. I 4
. Also Teapots. I
. - I
ut the, beat teapot on
11 I...
- !, -,
ithe shelf to stand * while, be sureto
- .
I_ -
la, -
ihave Inside of It a lump of White su.
I.. I
'gar; when tou go to use it, remove
ithe lump, wash Dot In clean. hot wa.
In connection- with this line of work,
It should 9 e noted that "Record of Per-
iter, -no soap, allow It stand for half
'an hour with hot water in it, and
Ithere will not be BvOn! the slig4est
. I ..
4ta,10 taste, '--a Is Often the taste With
. ....
, ,
item and coffee pota after An Mle per.
...7. ..
. ', ..
. I
.. , I
tiod; soap should never be used In ,the
L 11; - - I
Itnalde of a teapot.
I For
Gosb!l OW my back. aches P,
satisfactory results every lIng.
Aft6r Grip, ftflul) or colds, the kidneys
lish woman will tell you the, fIrGt re.
and bladder are often affect6d called
lquisito Is A brown POt,,next good,tea,
nephritis, or Inflammation of kidneys.
inot neeesaar!ly high-prieed, and plon.
. , This to the red 11mg of danger -better
Ity, of boiling Water, hot water is of
be w1se andcheck the further Inroads of
no, use, and It must be freshlY boll.
kidney disbato by obtaining that wonder-
ed, freshly &ar.n Water; alwayu scald
fill discovery of Dr. Plercols, known as
Ithe -pot, throw away that water,put
Anuffe (anti-urfe-meid), because It expels
the tea Ift 011 Ot And pour the boll.
the arid acid poison from the body and
ling water on, It, allow to steep for
fftb*et those pains, sneh all baolcaehop
is, few 'InIhAt6s, then serve, Tea must
thcuMstISM In muscles and joints.
b6 ftrVoi acaldft hot -or too told.
Naturally when the kidneys ard
derkilged the blood Is filled with poison-
I. .411A 0
Ous waste matter, which settles in the
InJUrY to the most delicate child. A,ay
ttek ankles And wrists; or under the
child,. Infant or in the 6tato or
byes In blig-liko formations,
ad6leZeen0A, Who Is intected With
ViSen 100. for trlafif,kq. of Aliuric to Dr. *
wet a Invalids'
twofills V=take this prelyaration WWI.
,out 0, qualm of the Stomacb,,,aad will
otel, Butyglo, X, y.,
or branch Laboratory, 33 ridgeburg, Ont,
lind It In a sure relief and a fun pro-
PAUTOS, ONT . -"I %vrtq troubled Ith
tection tram 44i dest mi6tivo peats I
amatfsta fktthq right lt.b,,d hwand
several OArs, All 14Mly In the loft I.
Uldor. A6
Ch are reopo'holl)JO for Much gly
WW 'i.
llesS and igr6st suffering to legions Of
Dnlv w*%', I could lie wAs
n my b4ek. I bid Siest difficulty to
olies. .
- 1. I.. .- -1 11 .
Ift down and more to gAt up. Recentil
UsA a very mvero in back,
I alaroady to t tbAt, afterldigi-
pgIa my
ha" taken Dr. PlercOs Golden Medital
P1 g the world of human na.
, for IfteArly 60 Year$, I oeo, Ito way
save ,al times with the most
MthftutdrY tesift 80 I concluded to
but Of the vorld's Misery but tj o way
give his AntiricT0161:9 & trIat. Thegin
whloh Wbuld' hAve' been found by
in limb slid shoulder has stop" rely,
(,'hrW',K WIll It He ,had ItMertak,ft ?
. -
1446 In rIght handt It Is very slight SO
the vork Of modm, Praetfam 6tatos.
tJ"tAdh&)m all th6tim6. ,4 an now sib
1'r - ithoutdW
%r n AnY P041tion I wish w,
&l rt or I
man. --G. 116rna.rd Shaw. )
Mrs. Howard, -What r
ma ell you
P&I"'L Cortl6ini .
I 11 *111 rewin
= is nath nr nftrly so
tkink the butler ,Won't Istgyt HoWard I
1w; %I 1. " - G*OMV
_00 ftr ho§ h" ftfL us#d to 14nd mo any
00t. US :dUbf an
wook Autloo,
001100-V.A. , . , - ,
-r- 7
- I ---
1 11
, I . 1)
XT RHEUM College
---- -- ,
iffolft I ,
L . Sandmicho
.", '.
.S I I I ,
AW.%,W *..W0,,4",0,,., , A r .6 0 4, $4 0 6 0, 9 0
,W+,F , -W
, 77'"'rok,
11 -0 - 101 1:11!111011:11: 011"11 11.41 '1r----'1'1----1 ... WMANOWNIN 0 141-0010M . - 4.4 - - -m-OW3123611aggalwo, ,:1 - -.
.- ft- - W, , 11111 : . I =
YOU, - 04, 04 - 1 , . . 10 , I
Is, i 0-4 4 0 44 #,.#, 's '' i 4 # 4 0 0- I 10, , 11 'I,
bud r Eau That Listen 1 ( ,hab with " %..
rh I 1, Throuib Earthl the, Dloe-to,r . . . . . . . . . . 4
- - L L. . LL 14
1 to*- "WHAT THE rAr.-4im "Y.- -
Catar X4rUXlcI4,I OUP do-veloped during t ; " "
I 71 ot h . tu. 4AT 1,
Z ---
. W- IV V" -V 9v 4 "Ww#
zaiv in the Paper the other day, 94.,
On race, Arms and Hands,
ces Imsfinabl % Their bearing is not
1were ,vou ever at, a college wris
.. ., .
"0114110* 0 9 0 0, 0 0
- t
'Putloura Heals
midnight spread? They z4ka ,,the
fbiest sandwiches And give to . tllem,' Il
,10 N 11
I .
J - ;
tance'-Athing the buma, near cannot
. the liameo "you. ever L thpilgh or W4U-
4r 1,,, n oultr akchave, tl1r011gl1
pt yTe
of an elixir of life or A charm to cure
I oil have bad $4 rhoum for the
derell," You can make them At bonie
. , -
t4 1;% eag at voo ta n A otep wbich
I will place them, as part of a Mat nix.
.he *a0molit, CA' coursle, 1;3 i4e, wou-
T*ot AV* yme. face, arms, ao
M .d
h*ndfi broke
91148 were located In one Sector, plac.
with very little trouble. Use bread
Catarrh oufferora, miaaning th
. .00e
. L to,retroll AS
tip'nat Industry In t4o 'T107 'a
regards orgaulzo,tio 0 peratlon.
Tbis Will- UP At rG9014r 132t ri%18
out or, ovor In ro h
scoy patches so that you could
artillery, -
a day or two old; slice, very thin and
use 0, scant filling. Cream the butter
L With colds, sore throat, bronchial
trouble, etc., can All be cured- right at
co-ordination. Delogates,%tteriding a cop!
feronqo hold ,recently in OttaW& at tbO
treated to adventures with tile, Sea
bardly, put yo
.Ur fingot whero there
"s not a patch. , I got go X Could
before spreading and be sure It to not
WQ Galt,
home "by Inballng "OatarrhWile," ,
L ila
invitation of the Minister of A,rgr1oulture
for the Dominion organized a Oanadian
Lartifew: otaers Itiore 600POcAl, sh4kq
not $loop at night. K
devices Were Installed, proved that the
Using Catawhozone yoil don't
take Medicine Into the etomaell-you
National voultry Association to take
I care of all matters pertaining to the ad-
aw tuo old to: be talten in 0Y ,that
"Seeing CoAcurA So41p tand olut,
snent ot4vatised I thougbt I woul
L 4
hy from the l9ca,
Two, cups of fine -chopped celery.,
Just broathe a"hoaling piney vapor 41-
reet to, ,ths lungs and Air vao§age6.
vanceruent of the poultry industry and
to ,administer a regi.stration of standard
- L.
, 151y
L a them a trial, and aller using a
full sized box of cuticurg olntmorrt
So extraordinary sensitive are the
24 olives, chopped fine, one teaspoon-
fill of tomato catsup a plach 91 mus.
The purest balsams and the great -
bred poultry. based upon actual perform
ance, only such pure bred blrdg of Stand-
I , icura soap I was heal- 4.1#
I .,
Merely by Plcllill,g UP the sound of the
tard, one-half cup O
,f Mayonnaise.
est antlospities are thus sent to every
Spot where catarrhal trouble vxlsts -
ard ,varieties being Admitted to rogis-
tration, Who shall have qualified under
vInclng a statement appears when we
(Signed) Mrs, Thomae, Hogaia.0
ReSex Juncilon,W# Doc. Ic", lm 4,
Apparatus Of the kind located the
Cut the crust from a loaf each of
germs Are killed, foul secretions Are
destroyed, nature Is given a chalice
the Record of Performance. The dir.
,ectorato of this association Is made up,
As ,, e read It t42re 4eems, no ;Qaaoll
'Us* Cuticura for every.day toilet
were several that fired upon Parts
white And brown. bread, Q they are
- 0
left the same size, then out three halt.
and cure Tomes quIcIlly,
of two representatives from each pro-,
vines, ,one ,representing the provir L ietal
,a no Personality behind it, it remains
purpolsto, 13athe with Soap, Booth()
with Olntmcntp du# with Talcum, ,
thus ena,bling the French aviators to
Inch Slices of each. l3preaa them with
0014a aud throat troubles can't last
it the pure bealing vapor of,,Cat arrho-
poultry association and the Otber the
provincial Department of Agriculture,
and Is to be known, as the "National
"'hat we may think or fo6L about It.
s Intmont 26 and If
I A Mixture of Aovlled- ham
, . and Pea,
nut butter, prew the;n together, al-
-Zone Is breathed ---sneezing and cougha
in 'ill
g ceaso, At Onto, because irritatio
Poultry council,"
the qa4lity that makes advertisillsf' I
'by poster and Printed phrago so :Bud -
not definitely ascertained.
white and brown, Put the
Ifs removed.
The baelcyard poultry keeper may ask
(4ow such an orKanization will Ohotp
ia,- the reason so many of my simple I
IlVe-Mile front, and the sounds they
COG under A weight and lot it press,
while 'You make An r
Use OrktarrIlozone to prevent -use, It
. I I .L . I .1 I I I
!= -=
him, and the answer Is found in turn-
Ing the c
question back on the enquirer,
. . set.
to ours your winter III*-IVe Pleas.
ant,'oafe and guaranteed In every
'rh-re Is ,a 1)ower In print, and relter-
bee awe he will be assisted to just the
extent he Is willing and able to 1yoric
addressing them, one of thorn being the
following, "The only difficulty the Do-
Quince jolly, mixed with a few
shredded mint leaves. Irlit xtu
Togo, - I
" . 4-t -
1. = ,
for the good of the industry as a Whole,
L In his opening remarks the presIdent.
partment has Is In finding an
men enough to meet
.a ,re
Is delicious spread on a Stale Sponge
... - -
. 11 .. *..&.
-Dr. R, Barnes, said,, "Whatever organ-
Ization you foirn, always remember that
its success will depend upon the cc -opor-
yqur demands. , ,
You are absolutely leading the way In
the st&ndardIz&tIQr% and mat keting of
. I
allan of all, , . . Let it be I all for
stock products in Canada' at the
Present arne, This is some Indication
, square of chocolate, and when
each' and for 4111 with no personal,
ssocla,tion,' or
a provincial boundaries.
Of what has been done, and In a very
shdrt time thereL JS no reason Why poul,
Partly cooled add .one-lalt cup of
brown sugar and two tablespoonfuls
called a "geophone," and was used for
every thought and action be na-
tional In its soQ pe.11
trYrnen p
-hould not take a similar pos-
ItiOn. With regard to registration.
Of crea4. Flavorv, with a tablespoon_ -
,j I $, 4 4 4-+*++++*++-"-+-++++** e.
Such an organization must of neces.
sity, to ensure success, receive thorecog-
In connection- with this line of work,
It should 9 e noted that "Record of Per-
of vanilla, and add a ,handful of
chopped nuto.
The Prince ,,f Wales' Plans for his L
nition. and support of those responsible
for the direction of the nation,$ agri
1!0=03100" Is not 14roglatration," The
former is the qualification necessary for
ranch In Alberta are described in dot&,,
by tho'agricultural correspondent of The
Oultuval activities, and in this oonnec-
0014 it is well to notg that the Dominion
Department of Agricalturo Is behind this
At the Present, tim there are 6,S53 birds
In Canada In ifthoo laying contests
Chop a cup of preserved ginger
Very o; bleUd with It enough thick
Times.. .
' Ito 7,000 acres (he ,says) ai -
re entirely
newb& formed organization, In address-
Ing the delegates to the conference,, the
on breeders' own, plants under Govern.
ment inspection striving to qualify un-
Sweet cream. to make the consistency
Just right for sprea4ing.
under grass, and at present,it Is without
suitable or adequate buildings, The sell
Minister ,of Agriculture said-, "I feel
that the poultrymen through the poultry
, L
der the Record ,of Performance, and
do this it will be to
necessary for them to
_ -ND *U
THUD $A , WICR U -NU -S Alo.
Is a rich alluvial learn. and the grasses
Industry can do a great deal to Im-
.Prove -the live stoolt conditions of our
lay 150 eggs In fifi;Y-two consecutive
, weeks, Birds that qualify and are pure
'Combine dates and 'raisins, pass
them through a food chopper end add
It carries are luxuriant and provide good
feeding for stock-ir. summer and winter.
country. . . . The poultry industry at-
fords one of the means by which we may
bred of standard verietles, free from dfo
qua,lifitations, will be eligible for
up'. of the mix ure two table-
Porauge, '
A certain area is mowed every year to
provide, hay for young stock in winter, .
hope to cops with some of our heavy
opoonfulo Juice.
but the greater part Is grazed, througull;
debt . . . . There is a great deal to
be done along the lines of poultry -dis-
The fluaIlffeation requirements fo
.registration of males be, r the
out the yeor, The climate Is severe,
cattle And horses can 'be, out-wint.gred
e"O Investigation that Will save the
country many millions of dollars now
will . (a)
Ing 1922, 1923 1924. and 1925 p Dur-
ure bred
males of stanAard varieties and free from
One tomato, one onion, one green
pepper; chop them all fine and seqpon
with safety and advantage. The surd-
mer Production of grass exceeds the
lost annually I am going to use my
best efforts fit this connection."
standard disqualification$,, the dam and
dalres dam of which have, in
the mixture with Galt, pepper 'and
Vinegar. spread on white bread 6r.
present requirements of the stock on a
properly managed ranch, and the,sur-
The Deputy Xinistor of Agriculture,
Dr. J. 1-1. Grisdale, expressed his sym-
L of ,
the Canadian Record Performance for
Poultry and ,have been registered In the
crackers. I I
plus, then withered ;Lncl dry, but of
about the same feeding vaIU6,aa English
t with the object of t,he assocl-
Apa,a "I am much interested," he stated,
Canadian National V6ultry Record,
(b) Mfter 1925 Pure bretO
" 'Use,
bay, sufflees to carry the animals
throuf,h the winter, The climate renders
"I rx the Xtecord of Performance and Ro-
males of
Atandard varieties and free from standard
equal quantities of almonds
this s mple system of Alhaymaking" com-
9111tration that is under consideration
with, which I have made myself familiar,,
disqualifications, the sires of which are
recordiRd In the Canadian National Po l-
and preserved cherries; hop the
cherries -fine and -pound the alm 01,11,
pletely practicable In Alberta. and only
the needs of you ckf,housed In win -
and I h you may succeed In llnXing
7OUrSelvesse u the Nation
with al Live
try Record and the. dam and dam's du
of which bays Qualified In the Canadian
to a paste; mix the preparation add
A eaGeloonfuj
t lkd,a
ter a ogvlBdt."d -the elaborate
British method, Although there Is no
. or
Ree S. Unless there is some
very serious drawback, I will assist In
oftPerforma,tce for Poultry and
h1wo'been registered In the Canadian
of alm
som ,ond oxfract
little or .
arable land within the limits of the E.
P, Ranch at present, the acqUisition of
its going through." The Deputy Minister
-further expressed himself and said: "You
National Poultry Record.
L 1, 0
. DREi, 0. .
cultivated or cultfable land Is contem-
plated with a view to making the ranch
Are facing the business of productio
rather than fancy points and appear-
ance. Produetton-As what will count
Take equal quantities of dates and
I WILS; run through a food chopper and
better adapted to the requirements of'the
improved classes of cattle and
Is proposed to introduce. With t,sheg.1.1
in the Industry in the future. Select
add, to each cup a quarter of a f
CUP 10
objecf, suitable buildings and fencing are
your birds so that they will produce
the largest number of eggs at a min-
Imum cost for feed Per llead,"
Praise Thefl] Enough
maple sugar and a small ani,ount'OfL
cream, 1J,Se L the mixture as a filling
to be erected !n due course,
The ranch is to be stacked ,with Cat-
tie, borses and Hitherto
The future
most value In the trenches.
between very t)i!n slices of bread or
slices 1pf ,toasted sponge cake, or any
sheep, horses
have been bre4 chiefly but cattle-rwslng
will form the Inain feature
outlook is brlght for the
igo-called fancier who wishes to stay in
. I
cake loaf.
of the ranch
w" I form the main feature Under His
the. poultry business and play a part In
nationaa .workalorig with the utility poul-
Royal Highness' ownership. The imme-
ointe. Ritnervlsf n of the ranch will, be
trymen, according to Prof. W. R. Gra-
addreqn, because the transaction. In- I
Use squares (baker's rusks) and cut.
entrusted to Professor -Carlyle, wile,
ham., of the Ontario Agricultural Col-
,,,,, . .
up and down, in thin slices, Spread
With Mr. Lane's approval, will add this
aege. He expressed the opinion that
some Individut.1s and also the Depart-
She Slays Her Back Was so Weak
with peanut butter and over this
spread sweet chocolate melted.
task to his managerial duties on the
latter I s famous Bar U ranch of =000
Mont of Agriculture mIL-ht consider that
Iftereased production was.not In any way
She Could Hardly Walk a ut ,1[4 ow
She ,18 a Different Perso f,
. . 0 0
acres. The stock to be sent out from
this country will comprise Shorthorn
associated with the falle chicken,
"There .Gmh%rn,
Cattfo thoroughbred horses. Dartmoor
As hope," said Pra
"that some ot the best show birds are
St, eJanne d'Arc, W. B., .May 3.-
(Specfal) Among those in this
ponies, Dartmoor -Arab crogses, and
Shropshire *and Kerry Hill (Wales)
%olng to be some of the best layers. My
?o Is that lit time you Will have ex.
Who are enthusiastic in their
1$oni . e Old Prejudices Re.(rgXding
sheep, The consignments of cattle Pon.
fps, and pony -Arab crosses can bUsup
h 1,1 on chickens that will lay just as
praises. of Dead's Kidney Pills Is Mrs.
T.%wny Tops.
611ed mainly from the Prince's fax I
Anany eggs as the hornallest hen you
have seen in. existen,q6 that would lay
Joseph Gauvin, a highly respected re.
sident here.
* I I I
Cornwall and Devon, and selections of
thoroughbIred horses have already been
300 eggs in a year.- At present, you have-
.a very limited number -of breeders try-
"I cannot pralSe Dodd's Xidney
"Salute no red-halred man neartr than
thirty test an Frenub
made at Newmarket, while the close -
woolled .sheep of.Shropshire and North
Ing, to increase production, la work
, ch should be the concern of pral -
Fills enough," Mrs, ' Gauvin states.
"My back
off," runs old
saying, "and even so, hold three stor%04
Wales are preferied because of their
progd PultabilItY foil the climate.
tically every Individual breeder of P-ul-
t rY in the Dominion of Canada."
was Bo weak I Could hardi
walk. I took six boxes of Dodd's
e fist wherewim to thyselt."
- biblical thaes to tile present
T breeding of Shorthorn cattlo, will
be the principal enterprise and the Royal
The ideal of a combft ation of beauty
and ability to produce'was well put byl
Kidney Phis and now I feel a differ.
ent person,
d a can b traced tno Prejudice against
real hair. e -Never lodge at red-haJred
owner Is fortunate In being In a Position
to supply from his noted herd in England
the Live Stock ,Commissioner for the
Dominion, Mr. N. S. Arkell, when hs
"Dodd's lildney'Pillis have done me
people's houses," runs a prec4pt in the
fifteenth century "Boke 9f Curtasye,"
most of the shipment of about a score
,of highly -bred 'Cruickshanic Shorthorns
said, "In view of thobasis on.,Which you
a tremendous amount of good."
"for these be folks that Are to dredd.1'
that are to form the nucleus of the now
alre proposing to register your male
birds, the malps which are propotent In
Of the many persons paying thefl,
tribute of
According to one teadition this distrust
of red-haired people dates from the time
The ranch Is capable of%carrying
about 700 head of cattle in ad Itlo t
d n 0
carryilng through their progeny
the 4obaxActorlatics that you want, YOU.
praise to Dodd's Kidney
IP111S, It IS noticeable that the great
of Xudas, who, himself red-haired, co,us-
ed treachery to be ever afterward ,con-
other stock. At first the herd will con.
slot principally of the ordlnarY-graile
have the oppoftUnity now of determln-
Ing InL all types, in a.11 breeds, the special
type tha,t high
MQOrItY are Women. The reason gly.
en for th"s is that the
Aected with, hair of that color.
Shakespeare alludes to this belief, Says
cattle of the district, but ws the pure
bred strains multiply and prosper the
combines not only laying
production but with it that beauty of
g reat Majority
Of Women's Ills come from the kidneys,
Rosalind. complaining of her lovc;r, "Ris
very hair Is of' the ,
dissemb Ing color."
commoner kin do will be dlspl Lyed by
r.glstered .Slfbrthorns of the best famt.
form and beauty of feather that chal-
lenges the admiration of any man who
looks at it. It As In
Dodd's Kidney Pills act directly on
the kidneys. Healing and strengthen-
Whereupon Celia answers her: "Some-
thing browner than Judas's.11 Marston,
. And types.
rho enterprise would be important and
of Interest
worth while your
initial work -to lay that before you are
Ing them they en his the Irldneys to
too in "The Insatiato Countess," makei4
wide if It were merely to be
conduo5ed on the ordinary ranohlng lines:
your Ideal. There ma,3f be temptation
on occasion to ,develop one as against
strain all the ImpaUritieS out of the
blood. Pure blood Is the
on3 of his characters remark- ever
thought by his red beard lie would Prove
a Judas."
tile System of management it Is proposed
to Pursue increases Its value and inten
- -
thd other, breed type as against lk.
formance, performalice as against breed
of health.
Irtpwedea Prejudice agaimt red hair
I le Ign I an e h 0 --'-
s , 0 It 8 'fo 0 ' T " P' R"c
I ' the
8 f 0 he he 0 h r
me ' a e d 0 pure -bled
type, but You have the opportunity with
the American standards that have
Ask Your neighbors 'If Dodd's Kidney
Pills do not help Weak or sick
wets very strong; here its connection
w1th treachery Was twofold, for the
8 .4
ho'tb. tile b.e_j_g t"pe that
ou b of I_ost rna 1. impo_
.h ld - I rt_". to
adopted on the one hand a tile Re-
cord of Performance on t h
traftor, Ashjorn, Who Canute.
possessed red hair. ,in Germany, af4o,
the Us coo of 'to .cdl.L
, 1. IV,
b .kb ..t.r,
C,,,d. n
tablish combined egs- Production and
form. You are working now
Perful e- hi the Early Ages.
red hair met with scant regard. "The
short in staturo." sayd 9, German pro.
. - 0 - -
I .
not only a few years 'but for thp
establishment of a strain that will in
- Prom the Very earliest ages man has
verb, naturally proud, and the red,
haired untrustworthy," I
a few 7ears* time ,become the fashion
throughout the country.,,
Mr. Arkell -pointed out that while the
sweet odors.. In the Bible we
read of the -burning ,of ineGnse on the
altars and the
Red hair, ,however unjustly, is still
sociated With deceit, and, In Ireland
Scotland, with tit luck as well. in
- .
Department was Iriteresteik In the Na-
very word Perfumery
(Under which bead
Highlands he -who ,meets a red-haired
tional Association Prom the
standpo t of breeding, It was even more
intereAd in the economic
we may Include
all delicate fumes Or smells) comes
from the
woman when starting on a Journey will
be well-advised, say theAviseacres. to re-
, ,contribution
that it could make toward tile establish-
Latin fumllg, in
's oke Or va-
POr. Thd early 10gyptlang. know
turn home and start the journey afresh;
and In Irelixnd red-hairea ,people are sup-
- -How Stomachs C,an 43a Ftegto red to a
terclal position.
One of the aims of the association should
use Of the Still, and adapted It to the
posed to exercise the same baleful In-
V190vous, HeOlthY Condition.
be, In Mr. Arkell'Sopinlon,L to analyze the
economic Position of the ;ountry and to
4eparation of the ,odorous principle
from frangrant plants, but the
fluence upon any undertaking,' L
A man staying in western Connemara
. Not to be limited In diet,but to eat
whatever he pleases " the dream of
figure -out how Poultrymen could best
help to build up revenue not only for the
ancient Odors Were drawn frOM nat.
for brown trout complained One
day that s had been unusually poor.
every dyspeptic, NO one can boll -
PaYmObt Of national debts, and d1sobarge
ural gains, such as ,d&Mphor, Myrrh
The Ian or smoothed his thin and
eStly promise to restore any stomach
obligations, but so establish Canada's
financial position that she may have
and cinnamon.
pondered for sline little time upon the
re"on for this lack of fish, Then, sud-
to thia. happy condition, because all
people Cannot
comfortable homes, that it may be poqs
Ible for liar to form and organIZOL Cord:
denly, his face ligbted-the lakes, after
all, it seemed, were not at faUIt. "Sure 11
eat the same things,
With e4uallY' fiatlSf8,CtOry reeu Ito. It
IS literally
2nunitles In which the development raay
said he, 11ye'll have met Red Magile
true that "What Is one
be such as Will make the country proud
AS 0. nation.
And square With tile enemy every
,Vurphy on the Wa:y to the lake? 'Twa
man"s food le another man's poison,"
inall gets when he separates himseiN,
from his corns by'
herself that passed by the min ur.
it Is Possible to Go tone -up tile
digestive Organs that
the"bonference the poultj;;; i n
a .
r_ecelvc,1,seVora1 Compliments from those
Putnank's Corn,
E)Mtraotor. , For fifty Years ,,put_
The fairy folks are at one with human
In dislik Ing red-h&ired
a Pleas -11:19 diet
MAY be Golected, frOkiioarticloa oe food
_ ,z
na,ra's" has cured every Man it treat-
ed-laffe "Fh ,tnanilsll only -Itis
beings people.
although In 'other connections they are
by 110 means aver.90 to red. Pixies, in-
, that cause no discomfort,
When the Stomach lacks tone there
. '
less And sure, 25C at all dealers, .
-, are sometimes known In the west
IS, no quicker way to reetore It than
- :,,, - , -
. I
rp-OwN Oir AUUMES.
of England by the name of caps,"
owing to their fondness The caps of the
cows. those
to 604, Up the blood. Good d1ges-
Mon WIVIOUt rich, red 'blood Is I -
Prolonged health or material welfare.
010 ble'At, tile tonM110y, tho body And
color-, While MrY strange,
hornless animals Which have the power
Possible, and Dr, Williams, Ptak Pills
At Mazy Tillios Effort Has BOen
of creasing the sea by themselves. are
invariabl r red.
Offer the Very tbest Way to ,build, up
And enrich the blood. For this rea
k I
Made to Enforoe Simplicity,
But the untprturlate human possessor
of red hair meets with acant courtesy
Son these pills are especially good In
Please Read Tffis' Letter And
Luxury taxation Is by
from the fairy fulk,' he it LIS W120
jers most acutely from the ,Qnwele'uf-
trouble attended by thin
blood, end In attacks of nervo,ag dy,s-
See WhAt Norinal Health
no Means a
new Idea. In Rome, more than 2,00o
attentions of aprlo&ans and bueca& Ito
will be decoyed across the bogland at
PePola.- Proof df the .Dr.
Value of
Willianlel Pink Pills the most
- Will DoXor You. 14,
Years ago,L the Oppian law enacte4 that
no woman should POSROSS Moro than
night by lights like -those of cottage
windows, only to find that these lights
obstinate cases Of StOM-1ch trouble Is
given by Mrs. S. Alorrfoolk
- .
half aft Ounce of gold, or wear a dress
have, In truth* tie existence; his cattle
*111 be pixyriddon, his- colts thased all
Ont., Who says: "I shall wilways, feel
Bermck, Oftt.-"l had orgaftie tL r0116
ble, and a ter taking Lydia E Pink-
Of different color$, or ride In car-
I'lAge in the city or I a
9. dress
night I . nly, In e , I y wearing
his doat ttlilftdd Inside t.'and drawing
indebted to a. friend who advised me
to use Dr. Williams' Pink Pills-.'! bAd
bam's egetable Compound and J31004
.vear of
diffeernt colors, Or ride In a carriage
hia OAP well -over at a noxious hair,
can he hope to Itl to such unwol-
Nell a, sufferer for Upwarde of twelve
Medicine ill MY troubles Passed aWay,
a r
In the city or vithin aile of it ex.
con", attentions.
Yertra With stomach trouble, which re.
IlWaS made Stroll and Well and have
been ever 9=
CePt On Occasions of Public religious
No surgical Operation it heoesSilly
8111ted'In a general Weakness of the
,*sInce., We a fine
baby boy Six Months old, and Lknow
,CetelhonjoS,11 In I 87 B. C. a law Was
passed t 0 limit the number of guests
Ili romovin -torrin If Holloway'S Cotn
L I 31Y meale, al'WaysL
caus0d' me groat 111900Mfort, and at
that I would not have this baby and
At entertainments,
,Dare be Used. .
tJM'W I Would go hungry rather than
would still be SURering if it had not
beerl for your remedies. My huaba d
A limit Wag got an the cost ot full. .
-4 L 0 1
Broom 0orn in Argentina.
undergo the suffering which followed
t&ntW'* Akflkg
and MYSelf SAY that your remedies
are worth their Weight in gold, and I
and funeral monik Monts. And
there Would -Certainly be some outcry
In Argentina the cultivation of
SOMetWng or Ot .
her recommended for
the trOilblo, but WRIU011t finding
-recommend them to ray friends. Oft.
In this cbuntrY against the Methods
broom oorn lo 11004ucted Along simple
cure, And Oftd11 the trouble kept me
of r4y Aunts is tAkilig them hOW I$,
of Julliks 0aaaar, whi , had officers sta.
lines not dith3ting MuCh.from that of
fix bed when I should have bet -it
lWrs. XAP01,80$ - LAViGNXI ljej, iek,
Ontario, Canadw
tioned in tho market Place to seize
ordinary corn. The br,50111 Corn I$
frequently the
about dollig my housework, ,.V y
.their Ortcommendatton, They
Provisions forbidden by law, And sellt
sown After wheat, flax
Who had had a similar attack,
Amovn the virtues of Lydia 9. Pink.
soldiers to feasts to remove illegal
Or Oats crop on the property bago been
CAMO to See me and urged me to tr,l
0 .
ham's 0getable Compound is its abil-
harvested, and It there to Abundant
Dr. W1111AMS' 'Pink Pills, Which -
"9it r to correct st6rility, in mally casdg,
T 46 fact is -well
In out Own country, the fourteenth
ra n and if the frosts are late A good
May be
cured her. I got a supply at C
established its evi-
denco-d by the above letter and hundreds
"Atury fftlid extravagance Id dress
Y1114 Obtained, thus giving
two h0XV00A In the 99MO Years from
gad began t01kfn;9 them, and scoll
found relief. BY the tIm6 I had,
of others we howe publiabed in th;s6
raMPant, And during the reign of L4d.
A %tingle Didee Of ground,
eight boxim r was again Oijoying the
Ili many, other homes, duce, childlead
ward 111, laws were made to restrain
It. Food, Also, has b6da regulated by
0 6
- dXte'rnL#I1y ot' $11terflaily, It It ,do6d,
boolt of health, atild with 9, good ap
petits All& a stomach reatorefl +0 nor.
there are noW childrelibecau," (if the ,
Old n1l9ligh lawo. In the reigft aft -!a.
-When av plfm externally by britk
Mat, RgAe I knOW11, Of this 1110dicine
:fact that Lydia R. Phikharnle Vegetable
Ward Jr. it proclamation was issued
rubbing. Dr. Thomas 10cle6itio oil
ftrIfer it Would ligy(ysaved ,)is years
Cord0ound makes wortion normg4
hesilthy and strong,
19661nat eXttimagaftt catering In tho
"greM "-London
6"na the ooreE (Ind Veliefrates the
08SUes 16W llnfm 011t$
Of iguffftlng, an& I urge any who May
If you have the aftbteat doubt that
Castles Of Mtn T14-.
tkft do, touching
the the trouble ImtdW-
b6 In 9, SIMIlar condition to try these
a E. pinkhain's Vegetable 40
11.1. 1640+---
seat Of and I
14te,ly *,Wrallis relik, Administor-
pII1G at onT6,,,
get Dr, WillfAme P&k
und "I help you, vnite to Lydfta
Klyll lec[leme
Worms cause tretfultieZA 'knd rob -1
Od Anterlially, It will still the I,rtitA-
plyls Ut ftft
10 ron gh any deaMr In medItInia ,
Co. (eonfidontlal), 1
WL M so., for advice. Your lettw
the ftrfant bt sleop, the great ,tour-
Isher.. Mothec Otavml Worin Ma'er i
tIon ft 0148 ithmat Which Indlieft
tOU-91111119 And Will Cure AVOctiftS Ot
Or by mail postpald. at 0 4 Aikt4 &,box
Or 61S U*eA for $2.rh froln Tho Dr.
1 6=
.4 Md old smawerad by A
iji ; J in NUUt 6oWWcact; /
r 'Will d1ftr th
mivato 6 OtOWOA ig'ft'i
Wte*tfu" #.%4 votore hoatbmnoo.
the broaThIM t1lbo and "SpIrctorr
OVAM. Try It AAd bo 0mvillet&
W111106W Nedidiiia, Co., BrockvlUo,
-04 -hold
I ,
Qkvop C-11404 Are 4 once the moot I
00111QUO and Most delicate contrlv4n.
. W- IV V" -V 9v 4 "Ww#
zaiv in the Paper the other day, 94.,
.1 .,
ces Imsfinabl % Their bearing is not
or -Did You See tb4t UU414 14 1134
.. ., .
I Only Incomparably more acuto. thm
4 pa!,er yester44y by a foreign dpotor
any IzAn's, ba, it locates With 41 -1 -Ur-
ad y tho source from which a Sound
. who's d .
Iscoyerod zo.-an ml" Then
. I ;1
, I
proceeds, Ito direotIO4 dis.
and its
"o, - -
Zollowz a mo cr los4 startling Ad
. 1.
, ;
I.. I
tance'-Athing the buma, near cannot
count of somo, wonder-rul 41040vory
. , ., .,4
of an elixir of life or A charm to cure
. BY Buell meanq In 0, Single d,%.V,
shortly before the sigullig of tile arm-
mcry 41-xww. The 1popul". "Stunt" at
, i I
, L
. ,
1010, More than 100 hidden German
.he *a0molit, CA' coursle, 1;3 i4e, wou-
91148 were located In one Sector, plac.
lerful Properties of tho 4tict."As $1440,
Ing them At the mercy Of the Allied
Tbis Will- UP At rG9014r 132t ri%18
artillery, -
UOV.aflaYfi AS 101WA11Y v,o used to 4o
A survey of Germeh gun, positions
treated to adventures with tile, Sea
M440 after tile Armistice was igned,
sw*pent. Some Of Us are momentarily
On a part of the front where listialig
Lartifew: otaers Itiore 600POcAl, sh4kq
devices Were Installed, proved that the
.aoir steads and smile RnQw!AgIY. ,We
actual POSitons varied not more than
aw tuo old to: be talten in 0Y ,that
hy from the l9ca,
, 4 or nonstnoo. yet, At the back of
tiOn's calculated for them,
our minds we halt 'wonder It t1loro.
So extraordinary sensitive are the
may not be swnething. in It After all.
,rulnents used that the operator,
Merely by Plcllill,g UP the sound of the
it is curlous how .much more con- -
the guns, can determine their calibre,
vInclng a statement appears when we
Apparatus Of the kind located the
"oe it in print. it Scents no Impartial. I
".1319 Bertha" cannon (of which there
As ,, e read It t42re 4eems, no ;Qaaoll
were several that fired upon Parts
.tt all way it slijutd deceive its. There -
I from A distance ot seventy-two miles,
,a no Personality behind it, it remains
thus ena,bling the French aviators to
Ust us calmly insistent no matter
. I
bomb the'm and destroy at least one.
"'hat we may think or fo6L about It.
Another was blown up, and a third
It Just quietly goes on saying It, That
.Was Put Out of -action In some way
the qa4lity that makes advertisillsf' I
'by poster and Printed phrago so :Bud -
not definitely ascertained.
lwsfuf. And between onrF
4olves, that
JDach Get of Instruments covered A.
ia,- the reason so many of my simple I
IlVe-Mile front, and the sounds they
messages to imy readers occur so or -
recorded Were co nVoyed to them not
ten. I want them to be remembered.
through the air, but through the
'rh-re Is ,a 1)ower In print, and relter-
earth. '%n many Instances the oper.
ation helps to establish It. So many .
ator occupied a Sort of telephone
thoughts and 14cid,onts Occur to. oftch -
booth, listening through a pair of
one of us every day that it is often
rubber tubes connected with two hear-
difficult to keep any one Of them con-
jug 'disks Placed on the ground, .
tinuously Ili mind. It Is a common
The Apparatus chiefly employed is
Practice with students, cramming, for
called a "geophone," and was used for
somo mamination, to print In large
many purposes other than locating
capitals ecrtaln rules or facts that they
I? ! .
German guns. Provided with this
*101111 to memorize and to place them,
. .
Instrument, a man Would take his sta-
on tho w4ils of their rooms. The con-
, tion at the extreme subterranean end
ztant sight of them bccamo,3 a ,kind
(called the "sap -head") of a mining
of automatic morIger. The rule or
I I .
tunnel and listen for enemy counter-
fact which itlodesired to remember
mining operations, it an3r Such were
is Lbur
,,, almo-A unconsciously absorb .
I 11
in progress, he could tell exactly
where t he digging was being done. He
could distinguish the blows of a pick,
. Ml 41\1 0. 1.
the noise made by a spadoi the sawing
I I= frequently, oked by pa
. ., tlents
or timber for props, or the tamping of
for some rule or adviob on the subject
an explosive charge. -
cf improving the memorr 'rho ex-
The problem then was merely to ar-
porlonco of many such nqulrers is
. I I .
. I
range matters so that when the ene-
that intercsting things are easy to ref, I
my's sap -'head had reached a certain
member, bit' that the,greatest difficul-
Point, with a bunch of Hung busy
ty Is, experienced In committing to
I -
digging, the whole business could be
memory simple facts wltich have no .
blown up, destroying the countermine
obvious I)ersolial bearing upon any-
thing cl.,.o In +helr;livcs, They can to-
and giving sudde nand permanent bui-
Ial to the excavators. .
member a person's face, even after
. I
By this means German mining oper.
years' of absonce; but find It Impos-
sible to recall a liame or an ,,ddross
ations on the west front were, Inter.
even the nex, clay. That Rind of bad
I .
fered with to such an extent as to
memory is very often a 'handi
. . I
put a stop to them almost entirely.
buziness . Clerks.. atid ,-qcretarles, Ili
- In work of the kind, the 'Mgeophone"
partimilar, firid th's so, 'and are Often .
. .
Was Importantly supplemented by a
very puv.zled by vUat secras to them
wholly different instrument, which
Ea-) prodigiously good memory pos- I
'was a long-distance microphone. It
snsned by their employers, The secret -
could be used for either. undsrground
of tho eniployc,'s good memory In Such '-
. I
Or surface listening, and was of ut-
a caso. ':; Tcry nften the simple one
most value In the trenches.
rf personal interest. He has every
. 0 - 0 0
reason for remembering the details
1. .
ot a 1),irtionlar ancfmat. a name. * an
addreqn, because the transaction. In- I
I .
,,,ol,,r-,d mcan, so much moro to him
norsonally that It'can, possibly do to
Ills clerk. , .
. .
Thousands of mothers state -posi-
tively t9at Baby's Own Tablets are the
11 my Tcader,3 will take the trouble I
'beat medicine they know of for little
to cast their eyes back over this ar-
ones. Their experience has , taught
tie ) -thLy,,will perceive at the begin-.
. ,
them that ills Tablets always do Just
ning au ttempt to Interest, as apart
. I I
What is claimed for them and that
from Ins'ructlon, by the, mention of I
they can be given with perfect safety
Elixirs of Life and i ea Serpents, and
to children of all ages. Concerning
that as the article contim.cs It be- I
them Mrs. Joseph Therrien, St. Gabriel
comes, shall wo say, more instructive
a: I logs exciting, relativefy speaking
de Brandon, Que., writes, Own
Tablets are the best medicine I know
(I am not suggesting, of course, tM
of for little ones. I thought I would,
it is really startling or profouhdly
Instructive.) Woll this Is something
lose my,baby before trying the Tablets
like the piocess that goes on In the
but they soon made him healthy and
I mind. Thos -a dull facts Which we find
happy and now I would not be with-
so hard to remember have no "Sea
out them." The Tablets Are sold by
I Serpent" in them at all:'We tell our-
medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents
selves we want to remember the - -
- I
a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine
thing, but ',h- mind knows better, or
Co., Brockvillk Ont, .
Is, uitimately, more truthful perhaps.
A.11th mints of this "spoilt, nature,
that refuse to remember anything un -
iess it Amuses, a bait of some kind Is
TWO TWnp A", preqUently AS.
u eful, h ven so simple a thing as
Isodaited, But Shoidd Not Be.
merely saying to warselves. "Well, I'm
.5ure I shan't remember tbat!" Is of-
, .
ten suWcient to fix the fact Indelibly
It is a -common belief that as a Per-
son advances In years be beeomos not
in our memories. And so on. It Is 6). .
only it Wiser but a sadder man. That
go*)d pl i, alm. t-) v1sualise a fact.
one should gain knowledge as he trows
I to r a'. o it Into a picture In our
*der Is thoroughly in order, but that
minds. Lot im, 01m i s' .plE. example,
. ,
he should become in burdened
' 29 may I e a, number we Wish to re' -
, roaslngly
with the cares of I n sd e.
cause of hopes that have ot been ful-
; -
; wornbc ,. V1 zh c,tn we associate with
filled Is not a. necessary condition. ,
1 4212? The flginv 2 Is rather like a,swan,
It is true that the clouds that gather
, We thlu k of Orn swans floating On A I
about the setting sun do take d r -ober,
coloring from an eye tha,t has kopt
,Pond. 1. - , whrn' next we have to
watch in man's mortality, to paeophruse
Wordswolth a bit. and that tile tiloug,11t
, recall tho'number, wo romember the
- pl -ture of th, twf.) ,etwang and that re -
of constantly lessening activity and
clill-t 22 This N of course the sim-
prospects which age entails 11, 011'Wtch
i nlc t e,r,)n-L,nIc; bi;f on ftl()sp lines it
to make One pause and -cons%dar ' '4t
consideration that goes far enouah will
I PoWbIo to biffld up for ourselves
' "I
reveal that all time, whether oA tills
not. only an ainusinr but .ta often very
world or another, is an utionall*,a oppor-
va1U;)Ll11A SVqtrM Of Memorizing. J
turvity for progression, ,
After all, the whole matter of age 11
. alviuld like tbn%o, of my readers who
li --c b9(l rneinor'nq and fi., ' that fnef.
something that has to do wWt tile ulind
mther than the body. And w on the
a hi
, trAln.-m to ron-Inlipr what we will
. .
body begins to fall, when gra hairs
r9ll tile "Son Frrpentll nile and ,,,eo
1. i I
appear, the step becomes less prin& ,
-briv nwinnt, get something out %t It
32 i -
sleep more difficult and Joy h t h, n g;J
that used to 'please an inip Wity.
for thoinw-ilves. .
- -,*..
sadness should not be the resuh. *
The Is a I
mind great cruclb6, WMch re -
colves and transfuses In somo- f4t,-7kton
impressions from all the obJ4-P%tL- '4i;d
' ,
ofacts of life. The will Is the 1-niumor
which determines what the tramr.u.4ion
Hcr,a ' a
J is Good Roelpe for Some.
shall -be. A man can let his will 0-TAx-
or .he can keep It active, regardless or
thh j Tas-t,y.
age He can make of his existence a,
heaven or a hell, Whbtber lie be old or
young, rich or poor, in a favored spot or
- tjse tile $,),eat frail, two lob8tkNr frLII(
* a , ,
the earth, on desert soft or fallen on evil
fOr 1nbst0r T'llall or in,a salad, roserv- -
days ,
Ing the mrat fr6ni tile large cfawa to
ux;rCI116 of will oannft at last
stave off aeath, and it ma. y not induce
,4(,rv,, In tho lm7st%. ilutt til -I rolt 4p!
Prolonged health or material welfare.
010 ble'At, tile tonM110y, tho body And
But'it can aid in all these things, and
tall shells and the s1ii%,Jl claW3 into
entirely. regardlesa of its material ac.
tornplishments, the will that Is kept pro.
a morhar wid pounil vts.r'. fine, Melt
perly on the alert can, lead him in 1100.
rtre-fotirth cup oi t,utt,?W I'll 0. sailco-
110h, wellfor him whose will Is strong."
pan. Ad!l half rt tarrof, a small onlon
Por hini Whose will Is weak, or rather
And A ,3talk of totsry, All oqt very
Allowed to become weak, there Is Joy
neither In % allrtgot nor a sunrise. And
ftn.e, And r3tir and try until the Iiiolo.
even the bright light of noonday will
hire I,; ovapirit l, Tlb-a a4l 0.14 --
only dazzle and bewilder, rather than
third ,-up of flour. 'Mix thoronghlr
encourage and Inspire.
An(l wl-1 t,vt q .
'I pmr,", of voul-broth or
The strong Will so -at eftdiegsly, 1$6-
Yond the sunset and the path3 Of all
watrr, a arrig or two of parsley and
the western atdrs." It strengthens a
t"", 1`11061 IIVW42r- COVOff,mud let
man In hope and leads him to see un.
,1vir,er an lievr, Tal.o,otlt the pars-
IImltdd possibilities as We years pass.
ftdnossi Is the Inat thing that t)ught to
ley t=0 1-atv tle rost through it fine
ch4motefrizo, Aigt--Transaa City Star.
,,(,V(3. Retur"I ill t1le Irr` and lot boll.
.. 11 - I I t
'kim, If )imso-ItA, aAgl beat 1,4 two
A in a and Ohet3p Modlotne,4A
ial-lriqlr vnfnh: tf r(tor, Ili biti% lo'oa-
SIMP10o e , and effective arkedloine
n3on 0 t%%o wit'i 8%.It M114 mpoer.
to 9014thl to ,IJ4 desired. There Is
Odd one cup of rlm Vhat hai beol%
A0 1110dIC1116 80 4,fectIV6, A. regulator
'aolletl In lirttli and the claw ixic4t cut
Of the digedtive 06teffl, es ftrinele0a
Ili .mvall cri tre,j. I
Vegoi*ble Pills. q%ey, are simpte,
'..--- 4 *4-----
th(w are cheap, they c4n -be got any-
. Orl-OXIS Mubborn Doors.
*berib, and their beattlelal attlou wIll
.their Ortcommendatton, They
----- -
are Ole AnedicIna offtt 1p
. man and
those -who With t<) o-13cripe d9ptort,
"Plao ppent-,; of tho d".r if f freight
bills will do ivell In giving them &
t.ir L; often ,,, difflouliY, Lis It becomes
trial. 4 0
..11intileil by the 1110vornont, of the car
I ...... - .--- -
1"; It impavo ,ioav, PvcIr thf,- tranks. A
, It to Jug
. t $L3 *611 to begin fight,
(S L
, fr fttJ.r,IJftJ0t1t, bas J114 110(ill d6ls.
Af&hY 9, girl has gone AbrobA to flnf;h
,-,I t id,irh thv most ,ittenhorn door
" 'Odufttlon, ,that *&e ,tavor even
, ,,ay Le dit) jd ctl by a child if It wet%
4 k 6 % I
L :',. . f.. I '. I ' I . I .r . I I -.1 I
. 11111 I L W1dW%"fLA-. I A""--,M ,! 1, 11 , -1 I . 11 i .. 4 4 1 . I . I
I 1. $ Ahs"; la
I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii M ,woftabdidbbihiadil w-, ma6w- 1" , ,4 A I&, , L . *-. - .. -.- ,. .'a-,'..., Ah, .A I I iftL.L.