HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-04-15, Page 8a:y F mN:. . C ° M777, rrr ., _ a 1e , , ear y XX�,t�'1�� ' q yi l ►11t0.rg#lt,yltaVein& ffit 4 dXXWWI '9f: Ltit utast Aldi', Bullied of iii,lreori taltYtActtis tat 31tttPQSr1 to auend t1 l,u,iete,t trip ter i.rty` Ctrrncr, ,atatr _� } o , c. d,ty last uNitle ittess 1WU11Ngr, We wl-sli then, aGucreu•,. ; 1♦it-, harry smith c 5�'rt+x,+t+m, wa4 lite Selwyn Baker 14th can had a very „uc- �+► guest of 1tr. John Taylor last huadny. cesssful wood bee last week. Ile got of M u c+ !rR' 1M 4 +1 •5. r A very pheasant evening wits %pout at ctArdds of wood out in the afternoon, f the home of Mr. Hugh V011 1-*ls nit A daughter has {sonic to t:tay with, Mr. a >i'R � ��`I � " . , ', ' S_ tbt. 15ih call. Inst week. Eggs, and Mrs. Frank Hackwell 10 con. tion- * ' Mr. Wilbert (xallaway purchased a v-11-toll. Thearmer's Club unloaded 4 load of grTheions uabhe l't.ra:herott team from near Harris- ' ` tun. flour and Reid last week. EggsMr. and Mrs Maxwell Abram and son,* Va/ Vern have arrived home, after spending � «. Card Of xhankR• t Highest rices slid. #, p p their .Crestar vacation with old friends and ivfrs and Mrs.. P. Gibbons and family relatives in Morrr�, J. / Maxwell Abram has taken the 140th con, extend their sincere thanks for kindness W. J. ARMOUR c, shown to them by their friends and neigh - summer, milk routo to Ethel cheese factory this C,race y (11d Stand. Phone 02. hours during their recent sad bereavement. ' «Miss Olive Cooper, nurse; who was < r ill be eared to know t�iat our More is now Making Sura of 9attt'ry Jar Perfeetfou _- home for a month bas. gene to Chatham Ladies w p "Slime idea of the caro used ill the con- wf �tiliA �� MARKETS again. Ladies' � suits X struction of Willard Batteries may be U, �r• q tints ta�iored �u� - -- - Leslie Lake visited in Hamilton, for a t+oc.•kedwitli new Bring gi)ods, M.l A obtained from the. severe electrical and (Correct up till Wednesday noon) �,•also ���� ,�^�a4•���� and r few clays, His cousin returned home with l ' A"n, teat nes abardinies and serges, meebanccal tests wlhlch each has to pass Wheat No.2 Spring .,....198, to 2 a5 him, tr ! ) s 'In � before it can become part of a Willard ' Wheat No, `� Fall .....,1 98. to 2 55 Ladies'silk, and serge dC't'sge► r Sleighs and cutters were seen out again beltsl ;05,QU to,.op• �° battery," says Mr. Crawford, local Willard Flour, ... • . , . ... 0 a0 to 7 00 for a day orso last week, t and short 35. to t q and browns ll ovorsk rt expert.. "iyachonoof these tubber fart; Laid .................... r en.ha �rren blues) nati 7 R has only to stand'a pressure, of about 2 Butter .................. 40 to 60 �.-.-- Made of Ane', Dongola kid With neat We and 'Copenhagen ,, Coats fa reindeer, browns, ►X voltsin actual service, and Is carefully Eggs,.,..........., •... 43 to X15 j.,1.lCknoW Spool heel, in all sizes fol' wornen 2J to 7. Ladies tlxcat>ne . � ;����'�'�' sll�les. X protected from mechanical stiocic. But Cattle, med.,' butchers, , a 04 to 1000 IVlra, Milllan and Mrs. J. Wil@oa visited ' and blacks, X before these jars can get by the electrical Cattle, butchers choice. -11 00 .t0 12 00 in Goderich last week. axl ds, n inspector, each one of thenq must prove bogs. liveweight • . . , 19 40 to 19 O6 Mrs, Iiedley spent I3aelter whit her-l�i`1Ce per �i lY. ' its ability to stand up. under a pressure of IIaX ; , . ,., ,•, , , .19 p4 to 21 00 daughters in Brantford. not a few volts, but of a full 24,000 volts', Cream , ... to 68 ,Miss Winnifted Elliott visited friends r and in order to make sure that each piece last week in Bayfield, w2 have this'shine shoe in Sport heel at tit: _ �. of rubber is mechanically stxong, each lot Miss Freda Scott of Toronto, visited. her Sable pr1Ce, is sampled and the sample submitted to a s aunt, Mrs. J. Button, pp\,��n° tension of 3,600 pounds to- the squaret0ft n, FePtilizer Mrs, J. T. Zyons and her mother, Mre. 1\ „ Hunter visited in Hamilton. Inch. Mr Wm. Allen Jr., of Chatham visited r 5000 ractti. About Canada.his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Win, Allen ti W I L L I S A.- w` "Canada is a nutshell'.'For Sale---- , is 'an apt des- er . SALE AGENT FOR LADIES criptiozi of the papular "5000 Facts About �11y jterSAi1 Wigkling sat-ne Canada", the thirteenth annual edition - sl;!.otiid ripply to BBlmo!°cy' of which is out 1920, as compiled by ter' Miss E. Shand, Toront o, visited with.rw.va. - Frank Yeigh, the well-known Canadian 1 an Mr N EN BRYDGES her sisters, Ni R Corrigan d s, authority. It is a most strajsing illustr- AND DERBY SHOES, FOR M ation of the trade, finances,.industries and Rev. N: Sinclair last week, resources of the Dominion in Concrete Belgt'tli�e, 1�17o11C: �2}-$-Llodv Halliday of Listowel, agent t Mr N.H.N H. {« 11NNW "form and will prove a revelation to even ••••••� th.a week -end at the home of Mr. ea. 0�11the best informed, This'iftew issue con- - Doubledee, t Z includingcTENDERS WANTED, �" P wealth Of new matter, .. While cutting wood at tits own place on lunch was served, The next meeting serving special mention. The proceeds /. , : j *; ., . t :1 tains a r ,t „ t i final War facts. It contains no less than Tenders will lie received by the undersigned Friday, Mr. Ira Neil suffered a very severe '.will be acid at the home of Airs, jno, amount to rf68.U0, which will be used" to Ir` 1 f cis 11 told ran in sigh• ftp tell noon, May Ord, 10:0, for Cho 0011U nation . improve the Hall, 54 Chapters of a a , S g at bhe iVIoAti.baeldrain. Plansard.speelSeat- bruise on his nose which will lay him off Peterman. P !' t r..f ` '" " S n" lane can be s.aett at Robt. MoLiehaot's, Los i } {; abet Gaily from Agricultural'to Yul o it doll. t). er shin tale obi 0!>ioe, Lot 13 C,n. work for some time, AIr, and Mrs. B. C. Jackson ,visited at Quite a number loon, these parts attettd- d� t Copies may be had from newsdealers or T,lrnberry , �1 marked ('hetino for ie per 11ir, W. H. [twin over Easter. ed the party of Air. Will Westlake's on a►i li jr+ p sent R contract price must accompany the A4iss o11ie Willits ci Flatriston, spent bysending5 cents to the Can, Facts feeder. The lowest :or any tender not nee• 'the week -end with friends here, The people of Belmore tnd vicinity, Friday evening. i I Publishing Co„ 588 Huron Street, Tor- eteurityaccepted. P. PONVULL, Mrs, Coutts and Miss Elma Coutts, were delighted with the splendid play- put Much sympathy is extended to the l.'lTp. of the Mildmay, spent a. couple of days at the on by the Women's Institute an Tuesday Robinson family at Wroxeter, in their re - onto, -- - •--- p - helms of Mr, Wm Lowry. evening, April e, entitled "A Ladies' Aid c bereavement, cent �; donor His Memory TENDERS FOR PASTURE �(► ar. 2kth the Mr: Jno Gowdy got moved to his new business meeting at Belmore Cross Roads Miss Lena Doubledee of Wingham; t; On Wednesday evening, M . --^� ---^ 50 years ago," About 30 taking part and spent the Easter holjdays with her parents. X premier public school of Toronto, the 8ealod Tttt-ler•c for the renting or the cater home near Salem, last week. Z p portion of thr grounds Known as bite kthelette everyone played their part well, same dr* 'here. aZ a< "Ryerson," was the scene of a very inter. . ;irk �ylliibe r000ivedby the undersigned. up Miss Lizzie McKee spent the week -end • till i o'clock p, in, .on Friday, April 2Sra. esting incident: the unveiling of a fine at her home in Corrie, -- ----_ --- — ~� ` Tonder will he reguirod to put np and keep portrait of the late principal, W. E. all outside fenem in goal repair. This tender The Women's Institute held their an - portrait reterenc„- only to lands outside Lho race ' • 'i0 .roves, who had no title to bis name, but track and not, •that portion aroundbufadtne C, dual monthly meeting on Saturday, April �r Y �'al . tg T1 ere^de-then es C HI hes t of ally tender not ne essarlly cap V ELTIES ss who will long be remembered as one of :he g s✓„y 1t�PR1 od.. lorturtJ►ersuturmationapplpto. Srd. A good attendance was present, ��` Ilya o,� • finest specimens of'the best typo of edu- 'P, !hirdan ottCom After the business part of Che meeting / d� ?.50• Neckwear from '15c to $2.+C3o, . Cor- Chairm,nafCamn,ittee, . � fr0�x� "� � 5 � t (� � � 3 ) cationists the province has produced. ..,,.._„_.__.^.. , ....:.... _....-._...-......-.,,„_-�...,� lyes over a program was given. consist - from ' t#' X+TOT ICI; TD CQIYTRA►CTt)1{S. - O His career as a public school master was ing of a wall prepared paper on '''Con- seis from $2.00 to $3.50; ' along .one, and he never aspired to be --ived b , ditions as we find them and What to do to - p WINGHAM, ONTARIO PHONE 166 known as anything else. After, teaching Tendon,.i,I be received by site Iiuderaigued „ np to Vaadac. :Ilayr3rd, at 1i o'olnok far the ,mpcove them, by Miss Agnes Darling a school with competent instructors and superior courses. Graduates ®{' for a few years in a rural school in Huron ool,sttuotionof eworefnroroed concrete bridtzes of which was listened to with much inter- Th �`t Dined the Toronto public all Go1,x. B. and t. Fnat Waw:dnosb, known as q County; he. the Taylor tu1•i L othergfu bridges, Tltesa est, &�llowt d by a comic recitation. by placed in ositions Affiliated with the Elliott Business College in Toronto s� school staff, and in this city conducted bridges lire! about 0, Reif mite apart on the sante ” Mrs: Rev. $inclaic' a solo Lonesome' and the Central Business College, Stratford, stream. Length ofiipan to eaohbold a3.. feet; t Enter any time.' what was the urban analogue of the wi,h itifoot ro,dwag, Tenders may be put in by Miss B. Irwin which -was given in Write for free catalogue.- SWEDEA UA® forboti,hotel;e+coutpleta,oreaohonoKoprate. _ - county model schools For some years I . pin„a specifl�;atious may be seen at the h pleasing manner, followed by a Chorus before his death, and since, the Ryerson clerks otilco, A atarkdd cheque for test per .,When you and I were Young Maggie” �'Murraybeen the "observation.school„ cent toacao„tpany -each glazer. The lowest . Y D. A. i\llcl.aclalan, res, Ndurra McLeish, lentis. 4 school has or any tvttdornotnecossarily,aLIOUT d• by the audience. After which a dainty s� ✓ �.!-✓ `•O ✓ s bs// �! ✓' `r des `,g �' `�! Vim `� ✓ 'rR `r ✓ ',® A. i'oIiTBitP'IRLA. . ZX XXX��_�aXZXVillXXVimx ���� for the University Faculty of Education. Tp,. e;'lorC. �y _ --- — -- The late Mn Groves was a Wingbam------- ” —_ — m.a. _ ora�ce ylaiw"n �a8t VVatW3tyos�'t (.oi,ll;itClj bay, and a brother of Town Clerk Groves, � . �h, Council met ria April 81h with all the The Town Clerk's :salary Mr, and Mrs_George Champion of At the Inst meeting of the Win Wingham, spent over Sunday at Mr. a Merchan (� members present. Minutes of previous er t aslted Peter Leaver's. y+ •� 1 bs ^l read and awed on motion town council J. F. Groves, et l , New ! 3 g i � meeting were P Wall e�4s 1of Gillespie and Robertson. A by-law for an increase. in salary and 'liy way of The .Stork rallling at Mr. James, St. was read and passed appointing the comparisonquoted the following figures Maries one day last week and left them a NrG following pathmastcrs;—W Potter, R. which were paid *monthly out of the gen fine baby girl. De*-%artments Paterson, 1. Doerr, R, J, �•�,Mcoeo. W. eral fund of the town ten years ago, Mr. Hairy McGee has purchased the , A1 For Spring 2!:� Anderson, Geo. Snell, J Howard, W, 1910 1920 house o p n M rs. Ctaa man's place and is i --v McGowan, F. Marshall R, Johnston J. Clerk and treasurer. ...345.85 .tearing it down with the intention of talc - I G V Din watt, Thos. Taylor, vi . Walden, 7 Chief of Police.., , , : ing it home to help to build a new one. . �j% Values u t "•`l, i° `1'� t Decorating NlcVattie, R. Buchanan, D. Carter. A, Nightwatchman.,. .,.,., 20. 533a Glad to Money S�.�V1�1�9 V g {' % :• ' "" :+ Walsh, M. Fitzpatrick, F. Hayden, F4 Collector (per year) , . ; , ., : 40. 175,OOb is able to be around, again after a bad . t � 4� 11 . :i ►-��,�.. _ _ Cook, J• S. Scott, W, Fothergill, B, H. Assessor (per year) ..4... 125: 200, Buying ,+ attack of the cold, p g ' - j, Taylor, W. 11icDo,vell, D. Cook, P. Mc Auditors 4................ 35; 50,04 Miss I-ulu Ghamney who spent the Ge �t1T i"T1Ce5 �e�®t`e . y S P R,1 N FASHION `` ., i ^ �IiSit Oui' Wallpaper' ,, P. tY, Scott. W. C: Scott. R Isar= Mr. Groves receives $550 from the gen- t�, ,t Lea . a t C. Wight tet- r 1 fund for serving the town in the 2 )t• 1je�Gl+e Oil Start rrson, G. Cunnrn5ham, N, Bol , g e a Toronto,Easter n t resume her practice. eek, at home has returned to g 11�eW Raincoats I1 rl D J man, Joe >42eBurney, A. Scott, o. G. capacity of clerk and treasurer and theH ® U S G FURNISHINGS �K + and 502 er Mende G. n 1 for 'serving as James Aitcheson•has engaged with Mr. � Ladies' raincoats for the April hQuse -..leaning Anderson, I. Muntgom y, J same amount yearly y •t ti,: !` Mall W. A. Garrity E. Daniel Martin for the summer. u , 14 '� wonderful selection A, Robertson, J. S -, secretary treasurer of the waterworks 3a jr j�®jC(1gp➢�, �q1[� showers in new belted models ,• our t o Mr. and Mrs. George McRoberts spent <�, samples. Walker, R Scott, C. Carter, W. Arbuckle and electric light which melees his total ®I1C10ti1S from the best makers: Prices of nett' sarong 1• salary $1 100 per year, In order to futth- an afternoon with, 1VIr"s, Robert Haines , i t9 t, sr. Goo. Derr Sam Coulter, Shctburn, $ 00 0 to 25. 0. • • + •• one day last 1:tYeek All widths and utilities in floral 0 Prices.lvvays the low- J, Falconer, J. Sutherland, er substantiate his argument for a raise """" block and tilt patterns. 1 Mcoee, j; l;eecrolt, W. James and F. in salary he quoted the salaries paid to Miss Lillian Longman has returned to ...,, her school to Windsor,,after spending the ^' Devereaux, the clerk, treasurer and secretary of com- Easter at horns, r:~a' �iljtl(joW Sh1�t1eS mission in Hanover and Seaforth• The No statue labor villi be fleas op Good ,.,, -..... • _. Plain and combinaticn colors ' Roads System and all. lots on these design- former receives $1,$00 per year and the S(3i0€IL REPORT $ 8 any size. } BAZAAR ated roads witibavetheirwork commuted. 'latter $1,400 The matter of the increase C,urtaiins and `INGHA The tender of J. Logue, Blyth for the in salary Was loft with the executive The following [s the report of S. S No, DPaPeP;a1Q t r "a construction Of the ire>.ehniu droit, at Committee to deal With. 3 rurIV—P.. 690/• 81mer Hi blest Prices Paid for Lggs, Cash or Trade, Sr. IV Edith Metcalfe ,o, 4735 00 complete tv:ts accepted, -_, •��,. ,, . _...._..»-... Scrims voiles, marquis[te, mad - Breen 51, ras, cliffiWcretonnes, art ,sateens, I'hh clerk was in,tructed to ask for BORN etn, . We ask you to see Dur selec- lenders rot• the building of two re -enforced Jr. IV --Bessie Campbell, t17. !� l�tlnn and compare value before i concrete bridges on Cons. 6 aaia'% lcnovvr► Sr, III—Irene 1Vlvndell, 74; Robert Rolhlsttr,os--InWingham1 on April 11th. Breen, 74; George McGlynn, 70. buying. as ilia I othergill and Taylor bridges. to Mr. and Mrs. G. E, Roberson, a Jr. I1I•--Isaac Metcalfe, 70; Clarke i The following accounts were patdt-- . .. a daughter. --Henrietta. 811[ott, 62; xJennie Campbell, The I31ylh Standard, adv. contracts $'1.60, � « ^�A� v � t Tp. of Ver. Wawanosh, settlement ofbound� Git�cloRa`—In Calgary, Alta, on April ''Sr TI --Addle Breckenridge, 82; laobel. �'_¢ c. 'y doE'S it by ixitlrOV1)ri at'y line accounts 1.00: J. McGill sheep 8th to Mr. and Mrs, George Grkgoryt, Metcalfe, 74, James Warshalt, 56. i eve M r II. A—Myrtle rite Stakes, 7b; Annie ;1 .destroyed by dogs x.00, D. McGill vain• a son. J ' y tan � �� • k` ' !. e1 C�ig311011, c'i5S1Ynllati011 situ s11ee 1.00 , AP- Stokes, 75; xAnnie Campbell, 7tirl J Q ` i g • p WILLITS InTurnberry, on friday, McLean, UI; xoatuart Campbell, xHerbart GARMEi4YS it r� ,t� a, Council adjourned to tneet again oil n th, to Mr. and Nirs. Jake Willits, a Zarnpbell and elimination— Thursday, Mav 27111, as a Court of Ile• daughter, Jr.II, B --•Margaret Baird. ?' For vision an assessment roll and nor ordinary o ' I adleW S din (3Qlats>),11@ logical 'iTV&jt'. towntitri, business. I3rarti--•In bast Wawatlosh, ozs Wedne,. Jr T--t�eargt lVlur1da11 Atexs Marshall. �i � ice► 1 day April 7th., to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey „t A 1'oai•h,1 VIRLU, 'Clerk. I'rimtrw-Riva itifetnalfe, Horten Baird, All the Is styles and materials in Black a son. N, Doig, Teacher, this seasons coats, at prior compared xis 'OGrQI -- i28I[C dr NO pay Jaltnes <�!t: • "'" """'`"""-` Those marked x were absert as some with others will convince you of the if not ali examination& duality and. super workmanship of r; .� • ^ra thsCe vital nesse les of rheutnmia poison to allowed t6 to. Mr. Robert Hallingail has engaged with DIES - - - �•. Northway Garments, we Also take Rtn�s rxi; ibr .•�-'tit, <Pr4ic tion of main in the body, tion$u t Ament Bros, Brussels as teamster, We special Orders, Brussels, thr, iatraeel.— of noertshtisso Think of this: St explalnAr the e - 1 sa It With Flo`I� ees Wilton, Axminster, i tinatiohx of tits cera of Nature's ftsmedy (NR Tab- i wish him success at his new job. Fitiarts •'••-At the home of her father in Prince 322,5b to t!O,UO. Tapestry and Grass Tix. all 632Cs s at ..ltd the t±l n lots in to many eass,s where other a ,...,...4 Mr. Jahn McT;wan and family have p ,. me icines have tatted., Thousands aro t Nevar, 'Muskoka', on March 31st, Flor•• �.-•-7,�t�,;, t popular tines. n:e�'ii:ln'i in.erfcre �atltii theca usluti Nit �i abldts every day ani get- moved to the farm near Molesworth, the -.w-I"t tlteln ba intcrruriteti nr. __ . tin relief. 'Vi1'hy pay live or ton CnCe 1I, Chaffey aged 24 years,' iitloVcd � , wn� � t� t •' , adr.•l nn, and ick CBS - times ire 7thuelt nr uncertain: he recently got in exchange. They will '� • i $ tectal Values �1e8 Rn Braar loads, Brass I tiles, Woad ��.. . .,.., i,ollag �• things? A 25o box of Nature's be missed very much as they Have been wife of I1, S. Frisby, formerly of Fast eaners. as.,l �Nslmila• Toles, Vacuum Cl - Remedy (1Vrt Tablets), +colt•• Wawanosh: � � � � �°�� } House tresses, Gingham Douses) to cicrivn Vining an to last twenty- splendid neighbors, having been 21 years a t .. .� Misses and Children, Wash Umtbrellas and Parasols fico days,—must trust help.�+ou, must b,.:st�lt - Tly East 4i'awatlosh, on April 7th iS. Middias for Nth ,.. "ii f cri• Fond a1,1 on the farm they recently ihoved from. ` +," ,1.wn rxc:.:,s int- Klvti y0ti trrarnttt re1,cE a,z,l sates r floe infant son of Mr. and Mrs. i atvfy C. t 1i.A, ave knr isfaatory benerit or cert S'Uti the beat wishes of the± riefghbOrs in this +` 11 � l,� r _ Skirts, Voile Blouses, Silk anti Cotton We are showing the latest styles nothinpf. .. Black. rt •. s , , r • lixni+tatmn onl vicinity will go with them. '1 'a' t ' w.„ ..- , ; and shapes l,i Parasols an m- ,.. 3 : rt vaal+te And Natuwersf l ltmttdy lid riot >t - 1 Icisi+;ryI Underweae, +Children► s Dresses, brellas in silk or cotton. Prices 1 e+,.w E.:a badYr insert► for the rtllci of trheumatfam, It imp Mr, George Jobns[on junior has moved _ ..- . _ i r *_ r $x 0l) 6.112 .511, +.t the power of rri- proves 41�tstton, tones the liver, ret;•• lioure Aprons, • t•' , ,t"t*+1 nmol Vnils to thd, slates kaclnt5y send bowel action, lm"• untothe farm he recently purchased from lWhtic many readers send us very com :.L c•1: t„ar+v tscrlcus #]1a. provea then blood and eleanses the ' e 'll isel like a nevi Mrs. Alex,1<IIcl3analcl, it is Lot G, Gail, 4, hmentary letters yet we do not expect to) o„ Ott.• ti:.;i ,• ,: • c,--�t,tr, to ntnmo interferes whole atrtt m. Yeti r , ;.: ;1 . prnres a oil ellminatlon, pelei^ %hon you've taken Nrt Tablets Grey, the price 35C06, he he.s bouKht it . receive anything that we do not give full ,, , yd at t:►rtaln Hedy Ie w, -k. Tiouvs tried the expenrei..,a I . ,, • s Settlement +contract +,n+, bar tre/t tot yirld medicinrel +And doctors, nnw irt:lko thin Under the Soldiers '. r+alut f(rr at ii4ingham. refit ilius ye t��c t• t!,nt' isrTtti to otstren rcpt tent. Tutt it tkdt rSmultr tfti+w lima. , ,pith Mr. and Mr�r. Johnsdton all kind t ,, ,•, r»ni,sil,tA for St s'ov Nature s IR#116*11Y (1VTPt Tabtrtr) fir nein farm. exl{tote haaiaaay pshltititt t7r otheer rotyi'k to ,. ; . , t:er.•,,f► t,il,r* t to ri,t n�1d, $,tt+r'Ant"d twnd, rsr,an,maztetett br of success on the t do it is aft to u1s td guff each rrtan It the pB1 El2A1 S, 'RUi1;i , • ,,,1..•pain as long ate your, dtniprlat Miss Elva iRa'imy is taking h cour�v at nowon R'O -S 0 batsi•rrers to do a ltttlai of that +iaaak, or ave PotC,sr1 Flx,+ms Crak K 13 r' _ _ the Ctrai BlIviness College: Winthem.ist f the It SitlrttituiW _ .. �t errs Iiab1a to kers a sfulaserfi Drccuem Elvrea, crtt!w felt0�o, � ts%i 1�a1 � a� ��r, T,:at� �- ;t. Jaalt M. Millar hand t � =Ct o�I ,,,/ - - t iw%. a M � fes- led is�t A'0, � k�i 1rtEi�i qj(,�� , : i , ”-till � -• .1. � ' 1, IP, i, ., W r. t a:. .., } + ,..1 y •s+t. "� w 1. , „R • ,� �. :.. t w '.a y 4 , , w `, } /4': l• 3' �1. ,�1j�:,l• .�l^. AL •FV ..,":s. 1 ""i•;r,. l.:•C.iSm'�i.:Il7icydl-i*'S": +Rr;a..•.c 4 ,,. a �iFsi,+.a'