HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-04-22, Page 2a
1. I I IT. I k, , � ., 'I ��';, , , '. �, , 7 , � �
"R ov"m I � I .� __��,��.: M !Z1111111.5101: MR, I I 110 � ____._ ___ - _ � - -11- . .
N , 0. 0 0 - - .. _Aftm_� — . ov I * 11 � I 11y'l 1109 �10111 0 h P 1 0144 - - � - .- I 91 I 140 a W NO 1-11-9-0-10*01 0
I I 1-1- --- - - - . __ —_ 11 M*§""N
-1 I . 4 , I MM I ow —I — a *A tum ,*,*- " vp.."� *.,W"*.*,.,W,,,, - - - — __ . ... -
�_Im -IF �N_l NM .4 � 11. 11 I 9 I =1 J11;;;;;W I i'hlo 004 011 pol 10 I 100ftf, ''I , I - fcwr or five. wore or losa dlNtiact aud for bar to oame back Alone her 0 ' - - ---
I , MO, '. - , Ivriods fArQ reprosonted. The first to Jhu%bUA And two 040 having di;4 in ,fto&
., the brins, or suit period; "AgA I
.. _Awlihk . . tl�q "00"16 XQA-b WOU14 Mite the vity of ner I fion NO& KM*d of F"a-rnX*n*1*1
I L I 4� I 1 . 11 11 the dripping period; the third, 00 fri;,�ao, 0. 0411 Mo not NAOMI—T414 W
� . � wuokf
, � . I . I 119 !)Ort0d, and the )Wj th
L . � -4 no-wo means vlqasautw� The sor. �
t I � . 5201ked perind. lj%ur.lng all tbiq tlxua. rows 'a Naomi hsd kfoh 4, & twillo tell# of Introduc.
4 � � ;; 409A 1110AY AAd
. � the "'eat lo'�"o`� 'it Nve'"'t And At tim" 1104v.vt and wbou ,the poo I D ..
. I shvinks raDidly. A,s the abdukeso, lo p a at. oth- uom .."
,... ,
. I AND' I JUXt'WbY the farmers of Ito swouth- i-,,,,��.: '..., I
11 I . during the;sprlug and 0111111110MOM114 4:X &Aid, "IN tA$* NOWM17" SAN, WAS, Om torrItory of tho prairie provinces :.,e', %;!1':.,:
.. . "I lag to havo thAt name appliod :::: 1 .4..
- -1 .1 � I . 11 I.. 11 _. 11 I . 11 . tf3 a cont'nuouO and c0a'stant One- tha to her. Call Mo 9he tlwught 14m cluanoring for further axtenaloas ,:,j;::�: ..
,�� . Ugrg_.
I I .. . I I � former ohould sell h!s curod meat -4a III . of the existing Irrigation echomes i�,:. ��;�::- ��!� -
. ...%-
I . early w, pos�lljlj,, in the oe"On. 0 R&U10. meaning bitternevo, wouia �'... '' .','.
. _.__*-*4J.,___ .::
. 00% Oil Vg*,IWVP-*�� . I be more applicable to her. Hittli WS4 made clear recently, whan . ,. ,�',.i;,t,:�-,,'-',�.L,..1'
I 1
. I . 11 __ - ___ - - I I . . - dealt very bitterly 1. J. $1 Denals, of tile -a P.. U, �:%, 1. �.. , 4:�::: ..`�,:
I 1, _0 io - � i -m- 170 =_ , . - - _ I -Hor , . .. . :.,.:?
i . ��'.' . � -.1 . % with 140 ,:.� :; ,,-.:':L�
I I . I -1==" . Wo A , %NA W0.00 11�_ qW11-1_WP_w_.11__0; .9 a 10""""MI __"-__".@=0 .. I Dopartmen. ....
I . , No faind Woo taken up at this time ,,ylth it of Colonization And lJO_
- -_ /11, , VolOPTUOUt, a4drossod the professors ;
, I I � A_ _" . a comparleo .:.
4MAY� ven Um Fit, ,A Sc� it of liar surro=41490 $44 .
I . UIT Y17ZD- 'ci`444 av1J'bN_kM"._' �rh'e barkolu.'<�k- blossoming wi . V - 4334 ovadoots o,t Macdonald CQ1.10go, .
th a 9004 Maying stilu. thep I)II04 in a conve-'Jent - CZM�,:" PrOSPOcts 46 040 Went fortil, w.lilt lier - �
- W�UAPMO ftOM4 in Philadelphia ly dAeo out lmi,j Adheres closely to tho, I ,. ".. "
. � Ste. Anne do Uollevue, on Irrigation �... - . ,
.. ,
, ,.. ..... �
I ,
. tion mited. with the proper a place and family Irom Bethlehem, With her suri. , ': ,_ ;.
, . -�_.
41140406 ftod. XGI�,-ovar, the de- or$ m0alit Oi covered as JU the Sprinkling mathod. I . . ... :: 11 ..
, eakte of le04. . ,:. :..�!.
Rewr4l) In the case of whe: affected With 11 I � rouitclinge as she returned ten yeare Ili the West The large attendance �..;.
, .
, ,
I ::.
X1,R>M0,2t 01 a 64140us 14yor at the go . 46 . later, 21 1 went out full --$he b listened Intorostedly to the lecture, . .
. XV01) in witlit th4t aeazl�, ovoky fruit "Ink1bg smut It IF' bed to pour the ,4d .;;.:�,
. It, to very impWN-Ut thm ,the large, edge of the 444d Oot #IV% a further ivhlcu WAS 44mirably illustrated :�;
IDWI4 to. tllib alilrt*sfor produced A ask of the solu. � "I
Unit droamdotAl tree unil W at dt oeo, grain into a box or c, her busbalid utia ,her two 40110i ajid .. -�
U084 114 all orchartU garden or eitrus "' *01 she Was satleflodi i7itil 4'0&rIc3 Of laUtOM 4114,08 4e- ,�,�.
. by alto Imborthiloo has ,44 QAQ,b,y,, tIQA sad otir until all the smutted I 0, �:.
tho 4 X.SS N IV, even though they -
m It, 3. AbOhl; Ing of 'he ;bIther parooltic tnaects or fungus, or April 25, 1920, Were Moved by famine to sook an. ViCtIag the Progress Of the C. P. R, :,;: I..
� I ..!
0 beto" timuea witum rho cul*or qpots, The lternele have r1sell, to thu surface, The Ruth's -WIJqe Choice. 1; 14-22. other country, The Lord hAth orought Irrigation system and the fruits of I:.,:::,
trov% be put to Proper all oi ,. ...
, .` L
. otb. Tlwrefor% It you would eajol , �**�:.�::.,.
tkey Us OPWtd- 01*4 UP 04 too i Maker Mt� aro Axlvbose4, to Persist F,Aiut bAII8 should then be �klntxue4 ' me home 4 this method of farming, �:�
, ,gain einpty_gVJd6a ..�
� _ tly sho .,:,
. two years" ual.wq ftMC4441 the benefits of trees and pjantf4,� to Off. Tile solution cannot COMMENTORY. - 4. A I'llebrew The speaker divided, his discourse , � . :
V. tbo t,tftq lotting trio oultuglat a aL measures penetrate recognized the, hand -of the Lord In I ,. I.
an ero V.PPI104. their fUileet eXt4Unt WtGthO Sporo h�j]js. . family In. Moab (Va. 1-07 We are not tile Under three heads, dealing WIt.11 tit '.:,..��::::�. _ .
l eat that C41110 to -her,. .:1: �: :' L '
..'a, W.racq 411 9,0 old rolj$4 burl; fro.0 - them tree of pest& you g . hp�ld. iteo, I 4314ro must be taken that the tre . � bereavem ,o :1 �. ...
. The 1;0orte of the rupo may. Do I I told at What time during the period of Th Introduction of Irriga,,tion �:; :.
tho 4roake ArA begivy ftbq, thuq de. rouQ � - at- . a Lord made use of the situation to , 14 Alberta
, in thN %Ijer WIt And I 04mbilull fit the -,majority of cases SDr4la'% AW-94*11111 does not become re-Inflocted the Judges liltalelch and hi Work out Uis great plan In arranging I by ,the C.P.A., And the motives :, 1 ,
. I �
QtMVW4 the breeding AlAfto 944 larvtt i IaYer." Durlb the grovr!ug moson the shot;14144 directed tfo the under side oi from Wutulncli thAt have held stnu .9 famll.v 'the AllcsstrY of gur Saylor. Naomi which he ,
. d!d ,A Induced him to recom-
, t. left ()anaan for Moab, it !'-'o -3-11 not realize the Place and value of litend an I d urge thlo; the success as "I .:.:
. - I ,
0^4$ 4a 40poottorwa 0 ivawr Wud- Vast k! 91M break throogit the fOU09e and, .-branches where the tool grain. The sPOrV on sckeics Can L thought by many that It might bavi Ruth In that plan, *9ho little expected Wroved by the i to .:.,::
Mo bark In 'a 11 Cankers spots and Posts b44 U killed by Soaking theal in tile soill. I in. .
"a laseo4� Prunle 041 4ea4 =4 tutiw- 0 "I e 8.44 load, Wlien wualll X
Oro f1datterod 070the follago sod fruit comprq-.;ed air oprayen are used the ttf`6n used for treating the seed v,ild been durin," tile years to that through Ruth's energy and taith- of Some settlers LLL
lisping brUfidhOS, TO them 01060, 1%41ftW ;0�etl I . allry failure due .
q hQUI4 bg attaclao to an elbow, can bQ Sprinkled With tile olu. which the fuln%W as a gleaner and by'44,r aml- to lack.of e:Kperlon.ce In the appllca-
-Of the treos. doln v4astdomble dam- nozzle 8 4 S Mlollaultes wire overrunning the 1,,Iua s t a wife of IOU -of, water and cycle of wet years; , , I . -
. AM of 46 degrees, which will help, distri. . Of 1�raol and robbing the people of Boaz and thus, lia,ve a place in the the rovortal of opinion
ObArp" clean tools* .cova�iag the 14rge I lion, '! ability she would becOm h -
1%10o� with poo4t VA,Aat� ,W-ttOe',t'4,0 , For quick contr6l, praetleal expert. buto the Audilier meth ., after pr4ott- .
� , spray solution On, the under
c � - -_
"Me bas tought uss that It Is 0 .od of seed treatineat their prodUCO, There in . I
f01I,W IS e1t[116 I)DOVY 4 9040OUS thin. better side of follage.Or directly doNvnwaxd 114a.,4 rovomtly been Introduced for the , ay have b,een family froin which would come gAine ,4qal tests, and the consequent over -
I - G) remove the deaa bark from these Oil such Plante as cabbage, oelerh etc. �116'4tnlent of outs. in this a famine becausA ,�..f Ion Of kings and from wiltich' the 'Messiah whotliting demand, for further Irvrlga�- J. $- OZITNI S".6-
UfXW Q,Qt to VOU44 064efir.441 to the large caln,Ured areas with a hand W_Cthod a g-contlaarld would appear, She, esteemed .the af- tion prpJ?cta on the prairie. 4;ptavar epot4iAtasl
t" aha trqllt. � , Scraper, then SPMY thA waouds thor- l4ven though your trees �snof plants 'strong Solution of formaldehyde is drought, It Is clear, however, that faction and character of'Ruth, but she � llk%5� & long time,;, vAI4 001,. I) - C0L0"17^T&QN 4 orw �
I ' QughlY Several times during the sea, , I Ir .y, Cott- did not k1low 'her Important n1a, -"there wlere many "Q claimed P_ I - - � I---- - ____ —
� appear (to You) free train Insect and' liked, One Plat of forrnatolehyde scarcity Of food led this faint, place In ell
PrWor nourlqhtneut, thorou&t QlvAll- goo, fungusf'p,ests, it is very reasonable in. WiXed Wita a Pint of Nqgt and the. slating of Hilmolech, Naomi, . his wife, oll Ing$ with men, 22., In tile potatoes y1elded $170 tD the acre, all -P
Unnecessary In falfa ;125, and wheat $105 per We.
I � 4 and their e,oas, Mahlon and dbt!ion, Western Canada. .
rt gurallee to spray thein two or , three ,Oattl to spray ' ' deal that Iff1p
?; solu,lau 'O a
i$"" ond pleat7 of qu 11.ght and RIr I WhAn AvraYlnz for"bIttor rot n7one ed Nvith thl" "egl� ni,r, of barley harvest, In tile Won was
- 4.1 1 FAIM, 1) rl est a Bemuse tend'- The annual report Issued by tho
eircAlation are, aboollnety itdc6s6ary k6r Dt fRiaxte rprav, the f1rd tqn times during the year, Prevention to ,whilu It is being shovelled over and to sook better conditions in th,3 Iauq ha �n April In the regi,Gii of tigns.of drought donot.regularl oo,
%be maltea" -of. 41no fru.14 ngatab�es 4JOR' OltOU14 b4 PM440 , WUt I I . the:4;,WvC1cd for a few h ' a as in at a . Bebblehem.. Ao the harvest season , y Board of Trade In this same CU7
. 40 (33114 less costly then cure. our Toab, The ten years spent by our there, they argued, there wao. nut ,
arA Zower�6- . after the Potaia havo fwlam slibq_p� Try Soaking beans, Cora., beete.. od- the 'Aprinkling ludIthod. Only a quart NaO1131 there were full of di,ztreaslug was oil Ruth 1144 come ther !1i time the sun urgency foir Irrig#ion as contains a comparative atatemloot
I . I 1, Often% an,941cattoolo A01*1 IV,! OVO4 tons and other seeds of this tYpe tu it of the tiolUtIon. to used for each 6o experiences, Her I to takWpart in the gleaning.0 . showing the reautto of, crx*o gyoWA
, .
"Im, IJIVIUNG $MAY IN ,TT -1 I two.rffi three wo-Iro aoar4 according good spraying solution, samo,'04 pota- b*4$ Of grain- Experiments have Sons married w busbaild died. Her Questions.-Wnere Is Moab.? 'What other less 4ortunatqly Situated on. dry and irrigaied land au4, j9vo,p
. � shown that this method Is safe and I Oman of Moab. .. iftlos where tbQ roanfall is usu- MO, following increases of cropw
� - A0, vreatbor conditions. I "tev family %vent from Bethlehem to 1_14oab? Ily so small as to make agriculture
, ORCHARD. � to seed,,an4 note the diff4rew;io in, the . the sons dial, leaving her alone with What lea them to go.? Who were, Or- . under ImIg4tion,-Wheat. 23
ft the be".reaults� wecsuggest tha AVI'LE) 491) PEAR SCAB. bealth of the plants later.0111,% �60ecth,% for oats it Properly used &44 her two daughters-in-law, Orpah and &�tica ossible without artt-: grown
I I Pub, and. Ruth?, How Ij)ag was Na. 'Lly IMP bushels, pr 77 Pei, caxkt.; cgits, 88
. . . hi�s the advantage of not wetting the Ituth. Jews are disposed to consider cial application.. It Is %ther g.ra" bushels, or 54 per cent, barley, SO
S* 0.p.ply...a good Wayfug solution Thqse fUngI commonly affect fruit Owing to the fact that t1tei faftes of loatIll It ),'list be used Nvith cure as I Omi in .'V1,0ab7 What change c4ale to ''
_ .
� - MO , nature ere 41reotlng the attuoRli, at in- . the affliction that come UtAog, wm," said, the spe, ker, vem7 ,, ;
*MerW-� 4110tek WbM 100�0:449 'And.. leaves_�but they , t6b Inuch of the solution will serl)uvi to this fam- 'bo family in M04 , busl*ls or $1 per cent. pass
� also be foua4 - ily in tile light Of Punishment, 1, t . b9 Why did Naomi ,, 14
. seot pests Find ftugI paragites to the - _ , � 'IdKelitlyl "in view of this trenten- budhels, or 61 per cent.; potAtoes.
tWep, J�oam, ehorr'.ee and plume ,timt, 00, loot stalks, flowers and twige. 117 germination of tile sped. jut 0 decide to return to Bethlehem? What ftua\,opposItlen, to see the radleal
. ,
aboodt. Aboqt'tltte time all luseet.lfl�p �.,Upoii (be lea.y�a Izi each (,A60 ths. orchard Pn4 garden, nursery and � ms rayed on dic, cd Upon them for leaving the land of cholcoa- did Qrp%h and auta make M&Ilit-o'bout-face in sentiment and to 250 bushels, or 105 per cent.
, ..�
1 14 01�. the may% I.acludigg th ' , green -house; u -o definite,set ,iinjurN ibeL Israel and going into a beAthen
e destruc- 8PQ$s axe alore abundant, as a rule, -of rulea grain not Rrrialtied. IC is unsafe to . coun- with regard to g*lng with Naomi? � ear. these f "The Canadian Pacific trrlgatlon�
tt*o flr4 broods . 904 - tile 10wer eurface, whe,,e the can be laid down for Spraying to con- , _$ I,: strong solution f try, and for futeratarrying 'with people What arguments 41.4 Waomi use to � ame raon. assert that
Of [10118. reA bug, , 4, 0 0, or treati�ngi ra', cally the. whole of tho routb scheme in Southern Alberta Coll
veO &y11% and l6af blieter ra(to, and :JUgua Is i4ade. evident by an olive, trol them. You must keelk u ontinual ;0her gr, I s ",peoally Wheat However Iladether daughters-in-law to re- - , Denuis signalized as the largest In -
I � 0 -1 n as "t Of another race and religion. iftry needs Irrigation. .to make
ther b%4 for, their flooding grolluito 4oWrod,, Velvety, superijvlal pars to ,
� , gro.mt,b wAtch on your trees and plants for the,;-'4tien seliouslY Injures the germina- this may be, We have the assurance turn heir mothers' housea? How aotrftlture permanently Successful. dividual project on the American Coa.
, . t that the Lord, by a Peculiar train of did Ruth express her dedslou? The'onerlence ' tiliont, with an area, greater than the '
bi%U, -The 641i'Joee scalo and other both surfacee of the leaf may be cov- , of the past two years ,
VW.oh to � the lender erfto, foliage and Or when the ol%ea," ts ve�ry abundant: tint sign ot attack; then -go after they, tqa and does not aiwaya prevent provIdences, brought high honor to PRA1114TICAL OUTOVEY. . witli I a rainfall In Southern Alberta-
. Mto with your sprayer. 'Do not :,smut. I Whole irrigated area of Colorado or
� *410 lasdets can be ccqxtrolled to the Qred and conelderable caftig may re. spray unles� you. do the,work thor� , ' Ruth becausc. of her choosing to live - �CQ,Iifornia, The hiriga.bile area totals
, ,�,Ihere are vowe gofic, -
beg a4vautage at this ilme� If the 'Suit, oughly, for you will disgust yourself ' 14 salut machlaei, and diO Among God's people. L Toole.-7hlo power of personal In- of less than 10 inches, and the burn .more than G00,000 acres whilat the
ItifeetAtion of San Jost' scale 113 very Du'ring, July, August and September and destroy y Xfqr treallng Klf�d oil the n1arket. Tbe 11. Preparing to return to Jud, I ,per cTops raised"by Irrigattonists, is
our aelighbors' faith In k.,ebt of these t, ,tit (v, 4uence. I responstble in no small. measUre for Aiggro.lato longth of Its canals and
ONPO WO SU996 watch carefully fat, tiio first app,w. the treatme eat the seed In a sat. G_V), After living in Moab ten y.parg, L Ruth's Wlse choice. ditches Is grec,itor than Canada's -
. .0t **lcord Spraying ftnoe )Qf, appall ' %ft. Drenth th6
"rill aaya L lat9ri 171,o�e� to be ,ou" ti., " 41146 olivo-green, spotp. Otiti"O Isfactory liturnor. They can be usid ,Nlao'ni! decided' to return to the land o II. Its r0war;]. . Ufa$ at ango n, o , on.
� On tree or plant; don't waste tinte or ma- LpTc,r1tubly a t .a I rger is. . . - longest river or the rail distanlid
. vittlttlugf4ll"tb.,O,i�,00�o,,J�hsoet%, �111. , Ue ,'&A4 f -blow. eAd ,of-, t terial by careless work. Spraying is � _ 1) t t farn 110�r fathers. She had liaard f The i3ook of Judges, Which -We have I utitning the extent' of the send from Vancouver to Halifax, To this
. fruit � The 100se $1WIT ot wheat and the a d rtion . f the province of Al-
a" � , �i not Vleasant work, but if -you would I Ahere wag food in Judah, and her at- stretched 160
-'!"As fUugl' resli3f apple and pear these sPots are the early stages that been st,_',ing, covers 'historically the original block.a further area of 3000-
VcaA$On the - (,cab-fungbs and when det"ted, lose . tachment to her own co period from the coaquogt of Palestine 000 acres in the Lethbridge district,
_ We and twiq-Are"410A , bave,b,0 a ilot be con- . a , wide o itate,
a ' I '-Aime In getting the is, .untry was ties north of the American bound.
- oonitrollod by this - 00 oray-rig out tter fruit, Vegetables and flow- tp�)Iied by the formildelty'de, treatineat strong onoilgh to load her to in and the death of Joshua to the Judge- . was added when the C. 11 R, took'
. wet* is-dotio. -.�.- '. .pray If thorough tor business. I... bra you,must accept the situation and of,the se;4. ,it the...� smuts ar , alto ar- .lip of Sainual'and the introduction ,ary.and from the Rocky Mountains 9
. , I make the best of it to go back there, Moab F" Cypress Hills in Saskatch a��;'�
of tile monarchy. it a- by the Al-borta RVAIWILY _�
, a trou- rangeineitts' over the blocleort inall
IPOIAAGR SPRAY& I blosome, reed should be obtAinid.1rall _'
ftraving 0 the proper time is a very was . IS � record of Ito tile and trri .
� , When a crower's fruit rexch% the , 't country forty or fifty miles from ,wan, the spealmr stated that Amort -
I * fields In which they are not prasellit .north to South an dabout twenty declensions and dellvoraaces,�-three tion Company, and this has gboW9
proper rocaefty for.con,ti$11flig t4a furt- ,To control groan And rosy aphfa it Is too late I -five ?can Irrigation engineers of proinin-
I gl s9orqq,.,tW cause po�,AeA - 11eat ourl, Which curl and shrivel tile fQliage and ' packing hollse to spray. or from which the smutted hevAs ha-ve succeediag that of Gideon, The book the s=e remaxItable vrogress and
asid�94*kid.b.6'appl,�e.d,,Woto'th6 buds Crtlit of. apple trees cabbage plants, � There are 'a number of good spray-, 1perl removed before .the spore,4 are north to south and about twenty -rive which forms, .ol�r @resout study is in Ance, after investigating conditions prosperity.
. ,
bei-dix to. awell. as the Infection Usually rose bushes, otg. )Pear psylla, the' Ing solutibns on .the market, and tile .t',j.vpersed. These smuts can be con- the lower course of the Jordan River strik;ag contrast, but closely c5onnect;4 "thorou'ghly, had given It as their "Agitation at the present time to
I gardener and fruit grower would and thq Dead Sea, 'and the, Journey ed �n the ancient Rebr3 on that the rainraii was insuffl-
and, mort'trequoiptly takes place at the cause of honey dew and smut on do trolled by treatment ,wlih lie'% water �_O w canon it' OP'1311 fnirming profit3bly. for further trrigation and quick irri-
IW-k,at.-t4e op4�-Wxxg of tha-hads, .. fol'-,ogo And fruit of;..pear trees, ALso � Well to Stick to one of these � 'rather Cut it la not recommenl,-d for gmer3i 'A In tharO to I�Othlehclg in Judah was 'formed a part of the ]Book at Judges. 10leUt to follow gation," continued Cal. Dennis, "Par-
'��i�ll apraylhg� Iii the Orchard to can' rear thell*3 aad',�Jear bllsiel. mites. than ,on a hoiniemade.product, for the , use On the farm. not long As rkews spread SIOWIY It forms a connecting link between ,and the question to bd decided was mers, clalm with justification that
- . . I reason that the solutions.are not the Summitry and recoihmendatioas. then, it was doubtless Rome length of the book of Judge ' at whether Water Was needed, but .0 % the
I 't'. , 'er-perimexits alone, but are time after there came to be plenty in ries the history and Gintile historlds. thor just how long this territory
tral Sao Jofie� w%tel- shell and scar ' , a and Samuel,, car- it is a life and death Issu vlth m.
I*r'k lousi6 4c4lavinoectrx. iPear psylla ' ..1. .. " result of G6od seed should be used that laas Eould srow any kind of crops with- It they are to remain on the land '
. 0
'bernating offlimB, ih I lout Irrigation. � �
-�:h boalted qt their command sciontific knowledge light and shrivelled graino and smut $'Irrigation, vilion
. ned'clusters ot a0bla egii � Voi, cdl� 61110 tlirfp� oil celery and the' -products of experts who-havv.hO4 Deon thoroughly fanned to remove all Uudah thatNaonil knewthat the Lord The simple story Is replete with groat they must have it', If they do not geZ
. .
, osfted,.uadar,t'ho rough bark or just,, bbn - e eg�gff'of w1ilch are do' had given bread to her peoPle. When truths and forcibly illustrates the tin- it the only thing to do Is get out.
or dep I etith-the Wrft�e of the onion, of plant life and have carefully prove balls, Light kernels okra liable to .she stavted 6n her '%vay,-Orpah and p-xtant fact fhat God has never le t , Practically a.p- That the ProvInctal Government
to the &evl.tes aad,w,ounda of trees. * .1 I I It I f
othikoar6ar . the WUtSi and down' In by detual tests the practical.vallie of contain the spores of other grain dis U k, I tl ipll�4, Is the best kind of farming," realizes this also Is very evident
Also, the hangover. fungus Spores of tba .heArt_o: - Ruth, he!� .daughters-in-law, .,i.ecom- tin c,il -,;,, -loat wituess..
� &young-.,celeiryl plants, . � , -said the colonel with conviction "�e- trol,.
I . the brown kot' at the web, Plain, 'tIA their solutions, , I easalS. . Panted liar for some distance because 1. Ruth's wise onalee, The real narm., _ 4 the fact that they ha e'ener-
I %1111 ... hatch Jn- Ab4,,. t.,four days.t � . I cause it Is tile only System tha�,6r- getically talmn Lip the new projects.,
tifttarine, awleot, and t'aherry-pesch, - , ' ' .1 . 1� I .- Treat the seed with a solution of of their affection for her, When r-tive, Gs it concerns the true IfistorY or the most intelligent treat- The Lethbridge Northern Irrigation
Ift ,. k * The -total Ilfe'cyeIe,r6oiqI a 9 , Naomi thought the time bad eome. !or of. *Ruth, commences with Naomi's de- mits
. 9. Awl, aDple�� qao er and Scab-laad - da' ' � I . res about 16 to.malin by the dipping or sprinklin mout of e"ry individual crop tO'su't District schonie confprises the Irriga-
. .
the $00ty fungus fQ1IoDW1ng attacks. of - , M And d1jrIng t.bb wajm�r V�,rtjoa ; The grain smuts cause sertolts.losse m4thod. ThIs treatment will also kill them to go back, she tried to prevail cls' .n to return to the land of Judah,
I VeAtIWOYU4- ., , , � I , N'the season all, stages are likely to In Canada, There is little 4oubt that the spores of many other diseases that air them to go to the homes of their Ten years Sojourn In Moab had its own, requirements. It eliminate$ tion of about 100,000 acres -and will
�. I r� � . occur.. on.,tha Plants. unless they are the total' loss each year exceeds twea- Injure grain. . I TOSPective mothers, praying the Lord brought both beteavement'and pover- the necessity of Summer fallow and ,cost between three and four million
MOWN IDU�UIPP ROT Or STONI kept under -coustant,.q trol.. to grant then, ty. The commendation,and benedie- ,cla.borate treatment Of the SO'] to dollars, Just recently farmers In
-an Care should be taken that the moist Itercy, as they had .
. PRIjiTs, . A, cPrtful watch.iltould he kept in . ty millions ,of dollaxs. The greater grain is not allowed to freez?, It tile dealt kindly with their husbands, her tion. of Naomi.,and her solicitude for conserve moisture. it is quite agreed the Raymond, Magratli and Sterling
I I I , the part of this 'toss can " . �Iy pre. that mixed farming is the basis of
T I the onion and obury,helds' for I I � �rgin Is gownlowhen It is still damp, sons. ,Mle thought they would be the well-being of her daughtelrs-in- district wore called upon to vote on
.4,Q fungus causing tu,e brown rot 4f earliest- signs ofiQuiT., ,Melf's�ray- vented. . I law afford a picture of a loving, bar agrl8ultural prosperity and this Sys- the folmation of a further irrigation
tiftohes. vluma�aad other- ftuitki may -be . wid swollen the seeder or drill should better off to rentain Ili their own land -
I . Ing :ohoulld -,begin, �z Drench�the entire The smuts of grain that cause fferl- be. act to make allowances for the and" among their own i3e,ople than to Imonlous household, as rare as it Is tem flourishes splendidly under ir- projact-w1nich would embrace a total
. vgry,ol�structive age ,'Iear and of rela- Want% . $0, that 'thO, Jolnt$ -a-ad fieartS 6u§ losses In Canada � I Voually one half bush Into the land of Israel, for she beautiful. She -Would neither deceive rtg4tion in the ratsingot special fod- . area of 190,000 acres and Iftigato
Tftetk�sgght frnprort�me the tbll'ow- are filled with tbo,'iolutlon. . , I are the'foll.oW- swa 11119., them nor Permit them to deceive dei crops Which it Is difficult to raise 95500, When the ballot came to be
lax-seaeoni Whetlici .warm or cp�4, ,. . 1, Ing: the loqoe smut 'of wtpat;, 'the more. of barley or ,wheat and three-. must have known well the, attitude of themselves in their decision. without water. . counted there wa.s not a solitary veto
Vi44..;W04tb�4ep. %Is favorable at the L.. PLANT - LICJ3 , , . quirtem of a bushel of oats Will be her people toward other nations. She . I She COU14,
� . . or b * , required than of dry grain. -W. P. Prayed that each of them might "find make them " offer �of temporal good. every case where it has been recorded against the project.
oprW4 or,tk*_1 4 muggy ,itlf�igttlabies, especially loose ,and � covered anikits Of Oats and She knt-w that they had friends In u the test in competition with "A vas� sum of Money." Wild C01--
� � . . Owpag. ,but ,t Praoctically - stinking smul of wheat nut, the Fritser, Laboratory Plant PLthology, rest." To f Ind rest 1% In Oriental ex- . ut�to
. ,NeU�ker 6k ruld-summer Is particularly cucumb1ors, cabbaigtO Aiid Peds;,,suffer the 'loose and. covered smuts of, 64r- I in Judah. Tho decision 1pr4luary farming methods, 14,rigatlOn Dennis in� concluding, "was Put Inta
disa&tftus to'tlie-stone� fruit crop, on key., I I I I Saskatoon, Sask. PreSSion for entering the marriage has been proved to increase produe- the Irrigation scheme by the C.P.R.,
. At,count of the'rap4d spr d of the tits, cQU$Id0r4bI0.r,-4aW49e � from at -tack by, I . � I . state. This is In general the divIn6 embraced the deepest and most solemn t1oh from 25 to 100 par cenit. This but it has proved a sound proposi-
ea" ftnd,qt� ouch ,,poq " , , nsftts copinvulY. � The loose Smut of -wileat ran bo 10NOWING WHAT YOUARJU �DOING order for. men and women and they Issues. In reality it was 0, choice be- - -tion. The bilmDer crops raised on
, � oltlons�, ..., tween Jeh�vah and Chemosila So Or- ccounts for the fact that in the Irri
, bilul ., 1 callfied,' "lloe'l-or ",iphi&", but blotter. easily.recognIzed by the dusty -black You cannot buy a ierLilizer of an who are happily married are restful. �_
TWO disease %ffects` krio,%VA' as plaift Ite , pah understood ,it, and thou'gh with gation +eIt land is being sold for these trrigated farms. the high prices
101`9,41eallY idt, Stone ftlita, Irery few a. Thdwwork, fd lleaAo that appe4r about-t1le timia of 411alyeio that Is suited to all types of Naomi thus made for Orpah and Ruth tears returned to her people and her- considerably over $100 per acre. and at which the land is bold, the roluct-
� -
i'4�.atkn of eitbar-;pea�fi. allricot, nao. the nwst Park� Oh th4l4bwer sides of blossoming. The black masses �of ,kr�pa. But you can choose from a the best Wish and prayer, possible. The -ds (va. 10, 17), so Ruth understood tha,t farms are seldom offered for ance on the part of farmers to sell.
the ."ven, twhich -.beeojme'�,cui,led -or gporvs are soot, scatter6d by the wind. Af7 small numb,er of analysis, high- � -
t4iae, VIU10, or oberry Delax free from . time had come, at; she thoughto for 't, and In her decision intelligently ' salo even at that -price, the owners and, eibove all, the general clamor in
W,44ring sesedne favpmble to the Nu. OtIminlisO -dCGVOYed,-i1&t the. loss of The bunt or stinkiDg Salilt�l$ not: so grude fertilizers Which will give bigh- 'them to paxt. She was leaving Cie embracing all It Involved (vs. 16,17, to sell. The "Leth- the south country for schemes to In -
their Xital 71ui�es,, , -Piai * ] aing reluctant
� 9M. The fMitk are the, most commou I 4t- Uce facreaze (!4sfIY re,cognized in -the field as the , iy proflt,ablo YieJds of grain, hay, root place where her loved ones had died, went forward, Ili resolute self-surren- . . bildgo Herald," by careful compila-, elude the greater part of the south
. . "* Qf_wlw&'� Put , &.iber vegetative ivlth- grpmt raptC - lty�bjtSa femule jiv- 1,00se alnut, Tile .smutted kerfiels In and frult crops. and therefore, fix a sense, sacred to dor.-to liar highest convictions with tIon, placed a conservative estimate territory all prove that the initiative
60W. 0114 - Uk ing birth to ltv.lr4g yotitg. T,U,6 dlj'b!�i- hker stinking staut When planning for your fertilizarm liar, and she must bid her daughters- a heroism seldom unequalled, though, of $54.71 as the average value of the anddorlasightedness which promoted
. a* , , - of Wheat are 4ark
, IW sulad"tible, As it .
, I ant kW -i; vaty Ir -color from light , 0 but they do not break up noAliy'itad. this coming summer, keep IiA mind In-law "farewell to continue her jour- from the human side, without hope. pi�6duotlon on am acre of the 82,290 qUeproject aTe now appreciated and,
. mle, tbo fruke' arl� amorently "at darX, gxeon�..O.r ,nearly bl,ack, grarPrih three things: Pir6t, that grain oropa .
.418*17 ftttackoA_a�fter thak have be- In the growitig grain. are more ai less aey alone. The leave-taking iyas at- ir. Its Reward. Ruth's choice -was
OW16 �Wf gr6Vir4 av4 the �.Y � I .. OQUealeol by the chatf, Theiie dart ou'ah as wbea�t, oats, barley, rye and -
I � b"4� ,vellow 9n,d rod_ They� lead ,acre tract. Or.ses were many where rewa,rded."
",.�', fecting; "they lifted up their voice, made without promise or outlook. So . I
ouamptibil, �b tag.juiqeu ot.tho Plants throuRb ly, W I I .
ktr,'IntresaW trom thtd'Uma to ripen. � u4b ketmels can be crushed easi . hen corn bencM in -et by a fertilizer high -----��--,-----...-.-7:t--.-,.�===-- 7 ___7 ,----.
a be . ist 6f ,i Ili Phosphoric it is the. .
466i, -s4uiia, �In -etubter6 willch, , ak nudletwulot ber cotitrolled''they .Will be seen to tops Zid, tecause had wept." eb, 11:24, 25) � —_ - .=
und �. � III. Choices mado.(vs. 10-18). 10. and .,of the 11c,brew children,.(Dan. �:
Or , I 1
4*#41ttoos WOLSturo wcaiI4 be a Are! prolnh)tly, , . moss of ill smellInk black ppwdor, the yi0ened grain .from these crops that 13. Naomilz atte*,apt to send 'her t6-16). The paths of righteousnev ri W@M"tw nufte ,
%We.fe.Mily t4grqd,,j%( tigst CABBAGU,�klfl) CAULUoILOW -spores Pf the, Smut: At threishlu&tlme You are hamleeting. They also bea(� -In -ople are the ways of providing.- .In her
pt 11 .. . Elt ant at daughters -law back to their pe
I 1110%4WO'je-rXeRt oa'4. sW411,;Aar,14 '!": LICE . I these Smutted, kernels or sport bails fit peady by a moderate amo deep necessity Ruth pursued her NSA POLICE I I. am inx co,
I - . nitrogen and potash. Root crops ber*A_ was not wholly successful. She had
Increases. ' Xtractivo each CU-nicat largely front a*hIsrh analysio,
JkV.wU'deoajed.9W, which are, becoming more 41� . as 'they sx�e Q�'ten callett ais broken- so conducted herself that she had won humble- and lonely task, a stranger In Z;W�bmlbd IVA
. tip and the spores lodge on, the U strange land., What appeared an Smi Offt,*% 6MM fXIT. I
1*�exteAt until iM Wh640 irnit IS In- year; end the!r�ifjtqage to those plantg 1' potash, because they contain so their affection nud liar Influence Over -
comed. T'he ftvih�,Wzrl 4o ,ilwayed 0M, 150 44in�4 -up Into 111111.110113, m,qnd whoa,%., grains and 90.6 001 Q Ire g -them wao, strong and good. So great-. accidefit in her choice of flelda was OFFICERS` SHO" I Udkj t&%,0rA 0A SU OU6008 01 $&OWrO
WAY ,ftH to"th's grov�w., Of i��ng upon, "Mm, , , � at wheat th-- woll known smutty Odor. SlUch atarch. 'They also requ with God a providence. tier purpose I
. , , � -Modemte amount of ph-9sphorle weld ly were they taken lip with liar that . 6X* Vropwty an tU wAA os� Dzvatp&
t1§0 trees. gradually 'ibrInkla.- : Thd Oat Lmuta are mubh alike, but Ha,.V e was to glean for daily suateluance,
. t0�0, w,�T,hese lice,'ato ,easily L�nd - 'r,cps are valuable for the bulk ,they would b1djarewell to countr I r I �_ , "14 aptorm,
ernlftVled, drW,Masa. generally called d qulckly 'the chaff is usually destroyeol.in die Y God" Pgrposo Was-Ao direct her w.1XY ,
I estroyed wi-It a ' of'..growing plant that they produce. and kindred rather thao. say ,cood-bye, t.o- tile meeting with Boaz. ,,
A; m*)A4q. " Thoo mumawed itrults are , �160 eMy'ng Solu- : Imse sbiL'v -.7hile in.the covered staut therefore, eatphasize nitrogen In the . to her. She told theni'that she had Providenc4' Fired at From Behind Or- wo� summuK xxw nvamw
, . -
tho chrer 0olaroe, of Intac tion' ' SDMY 4M'L 'noilv!dUal, Plant - the 'choff usually remains eaclo . . no wore soils,.amd It was -useless to, e.; to the righteous are but the ful I prukism 00"taw
, 41111; Xottilizer !vr the hay crop. , 1UT*W1Z A 0"qP4, 1
t16'a ttie fOl' thbroiijilly. This method oll't,teatment , filment of the promises." Boaz IS pre� WaT From Xass. - �
W0,og seasoileundev oirdinary, `cbudl, may cost d llttle� Inore than, general .the,smutted parts. The spora'masg6o -,_-*tany a waii PlIaces over-emphao!4 go with liar with sviy imectation. of Seated to us In the beautiful story, as . I
. I I
,�-, _. . � 0 Ilecti've spr4yingr but,dovlt figure on I I . n he
,%on, � of both are soon Atattered by the list price of the fertilizer. We their having cons of liers for hus- a,forerunner and type of Christ, the, ' - Ae"t% . %Vft9h24% **%�
gbiiieolo." : 1,X0,fenuttive -trelitment 0 wind. I believe this is 'eapeclaily the 0.1wo bands. If �Lo*onld be married ag4fn Returned Fire, Killing -One, - t
first costa; figurg Oil, "suits, Xinsman. and bridegroom Redeemer. I I
414)414 be begun In the fall or ea y , . In the covered rimut of bavloy the where little attention is given to the alvil have ,:�onz, Orpah and Rnth would
0 EGG PLANZ LAC 14 DUG The short-sighted Policy of the near.
. _44ui In order that the fliactus Wree - smut masses -are dull .black fn color ju�bjoct of the analysis of the fertilizer. not walt for Mom to become grown Wounding Three. I "Dudley HoImes
ttilher(ng to Vur)ior bud smiles, blight- 771e,ftgp1%1rt I - est kinsman (Ruth 4: P doomed him DIAblin, April i8.--6crgt, carol was I
ace bug has bl-lart In, and are at first encloE,od ,In 4 thiri We wish to point out the fallacy of to niarry thetil. Naomi used liar to oblivion and afforded opportunity kill6d aul uoustable Collins seriously i MARAWTNA,, MJCIT4^ XTQ.
ea-tw*s And cluxamted fruits may -be julrlo,03 tit raceift YMrs, ,It feeds by coverhig. The splore.s are, Scattered buying.what is commonly thought to strongest argumeiitli� and Cie utmost of tor the execution of the grat:tous and '
. wt Unded to -day while ning from I QXb" m4vw VW^ wftp�ft I
dastroiled, .. sucking and sometimes Is ac000mpaal_ about the time ok the 'matiirjty - of be, cheap fortillzbr, as compared witil her Inflaen e .t, her efforts to persu, bellovolent toutpose of Bqai, the next Mass at the Kilmillill Church !it Kil- I ,� I _� 0
. '. IT-blg treatment abbultol be followed a& by plant lice. U:�e Of a good spray. the grain. In tile loose smut *of bar- thp, advantage of Using higher grado adc her daughters-inw!a,w to return, ,of kln (Ruth 4: 9, 10), .To him sue- inihill, West
v�4464rokt�Ss from � %to-0tr4 110 Jag'Polut'on will 41ill , all nymphs ley the whole head is distr' pd, and to- er which may at firot cost ^ 1)ut still Clare. The men were shot
. . OF rti,12 .. � they clung to her. ce9ded the right of r4flemption, and -from behind, Carol's heart was Piero- .
owe*b4Wgrown,� - ttslaN a Alsk, Ili, thd (YOU09) and most adults. the -smut masses have %, greenish little me 0. 14.. Thcy` lifted up their voice and 1ho pureliftse - Iftoluded, the inavital re- I P. Vowtone
UoWe w1th a small opening, In order CUCTIMBIM Al. -D MELON STRIPr,,D Shade and are i2spersed Py.tho,wind ;The gist Of ths whole -gtor.v !6 t'* wePt agafti.-The Orientals are demon, lat-'rin with Auth (Ruth 4- 10), Christ cd by a revolver bullet, SAXINDT01 AM CDL#CtT*ft
towpAko a miary spray,,belng suro thVtt . -�iiow vour crowe n -t Constable Martyn, who Was with ' MOE 'W ft U" U IOVIW 4"46
I BUI ZTLE AND BLIGHT A -bout th.; time of flowering. Oedq. knew wl�* 4trttivc In their erlef, Th,1Y 'W010t has yedeerned the forfeited Inheritance Carol and Collins, 'was not wounded. 2 .
t -h,& -fraft le thorotigUly covered. I 1.1le-ferlilhRer anialva!s means, and bov �Ioud. Orpall kissed her mother -In- mid with It PuMiased his redeemed I
Always plant an excess of seed to , All of t -Nese. smuts except. the 'loose Your product 'in full realization that 1,%�v,_,Tlle He returned the fire of the assassins, , W#4*'HLU&
.1 GRA -M, DZW,A6*W, I sc..tter the atta* snitit of wheat and the loose , 1.%st ,qad k1m, of a tearful ,,brlde. In beeonihig the wife of Boaz, killing Stephen Breen, the son of a _________J
_, and practice Clean smut Of 4il- thfo. a� In all, other cases, You wsn� sei_rador; after which she, unlike , i,uth was lifted from poverty to 'at- � farmer, and wounded two or t
AAthracnijGo--Thm dieeaos occurs on culture. baegy can bb e,_sily controlled by .'n'ot get f4omethIng for nothin4r, but Rifth, turned Lach to her people aild litionce, from oblivion to evarlasting hrea
tbc,,�oots. leaves and berrioa. Upon. Preventattva mea,ares: Wmn tile seed* treatment with a solution of for- ,tb,t the hest qual.1ty materito 41(i tb,v,t other persons. Thomas M Illolland, all
. p her go&,. The _� I- deity of the Mo- 1hanor In V.a stneestry of the World's employee of the Dundalk Urban Coun- Arthlur I Irwin,
tX0,WtOr the ,well-lill*wU bltd's-oYe planta an about two'inches li!gh spm� maidlohyde (sometimes sold,up formot- in.�Ich %qells at a w-04onablv h1gb ,bitea ,Was Clielaosh (z�um. 21:1.19; 'Redeerner: Ind directly connected the � D.D.S., L.D,S,
4WA vA* produc 'Ila). .1t Ja .1- safest add w4jit of-A-0rice. in all probability It ,%Vill givp I ell, was shot on the street at :,, idalk,
� Id, �4?blch eventually with k,4d arsenate mixed with a good Mqes u:21). nutli lave unto her.- 0'eatile world with thi vilible pro-, '45 miles Avast of Dublin, Priday night, I)bctor of Dental Surgery of the Penn -
U OY tb% fMIL contact Insecticide with carbolio Xective treatinent for use 6rc the farm. �.vou, Ithe rio,4t satNfactory rc,enit�- .Ruth was n,6t yet convinced,,that It Itestes or reftmp;lon. W. H. vaula 0401tege Amd Liventlato of Doti.
.. . con. 'It Is eas n
" 117 applied and . the cost (a !,Hp Ty G. Bell. . C- and died an route to the hospital. s
0 bimck 0C i4l'9110 Occuts OU the tent, boing careful to oov3r every IM 1 1 , wa.3 best for bpi- to return, nor Was c, 11 � I I 0-64- . .. Ulf Surgery P? Ontario.
b4tise, IeBVW'BIW Y6111E; canes- 7%6 'of the plant, low., The object of the treatulqnt is ' ' I I In a st-�tOm6nt, Made on the -way to Closed evor's- Wednesday Afternoon.
both purfaces Of tht ' , sho perstmeetl to do so. 15. Return , th*1 hospital, he said a policeman shot
I . On, Office in Maodor.ald Slock.
lifill. The police, while not admitting . - . — ,
UWA abot two-thir4a grown. roots, also -keep the plsnt,.� tree trAD)n lodged on the seed and thutF.preyont , Overfeeding the sow Just before gaid tago the argument that Orpah had 11y, LtIONS. t -
bd#Ak,w tit* n<K ordinarIlY 'atta4ked le&vo% tile vines and"the stems on(I to kill the smut spores t' at, may, � be ',. NOTM. thou.-Naonif. tried,, to use to ady TWE NIT 1.1
Mko, first also of fujory Is the ap- other Insects, aDhIs, ct(,. the smut being, earried over W . the after farrowing Is -a common m%taket �1� I _1 " , wl - that they shot mulioualland, says tha
0*04ee of IL patplioli, or livid brown . , I gone bacl��.' three Policemen, While patrolling, Lambtv i
Is I season's crop. Por this ,re0ou It Is ASIt nearly always leads to a hoated,, 16. Intreat nit, not. -Ruth's mind I �� , L were attacked by a mob of civilians, - 1
V e, dUr(aeq:sf the barry. The at. 19 caused by a t I - as =&,,, i pi. She had chosen to g( 'M two poli�,,_eft were knocked down, I I att ntion Pala to dIstatm
impqrant Lmt the zolirtlaoit reaches ,,feVerloh condition. A light, cooling NV.. - ! 6.1106, 14M., C.M. 11
I Dewl antbrachoss � � ,"', ;,RXS P
bt,Wh(ell normally' proade over the 213",-Xt-, AXTHRACNOSP-, -
. r overy grain Of the k)(id til�004 ration of equals parts bran and mid I M GOLD A
1%404 fmlt gradually NcolaoA very fungus whio.% attacks tile stems, 16av I , dIftXg made into a thin elop and fed with Naond. ,,Orpah raleat choose to and the third fired three shots tit their opedu G
d4* tit color atid 14ter The isprUdItig method s tomplon- return, but She wao determined to go . V assailants. Mulholland was interned of Women. and -Children bay"
the t�aifA , 003 aod suds of the j�&nts. On the, ly-used for thd troatment of the seed nt'.the rOgulmr ft0d!ng Pol-104.3
Whtjolt jft� a chitracter'.14tio ra*nucr, but '' will to Cie land of - rael. Whither thou ' atter the rebellion of 1916. ' Ukon poswidu4to 46W in B;u,.
doi.Adt. bN A, tuJe,�fo1I,'*r shell. i, The *iilo and aeat -Velng It caums 010ftgU- gmin. One DG=d of foftialdohy4d IS keep her in excellent phyrsleal condl- guest, r ".6ii gu.-fThero was no hc--d- G-ermaay Hu Already Paid Tile . shooting of Mulholland has gom7, 39&Arfoloty and, "Ioat4fis
- 3K sun%40� lark ,rod cankers,. some. mIX6d, with 40 gallok.a-'.Of. water. tioh, and, at the Same time, tenole; to tancy or, Itullilt part. She knew she , created & considerable senuatIon, as Modidina. 11�t ��.
bWrift 40 h'444* i4� 10'00011 May Almes Mill 9 Young Plants, and.often 111crease thc milk fi-ow. Thle Glop )A Pita, , ` At ' it is tile first evelif of the kind that 04tW6 ft th Karr foso
I hVi*4 0A1,111*k2;b*1tt 133i SeMOU., poducing � While a stronger solution,way be used beat continued for four or five daysk was joins ailtaL.; a. Strange people, blit UgWlne 8
er tlean- e4 and YCIIOW l0aVes, it should not exceed dia, strongth of ehe also know the dourz.3 she had .1 . hao been ropotted, od near the Ulster two" 69 QU662110 Hotel tu
00wootsmAra-,0041rol. Att 11rat B61dot Clean, sowid Seed, S after farrowing, giving plenty a 'it I .
lr* the viaelyitra or Urtor " VC41 as it in a 0411 one pint of folrmaldeliy(10 tO 30 941- Y peo 0 1 border. I ftiltist ohlito ' ,
004biq or tile 'Vrune,J and dtsea"14 k!Q4 si�raylng,00lution. Cul. Ions of water. Too atrofig a Solution In Order to keep the oow's appetite for C"losell was tile rlgilt one' Th P1 ' Perlia, April IS. -Germany has al-
ttvRtO P1006 Only. when they quantity oat.lsfied. Incre When the Judges -of tho Assizes loft All Vadn*ft giVou iii�
'a,8c the feed Shall be iny people.-Itutit severed for. 1ktts*d6*.
flOW, the old berrim being covered 176 d rY tuay atrlousiy ,Injure the gormina- ever her con"tion with her country t0ad:" Paid 10,000,000,000 Ill gold Belfast Yesterdav afternoon for Dub- pbmlo k
bJ;Q4rbr plowing or RD064sug I and PDraY them r6gularly -weea gro&ially u the 6ow's appetite and 1*1 0. a" us
n about kly. Wa ,Pf the seed. The'gralix to be ft demands of tile growing pigs vall and people, for rho had found a better Ulftrk,9 Of tile ropargtions Instalment , lin, they Were for the first time on � 1. ,
� tb*,�,rbotd, a good Spraying eollillon, PoUft MIGHT. treated may_tbo placed In 9, wagon tok1t; alway;3 remembering thut joo people and a better country, Thy God due on May 1, rodord accompanied all the way to the
sh40d, be thoroaAly afp1lod. cover- The box or on a clean bushel of xmin, uaoy a gr, to a my Glod.-Thts w4s ali expression. of Tills a4htealeut was r1ade to me to. capital by armed polica, nr.kobt- C. Redmond
I ODDies of the fungus ain ration leads . � I
44--vin'-4, Doeto and tt6l to Just - which Shovelling over the graln� 4t tba Same I I her determination to love and ,serve I 91W 8 (fts.)
b- ,18 the 'Causes potato blight are on or In the gro,ater 0oretion of milk, than thA day by one of tile ic,idjug oermau il - 1 viii 17
0-4 aro awlslgng,in tte-earty %)rtng, tl)ne so eath grain may,b6conto Wet. th3 true God tilor.e, 17. Therbiwill I EK8� d4lid.) ,
A,vcond application 04 I to 60 muAt � tubOrs Ob'MCA wheb� planted, and dur. 'Pigs ,really need, causing lacourn or baulcors .
bAuoAdo so the buds unfold, 510 aub- )JI& 'SKYOrible Weather ,gerininate, Vita pile of grain should ,thiolt ba cov- game other dl(3ease. As this increapA I be btirled.-The choloo Ruth made "That this first Off 'ALL WELL NOW M4V*10iAN AND $UROW& I
. tb vred witit Canvas or sa;cka for two U'belng carried oil, some Other foodis, was t* D:.. Iii force to thp lond of life. met," 11. oat gatl6a was � 7 , !
vie0ktly the vtnw should bo ,4Dray. . rOugU the Stalks and foliage, of the hours Or mo Solution has 1116h Ra Whe,%t IRCteen%go, flao1v It wal not an exportment with her. d, "gives holse th.,Lt Oar- � . W chuwnes 014 stod),
ed, 0out ov6ry two W049M at I' to so Plailts, diSselliluating from one plant had time to kUl the spores -of the mmut. -9found Oat,; and oil meal, rn,,ty 'be It tileant. eversrthing to her to make tnanY V.111 be able -) meet bet 6ther � If, _1 1. I 'r . _ 1 - - .
liall tive or six applicatlons h . to anOth0r, Theretorai the beat met4:. ,T Obligations, provided the I - � .
. Avo I � , Allies, es- �
� he grain should thou bo,spread out 0 a Y Franc,% becomes remonable SAYS MILLERAND
. I � OstrOYlthe N11906 by ft, tadry. S664ing should IXOt �bb 4010- Ilort of the mid#11age, back from what rilia had dtolded. 18. and do, not drive our country Into tho I
.boki M40L ,, � I � � od is ,tovd. ,tubetitated for the bran and a pdr- the choice and sht, would never go 1) �l 11
14, the weatho U 1111toutilly r"Ist P1119 t4e toed More pianting-go fol. ed ,long Aftj,tr troatilie t. '-� L g ot phos- Stlodf.wtly intuded.-4,11-4onil Was eon- ') , Paris cable Says: "Noble Belgluot
WINM tho borrAft arls, aboot halt gmwt, Iowa: Cat a bUshet of sod 'potatoes it ,A, poor pastuie, iatkln� aryus of 110--hovism. DRA, LUNA '
� Instead of the sprinkling the 41P, 01111tea. 901101`611Y grows 1311ort. wiry vinced tb,�tt ltuth'8 choice Was fully The : stood by us When our erstwhile friends I
fil,,,wie bo, good ftioumtet to spray In the USU41 manner, and place In a Rlinoutide�nont by Minister of Were laeking." I Graduate of Vfdvoralf,v of Torootd.
- .
th*r 1A fWOOO tbWA "t%!Y1s*t at- ' ping JUoffiod tMY be Us,44, It Is gr4ft that Oesilnl#a a -blue or purplish made and furthOr argument and en- pfilunce Wirth that Gerjuhuy,s total - t,
=, ,, of the ,4r1<xm ftrtoxft (IlAs,sm-a - fttfirlJ C-011096 Of Phy.4kicians and
tub, or_an:p,.eonv"4eut vessei In WhItb ,moro convlu 'on'. for small quantitim Ap"Atatlee In dry weather. treaty wo.r(,� 11seless, therefore she said , indebtColness, now amountys to 197,000, Wild cheers grec,ted Premier Aliller. 1,14'aulty of bledlelfflA, 1"W111 At$ of tbo
, , a property dilutod Spraying solution 'at seed. Tho gro4n, to W treikttd 1A . When cabbages are fed dattv eattliA ito wor(., ,,tg,1t,sst her going, with her. � 00,000 marks (normally *40,250,000#- and when lie made this atatement In surge6bs. ...
nulao, thw wotppOon until the Itsw bopil inIX44. - IV, *,4aLouif and Ruth In MiAlahol" 000) causeil it tit in Unalness ditties OPPIOD =1r9AXCt- _'
fr* in r4ps - , ,, plued In eorAm onooks throUgli Vhicli they should be g',Ven after milking: in s the Chamber of DoplitiL,s late to -day
� * Stir the POW046 about In this solu� the sOlUu*n <,an 'readily " &ad in Ate4d of before, as In the latter cAAo (vs, 10-22), 10, To Bothlehein-Bloth. At the banks, howover"It wag polat'_' in -the course of a Bpoech on t1lo atCOND
I(ANKM oP "Ir, MIM0. ItOT UOft 14d lok them stgod for An hoUr or thotn 4mulArged In a, bA%ri* 0 fotml%- they alro liable to Impart an u1iDIeAA-' Ithem is fivo ftilIcs South Of Jorudidelft k"d Out that Ituhr controvers .
rn,41111 to Ant flavor to the -ga;a debt
� I )PUNOW., milk. and a very ancient e!ty. The Journey Vtkftea's aggre The Premier's Y. ZURIMOGIS PHOTO STUDIO,
dehyde solutIOA (1 YoUnd to I I
� . Mort "d P1600 As us"l, This folu* GA , RDEN 1� , 1, is given at 40,000;000,000' frates ,(nor. utterance wits design.
up I. t
I �
11 11 I I
11 I I 11 Im
TbA moot Impo tan,t factor In tbA of Naomi An(I Ruth may bare geipn , ed as an exPrOASIO11 of gratitude to IMMUNE ST. PHONE 29 ;
4 ` wro in th* form of tiOn 44Y be usqA over lagaln for dip. 40 J,mpft.1&t �;*Jlolns of waterl for five Of ar mAlly $g0,000,000,000).
.10 oaribers mOntenanco, lucerno, Atands to A seventy-five nilloo; In extent, but prob-
samft ars" -isoft lwu" or , limho PIA611YO U41146 Or M*Y I* used 0 , ralstitsm, The ack should b# wovod "Ietitiful ,tupply Tht� new w4go demands Of the Get. Belgium rather than a repro __ __ .., _-, .. . -
6. , of aulitablo Plaot ably lesm All the city wits niov - Mployet& of the Britain and Italy, for Ile emphgSiv � I 1-11-
"I thov *to of wo vild or Aloft& BDtAY fruit b", ,W. ., about to 'that the solution W111 "it r ad' man rAllw4Ynion and 0 ,ed -1 I . I I- ___ .- - 11 I
AOurlahment. Portunately. luce%rne to* Tile return of a former resident after Postal, t4leftPhs and other servfc�j thtoughout his speech that the differ. ..
tix quir" cheap kinds U food. *t I tb�__ --h- ,-- -
*1 fmoa 00Y.1ral , he* long, full ,At & futtb* `pMautfan. f,prity tJA tWo thoroughly. The "n Is th ro- ts it Councils of t c .&IIi 8.
lu , I I 1;. Us 6XP*40 t* t04*1 aflotUr 16,,000,- alloos with those 11 ti b v b
I Uttrlug the Vr0fpk Of PUrtill; most, alIv arolifle ri tonoldflable intore.4 a oil$ a e eell Mr. Milleralid collelildcd by taying-
Wk 001,1911hit'1140h i*ft&,4ft#a bola# POtAtO Pl"* Su*t lostosv aa4 #An rwwod stud ikilavrod t* Arkin And tin abienee of ten vars would twtur
#1 11 0 11 I . . . �000 ItfArm I " * ( 81"Oothed out aild "COT(I Once MOrQ "All 14 %V011 HOW, and'I 'Vill soon leave
I I . �
. I
I .1
I *
L lid", " - o "I i�i��Vl_�.,_ I � I I I .��_ I 1�11 - I I
� I . , 7
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