HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-04-08, Page 7..4we"N
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64me time tile new administr4ion will 1.111- ---,- �, _ __1 - - - . "_;Plm=� ___ , I 111411P11141"..11" . .W""111`10 I 111:1 M:I�ql:11�:'Il ,
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be empowered to obtain greater offiol- �) . '--- , " ", Z;=! ;;
WILSON FIRM Erocy for t%o police service in Irola.d." . I SHORT ITEMS golo% �i "
roll 29.- William COS- . , I ERTRIC HEAT IN
gravo, 81111a Fein, member of Parlia, ,
T0. f0finl'VE TURK "u"in, "'a ` - FOR RIGHT TO RULE RUHR OF THE NEWS
meut for IVIkonay, alld chairman of
. ,EU the Fluance Cown , littee of the Dublin I IN VENEZUELA WILDS I I � W I
afs been deported' Ile 41W ___
F110M, was arrested at his bQ
, ROPE , corporation, lit . 140 in Dublin, I ....... �_____
. last Thursda . four persons Vxploratigns into' I But nee Stands ]F* ,!,at the Berlin Government bad order. : OF THE DAY I
'arrested in '.APp`erU411r1y1111to_ . 21 hitherto Un- distant." We4thor was go, cold that Jrra 4M . I _"
Sinn Feln member of Parliament, .V, 'O 4 the troop' not tO 0011t'Muo their � �
CIRY was tile known forests In Velle tiola by Theo- 'It night the explorer was forced to Against Advance of March forward, and saitl they would __ ln4ufjtr.v MU.'t have Its beat aswell
dore Do, Dooy, 6
J. Maloney. gra , -9 the American Goo- 1460 two blankets. Describing the set- ;
IA Reply to Allies' Invita- The almost daily talc of outrages In PhIO41 80000r, and the Museum 'Jements of tile MaNas, he ,say$: I be malutaineil ,it tile same pla(* thoy as its ppwer, tllere are, very few line
. Of the University of 0 Troops. are now If the French authorized it. . Premier Borden at Ashe. 'a
tion That U. S. Partici- Irelax1i to -day Includes the murder cl Penn YIVAUtu, I "NO two hu*e are found In close Later X UlIlerand sent a note to 01 human Qr.deavor where heat, Ill. ojlo
have brought to thO * knowledge Of OrOXMItY. Ili fact, these lilataue,ap. . tile Ville, X,0., for 0, Month
Thomas Dwyer in Ills own home at -----�,� , - . I f
othriologists '. Germ,au Charge d'Affaires request � Nrux
atd in Parleys, T4urles, Tipperary. The killing was a race of dwarf Indiana 1pear bo takepleasure In livilig as e, Varls Cable: 0 'Or another, Is not necessary be.
p _ a,, 10r, you ff-voyer, the Ing the Government to withdraw the Rest, fore the product Is finished. The wood,
. - oarrlf.�l out bY a baud of meaked raeu that live in an. eternai tog, far moro Iremoved from each other as poEsiblo, German Charget d'Affaires, . Y:slted troops. He repeated the condit.fous '"�Or]44C est,lblishmontsp for example,
under brutal circumstances, one of the imPonetrable than that of London, . I I
I wife wit;l WhI'Ch Way be flue to the eternal Premier A .usly laid d1wil concerning Ger- ------- �_
.,assassins covering, Dwyer's and whose members get drunk regu- fliglits they wage among themselves, lilleran4 again yosteraay provIO
s Commit- , and repeated his . former request for' man occupation Of the Ruhr region, y -must have heat for the glue pots, the
a rifle while the Murder wa la,rly once a month. Mr. Do Booy. Loch hut Is on a� separate hillitop, so 1411011, for the moment, is otilLullau- leather workers Must have heat for
tel upstairs. has also'located it treasure cave that A authorization for tho'eutrY of German thorized. The note does not give any RAPS LADIES
Bombs were will be of equal Interest to the a that while the entire villa?;e is withl OWNS their irons, tile steel workers must
exploded 'during the rch- 'lialling-distanca,itoten ta,kesas U011 troops Into the Ruhr region. lie Ill. time linlit for the evaCitation of tile
day In the Protestant rectory in Roologist and to, the seeker Of gold, 114 half an hour to go from one abl . _ h8vO high temperature for temper -
i's Thurles, And in the resleence of the (loop In a wilderness that odo formed the Premier that Gonle coutln. Gormark troops.
As Result of Expulsion, Poor L., - Guardian there. q 0 in. the Indians will .Penetrate.' not ev011 to another, by first do�cending one gouts Of the Relchawchr entered the STRIXE OFF, CONDITIONALLY, 'Armed Robbers Rold Up . illlg., laquering- nnet pl3anning,
. tention was to secure arm;. . slope kind then ascending the other. neutral Izone Thursday, north of tile Copenhagen, April 3.-DecisiGn .
. houses were badly damaged, but no -antations, . to ,
His Belief in the Both JU full sight of the mountain at the Their clearings and Ill Irish Train and Get Electric furnace -.,ppitcatlous are
base of whi,ch tile cave Is located tile which they grow lylicela, awpet poon 11110 WesOl-DUlmen. Dr. von .1 , call off the general strike In the entire,
I ta- layer 010 Most Important examples of the
I Oase� one suffered Personal Injury, explorer was forced to turn back be- I to e ru, a�all&nas, plantal Ruhr industrial region was reached at $15,000. , Use Of electric lic.n. for Industrial, pur-
01� refused t a'; ns and explained that tb!f; w."a done lvlthQut a plenary session Of the execultve coun. __ Poses, T40 develoPluents In such
. cause 419 - Indian guides and carriers thei;,coa .o lso far removed from authorlzuton O! tile Government, On cil of that d1st"'Ict 3'e0terday, aceord- I directione ]lave been ;very rapid -and
Washini n . o Continue their journey. I it frequently -tqkcs the ,order of Commissioner Ing to Three 110MVIlY-4rined Mobil. robbed a Promise to assilme commanding im-
0on despatch: Vigorous One Of their reasons was a lack of ,""(,.,,r.",t,l"��ho,,I,,,�,t, a day almort ,L- Severjug, a despatch received here from branch of the Bank or Nova Scotia Ia ,
expression of President 'r�,Ilson,o up- -KISSED BABIES food, but the principal objection 4walk to IlU farm, Why t:4ri i's ,;o� inider the same Misapprehension af.A Essen. It will be renaive-cl, however, it Ottawa Port4nee within a row y ,
the Berlin Government falls to fulfill � * ears. The
In!On that "the often-exprsited Intea- V apparently was 'a superstitious fear when the hill Olopes 'directly und.ar- had caused Chancellor Muellor to be- obligations entered Into with the work MauufiLctllrers of carbide of calcium,
tIO4 of the Allies that tile anomally Or Ili" Spirits of warriors burled ,in -Ntath the. Indian's abode are just a -,.j 1113ve the French Government had all-. ers, and, In particular, it It %ils t - Aircraft , will be used to a greater aluminum PhorPhorus, carbon bisul-
Of the Turks in Europe should cop,60,, )# the cave after a great battle told well adapted to agr4oultural purposes, t1lorized the Irruption 0 extent this season in forest fire pa- d
THEN SUICIDED about in their traditions. The in the Ruhr d1e., halt the movement of troops against trol and forest map Ph, o, sodium and Potassium have
should be oarried out in framing tile . MOAA- 1 cannot state, and Inquiries failed'to trl�t, The Charge 'd'Affaltes added the Ruhr distrApt. Ping. been Carried on in Increasing qugutl-
Turklls I — tain Is near the border of Venezuel.a glTe (t logical -explauatlou,* I - Roll, W. B - Rai ties with the electric furnace. The Cleo-
; - .;--.- - I . -ley, Ontario Attorm�
,,h treaty, charactermed tile and Colombia. __ __ I -1 =`-
VMU4 States rejoinder to the recent OPPS RD, D ALI, TH1,I BOOTY, . I . ney-General, has - promised drastic tric furnace has revolutionized tile
Allied note ,transmitting Information Mother Discouraged By CAVE HOLDS TREASURES. In a long stay With thLs ,tr1l,'bie dur. all ' action to Stop liquor riulning at the manufacture of alloys and Is being ad.
, "It is quite Probable, almost certain, ing which he studied their manners, R1 X ft boundary, even it a regiment of opted to A great extent in the reflue.
Ad to the status of treaty negotiations. Search for Apartment. I REVOLUTIO mounted troops is necessary. . ment of steel.
In fact," sald Mr. De Aooy, in a roe- cuc4"OW,13 and language, De Booylls NIZE SINN FEINNE'
While the strength ot, Arguments . out Issue of the museum JTOU chief difficulty w Daniel Theobakl, of St,�Uley Mills,
for retention Of tile Turks In Con. rnal, &S In av-didtlig, the In-' The use of the electric welding ap-
"that this burial cave contains are � h- vita!don Of the chief ,bo Gin In an ex- near Brampton, fell. through the floor paratus is constantly increasing. The.
I Q of a barn oil a farm in Chinguacous3, development of spot welding and. of
, f4tmutinOP,lo was rocOgu4zed the note Children Barred, but 0,%tS aeological treasures of .the highest Pe4ition ;against the Rio r automij
said the United States Uovernment value. Our archaeological 'research- diana, The .)I,acoa ,chief offered to "TEM b"eaking Ills neck, ng a large
$ , RML SY' ARE INDIGNANT fe machinery bandit
boileves Welcomed, , es. proved witilout a doubt that tile 9i've him all the ,'booty taricen in the - a itobbers used ,� waggon to j,pillove, amount 04 work with unskUled labor
that "the arguments against - ,-- . entire region had at one time been shailo of bous, and arrows. The ,Ma. ___ I , has marked a, distinct advance Ili
it are iar atronger an . loads of furniture at different times
d contain cer- Giant Power Company Plan- from a house on many lines of bust
tain imperative elements ' inhabited- by the Arhuacos, a tribe ,ccasxoally are a race Of dwarfs, the Win. Bryan's farm, ness. Electric wel-
I " "Shathaul township. dlng for foundry purposes is being
. which *it Chicago despatch: "No children of which a small remnant still lives average height of the anell'being five . Over Accusation of Murder
� '
,%Guld not seem Possible to igaore.11 allowed!" I ned in New York. .'he Canadian ExPeditiondry Force , very generally adopted by those wb()
Th belief t4at the exclu in the Sierra Nevada of Santa Narta, fol'; One Inch, and that of the women of Cork Mayor. haveoccaston, to repair cracked or de,
the Turk w NiOn ,of
ould be the spark that Everywhere Mrs. Agn'Lr,a Read), went The Motilonea, which includes the four feet eight inches. The first thin- 1_1� . Passed out of Wdstouc Thursday, all I
. F, I I remaining units being
Might Start a holy war by the Aloa_ in her long weary trudge for an apart- Macoas, were evidently comprative they did for Do Booy, who Is Moro Would Include Ca transferred in- fective castings,
16M world I I nada in to thu perman HEAT PERFECTLY REGULATli3l),
's n,n tedable, in the op. Mont she was told the same c newcomers to the region .eat Cauadfwa military
� I ruel story, and had 0`9,31 Ell% r(et tall, was ito build him
mlon Of the President, who declar" Pekingese spantels, Japanese Chows either driven out the Arhuacos or had a hut 'ab,cut four tlmAos &s largo as . . Its Scope. Throw Public Off forces, I The fused bath or electric furnace
that the 4NIobammedan anaries, and even pedigi killed them off, probably only a short their ,onvu. � � , The FedLral Government has auth- for heating splicial steel before tern. -
People not -eed eats, these _� the Trail. orized Provincial Governments to 1.3an Poring has proved of ,7reat merit, The
Only witnessed without protelst the Would be welcomed, but not her babies while before the conquest. Research- De Booy found the Indians so Curt- Now York despatch: Proon . ---.. under the Housing Act lip to $3,510 r
4oteat of the Turk, but aided eall- -Albert; three years old, and John, es by othez axchaeologfsts -hav,e ous and so Persistent that he had to electric Power 01 esUlts obtalue.l. by -its use ftre re-
St4litially 14 It. Ile. saye one and one-han. proven that a ShAllar occurrence took aekthe chief to build a stockade to lu'vast volume in re. f London cable Says: The statement instead of $3,000, and $4,060 instead of ma,rkable as compared with, other me.
"It Is noted Ivith pleasure that Discouraged, Mrs. Ready kissed her place In the Goajfra Peninsula direct- 'keep out the children.', Ill this lie M0tO Places, and the sale * of that that Lovd Mayor MacCurtain was $3,300 for four or five roomed and six, thods. Oil tempering 15aths are made
h I or seven roomed d1A?Gl".i,n respective� self-contained and provided with pro -
the Q'Ie6tion of passage of warships twa children, entered the bathroom, lY to the northward, and that the did his Photographic work. T e power to railroads and Cities, is the murdered after 4lis expulsion from Iy,,
and tPe regime of the Strait$ in war, looked the door, and then shot herself Goajlras superseded the Arlivagoo in natives had never before seen a white PlaiA .of a new r ,ganIzation, the Trish Republican I Sir Adam Beck promised a repre- PDX' beat lnsulatlon� mounted upon pipe
I to be - brot lerhood. ac- legs through one of which the con-
time are still under advisement as through the temple. I this- latter region. mail of light complexion, and Do Deny known as the 4ectrical Polver Coni. 'cording to the Dublin correaDoil- scutative delegation from Norther nections are made, T11e.ternperature
, . this Government is convinced thalt no When the father came home he found "The burial cave, therefore, prob- was a constant sburce of 'wonder . 1 , - 21 VW ,�w � - n
til ten- tile r ent or the London Tf P* ^'� be Is controlled by unique means and cov-
ably contains Arlillacan specimens, the- - 11, spite of their warlike '!�' 70s� �s dP-1 made on the development the ers a long range up to 1,000 (log. Toni.
final decision should or can be made Albert and John playing in front of to ])any, as plallue(_ Ontario that an early start would
without the consent of R I bY a group of
s la," the bathroom door. � richest men In America. liounced with indignation by Stun French River Power 11roject. at perature, control is of 4tEk
An Independent Axilien1las with an *'Where's mamma?" he asked, and as the Arhuacans were excellent dellefes he waTnever Iri danger except It Is proposed to utilize liloulltdill Feiners in Cork and Dublin, and, In- .1 importance
outlet to tile sea at Trellizond Is aug- workers in gold and had quantities of at tile second '"Chica feast," concern- streams, tide wa'el and low-grade deed, by the whole Ratification of the Equa In this field, and the electric method
,lit. He also Nationalist presi. . I Suffrage
gested by the Preside "She�s In there," said. Albert. gold ornaments it will be seen that hig which he says: . coal at th r Amcn.�ment was defeated in the Dela- offers -In. th,-se baths tlie-inost exact
. . st Interest- r to throw are Legislature. I � and precise re-ulation that could be �
riP,' ' gold ornaments as well as burial ob- Ing custonts of the Macoas is the Chieft Cities no 11 the tralns,of entire f the trail, and repeats Nine � tY per cout. Of tile 25,000 na-
" 'I'm going on a long, long � Contracts will be tlken to light entire story was invented In orde
disagrees with the All,es on the "She's kissed USL gDod-bye and'osa�d the chances of this cave couthining "Perhaps one of the me e Places of o�-lgjnal supply, The Freeman's Jon nal san that the w
boundary they have fixed for Arabia, Mr. Ready forced the ,oloor and i ve a the public of desired.
and oil the disposition of Thrace, the found bi and jects of other kinds are vory good. feast, Thq indulge In this f04st railroad its conviction that the Lord Mayor yes of the Seychelles Islands are re,
northern part of which he believes, a wife dead. almostover� month when th systems. Its Operations are ti The electric soldering iron consumes,
"We had received notice t Two days liefore coming within sight e inooil is nition-w1de, and way inclM was murdered by r ported to be afflicted with hookworm,
I Canada, ilen wbo believed
. should be given to Bulgaria, and the remove of the peak in which the cave was -full, and It was my good fortune to The Canadian Rockies are p�rtf they were thus helping, very little etirrent. From the tests
eastern part ' to Greece, from the apartment,!' explaion'ed Mr. Bhown attend ore of these feasts. culax- the British Th,_3 men were shot, Probably two made oil this iron the results indicate
Would Bulgar!a ready, "because a member of tile to be found, the Indians had -and my ly rich Ill 11 loped water -power, cause In Ireland.' fa lly, by two bandits who entered a that a soldering iron can be operated
- thus be $0nipensated. for tha � me certain regions where evidence bad fortune to attend one afterward. and the tidandeve
. land taken from her to pr9vIde Ser- owner's family is to OCCUPY It- My could still be seen .of former e I Power 6U the Atlantic f y, of Cork, against Louisville, 14[y,, downtown restaiiralit by electricity clicaper than by gas� In
WO 'lear_ The first preparation of tile feast is In mountain fast- Whose lirb a recent attempt was and robbed it of a small sum of moill many of the metal trades small art-
bia With a strategic frontier, accord- rk as a buildiiig contractor prevent- Ings. These clearings were of con- the blowing of conch shells. This is coast is enormous,
done with nesses Infillons of horse -power is go- made, declares that he never at- ey. icles require to be enamelled and jap-
ing to the President. ed me from looking for another apart- siderable age and were only distin- . great Perseverance and Ing to waste. Hundreds of millons of tonded a meeting of any private so- anned. Electrical'7 heated ovens have
The President contends that the Mont, but Mrs. Ready has been look guished from the surrounding woods monotony for an entire afternoon, Sydney Lyons, 33 Years old, was
4� :
All!es have taken from Antbia, under Ing every day since March Ist. , ney were not That same niglit the wife of the giver tons of coal that would not Pay for CletY With the late Lord Mayor and shot to death by Ills ear- proven very suqce�sful and ceonoinical
their tentative plan was no object w;th us. by the fact that the trees haulage to cities, can. It that Ile knew nothing of ill. ' - - pretty 20-y in the arts and trades for this ele�s
owever. be e mem, old wif% )Qivelyn,'as
she could not find an apartment where . re I Ike, lay sleeping
land which rightfully of boundaries But it seems quite as large and the und�rgrowth of the feast grinds the matze from .turned Into elec bership of the brotherhood. of operation. Their Cleanliness, the ,
to ,her. . of lesser dengity.11 - trie Power, at the In her home at Detroit.
- should belong which the chica. is pi pared. mines with profit.' The co a Ar,thur Griffith, acting head of the Emp'eror Yoshillito Of Japan I precise control of temperature made I
is ill
. . I . children were allowed. "The following morlilng the crushed P411Y 1 Sinn Fein, describes tile report as at his winter villa in HaYama, near
The United States will not e,aue "She Mr. DO Booy landed at Maxacaibo Planned to become a seavIrelli&er. of possible by their use and the safety
I - became dfft�uraged and then and spent two days an malze is tied up In small bundles, en- Power. an Infamous f4itellood. He asks the Yokoh of such Installations are appreciated
tion any settlement of the Turkish acutely melancholy. Our youngest baby horseback veloped Ili leaves and cooked for I ama, according to a Tokio,
Problem which does not grant United died four weeks ago. Will ob- crossing the plain to La Horqueta, As a sido line on this enterprise the Public to W11t Until the Inquest is cable to The NIPPU Jljl, a Japanese Jp,#,the higher grades of work.
She bee about an hour. The inalze pellets are would be entailed should be Consider- ended, and says their Patience will Ia ; Some of th6 first successful appli-
States citizens and corporations rlghta sessed with tho fear that we 'Would be plue of the last outposts of civiliza,_ CGPpe liguage new�vtpaDer in 1-1:)nolu �
and Privileges in Turkish or former forced to live In a tert or In ouch tfon in Venezuela, He had to pass the, laid in the skin to dry, after the ed. Not 01,17 would r be needed be rewarded. I Thornton lu. cations of,electrical heating to Indus -
Would Impa'Ar the chil- ThO crown has taken. no a Fell, K.C,, Clerk. of the
of fashiala that part of this time over A'narrow and develop a covering of fun tile report, but the con Ction on Legislative Assembly since 1879, drop- trial operations were made Ili printing,
Turkish terr!tory equal to those wrapping has been removed, and 1hey for the great feed lines carrying the
citizens or corporations of any of the dren's health," gloomy tralf- through, a wilderness "qd throiigh current from the remote eluding stages ped dew� at Victoria, D.C. publishing and. bookbinding establish -
nations now party to the treaty, the I " — abounding with tigers, jaguars, wild- Partial fermentation, The aY Pre- Places of coi Dlacos to of the inquest are being followed " ments. The proved advantages of the
President ,says. -I*-*,*- vious to the feasts these pellets are , isumPtion, but the Con- by the Spidn's bull fliliters are oil strike..
JIM Ak - struction bf a vast number of of ctri- PublIC with extreme Interest, hey declared they will ,
AS eats, monkeys and deer. ' Beyond tbN placed Ili a hollow log, W.th crushed e T electric methoil leave no doubt that ,
I . Cal machines would be necessary. "-&— not appear in
"It is evident that, there Is yet - forest is a greilt plain. and back of ripe bananas and crushed Sweet Pota- the ring unless they a,re graated, the all other methods have been surpassed '
much to be done before a compre- 164 LKS that the mountains with their heads The Identity of the fina as to quality and quantity of output
hensive plan can be worked out, and lost In the fog. "WhI16 the altitude toes. Water Is poured oil this mixture are considering this enterprise was Increase in Pay demanded by the
that this Government will welcome And fermentation corimiences immedi- newly -formed Bull Fighters, Union. and that manufacturing costs have
further Information on the of these mountains Is not sufficiently ately, FRANC"'E'S COST":h The plan' of the Republican leaders Electrical heat has been applied to
-not disclosed' when the information 6 been decreased.
subject high to make them snow covered " . wis given out to -day regarding It b t
of the economic clafises Of this treaty. . TORNADO TOLL says the explorer, "the fog and mi "s DRINK FOUR HOURS. in Congress to establish peace with
1A It ivas made clear that they ar; all any by a Joint resolution receiv- the heads of embossing presses and
I Incidentally, the plan that has ap- at times would -almost make one "The following day, amid well known and have. large invest- Germ k U n the publish-
parently been worked out by the Su- , — think that the summits were covered blowing of conch shells, the fea frantic ments in the leading railroad, copper s ed, what may prove a fatal blow, Ing trades. In this line of work high
preme C*unclli in connection with �- st-com- I t when the Democratic leaders in the
continuation of concessions . with snow." . I I mences. At first the raerry making Is and -electrical com:ianies of the coun- I temperature and absolute cleanliness
granted And Damage From $10,0001- In the days of the Conquistadores mild, Some monotonous singing takes try. . Nouse determineti to make a fight
to aliens, and giving the right to re . against it. . are essential toeether with a good con-
trol of the heat.
vise Or Cancel concessions on Pay- 000 to - $15,000,000. La , Villa, a little town along the place, but the Participants pay more Delivery, of power by such a coln- Is 'Spending 139o0001000 Bec.n..., , he wore a shirt which be- The many uses of g1
ment of Indemnity, referred to !n the route to La Horqueta, was the start- attention to the imbibing of the pany would solve a large part of tile tie pots and
eighth paragraph of your Excellency's � ing point for raiding expeditions into liquor than to the dancing and the railroad problem. It would material- .Francs Each Day, longed to tTe late Czar Nicholas a glue cookers in the printing and bub -
note (the French Am-bassa the Indian territory ly reduce the number of employees Polish �ildler named Posrednfeki'hAs lishing trad. , are well kno,�u. 'ulec-
dor) has� Devastated Zones. Now Re- to the south of singing. After drinking for about four . I---,-- � 'been 'arrested at Warsaw, and is
�grave posslbllitles,� and would seein. the Rio Nl�gro. The town Is filled hours, the Indians gonefally become on the roaft and cut down tile cost, I .de- trically heated appliances can be,sup-
ght among tained on suspicion in connection
� to require careful elucidation, covering. with ruined foundations of houses quarrelsome and want to fI of moving trains. It would speed lip Ten Times That of Year with the murder of the Russian Im- plied for all the procesAps and pur-
them. the running of trains and increase the War Broke. perial family. posses for which beat .Is required ill
I . "Let me say, In conclusion, that __ and 9, quaint old church still stands. solves. It is a point of etiquette I
11 the entire earning power of individual cars. it - citing pots used
It Is the undlarstanding of the Gov- - Chicago ,despatch- Districts of the rt '8 said to be the oldest ill that part among the Madoas to fints I More than 7,000 employees these tradeEf, from ,nik'
ernment off ,tile 'United States that mIddle west and south swept by tor- of the country. brew of chica, and by dawn one would would revolutio;lize the entire railroad _ of tho in the type casting and coxiali&sIng
whatever territorial Changes or ar- na' I see the few members of the tribe that system -of the �`Cou tr,� - . London, special cable says: . Chicago stock ar" and Packing, co:n.. 'rooms to elect'Jeally heated tools' for
does Sunday with a loss of 164 liveo. , Nine houm, travel through the jun- Lord Paules went baok to work as a result e ornamentation of the fint,shedvol-
. -2 Marsal, Minister Of Finance, speakin Of fee,:Ors and th
, and gle from La Horqueta De Rooy came weary attempt to empty the wooden 9 stock-liandlers to return to their jobs time. I ...
JmPfrc, such changes rebuilt homes and buildin-s began to to the settlement of Machiques, . out- 9ft,EPT - Ill the Chamber Of Deputies to -day on and arbitrate wage differences.
Mer Ottonlan F -day
rangements may be made In the for-, were recovering rapidly to were still able to 1valk making o % decision by striking
or arrangements will In no way rise from the wreckage. ' I side oft, which he found .members of troughs. Heated tools are used In the leather
Place Ainor!can eittzeile o "The secor A the financial Position of the country, To combat th. rapidly rising prices -
r corpora .d ohica feast which I wit- LLIES ACG
tions, or the citizens or corporations COmmi.ttees were organized through- the Tucucus Indians, who came down . I tradefS for finishing and ornamenta
a less favor- to the mountains. to work occasional- thrilling than the first. Two of the U 'AL "The daily expenditure of France -of cloth 9 "Overalls Clubs" are being grqat� extent. The results ob�ained by
of any other Country, Ill out the stricken areas to care for the . negsed proved- to be a trifle more said., . in tion in great varietY and to a,very
thousands of homeless and Injured. ly In exch8L
bea ,,�ge for hoop Iron, entlas- Indians had harbored a grudge against was 41,000,000 organized throughout Florida, The the adoptlonof,eleetr!oally. heated tools
this treaty." .on work. axes, "Thp Tueucus are a very shy every -day attire. Many business men c as to dehiand the con -
r party t* lief and reconstruct, ' francs in 1914, 68,000,000 members will spc t overalls as their
able situatioll than the citizens or and funds W,,re being raised for I -e- '908, ds, iron cooking pots and their wives and declared at the outset U S francs in 1915, 82,000,000 francs in 1916 marks a distinct advance in the art
corporations of a* powe I
�. - Property 106's suffered in t 0 race," the explorer obser that- tliOY were going to kill them. As I . 104,000,000 francs In .1917, 127,000,000i' have Joined tile clubs. I sideration -of ti.os,- -who have not yet
states affected was estlniated�p'l Ight ves,' "and the Maeoas had' not Y61; Imbibed ' The Hague cable - . 1918, and 139,000,000 francs in 1919.,, n
says: The Dutch At the Brant COVA House Thura- turned from older me: ,ods.
to -day only came when they were In need of enough chica. to make them unreason- The deputies listened broathiesslk as day afternoon, the Memory of one Of '
om $10,000,000 to $15,000,000, Ironmongery. . able, I interfered and argued with the - Government plans the publication of the Minister dealt will, Glue pots '-cated electileally have -
With 'wire 41--mmunication restored. "The researclics of his exPedition an Orange Book, the formidable Brant's most distinguished sons, HOn. been largely introduced Ili the wood
men, telling them that there vvere but embodying all the figures, giving the total expenses for A. S, Hardy, -,,ras fittingly honored, * I trades. Where ths filler
,glons, It Was believed -that the ithe Parlirls, the Macoas, the Rio Ne- 11 a * 0
fated rL correspondence oil the question of the 1920 as 50,052,000,000 francs of which when a tablet was Placed in the wall grades of work. are Cone, such as in
NEW REGIK IN ' ao'n'drrmports from practically all Iso iproved that the Tuoucuro, the Irapenos, few women In the tribe, and that ork ng
n t ere woul. be a serious shortaie it former German Emperor and Includ- 22.000,000,000 were recoverable from commemorating in brt--ze his portrait cabinet
death list would not be zhanged mater. tgro and the Rio Yage, Indians all be-' they ki e th t o ing the Allied reply to Holland's see- Germany. making, 'piano case slid Move -
IRELAND BETTER lally. )long to the great Motilone famIlY. 11 d e W - MY arguments This Year's deficit was 8.. and the principle -haracteristic of his '
The I:st of dead,by states foltows, rphe various sub -tribes derive their ,finally prevalled. ond refusal to hand William over to 000,000,boo francs. The treasurer's life, � Mont manufacturing, forty to fifty Ill -
Indiana 37; Iiii of$ "Shortly after this, two youtus ne- the Entente powers for trial. This disposable 'amount dividual glue pots are often found in"
n 27, Ohio 30; blarpels ,from the ,rivers to the south gau a fight with their bows, used . the Bank of President Wilson made himself .stalled in ,one room, in those cases
P.Nf Machiques, the headwaters Of a, quarterstaff, and succeeded Ili gi'v- mler at The Hague by the British and 4 000 francs.
ReStr,e. Michigan 12; Georgia 33! Alabama 17; as reply, which was delivered to tile Pre- France was 700,000, at
To Abolish Many Nebraska 1; Missouri 1; ,V,�lecousln 1. which they frequent.' 'Foreign treasuries are closed t V technically and potentially a candl- the electrically heated pot ol$eratep as
w,F%FJ For many can" Ing each other several gashes. Some .French ministers last Tuesday o us, date for a third term Ill the Presiden, a distinct economy over the older me.
, . I � 0 0. turics the .110til-ornes have proved to C, serves and we Cannot consider the possibility cy by fLiling to request the Georgia thods, Sanitary condlCons are ird,
tions On the People. orm of the Indians, by now very much to Put an end to the eorresl)00- of raising an important loan abroad." State t1emocratle Committee to take proved -and workinen, beliefito-d by the
I ,be a mystery and the Inf' ation 'we excited, brought tip the subject of a encO." I
� have of them, In ancient"and contem- fight at the.provious feast when two Although there is no offici The Minister explained the high Cost his name of, the ballot�, for the change. . . I
' ' GIRLS' TEETH 1porary literature, Is v(-ry scant and `11 lut'ima- Of living by the Inflation of paper Georgia pri
Cork Mayor Killed By Sinn eor the greater part Untrustworthy, bothers attempted to kill their brother, -tion of the text, it is lea, Red that money, the.13anlc of France's advan- APrII 20. i��ary, which W!ll be- 11eld SERV=S, IN MANY LINES.
n tile chief. Some time before the fight there has been acceptance Of Holland's Ces, emd the Issue of National Defence The manufacture of articles,for per-
P65in Order. a; Q , "They arer to -day regarded witil I had been doctoring the chief, a rofuspl to deliver the former Emper- Bon S. To a conference to be coMposed of sonal or domestic tise or ornament
who a He said that as France mul,
RGLAK a grota drea:d by tile Venezuelans, the Premiers of the Varloll.,; provinces., c artly of Clellu- .
I feeble old man, for dyspepsia, slid or, but renewal of the warning that tiplied In the face Of continued do- and of menibers of the'Pederal Gov- I
, lare unwilitlir to penetrate Into their had succeeded In Improving his condl- Holland will be held responsible for creased old has attained very grea'. import -
Paris cable says: Prederle Prancols- mountain rf.tir,%ts, a fact which Is tIon. The Madoas now clainted that any daniage to the worId's peace Production, the Purchasing ernment and to be held, during the tmco within the last few years. Heat
Alayor MacCurtaln, of Cork, Who was )porhapG not to be wondered qt whon n Power of the franc diminished, ,. coming saulluer will be sitbluittc I It is necessary in the process of ivianu-
It was due to this 1111pr vement that which Wilhelm does, The deputies murmured with Indig. is stated, the question whether or not facture and the :requirements for con-
MYOtetiously murdered In his home robber Shoved Gun Into ,one conaldets tb�e savage reDutation the chief had become belligerent wid . -----"*--->— nation as Al. Francois-Marsal spoke of British legislation should be soligth to ataut and exact temperatures tire we'll
last 1�eek, Was a victim of the Sinn Ithat was given lr� the Indiana by tile had started to fight wftw the heavy Imports of J=s, cakes and enable the CanaC'.a4 Parlianient to understood on account of the nature
001h, the Dally Mail says It learns f early 40ttlers, I .'rhaPK the clearest brothers, as previous to in o DROP EFFORT TO I
Her Mouth. - , y"Itgon'll,xvig
I I ,proof of this.foar cmi. be found In the 116 had always been content to allow coffee- HO said that Coal and raw amend the British North America Act of the materials employed.
from a Yellable source. MIeurtain, - , J -1 Materials mus I , ,
Imention of the Mpto:,n,es by A. Ernst* hit; brothors to have their way, X hod at
.. t have preference; th Oulbodying, the constitution of the Do. Current also is us,ed In the clothing
, 1 1 08 must be reduced to a mint.
St"Itley, and five other ,brominent She. Got It, Turned It On .wbo, states: - little difficulty In Persuading thein million. and textile trades to a large extent.
Ineft Woro expelled from the Irish ne- I ,, Orile Mottloacs ar6an almost un tilat I really had no part In the quat- MUM; that useless $OrVICOS must be A mob of Irons of all kinds, shap e
publican movement at a secre The=, ,known tribe, which, since the time Of rel,"$dw York Sun. GET EMAIS"ER s`UxD')D0rej`ssed, and that State employees, Moro than. 1,000 angry . es and. siz -s
,r meet- � L � ,the Conquest, haVe remained In ft _.� where they were ridtorn cut flit'. rope trow a trolley car have been designed to meet the special ,
ing of the 'extremists on .LNJarch 19, _.____-� . ,complete I � l- not Indispensable, and threatened to hang Deputy Shoriff requirements o2l tlicqe Various tlades.
ly savagootato, living on the must disAPI)ear, lie added that G'or- Pf,dirin li"'. Hunter to -an. 44L" . ___4_�� ..
after being condomned Of "unworthy .. NOWark, N. J., d0sDittell says: M. Igg humid mountain slopes 'Of tile fron- NO ARMISTIM ,� Allies ACCOPt Last Xote many Must fulfil hot, engagement girder -
eondutt,ll it is asserted. MUCCUrtatil Lona Grabilow, 26 years ,Did, reVert Itfor between Venezuela and Colombia. I France. to Ilt SIXtieth and Market streets, Phila. &%
ad � (101phla, after he had evicted the aged -
asked to be arreste"-1 ior his own pro- to the ancestral, cavo-woulan ty ftere are no Means to make th(-Inl From :9611and - _D� 4- . parents of a wounded veterall from FRAN 'CIE FEARb
Do give up the life- 'of Savage thieves Poles Will Not Acicept teir home.
tOOti011, but the soldlors Sent to ar- to -day, itild wita her teera �routed -
. .
rest him arrived too late, according several burglars. ,to which they -Are Redu6t0ined. No gydro eurrent Was turned oil In the .�
6 About noon to -day three men ea. 10110 has', AP to the present time, "On . Soviet Terms, And War Lord WillEscape STEER WARSHIPS "
to the report which the Daily Al � Village of Markham for the first ti #
flonos I luo, #:�; MA"T" DAY ROW
publishes. all tered her little cOnfee-dionery shop. 4he plantations nt tbO Mont # r Warsaw cable says, (By the As- Trial. Waves five and six foot high swept ��,��'. L, �
One ordered a bar of e,hocolato, and gtnown with, certainty It they havo%�� latod Presi) - WIllingue,6 . London special cable says. The Detroit river, making the ferry boats' _�
W6MOU f4fiatica are believed 'to be tendered a 420 bill lit !payment. N Mlled powers have accepted Holla Crossing difficult. I
e ,1140 Ilixed abode. Loileg on life Mal) ,O,t goe a to
'a the extremist wing Of GTabnow_.turned to the cash register .-Volltzliola, Madrid, 17g7, adds to their COMIneft0e PeAce negotiations with u d ".4 By WIRELESS NOW Honrl Charron, a janitor in 1�1
iUst note :egardlog the forinCr afer. ontreal Parts cable says; "kfold yourself
very.'t.11,11",em party, says tile Daily to make change, -n4mes t1le notice 41the worat Indians Poland on APrIl 10, and Proposals for I I, was roblied of Im, �
Uall, liall imperor, accordf,vif'lo an Am- rents, for the rc*dY foil the fir3t of May. Tile strUg- ,
As she did, One of tile Men pull6d �thftt cxIat,11 which even In ,our days an armistice OVO-i the entire front, sterdam de.,�patcll to the Dally Mail. month which he"'had Just collected, glo, to. only hc%ginuilig. YOU will have
Sir Nevil 9008 to Dublin ivith vastly 4 revolver and cominanded ,her to Is the current OPIA1011 0 the hillabl*
greater power than was veate are contained In the reply of tlye Tho Dutch GOVOrilillent, on Marcli. ?,, 1,0114021 sPecial cable Says: The BrIt. and was taking to the owner of the
d In throw ill) her handa. Instead Of com. lants of the n6lghboring regions." Russian Soviet Government to tile iliv. e,01181derable e Called for. .
sh4w. for the .se,.-ont! time, refused to dt Ish Admiralty report,4 apartment hollso h tO lexeCtite tho Order of the Con,fod-
T.he 33illflah Cabinet had, & DIY!ng. Viss Grabnow opened hat - ,1,UeU(!U ruantrs were sent out to re, or the, forawr Vernifau Emperor to ti,.(,, Progress fix repent testk; of applying Altar draperle.4 cau_tht f,�.(, frolu tile not cout(,11t
Uriflg th'a mouth to scream. The thief shoved ,qUest tor I)e T)ooy, tile Privilege of POIi8h note of Mdrell 27, the reply Allies for trial. This deteriulilatit)n Wilrelesq control tO VOSSOIS and torpod. Candles during high mass JIL 8t. Al- yourse.lvvs Wilth silliply folding your
put few days, Considered t1le, a0plica- the POvOlver Into her Mouth. being recelviod here tbla morning Was .set forth in a not(,, addresqt!,l ,,o 1008. WarshiPs with crews of only a ph0nsWs Church, Windsor, and some arms, Yon will have to Collaborate
UOn of a variety of drasti,, Measures , 4vi,cilting the Macou, Most of the
Quick naa a fla6h, Illps Grabilow i a was crazy and The Sovlot note suggeste(t that the the British Prouder, wl,iell, .
t* blot Out the creeping t- nrism thAt ele,jed her mouth over tile muzzlo 4)f, rucuCus thought b lare however, few lileil are regarded a,j all early ,qtatueg were damaged bY slikolte, but In tho XeVolutfon, If it takes Dlace.l, ,
Is paralyXins, Ireland, It D" -not ye, -ilrodleted that he would llCVer return, DeaCe (,oiifevenca be hold in A UOU- doe d that tIl13 DutOlt GOVC)r1julent Practical possibility 1.19 a result of tll(,
decided whether to deelare I'll, u. and throwing her Ile.l,,l back, ,but fInally the Permission WRO Ob- tral state, preferably, gsthnnfa, In- " ke all necessary measures to , thift audic;lCe 1`0111ailled, calm. 'Ilhis Was fient out to -day by -Seero.-
MattiiLl vullegall the weapon from the ma.n,A . stead of 1101,13y'o &9 proposed by the N uld ta I `bxPerit'lents. The Dally Mail to -day Lary Bridgopry, Of tile Railroad
lAw thrOUithOUt thp country, because hand. ,talned. (�arrylng only a c,a,liera, an Minimize the liberty of Wilhelln alld sayf): Nl�� IC1111 and I.Iq fellow I)r1p,ollers
�-tko law-01ding mitjority gutters. niogt . dn#rold barometer and a ComPass, and P010. It Is underttood tlia:t it I,; $I have endod .1 hunger strIlti%, by whiell Workerk;' Union in li1r,etil,ce. May 1. lu
8teDillng back she turned the plol- 00 ment will Prevent hill' fV0111 (Aidallgering the i le Ry Uf,lll& hertziall wave.,; the wl of ,course, L%bor Day, WhOn a general
under such A Memure, by-, the dpg- tol on Ah� robbers, who .1inding vven that very much of a lottd. PrObable the P01IF-11 ver1l world's lleace, The coluillunipation is wizards of our fleet have ,,,,,, rc' thQY 8OUL-,ht to 911111 thotr freedom.
ran Out bf pent two days ellnibing 'UP rcqufle to Agree to an Armistice, and stated that precaution.ci to thl, oed- Prenaratlens fOv A World-wide 24. strike. will be ealled. The r4ilroad
r 0, 13 Y " will also Insist t1pon Dorltov as the f t from I workers rengiln(id at this postq Ia. t
t_,.teh t the TrIfth tap,tal ,cf the un- the (3tore, 111ra Grabnow started N ') 00 .4 nnd Oa Ill tOntrolling torpedo era %
I r strike oil May I art, being Made Nn�&v, but tile other UnIOU8
Vinching MACtandy heralds g sterner PUrsilit, and f!red a chot itIvIellb1t, 1110110 pla,ee *here Russiftn Polish delo- would be taken oil tb(- spot. It N�,Os a distance Of some miles. During tile lot, � Organi1c,d
M= occupation. fn the 9dr, . lin(,l down 4Rft Alnio#t �
but thd hfghw I I otidn trA41, with �lxht Tucuouf� ,esLrrY- gates Will Meet to i,wnduct 11(-gOjja. 414sumed that tlli.,l 111pant thitt tt (,Iome o*1)*rInlL,ut,1 a , tr In 8witzerland by tile .%eal i1cluentS, proetA
neing the appointment of Sir a Aymen emeapat - d04 Oyer lva,q 111111100ftv- '8�,4fons tilrough t1lo city.
IWI,,; 4C,rabnow returned to N, ,Sh(yo ling his bik~. At the ond of thi� tion*. guard ovor the fortiler German vIni. red by -wireless with not it single Inan , Ili Prouch (1relos tilo e.%I)0etatj()n -AkfanY pitchod battles Wert fouglit
NefIlle M4crftV1Y f6reA%rAowg & W and a .32 PAllbre rt"Volver tO the tirst day of trAvel be T&n Intr th#� tog — 0,00 - Peror and a striet ecnpiorshfD would llboard, Dy touchilIg the wheel, 'R nOW 114 that thC meeting of the $ In the streets., againt-t strong for,c0q,
ekange In the IrtAll Policy 6f the TJr1t- good, tountry. i-pr,wtipally every day tbf, U.-
Ish Govornmont," . . 4016 Sillicus-In this age of mpellaillea, b(' InStItUtcd W11110 W1111011'.1 occupied ve'VITI 14 Pastly c(tvurod by the Invimil)IO Ilreme V)ul of pollct� and soldtors.
- ___ "" _______"_______��
I I I I —
11 I
- I
rAlcording to the - omist15 roll down, the' mountains, (it ( Heft ,of the Pollee CoAter- Miktters will
Wil. Ochl"ement I wonder why tile t bi-14 Pstate at Doorn. force. 811lPig' .-Nearehlight,+ ul,-,O are enet, In San lt(,11() will be called for go furthor than tbat this year, it it
"The �Myemmfnt Intend* to NAI - AV, 4*14 my Ynt", bad th# flex. ,about midday," ho says, "and One a , '00 6;-------. turned b,y wirele4,4.1' April 19 J(l 22. The Turki.-h p soared.
- lbilltrof..-OWIR. Rolle-WaRbobl*t- hpft do U16 *olyed- Oynioa%--I flappote 't in a;- was no of I conquext? 'Pam .
awliah olme of tbe T"AtIns rattle 01 tion iR4 neyt , _____ .
eAk-'etO ,0� t�b# dnt In, 4$n- PatlelICIP- D6 FOO belftwo tho vat _.___4_+-___ delogAtes, it is und(,lestood. ,will lie in. .— .+*.*.- _.
-, r i " �00�t I 0
t1o", A" - I flitt rftPOet 0.0 n0w r#- Ing to ht yovr )*%11, or juxt tryftl; 7v#1 I fog ftlab makm ona torret I perpotual tno I I t( .'strialt-Well, No m,&n reall,r kfvoo it WoMn Un. I
more tolem OP 'Alt mo4t $A slullive am the nne good turn T know a lot nr girlm vited to Pr""t `thGmReIv03 towArd In ov*ry
41fto vrill b* nt. At the to string yon? ttlxt tk,a fq4s,tw 14 Illut ttl dstrmthht d'"Orm AQ,&tbW. . 4�-ho Xnt but- lem ho im willing to make a tool nt tho� Md of April to mmiVe . worl, tbp,t ho WWin ba did
6 I 11 1. .1 . I �, . .1 . . I � I b"As bY IL-Y(mkwa fttesultiL I Ituntr Ilut to pwo* bv,r, twlao� � the- PINM with all his Atart, Acid p1,v#Vvr%6_ft
� ... .. I . . , I P4411.
I .0�1 I al"'1121L " - " I . I . . � 1, I � � I I I -
. ....Am .1 . - I 11 . I .. .1 ,
i6,6ai,-----,-�fti�6���.�*--"&�mAqw" WW i kh �,Ialliiw , - , 1�lldk�,,- "I __ ___ - - �, � __ � I 1 _Lk��A au -1 I - - _. �, _. . i _L � -§-I.. -4, - -�11 - � � _. " � - , 6Akk.&a-__ -