HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-05-13, Page 2--7- -W?"--q"T­S,T--,4#W_,---v- -- - � I T. -1.1 ___ --,17-�RV-J,nW7VWr-WP---W--:: - I - — � ,1;7� lk.7!4 " 11 7"! , , I'll W Z . I W �, 11 g I I � . :J,�,X7W"Ir . . , 11�' qMq , , , N'* , . , , " , . I �-f . - . � . . .477.,'� Al I " . I — 7 I . 0 1 , � : l;;; � I , . -:,�, � 146 F - � , tl � I %� 1 V I'll 1771717WIF74! IF 71 ;,", zt .I , - 1. . � . I 7 , I �, � -l"'. � # . 11 i. -W 11,111mr, I . I . * I .11 .I.- I I : r- W I" ,� _ . ;� - I P',",rw rl� VF . 4W -, , I � . I , I . _ ,I "I I .. 11 I , � .. 4; , , _ -P I � ­�AV, . I .". .1. q � ".., � 11�­ '' I If,, ,, , - , "'_*71W01T-')_7- '7 ,,, ", �e,." I "I "7" ­�",­ 11 : ,:,�';eA' �A . I I � . . . . . I 11 0 . 1� � 11 t I _. P ___­___ .1 - __11 _044 -_ --"--6- , I . . � I ­ ___ ­­ ­,.____._ 0 4101:10110myll 011 11111141111 Oil" ­ - _ _��- ., �, ­ - - P - - ---- ­ , 111�:�!l 1:1111!1t.01�111. 111 ::,� !1:1111 Ni I _____._._, ___ "" ow-empo, '! 10kipmom 1,1211,01! . . .. I ;� — � I! 4 N I P I _ � - - � -:11 !! :1=02 Ohl .­!, ,-, ­ - ­ I � � _. � � .- . --- - 'n, the 0 oug)q to make a paradise for seats. --'-"--'-- -, -o---_ 11 1-1 11.1 1 61, _.­ I -a WOW I . oil am A duat luttlah 19awd � I wal"U". � . . . - I � I oyer this, AX tfto price of milk Is raised the I I I �� I � sattlill W cost (a commorollil fassw spoil up to H BE FUN , 0 1 11 00"'WN Water Is seldom U"d 11 I ' WI X Mrs 1800 400. I *' .. ".. Ir - I r-14 I A oolubtereial p,.4atation, but themo-54, tA" the profits. 1"OrturlAtO Is the * . I � . : i nrl ked about the roots. dairywan wao ILRa a big alfaXa, patch A ft#90t 611* Xews * I "' , $oil to fir " to glal;o the hoie. and Silo, And grows most oi vae food : . I 0" 0=04� 0ax"K ow. A. spade nJ'i11'uo1'4d : 10 ! WIT" IRELAND 44 44446" 0 Is" 4 � , � 4 P I Wbjeh I$ Of au'013 4.JZ6 as to permit on hils, own larm that Me powe coa- . i P - --- , . .. I I I " r the roota to be spread out fan -44004 sume. NoTria. . ok Vr I � &%&� #a 0# "A 4N P**" I � I P . . and to. be placed As 48OPlY as possi- 4 lomthe, Old land - , ;W4 = I . . I 6- ble In tho soil. The plants, %nuat,,not Fermentation iii manure Is. reduced I I Gov't. to Give Dublin 01astle X0110t, 401MV41"MINO 1, I Ilow, A01thO." 41,144 they to, tho mllillutkm Atell It 10 closely , _. I —_ _*0004M - . be set too fba, 1 1 . I ___­_ 1. llwow , I I I .- 11 . 11 � A. ,� . 6 - I be too deep. As soon 44 Possible at- packed ,and kept moist, Fermentation 1_-- ­ ___. .... ___.__.__. __.._.__. __._ .. _ I Bvery Support. NTCMX 4 ""tie, I I I � "I 9 I ter aettlig cult'vation should follow, at inanure Is oau*ed by tiacterla. The I I � .1 � � &A,d frequent C4.1tiVating jla,ftorwitrd , hQIQ oecret of preveuting hot for- Ai� old Inn, the Horse and Farrier, Space hae already been idlotted. And A414104% WuNhossi., 001% , w _1 a , s sold for 9-12,000. many amAufaeturore have aecured - ­ 1-1 -_ i . � will gr 1,P the Plants to become , itentation. tuay be -summed up In theise 0 tley, Chashire, IV 11 � 1. --i , . established and start a Vigorous few worda. "Ir-eep the manure heap - U I satlY he' Station -waster at Waterloo (L. and atalls for the next seven years. . IS, Batming to Sin Fein ' CORN PLANT111%, pr4me oblect Of thl'a wor3k, Is the Ab. ting of S. W. R.) for 9 years, Mr. E. J, 44ort. of Soath Wales coke, which o , '-d107 Holmes, l . growth. There to a triple, benefit in compact and MOW," The heal bas risen to X. 0 a ton, is now pro- Dipoug,013d, MU deuce, and, lueldentally" the control cultivotion--.1i; conse,tvra the wolstur%� manure , IS caused by a claft of bac. Prince has Vtlred. � "0.,WT0% VM I M-Aparlmoutal Irarm Notes.) ' , ring Illbited. 1111000TWN laotioe, particularly of 001141tu- - ;OM �Ind g previants The protection Of , at 44 pl.A.Ut ter iquire free oxygen for flugliell 0:Rg , ­� 1� . tkud It =10010 . Ia which re I . . Itifta, cars, the P"riessorop at the t1quil dise4ses, such 4a Leaf, Roll , the performance of their functions. birds Is. under consideration, said tile A large floating mine came ashore 11� 00" "W No^ W*om^ ,� �Ioaal% which hayo Proven to be re" ,weedis from inultlplVlug� at Witteriag, Sussex, aild was 4ox- i , - 1-0m -F!o r,Uxo4 , 'London cable says: In a debate tit .... . . ,,,%rw, has a gradually 0141*0149 Is for a serious reduction in THE STRAW04,1VIT MULCH. Unleaq these bacteria are provided Home Secretary $rt Parliament, ploded , , omitilon a pore,1414-1 wlt,h sufficient air, It ets Impossible MaJor Tryon Bulit In 11arliainvat tboLt ng I sphere at Usefulo" in tho 1) 0"' of the country. ThestrawborrY OaAt, is f I -Mr. �ri. Y. Bacon, CXX., Is retirl g the House of Lords to-4(ty conceru- , ')%ei'd R4 Vusto A *In ,many parts - .or them to live, and coneetln,entlY the number of prisoners intended In - Ing conditions in Ireland, Baron no , I � ox can4ft, it b growa most extqn. 4 tits onjy p6asibility of 616tingu'.04 growing Iroin ye4r to Year and 4C frain tile poet of Treasury Valuer af � . ,Winter hot .fermentation cannot Occur. 14 Drltlsh prisons tinder the Dofellci) Ot� Birkenhead, i4rd High Chanc-Alor, 4AN044TO AM $*"a$"% � s',vols! 14 the prov�rce of Ontario; t1le noc of these dleowe lies. ecq protected during the . , ter 43 Years In the Civil Service.* on behalt of the Government, (3a,d It � Ing the 0 Irep �eu, Such XgAuts building the wa�huro pile, ,therefore, the Realm Act was 102.. � - 1 0140% 11 ,� � corn growtug 1.111" to the .province at In the =00tiou of the growili will always remain at( , . 11 After 60 years' work Ili the Canter was Intended to, continue the policy 0 )on sA )001 - -1. a . plauto, it is, obvious that tu ardor to 04 retalu the'r greenuesa durlug the great care should be taken to have b1r. Walter Priestman, a prominent bury D.iooeQe,- the Rev. T. G. 2are- f Iving to the Irish N ' w6w I r .1 Y Daing vuflhe4 . the., he.4.p well compacted by tramping BIrmingligni Magistrate and chairniall field Hall, vicar qf DoddlngtQn, le-ro.' a 9 , xecutive all wwof^ i . - . Quebec Is graduall iiocwtata this proseweb 014 or freedom -vyluter May be, railed upon to start - means. Each daily addition possible assistance and support. � . I _0 - ciroue growth it, the or Other . of the Abstafters' Union Assurance tiring, . k _ I � . 1. .11 � . northWard. gu4, 14 IOVW14 00171CU, -fA friamt Leat RqIA or MogaiQ 10 any An early, and Y19 - , , -hot" He added that In no couceivabl, I �, saskatcha- exop, Itiopeet4oa, aluot of 4teccGORY sprlal;. In such sectio,a where to the, IgIq should -be smooth and firm, 1 611OW 1 aj Company, dle4 luddenly at Edabaston, ,enatrman' ot %he Alders " UL I tb,Q provInces of Man-ftoba, .a order to exclude As much air r I Irwhi - � , v In tho Wowing Season co round from late. 1411 Un- 0 in this ' W.mbledou S. W. ragletrat.'.on offlor ul�441reitrates .Presented W special con- circumstances would tile Government � Arth . wA% Alberta. And 'Arldsh Columbia cOn'1119" . Vera the &I 50510ble, It the ptle Is m4d Lying that stUbles with certificates for service c m tile S.nii I mo.s., L,ms- � and PrOem-tily duil-rig the b1cQ$OMing tit spring, great %ld to given iP pro- A Fein, and -that the Proposal to Invite - . the com "op to gatulug 14 14yor, rerlA. LAS U I$ at this time A r I gaute from wintei cold. way, the noroblo bacteria soon us� all refused votes to- 39 li0sell, 69 . '. teetlng� the.' I Mere waQ witi evidence tbatLtbesoll� or rendered during the war. i)ortor of Dental Surgery of the Penn- , I ditr Matto . , . the Sinn Fein to another Irish con- s ,, 04 W 401ty t �4lqtAngiiish any I$% Wtl4dre 0414 and Yar'di;Vet ,winter the Air 'that Is enclosed In It, and the tylvania College and Licentiate of Perk - This roluvole ,or" WRI grow W STUal a Ith, little manurenevor bec=00 very hot, Joint use of hospital bedrooms entitled A small white Saw, whiell berbre volition was a PrQAosal Wholly out al E;uroory MI Ontario. � Way%',tw,Vurft$ of varletY. T,h,U!l 00 "YO- weftthbr is experienced W , et an abuti4ante of - them to be placad on the resistqr. the war: Would hAvebeen sold for I , � Wi4c. r4ng,Q-I-Qf soil oroy-zlefl 0 . Winter mulch Is. one Of the 71he Vrgeellice aboUt 48, realized 434 .at a Stoke of contact with any living reality. Closed ever3, Wednesday Afternoon. 1. told obK-t to attained. . $now a hot for- At Portsmouth the Alitycir presented ad, , . the" to, good drainage a'Ad' a plentifl3l , -tors in the growing MqI&tUr6 tonds, to prevent ,,Tile country would be well Office In Kk000r,ald Block, � 4nost important far, , I � . , Hummond (Bucks) farm sale. . supply (Yr swtable plant food, 'It Is At the galiclualon at the Inspection I �,j the p1dit- mentat4on due ,first to, the cooling ef- EL silver cup, awarded by the Air Couu- The Rev, jqbu Brereton Androwes, vleed,11 Baron Bakenhead contin- � - 0-.. I I . 11 -1 Votatoes, the juepoetor of this fruit. It best serv( , � of q -field, of I :feet of the moisture �Wf, and to the cll� to CAptaln John Williams, mai3ter tied "that wcf ard faced by a body of ­ � p Specially adapted to WATMv 400 10AM ha.U40 to the grow ,a record showing , tation in the Opting of the Y W� to that the moieture provents the of tile steaniship Camber, for saving. T14car at Harldw, Essex, slid honorary t -in . ; MaP. prevent the heaving' of the planteAria fact � . Canon . of Chelmsford Cat-hedral, has 'desperate, w,@II. organized and able W. R. T -41A b LY i � . 00fis, r1o'b, In deemylug'Vegetable the exact penditim *4 Ills crop. ()at$ due to re" entrance of air. The manure heap the I.fo of a seaplane Pilot Who toil men, bauded "together to eboLlIeAgQ 9.8%, M.D., C.M. , I � Shmild lihc Reid be found to moaaitr , Ing of the r . I shou Into the Sea off Stakes Bay. � British might and to shiink from no. 11 a the break' arefully wacbW and water died at the vicarage, -Harlow. � 4 W VOTOO grqw� Ings. , Id be c a Brad- they attoution Paid to dfx",0941: ter (hu=UOY Inderlaild OW peftEed fteezIngs find thaw it it shows �.%Ir, Arthur Harry Briggs, means calculated to secure what We*en and mdren 'haVing � . I . . .. .� �,' Ills to the, reau!red stondftlx� the actions ,the etrawbArrY added to ft occasionally In the four Drinelpal Scottish towns, ford worated e inner, a director of , aga -t� &i- � Iola . , or to , In visited a , after havrest In some a Alir tendency to becollift too CITY. P . c 11 self-determination and indepaud- I -wow JA stm - I .7 , corn should 1011-oW' time hid an inspection rqade of the tends to bloom before the Ovinger , op In the Proservetion of the sales of War Savings Certificates the Rolls-Royce Company, and chair. a of I Us. - in the rcitation ' tain to wt,at extent, It from frost Ia ]Past, pad while 01117�a . The 11rat st ng of the to end at last February wpliie as fol' Man of the. directors of the Bradford ence, -, . riology and Saten,'Jft ,ura. it may 061$0 be tuba".6 to asolof I kill- Inaoture ehould be the mixi - disdained 'every, con.- � clover bay or past o, o a Y., �s ommant Sm -b, Portion at -the blosoorns, may be lows:-Glaogow, 48 607,4150; I-;d,tn- Football Clu They had )(*Maine. � a or eyou follow diamea 6401 I , and diffirent kinds PrOdVAGd 011 the farm, 5 , b, has died. . cession., said Lord Birkenhead. and I I we, Alter gral uld ed by one frost, both the, season urgh. 9-2,751,474; Dundee, C1, 31,729- The otaft 11324he Kerr resi4e=6 be- . . gro, Rblz-ootonla etc,, are pTooent. She , LY the rajild fermentation b Rev. G, C. Twist has presented' - ' � I ed er provided t,4s, $qJ1 ,% rich or , Map will be shortened as a re- for Ia this WE . , led-, and Aberdeen, 41,488,3179. Chelmsford Museum with a piece of Staked all upon obtaining What the twom tkt_ Queen!# 11titel W $0 � I- " ho 01), this final 1neiiection f0ro-f.9;,eatIsfac- the ( , it would take place In the dr , Vwplra would never concede to AreavY 0.L,VP11QuUOn Of Wpure has bory, ch's potatoes are gra,� as either suit. FIres. and smudges have a ton, t1o, I I a No. I or W. I a GTado S,eed Potatoes, dency 'to prevent tile air from I - fall- h rse and sheep Manure Ils checked by Tile Wynnaiay Arms. ,Os*ostry, a Assyrian marble trqui Nineveh from them. . I X4141st 0AUreh stumum � I been MOO, ' � I � ng below tbe freezing p le ,more moist COW and W.g exert" well-known North Wale,3 hostelry, the Palace of Ashufhasta-Pal (&M- . ,,ri,vory single motive wh-'611 led A.0 *01114009 9tr*% &iQQ i anti. a sjjWdont n4mber of tags to _ oint, but the tI it ispossible the nim"Tre has been purchased by Trust Houses, 860 B.C.), Volihing four hundred. at, rb"s " P. 0� 001"U111 's beot m(-thod of pgOtectibn Is t a 'keep Mont.. when . this �, . . i %%resh or greea haTAY001 JMVLAUre L �ir e bagu Or other � ' occasionally, for .-Limitedi Thi same company bought weight, - the United States Ao ' resist the a I I L 0 b�oat pisat ftod ,�aater%L 12 to �15 c"'for t"'d uOn"i". $, 1 for the shipping -ba* the blooming period for a woor should be turned. a readily the Red Lion. Hotel, Bedford, which tompt at secession Would oper te i ( , � th rittatners neep,aear causer., it to decompose met . Bramishott Place,, D. annshire, which with even greater force to determine Dr. Robt. C.'D -dmond .,. . to give ,00 Inepeated, at two by hol&.ug back tile lev*IOP�� to i4ore has only had two tenAut$ I staiids In 100 acres of land and was this country," said the Chancellor, . ; tons PaT aura MAY hi expected of the amoum at -POtatO19 Wt .of the plants. rhis I@ ax-com- and evenly. NVhen rtecenary u I ha'f a ANIP � I tusDec�tor. These M( I . is It is a good eentur' , at a public auction, for 914,- forinerly -Ae residence of the 1;%to and be' would remind the Si UJUD.S. Tat,) � gwd, W,=S� The apptivation cnal� ace, tumed, by the plishodt by allowing the Winter mwcb� the aranure for some 013 y un Vein- : qtags cort4ty that the contento at the � . I tion a t Ia ,plan to cover the beal) with an Inch . 250. JuUo Eric has been acquired by the ers that -the race Which had resist- I'". IlAnd.) - . 0 made In the fall; 'Winter or Spring W remain ,on the kilanta. Is � ng or two at earth, This. prevents the Ge . ., . b , f bags ot, other containers to which � PHWIWAN AND $UR1Gff4& � L ' ' ' grio " as 0,-1$sIb110. T 07ee .rman F,mplre � . it maye be W0T!ke4, ih On t0l) 'of '0�O they tire attacbed, have been Whelt the g een 1. escape Of any., munionia. thO may be .Jn accordance with the will of James Seamen's iiOSDItal, Greenwich, for use ed tl3e mi,ght of the � ; , ra white under Me kAU14011 oney In 1514jo, -be as a convalescent home I g"'ves Uhiformly satifj- by the .Parson whoso'karne appears on be,glix to tv fornieft, as the �arth has the power of 'Wilford, who left in wbuld.not Yield to a section of des. fft. q&%pWo old stand). � � practAqOle lind uat be remove4f. Remove , . distributed to the poor of the Merchant In the first race In Worcester Cath. .- _1� � tag � torY vsfl�ults when property carrlq& the tAgtt; t.h#1 tbey UA,ye ibeen inspect- -the latter ni fix,lird and retaining the ammonia. � perate people in Ireland. I . - I q I . �out The manure should not 130 bur* ,t. ot jiIe Dominion D�- only a 'Portion of the Mulch. Over , Lose $ban two bushels of applee, I ,Taylors' Company after the Livery edral* School aiinual regattia, on tile The subject of the support given —1 _,,� .1 - 1--va � ', ed by gik offlee "'. n,td, amd the best time aster and qeverti, the four,oared boat of Hostel I ' I �. at ,there will partAnont of Agricultttle and found to 0aeh tow Of PIR: one-third of a buehOl Of Poaches and 1 had attended church, the M to .the "Irlsh e per- , . � I#d too deeply tit Order th the be suMelontly vigorous and free frorn to_do thie is during -a .few days of 6nio-t , enth bushel of pears Per capita Wardens, in their robes went in �roces- I -louse ifts Swamped and sank. C. W, sons in the United States came up In . a the I -east 'POSGtble busuce !Or DR. R. L ST ART , bi , luable -plant food coil-. serious diseaAes, other Posts and for-, cloudy -or rainy wedther. 'It. .� 61101 wore grown in the United States in Stan to St. Margaret's Lothbury, Lon- Seager, 17 disappeared. A schoolfel. the House of Commons to -day. � I lear,"alng a vs: Itto in e4s, soil beyond. elgti varieties- to waimut them 13eing -weather should liot be, present, then 1918. don. . I tow named Fell went to his assistance Horatio Bottomley asked Whether Graduate of Vnlversl�y of Toronto, , . . I I qjWeota- to dej) , -Ure- elamed aa No. I (or No4 , ) 00de Seed . the dncov8e+ug should, be done late in � Theg at is the hexlthtost or all alit.; Indicted at tbd Old Bailey for th but ,without 'success. ' -the Government was awarFe that 11P- - 1pac 'ity ,of Medicine- Licentiate of tba, * 1, the rp I I ,the afternoon so 48 tO Prevent to same � male, f Soo,iiq goats ex0mined at Murder ott Luigi Taino by stabbin As a result of fatal accidents dur- ' peals for subscr$tlons for bonds ad- One= College of *.Hyslelans and each af'�he Immedla;te and fut .�, t ' .1 L crors. . . . . Potatoes. � exUnt the sun from '101truI1197 'Or 1 1 � -yardej -by the 'Clorken Well on February 25. Raffaelo Ing last year, 5 widows, 1 guardian droned by Do Valera, as "President Surgeolm. I . I . - 4 of to on the oth6p tand., if a field ralle I . I the Kansas City stock -1 � OD7ICE ENTRANCM: �, � I The atin. In. tile ,prepdrgt�ou of the , 01scaldIng" the leaves. . 1. inspectors none, Was D! Guillo, was spritenced to 12 mouths' and 14 children have been placed on of the Irish Republic" wore still aP- ' I I I � Seed -lied 0401did bie in . ,have it deoil, It, the deld. inspection. to. ineasure UP . Federal meat that could be � I � fine. Clay land to be' to the required standard, owing to the .qMVW,G. BUER FRUITS. found with diseases In pr,sournout for nianslaughter-330t1l the funds of the Wigan Society. The pearing in American uew6papers and : . badjibed accident cases chargeable to the so- v,ere supported by the Governors of ., � moist, dleark and y be fatl',4 presence 01 a larger percentage Of The spade MkhO,d Is the bpt for COMMUnicated to human belug& . men are' Italians ,and Talao . ZURBRIGGIS PHOTO STUDIO, , I hould,lordinaril: , ed than -is __4_* -0__ I at De Guilo's Army servIed, which was clety during the year numbered 2,443. various States and whether Great : used for exii Sl � mixwe varleti sottl�,Ag bush fruits. with t1i �p . ,turning'a f4rlydeep furrolfl d4seaseo ,6i ii I a GXC,Q - � .., - I . I ) - i : ptouoed, allowed. it Is given -no further con- tion Of two-ye,ar-old Watt of cur- said to have been good, The High Courts JQurnallsts As3o- Britain proposed to make. repre OSEPRINE ST. PHONE 291 . � , 7 ly,at no deeper than the pr.oductiVe.os011 dvised Wolverhampton's elation have urese . ntc I Mr. W: 11. Til. sentations I oil the matter to Pres- "R� .. l, . ds avid. I . ofiras S1101- sidefttion; the grower liging a I rants and gooseberries. I The Mayor or . I .Will allow, San to Chan I to procure 'Cbr . IlL caSo of blao4berrisa. and Oalspbek- . scheme for bmutift1bg 1�he town ,by _____­­_____ . 'ifted.- Mast fa- I go hie seed and - . CAUR"NZA MAY let, . 6no of the founders of the asso-' dent Wilson. . . . low F , ,, provide -thig change, seed OGtRtOeO from eOm*11 � as ciation, w4h a complete smoker's alit- Mr. Bonar Law, replying on. be- '" . . 5,pring-plour loughed, y. ties, the cane is *cut back. .to a. Stub ' , trees in drab streets w ; Vorable canditiong lot card. 11 grower wkosb StOCIE -has SAt%f0,Ct0T1I d . M a IM fit on the occasion of his leaving the -half of the Government, eald it was p!autlng, .a few iri�hes lang.* It Is recemspande --. starled In All Saints rioad, when chil- 'I I - I I Undar IMInediately befOrti passedboth field and tiiber inspeationt �hqp . t these be dipped clear to the roots dren rrcin the three elemontary schovan Law Courts after many years to take understood that such appeals were - : _. . the sod, the,growth of grass and the This work is, being carried 'on a 111fol U V E C"; A P i T A, L �1""' alectod by 'the up an Important position on the edi- still appearing In certain American SHAUGHNESSY - .1 a decompose rapidly, in commercial ilme-sulphur, dih(teft to . . In the usighborhood, ' I - I . dressing 0 IRRALUr warm condition" present chIsAy In, Northern Ontario, W.'riter strength, .or ,about one 'to popular vote of the -'r comrades, plant- torial staft of the Statesman, Calcutta. papers, but be was not in a, pos',�ion . supported . . e,rmte a ,,hot -bed. or, in parts of N-Aw BrunpwIck, Queboe, i3ight, It is claimed that this kids in .. ed 30 trees. in memory of*fatlen'sol- At the Iniluest at Islington ofi the to say whether they werp ,o Edward. le- - whigh' Ia. the body of William Frederf,k Peskett, 48 by -any (lovernor. Great Britain, he .. . 11. In the $011�,�S�essar l - � 'P'-' OWT IMISTIC � y. for the Quick .. � , I 'd 14OV& "Soc'" and Prine controlling antbracnose, I And �Transfer Gov't.$eat to ,diers. Pledges were given that the . 1. I.. . germination of the, seed ,and the rap- ' lemd. It is proving of value to the most dangerous enemy of these, grUits. . I trees would be held in trust and guard- a billiard market,. -Who was crarloyed added, was not prepared to make .10), 1.� i growth at the pliin:t, thO secret to one- grower Ill tjiat, it. "ueu:t1-y reveale, Th6 gDll' should be packed sorneWhat Ver$ G ruz, I ed caref!X'17- .. . at, the Archway Tavern, I-Ilghgate, It any representations. � I . . . . � I cessfal COM growing. I . to him the 10,6a which i1e. J,s, incurring frrmIT about th.5 - rooter and crowa, bift � Mr. I.I. Pike pease',. M.P,, Assistant Was stated that, on enterhIg the house ,Mr. Ilottomley asIted whether Mr. _ I ' . . I Molstum lb- a, factor wbIdb must be by the use of d1seaged seed, and to not too firmly, -4s the new growth y ' of postmastex -General unveiled ,the Post lie said that somebody was going to Law had se�n the announcement that Urges for Slow, Gradual I come from the root or crown. - al!ready X2,000,000 had been sub- . . dilly c�uglderdd in AkI seod-beds. NO also -s, moans of putting wal In wuch Aluat . . '. Cannot Defend.the, Cit O�flce SMVAags BanR War Memorial at die there becau.o the clock face had . . seod-bed 10 COM-PlOte Until"the, suffice witli the grower from whom it would and break it,g Way up through the been broken, Ile was' taken. Ill and Scribed to this fund, and that . Deflation, - t . . soil a,rz), conliettet, be adYleable to dbtahi -a all-Pply of soil. in I sawd)r or sandy-loam'0611 it kexico. lCengington. The memorial, to which . . I and sub-surfacs porated Go "CeqWled Seed Potatoes' ,t Or ImpossIble, Cul-' 21.200 has beari subscribed, cons:sts Of died shortly afterwards. -is triumphant procosrsions had gone . . .1 I with the maoure well I'LOOT , as o,atilned is often difflau. . In Oak panelling, With Lewis, Sussex, has two empty pi - through the principal cities of the . I � . . . the .Vlsd above. (too: Partridge, Z'istant Plant tivating -or booing wfthIn a , few I � a tall of honor gs Banx ons and ar empty workhouse. .--- ' United Statce in celebration of the Must Increase Production, I . . . . tbat tte-re IS no IiIndrUncO to f- Petholosist, C�entral.. F,%perIm:e*tftI inches. of the old Pane breaks the , Washington report: Concentration the names of the 632 Savlu war, a� On March 23, 400,000,000 War Say- event, and that Do Valera had been . . .. ­ . of ADII M-OiStlr,re from the dopt6,s 0 11 III ' ,�at Mexico ,Olt nion who served during the Ings.,Cerificates has been sold. I End Waste.. . . I . . .1 . th6e, doll to, where it ]Pay )ie eve,ilabld, VArm,40ttawn., -Olit, I .criftst and belPs-the Pla -ts tor Puah UP � by �Cqrranza of troops y granite taLlet, wil.b. the names Inscrib- entertained by State Governors. He .. - � I . as. requ4rW by the growing Plaut. i I through the aoll. I caused rebel representatives . to be- of t,ao 93 men who gave their lives, Afro. 1-1. Betterldge, of Ramsey, has asked,if Mr. Bonar Law did not con- - . � MISKIASES �OYL BEES, PLANTINOk VINE YARDS -'AND . I . I fallen just celebrated her 100th birthday. sider tat, in Intern A t-,"Onal law, this Now York report: "Increase pro - I .� Hill and row atG�the t'WO �Wethc`& ol, ' - . I . I . " ' ­ lieve to -day it might indicate the and trained PhOtOgraphs of the , - disused Moto � .- : . . afteb : NTO`te-� PLANTATION$- . . ,r, V . C.: r. amounted to an unfrIendly act. and a . . planting. Hill Plant'llig 3 'feet (Expertmental Farms I - PrOsIdent's determination to' gather Dr. Henry Thomae -SvivestL In the engine of . whether new instructions would be ' uctIon and waste less" is the , ad,' . way Is mommouLled for weed Infest64 , See diseases axe Of two kinds: Die- , s soil becomes very hard and firm melliers. who died car at Slough the nest of a field- ., . I I . h, haopily, Th late Royal Welch r 11 given to the British Ambassador. vIce. tenderelk by Lord Shaughnessy � � 'elds since horse labor can b� Used to sues of t -he adult bee, whic In a vineyard or o llbout.hlm'a force sufficiently strong as"one, mouse. .was found. - ' . I . I If- o,t wee an of 9 tiarIng the Winter recently at Raignton, aged 89, was o The Government Leader said he In a review of the present-day out-., � . 111 tho control d ta Canada, have so Car be small fruit plantation, and frp4willk to enable him to, transfer his seat of of th*b -first to receive the Victoria, Ddblin publicaus have decided to had not seen a statement of ihe I � � 11 llaaxinlm . Is ,alBo. an advisable 'me- transient nature, because no etfeoflve growers are at a; -1069 to know Just UOYernment. 14-110 ODV',OU6 purpose -OL Cross. Dr Sylvester served with his charge Is. 6d. a glass and 15s. a bot- . , look published to -day in the Wall - growth It es; of � . specirm ,facts named, but it did not I " tiroid where seed PTOaUctIOA 18 the &'rA' treatment Ia known; and diserLe what to do to break up the SO4 to re- or guen, it, was expeccOd, WOLLI(A 'Us Ene battalion through the trimean War, tI4_ for whiskey. S "It should � be our , � . alter his view regarding G,reat Brl- � . or in short 13-eason districts, since hill the bt,00d ' of which there are three, atore Its friable cOri'Nititin and at the uelence. at tae capli,al, but accoraing slid was awarded the Cross for -'going - A blackbfit with a. white head has It prayer," says Lord Shaughnessy, t . to -conducive to tL quicked ma� .A.merIca,n foul-broodi European to. u4- same time ,it Zo expercs Mex1QO City is so difficult 11 ta;n's right. course. nameli, that .. ,VDId breaking up and out u de -r very heavy Z.re 'and bring- made Its home by the village green at m "that contraction be not swift, aurl * " : =691 the crop tUan rovf planting- � brood and Sacbr000. . I troying tb�b root systlem, A 1�2gijlar to ue,teiia that carranza, miglit be ex- sistance of Cot, Walberton, Sussex. was not always wiee to, takp act -on . vs apart, ree d4seases desi - this . Iliac ing in (with the asr 'regiment) I 19 to which a c3untry had the le�al that price correction be orderly and Ro 4ince each, of theSe w ii too large far ted'to employ tile same tactics lie paral Shields of the same Brighton Pavilion hospital, which rigtht, ,Nv. planting 36 to 42 iucUe th sln.ca the. t4rmng. PIO � I I I lb preferred 033L land Ia -a Wed dtabe bl Ia treated ditforently, aio4 -ork, evq1i, wrion set to run shallot and 'Rid waen Villa gained the ascondeucy Lieut. I)Yri.016Y', the adjutant I NvhO W34. to close shortly, Itreated a man who. . illiam Wedgewood Benn rpread over 'a long pe�riod. Th * a . , spec�pj macignery 16 first two f when neg- " 'urrow is 4 In 1914, and a n Art a - . Capta!n W e Govern- Un;ted States through its rarer caltivatlQn. No .AUIRS great le,ss the ridge of i ifficult to fill gat set up his capital lying mortally -wounded ' n exPOB had 35 operations. ted to know whether th I ve . to Unary s0ed-drIII looted, It Is7 IMPOrtant, th1A every bee- ) Or level off daring.Mo,early sum- at Vera ;Cruz. It Jvould be poss'ble ed positien. Formerly a Nou-comforinist minister ' wa;a talze steps to halt the system, an' Canada, througb, Its � I ,qul;ed .since the or, d in harVesting recognize al I � � - I .,. I for Carranza to take with AIM -to been in search of 2C WO- the Rev. D. F. Richardson has been I ment Would which, he de- branch barilks, canehasten this .to _ . I . . � answers tho parmso'.'an i � ,keever should be able to met.? e. other.point the Wales has malielous campaign p - .. ear aud ta2T at' tho corn and distUguish them 60 ft to treatL In .most cases, growers PIOV764 the Vora,Cruz or to earn at to tall: appointed vicai of Hawes, Wensley- was destroying the friendly .1 there Is leis W L4 O,boerve in OrID" Qlaes etteoti. -with- S. ofliala,is of the Supreme Court, and it man official at 41.000 a Ye by M, 11 clared, cess through judicious conservation � . I a * ltarvot­.� t,b a a vetv and. ,lulte readily level. the soil afterward ItIon fornierly occupied dale. n th1s eountry and of now credit. It Is the task of the � . . bmrvooter tban . . - quantity Of �Supplleo and money, buL a Pos- relaticrls betwee .� . Ili, hill planted corn. I out de,lay, 1 -3QII toward the rove In the tall leav . on the Welsh Dr. Nathan Raw, M.P I Mr. farmer; Merchant alid inanufaeturer I 0 ­ Ion would Violet Donglas-Perinant . and Dr. the United States. To this -AFUPOT4� T.he diseases at? r ug'a dead farrow In the centre'Qf the bo ,_,�_nsumer,, to co, ­ . Th(5 rata at tsedaug ,;,g an set the, larva ?) u0servers asserEod his poeft if any insurance commission, and now trans- Varrler Jones, th npOalalists In tu- Bonar JAw did not reply. ' N and, Enally, c f the co - .1 . . I ea6h hill .Worm stage of tho bee. - In and lea to.ill(t then be no �trpnger than that ( I Iced operate with the bank to prodilce . taut .0.0WIllerati.an, - For �paco, in,which the,4a . rred to the Welsh -Board of Health, berculosis have been selected by Dr. Robeit Burton Chadwick as I . . 11 I ,& Dt qft,0*gv-l1aMtY "I' in &merteau toul-brood, the lag") v tfia.w-�nter months. X1 leader conducting ind9pendent opera- fe OMRIL his been of T 0 a natural deflation." After the waru- . . � fro" 2� to 5 me 20 PO-Audg just after capping, ,O wliect daring ,-o*�4` away ...ations. The possible success of such A suitable Walsh , W �, Addison, Minitter 11calth, -to ch6ose whether Mr. B n r Law was'recently I . .. . . I sriffjciqnt� r,or roWa, 16 to . beGoMee a P ffee- he spring the soil 'was thi W tactic declared, depends wholly sought, but not found. ' \ appropriate sites for ,village settle- boncred.with the freedom of New Ing against the d ' angers of too rapid - . I I 'ed ?713 145-4- colored lmage w1ach Is so tenacious 'rom the rows fllllng�the dead fuiro 4 .19 58 contraction, the statement proceeds: . . .1 �er acre of. h1g4 qaAAHT SL I I , - porr 5� r'Nical change In. Popular 01)111� Morimauthshire oducation rhte� ments for tuberculous ex-soldlers Orleans, and whether any . I b, to per- or vWd thai It wHJ rope out Dome-. and leavip'- the soil level exr-011t, a U the highest In the Built in 1947 the Theatre' &yal, tions had bean made to "For the past fiscal year Canada � I 14 'ive'a sta,u4 tWX IWOUZ V ) a lenoth, ot several h1chea It .jha,Uow farrow on each.'Side ot'018 Ion_ Information based on news con- ad In the ,pound, the United has 90favorab.'a trade balance of . � vMels t( as been sold to Mr. Ray. States in the face of 'this deliberate I . . I vt a, harrowl'bLy r cdru de* il tooth-pl,d* be Inwted Into the cell raw. These were roadLIF 'fiila' by tained in the Mexico. ,City newspaPerG . oceuntry, I Manchester, h 2 ,� f,a-r plautions inners are do- ,1 - of Messrs.. iftult by I 21,000,000. O,d- -current commer- . t.he,. right tin,, of 4 recent date Indicates that Cftr- lbaneaelilre cotton ep mond Pollak, a director an ostensibly fr:endly� � I arid, NN,e-atJUe_r COnAll, 9Ad wittidxawn m4 it. has &n'-U`n' 'neans of the summer cult[I'MiOn- -at inand-11yag 60 per, cent. more Wages, Or Donald Campbell-& Co., of London. cial debt to the States is the -one .1 pandA VqOA SO not b,e planted until picasant glue-i6,-odon Thd mass . In recent years, the reversible disc ranva was preparing to Send, Genet . power. diawback. Perhaps America Imml- . it shouA ' I V,urgula south lutd the 'State' of three time$ the pre-twar rate&.- .1-a amendment to the Air Naviga- Bit. Bonar Law answered that he . ,aarrow bas col 'a � t1alX4, weagler 44 iWes, down to a- seele ,that adheres, me . to -take the IDIA,ce -A 'Phe In On tho Xing!s n compensates for . every. Indift0ou d 0014 Omld Uo* to the Aower wall df the cell. , I . Th6se cw� be' Puebla, at the head of a considerable terventl 0! tiou Regulations provides that licenses wal quite satisfied the real fe3ling . N e�tbo,r of the vineyard Plow, I . , octor I -tecent Bamberger di, ir P - thae'disparity. Over 100,00 men, t,uoogut to. to past� oett containing the .parcha,md� of the exact width lot a QeT- ce. to at ack the rebelelthat have Pr ri_the� may be granted for the dropping of of the United Statt, was not r pre . . I . I earn p1gritlul., W lett'So -19te, tha'"t'o" �M8 c4liPlug 'a 'he Uslially d4soolored; 11 e there. under the corn- votes ease lcj estiailated to haVh. Coot pa;ckages by parachutes teom. aircraft. 6cuted at all by such demonstrations, .women and children have come in tain width of Elpace, and work, Well in, zalez, who ;098o, I . - in the -last 12 months. ilalf British, I . . - . to danger Of Ark ii"SlAfletefit moistuft ittf`lt&WoftenarvrXre1gb .. and of Qwleral -Pablo, Gan - . ac . .. I " toci short itlilson for ularl,.v pertorated, Or :almost any kipd of soil.. 1� I � � he F ,Alr, J. H� deA prac- The ceremony of ghring slxpenny and be did rict believe that,any halt Anierican, we are getting the - Earpply and a r -plaiting . recently joined the revolt, T O& Wilson, th& at . pieces to widows of the parish was tion the British 'GOvarlinlOnt ' Could . it may be removed altog6ther. I In caes Orr soil that gets vory CUM' I ,eitbr -.it Bath, has died at b2st classes of settlers on the earth. I right time to p i in the city of 'Puebla ticing %all ould have any I � . grovo., Tku The OlLpert- tn European toutAmood, most of the pact and bard during the winteri Viol eral gatrisol observed at the Church of St. Bafth­ take agaipst them Nv We have labir troubles up here. . . can hard,11 bg ex.&I-ned. � r . He qualified as a so- the reli- . . � - Sarvae'are otrla,en before they are , . NXOneporte,d to have WUlidra.w.ri Oil the age of 72 1 olomeW the Great, Smithfield, on Good other effect than to make . I entvd. PlAnter '-fools Ill his banes" that They lose their, shape" disc harrow should be started at Just i aii, o , tbe�approftch q Gonzailez, licitor hi 1870. ffitors'and'Men of Friday. . I - Uono worse. . They are the natural outcome of the 'he right time 'n the spring to'cut, , war. The workmen must be fed and . The bp4in- OaPped -Ovsr. � 'tvd refuge in ApIvIeo, A memorial to o — _..0.,,.d___ Galtable codit'.011% ekiat.. . eilgo only Ind collapse It the b0ttOru Of the ce'll, .lOwq to the .rkulsite depith alid tot and to 11, taken g!ment -has been. Admiral the I -Ion. Sir S. A. Gough - *I I I I e ; nor tan Rc4TdrO this Uno'% � .PlaxcalA. th 20th London Rel Pacit- Calthorpe Is appointed Commander -in ed after a war as Well as ,be- 11relse Of 3ppouring as if they had been reelted . -lumpy. The dept*hshould fore it. exe eave the vAl 'The cutting or railroadeNoutinuaG y Heath House, B. � U I . ,unveiled at Roll: to 1. L by absorvatjc�u and the a a light etram or gray . Chief at Portsmouth in succession A,1114aa so'dier's demand i T -be Tak," 01 do,tes Ili be- and toming t beginuIP according to official and unofficial to' heath S.P., li� Prince Albert. e'y, to date It f The , judgment, color. Yftay decayed brood bas a �e about four inches at the gham, Admiral Sir C,*.*l Earn ALLY WITH TUP%X c'eth : . tween May 1.gth and 3=6 loth. 'Glightly son of the setLaon and gradndllyredu6ed The- best Information avallabld �Bh� Chlet,Constab:e at Nottin I I or a $2,000 bolius has its counter- ; IF r amell, -to which, Is some- to.aboilt t11VO inches iu.tb(l_mlddle��*f '2 0 r tt Mr Thoni4s -Clurk% April 28. 1 tot . T,hei Tarlettels' 05tn to 01191age utrefic- � ,udleated Interruption of traffic' over who Joined the I part n the Canadiali's' clalm. . L Of timee added a strong odor of P . I th �ty and W�ougra poiles,force as a constable " On the grounds that there has not $2,600. Canada has provided for her . let vvhert t�an. The mass ropes cut 9ther ,not ix feet or e -between Mexlea C1, . A. . to SOW devend uptin t4e disti-i I . th4i summer. t railroads &, and o to deal With, Mr. W. -P MATIONALIST I I Some grow Vera Cruz, Puebla and Pachuc nearly 44 yeaf;8 ago,.is resigning ow- been a cas soldiers, their widows and chil,dreu . l. Ill f seeding 'A to be d,01119. T-t4g (It t vatte' at att or but little, and the dried less for the distance between tile the. hialn lines north 0 Torreon -And Ing to 19-h,ealth. Lane,. clerk to the Billericay Profit- She has fitted them for occUp%tloas . - I g Lqqgto1Jejw C ow-pton's � soa!a Is easily 'd.etached.'. � . . , a.L e I tles, lvclodin� , Dakota, t cases e*ght feft Is west to Geuadalaiar . Mrs. LA�oyd George has informed eefing Committee, refusea to ate Pt and has supplied the occupations. . \ j,aAy irad Wzeeg North In Mdxood, the full grown larva rows, but in Mae' . a t*o-hdrse i',N1qxJcan rob to-,iigb L CTIccieth Town Council that she has. more than 9- 10 of his pay of Z 25. ' I/ We have all our prt-sent cares and I ,_ttUrlu5 districts. I!es stretched out on Its back in the preferred, In this Oasev at agents here Bolsheviki Have Actual LrUeSt t1- and disc harrow Just covers 0 e.-ved Z -T6,0 from &. NVelsh donor A-lb,3rt Edward' Redfern, sentenced I troubles. These summer clouds will among (be ef the SPOCO bs- anlJoulic-ad receipt of a telegram froln. r c ' . seawlt idIstricks besides coil, d6scolot,ed, but with skin :e,00il �et, .,)18xlcti, Ctty spying the presiderit Of towar%1,3 a meimorial hall in honor of to death for shooting Mr. P, . P. Oates, , soon disappear. But we must be In. the loureT ,.ady Mentioned, tlie delit ahrll)a Jultnet. 'Me juices Of the larva tw0sn two rows and fits 0 Military Co-operafiono � . I t flints I , on NO. 7, Golden kte WAtery ,and contain card -like, parw fectly, Fertilizers are very tmDortant tb6 municipality was organizing a ciV- Oriccleth men N1110 fell in the war. a Leqds bank manager, oil December . - true enough -et . I ter succeo13 in fraq growing, but Ideal -'Ilali guard "for the purpme of pro- Ait aninqueXt on Corporal W. &1011- 11, 4 has Veen reprieved, and will un- meapwhlle to impicae somo further . I var, I , I bite Cap Yellow tiolik%. . . *6 ev * Moro hoportoLrit, jectlug the city In the event of its . coon Guards, Who died dergo penal servitude for*llfe. morhto-ium oil -our individug. Inter - G W, a ,, In ithe Ptatrie Ataorican foul -brood Is treated by cultivation . on . Information, the , neux, 4th Drag - Enver Pasha is Really in ests. That lesson of the great war � . t oVe . at than fertilizers. 1� ey9cuation." The I after.,joeirig' knodked out at,a Ports Mr. Finlay A. Gibson, secret ry of .1 . th estern Out Is POP'- dhaking the bees luto a clean hive ,oftStrqed by them V, Moscow. ov tee I containing frames fitted'w.l.th. founda- FAU'�Nt NMVS AND vims. - ageltg paid, was c mouth boxing contest, It was stated ttio 1%loriniolullistilro and South,. Wes I wo need p-actice a. little longer." utar. . to -mean that Carranza , had deter- of Wean, had formed Coal Owners* Association who In the ." � .­­:��.__ . Used, thlo tion ,withollt any af t1je. -honey, and The farmer,liad been atcu$411 ()ri that 'two clots, , - I I I I Cholce KeM (Mly"'41ioul'a ber In Valued to albatkdon .the capital since Verdict actidernai. recent Honors List WaS-giv011 the 0- Berlin cab! Says, News despatches ally procared by 061eCt' - taking away thq ccmbs Of broad and pF6qteiring In the sale oi blittor. � lization. of guch a force prob- oil the brain. . .1 a � ,� On be Most ea %,od dn the cob. honey w.hich contAln the sports at tile order to Z'how that in realItY the fa.T%_ tha organ death, B. ri,., has declined -L. - . from Moscow to the German press to-' ,id, Durcka at be undertaken with- Th6 Z12,500 subscribed. by C"- irees of ohorthand writers to the day confirm ail o%dlusivo cable a fort - Ing ftolu W $25pOOO F0 N_ orest all "ed foit 90irminatIOU before digease. The bees must not be allow- or very often loset On this Tradu�tl ftbly would 11 , .alit his consent and eartAln . � *f(I be tLck- ed access to the honey unl6w it has the University a,' %sSourl College Of Ily not adlan women and preeented to the House of ()O,umons Pre the subject of night ago 'to tfi� effect that Briver �dar that Vier, thout b1% knowl8de*. . Will be so ... , planengin a] thin li�aut%g. Place boe'u boiled for an hour, although it *-griculture presents these .*%OW Ouli- W, I I I- - . - I __ late Duchess of Connaught M Special mport, bT ;he Ic t Corn' Pasha, the former Turkish War Minis- . ., chalice of too hodgh 0 bei ta MO�flk is fit for bUM10M ue�)- The combs may p�";Jilg that during the mouths No. . . I used in Opening A 110111el for Cori� mitted oil Publicath-.1s and Debates ter and leader of the Young Turks, has �� I%g planting stit adiall Mon ndon, and two housw Reports, Which recommends that the arrived in the capital of Soviet RUB - son V ollaw Uld' bd &dtfedtod by scirebing. for corn, $12 for bay, $7,20 for 5118,90, N' G rACT , ,are expected t;o be ready for occupe.- existing fed (fted in ]ZO ot 41 Is. .ila. the seed deep (3 the 00% b0i TonkIGTed iiAo wax, Thor hive ,05 pounds o -t butter. lie spent ;4.25 In Lo 'TACKS IN' SOUP , imich the W-tsee, Ottln' ShO A L04AP `h " I 1r;;44ently to r 49 rqrapes,ft (MI-ijarocid Ia treated bS ;6.go for cats, $1.63 for todder tough- ,, . Lion in NURY. Der attendane,e and Gd, per folio, , The despatches State that Eliver is uIgte the gerrufnatioli of weed see a & . . The League of Nations *Cnion an- should bi raised to g2 2s. Lnd Od. res- , aud to dostTGY Weedg. AtW (he. I*ftodacint young ftallan queene one vamber to April, the larI44A, Produce I nounce that their I-ocal branches now Placing himself at the head of the New York despatch: For, serV-.11g ,� abools ate through the ground be4fil kftlft� the cOlOftles strotM A114 welf age, $5.15 for 311111 foods- atd,:$1.07 for' ., . pectively. Turkish Nationalist nlovdmeXlt� tacks in a plat3 of SOuPkt-,-'_F)r. Atorltz sit 0 led With 6 - . . , This disease - -Stalks. Add to tbal $16115 ,,,.! TO SUIT CANADA number 190, an Increase of 15 sines, Striking a uline 1,1 tile North Sea,, From supplementary Information later-taW Cultiv.stion. Whott (416 W 11 read v rapidly durl,rig a padt�rb And U�e beginning of this Yb-ar and tit 106 the Hull trawlet, Ribble- sank, and �he received by private sources here, it 1) Spitzer, the Childs Restf.,UrWlt Mm- plantig tire a to 4 *!!(!Iles 11i9b, and It � Y a L tot 67 !tours of Man ltk,bOr� 0010trits tat ', *' since ,,League of NationS Day," NO- as Dickid � up by a Germa appeittrs that Unver's brother, Nourl I too thick In the. yow, Use, & 1litt drkll; 0 in ta,ta spring and early horS6 labor, ,$5 for upkeep, on build , tondon cable: Little to said in the he,g are crow f hospitable trealu I)any, which runs a large 0110LID Of &t- �L I tammer. liv Severe cases, tho Col.- Ings taxes and lulgeollaAeous eitpetsask *11titih press about the nogotlatf6iis v6irber 11, 1-01U. Now brane the tmwter, and i !ter Ing lioilses, was initiated in tw 'Suln kfiown to bo Under Way W ' Pasha, has moved'into Baku at the 6 A h4rrow &w4wisla of the drilla., tth a View being formed In all parts, of inent transferred to an E119118111 VMS& C. MAO by a Jury to -day In tha SU - 11 Dialito grow1bg ,bY 1116114- onl,�a abovild to tett queenlem for nua and'43.66 for wifoa 1-000 ;1ind there I I head of his troops, together with So-, �r, Spitzer ow."Jowed %oi* the I or two week4 before the TIAllan cost of $�&($ foy-tht t r6newing the Atiglo-Japaneea al- country. . I L ­­ A- ," , prenle Court. P l * tai,niag a 1400VO, M01101# ourfs4w voll. q*eens, ate, introduced. IS 0, grand total ,� � , Yet, as was Pointed out a tow on retiring after 44 yearsLAn tile <3EX,St;,S op HI ES, viet forces. I one Of We tack-,;" before he discovered (6 poilgils at battelr DrO44tft NOwo IA� Control-. I I the .� ce, eX- ,pcat office, Sir Robert Bruce, 1) The above is the first intimatloft Of I fn�i�# L �plj at first and as ,tl.�,Ir�prosence in his soup, 'Oftordiva Cultivate 604 116t Sygtoms develop and AtLobrood usually disappoara after a -A *6 ago. these quiet diplomatic on since 190-�,,waa present- L Ad � from thIS amount the faVrA,GV OdUdN changes revolVo a,round one of th-) ter In Land �­� � gLetual military co-operation between to OVIdenco Offered, Which W � seecMd4rY V der the first three 'or tow wbeks And oaha for no treattrient 7.50,for the calf,rti.,'.sed and $9 tot the salver and other aT- L1. S. CongTego plan to Out Soviet and Turkish Nationalist forces. X-ray photog1raph Aliplayltig'the ,tack spread JUdt 'Uh _V. NV, -..I,. Sladen. Atilarldt, Central $ biggest Isigueso of world policy, indeed, ed with rt silver I tetween manure produc*d, and the total drops is Mr. A dospatt;h last Saturday said Baku, etql�eddod In his stomach, lie said he four Inelles of surfaeO 001 t. xParimental Farm. Ottawa, Oat t by .66, One of the pillars of future Interna- ticles. The no* Controllbil I - (tivate Shii,110her it. order 1:; , to 447.06. DIVIO.6 the aluoAi! tj�hnh% �Charles C. SaDdercon, who has been Shoo Prices - I the big Oil port On the Caspian Oeft, h I swallowed but oiie of tile tackg the rows, cu� , - :T I relations. I to -day It Postnlaster�SllrveYOV` Of "Manobwtor & t systems wilt not suffet P14kNTM OVAU., MU . the numbor'of pounds of buttgr DrO , Daily Exprkis, says toil despatch; �olleg �rolri had been wrested front the Allies by i�uked one of the law7er, �, thitt, the too gh pMrjIng and this pre- This to hn axtelleut Month for plarit- duced, and It eolne4g SO near 74 canta � - from an authoritative aoUrse and 616trict, VV ashing Soviet forges, and that A Soviet GeV- .1 - - ,.- , . _. 11 1� � Infury throu Z VolInd th1tt it might as Wall hQ calf- itArn Dr. Donnelly, Itornan Catholic the present high prices of Shoes is 40%. erum ere. STAT.t 11 . I , . . Mgurely check the growth Of th(t Ing,smaii fmits. In tihis, Aection. A big tuat 1114 renewed treatY-alid no doubt has died at his Dub. pectod to result from the passage of a out had been established th 1_,, Graham, AftWgtftt, Dom- demand Or them bite coming seaboft 'od that. Tile Worst part Of thW-4tary *asms to be entertained as to its re- Bishop of Canea., 0. Reports of a I-aliltary alliance between I., crop. -W- Ag & rills, the small I& that it Cannot record In- all In- , towal-will carry - lin re,31dence. Boom In 1837, be, Was bill ftivorably reported to Iltrise t Russia and the Turkish Nation- London, May 4. -The u(iVernlheunt I Inlon Field 11asboildMan, le pr"&O. , ,00tt-alderable modi Soviet frulte cad be More cheaply p,roduc*d sittinces that the farmer r:�Olvod even fiefttlon�. Provil�lons will b6 Insart_ the Soft of a 4 Dublin Merchant. 110 day by the Census CoMMIttke. P C"OnsIdering tv prepcoal Inade, by the OUM41MM SMM)nVT1T,oM. MUSIr and�4 The bill authorizes the Director of I 1�11sts have been ftetinellt Of late. N,.'vlg,try of Transport by which tbfj 11 I thtll they ma W purchased Upm city 73 eftts. Ifl. most cases hi& gets leAg ad tile paper adds, which will bia do- �Vti& Much. Interested In 38h traoslft- tile Ce,rieus to take 0, cotious every ______44*__,_ )rot(� ty of (NI-Porloontal rarm Note.) Markets, 4nd thlo Is &h. InCOUtIVO for than ttittt pried and he Must stand the elimd to meet public and official Was the author Of an F1114 rX.11aval nien holding I .ctlon S,,.%1.3 would parebase A6 majorl 005 sentiment In the 'United .1 n of HoLbert's "NIR9113ter lChOralls." mftth of the number of Miles In the 1, less be. the Aluall6r rallwa lie ApV,104 Ia Vobatow. 'Many Ia-ad Owners to "ok to.,,establfoli I e, 14tates, Cana- tio ,in, identity certificates, un Y Colupartles In the, . This toft V%&W tWo iftopectlang fruit gardftg Minply to ltddre P. 9604 A wet-1-drstift0d shbep yar4 and sta- da. utid AllattalI3. The litesaut 'Pact 111wo, men wete killed at a PollierY countryo and makes It Mandatory up. � 5 to the perluallent na,val ros- country and leaso them to the, large W" hkya MOO th on all bid's owners to give full Itifor., longilif U"e by loapoictIO06 of th-o U11WOU satgily of b!Shmt qll#lAty, fruit for , blo are e,0611tiAl to success, eXpIres July 20. at Woodhouse, near Shefflold. throuL . erves or receiving uAval long -service companks, according to the Zven. trarins tboniselves, P, wet groand. '_ .;..___­&.*-*- — tb#� breaking of a. rope by whielt 041 Mation. to tile ceftoUS takers, for service ttf- I'll Standard. , . � I of ZoAny, ftoodmalAal ,4p not thr.'ye on ,4&M' "The committee 18 of the oplillon," pensions, stre not liable : 1. 'ftamch, DopartaAftt Of ApIcidtlare. loVVIlft4o, gMAW,�g=jty pLANTJ;, I T01 acres Of weli-osedad tisamro, , Zv4ry real and toa.rching effort at tubg were pulled Up tLn incline. When ter detnobilization, gtates tile Adjuir. Mie 110,vgrillPet adds that tho mil. (I 461f.impravoment to of It -self a leastin the rOpe broke the tlaiL,e da43bed dOvn, zald Chairman Siegel, "thatthere wu I Thma Inspection$ are M,044 , )-f 1 The pl&tte ehoulA be still moist and given a drmslag of manure Occ%liianal- Some of th(3 Mon ,who, Vere no necomity for the increMos In the Alty. rot-fis would ho administered In four , , , ­ - I,- tl. 1.17� � , �_ , " "I., "-_ I 'I'm � I I , � �4 ww, * I .1 - 1� ,yr r-� I. 4- 0 1 1 1 4&_(1* i I , , , I - , , . .1 0:10" W,W tAkea J:V airy r,c,l 1� I I. - I G I P I 0 1 1 1 S I I I I I for be ill� I I I ItIr es W ec SW Do ey a" W Pr oatt dwr In NOT W 'I,. - I -� I I I . I I - I I � - - _It� I I., the il;rowing plants ftriat the- MdW1,. ,dormeat 41111t being trowplanted, ly sAd kilot sweet with lima will pro- t of prafoUnA hUAIIIItY. P,Or we can, wards. KCALI)*d. riditioual on a ttmperante serilion gmitils and that largo econonitft Iri . parlod, and (2),4K the tiMiq ; 1OW4 whole 6140 -kill cot move 0, -step Without 184tning 9Lnd in the ttibm Jumotd. out Knd 0 priesil of bide,-,, and ,the, present high 00 Aally, the late Col- adni.11114tratVA vtrtd test of runnitig preAeod due& mor tuan I . smik And the moist 6041 milat be Ith wdedo abA -fas,11AX 'the WAYWArduats, the wealt- 'kilyers from all filkrts of the World prIM ,of shoN arf voutirely untisaw being Preached Ann, the, tub are d%g, or a.ft4w they hay4d � t= firraly Oout the routs, and 00y. I tur" olvertrovAt * 'a I of vle.iuldt be effe(ted. There now tit# . t . . =. 4,;. k14A the y(Leillo,ticd of our Molrem ant8 h ve &tt6ndsd the TAndon rair snd uncalled-for and unpr6eed#11te4,, ontl ,Gwynt Hughes, aoseendant 1135 dletinet " b&ft pl"44 in storage. hancov ibs oar leltnt Prinee of W416A., has rallway Compimles, a gi eo lit4 W Wlt'k a duet mulch. Tho - t upo; , Mlittiket, Which litis Junt closed at the The"all4ted ab6rt%g# of leather Is a Rhys, the ar majority of which are Y#ry ama)) ,,,, Ity of Ytr!aty ts c,abbs.irs and turn.ps Ira two .or *104ut desiring to ba sa I W14110 putl ,V 0 od for th-o ,plants to sarylve are .1tock that :s klth*r tban ouri*lyos.- I ROY Agricultural lisAl. For 11411(t pure suktartugs put forward m a Jils- loft AMM to 10,111 Llant8wad Church, I � 4&temlnln'�' th In 1. *0,110 &I C$XM&rt1%vn%hIrq. cont4rull. 0owd,watlog ra or"Ned tif * pint 01- ,vater Is �#t rr"d 10'r sh"P. 411PAst"d. yoar't 6xhlbition a tat$* RMOUlit Of tifloatin fav 1116re"LaN PrI444,11 . 44us of Z at" to aectiff4ation, tu Tkd b. -a", "11-"444 PWOU I �� � , , , . .�;04dsd to "oh 19urt atter 14 14 plas" . . - � . . �. . I I 1. I . . i . � -.1 , I . 11\ ­ �� , ­ � ­ 1, , o .1 I I I , , I ill" I I � .. 11 � I 1� � � 11 ,,, V " ..,1 � �, . t,: � �­� - I 1 �4 i 444 , 1&-v, I W 11 . � ,V ", ! � �� ; - '' 1, �� , I I - " �t.a `V , �:� V I I I � ., . , I ,� ,� . . � �� ,,, I . "I . _9"Alir-i lmikdl� � "I I ��� � i&"����� ",i, it - , ,I � ,.0 � ;�, . 1, A�_.g"&�- il� '% I � I I . k I I" � I I I I I . . ...%�21.;wdML&V�L-IdL 'fid"." . i; ld��. ��­�I%i&l '" . . ..., 1, I I . I . �1_ ,-16A&A&"_,i. �������������������������������������omaim" 0 , 0 I . . I __)1_ .V I - , . I , . I . - I - 1. . , , I . I . � . 41 'M , I �, .11 1* _�,