HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-04-29, Page 4r
atridtl°N salary Was increased by fao. CXL40. (., 7 i
:ino.A.clort'ws, bought Peter XcV*v's A. G. SMITH, Editor and Prop. property ill town stud James Young luvi'i ' = , 1 'is NOW
puxchatl Ashley Blair's !louse, r r y4 ,
'rill, iaitcllisou has a ganga of steel! x ' I
t ^ jr
tilt saw mill in shape, for the
1020 A lF' t 192q getting 1 I , '",'' , . •,
season's Cut. .A Much larger supply of
logs is Oil hand this i.3pringthall for Solut' Ott* " pf ,r l 1 ,}
Sun Mon Too Wed Thu Fri. Sat ;`.prof/L [+ t
years pardue tle no doubt to the want!
1 2 storm, and lots of sloig hing du,raug the , „g c
d 7 fi 14 past winter.
It 12 13 14 16 16 17 Mr, 11 G. Taylor irreaclled in the
13 19
20 21 22 w3 24 Methodist church here in The tuorning and
ill Wingllatn, in the evening, Rev. Mr. TTALF of the pleasure of a dill!?(.'.r r q'
26 20 . 27 28 22 :30 Irwin, sva4 in Wingliwn, in the morning
% (al?taillsl't1I11 the 111atllllt'I' in tv 11ie 11
:and in his own ehtlrt;ft herb in (fist tst•t>niltg..
it is served and when the tones o .T
THURSDAY APRIL 29th Th,% patient old equine which supplies t g ,.
0 the motile power for Phillip IMlcMillan's
• silver l?(,ll il ite. 'tul to tilt. till?ill,, rt r lll
„r r,t ►,, ►, w,,o ,r „ ra ,"+ , .,
you ars; Teased to !ibis,! tilt rest lei° the
milts delivery wagon decided to do sonic" 1
thing out of the ordinary so it bolted dawn ° 'Service exquisite, We have a convine- v
The conservatives, with the single the street until it came in contact with the•ing cli;;play of the newest design in ster-
exception of .Mr. Joynt, of North Huron# talepbone pole in, front of -the Ctlin ' house ling and plated flat wave:.
voted with Mr. McCrea, :its did also Mr. who t e it left the wagon and proceeded - +
Rooke, IJ. F. O., from Bast Lambton, unhampered until stopped in front of Your sight is the guardian angel of your other
The Liberals, with five exceptions, voted Allen's. .Phillip is quite a joker, fill( he „
with the Government. The five were didn't see any joke as this, senses, Our expert will fit your eyes
Bragg of West Durham, Calder of Northwith the proper glasses,
Mickey i& dead! While playing (visit a
Oxford, Govenlock of Centre Huron, Hail little plavtnate on the main street .closer • '
of Parry Sound and Rennie of South CJCIAY
day (tight, at site busiest !lour he eau out o R. M. 1 ,1, t, •
Bruce. On the Motion for the second l
right in the path of a big McLaughlin car
reading being put Mayor General al Hog -
.driven by Mr. Gerson,. who applied the tTetvelc't' t111C1 Optician Will<lllili?l ' •p '
arth. of fort .Arthur, also voted with the l
brakes and stopped the car, but not be -
Government. The majority of 43 en-
abled, with the Administration, to preen fore the front wheel had gone. over .the
tTmalce a presentable show- ill thittlee
body and left it crushed and kicking
its piumage and
.'ic. ill the dust. Mr. Carson picked him up
lng before the general poblo o u , r ' ,.-• - , a 7 -! •.
and carried him into Armstrong-; drug
store, Where it was found after a close
examination, he could not recover and
Lucknow was given choloroform to ease his giling,
I,naknow, April 26th, 1920, and relieve his sufferings, , Mickey was
Much sympathy is expressed to. Mr, only a little fox -terrier pup owned by Mr. „
:tud Mrs. Abraham Ketchabaw of the Ed. Renwick, but his death caused gen-
Bo*undary-'West in the death of their uine sorrow among his friends. There
little•.' child, which occurred Saturday seems to be too many ,cars or, too Many A►
morning. For some days both another dogs on the street Saturday nights, just r
and chitd hovered between life and death running aimlessly up and down with no
brit we are pleased to state Airs. Xet- place in particular to go and wonder. is - ti '
chabaw is recovering, ,:Che funeral was there is not more accidents. *
.held to I ochalsh cemetery. t
' Mrs. E'rnibAltcheson has opened tip a z
One of the eldest residents of Ashfield
millinery store in Miss Armstrongs old e✓ ,
passed away in the person of Mr, J. F. i
stand. \ At
Baldwin, ` whose death occurred at theN.
horse of his son 'in his 87th year. The Messrs. Lott and MacDonald held z ,
fifneral 'vas ,)iclil to Greenhill cemetery very successful auction sale at the .Cain " p
s o r
and was largelyattended, house barns n Saturday.
. L cknow.has.. been reaSsured' b .theTiefuneral of the lateMiss aggie
` 1 ac'I{ay was held from the fauuly resi. Hydro Commission that .they will have , . \ tlr',
stents to ,Routh 3 :iuloss eeutetery on Wed- hydro service here early this fall.Reeve
'nesday afternoon last, and was ver", ,•
Y Johnston went to Toronto•,and called at
'largely attendee).`_ ;By her meath the the head office of the Commission and in-
famlly and conununity at large, loses formed them 'of the condition in tivhich
vFle who was alttte s ready to do a kind Lucknow, is placed at the present time,
' *let, whenever and wherever opportunity with the result stated above.
afforded, and !ler kindness was whole--
' -hearted and never clone for show or for Mr and, Mrs. Frank Cole and Miss U
Recognized to be th^ best Vacuum Cfianer of the day.
praise. 'ihejoy. ancF happiness of having Ruby were pleasantly surprised one. even- It is not a luxury, a real necessity, being a time and 'labor caving t
in last weitic a number of friends and
lightened someone's load was all the re- '; ' , device,; for saeiitary cleaning.
neighbors gathered at their lace, and
wdrdsheasked,. and. a large circle of P Eureka Vacuum............................356.50
friends mourn her passing on, after a shot•t'p"rbgram of speeches. read F,ureka Attachments.- ....... 9.50
ings and songs a hexutifully worded ad
The local lodge of Ola fellows marched dress was read by Miss Bertha Harrison i •'- Complete... , ..:........$66.00
to the -Presbyterian' Church yesterday
,iaiorn ug` anti III erred to a fine discourse and Mrs, Win. Armstrong. presented Mr, ASX- FO`l
•.-say the pastor, Rev, Mr.1MxacCallurn on Cole with a -gold watch fob, Mas: Cole
with a silver tea service. and IMliss, Ruby
hove' as elle key -note of the Christian
Life and also of the Principles of Oddfellow with a plate Mass jewel case. Mr. Cole .
Shi There was a ver large turn out mane afiLtn,g;reply, after which the re-
of members, nearly loo being in line, and mainder of the evening wa t spent in WI►dl i 9* s e 3dt®a3`idA6 ® 3 8 Qt Bil A tlEEBA i 8
only one ear loam of visitoks, and these games and dancing. Mr. Cole has sold
his farm at Kinloss, and is moving t
came from Dungannon. The choir rend.- o near
ered two beautiful -anthems. Wingbam.
>uite a, lot Of tongue wagging was done ' Mrs. ,Robs, Johnston returned from
in town one day last week, whets, one of Wingham hospital, where she had under
ilee daily papers carried tilt, report tba gone an•operation. a Secret wag otlth.,,
:,Ties NoraKnowles a waitress at the had made an autlot-
Mrs. C F. Rich (ki on.:of Teestvater E'S5 ofhe!and she 3 d F
Cain house had entered suit against Mr,
is visiting her mother, Mrs, Douglas, man or
John Sharman, a stealthy produce dealer jyp yv ( i' fObY bowedz "}
of London for $tu oou f•ai breath of pro- Horn -Irl 1Mlarqu rte. Mich, to i1lr and
txtise, and a sensational trial. was booked Mrs: Jas. Graham (forrgeriy of Lucknow)
for at the assizes in Walkerton,, it sp- a daughter.
ears that Mr. Sharrnau, who s eat some
P P Miss Margaret (sillies of Toronto visit. / RE time !lore last Fall buying potatoes, be- ed her home on the boundary,rp i •cause quite friendly with Aliss Knowles> rylessrs. Chas, and ','lctor.Durnin are in111 '®M
` `and proposed marriage which she accept- town getting their machine shop ready
ed and the day was set, butthe bridegroom s
for operation. ,,,/// I
failed„ She. ays she went to considerable
expense preparing; for the event, besides Suckers are on file run in the rivers B 0
and many from town drive to pfnn River
giving up bar position, and suffering ,
t or other places near the lake to try their 1
tout.( injured feeling-;, iurutediately %1 tarf111%W7r d Of' Fts2z w.z,u-2 t `
entered suit against him, and now it has
tuck at This pastime. rJ
f11e s"ZtLX Of love 8-$I1iltlild
titrned out to be all the result of a , Mss Alton has .taken a pusitipn in the
alight igisnuderstaudicig. Because of the Post Office and Miss Sadie Cee has taken
rush of business Mr. Sharman. was un• the position in McLeods and Joynts hard -
able, to get away tau the day set, and also '+vare store, vacated by !Miss Alton. ,.
we presume for the same reasceu omitted Anniversary serteic8 a will be conducted
to send word to his waiting bride -to -he. in the Presbyterian church, on May Ath.
But all has now been cleared up. Cupid Rev. G. M. Dunn of Royce Ave., 'forotito,
is still master of affairs, and if no further will be the speaker. ®'
hitch occurs the wedding will take place You park your troubles outside ivheli' you see
hero next Thursday.
At -the last regular meeting of the
Brwsels ` TONT MOO'118' in "TOBY''S BOW, it's chant-
`Library Tioard the election of officers was Bessie McDonald wife of William Me- med full of giggles', smiles, laughs and roaTS. A
held and resulted as follows:• -Chairman, Fadzearl of Walton died at the home ,
' ome o t story of New York lligl? life and Southern Lava,
Rev. R. MacCallutu; Secy„ A. D. Mac- G. A. 1)eadmau, town, where she was
Kenzie; Treas., T. S. Reid. Quite a being nursed, a son having been bormsix S
xzumber of new books have been added and weeks ago. Deceased was in her Roth
L9 a
Locknow has now *lie of the best Public year of her age and was the daughter of at Lycv,^-um T ea-
Libaries ill 'Western Ontario. The Tib Mrs. James McDonald, sixteenth con• irk
cession of Grey, from whose home the
funeral tookplace. The sail, part of this
r is that this is the third daughter of t s. Mon.
u ,
►oil y s McDonald. called within flit past T '"ed., 5 ,t► a! s7 m,oilths.°J May ! 45
•-»b6ckache,r1*0nlaticeb4stUtiepaisis, At the annual meeting of 13russels
tosistabthetdiwhts, constipation, atone Business !Mien's Association the following Prices 15c and 25c.
U thebladder, mucus deposits--kidnty - W,
tt6uble In ttl its phased east be efrid. officers were elected for the ensuing year; /i
etitlr telieved end opmuous Avoided 'President, D, C. ROSS.; Vice President, A, r ./ w. "►t" ; ""i! , ` `r' a "tr►' '
brtheti>rietYtue of ll4e alss at►a dlaeft0i\
t7. Baeker;, Secretary, k. I1. Gilroy;
Treasurer, G. It. Saruis; Committee, PACIFR Reeve Pluto, G. W. Weller and 12., F.
Dowuing. A resolution was .passed
FCl1t MICNItys approving oil instead of watering the _
c`,tt At odic frmmcur druggist, riot. E TRAN`S—U
business portion of !Slain street, It was
?Toter t5loney rtfusrded if you are trot to. also betided to Continence the weekly
lieved. 7 rtrc sttnplt on request. half -holiday the first Thursday 1n may
Aadr*ws Tho Ratla"A lotilt dre and eo tinueit.ituntil OctoberTst,whicls (Re•esttbliahed effective 1'Y,Iay 2, 1920)
(A. of Comada,Ltd., Tsfa,lto. is it x'fionth longer than ]*it ytltr. A
yy /yU 1A,,-,AuLdw Wit4ho.Co,f fne,h y clay of ,!ports was also considered :and
i will be decided on at the (text ,meeting. Toronto to Vancouver
Joseph Isenhofer, who has been fore.
xnall of Brussels !Flax Mill durilig the x JV iG"".►)-'IGlr i" itlCiCl!'.'
-• ,..I,tti psAt yeatri was brought before notice Fort 'William in 26, 'Winnipeg; In 37, Calgary in 61, ;And Vantouver ill 88 hrs.
Magistrate !scab, Of t+atierich, for ear- i The fastest transcontinental train between terminals in America, saves
r .. taut irregul'aritiex. Thf, aac . was (teat cell a buslr:ees day for passengers to Winnipeg and x111 cities to ti -e Pacific Coast,
to (soderich for hearing before the judge, Leaves Toronto (Union 5tatiu ) at 13.00 p.m. daily,
A pet! of Rhode Island* Reds, :awned FOR S`i" ►1VDAR SLEEPING.CA PASSENGERS ONLY
l THS ihn the rate in Duncan,
tla! f ta^wu, et'well up .
tt "` laying omtettt • at lior reservations •-pply to any agent of the
'R Ottawa, holdtttgdo" fourth, place CANADIAN
The Ioa-acre fzlxrtt of the late Jia lft
:91nela►ir, tt4tu tronre i0a of (prey, !rata
w , wig urat reel by Isicrlsart (>a for Gen
oral Change of T ii it'll! a ay >111,d* 1920
the swift rat $3l 0 . go, mol '4'fi'Town Ticket Aplit.
J , 'W l(11aX1P3801V,
0i hdowl,
_.. •1' :A,e,.^f. ,r. •-.•,r:: «„i ,r 1• e'1.k,a.i :rd.Il ail ilk.:+tiG6: .
-til(1 premises as orlf nt as any. atria,.curie power
does the pumping, separating, churning, wa,slling
tn'ironing, sweeping and a score of other tasks.
Greater convenienm and comfort colme to those
who have Delco -Licht.
wrftet or Coll for eatelag, ,prieer
basal' fort/xsr illtteresstl'latg de[aii'st
La KENNEDY, Dealer
WiinghalCf " Ontario
T -her "s a
f i=d
:r1 minplete electric light artd povier plant
for farms deed eountry homes, self=crank-
ing -•-air cclrsleci'—ball boas ings—na belt*
—only one 14ce to 0 ---thick plakwe
long-lived battery ---•rules On l erovalm
Valve -eft -.Head Motor
Satisfied Users
tl Marleti:E3c:;wnred lay .
'1r1B1,,CO-LIGU T" COMPANY, Dayton, olips
Usvr Near.
wroleter Council
Wroxeter, April tit, 1920.
The regular meeting of the Wrox.
cter t'aullcTl lrelll in the CUltticil Clltalnlrer 'abou
! :S'
at ti t Members • s 7
3 1 ulbt r present, B`rell 17ilvey,
: .,.
0 'i- Ulekie and I1. C. Pope, Theirs 1
ill tilt chair.
Minutes of last meeting, were lead autr
,+ t
Ull 111OL1011 of Fred !lave et f
seconded ., secon
ll, C,1'Opc were adapts:tl,
Vollowilig lccotults were received_ ,
' SE fine sunshiny
R. Black, power and reels....,., p39 Sa•
11, Patterson,
e days ` k i the chap
gr 1r„ pl:lot .40,09
Jno Gibson, work oil ;streets:.......
is''still wearing last
'Stuckq, wreath ftir(yellho
Wearring; .... ..........t}
X> 'pretty
R..;tocks, wreath fur Win. At,
11;ebuol purposes ................. 55o.00 ,f
Old Sol says it's t11 e to tone tip and
get the Spring outlook on life, and--
1MlOved by Goa. S. hackle, seconded by
0111' WOid oil 1tw•w11Oth11l ; is SO osis 1U
Pape tl1uC above accounts be paid,
xnake :a fellow ,look good and iC'C'l It ii
•, , (,;
good as a new dead -tel -foot outfit,
Moved by (leo. S, hackie, seconded
by fret! haver that By -Law No. 3; re.
These are Brighten -lip days, and we
bicycle riding on sidewalks, be passed as
have the realest 2tttie " Brighten -tip
read,-- Carried,
you ou ever sats' in our new y t arrived
Moved by D. C. Pope,. seconded by f
stock of
I'' I
that BY 1,aw No. 4, to
llolcl court of revision of assessment roll, ,
bepassed as read. --Carried,
1Mlovrtl by I), t,,, 11Upe, Seconded by
Frecl Davey, that By -Law No s to vote
on Hydro Debentures, be passed as read.
Moved by Freta Davey, seconded by IU.
C. Pope that the "meeting adjourn until
the 3rd Friday in May or at the call of •h
Come in, its a. cheery sigAt 1
the Reeve.
i7.1Mf lacm AVIsfI
- . 1M i
1 4
...:.w.. -. - Clerkr
i i ISA .i r Naa.
",Maitland Brae," Wroxeter, the home of
Mr. and. Mrs. T. A. Gibson, wall the
scene of a pretty event at noon last Wt:d-
nesday, when their eldest daughter. Mar-
garet .Moffatt, was united. in marriage to
Archibald Wells, B. A. Toronto, former-
To The !Breeders Of Mankind Of the worth of a calf or colt,
•ia8ave they wandered beyond your ken?
ly of Blyth. The ceremony was per-
And scoff at the scrub and the mongrel,
Ob, what is revelled in round -up :
formed by Rev. Malcolm in the presence You talk of your breeed of cattle, As worthy a fool or a dolt,
That brands the daughters of men.
of fifty guests. The bride worn a becom-
And plan for a higher strain, You mention the point of your roadster
And what of you;• boy? Nave you
itis;• gown of white sawn, The grooms You double the food of your pasture,
' With many a "wherefore" and "when,"
gift to her was an onyx ring, and to Miss
Mary who
You heap up the treasure of grain; But, ah, are you counting, my brothors,
His need for growing years? = ;
Gibson, played the wedding You
draw on the wits of the nation worth of the children of men?
Does your mark as his sire, in his features
march a sardonyx ring. After a dainty
To better the barn and the pen; You talk of your roan -colored filly,
Mean less thanyour brand on a steer?
lunch Mr. and Mrs,. Wells left for their But
what are you doing my brothers, Your heifer so shapely and sleek.
Thoroughbred --that is your watchword
Future home in ,Toronto on the 3 30
To better the breed of men? No place shall be filled in your stanchion;
.Far stable and, pasture and pen;
train. The' bride -travelled', in a brown You boast of your Morgans and Here. . BY stock that's unworthy or weak,
But what is your word for the homestead?
suit and'bat, Maj their joys be many.
fords, But what of the stock of your household
Answer, you beeedersof meal.
,., -
w a
,, , ..:•ar" , •fVie. + .x " ., , :'Tz:
:.c .,,.. :4ut,.t eek. N?e .+. h.7`.,.GYM'1{ .• dtfk'C1eA:.1.t ! i ntlh ; %,.cs ncmeas3w.zw,rrsurw .. ,..
-til(1 premises as orlf nt as any. atria,.curie power
does the pumping, separating, churning, wa,slling
tn'ironing, sweeping and a score of other tasks.
Greater convenienm and comfort colme to those
who have Delco -Licht.
wrftet or Coll for eatelag, ,prieer
basal' fort/xsr illtteresstl'latg de[aii'st
La KENNEDY, Dealer
WiinghalCf " Ontario
T -her "s a
f i=d
:r1 minplete electric light artd povier plant
for farms deed eountry homes, self=crank-
ing -•-air cclrsleci'—ball boas ings—na belt*
—only one 14ce to 0 ---thick plakwe
long-lived battery ---•rules On l erovalm
Valve -eft -.Head Motor
Satisfied Users
tl Marleti:E3c:;wnred lay .
'1r1B1,,CO-LIGU T" COMPANY, Dayton, olips
Usvr Near.