HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-04-22, Page 8F 17 Take Advantage of These Splendid Offering N*,.SAiris TURD.,AY, APRIL .24th. X Every department of this store will offer special val- ues in all lines that will save you money o and Suits Men's Saturday Is •ORSPIUcla 0D t; "I 13 p 4 Ladies. Spring Coats, of' velour in,taupe, gray and sand, a splendid assortment of style. MF Ladies' Tweed Coats, Style, service anti value are bere, in all sizes. price $18.00 to $22,00.. X Ladies', Suit, Special R 16, 18" -00, 40 and 42 in, navy, A choice a'ssortmcnt of fine bot - fawn and black, tricatenes and any worsted serges and tweed suits. PW serges. --$5.00 off regular price Sat- ti�tday. oat&day $34.75. 50 men's hand tailored 20th cen- 'Buy the best gloves, Kayser , Silk, tury and Society Brand Suits- at gloves are the best fitting, flnger $45.75. silk gloves, made guaranteed -til 50 men's guaranteed tweed �vat- 1�otniltllajity and fit. Prices $1.25 to erproofs. $16.50,18.75, 21.75,28.75, 60 Boys' Suits in Worsteds and tweeds. Special Saturday $13.75. Ladies". -and -children's white mid. '',die,, 35 new King Hats, fur -felt $4,98. -A.,J s braid t'rimmed and pockets. Price $1.75 to $2.00. $1.50 novelty silk hose $1.00. Iwo X A 11L v MARTIN "'StN0U'H PfAr.INTS AND VV 1AISR"NISHES Touch up Your Furniture and Floors Furniture that is scratched and scarred is an eyesore. If the surface is spoiled, the article. is considered use, less. This is not so. Save the surface and you save all, Use WOOD -LAC STAIN Floora and furniture that are, shabby can -be made. to P", look like new by using WOOD -LAC STAIN—a. durable, li beautiful finish for woodwork of all kinds --a combination Of high grade varnish and permanent stains. It imparts to common wood surfaces the rich appearance of more expensive woods such as nialtogany, rosewond, cherry,. Ott. Twelve beautiful qhadc.q. ........... Get A Sainple Bring the attached coupon and secure a trial ei'll sljffiCjent Ito do over et chair or sniall table. JVe still :give you full t ins truetion% how to use it. We want every householder to tiry WOOD -LAC STAIN. MR!, A moo, 11 ioZ�— RAE& T"110 I SON Winglian), 6ntario , N4 0 400 4 /.1 10 M V 114t 'AN qe, t o, S t Fla was led by Mr,% 0orrigan, an 1 A 4 -d I I 1 1 1 k dM1ssAnaje'r..W11NN a Dian Is About to flip differences in elevation vro Very! F Douglas. Miss Blanche rrWin and 511881 erect a building, be it Qyer 11ronouneild, and any one who is, excellent I Nelda Wolfe sing ti,stilo, so small, the arst thing famillar -with Bath lands is abl(l, to he 4Qes im to lupke 4 plan� intelligollily By$LpIll of dr�ljns Mi'M Mar gUtt Ballagh spen foi, thwil. Balt where, the area is I, That plan may be on paper or It way largp anti (Ile topogrtIlilly r I with her ft iend Miss rilla, Jeffray, Ila I exist only in the lWilld of the builder, Or vffY Ilut, guesswork is out of Livingston, - Teesiwaters bac pur* I Yet it Is a plan, Without a plan to it'(' (I"PstiOn. It 18, 01011 tIlfLt we laust I toll a. JA good m,sort to the tape an(I tile lf�velllng R chased the farm on the gs-aval 'load owned f OW, lidIder cannot do Instrtum-nt fai- rellable Inforlilation l by Mr. Joseph Murray. 0 Mr. Peter HacUney aild family it, ilworli. The saine Is true o; fila 'drain- A drainage plan shows first or all I .1ve ago. The man who places a "string" the difterelle.ps In height 01, elevation I or "line" of tile in a watercourse, N'tW0011 tall parts Of Lite rarin over I KA nicely settled in therit, nev� home, I which the survey extenilvd, This al - 1 which traverses his fields, should not Taws dw-OWIler of the land to plan do so without asicing himself such 11114 Own oYstelii or drabingQ. The pos- qnestions Its; *141A I putting this tile session of the levels Pot all parts of rn Blytil the lowest part?" "Will I be able the sarin It4l; bare the lilovi advarl- A special meeting of the con4lell was get -it, satisfactory oiltlet? slow tageous routes for tile (11-ittzfi, from A i held on Mon!dayevening, to comalder the ;ttidy of III(. levelti and contours of 111�ajny. acres will, this tilt, drain, and A PlaW It is P03nible to calculate the purchase Of A new boiler for the electric' zereage which each Illthl tile lialist Made of flne Dongola Kid with Beat toe and light plant. tlrain.� This Inforniation together Spool heel, in all sizes for women 21 to 7. The Queen's H With the fall Ol- grade Procurable Is . Otel owned by Mr. Win, lie only true guide to help Ili; decideA Mason will be sold by public aug,*tion. tq. itpoll the s1wa, of tile needed In any Price' $4.85 per pair. given drain, it is ons y when the plaja� gethcr with the contents on Anrrt 90th 10 A UT r n I ' a0r has a Picture of the whole pro - The play ,The n Pet before Illin that he call draft an ministers Seidel was We have this same shoe in q ri"t­ i'A-f 1. 11 re- ­4 efficient yet ewnctinical plan of dralas I _Jr On -AV ev=mg, under the for any Piece of land. same price. te Auspices of the Institute, Future Beneflts,—The. beneflas of a Plan do not end with the collipic- The Mettiodipt Sablbalb, school con -1 don Oi' the drainage ty,,jeIll. Only tributcd $74 tothe ,Armenian childron.E 99S those Of 111 Who have tried long and hard lo find a draln,. the lovailon of 'Ar. James Huck$teP,' is moving intro Which was nowhere recorded, know his residence on queva St,,' Mr. Rou". 1" -1 L t se the value of giddance such as is of- we Ho W WIll Occupy the house Mr, Hucbstq L99S tiered by a Plan. When a tile-drallied SOLE AGENT FOR LADIES, vacated. 'farin Is offered for sale the existence � -1 Of a Plan of flral�s adds greatly to �s •��tp, 1110 value of the farin, The plan Is Highest prices paid.. of equal value to both the seller and buyer. With proper care woll-con- structed the drains will 'give good AND DERBy Mrs- BraWleY Of Toronto, .returned W. J. ARMOUR F,eVVIC0 for several generatlons,,SHOES FOR WN. h6me after visiting' with Mrs, Bert. I therefore for the convenience tit otir. Thomas, Oracey Old Stand, Phone 62. (Ililldren and grandchileti,en it is ne- er 01NO aq to have a plan o, our unaer- ground drainage wolqj. There is another BORN WaY in which a Belgrave load of potatoes last week, WINOHAM MARKETS drainage plan is very helpful to a warm Parte owner; We are NOW that the w it is a splendid gullor glad to welcome the misses I m days Ilaie come toward ascertaining the acreage of McCurdy to Belgravem, they have taken the fanners are busyon the lan(I kottlag YOITN"-In Morris. on Thursday, April (Correct up fill Wednesday noon) any, Aeld or part of the farpi, Fences up there residence in Mrs, Win. Weneeding, 15th to Mr. Neth_ ready for and Mrs. Bert Young., a 1 Wheat No. 2 Spring ...... 1 98 to .2 55 are located on the Platt, and the son. ery's house. I Wheat Na 2 Fall ...... 1 98 to 255 whole plan drawn to scale, so. that Flour ........ . _.6 50 to 700 with the aid Of a rule it is possible ------- at a Mrs, W. Bryant of Hullet, ape Donnybrook - to measure the area, of any part of , Card Of Thanks, Lak-d_ " ....... .... 35 to 38 the land surveyed This 44 of great cOuP16'Of days last week with her sister; N,. and'M Mrs.. W.. Devereaux entertained a $5 to 64 assistance in planning a season's Mrs. Jos. Brandon. Mrs. J. Brooks and daughter, Velinq, .Eggs_,. , - low of their 4eighbbrs ori� night last ... i.-. 44 to 50 crops as 'well as in calculating Yields Mrs. David Scott spent a week with week and all h1L an enjoyable time. desire to pudlicly thank their friends and Cattle, med., butchers.. 9 00 to 1000 POr acre, her sister, near 1,,ucknowv , , : . neighbors Caitl Tile drainage Mr. JqbAaton-!§, visiting at Mr. Cidorge 12 art even a small system by all Mr. John Armstrong ;hipp,d car igbbors for the many deeds of kindness e, but�hers choice..11 00 to 00 at PdYp; but, before you and sympathy shown to them di4ring the HogaJiveweight 19 60' to 19 75 means secure a plan—G. lielinpel, e two, C 10119 sickness and *at the time of the Hay .................. 19 00 to �1 00 0. A. College, Guelph. - death.... ...... of their beloved husband and father. Cream .................... to 70 ti ill Navlc Matac, thAds. �7 cun'n) (11101 -at 1011 Of Canadiar, 5 atlelielow is now OcicatiYing the at. litioll. of the Du,ainiOli Goverlinle.lit, A. X. MwLean has made a tour AiTr 1/�6A AW C what 11as SO 01011L a. time ago taias Ott" ww'lera frout and his %as, mainly in ealin"ai'lion with N re-- w Lfl) a pCews WINGHAM, ONTARIO PHONE 166 b00a P"Ovosed to r(ct eight lilemarials coninieniorat- I The school with competent instructors and superior, courses. 'Graduates -IG probably the Canadian battle- placed in positions Affiliated with the Elliott Business Colege in Toronto Adv at St,,Jtll1E-ll, Col.reelette 1.1in and the Central Business College, Stratford. W, Vlnly Ridge, St. Eloi, pas schen- ForoSpring Write for free catalogue. haale, Andens, and Com1bral. It is Enter any,time, inderutood the Government has al- 2� i I- V11k eady selected a site for the Ypres D. A. McLach PreS. ecoratin nal. McLeish,,Prin. n% !An g Murray V q.j Visit our Wallpaper Dept. before you start house cleaning 'anseed sic to WC our wonderful selection 0C AFL of newsamples, Prices always the low-, est. AM 8 WINGH iiz.AAR Higlilest Prices Paid for Eggs, Cash or Trade. X A Page From the 'ook of Eve ry'X Girl's Life! I . i H � ty "TH LOVES OF LETTY, X She was a working gh I draggedto the depths of despair by iting years of struggle againt poverty. Three men offered their love. one VKwas a course uncouth money slave anotlier a fascinating nobleman who Z Wnan't "a marrying;n,' while the other Was a liandsome young artijkt but lie was poor. h1T;b'jaan did Ithe, marry? You think you know the answer, but a surprise waits you when you see the screen's. supreme emotional star in this, her latest Goldwyn dr atilutic triumph, iLydulm THEATRE M Mon., Tues., Wed., April 26, 27t• 28 Pricts 15c sand 20c. XXXXXXXX it REAL VALUE in MEN'S CLOTHING You need not accept our word as the truth ,Aen we say that, in buyl� Tg)VrA.,C9"T Tailored ...... It 1�, Y. V - consistent With the price you pay, that money can buy. In fact we want you to be sceptical— tben you will come in and judge for yourself. Your faith in us will not suffer—we are sure of that— for the quality of the materials, and the correctness of the designs are sufficient to convince even the most discriminating person of the merit of TAILORED CLMES Mir at14 100- Jobb Quw4f attended DRAINAGE ISIMPORTAN•I show you our assortment— . . . . . . . . . . whether you buy or not. tho funeral sAtur4ay- of 0,6 late john' 11"004's- '00 died in A London btry Some Beactits of Wolf Veylsod drulil this hojeA in the tzar lifty?t, if he does flot ask hillifitIt thufu'! tinew. I ""' lie I,-. tilio a hilildi%r V-1thout a, Oxfords, tor Q11"be", where lie bad been for ainjost 41, year At a I plall. It(- P, working ill the dark; hifi, womew Brooks was well known here baving' boen a resident of the village som5 years OVA1114ge Plan• work c4naot Ito Oftlelent. All these Mlootlons the draluage Plan allflwl�rs, and Intore. much wo, rn th Is:, on ago. I Mrs, (Rev") Sinclair Is 'tipending- a few a Guesswork is tho roorest Method to Adopt --Get the Load 14evelo aini) T110" NO matter how small the III- ans: for lilluiedlate evilBtruetion tit drains, I how few file dralmi and we W, ish b '41YR will' friends In Toronto. AMA09to lor Tl — gow �r which, one To ;� r I There was a large attond - anc' at thal Young PeOPIO'Q Chr!60�n to Protect praliange Outlets. (Coutrib r10 Departmont o MW144101U1111tuorn4l, is about to Intital lit, shotild not. (jo so without having,, fit st laid out a) Wan Of which theoe druilln will be I iA'I-L AF to, aftenr Rldcavorl meeting Sunday night, The nleetitig Toronto.) tt'part. On, rolling land �,tich a pl,llq I Is not hard to dcw.ItIP 41 no" hno! .,..I your CUPP R 16, 18" -00, 40 and 42 in, navy, A choice a'ssortmcnt of fine bot - fawn and black, tricatenes and any worsted serges and tweed suits. PW serges. --$5.00 off regular price Sat- ti�tday. oat&day $34.75. 50 men's hand tailored 20th cen- 'Buy the best gloves, Kayser , Silk, tury and Society Brand Suits- at gloves are the best fitting, flnger $45.75. silk gloves, made guaranteed -til 50 men's guaranteed tweed �vat- 1�otniltllajity and fit. Prices $1.25 to erproofs. $16.50,18.75, 21.75,28.75, 60 Boys' Suits in Worsteds and tweeds. Special Saturday $13.75. Ladies". -and -children's white mid. '',die,, 35 new King Hats, fur -felt $4,98. -A.,J s braid t'rimmed and pockets. Price $1.75 to $2.00. $1.50 novelty silk hose $1.00. Iwo X A 11L v MARTIN "'StN0U'H PfAr.INTS AND VV 1AISR"NISHES Touch up Your Furniture and Floors Furniture that is scratched and scarred is an eyesore. If the surface is spoiled, the article. is considered use, less. This is not so. Save the surface and you save all, Use WOOD -LAC STAIN Floora and furniture that are, shabby can -be made. to P", look like new by using WOOD -LAC STAIN—a. durable, li beautiful finish for woodwork of all kinds --a combination Of high grade varnish and permanent stains. It imparts to common wood surfaces the rich appearance of more expensive woods such as nialtogany, rosewond, cherry,. Ott. Twelve beautiful qhadc.q. ........... Get A Sainple Bring the attached coupon and secure a trial ei'll sljffiCjent Ito do over et chair or sniall table. JVe still :give you full t ins truetion% how to use it. We want every householder to tiry WOOD -LAC STAIN. MR!, A moo, 11 ioZ�— RAE& T"110 I SON Winglian), 6ntario , N4 0 400 4 /.1 10 M V 114t 'AN qe, t o, S t Fla was led by Mr,% 0orrigan, an 1 A 4 -d I I 1 1 1 k dM1ssAnaje'r..W11NN a Dian Is About to flip differences in elevation vro Very! F Douglas. Miss Blanche rrWin and 511881 erect a building, be it Qyer 11ronouneild, and any one who is, excellent I Nelda Wolfe sing ti,stilo, so small, the arst thing famillar -with Bath lands is abl(l, to he 4Qes im to lupke 4 plan� intelligollily By$LpIll of dr�ljns Mi'M Mar gUtt Ballagh spen foi, thwil. Balt where, the area is I, That plan may be on paper or It way largp anti (Ile topogrtIlilly r I with her ft iend Miss rilla, Jeffray, Ila I exist only in the lWilld of the builder, Or vffY Ilut, guesswork is out of Livingston, - Teesiwaters bac pur* I Yet it Is a plan, Without a plan to it'(' (I"PstiOn. It 18, 01011 tIlfLt we laust I toll a. JA good m,sort to the tape an(I tile lf�velllng R chased the farm on the gs-aval 'load owned f OW, lidIder cannot do Instrtum-nt fai- rellable Inforlilation l by Mr. Joseph Murray. 0 Mr. Peter HacUney aild family it, ilworli. The saine Is true o; fila 'drain- A drainage plan shows first or all I .1ve ago. The man who places a "string" the difterelle.ps In height 01, elevation I or "line" of tile in a watercourse, N'tW0011 tall parts Of Lite rarin over I KA nicely settled in therit, nev� home, I which the survey extenilvd, This al - 1 which traverses his fields, should not Taws dw-OWIler of the land to plan do so without asicing himself such 11114 Own oYstelii or drabingQ. The pos- qnestions Its; *141A I putting this tile session of the levels Pot all parts of rn Blytil the lowest part?" "Will I be able the sarin It4l; bare the lilovi advarl- A special meeting of the con4lell was get -it, satisfactory oiltlet? slow tageous routes for tile (11-ittzfi, from A i held on Mon!dayevening, to comalder the ;ttidy of III(. levelti and contours of 111�ajny. acres will, this tilt, drain, and A PlaW It is P03nible to calculate the purchase Of A new boiler for the electric' zereage which each Illthl tile lialist Made of flne Dongola Kid with Beat toe and light plant. tlrain.� This Inforniation together Spool heel, in all sizes for women 21 to 7. The Queen's H With the fall Ol- grade Procurable Is . Otel owned by Mr. Win, lie only true guide to help Ili; decideA Mason will be sold by public aug,*tion. tq. itpoll the s1wa, of tile needed In any Price' $4.85 per pair. given drain, it is ons y when the plaja� gethcr with the contents on Anrrt 90th 10 A UT r n I ' a0r has a Picture of the whole pro - The play ,The n Pet before Illin that he call draft an ministers Seidel was We have this same shoe in q ri"t­ i'A-f 1. 11 re- ­4 efficient yet ewnctinical plan of dralas I _Jr On -AV ev=mg, under the for any Piece of land. same price. te Auspices of the Institute, Future Beneflts,—The. beneflas of a Plan do not end with the collipic- The Mettiodipt Sablbalb, school con -1 don Oi' the drainage ty,,jeIll. Only tributcd $74 tothe ,Armenian childron.E 99S those Of 111 Who have tried long and hard lo find a draln,. the lovailon of 'Ar. James Huck$teP,' is moving intro Which was nowhere recorded, know his residence on queva St,,' Mr. Rou". 1" -1 L t se the value of giddance such as is of- we Ho W WIll Occupy the house Mr, Hucbstq L99S tiered by a Plan. When a tile-drallied SOLE AGENT FOR LADIES, vacated. 'farin Is offered for sale the existence � -1 Of a Plan of flral�s adds greatly to �s •��tp, 1110 value of the farin, The plan Is Highest prices paid.. of equal value to both the seller and buyer. With proper care woll-con- structed the drains will 'give good AND DERBy Mrs- BraWleY Of Toronto, .returned W. J. ARMOUR F,eVVIC0 for several generatlons,,SHOES FOR WN. h6me after visiting' with Mrs, Bert. I therefore for the convenience tit otir. Thomas, Oracey Old Stand, Phone 62. (Ililldren and grandchileti,en it is ne- er 01NO aq to have a plan o, our unaer- ground drainage wolqj. There is another BORN WaY in which a Belgrave load of potatoes last week, WINOHAM MARKETS drainage plan is very helpful to a warm Parte owner; We are NOW that the w it is a splendid gullor glad to welcome the misses I m days Ilaie come toward ascertaining the acreage of McCurdy to Belgravem, they have taken the fanners are busyon the lan(I kottlag YOITN"-In Morris. on Thursday, April (Correct up fill Wednesday noon) any, Aeld or part of the farpi, Fences up there residence in Mrs, Win. Weneeding, 15th to Mr. Neth_ ready for and Mrs. Bert Young., a 1 Wheat No. 2 Spring ...... 1 98 to .2 55 are located on the Platt, and the son. ery's house. I Wheat Na 2 Fall ...... 1 98 to 255 whole plan drawn to scale, so. that Flour ........ . _.6 50 to 700 with the aid Of a rule it is possible ------- at a Mrs, W. Bryant of Hullet, ape Donnybrook - to measure the area, of any part of , Card Of Thanks, Lak-d_ " ....... .... 35 to 38 the land surveyed This 44 of great cOuP16'Of days last week with her sister; N,. and'M Mrs.. W.. Devereaux entertained a $5 to 64 assistance in planning a season's Mrs. Jos. Brandon. Mrs. J. Brooks and daughter, Velinq, .Eggs_,. , - low of their 4eighbbrs ori� night last ... i.-. 44 to 50 crops as 'well as in calculating Yields Mrs. David Scott spent a week with week and all h1L an enjoyable time. desire to pudlicly thank their friends and Cattle, med., butchers.. 9 00 to 1000 POr acre, her sister, near 1,,ucknowv , , : . neighbors Caitl Tile drainage Mr. JqbAaton-!§, visiting at Mr. Cidorge 12 art even a small system by all Mr. John Armstrong ;hipp,d car igbbors for the many deeds of kindness e, but�hers choice..11 00 to 00 at PdYp; but, before you and sympathy shown to them di4ring the HogaJiveweight 19 60' to 19 75 means secure a plan—G. lielinpel, e two, C 10119 sickness and *at the time of the Hay .................. 19 00 to �1 00 0. A. College, Guelph. - death.... ...... of their beloved husband and father. Cream .................... to 70 ti ill Navlc Matac, thAds. �7 cun'n) (11101 -at 1011 Of Canadiar, 5 atlelielow is now OcicatiYing the at. litioll. of the Du,ainiOli Goverlinle.lit, A. X. MwLean has made a tour AiTr 1/�6A AW C what 11as SO 01011L a. time ago taias Ott" ww'lera frout and his %as, mainly in ealin"ai'lion with N re-- w Lfl) a pCews WINGHAM, ONTARIO PHONE 166 b00a P"Ovosed to r(ct eight lilemarials coninieniorat- I The school with competent instructors and superior, courses. 'Graduates -IG probably the Canadian battle- placed in positions Affiliated with the Elliott Business Colege in Toronto Adv at St,,Jtll1E-ll, Col.reelette 1.1in and the Central Business College, Stratford. W, Vlnly Ridge, St. Eloi, pas schen- ForoSpring Write for free catalogue. haale, Andens, and Com1bral. It is Enter any,time, inderutood the Government has al- 2� i I- V11k eady selected a site for the Ypres D. A. McLach PreS. ecoratin nal. McLeish,,Prin. n% !An g Murray V q.j Visit our Wallpaper Dept. before you start house cleaning 'anseed sic to WC our wonderful selection 0C AFL of newsamples, Prices always the low-, est. AM 8 WINGH iiz.AAR Higlilest Prices Paid for Eggs, Cash or Trade. X A Page From the 'ook of Eve ry'X Girl's Life! I . i H � ty "TH LOVES OF LETTY, X She was a working gh I draggedto the depths of despair by iting years of struggle againt poverty. Three men offered their love. one VKwas a course uncouth money slave anotlier a fascinating nobleman who Z Wnan't "a marrying;n,' while the other Was a liandsome young artijkt but lie was poor. h1T;b'jaan did Ithe, marry? You think you know the answer, but a surprise waits you when you see the screen's. supreme emotional star in this, her latest Goldwyn dr atilutic triumph, iLydulm THEATRE M Mon., Tues., Wed., April 26, 27t• 28 Pricts 15c sand 20c. XXXXXXXX it REAL VALUE in MEN'S CLOTHING You need not accept our word as the truth ,Aen we say that, in buyl� Tg)VrA.,C9"T Tailored ...... you are dt ihg the best clothes value, consistent With the price you pay, that money can buy. In fact we want you to be sceptical— tben you will come in and judge for yourself. Your faith in us will not suffer—we are sure of that— for the quality of the materials, and the correctness of the designs are sufficient to convince even the most discriminating person of the merit of TAILORED CLMES We are always pleased to show you our assortment— whether you buy or not. PRICES $27.50,, 35.00, 42.50 and up. Borsahno bats, Kffighatss Arrow shirts, Arrow collars, Perrin gloves, King nechwear, English raincoats, sill and cashmere hose. Goods from all the best manufacturers are represented, 'in. our Men's Wear Dept. Gct Our Prices Before Buy ng KIN G B R 0.04"kh, S