HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-05-06, Page 1.
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. " ti , Is 'House, ingharn, on Thursday Evening, May ,&k .
"THE is; , a play worth seeing, in the Opera
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.. I ., L'' . . - __ , L . I WINGHAM, ONT., THURSDAV, MAY 6th, 1920 L . . 1'.1 . Subscripflom, $1.50 per y4or
, I -
Single Copies - Turee Cents . - , . I W - -.11 .— I ... ... 11 ,"11 Ill I 1 1 111111 - !""I"..'.1g, '"'! .. 11 -_
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I 4 . I I . I - .L [_, . ovft, .,-%_ . , W _- L . ,,
==__ _ - , ^,^ 11, . TOWN COUNCIL KITCHEN SHOWERS " . - *
I U. S. FiASTER BAMS ThE DEAT" RQLL F ___ _ ' - " L . I'--.-.-,- I - __ . locat ltenlx . I 4"a 1rh eX ZM Atarv.'_
1 __46:__ *" , .. .- 1personals - . I e .
. I The regular monthly - meceing of the A very pleasan evening was enjoyed I -
Fonu v (Upper School) a RiojaAaD AsDERsos I , , ',q _,_,,__r -- 1111 -,, , L, , I" .
I Class I -W. Wallace $0, N. Wightman, Ander- L._^%_#*-- ---- Wingliam town council was held on Mon- on Monday last, wlien many girl "friends I . , I I . ".
Tile funeral of the late Richard ' Keep your eye on the'fly- - I . . , I
son was held from Wingliam Methodist . Mr, Josiah Wells, returned home from, day evening. net together at the hg&e of Miss ArmiQ , It is com g ye and bye.
79, J. Boeman 67, ., . I avidsOn 'a, Leopold Sti, and presented - Austin moved to Kitchener on d y, F" SPECIALS
Class Ill- M. Bone, 69, J. Stepan 57 churchon Tuesday afternoon, after im- the West. Mr. George Page and Mr. 1) Living- 1),
. , ' with a kitchen . Mrs, Casl)urn Austin and .-Mrs. Victor
C Mac' . pressive servicea-were. conducted by Rev Mrs. (Dr.) Parker has retuined after stone made application for town water. Miss Vera Davidson.
A. Nicholson 50, A. MacKay 48, . L. ' ' , The matter was not dealt with but they shower, and also many useful kitchen Mon a SOA"
Donald 33. ,.- E. F. Armstrong, interment took Place in visiting frienda in Toronto. . I
Wingbam cemetery, The deceased will I . . will be required' to have a petition signed utensils ,from rn I
, , tile ,young en of tile See I 'The Young Village! Doctor" in ' .
Fonx IV (Sr. Mlddle School) . Mrs. James Turnbull. Lo don, is visit- - of her ap I
be kindly remembered by many of our by a number of ratepayers in their locality. Western Foundry in view--. the opera House., Wingbam, on Thursday
. ing with Mrs. Thos. Drummond. , - Q e ,as I -r* aod Sat. -
Normal E ntrance. readers, he having resided in Winglism. . A letter Was read from the Farmers' proaching marriage to Mr. Ge rg C e- eyerarig. , I . . a . Thurs., F I 14 .
L ClassI-E. Musgrove 86, R. Armstrong lintil seven years ago, when Mrs Ander, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Loutitt. 6f De- Fertilizer Po. in which they explained to , more ol town, The following address . I . . .
L h *t to L! dsay trolt, are v1sid with thQ council that while they had paid taxes a a by Miss Annie Davidson. . ,Mr. W, F. Vangt9fie has sold his house. . . I I 1
84, K. Pringle 83, M. Currie $3, M. Deans ion passed away and e wen n ng relatives in town. , w are d . . I., I I I L .
, . . - . I Winghaim, May Srd., 1020.' on S_Mtt St., known as 4 the.Xldlts. pro- . . ' I i .
1 77, E. Sellers 69, D. Fells 69, R. Muir 67, I reside' with his daughter, Mrs. J, H, Mrs, Agnew of London, is visiting with to the a. mount df $214. 00 last year, accord -
M. Haugh 63, E. Stewart 63, M. Arur Lowry. While residing in Wingham, Mr. Dear Vera - : perty to Roy 13 . arrett, I I I
- I her mother, Mrs. Wra. Sutton, AW4,t ing to tbeir bylaw they should only have .1 I l5c Palm Olive Soap ................ loc
. strong 62. , ' ,7 Anderson served on the council board, beon charged $91.0U. 'They will be re- Not 411 the showem that fall '.1 The old Cooper shop at the Wingliam I I I . .
0 st. . . .. . On summer flowers or, lovers! bowers are Salt Works. was torti,down last week. It Sc Infant's Deiight ......... ....... 10c . .
Claisp 11-M. Bennett 64, A, Clubb 61, lie was a staunch Conservative and a. fanud $123.90. V ,. . . I I -
J, perdue 60. member of the Methodist Church. I Mr, J. G. Cojens, of Galt, spent a couple Several Scott St. residents petitioned wet, L ' is sb k er which is, 4ry, . : - was one of the old landmarks. A-0 . Inc Savais Glycerine Soap .... 10c,
of days with his brother, _M,4?_;,,bner The meaning,9f th ow , I , -being
. _ I , . Slan Soap ......... 15c
- G. Tucker 59, P Johns 69, .. Deceased was born in Peterborough for a stre t light to be placed on the top . closed for about a week the 25c Medicated ',
Class III .. . , . . you, get. , " ' After
I L Carr 59 A. Cummins 55, D. Roth- 52, county, near the village of King on the COsens. . . ,4, of the hill.' The maiter was referred to . . :0" , . Brunswick CUP, ,Will reopen under new I
en 43, F. Moore'42. 6th. of 'April 1838 and came to tile Mayor Wt H. and Mrs. Gurney and tkie'Ejectric Light Committee, . I . For we'll try to show you we have met - L 30Q box ' Sc.,ward's Toilet Soap.,24 C
H. Taylor 46, G. All . . 6r' yo management on Mdnday next, . . . '
nab settling in what is now the children motored to Toronto'lor a cQuPli ,W. ' To prove our love is yet . u the same,., I 1, . I . . , 35c Blemisli Skin Soap ........ ,_.23c
. junior Matriculation, Queen's b ea of days. . . I . . I .J. Greer and V. R. VanNorman Although you'll chgoge yod name, 'Mr. A. E. Smith and daughter, Miss
township of Howick, when about foufte . . Miss.r . . . 40c bar Pure Castile Soap ........ 30c.
Class 1 K. pring)e 76, M. Currie 73, . I I asked the council i:9 increase their grant And you'll be no lofiger . Norab, wish to thank their many friends . . I
4- . ers yeara of ige. He was very highly esteem-, Mr. John Cameron has moved ifito the to, the -Agricultural ,Soclety to $100,99 and But then you'll not'lip missed from Wing- . I . . . .
I R. Armstrong 72, M., Deans 71, E. Sell ed byg largd-cirele of friends. Mr. And- , house forms . rly occupied, by Wallace offered:togive'to- each and every public hani's streets, ' .. I . I for sympathy ' shown . .them in . their " I - B . .
I L.
. .
64. R. Muir 62, D. Fells 61- erson 15assed awayat his daugther's home ., MrI/ I 11 *0 I 1. uble. . . --THE 1-;ST..S0AP IS— .
' . . I , school,pupil a free admission ticket tothe 'sweet we still will claim. 1`6 .1 . . ... . . I .
Class II -E, Musgrove 69- . in Lindsay, on May Ist.. af ter a short !Il- Frankurn. .. I , ' 114 , . I I I And friendship . .. ", a in the Friday Evening . . . . %
I , I I lair. The reason for the request for more I The tintorest .
clas's III -J. Perdue 52, G. Tucker 52F ness. He was down street transacting Mrs.Jas Netterflold has returned from ieywas'15ecause that the gociety had These gifts we bring, the kind " . M Feting keeps up, ivir, Simba Mitchell . 4t 7T
. , . ' . I 3'
,Allen 40., , Mrs.- mol Each had In "mind, we trust you'll find . SOAP ONTEEL
H, Taylor 43, F. Moore 40, G. business the Saturday before he died, . London after visiting her. daughter, : Will welcome friends, Residents . near I . . I
. . I a very wet day for their fair I ast' ear and . . I I . .
Middle School) . Herb, Walsh, . . - A need, until its usefulness is done . I I 11 I .,
Fonx III (Jr. on thq top of that loss the bullding was . Flour Mill. . .
Two daughters, Mrs, Lowry, Lindsay . And you have then another. one o take,: I . I I . n
I .., I -- purest scented soap Inade, and sOld at the
Class I -E. Kew 73, N. McLean 71, e iuests Of, 'bl4wp do and totally destr' ed, In . The . I
and Mr<Belden, Winnipeg, and one son. MO. Carlyle and famgy w re wu Oy I its place, -One of the best local talent 6oncerts
. ,
. D. Perrie 69, M. R. Johnson 09, M. M f C . . I . . ,'Iloderate pricie of 40c it -
on 65, H. Mills C)5,- d Armstron Harry of Minnieapolis, survive. One tholVarents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Walker, the a e of this hard luck, we must Con- But in life'sl race let not the new efface _., , ever put on in Wingliam, will be put. Oti . cake of, four ca'kes in a box at
Johnst a es, M. Reid brother, Joseph, resides in Winnipeg. last week. . I L . I I I I. .1 .0, grdtulate-the officers `aiid directors for Th e old friend's face,,and if tbrough some, '.rn.', the ,0pera House on Thursday ' a dollal, a I nd. fifty, . . I I '.. .
I 1 44, L. James 63, J. Lutto I 1. . . their enterprise in deciding to continue I .. I . L .4vening, May Oth. I I I " I . . I I .,
61, 1. MacDowell 60, M. Beecroft 60 (ab- . Mrs. R. M. Hutiter of Kincardine. spent the show. A motion by councillor T. R. rhistaVe I I I I .11 I - . ..." , .
I . . - MRS. A. E. S=111. 1. a coup,e of days.with Mr; and MrS L W. I The gif you break, then do nbt fear , 4 A newspaper in Montana,, refused to . ., I ; . I
L $erit,for part of the exam.) I., . I . . . . I Bennett and Reeve .Tipling to give the by dear will ago . n replace, I.. I 'fear I I I I " ".. I . I
I Class II -A. Williamson 62,_ It was indeed a shock to her many friends G. Patterson. . W §oclety $100 was lost. The mover, sec- For hub , I publish the ten commandmefits.tor I I "o L' t'.8
* I ,
I e fo*your dear sake-.,. , , I I i I A% '.
. . . And Was the fike ihem ___' .' 1 114
Class III -J . Van ne uty of the Oakville Re- der and Councillor S. Mitchell voting : its readers would think L . too pqrsona . . ORE ' '
. I on I .
4ternal Reston Friday morpin coid" a aged . and' quit the paper. I . . U .1
I 52, 1. Allen'47. i L . ed to hei E , 9 spent the week -end Iltli hi at .the And now dekr Vera we,have gathered here, ffill"HoWa DRU , . T
sto 57, A, Kennedy to learn that Mrs. A. E. Smith, had pass- ' Editor W. J. Fleuty
I . . . I in favor of it. Mr, Greer urged th our I m " be once'again:'made, h . . . I I I I .
. I . '-a 11 last. She had been about as umal until rnoth r in town, I . ` council reconsider their action and the That Ove ay . I JnWer- . . L , '' .
I . FOR For I , , r', . I . One of the graduates.. of Queens I f . .. Dru's and $toLtionori*y I -," , L - 11 .
' '
Class I --Mary Cose'ns s4, Mable Arm- Thursday when she was taken. ill. L . -Mrs. J. L.L Mair and children -of Ham- matter was opened and left With the exe- clea . . ", sity who is mettioned in the daily press , . I . . 9 , I ,. '.'. ,
, CL" I we wish . I . . 1, ..-
L g 80, Arthur Irwin 80, Muriel Red- o.verthirty yedri Mr. aad 'Mrs, Smith i4ta, Man., are vishin with Mrs. Fox- cutive gramittee, viz, Mayor Gurney, We. have come to tell you that. L . a going to India as a Missionary is Migs Edison'Phonographe ' . - Phone 63 . . . eta
,9 . I . a I ' 1: - -, . . . . ., C. P. R..Tickets
stroo , I , . . . you more. . -8 - - I . . , . : ',. I . ..
I on7l'A, Probter. 69, have been among Wingliam's most high Y ton of CuIross. , Reeve Tipling and Councill6r Elliott, 'dh -y -y '. I Abel MacDougall of Wingham. ` . I .1 : I I I I I" L L
. . mofid 72, M. Jeffers I respicted residents. An impressive.fun. . . . . P n , an , : I . ' L .
iG, A. . ,eeVe Tipling, .Mr. Bennett and Mr, Bright a a,pp da a better th " beibre 41 ALWANCL'
. I ,M. Stewart 68, Violet McBurney ( ce was conducted at their r i " Mrs. Jas. Sparling has returned to Mea- . 1, . Miss Nellie Breen of, T11 . .
-eral servi ,ea . Mitchell strongly- supported the giving of After the parcels; W[d been opened and, - L , -append- , 2
. G41brAlth 66. R, Bennett 64, M. Isard 04F . .1 I . . L stoff underwent 4A oper,ltio 4 for. , . .
dence on Sunday evening by Revi H, . W. ford, after visiting with her,mother,.,Mrs. the increased grant. Surely' any person. humorous v6rseg read iri,.6rme tion with icitis in the Wiagham.064al Hospital I
I -
I . A' Mitchell 61. Snell, rector of St. Paul's Church of Which Mooney, Diagonal Ioad. - . -. % - elligence knows, each.. ,Vera made ashort reply expressing , -
.1 , . . . - prog I - ;- -.7". -
6ass II M. Wilson 65, with a spark of. .int ati . ny on Thurday, She is , . .'ressidg fav awli
Class 11 . I 'L E. Doubledee 69 1-1. Wilson the deceased was aL member. The fttn ral ', Mr. "and Mrs. 'George Wright arid on for the ' Lr
I . that an Agricultural Soci6ty is a splen- her sincere appreci mo Oft$ I . . I
L I ably. , I . ...I . . . Case . .
. .
L t ,50 ,T 4 was held on Monday morning to tW family moved to town on Saturday. .Mr. . . g for the tov n. Neighborin ,contained iri the abbwer, and: after'sev.6iai : - . I
1 59 L. Deana 57, L. Johnstor t I . did thin 4. I . L I , [Ved Do yotLlike the neighbor`i .fio iseter,nal A I
Linklater o5. G Bower 55, A. Gibbon . a C- R R- ,station from whence the renfains Wright is the new bandmaster. ., - I towns g! ve a yea L rly grant to their fairs Nano selections, were gilen they, all joi L . I ve ",""I'll, LLLLLLLLLL ........ . . . . . . .
were taken to Mount For o I . . 4. lyborrowidg andnevev,rettruing?, Now solemnized at the, resbyterian Ma 'e I I I E's
0 for this year, hands in singing r, or oll good- , . I . . . 119 I , -
53, N. .Johnston 52, C LGilkenson 55, K. . Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Finley hive 'in ved equal to th amount asked . she4s, a j h do,.L YOU?, Of Course, not by .Dr. Perrie'on Wednesday,, Ouay ... ": - I , .
. t L . . -'They then all idj4r6eq,sto tell the trut: ,. i Rev , , "_
, Donaldson 51, M; 'Bell 61, E. Fells 46. The pallbearers Were Messrs 'R.- D. * into the tiorauth proper y in ,the,,town rman, representing - the fellow". - spent I : a . eu though t % only! & weekli palier 5thi at 12 o'clock. Wheh, Miss Vera Miz- P10 E '59
- F. VanStone. Dud sport 'ev - 1. . . . . . . 1 I , , . I
le ' . . . I I
- intoul Blornfield, W . Y. plot which they recently purcoased, A-. Domibion Day Sports Committee asked Vera s home where they. . . I becarie the, wife or Mr. — P
. C. Rbbertson 46, V. Joynt 43, E. R . . . . 'L . . . I they borrow, I:', ., , . L ab th Davidson
1 4 . Holmes, C. P. Smith, H. Davis and Wme 'from the c- the time. .1 . . . I 11 =_ * , _;!...,.
. I '
. 4i, M. Vanstone 41 S. Harrison 34. Mrs. Habitiric has mov6d f6 town ouncilto graht this corpmitte6. 1. . I . 1. .., I *. .. Owing to Tom ADV&N,VU1 st9tff being George W. Casemore" bA of this town. '- , , .. . ". I L --,.. .."
. ...! r! . , '. I .
Moore. Among those who attended the * ,7 .
Fanx I (Junior Lower School) . . McKillop township, and will resid6 with privileges of tile, t o w n on July - lst i , .' . I . , . shorthanded this week we hive been com- Th b ide. Was iittended by,. her friend , ', , .." .; .f . . I . I
.. . n 78 funeral were the deceased's brother, Mr, -ell' uplials' . .., - - . . I . , .
Class I -G. Falconer 80, E. SiMP901 d r Mr. O. Habkirk, Leopold, St. ' also free use of the opera house for Con- Duncan I 40ii R . _ d items of Miss A'Ima"Cooke. while 'the groofn was .:.v,:_ ,
. E.Curne 78 Kifig McDonald 78, A' A. Hinclesof Oshawa, also Dr. . 13 .he son, .1 'a al cert., Thes I e concessions were granted. A smart church,wedtling took place on pelled to hold out several - foo, r6ther, Mr. William r .. , ' '
,N. Muir 70. Smith, Mr. . S. H. Smith and Miss S, . Mrs.Tlios. Sparling pf Saginaw, I . I I news. Among t4em is a very newsy,bud- supported by his b , , 1,
ne . 'Avinue . : I
. of her motlier Mrs. Mon' Y, ifie Electric Light Committee'reported April 28tb, at Brant . . more, . I , ony
, Wedapidai, : . Case.' After.tbe, cerem tfi6y pro- . 1-d
L Williamson 78, C 'Doble 71, Smith of Toronto. I I . the bedside get of Lucknow items. . , Y 0, 01 ',F- - , , o,O'
raser 67. L. MacKenzie 62, I Lutt, n - . socry to report is at present 'recommending thatL J, Radford and I Methodist -Cliurch, . Brantfor6l' 'When I in weret a, d I -
S., F whom we are . . Coming? May -120th. to Wingham ceeded to the bride's ho e . ainty I
I 61. . I To the bereaved husband and daughter, ery low. I I .1 . Walker be paid $4 per day of 1 hours Mahalah (Pet), the youngest datighter of Town Hall, East Ityrine by'the Belgra.Ye wedding dinner was served. - The bride -, __ I
I ClasaII-F. Bennett 73 D, Webster Miss Norah, is extended the sympathy of v d Mr. Robert Elliott, formerly High Secret-' . was attired in a'travellinj suit of navy :. . . . ., . ., .
, . I ,
. circle of friends ia th eir sad ber. Mr. J, H. Lowry and son,"6harles, =4 that manager and, clerk be instrucre I 'Dramatic Company, under thq.auspices t , . 4
p. large . sty of tlia, C."O. F. in Brantford, became dh G4ardine. %Ylih ,hat Ao rriatch. Is 6f more imbortance to -you
68, M. Mitchell 64, S. Hutton 62. 1 accompanied the remains of the late. to.look into. the matter and ascertain . of the Victory Mission Cir*7 Watch Fren , th
I ere 630 eavement. . . I . . n n, B. S" A., 1. .L. I . I Mid' showers of , confetti the happy .than m6st 0 er "iliings yoif buy.
- L . . . . frord Lindsay to what the additional rate would be, Dr. bride of Mr. Cli; ton C..Dunca for fu - . I
' . Class Ill - Hanna 66, A. Walt . -.-- Richard Anderson I - `p riher particulam. ,,. L . .
. . W. Robinson 58, J. Jefferson 59, C. Don- . - FOX a meter was found to. be correct and ofVineland. The cer mohy,tciolc ,lace . a will have 550 acres of couple left on the -afternoon tfain or 4" Why xiot'ti e It first place In your
.rtson 57, L. Bone 56 Wingham on Monday. . refund will be,granted. Also that the in a pretty setting f daisies and ferns; Tiplind & Mill Ch6iley and Ldpdon, where' they , ill bills of 6xpenditurt? This we be
I aldson .57, Y. Robe MRS. JAmus GILLE SPIN itoba no I , ficlit tyir g the, nuptial flax this year, which is about 160 acres . .
* Miss Olive Cruiksbanks of Marf ' routes of the D. FitzPai spend their honeymoon and after their llove is' sound policy, which in the
, ' .
: . I E.Dletrich 56 B Joynt 56, M. Pil01i 55, There passed away at a ripaald a I Agricuitiural C.oilege,*Winnipeg, is vilAting manager make town for , Rev. J. OMng to the iflness of her fatter, more than last 'year. The ft L ax. in L ill is run-, ill reside in town, , . end will pay you well. . 1. -
' O' - reading town meters and- that same knot. . . return w . .
. G. tixter 52. A. McKinney 52, E, Gib' Thursday last. April 22nd, . James Withher parents, Mr. a qd mrs..'George ' i_r, ning day and night and will 'probably do I... 7
. I
: boas 51, S -Donaldson 51,- M. Roth 50, Gillespie, and-iri her demise Blyth loses Cruikshanks, .rumberry. : - system of bookkeeping as in tiat6wil, for the bride w ' as given away by her btoth . er in ord6r to. be ready for Don't Miss This,One - * I . . I .
I L. Campbell 49, J. Kenn dy 47 J. Gillie' Electric Light Departmeni'be inaugurat. .Mr. H. B, Elliott of Wingham, and was ,so all summ . .
I e a one of its oldest and most nevereil real- . The Young People!s-Bible Class of St. I Order.Yotir G oceiies
I L 46 .D. Piper 43, G, Bisbee 43, R.- Hender- dint. I . . Dr. and Mrs. Fox and children were ed and that a financial statement be ;urh- very charmingly attired in , a navy blue this.season's crop. t Ir. n . . . I 11 I
- callqd to Battle Creek, Sa$k.,- on Friday . The re- wool tricotine suit, and a beco the Paurs Qurch, Wingham prese ts A
ming blue The .regular monthly meeting of , . At Christie's . ;
son 41. :1.1.1 . The late Mrs. Gillespie was . born in owing to the death of Mrs. Fox's nephew, !shed at the end of each month hat; she war a corsage boU4uet of 1w eb harVLcter sketch entertainment entitled * L . .
. . I _. I County Wicklow, Ireland, her maiden port was adopted. . t- 1adie's Auxiliaf' to. the Wingham General .c ctor in .'the OpOra . . .
L'..------- - . wa. . ci 11 __________
I Claire WaMley. who died in'lo ReeveTipling, chairman of the Street peas and sweetheart. roses. The groorn's, -Hospital will be beld in the Coun I TheYoungVi age Do .
, ! , namebeing Maria Elliott, while yet in N I I L !as Reta Duncan, wasbridesmaid, Chamber on Monday . Wingham, May 6th. ' .
1-k wingbam s Assessruptit. ' 1 aker have inqved committ Mr. Rot. Leg- sister. M .afternoon, May 10 L House, '
' '
: . . her teens she left her native ifiore for -Mr. and Mrs. T. J. r. 'Baker has ee reported that ets a' 'and, wore a very pretty navy blue charm- at 3.15. Kindly noter the change in time. CA,ST OF CUARACTRUS, The -Tea and Coffee'House I
Wingham's assessment for 1920 shows- America to meet Mr. James Gillespie, to totown from Belmore. M att:had beer, hired to clean the stre, 6 . . Harold I :Drummondl . I
,ed Dr. Young.. _ ,..Mt .
L I an increase over .1919 of $122,000; made whom she was' betrothed, who. meE her accepted a position with Mr. J. A. Mc* $2.40 per day and Mr. Sanderson and euse gown and blue hat, and care lrnporta nt business. i I
L L 06M, "aw"ftwp some ft ma
nd 224,130, Buildings in the City Of Providence, Rhode Island Lean and will for the preseriv reside in team were. ,hired for seven months for Ophelia roses, Mr. Wilson of Clarkson L the Aero, Cushloll Innet"Tire and Rub-' Jane Crane ...... ... .... Miss May Allen I I . .
I up -as follows: La . ' Mr. McLean's houses iiexlt to Mr. e best mdh,.arid Mr. Clifford H . I . . Miss Aileen Kennedy _____._..___ __ . . _____
5,405, Inconi'Ll 38,200, U. S., where they were married by Rev. one of . $1200. $400 of this for street watkring.,, was th, 'g- ber Co., have moved their office furniture .1
685,130, business 9 . rin played the wedding march Afterthe Mrs. Frost ...... Miss Margaret Vansto.rie - .1 ---
makingatotal assessment of 1,042,865. W. B. Crocker, Rector of St. Jobri's Fixture. . . I I The county engineer was preparing an L I .ihto their new office in their factory build, Miss,Knowing.: ..... Miss Jean Vanstoae 0- !
I The roll shows 569 children between the church, is the year 1861. 1 . . . I . . . . estimate on the Cos . t of paving ,the north ceremony a reception was held in the Ling near the Western IFO . 4ndry., Mr., J. linda Clinger.. Miss Margaret Vanstone a , , r .
ages of 5 to 21 and 437 between the ages - They immediately came to.Canada and ___ end of .Josephine St,, Diagonal Road, lobby of the chur4, by the bride assisted I leased the' offic Be . $6118 Luatest Victop * Rewds
. 5 - M. Jerome has e buildin i g Solomon 'Wiseacre._ Mr. Mark Cas
I I alation of 2,240. which settled on Lot 20, Con 14, .Hullet, To I .. 1301 N J61in street and Patrick St. As soon as by bei sister, Mrs. H j. Hartley, , , - them and'will open d', repair I I .
5 to 16, with a pop I . vaLAted by .
is a decrease. Births recorded 17, deaths them were born four Children: Mrs. W. __ . . estimate was received the letting o erston, Ave., with whom she made shop. , Mr. Simon 06bbe..Mr. George R. Allen .
. - Grabbe ........... Miss,Hizel Moore' I I
ield her home. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan left _ LWO Mrs
. 18 and number of dogs accounted for 76. j. Haines, Wingham; Mrs. W. J. Sheff , FINLEY -In Turnberry, on April 21st to jobs would ba advertised and work com The Designer and T1.e mans maga- Widow Ware .... ....Miss Alice Reading, Newest song Hits
. 6. . I ! . from the church on a motor trip throurrh .
. .
-, . 1- Owen ,Sound. John deceased 14 years Mr. and'Mrs. Alonzo Finley, a dlught menced without delay. . . I i in. As dild .............. Master George Allen! I 1,
I .. Miss' Alice at, home. Mrs. er. I ' I Councillor T. R. Bonne tt, chairman L of New York State, and on'their return they zme, combination number is,noW I
__ __ ^^_-- ago, and will live at "Clinbarmar Farm," Vinolafio, the StandaKd Pattern Co. 6ve taken Mr. Lovejoy: .......... Mr. Neil- McLehn
, I
L I Gillespie wasia woman of real ,Irish . BAnNEs-ln Wingharq, 'on -May 2nd 'the water committee, reported that the . over the Nevn'dea. Subscribers. for. 6ther Mr. Brief ........ - :, -Mt. Howard Gray Vietpolas and Minos
, temperament: possessed of ., a great to Mr. and Mrs. Edwards Barnes, a son. comrnitte had de4ided, if possible to Ont.. . . . I I 1. mag . azine kindly -.call at King's Pattern Miss Crusher ...... Mrs. I R. S. Williams I . I P I . I ...
! generosity of mind 'ana was abundantly I :.. . q,iake arranfements with Mr: Homuth, "-------- __ Dep't for same.' King Bros. agents for Mrs Groan .............. Miss L. Lutton I _ . —1
- — 50'Ut M Moore
: 1 144-11, kind and, good humored. he, was a 7 that the water main extending.to the sprinkled ashes on the sidewalk ; Standard, New Idea patterns. r. Rise ....... ...... Mr, Frank &
I ALL, PA"PE L efore the accident occur The Soldier..... I..Mr. NoelDrummon "T. SOWLER
1. . , idence north of ihe C. P. R. would 'be an hour b , red. . -, . He V1W
J Methodist of the early type and had Baln Burfied in Howlek . real . On Monday evenink a number of friends Mr. Brook .............. Mr. Philip Dyer , .
z'=X= =: -;; - I J g.m,1y eVangelestic fervor. She was L Several,kouncillors expressed their sym- Miss Bessie Abel, Pianist :
. Last Saturday evening a barn neaf put through his property, as if taken ovdr ' of Miss Vera Davidson met at the home M-usic Dealer .
' ' ions ' I any-
, L among those who endured early. pnivatl the Jose blne St. bridge it would be hard pathy but did not lee they could do I .
I L Lakelet, belonging to Mr. Fred Mahood ' ' . L hq'r friend, Miss Annie Davidson, Plan of Hall at MaKibbon's Drug Store. ( . . I . 11,
1.1-1 I 'Boxer'and a d with their labors laid the foundations was destroyed by fire. -M . Mahood re_ to keep it from freezing. The rate 'Wig thing finaticially. We understand that Of I . Admission 25c ,and 35c. : W I I&
- Staun- and presented tier With a kitchen shower. I . I
. of our present comforts. ' at Mr. Day did riot value their sympathy .
I h a load rto tstruck for water users as they were _ ------. 1.11- --.----- -,- ---- -----,-,.--
. turned home in'the evening wit ken 6ompletely by surprise, I ,Z .___ -11__.-___
I ton e e The funeral .sdrvice was held -at the Of chop, and. had to do his chores ; loss t; know just how to come at it vtry highly and may take legal attion Although Lta
family residence, Mill St., on Saturday at ' uying against the t6wn. I Miss Davidson, thanked the boys and
finest mad . 1 2 p. m., conducted by the pastor, -Rev. with a lantern. While he was putting .4thout meters, and the cost of b girls, The girls then accompanied her to' X I , .
I e. down hay for his stock, the lantern upset them would be out of reason at present. Mr. Thos, Gray asked the council to assisting hai with the kitchen-
. . R. J. McCormick'assisted by Rev. S. . in the wow, and in a few moments the The hydrant near St. Paul's Church was prohibit the dumping of refuse in jh her home .
. L Anderson of Clinton,— a great friend of . ivinj satisfaction, 'it never worked cellar way of the ruins across Rom th , Wite-
whole building was in flames. Three not gi 1,
. S.01i oxily by the family, the former pastor, who spoke 0. Reeve Tiplitig thought it would property, which he recently purehased on ' 7 It is beginning to dawn on ihe people of elx s X C) r d s l
I in words of exceeding kindness *and sym cattle and a setting goose were consumed right, ,new on L Carling Terrace, a try that it is not necessary to X ,
.. I . __ -.- — - _ - -_ - _ ---.-,... _ - __, -
L in the fire, as well as 600 bushels of oats, be Well to let a e. Mr. Bennett a he purposed.beautify- this coun
the L oc cs in summer time to save I 1; , L . .
. . pathy from the text I Becausq I live ye .N -_ . I I
. 200 bushels of wheit, and nearly all the said he was even more convinced now inghis property. Theywill prohibit change our cl I
GEO. MASON & SON shall live also". The ladies quartette . n before that the proper way to have dumping. . . daylight. - Any individual or-communitY m'! ; . I
Implements in the driving shed adjoining tha L . ChangeL , .,
. ! , ".__1'15*_ .
I . V.
...,01_1 , I I .
,- I ..
1, Patent Medicines, sang very tenderly "Some Vay". . thebarn. Mr. Mahood's loss will be very atownrunwasbya commission, in this Mr. John A. McLean owns a lot be car, their working and sleeping . 14 I I I
tween the Wester Foundary property and -hours without interfering with the univer- . ' - ...".. L - -.'-"' W.'
Stationery, . .. -A "
Gk'i "? F' , Lj. : : - . - ". ,;,", - L.. '.., . . - , .
L I . ,, " 11
Paper, Among the beautiful floral tributes Was .E. lliott also expressed big belief, I i 1. - I ;...L ' L
Books, School Supplies, Wall avy, as his insurance was only $2000. Mr , . , "' ,,, , , L. -11 -;'-1-,J ,L,
_ .-
a wreath from Mr. Peicy McLeaft, Owen he . the G. T. R. tracks and has given the jai method of marking the time of day. ,- - I I le
Fancy (.' ,00ds, Toys, etc. Councillor Fells, chairman of the pro- -i -- t,^'%* e, .. L'
-, a spiay frotu the Methodist S. S- aetting Their Deserts It it as a dump ' The Annual meeting of the Wt)men's I _- ... ", ' . ,,, . ..L..L." 1. 4.1 .
Sound ,of using , , I- 11L
----------- ~_ :-_ . perty committee, in his repart expressed town the privilege ., .11: . .
L , _:_ 4' . ,:: rrrr .. . I
I L= , L a spray from the - jety of .the Presbtery of A . ,
I , :
rt! .!n:!. ! -1 ' . _.— and Epworth Leag4e; L There will be less loitering about of the regret that they hadso far been urable groutid. In future this Will be tile Oii1y LMijsi6nary Soc I . 4Z 01
-1 . 1".. , _ /.T , I I .
. IL d Knox church, )XI 4 A; 1 _ . ,., I
EV,EPVBQDY'S COLUMN Sheffield farnll , Owen Sound; a spray front office -of the Bell Tplephone Central to get the windows Put in the town hall, place wher&4& person may leg dlly timP, Maitland will be held in I . WwTlla I I . .
om Master Jack Haines, Hamilton: "a in the future sis result of gang last Friday L s,,qld cans or btber refuge. . 0icardine, I
it out in the hurricane last ashe L J on Tuesday h4ay 18tb. , X,
I that were blown I
,. . I __ . count of Win". Holmes for $1.6 three sesajo .
spray from Will Ila*% a wreath from All ac I 0, There will be i ps, 9.30 a. ra. 2 * I I X
. &tTQ,T1oN SALID OF GATTIX-At Vendome evening by local manager E. A. Henry. November.) They could sell the town . .41 ,
. I
. : I Stables, Tee.iwater. on eaturday, Way 8th, the Gidley fatally, and a beauti ful family Between eight and nine o'clo'ck bis real- house on Scott St., and. believed it would rePairs to grader. which has been hanging and 7.30 P. in. The Rev, A. E. Arm X
Is Fresh Cows, 10 Springets, 10 Young Uattic. . 'settled at the urg- $tro L, Foreig ission Secretary will be -
.. . Terms: Six wreathto 'Mother". Interment took place 'hen the you . ng Ady' be well to do so. The% were given power fire for some time was nr n M AB P, "bZ%1cmdkoe - - - X
All firfit class Durham cattle dence. phone rang w . I . .
iaouthsl credit with batik interOls added. I The pall tearers L the after- k!
r & KwDOVALT). VMS. in the Union Cemetery operator on duty complained of a certain by the council to dispose of it, Mr. ent request of T R, Bennett. L' present, and give an address in tUre L ,
t x1lultvis. A1a0t10n06r-_____. - were Messra-Y. Metcalle, D. Cowan, I , entering the front office, and Mitchell said he thought ,the town horse Mayor Gurney stated that. there was noon and will give' an illustrated le.c X It's only hufnan'desire to be some what differ-. I
. , Ap y at, Stothers, W. Mills, J. Mains, W. MoOrd', young man ' rill S300.,bwing on the watches givery to at the evening meeting. A cordial'invita- X -1
FOR 8ALF,-St"I tire, top Buglwy, P1 acting in anything but `a" gentlemanly should have been told long ago as it was 9
Tun ADvAx *—.- -Blyth Standard, 11 illor Fells and the goldiers, and there was 26 More tion is extended to all the women of the ent froM our felloWs . .
, LV_L0_r. I manner.. This . W49 enough for the eating its head off. Counci I X I I
I " ,
Olt SALB-Six calvibs, from one week to I ..":.", .-.,..,.-...,-,.! .' t-IL11 ;- wrathy manager,,who was oil the L job in Currie told him in no whispers that as he watches to be secured, as the countil had Presbytery to be Present. I . 1, . . . '
nve months old. Au Xl nditure ing 'is moro distinctive --not
F V to. I thought he agreed to stand behind this expe 0 rtt ! . - . Noth hing more" at -
0. Boyl.r. . short order. but not before his bird bad was on tha committee theY . X . I I .;
DairYmafl, A llaghsm. MethodlAt S. S. Ahniversar/ press 'his yiews at committee he felt tbey,should pay the balance, Mr. - . I 'a neatly clad foot, .
— — _. flown. Waiting in tin adjoining doorway, should ex cil.meet. Mitchell did not think it was in thepower Weeklies To Cost $2.00* %t tractive than
I FOR SALRXleveh Young Pigs- fOur wO ill The Sunday School Anniversary Of however, he was rewarded, by seeing the meetings and novat the coun t- Twenty Nveekly publishers of 13ruce arid ,
i '
old. APPIV to. oBERT Jo I UNSTONO Wingbam Methodist Church will be held same young ulian return and attempt to ings. Mr. Fells alou reported that the of the council arid that it could not lega . If correct style, select leathers, and supe'rior ,
&t 21, 0,11.10, Turnborr.v. next Sunday and Monday, May Oth and 17 bp done. Mr. Fells wondered if t6hie Gr,by Counties held a dl tfict meeting at X, 'find hem Onl;-
_._ enter the front door a second time. but cement box for sweepings was Completed, rould riot Hapover arid discussed editorial arid busi, workmanship appeal, t0L you,. you7will t
Fois i,v. , 1 just as he was about to put his band on the cost was $71.00. The basement of of the patriotic organizations %
gt 9. - The meeting was address. X ' .
,u,k _(Iuantity of s,courl hand Lath 10th.
B I rick, Apply to Alm Itooglw. I - Capt. Rev. E. W. Edwards, B. A. of the latch, 11R. A." put one of his hands the town hall Was 'to be whitewashed in help, On motion of Councillor Elliott ness problem X, bilied in out, Men's Oxfords. I . . I
. -.....I.— . (I . - Staforth will preach on Sunday and lect- on the back of the staart Alot's collar, the near future. Mr. Mitchell remarked the council Vill Pay the balance due. Be- ed by Mr. B. R. SaYles, manager of the - . I I I .
. Folt SALE-Daby cartlage 'Ieveland Bic namn' Association, X "06
Cie, ('Uest of braword and sevf3 Monday evening. while the other held a Jack Johnston. that cement work should haVe been lot fore the canvass for this cause was made Canada NVeekly News - - . . . . . I
&, ardoies. VjtA. L. F. TUNKLEY. The services will be as (0110WAI-10 'grip on the aeat of his trousers, and with by tender. the canvassers.were told that a list of sub. and Mr. J. J. Huntcr, fietd work,ebair. X'
'illott for the executive committee ,
4 , scribers, and the amount paid would be man, Mr. Lqrne A Hedy, pmident of vpair shoes e
. T — a. m. Fellowship service; 11 ,9. m. Publi.0 6ne grateful Atroke (golf players attent- ' Mr. L I Shoo AepaiP1ng__Wf1*l* cellendy,
yOItk3AL,E4r1VP 1101LO,6 WXth L'Plu published * in the local press. Why Was tile Bruce Press Association, was Chair- I I
Artyomt4, gOOd C0W. Service Capt. Edwardawill preach; 2.30 ion) he m44 No. I (mud) holo, fOI10%ving reported having gone into the m -,Atter of ry body says! Bring i o
,or el). futtr bc I this riot done? man. The papers decided to raise their SO CVC n y . .
quiciftle. APPlY to.
I ADVA,4ug Ofilce. P. in. Sunday Sc'hool program; 7 p. m. clody with a Second put which landed nightwatchman's and town clerk's Salaries The Court of Revision hearing the ap- subscription price on July I to help meet I let,'uls put them in good condition fdr you.,, I
_.. I Public Serylce-CaPt, Edward# will him in No. 2 -but owing to the next hole and recommended that ao raise be grant peals of the 4soewwrit, will bi composed the riellig cost of production. 0 L . .. I
OR 8AIAb,Itbud0 141ft"d Ljg j4jr Ont;oir $pea I . L L
', ,
F Apply to M q il !16. k, being likeed too dom to the PlItt 9104 6d thm OfficiltIL jal aSsist - --v.0 has ben I
. y Moaday eve _ of %yor Gurney, Reeve Tipling, COUft At pregent Titu ADv.m, I
'MALP; OF 11013MEHO-61) FURNI- ning st 8 o'clock Capt. fronts across the street he wat obliged to The matter of giving fmand ,,,,, the cilkws Fells, Elliott and Mitchell. 1, W L 11
pltl[VA'114, ,ompelled to charge $2.00, to al whom
rU1t.%__1n .gotA -coaditlon. AVIY At '11116 101"t FQCtY call tka gaine off, which hat did by Wing ance to Robt. Dtty, whose wife fel I 'WW#A'
. y EdW&rde Will IfttUft On -
ar 15th
_ _
9venir4 4rom 6 0 doex uAtu 9, un ' I XU * Days of th*'Ww Mr. FAliott said he thought the Insur paper is not paid in advar.ce, and we'
. R!h11A.ANU in 19U." Chitf FarMl kAo commission, who had slippery sidewalk and broke her wrist last nce on tht town bell wAs very poor sis be belfeve the raise to $2.00 per year even to
. *X)tl- Ist. brought up. Tire clerk a it L'ad b6tri. W T 0 im Ureer 11
, .
1 74v
, I
i I
F's -I I I
1W R. I I
1, I
I I 11
, ---.;.V- Capt. EdnMt 'was woundad whl# the yauM rmN along with his thra cOTa- winter, was believed insured since 1VI6 , -whopsy in adysni e will have to 21 .
p". FAn to wotk on Milt farm, stid . in tht trmcha on the front Ilas, p&nions tamult)t0d on D&Oday to appw r"d a clause in the Municipal Nmligtrice for $12,70) nd that with the 90 per cent tbm , i
L If ANTM ,A" AP* t#.It"T. e ser"s Tl.t6 mittter cme to mtrt the ever Increating cmt of 09 ,
4. drive tam% ,
, OW
N , tAnbat. Aind we believe his dtocouM WRI bt "I b4om Msoof;t btsonyts ead Mac- Laws, wha,c,j the council claimed shaved ciy-insurance ctauo in it. M , L- -1 , ,
0 st,o I A110 , 7M
lAfA19 n I wo referiia to t1w proporty cotauitta. pt*dvatiqn. MmomXXXXM XXXXXX)MOKskm
11 , A nw L lutwootins. ka'm fo a W wint. -0joaxtilas fumisw. I tb*it tkay was not liskit, ChW I I ., I
.1 - I " . I . I
: I I
I I I . . ., -
L .. .1 . I L . . 4
Z,, : I I 0 , , I I , I I 111 .." 0, . .1 JV* ., .. '. I 11 ..' , .I I _ ' ' ., It Z., "'If . r I I
- j4 "I.., W - , ,, " , . 0 . :
- ,
, 1 . ,- . . I '-I* i I ___ I -1 I ' I .. 12 Lfi&dgbiw, .- A, , , - it I ; , I ,, ', . , " I., ". '&L ' ' . *,L, , " ,l
. I 0 4 lk L.a , I" L , , i- 'Ljd&-L_ _. , ,
. .:.,,- '_ i.:.;.1 ;,,*_ I lmdl,am` ' .i L%L 4 - I ... i 1: I I :,*, Nktk. I I L, " , I- _ ', .',& -.1'4'w l "ik
I 6. -