HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-04-08, Page 2­_ ­ .- ­­­ 1- O'l I J1jh!i!,1,11 0=0100 "!;= 11 __ . , - ­ --- ___._____ —_ , __ - .. .... , I I r _;; ­ , 2! = ,_ -- n V& &% wokpons in the vAn4p; or up infurla- 11 the ro,,-,ult*.1 Veiserlb% We "UK ot,04- -4 2 1: ^ I I Ill , ted people, he doclared. I I '11 "I 11 I . borab, And Damk. IV , The Premlar cozolU04 by Sayint I . 31; I'RA,CTICAT4 SURV S S r I . I . .. STERN REAS, UNE ROW.SEU . he believed tile bill would reault In I I Topic—The Service OT WQU1QU In UA- " bringing -about the Union of the A1,1 - I It Adership. 11 North and Qie South, Union witll - 1 OU41 IQ 0.11t I I 11 I .. 1. Deborah a YAOtOrY. Proteatauts mad Catholles, Union with ' I I 11 W: 11, N, FEINERS Great)JrltaIn4u(1IrcIaU4. I , , , , , , , 4` . , Lt. Deborah's song Of victory. 11 To LUKB SIN '. 1. Dobora%i's VictOVY. -,And tile 0 A 0 I 'did --nl in tile 1-111- ­__,_____._._"._­ ­­ . . 11 I SUNDAY SCHOOL- chtldrwi of : "-'Ael Again . 'IT April 11th, 1920.* sight of our Lord." With, Oemry Mou" +h I CU1101' ITCMIQ 4460073 - . otony Is' the ChArgQ 1,01terAl.eu in , . I Wr,ah and Isarack deliver Israel. and . partfculv,T _ I LJOY d Norge I orealens U1114 45 wu uy , A owe has gliven birth to live lambs b1cly tile 'All elQe signats during tile wr4w A 0amm, De history of the nation'l Ot tile judges, I - I- at Stralbaue, Tyrouo,I air rai4s on boada, have each been Assm&iL W-4.1101_1 904, Tile rromiae Of ly durl-.-.g tile Pori C, I I uvwmentarx.--l. O,Uty oppression I hat Mr. BrIfent p _`w___"`__ - pl- 1 4 Deborah, a ,1,wenty .Years of mig It is underotood t . resented by the Mayor with A silver ­ . . . ­ I 4 I 1, .I D , the THE NEWS chief of the detective division at medal, a War Savings Certificate, and ellverall-o W. 4-9), was the result. "Agaln", is the ICOY to Nor . OF I pre-photosia—She WAS 0, Nyonign ot the the diGtresBing situation, Sin, re. It ___.___._,___ " . Dublin, hae res!gned' ,% small Illuminated address, , Dudloy Rolmo' ' . T I I of 1, pbralm. wh4ln God ralsed 10s, carries with . WIN pouted after forgivoile A boy -,of I'% !who gave evidence In & mutilated letter, writtell—by"the PAROWT411111% 60LOOMT4 WM up to judge Isra P. Farallam (,Surr,e,v) -01160 knew tile , poet Burns, "from SlIvauder to Claria, , arit and certain- ' . 9106W "" 1111166411% ~0 '41 and to ge . , t with it more of moral dOm( . front the t -y of retribution. Jabill, Idlis 0 Say§ Six Men 1'4 eft America to "',Pllabo. tv letter "I" OAIY. I .,Im Ill tswir d0lVe"AlIcs I Carsofl i L I do," consisting of 35 lines on both . -11 L .1 I1) tied 9, Canaan, was the present instrument Of I . . , I oppression ,of JaDill, olle 10 CA ' L i I A reslvleat of Bideford, North sides of a page, has been sold at Ed- — BAQ Spoke tile MCA- ounishment. nut for their dlsObQ, ! ,, I — __ ffi,jvou, hay. jn t received a post card, inburgh. for 9152 6s.- Scott Douglas R. Vwstoao propAetwa, S,Uca tie would have bad nothing to 1 Murder Rim I ears Ago at a village gives the date of the letter ,as mFebru- t,a,ged "d gave her tor kilo PeOP10, dlence, or - to COMMOU p"'tcd "IfL"On y -in the followiu% do with Israel. "With the QpprosR . -, Liberal Blepted ary 23, 1788. 1 SAR*A*TM AM 0000n"I ,x4e song recorded iwer." lie pos.-,, sed rem —_ ____ "' * ca4pter gives evidtaco.ot her laspl=- there W-18 Pc I T o w a r ds ch o mlilion poundi lund *Igw so is" 04 *"%a ate% . P__*"` ', that sources wbich. appaled. the people Of, in, Kamouraska By Ac- 'Y a fo'"r UIIEB away' ' n Mr. John Jameson, formerly head of , tian %j a propheteas, And $11OWS id take ,no responsibility for the - 6,000 ' the Dublin firm, of distillers, has died V10904"A. I she 'PLOss he W'o tile hill c-untry and luade reliatmUce A'Londou cable Says- ' The Lloyd Coll for thp Church In Walea. 4 cc-Ged poetic Ability. 8 elc._,s. But the day was George coalition dovernment scared scheme. Sir NLaward declared Its . clamation, war buad,3 hao been sent 44011Y'llouely d t the age of 81. 1 . ­ --A tile W!io qf Lapidoth, 5. Under thO ADP4rbUtlY ILOP' Would not do anything; to prevent . Ic the Blishop of Llandafr. I The People's League is to launch a I . -aring even whilo the gloom Of ad her place Of Aft' prep. its expected victory in the House 01 the bill becoming law. *p4lin mia--she b , Oped t,. I laud. A now GRANION 1P , At :. wunDo I Garden City, Lincoln, - coun- . , I ",, 0 1 LETS win Mont in the open air.under 9, palm widulght eilVel I el. De- Conamolls to -day when the nbw Irish great campaign throughout the Arthur J. Ir ' k lawning for 1:;ra . 'ASSASSINATIONS IN IRELAND, wlll(h to to have 8,000 houseG, 100 innion still ill oriental period'wafs I atalka , ,I with central heating ap- try on the subject of health, moral D.P.$-.-,_I,_.D,$. 1 tree, as to. cc I up to her for Ju4X- borah, the wife Of Lgoidc':!, w ljonle Ituie till Passed Ito second Referring to the Assassinations In W hume,,4, fitte, and physical, . Doctor of Dental Surgery, of the Penn- , countries. Came . In Israel --the first sOlfilitural. read.111& which Is tantamount to its . paratus, tire already occupied. 11 mont--Slie had divine authority for judge Irelalid, Sir juidward asserted he-ilid A. memorial is to be erected. at the sylvania College and Licentiate Of Dian - I . * 9 'A pub- 'respovk,e to Earl Naig's appeal , Acting as, judge ,and the Peo-PIO of tue n Occupy becom:ng law, -by a vote Of 348 to fA.- not beileve It was Ilia own CO-antxV, In tal surgery i,f Ontario. lic official position. The r-tatement, . men who were in th to the -.n.-Ji.bers of Lioyda, On lielialf Guildlaull, . London, to officers and 17 trl.bes oye.r Waich, Ohs had Jurisdiction eSQ as"sainfe Jawiness $Ad Rtusisians Are of ien Who tell durbig the Dvina River Closed evor Wedneuday &fterno.9n. authority. by coming "The' children of Israc-I ca'.110 UP to" The oppoal ;,cn votes were eonEilleJ ex-off! ,.,.re. and their dependents, Ta I recognized that- - judgment,' reems to Imply to tho Nationalists. 14%borites Iid ex. . tions. He believed they were win-- -- Operations, North Russia.. office IeMicdo ,ald Stock. to her to have their cases Pa-'Aed up- her In,. . iitted by III Fighting in Niko- ovor ;L90,000 hm boon eulmeribt;:d. Ptailway tracko, containing barrels " 1_ _ - public aproval and divine ap4roba- p -,conditioned men from . I —Barak was the cow ,this row followers, The ­ Lare oil, 6, Barak I -Ter wisdom discernea the 1premAer Asqll . Anle)jca, wlic, had come bo,ek I I A gl ant of j lo,000 from th& British of whiskey cyashed into buffers at W. .R. Harnbuy , . niatiLder of the army, yet lie was aub- tion. . times.- while her faith division fOlIDWed'a zpeech by Premier to carry on propaganda 'which was laevsk. I Rea Cros.3 Societly for district nitrising Aberdeen station ,and a large quantity ordinate to the jilAo. Rath, not the "Signs cl the this resources - superiur Lloyd Gooree. * going on In America, and which the- __ in London was annowaciad at a meet, of the liquor Was wasted. 8.50, M.D., O.M. Lord God of Israel c1=111auded—DO' grasped lnv no hundred chariot$ Of one of the outstanding features Of 33:1,tish people never took the Slight- Ing of the CeuLral Council. U?6! 4 &ttentiou p&14 to OUGAOWI _ borah had received a message from to Ja .11 as 0 the Ithe J)rcmler's speech was his colu- "t troul)le to answer, Dr, Edward Towan passed away at- Eight bundred restaurant employees The London Gazette announces that Of oumn and Children, buYino I., lie language,bore oln"' Iron. Away a hundred MiI( al In t4le C-'ty of London have been on 'Major-General Sir Geoffrey Feildlugis God and used t lived Barak, whose name is par,ison of President de V Gra to J01, bir bldwaN said be Would welcome Harriston., aged So years, * tawen postv"usto wort In our, 1. . pleFed to declare most empilatically north before the United States It it there 'was anyone Ia the soutL Evelyn Bertful, of London, aged atrike nearly five Weeks for uniall made a ,Xulght Commander of the SM7. Aaateriology and 04itatifla - significantly by interp--'etation "the . ferson Davis -alt that the Lord had spoken It0 her, Tl , fixed The Premier warned the West of lmland to COM3 forward reco, I ton and better - pay and Con- Victorian Order. Uedlicine. . —This, was to be lightning." C i him Deborah civil War, and fourteen, it is feared by her father I Ward Mount Tabor army Of her heart as the hope of Israel. The Sinn Foln that it it attempted a re. with outstretched hand And Bay. has been k'duapped. , ditliuns, Mr, John Rankin, shipowner, has on iotaiee in the Kerr resideme, ,b4i- the gathering place io'f the . Saint and the soldier viewed the sitl!- volt the, authorities Would use h( ,'You and I Are members of tile saint-, Adolph Stein, Liberal, Was elected Lcadoil".3 totai rateable value, ac- behalf of himself And his wife, given two" tas Queen,c ,xiotel, wul tb.* Israel, made tip Of Men from Naph- angles, His r4- same niotbodG to repress the mOvemOIlt country; ,We love our country and cording to all orficial return, W L'46,- 910,000 4 per Cent, Victory bonds to 2&ptivt 0huroh. . I tall, and Zebulon, Tabor stands In thA atiOU from different . I in good by -acclamation for Kamouraska in baKuejo givau esxdul attenum northeastern Pa . rt of the beautiful luctan ',se. ,, On 0111- ias the North used to repress the -50. we must do. our best, starting now the Federal by,election. 540,751. Of th!G westilibletor I'M the Liverpool Hospital for Women, All cUlar. ditions which WA woman the cecsionists of the South. temper, to govern under the over setell milliono and the city Mrs. G. Plants, of St, Bartholomew's pbomo 94. F. O Box U$ It is a cir ,,, In (NUL nearly- s'.x milliono. . Alms Houses, Sandwich, who recently . , I plain -of Fadraeloa. victor and deliverer. ' 0 ,'mother ill He challeagad Joseph Devi. - Patliaments which are. _trusted to lo Dr. Middleton was. elected council, : colie-like mountUill, rising one thou'" Israel" b no the $(;later of Israelt ,tionalist leader) to go 'to tile United us,,t . I r at Cayuga, -to take t4e place of Ail application dated ION by Nurse reached her ',tooth btrtbda , has re - I ! . sand Seven ,hundred feet AbOve the - s 4 ns to the The Ulster leader declared 110 the late .,Wichael Ccw-.sIday, Cavell tor an- appullit"Wilt, at Par'll- celved congratulatione from t1le King, Dr. pLobt. C. Redmond ilain, Upon. the broad top I us frr divinely ,States and voice his objeirallo 0 e in 'hen Lt -P-ol. W. J. Brown, A.A.G., M. ' An order just issued says that in to- , I at this, and Barak her humble servant.* UA bill And "he Would, see what reeeD- would look forward t th ti e W leut. X.R.C.S. (Ent.) moiMto,in larael's' Army of tell thou- 'belief at ea iteeps ; field Reformatory Is to be plaaad In I to take A Naltion, TA- designed honors. NO obstacle Weighs tion he woul-I get, because this bill under these conditions they might D. No. 1. retires from w1litRry ser- the lobby ot tile 1,oilaurt County I ture Army officers oil the active list of L,R4,P, (Lond.) sand men was I Jezreel, With ,,,him that Sitteth ' th3 heav- .gives Ireland greater powers t1lan unite'in one Parliament, but, un- vice after twenty years in the active ,Counc,l Cliamber, th navy -who become bankrupt are to P14Y611CIAN A -NO (SUR-GIE044- bor 6VOT100'ker tile Plain Of . are 41thuus" rpon any State In fortunately, it Is not Yet In their militia. I . . I I ' o' L . which has been the battle ground of ens," ! d those chariots those conferred Be. , M,r, Fredgriak Bird, one of the old- ye t tl o fact to the Admiralty till- . (Dr. C20hokm's old stsLud), , " task. One thing he would proull . T'lle-Sandwich, Windsor & Amherst- PAt pl'ovinolal Journalists, has. died at I mpo , — I ; I the Ages. Not far from here King ends of thousands." f triumph. Now Am"lea. in - A. Redmond retorted namely, that Ulster would do her burg Railway passod into the control ed"atc,y - : ,Ong O major Willia, Godilianoli-eater, at tho,agaot 8-3. lie O Saul met his death, 7. The 'River II. Deborah's r sing Mr, .Justice Darling, who Is a n4tive I I . [vilon fs A,snlall istream Deborah'sings. We can alWaYs to tIns: "We are not one State—we, level best with her Parliament. . Of the Ontar!o Hydro -Electric, Power Was born and lived lite hiale life In - ,%0 . I kisbon—The KJ the bitter Conflict is worL. Song lare A nation!" . I LABOR'S ALTE R 9ATIVE- Commission. of Colchester, ban presented the her- - flo.wing west,w4rd through the pi4in when Islon of joy or the hounio -in wh'ch he died. ough '-with a land bf .1 I I . . * 0 the is the natural cxPreE y The Premier, admitted that the bill a , chairm4d of Fred ,lvountalu, Jamaioan wae for the SIdunere' Company, of which scape painting , DR. R. L s f EWART ' . of Esdrae!ou and oraPt'.ea lutg uat triumph, Th- noble hymn 'is uSuall' in Ireland, William Adaulsoi the second time sentenced t Weiland TO view of Filatford and Dedham, tho Mediterranean Just north of D was Acceptable to no one ty in the House, oil bers late . Carmel. Sioera—The comm4ndef of regarded as th6 001ilPOsition Of e- ntended that it ,was -the best 'the Labor par to 'death for the murder of hie wij,.e he had recently been Ilaster, the county of Constable. .. t;mduate of liniversity, of Toronto. . i I Borak but he co able short of separation. I half. of that party put forward two . uY, , His chariots and his borah to be on tile return o, &ad two children in robruary, 1919 ,v1T. W. ,Blatspiel Stomp bequeathed Cau,goq, it is thought. by the. drop- Faculty of Nedwine, Licentiate of the I J&bin`a, arr Indicates and his Warriors from the Pursuit- proposal'a7all . Was SUPPOrt- I alt3rnativo proposals for dealing Sixteen "Waaes" from the Old Land ail original set, thirteen in number, of ping of a lighted watch or Cigarette Ontart.) College ot Physiclano and . multitude - Tho 113,11guag,e Great trutlis find expression in its Separation, he declared I -,Vltli lilsh question, which he said , I ro,pri4ato and exalted Utfol'alleaS. L ed by no ,party In E nglaild, and oven 'Id tile Irish peo- arrIveet at - Guelph to spend a y t zho rare plcture,s known as "The Cries fire has destroyed a. picture palace aj surgeons. that the -enemy of Israel Was well . , e satisfa6tor/y to ear In of Londo%,, or, FICiM rTkTl AXCnI '. him app Studying domestic Science at the On- I t, - Wlll_dej ver )r of Labor had appealed to the Sinn FOiu- WO11 - Barry Dock, Glamorgan, doing 97,000 pped and large is clellowledged as.the auth, pie, The first provided for the grant I . """' thine ha;ad-­Tho Lord made God a At tile Eame tjnio ers to help Make tile measure a Sue- tarlo Agricultural College and Alae- The aleath. has occurred at Staun- worth of damage. ! Into large Israel,s deliverance. , I L Ing of a full measure of dominion donald Institute. toil Park Herefordshire Of Mr. J, known the ilze or Slsora'a army, . a of Coss. . provision f or The death has occurred of Major ZURBRIGGIS PHOTO STUDIO, I i I in c,Ornparisoii with *that of Bara'X, she prnlries the spontaneous a'*'10 . scif-goveralment With A Toronto City Council approved the Charlton 'Parr, T.), the ' Well-known Wflilam. Christie, ,at.'tho age of 83, , - . I noat positive assurance the people in Offering themselves. SIR E DWARD CARSON. , the protection of minorities, the quo$ a draft estimates for 1920 With ol.11Y banker. Ile wao connected w',t!l Parr's JOSE, PHINE ST. PHONE 29 I but lift gave I late, of the 13th Hu,.qsaTs (Light Dra- I that this great army w,oulcl 'bo de -j. They wanted to be f-, ,. The inspir- Sir Edwp.',*d CAMOn's ZPzOall wall tions 'of defence and foreign'relatiOU lll aor'&Iteratlono. Bank which , recently anialgaiiiated goons), a , lid for 34 yearW secretary of L I - r - -_ I feated . ation of deliverance was divine. Even nomarRablo princ,pally. because Of to be reserved for tile IMPerial Par- ,111 with the Lon4oif, City and Midland the London Free Hospital, Islington. +-0- 4 0 0 +-+ ,,-*--,:I- "-"4-9-*-*-"-#­0­0-* " L a I king$ ogetypy a subordinate place. Ilament. The 5 end provided tb t a Navigation on the Great Lak-s I R, Ij th.014L wilt go with me,,the ,t, ,his definIte asiefrtion that the crimes so Lft open about April loth, the W ather I Bank. . I ra . ' recently 00112M -government s1rould"be do" . -ohn Go( A'double golden wedding was cele- . _ There WAlso a remembrance ct those itted In Ireland were fo;m of self Aliff, of Will g6--Tt Was nutural for who had- forsakon hOr In the day of the work Of. men. from the United cided upon by an Irish colilatitueut Ils- Bureau predicted at Chicago. Mr, and Mrs. J !a - thin cnce Of the 4he , to as not with me." ,bratod In Goole, tne couRles beingMr. TIMELY I . I k the tire(, ,vell. the diroc- 'Reuben W sellibly representing the whole Irish Between 4,000 and 6,000 worth of Huntingdon, ila,vo Celebrated their d d Mrs. 0. Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. It . ,eylloln the. Lord had g_ . conflict was )States, I mond wedding. Mr, Goodlifif Was a all . + . I proMISA "Gilead' was not with me?' "Dan The Ulster., leader standing grim peopid, and elected on a system Of damage wao "us to packinglinaterial famous owner of stoopleehaeore and W_ Thollipson' all natives of Goole and T) .-JES I t!,ous for the battle and. the ranty Of not with me; Asher bid himself"; an ind 6rect immediately bellind the proportional representation, which In the Warehouse of the Baetz Fur- - They had a r _' of vlotory Would be a guai overflowing, . k of . . trotting horses *n the 601s. He has related to ea;h other. - . hall IaDt be for i'lli.11A lndi ;= tion reached its extreme Ina of the ,Government would be charged with the tas niture. Company, Kitchener, double -%,veddln g at Goclo parish church. ixEcit . nuccaso. 9. S)lior for tile victory anA climax, "Curse Ye Meroz." Meroz was bench, sCd with remarkable ' Cal- drafting a new constitution with a. . The Federal Department of Health had sixteen Children. . , ou,e of the old type of Yeoman far- I honer -The he letion of Sioera would cursed beca-ze they dwelt In the Ireged T116 Right HQU- Thomas Burt and +44 +4_+-+44.4.-A Of. I for the de.t.tri and could have pla"Is: provision for the protection 01 minor- has no knowledge of the" a r dia- mors has passed ,away by the death . qns given t6 the Lord and'a woman midst of the laud ,,There has been a long and tragic Ittes and -reservations of, the questions dump'ng in Cauada,of m1adjolne fakes, Airs, Burt have celebrated bhol 01horry Tree ri arm, Harrietshaill, Spa,\G 'P;s.RZ.N1PS. clidlani 1,1aPP,OsG,tb1xt strucic. the first blow. The ancient nio,nd wedding at Newcastle. Mr. At (4: 21)" Sonio A csontatives of a very m-Aern hue And cry about crime ill Ireland. of defence and foreign relations to the driven from ther United States by the .-ried his Xcnt, -of Mr. NXf. D. Hope, ,at the age Fresh young paronips (lug from the . aect'dod, U0110,11 wouirl have, been 901- repr 1 evidently abounded, Moral dis- The 4assassinatlons are not the work Imperial Parliament. . regulations of that country. Burt, who -sixtly years EL90 Mal of 83, years.' The farm had been In grouna in early sliziag- are a sweet, c;ordod tin Barak If be had gone for- tern o neither forgotten nor of my countrymen (Hear, llea,r), but TRIP PREMIER'S SPEECH. The manager of the Canadian Bank Cousin and old playmate, Mary Wea-. the. hands of l,ts family for over 450 imtlslacwry dish. They. should be I lonlug:ly, and liad Ont tlnc tlous ar that of men frout Americo, (Hear, d George follo*ed. of ,Commerce at Guelph, M1. Duff, therburn,­_*Is llow in his 83rd Year. scraped and cooked only three-quar- ward unquest I , going,V1 confused in the jubilant strains. I Ireland to Premier Lloy that # tile retiring on penslon on llay 1. aft Is For over thirty yearis ,in active years. Labor te-r,,, of an hour. Old paronips, how- - - -;Iz. ;r night ousness ar!) who come over to or , adoption ,As ns%ted on DebOr2h'c " .th tbo is not swallowed up in Ile, in opening, lie declared member -of tile ,' 't. Pancras Board of In view of hi,i army. 10. a time it will be known' carry on the propaganda going on In . Uovernment had every .,ason to be faithful service of 46 years, candidate for the ArgYlshlre by-elec- ever, must be peeled and cooked an I 11. Israel ViAltorl-Me (4; 10-24)- rhe.sod.% Som Guardians, Emily Dampier, aged 82 Sir W. Sutherlaud's ap- hour and a quarter. When either old Command. By maelf with criticism, America and Which the British PGO- satistied with the course of the de- Three healthy boys were born tolhir. e tion caused by 15 l at lite feet -At lits W116 contented lit his lite for Christ. pie never take the slightest trouble oate, as It demonstrated that the and Mrs. Oscar Morley, of., (4ranton. years, u. lady of Indop adent means. latment as Junto . r Lord of the Trea. or Young are tender, drain them, and, )-osilon is understood to and who hazarded " W. IT. C. to answer." (Hear! Hear!) . Government's plan was the onix One conducted faintly prayers one' nigbf Doi if they are to be creamed, lay them . many, tIlls ext . 7 I ootsoldlers . The mother and sons are doing well. before rcitiring. Next morning a silry, the Rev. :Ialeolm McCalluni has a hoofted dish Nvith the headis all mean that thore wer(I Onl' _____14--6_ In lower tones, which did net thtat held the field. Mr. Morley !a a veteran of the Great. the parish of Muck. on . usand the I -louse, he housema!d found her dead in bed., resigned charge of I one way, and cover Nvith a good cream . . in BaraICS -1-irmy, and but ton th* all parts of The difficulty of the I -Olem, War. H,& WAS overseas two years. alra, Oban arAlo great Sir Walter Greene, first bar I sauce. 1. of them, in e,)ntrast to SIBS in flu Added: said the Premier, was that tie pro- The failure Of an automatic Inter- Coulsdoll's no) church, built of as- ,, , aceempanled by ,nine bun- 1. . "I have been In munda, a a the To make parsnip frittera, b ANADIA!" A #S% 'reach formed by Soot- Nether Hall, Dury St, Ed . oil the iniltitudg, 11 . posals which would be acceptabl - to locking switch to act, Caused a col- bestos, is the first of the kind I dred cliartnts of Iron. 11. the father, V en have left . former M. P. tor the borough, bar. 'Vegetable until tender, drainandprose . o-nis hers, brother In law. land Yard that six in any party in this country would be lision between loaded Street carg at died aged 77. He lo sueceedIed by hie country. man told the Old Street them though a colander. Add one I An IRW-It 1110 In Hebrew , indicates I I morica to assassirate me." 0 accepted by - any party in Ireland. Woodward and Grand River avenues, ean," Lieut. -col. Raymonil Greene, M A Spitalflelds tableapoonful of flour a -ad one egg The expression .This caused a sensation am0n& R the people of Ireland were asked Detroit, injuring seventeen persona. ate that he had 17 nnectioll by .4 lj ,O.. the Member for North Macknoy. London, Magistr to every four go.act-sized parsillpis. I I marriage. IRISH SEG"RE'TARY `- I any near cc the members .surrounding him, but what plan they would accept, do-.. pitched his teut-The lbcatfo' l Of He- . WhIle meet of the cities the same I I children (14 giels). Brown in a frylng pan On one side, , I to failed to produce any perceptible clared Mr. Lloyd George,. they would -size of Chatham are striking tax Harry Reeve, the ,well-known Aged 91, Mr. John Blakiston-Hous- then turn anal'brown on the other. ­ . bees tent Is stated particuldtl — movement on the Government bench r _ It was . . ,a by an emphatic majority: rates all thd way from 35 to 40 milia heavyweight boXer, who was walking ton, UuiL:1ist M.P, for North Down Serve with spiced or rz,ae;t beef. , luair I, follows more vlvI1 the Nationalists on the OPI We want independence and an on the dollar, it 1.8 quite"i'likelY that along the BrIght-on front, plunged froin 189810 1900, C:id at Belfast. I .o what . Ian J Jacl?her- or amona CORN .D0,1YGERS. . : . her6 that Sisor-a Met his deatb The London cable saYd or Ireland, is posits side. Irish Republic." IF the tax rate In Chatham will be Into a rough sea in order to rescue I% Mr. W. Whital: - Thompson, vile, . place Is 4uppoGed to havd been a short son, Chief Secretary I Carson delivered a typical speecil The Premier intimated. that there struck at 91 mills. 1 This Is one mill man who had been thrown from li!,q Airman of the London County Two cupfuls whits cornmeal, one . I I . Of Tainor, 12. ,Was about to resign, the r,,ily Express e bill, but .said lie would was Uv use of talking about distance north , & against th self- lower than the rate last year, boat ,owing to it ci,psizing about 150 was ch level tablespoonful Qugar three table- , - Council in 1910, has died, aged 63. two t, blespoonfuls . ou'at Tabor--COmDD,rlllg learns. ,Sir Hamar Green -wood, It because tile al- detorminimtIGn, since those who $UP-, y6rds from the shore. zpoontuls milk, a i I . gone UP to In verse 14 It seems to succeed him. . not vOt-0 against C enforcement Of ported most go to the full lengm The names of Ferdinand Rintret, A price which is believed to be the, olle of the original members of Stir- Melted shortening, one level teaspoon- , . . this ,exp`rPssten With army Ascend- Canadian, is slated _ ternative, autonl%ti would of granting an Irish Republic. Liberal, 'and A. Mathieu, Lo)bor, ,were hlg est ever paid at an English rey County Council, Mr. F, E. Barries, ful salt, two eggs. .1 L I elear that Barak and Ills may have jail .'JacPherson has been Chief See- ex,Premie,r Asquith's 1914 bill, ormiUatfon," continued the filed at the nomination meeting In auc- J.P., has died at Relgate. 1)43iling water. ; . I I ed the Mountain. There part be w-6rse. He declared to -day was "Self -dot . nnection w!ttL the St. James (Men- tionNfor a mozzotint engraving, was Sir Archibald Edward Gerod It to ,Scald tile meal With I . every cO Add tile sugar, milk. snartening and . n (, . ae in his mind 44probal 3) treat) by-election. Voting takes place reached at Clarlstle.'s sitleroolus i gucce,d the late Sir Willi -In : - Deen a purpoi . to get be- retary for Ireland ,for the better Uur3 Dly the 113,st SP,Qezh Against Premier, "dood'not mean that Oster as - . . i,or Sisera's chariots. 13. of the last two years, and his to li,ome Rule I'll ,make. and Added: . part of the country, whi'ah has been at Ox- Salt; then thk. yolks of tile eggs beaten ...., . yond the reilol rall Said has been marked 'by no. end of turbu- "The bill Is fraught with d1sastor acting together for a hundred ' next Wednesday. London, All examplJo, of '4The Ladles Regius Prefesor of Medicine very light. Fold In the white beaten . . I I (.x1entIles-Nations. 14. Debo fle6sived lonce. As the chlot civilian function- 7 ears, Waldegrave," after Sir Jipshua Rqy- arak-The proplaetosS I had to T,roland and Em -gland. In the ft'60 ,should ,have the right to say. 'We six of Merced's, Cal., graveyards ford. - very GtItf, Half fill well -greased muf- . unto A . ,jpy island, he ate Republic! were deaecrated by vandals. zVona- nolds, by Valentine Green, in an an- Council has been Made fill pans and bake in a hot oven until ,, . I _ in the Lord for tile leader . ary In the unhal of the announcement. of the vast mean to set up a separ a property. was sold for 2, Ali Order In e %hall be- i directions fro most of tile storms that they Ther6 must be a limit to the'applica- moats were toppled over, wooden onymou - directing thnt summer tim 'nicely -liKe-wiled. up; for this Is the been tile Centre Of bulk of the Irish PeGPle '04 Ilia on Su . t . of israel's'armY. ty 'years that have Swept It, All s Will have 'hothing but an indepen- tion of,,,&V principle; otherwise it boadboards pulled* up And massive 060/ gulneas to Messrs. . and gill thli .car at 2 a.m., nday, 8- COTOT.j SHMT BREAD. . ! _­ day-Thd oppreaS;OU Of twou impt to assassinate him J? oto a roin their Smith. - March 28, and end on September 27. . to ail end on vember an atte dent republic, isn,t it Idle and ridicit- Might be carried to every locality stOn9s Oil family I tOr I , Cream thoroughly together one I by Jabin was to Come moving was frustrated by a hair's breadth, He lous to be trying to formulate Some- throughout the world." I foundations. , 0 Another noteworthy feature of a Earnint.s of the cont 31led British cupful -or butter and two cupfuls of . T'he. - Lord was . I . . . that (lay. it was has been represented in many recent thing halfway Which will offend your REPLY TO ASQUITI! Elections will be hold 'throughout sale at Christie's of miniatilres. ob- railways foi- December were 914.494,- 1 against Isrueys enemies and Sugar, add on teaspoonful of vanilla I. ce. Such despatches as weary ,:)f his Arksome and One well -:beaten egg. Work Into I . time for Barak's army to advan d Is remaining onlY' b friends and will .not C011,61illt's (L sin'. Mr. Lloyd George asserted that no Canada th'a year (020) to Rhodoi.,' jpcts of art, and tapestry, the pro- 292, and expenditifre was ze18,005,694, .- Words as t io Lord -gave Barak through vost. fLn, gle One of those asking." one had accepted the plan,of form' Scholarships for the years ID20 and perty of Lord Wharneliffe And re- giving a loss of 43,51142- this sufficient pastry flour to make a point of loyalty to -1 moved from Wortley I-Jall,was a beau- The War Office state tha there are . . Deborah ',could a6t fail to inspire him . he felt It, Was a to the The Ulsto-T Chieftain bitterly assail er Premier Asquith. Dealing with the 1921. The ,echolara elected for tb;% soft dough. Roll out half an inch ck, ;5 -the Premier Lloyd George to stick ' ,seology. lie suggestion of John R. Clyne Year ID20 Will come into residence at Hours, no soldlec.. at pre3ent un * 'orgoiugsen ased with -cOurago for the atta until victory ed tile new political ph" a, Labor, tifully- illuminated Book of thick, cut into squares, lay on gre . Lord jaittomfited SlzaVa-"Thoy fought Coalition Government said, amid a qt,orm of laughter that for a constituent assembly, the Pre- Oxford in January, 1921; these elect- dating from about 1450, which was I tences of imprisonment for ni'lltarY pans. prick With a fork and bake pale ' I . I from heaven" (5: 20). Josephus de'- for the new Rome Rule i3ill was as- the World safe for democ' Inter ompLasized that the previous ed for 1921, In October, 1921. purchased by Mr. W. B. Anderson for I offences in civil prisons in Great brown In a moderate oven, I . I o on which sured. Tbi bill passed its second "maklAg ng it safe Irish convention had failed and asked , Mrs. Clarence W. Moore, of Detr 4*600 guineas, St. Keithp tile Ia est OKRA G.U.".111130. . . clares that a hall -storm cam Dsday, Sir Humar racy Merely means Mald Ott. Dritain, . renderad the bows and slings of the teadinsy Wedtil boryt In Ontario. prac- for hyDroorlay." It it were likely that the Assembly received a post card froin a girl . of the II. .M. tug Q rg %oiess and benumbed the GroPul-vo0d was that If I wor Clower is to become a part tug -boat In th'a WO -11d, is leaving New- -Cut a fowl ill pieces, roll In flour . , I Mnaanitru; U I oral years. and later I'D* yOu suppose p Clynes would be any friend, Miss Lou!a Robineon, of G,oqd- oryal borough of Windibr. and brown in lard; veal the sainta I soldiers with cold. The record here ticed law for $Ov 1 in the against the bill and it was killed linore successful. SI as any proposal 'wood,'Ont., twelve years after the Iat- Port (AIon.), f , Valpariso to bTing declares that the Canatinitos fell b fore (lid Much traveling. He serve i"been and the 1914 act becomes effective which Irish opinion Would by a large ter had ma!led It. L Approximately S,00,000 British war over a disabled ship With a cargo of weigiit as the chicken treated in tile 'Aallie way way b* used. A goad,soup , Enrononn wor, and since 1916 11W , . thd'army 'of Barak. It would be nat- I cc, I could call upon my followers to majority accept, N Ould not be accep- A charged electric wire caused a medals ard to be issued And 6,600,000 8,000 toils. Southwork County. boner hi an addition in ettlier case, attached to the British WaT14:0 ti . Ain our post- valuable toaln of" horses beloilgilig to Victory medals. Dr. A. Sharp at I that would get their rifles to MAInt. I I ural to suppose that a storm - _­"__,_ . tion in the six Ultiter Counties. when ted by any party in Great Britain. Court cited the ca Of , in put in two slicea of h,,un, boiled, or a ; . anaanites would likewise I . th Mr. Lloyd Cloorge declaroO, therefore, N1. O'Hearn, a Leeds farmer, to be aley has received 90 A, an who . Affect the C e right to Control ham bono 6tripped of the meat, one I Affect the. 1,,4,rallies also. Sisera ...... ONTARIO'S HE ALTH. this bill gives up the Government must exercise Its electrocuted. The owner seized one a 940,000 bequest On the doatli Of Nvorried go much over A slight nasal tablesp ,onful of chopped parsley. and . I fled aWaY-He hatred to escape by . these coufti0s?" asked Sir Edward judgment f6r thq United Kingdom and 'of the Animals, by the bit when It fal- Mr. P. A. Williamson. . scratch t'.at for three years lie was — one of chopped thyme. two bay leaves, . flight on foot. 16. , there WAS not a , Carson. the whole Empire, In order to Con -to tored And r6co'vd a bad shook. The Hunted by the Glamorgan bounds, a in a, nursing home. a sprig or a few leaves. of tarragon; . . . (man, left-Tbere ,was no One left to OD- Ilea de-claTied that Mr. Asquith, by to the vNest conclusion possible. escape, with his life Is attributed to fox ran through the streets of Penty- one man wam killed and 16 injured put all Ia three quarts of viater and 11 Sharp Decrease in DOatho r amending the I 1 - . pose the arroy of Barak. . his proposals to own 11 4 The Premier refterated Ilia declar- hie wiarJng a pair of rubber b oota, in an explosion at tho Port Henry 001- boll u tl .3 dropping to r Ch f1i ' clun, over j o School playgorund n the meat I 0 11-24. Sisera believed he. would be From Flu. I Measure "killed his J ation that the Go-ierament plan hold 1019liting befiveen Japanese and licry, Carniarthenshlre. Tllb explosion pieces. Slice one large onion and . -_ 11 walls, and -escaped. Com- brown it; add to It two heaping quarts I see Ia. the tent of Jael In which he . - __ — . ­ ____ —1 the field, because it recognized, the Russians 'n Nikolsevsk was, reported Dr. Barnardo's Homes, Stepney, was caused by a blo vcr of gas bec. . re -was peace between him I fact that the House would not .Satio. In a cablegram from Toklo received tag Ignited. of sliced oltra. and 0110 cut -UP pod of ; tied. The , by it Japanese -newspapor At San made tile Government an offer to look - .. - __ ,n r==:t= red pepper, .stir all thoroughly on the fy Irish opinion ',n Its present State . ­__­ - and Heber,. Jael's husband. Accord- Toronto. April , -Compared with - - . - Francisco. The moseage said the After 600 ex-SetviC0 men's children i owable for Pebruary deaths in Ontario . without destroying tile , 0 . fire till the ol"ra Is wilted, remove . Ing Lt* ongtom it WAS XlOt all froin in- - - selitlal unily Japanese Coneulata In Nokolaevsk Who are In workhouses. 1.0.­' . .1 " "I ., , '­' ,,, 4. '.'.' : ,,.;,, . mail to enter a VOMaU`S* flueAza and pneunionla showed a de- b - N., of the Kingdom. The dtialand In 11-a- . . "", .. ". . ='-r the larger ijoilea from the broth and I I . a strange I - .. had been burned, And that Japanese Councillor Richard Browell, J. P., ­,T `", " 'r,", t - .111401i -quArtero, of ... . tent, hence, it In the urgiancY-bt his elded decreaso, auring the taolith, of S114CE 0 1870 - I I land for the mometA Was lor Inde- tle-on-Tyne, found not & A .'k, *1 I d. .."lot --e add the okra about three - ; -a was wleasin1g. -, . v ". &,ia in pace du- an hour before serving. A'bout half Used lie was potImitted to go In, his. -March, according to the Provincial pendence, and aeceos. .'on, !lot self vvibuple .1gov. Gonsul lsb.,b Was at Newcas - ­ _. __ le . , John Lang, Circulation manager of ill 0 au- hour before serving add a, cati of , guilty of a charge of for& up, Weigh rT,.,0$I,o % I pursuers would not dare n tal statleftles issued yeAerday. "Dur, 6 W 101'ALLILent. k' 12. ,. NO' . i 3, " O.".. 3 or I " a lug February," sa:-s the report, "We ' t the Toronto World newspaper, i% sheets at a colliery where lie to check- Sail all *r rlslo, r 00 tonintoeo, inore, or lesve to taste, or an search for him. Sts0ra WAS Much , INIr. Lloyd Georg said ha wanted creditor to the extent of $1,000, for weighnian. 1. a ill b 0 el,, y of fresh tomatoes cut I "our American friends." ,, , equal quantit, mistaken in his fanoled 'security, for bad 2,316 deaths reported# and for DPON, elbc k;I05, u), A, farmer at Meen- %-Ilpoll painphill, t. as. 1 30- -, - , -, , Ir . ,iq,­­ to say to whith be has no ,jecurity, will on Mr. John Curri , and a pint ofohrtmDa, after neing .1ael was Israel's friend rather than March 1,336, A reduction of 57 per jTET: -e ., - ­ , that Itainonn Do Valert Was putting Jr dnier,day next inalre, an al)plication olig, County Donegal, was pulled out TOO -V cooft M. I f up, )r 'Pickled, or a like quattity his, and she took advantage of the cent. ­­­ _­... ---- ­­­:;; ' .Y 1,008HYD'OuTt. at D I 11. " boiled ( . oysters; salt to taste. The . forward the Same 6"11111 In exactly beLfore the Master In Chambers at 04- of bed by men who tled him to a tree .- - . - __ of Ittrgc cause his ,death, She hid S-.Ilallpox Ia rapidly abating, Dur- whiell W,,Iq %.line lail'guage as Jefferson Davis, t of $6 4 ­ .­. -_-.1-- _11_. 0 . whol,,, when done, should %o o . so dlq f thty situation to . tasteatul to Ulster. the goods 11all for the appointluen and then ransacked his house, 19tealilllg . him from his pursuers$ and then slow lag tho last five months 'there have,, Its pripinised tilat Ulster Would do and that Some of the m6n who votM pernlanout 11quidator for the World. I con,gstency of a thin inuall, and hiln Tllus the prophecy of Deborah been 5,079 casei reported, with ,24 e two PqLr- for tile Irish self-determination me- . ;000. t_ , I the boa It could unde- th which, lie dlitmis, 18 Insalvolit, with The Itev. R. C. Gillie, Of 'UPPell SHANTUNG CA0113, should be, ropey. Rice to be eaten denthq, Of this number the city of tion tit the, Senate the ,other day, had ' (1hurall, with it i, -IlGuld be iboiled until well I was' fulfIlled. ,bier.lth ,' W Bar- Toronto ecntribrted 1.0 less than liallient P1,111. Nvitu the old slogan, ItAll I 411cestors who fought to the death debta possibly amountilig to $0,00,000. George Street Preab)t0rift" ­ _ done and ver1F dry, r,o that the gralne 11 Ill, The solig ot Do e Lee, or 54 per cent., of the Ile elosad lot alone.,' og.jinst conceding to the Sjuthern . Maryleboue, is to accept the DrOsi- i AJr - tlk (5;1-_3I),. The song of Deborah 2,872 A D wlican that 1119ter Wanto is to be I dency of the National F'ree Church China, and Ap,%1I --pprouh- fall ,,1part. ,Serve two or three'table . gild Barak to a vivid poetic deserip- Whole. 13111CO DOCelut r ID11 and complained that ,,t] the tbanks States of America the YerV doM4114 Council in succession to Dr. Meyer. 9poonfuls or rlee In each soup plate tion of the signal victory of Israel the uur.lb,er Of slUallPDX Cases was lonle Province got for a long they are now Supporting for Ijcif.j4. BRITISH NAVY A prospective independent candidate ing 4 Settlement. of tho gumbo, ady decilne"as 'his I the Empire was The anceptance ef that demand, 6e. i over the Canaanite& It Is hearty ID 1,485, there has been ate. , Series s ' 0% . by I its ascription Of prals(a to God for the follows,' January, 1,188', 14"Obruary, habuse and Malignancy.)) Oared the Prenile-, Would never come. ", for Stockport by-election, caused The Ohost. a I defeat of those who had bwn long OP- $83, and March, 446, Deaths last , NVIlimin Adamson. IWbor leader. it Nvags, a domand Which If persisted thd &ath of Mr. S. L. Hughes, 19 Cap - month numbered seven. ,-, kjd lie was opposed to tile bill and in, us mald, would load to exa;etly the M"' LO D, tRin Alfred XIndell, of Londo!;, Chair- A Toldo cablo,s ys: Utiotfietal ex- I wono one night from a dream of . pressing his chosen people. Deborah Diphtheria allows A, decrease from ad adhered to his same measures of repression as In the . Ulan of several oil Companies. ey changes betWcon tile Chineac and fear. ,gDeaks of Israel as a ,'mother In Is that Ills followors Ill ___,` # 'wologleal s0v JftDallb,30 In keking In regard to *,Pov I saw 'he ghost int the prottteo4r, ! el ,,ChoSo now gods,y,. 63a Cases and 70 deaths In January * decision In a vote. but lie did not case Of the Sfouthern 'LtAtos of. Ala,: After two Years' t I I vael.11 When Ism In Febril- Derbyshire, At allantulig 0how a gradual entente, 40- It snillod at Me and igWitly said: there V" Owar it, I'll 0 gotes 11 shrm­.. and 651 cages and 8,t deaths Outline any definite WDan tar M 010111- erica. 'Great 11,11,1talit, h& der,lared, In the I -leak district Of r, 0 . 0 ary to 451 cas(,s ard 56 deaths In . I ou4on cableN sayn:, Ills attention 0. S. Garnett, of Sheffield University, cording to adviecs. They seen, 0" "Be valul; I ain not really dead. Ing the direct ,onneetlon between the tion. He stated his porsondl views- claillied nothing more, than the trnited -' . lrell, or death rate Of 12 In 10a, wbi.ch, Ile said, should not be conffts- States llhd elgifiled for tilemselvos, bodlig c4iled in tha llour,6 of Commons reports Important mineral discoverl(lar agree on tile following ,0.O1ld1tIO1ls*- t Stroll about nt night to 'seek . nation's Idolatry And the tr&dblp that Mt ,ever shows . reduetion. of I ineludilig nickol ore, Amethyst, and (1) That Mao 01,111 PaY t3liftIl be A friendly face or a Victim nwek.ov " as 'abundant Scarlet 1 80 e.d ,,v1t11 the view Of 1119 PartY, V-9 Ilk', ,Great BritoLin, IlO AdOd, Would Otand to -day to the Amtritau naval esti. . , ma upon it, There w Ce the Lord eaReg, C0111*011ried -101 February last. had not placed them before the load- oil Its own legs. niatea, Walter Hume Long, Virat Lord hydreatinette. returned to China and made all Open . , oetwon lov rdoiolug $11% Venereal diReases U1110 AlOW 410^ ors of lab,m Ile was for one Parlia- Therk) were tertain Powers whielt . The Church of St. Edmond the Xing port. I joint. I gave the vision a stony staro, bad marvelously, undert0en for his ftsc, but j:lera is a 10,0fiftOte Of the inent with full powcqs for overything, of the Admiralti\ entered Into a de. with Njeholas Aeons, Loilubard qtroet, (.,,) T() illakp tll? railways , Afid %aw it had the llfihdlord' k hair, I had rAllI04 to . r -r( might be conferred uDon Ireland when % (711!1109( and Th(l lawyer's mouth, tho doctor's nose, ptoplet The PeOPIO departluo,nt which states, "It 19 quite except defence and (01`01911 4flairs- site, satled down to an aitablished , tAiled eOMParI$Oft, 110 ShOW04 that At M. 0,, was badly bonibod in an air enterprise between the, the il-Appott of Deborah and Barak. In khantl for 1111111PAlatclY eftIll"S A con- ,ton alui accapted partnership with th,6 eurrent rate of exellangib. whoil raid. A r,,Iass ease liac. now becill JAP111106e, both ('011tributing tile igalllg ee ercneo is made to several apparent that Many ,Case$ are not re. Ul urth couttlilling all Muclunt 'at Capital, 11111A ,4hal'Cd for Tho butelier"o cheek, the juerebant's " the Isong I Of l,qrael who had 4 pstrt ported by PhYSiC14113 20 .Nijlred by stitunut Astembly. tho bill tll(,, United Xhigil-ym, said the Pre- Xg-,"0,000 for 0nd_Of_thO_Wjt! 0213en- placed ill tho (I'll tilt) Chiaese tobepalabytheJap-,1110140 clothoo, of th* trib," Thos( who voted etRainst 1 niter, but If they. Wtre 9IV#,U at thfi dlz;ro was subtrae tht recoverable piece% of tile boalb tile time -1)pJng,,, and to bec,',nue TIll-, deacon's fisare, tall and thin, at victory, "d 9, Curae IS the rel;1"W"Us"" -,,-- included 'Mr. Asquith and his fo the -m would only be wasted, ted from the BrItisb 1%Oy Scouts of Alarylebollo, %V110 top , in the gre who failed to les R11 rI9ii_t,o*4keA_,) Your givre Ub. . Independent lilb- prment, eNtIma0s, tht Vnited Statoo (mtlmater ­W *W.," priallierty of $11antung ProvIllece. Aud the farmer's whiskers on Its ebin. . pr(mounced upon AOme liovring among thO rin'of the Union and of ,her. ___n!% t_ tl_ .______ !4.!_ !! (3) Th,i mining r:ghts to lie d18- TftpOftd to the qcgll to war. ward, but you WOU't End Ally four- t,ral% L11141 IME -h NWIonalitts and a tO th"D were M4.000 00 in excess ot the DrIl.. -­­---------------­ I vheii it spoke I thought the ton; Or spit. It would be p1neing ftngi%rous '*ft* - miler. inpan And QUe%tIona--Wh0t WAS ths MCI Of leaved eloV,Pr Milt wAy. . few Vnlo%!t t.,% The attendance f o !!L, .o: !! !iiww,!tt"!tt- Ish. Morw,# .Ir, while the pe-rmonnel of Ad_X%6w0_- c *Z=k0...,WkkW*kk-* peaed of In a (Auillar - ma - 11,11111 Will he e _!!t!!ft will be given tho PrQ00den6 for do liounded a wee bit like my own, ,., goyernmeftt under W1110h Isftd, WIN '!_!!1!!!!!!-__t the Vote was the lAt9cst dull"IT I th6 British nAVY WAS being redUCed. TEMPLETON'S velopni(qlt aild trai%por Wlon lit ecal "What humbug thing are you?" I . t I I I Whgt no,tions Ud oppregged --'-'-'---*- prespmt RmAgion. -8 this AtithrIcAn tatinlateg provIdod for ' _nC . e4tion'salt 'Ind feLo'l. I living? I , PNEUMATIC CAPSULES and Ition tit' said, - had dellYWO4 th8M? , I PH*1V?N0b1 Sir Wwald Argued thore was no AM MARTEV'S PILL an Intreme in personnel. 3. '. d V110 Opprmins ths , - I* g1ternati" to the Union et,000, FOR WOMNS AILMM" Tka 10irmt Lor4 roftAlned front Co.13- For AftfIr'n. reft And then at 0110 tile vildft MA; , . Irml an , ne n I Ish ft Z. rs tito s"cn6rd atuff. log,)tlatlonx arc 'Cl' .. .Pt I k , me with a bj%ekward , . vilat krAg 'W" Vow 4 Times *"d gral ra tirs ;t Vwihloto IhPIRr a of wincien hAV* t*ttlw f" tb*l li-t 111 mant. ,, Vniflo fo. Indirc N'T'll't 01ftt it RURW(ITNI I I I i .1 I I I I I I I L I I ! i I S,, n P 'IN ' r I . U r _ 31, ; r (F I I I I . Te witorn did it* Lord SIVO 11 I I I rtiervotm *y4trm makes new tft&d IL ation, wid un0r this bill be' I F!1q;r, " _l 1 "ation? " ed a lover #at boing iTivoll to Ah-timmil,­v, Vtav:G",,,C*^69L to bave bef. 11 coniplettO and direet tie- 0111ce: , for I$rRel's TiCtOTY? DO- - *m old Vel#S. Uftd for lWtvus bollpv 1AU rMf ' ;Q _---.%*-,*4-—. St!a_oNt. ',s,-. I.,%-^ HTUr3;:,!A Ocns will b0.,,f,pP,n beforelong, I ,q erti .4ust the fellow that has a dilvotions I 061TAVAT4 ItIft qol' " gotia z ,rp ,F the PoWnty, monfol 4)i d Bm0n W4rq,. ParliAment's OnOMISS It IrMAnd, by r .' 4 . DWodbt I 'I A woman always wftntR the 1140 20a,"761"ZO."; 1. "'.".1, i1c'A... — - . .1,11 ftyflo* umol'% army. 01 = ftllpft ULder the 9111116 — t lo vi,,--, " I ­ . I - 1, ,-1 Pv eharl""', " Mn Of wbiclk Chey might 'a . Imax-11p, his such p. clean-cut INk . - what wo- I twe ,1 1 W16SIX M114"Ja A P= , - ;.,-r - rM4111, gamy f . ­_ 49 word, but don' _ . amy d I M ' ."Ory. W of clasettts-tiOul 141w, attain rsvalt ,,t that foni You witk 0 ­"ql, , _ I. .: I _A Jaints W. Owen, in New York I .1 I to tbas )Wd,dt d IrmtA111 I d ' * Id r i'n I , to "a tho idea that Abe hM relk0e4 a 46fin- 116.13r I as. 0 . 'W'' r ­ . sturg, others Merely %Uffft frOX . ". V" I I `- , . , wvdd _b a i L wy 01,L 4 UN W# *4 F, , I . Timft I ­ I dM 04 W&MO vurt t It. 1 Its Q=4ft,fA0A- . -I'MI I , '. , . I ... I I 9,= , , N ., I . Ift im, , . I ", - 0%, I - - . ..--111 - __ 'A* . 14 ,. (* , .1 , " "I t, IN .4 . I 01, -I .. I a ­ . . k,i,_Lm 'i lsi "I - , - --;1111111 _ .,.' tt Er I . .., I "m - - _—NE110032000FA" if . . . . .. .P . . . . . I I . . . I . I . . ­ . 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