HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-04-01, Page 2�
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, `%, -,41 --'V- fa to%Ard , 0 I.. To a IRA2 I " 1" , -1 " K - ENIKIN"'S ANTI -RED ARMY 11
, Wor 11 i rt; -t 1 K W. . I t,
Wt. ,TJV I i
"I A Jkdget of lWivi I I . I
. � L9. ily. f U , ot � " �'
0 , I I . 11 orx)A41 SUIRYL I ) 0 H. A6. " �,
. Tolitzod working throush na- . 11 . . I
� .
$uA114. ScIrool Lmott, April 4,1.420. 'I . - b T �
or .0 .0 ! I Lat. ' ST" LY WING 010
th"'al Isadore. V , 11 Irtn '� .. OON T
W Oro 0, or . I ba Mul �
I � . , I
1� 1 14, bV1,e
0 4r . �1
I. Joshua a. great lender. F'rom the Old Land ' X�Bgloto $all them %t : -.-*_.�_ r
. r4wor Leunt, Lake 2i. 1Z.30. forest 11. J)iqQbedfeUC0 And ChUtleemoUt, I �
. . I
1 It'lled by 11-46.00. Print .-:6-16. I. OsbUA a great leader. Great An. _ I .1 .1 I - I— .1 I - 11--w"WAN"W"0104" 10, � ef4ce t I : __,____._.________ 11-___---_-.... -
C0WA*%t*rYX., Uradl 'rorsakkax tions have alwAya great leaders. Like I I �' r P I � -11— _1 - .1. -1 I - - � . WORO..* iq�_�__T'- I Alorningtoia or . ,11 I n against Dr. MaeNamara, but ladic4. Last Bass in S. Russia Gone ..
14havah trees, they oomnlelIC4 to die At the Blollop of Lewes since ' �_= SwMead Road, Cona are that the election will reat ..
I (Va. 67134_ 0._ a.,TW4" t Th$ Virtue or VJ,aUS Of 1014, tile &ommi;dor of Order Of the iiatb —The Ukrainians Take
elro)04 Of a Namara and
I I .An. Rev. Dr. Herbert il. Jones has 4ted at (Military DiviAlou) and of a Com, Miss Sagan La euco.. Labor Odessa.
W 1* the r6ople ko,thlilwastatemea ,ny People the,court arsely between Dr. Also
I's At continuation of the history of the permeates the H Aged, as., Candidate,
I entire body politic. Unlyersp Wuift of the Order of St. Michael Bud
I P"010 a 1-inel under JoahusVs land. ,I history VV011r" 49 Shorthorn cattle GERMANY - MOST VftOra NOVelJ$b Went Early who will tertwr
sO14 at W. George. �� alalY r"olve a big wo. ... 1-1 I A
; 0rSWP alld Wallowa In order Joshua!s Prove$ that th"604011cY IS toward de� Uoratsby, Cumberland, 4M,222 was The cotton strike and tile In,o Alan% vote In tue`h P, working class t1la.
� _- . � Ider4, triet, , Paris, cable. — "�
; Ut'0well address. T9 po.,:..,ss the land— terieratiOu. A Study of national her- � Palk an average,of X555 each, Atrike, cost the General Federation at . Odessa, the great
� The ]People , *cut to their sevoi Oes IS A true Index of 1.10on4l char. At a Good . "o F40hoo" Mr. Walter Runcialan, shiPplagmag. R u2s I on the Black sea, has
-41 In- � Mayes (E $sex) Whist Trade, unlons ,g .1.1 ... an port i
, herit acter. The hi I . 145,710, RDER uat6, formerly a :4
Signed to them., They were under ob- In this 40 fit I I ro, '�Njl Lo. , member of Mr. As- b,,n OccuCiled by Ukrainian$, andor I
44ces which bad been divinely as- story of Israel Its typical drive A bottle of whiskey was won by At Livingston Mil rm, d Anotber
other respects. A peol4l. h a 0 A
liption ,to ,'oubdW tbetr several par- larly 40ble oul , A J"Al WmDore-tice reformer. thiRu, a COW has given birth to a calf � In Of thOse' ancient nooks 114- Quith's admia'.stration, is fig if 9 C:n ral P wleuko, commander of the "
U � 411 'i I or WlxseilttAc, Ogy 18 given us -*R the 1101100, Cats and Swill a4lved ,in'the with two heads, four eye's and three , I 1. I - I . ortaltzed by their assoclaitlojaB with North Edinburgh, vacant throug'h ukranian ZNatiollal Army, AG.JrdJJ2V to
: I 0 y � am, T4 voov , , ears. - Allies to Hold Aloof in . .
,h 0 concerning Joshua and . Patrick X.
. 'aspocl4tea In authority, , Ford .boa been adopted I this 1 anitut
. . I ( . home army t . the Charles Wckere aeoMis (loomed to do 19COttl0h League changes, mforluation recolyea by I
.11 .. U di Catty Ll ouggs 'And the 1910 were sold for gj,566,83s.' o All', who sorved three months or This time It Is a black t as a Coallt'04- IN'llsslon in 1-larls. to -da-,
; a:( fully O y I .. t 0 Lord. T. Served POOPle served the Lord',*.'l the days at . longer with tile French Red Cro" will ' Ruhr Valley, struotica. Q Ist by both wID94 of the party, James � i
I —Xamol,ivaa, tint of oil, A, ra- J011hual 4"Ati all tl'F" 44YO Of the eldem � . Maxton, Scottish, Labor organizer, Is
. the, rd Arat atectea in 1874, Ur Samuel buildings situated 14 tbe'HampGtoad
"� that outlived JOSIXUA.- 144%vards, "father" of B * h receive A certificate from the British LO �
� . Inning. am, 1111011s Cable. — Novorosalsic, ��
119tO People, .�o;, recognized God rs Committee. I i road, which are shortly to be offered Labor candidate. L, laut '3-0 All uouthern Itussia, und
. . ' We 4 not City Council, has died, Aged- $4. 1 United States VoncUrs r for sale. These houses, 'which are 4
I AS t air xul0r� b9th in matters at Bel. Purf)Vlsed J404 we recall joshuats 81INer War ,Badges will not.be to- 1, In ;ioithawp controt of (leneral .Uenik
ular 10%. an , � '�arly faithfulness, which Canon George Marshani . ton, Air. Charles Me- or I
ArOes, who over 1,20yeara aid, are, known as' Curdy; now Food Controller, will fight juej has been I
. 4 liq spirit,talthW&S.. ThQJr won for hIM,. had been rector of St. Mary's and St. Sued to those who .retired or have been Their Decision. xornington Crw.9nt. captured by the I .
. Gave men - wa ' F .�. %elf:,04 his, single Associate ill f1dal. discharged front the Army after Do- U -so Margaret Dondfleld, Laborl.to. Russian lielshaviki, I
I M t orefore a fU00. ItY inborita Clement, York, for 48 years,,has died, Adjoln!ng tlie fireseent, at the cor- Northampton Liberals are supporting according to a wirviess, do ,p to , fro
Cr4cY, They , serv6d the Lord A% they I 1, ,ace$ in a land of prom. Comber 31 last� � Moscow, a 4 h in I �
nor of Granby street, lo' Moraington Mr. McCurdy. 04IU special circum ' .
� I Two burial urns supposed to date Princess Mary opened the Victory Washinigton deapatC4; The , is - DENI,,axu. STAYS WITH I
been paid to both their . United Place, where irany years ago stood stances In ti,l TROOPS,
kept RIB comriandmenis. They had Be, NO .higher tribute could have from -the Bronze Age (about 604, Years Clob, in Bar
Solemnly PromlEed to,do this when I)Iety and pat. efifortl Street, Woolwich, States has joined Great Br.tain And elcl�tion and because 11
. . ollinelt011 HOusO A024emy for boys. Noyorossisk, Russia, Cable, (By
aidshui asihmod th64i*darghJp!,or IS, rigtisra, . Tilosq. wh(). ,:� right not only � D.C.) hAve.. been found near Sl%evwell, Which Is Intended for the recreation Italy in the propi�s4l to grant permits- W we feel he Is the best man for the of� tI, Associated Press)—uenoral Done
, prb' Velft of the promises a,but on the I I
met by I .serve themselves,, but keep others 1813 of Wight. Of- the girls of the district. Stan to the Ebort Goverpmont to send F'ondan 4 Nlorthweertern . . ;
!, tho. Lord's appointment (Josh, Cleo to which he has been Appointed," Itine, commander of the autl.Bolahe I
right. No Alan walks' Taxicab. fares In London will be in. A working . Ruilway, the maintain the Liberal party as a aepar- .
� 1:16). All the days of Josliaq,—Joshua Alone. Espeol life's Pathway creased eociation on Inen's house -building As. troops Into the Ruhr district to pro- form-ation of which demoldia vl.': foro,,s in $Oaht RUSSIA, told the
lived twenty-five jeax . by 50 per cent. on March Ist, co-�oparative linea, with a vent its forcible occupation by Sparta- -lied ilia ate, Instrument and off I
Israel entered Caaaan. 'His eo,raest. tional leaders, and too ofte - but the initial hiring charge of od is subscription of is a week, old schoolroom and playground, In join er uucOMPfOm- correspondent ,of the Associated Press
� ; s.att�r he w1th ally' I's this true of na . �
I , . . a has it Is being cans, tile early 1tweOtlets ths. aciademy waa g opposition to fusion proposals. , that Ile "Fill remain with 111f; troops i
, , religious character and,,111s strong per- . In Our awn and other � . � .0 I 0" � — I
.been the case to be discontinued. started In Manchester, This.became. known to -day In Miff- kept by a Mr. Jouce, und'er whims . . . Until the last, Ile has aRked the Brit- I
I sonality onableCulak,to exert a POW, I natlonso that thOS6.1h alltliority have A recluse, Fanny Ivens, 50, of Salls. B��Incss men In the City of,London tary circles after 3 was announced at ausploee' the f0ture novellot received 0 furnish boats to transport forjy
I ertul Influence fok1,gq6d'updn'hls 000- led ill" �or,4y.,In de 4rtares from God's I bury lifa,116104a, Harringay, London,, ,Va being asked to become "godfa- the State ]Department that Secretary,of two years' teolinIcal education. being t) -isand soldiers, Fifty I
o" law C.- was found, alter having lain dead far therS" to une.nployod ex -officers And State Colby and Colonel . wt his supplies
Plo. Elders that 451,V;d Joslrkua�Tbe onceraing Ill: MATE TURKEY 'Sh ' Iier cent. at
Alice alad, S4blia':t, Intemper. - Davis, the little over fourteen when -be�left, 1, . �
I will be moved to the i
elders. were theroogblied loaftrs, 69; other" sits. Joshua sustaln� at least five weeks. take an Interest In their cases. American military representative At Speaking of the place to John For- CrIm a, 25 per cent, to Batum, at , d tile.
the Several -this, �f 141-Ael. 'TheY'prQ- � `Jod a twd-fold relationship (V,S). 110 A'Member of Datchat (Ducks) Par- *'Mr. John Wilmot, who was head Berlin, had exchanged messages on the ster, 'Wb, 9T11 C.,A,N Ll . rom.' 11 be left here.
. , on the latter waa compiling . Inder wl L . i
bably )IvodL,FLbOU6�,twonty_ffve `y6mirs *as 0 harodity' the Son of Nun, and Ish Oftuell, Mr. Alfred Talbot, 73, re- 'brewer to a Windsor firm for over situation, The stand taken by this his famoue .Life of Dieltens, tile nov- HIS P I R WA, TING. �
. . , WHIty'n . OWE N I
After loslows, ilqatti,.. crest worlts-�� by moral Allegiance the ,,se tired former n his house fifty years, hat; died in his 90th year. Government is a direct variance with allot said: � , VE Constantinople, Cable. —.(By th I
. , . . I I rN :.At of HO always went to lipstuess in i I i
TheY W Witnessed the God," . 11113,declurati a s shot,through the head, a shQt1an, ly- - a, 611k the Ftench proposal that Marshal P och "Thore wee A school In the Ila 0 �
I great, w.oiks , - lop-
alf .4gr4ng 'th� .PF,,bfiql�, ujade before the great Aat!Qn-�' i4gl� beside him. . enter the disputed terr;tor stead toad kopt b Joneo a I Wrangel, commander Of '116 VPIUnteer -
,of Ood"In Israel'O,bM , I . . bat. Ly with 80,. Y 'Mr. A:, Ociataed Press). — General Baron :
.41,!".;%0,§0U11bIy VOW; 24:15), and he, . Found guilty of the Murder of. - bli WIthin 24 liours.a petition ot the 000 Allied troops, 11 was c early un- s. Is. Desire of Allies, Says army in South Russia, jlt,.r .
Atto wrt- of Ahelyr lourney ."tow -04, . - �. 1 Welshman, to which My father'di
. . 'kihg. a, pa4ggge �Jojr bound, the A adherence to ,Wife at Wolverhampton last'Ausust, Premier- against the high price. at pe- by ,J . P,%tched m,e ., come I
Canaan, .4a,d In n14 �. - nation tw-a doratood here tflefals that the to ask for a card of across the Black Sea fr(m the Novo-
, - e' law of Jebc vn:i; . a � lid enforced th� , _ ad na a I trol, te"MO. The boys were at 4 � �+
them Across the Nkilan -and in helpina- th' . I AUdl�w Fraser, 31, a, discharg - v I _Wusd by the Automobile Assool- French Position waS basedon the dle- Inner and French Premier. rossisk region, And is now on Prinkt-
, .
them to .4rive olif"their ansmleo� S. C"ve"an, 'with both promlu�s and btoker, wa to ation, received more tban 10,,000 Signa. trui3t that would lid felt tbroughbut n1l Xr. Jones was oarv!ng for them when X PO Islar 4, Ill the Sea, of MarAlOra, He
. I I .a sentenced -death , at , 1 �
I Servant of the LO threke4in : I. tares. France we -.P. any large German inill- 'I acquitted my tilt of this co-mmis- ,
� �d_Xbshua Is first gs GTosh. 94: 16, 25, 27). In StAffor4shire Assizes., 15 d Constantinople before proceed- -
. the lesson . Stan. He COMO, Out and gave me what f Russian Outlook—Advice to v1s'te
I I luoullonpd, In 1;'-04�, 170, AP4 he was We have'llie elevating In. Not One of the seven children And ,. ,A,',-0%rnaat (Carmarthen) solicitor, tary fores. within etrilting distance of . I . . 1. 9 to Pril*P0. The Russian volug
I .for nearly - orty Yo� s' faithful AuRce- of One. consecrated life. U.r..DaVI4 GrIff'ths Lewis, Was found the Allied zones of oecupat'on. I wanted, and hoped I elwald becomeT teer army has vir .1 � I
� 4,04- M . 22 grandchildern of Mr, and. Mrs,- John ' tually disappeared,
,� 9. Tlmnath- .d chastisement, 'Rhadee, Lee F arm, MyojSoou$b, I . Ite
'Servant and tompnMeA'n am IL Disobedience qn ,doa,d In his drawlngmroom with, it Is The poday of the TT -n ,d States, a Pupil. I did. At 7 o'cloolc one .Germany. General Dellekine, the autl-Bolshe-
heres—The. locaticiff,'9f ttle place to un- The point of departu��As recorded.1 stated-, his mouth to the tap of a gas England and ltaly,�"tt is explained, Is moifilng very 4001i afterw4rds I Went * . vik leader ill southern Russia andbla �
� , ,
I I � I I A Lanes, who have celebrated the!r f Ire . that the Tilbert Government, as long as 'day scholar to Mr. 'Jones' estab, . Paris, Cable. — Premier Miller- general staff, have been at Nlovoros- 1'�
certain. E.,mineaf.,40holilra accept the verses 8-10� Another generation Arose, golden wedding (fifty years) has'died, * Ilsiinle , I 1�1
Jewish tradition t* ,,t,*,aS nine Allies, Morally -poor, an(: 'historically Penal. , way , 11 I Ur.. 3'. T. Duncan, a shipowner, has as It remains In power, has the right tal.11 ,and replying in the Chamber of alsk sinLe March 14. The - �:;Saok !,
I- ' the actual life of young 'Deputies to -day to the Interpellation forces still number, nbout 6,000. '1�
. _. Nothing could beat the I 0
south of 10heebent"", � less, They nelther,kaew the Lord nor, whitih labor put its squabbles'lielow glVou.new bells to Llandaff Cathedral to quell d'eorder 4nd safeguard Its ,
- D.1ok&As at the academy, we learn a of former Premier Barthou, on Thurs- The Daghestj�fi a he I
I 10, W,erq, tlXe,r44- data thpir lath- regarded their Own miraculous hisr- a. natlonals w t'h.n Its own borders. .60_�ernment I t i
, ,
I 0 a) eas , *r'lueano �4at.,,,t)lay err. I �'Hfstory'take§ I Did -of tj e. ground and decided to 99Anto, the i a peace offering, Action by the Ebert Government In etters of John d y said: , . Caucausus is dominated by Mahata-
. I past A 001100tton .maQe among the colliers �
. i, * 9,t � . , td,I)IT, �'us,,to-�jtit 4r and win it, said Lord -Askwith at I sending a body of Forster from Owen, P, ThomAts ,and - �', Medgas, )%'Ila are so outr god at the
1w '40 1644�,.Ih4-pli*4- kjeat�.. Q f0turo;*' and . Its ty of 1,01twick, Leicestershire, for the troops �
: I It I he'Constotutional Club, Lond,o 'a the Henry Dawson, ochool-fellowe of There is only the natural give and seizure by the Cossacks of that
� R ._l . I . I . a. I - Crisis of alliances does not -exist, I A r lands, '
. 16�@61`at't�� nO#,lectc thetrue as n Itif,thapirations and . W�dows and children Of fellow -work- vlala- Dlokeza, So far fobla bein that they are reported to have m ,%
Oro Of , a , U4, If , Ruhr dis'rial woRE4 not be a
L God, It the fatUtis'. Wid taugj�t. Ails warnings. The Board of Agriculture has ob� ,g 4 VIOGMY, take of conversations,"
; � On the PArt of Israel, tiiaj'f'� 010t,'who fell in -the war totalled 4-1,- tion of the armletfoc; on the I
.�. - . a
'ji-idli�Mteroc6Ao Cis one.�%44 rega-rdless of Day c0m-� 728 14s, 4d. TO-�, have been quite a typicAl. goho t an agreement not to Oppose tile Balf .
Jaw to their chIT4*A,..thoi ,wir tained treasury sanction to C -on- medltat'.ve' youngster, be .appears to With regard to the Russian
'� �� , trary It would g!ie the Mie
I . rt Bevis
I Pensation to allotment hold , o-Iboy. Government, tile Premier declared, I slie'vik advances tov�_ard the Caspian, I
,ok% - order in the Both correelp'ndenhe emphasize his "The allies can ,only recognize ille Is,,, I
, 4Wt W.zjt.jaj�-tU-,went after 0,thl, the other, the, returm:'at idolatry w,aS erW415008- Remarking "It will 00 MY last one,," '91mG, :f It restored
gods' Nor yet TlW sessed of their plots within (L P6terborough platelayer. w1to had light-heoxteduess and animal spirits. Uncertainty still prevails as to What * . I
. . j Wo'rks—They fia surprisingly. 4lik k-, -It Is' one of �tbe 'two years Ruhr district, a batter opportunity
I ,not seen the mird��Ious'works WhIvh Incredible Inoldents..'of ills,ory. '. after the termination of the war., , to observe all the terms of the Arm- Ila adually Ie4 a , Ruasiah G6vernment whan the Gov- will be tile attitude of the Azerbaijan
, Ood,,Aa, , iUe. Chl, been'run over, smoked a cigarette on Istibe and maintain some semblance ad Always took part arnment recognizes national sover�
� . � ,. .4 wrou;%t.'.,t6 ni,, I nor bad may,4ssume Its natiOnal aspect. This Lord D'Abernan, who has.,�, pr6sl#e4, his Way to hospital. He lied after ad. In the numerous echecl pianka. How . I Government to the Bolsheviki move.
.;04 la�,on,imprejufed -d� air =Inds becomes true-. whea.�'any �Oria. of �Bjn over the' Liquor Control .Ra rd 'alned, ml n. I � of a national AX!stence in Germany. , , eignty in acts as we'-- as in words."
I , . D31 tu . a , sS1*9. w 'a learning he ac-
, ex parents '11. - becomes so prevalaile.as to become a its formation In June, 1915� b4i re-. .' Notwitlistand:ug the railway S In short, it Is the intention of the much cr lie . IRC q I The French Gover�;�ant was
by ift I' , J)id avil—Thay ment toward Persia, but it is rumored I
. trike, quired .here !s.doubtf 1, but t was at Pro" in Constantinople that the Turkish
. I fdrgot-God.LAnd,aea-coA'hg � A signed. The board was responsible which caused the abandoament o UnUed State -i to 9IVe all the latitaile pared to act like the United States,
� , quenceA-hey ,Alstl guIsh1u-__.QhAr#.terUtAc. It be- . f ime this aca,demy that he began to write Xationalicl_ have Influenced Azerbal-
Went Into sin. krved Daallm—Baalbii comes the rule and not the for the strict curtailment of drinking meeting last season, a profit at �eIB,- Possible to the Elitift Government In short storice, which -d entering upon commercial and Indus. Jan In favor Of tho Dolslieviki, I .
exception, , � . were circulate .
� li�11U"jf&41 of ,).3aal. :Tlfare- '*(.re Alsq It, bee ' national when the pbl. hours during the war. I 8% NY -as made on the Year's working of the belie that it ivill work out a de. aarong h!,s school-fallowe, and also trial relations WWII r%,Ussla without it is Said that the remnants of Don- .
. O"Oor
cent oxistenco for the German poo- short pPlaye, which wers, acted hv the having relations with the Soviet Gov,
l MD,ny 40a hqn'.41ilps,that were knpVi� toy ,of thq establi.'ed Gave Dr. Richard A. Shekleton, ,of - Roly- COIwIck Racecourse. ., . . 1kine's forces ill South Russia will re-
, ,
I I RMV114te"C' -lot'.. I them, I and ' , abst6, And; pro.ecto . � It. I� rument ood, Co, Down, was granted -a di. Major 11. D. C. Craig, AT. C., iligh- ple. .- go crecte(I ernment, the Premier said.
. 1 3 . must then W � boys on an Impromptu eta tire to the Crimea, where it is I
I by,tba,t af )3961- 6itip wa� 1,61n; ,dealt,;ith: ' � land Light Infantry, of the British 0 - . .'�
I I . - ime. 0 JtL Its, largest aspects. In vOroe, In Dublbd from his wife, Helen I .. I L fir tile s6boolroom, Concerning Turkey, the Premier thought Possible they can make an
I . - �'., raba In Syria-, ,It was, -greatly licQu.- Jiblo DuAlslinigut, Of nations At Is, reegg- Rathl6en'!Shekleton, on the ground of Mission at the Baltic, Contracted ty- In tater years blo Itte, at Well!ngton asserted that the allies wished to OffCotive resistance, against the Bat- I !
.1 tious aijC-'eortapt6dttha� morals 6f'all 111,7'ad.,tbit, ai�i such', they 1ave _ o ex. 'her Misconduct with Major 13ell Byer, . . �
I I I � , � . Phus at Narva and tl�ed at I HouseAcademy Ppplied the novelist create a Turkey which can live, such s'h?vlki.
who took part In It. 12-',' Forsook, theAl t' "' the *dr16'to COMO; hence and. A 3*000 was 4 son at the late Rev- ------- POLES ROUTED with much useful'apaterfal fqro,deplbt� a Turkey aa Will not be Incompat- I ;
4; 81. ''I., * � _ ___4_-V-_ I
f,944;9 In .gree4 damages of a were � .
� I I I LordG6d of Ali fatheri;�This Was w gtever.punlshm�nt-la Ireted to na- assessed against .the latten . � Craij, of Ardentinny. .1 � Ing school 1116 Inthis ,v%,rlti�o ible with the Liberty of the Stralte, When Boston, W94 in TroUble. ' .
I 'A, 4h �
. I "naccoldance Nvitu centuries old IF it 1�
fearlukehargo to bring -against God's' It-idnatl-trangresclons must find its ex. Of 3,863,392 demobilized Men, said cus- flousehold WorrU i4r Octotor 1,11,1851, swanteed by the International' (,.--
� C Oselli-,4 I there was pubIl�hoa an I __ I
. ,�hpy. for4dok , Intores-Ung ganization nor with the safeguard-
, I h p,qg4;,,00.9V'6; hibition In the .)resent histary of the the Minister of Labor lathe House of 13ni a Court feet wao hold at Swam Effill, -
Him ,WN hd&.it�F�116�iljl,,protdcted nation. There are d1vine standards Commons, 339,294 or 8.8 per Cent., ton, Leicestershire, for the tenants VIL � i article entlt;10419 In 1174, on the Ist of June, the l3os
. . % I .. � ,vr School," which Is Ing of France's economic and fin -an- _
I .
. . r�god�.44at could do nothing for national aswell. aj Individual char. were drawing out�of-work donation the Wyggesti,)n hospital estater. A . Undaubted,ly his 41d academy pointed, I- ton port bill went into opera ton, At '� -
I went af,tc: , :" cial interests In Turkey.. t
I I iftfwiq�, 4, ,v# the basest , jury appointed to bear complaints from life. We,,sr6 told b9w thc,�'Iioys 14. Millerand read a report on at- noon the harbor was closed agulust .
, g � d as fol-!.
I �� ,�gW - Ingrati- . acter,, and no nation Ar -. ever embod, -on )February 6t�h, distribute , toured the parish, and decided one or were remerkabld1or their groat -love tacks against English, prench all vessels, and business was suspend- . .
tude on ihilr Pitt;' .�n ' W. 16d.1fliquity In Ith'tr Red Assault Mded in and
d the most jar , w4rnmetital-bolley -lows, IreIanti, 27,64S; Rugland, ,
... . I
excusable dqV�i; I 'I. . 'Igy; "'oundtitio two cases of encroachment. � for small pets.,,, Pd.liolls, lilinets and Belgium officers In Berlin and Bro, I cd. In a 20 days, notica the citizens
, kQR9,7 fyoni the G64 6 wlth`61A'j _iik Ahe --- 3
� 1 A ,for,fts 2739458; Wales, 7,288; Scotland, . Os- even Ca, ore ,
their tatherm `R&Wid -Tht Lord, ' I futuf%�l)uiiishifaeiit,,G6dtiatten punislies goo. � . I I . St. Clement Danes Church, In the Severe Reverse UPC 114�"4ft'ks, men, saying that Marshal Fooll had , of Boston wore deprived of t air I ��
1. . � . 41 � , Ill ...
- angor—Itteurred lils.displeAsure. 13. and.! pjArlitles by.-th .pgQcq 'The fire at Cross Rouse, Newcastle- Strand, London, has a mus.'eal roctor, . . drawers and liat .�iixea. -1 means of gaining a living. Indigns-
., I . .q sar ,
.4% . gg, Is. Presented a scheme for moral and .
- 0 of was '!sold 1% I 0 . We have the authority of John For- material reparations and punish. , tion ran high throughout the colonies, I
AshtartAhl—EIV,64. *�14,rar-', of - : �ksht,Zi th. ra I xt4 the. 44�4. Of t4e "-T�me: on December 23. - *#on 4 the Rev. V. Penaington�]Slclttord, ster that the academy supplied some contributions were raised in other cit. I
corres�pnd- spoilers." . molits with fresh guarantees.
I I I This waa the female deity . ,Thor morale, was, gone personsaost their lives, wftS cq.usod .w4ose hymn tunes are regularly sung 'And Big Captures By the of -the I!ghjter, tralte, of Salp,m lJouse
ing to the mule,,64y. Uaaf.�'This *.or, When God 'had ?orsAkehL and who -during this Lent has arrang- Dr. KAPP and later Che regular les for their relief, and the people of .
. - 4 to'her was grossTy '.Im- �W,I-I.C. ' -�%. - : them, through I�InoMA films in � the basement �ed a series of Passion Music perform- Defenders. for David COP�erflold. Perhaps It. Government of Germany, had asked Marblehead offered the Boston Mer. , I .
l . ship offers . I I I , . I I . coming Into contact with, An electric- ances for Sunday afternoons, when lie helped tile noy6liet to( dollnedte the permission'to Introduce troops into chants the use of their wharves. I .
Pura. ,.�., � . f. ,.,.. � , , . �, � I., . - . -, . - I , - -640*" 1 i
� I. 0 0, 4 .6 t` 0 4;�.*+jj �.J 4 1�4 0, 6 4 6 6 6,6 I liglit, bulb or a match' or a, . 01zar9tta conducts. .
11. Israel punished (vs. 14, 1A.) � ,� �, . � I # I I 1. Uglier side of school life In tile nine- the neutral Ruhr zone, the Premier The man Who stands; In his own
IV- 1AnZ4-*--,.,%. ,,�'iwa '... . � end being dropped on them, teenth century,�, Wilen In Nicholas- .
I ,, declared, adding, "If the Allies per. light doesn't nocczaarily `P Other .
r �k4a'.; , ! found by the eoroner's jury, *� - � tots, formerly the vroperty of the late heavy fighting I treA101Y Nickelby. he pa�!Atq us, the pleture'at . mitted such derogation of the treaty, people in th-3 dark.
se Afiget .%'of 4eliftah Was + - - N.R. I , � 3 reported on. tile Idol- Mr. Crea,kle'is odaucatlonal establish- �
,S��-hot agiiinat .;" Was Holma Lacy, the Herefordshire as, A Warsaw cable sa": E x Ire,
died Against IsradWl4wA;�XoTbe Lqrd PRU . .4 . I , h been rdip6rted Sir Robert Lucas Lucaa-TGOth, has Isa flont. A *communication 'issued ment, which `,sl d down by RI what assurance could they have that i Once upon a time the gallant used . . �� ..
. � ,t4 lerae 64o ack-
was gre y Wept ad wl .f,be- 1. Ja the Japanese steamer Ala Mora, been Sold privately. The best, bid to -day announces that after the heath, The �araeter of Greakle at the troops would quit the zone whe to kiss his lady's hand. The modern .
, ay'll �Mdlfftf . - lying In the,21lamos. , � n
� I eause-Ah ry illsdb6yid and for- DE SSERTS � ` when the estate was put up to auction greatest artillery prep-aration yet ex- leaSt suggesta- :the portrait of Mr. . order ,was restored?" . girl will tell You it's entirely out of I .
; .1 I AP�Ql I - I t Raelivrn's portrait of Lady' �Mary was R16o,000, though the auction4er, Al. Millerand
. " -, w4lm.,, Their OP .,.. - -, I place.
� ., , , ,.,,,,. ,#OrtunfltWG �44_, J I . ,_; ... I �'- ` � . � perlenced, tfie BolshevikI - dlon'is Weekly. with the
. sea 1-----_,k.#4__�_1i., I I . . Infantry Jonee,—Jobn o'Doll � concluded
. ,� -,-_� , — I � - — I+-*--
. 54- ��,vv##K. op.<-r�m9fty It b � "I �. - � � � Seymour was sold at Chriatle's, Lon- In asking for an opening bid of 42200, . following words, addressed to Ger-
. - .", ii "I , - -,7,- __ I I Advanced in colunins againqt the .- - .
11 � groat-,, -thefFd`bDAfi4fo11ro&' Kim Wad " * Our1ran Sires 1 . ,. . J 'don, for Z4,200. . " 000 saJd that the property had cost bridgehead at Zwlehel,aided by tanks .. . - , many: Surely Drafty.
� it I brought their-prutigg " rn #k-. 1. I
. _ . � � �-Dr. Haydn Keeton has 15oMpleted tile late owner 9-400,000, an:',warmored motor cars After a, , 1WT , There are all sorts of different ways
. grelt,.Hig, d!tspleabure. with them ,Wa&, :- d1h � PrAntie" "Ond `Zthei %Bura�oa�, , his: 50th , YOU .say You want to work, I to
I great and their Ounishmelit mue.t -bqt conarles,*j ' ro uo _ � year as org4nistaf.Pqter�or- Alged 104, Miss Emmeline Draper sharp engagement, says ty;e COMMuul- _ .,.. ,lot repel tile Idea of economic Col. ' of bringing a thing home to people. , ,
' - " '0r#d,-tba Auto', , t -0. but 010-are-41OW D d ed I I
.. I fXt ;tISq.,' ,Cathedral. . has died at W-irthing (Sussay.) cation, the Polish troops ladn .0' , I 'Es", 4fll laboration, I already see' certain Take the case, for instance, of a mem- .
, �, � ._ ,1..PP4IV � - Qh _,largi
i , 0, 0A.ntity and , oi,�auclj OU971 Chad a t, Eff I UIV
. � I ends' of-sfollefW�'��Ithlo - � " '06' 'a a" Willesden Coune'l has prepared a counter-attact with bayoneis I .. � .1 . . .
I I � I cut to lbel 110e,quAll-ty in the.,PjciCf0.coastSt4te8* , Attired only tit her nightgovin, And - . I Methods, but there is one condition bar of the Essex district coutreillaro..
� t4l'Ar I Sh r" that jh6jet js� a,,jufficIenj : . Frances Clements, aged �25. years, of. .scheme for gupplTing artificial teeth hand grenades, driving the enemy far � dominating everything -that you give in England recently, who wanted to
� I CheM 4�s, ^ i A ere ; lid., .il ,,, - � . or me,,sup4 'Mansfield road, HamDstead. N.W;, w . �
� I . ,,over as a �untsh f eXport.- - Tjike � as . 6TS proof f
� , 6 fiinM' Y,piu � � � he ' ' to mothers. from the Polish line. - 0 your good faith by execut. ' enable his fellow -councillors to real.
defeated them In. battle and e r1p The Ready Money Football Betting TO -S0G1AL
, . ,d,,. Y and Prunes . � I
� . I . r.fildills, tho are- c6nsidered-amon��fie stopped by a policeman About �T q.M. The Poles, the cominunication con- ., Ing the treaty YOU have signed. ! ize the shameful disrepair of a certain .
,.;kW."tAP1r,wpTPp0#.y � $,Rld, - In South End road, halt.a. mile,from Bill Is designed to prevent betting on tinues, captured one tank, and Some . I ..
�, .. 0 . ,�: .
. � . Thai were - God'6 ecullar o , ' %', .MOSt �Aosfrable of mll -thd Aried fritl ' , 1. . 1; . . France Is magnanimous, but does ' cottage near by. It was so drafty, lie
.. �� is, her home, She, was fast aeloop, And the tr,uPGA. system. . Machine guns and prisoners. SI-Mul- . not Intend to he a dupe.)' said, that tunes
'i'R- ,
. t a , tilt" , 'common T rM could be played on
. 'bocauoe of their olus, a let �uw ,E19IMP Z094 recipes the constable took her In �a� 4w'bu. - ,At Hanover-oquare, W. , Messrs. taneousiv the Poles attacked ________-4- k " � a mouth organ moved up and down
.1 2 4�w :,OR r- 0-, - follow: 1, . th They Will - 0 XeW' Ger-
'Ahl'if r �" . , Bev-
�r thA - &W. ,�,�� , ,I .1, I ,fth- � lance to Hampstead Genorixl nos- Knight, Frann, and Ratley sold for enth Bolshevilti Division, vibida I -, .
, I - I f � h * was I .
p t §w,91 - "t e : and - IPNGLANJ� PRUNE PUDDING. pital. ,She was still Asleep 4lien ex. 4-50,000 Lord Northbrook's Grove Park on the offensive in the sector Of, . . IRISH UXR,EST along cracks in the walls. .
I A& otect NE W
W;� 11 i A)r * , -, f mati-0abinet.
. . they becaute ufla,bTe to resist su,ce,,qs- Stew one Pound of Prunes until soft, amined by the doctor, who .�irttffed eAtate, Law'sham, S. E, -1 Emilozen, and compelled the enemy � I .. . " . , t — . - r, __MMI�5_1
� fully th#,,. Attacke.,of their fpes. ftav, ;sweetening tbem'to taste, and folding her. to be suffering from.sornnalabul- The dea6 Is announced, at the Age to retreat easterly, abandofilag his : .� Spies Honeycomb t 1"tw I
I ng SoV,, I Allar, iQl� the Sinn, M 6"t-Al"M 11
. I � 40nedA1J.*-'Jehdvjb. 'Li� 6V' gltlCeg' ' Of- c-bkfige. Atrrapge Ism as the result of a norvo�s break.- of, 85, of Mr. William Thomas Viii- ba,tteries Gen. von tuettwitz Under , -
RA.ng:-,bi,y,. ,�, � , It 10 , � . quaregof.: . horses, ammunition c : I
I Y Una n, and I air Wif. 'S I �1 I . arts � . . .
I .resources on which to depend. ` 15 : , Waste& white bread that 'Aown. � . . Coati, who was for 20 years editor of and machine guns. At other points . Fein Ranks. i
- � ,110A . I3ceA,,,1,1Utt0rc1,, And, sprinkled With The ax-Kaleer's yacht- IV% Or to thi Kentish Independent, -Aimest. . Fjl�b uiiL Cim
.. 't � - attempts to cross the River Slucz I . .1 --------- -- �_ I ---
. I . , - � -
. Rlt '4 Our. forefathers did know how to were checked " - . I
, ..
,Kajid *f the Lord Was a At'Pst thoni, o -7,Spioe, li -the, boij,qui And around said to have been bought b " .
, I , I , I V. I .— . NotabWAted U44, 1
1 W0Y,e the X,Or!k� -4b.6'ddep, of . I London cable says: The recent sciZ_
� I � � . working againot -them- , fro' � �, a,,haktng,diQh; the)! Pour .Pehar, a Glmgow carpet- merchant. swear, bat our people are too lazy to The communication adds that In- itre of Dublin CaGt,o mail bags, boys X"d ohlfti. OVUM 0", I �
: ti t e.pr''uiies-'�6,6ill�g'�U't,'co�er. the Viralent X-rays diseaso h4a jittack. learn any other but one word.'*-I%lr. te.uL.1,nc artillery fire continues �by 11 .
. I I al whl.Lt it, I ' ,h; . Lo I -
. 0 cable. ThQ Bauer Gav
I I 0 .. both sides along this and other sac- et.mment. has come to terms "'A pmerw on tke aash *C. pmnivaw
had been to hxvo Him working :mIr_7 dfiiit " thit Ahi ` titedm: - may ndt -as- ad Mr. A. C, Taylor'who, hae, workok $Yramons (Clerkenwell magistrate). an Evening Nowe despatch -train Bei- � , "
. , with the " tXUS VS All 448M Of fWASW
. A.A919US Y-4ar..,t,h9=, as,;He ,�ad been- � cape, sand -let. It, C061 -gradually. ,When the apparatus in Feterboro I fast,. has disclosed the fact that the
oi, A41 s.- 1 1 1 ugh- L' In` An elderly ea:lor charged with drun- tots, and that the Bolshevik are don. extremists, At I the cost of now 6"tem,
I . �11 V'J"a hl�pdre# ,' YpAr , lxeady. � to....s.orv,e, tq,tpr Me top w.th firmary since IS96. , � . " � kontiesg at the Thamos Police Court centrating as rapidly as possible and Coa I sweePill-S Republican. army ranks are honey- I I .-
'111 -1 - : tvbfed throukli ja _ . , ,4 -
- . ,. 'I , dgeO., -bygif,ptl frosting garalshed,with squares , - A brigadier-gene'ral and twen,ti Col, said, "I had a couple of what you call reforming their shattered units cessions, acccrdtng. to a Vopen-,� combed with op:es and Informers, Ito f goo Jow D*"Vow
((vS., 10-94), . -, , ie.,, Nevertheleae-.1"bis' Af-'apPle, Jellyc .. o4elts are among the appllo4 .1 'for hagen e pa:tch to The Il6ii-an TIM99". whora'are attributed some of the Wore i oovi6ii
11 word thdMatert a, 'aange in ' thtv ' - 05 I'Ot Plek�me-UPO, and they knocked me the purpose of re -attacking. '
, ` Hq'had ME AND P.1039 'Ui9juNqUB. the 2250 secretaryship of $orthamA down.01 on the Podolian front the Bolshe- A purely Socialist Cabinet is to', be recent Irish tragedies. The newspaper 1 affems & w4scuk t
1, . I
, to War Pensions Comnittte(C',- � - - A. , .
- "ths4offilh, to _P dL, and milture, by , n . cedar of Lebanon has been planted formed, which will try JO i.. -establish adds that to -day there were further ' V%"h#^ 001W - -*
m ft then vild have attacked Nowaslanjawke.� order and hold general oleotioz,s. The 'transfers of large bodies of the Irish A**"%
, ttbAeV _- t0D0-u"nQ1tsh(1e'ed. - Prepare a rice croquette
I- 'Ra- worked I S19119,11Y In their bobtilf. . CO-9AW9, a cap at rice in salted water A ztatue to Seaman J. H.,'Carlessw by Sir Paul Makins In the recreation Latyezaw and Novoconstantinow dud State troops will bO imlacliatelY Constabulary from the north of Ire- I I
� . ITAT41 �,"04, 4 ding to It,'while warm, a table-.
_ - . p
I . . �Judgcs.-The I
;,,' 42 � hae . '
I. . and !x4 V, C., Witt) was killed in'the b4ttle of, ground which he has presented to the sector south-west of Doran= withdrawn, - and Berlin Workman's land to the south.
� "I $110011 Heligoland Bight In 19PI, , � L been, Henley-on-Titiamess as a memoral to I-1 11 Ing I I Dudley Kohnes
� I . � JU go *hofii� thq- 'I;hrd' raised up of- tmtt0r) Ono, of well -beaten' unveiled at Walsall, Starts. * � I , I cavy fig t followed these at- Guards formed,' The Inquest oil tile bodty of. Lc - 1-1 .1
� .. a � his wife. tacks, which wore Preceded. b . ird
� I - . - were by tho, Means officers to a -d -min- gg, d tablespoon of vanilla, and Jwo r,ome Berlinlilre Territorlwa, )lave I y artil- The genibral, strike will be stopped, Mayor MacCurtain was resumed at 7 ' VARR^T0% 19%LiWM
� JeteAklegeo. lvtoy,vere mpte eepecl tablespoons of sugar. Spread this on Government flav factorles at Yeovil lery preparatiOnS, A numbs Vdt instantly resumed It � the 14overa- o'clock this evening la the Gork City '. � wok M
i , - r Of irit-
: 11 just received by post Christmas ORA .
;1 . . alI1*,h,0lIt4rY -1�04r*` whom -the L441 ' thV ;hOttqa of A,platter, and cover,it (Somomet), which cost 4190,000, lages In the region of Deranza, cftarig-� mant to unabl' Qftft 10"W � owd.ro . Wbswk% � .1 .
I � ' 1. j 0 1,1, and greetings for 1915, wbioli were b4ve been sold for 0180,000, . e to effectuate the stip. Hall. There was a large pol!ce gup.rd. . I I
i I ,,tnd ' d ''It -svltli-ia layer (�f stowed Prunes; COA� ,sent :b - .' ' buf the u t d . 1. � - . � .
, be � '' �Ij. �h ',' �, t' (Ind aiW,' , States ad hands time and again, la, e conditions. It was announced ,oil behalf of the . I I .
,�Irtjog:rl�l* , ti . I I . -
.: . Y the Queen In 1914. Sir Arthur GrUflthe-Bosoawen in rar- Poles, counter-attaeking, In the end The foregoing agreement was, reach- Attorney -General that all facilities I
� . ) 'I r0l's e omice wI , h,� que, alternath . Great-greaf-grand-daught"s Or$ II`v' Ilamentary debates. . .
I . . I � t01141 I
I I I � to:. af4t th9m'%J10 I I o ing . " each U# the lAyers, and mak . a a ,,can were the victors. There was much 'would be given for the fullest hivestf- X ..
fe ,_ , % W succeeding one slightly Ing of Mr. William Got, g, , - ad this ,Afteraoon between Secretary
ju b A German aeroplane, believed to be hand-to-hand fighting In these v114, Bauer aud* tm trade 'Union leaders, "RNWM AND Wftn"L I
I a', 'I �k"V.Aal'tb do witlit sinafter, ,until tbe rice Wall Used. tenarlan, whose will, dated 1786, has gation, I
� ,e - Samuel wint Sprinkle fightly-with powdered sugar just. been found In the root of a CbOrt' mantled at Southend, whore It ha's night. 'dependents; tile smaller part of whom concerning the eircumstances of the 1"t #A ' 'i4l%
'01o, some i
tb exec [On of law, aria wifell. raided London, is being d'.s- lages, the fighting lasting all, day ina�, aTka was followed by a split .In the In- Several witnesses were examined xdww -to
I* .01
_ ,91#A0_tfl_ %tp to -hear causes no Cover -with meringue made from .eoY house.
. ,
� a- ' The' : a . I .
�Pn to Pronounce J'dgniiiht, the� whites of two eggs and a cup? of As a thank offering for poa�e, Mr, S. been exhibited, and portions are being I j1hed tfie COMMIluistS, murder and the subsequent vIs!t or WOCHAN,
� ,�;Lordg# confectioner's sugar. . � � -A I
i ,,.�fd up thmo. It.was 418tr;butod to local elementary schools.
-;;Hle *6W",,d*6h'7.1CZ4tfJ Iii�1Rh4umovit'.4, I it . T)r, 14'% It. Haynes, J. P., baS complet- TO UVE-Musr Olt I-tr-ITT
, , greans. Place In 1ho, Weggitt,Johneon, a Sheffield whAu-' �NFIT WITZ IN CUSTODY. the military to the Lord Mayor's ---
*bOX"u4til. r4ady tb serve and gar-- facturer, line, given .C5,000 to t Berlin cablv sayis� Uajor-Gen. von house, Their testimony, however, add-
� 7-,�Ifty was employed, DWI 110 'Ia' ed 60 years as a member of the staff The verdict rendered a thousand ad little to tile detalls already Pub- Arthur I I " '
� " )�W4%-001- ,a s� witit .1j"ll, - crystallized %ca -Quee� Victoria Nuroce .AA - Ilitary e6mmander H
k �piq4es at I Do thon, Lat1twitz, the Ail Min
� . . ,�-Wlth God It was an eisy mjtjjr't6 � ginger, - ' , � sbela, of the Warneford 110apital, Loo,ming- , timos when Corn$ got sore. the Kapp revolt, has. been placed fished. Nothing ivatA disclosed to throw o.d.S., L.D.s,
I . .91VO4, VAJ�, 0,j ads 'Of . lion, . I ton, And has been presented with an to death by Putnam's Corn Vx I light on thealoL-ve or Identity of the Doctor of Dental Surtry of the rehno
.. 0 ,or .Into., th� t% " - ddlaon* 1111nistdrof Heallb, bas d 11 a 0 1 1 ,under arrmt, It.1s. officially announc-
I . i4` add It . whs " the twenty-four .
t, 'e,pun-_'t, . 'nje4t tl�,,, appointed.a. committee to consider for his portrait In oils.* I ed Admiral von Troth&, Chief of i'MR51111s,
� � . Dr, A tractors
� ., � 'PRUNE SPONGE, Illuminated Address an I vit d t a t it cures painlessly in Vonla C611ege.and f4entlato of Den*
� iis`y � also, Itor Via- �� Juice Of tW`0 lemons and Ia,wS regarding th 0 � . !$ � - ou'll Surgery nt Ontario. I .
� 40 tMPIOY mostne for that '. peeple"Is halt a, cup of sugar, add the YolkEf of 6 POIIat1OR )Of 'the Lord Stratliclyda, Lord Justloo Gen- hours. Use "PatA9nA'0," the MY the Admiralty, has also boon arrestAd. - ' ., L
. .
I � ,,deltverancv, . � . . ... I - three ,eggs, and co,ok over hot water "'r by,'amoke and to advise on steps oral for Scotland, .a about to resign on vegetable remedy known, price 25c At ',Th6r� Is ho'deflUlto hewEf of' Kapp"S , Olosed ever3, 'Wednesday Afternoon. �
IT -23. Even when Ao. Lord x4laed . UAUI. thick;.. then stir In halt a pack. . pour � wit Moonlit of 111-licalth, Among those . whereabouts. It Is supposed he his Off I Ice In Nlaedor,41ld Blook,
� ,,O Im taro who made a, gallant 11 IT16"AH
� i . '.' UP deliverer to d Wall the evil. all dealers. ORDER H s , AV
I 6 slid AWnftIIV":wgo*ht ,* i IgelsAine that has been dis-, _,attefflpt,to rescue a COMra4e Who WAA : Montioned as his possible successor are On hi.3 esta'LO In East Prassia, . I I
� wr - - . , ". 4 li* ,, ,I L I .
-.,With tholh for its tT1qT,vQf,-11Ja,' W - i61v'1td U IL'ilittlo warm. water, and buried for SIX hours under a, ninoty. i - Munro, the Scottish Secretary, and - DECLINES -4 ,� - I - g ----
.* ,,a ASQUITH ' , W. R. HAMbAy I
� +1% they refused t6 give' heed lo 161d In' th6--beaten whites of Str Clyde flic' Lord Advocate, � � , I
� . . tIlOm- T40Y left the truer God, Whom eggs. Pour Into a fancy bord r three tons fall, have been PreaontetI -,.with �Br. J. finterson Reynot(bi, tho onit- , L T Lso" M.O.; 0 -mo
C Mold, watchag by the Powell Doffr. , -WOM-AN, Op I FROM",' PhES, INE a
"they Ud voolkad to� jo,r�- AW .so 4 ,-And mt �q -to'har0b. W vo Coal nont Chemist, for nearly thirty years Refuses Lloyd Osage IV In ' �, ,. . - ,, , . , aodm au"00A..*4 to db*asss
� . HO - - 1i 100, heft Cold Company, . , . Esi
� I . , and V,eoit,. tor, Abo Agda; of -the pgo-" . , Profebsor of Chemistry at Dublin Unt- _); r � I I . �. . � #1 Wot"A� 04 Mildron, ,�bxnns
, turn., a*, Atld� 1111 the,.centro witit jel� The North British Railway camp1mv - M, - , , t4k*A "t9rNSAU91i lw** 14 Otto .
"IV tO heathen ,4e!tles- It Was 4 WhIPPed CkeAm hai6r4d with Powder a day as compenoation.for I Al Soe.*-ptY of London since 102, —, I - 111 , P Constantinople cable sayst Des- taro R"Wolbgy, Mid . AidftWW ! .
�Compafttively-4, short time litfor . "hlOkoy died suddenly at his home lit Xonsfug- � aCNAMAIA X66161A0, I
plea 0 -flot'C'd `WOr�' lied prutlea. _ Sorre with sweetened has recently been paying about 4100 p '
` a them, '16Y'Of . varsity -and Vlee-ftesident of the I vitation for Coalition. , 11 -
I �
�� - ,03, OR , atches trom Beirut announce that
h_U ad offinamon. GtOlell in tranalt. said Mr, . I Stair Pelsal, meently proclaimed King othft in the X6&'t4S$d*Q"P Im.
, " " ),A's death, dAd Almost -ImiAedlo, � DUO ' William ton, London, at the ago of 76. London cable says: Herbert 9. As. of Syria, haa given tho French Until two" tkf Quffu* Mtol-404 ths
11 I I , 4tiO tatter ,tbt Ot of his oudedd- ',,ESS PRUNES. I Whitelb,W the thaIrman, at VMla- lVelsh frontounders have decliftod. to quith, former Premier, who recently �, . I . � 1, 1,
bargh�n . April Gth to leave Syr -'a, And the ,
I Sam that �Ifl If I I to& Idepartmi'd FrY 4102on4i of Graham bread, In 'Wh i4rant 40 per cent. Ifterease to cm. was elected to the House sioust Oh
� Irom. the )0011,�o I r C41AWs. T!,�tl, 'hot ft Until a -golden brown; drain the Queon vieted the Royal . 61 c6mmons Latter for Lloyd Georgej Araba have ordered the. �;Itlsh out of An butn"o
� I I h , I L�. � I 1*aga,on� a hot litatter ,prepare- R (rfthAnage for Infants � ployees. frOA1 P&IGIcy, Scotland, in it spaeoll . alestine. OT" , 4#0100*1
,e0lumandment6 ' V 6y M�sas -At 9111, 'asex She Was mile atS,ftaresbrdok, The zehemo for extending the boun- no" 14.
I Sinai were acknov, h amuod At two at the National U-beral Club to-da�, but Libetals MAN. - P — V. 06 abs us
ged tar be atill Pound of Pr . I
11 , 'TJH'r�t'�' " , �
11 A,
I I � % in 11
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" ' ' � M !I-- 11'
." ' " i,.
, r ]" I
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�1, __
- 'I I
-,.�I� 'I"!.,
, "
ql ,-,- .ri
opli� .b,u
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(W., t
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"I . led unes by soaki g in cold tMall'butswart boy scoutog, who carr- dittleO. of Nottingham provldps for tak- I to Premier liloyd (leorgo's. PrInce Potent, son of the Kin" C,f I , .0- " L, " , ''Pip. 41-11 i -01, 11 ,� I
In f4VA9 ,W (f,'.W6.lr 4 ,h� On Me . . I,
01 I _4 Wator,ovev night; In th MUM rylng vnloa Jacki), preceded' her Ing In 24 parishes and making the Mered to explain
- Gen e4fef�l o Mmerve law,' ftok ifiem,ift lemon, syrup until tm- wherever shel vent. 'on of the effy 0460,000. UnIto against tile Labor party Other Intere ting Contest$ to, the Suprome
. bf, irails J)Opulat, 1r,10110vila"r!'altion that all the old pgrtles - - RodJas, lina been o Dr. Robt, 0. Redmond
� .,-the tuldfta AU4jAod A;W.ty.troift it, tWa I dor,'VOlnove 4rotl the fife, and stW in- I should I I 0 COuliell of the Allies
' - . a eady for Jil- Mr- Churchill says he cannot enter- to provent Dololievi.um. the crow U-M).'s. (VO4
� .d1#hoAWu& jyq - l A I # n1119 of him As Xbig of
I 'th and,,. t4gir spoon of current fain the suggestion that, an account Mr. Asquith sAld the Appeal woo n Great Britain. Syr U14J� (14ILIL)
;'fathers, It wax bet,241'a, 'I 4UO, the War Office states. Those for I I is. Nir Lloyd George announced
the LM ally and the idiffy beaten white of warrant officer'%, of the shortage of labor In the build- for tIMS Cleavage, and the moat Ails. . r - ,, 1. IL that recognition WAS -denied him by i ANO� 4u"40"
� __.*44 Mtrtiftl toward Israel that He one egg. � N.C.O.'s Mid, Men . Ing trade, operativiee Serving In the ohievous thing that had Seen done�. the Allies As the ruler of the country, MMfOlAN " I
In tl* obotra of ftob. pleca baVe been sent to the Offlcer4 .14 (W. Vabil"'A old st"4). i
. ftl#ed up doliveren far theM; and at at tried broad plate a hea, table- Army should be released front their "I Rill glad we are upproact-ting the London cable says, Undoubtedly the and Lebanon protested against his I �___ .. . �
Ding Charge of Itecordo cqw�orftsd, to Inji ", —
I , lie ftioed t no, 48 WA'th them m1boli the lnkftgroev -mi"ae n"A Itary duties. '61'. 0
I , tU= 116K,w er, ,,ho= ,,,.Ift V WAIOM application shoalct Oe r4ado, - 'U a LA.1191131011t, era or, organizea Keenest of several by-eleetiOnS now be. eoverelgalEy.
," 6 w=1 ___ - cOVOt tbkltly V44 choppad. pistachio The mystery Of the death of Xgtlx* The Food Controllot announces that Insincerity," Mr, After the ceremony of h!a Drocla-
� 0 hah AO(lalth declared, ing fought (a In Camberwell, wlitre,
, I ON". The nuts. Isola 8-farY Drury, aged 15 years, the M IIM*ted Quantity of sugar will be Adding that the free Liberal,% would mation, Vmir Veleal deelared that this
"' I Lord lo unchangeable. and available 'for domestic Jant making. M MacNamara seeke re-election on -
""h I
I !n.!!!tT�!!---�-�"!����"!!!!!��t��t�����4", O'Choolgirl whose body wa* found ou !, � �#06 � ' lt�(b harnewd to tile whoole of receiving ministerial promotxon. Dr. would not affect relations with the
I. -40ft not repent in the aeu".ia *41* - % c 0 chariot 11
, "r .
� ':-Mii 40, 110 Change 1'� %_� - an'Allotw6ut at WattIrloo, lioar Liver. I � th r . Allies.
I .
I .. 's His course only � I . - , ) Y -vill go torth In Premier r r- -
� , MaeSsmarA .. 1. _ L- -
twol, on February 2, woo 6earad up 9W MARTEL'S Nir A8quIth branded the IrIA1, bill -
- ft mon abattgo their Sttitudq toward r PILLS " Lloyd George's new progrAmme almed. Tollitur-rop, were slass dyes known
I fftm. ; .1 at the rosumm Inquest, when tb6 ver- I a 0108t tantatstle 'And lmiira�tivablo
'_ .. , 1. - FOR WOMENS AILMEN" is 6 of 0 Labar's allegod absorption by syjftdl.,: Ift Biblical times? Tommy* POV-�Xot 1
A . n ft!of nt . -diet 11vat she w" Murdered by a sig- � seheme. and the greatmt travex
'I., Ift 1 Ofwomsfi r,V4t6Afld*d1ntb0l2L*t9K elf go r ored a x" mllam and Socialism. Dr. XACNa- that I 4m, aware of, my boy. Tommy,
" f 073=11 malman, PAward Leally, w9a Wurned, I the e* "' - t1co-, vs nment ever off . - -
_` 412*117-t O it. Vn 044 1 14 � - r " ,I -Goneral Alfred Xnox wts to- I ALM t LIT 011" - Mark Was OrIS--nikily elected for the --Then what docs me
,. t*ft 4#"Ica be rudsrod to T'JrJl;;1; , � Major - . . tha Bible An
P I I tslYod by the Xtuff it tkM169110,21 ftP4d44ftrr1 44u� 1� .01,111, - o6notitaft0 ne a Littoral, hut the Llb- by those wb�) bkVe tV
� 7AA I*Nhis. infItmnot upon hio s,#_ � " I- y 4 pmftt I I 4, aral orlKnization, r#yoltoil from him . to Itnd .. ,,t,r? I
t .0 I i � '? . . -# . P11*44, wk#,A Hit 10"ty ootforrad - t� M 141114"no hett yoll hear it it an a Simon A Coat of paint will make an old
1, � 6WOWS Ja tU rdA I , 4 r , J�ft wishIng ba wets dotd It,x S SRI# when he b*1W vpposs Sir aah houto look as good as now but that
,�% I ' ' Rrft UIM 4 kAtt tb0d And IAY"t*d , ,.
. . . %, fAit his dat t 11 tj (:, k with tus fA#l#MI1L of a Knisht �� , �" blet somo Airl has tumad him dawh,�* in Spon Vklloy, cem�srwall Llbsral# exparlmomt dots I
, Ii I
11, X I '... I I I . V W 1 ON& CYAWN—OT MIUTI#d him, -On Aow npPorthit Xr� Z C. Carroll ,%A old wom%a. U1 Work ita wall with I
1. I
, �, �
.f� ! ., 4 .1 I ..
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I , N � " " " ,�X_ , , ga, ,�� I 11, I I
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. - ''I'll, -1 , .
� "I'll", __ . L.= JW 11 � � " .�' ' � 4 ,,
...... I m - &iiiiw_ LLLLLL , V ,� �. � I r .;; . ." I I � I
- Wait I&, V . . �, L �',' V I .0 � - .
11 vi 11 �� .� , 1. , I I v". I 11 � , 11 , .- I . .
,�M, 1� � ill! 111;d�
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