HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-05-13, Page 2--7- -W?"--q"TS,T--,4#W_,---v- -- - � I T. -1.1 ___ --,17-�RV-J,nW7VWr-WP---W--:: - I -
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, I . . � I ___ ,.____._ 0 4101:10110myll 011 11111141111 Oil" - _ _��- ., �, - - P
- - ---- , 111�:�!l 1:1111!1t.01�111. 111 ::,� !1:1111 Ni I _____._._, ___ "" ow-empo, '! 10kipmom 1,1211,01! . . ..
I ;� — � I! 4 N I P I _ � - - � -:11 !! :1=02 Ohl .!, ,-, - I � � _. � � .- . --- -
'n, the 0 oug)q to make a paradise for seats. --'-"--'-- -, -o---_ 11 1-1 11.1 1 61, _. I -a WOW I
. oil am A duat luttlah 19awd � I wal"U". �
. . . - I � I oyer this, AX tfto price of milk Is raised the
I �� I � sattlill W cost (a commorollil fassw spoil up to H BE FUN , 0
1 11 00"'WN Water Is seldom U"d 11 I ' WI X Mrs 1800 400. I *'
.. ".. Ir - I r-14 I A oolubtereial p,.4atation, but themo-54, tA" the profits. 1"OrturlAtO Is the *
. I � . : i nrl ked about the roots. dairywan wao ILRa a big alfaXa, patch A ft#90t 611* Xews * I "'
, $oil to fir " to glal;o the hoie. and Silo, And grows most oi vae food : . I 0" 0=04� 0ax"K ow.
A. spade nJ'i11'uo1'4d : 10 ! WIT" IRELAND 44 44446" 0 Is"
4 � , � 4 P I Wbjeh I$ Of au'013 4.JZ6 as to permit on hils, own larm that Me powe coa- . i P - --- ,
. .. I I I " r the roota to be spread out fan -44004 sume. NoTria. . ok Vr I � &%&� #a 0# "A 4N P**"
I � I P . . and to. be placed As 48OPlY as possi- 4 lomthe, Old land - , ;W4 =
I . . I 6- ble In tho soil. The plants, %nuat,,not Fermentation iii manure Is. reduced I I Gov't. to Give Dublin 01astle X0110t, 401MV41"MINO
1, I Ilow, A01thO." 41,144 they to, tho mllillutkm Atell It 10 closely , _. I —_ _*0004M -
. be set too fba, 1 1 . I ____ 1. llwow
, I
I .- 11 . 11 � A. ,� . 6 - I be too deep. As soon 44 Possible at- packed ,and kept moist, Fermentation 1_-- ___. .... ___.__.__. __.._.__. __._ .. _ I Bvery Support. NTCMX 4 ""tie, I
I I � "I 9 I ter aettlig cult'vation should follow, at inanure Is oau*ed by tiacterla. The
I I � .1 � � &A,d frequent C4.1tiVating jla,ftorwitrd , hQIQ oecret of preveuting hot for- Ai� old Inn, the Horse and Farrier, Space hae already been idlotted. And A414104% WuNhossi., 001%
, w _1 a , s sold for 9-12,000. many amAufaeturore have aecured - 1-1 -_ i
. � will gr 1,P the Plants to become , itentation. tuay be -summed up In theise 0 tley, Chashire, IV 11 � 1. --i
, .
established and start a Vigorous few worda. "Ir-eep the manure heap - U
I satlY he' Station -waster at Waterloo (L. and atalls for the next seven years. . IS, Batming to Sin Fein '
CORN PLANT111%, pr4me oblect Of thl'a wor3k, Is the Ab. ting of S. W. R.) for 9 years, Mr. E. J, 44ort. of Soath Wales coke, which o , '-d107 Holmes, l
. growth. There to a triple, benefit in compact and MOW," The heal bas risen to X. 0 a ton, is now pro- Dipoug,013d, MU
deuce, and, lueldentally" the control cultivotion--.1i; conse,tvra the wolstur%� manure , IS caused by a claft of bac. Prince has Vtlred. � "0.,WT0% VM I
M-Aparlmoutal Irarm Notes.) ' , ring Illbited. 1111000TWN
laotioe, particularly of 001141tu- - ;OM �Ind g previants The protection Of ,
at 44 pl.A.Ut ter iquire free oxygen for flugliell 0:Rg , � 1�
. tkud It =10010 . Ia which re I .
Itifta, cars, the P"riessorop at the t1quil dise4ses, such 4a Leaf, Roll , the performance of their functions. birds Is. under consideration, said tile A large floating mine came ashore 11� 00" "W No^ W*om^ ,�
�Ioaal% which hayo Proven to be re" ,weedis from inultlplVlug� at Witteriag, Sussex, aild was 4ox- i , - 1-0m -F!o
r,Uxo4 , 'London cable says: In a debate tit .... . .
,,,%rw, has a gradually 0141*0149 Is for a serious reduction in THE STRAW04,1VIT MULCH. Unleaq these bacteria are provided Home Secretary $rt Parliament, ploded , ,
omitilon a pore,1414-1 wlt,h sufficient air, It ets Impossible MaJor Tryon Bulit In 11arliainvat tboLt ng I
sphere at Usefulo" in tho 1) 0"' of the country. ThestrawborrY OaAt, is f I -Mr. �ri. Y. Bacon, CXX., Is retirl g the House of Lords to-4(ty conceru- ,
')%ei'd R4 Vusto
A *In ,many parts - .or them to live, and coneetln,entlY the number of prisoners intended In - Ing conditions in Ireland, Baron no
� ox can4ft, it b growa most extqn. 4 tits onjy p6asibility of 616tingu'.04 growing Iroin ye4r to Year and 4C frain tile poet of Treasury Valuer af
� . ,Winter hot .fermentation cannot Occur. 14 Drltlsh prisons tinder the Dofellci) Ot� Birkenhead, i4rd High Chanc-Alor, 4AN044TO AM $*"a$"%
� s',vols! 14 the prov�rce of Ontario; t1le noc of these dleowe lies. ecq protected during the . , ter 43 Years In the Civil Service.* on behalt of the Government, (3a,d It
� Ing the 0 Irep �eu, Such XgAuts building the wa�huro pile, ,therefore, the Realm Act was 102.. � - 1 0140% 11
,� � corn growtug 1.111" to the .province at In the =00tiou of the growili will always remain at( , . 11 After 60 years' work Ili the Canter was Intended to, continue the policy 0 )on sA )001
- -1. a . plauto, it is, obvious that tu ardor to 04 retalu the'r greenuesa durlug the great care should be taken to have b1r. Walter Priestman, a prominent bury D.iooeQe,- the Rev. T. G. 2are- f Iving to the Irish N ' w6w I
r .1 Y Daing vuflhe4 . the., he.4.p well compacted by tramping BIrmingligni Magistrate and chairniall field Hall, vicar qf DoddlngtQn, le-ro.' a 9 , xecutive all wwof^
i . - . Quebec Is graduall iiocwtata this proseweb 014 or freedom -vyluter May be, railed upon to start - means. Each daily addition possible assistance and support. � . I _0
- ciroue growth it, the or Other . of the Abstafters' Union Assurance tiring, . k _ I � . 1. .11
� . northWard. gu4, 14 IOVW14 00171CU, -fA friamt Leat RqIA or MogaiQ 10 any An early, and Y19 - , , -hot" He added that In no couceivabl, I
�, saskatcha- exop, Itiopeet4oa, aluot of 4teccGORY sprlal;. In such sectio,a where to the, IgIq should -be smooth and firm,
1 611OW 1 aj Company, dle4 luddenly at Edabaston, ,enatrman' ot %he Alders " UL
I tb,Q provInces of Man-ftoba, .a order to exclude As much air r I Irwhi -
� , v In tho Wowing Season co round from late. 1411 Un- 0 in this ' W.mbledou S. W. ragletrat.'.on offlor ul�441reitrates .Presented W special con- circumstances would tile Government � Arth .
wA% Alberta. And 'Arldsh Columbia cOn'1119" . Vera the &I 50510ble, It the ptle Is m4d Lying that stUbles with certificates for service c m tile S.nii I mo.s., L,ms-
� and PrOem-tily duil-rig the b1cQ$OMing tit spring, great %ld to given iP pro- A Fein, and -that the Proposal to Invite
- .
the com "op to gatulug 14 14yor, rerlA. LAS U I$ at this time A r I gaute from wintei cold. way, the noroblo bacteria soon us� all refused votes to- 39 li0sell, 69 .
'. teetlng� the.' I Mere waQ witi evidence tbatLtbesoll� or rendered during the war. i)ortor of Dental Surgery of the Penn-
, I ditr Matto . , . the Sinn Fein to another Irish con- s ,,
04 W 401ty t �4lqtAngiiish any I$% Wtl4dre 0414 and Yar'di;Vet ,winter the Air 'that Is enclosed In It, and the tylvania College and Licentiate of Perk -
This roluvole ,or" WRI grow W STUal a Ith, little manurenevor bec=00 very hot, Joint use of hospital bedrooms entitled A small white Saw, whiell berbre volition was a PrQAosal Wholly out al E;uroory MI Ontario.
� Way%',tw,Vurft$ of varletY. T,h,U!l 00 "YO- weftthbr is experienced W , et an abuti4ante of - them to be placad on the resistqr. the war: Would hAvebeen sold for I ,
� Wi4c. r4ng,Q-I-Qf soil oroy-zlefl 0 . Winter mulch Is. one Of the 71he Vrgeellice aboUt 48, realized 434 .at a Stoke of contact with any living reality. Closed ever3, Wednesday Afternoon.
1. told obK-t to attained. . $now a hot for- At Portsmouth the Alitycir presented ad,
, . the" to, good drainage a'Ad' a plentifl3l , -tors in the growing MqI&tUr6 tonds, to prevent ,,Tile country would be well Office In Kk000r,ald Block,
� 4nost important far, , I � . , Hummond (Bucks) farm sale. .
supply (Yr swtable plant food, 'It Is At the galiclualon at the Inspection I �,j the p1dit- mentat4on due ,first to, the cooling ef- EL silver cup, awarded by the Air Couu- The Rev, jqbu Brereton Androwes, vleed,11 Baron Bakenhead contin- � - 0-.. I I . 11 -1
Votatoes, the juepoetor of this fruit. It best serv( ,
� of q -field, of I :feet of the moisture �Wf, and to the cll� to CAptaln John Williams, mai3ter tied "that wcf ard faced by a body of
� p Specially adapted to WATMv 400 10AM ha.U40 to the grow ,a record showing , tation in the Opting of the Y W� to that the moieture provents the of tile steaniship Camber, for saving. T14car at Harldw, Essex, slid honorary t -in .
; MaP. prevent the heaving' of the planteAria fact � . Canon . of Chelmsford Cat-hedral, has 'desperate, w,@II. organized and able W. R. T -41A b LY i
� . 00fis, r1o'b, In deemylug'Vegetable the exact penditim *4 Ills crop. ()at$ due to re" entrance of air. The manure heap the I.fo of a seaplane Pilot Who toil men, bauded "together to eboLlIeAgQ 9.8%, M.D., C.M. , I
� Shmild lihc Reid be found to moaaitr , Ing of the r . I shou Into the Sea off Stakes Bay. � British might and to shiink from no. 11
a the break' arefully wacbW and water died at the vicarage, -Harlow.
� 4 W VOTOO grqw� Ings. , Id be c a Brad- they attoution Paid to dfx",0941:
ter (hu=UOY Inderlaild OW peftEed fteezIngs find thaw it it shows �.%Ir, Arthur Harry Briggs, means calculated to secure what We*en and mdren 'haVing �
. I . . .. .� �,' Ills to the, reau!red stondftlx� the actions ,the etrawbArrY added to ft occasionally In the four Drinelpal Scottish towns, ford worated e inner, a director of ,
aga -t� &i-
� Iola . , or to , In visited a , after havrest In some a Alir tendency to becollift too CITY. P . c 11 self-determination and indepaud- I -wow JA stm -
I .7 , corn should 1011-oW' time hid an inspection rqade of the tends to bloom before the Ovinger , op In the Proservetion of the sales of War Savings Certificates the Rolls-Royce Company, and chair. a of I Us. -
in the rcitation ' tain to wt,at extent, It from frost Ia ]Past, pad while 01117�a . The 11rat st ng of the to end at last February wpliie as fol' Man of the. directors of the Bradford ence, -, . riology and Saten,'Jft
,ura. it may 061$0 be tuba".6 to asolof I kill- Inaoture ehould be the mixi - disdained 'every, con.-
� clover bay or past o, o a Y., �s ommant Sm -b, Portion at -the blosoorns, may be lows:-Glaogow, 48 607,4150; I-;d,tn- Football Clu They had )(*Maine.
� a or eyou follow diamea 6401 I , and diffirent kinds PrOdVAGd 011 the farm, 5 , b, has died. . cession., said Lord Birkenhead. and I I
we, Alter gral uld ed by one frost, both the, season urgh. 9-2,751,474; Dundee, C1, 31,729- The otaft 11324he Kerr resi4e=6 be-
. . gro, Rblz-ootonla etc,, are pTooent. She , LY the rajild fermentation b Rev. G, C. Twist has presented' - '
� I ed er provided t,4s, $qJ1 ,% rich or , Map will be shortened as a re- for Ia this WE . , led-, and Aberdeen, 41,488,3179. Chelmsford Museum with a piece of Staked all upon obtaining What the twom tkt_ Queen!# 11titel W $0 �
I- " ho 01), this final 1neiiection f0ro-f.9;,eatIsfac- the ( , it would take place In the dr , Vwplra would never concede to
AreavY 0.L,VP11QuUOn Of Wpure has bory, ch's potatoes are gra,� as either suit. FIres. and smudges have a ton, t1o,
I I a No. I or W. I a GTado S,eed Potatoes, dency 'to prevent tile air from I - fall- h rse and sheep Manure Ils checked by Tile Wynnaiay Arms. ,Os*ostry, a Assyrian marble trqui Nineveh from them. . I X4141st 0AUreh stumum
� I been MOO, ' � I � ng below tbe freezing p le ,more moist COW and W.g exert" well-known North Wale,3 hostelry, the Palace of Ashufhasta-Pal (&M- . ,,ri,vory single motive wh-'611 led A.0 *01114009 9tr*% &iQQ
i anti. a sjjWdont n4mber of tags to _ oint, but the tI it ispossible the nim"Tre has been purchased by Trust Houses, 860 B.C.), Volihing four hundred. at, rb"s " P. 0� 001"U111
's beot m(-thod of pgOtectibn Is t a 'keep Mont.. when . this �, . .
i %%resh or greea haTAY001 JMVLAUre L �ir e bagu Or other � ' occasionally, for .-Limitedi Thi same company bought weight, - the United States Ao ' resist the a I I
L 0 b�oat pisat ftod ,�aater%L 12 to �15 c"'for t"'d uOn"i". $, 1 for the shipping -ba* the blooming period for a woor should be turned. a readily the Red Lion. Hotel, Bedford, which tompt at secession Would oper te
i ( , � th rittatners neep,aear causer., it to decompose met . Bramishott Place,, D. annshire, which with even greater force to determine Dr. Robt. C.'D -dmond
.,. . to give ,00 Inepeated, at two by hol&.ug back tile lev*IOP�� to i4ore has only had two tenAut$ I staiids In 100 acres of land and was this country," said the Chancellor,
; tons PaT aura MAY hi expected of the amoum at -POtatO19 Wt .of the plants. rhis I@ ax-com- and evenly. NVhen rtecenary u I ha'f a ANIP
� I tusDec�tor. These M( I . is It is a good eentur' , at a public auction, for 914,- forinerly -Ae residence of the 1;%to and be' would remind the Si UJUD.S. Tat,)
� gwd, W,=S� The apptivation cnal� ace, tumed, by the plishodt by allowing the Winter mwcb� the aranure for some 013 y un Vein-
: qtags cort4ty that the contento at the � . I tion a t Ia ,plan to cover the beal) with an Inch . 250. JuUo Eric has been acquired by the ers that -the race Which had resist- I'". IlAnd.) -
. 0 made In the fall; 'Winter or Spring W remain ,on the kilanta. Is � ng or two at earth, This. prevents the Ge .
., . b , f bags ot, other containers to which � PHWIWAN AND $UR1Gff4&
� L ' ' ' grio " as 0,-1$sIb110. T 07ee .rman F,mplre
� . it maye be W0T!ke4, ih On t0l) 'of '0�O they tire attacbed, have been Whelt the g een 1. escape Of any., munionia. thO may be .Jn accordance with the will of James Seamen's iiOSDItal, Greenwich, for use ed tl3e mi,ght of the �
; , ra white under Me kAU14011 oney In 1514jo, -be as a convalescent home
I g"'ves Uhiformly satifj- by the .Parson whoso'karne appears on be,glix to tv fornieft, as the �arth has the power of 'Wilford, who left in wbuld.not Yield to a section of des. fft. q&%pWo old stand).
� � practAqOle lind uat be remove4f. Remove , . distributed to the poor of the Merchant In the first race In Worcester Cath. .- _1�
� tag � torY vsfl�ults when property carrlq& the tAgtt; t.h#1 tbey UA,ye ibeen inspect- -the latter ni fix,lird and retaining the ammonia. � perate people in Ireland. I . -
q I . �out The manure should not 130 bur* ,t. ot jiIe Dominion D�- only a 'Portion of the Mulch. Over , Lose $ban two bushels of applee, I ,Taylors' Company after the Livery edral* School aiinual regattia, on tile The subject of the support given —1 _,,� .1 - 1--va �
', ed by gik offlee "'. n,td, amd the best time aster and qeverti, the four,oared boat of Hostel I ' I
�. at ,there will partAnont of Agricultttle and found to 0aeh tow Of PIR: one-third of a buehOl Of Poaches and 1 had attended church, the M to .the "Irlsh e per-
. � I#d too deeply tit Order th the be suMelontly vigorous and free frorn to_do thie is during -a .few days of 6nio-t , enth bushel of pears Per capita Wardens, in their robes went in �roces- I -louse ifts Swamped and sank. C. W, sons in the United States came up In
. a the I -east 'POSGtble busuce !Or DR. R. L ST ART
, bi , luable -plant food coil-. serious diseaAes, other Posts and for-, cloudy -or rainy wedther. 'It. .� 61101 wore grown in the United States in Stan to St. Margaret's Lothbury, Lon- Seager, 17 disappeared. A schoolfel. the House of Commons to -day. �
I lear,"alng a vs: Itto in e4s, soil beyond. elgti varieties- to waimut them 13eing -weather should liot be, present, then 1918. don. . I tow named Fell went to his assistance Horatio Bottomley asked Whether Graduate of Vnlversl�y of Toronto, ,
I I qjWeota- to dej) , -Ure- elamed aa No. I (or No4 , ) 00de Seed . the dncov8e+ug should, be done late in � Theg at is the hexlthtost or all alit.; Indicted at tbd Old Bailey for th but ,without 'success. ' -the Government was awarFe that 11P- - 1pac 'ity ,of Medicine- Licentiate of tba,
1, the rp I I ,the afternoon so 48 tO Prevent to same � male, f Soo,iiq goats ex0mined at Murder ott Luigi Taino by stabbin As a result of fatal accidents dur- ' peals for subscr$tlons for bonds ad- One= College of *.Hyslelans and
each af'�he Immedla;te and fut .�, t
.1 L crors. . . . . Potatoes. � exUnt the sun from '101truI1197 'Or 1 1 � -yardej -by the 'Clorken Well on February 25. Raffaelo Ing last year, 5 widows, 1 guardian droned by Do Valera, as "President Surgeolm. I
. I . - 4 of to on the oth6p tand., if a field ralle I . I the Kansas City stock -1 � OD7ICE ENTRANCM: �, �
I The atin. In. tile ,prepdrgt�ou of the , 01scaldIng" the leaves. . 1. inspectors none, Was D! Guillo, was spritenced to 12 mouths' and 14 children have been placed on of the Irish Republic" wore still aP- '
I I I � Seed -lied 0401did bie in . ,have it deoil, It, the deld. inspection. to. ineasure UP . Federal meat that could be � I �
fine. Clay land to be' to the required standard, owing to the .qMVW,G. BUER FRUITS. found with diseases In pr,sournout for nianslaughter-330t1l the funds of the Wigan Society. The pearing in American uew6papers and
: . badjibed accident cases chargeable to the so- v,ere supported by the Governors of
., � moist, dleark and y be fatl',4 presence 01 a larger percentage Of The spade MkhO,d Is the bpt for COMMUnicated to human belug& . men are' Italians ,and Talao . ZURBRIGGIS PHOTO STUDIO,
, I hould,lordinaril: , ed than -is __4_* -0__ I at De Guilo's Army servIed, which was clety during the year numbered 2,443. various States and whether Great
: used for exii Sl � mixwe varleti sottl�,Ag bush fruits. with t1i �p
. ,turning'a f4rlydeep furrolfl d4seaseo ,6i ii I a GXC,Q - � .., - I . I ) -
i : ptouoed, allowed. it Is given -no further con- tion Of two-ye,ar-old Watt of cur- said to have been good, The High Courts JQurnallsts As3o- Britain proposed to make. repre OSEPRINE ST. PHONE 291
� , 7 ly,at no deeper than the pr.oductiVe.os011 dvised Wolverhampton's elation have urese . ntc I Mr. W: 11. Til. sentations I oil the matter to Pres- "R� ..
l, . ds avid. I . ofiras S1101- sidefttion; the grower liging a I rants and gooseberries. I The Mayor or
I .Will allow, San to Chan I to procure 'Cbr . IlL caSo of blao4berrisa. and Oalspbek- . scheme for bmutift1bg 1�he town ,by __________
. 'ifted.- Mast fa- I go hie seed and - . CAUR"NZA MAY let, . 6no of the founders of the asso-' dent Wilson.
. . . low F , ,, provide -thig change, seed OGtRtOeO from eOm*11 � as ciation, w4h a complete smoker's alit- Mr. Bonar Law, replying on. be- '"
. . 5,pring-plour loughed, y. ties, the cane is *cut back. .to a. Stub ' , trees in drab streets w
; Vorable canditiong lot card. 11 grower wkosb StOCIE -has SAt%f0,Ct0T1I d . M a IM fit on the occasion of his leaving the -half of the Government, eald it was
p!autlng, .a few iri�hes lang.* It Is recemspande --. starled In All Saints rioad, when chil- 'I
I I Undar IMInediately befOrti passedboth field and tiiber inspeationt �hqp . t these be dipped clear to the roots dren rrcin the three elemontary schovan Law Courts after many years to take understood that such appeals were
: _. . the sod, the,growth of grass and the This work is, being carried 'on a 111fol U V E C"; A P i T A, L �1""' alectod by 'the up an Important position on the edi- still appearing In certain American SHAUGHNESSY -
.1 a decompose rapidly, in commercial ilme-sulphur, dih(teft to . . In the usighborhood, '
I -
I . dressing 0 IRRALUr warm condition" present chIsAy In, Northern Ontario, W.'riter strength, .or ,about one 'to popular vote of the -'r comrades, plant- torial staft of the Statesman, Calcutta. papers, but be was not in a, pos',�ion
. supported
. . e,rmte a ,,hot -bed. or, in parts of N-Aw BrunpwIck, Queboe, i3ight, It is claimed that this kids in .. ed 30 trees. in memory of*fatlen'sol- At the Iniluest at Islington ofi the to say whether they werp
,o Edward. le- - whigh' Ia. the body of William Frederf,k Peskett, 48 by -any (lovernor. Great Britain, he
.. . 11. In the $011�,�S�essar l - � 'P'-' OWT IMISTIC
� y. for the Quick
.. � , I 'd 14OV& "Soc'" and Prine controlling antbracnose, I And �Transfer Gov't.$eat to ,diers. Pledges were given that the
. 1. I.. . germination of the, seed ,and the rap- ' lemd. It is proving of value to the most dangerous enemy of these, grUits. . I trees would be held in trust and guard- a billiard market,. -Who was crarloyed added, was not prepared to make .10),
1.� i growth at the pliin:t, thO secret to one- grower Ill tjiat, it. "ueu:t1-y reveale, Th6 gDll' should be packed sorneWhat Ver$ G ruz, I ed caref!X'17- .. . at, the Archway Tavern, I-Ilghgate, It any representations. � I
. . . � I cessfal COM growing. I . to him the 10,6a which i1e. J,s, incurring frrmIT about th.5 - rooter and crowa, bift � Mr. I.I. Pike pease',. M.P,, Assistant Was stated that, on enterhIg the house ,Mr. Ilottomley asIted whether Mr. _ I '
. . I Molstum lb- a, factor wbIdb must be by the use of d1seaged seed, and to not too firmly, -4s the new growth y ' of postmastex -General unveiled ,the Post lie said that somebody was going to Law had se�n the announcement that Urges for Slow, Gradual
I come from the root or crown. - al!ready X2,000,000 had been sub-
. . dilly c�uglderdd in AkI seod-beds. NO also -s, moans of putting wal In wuch Aluat . . '. Cannot Defend.the, Cit O�flce SMVAags BanR War Memorial at die there becau.o the clock face had
. . seod-bed 10 COM-PlOte Until"the, suffice witli the grower from whom it would and break it,g Way up through the been broken, Ile was' taken. Ill and Scribed to this fund, and that . Deflation, -
t . . soil a,rz), conliettet, be adYleable to dbtahi -a all-Pply of soil. in I sawd)r or sandy-loam'0611 it kexico. lCengington. The memorial, to which .
. I and sub-surfacs porated Go "CeqWled Seed Potatoes' ,t Or ImpossIble, Cul-' 21.200 has beari subscribed, cons:sts Of died shortly afterwards. -is triumphant procosrsions had gone .
. .1 I with the maoure well I'LOOT , as o,atilned is often difflau. . In Oak panelling, With Lewis, Sussex, has two empty pi - through the principal cities of the
. I �
. . . the .Vlsd above. (too: Partridge, Z'istant Plant tivating -or booing wfthIn a , few I � a tall of honor gs Banx ons and ar empty workhouse. .--- ' United Statce in celebration of the Must Increase Production,
I . . . . tbat tte-re IS no IiIndrUncO to f- Petholosist, C�entral.. F,%perIm:e*tftI inches. of the old Pane breaks the , Washington report: Concentration the names of the 632 Savlu war, a� On March 23, 400,000,000 War Say- event, and that Do Valera had been
. . .. . of ADII M-OiStlr,re from the dopt6,s 0 11 III ' ,�at Mexico ,Olt nion who served during the Ings.,Cerificates has been sold. I End Waste.. .
. I
. . .1 . th6e, doll to, where it ]Pay )ie eve,ilabld, VArm,40ttawn., -Olit, I .criftst and belPs-the Pla -ts tor Puah UP � by �Cqrranza of troops y granite taLlet, wil.b. the names Inscrib- entertained by State Governors. He
- �
I . as. requ4rW by the growing Plaut. i I through the aoll. I caused rebel representatives . to be- of t,ao 93 men who gave their lives, Afro. 1-1. Betterldge, of Ramsey, has asked,if Mr. Bonar Law did not con- -
. � MISKIASES �OYL BEES, PLANTINOk VINE YARDS -'AND . I . I fallen just celebrated her 100th birthday. sider tat, in Intern A t-,"Onal law, this Now York report: "Increase pro -
I .� Hill and row atG�the t'WO �Wethc`& ol, ' - . I . I . " ' lieve to -day it might indicate the and trained PhOtOgraphs of the , - disused Moto � .- : .
. afteb : NTO`te-� PLANTATION$- . . ,r, V . C.: r. amounted to an unfrIendly act. and a
. . planting. Hill Plant'llig 3 'feet (Expertmental Farms I - PrOsIdent's determination to' gather Dr. Henry Thomae -SvivestL In the engine of . whether new instructions would be ' uctIon and waste less" is the , ad,'
. way Is mommouLled for weed Infest64 , See diseases axe Of two kinds: Die- , s soil becomes very hard and firm melliers. who died car at Slough the nest of a field-
. I I . h, haopily, Th late Royal Welch r 11 given to the British Ambassador. vIce. tenderelk by Lord Shaughnessy
� � 'elds since horse labor can b� Used to sues of t -he adult bee, whic In a vineyard or o llbout.hlm'a force sufficiently strong as"one, mouse. .was found. - ' .
I . I If- o,t wee an of 9 tiarIng the Winter recently at Raignton, aged 89, was o The Government Leader said he In a review of the present-day out-.,
� . 111 tho control d ta Canada, have so Car be small fruit plantation, and frp4willk to enable him to, transfer his seat of of th*b -first to receive the Victoria, Ddblin publicaus have decided to had not seen a statement of ihe I
� 11 llaaxinlm . Is ,alBo. an advisable 'me- transient nature, because no etfeoflve growers are at a; -1069 to know Just UOYernment. 14-110 ODV',OU6 purpose -OL Cross. Dr Sylvester served with his charge Is. 6d. a glass and 15s. a bot- . , look published to -day in the Wall -
growth It es; of � . specirm ,facts named, but it did not
I " tiroid where seed PTOaUctIOA 18 the &'rA' treatment Ia known; and diserLe what to do to break up the SO4 to re- or guen, it, was expeccOd, WOLLI(A 'Us Ene battalion through the trimean War, tI4_ for whiskey. S "It should � be our
, � . alter his view regarding G,reat Brl-
� . or in short 13-eason districts, since hill the bt,00d ' of which there are three, atore Its friable cOri'Nititin and at the uelence. at tae capli,al, but accoraing slid was awarded the Cross for -'going - A blackbfit with a. white head has It prayer," says Lord Shaughnessy,
t . to -conducive to tL quicked ma� .A.merIca,n foul-broodi European to. u4- same time ,it Zo expercs Mex1QO City is so difficult 11 ta;n's right. course. nameli, that
.. ,VDId breaking up and out u de -r very heavy Z.re 'and bring- made Its home by the village green at m "that contraction be not swift, aurl
* "
: =691 the crop tUan rovf planting- � brood and Sacbr000. . I troying tb�b root systlem, A 1�2gijlar to ue,teiia that carranza, miglit be ex- sistance of Cot, Walberton, Sussex. was not always wiee to, takp act -on
. vs apart, ree d4seases desi - this . Iliac ing in (with the asr 'regiment) I 19 to which a c3untry had the le�al that price correction be orderly and
Ro 4ince each, of theSe w ii too large far ted'to employ tile same tactics lie paral Shields of the same Brighton Pavilion hospital, which rigtht,
,Nv. planting 36 to 42 iucUe th sln.ca the. t4rmng. PIO � I I
I lb preferred 033L land Ia -a Wed dtabe bl Ia treated ditforently, aio4 -ork, evq1i, wrion set to run shallot and 'Rid waen Villa gained the ascondeucy Lieut. I)Yri.016Y', the adjutant I NvhO W34. to close shortly, Itreated a man who. . illiam Wedgewood Benn rpread over 'a long pe�riod. Th * a
. , spec�pj macignery 16 first two f when neg- " 'urrow is 4 In 1914, and a n Art a - . Capta!n W e Govern- Un;ted States through its rarer
caltivatlQn. No .AUIRS great le,ss the ridge of i ifficult to fill gat set up his capital lying mortally -wounded ' n exPOB had 35 operations. ted to know whether th I ve
. to Unary s0ed-drIII looted, It Is7 IMPOrtant, th1A every bee- ) Or level off daring.Mo,early sum- at Vera ;Cruz. It Jvould be poss'ble ed positien. Formerly a Nou-comforinist minister ' wa;a talze steps to halt the system, an' Canada, througb, Its
� I ,qul;ed .since the or, d in harVesting recognize al I � � - I .,. I for Carranza to take with AIM -to been in search of 2C WO- the Rev. D. F. Richardson has been I ment Would which, he de- branch barilks, canehasten this .to
. I . . � answers tho parmso'.'an i � ,keever should be able to met.? e. other.point the Wales has malielous campaign p -
.. ear aud ta2T at' tho corn and distUguish them 60 ft to treatL In .most cases, growers PIOV764 the Vora,Cruz or to earn at to tall: appointed vicai of Hawes, Wensley- was destroying the friendly
.1 there Is leis W L4 O,boerve in OrID" Qlaes etteoti. -with- S. ofliala,is of the Supreme Court, and it man official at 41.000 a Ye by M, 11 clared, cess through judicious conservation
� . I a * ltarvot.� t,b a a vetv and. ,lulte readily level. the soil afterward ItIon fornierly occupied dale. n th1s eountry and of now credit. It Is the task of the
. . bmrvooter tban . . - quantity Of �Supplleo and money, buL a Pos- relaticrls betwee
.� . Ili, hill planted corn. I out de,lay, 1 -3QII toward the rove In the tall leav . on the Welsh Dr. Nathan Raw, M.P I Mr. farmer; Merchant alid inanufaeturer
I 0 Ion would Violet Donglas-Perinant . and Dr. the United States. To this
-AFUPOT4� T.he diseases at? r ug'a dead farrow In the centre'Qf the bo ,_,�_nsumer,, to co,
. Th(5 rata at tsedaug ,;,g an set the, larva ?) u0servers asserEod his poeft if any insurance commission, and now trans- Varrler Jones, th npOalalists In tu- Bonar JAw did not reply. ' N and, Enally, c f the co -
.1 . . I ea6h hill .Worm stage of tho bee. - In and lea to.ill(t then be no �trpnger than that ( I Iced operate with the bank to prodilce
. taut .0.0WIllerati.an, - For �paco, in,which the,4a . rred to the Welsh -Board of Health, berculosis have been selected by Dr. Robeit Burton Chadwick as
I . . 11 I ,& Dt qft,0*gv-l1aMtY "I' in &merteau toul-brood, the lag") v tfia.w-�nter months. X1 leader conducting ind9pendent opera- fe OMRIL his been of T 0 a natural deflation." After the waru-
. . � fro" 2� to 5 me 20 PO-Audg just after capping, ,O wliect daring ,-o*�4` away ...ations. The possible success of such A suitable Walsh , W �, Addison, Minitter 11calth, -to ch6ose whether Mr. B n r Law was'recently
I . .. . . I sriffjciqnt� r,or roWa, 16 to . beGoMee a P ffee- he spring the soil 'was thi W tactic declared, depends wholly sought, but not found. ' \ appropriate sites for ,village settle- boncred.with the freedom of New Ing against the d ' angers of too rapid
. I I 'ed ?713 145-4- colored lmage w1ach Is so tenacious 'rom the rows fllllng�the dead fuiro 4 .19 58 contraction, the statement proceeds:
. . .1 �er acre of. h1g4 qaAAHT SL I I , - porr 5� r'Nical change In. Popular 01)111� Morimauthshire oducation rhte� ments for tuberculous ex-soldlers Orleans, and whether any
. I b, to per- or vWd thai It wHJ rope out Dome-. and leavip'- the soil level exr-011t, a U the highest In the Built in 1947 the Theatre' &yal, tions had bean made to "For the past fiscal year Canada
� I 14 'ive'a sta,u4 tWX IWOUZ V ) a lenoth, ot several h1chea It .jha,Uow farrow on each.'Side ot'018 Ion_ Information based on news con- ad In the ,pound, the United has 90favorab.'a trade balance of
. � vMels t( as been sold to Mr. Ray. States in the face of 'this deliberate I
. . I vt a, harrowl'bLy r cdru de* il tooth-pl,d* be Inwted Into the cell raw. These were roadLIF 'fiila' by tained in the Mexico. ,City newspaPerG . oceuntry, I Manchester, h 2
,� f,a-r plautions inners are do- ,1 - of Messrs.. iftult by I 21,000,000. O,d- -current commer-
. t.he,. right tin,, of 4 recent date Indicates that Cftr- lbaneaelilre cotton ep mond Pollak, a director an ostensibly fr:endly�
� I arid, NN,e-atJUe_r COnAll, 9Ad wittidxawn m4 it. has &n'-U`n' 'neans of the summer cult[I'MiOn- -at inand-11yag 60 per, cent. more Wages, Or Donald Campbell-& Co., of London. cial debt to the States is the -one
.1 pandA VqOA SO not b,e planted until picasant glue-i6,-odon Thd mass . In recent years, the reversible disc ranva was preparing to Send, Genet . power. diawback. Perhaps America Imml-
. it shouA ' I V,urgula south lutd the 'State' of three time$ the pre-twar rate&.- .1-a amendment to the Air Naviga- Bit. Bonar Law answered that he
. ,aarrow bas col 'a
� t1alX4, weagler 44 iWes, down to a- seele ,that adheres, me . to -take the IDIA,ce -A 'Phe In On tho Xing!s n compensates for
. every. Indift0ou d 0014 Omld Uo* to the Aower wall df the cell. , I . Th6se cw� be' Puebla, at the head of a considerable terventl 0! tiou Regulations provides that licenses wal quite satisfied the real fe3ling
. N e�tbo,r of the vineyard Plow, I . , octor I -tecent Bamberger di, ir P - thae'disparity. Over 100,00 men,
t,uoogut to. to past� oett containing the .parcha,md� of the exact width lot a QeT- ce. to at ack the rebelelthat have Pr ri_the� may be granted for the dropping of of the United Statt, was not r pre
. .
I . I earn p1gritlul., W lett'So -19te, tha'"t'o" �M8 c4liPlug 'a 'he Uslially d4soolored; 11 e there. under the corn- votes ease lcj estiailated to haVh. Coot pa;ckages by parachutes teom. aircraft. 6cuted at all by such demonstrations, .women and children have come in
tain width of Elpace, and work, Well in, zalez, who ;098o, I . - in the -last 12 months. ilalf British,
. - . to danger Of Ark ii"SlAfletefit moistuft ittf`lt&WoftenarvrXre1gb .. and of Qwleral -Pablo, Gan - . ac
.. I " toci short itlilson for ularl,.v pertorated, Or :almost any kipd of soil.. 1� I � � he F ,Alr, J. H� deA prac- The ceremony of ghring slxpenny and be did rict believe that,any halt Anierican, we are getting the
- Earpply and a r -plaiting . recently joined the revolt, T O& Wilson, th& at . pieces to widows of the parish was tion the British 'GOvarlinlOnt ' Could
. it may be removed altog6ther. I In caes Orr soil that gets vory CUM' I ,eitbr -.it Bath, has died at b2st classes of settlers on the earth.
I right time to p i in the city of 'Puebla ticing %all ould have any
I � . grovo., Tku The OlLpert- tn European toutAmood, most of the pact and bard during the winteri Viol eral gatrisol observed at the Church of St. Bafth take agaipst them Nv We have labir troubles up here.
. . can hard,11 bg ex.&I-ned. � r . He qualified as a so- the reli- .
. � - Sarvae'are otrla,en before they are , . NXOneporte,d to have WUlidra.w.ri Oil the age of 72 1 olomeW the Great, Smithfield, on Good other effect than to make .
I entvd. PlAnter '-fools Ill his banes" that They lose their, shape" disc harrow should be started at Just i aii, o , tbe�approftch q Gonzailez, licitor hi 1870. ffitors'and'Men of Friday. . I - Uono worse. . They are the natural outcome of the
'he right time 'n the spring to'cut, , war. The workmen must be fed and
. The bp4in- OaPped -Ovsr. � 'tvd refuge in ApIvIeo, A memorial to o — _..0.,,.d___
Galtable codit'.011% ekiat.. . eilgo only Ind collapse It the b0ttOru Of the ce'll, .lOwq to the .rkulsite depith alid tot and to 11, taken g!ment -has been. Admiral the I -Ion. Sir S. A. Gough -
*I I I I e
; nor tan Rc4TdrO this Uno'% � .PlaxcalA. th 20th London Rel Pacit- Calthorpe Is appointed Commander -in ed after a war as Well as ,be-
11relse Of 3ppouring as if they had been reelted . -lumpy. The dept*hshould fore it.
exe eave the vAl 'The cutting or railroadeNoutinuaG y Heath House, B. � U
I . ,unveiled at Roll: to 1.
L by absorvatjc�u and the a a light etram or gray . Chief at Portsmouth in succession A,1114aa so'dier's demand
i T -be Tak," 01 do,tes Ili be- and toming t beginuIP according to official and unofficial to' heath S.P., li� Prince Albert. e'y, to date It f The
, judgment, color. Yftay decayed brood bas a �e about four inches at the gham, Admiral Sir C,*.*l Earn ALLY WITH TUP%X c'eth
: . tween May 1.gth and 3=6 loth. 'Glightly son of the setLaon and gradndllyredu6ed The- best Information avallabld �Bh� Chlet,Constab:e at Nottin I I or a $2,000 bolius has its counter-
; IF r amell, -to which, Is some- to.aboilt t11VO inches iu.tb(l_mlddle��*f '2 0 r tt Mr Thoni4s -Clurk% April 28. 1 tot
. T,hei Tarlettels' 05tn to 01191age utrefic- � ,udleated Interruption of traffic' over who Joined the I part n the Canadiali's' clalm.
. L Of timee added a strong odor of P . I th �ty and W�ougra poiles,force as a constable " On the grounds that there has not $2,600. Canada has provided for her
. let vvhert t�an. The mass ropes cut 9ther ,not ix feet or e -between Mexlea C1, . A.
. to SOW devend uptin t4e disti-i I . th4i summer. t railroads &, and o to deal With, Mr. W. -P MATIONALIST
I I Some grow Vera Cruz, Puebla and Pachuc nearly 44 yeaf;8 ago,.is resigning ow- been a cas soldiers, their widows and chil,dreu
. l. Ill
f seeding 'A to be d,01119. T-t4g (It t vatte' at att or but little, and the dried less for the distance between tile the. hialn lines north 0 Torreon -And Ing to 19-h,ealth. Lane,. clerk to the Billericay Profit- She has fitted them for occUp%tloas
. - I g Lqqgto1Jejw C ow-pton's � soa!a Is easily 'd.etached.'. � . . , a.L e
I tles, lvclodin� , Dakota, t cases e*ght feft Is west to Geuadalaiar . Mrs. LA�oyd George has informed eefing Committee, refusea to ate Pt and has supplied the occupations.
. \ j,aAy irad Wzeeg North In Mdxood, the full grown larva rows, but in Mae' . a t*o-hdrse i',N1qxJcan rob to-,iigb L CTIccieth Town Council that she has. more than 9- 10 of his pay of Z 25. ' I/ We have all our prt-sent cares and
I ,_ttUrlu5 districts. I!es stretched out on Its back in the preferred, In this Oasev at agents here Bolsheviki Have Actual
LrUeSt t1- and disc harrow Just covers 0 e.-ved Z -T6,0 from &. NVelsh donor A-lb,3rt Edward' Redfern, sentenced I troubles. These summer clouds will
among (be ef the SPOCO bs- anlJoulic-ad receipt of a telegram froln. r c '
. seawlt idIstricks besides coil, d6scolot,ed, but with skin :e,00il �et, .,)18xlcti, Ctty spying the presiderit Of towar%1,3 a meimorial hall in honor of to death for shooting Mr. P, . P. Oates, , soon disappear. But we must be
In. the loureT ,.ady Mentioned, tlie delit ahrll)a Jultnet. 'Me juices Of the larva tw0sn two rows and fits 0 Military Co-operafiono �
I t flints I , on NO. 7, Golden kte WAtery ,and contain card -like, parw fectly, Fertilizers are very tmDortant tb6 municipality was organizing a ciV- Oriccleth men N1110 fell in the war. a Leqds bank manager, oil December . - true enough
-et . I ter succeo13 in fraq growing, but Ideal -'Ilali guard "for the purpme of pro- Ait aninqueXt on Corporal W. &1011- 11, 4 has Veen reprieved, and will un- meapwhlle to impicae somo further
. I var, I , I bite Cap Yellow tiolik%. . . *6 ev * Moro hoportoLrit, jectlug the city In the event of its . coon Guards, Who died dergo penal servitude for*llfe. morhto-ium oil -our individug. Inter -
G W, a ,, In ithe Ptatrie Ataorican foul -brood Is treated by cultivation . on . Information, the , neux, 4th Drag - Enver Pasha is Really in ests. That lesson of the great war
� . t oVe . at than fertilizers. 1� ey9cuation." The I after.,joeirig' knodked out at,a Ports Mr. Finlay A. Gibson, secret ry of
.1 . th estern Out Is POP'- dhaking the bees luto a clean hive ,oftStrqed by them V, Moscow.
ov tee I containing frames fitted'w.l.th. founda- FAU'�Nt NMVS AND vims. - ageltg paid, was c mouth boxing contest, It was stated ttio 1%loriniolullistilro and South,. Wes I wo need p-actice a. little longer."
utar. . to -mean that Carranza , had deter- of Wean, had formed Coal Owners* Association who In the ." � .:��.__ .
Used, thlo tion ,withollt any af t1je. -honey, and The farmer,liad been atcu$411 ()ri that 'two clots, , - I I I
I Cholce KeM (Mly"'41ioul'a ber In Valued to albatkdon .the capital since Verdict actidernai. recent Honors List WaS-giv011 the 0- Berlin cab! Says, News despatches
ally procared by 061eCt' - taking away thq ccmbs Of broad and pF6qteiring In the sale oi blittor. � lization. of guch a force prob- oil the brain. . .1 a �
,� On be Most ea %,od dn the cob. honey w.hich contAln the sports at tile order to Z'how that in realItY the fa.T%_ tha organ death, B. ri,., has declined -L. - . from Moscow to the German press to-'
,id, Durcka at be undertaken with- Th6 Z12,500 subscribed. by C"- irees of ohorthand writers to the day confirm ail o%dlusivo cable a fort -
Ing ftolu W $25pOOO F0 N_
orest all "ed foit 90irminatIOU before digease. The bees must not be allow- or very often loset On this Tradu�tl ftbly would 11
, .alit his consent and eartAln
. � *f(I be tLck- ed access to the honey unl6w it has the University a,' %sSourl College Of Ily not adlan women and preeented to the House of ()O,umons Pre the subject of night ago 'to tfi� effect that Briver
�dar that Vier, thout b1% knowl8de*. . Will be so
... , planengin a] thin li�aut%g. Place boe'u boiled for an hour, although it *-griculture presents these .*%OW Ouli- W, I I I- - . - I __ late Duchess of Connaught M Special mport, bT ;he Ic t Corn' Pasha, the former Turkish War Minis-
., chalice of too hodgh 0 bei ta MO�flk is fit for bUM10M ue�)- The combs may p�";Jilg that during the mouths No. . . I used in Opening A 110111el for Cori� mitted oil Publicath-.1s and Debates ter and leader of the Young Turks, has
�� I%g planting stit adiall Mon ndon, and two housw Reports, Which recommends that the arrived in the capital of Soviet RUB -
son V ollaw Uld' bd &dtfedtod by scirebing. for corn, $12 for bay, $7,20 for 5118,90, N' G rACT , ,are expected t;o be ready for occupe.- existing fed (fted in ]ZO ot 41 Is. .ila.
the seed deep (3 the 00% b0i TonkIGTed iiAo wax, Thor hive ,05 pounds o -t butter. lie spent ;4.25 In Lo 'TACKS IN' SOUP ,
imich the W-tsee, Ottln' ShO A L04AP `h "
I 1r;;44ently to r 49 rqrapes,ft (MI-ijarocid Ia treated bS ;6.go for cats, $1.63 for todder tough- ,, . Lion in NURY. Der attendane,e and Gd, per folio, , The despatches State that Eliver is
uIgte the gerrufnatioli of weed see a & . . The League of Nations *Cnion an- should bi raised to g2 2s. Lnd Od. res-
, aud to dostTGY Weedg. AtW (he. I*ftodacint young ftallan queene one vamber to April, the larI44A, Produce I nounce that their I-ocal branches now Placing himself at the head of the New York despatch: For, serV-.11g
,� abools ate through the ground be4fil kftlft� the cOlOftles strotM A114 welf age, $5.15 for 311111 foods- atd,:$1.07 for' ., . pectively. Turkish Nationalist nlovdmeXlt� tacks in a plat3 of SOuPkt-,-'_F)r. Atorltz
sit 0 led With 6 - . .
, This disease - -Stalks. Add to tbal $16115 ,,,.! TO SUIT CANADA number 190, an Increase of 15 sines, Striking a uline 1,1 tile North Sea,, From supplementary Information
later-taW Cultiv.stion. Whott (416 W 11 read v rapidly durl,rig a padt�rb And U�e beginning of this Yb-ar and tit 106 the Hull trawlet, Ribble- sank, and �he received by private sources here, it 1) Spitzer, the Childs Restf.,UrWlt Mm-
plantig tire a to 4 *!!(!Iles 11i9b, and It � Y a L tot 67 !tours of Man ltk,bOr� 0010trits tat ', *' since ,,League of NationS Day," NO- as Dickid � up by a Germa appeittrs that Unver's brother, Nourl
I too thick In the. yow, Use, & 1litt drkll; 0 in ta,ta spring and early horS6 labor, ,$5 for upkeep, on build , tondon cable: Little to said in the he,g are crow f hospitable trealu I)any, which runs a large 0110LID Of &t-
�L I tammer. liv Severe cases, tho Col.- Ings taxes and lulgeollaAeous eitpetsask *11titih press about the nogotlatf6iis v6irber 11, 1-01U. Now brane the tmwter, and i !ter Ing lioilses, was initiated in tw 'Suln
kfiown to bo Under Way W ' Pasha, has moved'into Baku at the 6 A
h4rrow &w4wisla of the drilla., tth a View being formed In all parts, of inent transferred to an E119118111 VMS& C. MAO by a Jury to -day In tha SU -
11 Dialito grow1bg ,bY 1116114- onl,�a abovild to tett queenlem for nua and'43.66 for wifoa 1-000 ;1ind there I I head of his troops, together with So-, �r, Spitzer ow."Jowed
%oi* the I or two week4 before the TIAllan cost of $�&($ foy-tht t r6newing the Atiglo-Japaneea al- country. . I L A- ," , prenle Court. P
l * tai,niag a 1400VO, M01101# ourfs4w voll. q*eens, ate, introduced. IS 0, grand total ,� � , Yet, as was Pointed out a tow on retiring after 44 yearsLAn tile <3EX,St;,S op HI ES, viet forces. I one Of We tack-,;" before he discovered
(6 poilgils at battelr DrO44tft NOwo IA� Control-. I
I the .� ce, eX- ,pcat office, Sir Robert Bruce, 1) The above is the first intimatloft Of I fn�i�# L
�plj at first and as ,tl.�,Ir�prosence in his soup, 'Oftordiva
Cultivate 604 116t Sygtoms develop and AtLobrood usually disappoara after a -A *6 ago. these quiet diplomatic on since 190-�,,waa present- L Ad
� from thIS amount the faVrA,GV OdUdN changes revolVo a,round one of th-) ter In Land �� � gLetual military co-operation between to OVIdenco Offered, Which W
� seecMd4rY V der the first three 'or tow wbeks And oaha for no treattrient 7.50,for the calf,rti.,'.sed and $9 tot the salver and other aT- L1. S. CongTego plan to Out Soviet and Turkish Nationalist forces. X-ray photog1raph Aliplayltig'the ,tack
spread JUdt 'Uh _V. NV, -..I,. Sladen. Atilarldt, Central $ biggest Isigueso of world policy, indeed, ed with rt silver
I tetween manure produc*d, and the total drops is Mr. A dospatt;h last Saturday said Baku, etql�eddod In his stomach, lie said he
four Inelles of surfaeO 001 t. xParimental Farm. Ottawa, Oat t by .66, One of the pillars of future Interna- ticles. The no* Controllbil
I - (tivate Shii,110her it. order 1:; , to 447.06. DIVIO.6 the aluoAi! tj�hnh% �Charles C. SaDdercon, who has been Shoo Prices - I the big Oil port On the Caspian Oeft, h I swallowed but oiie of tile tackg
the rows, cu� , - :T I relations. I to -day It Postnlaster�SllrveYOV` Of "Manobwtor &
t systems wilt not suffet P14kNTM OVAU., MU . the numbor'of pounds of buttgr DrO , Daily Exprkis, says toil despatch; �olleg �rolri had been wrested front the Allies by i�uked one of the law7er, �,
thitt, the too gh pMrjIng and this pre- This to hn axtelleut Month for plarit- duced, and It eolne4g SO near 74 canta � - from an authoritative aoUrse and 616trict, VV ashing Soviet forges, and that A Soviet GeV- .1 - - ,.- , . _. 11 1�
� Infury throu Z VolInd th1tt it might as Wall hQ calf- itArn Dr. Donnelly, Itornan Catholic the present high prices of Shoes is 40%. erum ere. STAT.t 11 . I
, . . Mgurely check the growth Of th(t Ing,smaii fmits. In tihis, Aection. A big tuat 1114 renewed treatY-alid no doubt has died at his Dub. pectod to result from the passage of a out had been established th
1_,, Graham, AftWgtftt, Dom- demand Or them bite coming seaboft 'od that. Tile Worst part Of thW-4tary *asms to be entertained as to its re- Bishop of Canea., 0. Reports of a I-aliltary alliance between
I., crop. -W- Ag & rills, the small I& that it Cannot record In- all In- , towal-will carry - lin re,31dence. Boom In 1837, be, Was bill ftivorably reported to Iltrise t Russia and the Turkish Nation- London, May 4. -The u(iVernlheunt
I Inlon Field 11asboildMan, le pr"&O. , ,00tt-alderable modi Soviet
frulte cad be More cheaply p,roduc*d sittinces that the farmer r:�Olvod even fiefttlon�. Provil�lons will b6 Insart_ the Soft of a 4 Dublin Merchant. 110 day by the Census CoMMIttke. P C"OnsIdering tv prepcoal Inade, by the
OUM41MM SMM)nVT1T,oM. MUSIr and�4 The bill authorizes the Director of I 1�11sts have been ftetinellt Of late. N,.'vlg,try of Transport by which tbfj
11 I thtll they ma W purchased Upm city 73 eftts. Ifl. most cases hi& gets leAg ad tile paper adds, which will bia do- �Vti& Much. Interested In 38h traoslft- tile Ce,rieus to take 0, cotious every ______44*__,_ )rot(� ty of
(NI-Porloontal rarm Note.) Markets, 4nd thlo Is &h. InCOUtIVO for than ttittt pried and he Must stand the elimd to meet public and official Was the author Of an F1114 rX.11aval nien holding I .ctlon S,,.%1.3 would parebase A6 majorl
005 sentiment In the 'United .1 n of HoLbert's "NIR9113ter lChOralls." mftth of the number of Miles In the 1, less be. the Aluall6r rallwa
lie ApV,104 Ia Vobatow. 'Many Ia-ad Owners to "ok to.,,establfoli I e, 14tates, Cana- tio ,in, identity certificates, un Y Colupartles In the,
. This toft V%&W tWo iftopectlang fruit gardftg Minply to ltddre P. 9604 A wet-1-drstift0d shbep yar4 and sta- da. utid AllattalI3. The litesaut 'Pact 111wo, men wete killed at a PollierY countryo and makes It Mandatory up. � 5 to the perluallent na,val ros- country and leaso them to the, large
W" hkya MOO th on all bid's owners to give full Itifor., longilif
U"e by loapoictIO06 of th-o U11WOU satgily of b!Shmt qll#lAty, fruit for , blo are e,0611tiAl to success, eXpIres July 20. at Woodhouse, near Shefflold. throuL . erves or receiving uAval long -service companks, according to the Zven.
trarins tboniselves, P, wet groand. '_ .;..___&.*-*- — tb#� breaking of a. rope by whielt 041 Mation. to tile ceftoUS takers, for service ttf- I'll Standard.
� I of ZoAny, ftoodmalAal ,4p not thr.'ye on ,4&M' "The committee 18 of the oplillon," pensions, stre not liable
: 1. 'ftamch, DopartaAftt Of ApIcidtlare. loVVIlft4o, gMAW,�g=jty pLANTJ;, I T01 acres Of weli-osedad tisamro, , Zv4ry real and toa.rching effort at tubg were pulled Up tLn incline. When ter detnobilization, gtates tile Adjuir. Mie 110,vgrillPet adds that tho mil.
(I 461f.impravoment to of It -self a leastin the rOpe broke the tlaiL,e da43bed dOvn, zald Chairman Siegel, "thatthere wu
I Thma Inspection$ are M,044 , )-f 1 The pl&tte ehoulA be still moist and given a drmslag of manure Occ%liianal- Some of th(3 Mon ,who, Vere no necomity for the increMos In the Alty. rot-fis would ho administered In four
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I., the il;rowing plants ftriat the- MdW1,. ,dormeat 41111t being trowplanted, ly sAd kilot sweet with lima will pro- t of prafoUnA hUAIIIItY. P,Or we can, wards. KCALI)*d. riditioual on a ttmperante serilion gmitils and that largo econonitft Iri
. parlod, and (2),4K the tiMiq ; 1OW4 whole 6140 -kill cot move 0, -step Without 184tning 9Lnd in the ttibm Jumotd. out Knd 0 priesil of bide,-,, and ,the, present high 00 Aally, the late Col- adni.11114tratVA vtrtd test of runnitig
preAeod due& mor tuan I .
smik And the moist 6041 milat be Ith wdedo abA -fas,11AX 'the WAYWArduats, the wealt- 'kilyers from all filkrts of the World prIM ,of shoN arf voutirely untisaw being Preached Ann,
the, tub are d%g, or a.ft4w they hay4d � t= firraly Oout the routs, and 00y. I tur" olvertrovAt *
'a I of vle.iuldt be effe(ted. There now tit#
. t . . =. 4,;. k14A the y(Leillo,ticd of our Molrem ant8 h ve &tt6ndsd the TAndon rair snd uncalled-for and unpr6eed#11te4,, ontl ,Gwynt Hughes, aoseendant 1135 dletinet
" b&ft pl"44 in storage. hancov ibs oar leltnt Prinee of W416A., has rallway Compimles, a
gi eo lit4 W Wlt'k a duet mulch. Tho - t upo; , Mlittiket, Which litis Junt closed at the The"all4ted ab6rt%g# of leather Is a Rhys, the ar majority of which are Y#ry ama))
,,,, Ity of Ytr!aty ts c,abbs.irs and turn.ps Ira two .or *104ut desiring to ba sa
I W14110 putl ,V 0 od for th-o ,plants to sarylve are .1tock that :s klth*r tban ouri*lyos.- I ROY Agricultural lisAl. For 11411(t pure suktartugs put forward m a Jils- loft AMM to 10,111 Llant8wad Church, I
� 4&temlnln'�' th In 1. *0,110 &I C$XM&rt1%vn%hIrq. cont4rull.
0owd,watlog ra or"Ned tif * pint 01- ,vater Is �#t rr"d 10'r sh"P. 411PAst"d. yoar't 6xhlbition a tat$* RMOUlit Of tifloatin fav 1116re"LaN PrI444,11
. 44us of Z at" to aectiff4ation, tu Tkd b. -a", "11-"444 PWOU I
�� � , , , . .�;04dsd to "oh 19urt atter 14 14 plas"
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