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The Wingham Advance, 1920-04-01, Page 8
I 73? .,, 'a•A•r. ',.. �..• ya +�,M k ., t.a, Y(., r�, r.:' '> i3i1�'a •Ft ,7;, a. 6 Vy., �,�• �%� .M � :,�4.t. H , '.:M, yr �X ^Y )' NJ 11 ,,,'. ' � ..1r'a .. yA j1W h:tliliett i4 with a bad '� trot iii; lolls, ut ustch it iilt•1' w"A r. tlCil arclasnt, lot Stilurday wtiilt v'urkiug in } hr,nve uC Ade, kitenryr h. 'Tire t,' tuna utbt g Splendid !ht thleliliat tie tsht�ti hit» .tkiird NTE 1aCoke►►, vttt ltolsr 1►ittt aperrly' recovery. 4 0 jauy16ter. Alit`* Jcnuiu, heranue the hriae files. lirooko and slaughter, Lillian of ut talar i:. Nicholvoti, is prsicr,;ruuk: y't+uug' Shoes �a will► •Llll'48 ('entraps, spent a few days with the 111. otxl wiche�, l+ , . and: Mrs. Finley�! �' former, td • fprrucr t, parent, Dir.. yauui; pooph+ who lure •,r AA l on the Anderson. fat iii nortl, of tile• idd f,4nlls. p1 tA.e, knnlun M us the llwitie lai'in, tin tilt', I3. line, Turn- Mr. Roy Maguire Eggs tintl DIP, Barry ivilk- L E hcPry. inson starter: for the' est last week. { Upwards of thirtyfive of tile: neighbor(; Egg,� with a Piuley Anderson has been troubled Mrs, P • nd friends atliered at the hom , of John w' very bad cold. Wear i lust slie � 0 N I .s g I�ictinisc ii' on Monday eveninvgl of last is able to be around agaill.' exeeli and prevented them with a nits• li ll(�4t pt"lCk%4 1 Ir. Gc.ntgc Mels enzie spent the week r ellanr3us,howler, allot enjoyed a vary eitil with itis brother is 'Csirpnto, ' Iileariant evening, W, I is a � J. ARMOUR Miss Greta Armstrong spent Suuslay Mw�w� \1 r, and ril'rs, Robertohert Black vis'stud at 1! with her slier in Clinton. thv hom, s of Mr. Aavid Patton and Jo- Gracey old Stand. Phone, 62- seph Breckonridge on I�tiday of last Weare gladto knaft that Mrs. cash, I• a Q Q� that our ,j Qr C�, now �� wedc. We are Illeased to see our old WelsiL is recovering after a itad attack of to " neighhorsagain, WIN.GRAA MARKETS pneumonia. Ladiesrwill be please n tailored suits s t lea La Syrup tital:iuH r1i1 the lxound vy is tits: - --- new faster goods. dies' f� e �tacjked With ,,, (Correct up till Wednesday nopna 'rllis illustration represents s our lick tiler line ' F es also with Veltees and order of the days. Wheat No. 2 Spring • • ,, ..1 9S to. 2'55 East Wawanosh �: y .� y • Ines and sera A number of ilw first line people had all r with toeca s and heap ensiled t�$OVLr The Will wear t i� Iin trieatine(, gabard i serge dre dresses in )/V WheatNp. l" 1 9$ tp 2 fie silk and + ,,, vary �ucr,•ssful wosiabees, many hands wheat o. . • .. • G 80 to 7 00 .11r. Warren James, is improving after well and the pl'iCe iS 1Q1V (in fact v E l'y low) Wilson pre X11- i, ;�'35,Q� � $66.00., Ladies' C �,]l0�"1� %i stilt prices are considered namely. j tnal;e wsirlc light. Laid . ......... . . ..... 3b to $$ his serious operation. W is hope he soon belts, ``1tr'd browns in overskirt an + eft 1.1 a 8X1 �,7lLifi'►5' a llav�'s �' rpW n s � , 1�rs> aro pleased to say Stanl«:y Johnston Butter .... , • .. , . , ; ' dei to 50 will be around again. 4p + A cope , �) �� tv improving int; attm a painful aperalton on eggs . - .. , , , ... , . , .. b0 to G6 The Maple Syrup season is Duet for '\s l ��a�''as Ladies trlcc`lttlne �4ats �n relildfer, Cattle, coed., butchers., 9 0o to. 1000 this yeas•. $4.60 s]eeve styles. hi.; trace, ' 7 ntr. Robert blesser Lit, sar heated ltit111- Cattle, butchers choice. It 00 to 12 00 Mr, }vire at Robertson rias went under' nay and blacks. self to ;t nuw CChevrolet car, Hogs, liveweight . • • . • 17 75 to 1800 I We have this shoe ill all sizes for 1'11@n, 0 wilds) ,� , •-r, „, .,..•19 00 to 2100 an operation in the Wurn to Hospital t� Mr. Uordun Messer has purchased a Hay •. .., ... is s t o return a a Dine excellent 11. 1n Ta Yq► l eau ' n work Cream .... to G$ but ' Don gong t u •t1 t his home. y �N'e Have an t;�eelle rte Ford. Now girls for the joy rides, _ ._, i at Mr. Allan boots at $5.65 Per pair. ' _ _.. i>4r, L, Dwyer is visiting 11r. and hlr5 F.d, Johnston visited at W. �• DYja Nicholeon's, _ A�► the belle of tier mother at Qorrie We Are i.� - �••-•-• sorry to tidy Mrs-'Sparhng is quite dl. L'at'l)e11te1" and Builder Mr, Robert Scott got two good coons o in a large tree near the road in Mr. Coulta' L iy® Mr, Robert Afathcfrs is not enjoying 'plans and specifications-rurnieTiied where W I �a good health, may he soon be better, is'the required. woods L I S wish of his friends. Routs 3, Wingham- The Murdison Concert was postponed • > ` Phone 13-826, SOLE AGENT FOR LADIES ' The Willing `'Yorkers meet in the base- thatwas to be held in Belgrave tin Friday + t+ Y Beg Johnston and Company put on a night, g tient of the Metiiodttit church, Thursday * A. % of tilt~ �scee5ls. show hero Friday and Saturday nights i -night- Mr. -. silo SI Mr. John Kerr is getting nick+ly set- rind dva:tiv Et crowded houses each night• Belmore' Cyt sled au it farm on the, boundary near 1 Tho- procr ects went to Ui4 brass hand• AND DERBY SHOES FOR MEN. ,r �•n 'Blnevalc, under whose auspices the, show was rut � • oil. Ager the show an Friday night a a�r'Attention. "A Ladies' Aid Business tn� Mr, suet Mrs, Leonard Ruttun have olinston nrchestra Meeting at Belmore Crossroads 60 Yrs. ago • ® moved to their new home m WrO cter, clause was given by J tp be given by The Belmore Women's e and was ftsicly WAII attended.. I;li2abeth Owens' liar returned to humors are ripe concerning the flax Institute, Tuesday, A hild8en� 5rc0 Don't{ usual good style• i 1 her 11o►ne at I,istowel, after spending the and one has it that I,uclrno�v will mission, Adults 40C, C t Miss Helen Mulvey is able to be abqut w. v industry n inter months with 11er cnttsfn, Mrs.john The Women's Foreign MissionaryFi at� a h H w have two mills this tall, Riessrs. Logan miss it, Irverybody Come. after a severe attack of the "flu." am d started to et the plot Qne of the most widely known resid- The W omen's Institute intend giving Society held their monthly meeting Fri' {' 1' i >♦e11. ,C (alt have already g ' { - _ ishes to a e for Flax and ents of this district passed away, at his the play,• entilted "An old time Ladies day afternoon, when NIMu delliss e were ap firs. Joseph Breckenridge i1 i Baghold'sr factory into sh p e Friday of last week in the i, ro• ford and Mrs. Wm, '"' * Institute for the oral slot barns. and are home her F d Y Aid meeting on the 8th. of April, p l I thank the A!omen s have naught rev tier i here and intend build`mg a person of Mr. Thomas Inglis in his 82nd, coeds will go toward enlarging the Hall pointed as delegates to the convention to t ( beautiful bnuq moving then beheld. at 1{tncardine in May., , II 1 ( `•+ in Belmore. - Everybody come. If yell have a tender message•, largo shed next to their mill. Gco. An year. Deceased had not been enjoying t l l tr' lo,, word to say. r nein land for growing flax good health for some time, but war able There was a goodly attendance at the Mr. James•Ballagh continues in very i t Ural g di:rson is e g e i young peoples meeting Sunday night; poor health. %1o,atat'waittill you forget it, orad is Peeing to build mill according to to be about when pneumonia set in. 13nt wllis er it to -day, r so that with two Sax mills and a Mrs. Inglis predeceased him thee `the lesson was taken up by James B. Miss Mary Stokes who has been son- - ,. Popp t, t✓ I I _..._.�� - The hiving word ulispokeii�" machine shop opening here and hydro- months ago and sincere sympathy Dickson and Miss Nelda Wolfe, Mr. fined to the house all winter through i11- , Tile flowers never seut, George Rutherford sang a solo in his ness, is able to be about again. ^ � i comm rr L delrnow will surely boom. is extended to the bereaved family, who ' '!he long forgotten message, 140-1 g aro vary scarce iust now and a have been so suddenly bereft of both— 'f The wealth of l6veunspetit, person cattaot buy or rent a boost:. one mother and father. The funeral which Al Iior these sonlei►earts are breaking, elan lied six rffars on a hobs- last week was held Monday afternoon to McIntosh bar these sortie loved ones wait; not sell because` he could not cemetery, was largely attended, service Waists is i n crepe- So show them that you care for them, but would NOVELTIES— de -de \ being conducted at the house and grave EASTER get another, b Rev. Bradley, Teeswatei ; Rev. Alex a �+ j,t ('� _moi Before it too late. 'i �' 7 5 e to $2.00; `-' Qr �!'.1`. " Thos. Watson, leader of Gibson. and, Sinclair, Bel- to 13.50• Meek -wear fromOur Station Agent is all smiles these choir;•entcrtainesl them at his home on_ e; from e Q ) days. jim . aysatS a, girl. more; pallbearers were 'Mr. Scott, Sea- _ r a/ah Thursday Dight. ,Altera short practice, forth'; Mr, Scott, Inglis,• Mr. Sanderson, $2.00 PHONE 188 m1 �, Q Q to n S.Q. • Making. Maple Syrup, is the order of progressive liominoes were in order,. sets from $ d around a Syrup, Toronto', M a nephew of deceased, and tbree WINGHAM, ONTARIO the ay prizes aver,. won by Norma Thompson son -In-laws, Mr. Gibson, Mr. Arke11, rvir. The school with competent instructors and superior courses. Graduates Miss Helen Black p£ Howick, formerly and jos, C=lcnnie, and then a dainty lunch Arnold Stewart, placed in positions Affiliated with the Elliott Business Collage in Toronto F of this place is Visiting old friends here was%erved and an hour of music wound u ni pleasant evening. Mr. Herd our new storekeeper moved and the Central Business College, Stratford, Enter any time. this week P We would advise, the Dun men from The Ford Garage is open and doing his. house -hold effects last week. We Write for free Catalogue. -��•��- __� �__ ®% Y here, to carry their license With them, bus►iss again prepared fora busy year, welcome Mr, and Mrs. Herd to our -midst, MurrayoLeagjav Prin. _ o riding. ns the mud oh Dollar 17ay on Tuesdays rnerchants ar Mr. Peter hackney is moving into the I ]�, A, ] CtrOChl�1Cl, Pres0• y when they go j Y �� /�ioapi tilling their windows with bargains and no house lately vacated by Mr, Inglis XX XX rs �� �✓ r� tet{., s �ji�1I196�>� Sunday evenings,doubt will do x record business. The 2411XXXXXXZ���©�©0®� --• Mrs Geo. Tate and Mrs. J. W. King; brass band will play afternoon and even -Was ** _- - -- ------ i GO THE Cid 1 T#C - attended the Provincial W, M. 5. in Strut- int. _ feed, last week. Dr, Balfour has returned from .London Compare Our Prices and V�.lnes My father says the paper that he reads Mr: and Mrs. H. McCall spent Sunday where lie his been for a fewweeksattend'- at Jamestown, with their daughter, Mrs, ;n lits mother who was seriously ill with am spat up right. g He finds a lot o£ fault, he does, perusing. Wm, king• pneumonia, but has now recovered, Before Purchasing , it at night, We are sorry to learn that Mr, and.Miss Annie Boyd has returned from a � ain't s. Aitcheson who have resided visit m Preston. He says theren't a single thing in iMrs. Ja t worth whi,e to read, here, almost all their lives, have decided Harold hreeman is home from: Boners ®�� Value in o�•p �t Y °,w' And that it doesn't print the kind of stuff �r `, d✓ 7 ���� to leave Bluevale, and are moving to where no has Leen employed in a largo. "' the people need Stony Creek near Hamilton, Where their mill, „ p ' Neta have i aC I He tosses it aside and says its strictly on (I youngest son, I3arl is station operator 1v,n Smeltzer and daughter, s � the bum— I They will be much missed in Bluevale joined NI s. Smeltzer hare, who has been ForEasterO ® w 1 Mr. Datil Reid who � But you ought to hear him hoi'er, when The regular. monthly meeting of the waiting on her father, thepaper doesn't come, Ladies' Ail' and Auxiliary of the Mission- is ill; Man He reads about thtiweddin's an snorts ary Society, will. be held April G h. i til lag his brothers:ltidrewdm oto vn,' is visit. ol,thVJay SpC'lix Coats, �Cf�� 1 like all get out, school Pepin of Knox churCl i Wnll�-lin a z I He reads the social Join's with tt const Tates invitation, the meetings' have been l`Irs, Habkirk of Kincardine, visited her Sport Coats Raincoats ZOO I held at the Manse for the'winter months, brother and sister in town. _sw ������ derisive shout, Zb g He says they make the papers for 'the Now that spring is here, it was decided to miss EGtc litilson of London, visited Pullovers laoafSweater nd KaCoats e a Silly Hose Y go back to the church. The meetings have Mrs 1;, Aitcheson a few days, wimrnin folks alone, otter repand than ever to supply your wants in the fuss .319 He'll read about the parties and he'll been interesting, and the excellent lunch his home here.' `Cellam of Strafford, visited at We are b P fume and fuss and groan, provided each day ' which was much ap- of Spring Millinery. excellent winter at tier house here has returned to rr ar est in town in is a lot of New He says of information it doesn't contain an �iated by all," proves. Mrs, Tate to be Rtiss Belle Howe who has spent the �,{' •�� �� • INT .L Our Stock is by far the 1 g a crumb,- tier school in the West. MON York Ready -to wear Hats just arrived. Specially priced for Easter at •g• � But you ought to hear him holler when Mrs Andrew Holmes is visiting her Dont pal:k that heavy overcoat in �J i 1 njA SWEATER' $4.00 to S8•oo• Call and see for yourselves. the paper doesn't come. daughters, in Toronto, this week. moth balls yet. •-■-----�---� He's always first to grab it and hs reads Mr. P, D. Ding, has sold the farm near CLOTHING lamb clear through,. the station, which he recently purchased MENS 1 ��� I t p Poorly Ligbied look1-4 1 u 7 A A He doesn't miss an item or a want ad. ••• from Mr, A. Jackson to Mr. Armstrong, Tae Harriston Review has the following Prices ' W1N%.xrxAM �,�,,� a!` AR that is true y who will take possession at once. You need not accept our Word as the truth when Hesays: "They dont know what they to say of the Palmerston Rink and partly y_ e W. J• Duff, although convalescent after attributes the cause of success to the we say that, in buying ST3� g,-CRAoth Tailored E for Pictorial Review PoLtteuns. VVinghtl m want, them darn newspaper guys, - $3.50 to $1 Agearcts I'm going to take a day sometirne and go a .serious illness, cannot stand the 'stt din darkness of the rink. Clothes, you are getting the best clothes •value, and put them wise. ( consistent With the price you pay, that money Sometimes it seems as if they must be of idleness, so is purchasing oats by the t'plaiaWkeyists .generally, who hays deaf and blind and dumb"'-- car load. He has already disposed of played on Palmerston rink, complain can buy. in fact we want you, to be sceptical— her you, will come in -and judge But you,ought to hear him holler when one car and is expecting another car in a that it is like engaging. in a game of Mot+uta the paper doesn't came. few clays. blindman's buff, on account of the poor ger yourself. Your faith in us will , �;- ,,.. wwr►Arl� 'M '� ' -- ••+*N- -' Dame rumor says, he may shunt} light, "Fair for one as for the other" not suffer --•-we aro sure of that --- engage in the hardware business. is the Palmerston contention, Not for the; agtxsllity of the materials) Ce and the Correctness of the designs ,�- (r ql Mr. and Ivies, Wallace moved to their much, it isn't. A person can go about Per and FQwne's diel Mr. and Nies. Jelin Mills visited at, r are sufficient to Convince Coen the ' , home; in Wroxeter last week, and Mrs. � his own d bate t��� est' anaiest mole refers discriminating person of the � gloves � i Georgi Naylor s one clay.est work, Geo, Mathers will soon move to the home for weal p in that Siik Underskirts 'Do .E1ectr1A%.#aYSir. and Mrs Geo+•gti Naylor intend aurclaased from Mr• Wallace', over everything. Same way la ra'lerit ofi I goingto the west this week, also --Mrs. he 1 ekes little rink: the home Play New Parasol- We are very sorry to learn that IVfr.; dark, p � - . .. George Naylor sr. of W inghatn for the John Brooks is not improving in health. ars are accustomed to it and never low k white bewildered visitors can " Georgette. Crepe and To-day �� house with moclei'n equiptllentf� has i er. ' on' have re- the puck, , o -day, • " , iC 1 ro11 aumm Mr, and Mrs. Chris i'hornt .. + , never find it. Is it any wonder that iAllcltlap artnTttES � \ , ..Voile Blouses 1 lectric Lilslbls, 1'xlectric. Washer, Blear Glad to hear that 'W'ilitatn 7atrtes son, Rev f lVlacllitle Attac htllent, Portable turl.ed to the village after spending the Palmerston never yet lost a home game? �-� ^ l�ew Feather Boas Electric �etvlll� ,C Doo I Warren, who was operated oil is at vires winter in Ilowick. N� Dress Electric � Electric Great sthemel" We are always pleased tor .,.�- lrleaWtriC "I oc:StE'i', " i ent improving Nicely We are sorry to learn, that Mrs. R. N. .,. - T�ltwctl•ic. I�eate:l�, ., w Sills: an show your our assortrnenti -- \ . lectric Cooking Device~ of various kinds, olad to hear that Nir. Earnest Rob?n- Duff lest a valuable cow Thut'sday morn- ��� it w I t h FloWePS or opt \ Goods i whether .you buy Bell, 1,••" ,.. lt1 l.:+a1Yf ), '��leetl'tc Piano Y.illl1111, eon, who was operated on for appendicitis . 5un1ntler Dress Materials l ,lerwtl ill 1Edd 1 1 t1t1S0 " •'C; l�Ilii „_-�I',1%aW11 the Piano Itr1C'X Pl1t)Yl+fy�,l'11111'1 at the �Gfngham Hospital is getting along ung' •.w.Y � _ E,.. .. 4F•,. '• 1<:' , :M;E,�",;x' • 12leeti i as well its await be expected, `�4l'I iry� .%VX.Sr X,%V r.S' d 'y � � M" 'dies and can file l;lec;trically operated. Mr. and Mrs router Taylor visited at �. uCi dOW :: \ ol"Gs9CS Mr, George Naylor s one day last week, Monday, Marcie 29th, Arrow Collars dgSh site; out" 11c1u:,e' is it Ycired ;;c> yv11_ . i quite a large number spent ati er:joy- :1 few tuor,i real estate d, a1s rook placsi f, ! K9ng Ntckwtar. etc. How al)(aut y _� ' �r � , ` of thee- button4 011 at Your [.i7i1VeCI` !able tvtning at Dir. Daniel Martin's on 1 during the past lvit k, tYm. tlurdio has � The Btoi'e tilos }ryivCS y't>11 Can turn sc�n1� tl a , o a %Ve slia11 be: glad i Friday turning forst work. purch:t,Okl the C'ampbetl block containing �„ r RCllt+li'C deal ailtl only venlenc.e• If not, 'Phone to us. r. one ice. • estimate fUi" i1C1111 the Jolt as it ought Mrs, P. McGlynn, who sprint a few I the l'o�t t?ink+c trust Johnston Br lsinlell& 4 �` to gill(, N,ou an i� I ter,, :aid undertaking 1 ` e 1')t' Yt>tl Cath then add any of the t1-leCtrical 1 days,visiting her daughter, Mrs Nlirhael +, to 11t' tl(1na4a , !o n,nir illy harrlscarr' hu�.inesv to that . .. • iRlt�t it,,9!it'%%I twtr, (:can vfdill(wfiC E:`+, c1 3 falx tCil^ih, Nvithout any extra is - i Q��ladht s ar't returned Thomas McCxnffiil+ � maukl :t•, %tion aw h+i ROW, Pointon and John Joynt 1ravc pur- i1'3E„ C1Crt t the l)ul"Cll�l!+t' Ct t17E` al's I(.lE', ,prl,o itaa been sick with pneumonia its able 2 chs%ed Mr -4. Dtigaid ACXirm0n`4 farm an .._ to D+t Kround again, - __- Mr. John Wabttttr purehuseed a Ant the I•th, lack Smith "Wo solid hill Earns to ETC. rriattbeal in,ltifs of thtatr year o18 colt;► tacit t sIckiltrwri l°lrost. Citta pctrc'h *ed Andrew TUNER" �'ElL1f1I1"fGSi � D",, t Dirk', farm! jusrt t+t&Mfr Of few" orhi�ch real �a',atreK 1»itl a I"eCtaatcl ls"luuirttt HAR i warrrlt. las~ iartpitr. 1 fy1 r �,nd tNra C. Ru:At, wlrc bare CsetTL pvn+*Aed it cri�mt"h g'o Ptmrrt J�hta Midt. bracts term int � n� Own � f11�'tit't�lt �y ats chn Mca"'s latafx Mtwrrd j 1BA �'XiiP _ _ . _ . gi%iA'�C bra n.. ilfftviw•it t� if'acaf 'tli'i1�id^cc a mar ��', �t`,�i' - � � �i�,ItN �s � at ii'i ,1 �>P19 � - _ ..._ rscrlafmtnt ref . l"ttlit l' irDg to hvl harm to tri^liar ids Pi raai 4ttrp _ 1 i f WM.�" • ` ilea Nt%,iwy a. r" t, e .vh .• I •1 >., ,.,^,,,, n '• Al ., ..: • :'-$.! � _.!'' � .! :..Mei 1-'.A,s�'t17GxziA'At. ."'lV.i�a�,. 'vr