HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-05-06, Page 4I TR
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A 5 ' S lhi(,u1> sw Ivor sCoutent+od Mon .'1 ud Womom
A. Cr �M1T kaa 1.41itat incl Frop.
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Anel Ffatr►pilay) lnpa4eea ;
M,.' � t►'' ' nth" f " df" • N" ev
The appeal of The Salvation Army for cetiul The� Pr'ez�en
" �i r�r
lty -10 NAY 1920I '� half a million with which to carry, tin its
0 S u
i � pet.utiar and articular work L)rinl;s. ;again .
to t tics a strung force, not merely
Stitt Mon 7114 '�'f C4t Tha VA. Sat s1W ( Zthe 6plCtttlill tk!iitlrt, but 1i1 tSiU i Ettt.;!' of
1 / wC' older and
eerunstruf:Iiozi, ' `
u k :, t 7 K K qw4wg'P c a to?
� When war called evvey clew:, u: thf. ;R
I nipire into spticial setwic•u l lu;
li, ill 11 12 13 14 15 4 Arany was about tho o,il}, hail ill E•, force
T.woi 17 na r, .0 W .3
0 lu 17 1 111 2tl �1 22 r real}y l)relaared tci talc ttli the Uurtlei`
"� In writing this we itlnote' tidth�r the •
;3 24 „Ci 2G 27 28 2tl , ,aL oMGtG X. M. C.1, nor any other organization
cap A
10, 30 31 - 1 They bad great efforts to make before liW
THURSDAYMAY lith their organization could expand to the _ ,
new task, and frequerxtly found them -f" K IT HARD
. r r,i4rl„ TAA1'"%,,,%. k,%-", ►,%- r selves at a loss with a new difficulty r " "�
_ due PeaLIV- to - We I r Do ;According to the. men who have served. �-
... __.. " f � 'hose idle "sod "bubbles wave nine the blues—the atl�er boys OtAt Redstone.
It is stated' that tale prohibition vote ! •,�.Y part171el1t i5 cro'1 tic:tl with �tll Fhe Salvation Army never failed -and it _>it,ip
may betaken in July. We: wonder if the zatN ` �"° t,ttits � did not matter, at either rest -camp orhase, � , ,}1 a way felt the:same Way about it, •�A ell, talo ladies u anted prohibition and they got
that's,, new ill laches' �
'whether the soldier came in drunk or sober, �' , '� !l + s' i r+ : ' . .
government wiTi. Vitt:
ll have all its last election (!� r4i ' it. But sh . �W 1lI Rogers p y y
springGoat`+, s eperato skirts, Whether he had money , or had squandered t 4 4. Viers. Fooled ern son7e`; little lata, Maybe our f itiblai c� worli-
aid by then. , Y q## t c c a r
cit p p.,. recta COitt�+, li'''st ' 's'ac's it, , �•' z r• ::::-:.3 :e,• ines ].t on you<fi'ow. Better see this picture and "wise -up".
�. 1 y , :, every penny on unworthy objects, The . • .
A flew Queries. ° first principles of Wm. booth were to get
�itw silk crepe and voile waists and w
the man u from the utter 4ud his r,
When ace you going to clean up? dui ; *�� p b 1 , t
I G hit Gveat' �)i the best quality apostolate tarried out; the old injunction �f01711� Fun S:3�1t' Drama ®lC9Cl�'. P�«%t�llJs
Where do kids get their cigarettes: ,,, j ^.
Which is the untidiest street in towns ' 1 - ! colalpl'lsinr f; cl tV za s, corset wash new strength and vigour.,
Why is noon train nearly always late? �' ` The normal work of the ,Salvation r9� � � PICTURE,
cover ;, tirtt4G'ery, p r i t] c e ss ome Romance'
. What are you doing tobppst Win ham? 1 � ,• ak ' for cpntente me. an .�-.
g Army m es d n d ��
Why don't you go to church regularly'.' , ,f slips, underskirts, top -skirts, women, for happy homes for a strong u �O1 Y
Where would you find a prettier place ,� i Samuel C�W,yil ;
-� J I 'r r 1aalsseS and �laildl'eia fancy desire to improve the surroundings for a bresents
than Wingham? N mighty nity for the unsuccessful and � W � I , ----Added AttPa ctie�n »
G J .:r dresses. those unfitted for the hard service of life,
Will (crow Flax
___-_.__--........_.1 1-11--- _ . t
;;:, : The fund which the country is asked to
Mr. Thomas Harris, the popular stock � r
buyer of Ripley, will enter upon a new give in ';elf -penial" will be devoted to re in
venture the coming season. In addition ZARGAXJY XJV S' UI .T 4 --s building the edifice of social and religious � I' , ],X+
to looking after his business as drover, he �'� Ladies' all wool Serge Suits navy or black duck which has peen largely >:regtwal'
will sow one hundred acres of flax; on his snappy styles, well lined. during the war period, and to inalc
" foundations for further developments. tit _edl.I,tPubon �lareltaCC.
farm known as the Taylor farm in Ash- Our special price .....:.. $30.00 i7ueGb
field. At present he has a number of „_ .,,�., _... ,.. layaiifJe2"
men engaged in preparing the land, This __.,._ ._- . ..-_.:. _._. __._ .,._.� ,_, .. :E1;%. I'< Nlf A1( 111 1:1 I. a;
is certainly a great risk, but Mr, Harris_ _ .. J•s WILL SAYS: Little drops Of
generally knows what he is above, and t m S'EPE'RATE SSI _VRTS-- Dig choice of When your brother man you measure, m. water that we used to think
has every confidence that if the season ba the best styles in serges, poplins, alike and panama ` a Take him alt his best; , were only made for chasers.
favorable, he will have a little pin money cioths. • `,reit Something in him you can treasure,
are now the Whole darned
to tide him over the coming winter. The cru See our bargain at . .......... . ....... . $6.50 +4 ' Overlook the rest. eill
growing of flax has proven to' be a very Thougb of his same trait or fetter di'1i11e.
profitable business during the past few COATS --See our large range of Women's Sep- k Et `- May not suit you to, the letter,
years and why slinuldn't an enterprising t `
a � crate Spring Coats, choice models in surges, tweeds, rI1{ Trust him-, it will make hirci better,.°
citizen like Mr. Barris receive his share, silver, tone and velour cloths. �° * �� Take hirci at his best.,�ffdURS
Poisonous Plant in Canada Moderate prices ..: �. $20 to $25� � �tI A41 ex' Praise will make him worth the praising,; ted
The old saying that "One man's meat P.NV
s Take him at his best
is anoflier• man's poison" appears to be _ � •,
�id]',T'COAT.S-Are here that you find- sat Keep the fire of purpose blazing .
1' '1 � .I;�' Ev in his breast
in a Two -Peel Capitol Comedy
Prices: Evening 15c and 20c. Matinee 10c and 15c. 1
FmurlDA I and SA X
true in the Case of different kinds of the lsfactory to quality, style and price; pretty twee", ef-
stock. It is a fact that some '.plants fects--See them. fl'r; lid : Dry not frown upon or scold him;
which poison horses are not . inju4o'us to ME$15.00 - ` ? ` In the strength of faith enfold him
A bargain at
Atid thVII %in,
Cattle and sheep, and some which cause " � To his highest yearning mould him; «�
loss among cattle and sheep are not eaten HO U -VE DRESSES --Just received a fine 2` } Take him at his best. X °
by swine and horses. Iri Bulletin No. 30, ''-------°�~ ----r �+Q
Second series Of the Experimental Farms; collection of Women's house Dresses, choice pattern s`
prints made in good styles. �` A Farmer's Plaint
"Principal Poisonous plants of Canada, `
by Miss Faith Fyles, B. A. obtainable See 4aur special line at . , ....... , . ,.. , ,si,po Walicery}ale Times -hast , weJ, we
nn application to the Publications received our income tax forms ail. have��is an
., d
free up pp, been working diligently on them every14d We
Branch, De0artmept of Agriculture, 9305-tedier.'170 ever since se, that we might not be mulct �`� 'M 0'
Ottawa, a list of plants which do injuryo 't3tzes;t „0 st ,
fa the various n classes of animals are o� tricht s fru t ;o
ed into paying that ten: thousand dollar g
given. The bulletin, which is prepared H. o �metviu , -,; fine, thereby leaving us so that we would
for live stock own.re, gives information � not lac able to purchase a bushel, of -
g/���x��,�}����g}clover seed, to say nothing of buying out
regarding poisonous plants and enables g/ 1l1111��1+ ri i1'v�a5�1Sii�al1t ,land. y:We ust se, that for a`rr�
the•fariiier to distinguish the most harm- :,�,�..�� �- Sam McLe m y b5t,
fol species in his neighborhood so that he a heterogeneous conglomeration of brain
can be able to avoid pasturtng rl
animals on MCL
twisters those documents not poly sur -
ianbed areas until the danger is past. � � -pass anything thgt the have yet seen, but
loss til t Tants is known to � ��� �a U� 1�1d��1 make modern mathematics appear. like. a
The yearly o d p �« ....... . ; corroded copper, The chap that framed
be on the increase..but the amount of the n�j'd (> �WZ' �.q�r * . ` those questions must have bad an idea
loss is not ascertainable .because manyY.
�Pr t���'u �� ,5� 4,
fatalities ars attributed to other causes 1. Aa yt : * i ry r rubber band= that the farmers Have a memory like a plenty of stretch but no i I I H I
through lack of knowledge of poisonous Qa isl,'�5� `t `�ih' a it. jt
C�21%UF' s► y'r „4 E end to0411
lints. s•� a e7 ,
income Tax Returns�r+�ltarZUI����FPt`�i�'lr• ��`�':r^ �� r;�i I Team tines Over IEntbartitn4Ynf.
r have been sent out from the ; sl '� v' ,r , fir .1 Wednesday afternoon about 3. it? her.^
Orders ha �ir'f17 ,!�®r?"l¢�%
1?natrrx Department er:Cending the time ¢h
�. f t€t " f W. FI Arkell left his team stare'sirg ivitli e^ 4
E r [ [d ' ti L� r �j - �+J s=••<_ a load of Hats in fron of thE! dtUg !'lief!:
for filing income tax returns for the whole
Dominion to May ills lees GV, Breadner, tthen a loaded auto truck eaniw a.net and
frightelied them. Dhring the natural
Cornniksioner, of Taxation told your r or- .
t? , thing when frightened they rar, and t he i ,3,�
respondent to=nicht that this action bad 3'
been taken on account -of the fart that a �'` ran fast, going down' Clinton. street tea-
O�V that I:ast�r is c�v�>t• nat�tlaer, �; �..�
number of persons lkbl<> to the tax are ward the river acid over the. briflgt> but E
sister and the rest of the girls ,
absent from the country, .and because ti they came to grief just at the int =rsecti n
greater time is needed. to secure -returns iil'e l)edeCklt7f; tht'i17�Clves tG''1th of the roadway into the, cru Emf•ry when 4 '�
from. Great Britain, Holland and other the ' jewels that please thiol' C1117t"icc. w• they went over the stetp rraban';meit on +���'
European countries. Hel`e you xvill lint; ileal value in diamonds '? turned turtle upon tthe east side and the waWon loo i of
European � � �"
It was ini '' lht it himiclut.r.ere
p set ill the hitest phitinum designs <�r it7 � -
head offices in Canada to file returns by, sistance was so.m oil tui scent., and tl eE , a-�
April :illi and therefore the extension of �, gOltl if }'Ott will it. We reset clef fit511- �. were quickly go
out of the kande, 'The �i��
time has-been granted All the data re- : F ioned pieces in it pleasing manner. driving horse got a ba"d puncture in the � �4� 710
sluired to fill out the papers could not be left shoulder and a stick the size of an
obtained on this side of the ocean. When your glasses break save the fragments, axe handle in.diatneter, and a few inches e s e
Many insurance. mortgage and financial We can quickly replace the in length was with difficulty extracted 14
companies were in this situation, The ' broke lenses from the wound, They were taken to
act gave the Minister power to extend'the 1 the veterinary.
time if found necessary, but -if the returns �,pp� TTff ppp� r Fortunately the street was Clear at the a
are not in by May 31, Mr: Breadner says R. M. l�'tC.0 A � �rr time or the runaways might have clone VA
tbat •the penalties' clause wi 1 be rigidly more. damage. The harness is badly 7
enforced.- Jeweler find Optician WIE7gl1Y117] broken pp, and part of the wagon will � A
-,How have Canadians in Canada acted i need repairing.-Teeswater News.
with respect to the filing of return this y -T"----
year?" }ie was asked. _•
"I must say that the Canadian people, La�.d�
as a whole, h• we filed their returns ex-, Ili o
- • A rugged tale of the redwood slopes—of the giants of the forest, of giants among men, in tlae'vast.scai^red
ceedingly well this year;" answered Mn , gg
Breadner.' -This measure has not, been -� __ _ ....-. -' Anaemia c regions of the West, a simple world of love and sentiment meets cruel World of money and power. i
taken for them, but because of the ab- e�q tp� ���tti�'�gv�e This Is a, result of the hank. of
senteesasl explained." NOXXXXXXX, IMM/' �•��°�• '"0"`'o wr• .m a. .+• a the ordintlry aecl corpscules in tale 4P. r
X blood. Tito too frequent neglect
Then the l,rinl clash of the lumber calnpS, with no eltlrter asked and no mercy given.
of this complaint, especially III the �.
�taSli Columbia �����(� Eurp-%ka
case, of grooving givis and. Young w.� A picture of majestic power, of blood stirring conflict, of tender appeal to the heart,X, o tvonteri, is fraught with the ;treat-
eaks Plainl � 1. � �
est clanger. .«,o
Nor mossago Ie, to Evoryons. � -�,• .o must
leadti€'S$ o� it -.,4s Blood bo
'1' E Nectre
insist lttarl to wr�ltnens of the body, v Frv,&�m_
f am �1 vt� IN—A relief ars the �+ • , G eneral Debility anti oliclz a tuft
Th4ss4� erne iia M4 f lb's
Iitolil who want :til sti f'erom to know I oa Y , i clown Condit.io'n that the Sufferer yy
r eop they gained fruity their f•.:i}crianec. fb j falls a prey to almost 4111 epidemic
7ilCa . B. 'Halters, of Savona, °1§,ti., � •� Z.
�¶ %� disease --•• especially Influenza,
wxite f, Praising trio ]'i11Ee for the im-( V„'UU
" Colds and La Grippe.
T)vtu o relief groen by these splonaf(t V4 1 1
Fainting, Pea,.: pitation M
cliffs, 14Ira. GG'nlYer3 sa�:it-
,� r .'��, PE, E B0 NYNw"
general disturb tuec; of the bodily
-i advise People wito linvo not functions, headache, h tericz, halo
d t
U" Grin rills to try thertt. I lictvb t ', heel sallow runiliS+ ioru pallor pof�(
be+�rt troublE+d frit ;4�nsrs with weak the tongue n p , p fflnc;sa tin- � t(� Screened in till; exact locate described iithe story, Presented with special musical program.kiducys, and one bo:. of Gin fills slur the eyes cera heart lviurrnttr ^
emmil, Tyne :l: reeontzne"(1 th,>nt 'IS � ' �� are generally associated -with AVL -
an sibeolrrte and reliable cnre.'> A11 Star Cast Headed y L.LACII RI
1 1
x7er.rai,;0merit of ki•1�iepK or ia1a41rlrx V ,., .
is ran vex; serioto char, .t tlt4- caro Nig„n � ”; .9' d
w pairs iu side to or h , ghk. treatmenth1lutY
v the*tkijlneys is jo rl are• •iii. 'Parr ,luYy I 1> � � � Remedy � �X - e WHAT
5, is to rle ,u'4r inn bIoal. } r• ..- MTf weak rax sit:xetzvr!, ur;rs COU L D YOU ASK
ucirl nail ( is the W W
nmtt reiiablo medicine to f
other poi:r4Ans ttod ttat•.tr at'rr vavriol f' r'q
to tho 'jolitts and tttusrlr:;, e:.usillg 1 Recognised tr. be tl:• best v.+ uuin Cteanfr of the day. trtio. It will brizif; back the lei �
in selr4Yir>n
It Is not a luxut•y. a real xi ecec
l mty, being a time and Iab6 saving t°liek�+ tit , ret rewire Vitality anti
xny'.latnln:ittou, rhe umnYis , e;
xur esti 'a lumbago, runat:tnY heurl- device, for sanitary el'eatiing. l Til er. laic not lies ti,.a,.ouragf!d .+tic! d � Three �`y� . � j`"��� Y , , ������� T������' edn6sda'�"y, May 10th, � l th ' f'.ths
tt gi , u ,do not worry' foil you will only fret {Days V �r J
fiele s, dimia4+sw, iluc,.tilIg yperks hef"" 11ure1ca Vacuum .................. . .....-.456.50
tare eyrws, gr (or 'dgne ill the IWO- Eureka Atistebments ....................... . 9.50 � worst). i nen. yfiur eontld4mva .hi
r der, general rtvhtitty curl Itt*swttudrr. 'If b n,,wkiiq re, lit -art and Nerv,- noue.dy
• , r•N4 :r}'mistnni4. flet Ce�tupletr. . . ... .... . ..... 366:00 , tor it iq 0 contlrlc�tr trentC that will IEV&king Performance at 8.15«
,r) h;xvr' starl, of tit
tint 11114 at +,nr+. .1"rut,-atttplo tut re. lls-.1; 1s r o the+ Ha1Ai,tmur 4 wire.
quc.i, :rGt rlrigluistn or ricrtlr�r4, .:isle a s ...-.._..�ay,,,;�'IC„ ,�"Cy"�'�Lr":�''t:i,YV'.5�""'�t.,�k'�"l'C�,jV' _.. lir i!t thtr,t. ;vau no mrnrh rtr,tiirm.
:Money rr,futelm if not relieved. 1 i
:,. row boxes to -busy. 11rive 'Prices: livening- _ Adults 28c, Children 15c.
a, r all a htilf. a 4px ¢g.11rtl, 9<114 by
1 'Phe "�';riinftal li�rtgt & t'hnntic•a1 f'A. .all dertl4yrlx or b7=11,>At�l�It� .
�.,f e-mails, Limit+•,l. Toronto. Uritad ._ ,NMI P11
`tiplry ;1,Idrraw, !gift-ttrn VO., I*C, 201 Y
13r:>ktsase l.italiedf
K+Eti71 St., l9iaR110, N.Y. - 053 i . ��•�. '�_ • _" '
"°•' y ` 'air. '.�} r 'M )rlk , " ?
... .:rt;*f...r5�'«:, ... s,.. ., .,-itr....,��wc� ,... .. ... +aa.,.FY..1G'�i'Sd,1A'.6. AaC.:r•'. ._•..._..
Wednesday Matinee at 4 lli# w4f ,
Wednesday atinec - .Adults 15c, Children 10c.
,5 ,:•;4.��i;'th3:_..'�.t��..°,..5�`ii+,`.i�iiJ�'.YRlIM3��1%ti..u`�M�i�,.e �.�"�-V�.•