HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-04-22, Page 1a.- .0i � ,.4-. . , -4r, , , . , ­­ ,, I . t� .g i - - " . 1: I I" I'll 1, �i"v I I I , , 7,7­JVJ!FqqF,JPPW J k"�_. � "", I . 1, � � � . 7 17 Tv lrl' 7177 1�i I 1 0;4 ..... � . I . ly. W . , A I 1, I . . ­1.4"..� .. - I ­ I . . 1 14 1 .. . . . I ,��... , . . . # I . . I � 11 , # ALAL - 4 . - ..All Ail . ­ I . . . .. . I .... I I . . I I : I � I .. I I .. . .. I.. . I . R am. I ­� I #4 1�4 . ­ . ­ �, - -1 ..''-,.,,�.111.1�..''-."-�ll,�.--".��-.��..�-----,--,- !i=�W=111_1t__.�, , __ _*___!­ ­­ - - __.__ft_t__!1== I Q:** I r 1� V I 7 I '_ , , F , . " , � . I.j 07� l4; , " I - "'l - , 'r �, " . I It, 11 r � ­ . .,r . � . , I . . . . 141- I . . I . I . I - I . , ,A. , I , ""r - ". ..., , . ",`6 . , *" . .- I ­ 11. .! ,� -I I '. I I -_ . . ,,,�.,., �` %,.4 . 40 ,� i I r I I i . � - I I . A I A. . I 0 1 . . A I I I I . � � - . I . . I .1: 7' ? -,;i � .1-14 . I � . -1 . � M�.' �5, 7, , Tr�x - �,A , ,�"% , -- ,?,.7--t�)T,�-,�,�f,'�""�;,P"".*; f , ,.. . , r--, , Ni I 1. I .�,V, I . � ,�% . " 4�.-,", � " _0 ,I I . I I � , " . I . . I I 1. . I * * �'., ." ,� .1 , � - .0. --%,�; ' �1' .e .1 , � r', L" 4V :. J ., - , .. ... ._...'�..' . . . . - I- ,%OL ­ to . .. . I - . I 11 I I , � -1 , ,, , � I I .. I 1".. I ... 'j- - � ­� ,­ - I . I .. * . ,. I .. I I . " �, I I I f" -.-�l , . ..__ �_� NN. I # I I , , I I 1"i, , I .. . I , 4 I . I I .-&,e . I , . '� I. .. , I 4 I ., li* I , :� , I . , .. I, � i � - I I ­ . . . . . . . . . . �.t, ` ;4. � ...... I !, � "I'll, '. !� I . . I * I , � .I � I .1 I I it .1 I i , ., - I .k ". 01 � , , ­ ,, , . , , I , , , , .1 .. . .4 I ., , . 4 if 11 I I �;. - '* .. I ,q, % .. 4 - , I �, .. * . , , I � . �., '. ::,4, N. r ' I 11 ­..____,___ ,,,, - . . .,. * . 1 * � - _�Z V I �; I.. 11 -, - - t , - " -14 1 k. , � ,; I . 'A " 1 6 V up D� 0 Ill I;q vrwAtto . . WINUHAM, ONT., THIMSDAY, APRIL 220d, 1920 '� ­ - . 14 . . �. 0 - I 1. 100.1 I .! ­, I . I � * I ____ i'll ii:, 1 1 ,,, .1 I . i _____.______. I . � I , I . � - .1 I . I 11 .�. I . : ­"..."W'I.,., , .'',.,"�'...I.---..--.----k---,.. " , I Su*60101ts." $1.50 per yoxii , I , I -_--"W� , ­ !­ Ill 'I 4 ­,1�1111 0 :, I � I I, gg._______ ___ -1 . � I � Y , - q I . 1�_ _4�11 , ,,,, ),#1**.%*VAWV*1%�-4 " -, --- - ==q,,,!!.,!l ! !! ! 1 ..."'W 1'. jm� 111.11111gl". " - - .*11411kolilli� I , I � -w ;01 , L'A111--iiiii I'll ii � � . ,il , ­_ =1,loo"04110'sill- , L ­, , . . 1, � I I . L 3 , Sogial and eatorilsilmill �.�-�­_�­__��_ ' I - � . 0, ': �r L I" � , � qmw� I I .. I . . , . . �, - � I . �, � I . I . Bible Class and, Senior MIggloJ,t__. . 111ONE I ER DAYS IN HOWIM li adVerwh an posture tenceis. �. . 1. .. ...100bL I I I .1 .1 I . , I I . QIr .!, !*-"-"-4�W#r*ft.0W-AWAW­,A%. � . ll Ill lil0ll ...'e. 'I I 11 I lix 11 lill I N-11it gill '' � I :1''11"I"Al" '' I " I .. ... . ­,, . ­­_ COWS doi -spend money and their own- - 11�.p ­ I.; I I I - � , '4 1. . , ..�' P I . " '.. 'i I I . . � I ... ., ': � . . it ... I . � I � __. 1. " . I - , 1, � . I I r Tile � llcrsonals � or-- locat I tent ' n their easy chAirs at "*_1 . I I , stvin� .., Lyceum 'Theatre" ' 71 F-,-",*,,------,--,-"""'*�"�"'I . I . Band of Presbyterian churcb, will hold a L F . (Wroxeter I New's. ) � I I '!'; i ery read the paper i � I I :V#ik00qtAN. � . * social in the church or Thursday evening, .�O'�'N'�­��­w�­ ,.,;.,-J To the Edit 4�0 ­ . , ­­_ ­ , ­1111.1~`­�, ( boll �* , . W 1,i " 11:1 ,...11--- ­',­ Mr. Will, HinsclUe is visiting in Loi- De ' - I . ... T .. PX,,,-- �'. ­.-,_"�-, -.M , . . ".. I ..V4.-�,_,1r11.._1.1 ".1-.1 . April, 2'21'nkat 8 o'clock. Agoodpiogiam, � ar Sir _ Tii ri; Ali vANcrs to new Subscribers from M ' I . .. , , .. _., . , ,_ , I � , � I �1` - - - , � . , ... r..J. A. Morton who has for the p4 1. 1-1 I . � will be rendered, Admi$s$on �,)5c. I dou. . now until January Ist, 1921 for $1.00. $t; , 1. . I. - .-A_ 7 1.ol I.. . . I . .. . .. � . I I Thur.S., Fri. and Sat., ' I . . I have received a copy of yuur paper severalyears has been secretary of. the , " � , " * I t ,.t. ' , .1 I - ' ' * . . . . . I , ` I I. ! , , I New Band Leader Secured Mr, and Mrs. L. C. Young spent the dated. Feb. 27th in which wasan intereat Another carload of Government In- Public libiary b L .I. **.' ' ' . 0'.. - . . I " ', , . I Oard has resigned alld,W,ir. � I I 1. , , , . i ,I - .. I I ... , .�� V, ,,�'�J. .�.- dBRYANT - � The -Citizens Build have secured the week -end In Toronto. . . Ing letter from the pen of tile 1�ev. David spected Eggs is being shipped from Hirst'4 D'IdICY Iiqkilets bus been appointed I& �� L q? . �., ' . ROgera. an ex�presldent of tho London ?rOduce Warehouse this week. slicceiior;., " I � - I � .'' .1 - r We"re;"'En'd ..'' , �*:' ,oetvlces of I* . George Wrijbi of Sni a . . . -, :": I � ; S. leci - , I r � . r . I i t.17;. V.I., . ­ I . . I—— : I ,� I 1 . ". - WASHBURNIU, ", F Ill% as band leader for tile coming sea. is visiting at her home here. '� D. D. G. M. Herb, Jobb, allid Staff n" At the reques - the Jacrosse and , X*n', P, ! 1: .h Miss Egril i . , . ffe Muq-grove of Toro to' Conference, and a man greatly beloved, p . - �. " 'I . I Who commenced his ministry , It of , 111;*n, , I . : . . ..., IV ;. I I I I I I ! . ­� g, I.y, I . , . 11 . . .. ;�.4 1 1 11 I r an atu ay . I 'r I r kind Permission I water, X. 0. 0. P. on Tillesday evening. . Coqjmitt4e a'fl .iated with them and will . :-, " : iday " - -d 'S 4 - . rd ' � "e.'��',y "�.'j � 1� " �, , . 'orrie 41 stalled the newly elected o . . in ­ I � Soi Ur. WrIg4t was leadei of the looth. Mrs, Carson has returned, home a yearsago. With you * , ia G fficers Of Tees- baseball clubs, the Domitiorl Sports . , '13ruce band, when they went Over- spending a month in Detroit. ,, would like to ., , I ., fter � F I , . , I 44VenaS lili EaSt# . P , go a little farther back and. I . . . I . . 11 11 I ii I 11 ,, 1 , seas and 'Comes to Wingbain highly rei�om. - kwBuy your Fomaldobyde early this year take care of the receipts and i eaditures, I'— ' I I 1. ,.�..% , " A Ph't L I '' I . .., �, . Mrs. C. N. Griffin has returned 'to her give a ,few of my remembrances . of _ OXP I I *� . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . - A 4i, 4, 0 .1i . st, �, mended, .He . thesupPly is short., Freshgtock just of bbt,h Audrig 1920, � I � r �� 1 . � - I � play of the .'Sat= 11 . I . .. � . . '4b , is a brother of Mrs, A. homebere afte Spending the winter in long ago. , . . . � ,�,-.,4b ,.%0W, � ^ stor I , .r . . . � 5i . . I I.. � , �. � � 1 I . .y by Walla,ce . I ".. 1, Varl Win0arn Junction. Mr. Toronto. 4 In the year 1863 I was moved bv,, the � received at Mitchelra Corner Drug Store. If you. are in need of letterheads, bill' I � '100'Ligget's Pock Pltg Cljoco I .,* ., A*� , I 11 i I I . . ." . . . right Will receive ,5350 for -big services � . qt lat.10,% for 69c'-' ..!� , I I . AI)DED ATTRACTION W Messrs. Elmo and Vance Sanderson Mr. J, A. McLean was honored by the head.-, statements, edvelopes,.or anythfng I . I a �.., I �v `C -k � ;�� . , . in the Bell . - *:39(�:'_ r,� 'j'-''. , . with the band and�will work and wish of our Methodist Conference from Canadian Reto Coal Dealers Association 60c Penptrating Liniment for.." , . k . I - -0-1 ............. , . , . T%iv. James Mcritgotnery Flagg's Satirl- I drove through , " .� � , . ;�,,-r 4 tj ,� pal Com6dy I lactgry. All music lovers will be pleased 'Chester Stapleton of Detroit aie visiting Mt. Brydges to Howick. . in the. line of printing give THE Ai). . . .. ,. '' . " I . i at their annual meeting by being elected VAN019your order. Your votic will be :.' 50c Dodd§' Kid e3�.'P.ills for ...... *. 41.1-11.1h., ;,';t ;� V , . I 1. I To learn of the'band's success ,ind wei- at their respective homes here. , to Wroxeter with horse and buggy, my . 0 , . . , 4t �,.%? Vice Preside4t � � . 1 -34q,,-' � 1�e.l . I i 01ril , wife and two children and about 15 ) pounds delivered.prorniptly and You'll be sr4isfied ,� - 25c Ril; 4 ",�C- ,?ak�,� � come Mr. and Mrs, Wright and family as Miss Fesiant has returned to her home . . 11 . .1. I . cers'H�drb 1. ero e.t6*r..,'-,,.,..,..:12e'+'i-,��4 . I , . weight of luggagk. in three days, reaching I . I I ' � _.... � - - .',,-,.,f.1.1 911 *,,�4 . 1-fle -Last Bottle" . in Winghara after speri.ding,:the winter The members of Maitland Lodge No. with'the printing. 'Ise Pa*lnnoli�e I gen P xid .1 ­ � r - � f � , �A Satire on Prohibition. I I residents of Wingbani . . . I 119 I. 0. O. F. will hold a progre I ... I .,Soap f6r,,. . I . Wroxeter about 10 p. in. on Friday night. ssive The- income t I , - ........... ;­. � ........ ,.,:,t;JjWVJ'1;-,i,� t44 . , � I * ax forms that the Do- . I ,�� �;, , , - . with ielatives in Springfield, Mass. I . .I '.. . - ,,,p , � � , � I I � V 7 Wfugham Woman Citizens' Le euchre in their lodge rooms on Thursday million Government have sent out, a ' . .30c, B' Seward's'Toilet SOV '101i - -.,%.23 e 31all� if,',' : . I I was warned in Wroxeter not to attempt . , re OX Matinee Saturday at 3.30 p. w. -,-I Mr. Tom Stialth, Windsor, -has accepted ev ing, April 22tid. . � ;� ;hl '... � . . . I... - ,.', The Woman Citizens' League bag much going on to Leechville, as it was then .. ell. justas clear as the waterin the Indian . . I ' *,, . $; . I ' . I . I .. � ,e, Dis e, for_ .' ' "# .aposition in the office of the Western � 35c Rikei, ,infectant Powd"r, .." , pleasure in -announcing an int'eroting Foundry. Mr, Smith was ent called, after dark -And glad'I was, 'I took Prof. R, T. Cowell and the choir of� St. river, aftOr a freshet. Tho,Goyerhment 14 " ' . - !...q"JQV . . , -- . . Pv �*g Coming Mon, Tues, 'Xed, meeting for pext Friday, ,ployed in nd W's church gave the sacred cantata. findinKitillecessary to sent out men to dx� �,N ,- .26c Aed Ce4 April 23rd., the Dominion Barl here a few years ago. their advice. Uput up at tile hotel and A re �4 . . , , dAP.Plakes for nli fqr�..,,,a,6j!,,et iK,m � �. � . . -i - . . . At this meeting We shall hear two of the . . after a resiless night, .owing to hea "Olivet to Calvary" in the Teeswater Plain 1;46.whole matter. ', idn Stationery f- *j � .'-,-;,'.f,'.;:.1"%- .f . . I - . ivy . 1 25c Box of, Lin ... . ­. � __ __ , *�._­ � b Presbyterian church on Monday night. Prospects that sports will be . , �. I PAULINIE leaders of' women. in Canada. Mrs, � . ­ I rain extreme heat, a leaky roof and ot er I revived in , . . I '. .1 . . i I I Howard Grey, president of the Ontario . . I . I inconveniences, we started for ()or des- . Mr. Peter Kohoe of Wingliam, w here Wingli thi's season are bright and we I .,�� .! _1 � .:; .. - ',:4!-t f:. ;v, -. : , ". j , , . .. 4 , - .: ­.,..'.*jY '., 1 idvm�l­ *i i I I . - Woman Citizens' Association, will Dies In Parkhill., . . . as � � ., ... . , . . WA * T'AX Z;X,T1ltA � 1. , " �Ir�411,, � FREDERICK talk on tination and were,about 70 minute's in last Week on business. Hi's many friends 'would rike, to see the town council light . . " . ��. , �, , . *4., ,`4k,, !�-;��,"'§'-) g4a, ., . . i I .�­ :s I ­ . , !�, � ­",� �� ; �W,f 4 . . . I I I Citizenship," and Mrs. � J. C., mativer, Mr Geo. Olver was called to Parkhill, . . I . I "., '. A -, , , � . 1! ."­, '" 1� � "'. , . I making the t * � , . . . I � ."I., Pell; V$ 1'. ., . in ,wo .miles. There had, been were gladtorill him and to learn that the Park� properly and See that the grass I . . . . - � ..! '-, , 0.'.i� :. . . . . I , _. , . .. I . � . .1 0.--�,,.. . � � . 1, . . �..". 1, �� � �. .., *X " - ., I editor of Womans' Ceil on ' Made in owing �o the serious illness of his sister, heavy rains abd much heavy tearning. t . b , . . I h .V;:,44�'g., 4, 'U" 1 � . . e still has a warm spDt in his.irish eart is kept cut and the land rolled. A good " - ' I - ­ u, h .V;:,4Qr.,9., 4, ­ 11 . 1. I � . , � I 1. . 'EXTRA. � PECIAJ�'-,, "' 'y%', ". I 1 d - Some of the ruts were frightfu pos 'ineardine�-Kiticardine'Review,'. park is 40�asset to any town. � . . ., ., - �.�' � 6The Loves of Lettyl Canada," Both speeches will 'be Interest- Mrs, VY, W, Logan, who died on. We ties I and _ for X '" � I . . .. e�%,, *,It6 ,,,, ,0 . .. ingtoboth men and women, and an op- ,day after an illness of some weeks. ,tively dangerous, . I . I _. . . 1 5, , , . .;,',,��' .'-­fi,ilt.,�,� .... ,, 1. ., 1� Am4rica's great emotional actress Mr. Chas, Lepard of the', Farmer's Mrsi James Irwin, Lucknow, announces ' V - . . .1- ..,.,k . I � ,#�!�t- . ti, I . I in her latest dramatic triumph, portunity will be given for discussion at Through her connection with the Meth- The parsonage, a rented house, was not Home here, has on exhlb 10c, GaMen:"Or Flow . . . I.N.11 "I I . . . . for US Sor ition an egg thl,,crilgagement of her eldest daughter, . I .� , er &�O'S 4.pacicagqs foi,..�t, --%,.;-`,;. - IR ..t .. . � . I . . k�%..?­�,; -, � the end. The league boves to see a . we had to dri ... . r .,ik� _ .9 ... ylt.40 " - .. ,; , W.7" va"I -Nb"OP-Nft�o-,ft-",-R""*-M-"*,%N-, I good odist Church and through her husband's ready ve to the weighing 11 ounces, laid by a' Minorca Margaret'Emily, to Mr. Kenneth Oswald . .11 . I � �. . . . .. , _'.. . .. . I � I . . � � M -di .. ,i0iy , - .. ,� J audience to. welcome these distingui ed Positionds Mayor of the town,she was abode of Mr. Robert Leech and I shall h. rur� r �.-A. t.. Aanow n ­t - 441. T­� T_ . . . ! - I-* t �, r 1, . . __­_"_______"___#. " V __ - , I I Fix, ­7�_ - - - I ' oil W�ALL PArv*[R' � -1 . I Boxer and Staun- . ton Papers arethe . fineit made. . . I , Sold only 6y I . GEO. MASON & SON Stationery, Patent :Medicine,, I�ooks, School Supplies, Wall Paper, MFancy Goods,,Toys, etc. � __. ­_~,�-.0-- . - __ ___ _.. _. ___ '_______.. -.-- EVEPYBODY'S COLUMN I . I AVOTIM SALE OF CATTLE -The Sale of ca - a advertised for Lucknow on Satur- a I 86 as 'loll, oned lantil k5amcday, April 20 . cc use a I? e non -arrival of the frelghc. hese are o ijurharn cattle and will be sold at the Oata ouse Stablea Lucknow on Sat. April 21th. LOTT & MACDONALD, Props. Joux Punvis, Auctioneer. ­ . _­�_,. -1 _:� I I EGGS FOR HATCH190-1 still can su tow sittings of my famous Clark stmlnpl'�,Ida to 106y 6, 0. white loghorn egg� at $2 00 for 15. All unfertiles replaced'K.NNUT., WICAVER, I Itoute 3, v� lngham. . ­ - . SALE -Hatching eggs, from a good lay. ing stain f in le Oomb White beghorns , an arre 0 t Rock , k 6 Ott; each. Baby chi 8: egh a ots, Rocks 22 ats each. � 0itvAL R. TAYLOR. . � . Belgrave, out. ... ; . . car of TdexI6 Grain. 25 per 1. No. 2, Oan - VVesterli oats. graw and will make first Umpected next week, ORA$ GAUNISS or W. J. Dupir, I . 313tuavale. I - FOR SALE. -Wagon suite,ble for farm work almost, new. Apply to. . � WINdHAM 0UF,AAU0R,r'. I __ FOAS.&LU-One good milk Cow. Apply to. _,_� -.-....- ART. WILSON. FO&*.LE;-.& couple of two-year old Dar. -Rham Steers. ,Inquire at I I � TnF ADVANCZ. _ - 11 d , a ol 00611 hot ith 'JarIff, so e ere u ween 0 Ater, o isl 0 and Street, Fin or ie 0 le e at - - � VCH an .1receive roward. I - PIANO TUNER -Mr. U. H. stowaxt, piano tuner � will be hero ,ihoray. Leave your orders at. I I � G. PATTI So alor7 �n I MWW tog, I I � SA�T WANTED-0111ce Sato Wanted, Apply . CRAWPOAD's GAnAai . a SEALED TEME M-10or the .-purchase of the Material of the Agricultural t)ulldinir whloh Was blc,wn down, will be reoelved by the undersigned up to I o'clook oil saturoak, April 21th. Tonders will be received eltiter by the 1000 or in bulk. Highest or an tender not neftgSatlly accepted. . y I A. G. 8XITH, � I Scc'ir Turnberry ,Agr. Soolety. . RE IIoG Polt $XRVI0E=,TorM8 ,'a Jul) at time of service witili privilege of t r I g, if neoesmp.v. Lot 8. J Z6,26, c5n. I" Mort! . - I. A. NICUOL. Prop, , . 1 . I . . . .F says t s would maKe , ." . . ibuyll mi%v .. I . . �. - ., well known and highly esteemed. The never,lorget the 4ifidness and hospitality 1 4'.. . - ' P ­;` visitors. � . * , I . .. � . 00 *-$Vr q4 At . :, . . - . .. . the beit goose in the country blush with Mrs. Agnew of Milto'n. , The mardige , ­_ ljyr�x ,v . t The meeting will be held in the Council remains were taken by motor hearse to of Mr, and. Mrs, Leech, All through . my envy. . . * 11 B 11% n ­ , " 4 �? h"Od � , � ' . I I . will take plage the last of April, sit , � I Chamber, and will open at eight o'clock. Brussels, where'interment Was'made, on term of service M�. Leech was ever a ' . � I � _IVQ� I ,45 �, . . . Baggageman, William Snea Beattles delivery team and 'wagoli , . . , , I , I L . ,nT I � I th, of the MCK. 00,111"D DRUG , � . DIV, WW.F111 1: I � .., St. Paul's Church Not s .- Friday afternoon in the family.plot. kind and faithful friend. Robert Leech London train, has his baggage car, No. made thiny -reet on I 11. 1. , I '­" wasno ordinary man, Hehad a sound tAb . I I ' ..s lively' on Main St . . , ' .'. -7 . Drup alld ',Stationery ' . .,.- . " ;-*.,11�-, , od$ I19 - I - c. I April 15th -Third Sunday after Easter, Elected Provincial Otand Chaplain. . 683, nicely fitted up with flowiro. In ihe TueE44Y afternoorl they. ran wilaly ; . ' - . , It., tle ... 111 I 11. 00 a. 'in. Mattens; 2.80 P. in., Sunday The Provincial Grand.Orange Lodge of IV gra .' - '. . I , f.. ; ' ,'� �',��IIFJJ,1, " ' 4 .. I I I and discriminating judgement and re- udows be has ferns, geraniums and for t114 �tabies, ' One' horse fell at the . ]i Phong phs phw�ae'53 I . . . I .. I V% I ;�) .. , OT . " ��,,, I markably quick appich6psion and , � . I I . I � I ,: ) � - � ochool and Bible class; 7.00 P. in. E verl Ontario West, honored W.' Bro. Rev. begonias. -Bill" says he likes to, See the Bank of ,Hamilton', corner, where they . . It I M11 - t�,,X�j , I I I V , I . - , '. -, rl,�t, 'irit . . . . . ,Y`� *-Jwt�: ,­­. . been favored in early life with tile advant- flowe � � . ,� _ 41, � song, subject "Moses leading his people," Horace W. Snell of Whigham, by ,electing . rs while he is living. -were , cagght. ory little damage was ililll�ill�lil!'!�ill�l!�liiii, , 11 ­iMa I I I � . k y - ... I I Friday, April 23rd. -8 p. m. in ' ages of the schools he might have been Mr. Robert Elliott, formeriy , done, , �, �� �: � . I I I I -11 11 ,I ill I � V 4 *�'Ary .... 1. - . eeting of him Grand Chaplain at their 61st Annual one of the grgatealt'-.14wyers or statesmen of Wing- . . � I . 11�_, � 11 . .", . .. 1. : . ,�, .,;. I 1. ,:._ . . � . - I . -, . � the teachers and, officers of .the Su�day Session, which was held in the Methodist , ham, announc4s the engage Dr. G1, H. Ross inspected the children's ' . . . oftheday. There 'Were also many others I ment of big .--. . .­ I � � � I . .. . J" . , .;, "";­ ,-�� .1 School at the Rectory, I Church, Orillia, last week. , There were Youngest daughter, Mabalub (pet), to teeth at the Public School last week and I . I . . .,� - ,�. � ,,U.�. - , j�� .14. ��� I in Howipk at that time, of superior intell- . ,�. - � � , .�i. , .% . I . I . I .�: --- ` �r�, 1 -iv ..". . � .'', � Tuesday April 27th -A Missionary tea sometwexity ormore clergyman psesent has furnished reports to eal child on the Seeing What A " " " I I igebce,and great moral worth. I very Mr. Charles Clinton Duncan, B, S. A, e., Battery Dots I an Goolliololon" . --"-ig��'... �_­ . . : : , . . . I � . I- " I . will be given by Mrs. W. J. Boyce from aad it is theiefore a hig4 hpnor to. be much doubt it, in any - part of Canada Only son of Mrs, A. Duncan of Vineland 4tate of, their teeth. The care of the . I . .. I I . .".. .. , 77= 1�? I �,. ,.,. 4; . :�..� '. 1 3 to 5.31Y P. in. , All the ladies ate inviiid. chosen As chaplain. Rev. J. W. .Hibbert Station. The marriage to take place 6hild's'tietfi is very. important and parerl "A good man , � . � . . . C Ill "IR I.. * ,, it . c . � . could be found a community Superior in . - . y things ,of utmost* imi ' ,' , : I '. ; . . . I I . I I would ,4o well to see that their'cbildren tance are cons . tantly going On insl!4, th . T1 Emi.. � 2�-.. :. � Collection in aid of W. A. . '. of Essex', and a former esteemed minister these respects -to that of Howick, Ifound quietly in Brantford the latter part of the . e 1 i IS ,'' �" I .. � . . .� , � , -�-. I ; . ,:'.�, . �* t' , '." .-. 2 � ,!,�,4. ., Note-Intbe published sift of officers of Wingham, has held this honorable it a very toilsome field and yet I was month. . have their t6eth attended ko, � box of eviry.'aut6lj3�6jle . r � , . I . ,teirting and . , -�, - � � . . . I 4-t-': , ., .. , . � .. .. I . . elected at the annual vestr' meeting the position during the past two years., . * . lighting battery,",, says Mr. Ck4wfogd, , .IPHONV ''so .", ." �,� �, �� . � . I I . Y neVer happier in. my life.. Ameetini thedirectorsofthe Turn- Anaccident o6curredon Josephin& St. - - ,."..j �. .4 !� ,. . , 1. . I .. I � � .'. .1 following were inadvertently omitted: � . . � local Willard�Battery dxpert, "yet. it * -� �,.­ 4'. � � I Pt . . i . .. I ". I I Many Wire Willing. I � We had fourteen 'preaching places, far lierry Agricultural Society will be- held, in in froxit­of. Robert Biook's grocery . is -- -,--Ok--- - .. --- . . . I ,. _� I I -_ -_ Clerkand Treasurer, Mr. R. Blomfield; I very seldgin' that any of -us has an ' ==��� _i" " , 1. .11 ­ - b I . - too many, -We .reached out intofour the council chamber of the town hall on on . Thursday evening, when Mr. oppor- , . I,; .1 �, .. 1. . I .� . I �-, �_ , I .-., . Sidesman, Mr. W. J, Boyce. Riet�einber A certain rector, just before the service different townships. There was a far Saturday, April 24th. I McIntyre's bus And Mr. L. C. Young's tutill of waichinj theat changes 6 they I ', , . I . . ., . Most important I . � �� -, - I , , . I , I I . . , .1 . , � .a welcome awaits you at St. Pauls church. was called to the vestibule to meet, a better . auto collided. Both bus and take place. " � -, I . I , I , . . �. ­ _ 6. , I . . � ; . : ­ � I � arrangement even in Mr. Roger,$ business. All directors, associate direct- ­ . . autb were ' - I 9% No . 1 .. .., All seats free. , couple who y;anted to be married. *He time. The congregations were marvellous. orsandlady directors are . requested, . badly damaged and we understand th.1i. "The whole -process -is ,showing an uii. U 01 .6 1. ., . .1 .1.1 I , ., . I to . � ; �._ . . I explained that there wasn't time fo . . . � ,!:�': 1 , The AdV2GCe Is Appreciated ' the J am certain that 90 per cent of all the bear this date in mind, Saturd . one of Mr. McIntyre's horses. is badly 'usual Way in a denloa�tration -given it the I I . . I ay evening, hurt.., . -d-.* :. , ceremony then,."But" said YU r F , *a.'� .".04 I . he "If you people were constant in their attendance April 24th. 'A .� . . 4 . . � technical school condif6ted by tbL1 Willard . 1. . i . . . I 11 �.: . 7 . I., .. . understalid that the town council Storage Battery Compa0- At this school � - I I -__ "I . �.. - �. ­. ' is , , .i - . . .,. I ... . � London, April 16, 1020 will be seated I will give an opportunity at at divine service.' It wa quite usual I to Mr. O. M. Chowen, who has beeni I a n . , .. 7� . . 1. The Wingham, Advance,- . I the end of the service for yoii to come for- have� 100 at the Wednesday night prayer ater at the G. T. R, station here has been I WIV 'Mr. Sander- . umber of cells are asseiribled, in. glass qrta!� I ge I � . I . , . -_ . . . � I Dear Sir:- . . have,.iecured the service of . is of rno�p_ Unp " _�,,..,yow', � �., :; . . �� I ward and I will pkrform the ceremony". 1 1 . I jars in;place of the regular rubber jars and 11 mo tiier' hinks­y0.�_-bdV.-i' ­ . . .. . ,� . � .... . !J.i' . , a seven months are charged .and discharged under con. . � ..i' , ,._.*?0 . . ., I . - Why not give it flisi ptgdg,.jfi;., , " :�..� & I .. I : .... Money Order for ...... dollars and 'fifty who wish and that �e will put his entire "mein On ditions . which closely appy.oxiniate the ". I I �� ,�il "O, * '� " I . "Will those �roads were unspeakable. Some of the Brussels station and will leave this Week , . 0 Enclosed you will please find Express The couple agreed and si meeting. In the. Spring and Fall the Promoted to the Position of agent at son and ie in for a term of t6 st '0 t I to be united in the holy bonds I I � cen town work. improvement . � ts for my subscription to THE: WxNG- mild holes and corderoy crossings I shall to take up big now duties. Many friends This Will be an * bills of expenditure? .`Tbij- �we 'bea' , I . . of matrimony please come forwardT, remember forevermore. I conditions of active, service " . '­ .�, � . ,,_,Ii�,�. . .. , : . . . 1. will be pleased to hear of Mr. Chowen's to the bid system of -jobbing. Mr. Leg- lleve is sound I' ' � .1 .. I , . ' I , - ,Q.,4 !� . i ,,, -&A � ! ­ I? . As regards material things, there was a Promotion and will wish him . gatt has also been 're-eagaged to clean -these cells end will pay you welL. .'-4 ��',,."":., .;,�.: I ".*,�� ,��'. . ,."', . I ' ' ' I , HAM �,DV.&NCL-1 I regret that through Thereupon thirteen "women and one man . , "To show what happens � to. po ley, which, I carelessness I have neglected this for so proceeded to the attar. . . success in When impure water. is used, several foreign - . I .1 1. 'If I I , ! - long,but assure you I certainly appre . Scarcity of gold and silver but ail abund- his new position. Josephirl ' I , : ,�,� ... ­ . .. . ., 'N ,��' Ar4r` ".. �. - ' ' substarl dropped into tlie various . . , 1��" . One has only I I - , . ri '17. WIZ., 1'. ..: , ': . ciate the paper very much liled In The West. ance of wholesome food, which was a The regular monthly meeting of ties nitric � �cjil Order Your G :)' f4 � *"' Y' ' � . . � The hawk-eyed proof reader of the . the baite i , , �To one � * .'is. added, r ce.'rip, '_ I, I .� I .1 ­ � .S' I ­. . . I . . - .. g ,, I .1 . � � I great mercy, for of all places in which I Teeswater News was not a alert as usual� . � . , '. . I ..,. t i 11 � � . ... to be away for a few' years*to fully realize The remains of Mrs. Robert Irwin, iWorne" Institute will be held in the into another 9, little sal aihmorill drop- I '. � I .. I � , 'i`�k " I . 1. .. I . how valuable the dear, old home town 'who died of a stroke at the home of �er have lived, I am sure ,that Howick would ,I ast week announci s council chamber on Thursday. April 29th ed- a little hYdrochloeic acid is' 'put in thi hr stie's ­�;,.;.!,.. 1��_' .... � 1. � I . ng an Easter Cantata ' - . .. At C i . �. . : '.'; .. . I . I . . - �q 4,:, 6 I . I paper can be. There is no ev6nt in the daughter, k Wear tile bell for creating a ravenous -From, Olivet to Calgary," instead of Cal. at 3 Wclock, Mrs. W. J. Currie and Mrs. hird. All the results'are carefully noted . I I .. . � . \4rs. Albert Marriett, Winnipeg, I � . . week that I look *forward to with more Were interred in Wingliam, on Monday, appetite, The best trenchermen I ever vary. It won't. make any difference to Bowers are the directors in charge, Nifts, Sy students. In this Way, thi',Willa _ I I . I .� . � I � . " ��. .O.. . � I . . . .. pleasure than to - the arriv met in my life I found in Howick, . . rd - I . . ;I.- I ��.. !i`l i ..., .. � � , � . . . �!o� � , ?� . . I I ��� al of Tgn,, The late iMrs. Irwin, who was in her 80th the cantata but it was quite a stretch of (Rev.) Dingman will give a paper. A service station experts Who -attend the The T an -d Coffe� . , ".. . Oft 1; .. , 11 . WiNouAm ADvAwcE. . . year, canie to Lower Wingham. from In the last week of October 1863 �e ha -1 imagination to hit the two geographical . good programme is being . ptepargd. ,school are enabied to'tell a "I t - " I 11 what is called a �squawls winter, eight points. -Brussels post. . . t -a glance not '� 2". . .. . Again thanking you for having carried Wroxeter, with her husband and family, Lunch will be served. ' I 1, . I ." , -,!. , ". . � � . . --- I _L1. �. 100 ". � I I .1 I ��� 11 i I . . only when impure water is- Uged in a bAt- *w*wwN0WAwft� -1 � -, . . : , - ---- - - , - i .. . I ....t _. � ,. . in . y name on your list, and with best in 1$67. About a year ago she went inchesof snow fell and for three weeks Mr. Wilbert Wellwood of town'left las Rev. Mr. Davidson of Belgrave, occu� tery, but exactly. what sort of impurity is :; --,----,%7 ... .11 .: , wishes for your continued success and "to Winnipeg to live witb her daughter. there was excellent sleighing, lembraced Thursday on his twent ' . � t pied the pulpit . of the Methodist Churqh, interfering with I the p . �_�________�_._ - - �1­*. . I '.. - ... .11 . �� .. % . I . I prosperity, I beg to remairl .� I this fi . tunify for r Y sixth semi an- � ,FoPer work '01i . � . - ; I � Her husband died some Mr. , ne oppor naking a 'wood I.Ft , , , : 1� '. I I � I .., ,;.. . . ,".-� �-,-,­,.Z�' . I .. I years ago. nual trip through Western Cana Wingliam. on Sunday levenin owing to cel . I . � 0 "Wn."MWINAR , 11 .. �... . �.� 6.. . . . . Yours very truly, ' and Mrs. Irwirx were among the first set. bee. The response was. wonderful da in the .9 . . I . I I . . . . 11 11 � � I I - I . �, '... - Z . � .11 I t . I I interests, of the firm he the absence, through sickness, of the I . . , "le I " . - I L,&u,uA CALHovii. , tiers here, and were very highly respected. had in all about 30 cords of thd verV best Bros. & represents, Cook . . ­.. - - ­ __.. . I . .! . - t�An I '. " . . . I I I.,. . q , ; . I Allen Ltd., Of Toronto, "Art Pastor. It is expected that Rev. Mr. � I . I . I . , I., ... ,1:- V y . Four children survive;. James in the beech and maple, nearly all of which was Tailors". Late delivery from 00 Irwin of Lucknow, will assist'with the Egg Laying,'Rizi. Latest Victop-A ON . . Successful School Concert, Northwest-, Mrs. Marriet, sawn in blocks w lien . I . I , I %'' I .... � 11, . ,! ..., . .. I .. I 1, .,. . I George and and split. I Lad enough millsand -difficulty in securing samples service in the morning next Sabbath and ' Mr, Frank 1. Ell has,� eight .Rhode . I . . . -1 . � . I - I I I i " , . The Public S�chool Conqrt held in Opera Mrs. Welsh, The body was accompanied to serve me through two vinters and part has rend I ered his leaving this season later Mr. D. C. Taylorof Lucknow, will have 181 rid Red,P46ts, which started to lay ' ' ' " . i. "o �� _" . .. . . I . . . . . . House on Friday evening April 16th was 9 by Mr. and Mrs, Marriett and a niece, of the third. ,There were 40 who sat in�aOctobM­ at'Oe "and a "half montbs� , Mud Song it ` �,., -.'I'' . I . marked success. The house was packed Miss Welsh. . I down to'dinni the consumption of �han usual, , cnargoof the evening Service. T I bey have kept up a reeord,since January � I .11 !:-t_._'. . � . 11 . . . .... i I �' j I...- . .... � 11 . .. , . . The editor of the ' The public school board at their last A., , . , arid a large number of chairs were gen� ' victuals was a record. Mrs, Craig and Brussels post scored wilich -*is botisiderably better than tbQ - : ` ; " - , � , . � . a fairly good one on the Proprietors of ineeting. added $40 to the salaries of , O&L."�: I., ...: I I . I erougly loaned from St. Andrew's Church Beautify Our River Drive her kind neighbours, -all of whom were ei. . Miss Ottawa laying ..... qonte'st. .:Durin j'- Victrolas and* Plan' , . i . . 9 anuary, ." ... �, "..., , 1. . : " , . '. , I., .. I . . the Exeter Advocate in the following: - - ,quharson. These FebruaryInd March they laid 608 eggs ,. .. , . .:.if., � .. . I , to accommodate a large portion of audience. Some few years ago the editor of Tiin cellent cook$, had made great Preparation Reynolds and.Miss Far 11. . .; " - . . -, I The programme was throughly enjoyed ADv-&xcil: suggested through this paber land thought they had enough for both "Exeter Advocate owned.by Messrs, San, ladies have been valued teachers in Wing- � , I _...(�� , I .. , . . - or an average oi better than 5.1 eggs per ." � 1. .. ,-j%q, . .. ..'. , ,., I . by the large audience witnessing the that the council a ders & Creech has caused,us some uneasi- ham Public School for a number of years. , I .. �� __ , I . . I - K . I . I . .,.. I .11 � nd businesq men of .dinner.and supper, but they had failed to � - . day. In. the first six. days in April thby: H. WTIF ,41 Sow ,. concert. Special mention might be made , Wingham were overlooking a chance to estimate aright the wondrous capacity of ness by the following advertisement in. a Miss Reynolds, has taught in the Wing- laid forty-one eggs, or almost Seven per � 1.9.1*1', . - . I . . ­ . . ofMiss M. Walker's solo rendered in add greatly to the appearance of the town the Howit.k stalwarts, for when dinner recent issue, -'12 fine gobblers for sale. ham Public School ever since she Secured day. Mr. Hill will have a few settings - * .. .. .. ' " '> ".'.' .. ., " I � � , �,; " 1, . ". �� for sale, and we 0 , Music De9Lle'r""..?,.-­i ", . .1 I her certificate, 34 ye6r&. ago, Miss Far. . ,w u id, . advise you to � , �,�, I � unmitable style, also the junior number of in not having the Stumps removed from was.over and the men had sighed, stretch- Apply at Advocdte office., � We had not . order now. � I I ., " . . the school in the night cap chorus, while the river West of the C. P. R. A couple ed ancl gone out to resume thei heard they were thinking of going out of qubarson has taught in the school here . . . I � 9 ­ " " V, ,,_Ko I . '. rk . . I I I I r work, the . . 1- , , � __� ' 1. .. . I - I . . I -----:-T- -17771577-,,�,. ' . . . . . . Margaret Drummond ind Cdtherine King of Valued citizens who have moved to ladies, Mrs. C�aik-. Mrs. Leech, Mrs. business. ". I for the past. 27 years. . _ ____ -�=�==== , � A -Z ,�. . �� ... � .. *1 ' . .1 ,--�,'-==.,�, . " . I I - . with Janet MacLean in their pleasing town during the past couple of years drew Crawford, Mrs. Pickford, Mrs. Xain Mr. John Quirk of Wing . Work is. being rapidly Ousbed at the 1*_A1T1?AXXXK.N1!$,0.)W =XX1".,1W= a,&,* � . I " . .. . . I duet The staff desire to thank all those our attention to this very thing on Mon. others, sat round in a c! e and - ,ham, spent new factory of the Aero Cuellion Tiielco. I . . OX - .V , rcle and clapped Sunday and Monday in town renewing I X � . ,,:.. t. , ".%.. 'Ll" . . I;' I .. who in anyway helped to rill the con. day. Were the stumps removed from the each 9ther on the back and laughed, of acquaintances. Ile came up on Saturday Offices are being built and rubber is grind- I 1. I I . . � , . , t �. I.. I _ _�. 1! .� . . Ing and being prepared to make Inner . . � , . . .., .t�:,r I . . I .. % .. :. . . . :. 0.11, 4 . . rolled couse'theY were delighted at the apprew to be present at the funeral of the late X ­ , I . .. . .. 1. . . cert a success, especiilly Mr. Cowell, who river and the gra�s along the bante Z so ably accompanied the yarious numbers, and cut, Wingharn would have a drive plation shown for their cookery, but then Mrs. (Dr.) W. J, Bruce. That a kind Tubes. The delay in waiting formacbirl I � 1 4. . .V1 . *V.1 " . � I � . I . I . . S. also the boys whoas%isted in rearranging along the foundry arl out by Lower there was hardly anything left for supper. Providence has favored Mr. Quirk I es is very discouraging to the officers of X . I I . : � !, '. , ,.,..�, . I . . . � the part. The proceeds of concert is � the company but they believe that before ­ I . I . ". . I t . I to be WingbaM school, that few towns can WeJl there was nothing, for it but to go to evident, for although in his'87th year his X ,,,, 1, ­* I , . 1. . - 1, , � ' , , , ) n - . -4 �Ij, � , ry I..�, used for school equipment. boast of- Stratford with a smaller stream work andcook more and this they did eye is aa sh&P, and his step as quick as another week another machine will be iii- *` I * I 1\ � , 4 . I . I., . . .. , �11 ... I " �. 11 11 . . .,. � , ._Xirlcgr� . kc � I 0 . . .I,' ,.. .. It is the purpose of Mr. Posliff and boasts of ber.'beauty spot on the green with great glee and many a joke, but the many men fifty years his junior stalled and they will then push along & -11111 P I . I �,, :. . �:, . ,,I .1 I I staff to hold an annual concert. Prodeeds neatly kept batiks of the riier, Do not consumption at supper was normal and dine Ri�iew. . manufacture of inners. It is no fault of . 1� I I I A .. .0 ,-V. . ... . I , - ,­� ., ..o. .. . . . 1, . . to be devoted to beautifying and making mistake us, this - I I . . . " . I :1 .4 � , _:w, I the company that they are not at greserlit wr "I I .. . :%*; I& 1 , ....." .. wbuld be not only a nottobe compared with that at noon- Thieving is still; going-, on in Listowel, .1 ". ,. I �,.;', .. I 14m.pl,evil fr-i-krA.tiA u_��M­ nIA,20tant, A 'IrA 1-4- ) ­_tl� A 7 r__ I -A 1. mantif--t-r-m- . I 11 I . �' * . I "Ill, "', I .1 i . ... �. '. . I I I 0 a V Vat)4LIL and ay. n 1. e noonuay onslaught and the authorities ate being kept bu .... � I - . I . . 1 0 . . ., �F .;4. 0. le .3. . ._1 . HM�PTHE BOYS WHO FOUGHT FOR . many would,ospend an afternoon on the been repeated a surgical operation would in the matter. A sum of morl wsy Wellive moved, we had. to, bc , . ". I YOU OVERSEAS The Late John Brooks � !cause 04 1 , - . ...... ... I .�,.,., as �� 11 I � ... . , " . - . green by the water. I I have been imperative taken from McXeJlar & Mitchell's gate you and the rest of the car, owners in X . '. , I .., .. ��� ,I. ,., I'll � ,� I . _ .. ­ �,, . e A highly esteemed man was John . ge, *11 ; . I I I ... . . � V I'll" ,�, � ,, ­!'; I wardsman Bros. have permission to use th I ought to say a word in,regard to the as well as other petty t Wingliam and vicinity mad e it necessary, X .... ,, ,, . ,, - .. . . . Wiligham G. W. V. A., narao in coll Brooks who passed away in Ontario Toe Tickled 8y. Surglat. choir in Leechville which was the best I ber of arre hieving. 'A num. We have Out in several new.features . . . . ..".., .. V... . , . .. selling all I., �!!., kinds r -f Scrap Iron, eu� Ono brotlier i-erved sts have been made, The sum X I .. :1 i ,�,,,. - "I., . overseas and they helped the Red Uro Hospital, London, on Thursday after all A citizen on Eighth Street had an e* heard in Huroli or Bruce, with Ono excep- of $2W i which we believe will appeal . I . .'.*. �'A; - . he war mud are givl 8V�'�"'Ta.g illness which extended over the past citing and unpleasant a being offered by the Town . to you, We a ' :. . ' %�.: --� J the G. %. experience on Tues. tion, the choir In the Presbyterian church Council are proud of,� . OftantAgb of Sales. lease hold what rou for informal that. will lead to all this evidence of the I '"' �` " :J: , * I . , , "" "i , , -, .%Ve to sell for Wardswan Bros., as theY will eleven months. Deceased was born near ddy night or early Wednesday morning. at Wroxeter. The, Gibson grog. were, a th rr growth of our business; biit frankly we are . . . .. � � ---,, ­ -- ­ --- - . - Rogers' tailor shop some time ago. I prouder still of the friends we have made . � . . ,�. � highest cash prices for junk of all kinds, Toronto, six*seven Years ago and came says Owen Sound Sun. He caM8 home bost in themselves and would be an ad e a est of the parties that broke into � - - I holpiag them you help us, I I .. .. i CIL ., , - With his parents to Past Wawanosh, when about eleven o'clock at nl locked dition to any choir in the Dominiorti and the - patronage which made thi' � . I . TENDERS FOR PASTURE went to bed Mrs. RichardPocock received the sad I I � la., ". " , I �.. " I a lad of fifteen. He afterwards lived in the doom arid 8 S fin , Footwe'. ..r., - . About Duringmy term in Howick I seldom newsof the death of her brother, Mr. growth possible. Remember our new ad I ...' 1. I I . �� ... �, �&" . . Carrick and Morris townships, and retired twoo'clock Wednesday morning he was used my buggy, it was all horseback, Peter Uzell, who pissed away April 13th, dress, for here you will find not only the � ­­­�­!�1_161_!!!L" W , 11 ,�& . I .....-I. ., . ­.. -1 -1. � -- I � . . . I � .. 1, - . SeMed Tenders for the rentitig of the o4ter to Bluevale about three years ago, For aroused by a stream from . beat and latest equipment to give service I . .,. � Otion Of the grounda known a4 the Atheldtid big wife. There are now four self suppoqirlg; cir- after a lingering illness at his home in . d A,- �, if., ! - I ark will be received by the undersigned up �everal months he bag been undergoing Thinking she was sufferinj ftOih' night- cults on the ground we covered. I bad Birth, Marl but you will also, find areal service , desire . All that jit newest ju spring styles is abown by us'i� out im. - 1. . �.. till I 0`010ek P. M. on Friday, April 23ra. trL a. ill his 47th year. He W give servic& We will have, the new X .. 1i stock of stylish Shoes, � ,� " �,.� Tender will be required to put, 11 latment-in London, but despite tha best mare he told her to wake tip. Instead three different assistants-, Mr. Maxwell leaves to mou I . � . -�,-, -�_'7, all outside fences in gool repair. Us tender of medical attention he depai In his loi a widow, one improved Ford on exhibition on Friday. X I I - .�., . � 1194r0fer0libeonlYto laadsout.qfft Lho race rted this life. shasat up and screamed again, This whodledin 1897, Mr. McCartney, who Sol) and one daughter, and his mother Don't fall to see A. -.A. M. Cr.,Awponb� � . ., track and ijot that portion around buildings. The funeral was hold from the 0. T. R� time her husband sat up in bed, and saw finished hiscoure' #1 , Z,A D.1i 3P U'M!PX. 0 X r 0 * 1) X. ANI), ' I st, or any tender not ne %es,arily M004�pt e ibout 10 years ago and who is 86 years old and four sisteita, Mrs. � I .'., � , le , eve Ill alf�pbeoftred forr4a o on Fri. , . . I., � . d . aft r on fieflo"', Ana fallen timbor station on Saturday noon to Witigham, a figure crouching on the other side of the Charles A. Hanson, who came to me in James Webster, Burlington; Mrs. '.rhos. yv Are there tiny circumstances, under X0 UT*"Z'AN 21,94V In endlean variety, patent, kid, %, . ., . 0 th pro t . ral"i"Irther Inforniatiou I �, I . Bluevale Methodist church, conducted big wife$ side of the bed but the intruder - Mrs, David Pocock, a man she 1(10e% not love"' To Letty, Pate . cemetery. Rev., Mr. Burgess. pastor of bed. He jumped 6ut and rain around to Iso5, Mr. Hanson was just half my age, Pocock, Toronto, hiollawoman is justified in marrying 474 and brown calf_ail tites_'�all widtbe. . � . � . . . . . had demed the,luxuries and fitleries that i � .1', . V, A. VANX0111i . he Was 18 and I was 3r). He was wonder. Fordwich and Mrs. Richard Pocock of -very woman cravess. Then came a pro- � . i f %N,ni 'o , - . chairm'sn o itten. the services, assisted by the members Of � ran out of the room and down the stairs es- fully matured, more like a young man of Wingham. ,W , P R ICES� $4400 TO "I I ".00. ,�'. , , I _______­_­_­ __ I posal froin: a tich man, a lonesome bar- V , q) , I .. � ­­___-_­­­_ the Orange Order to which the deceased caping by thi front door which he bad Z, he had a stately carriage, a sopordus The Toronto papers recently had an barian. and witli it a promise to surround 9" I NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. . I X . __ belonged. Ile is survived by his widow, left. open on entering, Tile, wife was voice and a fin6 address, his talerlt6 as a account of another honor beln�added to ;herwitb owrything that nioney could !X I � ..,: .111 ...... . n -1--i , Tmdew will by rteeiga by., tlio ut n ers viz William , hysterical for some time And has hardly preacher were of a superior order. On the gifted son of Mrs. T. Ros of - st . buy. Site loved another man, a penniless . . . . . . . . I . f =-,I?�Jday A&F 3rd. at ro o*clsst1k4erfAo1r9n;`he in Saskatchewan, Mrs. Colgate, St. recovered from s ra -Bring along your bliaes-and s4te haix . I . , . , . agaftl poverty had fanned., her love, for neatly and � ' ! i . v- that she felt something touch.her toot and to Milton, where he found the laft wb(, tatio tied for somb yearg as pastor ,in one luxury and grom ti,,), -,(,z, into �,Ill all ton. VOU'AptlY we repair theni. *, two reinforeed conettv, e bridges Catherinea; Mrs;'Maurlce Warnan, Blue -tis g rim 8 r gg e �AF,PA1W1)V0__ U31611 ek the si yet. She aays leaving Howick, in 1866 he was appointed Wawanosh, Rev. W. Ro�s, who has been young al 't' P�'llt the loll g tu 1 *n cons. G and 7, ER4 Walvanosh, knowit aq bridgei kro abouts &-A,lf unic all on tlio,jljnj� I . .1 I . the '1&�Ior and Pothergill brlilges. The -m vale-, Nim. Neil Robb, Stratford and Miss immediately kicked out. She felt her became his wife. Mr. Hanson continued 6f tit(, Ptitwipal Presbyterian churches of suming flame and she tboosp the riell man. I . % .1 4, . i d the I WWA.*� . I . . , )�.-. , I for hftt?t?ii.i(it�,,,ef;eoititvt(!to,ot,eaki!tionow,j).3 ,as it will be to volt wileft You 8" llaulili� L� , 'foot roadway. Tewler.,4 way be put In of a large circle of friends in their bell Immediately tcrvi The policemen Hainilton, Wlltvillti W Montreal. A honor of 1), D. Heis One of the leadini Frederh-k, the' screen18 most brilliant I , . w1i 10 , Wbat followed was a revelatiolti to I.ettv " i W -1114N NO" Ftrram. lienixth ofl�-pan in panh bridst�3t pet h sympathy foot strikes oomebodyli' face and she in, the ministry for 16 years. He was ift 1-1411fav, X. S. he having! receive . ,� � rftte. It. IAC,14 8Deelficittivai may be "tit at, the ment. Three sister# also survive"vis. were called but have failed to locate the tbrOOt Complaint compalled his retirement ministers of thc- Presbyterian Churth, firnotlutial Actrem,in "Tliel.ovotsiof Letty," .A**#& - . clerks office. A alarxed chfilne for teft, per I ach tonaer. Th6 lovrw,, Mrs" T'si FAst WAW0011114 Un, guilty PITtY Y*t. Ill the di It ' . A" ,--,. J .1016L . . oranytondernothft~1 acti6Vtsd. vfts im- from the al work in 1882. I -It then 11011119 a steady advotmement ja' witten by Sk. Arthur Wing I 11, 'P0-1%TlP,RVlftD. Shermant Goderich; slid Mrs. Whitdmd, poi to so thi *si of tho w1prk took a into he 11tro �nd T V * Is Lire ' r ­ 11 � poltion in a' bualli Mu" M was induettid to the, ministry a4 pitstor of dh*cted by Frank Lloyd. It'a aGoldwyn, , I C '. . - To. lell vurrySaw. except that ko W" a Ift Z" I (004till OA " 4.) Glencoe Ch?,rch. I PictW& Lyceum Theatre Mon. Tue, . I I � , - � I . I i W94. �­_. -_ -� - � - . ... . 1. � 0 . I � � I = Ill W* � ,�_- ., I I I . I . . I I I Ar" I ^^0" 1111~11%RK . I . 0 I .. . I I i . kr � � I � , � I I t'. ... A� . 11 �, I 1, I I , � . . " i�,,. �.W,-j'� - "L, - - - . - .. . � ,�. �__Lv , - - ­ h � , ........ ", . __ - 11X6ALiNf A�., .,,&J4t � 4% , Wk . � ', _1 I I , I I 11 , . .1 . le I , , .-'J'- I - . . , .. I k. " � � i , I., - __ . I ; - �� ,.�d-.. �� , AL . " 11 �, . . . . . . ........ ". , . 1. � , � 'A" _Aw� . . Ak,,�L, L,!:: ,-, ,'!, , , . - , , I'll li, AT , - - , � I -A�� "ilg,j&,Ak�"--;&.-",A-��,.I�L�,��- I A -4 "twi �',,A