HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-04-29, Page 6% *% * I 1� I rt!!Vit!!V:!"- !a � I!" �`== ,-!rl 0 , ;­ I 0-ow'.*n ---10- -.--1-,.------.= � .,. . I . 1. 1.11, .111:li:l�,,���ll!""�=�1:1�Mlil.1.11100 owe� ­­. ,� � - 9W=Mt=1 I -- — - - I M 11 - 1. -- al 1100:,11 1111 I! � I I 1� �:Io�q�pl"41 IZ 11041 111�! I --------­ - ----- - I .�� 1 04 P 0 ::� 11`11111.2= I :MZ1 I.MtM4111.4111 � I . � . � . . J . A 'Ay U * "o .101,�lli��:1:1.11.1�,l�ll":."",�!�, � � -1— 1 . I pre 'S"VV , o orriAe lualnuationg WOU14 .4&*014-*Wy1* P .pmre, Clean, ,r aunt evory look or ,or4, ) 0411M not a, bit tired," be 0414, 'wDr . -1. 11 I - � .­ - 1 Se&W 41r,otightpa0keto 46 1 want Any t8a. I had Solna 07A the train. But what I do I to preserve Its, -aAtJv I I , I want is to 04P 4 ace, 1 have bri Due Zton"Omipcal .. ,A. QV t A gravatia rAmpoors Of the . I " '�"* "'T`74��, '" WRIPF""I"W"I"Foy" -, ""'' . i i I I goodl�essq . 11�, sea, t rough t o trees -no more. It . ", I , mothel� Is r,)stlAg, tion't dixt,11-h woduq4olay, ft $epteulber (1773),. , � 1� . It her Yet. oult you take =,a ft. a to . � Whort I WAUed, the 5il,tj� was Much the shore 44 0 OW me round a, bit?" beavio , - XOY,1 he, %004. She had turned Iritbau.ya tordAY44 but the w1iiii, 11 towar4fj the cottage. Sho Wanted still ; '* � - Jkli . 'I , I �f it I ,� �� 1.1 11 W %44ateil. ft broa)ctilst, the daly 1� , ; . more to turn the AeWIV-ArrIv.,4 -,-,---t � - . . � ; vq�s better, Sul In 4 little V.VhIle it I i*li. ovar to lVA%1C hospital4ty. 8110 h , , , Ad r'n . I was calm Ana 01.94r. we Ilad about I , . Ider- VAR Anil till$ m4n would got on, I A I I - : . Well together. AS for herself, g4e � two miles to ride w t4o sea -side, And I , I Meant to be frlen.41Y-yes. Carole � I � I I .. th6re we expected to get one of tile $ - a�l LIU) COMI fisly , .;1 1� 0070 r PRUIOuable. But she wanted 310 1 b4hts, belonglux-�AQ the fleet of bounty talks And Walko, such as seemed In beirlug-bussoil itiou an the coast, Or 1. . PrOOPOct now, But she caught a .r,ulQk, . Used In Mlllfoa� of Tea -Pets Da"Iv - .-- I , QUOS11074146 IOQI� In. his � at -1 least 4 goo(I country flshjng�boat. A =-, - . . , grey eyes. It I I 0ut while w . e were preparing to set � . . 1� ­­ . aectiled her. She opened the garden- , i I ou�,- there arrived 4 man wit] � x thd fol- --.-1------ ­-­­-------­---1-19ate, I � l � I 0 � . .� " yes," She said, off-Ilaudedly. . Donald M'Qucen� 0 1 0 9t right for a W411C now, A cool a Ju, lowing card fropi the Revervrid Mr. - ' "� I 41*. M'Queon% complimeitts to Xr. -11� r IS Spring up across the water. upswell"AU4 begs leave, to acquaint I- 4wfullY hot this afternoon , , I : 111M, that. forkring tile want of a proper � R. when Barry And 1 Went for A long I � , . h , in It W48 I � ,,, I ie ­ �1 tramp over the eliffs.11 . - d i t, d Time �`te,- a, , 1394t, as A-11101 4S the rain of yester- o I da�, might havecaused a stop, he tit - i- - z', - -.m, to z . I — I He miglit 40 Well hear Barry's name ,, � now at Skianwilin with Alaegillich4W A . ,# I � (it once. It came to her lips with aA WOUR XNOWIXO. I system in housecratt makoll, iessu,r for the housewito 4 cortatuty, havi I Over large in the house. Have hoglu . W , the Uitclien a slate containin, Ocllolu() Of duties alld timetable to Performance of same. Thus will mud 410 be avoliled. Herewith is a $am 010 chart which works well In on house: I 01 Nouilay-Wasbing, � Tuesolay-Iroulug and airing c clothes. . Weduesd�Y­Cleaulug of bedrooms Thursday-SeWtqg. FrIdRY-Cleaning of dowastair rooms, Saturfty--Ditto au4 ,shopping, Tam leaves, Don't throw tea leave away. Collect A weeUW le , Pall, Then pour over theiv, one qua . , of boiling water, And leave for on hour. ,Strain And bottle the brow: liquid. This is a splendid glos�� .maker. It used with a soft piece c , flannel on mirrors, glasses or Window it makes them shine like crystal. It I a very good cleaner also for varnish ad wood �N- d doors and furniture; 41S � ! 104'o (ther'Hikliland pxpression tot, YVA44L RM I missingf she asked Ves, her -appreha4ploua were right. �Oud Pleasure, and a renewqd flourb . I I — --------- -- � I -- ­ .-- ! . = for linoleum. Only a little should b 7 ' IsharPly. "What do you mo -an, Una?" Phe had entirely forgotten -for a mo-� �Iof Independence, If it Was not for put on the flannel, but It cleans. lin I 1,%Ird of Rasay) Carriage, to convey But Una did not Immediately ans- moutr-forgottert that a visitor most i Barry, and all Barry represented at 1 The Stronger ft,, oleum better than water, and it after h1m and Dr. Johnson to Rasay, where , - I I : , wer it -ad when she did it -was only be -on )its way to the cottage, she ARM CONDITIONS . I- --,--- - ley 1 I.. 9, p�! I or . th will Moot with'a most 4earty 4ii IndIrpof ply +n Tiff—as- 6stinn Euessdid who the appropellf- -1 . - ­ ward polished with a soft dust J � . w ome, and where. Alaclood, being on : a v1sits' how attends their 14- . "Is Barry satisfied with that? $lie ly, 0 4-f"" must be, and she gave a little laugh,. gives a Polish like beeswa;�. � ll I , mo- Mons," 1, I I . 8 Id, .4 "Does he 'not want an thing half -amused, half -angry, � xeep an open mind for every fres' suggestion lnv�pntlon, . k'#Wediaesday, afternoon," . lanore? Somehow I should have thought he would. oh, I,m so Why must Una be out of tile way at this particular moment? Could she � . This card waS most agreeable-, . It . was a prolog to that hospitable . .. , .moyA, disaPPOIAted." Mayo fluilg up her bead, What not appear and play hostess? Well, he Must have seen her"Xoya­gn)x� - I I I I — — . find truly Po1wrReeption which we Ili right had Una to say that? She spoke way. It Vas no use beating a retroit, I 91 im dollillh &ft- It dc% N found at Rasa)44 a little while or- bitt"ly. The best thing WU t , 0 Put a good face to "44A am , rived Mr, Dona , ,id rd"Queeti, himself', a doc�nt Minister', Ain eldarly mat), With . �, VDIsibpointed, are you? Well, so Olt It. Of course she did- ,not wish to. be the first to him;'buf HAMILTON, ONT. . his, own,1bIack`haIr,, coat I teous, And Is'the mater. Perhaps you and she would agree, though you take so ro- welcome in the circumstance, With the . tridepend. fixm W ADVVSQ�w I rather slow of speech, but candid, Sensible and well' informed, nay mantl� a view o things. She does not, once she could now.flourish in lit$ �- I , - - learned. Along with "'in Camel as you know, She looks at things from the ar4gle of pounds, shillings and face, It surely did not -matter muob� Moya advanced down -the garden path, L I our, pilot, a go4tleman whom I had a . . gre;xt desire to'see, Mr.� Malcolm Ma c- Porise. Her principal objection Is that Barry to a,mere boy still, and has "Mr. Berkeley?" she -asked. I I Vire, were expecting you, The mater had a; that It does what Is claimed ,for It, Miss H. L. Doxey, Aodo one of tbp� ,Ritsay . family, cele- not ' ' so much money as wlie this after noon. I'm R41. graduate nurse. of 3220 Michigan Ave,, -Chicago, I brated lit the -year 1746,6. He was � -as other people , ,Nloyq, .4 rM , 4- . � AaY4. "I have a patient who sut. fer-ed ter'ribly wit'n plies. zam-Buk, IS Vha nn ­�.A� .4� 11 ­ - --.----.--..--------,-�.,.�.--�-,�-�.,-�.-.--,.--, ­'. --- 1.1-111. .­­, -1 11 — --tv fpes- --11 ARLS N � T ED . gives a Polish like beeswa;�. As Reported Up to Tues _ The United States census Bureau I I xeep an open mind for every fres' suggestion lnv�pntlon, . I has taken the trouble to inquire into ) and but us day, April 6th. � the subject of longevity and has - I I I I — — r reached. the Coriellision,that the ago of I 91 im dollillh &ft- It dc% N The following Is a summary of re. 106 Is Possible for a human being, , I to "44A am . ports made by agricultural represeritit- but that no man .or woman has ever � HAMILTON, ONT. tiv% to the Ontario Department of p , eaft his or her 107th birthday, all :tbrieo � fixm W ADVVSQ�w Agriculture - to the contrary notwIthathad- � 'rop. ------- . I ftf.N.""e-ow W. -- 1 148 ACR4S. WIaLLINGTON. 65�w; Th; strong, keen winds prevailing during the latter part of the week Ing. ' 'In point- of longevity, women ar a Za=-BUk, 'because they have prov I I ed have _ been somewhat tryllig to fall far Abead of Men, generally Speaking. They t Iy Fire Insurance ,valuator. Th'1141 Va", that It does what Is claimed ,for It, Miss H. L. Doxey, wheat, whic , 31 is looking a little brown; but the roots of the plants are more' desistent t G diseases and .they live longer. 35 ACRBS CHorcV. FRUIT fttllt, graduate nurse. of 3220 Michigan Ave,, -Chicago, . are said to 'be strong, and a vigorous growth Is expected with the first Out Of 1,000 girls born 'Into the world, 74D live tO` roach the marriage. den produce. Good buildings, l4Wn etc.1 offered At a bargain for quick saia., �m- AaY4. "I have a patient who sut. fer-ed ter'ribly wit'n plies. zam-Buk, IS Vha nn ­�.A� .4� 11 ­ . I have, Perhaps. , I knew there would be F.P. . �'A �A AAAVOAA 0 Come .4014 - ­ I warm rain. Up to date there has been able age of 18� out of 1,000, boys, relief. bokVw now well pqrpprtioneii-�-wIth a manly position to this, Una, But I did not ineet you. But -but ishe' had it heid- — - � less heaving than usual of either fall Only 700 survive that lo . countenance, tanned bl . r the weather, op . ihis ; x expect It to come from you." ache -and -and is resting now." (intent, site would not be talking wheat or clover. TIfe latter crop to "I bave, used Zam-Bul; myself yidt'having a, rii4diriess, Ili his ellcolts, %hat last was stridtly'p,cour4 Uy Be Of 50 male deaths. Of the boy$, 250 for,the same allmentv also for sores I -t -�Of.yqltch his rough "Oh, Moya, I did not mean that' , to. No rkelaY with Perfect ease. doing 'well where there was, A good will live to be 69 years old, but 260 of and burns, and have the greatest , . ovoi� 4 .1d,gi% , pql mathing of her first exhilaratiori" catch last season, ,Which, I . - - � Ljjli,�,eyo wis qqlck You know It, If Barry Is young an� doixbt,Mrs. Ralelsh Was suffering from 'So. k Ilowever, the girls will be%Td 6:66404;`- has not much money -oh, there's I I I I .,III 1.11.� 11 I I came bac , before It had been darnped Was not general. birthday, safety Pass their 720ud . conildenee in it.', ,- � and, liveir at hii 1001C,was not fierce, by Una's words. Hez eyes sparkled, Maple syrup is selling at from ;3 to t,yl �40, . . . something Splendid in making one's jQ,g� She held up her face to Five boyi; (nearly) die for every . " ,. but - WA'N'�"W"I ' ' I 'g -C 4)xq .-aqd , future. together, In Working for it, In A Health Savi I the ' $4 a gallon. The run ,of sap so far four girls in the first mon 0% � ­ 4'�, firm salt goo oi-vu- in di�'4. " .i�, , a ",w" re a pair of 11 . breeze. has been comparatively ligh , th of life. - � ; "Isn?t It glorious?" she asked. "Now, Hay, Owing to tile scarciti of straw, . '' hiiii 44044i. 4nd left them, that, yet, Rem t W41t' what- of Longon? Isn't it qeer to keep up In price, the price per ton � only'iieiiil'to - � Don" ,Suk . I I Ko Aing out on 11fe and meaning to la t. . brogUes--�T . ,, . -rc Sta Out Of 1,000-, female babies born In � � goop-whi.4 came up conquer It. Oh It isn't in.der, 1918 half will be living in 1976, , . : I I bare --a I pil � �, I I k know, It's Just -Just—" Words I .. 4hink that far away, over those hills, from.,S17.50 to $19 a ton. A;d' yet Women are called the --I- I . � TPIOL FftbW , lit, - until you get the . I � - - , )s .� - . Hogs are being marketed slowly 0`111111y, . �vwoou­ilcl a black failed Uer, she faltered on, $111ill so Sli"'Sh ln�tlue=Al. there are crowds and noise and bustle? mw� I WaJjtCO*r"--_�AL' , � Oth coat. I � USE I . . ; at ;'weaker sex." So.they arb, 14useu- qppmr­ I . ­* � I. I I I - .bodnd with i* 0 4 -at yellowish dilokbolnteC�', she cried, (And there I I I A 133urrYing, Pushing world, tumbling from W,50 to ;10, a ton. arly, but it Is rn�tnifest that they are I I .., . , fte bo'Anei with. were hidden., tears In .her 'voice. over each In their hasto - to make Man�� pattle are selling in an un- the Stronger sox constitutionally, They , — . ,- I . I buiby wig-m� g9 ri, She turned away and left Koya. It MINARDS' LINIMENT., Money. , it's difficult to think of Lon- finished condition, owing to the , possess what b1olog)§t � brains to adaDt it to your -own hous . aid'.bld thread bliftow-' I neVor saw a a Term greater- : f1khre that gave'.0;-rke 0,P was the negrest the two sisters had � don here, Isn't It?"L -- - - - - I and houeehold, There is no ro�a I - ­ - I I " ' i feet repre- ever been to open quarrel, V% quar- , M the first sign of it, IVS Healing, Guy smiled. Perhaps ,it *as, lie . I 1. . . -1��7 road to labor soLvIng; the capable we � '4 er ­­A�lftatlon of a M1911-und gentleman, I reUed with OQ. one, Her temper Was Qualities are amazing. .. . . man must, and will,. work out her ow'] - . � a m0hed much to'-Uil�,J%i victire of him -a reverse of Moyq'o flerr and quick. . had Passed A IvOr-rVlAg. telling day in H , '. HORSEMEN FOR 28 YEARS H AVE LRFECOMM-E�OED Salvation. - th . , town- 240neY troilght its respon-!blll- 01 . ­ . J44 as he was. . �� 11ound him frait'll: The girl was. o6liselous of gjirprisib THE OLD RD, LIABLE, ties, he found, But it was cart . the household borax i's one of th, ,�r . - sense of, . tile ainly % F V ost useful articles, and should al : UM volite, In t4l � , L',* MINARD'S LI-NIMSNT CO., Ltd., �Pry difficult to think of London herq. I I ", SPOHN'S 01"STEMPER UMPOUNDI'm1n , , '" n6w. 'Una so seldom took a definite I;t � . . . 'Asoild. � Z ,0 , I . , , sts,nd.like this. "I'm so.diss,ppointed Yarmouth, N. s. , � The sun was sinkii -, Into th . L" - ,,, :', � ways be kept handy. Particularl, I . ,�thee'good faMW-,- . IC a sea- --q i;: - - , a ,Z For DISTFOUPMR, INFLUENZA, PINX21YID. CO'UGU, or - ,,. atrichatachin I (ft L, I useful is it for k6oping ineat, fish o sat4, they hoped"'t6;, S on our re- . -so disappoWedl" That cry echoed Into a soft Mist that Ptomised a 0 ,-j COLD. Twenty-six yeajrW use among -the best bors9men — . fine . � to 9074. ' tomorrow. There was a Pearly, vague A I in Aanerlea, hat given the COMPOUND4 an enviable record. other perishables fresh for an lengti . y "' ' �' ' a heitdachi. No.doubt' she would ap-' look over the sea, an indefinite pure I � Water is rendered softer to: , turn d ,$ Sha hurried out Into the cottage I as 9. Preventive and cure, A few drops tdal)y will keep the , of time. q , , We ro e, do* 'to the shore; Mif Malcolm w^ .� ,p Pear Presently, With recovered -Feoni� � - ,.q,with gr cefal animal In condition. and 419 system will) resist disease. Re - V , , 4 � � . A--ffity I " ��, I . � garden, I All was peace out there, postire and color under a deepening sky. Just a ;i�-R G gular d ,washing by having a small quantity o �­'�''.,.,�,�� , "PlritAho Miter, arlit now Una," , tee -like Serk�lty. f4o I L quiet $Well, WaVele. oses proscribed will cure. Buy 'off your druggist, I V1 - , ­ ,A � , # '$I , . ys� gs anol s4tene, like SPORN MED140A, 00, Goshen, Rq�jq U. S. A. borax dissolved in It. Borax In thi I I - Ve got Into , � a6yis carriage." � knew list, mother. L , , I �. thought Noya with a newborn cynt- thepeAceful rise And fall ofthe breast . � I 11 garden is a splendid agent. If dissol :9119, open boat The t4ll man glanced at her, then of a sleeping chI14. Guy looRei iniii, 11 � 11 " I Ma4e in Norwa,Y.�­-'it. d had now Clem, "Who next? Hardly Guy I . I I -- . 1, ------- ved'in hot water In the proportion o " , �*,wiu Bqk6ley.11 .He wop a fit the flowers In her hands, and than, l0na. He did not offer an answ 0 I ne pennyworth to a pint of water � - as , �ld not d4r at n, unheeded blossom Or two, falling or to scarcity of grain and, the high price Vvlablltty",�-z supor%or ability to sur- 11 `i'li ,04COarti.: . I I , it will kill gree rI46h pretty hig*,,�,ad�'i* -4g�lAst us, tor4pIll to,secild, or threaten, fLud I Moya's remark, The twastood silont,,, 11 -bii!61-%vo had foa,'StA .bw . � .. h �'*aj so,disappoillf6d, durel � sRi to %& feet. She had not offered 10 And then as If by common consent, of mill feeds, Young beef aninialo, VIV6, files on roses and plants, and whell ; efilhrly a Macl��d,.',..'it robust, blaci%- � shake hands with him# though t�e' however, are In good demand, vealers 0 ' 6d,11 felt , W�4 walked at along the edge ,applied to -apple trees suffering fron "It to I -%Vho-alm disappolixy turned Why nature so arranges matters is . . . ' v, h'Alf :4�ked, and bare- flo,0ers In her hands.wdre hardly suf�, of the firm sand, ribbed and de selling at from 12 to 17 cents a pound. beyond explaining, Apparently she blight proves most effective. Borai �ttk� . ,. �l'ie d fellov ; � . le&, sometirdi�. between a wild In- MOY,4,fo 'ID10�nOtnteil,'.11i Urik," She, ficlent excuse, Seeing how heedlesol�.' - eked Many dairy cows are coining In this tries to, make up, torift to some extent well sprinkled in the kitchen is alsi WA, , . �; with red gild graen seaweed. � - S a W'ed dowii .her charginowbile an sba,wag &OPPIng tharn-'.'He smlled'.� season earlier than, usual. by' 3 boy . di and an Hilillsh-Jar. Dr. Johnson bringing Into the- world 1,01 I effective in banishing black beetles , - 1,186tyOlfm Moya." ,His mannerwas. Moya was not unacewtomed to be Vorses range Ili value from $12D to babies to every 1,0000girl babies. But 1"lligh on the steft like a magnWt� , 1t4*' -3k4- Iku6hI4g1y,'Ask'4cT bar If be, lent With st0grigers, Usually,- �16 For cleaning windows, mirrors an( " " , . I , I uncomfortable memory -came of how I I I sg� ,4 . Triton. MalbOlM Snug SU EAV " ir'.. I I I . ' ' slinb16, dimet, that 9f * itil old triand, i 0i . 1 400.4- had got her out a one hole Into � , o,%Attero ,,A �qVgil, to the P00; hecording to weight. ' it is not enough, So much more . . .4 F� Ily eA 1� lamp glasses use borax Instead ano- "I phould have 1�ng '' that 'withoilt it agsy, to mA � in, found 1. � 1, )140 W4., � .ko - Auction sales are frequent In many hardy are, the girl babies that they . ,� sdikk, the. chorus 'olf �qhich was "Hat- , t r, and worse one. She hushed It, beigg .toloi 4�aall talk. BVt now 4ounties, and Surprisingly high prices' soda. A little borax added to blao: ,VIA,;foaM, foam drf�"'Wlth worea of )Its �. I 9� cl ItOwr �Whtlo still the thought of,Una's ords -'Ve seen ,PhOtOgra-911 'Qf the silence was Ao are actually a majority before the , * I I o*lf, -The tune gosoxhbled the I ­­ Iii w yoll; Y014 Poe. Well, '111p,evan earI1`eP' spoech, It was A ,t -one of InAbIlIty of are being paid for machinery and lead,fnakes it give brighter lustre wit, I V t A tr19ub1Pd thp,n 1 intended. I 6a4 ; - VAP'10 py*s, gtlimo,yk . gt. 4ll Awkward silence live.stock. second year of life is reached . M'* amang the Xv'at or.", Tile bbat- - I . ght the- train' ' - � a A 0 - less labor. I � * . milif and Mr. McOal-chorusell, and I Way. ' b4ope the one I sald'ori- the tole � At Ali, RAtI1611, ROYa found It full of �� I !!:1,. = — I 1. ---W� I -, � ,, � . I gr4m, Intorestinz; thoughts, as it i — . , UNANSWBRABLIM. . . , � � ­ .; � I wish I 4did not feel so mean And Am I too vaplyl, L 4 �.h!I4 At,,s. gilgilos iho A IlD the no (4rgocnaut.) I . ..O AIV� went welL,. . , 't len$th Naicolm, . . Ike. ' ' . � -a p � Keeping Flowers With Sugar. , I paltry and,false,?' owned Moye, honest- partr?, . �� , I TEMPLETON'S A furrier was selling a coat to a . ll�*elf took an�4A�� M!440#eit. 00*� . I deal to . So, I y n4 Guy had found ,TeAt , t Is re�orted t: -at two professor$ ol ­ . - . ly but,;vdufa �:fiot OV& It was'.1-11sk HIS smile was whimste4l. Moya felt :Re ,� � said. I 11 0 y. .Nve sairid 416 lit dbilist,of. , , turned rather suddenly at laot RHEUMATIC CAPSULES :wmnan customer' "Tes `W46m," hc ,, a school of agriculture have mad( . . g'. Unal" �vdrilg�'that ; mad.4'hei feel so. herself lnvoluntarll:� flushing. Had - � � 111 guamatee this to be'i�nulne skunk ft ,64-11ja, a ruggeu 1�land. , a' . he And spokq. He bad (Joep I For Afteen years 'the standard ,that will.,wear for years." some interesting experiments In pro. . I e Ay roac - to - . Ay was very I The ghl lip. iz,held up an, Ideal. of il ovd noticed her lack_pf welcome? Well,, � . ' � grey eyeS. apeclac for � 1*4ut suppose I get it wet in the rain?" longing the lives of cut.,flowers. Onc beau , .brl 4; ly' �16�ali own � with Wf kles at --wrin- ­ , �� mer -At 1 kl@s that Could !-idlcate fun and la%�,I- : ' Solatica, Lumbago, Wouralgia I a 41what n the corners I 1, - a - , lf'� afibnilk�o' P� ,dw 190a'g 0*11, she need not Ve Aade. She had . Rhournatism, liouritts, Gout sif6d the, woman. .1 - . W -w b ' a t4ouifiis. �� I I I hundred different flowers were uge4 I ,. . w efek � by & rveiiY to be once� perhaps. .But now, Inde-, � ter and occasionally ariger. She Many doctors pro3crIbe thoxd. effect will the water have on In the experiments, oand It was founi U i . . a , W it I Sol had to4do It," Moya endeavored to pendent. of him, there was no need for ' ' .1 I :Itt What -will happen to it then? Won't that sugar lifted to keep 'most 01 . , 4y.* '' 4uGion; a finp I I : noticed them for the first time as he x Toronto. for I 1; , . ; a 00 � . reftepure herself. "And as to being mean that. . � I Wdt4 to Tampletoor, 142 King St. W. Tommam ­ -lit Spoil?" I e Wit a conaidt.rauia I Spoke now. . fftashAp.le. sold byA*l1Qbledrut91#AoVQ*whor#fbr -1Xadavn,P1 answered the furrier, ,-I thdra fresh, but positively injurious tc nu r of trees -en, I ey 11 it hills 69 have only one answer. Did you ever lilies and sweet peas. It hastened the v tire auod I k and Paltry-nitirrYIng Guy Berkeley "You see," he went on, "London w --:s' "I'm glad we've met at last. 'We -hear of a. Skunk carrying an unbrella.11 . 11 . .- , - - " 4iii., - I , tion, a. wild- . , ��----- , . . . � a' -, I �4ir"g .. . wpuld be that. Anyway, his coming so stifling. And Vpined1or 'a breath� reamed fated not to meet. And I think - , I I .11,111, I opening of roses and orchids, but.dM - .. � '41 " I" . . LLLLL -;Sutte-'i,�Iei , grait Vo cj��hWyw.broughi�41soord into, the of ;3e.'Cajr, What Your mother wrote - not affect tulips, daisies or crysanthe- n . i & q1i , - . . we ought to meet zrad be good � " . spir ..r. 4oh4sou, observed Lhat home. It -ill -had to be, It's no use au& told me of this place tired Me 11 . friends How the XonMs Were Named. Ills, � I ,' regretting If" 1. with longing to seb It." --or enemies." I � 0 's PHOSPI-100twe, in" 44,hy , W1 w vetY'ancleut. As I Experiments were made with small . . ,It.was iucli an unexp_eeted chal- � no Great English Preparation. . qualilitleS Of chloral, ether, glycerine, we Came near ,th,67 sh6xo, the singing She walked about the narrow garden Ile '-was - loo' 'ng about him with IoUge'that she found hersblw staring .�p Tones atict Invigorates the whole I it by,LuAr ,pathp , , January gets Its name frorrs. ;anug; ; of our rowal.o.u.4-'s'awoode ,�,, _, frowning down at the flowers. unaffected pleasure. Noya, - ater ^ and ammonia draw a .�, p"ou=m. makes new Blood �Mcohol, limew . � u, raaP`e,w,-,-`w­4h6- . � 4 �­ . 1014? ­1�t��*060.; sui$rtsedly at him. - And ills smile February from robrua-DurificaLtion- '. " p, Used for lVervous � &Its, each of which served to length- � � did ,not say he . one out on her, 4 1h bid .8 f .*: 44y-". -406:i1Z � ridiculaiii rdman�ce,` bre4b, At liaat,,he Sabine word, March jroni' Mars; Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, 'en the lives of various flowers. Sonit . And wuW:seemod to allout ,us iuueh as she told herself fiercely. "She!s full haii'been pining to see her! Or even "�"Enemles? Is I that? Wall, I CaWt -April from aptrio-openi may from � limp.ndeng. Loss iaf fin%v,.Patpitat1on: 0 1 . -was to meet �t __ I 1whiia they worked wita a of otory-book ideas-notlons that that his obje,.t In corring ri � f the flowers kept in sugar and water to olng�4 wonder. rve got the money you ex, gala, goddeso of grcwth; June from .: the Heart, aitftfftwory.; rice $1 Ver box,six .0 bt,uu4in*4'activIty, just as we landed, would never w,Qrlr. out ppope,ly in her! If she felt a little taken back, peeted. And, what's more, I'm afraid Junius; July from Julius; August' � for#$3,,, .9610 � - . y 411 ftsgists, or malledJaplain lived four times as long as they or - I obbur"A a. crow. or rather the r4ths ordinary OW--ft"VoWd. be hopeless she did not show It. . ft. an r 4o. Xeso pamphlel mailed ,dinarily would. 1. L from Augustus; September from Sap- .p � ecolpt of p to keep the fir,00-1WE WMIAE I ,10908TO.Oft ' The sugar does not have exactly - of one,-114pon a rock, which haal,'to tolling � h4j1he truth aWdUt this, -She "Yowll come in," she said. -"Tea 4A I must, say that I wa,ut * - seven; October from octo- , ZCINE CM. ' aligion. � �­I, 0 , But you% have money. Ili fact, I'm very Waill It was tam I i I , A . I ;.�, equal effect on the different flowers me -a Pltsalug veatige. of, r . '014111A0tAfifuk it VrOA#"would re- over some time ago. . , POIUIIV04�4 large COmparily 0041itg out Ing - - t lett to-,me.11 � eight; November fzom novern - nine; . . I I CARIDLESS or NIX it preserves. Carnations seem to like ;gt­0 000 ft,adeekity -f6r it, 0h some. Oh, yes, you must, after-tha , ' 1 $�l 1 Milk I . �Stlll MOY4 only stared surprisedl December from decera-ton. a 15 per cent. solution and roses do , t -'we 41 'do t people with hig ' . Imin thChouse. We met heui-�` . 06)� b long journey. And 'Una is Indoors. V. I Mrs. Joudi� mirth was so nounced wallced!'16. Therd, ,weri, XasaY him-" - Ideald hud ldeiai of duty are the most - somewhere. Y- ;Aster, you know. Vou She Was astonished at his courage in � tha:t it attracted the attentipllt of her bet'.ar In a solution of from 8 to 10 , * � _ - I aelf, hld,�brother, Dr. ilfacleod; his hilh0<1olkl-In. the world?'* must'see her. The boy�.are out.jtlst� coming thus straight to the Point. For 1101NE a Wholesome, ClellaS11149 ,husband. por cent. * � thiff he had suggested 0-te vralk -no _ Refreshing aild Hialles, � t1what are you laughing at?" he aslt- — rlolohew�Aho Lairdeof 31'Kinnon; the Shit, did' iiot,, follow that thought now, They went fishing, with an old . -1 �ed. '� rth *�tb4,t Una's disappoint ant , fisherman who lives here. Mother 'Still llma,uclls letter. She writes that they - lAird QV IAclood; , plonol .11acleod, of Ili I doubt. She saw that now. But Lallan-MuduatorRe& I - . ,� ke%lan officei-In. tdo Dutch eor- and g`*tle ionsure w6o ,,,,,,,,, ,in more Was she surprIsedat his straight. 7-0,-, sessi Soreness,0ftula-' I . n a, does not,mind them going with hira. -. . �had foggy weather all the way across." " DR. MARTEL'S PILLS' "' 6 0 , - . tion, Utning , "I don't �goe anything funny In that, I . vic)' _ k ry genteel -man, and a 14itli- little rd�tlq's* volee throup her heart. T40ugh she's nervous of them going Lorwardness: He W. -.S 'not afraid to, ,itchingand1l � ' -,No,, but she �adds that the captain I ful'(1bra6'h of the f4mkiy; LNIr. Mae- ii say -he wanted the money. �1(00k- of - or Ey41lds*.,. i . FOR WOMENS AILMENTS I a VOICO 01ch colild uot be Silenced_ by'themselyes-can alway3 Imagine Nat 'at 012 Drats"'After the or,Golf 4nust have neglected to take,out clearing , Thousands of women have testified in tha last 25 lead ot�'*uiravanslde, 1,beet known by She bent do*li 4W�* -plucked the flow. them falling overboard In an on- s oya had at loss Will win qbur coafide" 11 r �papers." I Yeats re -of Vir. wouderod whether he w6uld offer bar for Murinewbeu Your , 1!991* It, a - 0. MAI PSUALEPILLS. A Scieuti&ally the xlau*�of Sandie Wailbod, who was ars carelessly, arid dropped them from id avor to land a whale!" - . any 0 a on , She haCknown dC 1� CTR&rdingthe healine qualities long Iniville -411 account Of the Part her hands as heedlessly, But just then - a Hursna x3re a 11 COO. bwc"ap , OU ? � prepared remedy for- delayed and painful I which 1W too She wag .talking quite, naturallY. In Mr. , 0 ul not tolerate that. But �, Princeton Tiger.) . menstruation. fl�.Id only in U Patented Tisi� .1. k in 1745, and several ar the bottom 'of her illind was a soorat, .1 ' -----, no said to, her, over the telephone, Hinge-f9ver 33-=. :At your Drucelst, or dire4t In s. NV,�� wi*q ,, ch i Or Interest as aroused. I Mai. Dries $2.60, Knitkerbocker Rtm welcomed _'WbR'O§ l' ���w . 69.1 Other 060so 0 !�11�,sun" pleasure. ,She cou'ld falk to 1his 'Mall n araRn NEED1115. After b1s: weekly visit; 7"[Froulft.9ast Tovouto.Coftids, 1�1 I, � I 'a' �" a" (6&� 6ib k a t�a�, h as she, pleAsed, 'No oil ow could, . - the houid, wl " �',',Clttl:22 " 'all 8 n the breeze 'ruffle his dark hair. It suit for her/boY): "Do YOU want the "Why, Yes." sh -- : Upon t6o) green � . �� read Wse Ideas Into'what She said or e too , off his straw hato and let Tailor (to mother who to buying a "Dearest, will you mar 'y 01# !8A Wj�b 4, t 1 4 Is It?" I � 1 e ra art. ,� I . .4 Laid, I wl�o to, Ladj�ftasay, WE w4s surrounded . War. tipped --11*,. grey. MOVA 0aw'It shoulders padded?" I - - - . I I . , ­ I ... I . I , yOt he Was not an old men. What Little Boy: "No. mamma: toll him to Minard's Llnlme I uuVderoug falgily, cons!sthig of .-- I I I 11 I , V I 111MI ­, � I 1. ,nt cures Dandruff, 1. b � I I I ­ � ­ - . 11 - . . I Transportation of the Future, I ­ I , .s". � � t1reao $ ore T4- I I boa brought Mose, grey hair$? She pad the knickerbocker4.11 - V8, and teA dallghte . , ----07 O.- IMPOSSIBLID. - -1 Laird. O , Rasay to 'a. sagible, pollte�,'-* - -�-��­�- ... �. 10111MING100000001011 Wondered.. She Soon learned, Millard's GnIment Relieves Neuralgia Transportation ;s the- fundamental I ' ­ I � -go . arogn, I was . . I .. I read where a prominent doe� - and .mo*-'ho6pItabl4 -n . ' � : "Ye% I wanted the Money," he said � 6.04-- . plains tor ex of progress in civilization. All things told 1:1101liq Island of R*ay, and that The S1380jalitt and he spoke more. to, the ses,,th�.-n COURSID Or, WISDOV. I ' - � '. I D, WARD I -,- I � That wearing tight ohoes will affect a must pass through It as through the I of Roni� 1(frorn which th , e.oldest So# �, .. � ';;;;- I ­ to ner. His face Was turned, thought. ,$$What do you do -when a, woman asks girl's brains; . neck of a bottle, If we can transport ` L, D��"Ta- - q� v,z,: ful, yonderilig, to that Pearly dictance your advice?" � of the fallilly hae WATtlp ,AjA' , i 441UNke, OUZAL,bi� y0im . I cannot agree with that gentlemans ,.I,, .94 q6�- NIA6XRA Postpone giving It until I find out views, energy without using cars to catty It, � alderalil �Oxteat OC4(iud Alph�144�, as. 1. -*mt- 11 ­ -1 I . of haze and horizon. "Needed It, too, " there is just Lo much gain. Electri. I i ­ , I I 11 . What she has .made up her mind to V or girls that have -brains do not pur. , 41 . . � -1 . , , - felit hill lit, �- " . ". .1 .. . I I I � . ylbU ' 11 njaUbt Longed Irr It, perhaps. And, worked- do." chase tight shoes, city is energy with out substance. Its in tO. not altog#$Uegi 1� I Very lar$* revenuq;, d-�N*4* 11yod �� I." �% Are I E - tiwar,fioms valuable years of ray life � I I W , 11 ­�# ;4, � - . � ssss`ss* transmission calls for no vchicle other yhl'lso'­&� 9-6� 1 . Aa to 'ydVe trouble? Hav6 you' some skin In the vain effort to &mass IVO . � . - ­ - 11 � .­ � � ­ . ,� ." I 'i ­ - � � an a copper wire. Rener Is It obvi- ,�, I . - 7, = I a I ..." �*. - � m.. lk . ous that we must look to7 electr 7 Y. A miser, ..i . � -, .1w .<'?.V.ri - for distribif.Ing the iwer on which ` a , P4,-,;? -,­�­,-­ , e, a want& .. = . . A;.�; , . .... 9- !!� froil ill ilssing fil "people, that, in * . �Was- he so mercenary, 'then? Moya g I , � - .. IcIty the pres2t rage for emigration, not a . eruption that It stubborn, has resilated treat� hbLd sUnDected it, pdr-3til �� = I Man ha4i�left h 11' I., "li " , 1. � .df �-, 11 .� Mont t I a there a nervous condition which p6rhaps, with ror money? Re I ��- ) - . ­ ... , '. -.Z. I` our econointo future as a nation' re- Y,c o'k ftih'-We . I does not Improve in spite of; rest,, d16t mught some of that thought on her � .. V" ' ponds. � It wile,past 6 OVA , and' I .., - . -- .. � , tived. . ;141 On a sidit4wrd,wikir placed .? I I 1400 as he turned his OY09 for P. briq ' - - . . It .. ..� . 4 6 I � I for us, ,who had come � off the 'sea, a " JI r I medlefirket Are you 'going down h111 steadily? second from the sea, and he laughod. J ;v 1- t�� , 11 Minarc?x Lintmentfor sale overywhero � 4001atiAl dlnner.4�',,:-,',"-�ki6j."eLq'di4ii� � 9 AREt YOU N.`-,fkV0U9# and d0spondantt weak ,. Vr4 I . M 5 ,---Z=Z,-�, - -�, . � � V . e No not that. I didn't Want tly I I 5 " " -:-:-: ;,_- - . the roont several elegantly bound I and debliltutdd, tired, .morninds; no ardbition zi4lt:4 "a 0e up some chinifter-or �� I �- ,,�---,�-­, ': ,��d, - books 41* other Marks of Improved -lifeless; memory gone; *0911Y 'filtiqued; iex-, butlM treasure in a garden.., t just � I - & ­ � 1. .1. ­­ - 1. I 1310oked by Caterpillars, . life, S#OtL afterward a fiddler ap- 01tabla and Irritable; 'lack of energy and cotiff- I ", V#ared,ro vanted It to spend It. Heavens!- � Y, . lf�tlbug,may hold. tip a locomotive. _d a littlelbalfoogaii. lill,my dencef Is there falling power, a drain On the � What I felt I could do with Mon I - I 11 I I I . I at a to say, there are, oamig i 07, I L Ct hi 47aterpillars wilt Sometimes bilfta6lf-datieed with as Much stilrit systatilf. 0onsult thol,,ild. r0lable tpeolikllot#4 when, L f saw 0�.l t'Alo Poverty around '. '. 11 us any ifian, and ,Xaleolm bounded � , I I lh6.#J,:.,,' � 't $Warm Gn railway tracks In Such oil- I Ike a r". Sandie Wiltiod, who 1104 : - . ,.- . . . . . . . . � I � �^ . .noirmolis Pumbers its to Prevent the fit tIM46 excowt1re flow of , I , �k' - t,, 6YMPTOWS OF VAMOUS AILMENTS. I -11% oes f..%Shed ,arid deepened, "I'va [Agull4l;u , Spirits, , . 4 .. -1 , I ­ ��­ -1 ,,, car ,wbeelg from going round, They Knot badX eA I ft - roN&ed AUtte of the bd6y, Y.ervouariess, desponftnty', poor ot plans., Some. Of them tx& already '! el? -0 ., "I just "PlitliLt" and thot train Is bonugiit I L The Insects Involved In this so)t , � ;, ­�`) , I - m Intin ,in � Aym Inem of weight, Insoluffla. Dr. Ward givos you the benefit of 20 years' 1�"" ,ft Uow, was,,bf his days of : t"Cu"erv.,lad "Of wlil 'power. timid. IrrItAbI6 didposIticn, diminished -bower of tit � work� Yes Work -not chat-ty. I Abseond1wip'. k , . "a nown illf lth& same of - (cVp1'0Q1'.ft-, energy atid concentratl6n, fear of Impending danger or rhisfor- i - flave, Your c- I - 011a ta , stand, till, , � -1 Which, ft tollllha lots t *� - twia, Mows(nedis and teudency to, sloop, unrestful zleep, dark rin0a undef, pilist ,te'll you till About them soyael� , I I ' R of a R,.n',a of wild he � time. 'I don't believe e � ­ � , y � "4004 1A a ' . ­­= ... ­� 11 I , � , ..;­ th - , Ali 0 0006 lit the treattnent of All chronic, nervous, blood and (,kin When You ate 0,11 the spending that Done by Exp , Q ol mitchlef are m -*4 ofter the ar a 11141anda, loonlething h6twe4ot, F � worm, the cotton Worm, Ube tont ca.,' t . � aijuveN. r6e above Symptoms, and many others not mentioned, show . V �i&rid Don Quixotta, and so. lie � � . � . Molloy, mearls." ­­ Aon!y- thiti, isomethins is wrotig with Your Physical cotidition and that you Cloth:tg, fii�o�usehold draperies, linen and dell'6i6 ' ' terpIllar and migratory locusto, fto tallbd bete. Ile Inade murb jovial . , , #4 #XPO.-t atlIN141*114 Moya wag silent, Her heart was. fpbries ran be eleanea ana malietto,loolk as fresh n Swarms of huge - water beetles* Itavo , �� %tea, why mutter totiger? Let plo, makis you a vigordua man. Lot r4o I * 14tore, yoorphysioal condition to fall mAnhood. Don't be a Weaklitilt O'by aurit, how stfligy and ung6irorous w is - and bright as when first bought. 6 . : been known to halt trains In this nolge. ft. Johnson,wais 46�4-ellgh%tl beating fast, Shoromembend her old witli thli,rVene, thaf he so , "I k9ow ; " 310Ur triln:l to. COW6 to M45 stnd X Will SIV6 the best treat- that bousahold where money abound- I way. not boW We shall rA w3yl. " I t e ii, , 1. ,,)P,,",t,r�,,,�",,:",,",,,,,!,,,,,-th, one safteAsful treatment b"6d On th6 eiLph)rl- ' I ** . I , 0 -- tettiL1na1,r4o to ob6arve him sfttlilg ­"�,ft ytoes-in-troAtlot -then and their allments, -the old ladv, had called Minardle Linimefit CuPos SurnS, eft. 01'. Wt lit. Had ishe perchance left h4rinoney ,� .,.­­­,,*.4,4,-- Attation-*dmetini'm 411.arolllnK ; " , kind lot r6para-. ' 01livalrous Pr*aW. I td Duy 13erkoley as t, y ,1"9 � , " , by, WhIbi we dAnc*d, somAtln)o* Iii ' , rd19 Mothods U nrl vallod, Thotough slid Permlintrit, oil. Vrugality Cleanina and,V e. ' I - , Do you realize that you have only pilti lift to llye-4o you rest.lIxe thiLt L � coalgoAtly-witietimet looklftuftu -, ;,4111bl Ate MIASMS most Of that lit* by III lift1th 7 A life Worth living Is tion ,for thoso niolin, grudging yearo Is Properly Dont at ParktjA ROOM',# '!Roman 1116torr-and 44ft-"LT "Ithy litsi. wesloat. of 04100heldth has Vat Many a mom In Ills ­*Atl for no dther rimoon that Tdoys, I -,- times tming a Irttle'l majdat *rX*e. might 'have IviagIfted? "A'suddonflood It rnak(% to dIff#terw6 Vberi� you lIV48; paroela tali be Tile wife of a wounded soldier -was the I I hkft bterk telling men thess, things for many Yearg but still ther6 are Or! new IoAri -were', ro . sent In by mail or exprAms, The same care And atten- give,4 it Permit to France, to SOO him be - "14a o*tbe blill. to Mr. D4%n0,Jd ' thstiswi4s of Vleft.4 WbO, tor various rftsons, lio.y# ,not hAd thO road ,� - wring into he tion Is giveft the work all MOP,& you lived In tra, I ir MIQU6011 � who anxidualy gathered 1 #0044 t* ftnif (thd g6t Well. . gftVs�jiftldd, And all, at onee the fait . . foro lie dlea, S4%Vs tile London <Engrand) I Wo will ba plan Abd to *dvlm you on silly 4yeatl6n kawrie(l ftm him. RA WIA D'eased .j 0eld6lifit Aft th* tr6atuient of nerrous ponditions, nervotin exhauhtlwi, Irw ir)*u 14�** nwow 4ft4 paltry bt- ragardind Closinfog of Pylng� WRIT11 U$# � Ntorning Post. The funcral was on a W$th Nil aeft, Ant! 48414 to Me "Thit - lullfteo, viliournattarn, stornach and liver ttoub4, acno. akin 004,tha%ll, V I � wet, told day. At the gmvesldo the � 144!�w Woo that Why Guy Berkeley Wall . . ; 00. tiorru, sthtftft, r"tal troubl.4, piles, fistula wlil blood wun. I "o" to * or I Man, air. Thero kst be , flom. ' I I ehapickin wIlIsDerw to the wonia'll "NOW ' t ' i � " " ' � -11 7Anw, ft4s I �t -1d liz dq,r 1.1 Fo,p; elsa I 0 44 404 d dath _ , t t5a W 0 - I � M , I - 2M�i , , EAS ' ;t h r .1n vlll' C( YI ' It on ... , Im � I I- , I I I peat vi of mind to %Ptke blyn oul- � I OFF109 Houns., 0 a.m. to 6 P.M. $u"days-10 A.M. -.0 I PAM, 910A that ho'bad the money, that no I P -' 10, 1. W �- - - , 1. t1litte 10 Ifir A* rAAA la thO 1414vt I't , uutbinkins,'liftilless sIft bad Inherited a , itt .1 X aw going to offer up a Drayer," "Then Mr. wh , 'he rdight d4 r9hnut It. ' 1PASS 60N8t;LTA`l`10N 9XAMINATION, Itl Tut ho, 0, oftli who h" pw"4 rkers, Y,o or .1 WW I must, kneel," she SAM ,,N.o nover vtl�� . mind kneeling., Just stand," lie whisper- �. 1. It Is w4wrtal bow P�Aw-ofher%**� � 4 store - " 6n. lk"Tuit uAls's O" "41t to rdy otfift for tkftosh vAu*'.1i% M of amow sAd 10 r$t , I ,*d,=r,#tb9#yftV141arf­o TMLm1tnnV"1UlIroadL fare will be donsl4omd " Put ed again But a Tolonly uliderstood her 104 he kad. Th", -r-,it bo, a .A bsttllq, tiould 4o to inuoh more good adw r*4& 1 411pped off his eoxt, rolletl it � 1,;. r . A ft* C""�A% *&hey o4o#ptod at full value. ­ I - I -111-111111 I distreso �1' ,1 Og I every *P Mty " &A 74 NN,gam squitroo flufflilo, N. V. *ft it **A the htmlf could? morx � M 1�5=�-­­ . r0lorr, and Irdd It for her on the JI I ., -.-- '. " 11 Z f1ft Alikk6li "A "01". , - ""'do - . weli's t��;, r r =211117 --------- � I --1 ­ --- .., .... ... . I ..... .. I—" L, . .-', W p (Mlid, so she knelt and was 1 ;Zft rll�, ra,f � . - -E � ooafortg �� .1 , W . I i=r " HIM, --,-- (To ll* "atlAusa.) � "Igo I 00 '.'-r I ' � � , L �. - I I A'-, . � I I , I 1, V . ?.*,I,;7�e­sV"!e, �JjiL � . � ��,t."-t e�� -,'A , ..",�, � 1, �� ­ i 0 I I * . , ., � 4 I ; 7 Ir 1 --.----.--..--------,-�.,.�.--�-,�-�.,-�.-.--,.--, ­'. --- 1.1-111. .­­, -1 11 — --tv fpes- --11 ARLS N � T ED . .0 futRIENCE0 AND UAI, wo $ 1 �� I I VOR . I UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY DEPTS, , - . ) (luarill1toed wag,* to Jol0rool% 8isturdayis off In July and Aug* 04ttetoria with moulf M coot, r Clean, healthy work. $toady omploymont, .1 Good W31000. , I Writo for further Information . I ZIMMERMAN RELIANCE, tiod � HAMILTON, ONT. , I- � 11 F - - I ..... ..... I'll, .1 ", I'll, ..... I ..... I'll, r , "' I I I ... T , � ... � - , - . I � - � � � ISSUE .NO,' 17', 1920 .I.— I.:. ,..I: '...=.1v =Aftl= , � IVARMS S"Zr � 'rop. ------- . I ftf.N.""e-ow W. -- 1 148 ACR4S. WIaLLINGTON. 65�w; I ty, PO Per acre, choice clay loam, � 10 -acres hardwood bush, well dralned And in a ulgii state of cultivation, no waste � land good water supplyo convenlont to . tOw�, school and church, rurAtl wgill and . telephone, good ecad. The b%ildin A are nearly new and Valued last year f t Iy Fire Insurance ,valuator. Th'1141 Va", never had a crop failure and'Ali. mec. i Ond to none foil producing or bey. grain Terms reasonable. ,BQx 9, woore.leld, ) Ont. ! V 1 35 ACRBS CHorcV. FRUIT fttllt, . corner tot, near the, L.soce­o.oilven. lent to stations and market, well planted with an assortea variety of fruit, bear* Ing, virgin, ,9011, never grain cropped and esPeciallY -1-daPted for fruit Atid gar! den produce. Good buildings, l4Wn etc.1 offered At a bargain for quick saia., �m- mediate, possession. J. D. Biggar, 205 Clyde Block, Hamilton, Ont, (Regent 934). ------ �1 HELP -XANTED � VIANTED '�� IRSTCLASS XXITTErt. 4XPL-p F. lencei.3 Dub)-ul ., cn Flat pashlolli ng . machine. Goo4 wages paid .to otgabla man, Best %voyking r.ondi Iona In daylight M414. Atercury lAills­Ltit., uaraliton, or�t. 1 1 .. . . 4 W OOLLr,N IvILL nw,p WADmom- We have .several good openll�ga for , eXperlonded and Inexperienced male AZ4 remale bell). We require girls for w,eav- Ing and winding. Zvery assistance given to, learners, and good wages paid dur- idg apprenticeship. Workers in -this n Very "' wages, and are al- ways in ftnlandt 'Only a couple � of . weeks' time net3essary to learn, $Over. I al good openin, for steady men. Spoditki , consideration arlown to .family of Wotk- I ers. Rents and costs of living - reason. � able in Brantford. Moving expenaoA,.44. I vanced to reliable families and housing accomodation arranged, Full partl ar$ . cheerfully furnished upon request. rite W, us. The Slingsby Manufacturibg Co,,, � Ltd., Brantford, Antargo. 11. , , , . ' -1 - 4'1-�, ,. . WANTZD-S 'FOR, C . X IMP, mill. Steady work. 14,r. Highest wa ,'es, I Slinl6aby Co., Ltd..'Brantford., Ont. * � . . � . I. I PF,,0rZW1us roR SALS. . i I I ­---------- - - - - -----�f% � F ACT&Cfl�g 1-114 OSHAWA, 41L. � � A '4a. brick building, one st4rey, � f0xv X1 .11* 80 ft.; also two other frame 0 - I ll "'W"k �, connection, Also a two stor'e`� %� factory having 20,000 sq. feet floor hDide all well equipped, Both theselaotor194 are Weil located and can be -�bouOlt . I right, .Full particulars given and prloea '4$,�aAtey� . quoted upon appilcation to Bros,, Ophawa, Ontario. qW, ": � ) .1 -- ' ' � FOR SALF�FLOUR MILL UP TO date. Water power; also a quantity good split Pulleys. Wheelock engine. A Shaw, Rawkestone, Ont. � ''. I I I . ,-, F OR SALri-STANDARD J10114f, partlUumished, all equIptneqts, Nearest wa to Radium Discovery. Prospects of big boom. Ideal tourist resort, also store with some stdok. Ad- dress Box 27. Kearney. Ont. -.� I - . I F . I BUSINESS CHANCES, - F OR SALF,-GTZ0CERY STORE A" property, splendid stand, three thou- sand to handle, balance easy terms, fine large barn -and building lot. ---Apply t)wn- er, C. R. 13onham, Weston, Ont. I ' I DUSCELLANEOUS' I S DXD A DOMINION EXPPXIAS Money Order. They are pay4bb, ovefyWhere. I � I FOR SALB-100 AUTO TXRES 30k*, Goodyear A. NV, Nonskids. 0.75, , 'lave money, Act quick. Model Tire Co., 26 Dundas street West, Toronto, Ont. NEW TROUBLE FOR AUSTRIA. Vienna, April 6 -Dr. Carl Renner the Chancellor, accompanied by a large of. ficial staff, left Styria for Rome Mon. day night. His sudden departure Is be., lloved to be due to the acute develop. ment Of a separatist movement in tho provinces. I It Is generally said In political circles that the thief objeet of the trip -la the Italian proposal to orbate an autonorn. ' ous Tyrolean State. . ---- - O�N VrE REASON SOUNDS p,L,AS014- ABLZ (Portland Press,) I why lee will be high; . I it was too thick to out, The snow was too deep. Tt was too heavy to handle. It -was too cold to work out of doors. The deeers need , j, mo 6�. � , I 4 * Another Case of 6100d Poisoulad Persleted In paring Ills -corns With a razor, rloollsh when cure is So painless and sure With Putnam's Corn EXtractor. tTso putriam'S only -it's the beSt-,guaranteed and Path- -leses, grice 25a at all dealers. . a 4 6. I C11TJS1-1L*q0. 33obble-Why do you reject mo? * It there another fellow? Bessie -Possibly I Did you think you were the last of the species? ­ 1 4----..-- , I SINCE 1870 , 1- I . � . 1iWW,)1iL* 6 a It Ft *3 0 E I r 00 -P,11--15 C () U GH S �q Hr. n OWN. (13oston Tramcribt.) ,Vas Miss Grotox solf-pesses.qed when you proposed?" � ,"Zile was, and-or­shp is yet.,* !I W:�- ,, t�-�. I ­ , , - Pol) - I -1 � I ) '' 11 , 1W J e, I I , . e I I" � .4'iZr,;;:,-­ ". a . I X- . 1:44 ,'.1 Al � NO* * tZ, W",,1.",..1,,.1,0.,.,�, ,11,.'..�n-,"I!�,,�*,,-1­14* . -- ­: = , V 0 4="Yh'.,41VZ�2� 1�i� Q.:;;--* , ww4r. igoft tw 'V* WAttrot M508p, M UtNA6 h -. rd%, .­.=,.,-,'.�,:"-.1 .04". .'d'�..",'�,, J4%",, -it % * mah414 to %"� �h.w,* �.f t6dAku q *W�e �� / . lh%""XtVA-Wk'*fte01Wt4§11 NWAM N 4 �� bog�%� ,4,.,,,= otl Nke A Iftt 4 VeA = ,4 , =!­ Nq - -*k rwuft.ft M **' *9 bf 411=69=�-,"010-b-"Wiawft op I THE WALKEP, "Ousm *f" I 4ft. *$,%*I 4, ws� # ........ � ,ro,41,19"* — -ft 1910.14 t � i � --.,& - I -p- . �, , . -06. 41 �