HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-04-29, Page 7If — I 7, ,; T! I "I'll ..... , w I " , 8 , , , . ,.. , .' j . * t '. 417 1 1 1 I , ", . , ; 7111111T X , . 'k " '. '. I I I 11 - 4 i I , . I I I . . I"! I - I I :, : 11:10 0: Ili, . 4111, , h , , , . 44 . .1 . I - -1 -1. - ­­ _._.___­__­ -1 . .. - I __ I , _!0.0 t=-. , 1=t= ,!vr"o . m,".., 7_1_`1-.-"-.'.-=;- -­ --- '___ -, ______, — . Y 0 I . _____ 7! ________.__ " __ ____ ___ I -11 .---I- -- Only the Ineome for life under the I I 1_____.____-_11 4 , , 4 i , I _­_­ - _.______­ - _­___ - _._______­__ -.--. ­ ­_ - - I I _­­_ , . I I I 1. . . . . ..: 11. I I . I . ... I . ­ - T '7:7 - __ . 1 . 5X ;qr . A:':'7'.-_ . It law of rraueo, but him lor4elitp, held . I.. . I .. . i ,' -1 . , . I :'. , 1. , I I . , , . - 11 , _ '-11 -r7 , 'S . A I . I '. . , , , %: . . " . . I j ­ . .1 . . , . 4 . . f "I"!7. P" , , , -XI I . . i - , that It wa's &4)tt!sb. -A.. 1. , I , I . I - I.. I . . I I I . . I . . . I . I , I , . . . , - ,.4 1 . ". *11 ; . I 1. i 1. ;_ _ , .. 4 - .::.,.: SHORT ITEM . I I . ..1. . . I : - - -- 4 0 -_ I , I I I 1 . . . . , ,;* , .. , . . Z * . . I I .. ,#41 1* . , . ., , ..,. ­.: ., . ..''. : , I ­, ;' 4"_ . I I . . I . I : I ' ' ' I , . , , .# " , , . '% I I I " . , " * A.. . , ; " : . P , ! . I I , . ; . , I .: :. . 0 , . '. ", , . , , I I _ I"."... ., Z..! ,;:: . , . I I I.. ,.. , . .1 I I I I I .. . , ,, ,,, N". .. . , " , Irt -:, I I , 1. ... : : ,, ,.: :: '. . . A, . . tN I . I . , , r . . 1_ *.. . I I . , , A: ,; 1 , 1 __ , , , . , I !, . ... . . I . k 11-11 11_4; , ,-: _`.,.I ', , " , 11 11.. .. . I , : I I FEARS AMUNDSEN , 7 7- =;, ­,.L ; -. . - , ­­ , , ,,,: ,:".'., , , ., ­ OF THE NEWS, I k:.; . , -, :. - , '. . I . I- I'— ", . 'M I . I .., . ,_ ': .:...... . I , , 111i I . I . ­­ . , " . , . .. ', . ..; 15 ;­ 'k. , .. 1 ; '!,.. , .; "e I , . , _I. , _2 ". -41 ft , * , ,,_ T .., . , .., ,.- r ,;J: , r I ..... I 4 " 1 , ". "I " , , ., '. .''I" : .,. , , .j ,' ''I''. ,.11 ... I .. _A&, . ., I . " . I , "I , , , , , , I 1 ,$0 , . , , , .. , , " , , ; 1, ,' P.: ..... .. q "'' , . , ", _ - - I "I " , - , "I , " , , I I'll, . . . 4 , , ., . I I ,,, i . " . MM HAS MET MINHAP I . ww'. ._ . . OF THE 08" . . '. , , _1 , .`__, - ­. ,,t,,,# . . 1-11 , . I . ,, , X I_% mli t, , I I I I . ji 01 h :., 4.1 * . 1,)" "­,U:A ffi;,_,; ,, 1 I 1*,..,._"W ._;*1'- 11"", 11 1. I 1, " .1 1. . I OR . I :_1 "I I - ., *4. - , Try _i, I ! " 400 W. 4 11 *1 "'O" e -V — ,;. 1 ­% :., , , j) P For murdering I -N sweetlioart at where he became the godtatilgr 1.", * . I P , , I !1r. 11 . . , , I 11 ­ , ..'. ". ,.,.;. .. .,; , ­­. I I , ,., , . ., V $1. I , . `,­­- I - . I '. . 11, , , ...... . F. I rMer remier Be, Calstor William 4 , .. - . ", . .4 .;7 J .I, , ­ '- ­ -. *.1 i I 1, I 1:, I . , , ".,'' % , ,:: I ., " ,,, . , , I My , Wright was, executed Cecil, Rhodes. "' Capt. Bob, Bartlett Thinks 0, " -A, ,*;, ? , , ."",. , 1.1.4. I ,I - Irish 4ishops All CQM to ,, I : I - , , ., Banished for Vivo- at Lincoln Prison. Moro than 60,000 Welsb. mincra have '1144 ­'-11 11 1 ­ ; p N, ` I , . - ..", , i i . I I .11, ..', : 11.1 ,I - .. , - , '-., - 1: :1, Mons," .or Thomas Courtonay, D. b - Something Wrong, . t _­ iA "-!, , con Summoned for nou-payrucat or . . "I :,:" , ',. 7. ;? Rome to Confer Ou .0 44,. ­! , , _4,7'.. J, . . -. e. — , ,., . — 1 4).. , , 1, I . . , ,. ., , Year Period. D,, has died A` St. Scholastleas Abveyk Income tax. " * ;.'4% t - I , - Tolgum.;Jth, Devon, Age(I 63. . I . , ,.t . V I P, I . , v I ­ . Irish Xilling. , i Savluas auk deposits on March 1, Lost Ship or Other Grave . ,.k 4 '" ' ! 0. 7 1: . , - Ok `. - I I " 1_,: :. , -! 0 " , Ux-servIce "Students of King's 1914, woro 1:185,000,000 And on Alarch ; . Col- , TH__4 loge,, London., have formed an assool- I 19,10 4.2061000100Q. Trouble, . 1. 1.4. ' 11 - . at!oa to foster the spirit of comrado- - 0-tongtone Cell on and ldlle(l ,4.. - ,*_ I I ..... I ,.. 11 - ,:!;" . " MEATS NEXT I I,— 11, ,',. ,, . , , , " t. CHARGES " ship formed during the war. A 4' Ph . . 4' -, pc`*, :.. I .,. I '...". BAn : f , I ,, : . . The teath has -occurred at Burnham- Thomas lips, 1$', At New Dynant . I .i , : . ­ j , New York, April 23, - C t* 4: , , , " . ... 11 " , - _ I w., , Colliery, near Llatielly, Sou , , -1 k .,_ . -Sea 7bf Commalitrer G. C. 11ouning, th 'Wales. "1 11" -I , , . , 11 11 'V1 - , . , : . on oDert A. Bartlett, b.o co 1`44af ,Z ," ;$ , I ! I amerce and R.N.R., "for ovor 55 years in the R. Bradford Guardians have thanked I I . " 4 Guilty' of Cor R AV , , p. I I , an undertake ed the Roosevelt on Poary's success. I I I 1. I . ,-Correspondence With ,,ad 0. Company." '_ r who conducted the fun. ,­) , " . I ... . I , . , rul dash to the North Polo, to -day ­ , " , I , x, Leakae of Nations Rejeot$ & oral of Afar nuan, 106, for noth, if.- V I , " . . . I . y Bra rious had "zone wrong" with the % ' -t .. 4 4- ; . - Mandate for A,rmenfa, . ..,.ustrian velours liata, i-opul4rised W expressed fear that something $a- n.-"-!, , j i t _, _" 1 ';, 4, , 0 , T economize .g . . .,* __.,_ . .. :: 'Wt., , Fluemy. in England by King Ildward, will 1319' 0 , cal soveral towns in, I , shortly: reappear In British s %,ps 41- Polar expedition of Captain Raold I -aZ: A ., i I'- IVX411 __, Too, ,% 1 " ter an ab,.eacn of tire years. the Black Country have decided to Amundsen, discoverer of the SDUtU ,,; , V, , 1 f 4;, . I . .1 n- "N' . .. 11 J'arls, cable says: Joseph Cuillaux, 1 aptatrt W Kortcot, M,iachester abolish publIc'street light!ng during, Pole, who bar, Just roachod Anadir. 8 1 . .'4jO, 4a' C .'4 r., q, ", , - tormor Premier of ,France, and twice R)g1mont, Commandant of the School the summer. Amundson either haQ; lost his ship . . I. 4, . ji ." ,, ,` - , I ­ . '# , ,i,. % ­ . . 1. I ,41-1 - ;71 , John Curtis, Port 110PO's oldest, .X , NSIM Rlr. I - ,, . , of Cookcr - at Aldershot, has died at Wron, the AlgrylebonQ m4gio- , . , % -iv -. , ,, . .., ., .. .,111. . . , , ., I go. Winister of Finance, stands to -night or encountered some other serious ,- "" - h , .7, ; inerchant 'passed away At the ag% 0% I . tr 7" ­ --!+#W -.F , , - Vambridge Hospital. I ate, will, It Is understood. ;succeed m;shgp, Captain Bartlett said, add- ___ . . .1. 1`1 1 , ', ."N' V - t;: j".. , , 14 y '. , $convicted of having place - , "' "* X, a , . I , d lit% per An "improved Day ofi-Night" tele- . ,4 . Z!, . . - , , , 39 - *A , 111, __ , Sir John Dickinson 'Ps chief Aletro-, ,P_11 .­ ek­.?_ X, 1. , , C , .; ­., Ing that In the 19 moo Nor- V i , ,, - A i , A decree Issued In Rome provides .ths the ..._ "" 41 _6 . 1 r1%; I '_ - . I sonal political ambition during tile see, e, Irts(.rll)ed "Horatio Nelson, the polltaij MaAtstrate, I v;cglan explorer bad been travelling _ , ;A ­ - ', ?N -- - I , a ej, - - ;, ".` X ­r for the reduction of the xtaltan '... - 0 ,i, .-:;. - . lr I 0 , I aer 1, - i F- , ,?- 7.. r '-: , . , , .4-.W; -;O' ­ army - .. ...el , .., . .11 I , I. 11 , ," ,. .,,. " - to ten ariny ebrps, , I . - , i ;; --- ­­'­'­-4 , e I , ­ , Z, ., - , e I i Waco on the Humber the tug Alex- White Soa in September, 1918, iie .-5, , , e . ,.. . ... I I 0 . ­V -_ -e ... V."41- - i '5 *,r 'V A L : _, .--, 4ouitry that honored him and g iold At Soth,eby's, ,London, :or &60, '44 ,,I I I , , ,_ ­- I . : Cha. Clayton, rk, and of the crew or four . 5X11i. -,, , 6 , I'- - , : t ".%".',1 David 94,11, a ,Prominent ,shorthorn war higher than the Interests of L g!'t of s affectionate F_ .r, %was While towing the A.merican stea since he left Dixon Island in the Q I ay 1i ber 'Were clqsed - -almost liermeti ,les P. Metropolitan ander sai should hive reached a point between k: I , _r V 4 .. ii 1-1; ,.: " ; I _VS,A3& L I'll , I - Water Be" ! employee, tell d..)wA a only ono, the maLa, was eavea. .. I. I . broader, died i the Nortlx,Pole and Cape Chelsuklu, , i Ww;,_t_ N? 1 1 1411.­. ''. . r.t his home In Hibert tug conviction for hign treason, was well a. r -t 80 ft. deal) at the pumping Large club bullaings, Itnown as the On the nortli-eastern Siberian covAt, I I'll 111 P . , . . i tound ,to have been recklessly im- station at Palmer's End, W- ', was Carlton, bays been presented by Mr,, about 700 m'.jes from the pole. SPRINGTIME IN ENGLAND. The Food and Drug Act passed to lirudent and very close to treason- Irilled. H. SeYmou . r Barry to ex--.ervice men "Amundso0i plan was to drive UnpPecedented fine weather hoe, come with Smiling spring In the Old I-an4. Here Is a scene at Eastbourne, a the Dominion Parliament Y000r(14Y I The C, '.h Is announced of Mary of Merthyr and distrip , by a Vote of 100 to $7. . able ambitious, for such ls'the later- , ,t, . his ship as tar cast and north. as , fashionable sensido resort, on a March day, So mild is the weather that bathers can be seen taking A PrOta,tiOn of the verdict of "Guilty OlIzabeth C:-abbv, a daughter,of the Mr. Vrnest Alould, the laot pension. possible. and gat within striking dls- a dip In the briny, Jacob Kaufman. one Of the most _ FIV. Geo go Crabbe, late ,vicar of er Master -M -Arras at Chathaw -Naval tance of the pole," Captain Bartlett I Foluineut manufact'arers of jQtcjjeja _ P, ,ot - commerce ' and correspondence Bradford, Suffolk, And grAud4aughter Barracks. has rotirod, lie served 30. said, adding that ho had talked with . _R* .. . ...... :,.,.!.-.1 er, died In his oeventy-thirti VIth the OU6111Y," Which was tender- of the poet Qrabbe. years in the navy. .1 , I- __,_ ",__ ________ ,-------.- ,-".,.-------.,..----...--------------.-"- ,. year, I %P Norweg:au explorer here short- I I 4. . Charles Fetter, 20 ,Years old, Was I 1.v..ed, to -day Against him by Subscriptions amounting to over The large monlAtor Glatton, in ly before he left on his expedition. luOtantly killed by An olevaAor drop. oeua& _C20G.40 were announced rt the jr - .. I which about 100 men Were killed by 11H!G Ambition was to a ,ping upon 'lilm from a d1stance of -e first verdict ofthesort augral meeting Of 4 railliOu a Dover Naval Harbor ru A 5 11 . . This Is th I pounds an sexprosion I Norwegian rlag at the No.th I —, ,KING ""' R V " FOR Vnited Upon Cour -e I 4o I inent of Liverpool University. In 1018, Is to I I ,, , (_,erMt ur feet in A plaiding mili at liep. .'Uota- The Prince .of Wales has presented South Pole, and win for hie country _0 e U 'worth.. . 11 reAdOred In Any of the allied coujj fund for the extension and develop. be ealved, . as he already had placed it at the 7n po . . 7 tria$' Since tile War The death has occurred at t , Q I 'yj 27S - Preej ent Wilson held the second began, . U10 _ . T , IQ ordb," as interpreted L)y the Sena- . Sher, his bicycle to the Cyclists, War Me- and himself the fame of running up I .. ) 11 d itors,owho are judges, not meaning Surrey, of " Francis Williamson, mortal Fund, which has been ostab- tile flag at both extram3lea of the ORLD PEAE I `IAAK; -- - - ­ I %osslon of his Cabinet since his Ill. , Xinar :oial trading, but commerce by or many YeArs Queen Vict-ria's pri- 11ahed for the erection of a Wayside OartI14 I I I . I neas. . . . 14 I Ju-eal s Of tommon ideas, whij- "cor- vato sculptor. Mr. Williamson was wickshire, "in the 1.1 uiontbs since we have Ban Romo, April 24.--A ooz-)--O ", agreenle Iter,orts reacljin the E Enbaggies Ili reepoadeuc ll in, this particular case 86, and had lived at -Elsher for 63 Sir Thonafts Willes chitty has"boon heard froux. him he should be In a Cable Message to N. Y. St. _ I 1. " ' 11t, with ,London. and Parts give intimation of . ii employed In the sense of associa- , years- . appointed ,Son!,Dr Master of the Six- 'very. different place than Anadir, 1-1 a respect to the attitude the Allies shall adopt toward Ger- another revolution In 13orlin. The re. I tion. Dr. Wynn Weatcott, oaroner for preme Court and King's Remom- evidently has accomplished littlo George's Society. 1ports come from correspodents I.p. tb,e I The Senators entered Luxemburg I' rth-Hast London, has sailed for brancer., In succeeslou, to Sir J01111 and bas onded up differently than I . many in connection with the carrying out of the peace Rhine, . - , Pqlace this afternoon with the de- South All -lea on a holiday, "No I am Macdonell, K,C.A, Who recently re- thought. Probably his vessel has ' Paut Rader, the Chicago evangelist, tv,mination. to have finished with the not retiring," lie laughingly remarked, tired. . Hon. Martin Burrell One of treaty, has been reached by Premier Lloyd George and I , , been drifting on the S.borlan. coast, . Opened A series of meetings At MpAmy , 'affalt,which had talten up their time My life's `work -is not done at 7,2.,, MaJor,C. R. Attlee, Alayor of Step It overything had gone -well with Spqa.kers.' Premier Millerand, it was stated here to -day. . 11all, Toronto, , I I I during the past, three months. They The golden wedding of Mr. and Mra. ney,AA., refuses to ar,elst recruiting him, he oug"ht to have been some- I I . I I . ' I A man and two girls were Arrested I zamuel JEL-%son, of Coalvi f where between the Pole and Cape , _ ______ - _. -.-..--.-,-- ______­_____-___ . began the* discussioli 11 , L01003- or the Territorial Arniy, becauee af- __ o ' ME I I' - ­0 . In a vigorous ter, just colebr&ted, .'s the.theird in th. ter four and a halt years' eery1co he Choleukin." New ,York, April -,-A eable z1al Witnesses In the Hassaw I busdness-like madMer, presenting a .family. Mr. Jackson's brother and memortal ,6t Meriden Green, Wai- I .murder case in Toronto., ; "" a contrast to their bored atti- Amundsen planneit to return from juessage from King George praying ring the closing days of the ,,, , , I , H The MvAte B1110,*cOlumittee. of the 't ated their- 931den wed. has been "every idea', for Nfht6h I the Pole by way of Cape Columbla, V -111 + RHMANT3 R11.1 R R1 ATTINft I Zude "(In sister celebr 1 . . ktrial. Nor one, however, took &art- b. .— ..5., ' 'fought betrayed at the Paris Coaer- North Amer!ca, 411 miles, from the .41, 11. pence wu read to.nigh& a' Legislature deterred actign,on Worth .- . buplY. the prediction that the verdict Salcombe, South Devon, has Again ence,ss I . tor, of the world . the 134th watual dinner of. St. 1 0orontols se cesslou hill til a -#,* talten tirst position in the official list .-- - I . _" . W4111d be reached this evening, But A land -girl Ifs selling, In a shop In . - - George's Society, of Now York, at has ben taken uplon'It. . . Ktter .tile court had. disposed of. the of pinces In the British Islos (,%Ylth Buckingham Palace road, London, the - ' " the Waldorf Astorla. There were r Welland Council d"Ided to have , the exception of the Channel Islands) UT it E Al MESM"R S' 0 . )EWS 111911. treason -charge and that of "in- , fer Sunshine, with 1,49' hours last Produce of the farm alie manage's in CA 350 members And guests in attandance, day'light saving go Into effect, on the "telligo'nee'L-With tue ,enstay," word Norfolk, A designer before. the WAre ., XyA year, as compared with 1,936 In 10181 I She has been five years on the land, SETTLEITIENT OF soine of the guests havmg conic from I __,________ 80t1i Ins.tant. . I . - . a passed that a decision was im- Harold Reynold,s,ia'deekhhud, of thia 'and ha,a done everything on a farm, . 1. I (;anada ospec.ally for the occasion, Hebrevns' Rights Not Re- illittee of JeNvisli delegations with Ingersoll district y1armers, Clubs. pending, and Luxemburg gardens were 'Grimoby trawler kado, Was washed . except plowing, S The King's nit-a-lage, sent' through - headquarters in this city.. and the Mmehiribits' Union ,arc? joining. -the palace by dense crowds, -over avy sea and drown- A young bride, whoc,e husband is "TZ TROUBLE his private Secretary, said: . oppeteq, and Hundreds "Ofticers here are openly, ancl WItj_ to start a co-operative:bt6re, ". filled to overflowing In the neighbor- . " hood of ad off leeland,, Ueynolds father Was In the nt.vy, having heard that an- STU "Tho X -Ing sincerely thanks the the knowledge of the authorities for. It Is rumored thAt there ts An small ' . I I CLud, police reserveS had to be called the skipper, and from. the rigging he Have Dis4peared. 1011t, " .. - , other party was offering a high rent I I memberc o' St. George's Society for . 1111119 associations for the extortalua. garnation proJected among the small - 'the , ballots followed one another watched his son drowa, after unsuc- . for a cottage she had airmifly qpoken . . r loyal'greetings and good wish-, — , tiv-1 of tile Jews," the C-)Inmunlquo or sho factories.6f OAtpLrIo. L , . ,with great rapidity. The partisans of passfut atternipts at a rc3cue. for, near,,Bodford. arrived at 4 a.m. Agreement Between Ryan. te's'e'which H:e Majesty much appre- Budapest, April 4'-J.-Chargos that ,"ays, . Dr. eW. B. Stevens, V.. S., of St. Ll ' th.o. former Premier were thrilled ' ' Mr. 0. P. Tu!noll lias erected on one . to take pcSseeslem and sat on the . elates. The King Joln3' with them the Hungarian Government is conniv, Jewish children are rofused itdinit. Mary's, died of bibod-polsoning' sus - I with joy And hope whe7a the -treason of his. playing fields at Eaton College I doorstep uutll adni'tted by the .land- and "Shorts." in Praying for peace among the na- Ing in a plot for v,holesale massacres tance to schools, it is, averred, and ta,ined 'whilo'performing A, s-,:rglcal a memorial to Wis son, Mr, C. W, I lord. I ­ . t.'ons of ,the worLd ,and a spirit of of Jows, and " at JeA,,rs are tortured Jewish trade is complotely'paralyzed, operation, I ch%rge. 'was so promptly eliminated, Tutriell, a former keeper of the field, ' and thrown ; -to jail without trial, are During the past few Ivechs, 800 Jews ­ , ) has died L unity within our E inpire 11 11. Howar(l, teller in the Bank of I and to)xf1dently predicted acquittal who Was killed Ili thb war. It consists Mr. Edward .M. Smith, wlio On Basis of $500 for a Telegrams of greeA:ngs' were ro- made in a 'communique -sent to tile are said to have dlsa peared in Buda- Montreal branch at Deseronto, was L . And bdgan to apportion among them- of vak panels, on which are carved I At, Spalding at the age of 74, waa a . ' Of Peace Coat aelyeg , the. Portfolios in tile Cabinet the' names -f all keepers of the field. dr,aignor arid waaufacturor of attalned Share. . ceived from RIndrea societies oreace Ili Paris by the com- pest. suddenly strickea w1tW neuralgia of I Which Caillaux was cxpected. to Maea, and many churches and other Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Ottawa, the heart and died almost Instantan- The funeral took place -At Ratbfrl- . I . - I ­ t,orm, within six moittliq after his re- land near Newry, of Serger.ut Trimble. Publie buliftingn contain .specimens of' . Halifax and St. John, as well as ­ ---.--.--. cously. , , . ' . 40430, a Crimean veteran, who died at the ble work, Ile was a rnember of the ;/ from 13o%ton. Baltimore, Albany and - I Aessien Delleb, Arrested in Toledo'. -An agre 'When they attempted to have the ago 'of 00. H, Joined the 82nd Prince Snaldipg Centlemen's. Soviety -whleh ,oment Charleston, S. C. on a charge of murdering L Ramodin , . . Satiate refrain from establishing it- claime to be the oldest int!qparian so- New York, April A-. '10NAL1 T"% TRYING Hassan, was brought back to Toron- , . as -S of WaIcs Volunteers in 1854, and was was reached to -day between Allan A. TheNspeakerg Ineluded Hon. Afar. TURK HAI Self L "the Ylgh : t constitutional sent to '.'.a Crimea, where he distlng- clei,y In Zingland. 'Ryan, chairman of the Stutz Motor tin Burrall, ('.1anadlan Alimster of .to. I .1 i L tuthority -with power to find the ac- .urshed himself, being ou6 r' the first A w4rd, to be hilown ae "The Lord Car Company,' and - the Customs; Ronald C. Lindsay, M. V. , ' E , N'T E ? Twa youthful auto thieves were . , protective, * raused not guilty As chArged but O., charge d affalres British Em- . sentenced at Torontq to three years . . 1. - ir to reach the Heights of Al la. Charles Beresford Memorial Ward," is committee organized to safeguard in- bassy; James M. Beek and P. Whit- FOR P A 116, E V -111H Eff * at Kingston and 9. third'to two years gu!*ty of a lesser offence, the an- to be endowed for men of the Royal a 'ithusiasm. vaned., I Company -Sergeant --tvi-,%jor George Navy ,in the Agnes Weston Sailors' rmrests of 58 Stock Exchange houses well Wilson, correspondents of the 1.1 The doors of the deliberation chain- ruvans, of flie Manchester Regimen ,. t, Rest, at DevoupGrt, and a new wing under contract -to deliver Stutz. stock, oondon Daily Newt.. Dr. W. E. . j hi.the Ontario Refoiniatory br Judge I : I . Coatsworth, . I I berbet were closod-almost hermett- received the Victoria Cross at the similarly entitled, will be endowed in by which settlement with Mr. Ryan Lambert, president of the society, , -___ I I + Leader's Envoy Takeo Brit- Two overdue vessoli, the .AjuertCan b4ly seal% are was arranged, presided. . % Two ushers stood by hands of the King At Buckingham the Sanore, Home Dock street, Lon- steamer, Cubadist, 'and the Mexican L each for the purpose, apparently, of Palace for conspicuous bravery and doiL There Is, A1140, to be a bas re- . The'Laettlernent price WAS fixed at Toasti vArc ,drunk to the Xing, ; A FREE ARMENIA. ish General to Meet tug, Samuel Faunce, were 1) . wa'rdlng off inquisitive newspaper- . devotion to duty at GuillemOnt III July lief In the crypt of St. Paul's Cathe- '025' A, share, plus $85 for a twenty the Prince of Wales and President . osted In men. But occadionally a disheveled, 3`0, 1016. Under heavyL'rifle and ma, dral. .Per cent. stock diviaend, plus $40 for Wilson. ill . IK e m a, 1. I London as missing. - .., I . .1 I I perspiring Senator would rush out of chine-gan fire lie delivered an import- Sorne blind masseurs are 'earning premiums for 20 days At $20 a day. - Air. Burroll said that hi. spite of Under Care of Norway a nid _.— - L Japan, has declared 'war on Soviet' , khe chamber and make a direct line e s S1 rt u Pear- W' -en trading in Stutz was suspended er,.tIcjsm there I.S a spirit of friondII4 - Russia, and America liar. glyen Ja- , ,ant message after five runners had 215 a w ek, say r A h r i I ­ , by the board of governors of thb Ex- jj ss b Constath1ople, April ".-(By the pan a free hand In Siberia Says a (it- , - dor the Senate bar, where he was tin- been killed in attempting to do so. eon. . etween, the peoples of Eng-"- Sweden, Likely. i . I L t4ediately surrounded by correspon- ' thange, sha,rGs were telling at 391, and 'America. Assuciatea Press) -Colouel'Jafar ,Tay- spatch from Hdrbin to a dents ,offering A Mons ribbon h Mr, A. J. King, from 1906 to 19' land and lie said Eng. th London to purchase for h1ift, as been found in- L 2 later odd lots were sold for more than eh . ' ar, Turkish comnuandant at Adrla- Daily Herald. . . . , . I s of France it only Side a cod landed at DrIdlington. Moral M. P, for Knutsford, Chqsbire, ;700 9, share. land I.Is hot decadent, but r abitat- ' r0pla, who last week called upon all The amount of Canada's 4aZa I for , I I 'Ithe best vintage. Combilssions for N, 0, G*s. will at died at Wi,adermere. Ing herself. Tliere was never a. Lronftj, April ,' .-Arincrila, ;­ de. I M0,31WMG to unite in an effort to "free 1 . I ' 'L lie. wor' -. talk. Many of the Senators When the Grimsby trawler Rugby, . Immediately after Che announce- time when men needed*cooler heads filiod by the Suprme Council at ,`itn ademnity from Germany ls:,)xow be - did. present be granted only In the caval:. mont that settlement, had been made, and stouter hearts than at this ma-: Re the Sultan Irotri -Allied Influenex;,11 an- in computed for presentatioli to the I I ry, Infantry and R.A.S.C. which recently sank inyistorlDusly in ,mo, cotio,,sts of tile E.Cpablic of Lri- _V ! I At. timeg the noise -shouts and the dock was raised her acacooko' were bids On the curb, where trading in ment, he sa.d, and said smilingly lie notinced ,that lie supported Damad tribunal created under the' Peace I ringing ot bolls-licard . within the While a football match was In pro- found Open Stutz opened with 550 bid and none hoped the United States would M.- van, Bitles -,Lud VELu, sayc3 a S" .r. Itorn,o Fer'd Pasha, Grand Vizlor', and had Treaty for considering such things., II I L . a, ' cae- I - I . . Chamber was simply deafening. It gress at Mod, FlIntshire, an unknown TO aitj Armstrong Collog New" I offered, declined .to $470 with none tricate iteelf from Its techm'cal state despatch to the I)a .ly News, ab, Ldo the Turkish 11,tatloualists. 11 ned The lnvestIgQtIons I Seemed oil several occasions as, if The Supreme VoLmell. has aband,uned All offlic -Instituted by the, 7 .. saroplarib flaw over the ground And tlo-on.-Tyne, ail anonymous London Offered. The stock market ' reacted to of War. . ars have heen ordered to Gorman MMInister of Defence'. says'a, - dropped a football. I I tile Idea of giving 'tile mandate f;r I report for servjee, within three days, _." . . disturbailets Might dovolopo into a man has ,offered to give 920,00 It . Lhe Settlement by an upward trendof Continuing AIr. Burrell said CanA- wireless message from Berlin, show 7 . . I tfiee-for-all fight. It was a stormy ' To ebinmemorate the passage the council will raise 4-150.000. prlc% Ift the e*ly trading. (Is would help the United States to Armenia to the Lat,gue of NatIons aG under poinity of c,ou t-mwlt.al, . there is no danger of - a revolution ! I -a. Jurors' room in a Criminal through the hospitals of 27,000 New A post card, with a Belgian post--.- rid this cont'nent of the prosenee of dbJectione ralaed by he L . scene,', Mr- Ityan previously bacl otfered to , a' result Of 1; I RRORY BOY, Deputy for Sivas, and thr6ateiitug in Pomerania, as recent- . . . Court building multipliel by twenty. Zealanders, a memorial is proposed mark, dated September 18, 1900, haE; . - ttle with traders short of Stutz at , a xem ly reported. . I . I r,e, an element which Is soe.king to Over- Council of the League of Nations, and I "rPuted mouthpleco, of Mu.3taph . i . The verdict would mean a Sentence for Walton-on-;Tbarnes, ,% arrived at Sheffield. It was addreosc,- $52.0 a share, but he later withdraw throw all constituted authority. He will ask neutral Norway ,lad Swed I at Nationalist leade'r, Is .re]oor,E,d to i. or five Year's banishment for Cal- ' I jUL the this offer, which firms involved con- to help the Armenian people U, t b i bes iL I h ve gone t Angora 1,.%dy George Cholmondelay, forrar A child christened at Ilryoo ed to on who Ig no Iong-or , said lie thought both countries would 06 , In company %vitb 14ux, which may, howevtr, be dim- mbe' town. . sidered, excessive, and announced ft a free state, an internation n nal. Townsend, of thl orly Clara Tayllor, of WItshington, . I whos s n culployco of ' a succeesful in stamping out radical D British . I I . 2 Wished to, one year, according as ex- the I Mr.,C. T, SmItif, Deputy ln,spector- would not be revived. * tendencies, illg;, floated to ff'nanco It, Says a Buvas Army, to roalte, an effort to affect a D.C., was In London granted b, decrie i tonifating circumstances are found. Great -Western Railway Company, Ila,% The settlement followed several deApaleh Enom S'an T?(,,w<). I for the restoration of conjugal Tight# " General of the Royal irlsiV-Constabut _.­ j­- ­ contpromise with Mustapha. Iticarceration In a fortress is 1N(Fthet the initials "G -W -R- a hs between th ___ =-I-*-- ..", . In We divorca court, . . sentence Which ut'n,y be pronuuliced The fact that Mr. 0, 1-1. Roberts M lary, has been appointed to succeed 6 1902000 CAPTIVES 11 __________ Em i committee representing the shorts and ; ontroller, h ' ' Sir Josenh Byrne as Inopector- __ J. L. Rose, of Orangedal%. N. . S., ­---_-__ _ , --I':— I to.morrGw When the High Court re- P., the late V ood 0 7.:.. Ryan, who, It was intimate - --'_7 _ 1_-________ — - - - ., ­ who secured the degree of naeliplor p all be- uetierw. - 41 I . "','­ Y V&" ;;:L' ., ' ,,.,Z ." " l , ":.- -i- l', .1. .'-,; ;_ .L.". _ . converies. It was the consensus of come a director of Home -Grown Sug- had cbHiorad Stutz stobk. This he de- -11. 1. I V12 .'j:­­­;­_:_,:, :­ ., 'A " . If. is officially stated that there Is i I , - I t , ' .'1'1, .1 of Divinity at, tile recent .examina- : 14C. tied, and said he bad acted merely to Still in Germany, but Bus- I - . A '* " k_,­ ­ j""'L" L, - .1 L" ­ 'L I , . I I apinion that the sentence would be ar, Ltd., is officiAlly confirmed, no truth in the rumor that Sir Eric ? 1! I 1­"., ­.,.­ , " , _ i_,.L. ­ L ": tions at the Theoelogleal Cotle (3, has _ I ­. .. .. V. . , , 1. 11 "...., * . 'I'S I.. ' I W . I ,eddea. .11inlater Dt Transport, intends ,, I ': . .!. , , :,; ,j " "L. I— -1 ;; been awarded tho Itugh Wfadd I 47a - . light, and that the 28 months which Two men were killed, one wa,, 0 protect '-'.'utz stockholders against a 11 21 . 0aillaux has spent in jail and a sana- drowned, and several others are gang of ralders!' who had Attempted sia. to G& Them. 11- L 1 ­' 71 ....' 'k_ . .- LL :: L " I L . -' ,);"_', ­` ,F , I : miss- t6 retire to take charge of rallWaiYg In I ,ft . 'A_; ,: :. 1 1 -ing _ q, - ., :.-, ' '' ..­%., Lw 0 , Scholarship, valued at give,lMn- : . torlum. would be taken Into considera- 'Ing through a p1lo-driving Apparatus 18outh America. to beat the price down. I : ;--. ­," .. , . A , ;­:t :­'­ `­: ,!";` ; ..L; . ' * I 1. do I _ : N _ _E:;,. '­". "', .­ - - ' . , I dred and fifty dollars. . . . L , : . ` . tion. collapsing at Bowling, on the Clyde. I Writing to the Workers' Un'on, the ' ­ .I.&V, I ' ­ L L" '­ .." ". " ' ,.;. , Walter Kirkwood, an culpfore of Ber -1 e., : , .; , . ,:.­",.', ,; . Ila cable says: Reetpreal re- _,*_F_L - , ; . . ,,, The former Premier's Attorneys Air. W. E:'Allan, one of the eldest jProrulor snys the Government. pro- , CRAZY ACROBAT :, -i-i; ::,:' , L : i . I , - ly1triation of remaining war prison- - , --. , ­1-., :Lj !, , , - 1 " Lf '. _ 'IL I ;? ,i;;: 'J $R. .."., . 6 'I. . .1 r 14 :.' 11 - I .L . _ ­ - the Yarmouth Dairy, of E5t, Thomas, I !.. . . I agp ,, . I "L L ­: L L: '. F .' :,"j':' I :­ . , , .- . I Were dieeftsolate over the verdict, farmers In Bucks, has been a Parish, poaeg to clo,ie Waltharn Abbey pow- ' . ors was agreed upon last nightlbe- .,. - . I ;0 I .." . '.. . , __ ._ 1', . . i: r.:.-,.,.* V11as ser!ously, If not fatally -injured, N:; . 1-1 L. i. . ,; ., , . . _ I ;,:..,. ...., . . .., - . . , -.1,; . . 1w .i.. L 1: _. , . -.. ' ­ _ . .: , I . '' _ .: L ; :. and rushed in An. automobile to' L the constable at Hughendon. for ienrly 50 Ider factor,v, Essex. and confine t,Vecri he German $tate Department .. . ­ .. I . L,:. I L..: j:..L..:."j.% . F­'; 6 :..- iL ,.' ., . ' 11. - . , "L. I -at the home of C. P. Morrison, Yar-. bf five years' banishment for Call- )Garg. x1r the Ties Up Mobile, Ala., by 1 I,& ., .., w i, . I ,V­ ::. "L'' I .._ , .. . "L.':' :L.', , ';'--.L '.' . ,,::,i" 'inouth Centro, When a portion of a ..".. 11, I . "I '. .. L , . 4, `i: L P",:, ... .. . . L :. 4iS:;; : " ".L :.':.: `, "' § "' '_ g M ' '';, .., . Ile knew Lord Beaconstiold manufacture of explos' re to (IrTotna, . . .. 4 , L k Verdict. The defendant had I and Russ,lan Commissary Kopp. The L .... .11 , . ffl .X 'P..' L", .: ":L. ". . V..- . . , i14 L , : . ' ", r -, .. ;,.,:.. . , - . L " , I .1 7 --: , .. % ..:: % 4 , , buildin- that was bofng raised tor ! "AUX Of theL well, Carliale. - We ow .., . 'i ,. . . " x , - ,,,t , ". L.. ", . :L;:!Z .­': 3Z : ,.. , . 111. ::: I , . ... . , . rowairied in -the sanatorium through - Wire Performance. - repatriation involv0s 190,000 Russians 'I'L ; _r .­, I 1- -K; :,. : , It "I ......" " L ' !.: :, , -­M!P ­ L 1 . . . . *L"''. L ., ,,­.. ,, .1. ­ ­1­1­11.1­' .T: ,? , " WK. , , "eLL..­ I . I - 'T ' LW , , .­',:, ­!. " , '..."! moving purposes toll it, bre%kirig his tha day's sitting. Before they started Dr. Bernard Albre; a director of the I 'rho Rev. Sydney Cave, of S'rtstol, - in Germany and 20,000 Germans In _. ." , _ " 4 44K- ,", '. '­ : _. ; , 6 2 , ; ", :L:; . '4 , . ­­ .2.: I ,X" - : i. L -"\ .' ;, ''. - _ _ , .L _,.. 4,k,, back and Inflicting internal Injuries,, L. , LL , 'LL." __;__ : blond Vichol, Company since itd!- In- has been aj polnted to tile Pres!(IODUY 1 4% ... . - -# ., - ­­: % 11 .1. .1-M ­ .. .... ­'- ; ..." caa '4. _ *A. _,.;.*'.' , 4 . away, however, Al. Moatct SAM to tile L Dussla. ,),% 9% ­­.. ;4 - A.. Ail,, " L.-- : metallurgist, wh Mobile, Ala., April L -,% . ,__ , . . " "W'i ORM ` `,, :-; , .," k Sir Auckl%ud Geddes, the now Brit - I z " 0ption,' and a ' o Is of-Cheshunt Coliege, ibj,!d4r,, Etc Is .N section of* The agToement stipulates that ,' . , _ L,' " . I I I! , . ,,, I .., ­ .*. I , - ; __Z, ., . _VV1 "'I ,Z_ _., . ­ ''. Ali ,; . " 11 4 I i- - ! ._ .,. ' Al. Caillaa*,, was FV12* . . t..."... ,--_; ,, ­-:'; , '.,.'.*j - . 'L".'.:­­;' ­., ':,,., .1 , ,, .1 Associqted Press. largely responsible for the company's 3b, and Was educated at tile C '.L , ­ I I . . ­ " - ­ , ', -;--i .; .j, ". recefted by I :; ` - ,, , , , U'f'M , 'I'M W , . ' ' ':` . L ` , ­­ _14% '.' 1; tsh Ambassador, was " . , ' ';§ :. ; ,., i, . 91 nI- - , F. :; ,-"-' . L " ., _" ..'.'. _ WX I " , '" . , Wk, , , " I J. -I , i . . ,' Secretary Coly at the U. S. State Do- A ­W N ., . ._ ft .., . . _4 IT expres-ily wish it will brA transport- .. ­ .1.1 . ,,, &'T )N - - 't'.11. -I , V .." - 11 __ , . . -1,:: p.%rtment, and Was accorde the-prlv , r , i "i't ; %d.? Ll'! , R." - I... Ll rl - . -amession Downham ellooses to Zs , ffij R - , . 4 -W ,: ­ I i .. I . L, "; l'onvicted not for what lie has done aged " ilty thie city is witaout electric power, there sball be no compulsor7 repa- , ,2-4-441 & 4, " - - ', , g(-livol alIL: at Hackney 4nd several street M lines are dje- tr!ation, and that only those Arlie .i .. but for what he might do W01 , Ile a,- aigh Position, has died. of 'London - & , 4N,411- N;-i.O mr. John Ileury., ewitt, of Maug- College ruPted this morning, because an ua- i _ Itnown but glited acrobat - -. g ." .. Ilege,of taking up the Embasgy ruat lowed to go tree." " .. I , ; , '.4','.,"r;ti,i-" ,ww.-4,f ,,. , '-L :­ !r shire, who In r - to Lord . . ., :,., Prior to this, M. Aloutet had sAid, ersbury Manor, Gloucester. d to their bomes. Transportatintl L . ,- . 'i . I 1 (e "', .: " Mr. John W. (411ber'. hlt,i ..-,- 'Am",*W Ip"7.40, kL jjf ' ..V,­ - .'.';'L";" , ­ . , I 11.rt­ , L. 71 , - ..- ....V_ - ters with tile depArtment,in advanca was I ..il -11 ... _ . , he ' , , Maug been eiceta give an exA.Wtion. or his okill -on the '3 . .1k I 1%, M, . , . in txpr6saing his conviction that the Ord of the Manor of overhead ciectF ,no -es ,of Poland, , * 'I -, ;.A. ,.O - . __ 4 2 I _ . . . . ­ . 4 , W 1 .ti of the presentatiori of his credalitiala throUgh the border stat -4. ,; . * -1 "' R i, V Itj chairman of the London County to ligat and telop ar L I -.1 -,3e " __­ .­ :_. 6'R , , .11;, ` ` , n havo been , - I ... .:..:,. : zM4;ge, - . , .A IV ng clr- bury and Stow-ou-thgrWoldl and f i-3,.,xiionia, Emil Livonia - .L ,' ,M_'.n4 A ! _-."; T, - . I - . U ­'. , K1, , to President NVI!son. I "' - iz , " %.,,; j.1g & '(­ - " . . , k, - =Al . 1111 I . J ..;,.. V ;... .. , - " , Council. Xro Augod through Che Ited Cross of Gen. . . -*Vllt: iO U-3, g -Ad : , , j . ." ,cmate would find extenuati Wilton,.I)hlpps W110 w1re.,s c,f & dowiitov u Street. .. N str 'et , I - , w W. ." ,% ,. 'jt7i i ,, ! If . t _ % 4unistances, and that tho sentence principal landowner M that di. . Imbed A, pole 148t night r NFIR., 5141" .- N 10i be 'ILIght.. has been appointed vi(fd-chairftian, is The man cl ova, Which ,will take charge of food- . , ". j 15 ,, ,Z - , , S, 0 j ., "The lellgtiii of thb haq died. , I .. ,4 There were 95 motor -cars find 41 1 would and began walking and swinging _ - the first noulan. to hold suca an " Ing the men during We'll- journey,. , $ euto .1 oukey-iixo among the NvIres. LA I motor trucks in the serv.te of the 1) ,rjee dOes not matter. The fact The death has taken 1)!;i o, at Dub. offica. I in arly. Welf-ro contras Will be OPOIled In I R . 1 1V : Ontario Government, Mr. R. LP. Ptalr- that there Is a sentcneO At all InGAUS lin, of the lion, Dav1d riltzGerald, X j)urjng a thick h, " , .. i .,." :j, balrn, Deputy AAlnistor. of Pabllo . ,Izv,, ,n ed on , " I R . Illsion took to -day he was dtill porch 1. ., ,! . F,he defeat Ot Liberty of thought. " . C., f ormorly County Court Judgo to., place off 11ohkelth, Firth of Forth, lofty seat, midway between two POIC61 Berlin and Moscow to TLICCIVO equal I ! 101,14 . . . . . . . . . . . . L. ... I It seems probable that M. Caillaux Waterford, Kilkenny, and Qlaon's betiveen the ,team trawlor (,Ovar -of Tho. police were unable to coax him nunvijers of home -corners. I .. Vvorlrs. told the Public Accounts will be donderrined to pay the 0sts C ty. A N ., to conic down, and have adopted a ___-4_4_4___ "I'll". Committee. . '' I I 'Jr. r,itzGerald was In his Granton, And the Ciranton steam lZot, : oun I . * a , r vessel. The 1,10ter mank And five pl*,ots PORc, of the trial, ftWounti= to MO 0 than 73rd year, in y of 1wateliful waiting, after hav- 44ADAM AND EVS." HOW ABOUT $1 A DOZZ,N 11011 THEISIF? Tilt, clause jormittlug thb creation 1, , afe 'ng 80,000 francs, ..Absent blily oriQ Sunday iu forty- were thrown fu,o the sea. Four were, , the cutrent cut off to prevent a . ­ --- Hope 1- a collootion of -1110 ,4000,,of 4 rD, Ostrjoh. - of -,;. ,ty, zones for I)brsonb wait. TUO crowd ground the Palace dls- fivb years Is the record claimisel byan resened, but Pilot AI(manaer Noble, of Possible electrocution. They exprcs,.i I . They wk-ght a.bout six for otrect. 6ars, thil-o avol4lu ; motor ' L i persed somewhat sullenly, Draldl d official of St. John's Church. Thptofi, Leith, ,,-vag drowned. the belief that he man hiv) I ccomc BUdape,Zt Would Keep' Pounds each. One equal!. a dozo n of t!JoUn of ha"Zibty Mrz Holl's, a0cjd,.,ntv, wo pact-ed`-rn Committob mt . by gendarmes, Cha ,%rs And bla" fj L lit 1911 the London County Coulell, exhillrated on bootleg Whiskey or I—- —_ -_­.__...___­.­_.­ -, __. I Staffordsh!ro. Ile has disoli%rgol the Fgmous Pailybin,("t- I — ­­ - --_L____._-_._,_-_.' _' ,. ­ ' ­­ ' , ... " ­ L- 'L .. ­ ­ -, 4­! . Toronto t were about evenly divided, but there nger, estahlit3hei r School for Waiters at the drugs, . . I . The elaaso in an act to ap,jend the Wa,'j nOL rioUng, The closing seone duties of organ -blower, bell -r! - L I , -jVa6s deVold even ojlfiStldUff$ except -warden. L. L3, (11, WeAtnituster Toolmleal Ineti- Juot before noon the man 61-mbed ) - ___!Tvw r ....... * ­64.__ . Municipal Apt. makitig s4ifte 'by- " " :: .: .'-LL '?­ _, , . , ­ ` ,. " '_­.",t ... ­ j,.,N,&.­"", ",_ ;'c !`-,';­, I Inwa passed by a, City Council op. , IL - I , , , L. _, '' - .. _ . :. . ­ "'. , 't.L. verger And church I Ituditt)C-.4t, .tprfl 2I. -V1,1001 of art are .. .. . .: :'j - , " "".... :: . :; " L:` :L '' '' ' . . ­ ­­ ­ ,, .. a pole Into tile waiting Arms ­::­::$:'! ;6 ` "L, ::.:.',.':*! ,:' ,, ... . - L -L ', L' L I.. " , 'L L , . , ­ ,­ ­. ­. ... - n two Wjg.h n Corporat.,on bas bou, I, ,, ,d tuto, and there are now thl;toen boys 0111rvilhlo police, and%gavo his uume a,,- concethn, 11101wy ful, tll(: jwrchaae by tho ' , . L _,' - L _ .1 for some hair -Dulling hetwee "11 th ','L*..:: ::j f ' "-.;­ L ,L"... I I L , . I . ., ­., ;.4 , ­j'j, : .. L : : " .' 'cable to within one mile beyond " ..,. , , '. I I . pl. Mae, * ", . I :­ , . '.. "'K, -a- ­­ . . farm at 1-10, ., ,: .':" L7'.4 , : " . ' ' ,; , . ". : : L L j " . '. , : IL:: gcgr It, Attendance. The E ation Coin- ' Gallery of the Plow- .%;:­-.: _ _ L, ',., L. ', L I corporation sewage . Charles Saundero, a Iffionlan, No had Nationni IlictUlle ' L:'q ' ' L 1. I I - I- ,: _ " . , L stylishly-0:0writil woulft - , . _7. ,.: . . , , ; %.:_L:­ . ':, ' ­.. . :,:!; :.:.:: : ""L L ,L ., : ,':,: . , L , . ,. , .' _ ' . . ."­ LL 1 4 "' ". : ,; , . " "I , L L . . i defeated before ' mitt0c consider that' the labor cou41- ;gjj ji. ,x)tq . L . .-.,,. :L .' L. " .. A I -, ,, .*,O,ow ...-.- . Aloss, containing 947, aeres, from Lord I been up ion hie li!gh porch for four- .;jjjt.j, J .er, Jordan'.9, "Adani and Vve," ;' *­:. ­,:­ ­, ",.:."i . L* ' -.1 I . , . , L ­'. _.W."n',11111. - ". -:<. , .. '.;L , '; . ';"',.': th6 ,city limits, wiu ", I I .1.1 . . ., .". .,. - ' L " ­ - 1'.1...; 14,.,.:, ,.. ': , - -.-,. .,. ...I., ' " L" , ,]V P::..:;,.,.'1 L. i ,. ,; , the Atunielpal C,oululittOO Of the Le ­_- L _. . - % - - "W.r 2 ­- ,:. - I , . . , . ; , ,. . , , ., L I 'WA- z- Z,L .. ., , 0 tieus lit tho hotel and restatirant trad teen hourp ' I - I.. ­ .1 -.,: - . : - - " ­'­ -_ " . - - , I - . I 0 . . The 1 01jco s , (iffork,rl for sale by a poor I Pjr Derby for 914,000. originnhy toed . ay be was tinue1wr In nuflftpest. Durinx the Coin -:1-:.. .1 - -, i - 0 Ny 171" : -,';',' ;­,,. ,,,,,, ;:O _, - '1131riturc. , ; t 1 I I 1, Derby saggested X2.,,,,600, or 2, &.."` ' L, ',.l ... I . ,) 1_2 juotify the continuance of the ach-vi I ,. . , . ., - crazed with nar0tica, of Which lie had njV,)j:;L 1-111g)'., t110 tN ChQr WaA M 911ard :; !- :, , , -,!I o , "` , Ott t . . N . ­ -1 I " , Govern. , , `4 ': L I W A I. , 1XV. ­­.'. , . 1 4 , - . , -: I V, ­;­,;.­, k" HUGE! FRAUDS-- IN' years, purellaso, I I until Faaettr, 1922. partaken at IntorvnIs whIldL lit j.c. paiace, or a Hungarian count. Ile I ,, ., , ., ." ­ I ­It is the Intention of"the , I Lill tll(.' I , - . . , . - ­ ,.` 1. -rywk-, and, wi a j,i- i 111. ,­ - ' J; if I >D I r - -_ Tlio 110ater (Air. J. C (,lohnork C. "'11(tt'"41 va'u""w1f' :At I . , _ ,:,Ml I ment to transfer to AlbortA, Saskat I . . , I , -*k, ! ' - . ,ir natuito,l At a meetingof Me srs . Dobenhams, , , Air. Ile told the officera he believed w,11-41, the vonlit pormitte(I 1111a to 1;eFc-t L ", I ,;-,%& 1547V A 4 - ­ s- . . .1 the London draDem, 'Air. 10'rumt M.G.) and waruens and clerl , L:. v , . ,, _ _0 , I t -, froal ; ,1 , , chowan. and Alanitoba, thL ot the the crowdo wlil,.h had gathered to ono p1me (j, .a. lifs collection. The .... , .; '%: ­ -, , Debonliam, the chairinAn, remarked Vntton-makerm' Company have re- Wate'll hinn, were bent upork lynching t1tchej%i choloC, tch Oil the Fletulkil, I " : , t . k,.,- I ­ *': . , I L ­ ,_­­ ­ A f I'VA01,cr-S as tp)on is tornis ft'.r and : ,- to . I ­ , 'idtable to all other,Provinces of th eently ylatted Waltoft, Liverpool, .11ted to, return to I I I "', -L I 11 ',#q ng , a Us S. WAR DEALS " .1n and ko const , 1,11.1 : .. that tile firm's experience WZ65 that witness t o manufacture of coloshes, I a round only after he had been ____4­ 1 I ! 11 I bomthion can be Arta d. " - . ,uen who had served In, the war were in Which the guild al'a "? ­ L, % I ft 11 1. -* proposing to RVIVIOLT ZMAE I . . ".­ L'.-," , - . .,*Ib— __ Or Ised )) tection b`V Datrolfflon, ... j " 1, L inor erp,st I #I, c -,. , " . _ . . `L 41 oeffielorAt because of that scrVito. jut thems,elves, The company I ne 6tinted with hin, from the I _ rmo , . I Remember, my boy,* 'sald tht old . washlngtc-i, April, . -- Attorney. The liom6 Soeretar Yantiouncea thaf, %vote !ncorpoilatoil with the "GaIO44110 to of ucnby_buI.1d4ngs. I ": . -" I "I ; - 'dilue, "tbLat politeness costs nothlng " .4 ..6 _ .: !t ____1 L . . , , General Palmer nallouncedoytaterdfty lie proposo.q to make general regUltft- N tera" In the l4tIj century. Landon, April t--ConstantlY r ar. I , . 11 f1loesn't It?" said young. :Robills6h. Mal Olt thtt Investigation by, the DepArtment tions for coahillnes Telating to pfteftu- 'Mr, Justlea, Aotbury, In the 14.1don , 115ow(I ou6 line compl-red life b; k ated'rci)i3rt% that a Plot having as Its ! .11 . I I - of justlee of altogee fraudulent War I$ cc a '. '. -It usually costs Die nly is at lit a tions against coal dust, precautions Law Courts. mvlo a declaration that game or chem. What do yon think P11*000 sh"uIt"e0nu ul)"I'411M, fit (,*all' I I I , . , , aft. U4-yp.t. lrektlid. and Ind1d, lit June i I bu,%' ­Alit-nits. I fontrget.w, had 11uucovqre4 illegal tran- agalust i pontaueoum combuqtlou. of the wide* cr Liout.-Col. James Pee- of that Idtal't t'r don t know. Any, Ig ejjjg j0]w.jjj..Xj in Now yo,jc, 1jave I r I : I " . , , t, ' ' lyns, 1 vas. 611 the stand in that Nactloym I*VolVlnjkz1IlII0t1 of ddIlAr., : 4 ; . i` I . 1, additional provisions ax to res. tor Charloo Greenhill J niagallcl, of the bow, we ate something like the pleees linproosed Briftob officials to tile extent I , " I I Cc. 4nj that thrmigh civil and erlinhial coo I L. I , ', so." "I 010C.t,'ht YOU told me you Cue, the use of electricity on tho sur- Ikugal Army, Wgx entitled to thil -when (jiloVo in Invts kga on. L li, I . ,d ilito the Wood#Ij box of omflng on foot ; t ti .. I I game, kjyjg antl Tl,,, reporto recolved here havo vorto I I 1 ucw noth.ur; About It." 111 dldnvt, -_,,, Vroseeutloft#, AoW eoniploftd or tinder and other matters, capital of One molety ()f her hueb.,trid',pt at the end of the I ; , L , 1' 1 vay large Ist.nis wo""Id be saved for face, emtAte. Tile I,muo tiltned upon proof Ate of equal value.' I-noijion so ral, as to 43ay that 11,1811 ovinDathizo5rs . r .1 .1 , L. I But Lundor tho re,gular proeeftte it I The doa,LU une ,oceurra4 at lVin. have eft the Ifolt(A Statc-s for (lanzwot. I "I - L ", ... ..''.. took three days to bring that ,out,,, - the GoyetuRIC'n". of domicile. The t6gtatnr wa(4 born ript. Egypt, all!] rildia to 'ItUtil A revolt in . .1 - I., *. ." - . S.,-1 I . .* ,o, flegrthnd combe, Glouaoiter, at th49 are of V2, Irllnllac I thl-4,.e countries. In this eolit tioll , ` 't __ . . . Judg , V In Wince, IlIft father was Pranph i The way of the 1.*ansgroAsor Is hard, ;, ..c .1 .'- , -1 . I . orti, b) I(It .. . 1, ezo Youchers ume have L Of tho Rev. Robert Noble Jackson, In. UrItIall Infriel4lis have taken cognizah0e I ,_ , . I 11 Vlatbusti-Ybu. know inuale ha# # of contrActs alc 40f Pity- on tAnd his mother waR ."Wikh. .Shir liad .-mid thd pamtor, who wom v1sitIng tho 6f " 'Itatenient Of 40L nl( Illbt-,I* of V4,11it- I . ­'­ ,­_il­ .A . , . wondorful hifluellice ov'" us, no"O.U. rssulted 1% ,th# witkItOldit's ylic-hirp. Tho P.*btto.fttlar . Thw!x right, agreetl the I lnoiit that he Oan wavo that a Soviet ! RN41.13H MOTOR JAUNTING CAR. I hurst-t know It. nitent. of Wincheolabo wid Mudelay bouxht a hoosA In Arg. I yri*ots by 116 Govemmo,nt filuountinig for ovor b4lf a ftntury. His flf dlt to6tator Ud obtainod 16tterg of nat- i ,01%Vlet. Thty mke YOU go to rhurrill IL V01a111AAh,-1 11,1A bi-Oft rv t ilp Ill gotj!h I "Did YOU *V0 f*61 ii. WK10 Anil 1.4 awaitillif tbtl tone or .1t,l the pover of a singer ovor you?,, ,,(ja, $6 #ppv%WAt#ly $4,420,W," tile Ds- Macy was undor the U". rmuk UrAllsatton. If his dom1f.110 *04 heli overy Sunday In this placs.o-cifto I I ,., ,to I The_!Motor 4m. with twojeoting seat t 0 carry two extra passenoarit, he YON, oftfri. I martj4d oA4, rovk kt,10*14 _ 111-04 'Wroott I evo lit ail," whon it unt)03 i ,V, - vwaftt J+ou"t lit K statomeat, f0t, *104r Of SlIkOV's 4"IrtfOrdoto *04 TtfncU kill wIdOw wOUld, t"s tahtl Uquirer. fums rowor. 446#11 0kb*V#, hils mads its Appoarm "*# In 11"0111"do _V t. OA.4— I I * WA 94 11 WRIA, I i . , I . 4 I . I , I I . I - 11 _. &' , - = 6 ..,,, " - +,, - , -1 I . - -1 09" - _ - __ - __Alft I . I - , . I __ I I I d 06th I - - - - . - _ . --- _L __­ 4 ­I _ , . ,