The Wingham Advance, 1920-04-15, Page 3140-1
�w � . , , , - � . �, , ., e , � I . ,;� 7 - ; . _- : '? ,- , vw��,v,.--,7 r. -,f
I I I t �40 ,
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I 0 . '!
, - 11 1. I 47� ,� � � A, 7 1 �
i I , ,
I '
. Ift a
I dof%4W, if used be. Tb-wa I Is uclj
I IUA . I �""
an, InstAnos on, rsoord in Mon I amen
tounty during the existegley - stay.
through the jungles, rivaling In size
� I
Aa offer to 'buy ;back -the hulk at 4
. I
. 1
ery where 4 wife or daushter was ever
"The place Is Alberta, Canada, an d
the time
F reall young par6nips dug'from thi
ground tn early spring are a
'Spanish courtesy Will avail -to make
thlo outcome possible.
Of. their exist,4ce 8,000,0
years a 00
Satiliftotory dish. They should b;
I th;S0 maralies of prehistoric
times dwelt a host of reptiles, S',,t10
00raPed and cooked only three-quar
ten -of an hour. Old parsnips, how.
everi must, ,be
assaulted by a slavc� such & thilis
peeled and cooked Ai
bolir and a quarter. When either all
�V)We(4*\VJ0\-/4P . Wq,
or Young� are tender,drain them and
If they are to -be creamed, lay'theu
A Dysinsepsia
On a heated dish with the heads at
wao never heard of until the nagro wu
q 0
a Care I
One 'Way, and covervith a
� good creau
m bright with rays
Of the golden hours of promise in the
M.D. a4visess "Persons who
To MARe parsnip frItt L eng, boll tlu
lap of childhood days. .
auffer from severe indigestioft % 1.
0 0
veget%ble until tender, drain and proo
them though Add.
made free. There are only two I.a-
and constipation can cure thera4
* selves by taking fifteca
a colander. on(
tablespoonful of flour and one egi
scents the way,
A eath of eye
I to
tKrty drop& of Extract of Roots
to every four good-sized parsAlps
Brown in a trying s
among the now -mown hay,
While through, the halls of raemory
after each ineal and. at be dtimes
Thwremedy is lmo as Nolh�r
then turn and brown on the other
S Orve with spiced or roast beef.
Stances where A Slave killed Ills mas-
� i � I
On Bod and F4ce Rod and 1phy
ter during the forty-three years of
I .
genuine. Soc.
nnd $1.00 llottlei* . 11
, - I ,,
. Cried offlours, Lasted
slavery in Montgomery county,
I s
a 606 Go A . .
aYear, ,,
The society *where ,slavery existed
''.. __ --------- ��l
large, some small,
"A X*5h Ot*rW #n OVst My littla
w"s the best In tile world, Theywore,
and of various
forms, flesli-eaters and h.erb-eaters,
but all s:iarl ng certain
We body, and %be had some
* ! as a rule, moral, rellclors, benovelent,
Common and known as dinosaurs.
on bet
tn.', faea, It utgfted In a pimplo
peaceable, kind and Indulgent, Ana
their precept and example had a good
,Not any were closely related to any,
living reptile, Yet they had Some
that W*8 run of
�. waters Arld
, it got red an(l Itchy. Sho
effect on these slaves.
.a common to the lizards,
. . I * criodfor houm.Thla trouble �
crocodiles and birds, I
'Of the kinds characteristic of the
, . * Wted a y0ftro
There were -!cry f)w violations ol
I "Then X started with Kirce :
I sample, of cuticit'm poa
the. law on the part of these slaves,
their that the
feet long Wild aboW, 15 feet high
, �p
4ad ointment. I bought more, and
I used four c*k".or soap an 4 three
and conduct was nuch
times of the courts was rarely ever
When standtig erect, Its ',.end, with
boxosofolramcutwhichhe's. � 1
, . odher,"
(Signod) Mm. DcrA Langly, 1032;
taken Up- With cases against them.
Whereas, now the time of the Courts
broadly expanded mouth, resembles
that of a duck, but Lack of tile beak
Gaitruda rot,., Verdun, (aut., August
Is almost adogather occupied In try-
there are in -a than 2,000 small teeth,
disposed In many vertical
111,1918. �
Ing offenders for Violations of law
The Caticura Toilet Trio
against their free brothors, as the
new ones coming up from below as
Opnelating of Soap, Ointment an4
chaln-gauger.9, Jails,. coal mines and
T"Ta 1,13- an indispensable, adjunct
, .
Penitentiary will testify.
three large hoofed toes, and the
I 1*0 the daily toilet In inalat alhins
In the matter of religion and relig-
shorter slender front feet were partly
webbed. 'A long, thin,
is , 1 4,04 wa uaitb. ,
long privileges tho slaves had all that
slender tall
acted as % powerful Swimming organ,
2 . Oint qat 25 na 4. I
t Infon. ana I
their masters had, In all of the old
and the body,was covered With rough
tubercul4te skill, Having
I , I., It . 506, olmtre 4
� country churches A portion of the
I ...... � 0 __ 04 outknuR.
building wa.� set apart for their bene-
er, where it was free from. attacks of
Jit, and master and slave worshlDP3d
— __;;-_�
under the e=ne roof. They not Only
to stay with an aunt Ill the country,
ad the privilege of going to church.
but were encouraged to go; ,and they
could unite with the church andhave
their names entered oa the Same book
I with their masters. The pedacher In
charge would baptize them with Seem-
Ingly as much pleasure as he would
. �,
with the master,, ..nd likewise, when
. I
they partook of the Sacrament, after
Darkey in Southern Ste
. een waited
the white members had b
on, the deacons, Who were very fro,
�' Was Osre-Free,
quently the masters, Would pass the
, - . .
. bread and wiie around to them.
if o UeSPOnSibili I Vftard-
I - - .
. .
f t ed By Ow,ner.
4 � 1�
WEAK 01001)
i (Montgomery, Afa., Advertiser.)
matic like those of birds, but the
I :&It of the old settlers of Montgoni,
away, why do you start behaving bad-
�ry were slave Owners and a :.ketch
A. Tonic Medicine is a Necessity
is Elvin Of the relAtionship between
tfiester and Slay.;. Slavery at that tinie
at This Season.
Was a legal institution, t , Ile citizens
Itsving nothing to ,
Dr. Williams Pink Fills are all all,
do with making
0avery. It Was handed t,own from
year tonic, blood builder and
nerve strengthener, But they are
generation to genera' from
. Aon, . ,father
especially %aluablo in the spring,
Son. They came into possession
bf the Slaves by. I., lu?st, by purchase
w'. -n the system is. clogged with
impurities as a -result of the indoor
,kAd Increase. I
. I A man had _-3 much right to hold
life of the winter months, There is
no other season when the blood is so
riegroeS as PrOPer!.f a, he had to hold
much, in need of Lnurifying and
tL horse v. property, and the laws of
his state Ud the constitution
enriching. In the r,prjnA; due feels.
weak and tired- Dr, Williams Pink
of the
United States Prctected him in tTat
I -lilts glia strength. In the spring
� right. The !a-.-,- Protected the mastOr
and the IAV' also protected tile
the appetite is often poor- -Dr. Wil -
liams Pink Pills improve the appetite,
� If U master d' .d not furnish his
tone the stomach and aid Weak
tvltb. a sufficient amount Of food and
digestion. It Is -in the spring that
e treatment, it
poisons in the blood must often find
I Was a crime, and he was liable to be
an outlet in disfiguring pimples
VrOpecuted by the grand jury of his
eruptions and boils. Dr. Williams
Pink Fills speedily Clear the skin
But it Was 10 the interest of
. the
because they go to the root of the
master to take good care of ill ,a slaves
trouble in the blood. In spring an-
., -It was a prai)erty too valuable to
be -neglected or-oobused.
, aomla, indigestion, neuralgia, rbeuma-
tism, and many other . troubles are
Each master
kilaeted 0. code Of laws for the man-
most persistent because of weak, wat"
I 48'ement of his slaves, just as'the state
Cry blood and it is at this time when
tllia6ts a codc� 0: laws for tile govern
411 nature takes a now life that the
m6lit Of its Citizens. If the slaves Ylo"_
blood most seriously needs attention.
Jated one op the law,5, Ile was liable
Among those who have proved the
to be Punished, a-ld ilib punishment
no of Dr. Williams Pink Is
wag graded by the offence committed,
Aft. Archie D. Carmichael, Tarbot, N.
it tile offence Was light the Punish-
S., who says:�"Por a number of
meat was uglit; if the offence was
,greAter, the punishment Was greater.
years I was bothered with pimples
which would break out on my face
The owner dI,I not tak
� _e Pleqsure in
Ounishing his slaves; he
and body. The was always,
worse In the spring, and although I
only� did It
to inake them -obey "he law. it is a
tried - different . trea' -Aents, it was
without much success. In the spring
Parallel with a J",,.,y, which does not
take Pleasure !n finding a defendant
of two years ago, the trouble was
I guilty, neither does a JudCe take plea-
worse than usual, and althougli�l was
taking medicine it did, not help ma
'U116 in Passing sentence upon a crim-
1 Inal. They do it in order that tile law
until I finally decided to try Dr. Wil -
, be obeyed. The slave was contented
llama Pink Pills. Under this. treat-
ment the Pimples disappeared, and.
kZd- satisfied with his lot in life. The
there has ,since been absolutely no re-
generation that 1,:eceded, him had
been slavea'hild from birth they -were
turn of the trouble." '
Dr. Williams Pink Pills can be ob-
taught by Percept and example to
look to, depend
tained from any dealer in medicine or
up upon and obey their
by, mail at 50 cents a box, or six
masters in 41,11 things. It became net-
boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. V-11111ams
11ral -for them to do so, and thus It was
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. .
troin*ganeratloa to -,eneration. The
- �
I . slave was not only satisfied and con-
,Contented with his lot In life, but he
IvAs a happy be!.ng. He had his house
- . � - .
- (Now York Sun,)
I lLnd garden, his food ,and clothing
N� reader of John Masefleld's
Fuialshed him Lud the Very nursing
thrilling prose epic "Galllpoli"-per-
tuld medical attention given him when
Rapa the most Striking single volume
sick, . .
which has Yet grown o0ut of the war-
� t
Can ,hear of the disposal of the .shot.
riddled hulk of the troop.jIllp River
TrTe had his,assocliates and enjoyed
Clyde at auction In En.-Jazilt lately
I life Ili. his way, Just as other people
do. He Worked along cheerfully all
without d1sti,let regret at the Idea Of
he'r COming to an end which, it not
I day and would � Itk fhe banjo, and sing
exactly Ignoble Is hardly worthy of
imd,dance all night, if permitted. Ile
her splendid v7l,4ory,
� had no cares and responsibilities, had
Somebody has well characterized
nothing to disturb his mind, he was
the River Clyde as the Trojan Horse
Duty required,to labor. Ile was a
of that Ill-fated Campaign, That
trusty and faithful being. The master
Ship. the modern equ'valent Of the
tould go from home and remain away
wooden walls which hid, the Greclail
bn business ns ')ng as necessary, and
host, made five dandings at the south.
leave the wife and children surround-
ern end of the Gallipoll Peninsula, of
ed by these slaves and they would be
which perhaps the moot savage was
vo Safe from harm as It they Were -in
the landing at V Beach. This was a
k guarded palace. Not,only -were they
small shelving bit of the generally
tafe, but they Would be protectedand
steep coast, Some 300 yards across;
.- �
It Was completely exposed to the
__ ______
For CoW, Catarrh or 1111111eilZa
Turkish guns in a ruined castle above,
it, besides beling ,mined and wired in
� -
such a way as to -make It seem unat-
tainable from the 'sea.
Plive barbed wirel barriers werd un�
, �,-,-,.
der water, besidw those on the beach, -
# ,� gi � .
and the landing parties -had to leave
...-1!.§,...- .... ..... ;
m. ..... '179 I,"
. r: " ,':2.: -
�, * ,
-the Ship at some ll!ataitce from shore
t - ,
., ?", .1 .... . . X
� 1-V1-;_
and Proceed In siliall boats and light.
I - .
ars In tow to heavy Purf, where the
I .
Water wag, Shallow enough for a manla
a if
I M �, 1
feet to touch bottom, it he didn't ,stop
'd9d Tireg 11ave so unques-
Into a hole. 11ow the Dublin puel-
I ...
Ifers, the Ifuneter Fuisillers, half a
� '.
battalion ot the ilamp.%bire Regiment
%% � , I .
and the West Rld!ng Vield Coinpany
ever got ashore at 5,30 Ct that April
morning, is quite llinotilprehensible,
. ��k'%;!! I
They had to carry tileir niunftiong,
guno, Introuching tools, oandbaga, pro-
DO Y611 feel Weak end unl%qnal to th6
visions, elot-hin,g, and hcepitala with
mules, horacs and fodder, baldt�' 6Z
Woricalleadofyon? Doyoll still eough
drinking water.
IV little. or data your nme bother you?
. And., Incid-entally, it should be re-
_�� br" V,611 Palo! 19 yonr blood thin and
membered Mat every drop oif water
WIAM? 310tter ptit your body Into
for the troegg In that campaign had
Clap& 11'aild strong I � I
to be carried 500 miles. The fraction
. An Ill -I. rbliable bIooAraakt)r and
of the landing �Darty which managed
bt,rbal toillo rmide froul wi!d rootq an(3
to got aahore alive hall to dig, theirt-
b-010t li Dr. PlereWa Golden Aledical
Selvca -and their equfDLijent into the
111.14-s-vtorr. Tliiqlli),tturni,t,iiie,�lylleoiiies
,at"'40tNI-111111dform. Ituilliltilldup
nand and 1.0, all day under'the Galli.
poll suit. Afraetion Of a sec!ond party
your Logly "1111 projpe.t Voll froul ft-
eRS094--".ts*t't,ft,bil-l-lfevt%ivNvli(%,rA. One
got ashore that night, and then at-
tOMDVI W(Iro ftad,o to Storm tbo forf;
we, t1lo -wl,vft ipare, 01,4s
&E 0113 toul-
llf.%nnt.o !1"(141:,.%%� .�,,Iel to.1*0 Is Ivild
cniv the third attack waa ,=ecesgfal.
The Gallipoli
chtwrr h��rb v-.01 stI!!'jllgjj. %,,Illell fqso
ttlad fo., tLo 11111�1., 211.1 ft)r. Coughs;
Stupendous story of
Iq known through s4weral histiorlans,
, �
&Is) Orosr)n 9 "Alt", 106t, Mood root,
but none hal tot d It quite so coolly
Stalin rmt, <!!...6jJ,-,4 .-O, a!
,;t"- .1 AdIfully
vorAll!vre" u, i;6', !!?"i'efl 1)-!3CO1TrY1
and effectively g e John .Vaaeffeld. Ile
served In tbat lildeova ,eampalipti him-
These r.%t)t% 11,1%PZc:!v-',t lethin ontho
'301f, and may be PUODC'Scli. to linow (at
lllulmneh, f-prot Ill,Z(,l5!esflon.1.l,.I n�slir,j.
What he opo,ltks; ,quorunt para Tuft, lit-
1010ft. Th' -AP N-rh; I mirapiq In tile
orlilly, ,
*17)"Meovery" tid In 11'.-Iod-Inaking and
After the Mcutdion. the trool%hip ,
. itrIkIw"At Ford4-ii"ll.'.. 1A,!mprovfnxtl.O
U!'od till -v roll�fy *',&. 1�(,,,'.y fleaiu,-t an
River (Ilyde Wag to -wed to J-fftlta,
wher", she now lies. Tbe aw;wor to a
pi-viek vt r, vily or f 0" ..
rceent QueAtion In the ITnuse of com.
Citmrrh thoti' N * I r, nfir,il, fimt, a.4 a
tnt2,,ddi-,,i,.",,%%*.,,."o'.,*.j',!,,,:,�*,:%t,. Then,
fftor,j revmled tho f,lp.t that it would
Coot $100,W to make hi�r aeaworthy
it' llddlVoll, 11o. n - 1, ,4,:w� , � . 1'.�! %uslled
I i-wit!tl)r.1,4:t��,.'ef'.:.:.,,- " ,:,-fr.,XIy,
ftnd tow btr to Rnglanti. .ft%, has
11.�P,i An!d 0 kneflon in 0, ft,f104h firm
lid lfh- tnr trial ;�:,g .!, "' '.- L.�I,il Ols-
"t r.y'l')ii,';-�-,-,,rl,iii,iiii.It't.l.:t�L%t,*L)t,
Of marin^ rngln"r* for $47.00-0. Corn- I
Mandl -'r Rdwar4 ltnwf wb ftrift-
vccl#l..t�otrta!(iry.lil;di;ebur,c,fti. .
I ,I
Mand," tUo elt1l st V%Zk1.0Vr" in
I I I 1. , 1; I V.1�1 : ,,� " 14 1-, ... � " _01119RIF , , r,7 W, �Ik4.1 N 1. . ". I I �, I 7: 4 A
I . 7
1 , � "N �
. I � � R,��,I , I . . ,
� . , .. ,rw�, , , '! '01 77 , , -
,7 �i4lv,4 RR ,—UM
0 I . �, 1. 4, , 11 4 �
. � I 11 I I K, I 1 7 7 ". . �, , ; - ..
I I 'F_ , 7 � .- .
Bid Game
Now Extinct
I __..�__._�4._.,____,__,
Speaking of the brontosaxu,us, it any.
one ever did,, one might ParavllrAse -,
"I never gaw a diucsgur. ,
"I never hoped to see one."
Yet, according .tb reports a,credited
to N. c4pell, Belgian . 'explorer, a live
dinosaur, a brontosaurus, has been
found in Africa,
Now that the dim, aur Is with us,
Potentially big gp,nle enthusiasts will
be Interested iii till .
, a description of
prehistoric big game, quoted from a
communication to the U. S. National
Geographic Society by Barnum
Browne: .
th"T"47 WO x4u"' 90 to Afrlc4 for
o biggest game, but there Was 4
time In. the dim distant past when
America produced aa I Luala larger than
any now living. That was so long ago
that nothing remaius of these orea.
tureS except their bones, and the)r
are turned to Stone. ,
"The anjimal: Are dinosaurs! for
1%3*k don,
I'vzo e'tumt,o'y vault Al!
vaWa, t
d nay,err.
9 02 0 Iqu ulxio,�&n,tuor 05A n C1 lot ,
I Is ou raul; (I Von %;
I wororoAselmylvial
, ,
We are so gortain of to,
JUlt We Wil send YOU 4
too 06111ple Of these 040.
aliles co%=nt that YOtX
W, 5 t a all We, h
.011IM1011, �qts to T '"
�Potona, 142 tug 1$t.0#__..
Sold bY reliable drugv to
eVerywherofore;,04A ox, 03
-��M � �_� _ttt-_,!!"_n=!==
— -,
that Could be dropped down like
obutter over each eye, thus campletin,
its Protection from kisects and tol
midable toes,"
- - ____ I I ". 6 !, -
=_ � ��
the'moment we will -c I them liziCrW
I '
the auction room at ,the time of the
-not the Creeping, crawling kin '
huge i, kind, tui
rePHIOS, th;lt stalked
sale, A prominentl3rit
, Loh Shipbuilder
has already telegraphed to, this firm
through the jungles, rivaling In size
_ I
Aa offer to 'buy ;back -the hulk at 4
the rhinocer-a. and
1 90 4 4 6 4 4 9 6 4 6 6
Drofit in order to ,present her to -the
PrItIoll nation, Let us all hope that
"The place Is Alberta, Canada, an d
the time
F reall young par6nips dug'from thi
ground tn early spring are a
'Spanish courtesy Will avail -to make
thlo outcome possible.
Of. their exist,4ce 8,000,0
years a 00
Satiliftotory dish. They should b;
9 goo,
The Song the Nother Sing.g.
I th;S0 maralies of prehistoric
times dwelt a host of reptiles, S',,t10
00raPed and cooked only three-quar
ten -of an hour. Old parsnips, how.
everi must, ,be
0 sweet untb my heart Is the song my
peeled and cooked Ai
bolir and a quarter. When either all
inother sings
As eventide in brooding on its dark
�V)We(4*\VJ0\-/4P . Wq,
or Young� are tender,drain them and
If they are to -be creamed, lay'theu
and noiseless wings,
A Dysinsepsia
On a heated dish with the heads at
Uvery note Is charged with mem cry*
q 0
a Care I
One 'Way, and covervith a
� good creau
m bright with rays
Of the golden hours of promise in the
M.D. a4visess "Persons who
To MARe parsnip frItt L eng, boll tlu
lap of childhood days. .
auffer from severe indigestioft % 1.
0 0
veget%ble until tender, drain and proo
them though Add.
The orchard blooms anew, and eaelA
and constipation can cure thera4
* selves by taking fifteca
a colander. on(
tablespoonful of flour and one egi
scents the way,
A eath of eye
I to
tKrty drop& of Extract of Roots
to every four good-sized parsAlps
Brown in a trying s
among the now -mown hay,
While through, the halls of raemory
after each ineal and. at be dtimes
Thwremedy is lmo as Nolh�r
then turn and brown on the other
S Orve with spiced or roast beef.
In happy notes there rings
song my mother sings,
Seigel's Curafte Syrup in the drug 0
trade." Got the 00
Two cupfuls white cornmeal, onc
It's a song of, love and triumph, It's a
genuine. Soc.
nnd $1.00 llottlei* . 11
level tablespoonful sugar, three table.
song of toil and care,
It is filled with chords of pathos, and
I s
a 606 Go A . .
oboonfuls milk. two- tablespoonfulf
melted shortening, one level teaspoon.
fill salt, two eggs, .
it's set In notes of prayer,
It is bright with dreams and vision.,
''.. __ --------- ��l
large, some small,
Ad�catt the megi with W -ling water,
d a sugar, milk, Shortening and
of the days that are to be,
And as strong in faith's devotion. as
and of various
forms, flesli-eaters and h.erb-eaters,
but all s:iarl ng certain
salt; then the yolks of the eggs beaten
very light. Fold in the white beatep
th e heartbeat of the sea;
'It is lined in mystic measure to sweet
Common and known as dinosaurs.
v stiff. Half fill well-greasod muf-
fin Pans and bake In a, hot oven untill
voices form above,
,Not any were closely related to any,
living reptile, Yet they had Some
nicely browned. -
And Is starred with brlgl�tcst bles,,ing
through a mother's sacred lovo,
.a common to the lizards,
800701-1 $11ORT ARRAD.
0 sweet and strong and tender are
the memories that it brings
crocodiles and birds, I
'Of the kinds characteristic of the
CrOam thoroughly together 0110
cupful ,of butter and two cupfuls of
As I -list in Joy and arpture to the
perlod, Cne species, an herb.eater
named Trachodon, Was more than 80
sugar, add oil teaspoonful of vanilla
and one well-Veaten egg. Work into
song my mother sings.
feet long Wild aboW, 15 feet high
this sufficient Pastry flour to make a
I I -Thomas O'llagan.
When standtig erect, Its ',.end, with
soft dough. Roll out ball an inch
I T *.I- — I
A Purely Vegetable Pilli--Tlia chief
broadly expanded mouth, resembles
that of a duck, but Lack of tile beak
thick, out Into squarce, lay on l,reasell
. pans. prick with a fork and bate pale
Ingredients of P�Lrmelee's Vegetable
Pills -are mandrake 'and ,dandelion, se-
there are in -a than 2,000 small teeth,
disposed In many vertical
brown in a moderate oven
dative and purgative, but perfectly
rows, each
cO*atOJning several indlvldual teeth, the
barmle.-A In thdir aetion. They
cleanse and purify and have a most
new ones coming up from below as
Cut a fowl in pieces, roll in flour
and 'brown tn lard; veal the Game
healthful effect upon the secretions of
the old Ones wore out.
" "The long hind legs terminated tn
weight as the chicken -treated In the
the digestive Organs. The dyt.peptic
end all Who Bi-iffer Irani liver and
three large hoofed toes, and the
game way may be used. A good soup
bone Is an addition In eittler
kidney ailments wKI End Ili thoso.pills
shorter slender front feet were partly
webbed. 'A long, thin,
Put in two slices of ham, boiled, or a
the -,most effective medicine in colleen-
trated form that has yet been offered
slender tall
acted as % powerful Swimming organ,
ham bone atripiled of the meat, one
tablespoonful of chopped parsley and
to the Suffering.- . - � �
and the body,was covered With rough
tubercul4te skill, Having
OUe,of chopped thyme, two bay leaves,
.. .
His View of Home.
no means
of defence, it lived Chiefly in the wh,t-
sprig or a few leaves of tarragon*
put all In three quarts of water and
er, where it was free from. attacks of
boll until the, Wilat is dropping to
Little J)hnny went W'th his motbcr
the flesh -eaters. .
Pieces, Slice One large onion and
to stay with an aunt Ill the country,
"Along the shares lived Ornithomi.
brown it; add to It two heaping quarts
and his mot ther was very worried as
nine, bird m1mic, as the name implies,
of sliced okra and one cut-up Pod of
to ho* he would behave. But to her
Ono of the most remarkeble of the
red pepper, stir all thorougklY on the
surprise he was ligelic duripg �ae
dinosaurs, A Skeleton found in 1918
fire till the okra is wilted, remove
Whole vls!t-always did as he -was told,
shows it to have been a toothless
�the larger ,bones from the broth and
and never mistehavod. As soon as he
creature, the Jaws sheathed like the
add the okra about three-7quartere of
gothome, however,he was his natur-
beak 'of a bird.
ail hour 'before tierving. A,bout half
at self again. "011, Jimmy," she sa;d,.
, "The bones Were light and pneu_
an hour before serving add a can -of
"You were so good while you Were
matic like those of birds, but the
tomatoes, more or Jesse to taste, or an
away, why do you start behaving bad-
skeleton closely resembles that of the
equal quantity Of fresh to
ly now?" "Whnrs home for?" asked
flesh -eating dinosaurs, It was about
Up, and a pint of .shrimps, after being
Jimmy In pained surprise.
12 feet In length, with long, slender
boiled or pickled, or a like quantity
. I -1 !40 -
hind legs and shorter front legs, This
was an agile creature, different from
of large oysters; salt to taste. The
whole; when done, ahould be of the'
Poorpays-Vve brought that last
the typical flesh -eaters 'In feeding
habits and do-ibtless living
a short-
cOnOlstencY of a thin mush, and
should be ropey. Rice to be eaten
pair ,'of trousers to be rp,seated. YOU
know I sit a lot,
type that may have fed on crusta�
with It should be -boiled until well
done and very dry� so that the grains
Tailor -Yes, and perhaps you've
"On land there Were hoofed quad-
fall -apart. Serve two or three table -
brought the -bill 0 be recelpted, too-
rupedal herbivorous kinds, some, like
SPOOu:fulS Of rice In each soup Plate
of the .
Ylou know I've stood a lot. I
Monoclonfus, having all immense skull,
It Will Prevent Ulcerated Throat -
At the first 6-f
six feet In length, v-Ith three horns,
a short one over each eye and a long,
. Thinks Swearing All Right
symtptoms sore throat,
whiph,presages ulceration and infliam-
er one above the nose. The Jaws term-
, Poov-1ding the provocation equals
'mation, take a apoonful of Dr. Thom-
inated in a sharp clipping rbeak, like
the offence of Jones Stepping on
as, V electric 011. M , little ail-
gar to it to make it palatable, It will
that Of d turtle, and further back in
the mouth there were rows of.double-
Smith's carri.s, Far better to Use
Putman's Corn 4 xtractor-it does
p1lay the Irritation and prevent the
ulceration and awaiting flipt, are so
rooted teeth. The back of the skull
was developed Into a broad shield,
cure'corns and,warts in onia day with -
out pain. Try "Putnam's," free
painful. Those Who were p6rlodl-
with scalloped border, extending over
from ,acids, and painless, price 25c,
cally subject to quilisy have thus
the neck. It wag aft.lancestral to the
at all'deitlers.
made themselves Immune to attack.
later TrIeeratops.
. - I .
I - ------- 10_0�0_
The Husbaad in .Ohfarge,
"Strangest of all Was the herbivor-
Ong AilkyloEaurus, a Stocky, short -leg.
, ,
Wife-"Consiftr..ig how long I,vq
ged, big -bodied creature, completely
been away, I'think you might havt
oneased tn armor.' Derman plates cov-
How to Make UtiqUe Trip Roulld
made some prepart-tf9lis to receivo
me." Ilusband'You do me injustice
ered the skull, followed by rings of
plate over the neck &,nd rows of flat
the World.
my dear. I hw;c had the library anil
plates over the back ind hips. Its tail
terminated In huge
NOW that the Atlantic has boon
Parlor thcroughly cleaned ,.v
Servant (InterruPtfng)----PrIe
a club, and the
belly was covered by a pliable niogale
crossed and there are plans afoot to I
fly over the Pacific, the day may
man has come for theni empty bat- I
of small, close -set PI.Aes. It was fur-
be far distant when some aerial
l Q,31" C
ther protected by a movable plate
Magellan will malto an airplane
around the World, I
There are still many Carriers of the
.. .
world where airplane, automobile
,and even the horse would be curiost.
. . I
� IM
Cord or
ties' And If a mall set ()lit to tour
the globe aqd "do the
T- -
e�:� ...
�4 k
aa Romans
do" in respect to adopting native
conveyances he
;! I a t ,-�z i -I
would have to-
Resort to a donkey in Spanish Arn-
c.rIca and In the Holy Laid,
�Cllmb aboard a camel to traverse
Q ,:,'
Q, i!,q
� .-
African deserts,, I
Cross 801110 TIVOts of India on the
"A Well
ShOd hOrse fra is
Inflated skins of bullocks and others
Am 1-1111!i!
aurest and t-arthest"' ,
by a bridge of one rawhido rope;
Submit to the sea -going motion Ot
W 1.
the elephant when lie continued Ills
10a .r.
; V
erHW'cat iquipped WMa Part.
Journey on land; I
Is R!
. ridgeTiteS rUns altnost free
Got Into a mall -borne palanquin at
,I Ji
from the delays and inconven,-
Calcutta, I I
. F11
caused by tire trotibles.
301t over far eastern roads In a
a if
I M �, 1
'd9d Tireg 11ave so unques-
nonshook-absorbing cart drawn by
oxen. .
t -i : ii.X
. �'.l
. .
. r dopenct-
And in China he prpparelf to climb
I . �
- RU� . 'J, ability
and eeonomy that
a a sedan chair or a
. ��k'%;!! I
they are to -day recognili-
wheelbarrow. ,
" 'I, , Am I
ed as "the most sarvlce
A few of th0e curious molins Of
ravel are described In a communica- -
0 4 , . ,;
for your money" tim.
by 0. 11. Austin as follows: .
*3 r 1
OIn 0,11 parts of that great line of �
, 1.11, , 0 deserts,
stretching frora North Africa,
. -, � the
Camel Is everywhere in evidence"
1 - _ L
, I .. ''.''.. I .. I-
, I- ___ .
total number In the world boing
__ .- - ___ - 11 .. -
at about three, millioni.
V=NkhL wffi'�=
"Not only Is the Camel a ,valuable
earrior, but he serves as the ,
ear of the Rockefellers, .
Cameglea, the ljorgans, nod the ,'
of the desert, When he to I
for this move protentious Str.
it light frame work Is ,placed �
,his back and Covered with ,
to acrorl, the oeouptnts from
son and the observation of the i
cIS 7*116381P N40MO
and decorated with pompons I
. _ _. I
.. 11 - - - - - 16c7/??e_
� ,,of
varied colors. In this torov"
_ - _-__--____-1 I
11- _ "" � L L. "I'll, I'll 11-
I __.---.
VhIch may bo liot I*,
I -
A, I - 7 '50,5V-7 777�-TX 1 ","I � I � A- I, ,l _ I 7 I TT � -!, �
t, � 11 V! �111_ T, 7 — - I �, � 7F ,I - L ,
� , , � , ,"'M " . I I : - .�
� i . 1. " , ,rr�� � �. 44, '.1
, , , _�
. , �,
� . . . 11 I I
11 0 0 .J � 1. , �2 �
11 .
Iaptly tamed ths 'Falaes ear of W
dsaert,l the m;wtor of the 84001 train
'Vl"65 hit wife 044 Widronn, his
C1101,004t risrellaudise, his cookluX
ut0s"lls, and dally requ.1renumts, and
trAVIDIS tn state, the Observed, of All
ObIsrVIrs, the envy of the Wandering
native of the des"t.
"On the Euphrates, and the Tigris
Are still retained the curious water
transports Ot centuries 400 - the
-rAft of skins
I And the circular boats.
These rafts Are suptsined by inflated
.Skins, prepared for this especial pur.
l Pose, and after the raft" floats down
I the river to, Ito destination the In.
flat0d Skins are removed, the air per�
Mitted to esc&.kre, and the Skins care
I fully folded and carried back to tb;
upper waters, where, they are again
� inflated and Used 48 the support of
'Another, and still another raft,
,'Zvou more curious, to tile eye$
_V 4 � ,
he travoile s
" the world, are thQ circular boats,
t made of wickerwork and covered with
, liking, or made watertight with pitch,
I which are still tn dally I we on the
Tigris and Euphrates rivers,
. "The three Principal methods of
p . transportation o,t people in Central
P and Southern China are the sedan
, Chair,, the 3111rildsha and the wheel-
�� barrow,
I "Probably .more freight and more
.. 1) ssengers are transported in China
I by the wheelbarrow than by any other
� larld method. The wheelb
. arrow
1. there used differs from that used by
us, In the fact that the wheel is Set
I In the Centre, and thus au.N.)orts
' '
I practically the entire load, while the
I handles are supported in Part by a
I strap or rope over the shoulders of
I the man, who operates it,Aa a result,
I the wheelbarrow coolie Irk China.
I will transport early half a. ton oa his
I Vehicle,"
I .11, loop ; 11.1
. Made Her feel like
�, A Different Person
I �
She had kidney troubles and her feet
sWelled. but she states she found
. the relief she looked for In Dodd's
. �
� Kidney Pills.
Arden, Ont., April lith,—(Speciall)
I '—"Dodd's Kidney Pills made me feel
like a now person." That Is the
statement of Mrs. Miles Wood a well-
known and highly reapected 'resident
of this place,
t'i was troubled with my kidneys,"
MTs. Wood continues, "and my feet
swelled. I tried Dodd's Kidney Pills
with the result that tile Gwellilig" Is
nearly all gone, and I feel better Ili
every way,
"To any person who Is bothered
with kidney trouble or with their foot
and legs swelling. I would say 'use
Dodd's K!dney Pills." .
. 'The womea of Canada have Came to
look od Dodd's Kidney Pills as a
standard remedy far their kidney Ills.
They act directly on the kidneys.
They ar6 purely and simply akidnev
rem0dY, By putting the kidneys In
good cond!tlon to strain all the I=-
purltle�j all the seede of disease, out
Of the blood they carry good health
to every Dart of the -body. Ask your
. neighbors 'it Dodd's idney Pile
not hell,
p all kidney ills.
l'Ateat being so high, 'although the
-.-Prices have dropped a little, It is wise
to try all the other tasty dishes pos-
sible. Next,time you experiment let
it 6e with "Italian cheese polonta,".
It is simply when you make mush,
� season it highly with salt and paprika,
when the mush Is about ready to
leave the fire for each quart add one
u clieese; allow
all to cook for twQ'ininutes longer, re-
move fi,om fire, put in a deep mush
Pan, or one pound baking powders to
harden, next day fr� it in the regu-
lar way, serve hot with a good to-
mato eauce, to which has been added,
a little more grated cheese.
_ . *__
. AFos to Asthma. Give Asthma
half a chance and ,it gains ground
rapidly. But give it repeated treat-
ments af Dr. 3. D. Kellages Ast-lima,
. Remedy and It will fall back even I".
ter. There is no half way measures
about this remedy. It go" right to
work and drives asthina out. , By
reaches tile inmost breathing pas-
sages and leaves no ,Place for the
trouble to lurk, 11ave It by you tor
ready use., - - - .
I I - - "' -
Arctic Night.
Viewed solely, as a matter of optics
tho Arctic night Is as dark as any
night. Explorers in high1atitudes .9,y
however, that there ate many allovia"
tions of the obsecurity. The s,ars
flash keenly, the moon comes alolig
in a regular succession of phasas, the
snow surface relieves the gloom under
conditions of the utmost abseylej3 of
light, and the aurora borealis 13 the
finest kind of lituminant. Explorers
all agree that their mien pass the
winter night without much diViculty
It only there are means of aulunralInt,
— - -1 I � 1.
with so liimrougn li preparation at
hand as Mliler'8-Worm Powders the
Mother Who allows her children- to
suffer from the ravages of worms Is
unwise and culpably careless. A
,child subjected to the attacks Of
WOMS is always Unhealthy and.wIll
be stunted in it's growth, It Is a ,
merciful act to rid it of these destruc-
tive Parasites, especially When At
can be done withatit difficulty.
*.4r Dogs of War.
Oh July 29, 1839, General Zachary
Taylor, afte"Ward president of the
United States, requested the Govern.
Ment to furnish him with bloodhounds
to be U80 tn hunting tile Seminole
Indiana of FloAda. lie was furnish.
ed with the, dot.. .
The ease ';516 " 'WR�lx corog and
Warts can be removed by Holloway's
Coro iCuro Is Its , atrongest recom.
m6ndation. It Seldom falls. .
. I 0*0
Apstage Marriage Apnoies, ,
Alarriage agencies -are now limited
to 96 Poson fee on each match instdo.
3fte Veal) tot an Introduction, five for
t hunt for a life partner and the teat
,or actually binding two together are I 1
,he legal prices.
� _,� ,'V , � . , , , z , ,
- .------------ - I --- — , I + Qh&. 61i�, "';
41.--#04,-#-#*#-#-#-+�#-+##4�"t.o�o. , � , 1.1y,
0 1 . 'I, � I .
, .1 -11
' Curt k , , 1 4�,;"� 1 �
'. ;'A
,#*Bad Breath I , .tl' I � ".
I I V141 " ,
a Jowsw jilt � , 1 1�4��
� 11 �
. !
I � H , I 0 .-.,. � Inaft, ��.A
CA '"" ARR , - ,t, ,,� ,-
. mlwvmvp"�" . : ': 1
91 ,,� 1.
! # 0, 0 4 0 4 4-+++++++++ . It anybOy stUould ask jou wwoh � e , "I. ,
Canadians mutter more from Catarrh, , Animal. you 04s.1d4r, ku tjiq M* , 4'
I :
194 any other disease. On this W a, rlosity, your first Imp.14140 wou"14 . 11 I
' I I
,OuAt Catarrh Is dangerous end should � be to say the monkey,, &n4 at 00, , ,
)e ellooked at the outset, M.44 :;..:
it really Is, but there are "-4y - . .�
It Isn't necessary to take internal .., 'W ...'!
Uedfolue to cure Catatrb, Thers, 10 % � al -d dOM09t.-C AWMAIA 114VIOW NT' . I
'Ar better method. I I
cePtional 40yelormeat of their 44d. A
. �
Doctors now treat Catarrh by Send- 031ty 01114118. , ��
00 a purifying, healing vapor . Vviv Awitance, the,,$ to tile Tw, I
. through - , 0040
-he breathing organs. lit, this way '"All hu a "nose Lir uewsr* kata
,he germs of Catarrh are destroyed. ivou4d go crWit to any alunh. NoAh-
The only oucaesstul vapor treatment In-; enapea its L-Mehing ey'.0, 4044
5 CATARRHOZONE. which the ,)ail ur lianaituo toot v,hich it taxes.,do.
nit breathes through a special inhale; lialit in poking late evorything. .flo�
0 the real , seat of the troublo. The 'Ur;, Dy UA.ula K ulgat'rovins aulmal"
Itch, phley essences, at Catarrhozo U10 vacoou has 4 41shlY deftova,4,
, �
teat and soothe All intiamed s lie qLuea of small that 00AW00 it to lot- �
"hey effectively treat the nose urra0es, rot out anything you tany bappen to
I � I tthroAt have In Your I)Qoltets, and thouS4 it .
6'ad lungs with a powerful antiseptic may have no x4a nos for the article �
bat destroys Irritation at once. - it upeedily utlllw� it as A toy. Tb*
Catarrhozone brings into tile sys- racoon, is V
. 'cry 16ull 6f C,Xgg, an �to :
- it �
em; the balmy Air of the; pine forest. I See - ffl;� quizzle4l 2, - look ,On its tom �
t cures Immediately colds, coughs, when a China egg Is substituted for I
%tarrh,,wealt throat and bronehltls� the real thing id, quite amusing. How -
Once tried, Catarrhozone Is always ever, It is a verstate;:Wbrute $Ad Will -
ised. Nothing so pledsant, go Sim- t y with he talo ogg"for ail 'allsfin-4 .
,to* so quick to relieve, so -absolutely at� time to SAO I s0r its curiosity.
ure to Permanently cure, Accept no Squirrels al�o- have much curiosity,
ubstit'ItO. Large size lasts I two Thi;3 Is easily Qidwu by the readirk%'a
2anths, and costs..$I;, sin,all size 50c; of those In the"parle to lnvestigAt�
ample trial size 26 cents; at 0,11 deal- anything you may Itold in your hand. .
rfl. . Many Of them Will TfXTWaC,k Your pObk- � .1
, . . :
4 . _0 ets and even -ioarch Aown the 404t I I
0�0# " HOOOP101 __ ---- collar to satisfy.11f�Ir' curious nature, :
' while Some are even venturesOme I
� enough to examine the contents of .
� For the I,"* .
. KiddieS sackF thrown 'Into Op refuse 60
I . � 1. . probably In file, ,hoDe -that 4 go;i,
4-#,+*# 0 # 0-++++++++* # * #.o-+-+.-,* Deanut, has been left in It. 4 ..
Once upon a time there ,was a large It Ili the curi6slt# of the goat thjt� , �
. . I
ad beautiful lion -who lived In a olro leads it to do many of Its Stunts; 84oll 1. I .
us; but, though he wag so large And as eating newspapers and QtIlOr eqpalr, . ..., A
. - i
D beautiful, he was bored, life keep. ly redtoulous things. ,Some goologisfis - . .1 I . I i
rused to talk to him and try to ccax cm al has, �more'.I:c* . I . �.:
. I
lin to take an interest in thIngs,.but rioallty 10hran, any, except POSSIbly,we I ..
I .
he lion would not take any trouble mon cey poodle,. and for that re4son - � J i
) rouse himself, and his would-be it Is very diffigult. to drlve� goats In.,
talner found -that i I Rothing could In- a herd, They.. persist In breaXing . ,-'A
. .
uce him to learn any tricks, ranks, and If'uot noticed will ciiffnty�. I ..
One day, though, when the keeper Walk into any hippse' along the r4�ad,' _�,
ream. through 411 the rooms, even 'go- - �,,,4
Pent to take him big food as usual, I.,
e never noticed that'his little puppy Ing up, to the second or',third. Storey I... I
to examine the different thingstUt �'
,as close at his heels. And when he cxcite, their curiosity, . '.
ut the lion's dinner down, the puppy Artists who !live sketched Ouf;:JXx:,.
ashed Into the cage, trotted str6Xght tho open have had great opportu'dity, .1. I
P to the lion, and proceded to eat to observe the curiosity of cows. After - �
Is dinner. The keeper supposed the he gets his caiel and canvas set -'the' I . li
on 'would probably think it extruor' tows continue �grazfng as bkorie,,�but` , '�-.'�..4
Inarily impertinent of the puppy, as &Tadutlly draw .nearer and nearer t'he , � :
Ir. Lion was used ,to being- treeted strange objects they want to inveptign. . .
Ith the greatest deference, owing to ate, Probably . the artist bec6hos �
Is, dignified position as king Of much: interestod In his work and do4s: .
Bast$; but not a bit of it; he seemed not notice that the cows have Moh 1,
Blighted, and began "to sit up and form.ed' 9, circle around him, ,streteh," I
tko notice" for the first time! , In ling out their necks in the eftort,`4`6 'I
Let, he even v:ent ,_i far as to push s-,)lve the myst0k. Theymay be dri-,-'
bone toward the puppy, tal,.Lng care on away, bu,t'fiom time -to thue they ,
y do so gently With his laige paw. return, and rcpeat the 'same man -
The puppy, or�' the other hand, was oouvre, Comic artists, have-tak%.,tblit
Ate unaware that this was an un. fact and treated it in various humoi�..
5ual piece of condescei slon on . the ous ways, yet it is haviertheless IiAto '
on's Part, as, of course, being very true, as many landscape pafntor�, -,�catl
3ung, Indeed, he had never el 6a testily. Other ,live ,stock -Is'subjellt '
,ard of kings; and !. certainly would to the .same element , at curlositt I .1
aver have occurred to him that they though horses usually vent thelr6 1.4, � :. I.. % .
, .
I .
iould be treated with more respect running wildly About the field, ;'Oe;, - . � .. , �
kan anyone Ose. So, When he had i CVLSS.J�Ually they Will approach the :� :. I � � '
nished, the punpy, feeling thoroughly ,Painter, and "ilien, with a quick wh0fe'.. I.' ', .
. home, proceeded to Tialk all round' I they are off for another ruli, kidkin1j.-I - : . ,
i � 0 cage, s,..Iffing evory' to f3ee, ' their heels high in the air, 11 , �'. . I
.." .
ght be. The Curiosity of . the dog -to I I
liat sort of a house this mig Pro-* - .
In the mledle Of his tour of Inspec- I "Ounced it observed for a few minuteh � i
on, he suddenly -discovered that the ; It is quick to notice a s'range'dog O'r
:)n Was lying down. Th! Was alto- I person and the value ,of "the wstcl�;, I
.ther too much for the puppy, he dog Comes from the fact that it Wkqtb ,
--4.1- A-U -A -4- I— --A ----- I tn invanfl&-ifp Avp.ry ,nhiqA. At iq VOiW' ' �
- -
�io_� ___dieWt�� _t __'�ITT __ --^' I meets a b0etie'- At first he 90'ems
g art 0 . with his .
beautiful mane. It certainly Was & I to be a little afraid of the tiny cre�
Wonderful fascinating r-sa,, long and ture, but finally he can*t resist"arly
shaggy, and the pu�py evidently longer, so he. pluA, ,
. S up enough 'Quit, �
thought he had never found any toy age to touch it . with Th" ,
quite so delightful. I realkIng that it has, not huit.hiii W�
Then finally, after some time*, he I smells it and rolls. It over and roy4r_
scrambled down agalt, cmuggled him With his rt�se, Then after � lia. h4a
" 1 satisfied his Curiosity h6 walks awa'.
self up agmainst his :.ew playin,te, , . r ,
. '.
curled himself into a fluffy little , and leaves the beetle to go � its W%Y It �,
-P- of COMMIRS10*4
, he has not ut Wont
round ball, and ,went to sleep. The ; I 11V f.7 - �
keeper whistled and Whistled and tried ! with the strenuousness of the I I e* ' �
tigation. . I _..., I I
his hardest to make the puppy come, i Another equally humorous havpelr-i-_,
but It was no gord; he took not the ' Ing is. to got a dog to chase soap -.bul�+ - .
slightest 'notice, but J-ust *,ent on going bles. Ile will be highli interested It . �
to sleep. And the lion lay quite still, one is placed on the, floor, and If tf�4�.. ..
as though afraid to stir in case he *
should disturb his little friend. So, i breeve force.j move..hO WIR'.1of'' % .
1 low It, keeping a respectful distanap, 11
after that, the two. lived together in however, at first. After several.-ba,b- 11 I
the lion's cage, I bles are blown he -will graduallj,Ar�� ,� 11
the trainer gave up trying to teach i ,loser and very ioon will touch till; ' .
the lion tricks, as !.e found people , -^
, nose to one at them. Thert. I's .yrh6h ` I
I I..
muf,h preferred to see this most .ridl- a genuine look of aston1shment'C9.m% I I .
culously matched Couple playing to- I avor ills face, as tile. bubble vandshe"p." . I I
gether; or, When their dinner was I and perhaps 'he geU a tiny �bit� 61-- .
brought, everyone found It much more ' soap In his eye, 11'hc dog. gives qmpl� � -
, entertaining to watch the lion being ev.,aellce of 'Ills Perplexity wheweid,
'ina,de, to wait till the little dog- was. lie s -es anything,that exeitea higicue- I I
sE.tlafied. Then, when he was quite iosity, for 'who at us haa'.bWseQW' .
1 finished, he generotisly gave the l(foll i them pucker up their forefteadi. Anil, '.
permission to have his. _� state in a quizzinlai manner at s4me'! ,; I
once some people told the keeper Lhing they had not seen betore? �., I � I I 11
hght It watn't kind to the-, Little boys of the, Orient often-,caV -
little dog to let him liv � with the lion.: tuve lizards by catering, to thell?,-Cuk4, �
They thought he ought to go about! IOSAY, 'VV11011 one of them sples."a , I
the world and live out of doors like, lizai d- that haz scurried -Into a orovide - r !
other little dogs. '-owever, when the 110 WaIEC3 a mipknot of Colored S44)v : .
keeper tried it, is found it dldn't� and holds It before the hole. After;* � . �
answer at at:, as neither of them was time he 1z re,warded by acclug thi��,twyy .11
, .
I � �
happy-, and as for .%e lion, he was creature comlng,�Otlt to examind 40 , �
so lonely tba,t he wouldn't eat 4ny�- curions thing before Its (Ion and later.-- .
. I i ' ' .
thing. lie seemed so miserable that It actually Puts it8 head nta,thei.nopsa,
they quickly brought his little play.' which Is quickly drawn tagothor ,P�y .
mate back to him; So after that the bie watchful boy., . i . ; � - I I , .
two friends ,were left in peacei as rish and frog3 are equally curlous'',' I ,
happy as the day was long and a to.examine the mttny bright lures that'. ,
pleasure to every one who saw them. tht f1shormon know will attraitthtt,��
t , oi* . atetiltion. In frog, huntin v all that Is, .
nonlisary it a gig composed of sovorol- -
$100 REWARD, $100 gether still. Coverep, I -
I -11 c-11 bit of red flannel wheli- . ''I
� " 1 . . .11
I th,1 frog sees this bit of bright 1et I
it leaps for It and often hooks, -Itself'. . �
at the first atttilipt. Trout, ifitiodliA,-
lange and otlier game ffsh will ,oft�lh .
leap c'ertr of tl�o wator to grab �4
e3l�ec�ally brilliant lure. ,:- -,
it may be Said that every kind 61
bird Is brininiffiP, 0 -ter With curiibrlt'� �� , I
, huftterl of every land has U14ppo
th4m by inducing them, to ap roao.,,,
ind L,ivim.t1gatt unfamillar ol=cts,
Vrow,i and Parrots posses this curlo�i,
44 In extreme dovrte ,and If alh4-�
I .
Guo4ed.Xatural Resources, tiling is held no&rL their ettgoft,� iii4i �
are quid"t. to Come over and 04iiii."., -
"The Indiana ,)f Kentucky," Says Dr. I O', I,'
it from ,every angle. .. . �:.'.�
Mirk WISBIP4 "Were bi the h, -,IQ ,if 0 _W_0____-_ . .Z.,
burning off forest areas regularly so , ' �,.'
a to provide Pasturage for the but. Whon Tobwao Wu Taboo. V I
lalo, thus ontlein, h;nl to romain :11 � �, iv
� e country." Again, thc Indian$ it.,. :
Ing In the regions *hero, wild rleo he Afaasaehuae�tg gonor"T .
grow$, Were 0.-erved to talko certain court orderg.1, a writer comment ;
precautions to protect the rloo beds,, "that no -nail aliall take any toba 11 I
wen to facilitating their growth.10 # within 20 poles of ahv hottze at k I
..'' I .. . *440— near as way lendanger the sam,L)k �*, I
Par years Mother Grav,68, NV,oTm 1170S an act was Pasted fotbieding tiv*.
carrying of fire through the A"eta '
MitermInator has ranked as the most extept fix a covered ve"el, min I dkilifi, .! ,
afe,otive preparation iliftnuftotured, or Jurving In on,�,- Do"Oslon "so I
lad It always Maintains RA rtlputa- light('a ��
'1011, pipe or seser" In. the. str"
, . 1. I 4 4 I$- __ rr on the whaives. The ponnIty , . .4.
"L-.1% U. If the ,^ffcn&,r was In a
qwwlivo X0018 rrOM it N%'DO, walk, tho penalty Was Trm �Av ,�;
11 "
This prohibitla.. of In$ .. I
When mothe got into a Piano the ,$100. wo .. "
lest meo," of ejep ,:;. ,I,
,ting them is t# � not repealed until IM. .
6 -- . �,�
n4ke up a mixturt a," turpentine, ben. I Out of bisr`gta*t�e'� of 41217021 1 �, I . ; �
ollne and oil of lavender, and rqUIrt
his Innide the Instrument with a Thollifiq Valuditart Moody, of Xow4fti I I .. _.� I
cent spray. Vas -even p1trts of bell- tIc-mi-Tyne, lipiluea0,d a now suit A* , " ,'.,
Olin* to Ono of turpontino; add a fW a new dr6 ,,, lo rn,h of hfi4 ew1vwTq4 I ,
. ",
�rolp of lg"nd,u to "ch OUA00. .. and 4:10,030 to NeWeAst:0 cha,tiuom, . , "I 1.
I .
- . .1 ..... V� ,�S:71 �1, .. . "I _., f , I ) I �11 - I I I - I 1 I. I I "I - -I 1* !.-, �"",�
I I . . . . . . . . . . , , , , f 11 I , ,
, , ,
, , , ,
I , , , I 11 " . I I I I . ,
I .11
- - 11 � � ����� ,� �� .. I , '. " .
IA24; 1, , �,,� , � ,0. $ ..... . . . . . ,� � ) �j,:, I I -
. I ��� I .- I I .11AU 1.&4bL_111A&.* `u '. IMENEMNkt-A