HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-04-08, Page 3I . I i :: I 1, 11 . I I . I r 1. . . ., , t, , ��,
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I DIS`&A.S'4_Fi 2ZED.
. I I (Experimi Forms Note.)
Wh�eia buying seed, one usually tries
to .obtain varieties or strains which
are known to be high yielderis of
good quality and well adapted. to the
localit In -wideb. the seed Is to be
groi A moment!s consideration.,
. Wever, would convince anyone that
ALUY Seed of wbi goi pedigree
othdrmles. would be of little value it
It ha,ppened to carry the gerin Of
Some disease which either would pre-
Xiant the seed. from germinating, kill
the young plant, .or so interfere with
. the normal development of the plant
as mAterially to reduce Its yield and
I � quality-. In fact, the total profit �romi
ai crop might be greater from seedi
I of poorer pedigree, but sound and
I d-Joeaea-free. -
. "It Is, therefore, of the utmost im-
I bortatice to be ,familiar with thei
I I bn'Othods of seed treatment and sei
. Ition, which prevent the seed used f0i
I Wanting from being a carrier of seed�
borne diseases, and adpot them as
. t of the regular routine on the
Tarm. The'foi to a short out,
line of the most Important of these
. -ibiethode, .first boing given, the Cri
tliqu the disease, then the method ot
disinfection of seed selection: ,
I . I�otato-Rblzoctonla and Common,,
I .0i powdery scab, silver scurf.-J3e-
. i cutting the potatoes Soak them'
I - 110li . la.'.a, solution of ,corrosive ,oublimato, 4
l6ulices In 30 gallons of water,'for one
I I hi XX,This Is a deadly'polson,
I I ;,`Potato-W1It, blagIc leg and lite
. . L P o n .
I- . .
11 I I . I ., o ration - Discard all and
. . . .r t r showing internal dia-
1 � 010i tnee the knife, used may..
I �. I 0- uTey bacterial material to the next
. � 1tilber, keep a jar of some of the.60-
. 1,0d. I . above handy, With A
' �tlon given
I I apare, knife In It. When a diseased
. I Otai Is
I . . 0, -out, drop the hilife you are
I Wag Into the Jax and�uae, the other
� .1*9 for, tho next potato.
. , Oats, wheat and barivered
. -And naked omuts.-The following is a
. � new mefhod which has met with
I Agr4at .success and is highily recom.
. Imended One Pound of for`Tjaa'-�
. Alue ' T� nine gallons 6f water.
.: 1.4oso smut --One, quaTt of this so -
. I . 4utloa to each bushel -of grala, Thoil-
. I bughly mix It with the grain and
. ,
. � Wver with sacks. for four hours and
I I . . n be .put into sacks And,
. , * * , 4 12 hours later. No drying of
1, kbe, grain is necessary. Soak In cold
I I Water for 4 to 6 hours, then dip into
. I . I foot water at 120 degrees Pali. for 10
. . . I I . 11min,lites and dry. .
I ,
I I ,. Barley—Stripe disease. ---Select . � a
. � Part of the field free fro -in the die- i
. I . ease, harvest and thresh this portion
I I separately and use for seed. i
I I , I Peas and beane—Anthr"nose and
I pod sitrefully select pods which
� I
I we free from any spot or.. blemish
and use these for seed. I
I Flax—WIM—One pou-nd of forma. �
l I Ifni la 40 gallons of water. One-half i
. gallon, sufficient for one bushel of 1
1 � I fted4' � Spi the ,solution on the seed
and- shovel it over until the entire
, . Ourf4pe. to damp. Ra;kie It over fro-
, cl4ently to assist drying. X:B�—Do
- I - I not pour. the solution on the seed
i4l Instead of &P�aylng It, for the seed
then. becomes Toatted into lumps.
T116 Annual losses in Canada from
.. Seedsiborne diseases ,%mount to many,
Millions of dollars, and the small
" &mount of money and work entailed
ln� the above precautionary measured
� will be amPly repaid In yields which
are larger and of better quality. Pree-�
doul. fio1ft disease by selection or
. I . to -ment of the seed often has, a
I . t At
- I greater Influence on ultimate success
Of the crop than methods of cultiva-
tion, and, manuring, alid neglect to
pay priii attefttlon to these points,
May nullify the care, labor and money
. 0*00n4ed oil cultivation and manur.
� lug.
� For, further Information pr advice
-i6n, this -subject, apply to the Divleitall
� Of. Botany, Central Experimental
� Parni, Otta;Wa, or to the nea,rest Do.
Minton ,Laboratory of plant pathol.
0gZ—V, L. Drayton, Plant Path*10-
. 814t. .
1 4 *s, IMPORTED.
(RxParIwfttA,l Forms Note.)
. __0 It Is Commonly Conceded that, for
. is6i reason or other, European.
arou'a seea of field roots Is superior,
Ja rovi to root crop producing abil-
ItY, 10 096d raised In Canada. It order
to investigat6 this assertion which,,
won it true, naturany would prevent
Canada from becoming a root seed
pow.lux country of importance, sev.
-4 fte- orvirs
�"-_`i AWUW-
oral experiments hai bM 'undor. 1, I nuAaddWANINSOMMMUMMI � IIXAYAY mott fall Into tA* orror at as- 11 .I--- � .
tai during the last few yoarli, , ___ — � I sumins that their hobbies muot be ao
In 1010, Need of a few varieties of �1 __ I - - dicallied And aorlolia as astr vots%- VOU'R sit-
� -,
MAX091a mud Swede turnips ralged the I tioum, though eurtly the example of I
previous year by the Dominion Rxper. 'I,! tho wreatoot philosbphera ought to 0 A :
limeatal FArmal System woo tested in * I have tauJit tVo-m better! They seem
comparlsou with seed of the, same I 44-
varieties obtained commercially. The I -EAST CAKES i to lm'slue that they should coal' *
I ally be Improving thouli In either
results of the exp9rimeuts otrongly body or mind. It they taVe up sport k- .
Indicated that the Cana4lan-growill �� . It Is because the sport may Improve . - :_ I
capable of CO . mpoting, 111111i �_ __�� their health, And it the hobby is Ir." '�L'!;
With the commercial seed, w1doll, later � There is move ener tollectU41 It must needs. be, amp,.Oyl� I � It")
A QQA wilor 0 1 row urope, a I I OY ta,improve VAPIr brain. . .Jw I I ,
respect to crop .producing In . 0. POO44 0 goo, 'The tact to that their touceptlon I
, . , power. I o.0 5t i-Improyemeat Ili too narrow. In 1 4
tact, In some instances, the ca;444" reill,.4 M&46 in the �
. �
ion -grown need proved decidedly su. their restricted sense of the phrai ....
perior, , home with ROYRI Yeast � they possibly don't need tMpr0YILg` I - -_ 11 I
In 1919, A very Jarge number of var. Cake* than in w pounli they possibly are already Impravad to I -_ ___,_,__ I
I . the point of being a nuisance to their - I 141""WWWW"i
letles of field roots were tested, The of Ineat, BroaaMakillig fellow creatures, possibly wh-,t# they to
majority were grown from ordinary . it! flower -fragrant,
seed of commerce, and the bai is a.. vinliple opelliatiost need to wWaenlug. In the biw,ld and h . ealing 14ther
, a fall sense of the phrase self luiprove. . has
from seed produced at the Expert- : sad requires no pro- went, a course of self wora�nwg . pleased. four 00nera.
Mental Farms in 1918. * . might Improve them.
Although complete reports, pit the VIOVOL experience. IFIX110 "I have known men -and evely. 1110136 'Of Canadians. .-,.a,
time of writing, have no4beon ri instructions ilk Koyal body has known them- who would � Albort Soo'liq UmIted, Xfrs,, ZrOvAtreal.
ceived, a few remt�rko. on the ciampar. Yeast 11ake Book, . appi nearer to perfection it ItAey I �
ative value in general of the Ca , udd. could only acquire a little earlessuess, " . I
, I
lani and the imported seed May snAiled free on reqUest# a little absentralaileduess, a little Il. - . I
be offered, particularly as the results logicalness, A little Irrational and In.
Obtained clearly demonstrate on what .G1LL1LTTCO.LTD, fautfle gaiety, 0, little unscrupulous- -_ � .- � � I ---
tliq crop pro . dilloing value of root need TORONTO ness In the matter of the time of day, I � � :1.11, .
lar . gely depends, These constdcrations, should be, welg4, I . — =====
Most of the crops from the commer, .- - e4 before certain hobbies are dis RECIPIES ,
Missed as being unworthy of a plain
cial, 1, e., imported seed, proved rath- 11 I man% notice,", � -
or unsatisfactory, inasmuch as the I OYSTi IN BAKING DISIT.
roots were greatly looking Ili uniforcin- !� "'. . . 400.. B.eat one egg, two tablespoons of cold
, A Pleasant Purgative.-Parmelee'o water, roll oysters in this and then in
sty and smoothness. in a large num- Tlis farmer, taking to notice of the Vegetable pills ars, so compounded crumbs; Place close together in baking
ca -'called varieties cross, overturned It, and sure enou dish; season with salt and pepper and
gh as to Operate oil both the stomach and Cut over all a few white of celery
were composed of 411 kinds of types, that night and for many subsequent the bowels, so that they act along the put In oven until trown. Whet) hot. It
very good. It As so much easier
ill fact often to such 6 degree that the nights was tormented b -r a figure In whole alimentary and excretory pas- I'La frying and they are perfectly hot
type 'Which a certain variety was sup- white that bnte-.od Ilia room and said: sage. They are not drastic In their When served. . �
posed to represent could hardly be "Give me back m -r field." work, but mildly purgative, and the
recognized, Finally, the farmer grow III, a doc- pleasure of taking them is only
The crops from the Cauadian� tor was suMmoned, and It then, trans- equalled by the gratifying effect cut up five oranges, put In a large
n the whole better. pired that it was all due to thepriest they produce. Compounded only of Rudding dish and sprinkle over them one -
Outstandingly good were the crops who At thol very time the former used vegetable subs alf cup of white sugal,� Set a pol con.
,t4hobs the curative ts,ining a pint of milk in a kettle of
grown 1rom seed which had been to see and hear tlie y1slon, was par- qualities of which were fully tested, boiling wator; lot it boll, Stir together
ff tile 70IRS of two eggs. one�h%lf cup of
raised by'the Dominion Experimental ading his own house In a white sheet they a ord relief without chance of sugar and two tablespoonfuls of corn -
F arm - from roots representing im- and repeating the vory words, "Give Injury. � . starch in 0, little Cold milk and with a
proved 'varieties, 1, e., varieties which me back my field," that the farmer 610-0� . little salt. Add this to. the boiling mIII5,
for a few years have been. subjected to had heara so continually. it was done lot It thicken and pour It over the fruit,
a rigorous selection, In other words, solely by concentration. . Seorets Brides Nay Keep. Now beat the whites of, two eggs to
a stiff froth, add a tablespoori tine
the Importance of selection Was Uu_ But It Js :iot only - ounds that can sugar and pour It over the pudding, set
mistaRably demonstrated, Applying be conveyed by telepathy, but taste That the age Of bride and bride. In 4L t hot oven to brown, Drop jelly on.
the results to practical root seed as well. � the op for ornament.
growing, it follows, tlibii, that# in or- Dr, Elliotson narrates how, in the groom need no longer be Inscribed an Dr,-LICIOUS'RUX) OABBAGB.
�der to gain , a reputation as, a reliable Presence of the Aichblohop of Dublin the marriage certificate Is a ue1W , rule one sman red cabbage out fine, two
. I .
and several other persons, he exper- fit regard to French marriages. It ill chopped, one teaspoon flour, one table,
seed producer, the grower Must base � greening apples Chopped, one I%Vgo onion
his seed growing business on very Imented on. a certain Mrs. Snewing. sufficient if they are declared of age, spoon unsalted fat, one -hair cup water,
. careful selection, Growing of seed Standing behind Mrs, Snowing, so that Or over thirty, a statement salt- pepper, one tablespoon vinegar. one
she could not see him, Dr. Elliots � I of specific
from ordinary root crops 'without ' on age being unnecessary, says Tit -Bits. teaspoon sugar. Put the unsalted fat
put various substanc4s In his mo . Into a saucepan, add the onion, apples,
careful selection will never lead to pr -o uth Hitherto It has been n to cabbage, water, salt and pepper to tAsto,
-salt, sugar, cinnamon, ginger, and . ecessaty,
fitable results. On the contrary, It so on, all of whiel, Ivere carefully con. have, the bons posted up on the d6or Simmer slowly for about two hourn, eA,,
will result in the. placing on the mar- coaled with bIL1*.-An:: paper and ban Of the town hall for ton days ding water as It boils A Sprinkle
oye interior. ded A ,, Includ- fl cbbage w1i2y;tIr in; add
ket of varieties apt to pr to him by a Ar. Scarlett, eldest son lug two SO day$. The latter clause vinegar,and sugar. White cabbage may.
Seed growing without careful and In- of Lord Abinge I In the rule'has been abolished, while, e way.
tialligent selection of the seed roots Each time an article Was put in if desired at the .house of either the BRBAD STICKS. . .
must therefore by -all means be dis- his mouth and lid began to taofe it� bride or bridegroom. Two witnesses, Add one Yeast cake t I Q a half-pint or
couraged. On the other hand, it Is Mrs. Snewln:� called out and describ- instead of four, 'Will.also In future be -lukewarm Water, dissolve, add half 9, tea.
a compeartively easy matter for any ed what she fancied she tasted, and sufficient. . . spoonful of salt In the beaten white f
ne egg and sufficient flour to makeol
one who takes the trouble to select every time her description tallied ex- The names of the respective parents dOough; knead well for 10 minutes, Stand
only the very best root, uniform in actly with what Dr, Elliotsor had In will no lop.-er appear in the offiefal Aside for two hours. When light turn
, shape and color, to develop a variety his mouth, publications, The mother of one of out on the board, out off small bits and
� roll them under the han0s Into a Cord.
� superior to the ordinary commercial . aiii,1110 - the contra&Ing parties will In future like strip to fit pans'." Stand In a warm
. variety from which the selection to Holloway's Corn Cure takes, the have the right to oppose the marilage, Place for 20 minutes uJid bake for 10
being made, Seed produced from such corn out by the roots. Try It and a right which before was only attri. minutes In a. quick' oven. These sticks
, roots will produce very much superior prove it., � buted to the fai are especially nice served with salads.
form a crop producing standpoili . I- - �
� 00 &— ' I - _ The worms that infest children
I The Sheep and the Goat, ALMOST 'A ,FAUX PAS, from ,their birth are 61 two kinds,
I I — , . She: "O -f course, he bored me aw- those that find lodgement In the
i Ruddy Cheeks, 0, slieep, whose days are so demurely fully, but I don't think I showed It. stomach and thos6 that are found In
, Every tirne'l yawned I just hid it the IntestinG3. The'latter are the
. I wonder It it's past -your compre. 'with My han-".` , . most destructive, as' they cling to the
Sparkling Eyes - 'P't' ` He (trying to be gallant): I walls of the .Intestines and If not in -
y - heading- , 'Really,
. ,,Offlanly Health That you and I between us represent I don't see how a hand so small could terfered with work havoc there.
The starting of a process and its -er-hide�er-tbat is - beastly Miller's Worm Powders dislodge both
V1 , weather we're having, Isn't it?" kinds and while expelling them from
. I ending? _.--�-*-*�_ the system serve to repair the dam�
I . I On you the wool, on me the cloth and age they have cauged. I
' hoi . -i 0
BY GIRLS' AND WOM, , ON . Thus swings the cycle from its start . p and at ""11111*1111 #044111110+4+0
. to close. . "44
. . But, not dir,ot, old thing -0 not . I I - T H E
BRINGS KEEN APPETITE, 0000 direct t I . I I
I 'Twixt shearing you and my "spring THAT'S WHY MRS. KARGUS
Women - who axe all . pla,yed out, There' intervenes a host of the elect KIDNEY PILLS.
droopy, pale, nervous, and Irritable Who jazz around in Dalmlers and . L�1
will certainly be greatly Interested. So t' Rolls-Royces , . . . SEASbNABLE! POULTRY ADVICIl.
will folks who are embarrassed with Well-nourished coves, with apoplectic Lynedoch Lady states that she was so The Incubation season Is now at
p mples, rasi and pallid oomblex- neeks, weak she could not get out of bed I
ion. Who drink champagne and sign Cot- till she found relief In Doddii`9 Kid. Its height, Many people are certain
. The real joy of living is beat known A -down the path from you to me they ney Pills.. ' to experience poor hatches and some
to those who koepthe blood pure and stand Lynedoell, via. Wolte, Out,, Morel' are going to blame the incubator
the system toned by the use of Dr.' (Who trie;3 to dodge them only 29th, (Special.)—III feel like telling when theythemselves are to bl4me.
Hamilton's Pills, a soothing tonic lax- comes a cropper). everybody about what Dodd's Kidney Back of the eggs In the machine may
ative that puts health, vim, and spir- And each with outstretched and ei Pills did for mei This Is the joyful be poor, breeding stock, Iml,roper
pectant hand exclamation of Mrs. Frank X
Its into those who lack these qualities, Collects the tribute that he thinks Well known and highly respecsi a feed, wrong methods and bad hous-
You will be stronger, better nour- Is proper. dent hero. Mrs, Hargus led resim lug. In some cases the incubator
Ished, In better spirits and sleep bet- Your -wool would z' tand on edge if you did reasons why she Is a gives splen- may be at fault, but such cases are
o enthusiastic
ter after using Dr, allmilton's Pills. I could see over Dodd's Kidney Pills. in the minority. .
This wonderful medicine 'will do The final price at which it's charged cause of my At the very foundation -of the suc-
� cessful. breeding and rearing of live
you good In a hundred yvayll. It will to me, trouble" she says, "but I know It I ck of any kind lies vitality. Es -
put spring in your step, an attractive � dragged along for over a. year, I had sLO
brightness In your eyes, and on your Therefore I call you "Ccrarade" from a bad pain in my back and I was 4o peelally Is this true with poultry,
cheeks will be stamped the glow and my heart, . weak that I could not get out of bed. The short time that the chick Is in
blush of a, June.rose. All thisla pos- Although we two adorn a different My 'heart troubled me very much, and the embronle stage; the quielt
sible higeause Dr. Hamilton's Pills genus , my sleep was broken and unrefresh- , growth which It makes; the compar-
bring about vigorous digestion, Per- If you and I are plainly �n the cart, Ing. . ative -short life of the chicken; the
fect, assimilation, pure blood, and a At least we share the vehicle between "I was always, tired and nervous Immense amount of food -,-hich it
proper working of all the organs. us, ,� and sometimes I was so bad I thought consumes, digests and assimilates,
. no -the strain of manfiYacturi-is end
The benefits from Dr. Hamilton's We have. one point In common, BrO- I could not live much longer. I tried 'a
Pills , come about In a natural, so6th- ther Beast— � two doctors and they did not do"me ,laying a sufficiently large numbor
ed much good, so I tried Dodd's Kidney of eggs to make that chicken profit-
ing, easy way, and girli and women We both exist In order to be flese, . 11 iiable all tell upon tile constitution -of
of all ages are advised to try this old- —Manchester Guardian. Pills.
"They have done me & lot of good. the lowl. - TLus unless the poulltry-
time family remedy, which is sold. by � A 0 1 can do ,. 1; housework again and I inan uses his very best breeding
all dealers In 26 cent boxes. - - I QUITE DISTANT. ii and uses good ju4gment In
- 4 0 0 1 — ' am getting along fine."
. Smith: "Is that chap Brown a re- Mrs. Hargus troubles are all symp- making his matings, and sees that
PRIN01PLE OP TMEPATHY. latiol, of yoi toms of diseased kidneys. That's why' vitality Is coursing through everyvein
]Brown.' "Only a distant relative." she -got such prompt relief. Ask your he Is certain to suffer more or less
How Information is. Conveyed � Smith: "Very distant?" neighbors If ffodd-'s Kidney Pills do loss because of this neglect.
Prom Ane Mind to Another. . BroWn.,t,Well, rather, He's the eld- not relieve all kidney tits, I , Don't use Imma.ture stock. Yetr-
oat of ft toon children, and I'm the � I 0644 ling hens, hens which have laid dur-
youngest." -ohinese Hold Secret, Ing one pullet year, are much lieti
Not only is It Possible to transmit . 4 ii# I breeders than pullets th,t are from
messages from on, Place to another Sore Fite Stfam It. --There are I If seven to fourteen months old. if
by means of Wireless, but It Is possible many who have been afflicted with Ever since Hong Kong Was ei there Is an especially good breeder
on occasions for one mind to coin- acres, and have driven them away lished, the Induatky of vermilion among either the MOLle or female It
I with Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie 011, which ingkitig, entirely In the hands of the Would -be a serious mistake to dispose
municate, with another distant mind acts like m9gle. All similarly Chinese, has been an Important one. of that towl at any roasonable price.
without the employment of ally appar. troubled should lose no time In ap. The factories of Hong Kong have In- One Common fault fund among
atus whatever, writes Elliott 01� Do.In- plying this splendid remedy, as there 'Violate trade secrets. The manufac. poultr�men In all sections Is their In-
noll In Pearson's Weekly. Is nothing like It to be had, it is ture of this, pigment Is among the ability to distinguish high and low vi- i
That Is what we mean by tole. cheap, but Its -power Is in no Way foremost Of the 4oi Industries. tality, vigor and lack of vigor 'In
There are something, like a hundred fo W icken �
pathy. - expressed by Its low price. i
Telepathy I.; purely mental. It is 0i small vlants for the manufacture. of is near death's -door It afflicted, -with I
vermilion in Hong Rong and Xow- some of the more Common diseases,
carried on quite Independently of all CHOOSING A HOBBY, loon. The raw material comes 'from but It It Is a fowl with a well marked 1
the orgaus of the body, saying the Australia, and the vermilion 1:3 pre- plumage or a good shaped comb ,or
brain, and yet It enables us to ro- 1. pared altogether by what Is known one possessing some other character-
colve from afar expressions of Woke Xt Ono That Will UioVe As the wet methed. Tile Chinese Istic they especially admire they too
thoughts, feelings, visions, taste and the Tension of Business, Made artificial cinnabar long before often overlook,the long snakby,hoad,
sounds, It Isentiroi a matter of con, Europe ,was a civilized eounti-ii, 'And the sunken eye, the thin breast and
centratiou. to this day there aro trade secrets in other evidences of weakness and lack
Ono of the most remark4i cases , Writing on the advantage MIA 01- the vermilion Industry whioll, 110 of vitality. it will p2y any pdultry-
of what certainly appears to have -1joymont that a busy Mail will de. EuroDem has yet beba able to fa. man to give days of careful study
been telepathic communication was rive from a hobby, Arnold Bennett thow. Some of the gratilto stiones when it comes to selecting the stock
that of Mrs. Hawker, wife of the. there, between which the Pulverized for his breeding pens, Mistakes here
famous airman. It will be remembered says In the Metropolltaa: oro to ground, tire, almost prehistorlo, it means o. season's work
,, are costly.
that when news fitr3t ediAe, to hand In choosing a distraotion—thut is —Family 11arald. . I lost to say the leant, and the poultry -
that the daring aviator WAS Missing, to 8117, In choosing a rival to his btlal i man may never be able to recover
the whole country, with one ei laoi should seleet.some puia,ult 13AIGHT CON, from the effects of Mistakes In breed -
tion, feared the worst, and th,at ex. whoso, nature, differs as witch as pos. ing made In a single season. �
ceDtloa was Mrs. Hawker. albile from the nature of his business, 3oealar Old Party (about to board Incubators are 4 nece,081ty If one
Mrs. Hawker .vas never In doill)t and which will bring into activity a tramear on a pouring wet day):� expects to raise any great quontity of
as to her hlisbalid'a safety, because another aide of his chari it his "Ah, Conductor, Is this Noah's Ark of stock. Incubators are also nei
at the very Critical momont,ften his business 10 monotonour, donanding Yours full?" 1. aary it It Is expected to got Off any
lite was In the gMvest danger, me$. care and solicitude rather than irreg. Conductor: "No, air; thei Just large quantity of early chick,;. Also
nagescamoto her saying that all WAs ular, intense effort of tho brain, then room for the donkey. Come on, sfrf$o
I lot hls distraction be such as will � - li I d 0 4i I .remember that It does not P3,y to met
well. The only explanation, of these the first of the liens that go broody.
messages seems to lie In telepathy - make a powerful call upon his brain. To have the children sound and These have been the winter ,layers
there was certainly ne medium for' But If on the other hand the caurse healthy Is the first care of a mother. when ens are'lilgh, To �set these
transmitting ti.em. of his business runs Ili crIses that They cannot he healthy It troubled hens to hatching troin too many aliany
A Curious, came was that of a certain string up the brain to Its tightest with worms. Use Mother Grili females that walted until spring be -
strain, then let hit; distraction be a Worm Exterminator,
priest who -disputed the rights of Any. 9� - � 6, 6". , - � fore they started to lay.
ons In a, village near Paris to & partle. foolish and merry one. I 11 - NMI- i 6 I � " " - � _
ultr field. A fartner bought It, and iiiiiiiiiiii,1110 1111111----11111011 Mill =XXTIVICIATION Itlemovsx), 11 - 1. 0 =.�_
Me prilost datermIxuad to make him A Scottish tradesman stopped into a I � PHOSPH0011NM&
r6linqui4b, It through the tnotrumsm- r -"s Qift Rot cod"A barbers *boo the other day, And, whilst � ?We Gtodit English Atpuni
Wily of whkt was 1A rway telora- .. ,*, Tofti and invisowwo the whole
,Z*"6e.tvZf&,b1,i ktbvl ho wth .'being shaved, tho barbitr wsis r , flervot" sy*tem. InAts new 111004
, tr
'thy. Aeeordkirly, be put tip a wai A r" 0* wondering If this was a now Customer. I In old veint. uted &r N&r"qS
ova 11i 0. I 11 "Have You itivor b*im here for a 3have
Oft'i 1A thA f1*14 to whIch ke affivied I I ; 0. ?, 6 P�t 1. b0i asltod tho barb,mr. Dobift Mtn -tat ofid Prain Ift
a Pakor. bearing on it ti Imfts, - 'IV I ad I dra or t ..Yox, *not," vsA tho r&ply
rft "t r on Me ,; 'MI "But I ft "t mmom-loor Y*wr f*** .., "
� Wr OOA% 11tto tkis 904 a M I
f r.11 f9wr U. dby lid k owr In
- 6 mm W wtii 7n 14 I I IN I'll Vvoe, I 446ro TO lail't", s0d tko O" twittot a WA# A? "I I ,
� I I "It, owaiii1f fwfftwor, 17* #Ws, tos a wwwd UV ftw i'm woo 1010"a 00 11 , ,
MA I'll rft i A
, '� �_ I
1. I �
R�2_1121�qi N��,�VATO_
IA 0141 Mck of hftw eau % k*pt
With Ai by many city dwellers
who bay$ A ba,4 ),%td. Xvi *A few
*0 eight or ten hei sboilld produce
09,94 onousk whea used 90040i
ly, for a tam
. , Ily of four or Ave per-
son$ throqAout the yea V #% .1
, ..r, e:Koept the
1401tiult -Period Ot the ftll and early
I winter.
I Houlieholders usually 40i not on.
I lY 09P for the table and for cooXIM
I but also an occasional chicken to eat.
� For this reason one of the general
purpose breeds, such As PlyMogtIA
Rocks, Wyandotte, . Rhode Jol4ull ,
or Orpington, is - , Red,
. preferable to the
smaller e&K breeds, such as r4egborno,
Not only do the mature fowls of these
breeds, because of their larger size,
Make better ta,ble fowls tha
., . It the Leg -
born, but the Young Chickens for the
same reason make 106tter fryers and
roasters, whereas chickens . of the
1 .", �_,4' � " 1 ;7�
.. . " 'r ,A �,�i
.111!� 141 -�,&4�, i, "
� -
fr 1. I �, � �,,,i�
1 -
" t,
0A. -i
.I 'got ilinal-1101mm"
,-. - -�,
I 11 10 V *.", *'i 0 "*100,0,1p." *"W'* 10 ;. .,�,
v wf �
I -.! —
— .1.1 il � ... - -
� 1�
, , "
smaller broilers,
'The' general Purpose breeds are
also "broody" breeds, hens
� VC, '
: :7� L'wSj
, �', ,U� I
I � I
. . r
2*01h OF
��.111111i'' I
#4004409�-11111m, _ ._ '_ -
I QV�Awlt L;QC1,.,AAI;, I
, 1'� .
For every kilud"d tMil vy..t .1
I Alto four t4woopooi at t0uW) t0A;,-
. ,,,� ,,,
'- . � , , � ,
Ju I ,_Sbjp!�
, orce ta
, I_ �,' ,
, ,
- ��
I 4au,%, ol)e tablespoon of A&V4?,X
, ; "W" �
dnegur, the 1111cle at li 1.1UWall, two
I . I
!jr three dripis of tobAseo uag,% 4
� - Me hor..e.rail1011 and o4s, tu,,, ut )
jy�.tvr Lqm,r. - rain the oi 4 - 4
'row their liquor an4 otrlii t,,.4 . ,
. tu'rea awout�t 1.*.dore ujiuZ. .1i i .4
� ocittail filay balf an hour 40f4&,LXe#.,.
I Ang "lid clilll thorouZhly.
A 104-11,1010i AppLE V'UDI)I�,,;(I.
13011 12" "_*�)ples and mash theitl vo,v
%99 breeds are gultable only for the
I -.! —
— .1.1 il � ... - -
J1110 -All
I ; L;..'r Into them WhAllis hi t., a
smaller broilers,
'The' general Purpose breeds are
also "broody" breeds, hens
. . r
2*01h OF
oi "Do 1 tit (,X Lutter. 1i ii_.
a, , "' " "�
0111011 I ,`,'Ut, e i sweeten to ta,,0t.
the M a -
I U,
libcu loa.ld .qtir Ju (jie (-up O! rw-, 11
149 good sitters and mothers, which
.4%-*.t:tl',,reat1 eruiulis and -four ,�, i-
ts a dectided advantage when It Is dis-
sired to hatch and raise chii
"' -4 LAULA 'Luttor a very dee1i IAo,�)
,r A V01Y 8-11,11OV, baking dl.sh, At I
since the hens of the egg breeders
� the bottoul. and aides wit,1114, 4
� i
seldom go broody,aud are in Any
, - .
- cru ii� s, Pour Ili tile apples, ;', I
event rather unireliable sitters and
I mothers, it, hoviever, !be produco
,vprl_q1,,o Ueavl (rumbs OV IV 1:1r. I ".4
'Xi h li Of litlitr 1.) d ,a lA1v1,l,.
. � %,
tIOU Of eggs Outweighs the des4re for
. 04nned Variety Randy
aut'nieg, DgMl [a ik tinti-a ov,aili $e.,_l
an occasional table fowl, lite lighter
egg breeds undoubtedly will be found
to Have in Pantry.
!.1�1141.. bot or wil In the"dls'i Ji. ,�.-hiL!14
better, because they lay as many
eggs and do so on less feed, with t1i
: # .
t iv,,li Liked. . . I
I. I
result that they the eggs
Serves as Base for Ma,i
Cream togothar t level tea.,ii-pooll,'til
. i �
more cheaply. It is by all means
.)t 110-'Illllft bIlItt'r 14,14 tiv t ta iloapa .,.,
advisable to keep some pure bred or
14--. of cold W,-.t,i add tur,34 ta'..'t'.
variety. Where this to done, 1341oll
SPOO1131"1114 of grateiil 1,reAd vra -k)4, �%
. �
at a profitable figure can often be
Made of breeding stock In I
tended, for
Ono Of the most useful things to
have Oil the emergency Shelf fs'a�'box
oliii of salt ,and ,. teaspoiiiZul 11
- . . .
.111n.0a OD16 Vr Po, 4.erel sage. ,�UJ 4,
I �
Market, ,of eggs for!. hatching,
� .
Of the nice, white, boneless salt C04-
Well togethe--, forill into small, 4W.- 1.
. I .
fish that Is Put UP now by several con-
Pl' a: e In a woll4i.eated o
� Ilea tlu 4i I
carns. Ong has no Ides, of the many
t u'In a hot a*,*e1l; turned freila%u ii� Y , .
1. -1
The size of the 4on house should be
delicious dishes ,
10 breakfast, dinner
un ti hrowne3� on , -% $ Vo'11UrA .
all side ,wr
governed by the size of the flooli.
or supper that one can make of t is,
witli I)Arowey.
jj(tj . .
., villon servIn,
. I
From forty to fifty.. seems to be about
for If it Is freshened properly It is aii
. '
. . � .
as many birds are safe to keep. to.
Most as good as the fresh fish, The
cO' - A ,ii unr,I,-iG,u2
� .
. . . . .s. "..
gether. With flocks of this give from
best ivay to do this is to put the fish
Ile -at to balling three cul)a of mW 411
11 .1
. 11 11 �� ,
fourto five square test of floor space
into a dish and cover with cold water,
, I
add graCoally tNqlo lable-cp9onfira t
I I t
. %
. .. , I
should be'all9wed to each bir(Y'This
Then set on the'llacic of the stove.
C011.11starch that has proyloon:y b(. I
I I,
. lt.� �
space will suffice In Oicat cases where
Let it come to a boil very slowly and
ruboed to a ,swooth pasto WA214 k.- I.
� -. "
careful attention Is given to clei
Change the water -as soon as it reaches
milk. When, t-1nJ(:keuo4 4,10��.f tQ ii:Ovi �
. . '.1-11
... 1.
nos$ and ventilation. It the fowls
the boiling point, . Do this three
little, then Stir In. tWo wei L
. .
... . I.:.
are. kept in smaller flocks more floor
times, , The plecoalmlay then be dip-
yolks of eggs mixed ,with t1iree mble.
. I .. I
space to a bird will be needed,
In sectAoris where-ttle, climate Is so
Ped Into melted butter a , nd broiled
over a hot fire until they are, a deli-
spoonfuls- of sugar. Sliumer, it A"'I
mouients.and turn into a dish. ca'o 'r
L .-
. . .
I �
. � :
wild that it Is uhnecesaary to. keep
fowls confined, except for a few days
cate brown. Put. on a hot platter
. I
.� c,� .'. 1 ,
th, ops th 0 W11 �� .1 f . � I
"'i It 0 'i")
� .: -:,
� . �
at & time, less space to a bird should
and pour a little ho't. cream over it,
beaten to a stiff troth. Place It Wv V
oven and brown illghtly. VJb . pli. c,'C'I,
be sufficient, !the smaller breeds,
, I
I -
dot Nirlth bits- of jelly, . ..., �.
, 1 I . i
being more active and restless, re-
I quire about as much Toom, as the la..7.--
To make a codfish Pie, line a baki
, ng
dish with a pie crust and bake, Bake
BROWNER. FLOUR s.kucr,. .
. . �
. I �
or breeds.
a round circle on a plate for the cover
Put a tcasDOOnf 111 of butter Ili & hot
I ,
� I 11
For the greatest amount of floor
at the same time. -Cook an onion out
frylag Dan and brown7slightly, 11011r;A
. I.. 11
I space for the least cost a building,
in slices In boiling water until tea.
a pint of milk and brat ta i)olIji,,ii
. -i
l should be square Other things be-
der. Mix A, teak�oonful of b utter
Thicken ,ritit t.,,*,o tablosDOoli ut
. . 1
Ing equal the nei e square, a house
r .r
with one of flour
� andpour over It a
browned � flk ur I abbed to a swot .
� . I
Is tile less lumbei , it will take. How-
cup of hot, milk. 'When it harr thick-
- I
Pa�te In �oid..water or milk. ; .. � ,
ever, it is sometimes,out of the ques-
' tion to build a fA.rge house square.
sued add the onion,, and a cap of the
I : "
� iftiown * BETTY ;
4 1� 1. I
� I I
I i
A building should not be so wide that
freshened fish, flaked Into small
Pieces. Pour it all. into the crust, put
Pare, cbra ;iuil�.Mice, ZI,V Apples, ]Dill- .
ter a baklix'&,�Ish�4ad sprinkle the -'AL;.'
. � ..
� . :
sun cannot re�cft the back of the
house; otherwise, li'will be damp.
on the cover and send very hot to the
, side all oie�Zvlth fine bread eruows. .
. . ' -
Fourteen feet is a,'conventent width.
Then takcah��v thin sliceii of .4ut.,
... �.
. Build the house aN low as possible
� I
tered bread�6id the aldea all -A kwt.
I line
I .
. i
ger Of ,attendants bump-
Freshen -a pint 9.f the fish and
tOm of the.49h. Put In a layqr of.UV-
. I .
I �
Inc their heads 4,allist. the ceiling,
flake. Butter well a deep pudding
plea an ihd11,:thIpk, a, thin la3rer,. qf
� �
. I I I
for the low As more easily
dish. Put lw- k layer of bread
brown su3�4,,',ZIx-'-bJts of butter ,and 4 ,
11 i .
warmed than a high one.
crumbs, then a 1(tydr of fish, dot with
dusting Of clAnamon, another layerl")�
... �
butter and season ,with pepper and
crumbs, j'4:60or �of apples and �auj.;�'4!,
I . 11
. .
salt If necessary.'-..* Cover with the
buttered crumbs, mir It
and so on till the. dish Is full, w.tu
crumbs aigl-DiAter on top, and thiii
. 7
� ;,
milk over and
bake until browii on 'top.
tablespooi of molasses potu,�A
1. .
. . �
AIDS,: �'et
' -
over. Bali�&-thla, -one hour aud Willi
� I
hard saued t4.1eat -with it.
. . I
.11 .
'Codfish balls are*'the usual Sunday
, I I
� �
morning breakfadt'all over Now Eng-
land. The'secret of Making them Is
, .
cut orililio. lu'halveo crosaivire. Xle�
. . I ! I
W7 '
not to get them too stiff, Mix a cup
in I .
over the Juice, land Pulp, leaVing1li'd
skla in good � condition for serv.'og
I . I .
. .1
. .
. B
c i f e
potatoes. Thei two tablespoon-
'jelly. For i'plut of Juice, soften IXAJ ,
lu-package� of golatine in half ai
. I . �
fuls of butter, four tablespoollfuls of
cold wai#r, and dissolve With. b41
� �
milk, one beatei pepper and &-a,lt,
if - Drop'
u cup of boll�ing water. Add a, eug"(1
The g%ood old fashion of taking a
necessary. from a spoon
into the hot fat anit.fry a deep br own.
and 'the Juice of- halt a leuldnii, ,
'stir until disi stra'n and fidd
: �
� .
tonic in the spring time like mos Of
the customs of our grandparents, Is
Serve with mustard pickles.
I -the orange jiilcb.' Carefully removo
. . .
based upon solae common sense and
All the seeds from the orange juice.
. I
1I aeeea;� of
do not strain, as small I
11 !
I . �
good mod!cal practice. Winter is at-
Fritters are another breakfast dish.
tender Pulp are not objectlonabl(�Ad. .
. ; I
ways, a tryin. time for those who are
Beat four eggs well and add a cup of
the jelly. the jelly In teacup$,
I ,
' I I
not In rugged phyilcal health. Many
rall kand a cup of freshened codfish,
. .Mould
selecting such. as are about the 612re
I . I
men, women and children go through
in small flakes. Soison well. Pry oat
; of the orango skins. Pill the cupa't,',
the winter on reserve, strength they
a slice of pork in the trying pan, Put
'I the height required to fill the orange
.� !
. I
have stored up durft�g the sunny sum-
the fish and potatoes in and spread
', skins. Decorate the jelly With '.Ill*
I �
mer monthb, and grow increasingly
wet land evenly oxer the bottom of
moude, candied cherries and cookel
. .
I 11
pale and languid as the spring days
the pan. Wh,bn it is co
sultana ratsini or leave Plain, Wbon
I , �
approach, � A tonfe for the blood and
crisp turn it over like an omelet and
ready to iserve, remove the Jelly fLO111
I I �
nerves at this time, will do much for
serve at once. , . .
the cuPs and put in the orange sklur,,
. . � I
such people, by putting coi In the
and set In a pan of shaved Ire,
chedks and bants4ing that tired feel-
Ing that worribs th(uscmds of peop!e
One level t6aspoonful butter, one-
.theiw L
,'Cover the jelly- With merNmue PT,d
brown delicately !n a very hot oVen:,
at this season of the year. ,
halt level teasPoduful mustard, one-
fourth level teaspoonful paprika, one-*
It is Impossible to be energetic It
your blood, Is thin and weak, or if
cupful grated cheese. Cream"the
. Chop fine 6ne can of corn And sift
art frayed 9r. shattered.
butter, add the mustard anr paprika
and in graduai the Cheese. This
into it one cup of one ,teaspoon- -
ful of baking powder, two teaspoon,
You cannot compete with others If you
do not get refreshIng sleep at night,'
Is good on crackers. or In sandwiches.
fuls. of salt, bue-fourth teaspoonful. of
or if your appetite Is poor or you are
paprika. Add the yolks at two eggti, I
'beaten until thick, and mix thoroi �11
losing weight. You need a tonic at
this time lo add to your efficiency
Makes Breathing Easy. The con,
striction of the air passages and the
' "I
ly, then told fix the whites of the eggo
now, as well as to save you from the
struggle for breath, too familiar evi-
'beaten etiff. ; Half a cup of Ii
chopped celery may be added, if lIkOd
suffering later on, And In all the
denee, of 11thina,tie trouble, cannot
daunt Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma
F ry by spoonful In fat too deep fo�
I �-.
realln of medicine, there Is 'no sat w
sautellig. but n'aot -deep enough fr-r
or better ton'.c than Dr, Williaj;�#
Pink Pills. These Pills tone and enm
Remedy. This is the famous remedy
-Which Is known fat and wide for Its
true trying. - Drain on a sort palleir.
and seive at once. .
� .. ��
rich the blood which circulates through
every portion of the bqdy, strength.u.
cOMPi Offectivoiless even under
very severe conditions. It Is no un-
Ing Jaded nerves and run-down or,
gans, and bringing a, -feeling of new
tried I t etion, but
Ono with many Years of stiong ser-
Remove tho flank end and all an-
pertitious fat from a sirloin steak, cut
strength and energy to, weak, easily
vive behind it. Buy -It from your
about bite Inch and a. quarter thl6t.
Baets both sides with melted butter.
tired, despondent men, women and
nearest dealer. .
then sprInkle with grated breud
,children, I .
11 -
cruldba, from the centre ot a staI6
Mrs, J. X. McNeil, Glace Bay, N.S,,
When Boston Was in Vo 'a,ble,
loaf, mixed with finely-choppc-4 pare-
says- "For years past my Dome has
lay and chives. Flattell with & cleaver
never been withoilt Dr, Williams' Pink
or broad�b,adtd knife, wet In cold
Pills, mid I have good reason to praise
In 1174, On the 16t Of June, the 1308-
water, and brbil In -a wojl�otled broll-
them highly. Pei an'AttaCk Of
ton port bill went into operation. At
or over a fire that Is not too, fle'ree
Is, grippe, I wes left In a badly rua-
down condition., I had no 4PDetfte and
noon the harbor was closed against
'about twelve .minutes. Remove 'to it
'hot semIng dish, sprinkle - with salt.
felt so, weak I owild scarcely goabout
all vessels, and business was suspend-
Isp.read with three tablespoonfuls of
the house. I was taking medicine but
ed, In a 20 days' notice the citizens
fereamed butter mixed with .06 tea-
it was not helping me, and a friend
of Boston were deprived of their
spoonful of 16mon juice, a teaspoonful
. .
advised;we to try Dr. Williams, Pink
means of gaining a living. Indigna-
of paralor and a tablesPoolittIl of fresh
Pills. I . used them for a time with
tiott, ran high throughout the colonies,
horseradish. - .
the most beneficial r-sUlts. My appe-
contributions were raised in other oil-%
tits improved, my strength returndd,
tea for their relief, 4nd the people of
Wipe the meat with a damp blotip
and X *as sooi! able to do all my
Marblehead offered the Boston wer-
,an.4 iset to Cook In a slow *r very
housework. I now use the pillsevery
chants the use of their wharvei,
1,modetate, oven. Pork In Wholesome
springo and find them a splendid
- ,the man Who stands In his own
%only when thoroughly cooked; and. it
itrength-bringInK tonic. 1 have re.
light doesn't necessarily keep other
'the heat ,of the oven ibe strong a*
tomumd'ad the
people In the dark,
firgt, the scaring over of the ineat ,wlzl
who hav6 used them with good re-
Once upon a time the gallant Used .
-keel) the beat from penintrating to tho
to kiss his lady's hand. The modern
VeRIX0 CC tile roost. Cook 26 minutes
Dr. Willir.ma' Pink Pills ato4to Ilic
girl will tell You It's entirely out of
to the pound, Season w1th ealt Wb64
They build up
not a stimulant. t 4
,nearly tooltel. Servo with hot apple
blood, and through their use not only
,- - -4, 0 40 ,
saude, lightly sweetened, or With -ap-
the disastrott 1 after effects of Influenza
JTJST AT T111J. =111T.
file mint jelly. Potatoes and *110 other
but also troubles due to poor blood,
Uer Rusband-Do you rdean to "Y
vegot"Ible, Aa onlona, turnips, spinach,
such as anaomia, rheumatism, Indigos.
you're actually goin to Wear that he*
-j%lolry, chulitlower or cabbage, OA -
tion aud, the gent -illy worn-out feel
eing gown? tho.v pinched A,
vaudeville woukan for less than that,
Company the dish. Cole slAW Is quite
Ing that offetts 86 InallY people, il:
Mrs. L& Moi should think they
geliera-ily the form in which the eab-
appear. You can get ,these Dill$
would. Less than this would be quite
,bage, Is served.
through any dealer In medicine, or by
too daring. . . il .
matlatlitleentsabbxor six boxes for
$2.6o, from ,.:he Dr. Willianis Modleffie
0 *.,_�,
f,Vhk*6n1a*ft0ydUri%tt0i TWA*$
Cut Sp,li Permuds; or the flat
1, eracker" onion, growil In thbi out-
Co,i; Brookville, Out.
Y611 to wato" 1i lot tne tell you tf
my 8101r.10 mebw 61 home itteattaftt,
try, Into thin sliew mad, 000k In bol,.-
- '''
*hd you teA dayi'Ote ttial, post-
Ing salter Water until tender kad
Dod and DwAb LabgU4%
I .
twd, agdout you in toud, with
ftmft in Cinadit *he will t 0%
#kdJytel1*hAt9%y1ftethA 160 I
nearly 4Ty. From half to tbrse_qtIjir.
to-ra of an licur will be ne#46d. Pro,,#
'%' L
The VotlyeloDedia, 19ritaili sayoo.
111" done for them$
0 you mv trftbltd 4 0_. bfttk*
through a fwree elm, let almn or avit-
1:11 redu,ced aomewhat, theft aid to a
. L�
,ve have tonvorsed br qlps �Wt�lt
AN" %)" tk" tifto, bhkto
li he d- der weaknew
Ilint of Puree three mblespi fete. ;f �
flour, cookel In three tablellvoolifillo
. ,
.. -
,deaf people from all parts of the ,110.
sche,bse' 1 toditulww"M*
"ho. . L t*trw ton4itJobt,
tit butter and 0uted with oti-a lowtIr
11 * ,
tish lsle*, from France, from Nor-
11"Os , , rafAin tho tides, ttft*
of tt cqtprul -each of white stoo'k a* 4
11 1.;;�
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way and Swedii Poland, JLM4AJ#A4
I Isitty or I rr :fUILILrly,
th!ek tream. Add Alto ,ailtlt anA pejO
1V . �
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116, Russia. Tu.:.*Y, the Valp
1. 4 . Wiiiii ftn" f*M* a
p,sr ai ne�alM.
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ZtM4 and found that tgdood thay
mlfv�wnftt of fbt� W4
ww"Vsoi d4gr6 to oty.
., — if 00 -
Pa, the w1li that swA'.1ew*A
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Are 4 world-wido oommmloi �
Doe poopto in Artiarluk aouv*rm with
"= Wt rAsi "rg trw
viodler tke trt% at a low ot Intet"
Jonah was this orittlili p"fte*t,
ws,sn*t bo?" "In wbAt wxr, tot
�i.,',�, I
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Red Indfabin W.th 0"% thalril6y d"_
114 Rk wdu so M* W40 (ot five t" t
Ii 1 -Didn't he crab C.1 the
I b" Jbfwa"A Oks - -0;uVX*nV (a - - -
12 ft-" Nkft 01cli
101% M. "Mm4m 1111 -ax 8, wift'doory 0"
prn�het tit it:s4t ,�-ftltim*re A-alfIrtip.
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