HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-05-06, Page 877,;TTPY7,r,
?slat. a,nd,1lrtt. A. Outuerou of lielfast,
�a pia3. K triett►xi elebr t f apk. F'et;'k ipaut ,Suutl:tp at. Air, and .Rbi, Will.
i3. KYrt�,'a Crelekxratad Novrl
":"" """-" - t ► "" Several notable players appear in "The +)Tiny Marg:11ef dillies was houle over
' Valley pf the Giants"" in support of Wal- ;ittitday hist t, ��(I:,
lace held, the great Paramount-Aacraft ( Ii ass Aluiic ll. Henry was home fur a
picture which will be displayed at the fety tl*lv la%t wi'ek.
EX Lyceum 'Theatre for :1 stays beginning. Aliss Aarnv'rlifhc Musgrove spent a few
RA~Pq0""`or next Monday, slays ;at the Koine, of Mr. and 'Mm. Frank
For his leading woman, the popular 11earr last week.
ung st4r will have Grace
w harming screen favorite wlao
nd, the The t�.'
chur'cli, wenhe t tlw well
` ed in many Pictures opposite Bad Wil- their Vorward INIL Vvutent objective, the
llarns and who is accounted exceedingly tiital ;22ntutit,stlbscribetl being $2G$7,uG.
500 Pairs f beautiful and talented.
Miss I3armand had several year's stock.
i exper,ence before going into the films and �sCIVOL REPORT
played leading roles in "The house c.f a
Overallst X Thousand Candles," "A 'Texas Steer," Report of .9 S. Ito, ti. Turnl'erry and
etc. Site began her street) career with Morris for mantis of April.,
Selig in support, ,of Tyrone Power, Otis Total 7i,',0. Honours., 525. pass 420•
i„ Made by Callada's largest and most expert manufacturers in their line-. -- � Ha Ian and Barry Mestayer, mid .later Senior Third --W. Henderson 005,
� w1t to Astra, where she dirk some import- l*owlsr 591, E. Henderson 556.
durable 1t'eal'---reSlStlllg fr"ll)1'iCS all seems, doable fitlt<:ileCl, poClfiets, 1'('ll'lft?1'C('tl ai1Ci 1'0; ant serials. She appeared in the Tech- Total 330. Honours 246, Pass 198
wa tttl:ll'anteed not t(>" Y'i , kltlttol7S Se4tlrelj' psis ell l.3' il)aC11ii1C1'y. witj led to .'(live � nicolor picture, '•Thq Gulf Rgtween," and Senior Second. -Alvin Procter 301.
X4 > p than became identified vdth-'t'itagrapit. Total 715. Idonours 536. Pass 429.
fK'' maxiinuni service rind comfort. � She has that peculiar rcombinatfon of Junior Second --Velma Lennox 026,
Xdark eyes and pronounced blond hair, and Edna :Procter 626, Bernice Lockridge 624,
lb X is an accomplished swimnner and dancer, Arthur Henderson 660, ,Murray ,Jenkins
Kay Laurel, tilt: beautiful Follies girl, 140,
X also has a part in the picture. Miss: Total 230., Pass 138, Primer --Edna
_ X ''Laurel was one of the sensational beauties Jenkins 19if. Isabel Powler 1g2, Margaret
�^ of the Ziegfeld shows, and 'her .poses have Procter 106.
aftalned worldwide fame. She has been. C. J. Brock.
�;,ttRt• Aii�"l T' � 'Teacher.
painted by Penrhyn Staxilaws aria other
note.. artists.,
' The entire cast of the "Valley of the
• Giants" is such as to entitle it to unusual
X distinction. The picture was filmed large -
4X a r'1l ly in the big trees near Eureka, Cal.. where
the scene is
lain black:, also blue with stripes., -Made by tyle4 peared inTile tRed TBook �Maga n originally
N T, I
Your c hoi(.e of pian blue, p
by the California authors Capt, Peter •I3,
Kyne, whose ' stories of "Cappy hicks"
X Peabody arhard Overall Cglrnp any of Canada., 11 have been dramatized anti- were exceed -
tingly popular in the Saturday EveniW eggs
0 host.
It is said that the subject has proved
an. ideal one for Mr, Reid. The hero's
elf✓. ��+j[M • father.' Jahn Cardigan. g:,es -'fo California Eggs
X A S gVf GOODSDEPARTMENT d � and becomes the Mayor of the town of
Sequoia, which he founds. His wife dies prices
SHIRTS ` G LOVES TROUSERS .. and i buried 'm little Ha, 2laest' rices aid.
a s b t a t amphitheater in a ~� 9- 1
glade know as the Valley of the Giants ' V
Comes to Sequoia Seth Perinington, �
accompanied by his niece. He aims to W. .
Are° freeze Cardigan out. Cardigan holds Tis Graccy Old Stand, Phone 62,
own for a while, but after some unfortun
i ate investments, the old lean sends' -for his
son, who hds'been travelling after finish
° ing his college career. Young Cardigan
s jumps into, the fight, determined to do
two things: to beat Pennington, and. to . at, (Correct sup eri ll Wednesday noon)
win I ennington s niece. He does them Wheat, No. 2 oprirrg ... , ..1 98 to 2 55
._.__ _._.botk, but only after he has risked his life Wheat No. 2 Fall _ . , ,1 98 to 255
14, 18.1 l"1! And these .the old world•sadly needs, may, visited' recently with the former"s in numberless ways, and after he has Flour ... ; .. • .11 6 50 to 700
shown the niece that Pennington is a crook, Lard...... ...'.. , , ....... 35 to 1 38
—By Edgar A. Guest. son, J. R. We ndt, Jeweler,
• • rThe Valley of the Giants is saved for the Butter ...... . . . .... . :. . 65 to 64
Skill is not all that makes a man. ( - - - Miss Jean Young who underwent an l+ Cardigans, and John C;ardigart is ' content. Eggs,... ....... 48 to 54
Nor flowery phrase of gifted speech. + Fordye;e operation for appendicitis'a week ago in l = -- - -- - , Cattle mid., butchers.. 9 O15 to 10 00
Sometimes'the humblest toiler can f T ~� Cattle, butchers choice. ,11 00 to 12 00
The greater heights of sekice reach; Mr, Joltn Phillips has purchased a the Wingham hospital, is getting along as
Hogs, liveweight .... 18 75 to 19 00
,..Twere better if men honored here,
fine new car. Some thing doing John.,, well as can be expected, we. are pleased to ; . Hay . . .. ... . . .. .. . .19 00 to 21 00
Above success, the kindly deed, Miss Amelia beaver and Cliarles Leav- say
Creamto °G9
The helping hared the voictof cheer, } er visited at E. J. Haines' oil Sunday :,mold and respected resident of';How-
Which serves another's hour of need.h
last. ick, passed away last Friday night,:in the
h p
5 a
h ,,
Nothin l.i e
ke lie 'l'
nn o n Paper
' Skill has beer. ].n(Iwn to tell a lie, i
Mr, jusepli Brophy delivered a See person of Mr, John Griffith in his ^7Gth. E � � �!� wp� � �,,f� � W a9-
Fame has berm known . to scorn the I pair of fat cattle at Whitechurcil, to Mr. year Deceased had been in failing
weak, i 4Iilas McMillan last week, health for some time: The funeral was "I react the daily paper --read rile state
. iI ! ► and foreign news, of the doings
Men, who by power are lifted high, Mr, aud'. Mrs, .Cham ion and son held on Monday. Interment, being made ri b gs here and
Bitter and cruel words may speak; Ttarry also Ales ander and bIrs. liaveais in the Wroxeter cemetery, yonder, amd of leading statesmen's viers.
G t + head of wreck, and fire and murder, base -
Not merely with tide brain and hand!
and daughter, visited with relatives in -----»•.-- .w, - r+�,lti
�: hail .politics and crime marriages
Does man perform his earthly role + T.ucicuow on Sunday . last`r+l ,tand
He -who with men is fit to stand, t ( FOR P I-lr ` y births anti dy ugs, all the happenings of
� Nr. Gibson Gillespie is at present re-
Must have nobility of soul. time, Rend the whole edition over, from
pairing the road between' N�ordyce and 1 — - ,.
�, the first page to the Iast, news and com.
Inge high to glory if you can, the boundary lint:. It is a fine road for. One Ford car with piston rings, ,inents, facts and: fancies, things to come,
But never cease to pay the friend, this time of the year. Two rear wheels and 2 front springs; �aQp A �� tangs of the past, Then aside I thrust
Be everywhere the gentleman, > . Has no fenders,, seat or plank, i� p�} the, paper for its no more good to me, halt
' And you shall conquer in the end: Burns much gas, is hard to crank; ,
Wroxeter Carburator busted half way through, Of our Wall Taper Stock is all we the things -that I've read over soon my
33oast not nor think too much of skill - memos will flee, Then I et the home.
Be patient in each trying hotir, Miss Sadie• White of Toronto, visited a Engine is missing, hits on two; ask of you. y g
Three years old, four in spring, The richness and harmony of tete town weekly, and with peen and eager
Be humble here and kindly still ;_ few days last week, at her home here. ,
Shock absorbers and everything; color combinations, the grace and eye, read the news that's ever, dull or
Even though you. should rise to power. We are pleased to state that Mrs. G. dry For the news that's in that
Radiator busted. sure does leak, beauty of the designs, ai?d the very paper �
Nor pomp nor pride nor splendid feat J• Town who had the misfortune to have Differential's dry, hear it squeak; wide: range of°choice afforded by our tells of folks I know and love, folks who
her arm broken a•couple of weeks ago, is are both friends and neighbors and whose
Excuse a man for sin and shame, Ten spokes missing, front all bent, large assortment.. will certainly con-
getting along nicely and has had the Tires bloomed, ain't worth s cent; goodness I can prove. Tells of school,
Who stoops to folly and Conceit wince you that you will. do best for,
Dims the fair luster of his fame; splints removed. Lots of speed, runs like the deuce. - yourself by buying here.and church and college, lodge, society and
For better far then words of praise Mr. Grewar of Brussels, was a visitor in Goes on gas or tobacco Juice; store; town: improvements, council's do -
Which follow brilliance and its deeds, town last week; Tires all off, been run like sins - Highest cash or trade price forEGGS. ings, squibs and personals galore. I-Iav-
.Are words to cbeer, and gentle ways. Mrs. Wendt and Mrs. Swallow of Mild- A darn good. Ford for the shape it's ire,�jj �j ing read this good town paper, rear. and
THE NGHAM BAZAAR swelled myself with pride? I crank up
my ancient flivver and through town and
.41 7ANI p NAXMI I ��t t , ®q1»�� ��� XXTXXXXX XX �� ' M W, J HILLIARD, Pirop. country ride. Far away sometimes -it
takes me into other towns and other
X _.. _..._ _. �_ __�.__ . _-. - states' whereI take notes and figures and
X�' .� �. X make mental estimates. `Then returning
, G\t to my roof -tree, Call my neighbors to my
`X X side and declare "So help me Hannah,
1 here I ever will abide " and with each re-
turning °Thursday, eagerly I watch and
wait for the postman yyho is bringing the
old wfielsly to my fate. Oh, I must have
I the great dailies, magazines and trade re- 4
X j" vid vs• -but the thing that makes me
" d
happy is the hometown weekly news "--
'I.'cr get the most fr0t21 env Sertirc is Carbondale Item
use it when and where needed. To URDA
x j
do otherwise is waste, of opportunity Mo
energy, cs.�rris
iVire you home complete for suff2c. Mr. and Mrs. janies Aitchison of Blue-
ieut, convenient and decorative i1- vale, silent to few days fast %geek, with
LAC; tt fi JC ES.S' ..SVA 7tJV A 'beautiful VIL1rC S" -Black, navy, brdwti and rale blue silks in % luulinatiou, as well as for the use of their daughter, ANrs. Wiif. Abraham
finished cloth for suits or dresses. :Bet°a heavy qual- pailettes and taffettas, 18 and 20 inches wide, Spec- X � mc.deru labor-saving appliatives, before leaving for their new horns at;
ty, loll 36 inches wid(:, Special $3 50 a yd. ial 50r; a yd. X All ]louses should bt: equippedwith a Stoney C'rettic.
proper :supply of Baseboard receptac- Mrs. Pfnicr Ifastings is not as ;.vel! as
1WA,i'.eZ .r4:,,N'2) PALLt' D,tt.1`JE P'CJJV'iC,,,EE
les, Ili no other way can the house- lice tnany.friaods would like.
MY�r�'il'Lv'. '••-'�•A sample lot of middles, red and blue holder enjoy the complete advantag. Mf'i. Jatn,tis Clt*f;born of Port Colborne,
a/ hurt silk, ah excellent washing rnattriul for blouses Collars and cuffs. Special 19C each es of liis appliances. vNited her sister, hfrs, Will Tbrrabatn I2c t
1UA or dresses 34 inches wide. Special $2,35 yd. heesROSS[ardnsra
Mr, anti Mrs. Will Robertson and
X !POPLINAn ideal cloth for children`s slyer, ill greats 'CN1Z, 0*E)'`V ' Ribbed Cotton Huse, 12.lectrit: �'irietff, Iiixturey, t1l,pliatites. bbtldr 1st of Boigrme, visited at Hobert
* sizes u tri 7. to clear at 19c a r ..-- _ _ . G011is i,. last Sunday,
only, .�6 inclie^ wid+= Slieci(tl $1.4a a yd p " Miss Alae Powell, is waiting on fres
! NOTICE TO6CREDITORs aiytrr„ 141Ilastings, wbo is very sick.
GX,jVtCX1CAM.S'-•T:x lave ta.4sorted pattern8 of blues, VH0ES'- Men's heavy Chrome Blutcher. solid leather,fi Yu stns l.atatrof t*yilliax1tJ.btiaton lett, of tilts
U pinks and browns 30 inches wide, Special 35c ;a yd till sizes, Special $6,50 u hair l Tr wriship of Turn lxtrryq in rite C"ontity of . .
1101V31; V} RE3'.0;A-A special lot its light And LA 7i1Z,3 ° .5'"L1 PjM*t.S •-- Patent slippers, i nglish
tical: patterta, rf p.int. ilir(iut $i,ti9. to, (,it ban heel, r.izeft 3 t(+ 6, Special $3,50 a pr.
ice Wanted Cash cit• '1'ratfo_ Se:eds a specialty.
�t� , yy, ' r• , r
Hii1NI tItT �Cnti titeli tits lir anR:rt [tUi .;ti[tt rt ay UI'
F••Urnary, A.Iy., l'J'�a. (aG th6 7Vott at+ hi�r of '1'nrn-
berry In the County of tlraron we rt -gr irkl 141
RwA to this naderaik'(itR, tiro Anheitor for thel
11 3°tt+ritta N, ern nr hrYtrrrt Lfirr '�,th day of Nay,
t -1, la„ 1!a�", t s,•+ir nariiru (at.d adtlrP,get wish fell
11 of pin n%r1 naruritle iif iuis .11Pid 1 y ihrn,ti(e
A'vii VIIIItrtal';1f.7'AK11 N0Ti(,h that attrr
! t.ho�Kid27thrf:xyofMny A.D. 2101",tht� 04*;t,
of th,, yard Mets+. *ill b(i diktttbuled b► the
'saitl Pxrru+ort eninnx tho partle4 i•ntitltat
thereto. Tim itiq rrxnrd brily to .+%fin4 or which
j they shnli , lith have not stn; and Liam 'pat rte will
i ntit he linble f r any elaime •n"w: filed at the
t tfm.For nnf•i dlrtrlbrttlA.t.
ihur(1 it-, WitiKhatn this 2drh day of kpril A.
f)., Mol:
131i1tLkY >F101J4Xtt
em-wttar for that itewmt".
Ado m Wd trlaftrrt JobawAn.
WQq May 6& 1,9*6
Report of N S 311'r,. 7, U0161, Narttit
and April, `
Chess Work acro; ; lrxaws. too°, ilonhoes
Real Bar W, 1 -
ourta f5 I'aiw 69-10. z
s S
Vera Edgar .......... .. 82 84, +
Robert Coulter...,...... 82 77. Y
Margaret Campbell ..... 77 57, We came across a real bargain in Meals,
z,dtia Campbell
Sit III.,, 47 Mahogany hoes, which wL will offer as
Sig 11. king as they last at a bargain prico viz.,
Jessie eampbell...... .... 71 absent.
Bell Campbell ........... 42 absent.
Q.- —•----- - -_.�_
line Taylor, shipped a car load of stock;
Bob. Hopper.... ........ 54 6,3.
I,izade Coulter ...... ... 69 69,
:t•Tr. Thos. Stewart received a car load
of British Columbia shingles last week.
Mr, Harvey Haney has gone to Brint"
ford, where he has secured a position.
Mr. W. J. Masters is on the sick list at
present, Mr. Rldon Mcltin'tiey is reliev-
Mary Bunter.. , . ... 25 44.
ing him.
Mr. Wui. Duff received and delivered
•a Far of Western grain last week.
Frank hopper.:........ , 43 79.
coming year, disciission on every paper: - Miss Jessie 1STesser entertained her
given, '
the home of Mrs, Geo. McDonald on
Mr. Wilbert Mathers and Miss 3;dith
honor of her birthday.
Norman Coulter ........ . , 81.
Boyes"of St, Marys, spent the week -end
Mr, W, H, Fraser lost a valuable
address, election of officers, annual busi.
H V. Aitztl4'i'AQ$G, Teacher,
horse last week, by gettip its leg brok-
ness, Roll Call answered by paying for
Geo. Mathers, xst line, Morris. en,
C v l ''I" a V1''
Dave IticGiil and Geta. Jordon, spent a_
day at the lake last wee k.
��� ����.
Mr. and Mrs, F. Anderson, spent a few
day with their.daugbter, Alis. McGowan,
near Blyth. i
This is a splendid
life ".of Mahogany calf
.revs. Boyle and Lundy of Walton,'
exchanged pulpits last Sunday.
Shoes, made on the
new English last With
Union prayer meeting in Knox Church!
Oak tats soles and.
Goodyear Welt sewed..
next Tuesday night, - 11
Rev. and Mrs, Davicistan, motored to r
Up-to-date in every
particular. ,
Loudon or Tuesday,
Don't forget the Irish Scotelr concert
its the flail Ott the 14th. i
Q.- —•----- - -_.�_
line Taylor, shipped a car load of stock;
on Friday,
:t•Tr. Thos. Stewart received a car load
of British Columbia shingles last week.
Mr, Harvey Haney has gone to Brint"
ford, where he has secured a position.
Mr. W. J. Masters is on the sick list at
present, Mr. Rldon Mcltin'tiey is reliev-
ing him.
Mr. Wui. Duff received and delivered
ILM . . .
•a Far of Western grain last week.
'.Vile regular monthly meeting, of the
coming year, disciission on every paper: - Miss Jessie 1STesser entertained her
Bluevale Woman's Institute will meet at
given, '
girl' friends on Saturday, ,Bray 1st in
the home of Mrs, Geo. McDonald on
Mr. Wilbert Mathers and Miss 3;dith
honor of her birthday.
Thursday, May 13th, at 2 p, in. President's
Boyes"of St, Marys, spent the week -end
Mr, W, H, Fraser lost a valuable
address, election of officers, annual busi.
at the hoxq-p of the former's parents, Mr.
horse last week, by gettip its leg brok-
ness, Roll Call answered by paying for
Geo. Mathers, xst line, Morris. en,
s -
n I Ve P's dev H,
Morey ,Saving Values Throughout The Whole Month
We are lowering the High Cost of Living, by pelting forth special values
in every department. Read ave" the list of values carefully and corrlpare
our prices with others, for eve have many surprises and sale'goods; which
we have not had for many years:
a, is
ME, N' -V ALI, WOOL + s + s 00
Special purchase of men's worsted suits WOMEA',S WASH XX_ TS'
° in good styles and best of trimmings, Skirts for both misses;. wofnen and •Q.
I 1 Reg, $55,00 value for , , , , , . , , , .$42,50 S, sizes made of extra duality gaberdine
and twill that will wash and stand hard
NOUNG M'EXX-ALL WOOL wear, Special prices $2,95, 8.500-95 and
S'L RGE SUIr.5 4.50•
This is one of the newest this season, m de from all wool impoles rted
serge beautifully tailored DRESSES°'
Regular $55 oo value for . , , , , . , . , $42.50 Chambrays, Ginghams and Prints, all
Other special prices $29,50, 35.00 and sizes in latest styles. Special prices 3.95,
and $47 50, 4,5o and 5.00.
Ill o lex. ,S HII4 T s M.d'S°.SE,T° ,JV 2) C:HIL 2)-
20 doz, mems work shirts, extra strong 'REV'S' MIDaXU�i"
striped and plain black or blue work In all the latest styles and colors for all
shirts with reinforced front and back. ages. Special Values $x:95, 2,49, 3,50
Regular $2,50 value for • . , .. .. . $1.95 and 4.00,
S`UMME'R Wotneu's.Silk Hose --15
UNDER WEXR ti doz, p`sre silk hose, all
colors. Reg. $2 SO and
ItNen's Spring and Suin- 3,00 for $x.95,
pier Combinations a it d
Two:Piece Underwear. 1
Silk Gloves --• Double
D u r b 1 e balbriggau, tipped in latest styles,
natural wool and merino,I1 rices $1.25 to 3.00,
with or without sleeves, '
with knee or ankle length, HeavyPongee Silk -
perfect fitting garments Reg. $2.25 for $1.79.
from t he .best m a k e s, r•
Special values $r,00, x,251�/ b Heavy 731ack Duchess
1,75 and 2.5o a suit. t Silk --Reg, 3.25 for $2,95,
SOCKS 11'eavy Ribbed hose
Black worsted socksn ^• All sizes fdr boys and
r` "`` % ' :• girls. Special 490 a pr.
pair. for ... ,41.00
Black cotton socks +
2 pair for. :.it.00
Giogbaux Dresses, Mid -
130W WAX11 dies, Boys' Wash Suits.
„F y w.
LA D.i"E.V 'WEA *A
Heavy cotton suits in
colors and white, Cheaper 1 ---- `�'" - 1i ause Dresses, Voile
tlfan0u can buythe?+1 �` Blouses, Russian. Smocks
goods., Speial rices, t` t <'" Nash Skirts, Cloth Skirts
fi.95 to 6.00. specially, priced.
'Special Values In !Nouse
Ff)(il roh ish ilri g5
iTIGS-- Wiltol2, Axtuinster and Deus-
sels ill all sizes,
JC.IiVl'fSI,1Ul4TS�-Camaddatt and ImpOt:t-
ed iitiolemns, all widths and newest
PT11R1 It f3taS �-A11 sixes for bedtociuts,
verandahs, etc.
Window shades, uras:s`J.i'olea'fuid Bods
all aizes, Curtains and i)r:aperics.
I N,6 B RL U b1l,