HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-05-13, Page 1/ -Single Copies - Toree Cents 1_ 1qV,7Wr '92"Iw7w 13 . .. M.7m5'' , ?, 7. - V"W- '7%;4 ;PW^-40* ,-!"!.4 4 i,`., .", , I , .1 - I ,11,7%* . A I . . ,­ , . , - I I I I I . .. .. I. - , , , . - , 'T I .I - . #I . . , .. . : I I . - . . , I I . , * . 1. .11 .... i; . 0 1 1 '' 11 I . . 11.1 , -AkA6,. ..MiAgAll-bb. . ,& j& A- - M'T 1"a a ..'. IF" it ILI -, III , , I , 11 70474 WINQUAM. ONT.i THURSDAY, MAY l3th, 1920 I . 1W7 -='119.J?1_1 .. , 1­1 ", 11 t' 4' '_ r.' 7N' t*T' -1 - " - ' , , , ,I '*4000* , . . 1* , - . - ­ 7*4 ,*%A;r , " , . , I . , . , ,. , . .., .. , .41 I - I I .1 . I ­ , . 1 , . I , ., . I I , W: , I , . .:. I . . . . . :., - 11 * I . I . , . , 0 1 . I . I I . I . . , '- I I A, bb I - I , , 110"..'', "I'm . ---­ - I- ­ ­ ...... I _. ­ - ­ I I--, '. . I.-fl,"W" I I _.." -z 1. I ,4 vl " I . q V, 17. I ,,, 11 . 41M . . I . , , -, I I I I , 4 V I I , ", . .4 " . ,, , . . " I . . . 11 I — I V- _ I . .11 1, , . . ­ .,i , , A 'O ' 11, I 0 .. . . ... . . . t'.91;z ;, I I I . ', , 'u I , , P 1, . , I 'I , .&A . . . z i ; , ... I I , % , . 1 4 , . , " I , , I I . I - ., * , I , . . ", ,._ . . I . I .1 , 'I', I ., I ­ . - . I 11 I I . . . ____.__ ------ _ __ . -*,. : , _ . - I 1-1 ­ ­-___ "10001-1 , I 110" ..", . Subscriptions; $1.50 -per yept I I _ _- ­,_­ ~, I . . 11 .1 ­ — ­ ­­­ I I. _­__ 11 - ­ ­'?,­ ____.____, - __ - - , I . 3 -_ I - ­ "'N"'10 =,,I! ti 1 ! " .,, Few BRID013 'COLLAPSES PETTY THEIVINO . PUBLIC SCHOOL -REPORT — — ;'—! I*RIPTO CALIPORNIA . ' r L 1W , wa 1 . , . . I . CaC, ijel; A I 1. . , V4M undeirwitked, Jay Splrb x Floods 404 stolva Goods Recovered APO Opo .f . . . ----- . cBwe_41 I , . , , , E : _&V_ I * W"s, Whaley A 4 Aff 1 By e 11 ,, PE, , 0,%va Way I Family Km#t ziplain, , I During month of April in Arithmetic, %-,%-%*'--Nf-l ~%,...^,%.-.F .0— ­­ , 11 . AV,, 1! ry - I .#": R . —_ ( %lid plea: ,iirtm ana'ralacoo. . - le LM ', ___ __L_,_,_,_ J About two o'clock on , ,aturday .after. For some time pott theiving ba 's- been Geography, and Literature. Total 300. Mr. - Ilendry of Toronto, is the new F. . I., .1 . - I . . J i noon the upper dam gave Way and took going on in several places around Wing. I Carr.. . .... , ................. _ 202 . operator at the G. T. R. Station. Tho' We May roam, - I . , q . I with it about forty feet of the bridge ham and , [6r o0ine. time tile au Be it ever rt,o, humble, I . . I , . thoritivs D. Snell ............................. 281, Ice Cream Bricks are always firm 4t . I Boxer and Staun- I I which was built over it, For soine time hav'e had their suspiclonsi but' never had M. Johnston ....................... 271 Billie, Burke's. Will Carry 10 miles,10 a There's no plialce lIkA hol-no. I - . I toll Pra I Chief Allen has .said this bridge wa% in a chance to express them *until this B. Weir ............................ 209 Ford. , I Well ! I ain a greater adialror I . or Awl . I , b s opinion, unsafe for trafflc, but there 4p . that old, famillar song, P, e, , . ju I . I pers are the i - .week when Provincial Officer Phippen M. Pettigrew ...................... 247 Listowelcouncil will fix up the band llan ev r of , 3pt o*0% a i - , i I peared nothing to show that the dam was set a trap Of 4 ternpting basket of marked C. Mason .......................... 246 - stand and &O the town band sm. , and, eaulle refrain frolil iiinging it al , I . . I W I I . . . , . L I , finest 'Made. ' - about to give way, eggs out in Mr. Gavin Wilson's woQd*hed J' C4rrutb0r4 ................. 6_. 240 Vic day long, tot, I Aw so exuberanti.y . 11 I I Mr - Sherbondy had just driven 0 ............... 237 Fresh Seeds -Garden and Flower,& I to be back again in dear . old I . - I "I .. ,ver and later traced the sale of the, eggs, I Packages for 26Q at Mclubbon's brag I"" . # . a Harristoll. . . 'A . . I old orily by this bridge and met Mr. Roy Mundy at While others suffox ....... t ........ 2 ', store, , 3 tlid" west end as Mr. Mandy - q , ,edyerbapaMr. Wil- As I 0086 14y oyw, Aind Vigulize my cOn"b'natiOn Of Pelit0nized.1von, Malt, l i a . 1,as within soa ,lost the most, because of the fact Tbqre are only two complaints, regigit. . and Cod Livei, r,-;Ktr,1Ct, , ' about five, feet of the structure he notice that thefe are O. Folls, ............ ...........'.I. 231 wond9grui trilp. of almost two 111011ths I . I no women in his house and I ered to date against the assessment of and:0, half, before my vision floats tt I SON the dam give and the floor of the 'bridge he U deaf and while working out in his C. lilnscliffe ....... ... I ... ... ....... 229 town properfy or income. I I I . I A' . . I fall. - Needless to Say he .applied the garden the sneak thelves inade g9od use K. Carter ............................ 220 grand PanarAnla of it all, an4 while -I r, . ­ . I .. . I . - . St4tionery, Patent Aledicines, I brakes and saved a tragedy, which doubt. Of their time. Ladies rings were. stolen, M. Patterson ....................... 212 Meisrs. William'and Edward Jenkins, haoy ,tljaroughly enioyed every Minute ReeonFqtruCti.v'e To I Bp01cs,$chqol,8upplies,.A1:al1 Paper, less would bpe occurred had be not slack ben's nests were robbed and m oney K Isard ........................... 05 wish to thank their neigbbours and friends still I aluglad it Is all over and again I nic Acid I I I , I . . . Fancy Goods, Toys, etc'. -11, I un.- for their hinkness during their recent to be back "to home ,sweet hoze," I . . . I - ened down in order not to meet M . $her- accountably walked out of pockets and B. Doble ......... ................ 204 - . For . t2 . bereavement. - more convinced than over that the %- J bondy'a aq o on trie bridge. "drawers. Several timosarticles have been M. Crulkshanks ..... . most Ideal- spot in the. world to reside I I . __;_:__ , _ _ ; -Enriching the. Blood ' ' * I -, ­" ­ .111-1-11 The collapse of the dam is believed'to Missed from the Wingbarn Electrio Power C . Pattison ......................... . 193 Meals, lunches, short orders, all hours, ill after all' Is ,where your fal-ally, I I L I EVERYBODY'S C`0EVMN have resulted from ,damage done to the Plant, Men would go to a coui Docket A. Walker ........... I ................ 1% at the Billie purke Cafe. A trial is worth, ,friends and hearts Interests are, I I - I . I - - L 1 I I I LL '. , WN; . . - abutments by Ice -during fhe'winter, for a pipe full of tobacco or a knife and V. Robinson .................. _... 174 while. I had been fooling badly Tok tile past Building 'tbe Strengthl'and — , I . L '. to*, 11% - M n -the pocket would be ern,pty., I I M r . t . . . L ' VIA AIV:11% Ila`Vply 4t L any spectators visited the ruins on Su' - . al purpose holding a gar- left Me in somewhat Of r ,debilitated I . , :Health Ge e ' fly VOR SAZ7,'.'-%eel tire, W, New ... I 1_. I 1. I.- ............... 164 TheLadies Auxiliary to .tile Wingliam year, a bad -case of tile ,,ff44 hiving, I A. V leld ........ * .................... ios General Hospit . , proving the- ". ------".I- ;. J.LN'a F. For the time being traffic, to the Mr. Phippen possibly arrived at the V. Bell ..... . .. . n, ra . .. , ' . FOn8ALN— DrICkhoUsewith, sp lovdld gar VesternpoUndty, the Aero Cushion Tire cause of some mysteries, when - he made B. Boir . ... - .. . 0 ........... ;r ... 163 den party Loll the lawn at the hospital condition and J146 Most- busy mor- - "PF ' I .. 1. . . ­ . . ..... . . en,,1vurJbedroora,s LIP. . dman.... ,,-'..e.... I ... - '. . .. .163 about June 24th. I . chants,' " MY ;PTONA" is the LMost Wonderful niedical aiSl* I for q4 k t3 0. APP j good cellai. A bArgain Factory and Howson & Howson's mill will a thorough a o a r c h of ,o a e map's . , " 1: A­­'Afn A. Brown IM. Illexifia. + 1, cOvel"rof ivcent'vears . . L . , I 1. I., I I . FORRALK—Ithode,lsl ing. APPly to . "I,4mllti"l lill",Ul X",Otl.tarins. .1---1111 I . . I I I I FOR SALE—Rezistered Ilerdord Bull, 2 yearsold. Applyto. .1 T 011-T 11111"osh. - 19th C It X-OMW Fon 5AX's OR RUXT-That very 4esirea,ble. pr erty tomerly wyned an4 *coupled by, Mr. 013 .. 1. walke . r", W, 11. Wmms'- I I ___ - FOR SA, X -Two Qray,Doits model 9. 1918; . Two Gray-Dorts. Modot 9, 1911; One Gray- , 75.1 8; ..a I e'r jo','d .1918 vkillbopleasgd to e astrate to ou etaeryoubu ornot. e0l es or 2A pure aso Ive O sery 0. 11 es an ccess *Q8 a - Boil all , . R,JVR3RXLE on I . . I I Ir PR1V_&TJ@8A,LR 01P 110USEHOLDFURNI- TURE-In qooa- coudition, Apply at y _ evening from 5 o clock until 9 until May lath. Aii. 1A V111, . 1300t,! t. __ ... ,- I R9LTOP DESX WANTED. -It ,fou have ..% to sell tell Tnic ADv.Aiqep. I I . - TYP # WRITER DMIC W.AnTED- I quite 11,E 1% a Re DVANOR, ,, I 14NI'RD—Ami ntoworlkonfrixittarra,,hnd drive tearn. Applyto !WBT. BOS JAN. . Leamin Ont. . llto.lulto 2. . I I NOTICE I _- - . . All rubbish must bo cle4red away before Uie 21aL day of May, ORO. ALL'sx, 8 - I I . Sanitary Inavector. ANNOUNCEMENT ' -1 . . . . I d Havirig sold our Sutch,r Businois to Messrs t 0160 BeuulngOr & Gco, 01yer. We wish to nave go around by the street at the, Premises and found many of the missing L... 11 I ....... $...' ....... I., Vid time darice ana,progressive euchre U _0 K4 serlious ofipol; on 1, . I . I I 1. . , ; -i, , . . t , I L .. 1. i ........... . .. . . ., f'. . 11 I . 11 I., I I , 4 U a e d* . I I" North end of Josephine St. bridge, and articles. His wife P r o d , xA.' Forgle .... - , 140' in G W. V. A. club rooms , on Wednesday ino pllysloalli,-Oh ! now I beilleve f '" L * . ' ' I I , ........ U ue and confess. tile . I .:,Al . . . Tn behind Mr. Homuth's and Councillor handsome diamond ring, which Was the - p. po k . . , - 4 - had better "to e for $1.25... 1 L . a E. Blackball,. .., ... : ... *.* 187 evening, May loth .Everyone jnvite - ' A, large' bottl . , . I . . -.'1-...,p ... truth, I guess X had too bad a toijoh, of I . I I ". . I I '. . property of the late Mrs, Forest Wilson. L L ., Mitchell'$ houses, . toc , . . -,--- 13, Admission 50 cents, - I * . L I I . i M, Jobts ............. I ... --A.. 129 that apidenife that has been .-so pre . Pleasalit to take and easily 'assinattl I I L ; The river is narrowed down to the Old On being asked ,about it she said the boys * Another Ontario Paper' has ceated . I aWd '. even, by ' L' '' . 1. ' L. -Hartne1l....­,,.­­ , 115 v0delit Auto the close ofthe great ,war \veak stomach§.. . I I - "I . , _. . 11 .. I river bed and the flati 'which have always had given it to bar, that .they - bad fouhd publication because of the high cost of ­tbat disinclina ion to, work_to. at -w I I . , . L 4 , . I . . . 1. IL. .. VC. VanNorman ... i ....... . , Ill t . . I , . *4 I I I , . it in an mh heap. A flashlight was 1. , ": *,:: *::: s—th . , I . . . , , 4:. . . . . ... -A.. been covered are bare. A great many, ,L . paper viz, the St. Catberines Journal, the tend to U111311165 0 longing to loaf I I z , . - ' : . . , " L . __"P"-------___1__ I .. . . . I 1 .. ..... . .. ". L .1 .1 ,. .L . , I, I I .. - . ,' I I . " "I . , .fish were caught in the river here shortly traded to a neighbor boy for a boxing in. lv lol&stnewspaperinihat,city, ' , I I and travel. LikO thb remark 4bout the. I , I . . - . - ''' L I , ' after the dam broke. I $love aliother man banded over a tobacco Tbtal 482, ' - . . I I ­ ., . - I . .. L , , . - . , " * ' ' 1. LL , " , ,. . U6 town weigh scales scale at the G, World going on 0, boliday, I too Wanted . ' , ; L, ., L . ".11.1 . . adford, an .""'""'"' ......... stock yards are in perfect condition, tO join In, the celebration; wa's a little G NJ U - I . .. I . I .. . , - . .. .. . I . . . I 11-1 . ­. - .. I . . .. employee of the J, Taylo4­.%. ; .... ............... 358 and all live I stock can be weighed there, bored , wl I th Canada's snow and ice, I "N'S' DRU ' . .1 .L. :.`L ,­.. ,.; ... L . I L pouch .belonging to Mr.' R Q Louttit... 357 T. R. , Power House, lie V Hunter...',_'_ .......... . 352 . M' X I IBM' . . : . Autoists ggware . I . claimed it bad been found in his orchard I ' L I * Geo-Allea, Weighmaster. felt I 3100deda chailge,' a, rest, or better . 0 STORE . I . . L - I .:.11'' LL,:. . "'' . I , I . . 111.1 L'.. .. . where it had apparently been hidden in the W. Mann ........... 1. ... ..'.. .....! 851 still a little recreation. .So I decided I . . . Drugs, and Stad' . ' . '. ..­. .. , . . . .. I .. .. L, . .- L Mayor Gurney imposed a couple of I '... L ' . Our warehouse will be closed on Wed. to t, ' ' I ­ - miery , . ', I . I . I , . . I . I R. McDonald, ., .,. t, ... ..... L.. $44 ry thi 'd,S.A. -to see it it calild Edison PhopogrAphs - . ­ I . . . snow all winter. We­tould name Many : I , . . .11 .. 1, L IL 11 . N. Fixture ......... #;.­. 1,-,.....;. 341 1 ut I Ined t L I . I I . I 9, ?. R;jickots ; !L' , - . . .. I h avy fines on autoists for speeding irr other articles, which have and, have not . nesday afternoons, during the summer offer me the exalte4.0 see C; I Phone 53 . .1 . . . . : . I I . t . ' . I Wingham of late, By taking Warning I V. Fyfe ........... ............. ", 341 months arid. will be open on Saturday crave,, . I : , L I : . ''. ,, been recovered. . . . I I . . I . 1 I . . I L.. . . . . :` 9 1 you will not only be -the mqans of sayin , A. Corbett._.-.,,-.... I... ghts from 7 f O—GUN-Ka Ux), I I I I . , , ' I . . ..." I .. I ' 9 The beaillig these charges Will ftke . .. I I.... 336 m . 'Oil zaiivary 19th I 'left" Frazriston aQD ; A I 11 . - I . L 2, . I . ' X., DinSley", .................. L _ 334 QU ' ' - ft L L' assured of I I 11 . - 4 a L . L ­ . . . , the lives of others but will be r Ice Ct6am SpeclalB . are good On the, Grand Trunk line for ,, i4sq- - , : 11 not paying a aimiliar fine.-- place before Mayor Gurney, as soon ---as M. Shackleton ......... .' ....... *.. $25 Wby, because, vre use nothing but the Sam's l n unol — . I I . I I ... .1 I .L 1. 1; - I I I . possible Crown Attorney Seagev wlll be . I as I know 41Y many --- . I .. ... .1 .11. :. . I . I I C, Dicitson.. I ......... ­ ...... .. I 324 L best of fruits,1UIie Burke's, I customara and friends Would _.-N-,^,-^ . I --- —­ .L. .. ' ' : ". ..i Methodist Church Notes charge. Mr. Phippen Informt ui that . I L I like to I _­ ­-;.~__1__1_ I .. . 1.11 ., .... , d. , . E. bt;Lean, ,I ­,, . . " on RAW4xvAuft . .11 1 :, _ 1 Owing to the Sunday School Anniver he is going to clean Up f1i'a Patty theivtng . ......, ..... I I ... 820 Did you know that the Salvation Army know about my trip, I $11all ende"'- r- I I aommwjevxmmwoeimo ''. .L L . I . ; L - . . L. '.' :. I 11 e . - - ........ L ' . 11. or,to give -.as graphic , 5 Vers*ollalfs . ' I.. ., sary last Sunday; Mother's Day service , at any cost and eVidently he is meeting G, Robertson_.... ... " ... 31-3 maintains a "Missing Friends' Bureau in a. description of . R-17 1 11 I .1L.; I I I 1,.p I 4r% , I., 'L ­; JI".4 'fi, L . I . -1 .. I ' the many wonderful CH" ST ."..,I 1. ': ' With GuCqaSS. L , L _ 1. , . . , H. Boyce I.., ......... ; ........ * .... ­. $05 anyPartoftheWQrld?L Over It'000missing . sights as my lit- -,."W_~-~ -_ _­___ _ _3 I . JLN I I.. . . I.. wlil b&L observed next Sunday morning . . D, Armstrong..... L w , erary ability permits, I _ __. I . . _'L '' .1 I .1 ...L. .i I ....".. 805 *persons ere L located by the bureau every - I Mr. Claire Adams Of Hamilton, spent 1 . I %:... . . year. . PHQNC- * 59, .L ; -.Vlue and wear L the a&ustolned flowers. __=I=t _ , M. Gurney .... ........... ... was btttdrly cold*wbon I left Har- the week-c-nd w# his parents on John St. I L ...­. , _____ ....... : : Sol . It . ,;,, G Anderson ................. _, 298.1 g ristell, .the tolnVeraturia, belowe zeio. , .. , - ..1. Next Sunday evening the pastor will Dow"nion Day At Wingliam,­... - I ­:­ 'I —, --I'--"- ­ . I -L I . . , . I- , ____ - - I . . .; . reachon "Life's Greatest Highway", ' The Domihi N. Swenson., . I I L ­­ 296 Mr. C., D. Benninger who is returnin Mr. Norman L Butcher of Simcoe, is ,L .. . . . I .. * on Day' sports Committee' '' * ­ ........... That everting, I spent In London, left I _, _ .. I ­ - "W" ­.. I , L _ I I . .. .. L ", . ............ LL. home I . . ... Rallway Employees specially irvited . .. .. to Wingliam from Ayton, h d . spending a couple of weeks are making Preparations for ,the splendid .M, Angus, ...... _1 ...... 292 as Purchase London on 1110 18th for Detroit, the .At his ! . . - - IL . " I.. , . Li: . Come and bring your friends. . L , , , L Alex. Davidson's house on Diagonal autamobil' a ' here, . I . , I . 1. .. L"': ' day'samusement at Wingliamon Tbur. E. Carr ..... . ....... .... a entro of the, U <P,A. (the , F, " _ L L . . . 11 I , ... . . ..1-1: 287 . . . I , : ;%: I 0 Q " '" L ' ' I : ' 'LL7 '' ingham Methodist Church were highly ' es and posters 8A_ . . ... I I 1. ... I .... - 287 was 15 I , : . L.,...:.. I.', . . . . .. LS'L . . I ,:, , .. - . I . . . I I ,)SO G. Stewar real estate office. cold and 4aMP. in Detroit, audlihving A6bur' of the -late' I . 1 . I g the sports will soon be sent out. E. Williams ..... i . 2 . . a, attended the funeral ' 'L I L . ,. . I I I Ice Cream Be Pecial InteriDst, left the next morn- Robert Jenkins. I . I ;I I . - - . . , .. - . 1. Carr. ­. ....... V" " " ' ' " .'.* * ' ' .' ' *:. 27 . . I uccessful nounciii R . . , icks are much nicer to no 1 I ,ft U L_ *d The Sunday School services in the July Ist Programm Road The deal was made through J. home *9 the famous Ford). it Mr, Goo. Hamilton anO son,. Tom, of; 9 * V U . . . , ., I L I : - . .. , ,l . . . I t # . I :L.. . . . . I ! I . . . Captain Rev. E..W. Edwards of Sda- 'Butcher Shop Sold L I F. Bell_.'..... ..... I I -.1. I ........ 265 sem@.than bulk, I pt. brick will serve 6 Ing ,for 011101nnati"Ohlo;,arriving that * Mistes Sarah and Mary Turrigi-of Clin- : I . . , . I ' I 4rth tendered excellent services on Sun- MessrsC.,D, Benninger of AV= and E. V4.00, - - I I ". ­ I I ..... 260 people. You can buy them in 6 color$ at evening at 9 p.m' L Cincinnati is a ton, spent the we& end at the home of I . . . I I I L L 11 I .11 . , . I L I I ay and Monday ni . great metropol.1% the :sixth largest city Mr. A.Cbsens, I . . - . 1. ... 1. ,ght, when be lectured Ge6. Olver of town have . purchased the, W. Sturdy,.... . I ..... 245 Billie Burke's, . 1 11' - Is lot roore importanqe, to -you I . .. .1 - . ... . . .. * In the United States, I Uad heard a . . I . -audiences on the first 40 days Of buicher shop from T. Drummond E. Henderson. " ' ' ' .... ­ " .. , 241, T.au ADV.&NO.2 is on"f those weeklies great deal - in the train of he Mr. John klopper'of Thessalon, is visit- go . o large : ... -- L & 'Son .­....i,.t.,..­ . than most. other thin you buy.' .. . w . !. bewar, Heshowed that, the war was and will take possession on Monday ne t , L 0. Angus. . "".,. ........ ._ ,._ 24, who does notheed to put liners here and ca, Amori- ing with his brother 11 why not give it flrs't place in your' . I I . Von by the lack of in ative on 7 the part I . . . . 41U 1. was profiteering, thd inflated rents I Wm.. Hopper in,. I 1. .11*se ntlenienareboth expe .. ! ... A P .............. 223 u1c 1, roUgli Me rt;aders asking People and the Morris, whom We are sorry to. rep t is; "Als expenditure? This.Wa be- 111h laocouolg uo a ma b _ ,Alldl ,) of Germa, bandit landlords, oo right or # jh., 0 n command also excellent the bu I I . I I 8 11.til q.tU .T; .Y, d Z.d - Olver's many M. Hill ............... ... I ......... 218 toread-theads. Yes, there is more,newg h I 'wI "I 11eve is epund poMyj which . I T "I't, . . 1. 11 - .. I I pn'd will pay,yo u well, - - . _ ,X, 8 Sor,r . siness and Mr., . ore sh. to relate a little example very low, , I , in the =::7t"_.:! -,!p '_ , initiative of Agied ,command. .1 I .frierids will be pleased to'will, back to the M.'Vansickle, ...... I I .... '. ... I ...... 216 too than in tn,ost of the, weeklies in West- of how they evidently do business Ili Ur. and Mrs. - L. C. Chapman and I . . ... .. I . I ^ - I I - .. .. 1. ­­,- ­ -11. __-.7-, __ ­­_­ -------- ­­­ : bid staqd, where he served the public for M Henderson ......................... 194 era Ontario, 'I the hotels ln .Cincinnati. On,MY arri- -baby of St. Tboma I .1 . I I - — .1. -_ . I '. " I s, and. Mr. and Mrs, . . I . I , I I . . ywa. I .1 I I. Ellacott .................. ....... 174 Rev. Armstrong was in Bervie on Val I Weltt to. due 6f the leading hotels W. & -Chapman of Seaforth, ,spent the I Ordel% Your Grxeries . , I I 1, . 'A6 - '- log Tuesday n h s chair- and asked 011 a'-VOom. The Clerk .said week -end with r, nd Mrs. A_J. Walk,' I ­ Old Time Dancg ,G, rde ........ 1. ... .... ­.. __ M a I .. ' ' S0611 , I I . - and Ruchre _ .. ................ 159 man of Wingfiam district, The Bervie he hait one left, I Inquirecl-quite nat- er, John St. . I I I I I At Christie's . .1 . I ' . The G. W. V. A. will hold an old time -H. Wille .......... I .......... ....... 118 'circuit has six appointments in charge of UrallY the ,Price. "oh,t, $6.00 for.the _­.I.-Ts =-. . . . I I ___ ­ 0 dance and progressive euchre ift their club SR. 111. I . oneministeranda probationer but they night Without,the bath,), Ile replied. . ____ , , I . rooms, the Mills Memorial hall on Wed- M And then when lie noticed my shock- The Late William Uopp6r . . I A I - . "'. . I I I . .arks obtainable 860. . have wisely decided to make these two cir. Ing :expression, said; -"Well! what I't, I The Tea and Co . .. - 23 . ne5daY evening, May 19th. Dancing and M. Silgf, ........... > .... _ ......... 321 cuits in future with ordained ministers. As we go to press we learn with regre ffee House I - I R I I I I . cards from 9.80 to i2 o,clodk, Music by E. ,ettlebrough ........... , Will -70'a ,Day"? "Ohl half of that will of the death df William Hopper, Con.. 3, 9 I I I I 11 _C ........ 300 Why buy bulk Ice Cream when you can be sufficient for me,,, I shot back just Morris township. , The 1*0NOWWW40measommaimm"Me I the G. W. V. A. orchestra. The proceeds M. Christie... .......... ­... .. old gentleman had I I ... X P. " of dances given by the G.* W VA. Will W . I . a06 -buy bricks at the. same price. Bulk is as indifferently, with that he turned suffered a third stroke some time ago and -'---- -- --,-- , I ­',`i ,:-i,. _- m­ -1 . McKibbon ... ,.!. ... . ".....::..: 301 35c pi and smilingly handed we the regis 0 . . , " .'g . ­- - s nt, bricks are -35c each and you can t r , ,.:, . ', ve,thelr building,and 51 1: `_, , has been in faing health ever since, wo-umc=mw-wm---==wAwmmmw.o.....w.*...Aw.0 - ..... . ._. make it moderninevery respect, plans T, Robertson - ­ I ..... I I .... get them in 0 flavors, at tillie Burke's. to sign. -Brizishing aside this little hot , P , ­,,%%%%: I . ; ­i : :. `--­_­. N. .Thurl el Deceased was a highly respecfed man I :":,.:, :F : X­ . - i-li . ow. 1. I. .. .......... ...." 299 . eDisode MY general impreu.sion, of ain, - . .', i,. - for which are now under way, Come . born in England 84 years ago, he came to, ' ..:W­...-.- y:;" 1. -::.'.,;., ,. 'C'.:... I . . , . :0' 1-.--1. .::71. .. A`- - - ` 1:,; * ..... - . 0 - :7:j % ,f.% : - e.-., ___ t, ;*ji K5. ,. ', ::...­' I J, Field Innati was that it is a beautiful city. . , ,, ,. ','.'.."iE ,Zif .',` i ','!,, ': ; . ,, ,,,: ............ w. ... ............ 298 . . i, , , _..1:-.-__ I , , 0 I—. 11 " X '...."..'....'. I .-: ., 1 5-'.S and give the boys a boost. I Canada and settled.on the, farmon which Latest Vicor M "-W.,"k, .,E-.". - ., .,;;. - k . ,ii -_1 - , ­ . I J 'Young.. _ ....................... 292 NEW BRID013 AND'DA M Then X,left Cincinnati over, the 331g , .,,,.3 " . '. X ,&.2 . I I __ &.0., . I ... , CitlZens Band Ploutishin . he haqJ I . ..'__.... _____ _:. : I... ... , .g A. McLean ......................... 288 Four On the 15th of Jailliary for the o the PaA,57 years resided, I -us I . -_ I'll 0 1 ";, P *3` 11 Mr George Wright, the new band. A. Laundy ...... .... ............ 284 Sunny ,South and 1 would just,'s 111`14t Wife Predeceased' in softie years ago ;.:, - ...,: , Ide , o ­ . master of 'Wingbarn Citizen,s - B ad, has I Cowell ............... '­­4 .11 26, I ThocouncilDeci -TeBuildNew from the, day I left Cincinnati I a y and his secondwifi, Nowest. song Hits' ".. a I ever -susvives, as do also :11 ..... .1 -g ...... " .. Orldse AndDarn ' .. . I 'wo daughters., John Hop. I . . ,j .. .,.-,. " - two sons and t .k;,* moved to town from Sm'Iths palls, and W Hunter ..................... :...,274 again SaW frost 'until I returried to ;­-., -. I — g '1% I I . -,.,- -,., I Hartiston on. the, 8ist * Nla,rcll After half Per Of li . . . . . . Morr s, Harry Hopper of Belgrave, I . . " I will reside on Mintile St. just'south of the A Ludwig ............... _... I.,. 1. 272 ' A special meeting of the council was a day's trip through Old Kentucky Mrs. Cbas. Proctqr of Morris ai - , UethodistChurch. 'Wo- understand that Son ............... ...... 264 held on Monday evening, to deal with the With Its picturesque old negro cabins John McCool ot Wingham T11 0 . . I I .. 11 ,:...:.:, X. William , , " ad &frs. Victrolas and Piano& I I . . . . . . .. . . . , ic . ,old, ' . I Mr. Wright will give lessons ion string and D. MacEwan. ................ 255 Axing of the bridge and,dam ,which gaver and f a funeral I ____­@ __ 11 11 11 . ...... I S, ill be T . . " band instruments. The band Will soon 1, y4agee_ I 4111,lve4 Ili Louisville, 1j:en- W1 .held to Brandon Cemetery on. . , I 1-1 first unanimous in their belief. that -a the south -was I 6 XV, SOWLER - :1.1 ..................... 248 way on Saturday afterhoon.* The council tacky. 'ille Very first Impression of Thursday afternoon and service wiff be, . H V IF ld I 1, , I _'. '_ .- I I . I be in A. I. shape, and will give the G. Mitchell. ­...... .... ­.;..... 240 were its wonderful hospital- conducted by R&. Mr, Davids 10 10 ir , ­. ,'__ . . , band conctrt in the park on Friday even. E. Swanson .......... ....... ...... 241 new bridge and dam should take the place Ity, balmy jalaguolia scented clim,ge of. Belgrave, M ork pastor - - us,ic De alev ' . __ " .,-q i , .. .. . 'fig, May 28th, They have already book- L. Hartnell ................ :_ ... 237 of the former one, The last payment on and beautiful colonial old Seat& othodist Church in wbi h . . 1"'. "". ern the, deceased was a constant worshipper. ',3 I Mom 0 . I 0:- ... ed several engagements for the season. M. Mitchell.. ­­­ .... ­ .11 ... 193 the old bridge was made last year, it be- homes. many fine stories ._."_._ J .., .-I.. , . -1 ____ , . .i ................ ­-, _____­---_ _.__­ mv _­A_ 1. . I Mr. Wright's moving to town will mean a A, Irw!6 .... -,­ 190 ing erected 10 years ago. The county about It during the Civil War and ' 'The '-'-- ' " - . ", - I --- -1. . -__--1.___-__ - I . .. valued -assistance to Musical circles as C- Fry ...... * .... ­. 174 engimer will meet the council at the Anti Bellum days." In Louisville tho 2 !, P, ,4A?,,0 ,4 ,O %J' , 14 . -m- "':: ­::::.%'.%,.... 173 bridge at 2 o'clock on Wednesday aftef. old Southern ilegro amu,Qed me great- I I . . Miss-Wrigbt and her, brother are acco M. Sanderson_. , ' ' . IM X P11 OXI X X, M, I - X1, X-1111MVIXXXV MIX LO . ­ ' ` . X I I , . Plighed musicians, '_ , B.Arown ..... _11.1 ............. 140 noon. " I 1Y. Ile Is a charactor In.himself un- . . - I X . . . . I ju, III. . 1, - - I I .1 The Aera Cushion Tire, I The fd,A ing motions %veto passed at 1116 an'k I had ever soon begore. The X ...,.. ,..... , .. ... , -%,.. . _ .... ­­:_ I __ I .....1-1. ­-, Z . . . . . . 9 _ . .. .: :.,. :,.,.,...*.,'. *.-'--";". .,­.. %--.-- -. ,,.: 7=2=Z=..1 1 ' . ` , ""' an. -N..%:.... I I 11 %I 'Marks obtaidable 35o, .I. this special rneeiing. I old nogro aabin,4 with auto little ple- X .....*.,."," ....",..,..,.,....,.,."..,., ",.,.....-:.-, ,. .,., .."....... .,... ,.*"...*. -'-. I I ,... ............. k 0 1 , I!t = ;; , . T-Hh,Ai)VAV011,rtPorter'bad the *a- 14. Beattle..... . aninuies 1)lixylng around tho dooT: I : -*'-,.-.*',-.--. ...'-':.'-..--.'.'-..-',.'.-"".....,... .-'.-.,-",*'-.*"*."'-"'.'-. ,-.-. 14 _ I --.,-t .. I . sureOfg0i"g through the Aero Cushion I ....... I ­ I .......... 266 Blllott--7Currie-TlfatMr. Roy P,atter- X : ..* .*. ,,.- ,,,. '-'.,-.,-., --.'.--'.-----,-­.,.* ....... , .'V.-. - 'rATTY'AQB - UE 9-1d . A. Mitchell ... "" .,.".., . ','* .-.., ,., .*.'.'..., iOLUE MADONE, ' Inner Tire and Rubber Cola I ­ 234 son, county engineer, be engaged at once SPeAt I the afternoon looking around .,:,..:: ..',',.*.-'.'.',, .,..", .,. . ..,."........,.. . .. ... .­ , X , .,_._,.,...._:­- .. .... . ......... .. .... , ". - __,.. '. - - ... ..:,..- ..-...-.-.-:--.-_ . I k -a %tne ='Tli e GA GE*`A MOUNT-ARBU(:4LE- COME= factory On L Angus ......... ­­­ ....... the city, was told by 'a. Kentue N, : - I. %, ,__ " .... ................. 230 to prepare plans and specifications for- the kY -,..,.-'..'."-'.',. ". : -....".... ',' "..'. -.,,.. ',-... ,'.' -.'.'...,-,.'.' ' ,'.- *"""*, ­ , ­.. .-1 .... .I...I., !­--- ".1-11 , 1. A , ........ '' ... . -,.--*.::,- R. ,:­:: ...', :.;:.' ; , ".- :%,:,.-,.,.,.*.",-" ; ­. . .: " I - . I I Monday and was greatly iriipreAsed W Taylor .... ............. gentleman that Xolitucl y was noted X - ...: ::. : ...', ... ,' ,.: . 7,: ::-.-".",.... ,, .... .... .. . :-,,:",`.*.':-.';.::- ...'........ ...., . ...... I - 230 erection of a now dam and bridge -Car- I .."....., "; .., 11 .. '. ­ 1. .. I . " watching the machines grinding rubber G. Rintout .... for its, "beaut1ful women- ­ .... 1--.._ ..% ._4-- `1.-....,..1_1.-.-.--- .. X and after undergoing other treatrilent ........... ......... % 210, tied. . horses and X q I M. Cowell ......................... "old Xoatuckr Burboni", What g --win" . 197 ,,roatly X _____VC%V5g9ft"W0 - . , pressing it out in long round strips, of C.' Hingston ............... Berinett-Curiningham-That aspecial, amnse4 me; a lady Ili this beautiful . A I . Suitablt dze for Any Make of automobile. p. Stokes, ......... 104 cominittee of the council be appointed to Southern X ­ _ I . , ORY asktd me if we had any Ea . I . ` . __ I .; , 6 .. "', .1 I", . FATTY A .. During our few mii.utes visit to the plant M, I.I.....'­ ............. 151 look after both tile building of the dam ,,movies,, Ili Canada. I imagine the po 1, w- I tliere was efidugh rubber trtatedl-coinpres. G. ,Moffat .......................... 148 ,and bAdge, and the laying of the water- Impress . - ediat"__ . . . Wn Most Of thesis Americans . X , 'n'acrogs river,, -Carded. . h&VO Of We Canadialis Is that the Only I std and rn uld d to make fifteen or twenty j, Brooks.., ,*­ 120 mal - . ­::::,:*:­­ 104 Currie-Manett-That the Mayor, receration wo Indulge Ili is olefghing __ ill ..... X . tires, Before being Completed this rubber 0. T6nnint... . ...... * ' * ... """ 54 Reeve, Councillors Elliott, Felts, Cun- -and eating snow M11 I ivjara u Kramt& I . is out in different length& and encased .If, Ct,&(48, * , , " * , , , * " ' ballo. After this on- X NvV(,N 611ONV thC Cdrfc%Ct or' regulation niodels in, aft ., . AGo, moles which are tern ered in a behted Total 506, ningbam be a special ,Committee to look JOY010 visit 41n Loulsvillo., I left for . . . i6o"0111-TV . 1010, P . I oven, Several who enjj)yed E. Taml n_ ". after building of bri UOVile, A a* S1 I boiler or . dge And dam -Carried .am A. . V 11. k . inds of Athletic Sfioes'. I X I .......... 1 478 I . X . A themselves knocking tfiis company are M, Isard ..... ........ --- 482 Billott-Mitchell-That the maiter of It %vas, raffilng 4when I re `afied X I . I 11 easing down a little and it 64 as though N. Homuth ........... .... . .. .. procuring extra help at electric pumping IN10bile, Alabama. on Friday ovenini .4, Baseball Shoes, Lacrosse sn"Oes, t1teir PrOduCtlo,n is going to be a fast sell. r,. noberteon""*:,.::",.""**""*** 472 house be left with Manager Brooks -Car- 16th January, Just a nice, warn7 *,- - ` If you own a car you'll roar k, er, as the management cannot begin. . .. 1. 401 tied, - slinimor rata, I was met at the X - "" I . . iupply the demand, . . to G.- Fry ...... ::.::. . 451 Elliott-Hennett-That the property station by aft Old Canadian boy,'J Jc I ennis Shoes, Running Shoes, 5 ( , I I I av'e, as Inuch fun as D"g, wort), C , ............. 448 committee look into matter of weigh scale Patterson, ehek. and I clorked to- I . If you doift't own a car you!ll h W, Tiffin .......... :,:*"­"* .... , - I mile 6. rigtley ........... : . , , 443 jeeg with a view t(y havir Yachting Shoes all slizes. , R . ,g same re,Vi8ed_ Mother bolno 15 year.,4 ago in Ajarl _ . though you did. . Three dog vLeree discovered tillacking W, Johnston ......... ":,:::: , , , , 488, C.arried. . dale3, and lie has made extremely . ­­ . tW6' alves belonging to Mr, George Fin. Y. McPherson.. . .... : * .., ... 11 ... ,,, AS Bennett-Slilott-That this touncil ad , good in the Sunny, Sbuth. Ile is in I W e IIIIVC Shoc's for all Stunni& outdoor sports. I More enjoyment,in this two' -reel comedy than in, a toy one day recently and PrWilcial Of. M. Simpson. I... I I I ... V-..... 430 the Yellow Plan bushieso, Mr. Pttt X . ficer Phippen was sit Once notified and C. MdKibbon ....... vertile the pavio of streets as outlined' W A i,i0f it shoe hw every purpose. Fligh tn. 1,()tv eut 14 tWO-hout" spill through the country. :", 425 . by the engineer -Carried. t0moli has a Palatial Southern home I . . I . hurried to the pasture with hia gun. 13e. K Mitchell ............. *. , , *.','. , *,:.,,.: 398 , I with the usnal rk,ttnue ()f ,Negro ,,;c.r. X shoe. -i IvIlich ever yo" Moe. 11 1WJ 11 - I ants Let;,irattle, tix whars wrong with you. fore he arrived the talves Wert badly D. Scott ........................... 391 ­_ - v- - Oil Saturday the day after I , * worried and torn and were standing in the U, Boardman ............ s ......... 389 Pasged Away in Wituilpeg. landed Ili Atobile. I li,id a fine b",1t % 0, " 0 . I 4 I , 10, tfill Oft AlObflo lllkw, t itoad ,on deck , - 11 1V L. -tiver where they had run tot 'Safety, on 11. Groves ........ 'k, .............. 1181) Mr. Wm. 1101mes, 4, Con., Turnberry, Without 00at or V4, i4t On ant'l Wasn't .1 . Sunday the dogs vore again at their favor & Blatchford ...................... 387 Shoe Repahving- ­*vVe, pell,,jil, jjjf)c'!; ex f-11 ,,, LYCIEUM "" H **h AT "' E " Was called to the bedside of his brother, ally too eo(A at that a the therillom. u lently, I ..'' . 1K iteVortand did conti4trable damage to le F ield ­ .... *....­.... ........ 3,% Robertwho, passedaway in,i lVinnlpeg etor registered at about 00 in tho ,so cvvi,ybody says! . Briiig in y,itw ,shoes and .. 1. r" 0 1 Mr, Benson; CtuikOwks' cattle , and tq M. Musgrove ............. I ........ . 154 botpital on May Oth. The remalit were oinde; thig was sur,o some phange 16t un put theiii ill good Condition for you. . ''I '. Mr. T. T. Fields' cattlet, A couple of G, Mbie .......................... . &18 .1 " ' 4 Thurs., M. and Sat. brought to his. honie in Ketiora for, inter. frout rero weatlaw tile proviouj.,, . 1. - , %11)11 *4 I cattle r1n, madly Into a ban and One C- Witth .... f ..................... . 34.5 ment. Mr. 1101mes being an old resident day In ITAT14.4ton, I 'Tent a, Very lqea INWO.OwAft * Z" * , - .. . 1- 1-1.1 I broki her horns off when she hit the &T." Seli ........................ 339 of Turnberry, will be r I . 11 ,.:,,.* . raernbered by saut wpok with fl(ti 11j1qt r.-;ol1q , , gight , 1, I I I i Mntinae Sat, at 3.31D. Adm. 16c An,d 28$ Mott. 10C and Ift blAWM. C*ttl,4 aro too costly IM4 neod. B. Robinson ........ .......... :,:., :121 manYofourrudem' 110% survivtd b 'WeNV. al'to riding, ote., and eyor-clo - . I . y . udo%fi. . I ,:I- ." . . , I OW tO ba" thft t1at -&had by worth. CLARrA B two MIlers and thrft br(khtts. Mvt, oftfn uly thautilt-4 wol, I" . . .Oft, &#& . ._, i, . . ild wander bwk . ", . See Me 8 fof Next WOWS Sbvw, J Ift ftal wa &M m* ftw #wt*lr Total W. Brown of Tyndall, DAkota Mrs rtrrsnd hnnlA to lfarrfAton and I muld Dloturt I VT a it A,jmfar , I I .,. I I md, of 14"o &M4 bildhot wuhtm"t b*. N. Corr ....._ .................. _'1402 O`f S'WlftCurrent. D&vfd *W Nwth"141 th4l &01,d Ald KAvr; horf the elimats I . I . Ar . bf Preelo, Swth N,kota and W.M.. of 4 . i-0.,--.0 -11--N-.--.-"Oimo'N.11 '411 wwo o,00mioloil.ommoliomm--a-ism"lwio,, ii, *4, i"iilo*040 iim*iwoawopiml; 14 , on st 06wad 400M 1 , fcoottftusd on Pop 9) I Con., Turnbfrry, . (Cb%tJnM4 on ptftz) XXXXXXXXXXXX mommm .11 , - . . I I . ­ 0 . I I , AN ., U . . . . I . '. I I , 1 .. I . _ . C I . - I S , '". . - 1 1. .1 I I ., I,& 11, . .. 1-1 _ . , I " I I . 11. - . - _ I I . I I I I . - I I