HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-04-22, Page 7I - -1_ - - � -I - -­ __ � I I - -r .. , I - I -, - _'Tw, ."q", M"M -TWN-.w 1, I I , �-VTPrw , , I W"W - lop- . % I , , � �.. - I 11-1 1� - 'T '*Tlr--"".-%-qqpmpqqqmwwqr - _"'"7 7A,Tm,rr­`1—C7-7` T"""191w­­ - -IV"'111 I t . I - -V F17F Tr" , rw_V077�wl . � . . � 7 r"W"T I - '11w""Irlm 'k P -T, I , � I ." I , � , I . -1 I � �, r � ,. ,;!,� �.. - I , , �. , I I I r , ,---"---" "W^-"*�_ 0 � ­­ �- qn: F:o - � - __ ---.-,.. - - __ , I __ - � --- --- - ______­_.__ .. ­­ . __ - _1 __­­ WI mill., 0- - I .__ , 1_� - 1. - -1 I --.11 _-11__-_ I _,�._ I I . � -1 � = A =11=== --- 011,"1:110, I ! � v : Illt V!, :1:1::.1,,,.­_!'r:1__M A.on"@F!om.-,—.,%--�q�1.11::.11::,.,:I :1 :11111,111C - M-1 ­ I 11-1 . ­_­ �114 . , I I a - _ ___ I . . , , ,; rowdent at the 14toliSr r4u, 11� 11 ' ur couvequently tile'actuAl time ot 6,1144 . , VON " " PF IS 8`1114 DREADS ' � ALLIED ARMY - OF 300,000 - SHORT ITEMS wise is not detfultely hnown. IRISH GENER Affi'L' $:TRII%t .� " LA Authracite, coal advanced from ,;I$ OTHER Op,' * )n 'a st- Thomas, AN t.1( to many London orocery stores Friday. � or, ,, Pm NEEDED 11' t POLICE TUBS OF THE NEWS 'a $16 a tL .gin a"a " INCREASINGLY OMINOUS PRER AR'BDEST . 8"ga"ampod to " 4on a Pau - . I I—- . I Fires -of mysterious have done I IN I __ . sevoral hundred dollars' damage to I . . OF THE DAY sugar camps In the Y101111ty at Ron. . . STOCKHOLM By SOM'' EBOff . o frow. r ' Net TrestY Frained Recently* in London, : 4 IIA'. ,,,,,, Two y4ung womea, JiAve been g;:V!4 � I Dr. Wall- � I .."O" � a . . - Clash .gCo,eu114sea cable says: I I. -el 1. Thousands Parading Dublin Streets, and. Aug ]Kapp Us beell arrested at Stock. tallo Newspapora Are Toronto LAndl 14114 Railway. � I . UOIM Altor a'sono4loual and Adven � . W10 -&O Reino Council Will Coosider ords Make positions as f1romen on t1le T'Qug ". "k, I .., cari Average Increase of 25 The, Coalition opposition 1� the turous escalin 'a disgulp*, Vairly Vellow With . GrooR Chamber of Deputle*8 is do- With Authorities feared , , P, 0. in 4ents, wau4lag parogation and a. now else,- The Man whci for livo d%ys T/ rright. + i � . tator In Berlin Sud wliose m 401, . lot 0 I tiou. . 44", -.11,0,: i � Armenia's Bard-ers', and German Disarmame ., The Turkish delegation to at tarist re'Volt Plunged Germany into "I _gn ,civil war fled from Berlin In an air- �. " � _* ' ' Peace Iq expected to leave for Parts. One Constable Shot Dead,---Londoa Papers plane and travelled to Sweden Yla Den. QUAREIN FRANCE before the end at April or durlum the ' ma'rk. R's ,suspicloua appearance led DON'T KNOW WN '� , Also t P - " I " � I first few days of May'. I to his arrest In the Swedish capital. I . 0 , �_ G, 4. 104d, professor of anato- Ile had assumed the name at "Ka. I t. . 944 Remo Italy, cable says; Allied ter aegotlat;oufs with 'Jugo-Slav ro� Crzecho-Movalcia Will Not ,i,Dr,,t Queen's University for the past ' -1 ike . d rGUF . alft/'- his passport was not v1sed an 4t&Ve Make Says Panic untion-s would be called Upon to Main- presentatives,11as found -an acceptable 0 years, haq resigned. bore an. Indistinct photograph. Ile had , solution to problems arising out of . Receive 'Hoeh's, :Dublin vabla. The general strike ond, therefore, sliould not be allowed t%in a force of 300,000 men In Turkey c Duty on bay from the VA40 States I shaved off his moust'AcAl and other- is Ridiculous Z* . , Ito declared yesterday in protest agA wise camouflaged Ufa identity. When -4. t to lusure execution at the terms at the onflicting claims. . Refugees, antiring ,Canada at Alan � fast to starve, , 'ba Port$ of I The International exchange Problem . entry has been remitted Indefinitely "On such exceptional and momen- taken Into custody, however, he ad- hibition, _4 t . �4 , the treatment of the Irish hun ge" , I I I , r tons occasions," the newspaper con- mitted he was Kapp. Ile is held by - - I treaty with that country which waq is like,ly to be discussed. owinwto the shortage of feed in that strikers In Mountjoy Prison continued Iti,4iies, , railway � Aid Harry Plielan, of Petorboro, province. "we l9ok to the Government the Swedish au.thor.ties. Since a war. , Irramed at London recently, it is an- Frei -at N'tti was, at the died �uddculy of pneumonia, aged 63. , tO4day with added tenseness, and Iu- . Berlin cable: S s � derstood. Thi,% treaty will be cousld�- station %r1fore 9 o'clock this 1110,1711, Potatoes sold in Detroit Wedr sd W. D. Jennings, one of St. Thomas' Ito take a broad and generous view." � rant for trdasou is out for him ' t1le receive Camille Barrer most prominent bustnesa men died creased fears of serious developments, Regret over the possible prospect of a do. Position of the Mueller Q yortimeAt, e, the ay German Government is expected t _0 ered by tho Supreme Allied Council E for 4s. much as $15 to-. a 2�,,, Wine at the W;4kers dying is expressed . mand his extradition. i - ""rgen'eqh Ambassador to Italy, Premier 11 /2*'bust'81 suddenly at St. Petersburg, Florida, Sixty thousand workers In Dublin 11, the face of the growing Struggle 1.vheA it opens .�s sessions here next Lloyd George, of Great Britain, and bag, ,by the Chronicle, which is supporting ___-4­1�_ for mastery between tho. radicats and , I Vdhday, and announcements that Field Narshal Sir Henry Hughen Wit, The Prince of I where he and Mrs. Jennings were alone are on strike ar,a a feeling Of ithe Governriient. I , MaNhal. Poch, of France, and Field ran, chief of the British imperial for Australia on Wale's left Honolulu 'spending the winter. Pr,Qnouuoecl excitement prevailed , "But the al . tervatIve," tbb newepa- the reactionaries, that a fresh coup Mar . bhAt 'Wilson, at Gre4t Britaln, staff, arrl.ved by automobile ,Iowa. the battle-cm4ser RID- The first Ot4wa branch of the throughout the capital. I ­ ,per adds, "that the Government should would surprise rko one. Tl%e uttaost i 'would be present at the meeting, are arnuly, 11arseilles, with their staffs, in . Grand Army at United Voteraus, for- , WILL NOT PERMIT Vea4rded as indicating that military, time for ItIncheon. Later In the day, lyThe Welland .Canal will be offiQlal- nierly known as the.Untted Veterans' The day was' '.'Marked early 15y a tat, 'capitulate to. murder before the threat I military Precautions are being 'taken , . 00 4 opened for navigation, Monday League, was formed at Ottawa, � ality, Constable Harry Kellis being tof suicide Is worse still, It no way REVOLT ff"'FG111ME to prevent a repetition of the Xapp� experts will be called Upon by 1he Premier IMIllerapd, ,of F�an , X: r- I iout can be found, .and suicide Is per. M f3ounall before it dectdes finally on alial Poch and others of the morning, April 15. The National Council of Women is at should inake,, Luettwitz revolt. Fifteen tanUs, 20 T Belleville citizens favor the purchase AsIcIng the House of Comm I French I , . shot ifqa& w * K 171 � Aito on, plain clothes duty islated -.n, the Governme, � the terms to be submitted to the Sul- representatives, and Darou Ma t6u I, . Pa. to pass in Cam0n street 'this morning. The -its care absolutely clear to the Brl- Motor machine glMs and, . lan� the Japanese . Ambassador at Parls, Of the bridge across ,the Bay at Quillte la permitting for all time in Cana- four detaob- A IV ,- constablele assailant, was an unidenti- tish Isles and America, so that no I . , Armenia, under the treaty as It reached San Rezuc on a special train, or the erection of a new one. da the sale of oleomargarine. 1. monts of Machine gunnees"hav"' . flea young man, He fired two shots -Iion.06t njou would be able to entertain Paris cable says: The Temps says . e Ueen, I tortitory comprised within the boun- (,.It will Tayor and , 110 1.11 arrin brought Into Ilerlin to be re4dy ta I �5tafids at Present, would be given the Duvachan Palace, wlAere the Coun- Win. Gordon, four times � Jamea Livingston, * former member from his revolver and ran away from -an honest doubt as to why -the men that t A ed w g to the Gsr� meet, stands art Bertge six times alderman of.Strattord, died of the Ontario Legislature for South the scene before he could be appro� were imprisoned, or as,to the'lliaracter ward off An arraed attack on tho,ega. il dory roughly outlined by the towns Heights, northwest Of the . Waterloo and later I I Ix the Commons, headed. of their treatment -while In MI." man Government willdeclare that the tral Goverainent buildin&k. + Aot %fIrzeru O!V�*, In the -=ddealy at the age of 79, . � . � I Allies will not permit the establish - I ,M, BItIls, Van and -Mush, and centre of a vast park filled with a pioneer in the tlax Industry, died The, shooting added � to the gen- . I the, corridor leading to the Black Sea., tropical vegetation, 0_ A violent selsinto disturbance was , LAND P OR IRISH VOLUXTEE M. nient In Germany of a revolutionary . . rid to an archi- . at his home in Baden. - L Other features of the treaty ,which I tectural jewel, It was erected by the felt in the Charente Department. of ' oral excitement; Thousands of people Dublin cable: Government offl_ Government, the policy of which Berlin cable' Berlin Is ba,ving M . 'will be given .considerati6n. wtll,be the I late Count Horace Savile, of Mer. France on Saturday n1glit. T. F. Wag was sentenced t,6' 18 are parading the streets, and collis- would be oposcd to compliiince with veritable nightmare -lit of feat of sa- I � 'Months in Jail at London for defraud, lons between the populace and the e'418 are negotiating for 2,000 acres -of the pcace treaty. Germ other � . organization of Allied supervision at I borough . An unsuccessful attempt was made Ing a Syrian metchant of *300 In a land which will be Apportioned among. ,. any will be "putsolill-,that being German for k 0 Constantinople, and the formation of O'ERMANY AX,D THE Lui AG,ul,�. ba Friday last to AsOaSS111'ats P1`831- f4ke potato deal., he aefrauded an In, military are feared. I Irishmen who volunteered for oervIce told, Cho ne-wspaper:- Adds, that if a "coup d'etat," I 1. . I ,a, commission to control -the Dar- Paris, April 17. -French, British, dent Carranza of Mexico. gersoll maa sImillarlk out of $500. . There have been rapid developments at the front In 1918. Viscount Field GovernineM. of this I;Iud ;hould come The Berlin newsPapers,,410 morn- , daiielloo, It Is expected proposals will Belgian, Japanese and Greek retire. Toronto landlords 00 Mai, ' In connection with the strike. Vis- Marshal Virenob, Lord Lieutenant Of Into pwrer the Allies would be obII&qd Ing, with scare -head warnfags of an- , ,Ing AIX Rev.Prof. Ottomar Uncke, who has 'count French, -the Viceroy, sent for to abwidmi their programme of aid in other revolt, look almost Yellow -be made .to, admit Balkan States. In- sentatives, who will take part in do- average increase of .9,6 per cent. in been a member of the Faculty of the the Lord Mayor to -day, and later the Ireland, prom. -sed In 1918 that land , witil ,chtding Bulgaria, to. m9mbersh;p In liberattons of the 84preme Allied would be given at thoso who joined the c.((uc.rAc restoration of Germany fright, and as some of Lt is inspireq I 01s commission. . I ,Council at San.Remo, left hory for routs for the comlilg summer. Waterb a Seviinary for eight Years, iniltary was withdrawn trom the vi- the colors, and In 1910 Parliament And to su.,pead the sending lu. of. food- 13Y the Governinent, olle almOst Im, ,+ . I Ways and means of Insuring the Italy last nlgh,t. VArl Curzo An effort will be made this summer gmd is Well-kAOWR in Lutheran cir- cinity OQ1ountjoy Prison, One of the ,gassed a bill carrying the Lord Lieut. stuffs� The proposition for the warn- agines hearing teeth chat* . er, in trie , , 11, , Pee- to bring fresh -caught fish from Jamos oles, dio, 11 after an fitness at several Prisoners �ainong the hunger atril(er$ Ing was made by the BrIt4sh Govern- . a . �executfon of the treaty, of Versailles rotary of Otate for Foreign Affairs, Bay t'o Toronto by air freight. months, in his fifty-fourth �nant's promise Into effect. - UP to the Willielinstrasse. will be discussed, the alftuses calling represented Great Britain, . , yeaF was, removed to the City Hospital In a present, however, only 71 men who mout, -the Temps states, and was as- The PrQss differs as to from. wh�ch .1 tor German disarmament being car- The report' which has been frou- � SIr Lomer Gouln, Prime Mlais,to.� of Tba convent and its contents at .state of collapse. took advantage of the offer' havo been sented to by France. , side'the now revolt is to be ex , I I , c . Mwit;Qbello, Quo., half -way between ' Another development was 4 0 0 pectied ' I ,ta:n to receive careful attention. �ated, -that the Allied Conference Quebec, was yesiterda3e rocelved",by the ar- iprovided with homes� . The majority Of the Papers, however' �, Considerable doubt exists whether Would consider the Inimedialte adials- President Desehanel'-6f France. , , Ottawa and Montreal, conducted by rival in Dublin of General Sir Novil . Four thousand application% for hold- A I seem to 4gree that the now spectre is, , 'will come before r-) on of Germany to the League of I,e ned by the MuCready, the new commander of the 4ngs have been Cled, and nearly 6,000 the Adriatic OUtIon A I - CorpGreyq Nuns, and ow actionary type, while the hya� The Italian steamer Etna Is report valued at of the re, * ex � 116, forces In Ireland, who Is expected to soldiers have Asked for cottages. I tionallstle press Is bitingly sarcastic. . xtreme- ed by wireless to be in a disabled con- between $26,006 and $3000, was , the Couisell, in view, of unconfirmed Nations, is, regarded here ai ontion of 1)ldntobol ALLENBY CALLS , -reports that Premier Niti, of Italy, af-. I ly Impre-buble. .1 . dition 240 miles Douth of Halifax. totally destroyed by-�fro, Fortunately assume his duties at once. FIRE OV_ -R HEADS Or LON_ The Executive Committee of,the in- � , - , . Mrs. John McNeil, of Wanryted died there wag no loss of life. The general expectation here ,Nvitb DONDMRiLY CROWDS , dependent Socialists in the organa, of ; . � . � �of, heart failure while across the'river The sub -committee of mines And up- regard to the hunger strikers, based THE ARAB, BLUFF that party is appealing to each work. , At Port Huron to spend a few hourg. orators negotiating at New York, a ,upon last night's debate in the House Belfast cable says: Soldiers fired man to contribute a day's witges , to i Aq. 5 The Trades and Labor Cou of Comiio4s in London, is that the ball eartridgee over the heads of I the fund if the movemoAtellag%lnst I � U nell at new wage,igreement for the anthra- ' 11 � tbe "Boo" wIll erect A. Jabor temple cite fields received the last at the op- Government, although ref,,zing to, re. crowds gathered at the Londonderry London cable: The Zionists ar. further wage slavery undee int doyn. 4 001- LANS, 'A 211" F SWAR111HING' at w cost of $150,000, according to erators' figures In deteuce� of their lease the political prisoners, will make stwtion. to-da.'r, *,.nd two elvIllans; were -ganization manoiinceo it ,Is authorlt-a- ination of the capitalists."- � . I � litbor headquarters. pr I alit systems. The next stelk'YA101 be -some concessions in their treatInont to wounded by rleochoting bullets. ltivk�y informed from' -Palestine that . Vorwaorts, chief organ of the - Ms, S Zeno Riopelle, aged forty-five, dT '- the 'presentation by the operators of secure'the termination of the hunger ­Thlr'crowds at **te station assem- -the, Arabs have demanded the sup-pres- Jority Socialists, and of the., Govern - I I P , OP O bled with the expectation of greeting *n Fat- Ment, Prints an appeal. to. the '! i . . . I- � I . ed dead on the Halker road, Walker- counter -proposals covering the major strike. ' The f eling appeared to be %lon of the Zionist Commission . . party'. � . �. DAC� X `11 RAILWAY I 'US ville. He had relatives, and owned demands of the Vorkers. � that some formula for a setti`�aient the arrIvr,1 of Sinn Fein prisoners, nstine within five d,iys. the expulsion Comrades" calling upon . . � I I . . . which would not be hold to constitute Armed police were summoned to the ,of its leaders, and thedisbaodment of capa�le of bearing ar every man I I � " property in Northern Ontario. . T sceno. but the gathering became so 13 I - — �Jnlcss thk United States rail py ms to enlist for- ., I 7 N, f a backdown by either side,.was heiug� ,the Jew b battalion, threaton.'ng a "the protection of the republic." . r . . Ir. lll,n,, stitke comes.to an ab!.u6t end thous� thr ia t inivo, I rt 3 lapp, leader of the ;6ught. ., that two companies of -mmsaore of Jews it the demands are The scare has also affected. some � 0 C, . recent unsuccessful coup dletat in ends at Sarnia residents may be a0ldier��, wh,j were accompanied by an � , � ' Speedy Termination of thu U.0. Trarospa . Be'llin, is at D.%ntz1g, outside of the thrown out ot-work ,as the result at a Reports were that the general strike -not carried out. of the Democratic flapers ljkw�. thb I . - _1�- � 1. was gaining ground meanwhile. arAnored ear, were called and ordered The Zionist reports say the Palcetina Berliner Tagej)latt, the Vossische Zel. . ih l clutches of the German Government. number of industrial plants being , to inake a bayonet 6*.arge. Administration agreed to , ace . . , , -, .: , ik� n Harry Vero was Inatantly killed and forced td close down within a -week on COMMENT RE .AUNGER STRIKERS, tung and QNorgenpost. I I The military wa,s subjected to a the demands, but that Field Marshal Rumors leaking out from ACabinet ' I � -5v'. ." , fil account of not being able'to, secure fierce fusillade Of stones and fired Viscount Allenby, commaudor of Br! - I I .%,: ation ,fte-, P . See S -Assured his two companions seriously injured, . London, April . 1. - Most of the I . . . I . . when an excavation on St. Clair their raw material from the United morning newspapers do not comment sessions serve only to Intensity t1we I � I volleys of blank cartridges In an on- tish forces _n Palestine, Vetoed this tear, and they are made worse by . � . I ' avenue, Toronto, collapsed And buried 6tates. I I on Andrew Bonar Lnx address In deavor to warn the People, The blanks decision. . . Speed ytermInatlon of the transpor- strike here will be called off to*d4y, them under tons at earth. I - Milk dealers serving Undon' con- dommolls, in which lie the fact that no ono knows whence , 1, tation tie-up wrought by the unauth- it was reported at headquarters of the . announced that the Government proving ineffeall.vc, several rounds of 4 � 0 � a coup is supposed to be boming. I , Chi=o Yardmeu's Association, the Richard Thompson Cubbing, 53 sumera stated that, commencing on ball caxtridges were discharged over , . orized," strikes of- railroad workers ,, '� 11 a medical man, stated ould not'alter its policy with regard the heads of th3 people, and two civ- NO LONGER UTOPIA. "It's a ridiculous exhibitlah," said Outlaw union. . I . to have com� � the first at may and continuing until 'W a a received In!,urles .rom glanbing Gustav Noske when I Asked* him if �, throughout the United States seemed from Canada, was given a five years' , the first of September, they will prob- to the hunger strike of Irish political Ili n . - A mass n3ecting of the, strikers, at sentence at the Liverpool Assizes for ably sell their product at lower rates, 'prisoners held In Kountjoy Jail in, bullets. he know what was at the, bottom or assurbil to-ddy. which they will be advised to return. torgery and otkor offences, . � At pro3ent fourteen quarts are sold Dublin. The Times, however. con- Later in the dAY t',o Sinn Fein League is Now Useful, Says the newspaper panic. Us. added tbitt I �W tchmen, yardmen and other em- to work, is to be hold1this fternoon. I �. demns the Government's policy. say- I no doubt the Government' -was con- , � a for a dollar. . � prisoners arrIve4 aud 'were taken In Bourgeois., PlOY6 of the Pennsylvania, Reading The men will be told, it was re- A mackerel scouting cruiser with Tbe retirolAent of Brig,General J.-, IRg: motor -cars to the Londonderry jail. fronted ivith a grave economic and .?P .. ported, that their objective had been wireless equipment Is being sent out , , ' — ' I and Baltimore & Ohio lides in the obtained, that their wage demands this spring from the coast of Nova �. "angton from the post of Account-' "It Is based on a too narrow c'u- INTERNAL REVEN', , 0rFI11E SET * ' " political situation,, but he ,could not ant and paymaster-goneral of, the c8Ption, and is consequently wrong. I Paris cable says: Leon Bourgeois believe that after ths.- Xapp-Luett- I .1 Phlla6lPhla Clst-',t, were returning would receive the prompt attention Scotia for the purpose of locating the Militia Department Is announced, fol- Whatever the cost of the Prestige of ON, P Ir. P . president of the Counc.'l of the witz fiasco "the reactionarI66� would . .. � . f L be crazy enough to make anOtAer to work this mor,,nq :� ',ar orders a( of the now Railway Labor Board, and mackerel schools for fthermen, low.Ing the completloa�,af the work for the Irish Executive Department and Belfast, April ;,-The Inte,rnal Re- League of NatloliG, is convinced o I �. I their girike leauers. - that the .now union would continue, Between 0 and 60 tire workers at which his servicea were ehli6ted. attempt so soon," 1. . -1 �: . With or without the sanctloii of the the F. E. Partridge Rubber Company's � the pride of �Minisfers, broader and venue Office at Dtaidalk was burned the usefulness of the League, do- Noske said he regarded the danger - ! Tlia� work order affeet�j strikers on. A Roumhtau,� about 40, ka6wn only ,more merciful considerations should this afternoun. A vimber of Inen - . _�s be'-een Washington and . rushed Into the building, seized the of an later of a Bolshevist coup far greater. I allstlin railroads. plant, Guelph, are out on strike, qwing by ii,amber, emfSloyed on the Hydro 'be permitted to�prevafl. claring in the course , I � I BO on, Including New York distriet,a Charles F. Clyne, United States Dis. to the refusal of the company to grant construction, was Instantly killed Emphasis -'s laid by the Daily M:Lil memberf.� of he working staff, arid set view to -day that it Is.Ao longer a It a second,Tleolt, similar to the . . .5 triet Attorney, received information 'Wage demands made by the men. When he was struck by a main -line ,ton the fact that many of the hunger � Kapp revoltj should occur, the Prem- � .� the- Pennsylvania strike committee ' the office on fire. No effor� was ma,de theoretical organizatlo� oD" a splend.'d , . . . had. been empowered to negotiate for that strike leaders arrested at Chi- Chatham ratepayers defeated, by N. S. & T. car at a eroeeing just out- Ktrikers have not been convicted in to subdue the flames until After the Utopia, ,,, I . ter declared, it would be certain. to i � alf strikers Ift- the east. . cago for violation of the Lever Act 496 votes to 273, a mone3i by-law for side Niagara Falls. / rproperly constftuted courts of justice, ar-rival of the soldiers. 'A 'The work of its executive council cause a general strike as energetic as r1l th6 New York district, railroad Intended to abandon their organiza. the construction of a now waterworks - it wae announced at, Omaha that an . I � — - INOWALk* I Is sufficient proof that the League Is" before, - officials detlared the men were roturn� tions, and either return to work or System tosting ;370,000, using the I attempt to signal Mare from a balloon I . a practical body," eald M, Bourgeo*s, The Government has succeeded In. i Ing rapidly, and reports frol* all'sec- seek other employment. . River Thames -as the source at sup- will be made by Professor David � , placing under arrest Major-Genem) tionsAthe country indicated that the All the arrested leader6 were at Ply- I . Todd, of Anrherst College, on ,Oill ROE , r1.0 "The Governments and peoples -wbv Baron von Luettwitz, commander of , . ' . .23. He w-11 also have Special appar- - I want a 'difference rsettled, or wish to the rebel forces In the Kapp revolt, , If , . $Wfiwback to work was fast gaining liberty pending their qiegring APrIl * Chief Toblas,,of Moravian-tolvn,wlls afus to ascertain whether sound waves GRUE make a complaint have been com- � . -MOM01dum. This Was'xetlected both 24. Those unable to, furnish, ball the only Indian representative so far � . SOm RUSSIAN TRAGEDY Ing to the council with thle certainty the semi-official Wolff Bureau an ­ I I or�,etherdfsturbances are coming from 31. - I . in tb:e increased ,amount or traffic were released on their own recog- heard by the Parliamentary � n 4% 7; that they are ,Appealing to a power- nounces. The general was captured � , Commit- the far -away planet. i �. es and the loss of J ful and moral authority Which is in Pomerania, where he 'had been re!- � 1, 17, orted In hiding. I . enthusiasm for the s - & capable of havin.- its decisions re- P I I � � I ent in A. P. Wlittney, Vice -President at ,who t,horo-ughly approved Of the 8u"' turned from the north, brings word I I `A I . that Major Bischot, at 'the bandied by tb� Iin strike appar� alzance. ,tee considering Me Franchise Bill - H. L, Williams, who hae just re- . U A UK 6 . the atttlude of many of the strikers. the Brotherhood at Railr9ad Train- fra4cl *sing of the Indians, I I- It adds i , . I . ii to F dMonton that he and lite crew . . � � spected. on. Baltic troops, credited with being - � .1 men, declared to -day all members of lion. W. H. Raney, Attorney�Geaer. have succeeded in capping. the Poll- � . CALL IT OFF TO -DAY. . "Of course," M.. Bourgeois c I wA � the organization remaining on strike al, Introduced a bill in the Legisla. s which -lids been burning Eleven Leaders Found 2AUr, VISM in tho Black Sea. TAe bodies tinued, "differences -Of op:njon Occur moving force in the Kapp conspiracy. ! .. Chicago, April 37. -The railroad W'OUIC! be dropped, Jure providing for the extenz!oa of steadily Practically evet.,eince It was I hAve been Identified as those of mem- during preliminary discuasion. but was arrested. . . I - — . ­ � I---,----.----,----- -------- � .- the moratorium to Sidy 1. first tapped by -the Gov,ernment 4rIll. - dered On a Stranded bers Of th6 noted Russian families of now remains to be accoinplielled." * M 1 - , ; � : . D1 ight Americin sailors Were drown- ers twenty-three -years ago. , ' . Yacht. Falzfein and Skadowski. I delegato are Inspired with deep feel" - I , I a ed In Manzanillo harbor, Cuba, Tues- Sir George Parley has*returned from . The discovery was made by soldiers, ing.9 of humanity and strlct justice. I � "OP . day, 'whea. an explosion set fire to visiting P rance, and has brought, with . who, when they went aboard the help. 111rinormoue progress has been LU I , Lf"'ttle *'r'r e (of ' I "RD "Uh E R 111) y I S � I - GL.X Av e rt i n,, g the launch In which they -%vere rid. him the deeds at the site to rpade in thi direction of world peace. I I r the Can- le�s wacht, found.,the cabin half d , � I Bicharest cable says: The discovery . I � ronlel'o I Says adian Battlefield memorial at Bourion with water, aig the eleven bfIlle The people belilove in the League of 'ql"F .9 'CREDIT odies I t'g, f floating ar6und. On board the yacht i , 2 "21F The London Daily Ch Wood. given by the Count Do Fran. on the yacht Ostara, stranded at Nations, and to provide It with the F i n7 a n cl a I R ul" n of (49"le- .rin " 'Ing- quevillo. I necessary means of action In ,.ill that U V. 1-14 1 9 that L'ird Drug, formerly a Cana,Olan Ina, on one of the mouths of the Dan- I Wbre 14,000,000 rubles in gold and . . I om cceed General Ma- �cvrral thousand infantry troops Ube, at the dead bodies of eleven noted I paper and jewels. now renift'rei to lie accomplished." � I � .1 , ready as chief of the Land . on Po- and some cavalry Are about to be sent Russian men and women, each shot I The older Valzfein, 4, 6 0* RD. *on Great Diplomatic Tri- , � Berhu, Apl�ll "' ­171mancial a.ud ecolloinic coilalise C I I lice. J to Ireland the London Daily Herald through the head, and not a living I pistol In his hand whs GREEDY LAND 0 � I . . en his body was - . I . coilf'ronts 6 erniany ,Nvithiii a year if tho people do ot A two webks' boydott 6r, potatoes learns, to reinforce the British forces soul on board, has presented to the found, and whether the party commit- _., . I 3.1 . rimph at Taris. i 1. 1. -1. hwa been declared by the Detroit F od- there IA -view of the threatenigig in. Roumanian authorities one of the I ted suicide or were murdered is a Mob Forced Him to Renew . - �. C realize the situation o f tiie countr-y and reform inetl ods eration of Women's 'lubs and Detroit ternal situation , roost mysterious tragedies at I�olshe- - question that remains unaswered, . ­ 11 Stewards' Club in a drastic effort'to Col. Hartney and Captain Douglas, I ,. 1. . Mother's Lease, Saved Entente Cordiale, I I of II -ring, said Dr. lVil'th, 11-finister of the Treasuvv ad- U. S. Arm)% fliers, arrived In Ottawa - . . sin I" - .. I C I restore lower prices, � ; ' I ' . __ = � Averted'Vash. . . Priday qfteino,ofi .at four o.cio0t, hay- . 0 dres ' g the Budget Committee ()f. the, Natbonn.lt As- It was estimated, at Prince Rupert, Ing inatle- +he flight from -Washington Detroit despatch: Police protection , � ' . BC that a -loss of $150,000 Was Sus- . I C Sei),Wy' yesterday. Despair O -Vey the critie,,'11, period and t�tnled In the. tire wh-10 destroyed the In four hours and two lainates in the Br it. is h M I" #,Vffl/ e I*, -ell 3 1 Accept this afternoon alone saved Jerome 0, � ­ . Inverness cannery Vlaut Sunda'Y air, not including stop at Ithaca, N,,Y.l I e, a profiteering landlord, from When Premier MIllaralid, of France, � I 11101'1118 Of PIC(Ailig it was fildleated by the Xhuster dur- . I " .-Moor � �. Morning, - -The D'oe.6te of Montreal relinqu'sh. violence at. -the hands of an Infuriated ctowed signs ')f d'apleasuro and -did � filglis s*ch- His 'View of the position of Geriliau Dr, James, Rowland Angell, for ed Its last ,�resontlon to be the matro. � the Go v e ril M C:1� n t Offei 'mob, after ho had Personally evictei rl(,'. Intend to take -.the slIght"t no- ; Iyah. sLippofte(I by GUStftV . Noske, former Minister many ,years Dean of the University politan. et the province when it con- . a mother and her daughter from a tice, of the List Britialt note presented I of � of Chicago, has been elected Proof- q(,ntr(I by ,iosolution of the Anglican � I . , tohlm by Lord �)orDy at I p,m., Mon. � Defonce. � dent Find Chief ]Executive Officer .of Srnod bpro to a obarge perniftting a I flat which he own6. on Thxr-* street, d0w Wo British Ambassador calmly . I the Caruegle Foundation. peripatetio plovincial synod, - London, April .' � -Th6 ineinbers of the Millers ' Moore had notified the women that Ila , � 'Cl �%i . tened to 'he Pro,�14_,rls outbdrst, I " If we camlot bring blir filialleial pOliCy ill fille jVitll A letter was received at NeW 'ork Fcderatt6)j, by a majority o f 65,135 votes, have decided their rent bad been increased from $70 . 1-1 I . Tba lorench G'O�ernraont rested Its . to $140 a month, and that it Must be and, taking time before rep,lylftg in � . from Premier Borden, who Is at Ashe- e,ma agath I t)x-Promfet Caillaux in the to ,Ijeeept the Govelainient's offer of a ,twenty per cent. a c o. When tho am order to Produce greater effect, sud. I econOmic principles," he OXClaill2ed, "I confess I 800 110 Ville, N. C., In whloh ha says that 110 In Ver's reltnn trial lv)fore, the. Senate . . paid In adva w On donly bttnt out- � reports that he is making good prog- Thoodol Increase, ou gross cariungs. The decision of the ineii said they could not pay, and that they � IM Lescoave. the .public prose' I "Unless You accept our note in the w4y' out. * Another hiereasc ill m ages. Nvill 80011 be (h- ress bi regaining his health. cuter, recommended "eiembncY, but' obviates the danger of W- st rike, ., had no place to 90, bloore drpg;,�:d conciliatory spirit In which it Is given, . � State r, iJ(,1S, I heir household effects Into ! I 'tilro, The doors. of at. .11ary's CatItallic not to an exaggerated degree.01 ,t whlimum ' I shall iiarnediately resign and create I martdod, ParticIllarV bY 11V01-kers oil the . _ Church. Phoenix, Ariz,. bore notIC08 I � I The' Government's offer provides for , with hla own hand.. A crowa Of a erlsts, which w4l. complicate the and I Shudder to Collteinl)httc the next railwitty bu(IO'd. SaYlag: "Lutraneo Into; this churcIT" It Is orffclall,v� 6tated that n1ally a flat advance of two shillings for all -%vorkers OVer IS neighbors gathered. And when Moore alreadY difficult 0tvation." _" Is forbidden to v�omon w0arilig low- litindro'd thouGand ivar trophies have Appeared they threatened to,hang.bim Continuing his Ilue of ii,rguraerta. It Nvas hoped the deficit WOUld Ilot execed 710009000po 1100111 distributed a*,nanq the Mminlous ycar� of aac, one shillhig for Workers botweell 16 and to the nearest tree. tiolt with the greatest coartes I . I li"Ited C-resses." The notictd were Y and juarks, btit it will not be, less tban 12;000 1 to vusDums, regiments and publ*0 18 yoars, .�nil iihic pence for Workers Under 16 years. 'rho arrival of a patrol wagon filled clarity. Lord Derby finally n ,000,000, accord. a 3110d by the rector, who line fre- " . I quently protested against the extreine bodies. Canada hid received 3,175 with police Officers did, not permit Of convincing Millerand of the advisabil. 10 estimates." � ,&In womclft'p. attiro. , gung and machino guns', - 11 11 11 �ptf!%; tlic for I I Im StYlt . . . . . . . 1-9 .... ______ I the execution of the lanAlordt but Ity Of acco ton a wh ch __ " '—' . N ",".. ., I �� � %...Wm, - Va;ti-elratl�oa by flitl uelgl'tt�$ i3460 I . 1. I I there was no Official llltOrfercacO saved the entente cordiale," whi:6 at I I . r ___1. 1, *__� Utit, Porshlng'e Erst fortral an! . nouncerAcift that lie %ould perinit O-neupatiop of Frankfort Is taken In ` I when Moore was forced to sign a lease the same time preserving the dignity himself to be considered as a candi- Parts as a pracCell dernoustratton of at th(y old price As he stood bafeboad- of the French Government. CHARGE OF WILF0 <Iater -for President. was mac(o In a the-sontinMat Which Is declared to be OVERALLS CAMPAII&IN A`K."IST ad in the middle of the. street sur- Paris, April .-Lord, Derby, Brit- � "L MURDE' ""' brin�ing Pranee and tIllglum ftearee - . . X spAth delivered at a banquet of the rounded by a crowd. Ish Aniba3sador here, Ala proclaifted ;� ,a Nebraska Society at the Hotel Wash- ftild,nearer a military alliance. Then the ffarnituro,was carried bak the hero of the day bythe'diplotnatte � Ington. Washington Vis announce- L4'11rl Curzon. tho Vore*gn secretary, into the liouse, and the crowd digpera world, both here and In London, LAID ,AGA"N." T LL01"D 61 ment did not jadlea;* Oil lvhat ticket on bebftif of tho British Gov&Zjuent, HIGH- CLOTHING, COST SPREADS sed quietly. wbero It is stated t1tat his, cool judg- , I .,. � � . y UEORGE he mir,lit eonsent�ta Tull., ropelitly communleated, Ivith tho Sov- __.._-_1-_1_-__ . ___.­���­ 111ent, and presence of mind Monday ______________ Raiding the home at Benjamin Co. Ipt (,,0vprnW(.%at 11, Mt(jrow, aa1)e&lIhV ,,until tuch time an the 1.*�!lcea& at PIOX]PORD, DIVORCE. noon saved the worll from another . , retary, and several police Inspectors Awn, Windsor, Provincial Officers. for amnesty for General DehikIne mid, IS General in Southern and war, Inel4ontidly helpirg France out the clothing rpAelt & reasonable figure." ' Carson, Nev.. Apr!, 10. — Suit to of the tighteist, corntr sh,. has been In Uquest On Cork's Lord 1,vith murder. , � . Smith and Hannah seized fifty taseg , Itassfaft volunteer army Irk the Western .States --Detroit At Spokane,, Wash., the fire efflet nullul the decree of divorce secured I Mayor -Murder On Ulster A POLITICAL, mURDEIt of liquor And mors than s5,000 In Crimea. � . and. many city firemen .-oported lot by Mary Pleklord from Owe" Moore IA kneo August, Illu'. cash, which, tho police allego, is Co. The P�olfsh 'Government hat :ntorm- Moose Act. . duty to-4ay In $8 1 haki Fults, The was filed shortly after four o'clook 4 9, b� Uorda. 130fAst, Ireland, April 17.—What is hen1f; receipts from llle�al sg%14� of ,,,, tbe 1,ifoiieh Minitor at Warsaw . this evoning at Mindsti, Nev., by At- Ito will coittend that Misa Plektord ' - I — believed to be the first pol,.tical as- liquor. . that It entirely ApproVel the elitof Paid hereafter ro-almfloa bluo nuplaint did not establish a residence in X## +1 s, sassination on the Ulster border, O0* Three reglin"ts of Infautry, Ilav , to action nullorms, which cost $72, would be re. torney-Gener-11 P9wlOr. The cc hat fraud and Dedurr wftg Cork, Ireland, cabie cttyg: Charges of curred 0 of Prance lit occupyIng Prank rt ,And, . Now liork dispatch: ))^��patelio,.; re- quir,ed only all formal 0 e I c,401(yns. aill. . C'Out, 1, more tliftft fif,cen typnwrlt. vada, t Ito Ala late last C'Vtsnl)lgl W11011 T,holn' been hurried, to traslitz to Prevent by Daruir,tadt. Poland desires, just u . .-,.. ,v 1, -ton to -nainflig committed In certain parts of ttie t4M- CuLse" ,nrd L1, oriling 0116 14 Soveral thousand members of the tell PagOs- (a t1mony and that there wat conspIWY lholland, of Dundalk, 45 ftillm foreo the CommuniRt follo, 0-ra of Max (Ioe,4 France, the earrybig *lit U A . �!q 11, W t.t t . In addit wilful 'murder ,,-4ins'; Premier Lloyd uorthew,08t of Dublin, win shot on o, w 11 t-timpaig,.1 of -.rotcst Loyal Order,or Mooke at 1)attolt don. Njary Plekfor4, and 91'. 1\100te, th � Georoe wero brought in the verdictof street there, and eled an hour later, Hoelz from crosging the border fftto' wbole of the Treaty ot Vorsailles, W t '�' Overa & ncd overallA to -day, Pursuant to a Complaint / in the britighig of Moot* _ ,harges thftt1DC-,3r,Ias Vair. and loollusloh the jury in the inqu"t into tho death Czeeho-81oyakia. Ifoolz and his bAnil was -oxplaln�!d. against the high oost of clothing to b,aftlis, who niarried the little ACtrOsS Into the State. th'Alulholland ma'" & stateM(%'nt to few days ago fled, front Flatten, Sax- Ser!outt dtgturbances. have oonugrod spitading rapidly throu�tvh tho south. resolution adopted last night, calling a huy e �stretrher-bewrerg. A man nained, a soon after the decroo was grAutca, r, ItMOrditl0tY Off0ft e boft * , of this city, 6ay. In the Provinto of Ronan, 4nd Vil - , I. --j. upon 8,000 aieinbem to th Al alinul -G61i6 , of Moor A-faccurm. NeXeever, living noar the scene of I ern and wegtom . %' . _ wear roup lent his tuPOOrt t0lseetlflng t1 0 I - made to Induce the Attorney %A1 "sassInated likst moath, which was the lihooting, said he hear;! three I CharlOn VROUrkO, Aft Old-time rest- war to ItumInent, stecording td adViced At .Greenville, r.C1., n1auy WAto , miment un'll rrkeo o� t1lothing de. nient. and other Mate offielals to drof) the . rendered to -day, ,� dent of Verafe, 15. C., and fortilarly received by Chfte6o offliftialt :ii Shang. 0 adoptod iclined. ---+** ­ case. The " skots and, fouill Mulholland writhing , ad trofestl,00;' M011 hAva 'Governor lis ,been 1*4109* � I vt . the overall aft the'r dskily garb. Inciftntally, Ilia retail price of Over- tholltand cattle lit Alberta ed not only froin Southern Calitoftb4 Viteonnt on the xround, MeXrover do* Avest, X(yaitshay, wit& foand dead iAt 'the hal, Tho littia4ifty It It said, Is tht *� ,Ae Univeralty 0,41 Alla In eltles wh(A'ro ov5mllg clubs Seven I Tho* verdict also'nittso i JI.. - Very, Ntud#11 d bOOM111 thora Is : but frOM NOw YOrk, 1106011, C1114"O, jftw twor Policeman, , earby tkud ,c:r,llf,n Tooldstift Of TIAOMAS Latcher, bdo , rstult of a chaup of tbull, or it . outt, CS,roling, lit Callumbf.4, B.C., bave been ,rScitilz04, has gow� fror4 have been degftOYO ikad other titlec 11 Irreftch, Lord Lieutc-1411f, of Ireland, - Mh .1 I to theta, but they vroA.W44 toW#kM ,bW1Avr-t4-IRw1 at 190601116 V4110, tfirY gOvOrt - - vlac6 by tho 11 $,,I*dtvd hitasoll to wer-r ovqrAlla 42 to $0 per Wr. Ao food for thom, f 1 140 MAICPhst403, fOrIner C11101 Su -0- tho burAcks, rot Somo tims he had bou th% only 'PO'kifig 04WOMInOtt. ' U411 - � I I I , I I .1 i I I I , I I - I I I. I I I . 1% * ,� 1. I . �, ; 1 7 .11 , I % f /I I L, I ' � $ 1 1 � . ­ *. I LIL:, I �111 A,,,A6g1.,x- . , � " I . I ­ 1 -1 I " � .� I � * ,.il % . __ _��SA&A­'L, ,�_� � � � , �4 � - I , , W* . _­ I � � I , '. , � " � I �i - I . I I " ­ L_ i��All �%' I � , I. i A&1�1._h �1JU.'"-"— I. - � ,� , � : , _­ , ,_ 11 �,l \4! 1 . I .. � 0