HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-05-06, Page 6I I 4 I I , 1. , I I I . -1.1- ____ I 1"_t*!!'=! ____ 4_. -*=-'' ii --- I C". . ,­ . ­ I ... " . 'ki. -, I ,. PI ,F " I . & - ­ - . . I ­ - , I - 1 , I I t """ E I erly Cood Quality Tea, pro bre-Weds her "lit It really no Mors th , gn that?, I MY44't Yolk courAso to fislit for Iwo —T .p I , , , , " - -tlxe most wred tbingin life?, - 'got , I . ,.HE— g Igues and Is absolut tKkpS_,%2E4 Ouddeuly Moya, , up from tho table. ,S3146 Ono trembling hand 111 ^ ' It .5 I , .., 1. I. . I . 11 I.''. - . .0,101.0.1 12!1 .-Put oil the back or her chair. , W U_ I fit I'M 0 U r I , r I S, as al daUx., bevemge, ol TRY h 96 , I It Isn't, mater," 'she Said, la a, low, ch'O'ked voice, "You know it, It 11iii,t I For Th000tfat poop)*. - , I . I—, I - .. . ­ I.-.11. I 1. - , , I . tuat-not thatt" X . . .. .. . I I 41 . . I I -- I I I 1 11 . I , _1 The words were Incoherent. But "O did riot wait either to say or , . I . -.M I IMIN! 1.11 I 13E TRU . 4. .. ""'7 -, 11 I "I " . ":; I . I . 11 heZrauny otters. She went Into tho further corner of tblolwslol, 41:1411, Think truly and ttly thouglith , . . . I /` ­ I . I ,slid from thence to, tte cool 0011t4do , Sbali the warld'b famine feed,, I I ,, _.. . j. I of the obore, 40.4k truly, and each mord o, th ile 8 All be a fruittul, 4044. I ! . 11 1 ; , . --- i 1 I I . I k The morning 1 .laze was still over the sea, 4verythin . was lovely and ner- Live truly, anIiI, thy life obAll Lo it . ene. UOYA sat"down on the arm Of, .4, great all -i noble creed. . a -1foraulle ll,,aar- ) I .. I . I MW > - ... I " . I" . , I . i , 0570 the breativAter, the )Jttle waves al. most under her feet,' tile cool. breeze I 6 , NO , , I 0 . 22M ozd you'll never, forsakei-Jts. Use, taiming her hot, face. . TIM, RIGHT LU74. . , T11.7 ".11 -, , , , ­ ­.", "" """' ,­ . I.... .. 1. ... ; , '.1, ­_ , , Back again 104MO Barry's laughing The end or IIN As not to do goo4i althougil AAAny of uo Valuk 43U, 14 141 I , , , I , , . 7 I , A 1. -1 - . I ­ . , I 1. .1 i . ..,I .w",, __ Words-thitt he might be helping her out Of Quo hole into a worse one. She . ,_71' ! I i . " .,, . , I ., . . I . . ,_ I.. ma I .1 I not to win .r)ouls, although I Quue tho t The end of 4110 - is nh so, ' , A- &_ -I,, -0 ^­ !1-1—, —, I #101141 & " * r. , J, , 1 *_It" , I 1 - )I- ,.. '. -. , a, . - 0 ry o. . - ., ­..Olb — ft.fi,.dN_OO.L 'Oft,. bad done, tilt$ to Save her pride Then . Why was she sitting there,, teZug 0 al h,,M414.#..Aa 71 %,t7 , 7 :, PF 7 41' I — , 11 - , L , , . 7 , 't - , , . .11 7;1117 . , 6, it i 0, 0 i , 4h 0 O., 0 0 * 0 0, 4 0 9 0 00, 0. 0 0. 0 IBANANAIS I NUTRITIOUS The, 014 story "that I ean't e Y give ino wd!gal 1111t* 4n4a, because the 444111, IS hlmrd over and over Again; but the Main reason for thl a jo. tba the overo , Of= afe UglulaWIrO -varY"A 440 betoro tbo3r amo ripe. You Would nA -'i , . turally oyp)eot ait I , do , I of trouble it you lud4lgti4i In groan S.P`pif.4. or cherrIes-why MAX , r r , 6 th* )).4luilliv tile GxcePtIQnT When bananas are j1pe the I outside altill' Is, quite J4rk and QF,lt Ahould never be eaten, axpocA%j,V In the raw state, until thim naparo. Me bAnana Is Property called tbg 'Sood fruit," because of IM "Als-1 good V6,16e. It Compares fu,vom ly wlvh the whito and $wee' Potato, bavilw slightly Jos)$ value and At4roll. nad sugar oon- . - uo.wtl than the oweet, aa,i njore tban tile white potato. . , FRUIT SUGAR. I -11 . , 11r-­ ,"7W , CIRLS W EXPERIENCED AND. LEARM, Von UNIDERWEAR ANO NOSIFFN PER& Quarantood Wags, to, Josmof* Saturday* off 16. ,4uly #nd Ault-, Cafctorla with mools at 0001. Clean, hosithy work. %oady mpf6ymont. , Good WA9000, -Write for further Information ZIMMERMAN RELIANCE, Lift. , fiAmwrm ONT. I I : ­ 'l,*::1::=1: 1:1 .11M 1: 11:1 11.1=i;' ': , ­0,1q,v 111 4 I . : ISSUB NO. 18, 111920 - I I& !4 , I 11 . , , , I.''. .1 - I ... I I I ­ - -_ .... I When banamo are perreotty ripe they , glow: I 101, 1 : : 111t I M;; I @4 At P1`1141.U.0.' I I I 11. I - - builiip 'Y-0-ur--life, ol t1i I I p][11 -am 0 She gazed dbwn at the clear spray, 1 '"' are easily digested, because the ; - , i , , ts - M4 a4KO of fruit sugar Is thoix tht. bignast .1 I 1-14, , ,? -it Lot we give you All ,ourllar. T114 ., 1. .. I... ,, %.# 1.111 Ols. I 111 V lealli4g gracefully in little jets and 4 0 4 $ 1 i i 0 0 0. 0 - 0 4 4 9 4. $ 4 4 0 0 0 t, 0 0 .ero FARM FOU OAZZ I ob,wct Ot Alto: "I t,ome to (10 Tit$ - , AL7 I I . 1. r oddioaot pure cryotal, beneath ter FARM CONDITIONS ', and theamount of non. Assimilable sla, Ch k.0%A4. ---_---- - - - L- - - - " "MR OU IN" - - ­ - will$, 0 004." who '111rot thil ix you , " ­111­-" - . feet, Then she caught a sound of 1410,west, The average 41ine for the lji;r- , - 7ti -CROIVE TO Preserve fect digestion n4nk& ;a olAo V.- Adjoining Beamoville" a monoy maIr" ' - 'he ­ I and three-quarter hours, In cotupm-loon I ,ne #4 after life 10 food .11y llaoqt OfiEttering Stones, and J.Doldii I at A ripe ba Ing proposition, offered 4 13"olgi 00 , . * . He went on-, "So, You see, I'm with thO boys, had fallen easily , g up, a lat"to do the will of A141 14 ,t saw GUY Berkeley coming down the . to 0ree and ix halt hours f o 1r' it ;jof.t a going concern And. a a Ing 'A'SMW ' 8out- honest With You. I can't offer you the enough Into the holiday life of the;eot- , Ximi Woather 'Did Some , Your Woollews f O ration, Well' The next thiUg you li(.ed at, c boiled egg and. five hours And 90 minutes factory dividend over cost of 0 Money -or even , part of it, I don't t4ge. But Moya could not help thtAk- lift path. . V 11. to-roa.9t Pork, Will exchange for satisfactory roil ter food 16 socletyt "lie Oat I,looth: even feel as if It were mine to r. In I I He must see, her, of course ,routlined 1, Harm to Wbeout. - The effect of the, r1po bananas in the tate, J. .P. Biggar, 9 -. tI -of Ily rather- which Is lit offe g,-- what her mother w4iil-d say It sho .-, I f - 4 0 4 0 ;, . . . I do Ilyde, Olooks -10 will its Ole was against the blue water, as 1 ,_11. . Ramilton, Out, (Regent 4114) . Uy. brottivr and. IV s a trust -to spend On far more knew Guy Berkeley III& not I .w.1r ,I. int0tlnes Is valuable. because it reduces . I . 11 heaven, tile eatne k .. ook: O she sit perched on the Old break- " With the. first of April comes the 443COMpbaltion through a laotle sold fer- SALI,;-1N FERTILE ,"Zit sister And iuothor!'. oa walit ekill-D PcoPWs needs than Juat yours And his money as his own At all,, hut'ao a mentation and It has an anti" , Ptio Ac- F OR Ach jjj6,L * , mine. That's why I wanted, to see I water, But lie would not come to I The follo ca'doll., 111're 'o 40, Tby will. trust to use for others. I , wing Is a summary of To- fend' of winter. ItIs safe to put aw tion on the products of decompo.4itlon. River district, Ontario; 170 40 , .4. speak to her -After this. cleared, wIth house, $2,00; 160 Aer ht ' 0 Ood." You walit'plepeture: I I del. "Would she lie so cager1or me to ports made by agricultural reprosen- our costly woollen wearand blanketb, CHEW IT VE "I wooded. ;800, John Bryce, 4 C a'atnu I light to do Thy . *111. 0 Col." A Moya met his eyes, She still look- marry him?" thought ,.Mpya, a 4ttlo Yet he came oil, and Voya perceived Two other reasons for the chArge of In- R40, Pennaylvania. . I . . - whole life can be bu'llt i1pon 0le ono ed wonderIA0 ,4nd' doubtful. So, this sadly "Oh dear, 1116-14 a funny that probably he had. e tatives,to the Ontario Department of 'At present prices no one can afford to digestibility *re Inadequate chewing .tnd jr— ;, ,.i . spoalr to her. Foron'11=10111YO . vertical - colilmn. and 11jen viii-, all was W]Whe wauteft to see her -for no thing' WGIt would Barry say? How to ho Agriculture-,-, cast aside a garment that can be the tact that the frult Is a heavy one- -d .%VE LLINGTON COUN- . OtllhfAl' xeas4it that,bad Set her mother ,- "War round Oxe pools of outgoing tide I tomach 4 ty, $85 per apre, choice clay town. I. -A OVer! "TTO 1thqt;1T,Qfltjj tile ' III of can I tell hljn?" I . .. 1 91ng no nutritious that the 4 48 ACRES, . I i The keen weather of the past weelc made of further use, Pa* away ev-' may be overworked if It Is eaten at the 10 .Acres hardwood bush, well Aratheti And God zb!d0h for 'e0r."., cal4ula,tln 444, scheming.. She felt She came downstairs ,to the low, till lie reached the breakwater. Then close of 0, meal, especially by **4,xto U § I . I'll did harm to some fall wheat and arything clean.. ' Moths. prefer Boiled 4 , children in a high State Of Cultivation, ho I I . . __r_._ I . Otlrlt ta en ab%ek, He did not even raftered room where. tbd-bJlaaUfsst'w4s '' ' , F Irk addition to a complete 11W,50- JftkO land, good water supply, cony4rilopt to r , Oils bantins. town. school A " I I ai*-be, wAs -sorry, or make excufies for laid,, into an atmospherO that grated clover, fields, but the extent ,of the, In- garments. Two things to guard a real place for the nut It .n4 church, rurstl walk,444 THR, ROAD 011 ITHU 14IVRK, i 1, . a An'em U Kfl a"& As against . in washing woollens are when Planning the mehus. telephone, good rcad, ThO bUltdIn'04 &j M . EXURT. - I l* appropriation of tile Money, He 04 this Derplexed',troubjed mood, Iris Jury will not be known until sprifig, shrinkage and stftenjng. It Is best Unfortunately the banana .gas z.4- nearly now and volued last year.af,,19.00 , I,, . eut the 'ground from right under A -shout of boyish laughter grei;tad, flid growth Is more advanced. Also vancea materially in price with the o0wr Y. Fire Insurance valoator. Ws"Mim, Ala LOW Algfa;. I; R . 1 4 1 SnOW flur- to use, medium bot water and I . I .bel. oad 31 the Afoya,q test. . . her. , A shrill whistlinj of the o ea, . food commodities and groin ig to .,,a owits as never had a crop failure an4- laaeo* . Loving Heart, to 4-,'-4.N44v4 11,at, loa,44- . She found herself gasping out, with- Ing bars of the we"Ing:-mareh. . ', 0 11V vir Ties, however, were sufficiently fre- Water of the same temperatu're for all a dozen asked A few yours ago, rb fruit on to none for producing graI4, Or ,W. .. -P , . 'Out In .the least Intending to speak, , I'VongriLtulations, X 1 oya. Been I . Ter reasonable. Box 9, 2 qprotip1d# tag frOni the $111140,011 0112"a -L? TA- I quent and heavy in most localities to 4iijaings. For the first water 4%- dealers are now getting from 4D to, 50 ILU44MAII0110 to tf o f0l"Wer 110140 09,; 1140k. 1,think it's a lendtd of you. s9lvd a'tablesp.00nful bt borax in ev- cents per dozen, I-lowever, there is so Ont, , , I I . dreaming of him, eh? Couldn't sleep ' give fair protection to the young much bodY and flavor to -the re - . . , .. - .,ol k" I , . P I,= 0 1 arts of, Water. s s s the basis of 'a q'huln't'e-r I : I ­ Rfuoer Louis S.t4venoon It w4li voilly,014you've got Vie money, You perhabs, for joy. You,'ro,awfully late, I ory twelve qu * built `0111 , 4' GbOtt tl*e 'be a. ! Plants from the trying cold and wind. ,-neither soap -nor scrub brush, but Art- of Attractive dishes and combined with 1'. , I _; f cis th '; -can. do. more With it ti, . t I caii-I s6e you know. Why 'dIdWt, you dome HBLP WXINTED '.'. - ... . great writer*a deith* Dy the voln-11*e 'ftt now, I should have Just spent it batbin before breilitait as you pro- WHY - : 1 The unpropitious weather,also halt- .t %te the -woolen article lit this Aplu; other less expensive .ingredients. I ------- k: rl',7o , . . 9 $ , in the following Suggestions w4lil be , %^A -----V,­ ** 7*4 t4ry labor of Airtiva , Samoall-3 to; on myself. ,. Perhaps It would havej- mised?I1 . . , . Mat -old sore or Skin disease Of ed this work of spring seeding. tIon. Then kprepare a second water of fo nd recipes for preparing this food I . '51 1 . b d suo ii libid-ness. ,Tile. -, *the Sal e temerature in which a plen- , u ­ I 11 Ala, Doto A "I overslept myself, afid forgot all cause ithe remedies you have been tiful amount of pure soap has been fruit to the best Advantages: . I WAPJTED. ' i ' - Influence of ,Iofa haa not: Spoilt Me, completely. I daresay it Yours breako out again? It's be' I Owing to the poor run of sap thero n , , -- been coafln*4 to [--':an .1aland of tbe', W4U Oh, I am glad YOU t9ldme all abtout it. Oh, do stop that a;WfUl using do not get to the root of the has 'tot been so Much maple syrupf , . IF THEY ARE BAa-IlD. IF IP,STCLASS XXITTER, AlmA.. , I I 1. . - "' i " hk uitdi- -1 only **h I had1momit It nois ,­bQy * 1319 March disease, but remain on the surfa " itlPe banalf4s, quickly 'baked In the Pacule, The ludotrA 4f that aet OC, ,love.", , s1l-as the pod cO.' anade as was expected, Prices to - lenced on Dubtod Flat; rmshlopli I Xachino, Good wages pa4d to -p pApaple . love has been csr fdidi t4, distant laIll,", - * ^lntelAslf1Od­--"YOu'Il horrIlY -Xr- BorkeT , ,Try Zsm-Bulgll It penetrates to i0s, . skins until they are soft And. the Juice Man. Best working conditions In diiylj ht P ., the .$2,50 to ;4, : W)ffij? NIC, Might 41Md "Iffirtlifte starts to run, gives a delicious, dallicate. wb`ti ( Ver, tilt falbe Ott fto felt deadly Ashamed., What ley. Ifyou behave youn* .hooligans.l . Makers have ranged from I - mlli, Afercury 1111s,, Ltd., Shinilt and peoPlee, ­ * - underlying tissues, destroys all I _j Alivo Clean, 0gaighy iy flavored product that may be Serv;ed ont. k - ' , the novellat has T, -464. ­ "Hels out for a s'Wilir,'Niss Moya,' germs and e a gallon, averaging aboqt $3.50, I ':l 006 ,b, . 1 . . D . .1 k I I ' 11 . -- , , 4, for us, , up. ,UTeS from the 11 root 11 I . . ORI,-,: 'Ap UtlipyTire,ft as a vegatalblo, If the bananas are 'all *' Ala- Loto Alo, a,. I and isn't back yet. . 4 we -Buk , Live stock as 9, class axe, thinnorp 4 , _ . 'A , - - . . I , , '', There Is anotfi,tr_ , _ Hence Zara cures are ­ SmartorBuralif Sore; baked without their Skins With the ad I :". , . another RqAd ofjj - ving,15eart, DIL .MARTEL'$ PILL$ hay.e been , round to.Ahe '­Tresmondsj lasting. All dealers, 50e. than usual, but Ili remarkably goo :1 'dition of lernon juice. sugar and water . Lie Ur box. I 4 I ,, ry-ES64%#rAtaWd, Inflamed'or . PROPBRIALES FOR SATA." - the road Which .Oi0 Christ tri"lled 4 consoling Barry, opor ch4j ! Done,for health Vaierally, I or ajittle tart jelly the dish Is changed I " , . I - ' - FOR WOMAN$ AILMENT&. - . anulated,Use to a .simple dessert. I I ,--- - - ­ . I . . - ; , . . Muilne ­ . i - j - to , hill Calva .; And lir, 40104 ' himself, be, has! Bst-,,hels as Sorry 1 Prices for dairy cows vary greatly, I for InfarAt '4CTORIMS IN OSI-14WA-. - _1__ 0._j,tj) , ithe " , 1, Qt W09000 hi Alk6lialtzo ALAN-ilL ­ on loolbeso Rdr6shes. Safe IN FRITTIM FOR:kf. F briolt building, one Storey, .40: ft ,b,y I I ' E . yeloptladd I ­ , j A in-ber of cheese factories have, . I,Drugglstsand Opticians. - ' , wa-y which'it ,a' 1, n6bess Lry, for Us , f ID,.. ,as he can he by now.!' I . I" *]Bli, ki _1i Adult. At al Sliced bananas dipped In batter And 80 ft.. Also two other frame buildings .,in . W.. - ____ aualitloo I to ibe able -to en 11 IA' order .tp'bAw Fs PIL . - set tin 1114oyWo'dark eyes flashed fire. 'She started 1naking, and Are getting a con-* WrIto for ftea EY4000k- NV(140fytRt:U4eQls(hkW fried in deep hot rat will give tasty frit- . - ' , I connection. Also a two st ,, btl0c 'in grateful . I , . oroy reverj,4gcla. ,' befdfi I the rem y , I , dolsy, d n* knew Guy might be bacU any momoixt, . " . siderable quantity of milk for the time# 1 ­­ ­­ l -­­,­­­,­ ­:!-.!= ters and rolled in powdered sugar A -Ad ' V'rea 3 kfiaf-:ibit God- was on'. VA17 In 4 0 V ,and besides her mothei" -would come, ground cinnamon they are excellent. An- factory. having 90,000 .9q. feet floor 1*08 t fact, W1 . , _1 In or Box.. our ru 14 R -Df Year, as a large number of cowst .- . . . Ing dish I . all well equipped. Bo h those,tae'torles . that. wondroilp. glyf0l,', - I Joe a" Or 0 i M down eomi. `,"It you're''going on,JW6 4 'have alrnady freshened. V dissolved, Never use Soap directly on other suggestion IS to lihe a bak are well located and can ber. b4u,ght ,he flr4A . 4, . I , a too 16 this ' . ". I . . 'with slices of sponge cake, then fill with right. Pull particulars given arid:prtees A(We Inve hItn,r,be0Aw­ . all -through bro0fast," ,she . , Hogs are selling tit from $17 to $19 e the garments in alternate layers of fruit end cake and quoted upon app_licaElon to Bradley lnvpd lip." The,034,)of tbn 1,q),v,11)g : b.A.. I.., * ........ . 0 ... 1, . ,, I..,:'. t". = threatened, "I won't slt444 lt 1111-11' , 1 ,, 1 ,- ­­ I . .1 I.. a cwt, They are not so plentiful asil the suds until they are clean. Never pour over a thick bolle Bros., Oshawa, Ontario, I- , , _ I I , d custard, flavor- .: Reart becovea th&IROAd -of Lovlpq The 4xpected happened, 'Guy 6" i . would Ab say If hi know all she' had . 41110. he looked at ter wlth,a friendly, frank at this time last year, Peel 4stimates wring them violently in the hands or ed with lemon. Chill on, the Ice and .. % 'iA Inan to".06d'' in at the door, and a seep - ' _ . Heartti. and IP04& .fr ) trai. ttliii: thought. And what She Sad said to md later Was smile. ., the number on hand In that ,county AN 4n the clothes wringer, Squeeze the Ornament With .moundS of sweetened " I L,OYO 430geft love , t'-1 L rhi cbn . foll6wed'by Mrs, 1141eloi' I . F On SALVI-PLOVIt aTILL ,-,Ur,.. - ,To ld: )Barry, too? , . 11 I . "I've come to congratulate you 11 he about 60 per cent. of last year's sup-Ij w4ter gi6ntly from .them. Then,put whipped cream. date. Water power; also a,,qUantity of our New Teifa,i0kt teaelang, j. That lady had a detergent BANANA SHORTCAKE. good split pulleys. .ppji, ­care s Btmoolse you've 'been thinking some InflubnOO said. "I've not had A, chance Qere, 1.1y, Small pigs sold In 'Frontenae: them in a third water, slightly soapy Wheelock elighAe-A thio, that God tallo -for . . - on .ber sons that Was -i4ther surptid. haye 1?01 ,, i Bantkna Shortcake is 'Probably well Shaw, Hawkestone, Ont. ". ;, Hj .,,i ,jjAt4,nd.L ,haid things,of me," be 11B t last week for $18 a pair. I AiIA biued,2. Rinse thoroughly in this known and the fruit may also be cut 't ­ I ,* _ ob t., tol)" . ­ Smiled, Al I . 'r , ..4 1 , .( so much that I ; . . I . ­ .. . 6' .''. . Inv, They -dared iiot gc t ­ x0ag, no Way too'll4ro; to bring them . III W­ybu * Uri trSMIld. TM. sliamelead 00 t1ir With, Now those words took Moya, -back. Sheep am returning tol-favor v ater q4ld c refully and put them iri tiny Places and mixed with eittLer a SALE -STANDARD ROT=4 I . . At see­-hav no Goruplee in takin; her -why, one hardly 0!'kilew, seeing At best she haq expected him to'Ignore Hay is scarce on somota-rms: but I throujh - the ivrizigbr, Dry In the boiled troating or sweetened 'Whipped FOR- . to a real.zallolill.,ol:' t4ell: j,.gner ., YO part;y furnished, all equipi'monts, t 111A , ryele", of actl4evo_ the nNoney.-not the leastl take ther were without a, father' le are,, and used as ;i filling for layer Nearest town to 1-tadiurn Dls overy. selvw. Wha . I'4 . S Oontro ch had toccasioned that most 'cases there Is /a Sul r. shade. Wasb d and dried this way cake. Wben the latter is used the fill. Prospects. of big boom. fdeal' tourist are ' .1 I could get It; all I could, In .They.,shlggored a littWli6w, and Made the A Mont are pqwalbld- .Whenever the, -M . -hide ya .b valn8fullibli"Ittliew"81cene, in ,the breakfast- Frices run,all the wayffrom $25 .- ,30 thol garments are sure to be soft. BlAU- Ing should only be added just before rt,. Also store with some stock., .Ad. doors of a GoUl ajb,,.'thjdw4,. Wide 4nd,'. fact.. - lou'were speaking Of London , , qns g4oIa0s ,At', Afo 01lUd room She did not think to Thid.him, -1 .1 I . I , ." . - serving, as It Is apt to render the ealce =a Box 27, Kearnev' Ont "'. .1 , ­ ' , ., Giqlo - b4ok, But .OAIY - Harry'. the ___ ­ - I — ,:. l.: 'i; It #04 approach, it in so frank and un'embar s6ggy it it 4tands. - I Invitation given *'-,9N,iU( ,*v0'J4_­ 10V hbw_ , 4.404 644,-, *ha*f _. , 4."", . , , . I - ly 11 lis V s day! of people , . eo&, plucked up, 4tflclent cour.'V . I A little chopped binana Should always' - ­ - - reservedly to tjke,,*',,-p0sse;*I0.n,1 "I: 1,_0 i6e i 'J ij I' , young - rassed 4 spirit OH I ; I. 1. . rimi a&6 in the face of the ls :Algnity whicil He weuton without waitin a added to fruit salu4s, one banana to Busnmss mmajos - *. seem to bear thifPSOU-4 , "he, Ityl 11y,es--witly. g - . g for her I N. " , very cupful of the salad Is a good pro- P . Ld , ,ilf a --grQat.; w , 1-441 their r rs, Raloli;Wa, biiikftast . ' 'SPOHN.:S ,1-TISTEMPER COMPOUND: be ., I I -, sea of might ajjA-'jfie 'bhIlt'j'n be-" io&," wh&1iibv&14rdry, d1leam -1of. sucit Was '-4 maurier. to reply,, "I know what you're -feeling .. 1, I : ' portl6n; as the flavor of the fruit should - *'l -'' , _____ I 14Havo Y . OU congratttla%ed Moyal"Ale I Ry ,.-,STOR*,Ig Al -TO , bind necessities 41441i_ it Pannor 11'j ! A 140.0.04 kh`ll *11 peaeeful Sea aix4 I ­hurt that a mere stranger should 0 ,, 0 Xs the 0P.TGZ,dTAW4\remedy­ for IkS,1`EM,PLAt*. INFTJU- .not predominate, but * rather at,t as I a F Ort SAr'XI-GROCE , jaAl b#t, and,. v.falt I., ikSF. X.is,, , IP * * domanded. carelessly -:pf: their - . body for the lighter and move a,old frul ,roperty,,sPlendld stand, thrde tb,bu- obey," Bishop Br440 ­:6646_646t ;"!" 9 . vs. no I guest. see and ,b But then, I do .Z 11 Z enda, PINK MY4 COM HS and .COLDS. Never suc- . IS, sand to handle, balance easy teiths,- , ft 1 n't (1) a r :Baiiaria sandwiches are very hearty I as - ilritlngl, - ser4pl6i; when I think of them. I "She's been And gone a4d"done I 0 , . _ tp you Want you to thluk of me as a mere -A -) , cesafu!lly imltalted,k it represents the highest attai large Darn and building lot. Apply own - "And then I aaeb to.Se6' It :, .1 . I I al and .go particularly well with iced coffee er, C. R. .Bonham, lVeston, 04t. '' . forth rejolel-Agly Wiraffi, , I , Some _great . - I _. 0 ., lit'iall,-00 -,1111biley'l ean - git -fQr '­., 17 , . Stranger. I 'want you to think of me , , ment 11n. veterinary Selene e for :tjhe treatment of con- or tem. Chop the peeled fruit finely t li, I P- - ­ 1. 11. I 11 I - I T'L ! 11, . . . gto is flung , IiWiaiw , . '' 1, - I I . as .4. friend. That,$ wily ,T came tagiousvdIseases. ,At all drugstores. i i ;_ _ I wld ; b 6A, d it TW I to I I I I and for each cupful add an equal quant. . go unhindered to Its, Wj-rk U`I]II408 : ..W. turned and looked Into her, eyes. , " . I on the on' F? Icl k . ity of crisp shredded lettuce, a quarter . M80ELLANEQUS. , . _ Ing.ft , , , i , '. .. I 1:1iI. I . . ' ` 'ASTHMA . . I a which played with 61inging F? S,PO,H,N#Nf15D,IQALjCO., - - (joshen, Ind., U. S. A. of.a teaspoonful of salt, six Pitted And , . I 11 I . "S **re-Irlonaff, afentv-We? Vel I I strands of seaweed. that ,clothed, the . .chopped dates, half a tablespoonful of -1 - 1 1 1 !!!! %! 1 ... 0--_1V_10%"^4l­`l , it I etqn'o RAZ,,MJ . . _ZO`UTt O_UT-O`r-T0WX SVJ PLIVS The Mail of the ,, Loving Heart. . understand each other. A , I knew 4ketnol k'% cap., Ing. . It,calne to her suddenly that he in -with - ol ' I . _ chopped pimentos and the sarne of le On Buy leads not Only fro -'G d-44-i4au."alij,', 4 - .. . . , a I - Dominion Exprewq monsy w. , , _ I I -1 .. , . j 5 - 1 4 'to 11ta"? -was thinking she was, fatherless, and a ton, ',9traw is very', * rhtly.buttered ,dor. Vivo dollars costs three anta. " . , *, 9110014Y,11'­` , . L%Vgv gjpv juice. Spread between Ile , I l ,I ,0,,,f,r'1, ,, Scarce P11 over k i.s6hould be stretched and folded slices of Grah,= bread and out in air. . ' I from man to Godll'4tki't ','If'!'&aV.'-'ali3b" -, , w sr'hga'614 Ou't his- hand. Much othet.day. ­ I .. realized that a mother's ,unselfish love the province, . I I from man to M4 "0400anity- rg-- tO_ber%SUrPWr', Moya 4onud,hori ,in .. . . 0everal times during the drying pro- cles F OR SALE -10 AUTO TIRVS '3oxai/ . ', . - 43T' 5 VA2xingst. had never filled. . I a most Vessel I ­llll`ll­lll,, _4 j . . .1 I I I I I —, kids, ;10.7& wains for 411 thile"T 4,`f, *W'W .. bAp ,liia, 1h.,fi . jl 'e lisp; , - ., Vorout , . - 'Aro You thinking why - 4 0 0 . G . .,I 1 3130 Ensilage Is holding) out 1wel . , it I close, I , ` W frOOIssraplo. + i . ..aald recontl " * P10. OA110.03 re- I say 911 localities, . \ . I ""-- Save money. Act quick, Model Tire Co.j . ' ,She 'had certainly intended no such Reliable drugglSts qe l them M , - -till$? 'Because I want to ,,be your 'set West, Tor to, Ont. , , miuder that ' Iterwi - . , , - -1 I . ' -NA N USSE ) . 44 tji,ut- -men- Labor Is hard to-oecure,,aiAd prices A ,BANA 210 . 11111111111, 20 3DUndmis, stl on . , pj .j#6j oX`,1kIeAdsjiJp-- vdthA % tile njaij - _ Il1LQ*14rbONt', - , - - ery easily made frozen , ' . '1111 =M—__ - go dWa01bu'ra nAtten, , . ".. I -_ - . _:.;_"__ 70 friend. And I think -ono day perhaps are keeping up. Wentworth, reports This%Is a v I - ,, I I ! . , phe was pre,6ared to dlqlike vL4d Als I I ­ -, ""w* YOU will need a friend. .. matter, -that . I I I ­ .. . . 41esoert. Peel and press three ripe t -- ( ' , ; I because God., I , ;P* S,5."' . ""rby'. . I . . I,.: -When YOU that from ;60 to ;75 a mouthla being - a , " - . - - 1, "4- 1 1 1 , -- 0 " - . !F rupt,? ­1 qlo iii:1hQr- w1nd wao-jr bowll­ I (10. think of me." lbananaskthrough it slave. Flavor with i_ I, ,.V- I . , brother for N -.uili ­ VVI *At 1, ' . .1 " , I , ­ 1. _1i 4.11 offered marriedimen. (Ontar o states . SINCE 61.670 :. 1 DOES THE AITJ SURROUK'041`443 ' - ' Preluare , know. ust , . He lild his hand lightly for a Second .that fit juice, add God so love us, , ougbt al6o to leeidEbt(rofls'& ;-Sho­ 'hua­ Id I `J, happened yesterdaY.' workers;,',wII1 haiwno difficulty 'a t0a'sPohnful of 'lemon " . ... . THE EARTH MOVE ITY.. I; or.,,, tU 1,D.arry',q hrelp, a huge'bombaholl. Other, and win the happiness that only . "Whopoeverdoetb, ­ WO _ jt , 1$4r,r three tabRespoonfule of maraschino . I . love *lie anot , I ,1111 '... 11 b y_has hardly got over the allock. , In getting $60 a montlitandibolard for ' 6. This is one of the old pil zzlihg of 064", , iti Wi 'Wlam 1` - aiid­Guj 6jiekk,; , I I .1 11 true love can give." 'cordial and half a cupful of Chopped , ' - not righteousness' 6: not , ­ , . &,'pdor chap. I say ­`l , %, -had mliled -':V t@i" --­#er'llaps Guy may be, eXcused for Moya look d 11 y at m. s dralneal cherries and halt a pint of I 1 vfhar 1 , a season of eight moiliths. - Slincoe I neither he that JoY,oth ,not hJ* br6­, *406 - q ,0 e s entl hi HI que4tions which many a hlghjcho, ,j thsr,)$ , I greater bombshell at her now. Any- ,quotes as high as f$100 a 4 chilled ' whipped solid. WDIZOPSCO -a had to struggle *ith-W bewildering -t U_ pAblo cream -'rops VOHS Student ba W I , Mdfi 49V*- all,hexc! loQktng . and uncompre grey eyes were kind and a little pity. fitst-class men, bivt sbrother kreprese Sweeten to taste with powdered sugar th6 grelat amuseenent.of the tff44*st Love ,seeketh notjti own; If'16 fi6t 1 *P .' I _tpo,s ­Iih& hendirig. . Ile had not 1 eard the wed spexk 0,bout it at once. - 11 1 '*vAnt ' to tative quotes rates as I low afA $40 for and -tur3j\ Into an ornamental mold, - . for the informattog a,'4 . Who asks A. contending for im44'ase ,wealth it, 1,44,491it were shaken . .and trembling. dju.elhaich. He was speaking to Tfnd give 764 MY good wishes for -the fu,, ordinary help. 11,11dilbe9ex repoitts /ttat Tlave the !mold water tight and. bury 0 such other scholars who have alread the expense of the life and health of " Mai their. fouiMations. And she at that moment About tile tides '04 -ad, 411M. I heard what Mrs. Raleigh me men are of ing; fortf . in too and rock salt for four hours Tallest Britisher. had the experierice of trying t ,' cife , . so fell O -S I I" those who help In Its production; it wondered how she was going to build the best bathing place, Alid how much sitid, of course. But I Want YOU to for the sake of gaining expetiencG befoire serving. - I , . Is eager to aid and 'not to hindq : I 3m--u1I,-'agaIn., I I I I . . It. I . ! , 11 I" I he Uld- enjoyed hiv'swlm In the sea' kgow that 1, for one, idon't think that. tar 4 f j their . Compared with Patrick O'Connor, To get at the right. answer ' You wd 1 ,,',' Ild for 1 4., _. .! f 4 * * . with a view to getting) - - - merelly .. Iij the'60 ­: - '" I I 'bolleve that youth often has the best 90 Albert Brough, -who died a short time have to ask oneothei,Iques- . all that is g , 1, the first for many a, long mouth .Of own. . I .11 . ; I munity,* it believes '1.4,,' the practice .. Wbva -Moya came down tile next hard work. 1. 11 ===12 T L A - "COLD IN T"E HEAD ago, and who, owing to his 7 feet 7 1 tion. It the air does not rgyOWe , - "fair PIQ,Y',',,, It haw ,thou, I . - - . ;t_ I 11 ,,&ht fqr th - , inorAifik t6 .'breakfast h9r - '% i to art acute attao-kof Nasal Catarrh, Per in' _1degs hAd :K0 loo:K?d up, but before lie had had I was reported to be the talle'st Man with the earth, why Can't I go Up in a weak and -tbb--a'6'k.4 f6i :li'-L,ehildi" -' hardly read iiitod themselves even tinif! to speo ' Approprio,te PlaUta, -, sons who are subject to frequent "colds ' I - ­ e en ,k, or Maya even to flush WOWS roto2j &et, QMpOU114L ') the world, was a midget. I balloon, at New York, and stay* uV and the Aged; W- `*66&' sfil. which,j `_ thslA,;' Qno,prodomlriant thought whis- with Annoyance, Mrs. .'Raleigh broke. . I 1. in the hea&l will.find that the use of . O'Connor,' Who Is at Present in' long enough *for t9e, earth ,to fivobte , Sal I Ivero . A sqe, rel* -We requ?ating . i.'Ii HALTYS CATARRH MEDICINE will . desfr6 yo. and longo,f." - Ve tho ib j IV4_44.144T mo* ,eligagemoAt beon Iii, . . L I . . ­ .. . inedicina. Sold ia throo do. - For ati,idents, reed. . Ill build up the System, cleanse the Blood South Africa, Is said to be the biggest on its axis beneath m% and - come whoin tin holds in:boidage', it .IV, o no - 4411, * : - _ opleasetakeno, noti,Deofit, Guy. - oes Of Krongth-No. it $1; for hustlers, rush. i And render them less liable to colds. man on earth. Certainly he is the down again when the city of, San 'N o. 02, $3,,. No. 8, 95 per box. .,. ,. Repeated attacks of Acute Catarrh may " 1 r . sold §7 all dru ehlts, or sent .1, Francisco appears under the b4llaGus - W4 , .Of t , 911 -widows, weeds. . V willifig to go lit *60 Y, W )t odt soaring flight of It's Just a mere Joke ot-the ohildreaPs For . 1.1 , tallest British subject. 11 Christ. , V&nLJtY could read into Guy Berkeley's' - For cran-ke, nettle, 4 lead tb Chronic Catarrh, - I 4., -,t -a passing; thing, Of course I'm an. Is 7 L a on recolpt of price . eritable modern Hercules, 0'- I . There are no horl%6iia for the Roao, I I ! RAI,VS CA'rARRR MEDICINE is t4k- A v I words More than that com It) .... PT.101lu vatnoblet. Address' For bibles, creepers. 14 he Blood pact of noy6d, A.bo t It. But a --I realize a 1. 'i. '_ Connor Is almost eight feet high, and - I .. an internally and acts through t : I THC COOK NgolegNt Ca.;' for fortune-tellers, pal -me. 11 of tile -Loving Heart -it leads stra'ght friendship had - -avowed. He had only -a girl-atid-boy aftair-not Serious I .r - I on the Mucous Surfaces of the System a person six feet six inches high can , . on into the jfmileland. - . come to iOe her. not for a prospective .10101WO. ON-., (Ftrinrly WINOW, For Masseurs, illrbber-plailt. ,.1.*.1 . All Druggists 75e. Testimonials free. NOW I CURLED My , - .., enough to forbid. Something to. be I .W-. 11 .­` I - . . - For vampires, poison-ivy .1 I $100.00 for any 4caso of catarrh that walk beneath big arms when outstret- . .. I Y . A 06 11' I 1 44444-4-" 1 I' 0 , tw __ 1 X 7-4! 900190naftv 'I '' P I ,v L 'I [ 'Sinti- in 4 . ndlv , Is 4, I t' , ,C - wh In 'I , SIN` d 0 1 h 1 spn "e i . I : iftft TiF 2.1 I . _____=­­­, , * . 'I HA1,LlS CATARRK MEDICINE -will not ched horizontally. He has a ofiest 610h wbat-, b this' Pat wfifte, I For misers, gol, . . ., ,hwo,Y br4do., not3to m Up reparatjqjx fol, he liulghed at ,and forgotten." denrod. ,!t . RUEUMATIS"Al A . , W9t ,i6cili6-reparatio,a from which 14-ar.dly knowing wh4t..,She In life -and n ly always know sthe l. cure ". ta of light, : I ' wl,fj, , W 'did' Moya For gosdps, tat -tails. '. . . V. J. Chone3r & Co., Toledo, Ohio. measurement of 55 Inches and weighs . r.; All MOYWS honest goal shrank -but to looked up, her face c,rimsolied ' best and purest of love, A lw-an4- ,#)* 357 pounds, while the ring which BY PETERSAVALA Wh" alabIft M, .94 UI). - go up, .she For toreadora, bull -rushes. I., ,- - toll. her of his work, the work w.4tot caVght the jqot of surpri,3e I qliy,a girl affair -why, It means a setting out sOON OUT OF SIGHT. 11, have found a new; safe way to ack Hd of and weA ft ,heaven high! $. -Cartoone Ma zi ­,, adorns tile Index finger of the giant's 'TI tbe.-Utidl._ th,- ving Mart fts plainly filk life. deep -grey, yefj. $be SAW the ailgrY, ovL life together., It -means all the . 6 of I . . (Yonkers Statesman.) theumatisau it is simple. ensy--results are a ' I , hopes Of- the ,future. And when you've t " %o 76u think You are becoming near. right hand Is so large that 4 florin can ostonishing. It cases the pain altaostifi4tantly. A1014 **W.14. W- , 116 bad''Aot talked to*the others as purposeful gleam of h6t1iiather's; but M(sard's Lininient RelleVeSiNeurnIg 61' pass easily through it. -London Tit- It b-Ished the terrible tielie from wy,uerves,and ; .., " . lie,bad,s known each other pretty well all I ghted, do you?" said the opticlail, . MuScles. In seven days I thr,,w away, vay I .­ .­­ 1, ., .1 . .. poken, on the L quiet seashore, to ,Most ot4ll,. qhe met Una' gaze, p0hed d ft ,. I "Yes, I ,do," replied the tired business Bits. tlis I was a w4 r.naa--*e* -Who. M449" Ltho . be0,j%tjfjjj r t, 00ya," He had laughed And ch' . YoUr lives, as I understaild you two IPATIMR AGREED t , ." man. I I --- I _. I ,3 cratebes, in two tnod I . ; . I I I- Wred and questioning. It seemed to say, to fl A Ir I ,,.Plf - - frosp the awful pain and ache ---and I bave not 0 1 1 ­ . owu.t —I- OU +1,1.t- . . - - - - . . . . a _ . . .. DaUghter-Mother says htlis b L "Becaus*` I can't see 0, dollar go near 001ma Ono "Killed" a Bishop. , Was, be .501v.of 0764. . -1 I L.I. "Pu 0-40, wart -ted you to "ow F "Ifittly *j,' " ' "Wiffiff6effl. He , 1--,---.1'1-- ­ ---- that 1, for one, don't laugh at It, 1, . or " " , , oil& . -, I T.4 ., " . Pt ! I __ _ 1: : qw,,.,,l, :! : , ,, -.1 I ,_.. I.- — . form. for me to go shoDpIngt-witho t as far asj used to." ,,jt fits f, at- -1 I I I i __ for one, give you all my good wishes, 10 op I * A Ken4 (PI,ngland) urba,TL council, It ... .vittutleA, 04'beu ­ 101" 11.10 I -_ .Nid hope a -chaperon, . 1 Ili) 'tho-Road',09 tho I441hi Reart Ile . I , I , YoWll keep true to e0ch A SOFT ANSWER. Is believed, has about reacholl'the limit I WD ­ , , Father - She's .right, I tV r. ' (Washington Star,) at ,,war ecouamy14-by forbidding the ' PeoLiallSt, breakwater, His Whole manner was Young ladleg Who go shopp ' th- "Sometimes you talk to we as if iny ,Use of punctus,tilon Marko in all fjI_ k1lid--ancl protecting, like some older ­ 0 [1,-,,­rj1:1,. ,').4 I I I . I ii Ro' D -L,---.-= Out 'a chaperon are almost sure to . .41 1 .. WA __ .I......, . head Were solid Ivory.', tea alt*mOU'. " " 1, L '. ", R a I'hP. S ' ' ' 3=ngj,wd1etflh - lv&s. 4( 1IOt1,1Te4,t6,;blffld? yen, All- ; - 11 brother who would take the place of a '. ',Charl,ey, dear," breathed youm, mn. cial documeiits, -with the result that re - His, _V etre,wpiia tiled 11 . , - 79 NIAGAAA SQUARE, BUFFAL . . dea, dfather, and protect his lit forgot themselves and btiy things.- Prorkins, Mo you thInk It is as valuable ports of its proceedings are published " - 1.11 tie sI13- Boston Transcript. as, Ali that?" I - - I I Without even a comma. But the ab - L With. labor,, but As' aountOd not tbb ' - .0 .1 ter from a. hard, unsympathetic world. - I 11 I 0111 901WIMIWANim"Wino­ --- f wasc afraid,*. Men, Are' YOU hi Oonbl And MOYA all at once felt a sob in his - - - . , , r - sehee of punctuation may prove per- "'Ost "o "' ­LM.W-1 410art Is "; , 11 . throat,L While I No' I . . Z 'Wave of shamed color . It"d *9__: d " __ L . I swept from brow to chin. I I I . - . . I I lions. Hill "(0, on the western front . theiiz Mite. , , . . , :, As to your trouble? Have you tome aktn' - I I - *====_i= ­__ _..__­.­. was 11taken" by a missing comma' . . . LL , , .1 I r ­­ I — I .1 . , , , I I - * K'I - 4) a - 11 ' b ' 'S I t _ ' ad 'u, , Ar. th_ o . _j, kin , g) Is " t_ ' I tr at- whiell 11 = M t ta . - , 4 What 'Was she iloing-to take this 4 , ,- I . , , It 0 . , I *.TJW'sht.nJng parapet In tlreleodtt love V I eruption that Is stubborn, has roslited treat-, t s sympathy and kindliness? What I A . 'Worse still, a ,bishop, for want of a I .1 . ment ? Is therio a norvous tonditl6h which man / ' 5 1 , ` "' ' , comma, was temporarily killed 1. The WAA set. ..... 6 , , n Would he say it he knew It was all U present bishop of Dath and 4jathlees patlenee shaped the doet not IrnproVe In Spite of rest, "djet and, ' ' w pretence? Unwa, loving words of % I-,- 11 1, when he held the see of Adelaide, t ,treads And made them I t,tikdIly . I . . I , . firm and' I modlef"0- Arie 4 ou 001AD 4*wn bill . Eteadily? congratulation had first stirred her 1_ , !, Yo, a, .. - * A , I-, 4- V" At" r Service , I t , ' I ,._ I . ' found what he thought was a dead sea *vim. I I : ARE ,YOU NE RVOUS and dasponjant, I weak uncoinfortdoly. But how much more I I oa;4 Coffin bay, at a time 'By the Road of the Loving Heart - . . 'I I r 'j, . Whevever You LiVe. and, d6l llltited-,, tired mornings; n6, Ambition of this? Sho had no right to this . I - . . I . I 'f L .1 when an Influenza epidemic raged In . we climb to heaven, I -11f61083; memory con*; easily fatigued; ax. beautiful Offer of sincere friendohip. The, woman In town, or courit.,7, hai; that district. He was pardonably . . oltabli tifidAfrr1UbI*;. jadIC'Aal oflogy, *nd eoofl L What would he aay It he, know what I the Shine Advantage as her sister In proud of the "discovery ," which was 1%v 1 1 1 % I L I follow this path 61 sould deoiciat to ther6 falling pow6p# a drain on tho. a, trivial little wrotch she was, that . I the dity In export advice from the w1red to Migland la a portmanteau whiph leads to the shining *YAOM? Consult thei ,Ad rollable o0ecIallaft. , I her mother'a words plumbed the I best-known, firm of 'Cleaners and telegram which ran: "Influenza. preval- goals? 11 I t0tith tar nearer than his own . ; Dyers to calla.4% . Yes, Cbrlgt U4 oyiened the wav 11 ( - ? . ent numerous deaths Bishops Adelaide I "I - I - . OYMPtOMS OP VARIOUS AILM12NTt. I 6 ghta. , [ I 11 . ParcOs froin the e6untty,46:4t by mall found dead sea serpent 00 teet Coffxa to all whiolt 1419 Mosted feet1, :: , -, "I ­ . I Sho, felt the could itot meet those . . I once trod I _:1 Wehk lind r6lAxed stato of the boo,sr. %ervousness, despontionty, Poor .1 or express receive al# SAMOL careful bay." A news agency thought the last honest grey eyes, that searched hero f L , attolitioxi as ,work delivered Deraonal- six words a repA% -TO-Irt themdrZ, timid, Irritable disposition. diminished power,of so kindly. Ile meant to reassure her, , * . .. . And, cho Rofid,4f tbe 1,6ving 7 1 ,te message, and an lie mnde to the Road to God." .' ALPPISOation, energy and concentration, fear of impending dangor or mlsfor t 1 v of I ly. I .L nounced the death of the bishop, # d L ! . I .0io ­ , tune, drowsiness and .tendency to sleep, untestful, aleep, dark rings under Instead, she felt miserably ahaken 1 I *. ;, . I L , , *=;"urns, i , ­ I , Cars, * d afid . Minard's 0 1;;ftt*c a . ',,VPLK, loss of weight. Ifaorania. Dr. Ward gives you tile benefit of Z y from her own self-oateem. -Clean byein td, , . ._ _ ttfnurjv,f,proe1toej, in the tra,atmo litof all chronic. nervous, blood and okin 110h," she said tremblingly, "you I I I I in I - L Nut PrIlit We. I d[80101011. rfile ftbOVej SyniptomB, and many others not mentioned, Show , Oustn't thInk--1 don't Want you to . '. - . Mm' Appr6priata Clothing Material. Valwy that something is wrong With your physloal cOn(jItjOj2 And that "u I I , #440, 00(hiod'o, r Household Vabries Realil otie cliphil of mille anA (Ilq- ­Awod ,p9port -attention, I I ? I 1hink-11 And, caught he,reelf lip I — 'L ­MW"W LL . hir auffet longer,? Let me make- you a vigorous, man, Let me quickly." Of course he would have to Per YtAr,0, the ,h4rfio of "PArkses" I For sailorA, sergO. 1, reilvp - lit It mit, tablo-nowiful of but. r4gtoi-6'your plivsic,al condittoft to full manboad. Don't be a weaklinir m. ' go on thinking this. She had plung- I L , "=, ,---..I Iliag Signified perteotloft Ift this WOrk . -For gardeners, lawn. tot, owir. tables,nonnful nf suoqr otlil h :L jro Ar. Alake up ,yout -min:j tc. wine to me -and I wilt give the beft t4al - o, ahe had I Of Making old things look I Ito no*, - load drceeero, crash. 0"d6j%all, tr if teaA"At"Ifill or r0f.r ." IVI(AtVa to *0Imd0 -t1t*',,ol%* sue".ssful ,treatment base ,ed headlong on it eoura . -__4 U For _ ft never c*Aslderod where It might lead. ____ blood warm-.a4d *tit 0 - - do Of t9,3,e&r*, in treating rAm And thcAr AllmefttA. I ­ I lliv-1 Whether pertional garments of even For ffshermell, not. , 'W yeS,st ealt ' I "'IL don't tb , For shoemakers, lace. 411, red, Ift a littii warm 'wator and Dr. Wsild'i Method* UnrIvalledi Th6raugh and Permanent. 4nk that," he said, mtfj- Lthe Aloft fragile materiAl, of kooSe- . . . undt%%tandlllg her, meaning, "I am , . 'holit curtains, drAperip't"-rup, 6te. For millionaires, cloth of gold. . ru fent f1mir to,wnke It thlok brul Do ycu rob6lize that, you hav6 only, ofteholllf,6 to lh%-do w,ou r allto that ourio you would not enter ion a mere 1K , . -14* For nursemaids, kid. t,h ,, Ora f , "Af at und): amp6tb, tbo-4 Pot nql& yoo are Misting Mo*t -of that 11to bY lit A life , living, is . . I . Writer to no for further Varticulars or I IL healthy Mo. Neglect of ona'shfalth has put nAny a man in lilt Pasaturfancy-that It must be dex per For ,barbers, balreloth, tin very light. 00111; "Woll totether . grAvo . than that It you havo th6 courage to I ftu4 yout, p#Alcels - dire" to . Pot resentful POreons, PlQue. th L eo,rr, two ,ftli4t1U, of tutar wnd I hAVO bpM ttIling rden them 011119s for many yftt# but Atilt there are .tdk Your own way lit ispite of oppoill- . ; For devout Demons, null,11 volling. I t , Irde,of It tntArA dt bvttpill AM Vv thoust"di ot ileding *ho, rat v4rjoux r"oons. hayt not had tho rood . L I I 11 . . For residents of Cainden, Trenton, , ( 0310 to ,"Ift* 4nel $w welt. Vogl, I am sure your Mother Is rAls- I l . . . . tb r'ht battor: '4lftt fpf' 6 rlWoftt L,taken. And If you are true L S . Hoboken aftd W00hawkell, JergeY.- . i*d1itlist In t%6 ttreatmmt of norrous 0onditkins. nervom t1hralation, to your- I I ' "" ot #Wde 01 mite I% -NI"(1 01110. bskeskaehf, Jumbago, rheumattsm, stomach and Ilytr trouble, seftej bitin 1 661f And to Your loyor things will : V . . I j "'. Cartoons, Vagazifle. - 111tht JIM OfA6 0110111 of roodod .. 418"to, "tArrh, asthm, r6otal trOubIG4, -01140, flatulk find blood con- , come A the end. — -1 %', 1. I . . I . I . _. I I I I ra A. one-half of a rupfol. of t`hoy­j 14itlo" . . 09 - . 1' I I .. I (Dirmingliam ljorald) 1, ... M. . fttlnuiod.) i L I * I ,"rho tourt m4mie In this pity is the - - - Itron. ont-hKIf of ?, mrnful 6 1 1 tl= : ... I . . " p4p, I)hJ02 HOURS: 0 A.m. t* 5 IM". $U11days-10 a.m. -.0 I P.1 . 1 ti .Il ' O , r"4 eh6VW44'tjn$6j.RI1 'W$iIt1IIt8 find - PRItt 00146ULTA TION. EXAM INATION, , ,MltAftft Liniment -rar,"Is ove"Jimaro l I&A word In re"Mani. . . . 'W" 6, " "The tMetators are suWnurnerariea, 0 11'. j),hA f1%&jqj1KMfuI Of votillIn I Defcr* beirinnfair troatment you muot vsLko On* vinit to my offlo* f . , * W&QftjtIL $ or .... I ' i though.', Vq* 'AlIffif,lont flonr to M00 a tble*kl. 0461"I "AlfillAtiOn, Milrftd fare will bo consid,orod &A part A 1101iltIMAID 2ITTjATjOj4, I r *,Verh&ps, but they am Drotokaxionti %m*. p * wo,II-P!r;%,v,4 . I*ynwnt of f000." Cs,nadfan nmey 4o -opted at full vaiuo, cone - m.A` . sotetawrm. I undorstind they werq Aratt- . pilt into tvr . "' . __ bA I,& al '91" -whys did ou rivo up thk6 job I , , -8 . I. " #A from a Ioeal court room whert 4 I dMA , " I'll -I. 6t I 110W,1*VK.16h bufts'"o Uot and 11 11 I _.__._ L , _, __- Y. ; tot you r * ymoo I?` I ront ,lbIlft,41% of promll* butt was b+InK tt*4. . I - 66 i ___­ , I _ L,-, L , L 9-11 ' , bant I. . bake 10 a **"*r%t* *y6m 9 a O*I"Otlk wwbd too Z C1--­--*1**---- -' ---"------M" ---- --"--.--L-'. -_1 I—— to nQU*,;W th* mw 1, V" $$At to 41AU ­pl o "I I 0101 oq**%Pj'-'S F I - lg. pmg' 1 10g'Owjjmm MinArd's n1mont curot OandNft - - , ----"-, -",---,--- . . liw . i 4, .tgfi , Greece It f0v in. IV ,W tmtiujastitigr,:Ac!ase;iljugzatL%V"%Veers.. I yo raAwrItt- me personally. Si3W'T41Ix*eho%v a cuftd your rhouatatism and he* I 04ay cut inIne. 11 . Addm vour letter or Pmt ciltil to It 7 'A, 230 Crala St. VVe.s446 , MTER 94, I --A , . Noutroalo Quo# , _4 , = . SURPRISING X11AISIAL11, i , (Juage.) I Oli Promoter -Do you lcoow what would happen it we struck oil In the Well ? PrIend-You'd be the moft surprised man in the world. . . I 0,_ - I MODE RN =NGLIS9, . .. (lUltirnore American.) "I know lie has *called up, .joliething againat me." , ' "I suspected lie was viving.you a raw deal'If I , ---1 - ­=!...,=___ __,__-_______- I - . . I eA,f* - %,... - I . . I I . t . , I 1 -d 11-1:11-11 -10 I "I . ..ddt i, WWO a wild I xtay wl*n -* p to Ttrorao, Moulk "Y4 W1 ATW4* fikox to . 4"Yatft beesuft 60 sive us ft(h tv.044 Atthft " tho MA it N 4-st Uke Uigs h0no My X. be" -#0w iV# it cbAilge. . 4*1W I We Ittoo, ,w" oveeg" lwwr,% OWO *A god MAmik wtjtt tvtn it pipa is n4 "S ** *e" " 40ontion Ust thi &*Imo, Thd utdo Old it mcht, the WALIKVIt IJOUAIL mlinat*. ,,, r6ent t*e opttw PAIVN i* tAa!oftft,1t* I . woffiert "d dowed vltea trom*% q wiftat x4ahr"A eamus, - I tt's 19 bocw $kIr trAmlt-* C4htkA* 10"04 14 tho C" of To,vhm 116WALKERHOUSE % _e:;t,-;:2W % , I . * .4- I + .M I . 9 . I ,. I I I 111 1. , I l L.P'"L, '24L, . i 4, .tgfi , Greece It f0v in. IV ,W tmtiujastitigr,:Ac!ase;iljugzatL%V"%Veers.. I yo raAwrItt- me personally. Si3W'T41Ix*eho%v a cuftd your rhouatatism and he* I 04ay cut inIne. 11 . Addm vour letter or Pmt ciltil to It 7 'A, 230 Crala St. VVe.s446 , MTER 94, I --A , . Noutroalo Quo# , _4 , = . SURPRISING X11AISIAL11, i , (Juage.) I Oli Promoter -Do you lcoow what would happen it we struck oil In the Well ? PrIend-You'd be the moft surprised man in the world. . . I 0,_ - I MODE RN =NGLIS9, . .. (lUltirnore American.) "I know lie has *called up, .joliething againat me." , ' "I suspected lie was viving.you a raw deal'If I , ---1 - ­=!...,=___ __,__-_______- I - . . I eA,f* - %,... - I . . I I . t . , I 1 -d 11-1:11-11 -10 I "I . ..ddt i, WWO a wild I xtay wl*n -* p to Ttrorao, Moulk "Y4 W1 ATW4* fikox to . 4"Yatft beesuft 60 sive us ft(h tv.044 Atthft " tho MA it N 4-st Uke Uigs h0no My X. be" -#0w iV# it cbAilge. . 4*1W I We Ittoo, ,w" oveeg" lwwr,% OWO *A god MAmik wtjtt tvtn it pipa is n4 "S ** *e" " 40ontion Ust thi &*Imo, Thd utdo Old it mcht, the WALIKVIt IJOUAIL mlinat*. ,,, r6ent t*e opttw PAIVN i* tAa!oftft,1t* I . woffiert "d dowed vltea trom*% q wiftat x4ahr"A eamus, - I tt's 19 bocw $kIr trAmlt-* C4htkA* 10"04 14 tho C" of To,vhm 116WALKERHOUSE % _e:;t,-;:2W % , I . * .4- I + .M