HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-04-22, Page 3FM
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a singlo. frond of A rortain Ism turns.
the protoxt tilixt tbu�u 1.".., .�, - -4. I
11 I I I I 11
� ; T I I
140ymeut for tholu at li".11-w, Aa� Ujon
Provo(l, A" tile WON of lil�1.1111.ally W
I the COMMUNIOU Of 0140-d
ducks eAcars Wounded. 13V aay*Ao ro�
I W0000",
loc4o to the wlad four thousand nul-
Asthma Cannot Lot when th 0
1 But there are plenty of othur crimes
itiraing at daylight the unggillersd
,,�� l
lion aporea Each spore tloatis with
� N,
Policy, except In the sense that the,
I is-
%W a Mystc4n)
71 ,
,�.." -,!�,_,�
Agalue can be easily located by wate'u.
# .
the slightest breeze and will produce
_ �
Were tbS Shipment by trAinjoads ot
1 � I=
Ing the harrier At work.
a whole plant It coUditlorls are favor-
niture, from the occupied territories
; i��
This Is kept up till froat Come$.
� I shall n1ut C.111.1 up�ln V.ia -:;bv,';�;;.A
� I
able. These aro enough to cover two,
millica aerts of ]and. Few of no
1:0**1011 b(`twQ1Q-A f.'uty 4.14 J"CA't-1. --
not have been done, it was more
Thou tbe groat least takes
L ,place, ae
I -
reallais the proiluctlylty, ot tho, com-
were tile vlolatjoll, of women, Which
mo�lectbut 1,0 tj .... .. cr 1114 a goay.,ai
I .
all doomed to die. When. V inter note,
In And too forms tba 1,ving woun,404
VA'A scn e Ole eiiqa.
Y I ot 'r.o.i I 4�tvj n.-
man mualirogra. One thousand serso,
could Do covered by the isprorso of one
6 W
larly With the U30 Q4 ar.f!j�e;aj A",
� a
Are, easily caught by Indians And
.. .
single turiguo.
The Important part played by the
others. I
Tile nesting of thp, due% to A
-ot A
L ::
weatUer As a means of preventing the
too development of the plant
harvest for the harrier, The parent
bird C04 often outwit hlm� When L
. 11
life of the world can be ro lized 941Y
, I -q * FRNRU�19
.. -
" t) . , , lml I
- .
the young Is4vo the shell the parent I
� ". 4
when we conaider Vag -vast Aumbtr of
- -- _ - -
leads them to the Water. They can
L I Q,
seedp produced. If conditions of the
. I
dive autl elude. 0elr oneialoo and pur.
0 L, '.4 _ 0 L
Atmosphere favored a more, even. tom-
the woo
snore. The harrier cannot dive, So,
early, '.a life, the mother duck In,
�0 its
peraturis 411 over earth, ois
probably tho condittOn lit the vArl
, 7
__ ,- I I I I
Aracts, her young to, fear the aha -
C*= H* ISUS* L
history Qt the Planet, there 'would be
lower varioUes of plant life, boo4uoo,
(Now Yor Sun.)
dow of the harrier. In one second
all duck life disappear bouisath the
the more rapidly Producing -'plants
would crowd out the othero.
It is about time for every man W'hQL
has a coal bin to think "about having
water. To assist this pirate in his
work of destruction on the wounded,
W& $a H&*V L
Certain tropical plant% and forus
it Wiled.
The annual sborta - - qo-1 -
his autumu feathers agree exactly with
,I . iT%p " , . -. , , , - �- ! � � '_
i�1717-j,K'74117 tw , . ''I � �f , , 'Ar
'TTIT -� '41". �, I ,
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. 1, I 41 ,�,.�,�, . I �
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' != ' ; ; � i 1 1 i 1 � ' ' L ' ' dj - — - " ' ' - - - - - I
. QUZ� 77 � �� �t-==1!411 1
the doeiiptAtl= of th� . .'4'-. -1 0Zk
, 111,11,11111 .1
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the protoxt tilixt tbu�u 1.".., .�, - -4. I
11 I I I I 11
I - I
140ymeut for tholu at li".11-w, Aa� Ujon
Provo(l, A" tile WON of lil�1.1111.ally W
I the COMMUNIOU Of 0140-d
, I
ts wo ,I
-,, " 4;
1, ;,. ,
! . I
OUE 4.14"S
ought to be
Asthma Cannot Lot when th 0
.. ,,
�, �,4
1 But there are plenty of othur crimes
t. 1: . I
_ or
the Do, d -or
V, I ""
that were AQ Part Of Mo GQy#rU'.n#Af
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Policy, except In the sense that the,
I is-
%W a Mystc4n)
71 ,
,�.." -,!�,_,�
QOvOT411104t And Its officers did not
prevent thorn. The smallest Of thagLo
_ �
Were tbS Shipment by trAinjoads ot
1 � I=
11 �
personal property and hou;schold far
13� - "Al"ry ANA) IL,..'�i.111V
��y ...
niture, from the occupied territories
; i��
into Germany. This was tolerated
� I shall n1ut C.111.1 up�ln V.ia -:;bv,';�;;.A
111911 military command or it could
1:0**1011 b(`twQ1Q-A f.'uty 4.14 J"CA't-1. --
not have been done, it was more
- ors of tIi;,.,, ir,�;jtl,nin will ;Q
L briga dage. The most Awful of them
In .
4eqnAinted %-ita my v.1wi I411 t.i"t
were tile vlolatjoll, of women, Which
mo�lectbut 1,0 tj .... .. cr 1114 a goay.,ai
I .
Many of the German military cor
VA'A scn e Ole eiiqa.
Y I ot 'r.o.i I 4�tvj n.-
� .a.
mati4ers made little or no effort to' ,
*Y C
" '31"d late. ivalais ir.ciro jmrt_ca-
prlovoa, and A one to, Punish. Of All
larly With the U30 Q4 ar.f!j�e;aj A",
� a
, ..
these things abundant German evi- �
0 beanty. Never, I thinic havo gpo-
motlee been more uulveriially emP!oy`-
. 0 � - - X, �Av . ed by all cla.,,,�ea of the colnulanity
Sft"4t hj)n.tj_t,j would be found in the frigid zones It currod because most householders t the faded marsh cat -tall rushes and xwz;-_—�, W.;;;; The difficulty of getting $96 Ger-
. EARM1118 I MO until late summer or early fall to '7 then they are to -day. The ao-eallel
I bad u h 116 to Jim* the eArthla atinosphero possessed A I their ten tons. 11 or tall grass. Cartalulyr to a kindly heart iing the Idea of chocking to a thing mans accused of war crimes arrested
NMI ;� MO. R . Rr � :"vanity -bag" Is an ia,jIspn�ntiab!o ad.
go," I ' .sufficient amount of carbondloxidoto, the Jews and habits of ,nature seem to Ithat would accomplish Via purpose, I
I I I v A -"-""-*— The householdor forgets that there are and delivered up to the Allies Is very. , ,upet to every wo,,
L , .1an,,j M,r.jOjjaj
. oeshi Nm 4" ' � raise its mean temperature 0, few do, , less than 200,QM minors in the pennsyl- be rateDlaced in some Instances. The JQs With A ticket or token, In bauk� great. But English arid Fr0110b , Ntli=Out, aritt ho w.0 cr faea vrCaul%
earth to responsible for the uvLoy - 11 only two tons a day, . 1.11 r.fta tec;;111,
,� I ,t grees. The globular torra of thei ote vanta 411thr"Ito fields, A minor digs. black and king birds -in fact, all blTda Jog tbooriginal Ole, uell as a, stub troops ca remain indefinitely on tlae ,esirle0ea J'
7 A . to of d' I . Fiftv-SiX Students Wr . beq ;tv
! I . , I MIT. * " . I to .eu that breed In or near marshes -array or counterfoll to prevent forgery. With Rhiae� ' Possibly the demand for POwdera 'and c .
�1. � I "My L Wt. temperature, of different parts of Ito, in the Finab. . B00ausO of tile loonsumer's delay in themotelves, In battle formation at it tirmot a, utilvare'al babit.
. . I ring the minors have been averaging . lie "veloDment of transactions in these culprits might be oompromised It Vms the fashion a f,aff yea,$ alirA
Or 'a surface, The aMetivneas of tempera- pillolite more than 250 days of work times to fight the harrier, and will tbanRing, drawn notes, drafts and by an agreement for their trial In ,ul, .
040 ,
RM 1� a =
VNRI! �-h-.2047MI.-V.] ,
I .. turo upon the growth nod develop, . nually. AA_ chase 'him for miles away from their 11 to lool� with Keeat (11'aa,rar -))I f0l,
Lbult A 11, c�Gqtlss were synonymous terms. It Holland or Switzerland, But In some 'ad every form of Artj.1,.,,!a1 bew",
.. =u mout of plant life to readily dem0A_ Much Interest in Cow -Test. If the consumer would order now and sanctuary. Is maintained that It has been "
11W�llotkc 34AV V" k &I' , tell dealer that he will accept -and pay only form Germany has got to be branded ,er. The w3ma.a Jy�'Q P>,VdCrofl Wit'i" .
I strated upouthe slopes of high moun. . *to � within, the last forty Years, that 0, with its guilt and mado to understand .�orisidered cicareo'.y 501.1 rePee'.en%l4* I
� �f '....'"". I I I for AOXt wIntel"O coal as soon as it I
. - L. -Ina, where certain plants seem to ing Instruction. can be. dellvered there would be steady As a vermifugs there is nothing so cheque bas become este,bl:shed In Its that Its punlshrnt�ot Is not due entire- than she Who pa'nted. our grand*
#!!!!_1;!!M__, ,--- - I .1 flourish almoet up to a fixed line and I I 11 work for the rahmers. all the spring as potent as Mother Graves' WO-rm Ex- statutory defiriati,on as "a written or- ly to its bad luck in getting beaten, 'a�qlhora were t-irniviet to l,r!o1r tbAl" �
thou disappear. Well as In the summer and fall, I terminator, -an L
. / Nature j , se0ke other means than that The Dairy Courses In connection Giving 30o days work to the minors d -it can 'be given to thA der to a banker to PaY a named sum but very largely to the fact that It, 'go. Wc., on the ctaor li,ml. 'hgv-
means either more production or fewer most delleate'ehild without fear of In' on a drawer's account ot bearer OrL 'Penly a -ad officially trampled on The ,'One to the. other e-,trewto wid 0^ I
SEEDS T RAVEL of the wind to carry seed from place with the Ontario AgIloultural Cullego men devoted to a single Indwitry, In jury to the consticu-tion. named Person.lt-Homo Bank Month. 0 ,tv 31,14 .
- Hague rules, and that It went back to lui beat to keeir c'd age at b
1. to place. Whoever tramps through , were largely attended, making the either oaso there Is national economy. . ._+ 1. Rome for precedents for some to retain the ii�=.)!a-le- of youth "
the Autumn woods must needs extri- Present small building and equipment More than that, ft Continuous demand Qiliteer Rarneo Names, J. . . '�Llle . .. pagan . �
I flN: THF WINn cate himself from patches, In which fol- coal means relief for tho railroads has done 'ong as possible,
.. of Its acts. Civilization
*V*.0_._--%l . .
ticUs and burns have made life rate-
orable for him. All over his clothoe
will be qtIcking the halry, two -jointed
quite Inadequate to properly, h4adle
the. olas,oisl3. By courses the regibi;ral
I tion, was: Three months, Pa3tory
� in bad w ther.
it must be a matter of difficulty for
a member of .thd tribe of Xayaas of
Bo . rneo to keep track of his, name.
I - I
I "i )KAV yoltra 4go A, fertile region
pods or oeo(I vessels of the tick.
� -
Course, 67; one, mouth, Farm -Dairy
A Pimple Remover
Among these people, When a ,child Is
born, it receives the name of some
I .
I . I 4ouritry vas - isudderily devastated
Asthma Cannot Lot when th 0
Course, 23; Qow tTesting, 28; Ice-
repulsive obJect orAs simply called
.. the orup"�of a volcano, IWery
t life. was-4isstroyed
greatest of till asthma o1jecitics 3s
used. Dr. 1. D, Xellogg's Asthma
Cream and Soft Choose, 283 making a
total of U1.
That Never Fails
till so that, not having a distinctive
I malt". kva and hot ashiev. To�fty
Remed,q- assuredly deserves this L'xr
n"ame, the evil spirits cannot Identify
11 I
. re nit,13 olmoot thiekly covered
alted title.. it dips eountles's cures to
Flity-,six students wrote on the fia-
al evaraluatio- for +h. Va. �
In. ". .
I I .
it and cause It harm! .
19*97U +1 I 41A 4 +_ 4-1, �
something to soften War, and the UaR41 AND 413�.'ISE OF 0331ILTICA. - I .. . I
Germ" officials kicked civilization I am aware that litt'e good will bA
. out of camp when they felt that t).iey lone by decrying tho r4o c -f art'licial .
cou.14. gain anything by "frightfulness.' substitutes for natural beauty� FrorA I
I . Of* the hygienic po-.'nt oi v.lew, h,iwevArt I
Alwaps a Silver Uning, I tbeir v,ise cannot be too atzouglY deT)- I
He looks as it lie might be a mem-pe recated. Lilts certain drag -3 anA I
of the diplomatic corps; tut he isn't"" itfh�iulanta they do more harm than
being a salesman In a me -honored de. good by.obscur!ng tho Iasu:), Whor^ � �1
partment house on S enth .street, which -3 muddy co-plexion Is tile re3alt 90 %
. � I i wk , � - � ..-� 4 In Ono PeCt. 4TIA10W, 10 SoMething . .
10th a Aevi orrowtU of vegetation. its ered.'t which other Preparations Course, The proficiency .' ' "' Don't load Your stomach with cough equally ifeagood'. � 1. �Ij'
kkore are, many ist anti Dr. flainliton Stands Behiod His Forma four years old they name it, say, . 3, bad digestion, It is ob.:vIQ'L147 not.
I.. VaYs b7 which the, had failed to benefit. ,It 'bring% lit 'p prize, winners are as follows: . Tijan. The father Is thereafter known syrups. Sand healing medication Also. lie ha.14- 4 .'%Vito Making mattera better to smear It .1�
. I who mi4st be a . � a . -1
, 'Va of �Iants are�toarried great dis.- to even the 3nost severe cases atiA 1, A. D. King; 24 W. B. .1311cox. 3 as Tarna Tijari-Tanift, meaning "the through the nostrils -send -it into the . cheerful-robirt typo of little Woman. for with artificial color. The V 61bl"I �
, Iii I
Atep to oring Into new litle wAere bilngs the patient to a coulltim of W, H. J. Currie; 4, I -A. 0 $1* ' ' Bad blo,ad is always resp usible for . ' 4when site peeped In on. her husband the thing to do Is to attavit tbe ea'040k I �
rizemar; Passages that are subject to �: . I
0 father ofl'-and the mother Is known colds and morning the order went forth that stores The uuforunate pooseasors 01 gre v I .
ftnditloRs Ave favorable,' V,essell relief. Surely suffering from 5, J. R. Laidlaw; 6. U. Jamieson; v, Pimples, blackboads 4ad humours, as Inai Tijan-mother of Tijan. The catarrh. -Easy to do this with Ca. were not to be opened until ten MO I. . I
It has even been suggested that asthma Is noodless when a. remedM Pimples, eczema and boils are the he accepted ot�cic,ehl,�j skins, again, do not he'l) miatte,ra bv � .1
� Porh#" the germs of life way be car- jjkr3 this Is. 00 e4el secured., i . Taylor; 8, J. M, Look; 9, V, Bell; common result, I father's Original name, Kebing for tarrhozone, which c n the news Cloud wj learing their facoG every ril-Ilt Witt I I I
. � 17. 0, G, H. Moriartey; 11, .& .1;tanley. example, is dropped, and frequently minutes. Even to the lungs g00% the bouyancy of one who knows a silver 13n 0
t , 111011 vbot% Mto otollar regionio by the 1 12, W, Wedge; 13, F, Drake; 14, ' I contend that to cure these Ills, the lining when it comes her way: add.'tf()nal grease, no matter how Ad- . . � _41
!��, **suro d Itot. It is a woll,known Tile world Is full of ambidextrous, 3, liver, kidneys, and bowels must re- * "gotten u fath- healing vapor of Catarrhozone-all "Why, James" -James is the diplo- mira,bly advertised it,may be or how I.
. Taylor, 16,. W, Rogii..,�; 16, J-1, Il,d_ I era of Tijans. In that case the father through the bronchial tubes, nostrils matic-looking busband-'Inow yotj 0 1 ,�
9:9.� theit partiatoo having a certain -people who are sure they are right ceive attention. an t3i6ductively scented. Of far more UsA . . �
I lCoa IR proportiou to their mass can and then get left. . . wards; - 17s H. Knowles; is, 0. j. Mr remedy. known as Dr. Hamil- Is known as Taine, Tlian, Webing, fath� arid air passsages,everywhere a trace of help.,me with the breal0ast dishes, CaUpt I uglily and . I I I
I - Leger; 19, A. Nelson; 20. L. Sruith; tou,$ pills you", . Is it to wash the face thoro .
- I . I . . - - -m - - I __ 21, T., Coritery; 22, -a.. I of Mandrake and Butter- er of Tijan, formerly Keblog. disease remains will catarrhozbne fol- Oh, yes,'the silver linings are there, 411 to, atimulate the circulatica by TaPP- . . .1 I "I
I . 1). XcDougald; 24, X, IIA"tche"' 231 nut, invariably reaches the trouble. it TIJan 'dies, then Tama TIJan's low, You'll not have colds, nor will right -provided we don't concentrate too Tage The C �
. � . - I Qllaud; 251 - - Yon suffer from ,sniffles, bronclif morbidly on the Cloud side of a situation, t?urp se there ehould boi . .
. I � I : A. Campbell; 26, W. B. Allison, �17, For putting life into sleepy organs, name becornes Oyong Kebing (mean , tlis, or --NNraebtngton Star. to rkleve C p3res of their 1.1regAll .
.1 -.1 .1 � . DICAL I M"TITUTE." R. Robbins; 28, A. R, Kurray; 29, for forcing out every kind of Waste Ing "Kebing the liereft," providing throat trouble if Catarrhozone is used. 4 4m-_ acc h than to -add to I I
J, Morrison; arid foreign matter, for making Tilan Was the oldest child). 'If 1% Get it to -day, but beware of dangerous A Windfall. 't, I I 1.
- 0MACH&LUNG D1%5�kSE'S go' C' "" ralmQteel.; health -sustaining blood, where can younger child dies, the father becomes substitutes meant to deceive you for I .
I , It. Healey; ',�S, .
. I h 31, W. H. Norrls,L 32, I oArsms or, BAD coMPLEXION
1q. 8 D. -ST, I I I W. Buchanan; 84, )34. Till ahwher; s5, Yon find such efflclenc� as In Dr, Alcam. Kebing; if his wife dies, he be- genuine CatArrhozone. Large sive, The origin of "windfall,t' in, the In the abisence of Gpecifle Phyalcal. I . �
,tMERV - NcE Mff ED wn; 36, . C. Bradt, 37, B Me- Hamilton's Pills? comes Aban Zebing. If he becomes a two 'Months' treatment, costs $1.00; sense of "good luck," dates from the causes, towa hfo is to. a great extent .-
w REE CORRESPOWE Manus; 38, A. �k- O'C311110r; 89, G. ' In a thousand cases I have demon- grandfather, his name will be - Laki small size, 50c; SaInPle size, 25c; all time of William the Conqueror, It responalble. for poor compley-lons. Liv" I
-, CONSULTAT10 - Noack; 40, C , E. ill,,)WIty; 41) L. �strated that Dr. Hamilton's Pills cure Xeblng. La,ki is dl3tiact vely an hon- dealers br The Catarrhozone c,o,, was than a criminal offense to cut Ang too much indoors, too %�deutl,rY ..
. I . Vaughan; 4a, V. J. G,)Id4mItIi; (j) facial blernisher. and aldn diseases, orary title, like its equivalent, datu, Kingston, Canada. . timber In the forests. Only Such e0ald an occupation, injndiclena foeding I . .
. 70 Lorabard Street TOROWTO m.Dro I look upon these pills as the best among the Malays, With those People 4P.- . I
I . I - � 44, AL. B. Anderson; 49, '11. Barc!,ay; I be gathered as the wind had blown 40d so on, all militate ag,.tlriat that. .
,� �. . - I- . %0, M. 1%. Lynch; 47, Ii. rattiscia: 48, 'blood Purifier and system builder C1 datu Is surerlor to the title hedjI, The Pdnal�y of "Solirechliqliheit, t down; hence, a heavy windstorm was ,clearnes,3 of eYa and eltin which iki so - I I I
� ' J, E. McDonald; 49,, It. Cartwright; the age, and guarantee they Will cure borne by one who has :ai-,�'.e the pil- . . halled by the peamnts ns so much Indispeasahle to beauty. In the Uhl- 11 .
11 . Is 94TOn thioush a vacuum by the� Japan.'s Delightful'011mate. 50, W. Gristoy; 51, A. Dixon; 52, T. every complaint having its prigin In grimage to Mecca. Data, literally I godd luck, and from this comes the I mate isense, paint and Powder aro .1 .. I .
. I I prossu,re of ught alone, - Lydiate; (2) 53, M. R. 1v1cVhe9,.64, C. a weak or debilitated blood supply. grandfather, is equivalcut to elder (Philadelphia Record,) modern application of the expression. confession of lazhiee;� arid a dlisPosl- . . .
. I Among the most curious methods JaPan,ljo. considered, because of Its H Miller; (3) 54, A. Matheson; (4) If Dr. Hamilton's Pills will not cure with us. - Germany 'is being heavily penalized 0.00 - . � I tion to shirk the prnblem, rather than .
' . . 2 1
' , '�- lUvood. ,kiatriPutijin, are those of seed# delightAll climate, the Playground of , 56, J.'Gardiner. that tired, rundown condition, It they Among the I�ayaas It Is a brear,,h of for Its ofns, but as the penalt' I I
j 1200ok-are carried through the air on y I v1s; to deal with ic; t�ud If rellot upon too I
. I . Ago, altalt as ths maple, which has the East. Residents Note: I will be required to pass will not change lack of force Into manners to asi- a i -an T.rhat his njame ited Upon the nation lts corpora's ca: A GOOD MEDICINE completely makea matter4 WOraO. And .
I of OLther coun. - te
. tries of the far East Indies, tile Phil: supplemental examination in prec(1- im, then notlijug will. Is. It a white man d= so through PacitY it is too likely to be felt in when all Is sad and done, no artif'.ce, �
� I Wo *41ma, gud the catalpa, the elm, cal cheesmaking; 2, In practical tut- By creating -an abundant supply of Ignorance the man till turn to a Germany that the country Is Punished I however skilfully ernp'06d, can equal � . .
1. the Ask axk# the pine. These seellp lipplaiBS, and the Straits gettlementS tormaking; 3, chemistry and bactorl- rich, nourishing blood they maintain bystander and ask that the strwigir only for getting beaten, There are In. charm the qualitlea .of a natural
. Ir wings like birds, . flOOk to I USE .
, go xot, Zap tho4 .TaPau In the hot summer 0108Y; 4, chemistry, practical batter- that standard ,oil health ,so much do- who does not know the -custorns, may moral fauu;)s which it is import ut to FDR SPRING I\ complexion. It is, at the best, a mere .
Put aepon,it Alicaother upon the force a . I
months to enJOY its mountain regorts. making and practical testing, sired by those participating In the be Informed- olf a man tells his own emplimize, Tile most obvious way I isubatitute. . I I
If. the Wind to earry thorn along. Owing to the large .tourist busiries I rp" PRACTICAL ADVION.
I � 0 . WINNERS OF COMPETITION$, strenuous life we live to -day., . .. %,Z�
. .. name the evil spirits will hear him of doing that is to Punish the individ- Harsh Purgwtives Should Re Avoided ' ,
. � kbor 11PALInk iseeds are the milk- some Ot these resorts I,zesent all the Through the kindness of friends,or Get Dr. Hamilton's Pills and prove and can more readily do him harm. ual Germans Who violated the laws � ftaving stated that the skin is an ' . I .
I I Utatle and di-Adelton. up-to-date advantages. their merit to -day, 25c per box, 0-6-O.— � . -A Tonic Will Restore our
7� 1 1. Udlk-Vie6d seeds are Concealed - - - the Dairy School, cash prizei) 0 the a - - I r_._ . of nations arid the laws of human- . Index to the state of health, It at I .
L .
� im 06 v0doli .1breake open,and ex- ' " value, Qf 4100 were offered to compet- I ,,: THE HARRIZE. , Ue - Ity- I Energy'. remaine that one person's skin May �
k eis 0hom, ,to* tho wind. Up they THOUG T IT WAS SUICIDE itors. The winners were: I . 1. She 'els She Owes .The strongest evidence against Ger- Not exactly sick but.not feeling differ from anothers iii.aensit!velle[10 � .
through -the e1r, each seed carried . Judg1hg Ayrshire Cattle --4, Wm. . any Is that which it offers itself. quite well. That Is the way ithous- to the elements and also in Its re,; .
a WI of aUkY down, ibe threads A promineA merchant spouse to internal troubles. When I
� ered a few days ago ib was d1scoy- Davern, Consecon, Ontario; 2, A. R, amel, Hawk is Enemy of the Wild tier Life to Them The world was slow in accepting the ends of people feet in the spring. It I
wMelt are so frail and dis,�Iianous mft'dlshtng 6 Murray, Woodstock, Ont.; 8, W. B. . stories of.atrocities in Belgium. But is a sign that -the tryIng Indoor life the only trouble is an undua s0uai- .,_-� I
I :1 � olm Is bar4ly prepared $or their razor at oddrilght, Has wite �called Allison, Marshall, Sae4. '. . Duck. - : . German writers. Justified 'frightful- of winter has left its mark upon yoifi. tiveneee to wind and weather, '.t Way 11
� � � P"A�ratee under the mforosoope. for assistance, but tound her Rubby, , I . be advisable to make use of an cc-
�. Ikeh thread turns out to be a. stPar.j was only paring his corns. Far'bet- Judging Ho:stolu Cattle - 1, W. B. I . WHAT MISS EAGI-E SAYS 0 F ness" as a policy arid the intimidation Easily tired, appetite fickle, some- casional emollient. Glycerine should . �
, I . Re ilube ribbed 'with dark veinlikit ter not to risk blood ,poisoning-uge Silcox, Shisaaou,'Ont.; 2, Robt. Cart- The cruel marsh harrier, first to DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. of the Belgi.ans in order that their t1nls lieadache� and a ,feeling of gorm the basis ,of euch 'a preparatiorl. � . j
� ?t I teake armuged In an Irregular man -4 Patnam"S IDOrn Jortractor, 2ZO at all Wright, ,'Aledonla, Out.; . 3, W. Edge, come when ice disappears, last to country might be held with a smaller diipress,cin. Pimples or eruptions Sfi�ji a lotiou way be prepared as .
� . . Ver. When a milkweed Dod burpta druggists, � St, Cathatine,-, Out. ak, leave Canadian shores In autamn, In � garrison the world was disposed to , may appear �on -the skin, or there may lclljolvs: I . i
, , -4-4 - I Making Cheddar Choose— 1, No size, next to h,s brother the fish Ormsby lady who suffered from Dia- accept the stories of atrocities; it be twinges of rheumatism or neural- 0 o z,3.
� OPern Tt Is touch like a minlature &oro . , Rectifled spirit, - .
� L *66t Ift ,WhIeh ,jeores of white craft " H. 0. of L. " In Nelson's Day. Pembroke, Out,; 2, C, 0. Paimeteer, hawk, with plumage not brilliant but betas for five years tells of the was not improbable that Germans * gla. AAY-of these Indicate that -the Pure glycerine, 5 Ozs, I � I
. - -_ __ -_ -, beautiful -tracings on taill and Wings benefit the received from Dodd's perforiApd the crimes whose comajig- blood is out of order, and these - . �
I . . � War up lute tk* 3nombig wind. One . - . � or russet brown to gr6y and white Kidney Pills.' .. slons they Justified. When. the Ger- sYmPitoms may . easily develope Into Otto of Rose, 2 drc-ps, I
I I Thec returned soldier, who is die. Amw� .doll.. Distilled Water to make 20 oza,
- _ . , __ - — 11K Ab Interlining In hidden part'i on breast Ormsby, Out., April 12. -(Special)- man manual, officially supplied to of- more serious trouble. I have been asked for a lotion for .
i - gusted to find how horribly dear I 1WWArMAS and -legs-very strong-tallons, large 441 feel ficers for their instruction, warned Do nolt dose Yourself with purga, I
0 everYtIllug is, will enjoy- this tory-6f I I owe my life to Dodd's R�dney freckles. These are eue to a 00116tl- �
omoapmoblr4 . , A_w _ DAV spread of wings, with Eght body, a pille.,, This strong statement comes them agiOnst susceptibility to the' ha- -tives as so many people do, In the tutional susceptibility to the rays of . .
IS, .0., -10ratio Nelson.
MO -Great Olgliah 3 1 e . whole I The admiral was dining with Beck. --.-- WSWIMMM graceful flyer, Is a true hawk In from the lips of Miss Gertrude Eagle, manitarianism of the nineteenth cen- hope 'that you can put your bl�od the isun, and, Wh'Ie harmlegs In them -
4p, 'XAmnand Invigorate:1% hT 1&d1olnee, as, every other I
� ervons ay-litem, makes new Blood ford, the author of I'Vathek," arid a every detail. The marsh Is his home a well known and highly respected re- tury, especially as formulated by The right. Purgatives gallog throAgh the selves, are ,OftCn a cause of annoy-
� Asees Ity, the Vublic in satisfied during his stay with us. t, e t3n " O
I % On sident of this place. And Miss Eagle Hague conference, It became easy ,) System and weaken instead of giving appe to those Who ar biact t I
"M Old Veim. Used for Nervous vory rich man.. Owing to the great with n�athtua but the beat I This guard at all daylight times. IlTehies ed- believe things of German to strength. Any doctor will tell Yon W , The condition is, a.3 a rule, I
ny, Lm of'OEm V, Palpitation ry, ad gives her reasons for speaking out In fficers'and 61h �
il�v. AMOW and Brain War soarelty of wheat, even such folk of. "plains the aveMnicreasing derna Able frog and field mice which at th this Is true, What you need In persistent and does not disappear un -
of ten denied themselves bread at djn� &Y at
. A*A*g4lemoy�Mce $1 rr box, six for Zara-13uk. Not oul terms that none can fail to under- soldiers that the world had hesitated .. .
ej 7 Is this near the shore are ,his menu while taud. . . -
f&rst Solil by all druggists, or Inni ed in plain nor Lord Nelson asked for , bread, greAt balm t1te b 8 to believe. I the spring Is a tonto that will build til old' age. No known treatoliGinti, .
k earecelptof prico. New pan,phi�l wailed and when told by a servant that set household awaiting his choicest prey to develop, $61 have been suffering frGrn Dla- Ludendorff repeatedly saya that In up the blood and nerve. Dr. Willi- - that is at the same tIM0 61111P--ei '411 . I � �
bread was not served at Mr. Beek, Inost 00013LOMICII. viz., the wild duck and Its oftspr.ng, betes for .,Gvo years," ate states. 111 the occupied territories Germani did ams' Pink Pills can do this .speedily, oftect!ve, That adopted In outatand- �
A 9 WOOD MEDICINE C040RONTO.ONT. remedy to -day, but It is also the . Tills patrol begins with our open sea- .3 in the d tructic-11 .
........ 7- ford',s table, -to looked angry draw 134ti-Suk"S superiority is due to tried the doctors but they, could d� nothing not authorized by the laws of and surely. Th,s medicine enriches , Ing caaaa con ista es � �
from his pocket a shilling, Wild sent the fact that it to all *edioine, con- 'son, September, when the sportsman nothing for me. I war, but he is refuted by posters by the blood, clesirs the skIn, Improves and removal of the onto., layer of the � �
_'May--marval at the economical 4r� ,his owu servant to buy a loaf, ob� Is about. By'nature taught to keep "A friend -told me of Doddlis Kid- the German commanders in Belgium the appeitito and inakes tired, t1e. skin 'where the P19mut Ile$. I't Is .. j
liangement of the tubes of taintut none 4of the coarse animal away from the report of guns, he press6d luft, women and children unsatisfactory in --t.3 results and of-, .1 I
downs 80 ,Serving that� halting fought for his to ney Pills and of their,great value. . I warning the people to place nj relt, hich are a doubtful .
. . r It do the seem to carry the heavy bread, 1113 was not golng to be denied .to or hRrak mineral drugs found does not leave the marsh but keeps tried one ,box and they helped Die. I ance upon The Hague articles In re- bright, active and stiroug. As an ten leaves scare W �
Vok-Ing ='d is ft in ordinary ointments. Again, the , p 8 -3 0 o P a . I
17 � d. It bY W 31low countrymen, a safe distance from danger fully have now taken three boxes and they sisting the commands of German ot- exam Is of ithe value of these pill , sub titut , fr m the of t of view of, .
Amy ,0119 erb0slng the Great Plains tilib, . � medicinal properties are, so highly aware of what he Is doing. Any have done me so much good I feet I ficers. W -a give the statement of Mrs. S. lipoks, for the freckles themselves
14 the allturrin will notice the otaelts concentrated fliat they contain the W _ is rarely eo obv'- I
Of dry-lookft weeds piled up oil Ono Miller's Worm Powders, destroy change of location by the hunter owe my life to them." . The deportation of the population McBurnle Tatarriagouche, INT. S,, he This disfiguremewu . . .�
maximum amount Of hGAling, Booth' brings the bird to, where the execia- says, -"I'linvis good reason so speak one a.3 to necin&'Mte (-no!' t,�tringerit I ,,�.
114o of the fences, Wben we linow Worms without uny -Incouvenience, to Ing and atitleeptle power, so that a DiabisteSL IS one Of thb most ad- of occupied territory ;was Wreturn to -
the ,child,'land tion has been'done. Then woe betide vanced arid dangerous forims of Kidney military methods prevalent before in the highest term$ of. Dr. Williams? treatment, arid %ihen it is understood � �- ,,
.,* That the w1ad drives them there 11 to 130 eff00tuallY -that theY little of this balm goes a long rway. the stray duck w.th a broken wing trouble, A remedy that will -rel'eve the Christian era, Reluctance to be. Pink PIlls. I was ibaaiy run down,
, k457 to , how deep scated Ii -6. the cause !t W'11
see 'Wkicli' we* the vind vass tram the bod-r unperceived. They , Another reason why Zam,-Euk Is the morA .
1.1ows in such, regions as Xansas and are not eJeeted In -their ontiratn but 2nost coonomical, It will that has eluded the shooter by get- Diabetes Will art much more quickly lieve the Germans capable of this falling in weight, and sulloring from be readily 1111122:4LOOd � th'.11-
keep In' tin.- Into the marsh. The harrier will ' lotitris or surfaoa
11patherja NobiA&a: They are the are ground -up aixd O)ass away through definitely and retalUL to th6 list Ito on minor kidney Ills. Ask your neigh- succurnbed to the fact that before the dizzy epolls, and weakness. In tact aDiNication of e
fly low, hovering aiid looking with his my ,ecindition was such that I was treatment Is PTactical!Y uee, -16.
klilebraWd tumVeweed family. As the b0"PrOlis With the excreta. They strength and Best for skin bore it Dodd's 1qdney Pills are not war Germans were writing ' book4- to the care of the .
1hey turnble, about -they scatter their thoroughly cleanse the istornach and diseases and P1,11jr.111Y6, blood-polson. piercing eye. He very soon locates the sovereign remedy for alltorms of that urged this course as a means of hardly able to do( -my 'housework, A In addition tion of tb* .
the wounded duck, and picking it up, . friend advised me to try Dr. Williams' ,64��
. ,Ith generally, t4o cond! .
I -
,e of EL Oconditi.od 12aLandd 11 a J '8 .1 '",
keeds and become a great sourr bowels *arid leave itham In . All dealers, 50c. box. kidney trouble. .
. ce to the farmers. The plant, there . .,� o does not fly high with � .getting the territory which Germany Pink Pills and after us.n- several n may be Improved ,by at .AIIIA: .
not favorable to worms, and �� It, but just 0 desired without the population which " t,h6 face occasi,onally and by Mae- 41
en. grown, is About twenty Inches will 0s, no rovival of -the vents. I - I - skims the toll marsh foliage till he The Song the, Mother Sings. Germany did not desire. The de. boxes there was a notiteable Improve- The stearrijug cleanses thfor 1 �
Ish. with light green .1oz,ves and 4 it 0. . 11 finds a dry muskrat house or log, Then merit. I continuod using the pills sage. D i
Ireen flowers crowded together 01311 WARN= HIM. . . 10 the meal commences. Choosiftg the 0 sweet unto my heart Is the gong my Aruction. of the industries of Belgium for some time longer and ,found that pores and massago Pets Upon the U21- I
in I thern V rarice t The WoVenlOftts Of I
Plust,em. If all the oeods that are �- breast only to tear and eat, he is soon . Mother sings and nor or the trauspor I had fally regained my old time 'derlying niuselce. r,hould be I
ed 4bout_All the WIrLd were to Wife -Welt dear I shall have to do � ------- away for another, his appetite, like the As eventide 18 brooding on its dark of machinery to Germany, and then I hettlth and strength and was able to the fingers over the'f4ce
Ad favorable swrroun4ings and gro-W ,the coo ng now. Cook e t Wt out weasel's, never satisfied. and nol'stiless wings, I __ __ __ � � I do my housework without f6elin gentle an 8 u I I I .
arnin th afternoo - WW_ _ .m6ry, I tion of t o 4 upclea from the no"A
maturity to a *.urvrls1ng17 short ban - ot me I out warn. 11 I - I have seen eight ducks treated this Every ,note Is charged with me weak and worn out as I aid beloto outwardis and upwar s. Care should
� way by the harr.'er In one afternoon, every memory bright with ray$ 1110,
Me the earth WOU14 be overwhelmed Ing. Sho told 9 Is orn . — 0 AFTER GRIP or FLU , . began using the pIlls." be taken not to ra the nk!n. I
th eeAaiYk $61=4 of plant lifo. It better Ing sorno I stion I L 1h OhTaAde After a big shoot In a preserve many f the golden hours of promise In the Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can be ob- action should be o rA of gentle p�reA-
as been estlijo,t" for jastarleb, that Ith q tow ht. but I Idn't quite urt- Norham, OnW 31 J. Taylor, Peter- i I lap of childhood days. WINTUR COLDS- tainted from any dealer in nief letne or � I
� , , I � . I derstand wha she Cant. bora, Ont, . ' s re, rather than of rtlbbl.n6l'. �
� J1ltl1A� __ - Malking Uuttor�l, M. Bro .'� Tara; r - The orchard blooms anew, and each BAD BLOOD by, niall at 50 cents A box or !,ix )=es � 0 ��
� . � 2, W. H. J. Currie, Strathrr:�, Ont. blossom scents the way, for $2.60 from The Dr. W1111ams' To Prev6nt Deriborl, I
. � I And I feel again the breath of evA You are pale thin weak -with Medicine Co., Brooltville, Ott. � 1,
.. 11 . . � , � Pastouriziul; and B,ittling MIlk-1, PAINS SO BAD - among the new�mown hayo little vitality. �Zour`liver is slDg- Two thousand physicians assem.
. A. _ Murrayl 'Woodgtbok, Ont. '\ I . I
I -% I Protlefency-1, A. D. Hing, UaYuga; i While through the halls of- memory gish and the bad blood Causes your PXTAE` 7u -;K-- I bled at the imperial university . In
, W 1 2, W B. Silcox, Shodden; 3, W. H. J. I In happy notes there rings stomach muscles to lose their elas- (Plilladelphin Recorill Kyoto recently to hear Dr. shimasohlo
44 Cord ir STAYED IN BED song ray mother sings. tiaft.v And become flabby and weak A New Tork newspaper, much favrored lerature on beriberi, tile Cause Ot
lu �p Carrie, ZItrathroy, Ont. . I -then indigestion. by the sporting fraternity.,joilahtly dis- Which is much disputed among me,il� �
COW TESTING CLASS. continued Its department ti , ps on the d. .
0 Fabric. The Cow-Teatlag class was large ' �1* lex a song of love and triumph, tea 4 Dr. Merce's Golden Medical Dig- ,horse Cos. and made some frank cot.4 cal authorities. The disease is not .
y6lang -� Mrt. - BeecrOft Hgtd song of toll and care, I ris in givin- its reAsons for do- contagious, and its chief class is eat- .
", I . I gad tentli-daltiatle, Some of the class � � e0very, made from wild roots and f,,,I,) ra � I
41F I It Is filled with chords of pathos, arid barks, and free froin alcohol or Ing so. The gist of Ito adinisalon 'Was Ing pure rice, although the doctor dis- . I
... I 0 lita previously taken the factory Or Miserable Time Until Sho WA set In notes of prayer, that all such advanto info;=%tidn Is believes the theory that r1too ever I
11 . 11i, . � � 11=1r=_;=P;="M . 1. I I �_ farm courses, but a. number were far- � And visionst nareottles, is th great and powerful pure hunk on tile fAce Of It. s!ne,io no eauses blood poIS0111110".
_. ". it Is bright with 4Teama e . man having the knowledge tho avw,ow6 .
. . .1 Al . . morg' sons, Interested In dairying, cow. Took Lydia L Pinkhaves of the dayo that tire to be, blood purifier of to -day. Ingredi dopester -professes to have "70111,1 0*0 The speaker said thAt If - r!t�a Its .
I - � never taken a dairy course. The pro- 'Vegetable Compound, And as strong in falth's dovotlov as This' it away in that -fa,Iihion. Ile will koop t&U.en Into -
� toting and ootle breeding, who had ents printed on wrapper. the body ti'long W'ith oth,lt
- � . "A wetl shod horse ticivals floloncy list of.thosa Who passel both the boarlbisht of the Sea; tonie, in liquid or tablet form, is it to .himself and nisalire a fortwoo In foods there ls less daug,ir of beriberl.
. . , � lined La mystic measure to ;;West ji�st what you need' to give- yott ,short order, While tits sportinir 04torb lie cited the c.1ses of prisoners, fdo-
. , ate about it, they InIght as WbI1 give up
1W surest and farthest" , th practical and written ox:tmIna- Hamiltoij, Ont. .�- 11 I have suffered for It 18 vim, vigor and vitality. all tock-Bura, propheiring. 86mq o,,- tory hands, Buddhlst 1ylonk3 and oth-
I IQ � I . tiono; Im three years from a fornale trouble and voled form above, ers, who ate muen wheat mix d with
I And Is started with brightest blessing Take the 'Discovery' as direetea hibitlohS Of it given ju6t betorn, the e
el T = 'tat equipped uldh Pad. 1, R. C11210111911aMi' 2, W- Ii dge; $, consequ,pnt Weakness, pain and irregu- through a mother's sacred 10VIG, ,aAd It Will search out impure and world's series matnli4v IdAt fall. and be- rice, nuddh!ct morika eat ten rr
, ridge Tires runa alwicigt free 0. Pl=t; 4, S. Scott; 5, X 0.^ Binge- larity Which kept me in bed four or five fore tho Dempsey-M1111swd fight, earlier g much onier food as
mt%m, 6, H. Osborne; 7, W. It. Norrig: do, lit crazy 0 awtet and strong and tender Are polsonotia matter throughout the In the summor, .wor6 pititu'lly comlct%l, twenty flullus V
I from the delays 4nd inconVenOw a each month. I nearly we I irely suffer Utill the dit.-
A Campbell; 10, R. w! h pairis in m the memories that It brings -+4-4 rice, and r:
8, it, Dennis, 9 �] y back, and for about a system arad eliminitte it throtigh 7 banda of I
11 . !entes caused by tire troubles. Langford; 11, b. k4VkIns; 12, D. J. week at a time I could not do ray work. As I list In joy and arpture to the the natural channels. -go one noted atidure tho -agony of 0ASe. M1101M the f'1Ct0-": '.
101 I Corns WIth U0,11OW&Y'd Ocirn Cal. -O It tile Xejiho Ircill f -11:10PY Of file Xlt-
� i rgttrj'dga Tires have so Jinquies- Howell, 0. J. Maclachlaft, G. Pearce; I saw Lydia X Pinkliam's Viigetable song my mothbr gings. You ean procure a trial Package hand to "move them. subishl C0111011Y 451 Of tl%,'� 210-10 JaP' I
11 Is � , ,; tionably proved their depend. 18, J. Wardell; 16, X. X. Crang; 17, Compound advettised in the Hdinilton, -Thomas O'Hagan. of the tWebq b3r sending 10e. to 1. . � 1riberl bacausc%
R . . . . . � mas, WM, Constable, 11. Avr. . Spectator arid I tocilit it. Now I have no ._W� W 49r, .11 r , I e suffered frain bk
I',, -
. I., I 11 IN , � L The I zvnrmwy I ITAI'lly. tLto lit"ri) r1co, whilo only 9 o"
19 * ability and economy that the lAvallds' 11otel Baffato N Y., lifinellyl�
." 1� 11 . . . tags; 20, W. D Ferguson; 21, R. H. pain And am quite regular unless I over- Origin d oh6que. - ,or braneh liaboraiory in Bridge. to his annoyance, they wero IAta .8,000 1�oreans taffi,,rcd from the (Ila'.
I they are to -day recogniz- S' -ro; 12, Thos. Lydiato; 93, It. Cart- Work or stay on rjay feet from early The word "oheiiaw, came Into its *h ;
. 1110",
I , btirg, ontalo. for the came, arriving at the sixth In- o,ptse preauraabiY bEe.IUSO AWY Dt'a .
M I ,, . ed as "the most Service wrJght; 24, W. B. Allison; 25, 3, T. morning Until lato at hight. I kee ,present use from an ancient and for- ning. millet and b,VtuS- I
" ir yoUr inon-. " ti Wood. houto And do all my own *ork vith elgo source. and a Tomote signift- 81141PAMITA, SASX.-lill have taken Dr. "What's the 00026 'neat" lie asked 0 L
. I fo y Ires, ,11 I r --.***-- = . I . N(,tor Shlinansimict advI90d 11VI Pli- j
" 0 � . . i1stl I any trouble. I have recommended the letinee. Its original to a, Persian word, lorola Golden Medld&l� DISOOVery for r fal". - Ing of wlie.at with rl", in tho r1d.')
I (Rollef for Sufferl"a Vorywhere.- Compound to soveml friends."-Xr 'Irthlog to 110thing-11 �
1%. T, I I I I a. ipronounced something Eke 114hak" a rivor trouble, arid found It excellent, und h lendid"I she ft6AIMOd r.011- of six :)&rts ef rice to �our Parts fir i
I , :� - - He -hose life is made miserablo by 11,liattY 13r,nialtoXV, 26OVioftla AvO. Xj, 'term In ob6sa-which game was In- I. 11 .- ,�, n, t
- , " ! w would Act be - withoutit. laufferod.ftorA I
+ r on 6941011 afttiy� %6 h4vtn't misseil a tiling eat. This wl't ercite a a arliet fer
/ , ,the suffering 4hat 'Comes from indi- Hamiltonj Ontario. - li, ,� ,vented by the Persians to designate congestion or the liver 4,bout bit yeaft 0� I -, wil
- - I I r 110,".01-1 . oil —"-,---- gestion and has not itrle4 -Darmeleels e For forty years wq4e-n have be6n &to and I a Ays say that this. medlPlAs T A0_*.i1,n_11. the 8111pment, to Japan lo�� largor guall-
. ja movement of eliess men In An at- 611ted mf� t"'have also given It to my 401 titles of wheat from Greii,,fni .aml . .
Vegetable PUls does not knio-W 'hfOW tel1mg how Vydia X rinkham'sVege- taok nPon tho king-Picee. In the ,fy wifts can't bo tooled.11 I
family for colds arid it cured them In a hThen bow din earth did you ever In- NVA9111119t011-EASt an,L1 W7e,,1t.
osAlly this forml&%ble fee Can The dealt tab a Compound has restored thpir -.Later Latin the word 118caocahlum" votj short time. Wo must have tin d " . I
vith. They 4re Ole ,result of long Itealth when suffering vrith female UK .4. ud& her to Yn __*4--*--
� meant a, chess board, and I'mitcous' about 4 dozen boDtlos of the " Discovery .11 _n_A1_r".y:11-0____ At
I ous dom )Aft LINOM ATOWILT. Au,b it in for Ltmo Aaak.n& brisk As tooit tks, we teease to glorify thi.i A
� god lAtlent study arid are confidently' This ateounts for the eni and the theekinating movetnent In the er I I I
. puk torward As a Aura ivormictor of dig- fOr it ftOm cOast tO 043t. If 3rilitt StO -Ximek, Passing Into the Preach this, Xmieum, OsT.-"l bid become, ,%]I ,robing ,with Dr. Thomas' De'leettle ImpereLiptible 1,,oint of eunl4eleuee, and �,
4 . D 0T4,br#, ott th6 41geglive organs, from troubled with any ailment jjeculi(tt tiol lit% word becamo 'Iftchec," ArA T OU will ouro lame Ibitok. T116 *klix tc, ul)hold the valuo of it, tho, indivirl- �
I � don't you try Lydia X mWown,we4 wokk md nervous. My ,
I � whIch so, O"y ftu*lr. .- Pinkhayn's e$mtisble CA)Mpotmd? It is through the glish Mood was WA Aloo. I took the 'Golden -will j1immedleitely ob"rb the oil and tasl be-colue; ilaturAllY a inere atom in
I "I
I _ j! vvill peneittate the tissuea and 16rli* the
A3MI(GU0118. � Inade from native roots *�hd herbe ard 411 it form from Whith the vad X66144 DWMrK1sndwu Completely , hilinsto alasp, whieli is bat an atom i.'. -
4 X otalth� I&% old rdiat. Try It end bo eon. I
, � 11:3*xton Tre"orlpt.) 4onWns im naritoltles or hamful dru t4. s4ehoquall or Olehook" ami"I", r6WTQ k1w-Ays 60d. Y In th,� planetary mai,kig, whi -! 16 Ft I � "I
T1 S 7 t"IFormmelal advice women m Ask to Frora lid usage Ilk clim it was wx,� r"G*W1 A* t'his mealoina to lAy Vksow. Aethe ifulmont sinks iti *4 more nothing in this UnlY#fl1,:-- rho I ,
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