HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-04-08, Page 1 1J MW Single Copies CQpies `1'ilrW;e Cents W N( HAM, ONT., THURSDAY, 4 'Rll. 8th, 194 _ Latest Victor Records Newest Sorg Hits Victrnias and Pianos H. W. SOWLER Music Dealer 1, W LL PAPER re, 4! Our Spring Stack is now complete and we would advise an early selection while the assortment is at its best. Boxer and S t a u n to n Papers are the finest made, 4 I GEO. MASON & SON Stationery, Patent Medicines, Books, School Supplies, Wall Paper, ( Fancy Goods, Toys, etc, y ROSS' 14ardware U n 5 wi f h- '0", a f t WE SERVE ga . Ctraln Iiia ` Ajit pfinh GIVE US A TRIAL,. OPEN ALL HOURS. ' EVEPYDODY'S COLUMN AUCTION ALW—Gattle—at the Cain Hoa -c Stahl es, Lunknow, at 2 o'clock on Saturday. Apri1106h., 10 fresh cows with calf at foot; 12 springers, and 10 young cattle, LOTT & MCDONALD, Prop. JOAN PURviS, Auct.. FOIL SALE—A Lot containing 15 acres of land one brick cottage and stable North Of B line, In Turnberry. Apply to. I'FXE $DVANOE, FOR SALE—A number of pigs about 2 months old home of them pure bred Yorke. For further particulars apply to. W- J. PROCTER, Belgrave, unt. IL SALE—A good laying strain of ha,ching j O eggs from ixingle Comb White Legho,t,s and Plymouth Rooks, G ors. each Baby Chicks Leghorns2u ots„ Itoeks 22 ct , each. . ORVAL H. TAYLOR, Bulgrave, Ont. TOIL SALT --Ono eight foot show case in X good condition. AICRAY S RESTAURANT. 11OUSE F'OR SAIX--A~ seven roomed house on Maple ;street, 1.5of an acre of land, stables and fruit. Apply on the premises to, li4116, WALTLR I OU$LED10L. LOh r --The young lady who picked up the Maltese lace handkerchies in the ladies waiting room at the G. W. V. A. dance will kindly return to TnE ADVACE and receive reward, VoRgSHIrm IIOGf FOR SERVICE—Terms S1.0at time of service with privilt.gn of retttrning, if necessary. Lot S. l2e•20, Con, 1, lu.orris, J. A. Nrcrior,, Prop. NOTICE Any person found riding a Bicycle on any vidowalk within the Corporation of W inallani will be prosecuted under by-law without any further warning. G Ar,Lr.N, thief Constable, USTEN If you are thinking of buying a home, buy it in Wingham, Ono of the nicest towns in Ont. ario. and the SooneY you buy the cheaper you will buy, as properties aro advancing tri prico, and why should they not advance the same as everything else it is only reasonable. I have still a fere provurticS on my llt;t for sale ranging from y550.00 to X0000.00, call and see me it you want to btry, I will try and get 1 you good value Por your money, I J. Q :ITLwAr T, I'ho.10184. Meat.E;tato Arent. Offlooin'rowi, hall, Wingii TENDERS W AN'TE1D Tondeis will be received by the undoikAwled I t 1 ,itl nGUn 1 t ata aid r3 0 1 Y 1920.for 1 thenonstiurti0n of tilt, MUNIi •nae) draw. Pians a d apecliieat- iou,4 eau be mon at Robt. Atellichael e, LM 14, (!Oil, C, or at t li•i Clerk's 0l,1Ce, Lor, 18, C W, 7, 'tutInb(irry. A nlai'kcd t haque for 10 tier Cent of tA,ntr U price inlet accompany Ilio Comm% The iOWC-t or ally tender not lice - accepted. I°. Pt,wa,nL, Cls rk of t he ip, lir Iurubcrry. Il>MLP TiIE BC1YS WHC) l;OljGHi FC}rR YOU OVERSEAS Nvevr&mttu 13rr7s, h *. e pokildi;Awl to ude the Winghmil G, W. V , uatue in ce itcting all f)ae brother rt rved tiver+,Oas acne tbCy ht ljo6d the IttA Croad during the liner rend erie. glvir,g the (.,. v! . V. A. it percencragrr of salad. i,ieaso hold what you him a in mill for Wand.4mnn Moe, sett they will p y highest parch Ii;1Ce8 for junk Of earl kinds, o Rr helping thein yeti help us MIRACULOUS E;iLAPId .. .....,..., ..,•. ,.._-•;.,...,..,:; BUILDS Aryl e ( { At q ' ) _ . ,...: .. .: „p ; _ $UILDS A R7A .lIJl.'a+ I . +.* ..+ v r V S7•RY MEETING _tins at ` Little Neaman I OY91i Run Over B ° ,-R e.$ y Company Will N[anufmctu r Paten $t, Paul's Church in A Very Prosperous ' , r , , y G. '!('. R. Freight you ha o vlo+tonj•,.•.vIfyo ' ..e .arei'.w Fluor For Automobllle TirC$ i"^+"'.`r'4^++',+ .+v^«s+.u'w...-v.n ,r..r.s.^a,.•a . ,.7,e M"" lIf you )level Visitors Or if you were away fol• Condition Afow*e What might have been a serious ac- the vaeutlun, and your „aww are ptuitted A re -organization meeting of the Wing- rrull Woo culumu dual t blame tau caller, ;re The Aero Cushion Inner Tire & Rubber Liam bowlers will be held in the Council At the Easter Vestry of St. Paul's cident occurred on the Deyell farm be- oan•t awl all tau news, .It 1a ju;;t pocianlc that Co,, has; bought six acres of land east of Church g your rAergubura lumdou us III a" stem about Chamber an Friday evening at 8 o'clock, , Wingham, the following wardens tween Wingham and Whitechurch, when tauir viszaurs. They tins showed thorn that the Marquette track at Saginaw, and and officers were stlectcd for the ensuing; little Norman, the three year old son of 'liar apinpcia ted tush• vrnu.J plans to start within a few weeks can- z4* That Easter Candy. -They all like ayear:- Mr.d and Mrs. George Deyeil, wandered • Miss Madeline Walker spent Easter in struction of a new plant to manufacture Williards.--Sold at Mitchell's CornerStore. Rector's Warden ---R. S. Williams om a M Out onto the railroad track and ran. in Toronto. its air substitute for automobile tires. Drug People sWarden-••-J. Iiartnell o front of the north bound freight train The officers of the company are: Presi- Did you ever stop to consider why Tug t Miss Thelma Sanderson left for Hamil- Select Vestry --R,` Vanstone, C. P. nic about 11 o'cioclt on Tuesday morning. , dent, B. A. Herrington; San Jose,. C 1 , APVANCH job printing department is Smith. J. S. Morgan, T. J, McLean, A. E. ton chis week. The train crew stopped the train and vine -president, E. L, Sherbondy, Detroit, kept so busy? Because they turn out the Smith and Adam Johnston, strong arms reached under the engine and Mr• Noel Drummond was in Toronto, also the patentee; secretary and general work, Sidesmen --J. W. Scott, D. Holmes, T. PEP i dragged the little lad out, none the worse over the holiday, manager, J. J. O'Shannessy, Detroit; The Ladies Auxiliary of the Wingham J. McLean, L. Harding, E. J. Nash, Wm for his experience, save for a couple of treasurer, C. E, Judson, Wingham, Ont ; General Hospital will meet in the council Moore, Henry Carson, A, E. Porter an Miss Alice McNair, B. A„ is visiting at d ' bruises on the forehead, which might have her home in Richmond 14111. John Rivard of Detroit, formerly of Sag• chamber on Monday evening, at 4 15 R• D, Blomfield, ONA, been caused byhis falling headlong on the maul, is a director and assistant manager. o'clock, Auditors -C. P. Smith and D. Holmes. Mr. Ned 7 omlcins spent Good Friday t1 g g Tine ADVA,NCR has received another Rev. Mr, Snell who came to Wingham rails in front of the engine. The company is bele brought to Saginaw with his daughter in Clinton, by John Kundinger, Geer ge A. Wickham Mr. C. B. Blackhall of 'Toronto, is visit- donation for the Armenian Fund; Mr, 1. a little more than three years ago. from Dance fa Aid Of tlockeyists, ing at. his home on ill of or and Betts. It already has two plants D. Beecroft of East Wawanosh has sub- Ayr, has during that time been a faifhful tr one in Wingbam, Ont„ and one in San scribed $l0, to be sent to the treasurer. worker among his parishioners and the i A Cinderella dance will be held, in the Mr, Gordon Gannett visited over the Jose, Cal. Winter is still holding sway in Western community 1n general, and a goodly ,every user a bOoSter. G. W, V. A. club rooms, (Mills Memorial holiday with friends in Toronto. Ontario. Snowshovels, cutlets and furs amount of the credit of the healthy ton- Hall) on Thursday evening, ,April Sth in Mr. Hecker of Indianapolis, is visitingpublic School Concert, that were careful) dition of church matters in general is due aid of the Hockey boys Dancing will y put away for the sum- , with his brother, Mr. Jesse Hecker.' to his work. Affairs of the church as ^--^ Is the tonic you need. commence at 8 o'clock and tickets will, A concert will be given in the Town mer were again brought into use this week, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fleming spent given in the report of the retiring wardens sell for 50 cents. After a strenous season the week -end with Lucknovi relativesHall, Wingham, on Friday evening,' April The editor of THEADVANCE is indebt- Messrs. W. F. VanStone and R. Van - 'the hockey boys have come out in the hole ebt- 16th, under :the auspcies of Wingham ed to. Mr. J. J. Kerr, East Wawanosh, for stone showed a most successful year. and are in need of assistance. Come out Miss Ione Walsh of Detroit, spent the Public School. Those taking part in the a splendid sample of maple syrup, It The Mills' Memorial Hall was leased to and buy a couple tickets whether you Easter holidays with relatives in town. entertainment will be either pupils or ex- is certainly away above the kind you have the War Veterans for six years, with the buys a large bottle dance or not, o bars, John Kerr is visiting with her pupils of .the school. A splendid pro- to pay $4.40 a gallon for. understanding tnat they would do consid- daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Hoffman, Toronto. grammeisbeing prepared, Remember the Ben o Race's At Wingham g ugh entertainment enable repairing to the building. The Wingham Athletic Grounds Limit- Miss Mabel E. Cant of Toronto, is visit- Baseball Rc-Qrganizatfon in the Mills Memorial Hall on Tuesday, The sexton's and organist's salaries were ing at the home of Mr, C. S. Blackhall, April 18th. Mr. Bongough is a clever both increased. = Cg and i °aCCd r ed met in R, VanStone's office on Mon- Shuter St. At.a meeting to re -organize for Baseball cartoonist and entertainer and will appear The meeting adjourned for two weeks day evening and elected officers and for 1920 the following officers were elected; in Wingham under the aus rc directors as follows: Mr John Davidson of • Ayr, is visiting Hon. Pres, -E. L, S erbond p' es of the when the report of the auditors will be Y• G. W. V. A. President --V. R. VanNorman. at the home of his, mother, Mrs. David- ' Pres. -T. J. McLean received. 9 son, Shuter St. q Buy your Fomaldehyde early thig year., Vice, Pres. --A, M. Crawford: Vice•Pres,-). H. McKay Treas.-T. C. King. Misses Valeria Smith and Madeline Manager -Carl E. Judson --the supply is short. Frush stock just Smith of Tilsonburg, were Easter visitors Sec'y-Treas.-Howard Gra received at Mitchell's Corner Drug Wednesday Half; Holiday RE This new company have purchased the Y Commencing the first week in May and Drugs and Stationery race park from the former owners and it is at the Rectory. Committee -,D, Somers, R. S. Williams, Store, continuing until the first week in October their intention to hold race meets at Mr. Jack Bond of Toronto, spent n; few R. M McKay, R, D. Blomfield, 0. Hab- Mr, R. M. McKay and Mr, W. Van- Edison Phonographs Phone 53 C. P, R,,Tickots wyck attended the meeting of the Ont- stores and shops in Wingbam will close on Wingham during the season, days at the home of his sister, Mrs, kirk, Wednesday afternoon of each week. Errold Drummond. ario Amateur Lacrosse Association held ing . Here For The Iiolida s. Toronto last week. Mr. McKay was Robbery At Listowel "" ,1; ,µ? Irvin; and Alvin Smith visited with s - Mr, Charles Isard, Detroit. Mr, W. H. Willis is away on a business elected to the executive committee of the their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Association. $2,000 worth of cloth was stolen from Miss Mable Isard, Toronto. trip to Barrie. Miss Margaret Piper. Toronto. Irving at Lucknow• Roger's tailor shop in Listowel on Sunday - - - -- ,-- --.--_ •.. _.-_-- __, Miss Laura Reid, Toronto. Miss Sharpe, Teeswater, visited at Mr. Mr. A. Cosens, real estate dealer, morning, and it is actual) reported that Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robertson spent , reports the sale of the Chas: Homuth the Listowel y p Easter Not The Time Jno. Porter's, Turnber ry, police are working on the j to begin attendance at school is after mid Miss Gertrude Deans Port Stanley, Easter with their daughter, Mrs. Geo property in the town plot to Mr. J, H. case. The Public school board and teachers,j summer vacation and not at Ea9ter. Com - Messrs. Fred and Roy Manuel, Detroit. Tervitt, Walkerville. Mr. W. C. Adams of Hamilton spent Finley of Gait; also the sale of J, H, Bow- would again remind parents and guard- pliance with this recommendation will Mr. Kent Smith, London. Miss Mernie Johnston left on Monday the holiday at his home in town. man's property in Pleasant Valley to Mr. Dies Of Pneumonia ians who have little children approaching materially assist in maintaining a proper Mr. Earl Johns, Toronto. for Detroit, where she will spend the Mr. Roy Hastings of New Liskeard is Harry Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Gibbons and school age, that the proper time for them organization of the school. Mr, Geo. Schaefer, Timmins. summer with her sister. visiting with relatives in Turnberry. Service in the Wingham Methodist family have the sympathy of a large circle Mrs. Wes. Brandel, and daughter Gert- Miss Kathleen Wearring of Woodstock of friends in their bereavement b - a church, will be held as usual next Sunday. y the rude Gohn Weiler, Mr, Fred Fox of Toronto sent Easter death of their -on, Francis Milas Ambrose is visiting over the week -end with her ' P 10 a. m. Fellowship meeting; Il a. m. Mr. John Weiler Toronto, with his friend Mr. Clarence Pocock. and 7 p. m. Public Worship; Sunday who died at Sandwich, on Sunday, April deft 11 ' friend, Miss Lottie Maddison. Mr. Howard Guest, Kitchener., Mr. and Mrs, Pettigrew and daughter, Miss Davidson, Wroxeter, visited with School at 2.30. The 4th, in his 19th year. Deceased attended Miss Emily Mann, Hamilton, g pastor will preach Y Miss Margaret, spent Easter renewing her cousin, Miss L, Davidson, Shuter St. morning and evening. the Wingham High School until a few Miss,Azelia Sanderson, Hamilton. ae uain6rices at Lio s Head, months. ago when he went to Sandwich to Mr. E. S. Copeland, Toronto. q ,"1 Miss M. Evelyn Adams is spending a D. D. G. M. Gibson of Fordwich,t paid r 01 Miss Viola Isard, Toronto, Mrs. Greig of Sault Ste Marie. Mich., couple of days in Toronto and Hamilton. leis official visit to Wingham Masonic complete his studies for the priesthood. 4Nch.. Miss Effie Bowers, Toronto. was a guest at the home of, her cousin, Mrs. Barber of Owen Sound is visiting Lodge on Tuesday. Sixty-eight members The remains were brought to his horde Mr. Hardy Geddes, London. Mr, W. D. Pringle, last week.with her neice, Mrs, A. E. Coling, Victoria were present and a splendid banquet was and Requeim High Mass was sung in given at.Bro. J. H. McKay's restaurant Sacred Heart Church, Wingham, on Mr. H. A. Mutton, Toronto. Mr. Swlndiehirst of Guelph, spent a St. after the work of the evening was finished, Wednesday morning, prior to interment Mr. and MrLXP s, Harold Parker, Bramp- few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Capt. Finn of Prince Albert was an in the Roman Catholic cemetery. u ton. Ed. Hawkins, Lower Wingham. Easter visitor with his friend, Alderman The'regular meeting of the Wingham Miss Mabel Walsh, Preston. Mr. and Mrs, A. W. Murdison and Fells. town council which was to have been held Egg Laying Record. ' Miss Della Haugh, Toronto, children spent a few days with Mrs. on Monday evening was postponed until Mr. Frank J. Hill has eight Rhode Mr. Leonard Rush, Toronto. Mrs. A. Davidson of Detroit, is visiting Wednesday because a tV)urdison's mother, Mrs. Marsales. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Bosman, , quorum was lack- Island Red Pullets, which started to lay Miss Clara Reid, Toronto. , rag. Reeve Tipling Councillors Bennett Mr and Mrs, E, R..Harrison and son, Bluevale Road. ' in October, at five and a half months. Miss Llzzie Johns, Toronto. Cunningham and Currie were absent. Ross, spent the weekend at the home of They have kept up a record since January , Miss Lizzie Currie, Toronto, eat and Mrs. W. J. Hicks of Toronto, Mr. J. G. Stewart, real estste dealer, which is considerably better than the . Miss Frances Lackeridge, North Ba the former's parents at Silver Lake. , spent a day last week with Mr, A. W y , Bay. Mr. J. W. Hanniin TotbiWbster and other friends in Wingham. reports the sale of the two storey brick Ottawa laying contest. During January, Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Hawkins, Preston„ as ronouyng e residence on Scott, St. owned by Mrs, February and March they laid 503 eggs Mr. Alvin Graves. Kitchener, goods for their new store. He was ac- Mr, and Mrs, J. J. Moffatt and Miss Wellwood to Mr. Samuel Hutchison, who or an average of better than 5?. eggs per " companied to the city by Mrs. Hanna. is moving to Wingham from Whitechurch. day. In the first six days in April they Miss Edna Smith, Kitchener. Clarice, attended the funeral of the late m . Mr, Cliffe Garrett, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Mort, Smith,of Courtland, Postmaster Robinson at Wroxeter, on The property is at present occupied by laid forty-one eggs, or almost seven per Miss Ada McGill, Leamington, N. Y., are visiting with the fc rmer's Monday. Mrs. Thos, Manuel. day. Mr. Hill will have a few. sdttings Miss Nora Gracey, London, father, Mr. Hiram Smith, Lower Wing-, Rev, H. W. Snell and A. G. Smith have The calendar fixes the number of teach- for sale, and we would advise you to In and Let. Miss Pearl McPherson. Seaforth. ham. I been selected as delegates from L. , O. L. ing days for 1920 in the Public Schools at order now. e Mr. Reuben Morgan, Toronto, Mr. FrankGalbraithvisited his home No 794 to attend the Provincial'' Grand 196, Easter holidays will be from April X.1111 camine Your Mr, Norman Butcher, Simcoe. over the Easter holidays and was accomp- Lodge which will be held in Orillia next 2nd to April 11th, both inclusive. Mid- pled At Atwood Mr, Will Herd, London. anted by his friend Major Brooks of Tor- week, summer holidays will be from June 30th There passed away in Atwood, on Wed- reet and x'S Miss Alba Walker, Toronto. onto. Rev. E. F. Armstrong was in London, to August idst in the Public and until nesday of last week, David Watters, a Mr. Harvey Messer, Toronto, Mrs; Champken and Miss Rebecca on,Tuesday, in connectio i with the work September 6th in the High Schools. prominent boot and shoe merchant of that V 2P Mr. Ezra Pocock, Toronto. Mitchell visited for over Easter with Mrs, of the co-operative committee of the flown in his 48th. year. Before going to r Mr Geo. Pocock, Toronto. Fred Fuller and their father, Councillor Methodist and Presbyterian churches of Bicycle Tires and Accessories -We Atwood, he was in the employ of Mr. W. Miss Margaret Patterson, Toronto. S. Mitchell. i this district. have a large supply for Spring for men J. Greer, Wingham, for a number of years Miss Margaret Pocock, Toronto, girls and boys. Dunlop Tires cheaper and was very highly esteemed. The you are tired of being bothered by Miss Helen Pocock, Toronto. Ma Milton Groves returned to the Mrs. Prast returned to her home in than at Eaton's, at the Wingbam funeral was held from the G. esteemed, a station j hurting, tender feet, here 15 your Chance $O Mr. Robt. McBurn y, Toronto. West on Tuesday after spending the Hanover after visiting with her parents, Machine shop, where the celebrated on Saturday noon and was under Masonic 1 yet jmmdiate relief and peril anent correc. winter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Adair. We are Cleveland Bicycle is sold. Now is the auspices. Rev.) E. F. Armstrong conduct- tion. You are invited to consult this foo Mrs. Tony Nichol and daughter, Dor- . Robt. Groves. )thy, London. pleased to report that Mrs. Adair was time to get your baby carriages re -tired. specialist while he is here. able to return to her home from the All general repairing done. ed a short service. His widow, Melicia Mr..Geo. Young, Toronto. Mr, Ernest Linklater and Miss Eva Wynn, daughter of Mr, George Wynn of Mr. Gordan Young, Toronto. Linklater of Toronto, spent the Easter Wingham Hospital. Ata special meeting of the Goderich Hespeler and formerly of Wingham, has Miss G, Kehoe, Toronto. vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. public school board Mr. Roy Stonehouse h h f 1 1 Rrcu W16111 *IQ Miss Irene Davis, B. A., Stratford'.. Mr, and Mrs. M. W. Telfer, Blyth,. Miss Ada Buttery, London. Miss Ethel Beckwith, Toronto. Mr. David J. Boyd, London, Miss Annie Geddes, Brussels. Mr. Horace Buttery, Toronto. Dr. Elmer Aitken, Toronto, Mr. George Muir, Toronto. Miss Verna McLaughlin, Ripley Mr. Gordon Rintoui, Toronto, Mr. Stanley Elliott, St. Catharines,, Mr. Roy Passmore, Toronto, l ` r i r bepsaa ISIS`I"I ' 45 PHONE: 59 - •.v'sevr,euwx X...w aaiq.hwWn -ii ,.d 1 Excellence of Ou r6asJ' Try a Pound, 13letV 1t Y' ' y ` o sill . Test lis, by it. j Judge us by it. tolusyarc-, saistacti, we are more complete. Your M,tlnesY Back If our Teas and Coffees, Groceries; etc are not what we say they are. The Te* and Wf6e Huse wwllrrlw+saw W. S. Linklater, Victoria St. Mr. and Mrs; R. M. Hunter were in town on `Thursday on their return trip from California. They spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. W. G: Patterson. Miss Ella Dobie and her friend, Miss Gladys Patterson of Toronto, spent the week -end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. JP Dobie, Diagonal Road. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rogers of Toronto, and Mr. George Wynn of Hespeler attend• ed the funeral of the late David Watters on Saturday last to Wingbam cemetery, Mr. D. Wilson. Supt. of the T Eaton Co., Winnipeg, spent a few days with his friend, Alderman Cunningham. The Scotch and the Irish aro good fellows to- gether. Reeve Amos. and Mrs. Tipling and their daughter, h ht r Mrs E: g M. Buchanan and little June, returned on Monday night from California and Southern States where they spent the winter. Mr. Robt. 7. Mitchell. of Cockburn Isld. aro having a sale of stock and household goods, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mitchell and family are moving to Simi, California, r in April n p o account of Mr. Mitchell's ,poor health. Mrs. John Ballantyne of Mani- tawaning, will join with her father and another before they leavo for their new glome. Mr. Wm, Clendenning left on Good Friday for Blenheim where he will reside with his sister, Mrs. f, Forbes. We aro sorry to lose Mr C;lendenning after his twenty-five years' residence in Wingham, but his ayes are fast failing although he has spared nothing in his endeavors to hava hi$ eyesight restored. Mr. Clan. denuing has lmod his residence iia . Mlault St. to Mr. Joaba Johi*on, lakxlt ess ;d tkor. • of Blyth, was appointed principal of Vic- t e sympat y o a' arge circ e of friends in her sad bereavement. The deceased o~ toria School, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. J. 'M Johnston, contracted the "flu" about six weeks ago and had been in poor health ever since. Friday,April 9t all l day Mr. Stonehouse, who cofnes highly recom- mended,. was selected from about a dozen " ` Sat. r pril 10, fill 2.30 p.m. applicants, 1 EN THE BATTERY STARVES r':, The G. W. V. A. held a very enjoyable dance in their new club rooms in the - A battery that is run down for lack of DoWt watt until the last miI>ute , Maybe, lose YOUr chance to get foot comfo>rL Mills Memorial hall on Monday evening, proper charging, is like a man who has I✓Ua21e "n stir 'time 1trills durj >; Musil ss , April 5th. We understand it is the in- been weakened by a lack of proper, food," and talk it OVQr with Me exMt tention of the Veterans to spend money says Mr. Crawford, local Willard expert. which they derive from dances, entertain- "The battery is too weak to take the !fir, zs ments etc. to fit up their new club house charge with all modern fixtures including in the normal way just as the man who has not had sufficient nourishment, schofl, shower bath, reading room, etc. Remember the may be too work for a meal. For this it is 'a r r Bengough Concert in their hall and under reason useless to try to charge the ce their auspices on Tuesday evening next. battery by running the engine of the car." "The proper method to follow with i There no need t0 St2{fer from aty ' Work, Water and Worry. Three things such that were total strangers to Unice. You a battery is to put it on charge at A &Ouble, anY more. fie it ever so SIMple dc, OVO-r SCD tills an cant blame him. What self-respecting and extremely low rate for a short period ellen increase SCY10US s eCialls4 who i5 a member of the Staff f o x gym. • SC.%10 , hobo would confess his guilt of these three t gradually the rate un- 1 the normal charging; rate has been the 11 noted footauthority, n show- YOu the Cardinal Sins. But even hobos are not reached. This can only be done at some way to immut-I& ,9 relief and to fildrttate masters of their own destinies, and the service station which is properly equipped day casae when J'ubilo, to his everlasting " shame, actually went to work -splashed for this sort of work. in and drank water and got something to "Occasionally some one asks us if this j ` foot Comfort worry about, A girl and a big train hold- job cannot be done by runnint the engine 1 up did it. Its a bright, sunny comedy - 1 . slowly at first and letting the batter if YOU'll steP ill aM give hiM the drama of lain folks and rich hearts. Se Y ,• , • plain s e Laic call 're Will Ro els that h 1 charge in that way for cycle). hours; 1 i Il 311$1 What the s .tzso g a omen fellow with the i d ! Y a I s jells you can't resist in his latest Gold -fie 's Process 1 n e trouble and he yd a r thi p oc ss 1 a., been allowed to pro- ' l , tlto 1edj►„, wyn photoplay "Jubito." Better than ceed for sono time the idea would be that i r Almost a Husband) Comulg; to the x b c Lyceum Theatre next Monday, Tuesday your engine should bnspccdecl u1) so that li ,ta 1 Is r`ov'eFoot s and Wednesday. normal charge would proceed. Of course, , t ° l 11 " l 1.11-'' `rat" this process is not a workable one. The " l+g jl # .af No lareser sizedor od sha shoes, r 7p , } , .: t 3 t such i i ' on thlri that ' s 1 11 b t ta 1ds in file way of much j 1 0 old d c..tit. . G'V+:.ar the, i1r1(l OB Iitte in perk; Toronto World Assigns- a curt ing procrss is that the enerator is ' {{' K i,4. t;@➢I°r]#F)1 r. The Dt' ' 1 g ff f i ,E ;}r, .5rhull pp1tan Aduaw It is announced that ills Toronto so constructed that it supplies t urgent at 11 lr ++r;. lva"!g&•ove that; grace a11d be,Y of the n tl World has made an ussignmetit. Full nearly normal voltage almost as soon as it + i'g gl; ,. 1 B 11 r u r 1 bei ; 1 , ala tr )ars are not yet available, but it is begins to „upp y it at rill. Nay rllatter flow !gt p r ,I understood that both the daily and week- fast or how slaw the engine runs the cur- I,, ,,.. tl lliji % , * GREER 1 i ion will c' rent supplied be just about the s i)i s `1 y ed t e lli .callous publication under pp amt., the direction of the liquidator. The lisbil- and instead of charging,' and helping the Wad t ave nhmto od to be l doll ", deist_ eti injure eat tery, it will heat and prob. 1 . lt tt ' l iGl l i t y OW#16 , ` A tr