HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-05-06, Page 5EFI
May stli, 111,10 0 11 TRX W I N 0 13 D" 0:9
ii, iW
US BikSTFRIA 11 TH" f,`11K E"'qual On The Question Of PtohlWtlon The
'nod A10010 Impartation Of uquQr
6reatly luiIiience" Milk. The people of, Ontario, are to vote upon
I E.I. the question of prohibition the import -
VI Alost Racti,rial Changt%s Are flurtfill ationof liquor into the province. The
_11mv )lac els Intil. God I riecenary resolution of the legislature a�k-
11411V to Ili 11t.iltry if) the ing the Dominion Government for the
t7 k Milk. submi6slonof the referendum was passed
(Contrit.'Ited W I-JIf� they reach -first for those
in the house late Tuesday night by
who most need the comfort majority of 78, only 12 members scatter-
7t1-*.)A(1TVvlA pI,,y iniport.
itut rof y of Christ. their hand is Wended to edaniongthe Liberal, Conservative and
lab %. groups, voting against it.
and (fair -
all those who wish to enter or assist The storm that threatened the Me-
111"ketleti,11y till (I
-ither good o7 in the Master's service,` natural Ot. , uls s
%Kw Ilk from its appearance before the house had
Creary resolution in the earlier days of
I)ad, that take- place in M
& � say-110ur contract with
drifted away l9rig before the vote was
tile timp it 14 drawn until the tI1110
God and man is to press on to
it I$Iconsunivd, or ofhcrwise used, are taken, -and the Action of the Liberals in
(111' to the action of the various spe- greater heights of devotion and sacri- voting solidly against t, e Conservative WHO- STAY YOUNG
lot, 0. h
(Ifter a hearty cios of bacteria that gets into it, ficial service. . We pray that all, irre- amendment calling upon the Govern- MADE IN CANADA
J ricl molds spective of creed, will help us as we ment to assume responsibility in connect.•
J though volnetlineO YOaSIS b
meal, you'll are involved, toll in the -cause of humanity." loll with the referendum resolution, Qnsur-
ij the milk is, to be consumed aa ed the rejection of the Liberal amend-
aVold that PnII4, then most of the Changes that meat calling,for' a stated case, the Con -
stuffy feeling t_,tir.0 place In it, ggtr, a result of. NIP- servatives with a few exceptions, voting
tenial action, are Injurious. Except-, The Salvation. solidly with the govetriment against the
tions to this are found in the pro- Liberal amendment.
if You Chew pared fermented milk, as KePhir,
Koumiss and Bulgarian milk; in Each Amendment was defeated docs -
a stick of those, holie.vef, the bacterial action Army ively., Twelve members continued their
is controlled and cultures of Certain opposition to the last against a referen-
speclos of bacteria are added to the y were of the
milk to bring about the desired 308 Citadels dura on ary grounds, The
changes, • and Institutions Conservative and Liberal groups.' The
Everybody knows that It a sample farmer members voted solidly on each of
of ordinary milk 1.14 kept for a few in this Territory, the three occasions. They had no bolters.
days, particularly If it is not kept When it came .to avote on the main
cold, , it. will sour, or become use . them! resolution, the opposition practically
gassy or ropy or putrid. This sOur-
Other benefiis: to teeth 4 both Liberals, Conservatives
Ing, ropiness, gas production and disappeared,
pritrefaction, Is brought about by dif- Cfean Spark Plugs, Save Batteries and Labor men, who •�were expected to
brenth. api)etite, nerves. ferent species of bacteria in the Milk
As the changes in, the tat ills whlc� "The man who is toorbusy to clean his make a finish. fight of4t, were not in evid-
That's at good deal to these, bacteria produce are Injuripps spark plugs is shortening his battery life-. once when the nays on the resolution were
'everybody who has This is the opinion of Mr. Crawford the called for, only two toeing the line.
and undesirable,
get for, 5 cental. anything -to do with the handling of local Willard expert". The twehfe members opposing the
,milk should know how. to prevent ,Even though the engine is tl�lvg motion were: Asmussen. ONeil, Pinard
their occurrence.
in the ordinary methods of obtain- magneto ignition the carbon on the , spark Rennie, Liberals; 'Ecclestorle, Henry
Ing and handling milk It is Impos- plugs is putting unnecessary work on the Lennox, McCrea, Ross, Conservative;
sible to prevent some bacteria from battery. The engine must be turned over Halcrow and McBride, Labor, and, Me -
cot 'getting into it. With proper car(), • more rapidly in order to get a spark from Namara,
Sealed 0"%offit—Ke "M - Independent -Soldier.
however, a large percentage of the the magneto and. the battery has to do
bacteria that ordinarilly get into nRlk
can be prevented from getting b�, and much more work for each start than it TtlE LATE R. 0. MCGOWAN
with proper handling of the milk the would if the plugs were cl
few that do I get in can be prevented "The motorist who unscrews and cleans -41%01EWINQ� GUM from producing any marked change1s his specie plugs every. week or two will Monday, 26th inst,, the residents of
within a reasonable time. It is de -
find that he has taken a big load off the East WAwanosh and vicinity were called
seeable, then, that those who ha-Ve to
do with the production and handlini battery and that he is I able to get his upon to pay the last tribute of respect to
t a life long resident, R. G. McGowan, w1jo
of milk should know how to prevent, engine turning over in noticeably shorter
IT P"U as far as possible, the bacteria from passed away at his residence, lot 40, � con.
V:vr-f Ell) time".
getting into the milk and also how 2. East Wawanosh, on the 23rd inst., after
-do get in from to prevent those that
short illness of three weeks.
bringing about the changes which re -
A8 sult in the spoiling of the milk, Mr, MdGowan was born on th6` old
How Bacteria Get' Into Milk.—
AO% aVAqh azz, I The property advertis- homestead, lot 39, con. 2, now occupied
4", Unless the cow's udder is diseased
present - iii the ed ill this' space last by his brother, Alex., where he spent his
wmolhw r wir Last very few bacteria are pres, youthful days. About thirty years ago
milk as it is drawn, and those, that week has beeii sold.
7— are present are of very litiF6,60nse- Watch for sorrietfi* be purchased the form on which he since
Olor'ns Council 27.00.; Wm. Thuell, board for invalid 5.00 quence. Thus the bacteria found in 1119 resided,. from his uncle, Robert, who then
Geo. McCall, drain and tilt 23.80; aeo. raw milk get into it during- the milk- good again next week, moved to Oregoq. A few years later he
Ing op4rations and during the later
Morrls Council meeting was held in the Henderson, broken plough 2.00; JnO. handling of the milt. married Miss Elizabeth Scott, daughter
Township Hall on Monday, April 19th Creighton, work on roads 1.50; Blyth Bacteria of many kinds are pres. of the late Walter Scott, 6 con. East •
1020. The minutes of the last meeting Standard, advertising 1.00. out in large numbers in a dusty ABNEAER COSENS Wawanosb, who survives him. To them and workmanship are as ime
were read and approved. Apetition' was The Council will meet as a Court of Re- atmosphere, oil bits Of hay,, st,r.aw* 4 were given a family of three girls and one
Insurance and Real Estate
vision op the Assessment roll, on Mon cow hairs, manure, flies, dirty hands,
received from P. RAntoul and others ask-, dirty clothes, and In ifillk palls, cans, Successor to Ritchie & Cosens. boy—Annie E., school teacher; Janet and portant as the all -wool fabric
ing for a municipal drain. The petition day,'May 31st , 1920. bottles, strainers, and other milk Wingham, Ontario Walter at home, and Maggioi-who died
was entertained and*a copy sent to the, A. MacEwen; Clerk. utensils that are not thoroughly ten years ago. you select. Add to your self respect
Township Engineer. The Engineer's re- washed and scalded. Consequerltly, if R. G., as he was familiarly known,
port on the Evans and the Kirkby drains we are to keep bacteria out of milk was endowed with a . genial, friendly dis-
St. Augustine we must prevent the above-named.and the confidence of others in you
were read and provisionally ads ted, substances from getting !"to 010 Milk, DRUOLESS PHYSICIAN position, kind and obliging neighbor, with
Mi. Parrott's application for change of , Miss 14va Robinson spent Sunday and we must pay particular aftwition a keen business ability, most of his time by wearing Society Brand Clothes.
School Section was not sustained The, afternoon at the home of Mr. Jos. Tho -p- to the washing and thorough scald- CSTLOPATHY Was spent on his fine farm, which -be
council decided to ask for Tenders for the) $032. 'ing of all milk utensils and in hav- brought up to a high state of production,
Ing Clean hands and clothes. DR. F. A. PARKER They have a national reputation as the leader in,
contract of painting the Clark's and the Mr. Leslie Wightman and Miss Annie it Is generally Considered that Pro- Osteopathip Physician, otily qualified equipped ed with house and barns second to
Cruikshanles bridges. Robinson spent Sunday afternooji with vided the milk is passed through a osteopath in North Huron. none in the neighborhood, Mr. McGow- correct style and careful hand -workmanship,
Following accounts were paid: Andy Miss Mae Chaniney., strainer when being filled into the Adjustment of the spine bi more quickly an was on two different occasions a memb-
cans from the milk pall all the ob-
Proctor. work on good 'roads $3.00; P. d jectionable materials are removed scoured and with fewer treatments than er Qf the council board of the township; be They are proportioned ,to fit various types of
Seeding weather has come at last. an
Rutledge work oil rentre sideroad 2 00; is in full swing.. . I from the milli, as dirt, -.bits of hay, by any other method. also did service as school trustee for sev- men without tedious measurings and . fittings,
A Brydges disking snow on good roadsstraw, manure, co-tv hafis, flies, etc, -Blood pressure and other examin'Aliulls oral Years, and was Agent for the Formosa
2.00; Geo Day disking snow on good The Boyle Broil. are sporting -a new This is a great mistake as the bac- made. Fire Insurance Co.
roads 10,00; Henry Mathers, gravelling Maxwell. Wo the time to smile girls. teria which were present on these A.11 disdases treated. In religion he •- was Presbyterian- and
OR when they dropped into the milk pall Phone 272, WITH THE VARIED GRADES OF CLOTHING FLOODING
, 'S served on the Board of Management a THE MARKET, LOOK FOR THE LABEL AS YOUR GUIDE
are washed off- into the milk, tmd or.FicL, OVER (;11RfSrlE S110RI,
these bacteria pass readily thro4gh number of years. In politics he was Lib.
the finest strainers used, Consequent- oral and a member of Court Ivy Leaf, In- 6OClVrY BRAND CLOTHES, Llmitcd, Canada ALFRID DXCKERk COHN, UnItti 9ta"
A�v ly, steps must be taken to prevent dependent Order of Foresters, Montreal New York Chicago
these materials getting into the ipilk say It" W 1 t h Flowe PS
1. The. atmosphere of.. the stable The service at the tiouse was conducted
must be free as possible from dust by Rev. Mr. Hisey of Nile. The pall
during the milking operations. Any all bearers, were— Messrs. Wm., Alex., R. C.
'feeding, beddhig down or eWaning
and R. B. McGowan, Jno, Scott and Fred
up should be done at least an hour
before, or left until after milking' Those from a distance attending the
The school with competent instructors and superior courses. Graduates 2. Cover -top or sanitary milk palls '4,-,'J•
placed in positions Affiliated with the Elliott Business College in Toronto should be used Instead of� the wide t. fuheral were—Mr. and Mrs. Richard
open -top pal
and the Centra Business College. Stratford Moore, and Mr. and Miss UcLaren,
3.,,DoorsCand windows should be
Write 'for free catalogue. Enteiany time, - I W. - , ", . I Toronto; John and Wm. Scott, Mr. Mc -
fly screened.
4. Cows should be kept clean and Call, Mr, -and Mica Moore. Charles Scott,
IF immure, Milton; Melville Richmond, London.—
Murray McLeish, Prin. -groomed so that, bits or dirt
D. A. McLachlan, Pres.
hairs, etc.,'shall not fall flout ' 'the rof Blyth Standard.
s into the pall during
cows, Banks Hanna Co.
6. All milk utensill; should be 7'"'U".
(icing Up—Save A Dollar.
...oue u 1872
thoroughly washed and scalded every
Bond papers continue to advance, and
.time before use. Flowers if wanted for Mothers' Day. Let The New Exclusive Men's More.
How to Prevent Bacteria Prom, if your stock of office stationery
its now carly,to save disappointment,
needs replenishing, now is the time to
Spoiling the 1111k.—Even, after i
'been taken
reasonable care has to place your order. Troia ADVANC9 job
prevent bacteriological Contamination Potted Plants and Cut Flowers Blytil I late John Bell an Monday. sidents In the death on Thursday last, of
printing equipment is strictly up to date
of the milk as outlined above, some a Specialty
and turns out work equal in quality to Mra! Wm. Mason and family left tllis An effort is being made to reorganize Mrs. James Gillespie. NeArlY sluty
re, or if a thief were contadlin&tion Will occur, that is, a Catalogues shown on request. the Blyth brass band.
F you had a 11
-few bacteria will get into the illu the best of the city offices, Try us with 6veek*i'London. where they win tasks years ago, in 1861. Mr. and Mrs. Gillemp-
to steal your papers, is there any re MIA.V. WM. A C settled HUI a 1p. Three
in some way or other- If these a an order. See our samples. they 1,shame for awhile with Mr. Fred Geo. Powell arrived this week from I ttl d in lett town h
in which you could not e 142, Wingham
one of the allowed to multiply In the milk they Vancouver, B.C., and will be employed daughters survive- Mrs. W. J. Haines, of
If there is, this should will spbft it.
afford to lose! prevent their was in his son's grocery store. Wingham; Mrs. W. 1. Sheffield, of Owett
be in a box in one of our safe deposit The best way to r Mr. -John Lasham, of Goderich,
t_ nniong.th"e present at the funeral of the BlYth lost one of ltd most esteemed re- Sound, and Mies Alice, at home.
0"; vaults and not in one of the drawers rapid multiplication in the milk is to 90114 Prod Your
it Immediately in the Cooling
ohm on
of your house. tank or refrigerator, and keep it cold I SELL
L' or to Acti
A. sm,111 gin unt of bac-
untAl used. ake, place,, Town and Farm properties. Call and
acs terial multiplication will t see bay list and get my prices. �Aave
event 8,t refrigem, tioli temperatures, , IRR 6,jercomas 8111ousnesep ConstI114-
oelf in the cow- softie excellent Values. tion, HOAdAch4l, Quickly- NO
and this will show it at ping Oil Pis
clition of the milk In course of - time. In. auskrantoodo
B ma that has been obtained IM- I G. STEWART
dof Clean conditions and his been 8 of digestion, assimila-
+ � f °� HAMILTON But k tion and ellmination—the stomach;
The ofann
kept should 1140 in GxOelleui con- WINGHAM. liver and bowols--are closelY allied,
dition evviii after forty-eight hours. and the PrOW action of any of thence WANTED
WINGHAM ]BRANCH—C. P. Smith, Manager Summary 'of Milk Contamination Ph6nd 134, organs to largely dependent Upon the
Moasures.—Prevent, dust, correct functioning of all the othdril-
Preventive "Whitipins" Your liver Iftt* ACUOM
cow hairs, bits of hay, straw, azd with ofaillnel or! forcing your~ 'bowels
manure, hies alle with Irritating
L drops of dirty DR. (I. H. P1055 laxatives or, strong
Water from getting Into the milk cathartics id a, great mistake. A bdt-
11111 10111 1 ental ter saftr plan Is 01 ng and
during milking toning the Iwh6le digestiV6
ig opo -'rations as outlined, Graduate Royal College of D tonsth 1� t"ady ents
• Thoroughly eleau A.Ad steel- Surgeons tive system with NAture's' R4 20 Smart ■Girls for all Departm
above. Tho
bottles and other ataduate Uillversity of Toronto Faculty QM 'Tablets), Which' not only bri
and lite all pails, calls, bot ithtntdiatts rallego but 9011uln6 IL
utensils. Cool t1le Milk oa oncedoWn Ing benefit. It acts Or' znQ GtOmaChl
of Dentistry proves
to refrigeration temperature and keep liver, bowels and ktdl%011� 111%
�atlon and 8.1141thilAtiOno overcolnom
It cool And severed until tlSed.—PrOf. You can earn good mone- while learning
office over H. E. Beard's store. a and
VitZsnang corrects 0611SUPIWOM acid
D. H, 'Tolles"o. A. Collo"es cruolvh* quiche;
rolleV&S Sick headaelle.
Got your systata thorotwhly olea086d JL
Caustic, potash rubbed on the and guriff6d for once; stOrAticht liver teady
skull Juict owula w—kin together I L Vig- S Employmalat..
where the horno will ul)PLIar Will Ore- DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN have
vont their trowth. oroug hirmonys, an you W111, 11—
to take medlein6 every` 41MY—Juffl;
one lqn Tablet 0c0AM6rI&I1:�.,'t0
"I - 461ndition *A Good Working Conditions,
3rours gyatem in good
ways reet your boat., itemomper t Is
Salem 1 well th"
AnddlicaW td IC060
A Mr. and Mrs. klehar� Palmer spent it la to I t well,
99% 1-t'vic (t a PC box aria try It VIta th6 Apply
Sunday last with friends atStassels. understAndini that It Inust 10" YOU
PERFECT Mrs. JCAV Higgins and daughter, CH1R0PRA%.#LA rootter relle And banent thtlt ayVr
Miss Maud iggitis spelit a few days last towel or liver =&Me YOU titer If-lia
Si Practice is confined exclusively to or, 1) 1 " .
ilttirib 6 ReffledYl I
-week, alter Mr. and' Mrs. IM, Stutt of the Only and original Sys- *Old, guft*utow alnu
MADE OF Cblro ractic, recommended by your ciruw#. -
MIUAGE." wroxeter 16cality. tan o� Spinal' -Adjustment. Effective In Ro Me BALLANTYNE, LIMI ILL)
Mr. Gen: Bennett 'is prqiatiag to re- 0 per c6ut of all Cates.
tdodel his Urn thid a&vaing Atimmer, "Chiropractic locates and Removft STRATFORD, ONT-AX-10
doltwx tairrxW 4 fterawttt *a obn"ed Ill. the ckdtt�h Cm, m� of DU-Imm Nature Hdalw"
here 1"t ftud&y. $owe twelve IT**
members went add, to the ohvr& rol J. A. FOX, D. Q., D. 0.
Mt. X< 4 from m4i
w F'.ys
(910th 15
A I & hV% 1st sirs- g
Ilw 1,
WrWerim oft. 2 to 5, ad I
MERKLEY A SOINS� *1111,08t0t 0004P 0 4 Now
o, 41,
J- V
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