HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-04-22, Page 6.
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I pelvis 094 t po"M 114. *04 ... ___________ - --- -- ________._._ - - - - - - - - - - - , 11t me Time wilen, UX 4001, Lao Alva. F,
r I ISSUE NO, 16. -
1 $ Ills volt:% broke. X&4p Jiswd tbo , ' V4R 14AAdiO P45464 With A,lUkA, lAtO -_ - _ - -_ . . I Ili -AF-L
a to Luckmomw . louutc" U10411. I I Ao I the possasslon of ,the unal"ad Wr*vLo. I
LIS D - - - A '. -_ -1. A .1 "I iihall never I . . . . A, 0"
I MA' I ---", 6 t "I'4rulA
, P - ,,, -- , s W "p - I . -1 1 I Then, until 14184, they were lopt to - "a I I
, - I.- - -_
014, -... my boy, my boyl!"Ugull T4*14=1 :911r.1 I - , hemselves and x9vorned tbej Qxelvoq. 1^ I I -
I _._ -.- "I 7''...1. I I - ,I, !, %I? .. I 'I., t F ,
"eorhaps no othi.r by WV,6a ord'eving, Tea, but insist on madge waited no longer. Whitt to I I I M *'11 . ARAI Volt 0AI4
I , . ., I I They have now forgotten the nus- ,-or
-product of the i 4 . -Y slan tongue, %Ad Are. b000ming A,% b It
. or, U1141aga and fenoos; I a .
- R4, 4 =I 04 nl.V. I
wor,d %ar iiave th,i recuv4ry of 3 (sru- I . . tile lips, with 'An Agony Worse thim . t 11 1-1 - 4. eluding 10 40res I ,Q Got.
death, Ghe felt her way Along 1110 I I : 0 of sootlazI Xp " .
Ilwa stir,j the imag.nation acs pro- liable,.seeses I , , , 11 lean. X04. Awat of them UTO to 49%4
, gettin'dw the re 4WIftly. , I
"I . walk of the room And spea , 11.19.
oulftdly as the BrA14 announcement 11 11 . . I wooden Uoutes and woo, continental 44,,04`t
- DoW41mly, 41oul; tile oorrao! r I" S Th , Men W9470, WVA4444- -, __
Of home rule for Xwta," saT,3 a bul- clothes. . e W9
, . ""a
S, I ful tabrIcs of grass, so Cuoly VIA104 A` " W= -TOX OQVX'
letla ot the United 4tatea National 4 I . Mo down tile otairs. " , 148, ty, W per gor
" No one was In the hall. The flor- V I 4, 4110100, 0*7 I
GWNUP1114111 tOCIttY,"N 11iCh 0XIi'41,1314' , I pecial Garden 'ollections As to resemble 00t. 10 acrov hArdwood busb woll dr= Ma
I .1
. .'J.Uu X_,ita I-iland group !* a Shrine It " VuAte, oven tile porter were congro- I I 0 0.10,60,00. ,,, in a bigh. st4to QC cultivation# no W'"to
Of Mythology, and of sacred And pro I -- qg gated In the servants' hall 4locusaing I Pkts-f0$t.%po#tpal4- 11) land, good wtIer supply, sronvorriont to
, . School CMdren's Collec0on-11 .yt. each Beane,
, I$ret,c*ttgt, corn,, ,lu umb-,e.r,l,ettm*,Q,I.p.;, SUffidOnt Unto Themselves. L -%jiqbQoj and church, rurala".11 46VA
UpA blattify. C-alyp3o, vampire at with feverish excit#Xuant tile 9VOUtO Of Peas, Porsidp,;ka4Isb, lisqua ihsiod"Tq o 'll"Ictl, I.Tnited Stnte% tow
I . . rulp--our Wo4ton marltres, who Itfkyq tolop one,goQd rcao.- Tho buildings;.ore
liemer's, iv,.,ra motina plewrost Not- I the night; and she went straight to Garden Co0bCfiqn_Ulb. 01wh Ben. Cor. and Peass. and I pkt. eaclx , n , ,
,qarly new and ve.lued last Year Sit
' , LkD A the great door, and opening It, 118,64041 Sinall Bect, colbuge, Ca, I hobuobe4 with Villplao )lead hunters, hy )Piro Insurance vAlu%tGr. ThU
oued, the. ob!pwrooXed, VIYOSOV, and I I rrot, Cucumber X,cttucel, Onion, I 1:119
rpley, P#srsajp pumpkin, Radish, inach, liquash, ToruAtO and VW4iR;134 IIN4
ealp.oyed 'ter charnis to DIRe him. I I I out Into the Alght, and have loll,$ beGA 1404417 with t1to bho rrover had a crop failure a,n4 U 490*
, P V
S . U574 It was dark and u keen wind We$ 4Z 14 Okla. for j ,W# pootpad'-gur #.%Quous of varieties, 01tamorros at Guam, met Wolf Water- girld 1.1, nono for pr9dualnir grAln, or h
- , 0i wIllotling through the leatlesoo, trises. each, Pe4us, Corn, Onion Sets, and Pens- Perm 91
stay oil tile Wando. aiut Paul Swam X Q, Xooro"' .
g4hore, there after hI4 Yeesel ran Never Disapp ats 84110rhan Garden Collection—"", log. when they tried to estpblis 0
1. ., ,h tb reaaQuablis, 33Q
. lox.eAcb, Beet, Carrot. Onion, Radish 4na , 044
Atnound. Publius. tile Island governor, The Tea That It Seemed to her to be vinglut In a' Oufll)kt, each Cabbag Cucusubtr, Parsnip, X,ottuce,Xelou, Parsley, Splaach,squash, ' . entente cordialis witli the qUA-QUAs - -
aecord!ng to Acts XXVIII, I reCelVea led Packits Only* looking voice, "Irene loved y9u; she V011111toand TurnIM111m, 4 oa-s and 10pirto. for $3.60.Postpaid, of the Virgin Islands. . . 35 AquEs CHOIc.11i, t-%Urr IPA.RX,
Black, Gre.ea or Mi,. Nd .so. SCa I loves you SUM I, . Asters, six,varlettes, mixe:Wcolora, 6-0 cents; n4irf According to the marines the. 0- A . counor lot, near jho La
And lodgea him, and the apostle , flower Seed covection— colors, 50cents; Tull S,Pj . .,Us, c4ovan-
founded a Christian community be- , - - - - __ ___ I Mad fastened her ahaWl around . , Nasturtium, seven varieties, ail T4ey live
0 - _ ,-..— WrIsturtfuns, xcwu virleilers, ail. colors et Pens Royal Noseg seven , r erl;
____ - — 90 . , 80 cents; ewc Chas are "poor mixer tent to stations and y .a% well planted
, , I her and stoocl for a, Moment, posed, vitrietles. all colois, 60 couts" apencer isweet Pens, six varlet4a, all colora.46. on the west side of the, liarDor at With an assorted varety of trult, bear-
fore he departed. I . I I I vlous Flower, *ecde, sovert vaiietics, inixe4coloro,Wcauts. couts; virgIn soil never grain or pped.
as it were, upon the broad step. Will- To , Charlotte-Amalle,deoline to. mingle'dr 0
111114 'Ily ad4pted for fruit and 4ro
"The date of ,0hriat's birth Is but n espect
ther should, she go? The Answer rRICE-Write for our lWirage Catalogue of j;eedle, plants, Bulbs. QA?don Intertharry with the negroes, and To, den produce. Good build Ing*, Iswa, ate.,
the half. way point III MaltesO chrDIX- t, breathed. by the- same inner voice, Unplome"Ital Poultry supp'lloi, Interference With
. otogy, since Its recorded history be, ' . - oto. sent any outside offered at a bargatn for quick sale. Im-
gan ton nations have held away over : 6eemed to whisper despairingly - : 223 their affaire. They are the hardest m dlate possession .T. D, Biggar, 205
the coveted Islands, -beginning wlth R1`0,dhtUe,td i*n T"J"61me "'Anywhere from this place, Any- JOHN A. BRUCE & CO,g LIMITUD drinkers and beat workers on the, Is. Clyde Block, 1-ramilion, Ont. (Regent 034).
where! 11 See Merolhants XsT4%ur.zsrrs:D 70 VzAns Hamilton, Ont. land, their Industry bringing Orem
. ., Id .. a
the phoelisle,ane of Paul'a ,time, and - . I Obeying it, as betore, she passea . - I good living as fishermen And weav- HELP WANTIED-NALS. '
running cs, males of Greelm Cartha- i . . , A i -h — -1-ly o—In .11 .... -...........;....-1 . . 11 . . .. .. 0 - I . I -A U 4 rVil 4VII%A 10 ARM . I
L I 0 . o0ixi FTX4RXXOWLIl10 LOGNS,'
. heavy Woollens. For full pax-
ticulars. A
. . pply, SlIngsby XfX, Co. Ltd.,
nrantford, OzA . -_
I .
junced (n DUbJ114 V14t Psehipalag.
,I;nchjne. Good wages Paid to capable
man. Best working 0011ditIQUA
in daylight Will. liferoury MIS, 14d..
. 1jamilton, Out. . I . I _. . I
We have several good openings for
experienced and Inexpertence(I rnale and
finiale, ikelp. NTe requ,re girls for we&v.r
Ing and winding. Every assistance gfran
to learners, and good = pdI4 dur-
Ing apprenticeship. W in this
line earn very high wages, and are al -a
ways In demand. Only a couples of
I weeks' time necessary to leara, 86vor-
at good openings for steady men, special.
donsideration. shown to family of worl,-
ers. r -tents and costs of living reason-
able In Brantford. Aloving exPorse3 ad-
vance4 to reliab.e families fill'[ housing
SeComadatlorr arranged. Full particulal;s
cheerfully furnished upon raclilest. '%VrIto
US. The S:Iiig.qby Manufacturing Co.,
Ltd., Brantford, 4)ntarlo. " .
nill. Steady work. Highest wages,
Slinj,4bV Mfg, Co-,. Ltd.. Brantford, Ont.
_-__==== ; I I.. =
.__ .- - _ ______
, I __
. date. Water power; mlso a quantity
good split Pul'aYs. Wheelock engine, A
Shaw, 15awkestone, Ont,
1 .
partly furnished, all equipments,
Nearest town to Radlum Discovery.
Xarospect5 of b1l. boons. 'Ideal tourfilt
resort, also rtQre with some stcok. Ad
-dress Bixx 27, Kearney, Ont. I
I ____ — __
Dommlon Express AjQney Order.. ri Iv4
dollars costs three cents.
,__---, I .
, I I
! ght Collars Muddle Brains.
Dr. Leonard Williams calls atten,
tion in the : ractioner- to the -penal-
ties that irea and wcmen have 'a
pay for the erect posture. Instead
of the* heavy organs in their abdo-
luenS having the cupport of the float-
ing ribs and the bony pelvis, aa -they
have Ili the lower animals, they haBg,
gravity pulls them doivn and all aorta
of displacements are thp result.
there Is but one advantage derived
? from the erect posture, according to
. Dr. Williams, but it is a most Im-
Portant one. This is the gain in
drainage from the brain and other
org"ns situated in the head. In the,
hol-jzontal posture this Cratna,ge, IS
sluggish, whereas mail "Invo-es tile
. aid of gravity to assist '.111m. In rid-
ding his upper Storey of effete mat -
It ters-, It is not
Inewiceivable that this
f difference may explain the distinction
between the "ntolli&-nee, Which we
concede.to the do.- and the 'intellect!
Which wp regard as the monopoly of
r his Master. The distinction would be
ter still ,it the master did not
so . frequently nullify the difference
. by,. -wearing tight, hl..,. collars to im,
. pede the all important drainage. A
constricted neck mc%ns a muddled
head; not Infrequently it connotes a
bad one and a p I Imply face."
4.4 _
(St, Valli Pioneer Press.) _
Rare Is the day when the news columns
do not bear testimony that Something
cannot lit had for nothing. lion arid
d Nvo-men become parties to Intrigue b
ambl acing the conchisiOT; 'that "hert 11
sorricthing easy." (,r "Intre Is somethIng
for nothing." And always they pay the
price, if not in death or lost; of liberty,
F, Qt Jeast in humiliation, grief and d13-
. gr&co-. Mortal flesh Is weak, atid Out;
t fl,85h which is Immune to tPmPtatWil in
ll&rdly flesh but a pctrIfi6d derivative
a j-jt - Ths, w y mere preaelhln- slips
too of ten dc -
d at ears if it gets with
in .
Striking lance of the eAra at all.
But th
. e sels of observation and
e common sense are for us all to take or
; leave. And it we leave them, weL have
4 abundant opportunity to know, we are
doomed sooner or later to jotri that large
t arid IncXcluolve .company of,Lthe Stung,
y_. .1.11: I., 11
__ ---. j _ - -
r Sr ,b r4ibbi etud Harniviv.
n P'#_RNE 1&va Clean, Healthy
t t l Eyes. If they Tire,Llcb,
___ ", -
Fok ., Smart or Burn, if Sore,
. .; ,
y W-510- I ritated, Infidnied or
YoUfj EVLSIGrranulated,useMurine
- often. Sooths, Rch-eshes. Safe for Infant
t or Adult, At all DrUggistsand OpticiatiL
0 Write forpree Eye 00014 Owbe N Itme le, ako
a ._. - - -1 - -
. I . 'Full Up. No more beds." .
IN "What will you charge Me to Sleep
. I oil a billiard table?"
rc-pe or America. This imp!ement, I , and debilitated; tired Morning$; 00 ambitlon aj ." - The woman in town, of country, has - I 11rotty..cents wa hour, regu
" l" W I ex- "A gYpsyl" the woman looked at' __
caliol a Mulmin in nurnicae, is about t ; I . _Ilf6less; memory gone; easily fatigued, %, her sister in nifnion. of Now Zealand occupies the , ard dates. I wouldn't profiteer on A
I k he mail in troub
an fneh,, broad and ten or twelVo * , citable and Irritable; lack of energy and confl- Madge's brown dress and red shawl. 4 the city In expert advice from t position of southern Newfoundland. 11 Its,"
V."M_ I - - L
incll- In length. P!tted With, a -WO04- I R _ donee? Is there falling power, A drain on the "A gypsyl. r thought you Were play __ best-known firm of dlearrors and "In climate and vegetation the two
en liandle out from the UtIght-OfflaFt 9 system? consult the old reliable specialists. acting. Yes, you look like I% gypsy 11 Dyers in Callada, dominions are as unlike as Norway Mmar(?s Lhilmenifor tale everywber*
aes,fford- in those clothes"' and South Carolina- NOW Zealand is -.O,- ,
Jungle, the Burman erect% a , Parcals,from the country sent by mall. alarld of Mountains, gorges, rivers _",
In of bamboo around the trunk ot SYMPTOMS OF VARIOUS AILMENTS. q am a gypsy," said Madge sadly. I mell-His remarks are entitoly too
te qt wa$ in agyDay vamp that Jac _ . or express receive the same careful
I e be felled, which may bo poor I )" , Rttention as Work delivered personal- . una fiords. The higher peaks of the fr, .h. Belle Oh, I take everything
twelve or fifteen feet In elroumf0- Weak and relaxed State of the body, nervousness, deipondency, that my husband first saw me -and" south island are eternally. snow-cap- , to says With a grain of salt.
once, about five feet from the Memory, lack of will power, timid, Irritablo disposition, diminished power of , Pill ly. L I . I its southern ___ .._.__'____ - L .
cation, energy and concentration, fear of Impending danyor or irsl9fol, hdr voice br6ke-"loVed Me.' 1-t t I pe(I and the glaciers of . I . - I ...... I ..
ground, manages to br!ng It down "11"ll drawsiness and tendency to sloops, unrestful cleep, dark rings under did not know the 'harm I WAS doing k . ". Alpo rival those of Switzerland. The _ . . ...
! ,lin'. CleAmind and Dyel"nd 1!=_
by his vigorouti and re1j,dited 6tr6k66 eyo.s. loss of weight, Insomnia. Dr. Ward gives you the benefit of 29 yoaxsl In, letting him marry me. 11ow could surrounding Seas are too cold tar car- -.,, --
within a few hour3 of commending continuous practice in tire treatment of all chronic, nervous, blood and -kIn I )lava known?" Sho Was not so I of thes I -, . *.k .f .. " I
- :
WDA gis. Among the 'Mountains * i , ! I I -, 41 . .
op,,. rationa. Thopinkado -or Iron Wood diseases. The above Symptoms, and many others not nietitioned, Allow I 91 Clo(hind- or Household Fablics lill .2 ill
tree produceg harder wood than toa,)t Ith Your Physical condition and that you much speaking to tile pale, IrIghtened . 11 I North Island volcanic fires are still I -
p ""'" that 80meth," 'a "'rono "' womaliL before her as communing With , — por years, the hume of "Parkorls" active, and. the,j geysers and hot ?_.. 6 . T .. - -
It 1, Let me L a Work Springs Are little'loss impressive than
.; largely uo,d for railway slee"rA 11,le ninice you a vigorous man. herself. "Then I came 07 the Tow- I has signiffed peffeetion In till L
tull m nhood. Don't be a weakIllur 01-Y a a, .. -....... L
and blutito, the'r RXL*,'4 More thAti Any t a era and -and I tried to'bo like the I of making old things took '.Ike new, these of the Yellowstone Park, The ,,;I- .
"21('Lo ..
n 6 '"' atte"`11oniorig lit
' " ' t "
othpr wozil. Tlence: it 1.1 not p6j)ulaf ,Tel" M-hy rluf Or, - Me to 1110 nAid I will give the best treat- I Now Zeal- "I ....... - :.;:;;4:1
L , I , t 0` 0 0 YAO al ep U.rns I 10 a I 0 tees--ful treatment based on the exp )rl- . i ...
t r u
I,n ,1A V, _.,,_
to wcrk.-Famlly 11trald. vo 1, 4tr .1 ' ii IV "' co others, to be it lady wid--and worthy ther personal , "...
I ont 6own to .0lorreo-Photon6 a, whe garments of eve aboriginal inhabitants of ;iu,
- __; I islike.of 29 years in treating-,nion and their alltnerts. of him; And to-night'l-her voice the Mott fragile Inaterjal'. or I-ouses. and, tit the time of their discovery by . - 711. _Q& . I
11,41. I brok e-llto-nlght I thought I bad 46 captain cook, were
Torpedo Digs O*n Tun I ,br. Ward'of Methods Utlelvalled"L Thorough end Permanent, _Ae . -hold curtains, draperies,, ru;s, ote. the most Ad- Whenyouthin ,
. I .
. L Dey you realize 'that You have only one life to 11110-410 You rea.1126 that so, that he would be prourl of Me. 11 Write to us for further particulars or vanced of all th0s South Pacific rates, ,;a , t ks
Ad(j*4 to tios, list of interesting but L You are inimaing most of that life by lit h0ftIth 7 A life worth living 18 Then, just when i had forgotten what IWAYS I Allk of " I I
mail lit tits send your parcels direct to while the aborigines of Australia Are . v1rlt v 4 "
Iardv war InventionA is a 'so-oalled a healthy life. 'Neglect of ona'sheallix has put Many a I had been, a man ek,15116 Into the L the lowest in intelligence of all hum- THiWAXOMr..#1111 - - I
1,oarth torpodoll of vanadlan. origin do- gravo. or f $ire midst of them All ,And told them, 411 . I an beings. N1iA*04(0W.Ui.rk*.rk" wtma.* I."
.dhanieo Magazine. , I have been tellilag men ,thezo thnim for many yoArt but Mill th 0 . ,I IL' 4 I I '06(0*ow "wt(W.O"khmhwmt&. o.le
ftribed by Popular Xt , ad what I wo,g!" Uer eyes were. dry and 5 bkAJ enso Interior to
It borto its subterranean way undetect. I thousolmd.1 of victims who, for varioui reamcna, U06ve not had !71-3 100 ItAML: "Australia to Ilk no a VWA* 46m" ft 0. W" it MO" imAVV
,P4 toward tire. oneiny lines aiid then ex- tenta to dome and get well. hot, and yet as If the unshed teArg . " .
1 04
21,10"9114 .M " ~dlv " 0. h m ,
p,odes with great force. T urowing , ROOCIallAt In the treatmont of nervous e6nditits exllnnstlon, 00 New zealana in geogrnplild Interest, . no. W tmftm b ek"k AQ 11* Wka kaw
baekaollie, lumbago, rhournatt-m. rtoniatch aridr`1111 1411=e were burning In them. "Poor .Takell" I
IN I , ftelle, Skin a hasVy $16, "He L . . . but lofty ptaks, profound esayons And %,hKkNftK4m*V6.y1A0.rTV,h "O"tt"
opt-ratlon is hydre-alle. Theri%0 R tbol I she breathed With I r r . 'WALIC41t MILIA
. torpedo I* equippi.41 with an in*elrlous , dipee'le, catirrij, asthina. rectal troubldi, plies, fistula, *ad blood con- I . active volcanoes are lacking; Ito rivers I
diVol., did Ilm Itnow the harm ho wo do* 4 Are UnImpr6saIv6 and its p0minent It is 110fers" &IV6 dust "e"d
: Iiarilig noz:tle. and takeA with it a length .m. to 6 p.m. sundays--10 cm. o I P.m. InIt'll I I I I IL
a hose, which a Pump In the trm*h $up- OFFICIt HOURS: 0 a I I a" "'i %W 04 INAt"I "Ot" du
.'jaltope I . . MKS Liw`ted lakes Small And few In number; it to I U 4=1: W 6 M IN *# k 6f 66 *=—=
. ; I , plies with wtttt,r ,nt No pourAs U ". I 1". 3t: : PRItz CONSULTATION EXAMINATION. I ml . a continont, eomposed of plalzls Ia. i b "W'0* 6(*)M T**.Ao W"s *4 oft&
. r -W *46 .uy ft" "" *tit* W". % 16 N &M
I This Part of thO I"rfullk Kilos (To be 6fttlut6d.) . and knobs." I
Ili if. 1"t the. P.AvIce burrowed for ft feet 33k%fora teglrin!ng treAtment you must make rin* TIxIt to MY office for - torrupted by ridges 1. .4*.1"- *I' "W- 91 ==.*- 4
onal physical Axamlitation. Railroad tar* will be considered At 1wrt Millie & [we " _.40 . ... .=:,=
, Prid thon blasted out an exouvatfon so a per %fit w ( , ". C A-0"0#.4$#&m.,.W.t
%MYM nt 42 lot MlmWs LIMMat f3urlif 0*~- .,
. " . f - Ct acrorg. ___ 0 0 A - : Canadian money 'acmpteil at ftll vallat, , --N,_1__1-- Troron o Attw all it saeWt soft r6warkawo - 1 MUISE Or 'ry N
.1, 7V Nilt"m 4"jire, 90slo, N. Y. (0trau" tlk*t Im llying 4ft 1 791 Yong* St. [ tbAt ties bLrailt 40stifts Of the d'ar - a- 11i ItL
, Let prayor be tho kor of tbs worn- L . 1, e
I—— _ _._ _ _.__ ______ . " - __- _ - .. ...... -'--'--1. L - - 1 w , 11, . '. ft SUOUld P 'UP 'IU MAC
, . "I Up M 0OWN - -.1. --_1-___
lilt and tm Wt of the evskins—)AWt- - _____ --- ---- t1te ftw, =VW 90"A61 - I N
lip thsw Hosim I
1411 * .11 . L 1.
I glulawi. Romans, Voths, Arabs Ger- "What 1.4 t n" Abe heard
Mana, Silauiarda and French, unill the
demanded. hoarsely. "Your sin—"
She and looked at him for
V1144 0 - VkM, - .1 9?
the limil-acroes the light thrown -
. I .
_ 11 11 .. .. .. -
era M1s,.jT R. R. .
to have come originally from the
present soveroIgnty of the British. he countess say, In a vdiCe Which
'hollow and we4k with
a moment like one in a dream; then
from the windows of the still lighted
rooms -was u in the #4_9
- __ I—— I W I
Water. The water Ia drawn by ca"
Dutch and French Leeward islands.
So far the marines b Ave, taken only
a n eald that 11altwo Ia- trouble And weariness.
I cal cumnicle holds, in mIQroQosM,
Ia W.'story
the Lurope, arid that "God knows"' said Royce, and
she put her handf to her brow.
"What have I said?" she exclinmed
swallowed ,p
I .
Keepiog, Ood Coal
PlIlary attraction through ,he wIck2s
and oaturateo the cover, Capillary At-
long listarre obsetvationa K -90
cha-chas. Qr while the tribe Is not
who of
ge Imew. that 110 was pacing to
ita areboologicAl rernalne Mark each ( Xfui .
In a trembling voice, do you
come here drive me to despair?
8 he 'went swiftly, with the whawl.
tion starts more readily it the cover
Ia. firet dampened by, dipping It Into
, era Indicate that
hostile, its memb
step In we-atern elvilization. tand fro as he had paced in, tile ball-
. "13ut Malta was an actor, AS wel Pam; could picture his palb, bar-
Why—- k
drawn closely around. her head, Along .,
the drive, its wonte
Without Use, of Ice .
water or throwing water upon It with
they want to be left alone,
I . - -
. . plainly as If $lie saw it'
4 librarian of historic drama: Liter- eased face as
Then sne seemed to recognize
up by ,the carriages, passed the gates
the hand. The great the rate of
ArOfflo Night..
tt God knows! l feel confused, bewil-
. ally ahe bpeame tile say.'or of the Id
and her head dropped again.
. "What were you ,,:.,.YJ[n Royce?"
and into the high road. She paused
A A A 4 0 A +#-++$ 4 0 0 +-+4-*++
evaporation the lower the tempora-
ture which ea n be secured, Under
Viewed Solely 40 a Matter of .
t .ered, and miserable!" h
wes ern world when the KnWits of 11 )l I ought
Malta beat back the Turkish bordea 'with a groan, other,
she said. "I-1 am upset and be-
A moment or. two to gain breath And
looked around her. As she did sio, the
- - - - -
As tile weather grows warmer and
. .
. .
ideal conditione the temperature has.
the- Arotte night Is as dark 44 any
I . .
during the fvLmous slege of 166-5. The Dot to have coMe here! it
wildered; I don't know 'what I am
Saying! "
. Ice
clock ,of the Towers otruck five. IA ties
elips Into the ranks of commodi-
that march under the banner of
been kn6wn to be -reduced to 50 de-
grees Irahreahelt, Obviously, weather
night. Explorers in high latitudes ,say,
howev6r; that there aro many allevia-
Allen knights, aleng with native Mal- 1, .1wAs; a mistake, a fatal one! I might
. I . . ,
tese, kept the blIghting hand of Mos- i .have known'that-that some of them
' '
"My poor motherl" he said, With a
"God -forgive
she reflected,
workmen would be about s a.
0, L,, the queetion Of how to, keeV
condit.4ons have a lot to do with 0xis
tions, at the obsecurity. The stars
, *the moon comes alorg
I '
lem train cru,ihing the lando which - ,-Would find us out, and -and bring this
strong man's pity, me
for bringing all this upon yoit; but
would be seen, She must hasten, ons the
refrigerator full this summer
to worry the alreaify iiadly per-
refrigerator. A warm, dry day, With
a slight wind, J -s poGsible Ill,owing on
flash .
0 Is
ln a regular succession f phas a, the
I i footered th Dse infant Ideals of free- ; upon you, Forgive me mother! Liver
. dom ikhtch row are reflected lit'tiigw jaince I was born I have been a trouble,
there shall be an end of it from to-
but whither? At that omen ,it any Plexed
idea. at, all found room Ili her bewll-
head of the family, But if
the cover, produces the beat results
snow Lurface relieves the gloom under
the absence , of
land's concesc,:on. : to you, and have disgraced tile old
night; we -shall go away, Madge
and L"
dered mind It was that of going to her You.
are handy with tools you can
an icel%s Ice box at a trifling
In malntalnlng coolness of contento.
-Robert H. Moulton, in Plllladelphl a
conditions of utmost
light, and the aurora borealis f3 the
1. I
I "Tbe thrl'As C -f that siege and tbA ! name and now -and now
She arose and seemed to struggle for
own people, It she walk6d long en-
. . 00st.
and the toot of operating will be
Record. .
finest kind of Illuminant. Explorers
- .
. herotem d'oplayel ,are unsurpassed. i "Yes," said the countess, as If she
Of t1if, 1,7.0)Q la',',-,je who ftjug '
, lit wltb.,' were communing with herself rather
' . I
her usual self.pos.session.
IjGo on, 11 she Said in a constrained
ough, if she could only manage nothing.
Avoid, recognition, she must. In, time
Here 11; the way it Is done;
A wooden frame Is made with di.
4 4` -
Minard's Linimem.nelle ves Neuralgia
all dgree that their men pass the,
u .4
winter night witho t much, OiRcsilty
the knigI to him ".It io4disgrace
I , its, practically all were kill- . than speaking I I
el, Character',sti6 of the knIghte' ,
1 0
v oice. "I remember all now. a
Come across a band of gypaico, Whe- menaions
ther they belonged to her own tribe or
.4, ..,
42 by "16 inches, and Is coy" I
Snails in Aquariums. .
I It only there are means at Amu$ -
and ruin!"
valor wile that of the defenders of ,,,
And I have brought It upon You
. Port, ,9a!nt F -Imo. Wounded arid des- he bitterly.
on and tell your plans."
"We will go away," he repeated,
not, she knew that they would euccor, rusetless
and, It ne6eisaary, hile her,
with screen wire, preferably thos
kind. The door, made to fit
A large glass tanlc is not necessary
I - -
state of Ohio, City of Toledo, 1,11eas
Coun I
. said
perate. the -tow survivors of mon:th,3 Ste turned her head slightly, al-
"It will be best for all of us, esbe-
cially for poor Madge; she would
She hurried an and for a time, M- closely
and -mounted ,on brass hinges*
be fastened with il, wooden latch.
for a house aquarium, says 13oysl Life.
Small, inexpensive glass boxes that
Fratny c-st Cheney makes oath that he
Is Senior partner of the firm of F. .1.
lot fighting went V) a small rahanel I most as If she did not. understand:
I witlillu thr foft. Plirbraced each other -
I then her hand to her brow.
never be happy here. I see that now.
ported by the excitemilt, was -not Sell -
sible of fatigue; but presently 6118 `Pfie
bottom* Is fitted solid, but the
make desirable indoor aquarla, as well
Cheney & Co., doing buslsi ffs In thO
City, of Toledo, County and state agore-,
received tile Fucharl4t, and " , she ,put!
, preliarsel .. ,'You Mean—" she said confused-
T Ought to have foreseen it frpm the
hrst, but I did )lot. We. will go
became consclous art it. 1 er feet seem- t
ohould be eovered with screen
Me. AdJustmbld abelvess can be
as glti.mss tubs and jars, may be ob.
tained from dealers.
said, and that said, firm will pa tile
t We Thr., 101,10 (!.drnp, rsvllyrr" Put ly. I
. -ff fr:rk, R11 R-7, Stance. b
)', Mt f(IlIght. On.
allies. I am
,abroad to one of the col I
ed to be of lead, her head ached, her
eyes burned She know that she could made
of solid wood or Strips or sheetR
Do not buy a glaps globe for an
rrh that oanxiot be cured
ansv case of Cata, ,
I . r- -1 -',I, , i-.- i" ln,n0f, "^ ,_ idi*mean that fellow's presence here
.4i *MIght
strong and can work."
I , of
not go much further. Suddenly she
galvanized metal. Shelves made
aquanum. These -give a distorted View
bY the use of HALL'S CATARRI-1 >IZD-
here to -night," lie si ld.
I log,tb,e-v wpuld lie evtPrTnIvated bp- .
., 0 a af ter
forp tbp nasailanto were beiten bRe.1, have known that he would e m
The, countess, cne more calm and
coliectied, looked before her thought-
found herself off the road and Upon from,poultry
the graea. She looked around confus- frames,
getting on light wooden
are prdbq bly the most desir-
of the contents and are evidently un-
comfortable for their animal Inmates.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
I % , - Madge and want money. I might have
. .1 ,. qa,ftt I s",j nr,rr.
. , .%jnl ,,p w:1.,
. 1. did think; I
edly and saw she -was on Gorses Com, - able.
These shel'ies cae rest on sIdA
at desired Intervals. A-
Goldfish are pretty and in teresting I
my presonce, this Gth -day of December.
I . ]mown! But I not
. . . 11 t p liqrli" bv n'glit to inform thA glit of nothing but my own hap.
. The thou
"Yes," she said, will be. the best.
Poor girl!" -
Mon. As -she looked a fain light at- bresa4-making
pan, 16 , by 16 Inchea,
but they are common tn such globes
and enough can be learned from
A.D.,. I-
(Seal) A. W. Gleason, Notary Public.
. . . I , 'i-aad waster ,of thp danger.
I =", &ger, deavered ula J."0019a W Illness."
"Yes, I *Pity her, and I do not won-
tracted attention, and she real- Is
Ized, ,after a moment or two, that it
placed on the top and the frame
thein'by the average student of na-
taken internally and acts through the
I x"rc tk b. -I (41-VIIL& 414" SW 414",Ili ,,it is the way with ail of us,,, SbA
der at it. I will not blame you for
was from Martha Hooper's cottage. It resta
in a 11 by 18-Ineh pan.
tures, -Flt up the aquarium as If You
Blood lor, the Mucous Surface of the Sys.
, .
I 4 vtitljv 1111dor water, lli,jid the fort, said almost absently.
"No," deep emotion;
Imarrying her; no man placed as You
seemed like a beacon -not to warn
Intended It for goldtsb, then get sollle
t 0 urs. .
Druggists 75c. Testimonials free.
-1 he said with
I o4- a.o _- gll, s,lig,l % as t4a command ner ,
"it Way, mother; you have
Nvere could have resisted her. )gut It
to do, Mad! Yes,
but to welcome,, and it occurred to;
All of the woodwork, the shelvA%
thing else.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 01110.
brought back. Every win obe,ye4- . Is.Aot your
was a mad thJug.
her that alle might rest there for 0.6
the pans should receive two coats
You can catch many things, but do
41 6 -
.. I - ai.sa I L..t %. ,.ul; tite c,niaLerneal'on always thought of others ----j' .
. strange gesture of
shdit time, perhaps until -the night
I . -
Worth Knowing.
. I I virougii,l; by their -freazied rdo;otance - She arose with'a
. w.,-rhwa Guch havoc Among the aasall-: ' denial, then sank into the chair again.
. .:1 -X ir .41t Is,! wbo am to,blame", he went
I . anta that the news,.t, , spreati to, t
Keep 'Your Health
had fallen again, The woman had
evide.ntly known what sorrow was,
and would eympathize.with her ' and
0" -
A dainty way to serve eggs for
kbreakfast, luncheon or tea Is to,take
I . .
. other divisions of the Turkialiforces, 1 on, I
, I
bide her. It was true that there was
I ,
round elicee of bread, toa-st them dell-
11 and turUed'the tide toward a Maltese Yes," she assented wearily, "you
some secret underatanding between
18 the one indispensable remedy for contagious and infee.
cately, butter thera _and dip them
., V 'ctcry, . I I h 1 me also. God works
Ave been to b a
her and the countess, but MaAge re.
.X ir Z tious diseases among horses and mules, its success as a
lightly n hot'wate r. On each round
, . waa. fated
"In command of the Turkish sea ' in a mysterious way. it
forcee ww! Dragut, who rose from I that, you should do what Is
I I you ave
boy EQ be ad' bring down the
Minard's Liniment
I .
glected that she could. show Martho.
Hooper that she, ,Madge,fi was flying
", ,g preventive arid cure for , DISTru-11PER, - EYE
0. . PINK yea;rh i. -
;A - COUGHS and COLDS for more than twenty-six i
the highest tribute 'to Its merit as a'me4iolne. It is' an-
d the white of 'an egg beaten
stiff with a aveck of Galt. Make 9
depres In cen:tres, In which
. cabin and ga'le, -alave, . done;that you should
, -
from Monk Towers to save the count-
. I dorsed-by the best
lea. Buy
horsemen,and live stock men in Amer
s!on .the
set the toaet in
. i1ira -of the Turkish navy, and was ; edifice built uproti. sand-UP011 sajid?
1. ,
on, and
ess from further humillati .
I 0 it of'your
place a whole Yolk,
1 -
I mort'ally wounded beDore.-Malta; I am punished.." .
I . I "ReenIcally, L)I.Alta, has ,been we],' Y pu, he said, as If he did
! for that Cold and Tired Feeling, Get
that would Induce Mrs. H ooper to
help her In her flight.
0 G I
SPOHN WED ICAL COop Goshen, Ind., U. S, AP
. I
just, long enough to aet the
the oven i
Yolk and brown the white a little,
11 named, ,a 'precious otone set in , ail- not understand her. Thin after a Pause.
Well, Keep Well, Kill Spanish Flu.
She made.her way across the com-
on -n. _ I.''... I'll
.1. I .1 __
Place, on a platter and garIliah with
- .. . vor sea.' Agriculturally, It 4,00arvep "What have ' you done, exeeptl
by using the OLD RELIABLE.
man and, nearly fainting now with
I the appallation at Now Teistawent think and at t for my -welfare? And
the exhaustion, produced by the roac-
Of white paint, and ous or two coats
not put too many into one aquarium.
Are You worrIed over rusty iron
. . '
. t -mea, Ifelita. meaning 'the leles of
. -d you? But, there,
I . how -have I rewaitle
tIon of excitement, she leaned against
of white enamel, This makes an at
one -of the most intere6ting aquati e
Ir. ne Is g 11,ke kero-
to i , ? There's nothin
. .
I . L. honey.' It doiftiolles Some 23T000 what is the .use- of talking? The
YpMouth, N. S.
the door and knocked.
one that can be
animals Is the common water snall.
aene-to remove rust from Iron. AnY
. people,, though It does not entirely
I .. .
question is, what are we to do?" .'
support them. Its area is -only one- remained silent. , It
— .— -
—1%o7or three miguteB pasaed _
-to Madge
easily kept clean. The screen wire
Also may receive two coats of enamel.
These are ordinarily kept In gold.
fish aquar'a as scavengers, to cleasn
r etal ardele that is badly rusted
n -
Ghould be immersed in kercaelle and
.. Tile countess
. . tenth ,that of Rhode Island, but It Seemed as if she was too engrossed
I latiolf of
bas twice the den.61ty tn popu ,
you must go," She sighed heavily.
. minute a that seemed an age
-4rid. she wa asking herself whether
which will prevent it from,rust!ng.
A. eover of canton flannel, burlap
up the debris and take, off.the green
that the
allowed to remain until the rust baA
softened, Then wipe it with a Soft
: .
. . the most easily populated ,6tate !n j by her own thoughts to understand
I 1 all lie zald. I
. ths
.,You must go. But theres will be no
need for work or poverty; I will give
E;heahould hal o strength to keep from
falling upon the step, when Martha
or duck to Made to fit the frame. If
flannel Is the
material grows on side of
the glass. Most people think at sna:le
cloth anfl Dollsh with oteei wool 0
to the finish
1 union,
- I "There Is only olle thing to do," he
I "in addition' to the main island the 1
after a moment of silence.
you money. Seymour must give
Hooper's nervous voice was heard
eanton, used, smooth
side should be out. It will require
as alde In keeping the aquarium clean,
but they are In themselves real objects
silver poliGh, according
".01.0-11 -
, went on
. . 006'. 00-', "
I I I Malta group consists. of G Madge and I must leave here. , We
. r, I
. mine, With cominottio, ftll ,,and I
Royce slarted and the blood flow
from behind the do
is it?* Is "' , h
"Who It yoli-r-Jake?" a e cover
about three yards of material. Thio
Is buttoned around the top at
of Int rest, ,
aT - I AST
RELIEF f-,% 5 V_V%
. .1
. . , , ought never I See
. . . . I F1.1fla a rook" Imagine 'MAII. I to have cable; I
I 1 A
. D,etric.t clearly, enough now. We ought to
to be superimposed oil the,
to his li'therto face.
,'No," he said, "nor' . a penny from
a4ked-In. trembling tones, . the
Madge ribistersed her lips; she was
frame and drawn down the side.
on whiab the door is not hinged, tut -
0_1111 — I
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc.
I want to help.you it You are suffering
I . ,
. . I .have gone away, abroad somewhere;
. of C,oluiubia.., Then' We iloareet
shv'hero where we w en't known,
Seymour. And, mother—" hepaused
1 + 1 +I,A- U
almost incapable of speech. , I
46 it .
I I I - I
- --------- d
from bleeding. Itching, blind or pro
4 ,,At 'Piles I can tell vou how I
I.. . . Italiall,thoree vmuid be no farther
away than 1-dohn.ond is franx N'vnC,j1-
and where this col aldn't havq,,happeu-
as ,4 reauctank. v con ..P of v
forced himself to go on. Mother,
IT, is 1, She sald IaSL.
Mrs, Hooper opened the door,, then
; . jngt(>n; 61cjl r would be a-littie north
ed. Pood Madge! Poor Maffige!"
.,EverythiLg A
Seymour ,ants watching. You did
shrank back aiid uttered a cry of
. of l3aWmore, the neareet point 011
. . the Adricall (3hores wouLd be tit '- ci%
has gone wrong.
curs;6 has rested upon Me and, the
not see him in the card room, P,Rd did
not hear what that uSan Jake said,"
alarm.. . .
,,Wboj IiI.q ikl" she #Aj ited, '1 1
'York Wty, and. Asia Minor would be
housia since She stopped and
dre,W a heavy breath. "And yet all
"What -what did he Pay?" she
don't know y9ul r". U othing to
I 'not far beyond .ollicaM This men-
. . tal diagram shows why Great Britain
, Seemed so smooth and straight. MY
"Enough to show me --all of us --,q
glve , " 'k
"It Is I -Mrs. London!" said poor
, plani-and God knows I planned and
1 (I
. . legarLie Malta as the key. a d safety I ur happiness, not my
, 'Ire. i sch*ed for yo
that Seymour is -not what he pre-
Madge.. - "Let me come In, ;4—"
. .1 .
. 1. . look, ter her entire Raetern . ii$'
, owni-my plans were going to their
tends to be," lie replied, Is a lie
XArt,bhq Xooper a cry of
I. recogn.god this:'Giritegic .
I I . . -`1- as if Providence had blessed
and a fraudl God forgive me for
. astenis nent And nervoui o,pprehen-
4LA.LM U A 10. L _'. I I
your own home and without anyone,
' istance, you can apply the best a
A Peouliax Tribe Lives in the Far laLil" trealnleLtS.
North. . I I TREATfP,A .
Peculiar In their way were thir. I promise to send'you a FRED trial a
teen mummies foun.i * a while ago In the new absorption treatment,,.and re
a cavo on I14gamll Island, which is ferances from your. own locality If you
Ono of the _'.leuth ,hain. They were will but write and ask, I assuft yot
. wrapped In skins and nets; but the - Immediate relief. Send no man -
value UY taking Malta on his Way to '
Egypt., Bat e ,, en Ronapart hesitated . them. Irene loved you—"
speaking so of my brother, but It is
I .
sion, and, drawing heir In, closed the
- . . . -
remarkable Point about them was that
bilt te'l others of this offer.
, at the virtually impregna,l>le, and u -sed
" Bdotherl" be cried.
"Yeso" shu said In her persistent
the truth.",
The countess shuddered.
,,It is yall, Ma,amill the, gasped 437
Ing buggy hooks and eyea or lAfge-
headed tacRe and eyelets worked in
the cavern which served as a
burial vault, was steam -heated, In
t traitors Instead of force for the cap-
I . .
tare. I
way, "ohe loved you -she lovocs YOU
"Yes " she said slowly, painfully;
"he brother -your broth er.
. Madge sank onto a chair. "Oh what
the material. On the front side at-
coldest winter weather it nas k . t
Windsor, Ont. .
! . ,
I "The dark h ood. or faldetta, 'which ,
still; I know It' 1 see it plainly every
is' Your .
You say '
has happened? Why are you dresses d
rguge the hooks on top of the door*
warm by volcanic fires.
, Maltese wpMen wear to this day, is ,
day. It Is not only I who am wretch-
edl I watch her face; I know by the
"That -that he Wants watching,')
like that? YOU are Ill,"
, III -1 am tired," said Madge faintly.
Instead of on frame, arid also
fasten the cover down tho latch sides
E leven of these thirteen mummies
are now tn the National Museum at
.1 ascribed !rs. popular. -legend to their.
desire to hide their faces becube bf j
look on it, by the tone of her voice
said Royce."
Martha Hooper ran for a glass Of
of the door, allowing a.wide hem of
Washington.' They am C0111PI(stOlY
4,,*, .. '
I . A
. the infamlea cl invading sol&%' ' A
111-I have brought disgrac
water, and brought It to her and, ,
the material to overlap the Place
Ate Islands of New Ze0an'4 an
11 all(I ape I
. cnaraeterl6tle feature of the I .30
"Par God's sake be silent; say no
Royce broke out,
the old name, but he will bring a
worse shame on it if he Is not prp
stood by as muage drank It, wringing
where the door oloses. The door =
then be without unbuttoning
It is suposed that ancestors of the
ts the torraecd f?6'ds. A geograpbl-
. streams
cal eurio-,jity j;3,tho absence of c.
more* mother!"
hoarsely. I .
vented. He is the sort at man to gam
her hands.
"What has happened, wwamr, she .1
the cover. The bottom of the cover
present day Aleuts mummified th, !r
dead, not for any religious reason, as
.. .X -
I ,because wateris mWorbed. by the Por- I
ous (landat'nae . 11
"It is the truthA she said dully,
stubbornly*, "You have been and are
ble away every Penn)—" stop-
ped and put his hand to his brow.
repeated. "Has -has he been there?
Ob. tell me quick! -lily poor heartill
should extend down Into the I ower
Dan. Pour double strips, which taper
did the Egyptians of old, but because
they' did not want to part with them.
"Usually, Ili our mental geograph
Australia and Now Zealand are' con
"The preeent capital and VtIndip4l
ecalic-ri, of *.%Ia!ta- Ia Valletta', name(I
blind not to have. seen It! I meant
you to Marry 'her. You ,Would
B t I can't think .of him now, mo.
ther. It,is of Madge and her future I
I "
and She put her hands to her aide,
.dI in trouble, Mrs, Roo))-
to eight or tell inches tn width, Are
sewed to the upper part of the cover,
Their method was to wrap their de.
funct reiatives in the skins and In-
velliently grouped; yet One of the fire
surprises awaiting the tourist fro
. ,
for the grand maa,ter of the knights
been rich, ou would have
muet speak. We will go to -morrow. I
know what ahe feels,*and I know that
am great
er," said Madge faintly. "I -I la'ayo
Theae strips torm widke that di or
P Ov
testinal membranes of sea mamals
the northern hemisphere is to tin
I at the t'me at tho raemoroblo ' siege.
I It wa% Il.terally a 'city, built ,bYlger- -
happy, and my great sin would not;
ha- e borne its fruit4l' she will not want to 1300 YOU -01,11Y Of
We will pack up to -night
left the Towers." .
"Left the Towers! Toul" gasped
the Dan,
Overation, of the refrigerator Is as
The low-
Place them In a squatting attitude on
wooden trays, and hang them up in
that Allitralla and New Zealand ma
not be regarded as. two Isl ds of lilt
, tlemen for - geixti,emen.1, It contained
Royce went up to her and laid his
hand heavily on her shoulder.
you again
- * early to -morrow. There
and be off
Martha. "Why have you done that?"
Simple no Its construction.
ering of temperature Inside the re-
dry eaves. 1-1%
'appearance, differing mainly in size
the palace of the chief Df,-, theae ,
; krilglits, originally the Knights, at thA ..
,"Wliat are you saying, mother?" he
I must be some spot In the world where
- ____
"I don't think I can tell you," said
Madge a heavy sigh. "And yet
frigerator depends upon the evapora-
Many of these mummies that have
been found are -undoubtedly very an-
near neighbors which may be treats
as a unit," says a communication 0
aint John, who resott0d to '
.. .
_____TnT! t
you Will Soo n. know the truth. All
t1on of water. To change water
liquid to & vapor, or to bring
clent; but of the origin and early his-
the U. S. National Geographic Soclet
W .... ..-. — -------- I 11
after ,flid Turki. hadT captured
their at Rhoddi-4. -Both the 1.
-, I , - - _ I
the wr,r.ld *111 know Itl I have left
OV *jvetj v*41jufsaj 1uojjwo,da,&9 Inoqu
t(-r,v of the Aleuts nothing whatever
from Herbert E. Gregory.
. - i
I main Island. and GoZa oontaln Istimer
old -4 r6lic,.4, ljb 3 th,oc ,,. of England'R i
Th - F- *-eCialkt
[g), R. W ARD
le Towers and -my huaftildjs be,
cause I have brought alrame,and, 4161.
evapox!atIon take a place heat is taken
from iho Inside,lot the refrigerator,
is known. Some authorities are of
opinion that they came from Japan.
Now Zealand Is nearly twice as Ia
from Australia as Bermuda is fro
i Stonehenge, of the Meditorraneazi
grace upon, him -upon all of them," .
thereby lowering the temperature of
A", the present thi,o they are ralten
Now York, and it is not Only east, burace
that antedated the% arrival of ,the
She spoke with the awful calmness
jo,f resignation and despair. 'Why
the Inside And contents.
The mpper pan - is lte t filled with
mixed, racially Speaking.
They spok e the Russian language
also south4
"Four daysi travel across a chill
I Plicenlelam."
I -
I ----#-d— .
. I., - I - .
Men, Are You firi Doubt
-should. she not tell this ------ ____
. I ..
son, Is required for the traverse
Sydney, after ex
I 33urinisse Tre'e-Volleroej.
truth? All tile county kn9w -were
Wellington to and
I ,
Although the Brit!sh have 6eciplecl
,',, I As to your trouble? Have you some 'skin
probably discussing It At this MO-
- -
. I
I __ I —--
-_ __ — - ______.____
changing chill midsummer climate a
the Now Zealand lake region for th
that part of Burnim from which'some
. *: 1. eruption that Is stubborn, has rosisted treat-
ment. .
'Shame, disgrace!" echoed Martha
o (: ,,` 11*
_ ,
heat of Adelaide, one readily accept
of the beat t,eak Is -extracted for. near-
ly a century, Barma tr6e4ellers Otill
. ment ? I t there a nervous condition which
0 At Your
the evidence of th map that th
pre -ter their own axe3 to any of thA
. does not Improve In spite of resto diet and
"Yes," said Madge. kilow
Perh%ps you do n:ot, but It will be
',- I
southern coast of the malt
'land 'hag the latitude of central No
various klftd4 Which hav6.been In)-
Ported from time to t!me from, Ell-
I medicine? Are you going down hill steadily?
, I ARE YOU NF-RVOU$ and disp6ndent, weak
known before daylight that I am,4
.. "
- I- - 11 Wherever
. r t,,,:; ,
You Live.
Tersey, while tho southernmost Of th
-- - Ia'-ds which comprise the Do
-1. I I I I . " . . , . I . I . . et , . I
I -_ I 11, . 11
. 11 , , ; I I (I I . tk ', - '.. I ...... I'll, A , "' , %, I, ." , ,- , I 1 151 . . . I 11 -4
i7t1,,:z,,,,, . " ", q , , , * A . I .0;01 I I I I 11 . I 0 I I I I ... 11 I I ..
..., . *1'1__,,-- , " 1. I I I ".. "I .. . r I .. r : , I 1. . 1 14 I I . I %k,4 PA. . - _ . I I— I . , " :
L W . — "ilix ", 0 , a i , . I I I , . ,w 11
'0 ., . . . ;LAM - 1. 1.111, I , If I . I , L, "jg&'L . .
, " %&I ", !'' 4. t . , 6 , _kw_ 0- z&W"* ,0 11 ; , ', ! AA&W . ak". .1 li A
AM I MA - kfi"6d.
I _L1 ' - - __
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