The Wingham Advance, 1920-04-01, Page 3F -.M
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* An Opea Letter in the ,Interests
i I of the Dominic , n I
0 0 0 0 1 o *4 0 0 # fl*+4 ......
Canada has long, since. celebrated
10 The Centenary of Confederation, aud
Yet the population remains stationary
I —8,90000 Only, about the Same pop-
� Ulation as each, of the two great
� 01ties of Lout -on and New York,
. I
. The, government forecast for the
next cenous. being 9,000,000 and for
+1 - the purpose of this article we will ae-
cept these figures as being fairlyL AC_
Canada abounds In wealth, farms,
. minerals� a stable government; pre-
, valling conditiona. are acceptable and
+ . 'I's people contented. Why then,
� her 4
does p.QpulatIon remain so Oim-
in4tively and totally Inadequate to
supplY the demands of the Dominion.
Mots farmers, more housewtives,
more And more production to balance
the Imports and exports, and rehabil,
itato- the. financial credit of the Do-
m . Julon� The cultivation of the s011,
by well-trained farmers and farmers'
sons is the first great demand and
. "Wake up Canada!' and "Baeli� i`0 tile
Laud" are alroEidy Popular 8109-3,us.
To multiply m%nufactorles, Increase
the output, and find employment for
. expert mechanics, is, too a great,need,
To open ulp the untold wealth, the
I mines and minerals, and to encourage
r the L, introduction of investing curn-
pimles or concerns should be, the
11 study and consideration of our U011,
ators'And councillors.
The �Soverument have their ittera-
I . ture, by their agents, by lecturers, by
the offer of free farms. bden advertis-
,. �.. . Ing the advantages for years, to be
. I obtained throughout the Dominion.
. . I Have. they succeeded? �
I , Addressing the Retail Grocers' As-
sociation at Ottawa, .Feb. 12th, the
I *o'-, . ljori. Mackenzie King stated: "Get the
� . .
1. % �. � people back to the laud." The. pres-
.. � ent txouble was not on the surface.
1. . . r . but was sa- eternal disorder of the
r. . 1. . gravest character, one Which, it per-
, 1. .1 01tted to go on, would sooner Or lat-
. er ,bring the city dwellers and the
I -whole country into desperate straits.
. : . People living and Working on the
I . laud were the greatest need of Can-
. a4a and the whole world to-daY. In
I I .all parts of Canada the number Of
I . consumers demanding food in urban
c6utrejs had steadily increased, while
the number o� persons produelng-food
had relatively and stc-dily declined,
Immigration was necessary to PeOPle
� . . I Canada!s unoccupied areas.
. . i .
.. � I I - *
11 . I
I , �
I � , . . . I MAN POWER.
, A nation's greatest asset Is its; POP-
I r ulatlpn, and In support of this state-
. I mmt we may be seO,sonably excused
��. I . � I r � for refering to the great population
Nk . . I of, Germany previous to the war ' and'
to the low percentage of Vr=ce Upon
� rstwilar 11;�es.
I . � r During,the mobilization of trOaPs In
�' r : 1914 and 1915 the Right Ron. 'Lloyd
I George made the statement in the
I . British House of Com;.aans that
I . "ever . soldier would have thrco
. . . weeks* leave of absence before pro-
� . . � 1. coeding to the front," this '. mark did
� 11 . no" appear to be well received, but
�: when the -onorable premier, feeling
� . I . no doubt lie had ndt conveyed the
_ . full force of that statement, added:
"And the nation will take care of the
. I . -
� I I next geneiation," sober minded mem
I . bers of the House broke Into vocifer-
. I I ous cheers.
I I It during the times of stress it was
1, wise to ,look after the "Increase' of
the population in England," It Is also
. wise to look after the same source ,of
4- . .1 � strength in normal times; and Can -
r gda more than any other of the Brit -
Jab, possessions needs "man Dower"
I to,carry on the great work of produe-
lion and 0�jtaln the benefits of the
n%tural resources of the Dominion.
The rehabilitation of our dollar can
only be accomplished by economy and
greater production. This is the pro-
blem In which the people f Canada
� I are mostly deeply concerned, .
I Narolsse Savoe, secretary of agri.
� I .
*& Courtney, Tells How She
Was Cured by Ly,dia L
Pinkhan�s Vegetable
___ *
I . 0skeloNat loft.—"Vor rests I WAs
ftply In Qsery front a weakness find
Work for rA and
*theft If they will
Mrs. Wayi Coup
West, Oskaloosa, I
#1 to dity, year In sp
Misery As did I
I letters as this
shad. Every
die &cement
.. 'tausuess, or Wh6 is
�, chougo of Life sho
:e,. . b remi
40� 14 vil" writ
r'. ;
I , fr= Co. I L
,,tw 100,Z 7"I
V., "I, oxPt"'Oft
* ... I.., . I
, "I'
I ._L,.,1i,�1,Ak..:,. I- . � 11,
awful pains—trid
nothing seemed to
do me ilny A
friend advi"aaa the
to take Ly#ia B.
Pinkhant'a Voge-
table'Compound. I
did ad and got �te-
Hof rijht away. I
can certainly re-
dommend thia valu-
able inedicino to
other women who
sufrer� for it has
done such A!ood
, In- I
ner. I
� the
9tva, The r*W% I
is at Yom sorvift
, ,
I , '-'�'�Z�VO?"V,",-.rlv�;t�'ll.�'�", � I,. -. ,. *-r 11-41 , 1'� �. 't.�,��,�r':: .1, , ,.�,�'r. I , .I �_;w
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0 WO 1W 4,440 X-Koylaft = Quebec,
Canada, writ":
"No wmdor its world to, filled with
Bolshevik talk," said Mr. SAvole. ffNa
wonder the people cry out in throat
and Protest when even their increased
,0410100 fall to Provide their farAtiloo
with the bare necessaries of life. Ws,
must start with th , a farm, And tile
"The Woviuce of QUebee, which cul.
. �
tivated approximately 4,600,000 Acres
In 1914 bad nearly 14,QQ0,Qo0 Acreo un.
der eq1tivEltJon in 1919.
"IMIlloris of- Acres, now waste land,
must be opened to cultivation it the
'world Is to be saved from A oerlop of
crises that n
r _n
.ay bring the Collapse of
civilization, ,
"Canada, remember, depends on its
farms not only for food but to pay
the enormous war debt,
"It was, In the war fror
,A the start,
It Paid a fearful Price in the lives of
its men And In Its treasure. For many
YOU$ there will be vast sump, paid
Out in soldiers' compensation and in
PQAslons. Our farms must on , pply
most of the wealth to meet these QhJJ_
gations. . .
"The wQrld's. greatest and oul'y hope
is power .farming. Farming Is the cure
for much of our industrial and social
There appears no royal road to the
I" V
tb%t oln ,
00re SY41116111" Of
your* breaks out oplAf 1Vs b$.
musoitho remedies YOU have b"A
1001rig do not iet to the root of me
disease, but remain on tba surface.
Try, zam-1101 It Pouttratesto the
'underlying (tosueoi destroys all
serma And cures fr�m the 44 root 0
up. Rente zam-Buk cures are
lasting, , All dealers, 60o ' box*
74- . Numn— -
—600M , �
__ I I --- ��44111111W
I I 1111:: 111.1� 1.!.11111.______
vocabulary he usually ends by talking
about a "mountain of gold."
When tile stampede to the Austra,
If= diggingS Was at Its height in 1852,
the Iguora r nt emigrants, having heard
that gold was found In quartz and
11 �+ 1, f +11, 4� 4
sonosr" and varloux other un4ertak. :
IXIh So alormoua 4id ths finanqWrls
saa became that he formed A sq4.
midiary oomp4ny, tM Xtar%4
No FMA40-
a 4A y financial
nowopapsr. In hig hstydoy his twa Of. 1
f1coo gave, employment to 700 clorka. I
In 100, everything wag g,Qlng on SwIr4.
Mingly. and 411 that Rbobotte wanted
we$ the Ribbon of the -Qr4or of the ;
I Legion of lionor to enhance h14 1.rootlxe.
An Application W*s drawn up. by some
friend,% of his, and It was Initialled by,
a reat Political personage; but be got
thogribbon of a minor order Instead, And
the dleappointment was intonae, Then
RQchotte launched the Nerva minas, in
$PAID, With a capital Of $4,00,M, but the
result was 4140 a disappointment to 11114,
as this venture did not meet with any.
thing like the aupp00% that be bad an.
tialPated. The "Bulagon Hells," Another
of Ilia undortakinga, Was A system for
alvIn A wonderrully clear light by In. I
1114-04cent gas at vory small expense,
-but It did nothing, that was claimed for
I it, .
� It Is Alleged that X, Itoollette spent a.,
I very large sum monthly. In 11ugh 1�
Money." It Is stated thq,t the mQ
, , ney so
Paid amounted on Ark average to between
$10,000 and $15,000 Per, Month. Some of
Ilia Influential protectors are 4aid to
have been In the receipt of weeki al.
IOW%nces Of $200, ;300 and $409 and yrom
the -credit Minor, and It Is alleged that
but for their Protection Rochette would
have been Arrestod long before he was
Actually ta ken in,
Althou at first his liabilities were
DI"0,4 09th "'W'm It WAS later found
that twice that sum would be a, more
correct e.9timate,
The whole ,,4ffat"-s A 4.0
"Well, land'a P"wl" we laosrol a I - ------ - 1.
. — — - - - - - - - - -
arly old foul oxcwru the otkor
I day. 4That poor gf,rl's ovenhoeo have ----- .
CoMs undoue an' the don't know it.,, ,- - - , - I -
Yes ae,did. ma. Left ,era that w&v I � __L. L 11 . �
On P,40,0,40. Suppp"d to donoi;o 10 �109 I '� _ I I I
, i
W. quAllfift 14" for the "outle" 01,084. i �
11,001; lem UP And you're old�sashlon* : � , " I
lad; loavo lem slop open .and tbroa , t. I �
I oulax to 4rols off overy .,
You're all to the muo . tArd. .step And I
.I .No, we 4=1 know who started It. MkJlf, i
Noither (10 tile r4orchatita whom we � m_wrj�
queried. All they could say wap that - , I �
I .
they've sold 340ro, overshoea--par4ov, i I I 1. .1- I . I I .
, "
4rotics—thla winter then ever before. 1. �
In tact, they can't keep up with, the ! I
demand. i
"Some of them lot the arctic$, flop I i i
I Open right from the start," said I NAGIC I
, one 1
merchant, "Others let us hook � th I
, eM I
lip, tight and then Open them AS AMA � . . I
so they reach the street, and got In I
the owim. Looks like—well It they I � . :
want ,them that WAY, We si It 11 . . . 14 i
, rictlY UP I � B I .1 h li
� �
welve , :.. .0 ,
to the oleava t4orru .a." . I N�
I I � .1.
� , .1 �
-1 AIKI. -
One IG041 wag ouggeots that, as the P . I - __. I
�, � , 1* , ' _
buckles are of ,no Use, that the manu- i � � 11 . , . . . ,:,I
facturere leave them oft In the futum i . . I � 1. I i
� fl W-,. . I a , I
And thue help to reduce the H. 0. of . .�; '. I
. -
l". 7 . . %V,11. DfR � �
�. .1
Naturally, like the shimm zz . . . � .1 . ��,:�
.. I 1, , I
. ,� .,�--'� ��- ': , I
bands and Prohibition, somebody start- I ) ___ J__ � 0 - - I T I I
ed the dern ,Tool thing. The beat so, t. .
lution so far adyatkee.a Is that .a movie 9 g"2TAl1N$ NO
11�otar, late for Work one fty, didu!t . ���
I I —, __
,tion of our insolvency except
by an Increased population, solf�.de.
AW IT .� a vermsive m Dona,
supposed it was "quarts," nd hence
I _4 � e su�
loot of Investigations by A parliamentary
Committee of Inquiry, and one of th ,
� .
—�- .
have time to button lem up, And
thus A now fad was born.
,-,, —
!=:111� � 11111.'�'" . . I - -_ .
� 1
U greater diligence And
tal, hard work, I
exPOcted to gather the gold In pints
and This I
most Interesting witnesses examined was
X Lepine,
Idenly a noise behind ,him paus-
Well, rilaylbe the same celluloid
t * 0 9 0 6 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 6
a sacrifice of luxuries, to produce the
Pails. fact Is vouched for by
P. X. Dunn, the Australian geologist,
the prefect of police In Paris,
In the statement that he made he said
ed him to turn, An otter clambered
over the edge the lake
coryphoo, some ,qf theee days, woult
necessities of life In Cana" and the
cessation of imported good stalls And
who as 4 boy went to the digginp at
that RpchQttelo method was to float 40m.
Panics to groups. As soon as on 0 into
of and struck
. the snow with Its tall. Eleven others.
, .
take time to put on her—
I Say, brothera, this thing's got p 0S.
11 I
articles which can be provided at
home; these
that time.
And Why not9 We may lai4gh at
, got
difficulties another -was float
port it, and was thrust upon the Invest-
followed. Each was twice as big us
any otter lie had ever fseen, their
Yea, boi
are the only sovereign
� remedies of the disease from which
the simpleton &ra the farm, and we
Ing public by means of extraordInary ad.
vertisement. Sevdn
chief was four times as big. The
466. —
the country is suffering.
The people of Canada have beAu
, may Sneer (arid we do) at the per.
fervid scribbler of the untechnical,
companies were thus
floated In the course of three years, he
$aid, IlEtd brought Rochette more than
-eleven sat themselves in a circle
paround him; the leader climbed upon
Saus I hey Helped
I .
- - *+-"4 o 0 a 0 i 6*4-**_a_*_4_6_*_0_*
Indifferent to these Important matters
Paper, but It Is doubtful whether even
$16,000,000. And by a system .of Inflating
the stone elk-boad, I
.UJ .
In the past and itseems worth While
to Impress them more fully for their
that peripatetic Philosopher known as
the man In the street could give ade�
quate reasons for tile Improb ItY
the prices of tJielr shares they had been
made to produce, altogether nearly
twenty4lvv millions. ,fit is A 'house Of
cards," declared, "having.
, At first the treasure -seeker was
abashed, but be had ,om,e to find hi-�'
�aqua and he went on digging, At every
I Her Aching 'Back
- .
may be here, and Madame's
1 �
social activities may be lessened, but
Madame ,still feels the lure of tile
serious consideration, �
We are failing to produce on a suf-
of such ,r4 golden discovery.
-he no fo und.
atlon but the credulity or the public,
ithirteenth stroke the leader of the
� I
I �
spring hat, and her eyes are not
ficient scale the necessities of life, and
,. .040 1 -_
oters tapped tile stone elk with his,
tall and the eleven followers tapped
� downcast, as she. passe$ t e fasolnat�
. h
unable to pay our debts, and 'we are
the the
For InA�,ince, What Is the biggest
mass of native copper found? Of
the'stiow with their tails, but, though
Jug win
-dows from which peep forth
the bewitching �ow confections of
. standing on verge of preelpi(,.e
astonished aTi.d badly bruised, he went
that will ultimately bring ruin and
continue to grope along In. a "Paraillso
. course, It Was fit the Lake Superior
region. It Was In 1857, at the Mine-
4on Presently lie broke his
ielk-born pick, but the biggest otter
Belmore L,Rdy &tates that she was
weak down till he fQ4"d
I those ever-bAsy people, the modistes.
There Is surely much that to now
of celestial theories and drams."
sets. (not Minnesota) mine, In the
isetzed another In his teeth and handed
. and run
And, and delightful to see
A farmer on a large scale In the old
country the early part of my life, ano,
Ontori�,tgon district. At a shallow
depth there was discovered a liass of
it to, him,
Finally his pick struck a flat AcX
� relief In Dodd's Kidney
Belmore, Out., March 22nd. (Special)
this spring, Now shapes, new color -
Jug$, new fabrics—and all of these,
knowing the English Phraseology and
.copper 46 feet long, with a maximum
witli a hollow sound, Aud the otters
thal� 1)odd!s
When combined 19 new hata, are 'al -
customs , I I
whibh are so different to
- thickness of eight and a half feet The
� all drew near and gazed Into the hole,
—,,I call a-
spare you
Kidney Pills' helped my aching bacic
XrIngn Indeed. .
, .
and 11
i Canadian, aying spent the last
mean width was twelve and a half feet
V10tims Are Left Weak, Tired
breathing excitedly. He lifted the
as none others ever 'did or ever will
fifteen years, In. the four great western
I provinces, visiting the best.farms, the
and the mean thickness
, four feet, The
total Weight Actually recovered. was
Mentally Depressed—Tonic
Took, and under it found a cavity
ifilled to the brim with pure -white
do.,, :
It Is Mrs. Robert Baird, a well-
There Are hats of Imitation patent
agricultural shows (where, I have se!m
420 tons,
' Tre'atment is Strongly
biqua, every shell large, unbroken,
known . and highly respected resident
leather, shiny and blaelt and looking
very much like the patent leather
our greatly improved prizestook), the
such masses of gold as this, of
course, have ever come to light. yet
. Recorrimended, ,
and beautiful, All were hung neatly
here who makes .this statement, She
Which bitherto.has been conflned� to
s ant lands and areas, I
� have decided to organize a Canadian
gold in great quantities has been. won
No gestilencO In Yeare ihas, caused
*a strings, I
, .Never was treasure -guest 00 slic-
Is an enthusiastic believer in Dodd's
Kidney Pills as, a remedy for weak
belts arid bags and such things. These
newhats are usually in rather
Tour and Exhibit from Vancouver to
Quebec, and then proceed Lo the more
in brief periods. California Riverbeds
yielded $81,294,700 In 1851 alone,and
more Widespread suffering than the
epidemic of influenza which swept
icessful! The otters, recognizing him
as the favorite of Tamanous, retired
And run down women,
"I was both weak and run down all
like shapes, with. straight and high
densely populated. districts o? the Wil
the shallow diggings of Victoria gave
$63,000,QOO in 1853. In the
over Canada In the,fall and winter of
to a distance and gazed upon him re-
last surainer," she states further. "And
brinis, and straight crown , Often
the material Is. embroidered—and one
Country, visiting the farmers' market,
shows and fairs, centres of trade n,nd
more recently ,one mlaer el ,
eatled up
1918-19 and again this Winter. The
d4ager from thle trouble Is seldom
k3P ectfully.
"But the ralser," Writes the narm-
before my baby was born I used
Dodd's Kidney Pills. They helped me
extremely good-looking list of this
finance, and for ever boosting the
unknown resources of this Do-
*46,000 In eight hours and took Out
7750,000 from a claim about 80 by 50
over vhen the characteristic symq?-
toms, the fever, Ileadache and the d4-
med of gratitude, Dom-
er thought to hang a string from the
in every way I also had. ray little
boy. take them and they benefitted
Imitation patent leather was embrold.
ered all over In red and blue. It was
great I
minion In the hope that our Pop41A_
tion may be duplicated with the right
pression. of epirits have passed away.
Influenza leaves behind it weakened
buried treasure about the SaT1110,1 arid
Ramas Tamanous� stones, and two
him greatly. -P .
Womou who are weak and run
inspired by a, Parts list, and, like ihat
chapeau, was accompanied by A vanity
class of settlers on the�land a -ad Call,
Much Of this gold was in coarse pet.
vital Powers, thin blood., Impaired- dt-
strings about the Olt's bead; 110,1
down should. look first to their kid-
bag made of tli,d'aamo shiny blacir
ads, produce more and more of the
lets and nodules, and. yet the largest
gootion and over-seneltive 1 . lerves.
All must be, his own, all he i,ould
neys. No woman can be strong and
stuff, and embroideerd lige tile hat,
sterling necessities of human needs,
nugget ever found was picked up near
Men and women wbo "Were robust
carr now, and the rest for the fu-
healthy it her kidneys are not doing
The -bag Was In a shape that looked
In furtherance of this object, and In
D1111011Y, Victoria, Australia, In 1869,.
before stricken with influenza find
their full work of straining the Im-
something like a Aea caddy with a
of the great interest taken in
and weighed 190 pounds. Another
their bodies racked. by pains previ.
Greedily he loaded himself '17ith
purities out bf the blood. Weak kid-
swinging haudle,,but the woman real.
the matter, I shall be plea
weighed 184 pounds and including
'OualY unknown to them, This eondi-
the booty and laboriously climbed to
nvys are the cauge of nine -tenths of
ly In search of novelty, did not mind
ceive any suggestions and offers and
some quartz brought In nearly $4n, 00.
tion Is due to an abnormal thinning
the 'rim of the bowl prepared for the
womenss Ilia. Ask your nedghbors If
that little detail. .
reply to any enquiries on the,publect.
There have been others nearly as big,
Of tile blood anif leaves, the system
descent of the mountain. The chrB,
again In
Dodd's Kidney' Pills do ,not make
And spealting of embroidery re-
ye om masa such
an easy prey to Other serious trou-
puffing in concert, plunged -
8 trong healthy Xidneys�
minds -One that embroidery is very
309 Georgia street west, Vancouver,
as the huge copper nugget
. above de. �
blea. Thle Is the tim when the coili-
to the lake, which at once disappearr-d
black cloud., .
6� .. 1
. . .
much in evidence this ,nring; There.
scribed, and farther still from a
Valeacent from Influ ellza, should build
under a
is embroldery'df strau ,)raid on straw
1- B. C. l
"quarry" or "mountain" of gold. The
up the bloodi with a reliable blood-
Straightway a terrible storm arese
. hats, and embroidery of silk on the
I 1106
� .
.nearest approach to this, as yet imag-
Inary possibility seems to be Mount
Morgan, In Queensland, Australia, a
inaking tonic such so Dr. Williams?
Pink PING. Weak blood means lia-
poverlshod, nerves, Impaired diges-
tion, feeling tiredness
through which the voice of Tamanibus
screamed - taun tingly. Blackness elos.
ed around him. The din was hor-
Terrified, he threw back into
gritish Admirg Could, If Ile
,. Wished,'Be Dictator.
s atin and taffeta �ats, for which there
is quite a vogue. .
I I " .
Bad Breath?
Don't Be Offensive
hill about 500 feet high, the crest of
Which Was a "gossan" containing iev-
a of after even -rible,
slight exertion, and sometimes even the bowl behind him five st.Ings of
jymptoo,s, blaquq to Tamanous, ' rnd
. .. . . .
You will see no end of small hats— I
And some of thel4
s er ton.
more serious When the
A man, who, by his strong person-
axe so SmAll, and
Remove the Cause
This has been excavated In success-
blood regaine its rich red, quality the
nerves recover 'their strength . and the
there followed a, momentary lull, dar-
Ing which he started homewar(J. But
Ality and. by reason of having won
Just as You've ab6ut decided that ev�
orything, yes. ev6'rything is to be
. — ,
ful benches, so that it approximates
to the "quarries" of gold mentioned by
organs, of the body function naturally,
Immediately the storm blie5t again
the utmost confidence of the p ople
small this Year, , the milliner pro.
Follow This � Advice and Your
certain writers. But the workings are
In fact building up the blood will
vitalize the whole system.
with roarings like ton thousand bevvs.
Nothing could be done but to throw
of Hungary, cf-,r,ld become dictator
to -morrow 11, he so willed, :a Admiral
duces a large and floppy brimmed hat
and several others of the "between"
.Breath Will. Soon Be
now far below at the foot of the hill. ,
However, they "ve yielded a quan'
The experience of .Wi, Andtow
'back more hiaqua. Following e1wh
another lull, followed
Sir Ernest Tfoubridgeo -R.C,.M.G.,
size Which Is both comfortable and
I- Sweet and Pure. ,
J_ -
titl of gold to great as. to render
Mount Morgan unique In the history of
mining. Sinew its ,discovery In "'I,
Narty, Bathurst, X. B., will prove of
value to a host of intluenza. sufferere
who still suffer from the effects a
the disease, Mr. Marty says:—"Ths
sacrifice came
In turn by more terrible outbreaKs,
And so, string by string, lie parted
with all hi's gains. Then he Sank to
President of the Danube �Cbmrnteelon-
Nominally his functions do not ex-
tend beyond the Danube. Actually he
becoming to marly'women.
The little hats are close -fitting like
turbans, quite often, or perhaps
The bad part of Bad Breath is the
fact that nearly every case shows
according to the latest figures avall-
able, this ore deposit has yielded. in
new life and consequently new hOpe
the ground Insensible.
he lay
Is the arbiter, counaellor, friend of
soldiers; sailors and. politicians alike.
straight -brimmed, with a saucy little
bandeau bendath, which, lifts the hat
considerable trouble, from indigestion,
belching gas, bleating, piles or some
excess of 3,680,000 ounces of gold,
brought into my life through, the use,
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Is almost
When he awoke under all
arbutus tree In a meadow of camas.
The Hungarians 'have the utmost
in him, and If he so willed'
higher in back. And ever so man 7
form of stomach misery. Oftener than
not face, a sluggish const:-
worth $78,000,000, besides 33,000 tons
of I copper. The company owning the
boyond my power of e esalon. Fol-'
lowing a severe attackl*of influenza
He Was shockingly stiff and �e,very.
movement.pained him. But lie man,
lie could become Dictator of Hungary
of the new small hats have those be.
coming and youthful roll brims, whIdh
a Pimply
Dated condWon Is the true cause of
mine has distributed more than 07,-
In 1918 I found myself rapidly failing
uged to gather and smoke some dry
to -morrow. But he has preferred to
'stay In the background, to advise the
are convenient places for putting the
many A man's failure In life, ,
By aiding digestion and building
* 600,000. I
*� — '
In health, and was, naturally much
alarmed. I began to lose In weight,
'arbutus leaves and eat a few camas
bulbs. He Was astonished to find his
Hungarian commander — Admiral
trimming otttimes.
The hat turned off the face is again
up the weak museles of -the stomach
. ,
could not eat, did not 0eep well, and,
'hair vory.long and matted, and him-
'self "Tamanous,'.'
� Each time he appears in his box
In fashion—and this is a smart shape
andibowels, DR. HAMILTON'S PILLS
In a word I was
bent and feeble.
at the opera ,he Is cheered 1V the'
that looks well on young and older
completely overcome constipation and
I wag forced to discontinue
he muttered. Nevertheless, he was
echo, for the Hungarians know he hvJ,l
Women also, But there are some new
all forms of stomach Illness. ,
VI,eno7a rinanoial $Winffier HOA
work because of my weakened
calm and happy, Strangely he did not
stood between them and the ravishing
Ideas as to the trimming of thIs style
"I was terribly run down - -with
Remarkable Career.
eorid-Itlon and things had a very blue
regret his lost- strings of hfaqua,' Fear
his heart
Rournanlans. To -him the Magyare
_one fetchirig little brown hat of this
stomach trouble that arose through
, a
outlook. I tried. 6. number Of sug-
twas gone and was filled
owe their very existence this winter.
type had a straw crown and a turn -
neglected constipation," writes Mrs.
gested remedies, but without benefit.
With love. I
Every time the Roinnaniarls have triedo
back brim which .the pretty spring
P. D. Quigley, from Washburn, P. 0.
Henri Roohotte,-ba,nker and promoter,
And, then oneday Dr. Williams' Pink
Slowly and painfully he made Ilia
t,o requisition food destined for. the flowers flat against the brim and veil -
"I simply couldn't half digest my food.
has� been sentenced to two years' Im-
P1116 were suggested to me. I actedon,
,way home, Everything was strange,
starving population, Admiral Trou.
ed by brown crepe, and. the effect
I had dreadful headaches, . p,les and
prlsonment�and a fine of 4,000 francs for
DI riend's a4vlte, began taking
ly altered. Ancient trees grew where
bridge has politely said "No," has
was charming;
yellow muddy skin. The effect of DR.
swindling French Investors to the amount
R more than 10,000,000 francs through the
ti!e'sel n on n improve.
shrubs had grown four days before,
Cedars whose he used
struck terror Into their hearts, The
There are two -cornered and three -
HAMILTON'$ PILLS was phanomen-
sale of Mexican railroad bonds In 1910.
Mont. Every day I Geomed to grow
stronger, An& after four weeks'
under shade
to sleep lay rotting on the ground.
Rounianians had 40,000 men to enforce
cornered and four -cornered , hats—
al. I have gained In weight, a
clear skin, no more headaches, I eat
Rochette has afforded Paris
a big sensation, which Is not to be
treatment I felt fully restored, to my
Where his lodge had stood now ,,,o
their demands, The admiral had two
sulymarine chasers armed with six-
Dame Fashion approves every one!
well, sleep wall and enjoy MY meals,"
There Is no need to be in failing
wondered at, considering the huge
amOnt of money Involved. Never ift the
old-time, ,health. From my -'bwn
experience I feel that, if given a fair
saw a new and handsome lodge, and
preSently out of It carne a very old,
,poundere to enforce his. .
In appearance Admiral, Troubridge
There is certainly no lack of variety
health when cure Is so suie, so easyf
course of Franch financial history .has
there been such an extraordinary sue-
trial, there Is no medicine superior to
descriDit squaw, who., nevertheless,
Is a typical John Bull. Snowy looks
in this year of 1920. One of the very
by taking Dr. Hamilton's Pills of
cessful promoter as Roollette, the -man
Dr. WJIIIamW Pink Pilla In building
through her wrinkles, had a look
over a kindly, wrinkled face do not
now Ideas Is to use raffla, braid In
Mandrake and Butternut, 25c ' per
of 48, who not many years ago Was a
up, a run down aYetem:'
that seemed strangely familiar to him.
hint of the powbr.that lies behind.
bright colors, like yellowund emerald
box, at all dealers. RF,PT_TSE -A BfJB.
eate waiter and a barber's assistant. He
Dr. Williams' Pink P1116 are a tonic
Iler shoulders were hung thick with
Many stories of the admiral - In
green and cerise and.Varnish It. The
seems to -have been able to raise all the
money he required for everything he took
not a stimulant. They build Up the
blaqua strings. She bent over a pot
8udapeet could be told. When the
braid Is used for facing sometimes,
. . I � � 11
In hand, Ile began life as a messenger
blood, and not only the disas-
it! boiling salmon and crooned,
Rourrianians Were setting tree Bol�
there is just , a twist around
XXO=500000=00 mmme.,
boy at a railway refreshment room at
X,lu, He Inherited a small sum of
trolls, after effects of Influenza, but
also troubles due to blood,
"My old man has gone, gone, gone,
My old man to Tacouma, has
0heylks In the hopes that Hungary
a brim or 96 crown, and sometimesAIxe -
. .
. Poor such -
would be left in such a Gtate Of chaos
braid is used In an embroidery do-
money And went to Paris where he took
lessonuat a commercial school. Ho then
as, anaernia, rhburnatism, Indigestion
To hunt the elk he Went long ago,
' he down, down
that they would got a mandate from
sign. .
becam6 a junior clerk In a groat -Prench
and the generallY worn-out
When will come
Par's to stay Permanently lli*,Buda.
Flowers and fruits and vegetables—
bank, Which he left to enter a cdmpany
promoter's office. On his employer's
that affects so many people, olls4p-
pent. You can get these Pills through
To salmon pot and me?"
, post, the Admiral devised a ,plan to
them. He started
you'll see these on many a Smart new
counteract a pas-
spring bonnet. Often there Is Jum. a
failure eirculaxiYed the credit.
ors, offering It with their assistance, un,
any dealer In med-lelne,, or by mail at
50 cents a box or six boxes, for $2,60
has come down," quavered the
retuirned traveler, at last, recognizing
sefiger 'service up and down the Dart-
ube. "It's like this," he said, "Bol-
little posy, but more often there is a
The nearest approach, literally, to a
dertaking to get their monoy back to,
them, '
from The Dr. Williame' .Medicine 0o.,
his wife. I
.13hevism Is a disease which comes
whole wreath around the crown ol,
the Vkimt and often as not tile fruit
"mountain of gold" is Mount Morgan,
Uo next succeeded -in getting himself
financed by a gentleman of large private
Broelrville, �Ont.
. �, 0 8 6 I
He asked no questions. Charging
it all to the wmth of Tamanous, he
from lack of work and Interest in
the normal things of life. Some of
and flowers fter combined. They take
In Australia. And they are mining
mean ,
9 And started the Credit Miner
-0 # # 4 *_� -.1 � ------ �
i s # o 4's # * .
accepted fate as he found It. After
the ,poor haven't seen their relations
colorful trimming, to say the least.
to-da3r there as they did -for thirty
(Mining Bank). Prom that time for.
ward he became a sort of financial wir,_
ard. Compilnies sprang up at big bid.
An Indian
all, it was a Mlppy fate enough In
the end, for the old man became the
for months, I give them little trips
,down ,the 'river, They see their
And there are some fruits that would
amaze the fruit growers!
Years. The net Proceeds have been
ding as though at a command of a
Great Medicine -Mat! Of his tribe, by
frfoad6, buy cheap food in the 0oun-
Cellaphane braid Is that shiny new
about $38,000,000. This so-Oalled
"mountain of has
Magician's wand� In a couple of Years
tho,Crpdlt Ifflner Was doing such business
6 - V , -
Al? an Winkle,
he was E.0atly rev .
""` 64.6. ered.
ti�y, tome back normal, happy 1)00-
forget 13olahovism.00
braid which loolts like Jet or patent
leather. It Is �rery much used this
gold" yielded, on an
that,it employed 400 clerks,
, I
' '
ple, at�d all about
average, half an ounce or less .
'of gold
There 'Wag a continuous stream of
04001�'Oi$640�� ��---
spring on both straw and mallne and
*# �...,
ED I'lle ton, I
I This has lod many persons to ask
seriously, "What,Weuld happen If a
mountain of pure gold were found?"
Per ages men have dreamed and
writers have written Tarns about
'mountains of gold," but just what
would happen If one were found Is
still a'qutstlon with as many sides as
nquartz nugget of the precious yellow
istuff. I
That It would lessen the value of
the gold standard goes without saying,
and let some other rare metal or
substance would probably be round
readily OAOUgh to take Its place in
coinage If this should happen. Con.
coming this Interesting question, raln-
Ing experts have talked most Inter-
estingly, Thom of us, they say. who
are familiar with gold mining, aqd
more especially the big bonanzas of
the world, need not strain our imagin-
atious to conceive of an ore body or
even a wass. of gold big enough to
upoet International monetary stand-
ardii. Many a prospector trying 'his
bacon at a camp fft* and stimulated
by a reconcentrated cup of coffee must
have seen visions of a golden moun,
ts,in or a streak of pure gold that ran
across crfttlon as If It *otild navvr
stop. Veri now and then we I~ of
ftbuloue mineral distoverim6 like "t -
of Bitter Creek, In June, 1910, and
whon tbo ITrzroongtble, xorilm at th*
"DWY 2kro*m" haa wchaustsd bW
N � L� _rl"
- . �,df- - i; "
oromotions of companies of all kinds - � � . — I HANGED Y TH NECK WHO Data. It is very e 030. e, Vvx,y
There were Issued to the public in turn In his "Book of the National Parka," C� 1� Smart—and also, one might whisper,
the stock of colliorleg, cooDer, silver and Robert Sterling Yard recalls a dellghtw (Grimsby independent.) No death Is Moro certain than the very perishable. Don't buy it for hard
yold hitries. South American and Me%. end that comes to every Offender service!
Idaft land and railway colicorns, banks, ful old Indian parallel to Irvingts 3!oforo they ,busted into society they treated by Putnam's , Corti Ilixtractor, Shiny ribbons of gold or silver flut-
fl , sh , orl . es, gas -Mantle ft ! il � forles, colonial story of Rip Van Winkle --or perhaps Wore, known a6 overshOeg--Alid had, ad out cobaes the corn or warts, root and ter from silk hats, lustrous tassels
, 111.
- ,. - �_ , I I , 11 I I .. — - — It Is the original of Irving's nip. place In milady's wardrob6. ' YOU branch. Insist Oil "PutnamIr 13t, add the last final touch to others, and.
,�." But now they're aretles, It it's the best, free from adt" on d
'. -L ..... . 1k, - The hero of the Mount Rainer at nd the tkgo. ds an 'here and thoro-you'll see the queer
I __ - ory plea-se—a painless. PrIce 2%, at All dealers,
,.. I I I 'Was 0, Wise and 'Wiley 'fisherman and You've noticed the bumpor crop this I . I I � "feelers" made of feathers, and any �
I , , hunter. Ile always had salmon and winter of course, Clank, clank, - number Of colorful little arr Romenta
I.,: R,
I . . I
.-i"', : '.., r barriog when food became sear4a and tlauk,'the flappers etualble along the ODD AXD INTERBSTIN4. made from feathers of maanny kinds,
--..-�,. -
I i'.,'�-;: Prices high'. Gradually he amassed thoroo'ghtarea, aretlea nono but all used to One purpose — the
...-.:;, � . halantly The Burmese have a eurlous idea
"I ..
1. I.
,1..1JX4- Asrge savings In hiaqua, the little I (%r� unclasPed and r&ttling like ,a broken Adorning of Madame's new, spring cha-
2 L.
. , � ,"ii � . forattol sholl which was tile most Va regarding COIJIS. TheY Prefer those
, I- :
�- ` tire chain on a ,patriarchial Ford, 4eau,
: il ;2 , ��;v, ued form of wampum, the Indian's __ - - - - - with a female head on thorn, bellov. — , jo—
._ ,:�� 11 money. The rieher he got th -- -- - - Ing that coins with mate heads on
I. :,:�` ` , C ,,,
. 1. 1�.. , j. � e strong. ---- -,
" , �:;, �-, 1 er his Passion . � .1 1. I ,..L. L. . 'L - - L ' I them art, no'. lucky,. WHEN MAROH IS IN.
I . I I
A, t .-�,.! � . grew for hlaqua, Arid,
. 'W" : , I
�� � I 11 when a spirit told him In a dTeam of 1) ____11� - I The number four 19 In great dis- In. U.InIstor,vv0p
11 I - 4b 1- favor In ,14taft, because its name ,th vellon Marc,, , - ,,,
vast hoards at the Summit of Rainier, � I And Spring b0ginzi to gild the dttyg.
", ? ... 2; 7,' '�. I "Ohl," Is the term for death. Them ar�' Oh. then starta up a Joyoua din.
� '' , " � he determined to climb the mountain. )I
:, - -4:.,I;,
"'. I . I The spirit was Tamanoug, which Is I are no fours Or forty-f6urg In the tole, Er"Or P1130"'A Wood is tt'll Of P'li"P,
41% - eoatisd the birds deent winter gone,
� . the vague Indlan.persouttleation of the "� & I phone directories of th..t country. And welcome tile returning sun.
supernatural. ., ExXIAS Matlu0,PorV::aI,.hao kept
w � .11 So he threaded the forestij and L ,!) L .�_ A diary ever sines he was able t6 Madkbird and thru8h And robin dftr
.1 , climbed the mountain's glistening side. - WrItO. It now Amour.ts to tWenty-five Within thkt wood try over all
......... "I'll, Thek songs they. mean to about so o1w
tr At the summit he looked over the rim WHAN I ,W"* * Rmet, "944.4 A law4w W*M1V.*1 do IL volumes, each being bound, In Nor- ,notore green leavP3 grow red And tall.
%" cmiow appk,* ok% 1. & MW MKI. oeco leather r
**— . L L L 40ch of Intiv a largo basin, In the bottom I'm' .*,.,.*4,* , ., ,Itlt a silver look and , _rrora "A Gioudeatershiror lAd,11 b3r X
. Of *
Rpr , I I S which was a black take surrounded ..., =..�w " =V&=*:: -,J= =4 key. W. Ilarvey,
Watet, "d by Purple rock. At the lako's ,outem -?�. WALKOO H61132 .' % m *Wft�ift I O."t A little more than a century W, " W� WI __..___.__.__t��t__,
—1"41 %vam end stood three monuments, The 1= W= Zponwl =W=11# 1* ixt 1800, laws were I .isod by the Sri. I 11
M S0016 first was U tall as a Man And had 414116006aaw%Wthowq. 0 . tish Parliament which Imposed "ry , I I vesft, voketlift, 84064%
. DAWS ou TW*0:r*"W*i moil rNwAtalt � 14410—Keep our BY611
W =
11". 1111u: 4, 04:=aj-14 Ufft-111 , I
Wohlnvrarmwatervithtsl ' a head carved like a stilmon; the == h4avy poliAltlos on any **ho conApIr. Stron SrA **11th .C11
Owu aftp—ritiss well and 9 0 ond *w the Image of a eommbulb; No M " , 64 to raise wagoo. Under this Vitt six , . IT,
l0&"!4!,$4,Nw 0ft""""*r*b"%WMftk", re.9miMItc
y I" to � of
the tvi). mrseented the groat noemol- =90,=" "a *A um" 00* Aw A om Dorsetshirs laborers, who ha4 made . __ 11 I .. 07'. i! %re. Irrita
]VOt 011 wi - ThA third vae a 0 W~ � I I LL I h
0a 7;��Y f Sklu 11 ties of Indian life. I I Lft"oulouttostand by one another 11 I - Inflart-til or Gmamola
Chap I In 4 their vwking dirtkultles and use
stoita olk'n head with th6 antlers In 'THE WALKER HOWL . use , I 6114mu FAft for frilsint or t.
# *-sW/9r,WVAJ10*1",- * I V#IY*t. At the foot of this taoriumtot �Wmffi 0- #WOL tr"blox, vrora tMAPortod, to Van I 9t: C T J'A Canade. Write for
) .0.0.1 P.T00W#.. . =
, va
.A , ~00"W04bW,Xrft,*"4VA 20 In 4st a hola. $ft"Irl URANIA it " WOWWW6 LmL I **# 9"Wosys MA"1% 0%,
- "'T"C' : I'M V . 'r.r.. ,$,,
'j. I I " +11"..
I � I I . .
. I . �
. 1 .. ��
I . . . . . .... i; I I
. , , �
. I , ,I
- 4 I
- — _.� -.'& .�,
#*#**4++#++,;,#+4**#+++++#+* ;"�
. .01�1 ,r
-Ir M1111111111
I &eh cw, " 1, I , .r "it ,U�
1-111.1w �
I # .
I at of V'W I , � . �r . , r ,
, war _
I *
+#+# # 4 0 0 0 -*4 -#-#*,#*,#"*.s,*+*+ n
. 11
Ji -PS at lGoAt a curtouA tact, h,,i,. .,,I - :- ,
- ,�
. .
%N,�.' .1.140 1,041 sI&1Aj,1A,AA(,s. 44 S_4 .. .1
1� -ikv�,, t;.aE r(%wariy, si,twe � and - 1* - '.'�'
, . . .
, .
"'.14d ul; 4,0 el(va Of the eleyeaLk ,"U. .. .. .Z
� .
U-.Yt L'"ll, (YcI# Of a hundred yea,j . 41,�.
: 4a ,,(!kn twitplatod viftli a blua o.r �,;,
. Wa-*. lu neariy k.yery inot"ca I ', y 1�
"e.0 *U1,hict9 of lu.purtguoa And I I 11I
6 (11-C OW t,a. the %Os ,or %,,j.. 11,
�a.e t�t 111ankind. �('
. Tbcy say L -16101Y repeats Itself, rl�-.A ,��
.1 it ,mc.4 tto t%entieth century % .1 :
be bat follWing a Precadcut thA, j !
0 Y;.4ra OA filloulol. It, too, 044 aw'd )
4e marr fff (�alljloa. �
, t ..t,a (.C.tsa, 'ur the teath cortttt y i
. I
there wa,i cork.para �
� tive posqe sout .. 4 �
"O -;11 "Al -211 P-ATIV3, t r All A --Ar 94,,7 4 i
A -i vi,er 6,lsted in thaze trouljl,o�t.; . I
vu e.i. There were vowe mlnor,otrum- ;
bles, to be -sure, but they. Were rut., r i
11, tPe �.4y of organized brlg4p;J4,,.�a I
thgix real ,%arfam. A throue or t. o �
111a,de Up the booty fOr"W111011 the J214r - �
%ayraea coutailded, and the ;
r,4 I
er�l mase,acred In L"rigland In L,. -1 i;
tut. othorw!Ge the surisot of the 1414 �
era and the dawn of the n . �
, a sv v ",,.,� i
unaecov.parl.ea by storm, 'Whot v.g.
irous i% arf4,ro was ca;r. . ed ou did n t I
, . r I
affect lu'urope, because It rasu'l., 4 I
�roin tile first.!iivaolon of India --y I
.1ahillond 01 G uza, 11
. I 11 , J fix 1001, I A
. Dut .V�Ith the close of the olevout!l i
I �
century. not only did. the crusade ba- . :
g -In, but Robert, Duke, of Xormauuv, % ,
I x,.ade war on big brotber, Henry 1, i
and Invaded E nglland�,� �nd,Ao the It. -'t -i
aalf decade of "the elevpA . I J
,th ,couttl.y i
-va-3 signalled by str',re that �Nius �. . I
hounded on the one baud by Jorauii;4- . . . -
ein and on the other by London. , I... I :":
In 11.95 a series of general wars. . : Y
. ... I
began, with tho. sure r r . �
,aRoos of tlielvlovrs ' r r ,,11�
over Alf01130 the,NOW0 X111- Of CU- t - .".
tile,. and the rOP4'; ' . ,�
ing of that or,;at ...4
. I
' . ,
strife which v�*ai to sh4ka Europe, the � . , I
. I-
,truggle tor supremacy 6etweon %ho o ", I
auel�hs and the Ghlbellineo. Pope ia. . .
nocent III, summoned. Europe to 4 .. I "A"
new crusade, arid that added to the . g.ri_.
gmwral uproar. A fourth crusade V as I 0., -
� .
. I . . � :
inau.-urated in 1201, arid Ph'Allv Au� r.. . 1 "I
, . : -
gustuG wrested one Ffench proviisco I . '?
after another from 10A.- Jobu vt r . . . � � .
En. -land. . . r . � . . .r . .. 11
. .
The war dance of the end of thei . . . ...., I
thirteenth a.,ntury began.with; an Iii- 11 �. 1�
vaalon of England -by Philip the Fa(t* : , � . 4
and John Balliol, and the Seots'urldet � � . . .
Wallace supplemented thts with '% . r . ,�� . �
dash of fighting on their own a4- ', - I I I
. . . I
count, . I . . .. .,
. �
. I
11 .� I... �
The Prenc4 Invaded Flanders, at r 11 I A
the same time, 1297, and Albert cl! . r I �
Auatrla,r.son of 'Rudolph of Hapsburg.. . : - �1,
took 1W arms f � or the dethronement of I I I 11
the Ge�man Emperor, Adolphus c f. � i
. :
Nassau, z The Genoese did a little I I .
naval t1glAing with the Venetians, and I 1, %. . � ..I
` I I I
Bon'facerVIIL had 4 euccaBstufv bout, ' . .
with the Colonnas of Rome, In 14011 I r I :I. 4
there -w;is- - ,a. rising Ju. Flanders I I � �
against ib6 Orench and In the next . . � i r,,,
year 14�dWard I. completed his CCJJJ� � . li
queat Of tlie Scotch, . So the IfouPw , � L
teenth century began noisily enougo. 1. ;
, - ..
To jump forwardto the end of that " r � �
� �
century w�3 find the Turks and Hart- r I .: .r.. .,:
garlans,tightin.-, and Ladislas fightfug*' . . , I.. ,.. I
for Naples with Louis IL of A111011, . .r'. I :
r: 1.
Owen GIqn4Q,WP,r.. led � a revolt of the l,r . .1
Welsh, and the Percya defeated the . � , � ... ,
. I
. I
Scots.' Tamerlane, defeated BaJazet, . �
. I
. I I
and all these troableshapponed In tha - ,
1. .et fo,ur years orithe fourteenth een- . . r...., I
tury and the .f�rst two of the fit- I . . �..
t6entil. , - , - . ... .....
'rho sixteenth began. quite as -hop-- - . . .
fully. Charles'VII, conquered NaeoG I
'r ,
and Ferdinand 11. recovered it 1, Porv, I �
kin Wal�lieek signalized the &th tf, . I
'hi �
the iijid era in England by backing 'a . I
I I I .
pretensions to the throne with arwa. I I
The French conquered Milan . #0
Wj( _
maxtallian of Germany made r,_41t L I
the Si�sq. Louis XIL coll0efid . �,
Naples, and so all Europe, practi�alm, r . I � r .
The next century wag near Rabe.
& Howard and , nof;AX .
. glnnit,g When of f; r sj;aU �
captured Cadj.2. Maurice a . r ... 1. Ir:
also took a rap at tqie Sparilar4 and . : I. 'r�,.:
- - .
- * . I .
Elizabeth sent Essex to Ireland to' -put �. . I
. down -tile insurrection under thZ44 r I . .. 11,
I � , I I
e, I I I I
of Tyrone. . . , � .
gigismurld Vasa was driven ox%t*ot- � L. . I I . I
Swoderl -and the French Invaded Sit- ... , r I
voy. Maurice of Nassau defeate4f Al- . . . . %
lbert of Austria, and so, again we find . .1. . rr . -
Europe warring from Ireland to Cwo- . . I .
� I . �_ . I
den and soutb- of Austria. - - 1. I 11
At the - 01060 of the z6v-onteenth con- I - . 1,
. : I.
tury ther waa a particularly wArm . . I
. .
.. Villeroi lought William Ill. In I �.
% .
the Netherlands. Savoy finished off . �.
a war With Fraure. Peter the Great . .1 .
. . : -
toolt Azov rom the Turks 'and I the I I ._-
French capfured Vareetona. . . � . .
The forcog of Leopold 1. undpr I
Prine011:ugond of SAVOY 4111killilAted . r
tile Turk-Ish army, at ZoAttl; the Sttt"
iltzes riwolted in Russia, and In 1700 1 � . .
Russia, 'Poland and t)enmark entered .1 . �
Auto, a Joint war against SwOdon. .- .�
Philf-p V. entered Madrid and the groat I �
war or Spanls,li succession, which In- � . . I
volved nearly all Euro�e, began in
17011. � I
The close 01 the eighteenth century I I
brought the French tongitest of 1101- I .
land, Insurrections in Parts, the
French invasion of Germany' A %Ile-
e(-wful earaDaIgn by 'this AustrIA69,
the earlier victories bf Bonaparte with
the famous "Army of Italy," thA, Caffl-
p,ilgns of 17H against AustirlS, SAd
Germany and a declaration of Walt
against England -by Spain. I I
During the last three years of that
century E ngland trembled under the � I
shocit of the tarlier Napoleonic WArs,
and there Was the great rebellion In
Ireland. The Engi;%b, stormed SerIn- I
gapatam and In 1801 ftfus the war
between TrIpolf and the United States ' �- :L
The precedents of history hint at ,�
war. We have had It; the questiont
however, is, Is peace an established
rl.lct? it cortainly does not look SO.
. � � . . 0 - _'
I - )idJ1%r QUite UJI-derati),Ud. i
Little aohn and hig mother were I
VIqtting at tho minister's house one
day when John picked up a TestA-
went frimi tile table. Th,� miftistOVA I
wife said-. ,,Irou must not play wRh I
that book, for It 14 God's book." A
week later, while at the AliblAtOt's . again, he 3DIed the book Aud
,laid: ,,,%Vhy �doesn't God. coma and I
110 I Is book?" __4__0_ — I
Edneation Alwav 1143. r
The mircess of the unlettered Man ",
Iq often argued to "how that mea do ',.;;� I
not need education. In zPftlal cit -All A,
r . �;,
the truth tany seem to be concla4lys. : I -,
but did you ever r,tOP to lailuirs ,wtiat .,�, .
the fellow might have become had ko .
ae is natural tal-
ent.w! lie has sueft,eilw In soft of .1
it handicap and not 16mom of it.
___ _44-4—
The flo%ers of youth may f*tde, gmt . .
Me 4maluer, the antains and *you tb,q ;
. I
. . .
� . - I I . , -
I . 11 . � �. '. � ,
6AII��r I . I I I �. 1. I, I , I I . I .. I
,4!,,.,, " , - _ . &1419�"', .", I'll � � � Y, . � � 1,., "k., 11 f , "
. . ` , �� ' L 4 I I I
" �'�"�*QLI �� I I I � I Z 1. � -1 , '' �, � e,� ,�, " , ,
-YA11al . I - I ... � N � , I .. .. . I , I.
- � I'll, -1 -1 .. 1 14 1 1 �
— I I'll I , I.... I I I %- ...... I .1 , , -I
11 .11, big .
__ � — 111111111111111111 ,&,t �',,. I d ����Irik