HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-04-15, Page 6-
0 , , - , - ,1!' %- -F-41, "I 7""Ir"
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Apyal ftwols cArl tfloolto'collte-
tleft In t a h4uds ,of privits persons
twxod throughout tbs. world, hnve
w7psAw during tho cour:50 of the
Amidst the dark, 110"Xing
I Clow of ruin, ,terror And auarch ,
04 b
oij 4Ve VaUlghod; la $owa 4V486.
4,04, no doubt, to secret ludi4tj
P Itnown to their 0ossesuam, and,
In others clutebod by greedy, Un.
X44%*11, IISU40, 'Who hAd selZed thew
0A *Polls Of warota be, iocretly boA14-
ad while' and stealthily disposid of
to " chaera a# too ,sorupulou 4a
to Ea,r,ere they come fr6W.
'There the cwr azs is', there Will the
vija0res be gathered together.' Rus.
slaMs not At tbo.proserct time a t
I I 0 _ ,
, the-" most Invitlog patt-o of khumo,
, -
but, daring. agents at trimaure-seaXorat
I Cr.rW,ng. their 1tves W; their 1,4uds,.
arejaAI4 to , alre.-ay th0e, come from
other , lands to seel; precious things
that' WAY be jqing cheap am,ougdt
i thai,oackeri of ,the royal treasure
houses. . .
Vftou the waVo of anarchy, swept i
ov4 Russia In .1,018, In spite Of a
to" resistance ,by revolutiona.,y vai-
the(etlez, who plood',guards over the
ray*, palaces _v.hero Jewels were
I starbil, they *kro ,ransacked, and
; Atiot)tr of 'Inestlftioble value fell into
Uftlmown hqnds" , A'.dogroo of death
against tlioge hay -Ing',, them In. their
I ro4posoton'lloo doile nothinK to re -
I . .
I nto* them. I'll i " -
r The cotents ati tho.',Kremliv, the
grogest Russlan,'..rioyal treasure house
i weir,6 alone estimated*to be worth over
a hundrbd willi6go. In it i,ero the
throoes of.,. the pAst Emperors, the
royal crowns, the' collections of his-
1. torte Jewels gatl 6ied together during
: hundred of years Vt Russla's barbarlo
' .
I r I .,
splendor. I
I In t1to winter ,palace, thoPetrograd
I resl4ence of the dofirt, whe're the Tsar
. and the Tgarina7A crowns, woTn On-
losw occasions-tbo Tgarltia's alone
L being adorned with diamonds valued
sorit years back;j at over 1,000,000
I poquds-,and, tho'e"renowi ed room full
of diamond, emerald, atid ruby orna-
I motits, from, which theTsarina. might
Selettlllbtli Moro AV an lbecOlons O
I splendor. , , , , . . ! I
I At Tsaigkoye Zelo, .the royal resid-
enoe ,outside Petr6grii' I
' ,I -with Its fam.-
oUls, lapis, fJ4%IA
, ,11),W.'oom, 'of which the
floor W 7, .of ,obony, _plekod out with
mo.ther-of-pehrll' dud- 'it§ amber cham-
. ber, wIt"t Woltz at amber -the Irrup-
I tion of a mob.i b snt on -plunder left it
. .
I . de.polled of trldaiu'res amongst which
Wore , singlo, ,gems, that, would each
fortune. -1.
have been worth,la,
Wlilspers hav,07,!.4eproad.of the stdal-
I , " , '.
: Aby pagsln,% at wonarous gems, can-
. , . .
. cea,lid In t 6 IM.Ily ga
, gs ,of d6spera-
. I . does, after whis;pere b6rgdnIU.g In
I . the-corne-ra of ,ithe -vile-4rinking,done
. of the criminal 4tiarters, , f Petrograd,
I where the agents of jewel seekors,
. have ventured ld'sidai6h'df th600'who
I have them to sleft ,1 * - , I
I . I ThQ Wya,l loweli of Oermany-their
. I
, L"
I ,Owners Vettbr'016 to take precaution --
i I ary -measures against- Of - eir loss-h4ve
I . . . been secretly couveyed' to places.,of
uecurlty In Holl4d and, Switzerland,
2 , and the Jewels dt ,tUe flapsburgs are
I . . *understood. to ...IltVjr.6 i een pteserved
I and in the hand at fh, government
. .
! I . thtLt,,ho,% -suporsedbil- the, old ,regime.'
. But what Us be0ome o.f.the precious
. I heard gathered together in one of.the
I , most romantic . treasure-Taults in
I I NuT.Ope-the treasure of the Serbian
. .
I . MO)JOA116i, I ", ,;
.. , '
I . -In a remote gorgeof the mountains
. . above the little, Zo,ji!n,1of Jakova neet-
I . . 1 led., the gray, grim ,N ,alls of the an-
. . '
. . . I Cie -at, ib nsatefy '& 1 - V6.6ki bAbbalau',
p. Tue-wonastery Was,& place of cuper-
, I
..: btlLlauj 'reverence. - a place safe-
. I
, guaided by the ..splrlts 'of the holy
I . deaA ready to La,ke vengeance on any-
, . I., One who dared to raipw a predatory
I -hand against it,. Deatli- of horrible
dia4ie Would aae-uredly overtake any-
.. : .: one whb was. -mad enough to violate it,
In a secret vault-th6 Whereabouts
L of which was only known, to the head
, I
I at the monastery and one other trust-
, ". .ed member aniongist tho monksrlay
; - -
i the accumulated treasurv: of the Ser
. . blon kIngs-treaeure thaot'no common
. .
i , *ye0hAd*verrqetod,on. In th-o -great re-
. t
I r0at ,at the Serbibn arIL4, at the end
i . -the invadere
I 1 of'3916, the hordes of
; . I .1 . ftwePt over the land, and the ri
I . ionas-
7 . . ..
; tory '.was, lobted_j Wbat' has beco)rie
! Cf ltd Wealth no btis knowg.
; The Belgian and French Govern-
: ,
. Mentz have recolve:1 claims amount
i :
I . . Ing to milliond of Tlounds from pri-
F .
. vato peregms, Pleading the loss .of
I .
! JoWeU dUrIng the German invasion,
'and seeking colupqnsation from tile
I en emy
, Into, wbcoii hands they are
supi ed. 'to bav - I fallem A huge.
. I amcftt of jowelry waA,burled In be-
i . , . cret hiOng . Iaces, many pt which, it
! I
. , . appears, ,have been rifled, .
- - , In is:,- Istge outilhor ot cases the bid-
Ing tplaoi g themselves ate unkno,Wn
i ,
through -,the death. or dleappearane.0
I I I of tlis c*I3t-,peft61n aeqyuaintod with
L . theM In bome 'casee,. perenriq 'to
I whom Jo,weN,+ Weiv confided for shle
! tranaml0ellon, baV6 vanisbod.
7 Nevertp thgps, fi thd-filatory of he
World, wat there ouch -a- Vast amoitot
Of pV601buo stonte lowe and the police
I of varlolds,Muritri6s art alr&tdy being
troulged1v with vo orts of frande sueh
A4 mart thew ,6peasions. The Im-
Pmtor who profwi G -to -have Acquirod
_Part,of the loot to. already *n%king his I
uppoattiled-lan old frand. Vp to tbo
=toy. swindlers wbo bove pro- ,
14 be moualulted 'with , No
whokaboutt of ,tkeiasuro loat In the -
! Prorsc'h tembit4om In 4b& Penirmilar :
War I* tile vralleb-Oler1ron War ,
I tt IFM, -have found viotinis. :
I At thO tioia*,'of the lGerma.ti advanco I
I of the em -
I Preim Int 1071, It WAs reported that ,the !
Nk1)9IeotIIe,d1awooda had &Wtppeared '
; -thoo Afta-Iftent d-lamenda whl h
L had o"aslofted such a eensation worn
b3r the beautiful kompross L,ugenle iDri
10000141 oce"Idrib or state. Since Mat
time Pomona prote ndltlg to know the
whoreiLboutd of tWidlatatav's. tind de-
,clarift ,th0y, eould ,Place the g1l.ttering
! Prize In: the bands of folk %illing -to
I 04vafteo a'cortalu eum to obtain pos-
seftIM Of them, IlAve fle"od butrbot-
toe y1Wmi ready to w,juk at the un.
OTT11#111; ra-tur& of the tratmactiou.
I I *, year or .two btfore the wart I
Soallond' Yard teomed a wo.rnlng to
PorWouis.'Vho might be written to be i
I W iAm f In b4ift statm% he know
" t1l Aig place of Jow6ls tbat had
been bullW during the Ponflaoulat
War 4 fl-1815. The seoftt bA4 been
I I 0"fidett to him by 0, Drisoner In ik
ftftllalil '9*51 or gift%lrod out on his
Oftth bM b,v Aoma guilty one, wbo;
. while IMewing whtto. the, treadpir6
30. Md nov" dared himcolf to voo
thfA Im6witod",
Ths, aitIndler *411 be bA sy, but aft. I
I 400ill,04ft nlany or-tbo fftl gomfil will I
Mn4 Moir WAW-thmuo"It hando af,
.vift. !
I od bY rholtt, If not wow - -, ,, %dorn !
. MftY a ooefetr Isell!. It J#- etc- t%fttd
. (MlY tv&tbe tbe ble.fory bttscl,od tel
thift, bow the wo0d r.rnld s lirlbk
i1i, btak In hamr!-t,on0m Altswers. '
7 -ill-,
, i—Tr7r-7-171
I I .,
r_T-.- - , -1 I 1. ,I 'F, . 1 ,10111 111"
, , , 111
.., I W I '. I . , , , . .1.
. I . ,-. I 41,, '_ ; A "
:11 . V T ; . . . . . . , ,
----"--- -- - '--- –'--- ' --'------ _--__ ------ — -'----'--'
__ _ ' .
013A I ant Hsr 4044 was still hold Vsk 14 - hev"dox. flu's a IMAS Common sem
.1 . . L"N".Toa Is Pure Tea, Fraft dtfi.41100- In autlelpation, her deftr. %. Often 401von PrWoalis in b0Y mli;ln.
U , stimulating A,tlon of Prws and IndoreAdilluee ha,d . oy
And.4f,De*19 is Flavor' i I *14, I W *444w. with 4ark
I 1!
I been sweet. Was Itx tsas still so 4 * . I dor th 44 MI al"VO, wrindinir teeth. Vr 4,1111;
bowsto irres qVitntitt"
I dollotoum? She hod buSW herself . .. t — AvW lX14,1ar, expellialK of o".
j ;a reqreshtng. 'Watch for the Name!" with, pmpective delight. S49 stood . t rim by ving, Mothers Own Intent Tabialts.
there now, and her mouth tightened. -_ "AN1- . .,. 111614 " , YOUR C111rX CAN 13M 00 WVLL.11 -
every genuine sealed ,packets . bly all Drugg or sent diftot on rectT,t "O.1
on At any rate her mother had for- lot, Ali per box.- IIL?4
- 4, dr4084'. mothers own X jol
.1h, V . gotten the London tr4lu mod the used. tra., Toronto, out.
I . "r I to so to the station to moot the 00m. , I I - 0_11; ______._____1 -------- N
. ! 06' 5 , - .
I 9 Ing v1sito.r. XoyA turned quickly At ,
I .1 I . 0 11 i the opening of the door. X04, In *0 WIth ,batter AU4 -ftico 20 minutes In A
I I I I I P I It was Una. The girl came In quick. vopics. moderate oven.
I . . . I I " In Xexicio When the trains atop At
" f I ly enough, Ohs was always quiet and t1a)"s little station% tile natives fro. M MIA'NoMNAT4 PUDI)MG.
, I gentle And reserved, A. contrast to her , que4itly come. up aAd -offer lee cream , op fine tall 4 Plat of dried ap.
. stater. She came' up oottly to Mora 'Visa,, -cover with halt a pint of 0014
. I _ for oale. Passengers naturally wou.
, now. der how they got tb
I It , o lee to make It, wAter AU4 Jot th-Im soak overbight.
--- . 4'.. . I I - Back, Mo &?" she said. #'An4 The sua.,tiyeo Appear too Poor to buy The Law wornbas. add -a cup of golden
11 $01 Wbore's, the water? Not at the Wool- It, even It there wore any th
% , are, vl eb syrup And AlmmOr gently for 044
. mouds, to she? I thought they were hour; removefrom the fire, and, while
. qOI 'ar- there Isn't. They learu'ou ;uquiri .
owff I cars In Public Servicem all out." I thalt the makers take the leaf or, ti thoy Are c6lj,ug beat halt A cup of
I XoyA!o votes was as hard as bers cactus .10 gmnulate4t sugar, addius two I tog-
. - - I a plant, whiioh may be A toot spoonfuls ,of gToUnd cinnamon, half A
111 .1 4 .. I . I =_ was, soft. "She's upstairs. If the sad halt or two feet long aud,,hol.
tilith must be told she's angry wIt4 lowed out in form, and fill it with teaspoonful of grated 'nutmeg And a
I " 0 0 "'% , rile, Una. Well, It may as Well be water, These, at night, they suspend _ - ul of ground clovoo, o4o
tol4 at once. I'm eugaged-ougaged Well up In -the air. vulltltaenul A, ere=. with -ouQ cup of
11 In the morning vell-4boateu o
I to Barry Tresmoud.fr . the water li become fee. Then they g 444 0, t0A4POO4fu1 of
wa , the announcemen ooda dissolve , In ba,
,Ald hted i*n T She threw do , t put the layers I a' , If a cup of ,but-
,im, e like owe challenge. She had told of It. I I tervil-1k; when theso ingre(tionto
. %Uo a billk
togothor to M'
. . . I 11. . - 1. I I Barr: she was going to burst in on Lwell Mixed stir In altornately, 1011Q .
P I M-, ! 4 - I I A chemist on one of the trains ex.
, cup of ,wheat flour, sifted together.
them like a bombsixell, Some how it plalued that In the dry atmosphere WUh one *1 Indian '
I ,
"Into a worse one?" he Inquired, of some, Accident. You're so foolishly 'not been hall so exhilarating as the rap' d evaporation caused this. , . =call and the ap
, . . had Ple mixture, adding % little of each'
11 the Imagination. And she. caught her water to freeze, On the same Prin- ,gradu4
, And Maya declared vehemently that venturesome; and I never can dpPen, . lly. Pour Into a large, veil
there. could not be a worse one. than on yott not to climb over and, vto I breath now, waiting tot Una's ex" ciple that people In hot climate
the prospect of being worried to Guy some flower." . . , p all$- greased square coke Pan and lbske
04 clamition. Pend water In jars to cool it. L L . ,
llerkeloy for the Jioney which ah Oh, 1, wasn't alone." Moya'o. tone It . .
. , Auld In A moderate oven for one hour,
have come to he - . w did not come. - Una was utterly -4 0 0. , Serve with a hard sauce, flavored
raelf- u alry. "Barry was with me. And silent, for so long a pause that at 01nard'a Liniment Cures Burns, etc. With lemon, .
The, laughter . of the two young -and I've eomedhing to tell you$ I . . I" .
people rang put -over the cliffs as mater.", I . I laot Maya looked at her, startled and AN INIDXPEKSIVE) FRUIT 0AXE.
they strollod howe*ardo. They Were "Anotlier time, then, child, I've 'wandering. WHO ARE THE SMMISH? VreAM together balf A. cup of butm
both in the pla, tlwo at Ilte; Ito something to say, too, DO,A,t take Then, suddenly, Una put her arm ' ter and one 4up, of brown sugar,
and Ito w*r I J; ng off ,your liat, Maya, IL Waut You to, round her and pressed her soft chook (Robert Blatchford, In London Sunday moistening In the process with halt a
I - and Its meant to hors, I World,) Pint of strong coffee; add on
=g and possing, 4utfleed. Vape. run over to Farmer Stoate'.s and ask I I , e cup of
dolly ouch a mothent as tbLsi-bluO for the loan of his trap. You an,4 I "I hope, dear, that you'll be happy," The truth to. thot tile English, tile I NOW *Orleans molitsees a . teaspoonful
oex and sunny siy, the song of the must go up to the station to meet she Paid, "truly happy" . . of Allspice, one
. Wah, and the Preifell, are of mixed , grated nutmeg and a
wa the evening train, I've just had A Fbi a second Noya, wias absolutely race, I th.11.1c we Might go as far as t0asPoonful of powdered cinnamon
ves far below the green cliff, and , f
the vrarm scent at. grass and clo-for. wire train Mr, Berkeley. He finds he still. Then, all at once, she almost to say that nearly all the European one wall-b6awn egg and three cups.
, They were holldi*-making-just In can "come -a day earlier, Isn't that pushed her sister away from hew peoples are mixtures, diffisKlag slightly of pastry flour sifted with a heaviujg
nice, May&?" - Una's words and gesture, loving, g.elt- in proportion% of the same prehistor. flour sifted with a heliTing teaspoon-
the'mood for u prMik of atq kind. It ,'Moya returned no answer. To-dAyl tle, tender -they came like an auti to tribes. What stamps the English one cup *1 Indian meal, Beat steadily
Is to be feared that Barry, for all his Theit kshe had only been Juet'14 time. climax I on what went before. and the Frencl- Into different nations for ton minutes and then stir In , a
sage ohjections, eutgr d. Into the Jest- If ,one had delaged as Barry hall sug-. Noya was strung for opposition Is not heredity but environment, We quarter at a pound of shredded clitron,
. ,
Ing spirit at Moya'a scheme as boaTtill geated, Guy Berkeley would have or- from her mother, for t1te chaff and differ from each other In our outlook half a pound ,.of large .seeded raisins.
as she dild. He cirtainly never cast rived, and that slap In the face, that teasing of her btiothers, But at 1Vn2V8 And our customs, lecause of the differ- cut in two, and one Pound of cur-
"' an defiaut declaratio routs. Turn -Into a round ca
an eye towards tile future ,or y I I n of Independence Quo simple seritence she felt suddenly ences I in our history, In, our literat, -Ito pan
awkward and unforeseen contingen- which she Intended to be his-firat re, mean and paltry, She had told Barry ure, in our climate, and in our roll lined with 'grossed paper and bake
cles ,ths,t might arlse4 . caption and WelgoMe, Would not 91 three-quarters . of, an hour In a slow
Mrs. aaleigh, WoWa mother, had have been given him after all, I that now she would know what it felt son. How mmau of our English char. lee white still warni with vai-
L like to be congratulated, She did acter is due to the fact that we live 'In.
taken, a charming cottage close to the "Oh I can't," she began desp6rate- uIlla, foutl4la.ut frosting, decorating
shore. In the low, raftered roome ly. ',not I know -and, to her own surprise, 0, on an Island, and are largely busy
yet. I've some news to tell ob rose In her throat. ig.he turned with the sea ? . with tiny candied cherries and an -
one caught the sweet, 14w sound 6t you first. Much more ImportautneWs 8 no, a golica cut In the form ,of,.small holly
the -singing sea. irrom the latticed Ulan a wire from Loudon about' a &Way from U ' eyes. Prance had be- forced to become leaves. .
windows I Its laughing, dancing, blue visitor. I must tell you -ray, newPL- 110h, for goodness' sake don't be a military nation, because she has al. . *.6-6--_
radiance shone o7a one. The TrW- now." She paused. Why . should sentimental," she said flippantly. ways been In danger of Invasion. Ire- Minardle LtIllm'e-nT Relieves Neuralgia
w4hile ,not so lucky in their abode, it be so difficult, to say? It was IsBairy and I are not a bit like that- land has been for centuries a subject .._ I
had a"house, bighdr up In the village, quite a simple matter, as. she had We don't want any of that nonsense, nation. England Is largely Protest. WHJ R NEIDDED,
which, pretty as It -Was, IwA not the said tof Barry. She gathere,d' - her you know how I,ve always looked at atu, Ireland and France Roman Oath- Taller (to L r4 L other,who Is buying a
, I suit for bar boy): 'Do you want the
charm of that cottage 'by the shore courage. "I'm eugage4-exigaged. to this. sort of thing"o olle. France never passed throu,&h a. shoulders padded?" ;
with It,s shou patli up to the little Barry Treamond." I .- A pained look passed over UnfV0 Puritan period, we Little BoyJ "Noo mamma; t I oil him to
door. I Mrs. Raleigh had been composedly brow. I a real and violent revblution. The Dad the l4nickerbookers.-I
Voya, bad thought If Ideal. She Putting away some faacywork' she had ,,you look surprised" Bald May,% I - I . .
'_ , , -_ --- - Now
profea;.ed herself to be entirely un- been doing. But she dropped -It.. Cou" with a light laugh, "SO was the mat- = . , I —
.. I
romantic, but this dottage appealed sternation and Incredulity all4e Z09 er. But It Isn't so surprising after . HORSES COUGHING? USE,
to. some unacknowledged, hidden Ideal in her volm I I all, Is It, seeing the length Of time OH , I
In her. She liked to sit at bar little "Engaged! Nonsense, Moyh, Wh'Xt Barry and I have known each other."
bedroom Window at night When tbs tale Is this? Another practical joke Una hesitated. "I am surprised," I- I... .; ;'I i._ )" Spohn's Distemper tcompound
'world was hushing itself to sleep by of yours and Barry's. You'fe"getting she'owned then. "Somehow I never _ .. , 0
tile lullaby of the sea, and watch the too old for this kind of thing." I I - , to break It up and get them back in dondltion. Twenty sl'
. . I have wondered. Once 0: years, use has made "Spohn's" Indispensable in treatin x
expected this. 0 9
moonlight over. the waves, anJ the Moya swallowed somq chagrin. A twice, when, I saw you and Barry et I .72- Coughs and Colds, Influenza and .Distemper, with their re-
tlu ,fisblug boats go out over the. practical Joke. So that was .the . es_ Or . alike in nature." She 1. sultin? complications, and all diseases of the throat, nose
, p u
moonlit pathway. , tImate of her and BeCrry. .Nothing "SO show I I and ngs. Acts marvelously as a. preventive, acts equally
,Rutrauglugly icy iy it was. And more'serlotto of wortthy of.. thouilit hesitated again. saw R CO ,veil as a curo, Sold by druggists. *
as Mays, watched ft,'afid dreamed over Well, perhapa that *as th6lr own pever thought of you learning to love SPOHN MEDICAL COMPANY. Goshen, Ind., U.S.A.
I .1
it, more .than half-conscioue of her fault, she had to own it. I I eabh other, darling." - I I I I
own thloughts, another side of her "I am engaged-," she..sverrod.. "Are Mayo, winced. Love! The word on - — 4 M3
nature a,wolpa -.;a olde.tUat Barry Tres- YOU 80 Surprised? Why, Bat'ry,'and I Uum,s lips took on a deep, sacred mean- French lar guage is a Latin tongue, - THE, Y LOVED AND LOST.
mond with all his fun and boyish have known each other -for age$,- grown lug. - ours Is In the main Teutonic. I _e - I
good -comradeship had never awaken- up together, in fact. Why-t'hould -we 110h, we like each other well French drink wine, the English beer.
odor, callod Into being. . not get engaged?" . .1 1, . .enough," silo hastened to answer more All these and many other ciritim. Some Famous -_ Men Who Had
Yes, she had dbligh-Wd In the 11011- .Perchance it was a, qn0a4opL- diffl- flippantly still. "We're excellent Pols. stances n--,ke the difference between
day, the bothiu. e the modern Engli,-,h and the modern
g; the excursions and cult to answer. Th re. wore j6ejjeut Though we're -perfectly sensible about . Their Romances.
picnics, the,j6ily, hoiidleaz days with reasons against such -an engagement it.. We don' - t go In for romauce, or French, .
a crowd at young people. thoughtleaq In Mrs. Raleigh's mind, but -,s I ho could romancing. You*re always such an
and healthy and happy as herself. hardly voice them. Her hard face Idealistic old thing, Una. We re not Race counts for very litt.e, for how A story to told, for instance, Of how
And now it was all spoilt. Moya In- flushed, her eyes grew angi,7 y,*,, living in a, book, you know. This little we, ma.-. judge -or the fact,that a pretty but dowerless damsel was
ffignautly felt'that. Her mother bad "Absurdl" she. cried. "SUVOr folly Is real modern life." th children of Dutch, Swedish, Ger- once approached by a humble ser.
Intended-Ahle to be more than a holi- ,just childish, unthinking folly, Baj; And Una said nothing, but she look- man, French, itallan and o _ter for-; geant In the French army with an
day. She meant to accomplish a pur- Is o. mere boy. 1 shall nevdr,consent ed earnestly at her sister. While sign parents becoLis quite English offer which she contemptuously re-
pose ana wilah that had long' been to such g..fdjjy.t# . I - ,.- Maya stirred uneasily before those when they are, brcught up on English jorted. As the years went by, the
steadily lbrmIng. and Moving- towards Moyals, own will, so kindred to her grey eyes. lines. As I have said -before, I have obscure sergeant rasa by degrees
. ,k I I .1 I .
action. .. I 'Una's arm seen English, Scotch, Virench, Russian, until he became a brigadier. He
, Mother's, rose in. opposition. . She wriggled away from
. Ohs 1wa ,,,'
. as one.of those women who "You will not refuse surelyill e, and turned aside from her eyes. Per- Relglan, and Dutch children in one was present at lVileurs, Cormunna, An.,
axe always looking ahead In lite, and said slowly. "Wheu you Wil&_1 ' 6 haps Unit had not much sense of fun, English school and no, one could tell vtoriltz, and Waterloo. What must
mapping It out`to their-oWn. Way of Tresmands are such *W-frlen6is, A44, way too given to I taking life too serl- they were nct all English, either from the woman, who years before, had
thinking, 'And Maya, Wilful and al- - I
there is Is no ,possible reason Aoaln# ously. At least she need not treat their speech, their appearance, or their scorned the offer Of his heart, have
Most as strong-willed as her mother it.## P f, .7 I , 1_ I I % this As an epoch-making event, need characteristics. Hov should it be thought whon. she heard men speak
herself, resented all control. Yet In ddBarry Is a merg,-boy"! r4oaid", otherwise When they were all descen- of the wlgbf ., ex
areC her mother, and I .pjolts of Ahe Mar-
asshe entered the cottage she strung Mrs. Raleigh. "He bas bls v `A'Tior . dants train mixturos of the &W-4 shal, of Napoi6ou? At the time when
herself defiantly to, the task before make. You and he w,6re more, bro- races, And trlb cs ? the Emperor was overthrown by
..'_ ther and s so (I Widely as the French and as It Ing in pitl ble
her. Ister. It Ift"".'a. .V1 , q. of h Again, Wellington, she w, v a
Mr, Raleigh had ated come years 6hildish folly. I shalt--. ,iii r;-ti,,"i'.!Y,04 For Spanish nglish way differ In some matters penury Is a garret on the Quat Conti.
before--ju6t, perhaps. when his girls. are,& Wilful girl, Maya-, but You will I 11 of s"timent or opinit, i, It is dofibtful A poor Cleet Street ecribbher once
growing towards womanhood, needed regret it. As for me, t shall take no ether the normal Prencliman dif- raised his, eyes to the fair and com-
I fers from the normal liluglishman as fortably dowered daughter of k,clty
him moist, andble. gentle, broad -mind- notice of it. This nonsense will blow Influenza wh
ed rule. He and his wife rather re- over and be forgotten 14 a tow days " . .1 much as th English NQueotef-OrInist banker. All that the latter d:d, how -
verse* the usual position of father For a second Mayo,.' feft- - 041 'dis- THE LINIMENT THAT CURES ALL Radical differs from the English Ang- over, when she liearii his piteous
. - I
and mo , ther. She was unyielding, al- I may. These tactics ,W6re'dIff to AIIAIDN'Ts- lican Church Cons,rvative. tale of love was to Inform him that
mostatem In her d4lelsions. He led combat, . . I iP44 r. '. I - - .She would not have him if he brought
the Wilful girls by the la* of love and "You can't ignore It,' I '- slie,'aald bold- I Minard's 4inimenit rjures Dandruff. her all the jewels .n Asia.
liberty; and bow dreadfully Mays. ly. 4,Becaus6, no doubt, B4rry _haw Nfig I NARD'S - The humble. scribe took this rojec-
Inlesed him even now she did not own told his people by this tiiiie. And . . soME GORN BECIPM. tion very much to heart, but the day
to herself. Certainly If be had lived .What possible objection, CaA 1,4 THia ,o,LD RaiiiA.B19-TRY IT .
, r_ U,, have came roundi Aau4 that in the space
no matchmaking 'would have disturbed against it?" I .6 . 4, .0 M)INARD'S LINIMENT CO., Ltd., It will be 1wis ue he gen. of only a few years, when )its name
. .
his 6hildren'a freedom to make and Mrs. Raleigh got up. Her voice' .. Y . armouth,,N. S. oral uee of corn breads until there Is had become famous throughout the
.form their own future. sounded rather hysterical: .Okou ,WT . I I - a drolp in the Cast of food. There Is, length and broadth of the laud, for
06 , — t no other than Charles
Moya, came intv the pretty little a troublesome, auuoYilik dhlAl a ' ' Perhaps, no easler,or better way to -Is, was
sittiog room, her head lifted and her, . economize until the world eupply of MickOns.
eyes bright. Her mother woe alone cried. "Go -your own - way, then. - I not look so grave, might, laugh and things- to eat a -hall again reach nor- Years afterwards, the girl who
there. She had half -hoped her Eta- am disappointed in Yoill UO)VA. of , I- 'Joke a, little. Maya Indignantly felt mat ;proportion%. To hell) our house- had onea seorted his affection actu-
teri Vna, would be there, too, but" have nothing more to say to 3r- 61i ', 4hat. It was bad enough to meet an. wives th.0 following recipes for the ally went to him for financlal assist -
She got up.. Mays, hegA-. the-,Apor '
Mrs, Raleigh eat there alone. . , ger and opposition, even while the greater use of Indian meal maly, be once. A strange reversal of fortune!
She looked Upon her daughter's e,n- close behind her, and ,th6;- ihe,AOOr oppoSition braced one's own strong :found useful: I I The ,author of "PIckwIck" was not
trance. upstairs -her bedroom door-zb ut. too. will. It was hard to face the pros- N(YVEL ,CORN GLUM% overjoyed at the sight of her, as.
"Late, Moyal Where have you That shutting had an a . minou fioul d ' Peet of brotherly chaff and teasing. , Blend thoroughly in the order Men- readers of his i)io&raphy need not be,
been? I wish you would not wander Mays, otood In the middle of tU room But tTnWa loving sympathy, Uns,'s' tioned two cups at sweet milk, anti reminded. "I left. her.,a Illy -I found
allout its cliffs alone. They are so and listened to the silence tIiit4fO1- " good wishes -that was something -well-beaten egg, a, pinch of salt, one her a, peony, ` was Dickens' caustio
L I . ,
broken and Unsafe. I'm always afraid lowed It. . , . moya. had not considered. at all when tablespoonful of brown sugar, a table- kobservation oil this ,ill-considered
I I I - — :she rushed headlong into her brilliant s-po6nful of Xn&gle ,syrup, two table- visit. I
L . .- , , Plan-and it was,somothing she was spoonfuls of melted butter, one cup That she hve'd deeply to rue the
a 1111111 11115 III I IN I 1iot at all anxious to consider tow. of Indian meal andene cup of wheat ,day she had rejected the rhapsodical
: , . 11 I 11 ), I - . CEEAPTER Ir, flour sifted w . ith a heading teaspoon- addresses of the great Vidtorian 'nov-
Thp Speciallat , - iful of ,baking powdei. When very elist is a matter of common knowl-
I " D R. WARD - 0-00 I "Oh. don!t be so horribly doleful," light stir In half a cup of flnelY-chop- edge, I .
.-Voya cried iuipa,tlently . "I might I avo ready hot gem Everybody knows the .sad fate of
79 NIAGARA SQUARE, BUFFAL-Oo NEW YORK. . ped dated, H . Panot
I . . -have told you something sad, Instead f, each about t . hroo-quarters fall the famous artist over whose crea-
. . . `of a cheerful bit of news. I thought li!"; - I .1. I III I III .. I __
I Men,, Are You In, Doubt ould laugh over It, instead of being . — , I-
. grave as a mute." % . I - I - 1. I I - L__
i , As to your trouble? Have you some alkin "But, Maya, dear, it seems to me 411 i ES 5`1 .,-. .= I -
I such a great, $a Z_= . , :. - I.. 1, r
eruption that Is stubborn, has retistedL tr6ata, cred moment. Don't " = . ..1.
. J l J' W 11*14.,. "'. , '. - _ _ -
:you feel it's just the greatest moment SE *11-- 4. . _.. r', flv , I.A.,
mant? Is there a nervous condition ,Which .1- - ., . r, , A"....,"., ,
". :
a- I does hot I mpeove In spite of rest, . diet *lid of your lite, finding what you Mean f, 5 1 : : -_ -
1"' rnedicine? Are you going down hill iiltdadllyt Id, some cue elso's life, and what he i I P__ = I _.: __ _ . I . I
.meaus. to ,Von?" . X 5 , _ _ Z-2zZI-1-- ,
v - , , VW, -_-P
ARE YOU NERVOUS and despondent, weak ',I "No, I don'tt" snapped Maya Irri. Z ___ 1".. I
.... - - . "'
and debilitated; tired mornings; no aftition tabl-sr. "It's Just like a.uy other mo, I .11
1. I ____ I q, I
I -lifeless; memory g6ht; easily fatigued,* e* ,went, not o, bit of difference. Except 14 * 7",;.. - , ' I D
. p-1
t, -11 . Pork .
citable and Irritable; lack of energy and 4601- I" fhat You will rOmAfte about I i ; . Vor A"A I
6nde? is there falling power, a dral1W On tho jarry and I have c6Me to a sensible I tl i
8 tetn? Consult the old reliable speciallots., , I arrangement, that's all." I I VA
I -
I : ', A sensible arrangementt Mi look- .. .. Ir
,.. 0 , , , ly *, 0 " SYMPTOMS oF VARIOUS AILMENT$, 1 . . - [J1J1J1J11JJ111J=1F1R1uffM1 , , .
. . od bewildered, but troubled too. I . " ''I . I ,gr- , I ' "
Wealt "cl ro:oxail state of the body* nervousness, despondenoy. pd6r thought," the began hesitatingly. ilave Your'C " 0 a
Memory, lack of will power, timid, Irritable dispbsitl6n. dimilrilshe4. power of L 4lThat when IOVO Came into 0110% 1116 i - leanin - ,
applioation, tuorgy and concentration, fear of impending d4ngeit or inisfor- it must make such a huge difference, I . I .
tuno, drawsiness and tendency to xltem unrestful sleep, dark rhlga 'Under I ID: - ,,-
oyea. lom of w4lgbt, InAornnia, Dr. Ward glvw y6a the benefit of 29 Y69,ra' I ultor everything, In fut.11 one b ' R i P e r to --- F=1
ton' Inuovo practice In the treatment of all chronic, nervous, blood and .0XIVI . 119ose-hued clouds and gilt ginger. - . W. I 11
,dismsaa. The above symptoms, &ud triany others not mcntioned, show , I icate
14ainly, tha.t aoinothing Is wrong with your physical condition and ,that Srou I broad, I suppose 11 said May& flattri- Clothing, household dk&ries, linen and Micate
. U664 0r.06rt,1ktt4nt10n. I : catty. She fbIt Moro than gatirletI. fabrieg can be eleanecl and mado 'to look as Iresh
I Men, why Pitftor longer? Lot me make you a vigorous waift, Let r4o : She felt downright cynical, "Y09,
I*Amtor* your VL,),sldnI eonaltloft to full manhood. Don't be a weakling sf,y I andbright as when first bought,
Jongor. Xtiki up vour mitil tt come to me and I will give the best treat- , Ou Would feel like that; but that's I I 04-0 I . 1.
, ment knowAl to P.clonce--th6 one SudeeMful trealmaht based on the 64Xplol- Ill ' not b6oks, you o o, bat t6hl life. 0116 4" , I 1X a.,
- ,
I onto of to vtars in troating men and their allments, I can't live lip .111 the skies." . Cle. , , and Dyleina
111, Or. Word's Methodt Unrivalled, Thorough and Psrmsnaht , Una flushed. "I did not mean tha.t,"
, JDo you'roallite that you have onlywie life to ItIte--do You roalizo,thiLt ; shs, sald In a low tone. "Not UP In is Pr perly Dono at Parkisr"4
Y41 I&M, ru-1101139 rfio6t of that lite by Ill bealt'li ? A lite worth living IIL :the sklog. 0h, no, it's just that love.
I (A) V lIft. NeIlleot of Oftoolift1th h&$ put m&fky.a Man in I%IM . ought to bring, 4411 the sunshino 'AU4 It makes t,o differelvas Vhert) ,Yet! live; parcels tali ba I
grlivo. xDreas. The same care and attott-
" '1 t4" b#An telling r4en tb6s6 things for manir, ymrs but still theri ar* 'blub shy ant happiness down to this. sent in by mail of, e . U lived In town,
th6 ANU of 1%.14t% 0 earth, it ought to -oh, I can't -say
.ra,ii who,, for V&rIOUS rJA86nM, bay$ t1ot hSL4 tljo.ro 4 tion is given the work As though Yo
A" # t4 comb wid, Not well. I what I moati, I'm #6 atupid. Put, oh, I We will be 0164 Sad to adVIS6 you on any question I
0*0WIst to 06 treatment of nervous conditions, norv6us exh4ustlon
larftaj lurdbago, th6umatl sm. stomach and liver troublal. tone, ski; , MOY04 don't you feel anr more thau: I rdo rdiha Cles"loil, or Dying. WRITZ Us.
, .
44A"e6, "latth, asthma, r6otal trbubl6s, pflex, fIKU11 and blood aun- thajy &tenit you missing something?" . . , *
4106", Moya tufted round. quldkly. This . I . , ,
n In . 1._._-_._1 r Le'. . 'kt,ttiftia .
OFFICit HOURS, # #.tW. to a o.m. Suntloyto-10 A.M. -.0 I P.M. quostlou struck dooD dow bar.,
Mining? WhAt wu she missing? She M
UbNW6 Irkrdric treatment you me*t makio one visit to my offloo for wim wissfus the domdattopL vhlobf 11 I . 11 . pa
A ""o ft -1 yAltiai examinitiom lUuroad fars.-will lob. "nAlderod A4 Wt Guy BorkoWs vtoaftr would be ta I - I & ... ,14 I I
, P&t"Mot of " Canadian "Moy ak*ow" at tall value. hot V14,01 1314t uOthitor 6140 thk"n ii - I '111111111111 I I - ....
1 70 Niagara Square, fkaff,110, N. Y. th" I I 11 , . -
- '' -, "'
V -111-11 I__ _._ -1___- __ 1"... I—— '_ "' I ., -.1. I- . -11. 1 94 M be. aontfuued.) ., I— I A 100SO I - I' 010 "" -
-` ... 1,11 t 11
, , ,,,,,
, I ik , ,
I Z , -?,; -.
. ,
&, , ."'o",
, . -
, - 4 , A. ,- , , 1 ix ' 11
- , & , L,
. . J4.
Aik a result of ths ravAblaxtiaujo of
$in nu-41ATUV414114 Xtevalot4a, Tax.
1U601 Sweetheart and U$ bo"mo "_
trazood. The girl oysetwitily xuar.
4M somsoAs 014o, and Turnor r06110*
tersd a vow that he would remain
4JnKlo for lite, an oath to which he
remained tragically faithful,
Before the girl had Dam married
...Y months ohs discovered that
sho, had made'the mistAke of her lite,
and 44 the d'osaPPOIAted. Tumor
mounted higher and tigher in his
profession, often did she wish thAt,
otePmothoro had never been invented.
Instead at enjoying the call,
oh' -A of o. brilliant and sucee`F1J`a`rn;1
gentus--a man who. from small be.
glunings, soon came to voseeso vast
mums of money, and to count among
his friends many of the Most out'.
standing people in the realm -all she
-could boost were circumstances, any.
thing ' but effluent, and, a home darU.
ened by the clQ.ud of mistinderstand,'
in MR, W, MI. - MW
"~t1v ftwa TO'S " I -, - __0
eltzdlU 10 4tor" o imav- t if
builnp " f wigjX d , 11 r1l
04 f r ,.
1491, 06 Soot= 21M my, -
144 'AL
on Provinotal liloway. would =A
& V ne fruit Aqd Wultry farm, kRK4
: new ho
owner Um 0.room#]i and barn. li-1,00,
I L X owsa, 110g,mlivUle, opt.
1_ -'11
$41000 -NEAR BmAgOv'"10 N
acres clay 19AM4 ineluilne 0
acres bush ,%nd pailturo land, T room
brick houxe, mtone foundit.tion. ,c4l.
lar, frame kitchen and wood ,§0104! ver.
andah, good barn $0 x 30, 9 ,aorex 901
wheat, schools, churches, eto., In C4mp-
, don Village, % m0e away. Will t0e.
city roPerty In exchange. J. D. ftgar,
= Clyde 131001C. llamLlton, gnt. (Rossat
, I.,.. 1.11.. '. I , . , , 1.11 ,.
." ,<XEI
, , , [ 41
. ...
This to A most desirable 4n4 profitable
suburban home. ,T, V. Biggar., 2% Clyde.
Block, Up.milto,ri, Out. (4egent, , 4).
- .
,gvery child-wilether It be Poor or
County of Lincoln. 3%'mileo
fWm 33ea-maville an4 SmIthvIlle, maqa-
rich Is , entitled to. Joy and gladness.
dam road 2 within half a mile either
Health I$ We Virthright at all and
war 50 Werea clay loam, sotne tirnbey,
wlr , fence aroun(I outside, balalloo
there to absolutely no doubt that U e
str4l#ht rail, 25 apple trees, -1; pear, 0
healthy baby is a happy baby. It, Is
acres wheat, $ acres stubble, b4langs
seeded, frame house. rootas,
the baby's nature to be h. -not
cross. Only th , e a PAPPY
ieldy babvy is cross.
8. verandalu
wood honae, cement cell&r Itood well,-
frame barn, 36x5o pig pen, 4,en house,
The well child Is a Joy to the ,1g)mo
j,, D. 20 Clyde ulook, Ifamoton,
it is laughing, gurgling, happy 111 10
, .."
Ont.. (Regen , 934.) . 1;"'-'
pleC6 Of humanity which drives dull
1 .
" -_ ' J
care from tile household. The slok.'
IY baby JS oppoalte-he Is cross
Thirteen hundred apple .trges.. best
and peevish; cries a great deal and 15
ve, letlea, just beginning to bear; frame
house and barn; excellent -water; matqvi
a source of constant worry to the
Al gas available, good g4r4on soll, on
mother. But mothers there Is no
Provincial highway, fourkmIlM aouth-
nee4 of Your little on es being sickly.
east of Delhi; .seven thouga§4 doll44rar
twenty-sf:x acres, IT. Frank Cook,
Regulate the baby's bowels and aweet-
SJrncoo,, Ont. I ,
en his stomach with. a gentle but
, ,
I ".. .r=
thorough laxative and baby will soon
be well and happy again. Thollsands
% - - - - wo o- q.,q --~~
at mothers have proved. this through
,-, , ,
their use of Baby's Own Tablets-
ounta by Daminfon rixpreis Noney
there is a smile in every dose, of the
Orders- Vive, dollars costs three delita.
Tablets, Give them to year unvy Ellm
make him ha - Tab
ppy he
by medicine 4eaieTrs or by mail at'25
selected seed corn, Minnesota
No. 13. This corn resemlAes GoldeA
cents a box from The Dr. Williams
Glow. Gives strong stand of stooki; ,
Mcdiclue Co., Brockville, Ont.
ylglded over 100 bushel cobs per acre
last year. Was planted IXay 29th, and
ripened before Sept. ist. Matures Inlia
Science Short Oneo.
days and gives very heavy yield. Price
of seed per bushel 5. Address Goo. . _
A great quantity of buttermijR for.
I Truster, Camlachle, ont.
wetly allowed to go to waste is now
- ,. FOR SALE' - ,
fed to chickens. -
. 1
In some chemical establishments
wool has been found. superior to cot-
Beautiful R
ton for filtering purposes.
four -ply, finger)ng yams in sixteen coj:-
s ermaids in
era. Just the thing fox, SWEATIllUS,
S and childrenra
large hotels and apartment houses a
wear. Made in Canada by Cana.
rubber -tired truck with suitable
dians front pure LAINISS! WOOL
shelves has been devised ezmtble of
carrying the ;
and nothing else !Lnd somewhat
resembles the high ela4s Ung -
all sulillilles a iMpie-
Ments she is likely to require. I
lisli yarns, bu , r.- much cheai)er, as
you buy direct troi:4 the spinners. Vrice
The cost of the proposed Japanese-
twenty cents per skein or three dollars
American cable across the pacific will
per pound, Small sample slcein, twenty
cents postage free. Also heavier Yarns
be met by funds raised In both coun-
11, 1-,; jespun style, ail wool, to wash at
tries, .
home, In GREY, 13LACIE and WHITID
. By means of a laboratory an ship.
at one dollar, fifty per pound. Large
skeln, thirty cants, postage free.
board, it is proposed to make an in-
Postage extra on all orders under ten
vestigation of the ills of the tropical
dollars. Georgetown Ivoollen M918
possessions of America, Great Britain,
Georgetown, ' Ontario, NOTZ--CARD.'
France and Italy. 1
Pacific coast giants, Sa00 I
were out down to make a derrick for
handling boiler and similar heavy
material in a western shipyard. Trim-
med down the sticks measured 112 feet .
eavy Woollens. For tull par.
tioularsth Apply, Slingsby Mfg. Co. Ltd,.
long and 3 feet 6 inches in di ameter.
brautford, OtA I
An English company plans to trans-
port merchandise through a hydraul-
ic tube, something like the pneumatic
tube, except that the carriers are
moved along with a stream of water.
.- - a---- o I
- -
tenced cn Du)5l-%d Flat Fashioning
Maehine. Good wagex paid to capable
Friend -Is her father the kind of man
man. Best i'vorking conditions I
in daylight 'mill Mercury U111.9, Ltd.4
who would pursue you if you eloped?
11amilton, Ont. .
Seek Poore -No, he's the kind of rnttn
, I
who'd mov&, so that you couldn't find
him when you came back.
We have several good opening$ f9r
experienced and Inexperienced inale and
feniale help, -%Vo requ4ce girls for weaV.
I .
Ing and winding. nwery assistance glvert
By Speedind the Liver
to. learners, anti good wages -paid dur.
ing apprenticeship. 'Workers fit this
line earn very high wages, arld are ai,
Dr. flamflion's Pills
ways In demand. Only a couple or
weeks' time necessary to learn. Sever-
al good openings for steady men. Special
Bring Good Health
consideration shown to falyffly of Avork,
ers. Rents and costs of living reason.
, - ..
able in Brantford. Aloving expenses ad_
Good for Men, Women, Children
Ivanced to,rellable families and housing
.accomodation arranged. Pull partioular$
cheerfully furnished -upon request, Write
- .
US. The Slingsby Manufacturing Co..
Ltd,, Brantford, Ont,arlo. ,
No curoo seems harder to bear than
, .
the downright weariness and dea-
pondency that ecanes from a Ow
mill. Steady work. Highest wages.
Sling4by Mfg. Co., Ltd,, Brantford, ont,
liver. I
The man or woman who Is pale,
sallow, depjXssed ' and aut of- sorts ,
usually has Liver ComplaInL Such ,—
I -
people continually suffer frOld head-
ache conatipatloii, ringing ear
a' look
L partly furulghed, all equipments.
of aj Otite and poor digestion,
Nearest town to Radium DiscoVeri.
Prospects of big boom. - Meal tourist
What a world of good Dr. Hamll-
resort, also store with Softie stcok. Ad.
ton's Pills will do in such cases! In
drass Box 27, 11earney, Ont. .
one hour this smooth working medi-
cine changes half elcit folks into
Ye Prynter Nanne.
different looltlng and feeling people.
No chance for headaches or costive-
Vt was 1yo solemn prynter manne - "
Withe sluggard ways aude slow,
nwo when Dr. Hamilton's Pills got
to work. Taken at night they re-
Who vexed hys face. as prynters
store normal conditions while You
And cursed Ye whirl!ng snowe.
sleep, morning finds You fresh and
hungry, heache all gone, cheeks rosy.
?TWoro not because ye snowe was
eyP6 bright, sl)ir'tG good.
Impossible to feel dizzy, to have
That made ye rrynter curse,
weak back, to be hervouG, depreased,
But reasons worse an hundred told&-- .
sleepless, or out of sorts it You tOU0,
regulate and cleanse the si*atem with
Aye. mannie measures worse.
Dr. Hamilton's Pill$. Good for men,
Ye prynter knowo full welle bytimos
women and children. Sold every-
Yt snowes Yt Is ye bette I
where In 25C boxeg.-
Yo editor wille send him rhymes I .
- -
0ft""snowe" that he muat eette.
1. Worth KnowIng.
And so yo prlfnter manne, unchaste,
One need not s i_ 0-1 having pl,,n.
To he"16 consigned such rhymes -
t7 of go,misil'ng suDrIl -. nor be oblig.
(Ye prynter wanno both better tastd
ed to order such from tile public green-
Than editore, at times).
house. , iant a ew,re In good roil and
I-Bul-ralo News.
allow to greig in a sunny window. The
foliage of the carrot 1,, pretly clad 'may
be used in so-irs.
"So our dentist friend has put- I
one urgent need Is ail extending
chased a mintag prospect."
rod,wlth a flat Did (reversible, for ofte
side to be damp and the other dry
"Well, he Ought to win out. That
for poliL Av) to clean lAgh landing
fellow ,Can hit a pay streak with the
ad outside wind-
le,,Ist drliffig of anybody I know."
ows of an ordinary 'two-story house.
.1 I 11 ,I I . -
. a Nf eloths Water
ixao caAry ro $ 9 0
,tc,, on, ,aiu a Ict of labor, which
would be dispensod, with by means of
th) article described.
MinardloUnInientlow,6916 OVOtywherb
___O. —
Customer: , Oct you 'tell those
watches at half 9, guiftcz each? It -
must coot that to make them.
Jeweler: It does.
Customer- Then how do yoll Make
any money?
jeweler. Repairing them.
0 0 0 .
Only, That 1) Awe.
AS I was going shopi)II19 I mitt a
6,lilming little fellow who spoke to
me quite DOIR01Y. In further cOn-
verso,tion I inquired IAS name. 110h,"
he tnowered, wIth ealy assurance, "it,
In just the annio as my daddy 'a, only
it:o got 'Sr.' an tho end -of lt.§'-Cht-
mzo Tribune.
11_.Adli l