HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-04-08, Page 5.ztl, T. ORT kw 17
MOW, Alpr, 114, 1W
Al *4 A
THA W19"VGnA,1( w,
Total 400
1), Snell 382. 0. Polls 864, J. CarrmUt
bors a` A
8k, X ttr
$67, M. Johnson 846, B. Weir 84
r irst Carr $40, P. Johnson 087, B. Doble 833,
F. leard $02 M. Cmmore 814, L. Zur. We have, passed into stock many new lines ofmereb&,4140
brigo 011, M. Pettigrew 306, A. Walker invite your inspection. Y_
THEY have been called a people of $00. C. Pattison $00, B, Boardman 29$,
one idea-0od first. C. ninscliffe 28$, C. Mason 2ft C. Boyce
277, A Forgle 276, xM- Cruickshanks 260, New Gingbams in a great varie*of
WHATEVER happens, their work WASH GOODS
goes on, serving, God and V. Bell 255, A. Brown 249, xE. Blackball plaid and check patterns, Fancy
244. xM. Johns 240i F. Pocock 240, xV, Voiles and Foulards in a wide range of shades and patterns.
their fellowmen. Robinson 247, W. Kew 280, M. Patterson I I
EMPIRE$ may rise and fall. the 226, xA, Field 219,. K. Carter 214, L. Wash Silks, Wash $atims and Pongee's in the new and wanted
world may seem to be envelop' Hartnell 108 xxxR. McLeod 70. shades for spring wear.
Those, Zed exams are marked x.
ed In blood and strife, but. they still JIB. IV,
-1 SILKS I SILKS ! Taffetas, Mes*alines, Duchess Sat.
see Gods sunshine and love, still do Total 460. A I
the nearest work 'bf . mercy, Still R. Mclionald 499, 1. Hunter 410, V. ins, Art Stripe Silks, Qefi)rgettes and
Fyfe $99, K Dinsley $98. H. Boyce 388, Crepe de Chenes in a wonderful display of colors and shades.
Praise God for the vaying of soula. W. Mann 381, N. Fixter 870, G. Robert -
JUDGE it you will from what you son 805, M. Angus 806, G. Anderson $02, dess, La
know of their work, whether the I M Gurney $61, A. Corbett 800, R. Carr RF
350, F, Bell 3.41, W. Sturdy, 837, E. Wil- Diva, and D
world has not cause to rejoice with liams 885, M. Shackleton $29, P, Lloyd & A Corsets in many new.models and styles, from $1.50 to $6
them in their adherence to this one 328, C. Lout 315, E. Fergie 311, G.
idea -`"Seek first, the Kingdom of Angus 30% R. Henderson 201, D. Arm- pr, Brassieres and Camisoles in white,and pink, 75c to $2.50,
God strQng.288, H. Sutton 280, E. Carr 275, 1.
Ry New silk hose, in brown, navy, black end,
Ellacott 259, M Hill 257, R. McLean HOSIE
256, M. Henderson 240, C. Cooke 2 21 J. 00� white,. black and cerise, black and navy. Lisle
The Salvation4
Taylor 229, C, Dickson 219, M, Van- and cotton in black or white for ladies and children at moderate,
Sickle 208, M. S e A
�anson 106, H. WiId
1311, G, Arde 108, '1 prices,
Army SR.. Vi
Senior section Total 680. sit our Men's Department, it is complete with New
308 Citadels M. Christie 531, T Robertson 525, P
, J. %. A. Laundy 486,
and, Ifistitutions Field 414JYoung 49Spring GoodS
J. Cowell 465, M. Mitchell 482, M. Shell
in this Territory, 460, B. Brown 450, A- MacLean441, C.
-use them! Fry 437, W. McKibbon 483, D. MacEwen
432 A, Irwin 421, W. Hunter 419; A.
Ludwig 418, E. Hartnell 414, G. Mitchell A* M -1 L La E")
409, E. Swanson 409, E. Chettleburgk
396, J, McGee 383, M. Sanderson 879,
M, Thurlow 356, N. Williamson $56. Highest prices for Produce. House Furnishings a specialty.
Junior Section, Total 550,
F. Angus 433. W. Scott 412, C. Hing-
ston 409, G. Rintoul 403, J. Brooks 402
A; Mitchell 377, M. Cowell 354, C. Ten.
$05, 2.41 Telephone Company Of Canada medical certificates, and medical exarnin-
nant 339, M. Moffatt 312, P, Stokes 1DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN
The property advertis V. Naylor 295., N. Beattie 252, G. Lediot 'F Pension And Benefit Fund." ation forms,
ed in this. space last 252, W. Taylor 237. It is the intention of the company to CSTEOMTHY
Sickness Disability Benefits JR. III.ts$111-065,68; inaurgurate some form of physical or med-
PeAth Benefits $19.091,07; Accident Dis- ical examination of new employees. Itis DR. F.
week has been sold. Class A. Total 848. A: PARKER
Ability, Benefits $15,016 63; Pensions considered tbat'such procedure is very
B. Tamlyn 784, W. Johnston 767. M. Osteopathic Physician, only, qualified
.$6 109,28 these are some of the Payments desirable, both for the protection of the, 0,teopath in North Watch for something Lard 762, G. Robertson 753, W."Tiffin
made for the year 1919 from the employ employees already in the service and to
742, D. Haney 728, Y. McPherson 720, - Adjustment of the spots is mom quick
good, agaiin next week. ees' Bentifit Fund of the Bell Telephone ensure new -employees being given work I Chair
C, McKibbon 709, G. Fry 702, S. Blatchal secured and with fewer treatments air
ford 699, N. Simpson 671, B, 'Robinson Company. for which they .,are physically fitted. by any other method.
664 C, Wirth 663. E. Boardman 66 , 1, A., . The benefit Fund Committee's report Should such examination 'disclose minor
-400d.pre.siur.s qtv�r' examinations
I !abed is -an interesting document. ailments or a tendency thereto, e new
*just Publ CY made.
Swanson 657, F. Field 630, M, Mitchell
630, G. Dobie 629, H. Groins 578, Mpayments: to'trnployees employee would be made'aware of the -A11 diseases t re
frohi, the benefit fund in 1919 $15$,602-02. conditions and advised to -consult his or
Musgrove 572, D. Scott 546.
-During the year", says the report, her physician, in order that early 'treat.-,
Class a Total 837.
'thtre was a total of 1,666 sickness- cases merit might �idveht the ailment bePoming I OFFICE OVZ- RISTIWS STORE. 1
F.',Ford '687, G. Spotion 630, J. Me in *bich benefits were` paid ;This is 623 serious, Valuable and, disinterested ad.
AlliAer-558,'U. Tennant 852,L. Gfoves �Cases less than in 1918. The total 'd4ys •vice has already been given to employees
550, M.. Cloakey 535, M. Hill 516, N. dies Ro,
- of di bili was 68,488 days Burin throw this,channel.
Carr 450, P� Gibson, 445, A. Hartnell 438,.
0�1y, 473 days less than in - 1918 which The fund, which now'stand at $5001,000,
Graduate Royal"- College -of,,' Dental,
and workmanship are of I
Insurance and- Real Estate - R. Wagner 425, J, McLean 411, V. - C amp -
indicates that the sickness crises In 1919 is maintained by the c��pany -�hbut,
bell 401, C Pendleton 363, M. Carr 26% Sig
to Ritchie Cosens. 'Wirq� of "longer duration, and that, irr the 6m -
Successor contributions of kind, from
major importanci�. All wool W. Agnew 268, R. Lockman 220, N.' a cases - which ployees. Graduate Utilver4ty of Toronto FagultY
large number of influenz
Ontario Homuth 195, M,, Saint 186, G. McDon-
Wingbam, lhelped-to swell the total in 1018, -the ab, of P"�3r,
fabric will keep you" a 'd aid $4.
warm n
'T 'sense w, of a very short duration. In
sen us
Office 9verH.E.1sard'satora.
•SR. Il. It 2,188 sickness cases,, $102,962.67 Thi W,,dfllull Bros. are still
�1918,wlt in the
the pattern may be pleasing, Total $50. only
was paid in benefits. - In, 1919, vn Junk business -in Wingham and paying
E. Bennett.338, L. Thompson 327, M. cases, $111,065-68 was paid
1,665 sickness c scrap iron,,
DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN market prices for rage, rubbers,
Weir 822 F. Fells 311, M.. Robertson 809i in benefits. The increase is, due to the m
but converting the fabric into a garment poultry, furs, bides and all kinds of junk."
vi hi her average wage Owing to the loss of our rink we are in,
R. Winkley $08, L. Hutton, 803, V. Fox of employees". I BE, L' L
$01, K. Reid 208, W. Tennant 294, F. Iri accordafice with the recommendation debt and are determinid to stay in Wing Town and Farm ,properties. Call and
of ins' committee, the company has ea- ham until we pay everything off. Sell seemy list and get my prices. I lavo
that has better style, fit and finish is afts Carter 289, R. Rae 286, L. Bennett 280,
E Lepard 271, J. Clark 270, B. Arm-.. -some excellent values: manship above the ordinary and identifies CHIROPRACTIC long 249, R. Armstrong 249, H. Field •tablished a Medical Department in con your scrap to people -who spend their money
nection, with Employees' Pension and where they make it. We do not gory it
289, A. Hutton. -235, K, Pilon 23T, L. us a G. S`
Practice is confined exclusively to � t plan, and Dr. G. A Winters has away to hoarde it or spend it. '(:I LX' 't
Society Brand, Chiropractic, the only and ori! nal Sys, Smith 226, L. Peterman� 2250 xM. Mit- been appointed to take charge of it as chance on your junk, and we will astute
tem of Spinal Adjustment. Elpiective in chell 207,. K. Williams 201, xI. Wirth 192 . . . . . uMed161 Adviser", with headquarters at you highest price. -Phone, 24O.-Vaids. WINGHAMv
95 per cent of all cases. E. Stookley 187, xC. Carr 175, xM. Coutts Montreal. Dr. Winters will review all man Bros,
"Chiropractic locates and Removes 133, XK. Somers 132, xG. Moffat 80, %
the Cause of Dis-ease: Nature Heals." 1;xxN. Taylor 26,
OOCINT PRAND CLOTHES, Limited, Cmda ALFRED DECKER k COHN, United fttse JR. 11,
J. A. FOX, D. C., D.:O,
"Clilcago 'graduate
Total 325.
Montreal New York Also fully qualified ga in Osteo.
Mitchell 810, J. 'Sturdy 284, G
pithy. Phone 191. ours 2 to 5, and. 7, M.
a P. m# Atten. Z(-11 IV14 V MMOnUZO(I C. Match.
ford 260, H. Brown 248, M. Hartnell 280j
A9 r, 1 Increase In Victory pond Plices xH, Barrett 189, xR. Sutton 168, xkF
Robertson,148, xxW. Johnston. 130, xj.°
pan. C.
Montreal, March 27 -Another increase Beattie 118, XxJ. Johnston 110, xJ. Angus'.
& in the price of Victory bonds,. the second
108, xxxA. Coutts 66, xxxH. Pendleton 48j.
to be announced in less than a week, was xxD. Wagner 48, 1xxO. Homuth 44.
decided upon by the Victory Loan a ecial
sit, I
committee at a meeting held here yestero Those Who , missed one week or more,
day. marked x.
Advances from one-half to a full Mint Sr, Class. Total 772.
over the levels set at last Saturday's con- M. Redmond 751, T. Hendstso'n 749;-,
Hanna Co. A,&. ference with the Minister of Finance atC.'Coutts 744, G. Burke 738, G. Snell.
Toronto will be effective dating from to- 785, M Houser 785, N. Rintoul 728, J.T
day, bond houses and brokerage firms, 93 Ellacott 727, E, McKay 722, M. Fergus -
The New Exclusive Men's Store. -well as the various -fitigncial institutions 70 722, N. Haylee 706, L. Drummond'
receiving official, notice to this effect 701, C. Deans 676, D. Miller 676, V.
morning. Miller 657, R. CopelAnd 652, M. Zurbrigg.
Morris Council Deli were all present. the Reeve pre- )RP All the Victory loan maturities except- 637 M Mason 687, C. Doubl6dee 623, W%
siding, Minutes of last meeting were ing in the 1934 issues, are affected by the W.Gurney 616, XM. Currie 606, xB, Me- at
tend and approved, TV decision of the committee, the old and King 58%'
WN'T wl %Y 1 601, A Gantsweg 696, xK. Roads Seem Pressed
Minutely of the Council Meeting held new �rices to the purchaser, plus accrued Gee E. Shropshall 677,, 1.
In the Township Hall, Mor0s. on Mon, The Council decided to accept the M. Campbell 588, x
Ne,rve Remedy interest, being as follows:- McNibbon 675, R. Agnew a5l, I. Sutton
Hatking's Heart and ri
Ross 382, xJ. Dinsley 376, xJ.
Is slitiDly a wonderful,preparation for Maturity New Price Old Price 637, xF Wonderffil 1`k,;ew lex Springs
day, Witrch 22nd, 1920. Members Of the Railway Company's proposition for im- U
. ........... .. .-------_ proving the crossing at lots S and 6. con. Diseases of the Ileart', drives Out 1022 100 901 Lepard 912, xM. Templeman 212,
Pain, r, ear, Worivy and the '8,1061 t� 1923
long with got 901 Jr.. Class, Total 660. HE wonderful Triplex ease of control and low fizd
Quit Laxatives, 1927 1601 100. F. Armour 658. A. Stokes 532, H, Hart -
Na The clerk was instructed to notify Mr. ty that goes a diaeas" of
Parrott and the School Sectione inte.atit. this most Importort. organ. 1033 1014 1004 nell $28, G, Chittleburg 470 D. Binkley TSprings of 'Overland 4 of and tire expeage of 100-illCh
Nrnbiwes; Tr ed, to be represeated sit the next Council' aLp"YASSNESS
y Meeting. in connection with Mr. Parrot's de -vitalizes the whole 'hoar '1937 103 102 480, M. HipgAton 410, J. Cloakey 418, G. feet such a change in riding wheAaae;l
-kh T0fi1JM_70M0fr0W F661 Blot request to have his lot transferred to S. ization and Von must'Have Sleep In 1924 go 081 Roberson 403, D. Atkinson $08, H. Bur.
order to build up your 'health and s 1924 97 07 gess $60, xlWagner 215, xF. Saint 1041, coinfort that bad roads now Equipment, including Mee- 14
12. strongth. it the Nerves are aU a XA, Dennis 125, xV. Nellor 111, xM seen -i to ride like good roads. .1
it Is a bilstako to continualI7 dors it was aled decided to purchase three Spring Plowing 04 March 201h tric stafthig, lighting and
youl*& Reith zo-call6d, laXativepilla. I tingle and Jumpy, and the Brain, is in Templeman 03. and
esdomel, oil, purges and CathUtics road drags for the Township. The rite a state of unrest through OverworX, Chealey gnterprlse-1here were a lot of PUXUA11Y IMPARTMENT
and foreb boWel action. It weakensOverland 4 has the 6teadfixess three -speed, 'tranarnissior4 it
the bowels and liver stud maker coil- for unperformed Roadwork waa fixed it Worry •or some Functional Disordero croakers last winter who didn't enjoy Class I. Total 604.
stant dosing necessa t2 00 per day. a restful sleep will be difficult to ob- themselves for at least two months for Irving Smith 604, Joe Tiffin 604, Jeart, of •larger cars of long wheel- high class, in keeping with the
'Why don't you begl7tul tight today to taro. , Do not dope yourself *101
overcome your eonstIrtion, and toot The following accounts were paid- 11sleeping powders" or "heart depress. wondering how and when the thred feet atte, Cbrn3rn $97, Arthur Snell 596, Wil- baaea with the general character light weight, -of the (*A
rour system in such a; Alpo that dolly
putting VrIU b6 luftnofts"M? You Stewart McLaughlin, obovelling rinow, bntj",__tske Haeking's Heart and of snow was got to get away this spiing more Angul 602, Hilton Dickson SM,
"""' do so it you get z 260 bor- of shovel. Norve Remedy and a 114turA kleeP They had overlooked the melting. powers Harry Mctieot:1861. George Young 50,
Nature's RtrA% (Nn T.blets) and $1.20, Lawrence Wheeler,
Ig ILI, 1W and particularly Old Esselford Henderson 687, Ross Harrisoo
take one #aeh h ght for & week or 90- ling ' snow, 0 P... $3.00; Jas. Gibson, VVIII f0110 of winds and rair18L
Nn Tablets do much more than
merolyrause pleasant easy, bowol so- gravel, (1,44-30 on good road) $6 80; Joe TMADACIM Sol whose effulgent rays tit this season 555, Parker Campbell 654, Maurice Mc -
tion. This medlolnb acts UP011 thO Miller. shovelling snow. $5.00; Wirt. Fipj. is XaturWs Signal of disharmony Ift can transform heaps of snow into water Intyre: 550, Margaret Armstrong 597,
4isettive "welt as tuminativo organs I huinau body. It M&Y come from There was the Joseph Moir 537, Bruce Fox. 636, VivialA
,promotes good digestion, causes the later, shovelling snow on good i cads, the I crystals in afew bourtit,
JMr to &*t tho nourishment from d1I impovi-tigiteil blood, overtAxed bra lyi,
00 0! 011-
ilearty appetits. strengthens tbe ivert wheeling on the 28th. Xing �485, Gordon Davidson 482 Eddie
tho food YOU c4t, gives 7011 1% f d, $1 SO; Wtn. salter shovelftg 821OW ell I -.-; of sleep or It may be from 0 best sleighing of winter on the 21st and Plion,525, Genevieve Ferguson 5 1% 'Mary
good roads, $3 00; H. MatherG, for tile gegflozi followed by Inflammation. I fairly good
overcome billoubift" reguiates
an gives the who Mather's Drain. $102.00. Ivan tPcA, ter, ko natter what the cause may be i The o'dest settlers say they never knew Simmons 464, Kathleen Smith 402, Na -
0 4 bowel action 'A 44
out. This shingles And work on hall $4.00. Next Itacklog's 11oart and Nerve 110m 4!; '_
r & thorough 01taffin 6 take edy the snow to disappear so fast, and with- ma Coutts 425, Margaret Lookridge 387,
accomplished y0u'W111:fiOtUVd t will help you. out floods either, - There was no frost in Leila Wild 360, Bernice Wright 839
'MIcIna tvetY dftZ Alft Oce"162191 -NR meeting on April 19th, 1920, , JaCit
udit will keep your bods in C-601- People .,vho have been ailing for
tion and you can always feel your bent. A. NM&ogwea, Clerk. voars should not oxpact a Vonkpl[06 the ground all winter and the earth and Carr 240.
ry Nature's Rarnady (NR Tablets),
a thbL It is the bast boWid i Cure In a tow daiA but should per- 'tun madt a strong combination against Class 11. Total 820.
ainlry that u can ore to and tarts I Ast in the treatment In order to ban- the snow. As titers Is no frost to come Eddie DOubledee $11, Mildred Blaba
wmj�-, per b*r, contsdning anp to
twtn arts) s, Notu"14UPIM- Wroxeter fish the: und4prlyIng rauses and to cor- out of the roads they will soon be dry 81%,Catbatla Fry ON, Scott Mitchdit 4
lwy (Nn OU guarantoed rf"et the oil oonditions that bring
4and will wt be cut Into &6p ruts as they 902 ArArew Scott 300, Homey GrOVNI
ami recommohdad by Your druWft Mr. Dan Sallantyne, wbc has beeni about the trogt4e. You should bo Stan
visiting friend* in and around' Wroxeter Fluro to got ff�wckiwx as no 001W have been when the fi-out panetroited deep M, Howard, 1wgo 2U, &Oky L. -Kennedy, Dealer, A11iTl,,
kind will db. so Iftrii-tmiar sbm�t Into the roodwsky# when they were not b*U u6, Rom Gavow "7,
ail winter Uft on Tue&day for his home pnw wtefflW4W *a TouTt, U0011 I's avm6d by "W. By tett looks of the Cralkilionk 241, Mary Dobb 24 6, G
in Idimitoba K4 s*ys its enjoyed bit um's them WM, be early geaftg Two Bftttit 20j,, Aotft AtIdum W4)
Tbftntot Clin ad*
14ca.i Offi, e and FskcroO�r.:
a *Ms N. 'y. two" vrai6 bw pimiabs in the gold* of guArite Lmdwtg 11V Vm1k, 6.
vitit to th4 town of hit boybood but mony: 0
ab*apa batt* taUn p494 $inwt 20 ?Itam Is lot *0 ca. S, IWM4 (311lu wenvmd irlt*
Is IL*61401aftv
me 02 aftil %% It won* 60 'deftANIo. 11*4,ftey a wly r6, Nam", U*ft *0