HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-03-25, Page 7I 11111%1­1��_;Wt � , _F" -1 _11"W", ", I 11-1k", ql_�, ,, � 1701"", I �1�".RIFTI"_Xlw� _17.7 , -- , 1� , - 7, , � �,,7 11 W'TW .�_" _T � V. � ­ . 11 . I I I , �­,�I.. I , ,.� �. i " I I t _KV 71�rf' I 1. , �'VIM451�111 , 1 , , -.------- � I .. " �;k. ... a f I FT . . - I . , . �, .�,�;, � . , , 1, . '' , �� I I ".., li, I q 11 �, - �1,1 1, ­ F �,� � V Ir 1 3� .1%, �, 111 I I 11 ... , 1 ­ 11. ,". " � , " , , ,,� "", 7 I I . . p . 11 , .. ­� .. ­ 1, 1, . � . - .� .. - I I , � � 1� : I , 1. I �,­. ­ "V ", , 11 I �, . � �. , . � .1 I'll � �,,, 77-'W77 .. 1, , ,� , , , , � � . I , I , I I . . . � ,!� � , . , � R ; 61711 �i . � 1. - ­ ­� "'t t�l .,..il.,�_,gl, .11 . . . # , , -11- _. � - --.11 I .1 ­ . � I . ­ � I � - _ - _ ------- 011mm- ___ __ _ __. I ­ ­ . 1 111�lel I !tzlm MOMWAN mm I" m. ip I % i, i, 14 "M - 9M_ `91.ft4"-""_______­__ ON 10111 -ml- _W1_ -, --_1 ____, � ­__ ".." I ,_ W ii" � 4 , .- 11 �, I I . I _ I , ,;_ -1 - - - __ - I _. - -- - - ---- --- - - � ___ - - ______ ==_1531;i���,_ ===--__ - � - - 4' I ; - 'If ­ - - .­ I - I 1� , � � . In I � , , mould'are AV well a?i the 111,111, aild "4,fW%#*#+#6,* . ", �_ 1, I � ? .�, 4 �-� , tho bond very macli. ! � KAM - J 91, � W I ` I "With more than one pillow It out "'TILL F1,91ITIN. TO. , "'Wevenr ,t ­�' , . , i� sovu andor Az.v circuniotalices raise REDS SO � �' 1, , I , ; 11 . lies on onWra ba&k the head hi tilted' . I :: , . , .W � forward, aud the il,lood vewl# of the ; , .. I I I 10 neck are unduly co, ... 0 r,,,"3 0 d. In I � � . ," � : � ., , �, , g clillarell rue , I V � 11 , ULE; ..'"A "'" rOl T '0111 , ''o Tw-,H�O�USAN,D, KILLt*'14D , I I . h all at- SET UP COMMUNIST R 4440,404!#++_#4-#-#-++++++"+ * T `N( Ti I '00 �tl,,t,.4,UOIQI�Illi'l,ril3l,wilvat!lI I I _� of tile spille if 1P)0rr100111U8f,e`da1lc, Lytils — I A, codflish d6h much approetl4ted Is , it,,, � , , � . 0- , oil one's jide, With the head thus Prop- - the tollowIng: One cuptia NAlt ood- Lloyd Georp Arawm V . , I I 1N P'" H _40 6 .. I I M�- A, 11 S pod up will also prevent tve blood fish, two cupfuls r1co4 potatoes, oue- du 0,04phkte Delsptia,. � . - 401- circulAtilig freely, and German Radicals Keeping Up the Strag # hall euptul 6racker crumbs, rne-quar. . to 'tile result is . gl . -At ­ �, � I \1 thlat diotre,wingly dull heavy fooling. ; ter cupM, &rated, cheese, one e", 040. � � i In the morning. 1* W cupful, -"k, two tablospoont*;Ix � "T e right kind oT pillosw Is not easy butter, parsley. Same Justioe as to Ov. - 4, 1, -9 _'_­­­_­"_ ­_­ ­­ ­_'­­_____' h in Fatherland's Cities . !, :� And the Bolshvisicet Spirit Still where there Is only cue window; to find, It must not be too hard or .lt­_ - Shred the codfish And ,.Oak In luke- ; many and Ainotria. I . the -too sort, The very goU feather pil- warm water for,15 iiiii.lite%, DmIn, l plant fo so eager to 90t the light I that Ic,w6 used by many poopl, ,are pool Add the potato aug milk, and- put In It cros.vlco Ito latealls and turne its tively Injurious. Th 0 , * 1�04. 'Baltv .e head, ginks I a greased baking dish. Zxend with London, March K.-Promiler Lie . I leaved broadoWe toward ,tuo window. recpIration, ie impeded, and the hoa;. Workers in Southern Cities Retur; Ic , (;rows, 4 I th beaten lightly, Cover with -George oil V'riday discuesed the Tuv. Thle action has led Students of plants. often gets overbeateil. sieo 1144 e egg v r r " tile crumbs mixed with tli%�, butter lah qiteot;lon with the liedian call- I g�r u i -,-,-.,-- ,-"-,.-- to ally that plants are "ballotrople.11 ouch conditions cannot be cehilig, . � melted, said sprinkle with tho gratell .phato delegation, boadv4 by Mohamed . PIlYsiologisto say that the plant bonds or beneficial. I cheese, 13erve garnished with parsley. All, who, declared tuat Turkey should toward the 1104 because Ole eldo In "The pooltiOn of the bed ki a mat- have all her pro -war territory , ratt � _ Allies Preparing to, Advance darkness grows fastor than thm other ter of great JmF rtance, yet mor,t peo- I - , FISK PRITTL'tS. Stored. The Premier reollod: I aide. The Simplot explanation is that* ple .put tile be� where It looke bcat, Le$jpzeg, �.,ablo - Although an Saxony and tile adjacent parts of the Take some batter, flake some Sol- "I do not un4erstand Mr. Mohamed � the g.1a , a men, du3t the plows lightly with All to ointm Indulgence for Turkey; ,,�, Pprcelvoe tile light and that and not where hygiene demands it greemout had Well, reached Wednoo� Thuringia. A. Congress of W rk ris' . I It a 4 that It perceives it. . , a 0 cayou Tlieir Force. d inly It Should uevc (lay night between leAders of the . no, dip in the batter And fry till he claims, justice, and justice She will I . stem of the plant is Perceptive. I ,ctly face the light, as ,,,,,,.,,,r Councils of these districts met at orlsp In oil. Drain ,%,oil. I - sensitiveness of perce . Its 41rc 0 Workmen and the military authorities, Clioninitz yesterday. get. Austria Ilea 12ad justice; 0or- Iltion goes go bWs out of a hundred do, nor should for a peaceful Settlement of tile pre- Four hundred delegates were In A VISIT 113OUP. many has had justice -pretty terriblo. . . � . far as Its root, but the root aho,wo It ,be put In a eornor of the 'room, vailing situation, the workers yog - ter -s Attendance, and a resolution was Ong, cupful minced cann Why Should Turkey escape? � I , London, Cable -Two Tthous4nd .secelons at Stuttgart uu-til conditions W perception in a different ,Way. It Where a . ea Salmon, "Turkey thought . she bad a, feud I � . Ir does not circulate freely, day potoons have been killed to date In at Berlin, are normal, says a Sltutt- tile stem IS heliotropic tile � , rejected the agreement And fight� passed, with only two dissenting tuna, fish, flaked, canued fiell or left- . root Is VEINTILAT10N. Ing was rosume4. votes, demanding the disarmament over white fish of a..1y kind; one . with us. Why did she come In and the fighting Incident to the German gtart despatch to the, Zxchauge Tele- , negatively helietroplo. The stem "Attoilition to veWtIIgtJOn is of on, stab and de4troY liberty revalu-tiona,ry movemont and disturb, gram Coim,panY. Shows that it poroleves, the fight by MaJor-Gonoral Pilsob, conininurling and disbandment of the regular 4quArt milk or two,'euPfuls milk and tr I to I . Premo ImpJartailce. It is c throughout the world willile, We were ancon of the part week, it Is eatt. SILDSIA EXCITED, turning toward it. the root Shows that Istimate'd tile city, late yesterday brol.tgtt a troops, the security guard d the two r.upfuls white soup Stock, two I . Am 110 ongagea in this iifo-audZaeatix Sting. matod In Berlin, accQrding to the Warsaw, Cable - N Opole alld it perceives the light by turning from that two people require 3,000 cubic, nelellswehr brigade into the city i,o volunteers. The resolution. also do. tablespoonfuls flour, two tablespooa- , , I . EXchange ,Tolegraph correspondents other Upper Silesian townts the I t, juet un Persons Nv!th weak eyes feet of breathing space, which means relieve the hard-pressed volutiteers .1nanded the formation of workmen's -fuls butter, one-half te"Poollful on- gle 9 � , , Gor- a bodroola.ehould hie at lt,aet 29 feet "Is there any reason why we I I In -that city. mans are greatly excited over news turn from the light a�d sock the lit lonalb, 15 feet In width, .and io and Proclaimed a .reinforced state ,of guards, under control of the W9rk_ loli juice, two teaspoolifuls minced should aipply a different measure to I I HUNDREDS KILLED BY BOMBS, of -the revolu-tion in Uermany. They Strong. . ed 'a , to I Shadow when the light to feet in belght. In these days of over- slege. Fighting continued through- ers' Councils, and the formation of parsley, One-eigth teaspoonful POPPOr, Turkey than we have met o it - ontleavored to destroy the Polleh em� A Sense equally well developed in crowding, neellieciag, to Say, we do not out the day and late Into the nig -k 0 a . ,Lpn4on; Cablet.­4E,bert Govern- . lit, Revolutionary Employon , nd W rk, salt to t sto. the Chrietlan communities of Gvr­ � mont troops have bombed. publlo blems on the consulata at Opole, Plant,$ IS that of touch. The oeusitive all got what we require, Windows workmen everywhere building barri- ers' Councils. Scald either the milk plain -with the many and Austria? . � . bujIdIngs at Lelpola in an attempt to RAILWAYS HELD UP, plant Is the exemplary ca4vet; tile Should always be. -open a reasoliabI CadeS. In the course of the afterilooilt The resolution further deluanded fish. Add the seasailiVgo, and, In the "I want. the .1foliammedoms In In- � lightLest touch caueee it to furl Its amount and a plece of Wood fittode a military airplane dropped bombs on tile convOc4tion of a 'central Soviet meantime, rub together the butter and d1olodge German workers' forces, and- London, Cable - Communists, � idia to got it well Into their min -do 1, ve occut"ed five station& in leavea and eventually It droops them Into th; window frome either lit the Joh4nalsplatz. Another airplane wav Congress, tile establishment of revolu- flour. Add a little of the scalded that we are not trealting Turkey ve- ae*oral hundred, peragns. have boon who ha toward the ground Naturalists have tiollary courts to. try Dr. Kapp, Gen- mixture to .1.41�,, retuni the who verely because slie Is Xobanlinedan. I 'killed as a result, Says a Berlin de- the ellatern section of Berlin, refuge top or bottom of the window ensures Shot down by the workmen. . le to . .. ,explained this- action by say'.lig that Tile general postoffice, railroad sta, oral von Luettwitz and their Support. the doubi boiler and cook until thick- We Are applying equollyt the game apatolit to the. Exchange Tol:graph to permit the rectiariAlon of railroad a touch so Influences the leaf that it a tree current of air Without the dan- . ors, � . : 1 -1-1.1. _149r"Oany, � 100 tratfic until their demands have been ger of a draught. However cold the tion, town hall and other public bull& the release of all political pri. oned, about 20 minutes. Then add the principle 0 her as to .A,gstrla. which *V*+ � 6 IT a message say drives the water to the dopiroqsjon in , , sellers, and Payment'for time lost parsley, A few leftover canned peas, is the greatest, Christian comniull- I 'UT e 200 wounded In ti the stem . and that the leaf linniedl- during the general strike. a little minced, cooked carrot or Some Ity." . were i J4an 10 me -bp says a dee.P,atch to the Exchange weather the windows should be kept- ings are istill In the hands of the vol- . atteet flo'hitino in Berlin on Thurs, TelegrAm Company, flied at Berlin open, The sleeper 16 quite sate It the unteer forces. Losses In the fighting - day, . this morning. &tely wilts for lack of Internal mote- blankets are sufficient -and warm. if are said to be extremely heavy, and '8,TJPPRl4SS REDS IN NEUTRA14 finely /6roddod canned string beans, Referring to the temporal power - - - - ture. Even. -if that Is true, the plant- ventilation IS ,lafnared the impure 04v - rumors of hundreds killed and -wound. . ZONES. . or diced cooked celery may be added ot the,Oallroliate, the Promler eald Ae . ALLIES TO ADVANCE? !s Influenced by the contact of some, to this Foul). if desired, the flour could not Interfere In a relI9104.3 . ler's Worm Powders-, and they are as heavy and set� ed In various parts of the city .are met,* London, Cable - Private advices Berlin, Cablo-There thing outeside itself, When an animal ties low down in the room, conse- on every hand:. ma7 Lo -omitted, the butter being question, In which tMoliammodaio are many pleasant to take as sugar, so that is influenced in the same way the re- . . from Paris state that the Ebert Gov. and half a cup- the , I I I . . , Indications, accordinfit to a despatch. few children will refuse them, In sult le. due to the animal' quently the nearer the floor one ornment has asked the Allies to per. beaten Into tlie soup . inselves differed. . I from Cologne to -day, that the ,Allies some cases 11 Go"S 01 Oleeps in a badly ve-AtIlated room the fui or .ovizeC. brown or wt lie rice oi The delegation I requested .that the . I they cause vomiting touch. Berlin, Cable - Berlin has. not mit It to send German troops' to put be Investigated I . are preparing ,to advance their con' through their action in an Unsound The sense of taste Is an endowment injore Impure, air W breathed into the yet succeeded in emerging from the down Bolshevism In parts Of the now farlim iv.,Y be combined with a little .-krineulan massacres . � : I of the ,.tup, ten stirred lu, to thick. by all international Coallulogion, on 1. i . ointrations. of troops at Strasabourg stomach, but this is only a manires. lungs over and over again. chaos Into which it was thrown wht,:n tral zone which was established by I willich the Moslemo were represent- . I . of Dlan-ta of the lower orders, algae "As a general rule It le better to Dr Wolfgang Kapp and his associates, the Peace Treaty, and In which tile oil. , . � .1 and Metz further into Germany if tation of their cleansing power, no among others, When particles of dif- sleop alone than with another person, by' SMELTS A LA TOULOUSE. ed. I the country does not quiet down soon, fildicatiow that they are hurthil. flreilt kinds are thrown in the water with a Coul) d'otat, took Oyer the Gov. Germans were not to have trnops. Regarding the AlraleniaTL 1110,06- .1 e algae, the plants make a ernme . There Is 110 intimation what action Take 12 swells, ofie tablespoonful the Exchange telegraph correspond, They can be thoroughly, depended among th � and especially Is this the case lit a week ago, Although al- acres, the Premier said the Allies � ,; . � ont at.Amzterdam reports. , regardt,to chi-14ren 'Who often move I upon to clear all worms from tile choice at once and cEng to the ob- I JiL ni butter, one. tablesroonful of flour, half i ­ about a good deal a d eo disturb each ost all, It not all, of the troops the Allies will take In this matter. were bound, In the Interests of clvlli- � . , MACHINE GUNS KILL $0. system, 09* jects, theiv can acolmllate; and if they otlior's rest consIdenabIty." I which formed the"backbolle of the re- President Ebert maintains that ,a teacupful of WhitcwI*,oue and a zatio,n, to everelce control of some � , Berlin, Cable -(,(33y the Assocla- are capable of perceiving the savor of - 0 � P - volt, have left the city proper, the 41sw Military action Is necessary to save half dozen mushrooms, three table- sort, since the Turkish Government � , .� tt.". Press) -A pirty of soldiers At- their ailments and of choosing cor- orders continued spasmodically dur- this Section of the country from the spoonfuls Of catsup diluted to halt woo lneapo'ble of piotecting Its own ; � -tain kinds out of a inanii of different , . . mgth in water, and one truffle. subjects. I � _� ; .Ing Thursday night and Friday, Many Reds. its stre I tempting to pass the Alexander-Plati 11 6", ""' ASSINA '- 0 kinds, they may be Said to be endow- S 0"VIET RUSSIA additional casualties, BERNSTORiP TO BE ronmEn Cut down the backof the smelts and -f wan,t to give this feeling to the y9sterday afternoou was stopped by A S.) I both in killed , , 8, crowd, whetcupon, the soldiers fired a ck� rrA . ed W-Ith the eeni taste. Among and wounded, occurred during this , "',, .. MINISTER, remove the bone. Close theitfish and Niumulmans of India, Who stood loy- 1haollifie guns, killing some people. on %914"� M the higher planto the senise of taste led, Co lay them, in a. fireproof dish with the ally .by the throne and the Empire," . The number Is placed,at about eighty. '6 lo,zz common and'Jeas eally dletin- M Pentagon, Cable - An agree- *ine and catsup. Put the dish In a said the Proluier; "we recognize that . , y cases it is un- � KILLED BALTIC OFFICERS. ched regarding the are cooked. � RUHR DIST ICT AFLAME, UF CURR"S MATA gulGhod, but In man 141AKES PROTEST Per . in roorga hot oven till the smelts they have the right to be heard In it - I - A � denlably ,present. In addition to further shooting, . alzation of the �Qerman Cabinet, Mix with tile liquor- in which they matter which cepecially affect$ la-' .1 -,Stuttgart,. (3able.—The Ruhi dis- __ If all Insect Is. set oil -the leaf of one whicha number of persons were kill- it Is .stated in advices reaching -here ck; � trict - Is aflame with Beishovism, ae- I! the dro-sera, the tentacles oX .the ed or maimed In front of the Hot to -day. Dr. Schifter, Vice -Premier have been cooked one cupful of sto lam. We have rlargely' deferred to ' lei rub together the butter and flour and their wislica in the matter. The ot- � � . cordI4 to offlc!al reports. Essen has . lictim This , Time Was a ' Will Not Recognize Sale of Adlon, three officers were shot dealt and Minister � boon taken by,a red army, and Gen- - Plant fall upon the Inors'el at once. � I - Chancellor, of Justice, will become stir this in also, leaving It on the tioment was very largely *affected bv . Sinn Feiner. If a nou-nutrItive isubotgnoe IS set on I Merchant Fleet, and one officer was mortally wound- gramm according tc� this pro� spoon until 'y ,tirring It has dissolv- the opinion ct the Mue4ulnians-� of I I � oral You Watters' local troops are I the same place,. tile plant, gives no ed at I o'clock to-dayt by mombers e, and Gen. von Seecht will ed. Then add the truffIeL minced fine- Ind,la.tJ I 11 I . - . tivAiting, reinforcements. Thuringia ­___ sign of recognition. The microscope of become Minister of Defence. � I the Security Police stationed at tile ly, Sellson, with sc.1t and pepper. Cook, . . - - - , . . I I I I is, said now to be under control Of I London, Cable — (Canadian Press) � shows that the tentacles quiver as It guard house of the Brandenburg, Gate. Caiptain Fisher Cuno, General Man stirring all the time till -'the sauce Is QUITS HAPSEIUFtG,PYNASTY. . I G!�*ernment troops. ' Aftvices from Coi-t indicate that a with delight when they close on: an By Gen. Horvath to the The police Ord . ered a omelfRe ager of 'the Hamburg . American creamy, then pour It over to fish and. Vienna, ,11arch � , 20,—Il'ormer Arch- . ­ . a ant I I � �IiNING, DISTRICT ALSO, *a Steamship Line, is slated for the ; . � . 3, ta of excitemelitt prevai-s Lills. lu..)ll, agreeable morsel, still that the plaut� Japanese. . bearing the officers, who were report- serve very hot. duchcoo Marle, Valerle,'granddeught,er � I I Berne,'. Cable..—The situation in Ing, following tne murd,-r of Lord secretee a zpet,lai eap at that me- Ministry of Finance, and Count von I i i - - I ' . . . � ed to have been members of the. aBI- Bernstorff, former Ambassador to the of the late Emperor Francis ep , RhIlieland Mayor Thomas NlacGurin, of that city ment which. it does, liot oeorete at 4 0 0 0 $ +_4­�+_"_#_+_+_+ � 0 0 0 It-# ­ the mining districts of the . ' tic force which invaded Berlin, to United States, for Minister of For- * 4 0 * . 4, , . ,ribed in advice% reaching here: � . has renounced her membership In the' . � . � is' dese by a gang of eo. far unidontit ' any other time At such time the London,, Cable — According to a halt; thereupon a crowd surrounded eign Affairs. I I House 0 %peburg, aiiA has givea up 1W gourmand . f EE i , I led assas- I . touda,Y� as still extraordinarily serious. - Bills. I I plant is comparable to the Russian wirelose despatch to-aay AL the car and the officers opened fire The report of the agreement for .,rfaining to her I I i - whose mouth "waters." all prerogatives.- apP( ., , . :*In Essen alone the number of dead Mayor MacGurin, who is a Sinn Tchitcherin, the Bolsheviki Commis- with revolvers on civilians. All I,rm7 the Cabinet reorganization and the former positicn.- She aid this in or- � . , � �� . . I - become a ,citizen I . li estimated at 00. In Cassel, 17 'Fe;nor, was sftoc do,vN,il. without b ng sioner for Foreign AffaIrs, has sent a ored car appeared upon the.Keene and Aecow.Tbanying slate are printed in . . t . el - Plants poinces, then, the sense,% of der that She' might . . - dead and 64 wounded are reported, given a chance to de!,nd himself by eight, touch and taste. They have note to the Governments of JaPau, the soldiers InAt throw hand -grenades The Hamburg Nachrichten, Will Republic. I . given lie evidence of other senses, b ' . , - Of the Austrian -, , � . and in Nutei 23 dead and sixty isix masked men. who invaded his ut Great Britain, Frillice, Italy and the � ch . FIGHTT FLIES. .1 ­......* - - &*, . . I . I I tw(.Uridod. I : home, Hie murderors escap3d In all some branches ot the aIg into the officers' car and simnitan- declares its informatign came from . S.p,6.N,I,9H_MOff00dAN CLASH* ac family United States, saying he had received gangly the police fired,with their rifles a reliable quarter. � . I . I I . 'Chistay Noske, th3 Minister of De- have two microscopl-e organs with information to the effect that Gen, upon it. The three officers fell dead SETTLE LABOR TROUBLE, -**-#-#-#-" 0 0 0 * .� "Mad!rld. March"26,­A gerfoup en- I I . I - . Reports 'from Stuttgart state that' ltutomcbile, many granulations which move Inces- Horvath, anti-,Boighevikf 'commander I 1. I I . I . When Vie men hnocke(i at the door �;antly. The two organs are Temar�k- � , and the other toppled over wounded. Paris Cable — The situation in 3farch Is here and warm. days near. counter between. the, p9lice and friend. . I . I I fonce4, has withdrawn his resignation of the Mayor's house at I '&clock this ably like the organs of hearing of in the terri'toryl,,of the Chinese Eastern Un erminat- IY troop-� alid a stroni body of rebels: 1', ' , iix,. consequence of a declaration 'of morning, Mrs. TvlacC*L,Lr.0 answered the ter den Linden was crowded at tile Berlin late this afternoon was Such I . Railway, has entered into negotiations � Now to the time ,to befftia ex t . � . jalollusks, worms and other low forms time, and the explosions of the grei as to indicate that the future depend- war on the house fly. Governm6i In . I . , confidence in, 'him by the majority., call, As Soon ,is she unlocked the with the lapaile6e Government, or Ing the vicinity --of. Lucius, Aforro�co, ' . ... I . . . ,960alists. . door tile six mon rushed In. Two of of animal life. The creatures Qf the Japanbse ,-Compailies, for the sale ades caused a panic. Six civilians �ed on the solution of the general experts maicing exhauctive .atudy *I is reported by the ' - Spanish High ,Gom� .. . . THE STRUGGLE FOR ESSEN. them held her, and the others ran up* vegotable world have a, remarkable the commercial fleet on the Amur were wounded by the bursting mis- strike, according to. advices received fly habits years ago found R6 favorite miGGIOnAr there. . . . I I . . I sense o,f -direction in space. if i root- Of — i . ,hinisterdam, Cable4--Tlie beittle siairs to ,the Mayor`�; bedroom, Drag- River. siles and were taken for medical aid here. Negotiations for a settlement breeding Places are in the stable Ma- . I I growing vertically is set In the earth � d In VOLUNTARY .11-4-FEt PRISONER.. 1. for-thd control of F,ssen, home of the ging him out of bed, they forced him horizontally, 3 begins at ,on e to tur The Commisldoner declares this fleet in0 the Hotel Adlon, of the labor troufiles were still pro- num, t1lie garbage, colledfl.ons an I I . I I , ut to the landing, "where one n Is a part of the nat;onalliged property I DIGORIDER.IN GUTLYINIG PARTS. grossing, and had' the effect of keep- unmilitary cesSpools 'and dumps. Af- Portsmouth, N' If., � March 20.L-.' _ lWillonse Krupp arms and industrial 0 'he centro ,� I reduced a revolver and fired Of 'hon' the -end of itA root toward to Ing the situation fairly quiet. The ter experimbliting with % number of Lieut.-Comman4er Tfi�nias Xatt 00- , 1. . . Works,. lasted twent,y-four hours, be- P at close of the Russian Government, and this In the oarly._,m � of ,the earta. , orning two persono . range, the bullet enterIn.- his chest. t exact demands of the. workmen are dlsin�ectantW­cop6or sulphato,- kero- horne, who has,fesign6d as comlinalid- f6r0he Communists finally won pog- 6 a 0 , i- communication adds: were killed -and seven Wounded in dis- unkaown, but they ,zone, Paris green, pot-asolum cyanide, ant of the na,*al prison here, will I . . ses 'on of the elty, according to. a As he fell they .hastily retreated, the Countless have . been the cures "The Soviet Government expresses orders which ended In. etreet fighting. are believed to in- .1 � . asi two Who had been holding Mrs, Mae- 8lude -withdrawal of the new remain- formaldehyde etc., It was discovered spend his last da�Ys at Portsmouth as . de atch from Maenstorn to tile Tole- . worked by Holloway's. Corn Cure. It its firm conviption that the carrying 'There was much 4toorder laot nlgJlt Ing Kapp troops, na i'borax 16 -by far the most voluntary rig I . ' � I .1 I . grant to -day. �)uring the battle, Es- Gurin jo.ning them at the door, and, not found in Out of such a trangaetion will not be in the ontlyin.g. sections of Berlin In ' tionalization of that commor *ng both the P !!t.r. � - - , . - I � . . ' — . I . . son was shelled by artillery in pos- all six Jumpinj; into an automobile.. the coal mines and thq resignation of efficacious means of A1111 ­ - - � I 1. other preparations. perm'.tted by the interested Govern. the workmen's distriet east and north President Ebert. I I fly egg.and its Maggot.. Asido from NO ALLIANCE$ W1114 BELGIUM- ��� . ��� ��� 11 � - I session of, the. workingmen. I Which was ,watting for them 2t the _­*�� I �ments." . of the city, and even In the Semi- this, borax is a benoticial ,addition, to London, March ,19�-The correspondent . " � �, I I A Berlin despatch Friday night cs- curb outside the hell", and r1ding, . " The note alludes to Gen. Horvath as faghiensble Choenenberg section, 3131P SOLDIERS FAIL TO CAPTURE manure, preventing -It from the fierce of the London Tbaes In Paris says he 61. I I . I . timMed, that 300 persons were killed swiftly away, �, eelf-appointed personage, who Is where, it is,reported, that -twelve un- I I MUNICH. . is In a position to state that there Is 11 . . Id � , :11, IV "burning" and., conservIng Ito strength. no, truth in a. roport frow Brussels that . ' � � in the.fighting for the possession of Mrs. MacGurin- telephoned for a ffightwa considered by the Soviet Government armed .,army Rficers. leaving,�thc city Copenhagen, Cable - A despatch The fly lays her .egge---hundreds of the British Governmer(t bas guarantee& I � . L , �11 M.'son. � doctor and a priest. The Mayor 91 . I to be a "bandit subject to a m1litary on a truck, were dragged off the ve- fr(')`m. Munich, Bavaria, dated ThUrs- thousands of thow--on the fresh mEL- : military Support to k�iklum for' fivi -*,� I . . . � � I . 1WGE SPARTACAN ARMY. $ died a few minutes later just aft -or 177�1 criminal tribunal," and It gives warn- hicia -by a mob and severely beaten day, says Premier 'von Kahn, in ad- nure and the eggs hatch into ma - years in case that Fralice and Bel lum "',, I . 1. . . I � 9 y or ;. , - . I . . Ived. .1 k .ng that any relations with him "will and Several of them killed. I I have signed unconditionally a treat . 'I the priest arr Weep I � 11 Brussels, Cable - (Havas)-Tht, Mayor MacGurin was a. Sinn 'F .Ill ( V .� dr�"Ing the Landtag on events in -eta tLe Erst (lay. The 'best plan Is, alliance for an Indefinite period. , � . � I -capture of Essell'Was effected ou Fri- I I .be regarded as an encroachment upon Reports fioni cities and townd, In NOemborg, said detachments 04 otherefore, to remove the manure once . . . .. . I � I . � t �. I .. day by a Spaxtacan army cf about 100,; leader, and, had taken a prominent "I � the Sovereign rights of the Soviet Ite: various parts of Germany tell of con- sc,-�e 1,500 revolutionary soldiers. or tv,ke a day. If there -is a vault , I 000 Olen, With 77 Uuns and an equip- 011�'bolng a ver . fired on a detachment of regulars , or a box wherein the manure Is do - i Part in tlia activities of that oyganl-, "� pride my6elf , y nor- public, thilled operations by radicals, but in DIAS AT 102 YEARS, � "Such a transaction will never be some 'of the titles the radical move- Victoria, B,C,, .Xarch 19,-BrItish ment of armored automobiles, accord- zation. He ,was interned after the mal and -healthy person," said a WO_ from windows of houses, wounding posited, ther borax needs not be Columbia lost its oldest white- resident I' Ing, to advices frem Aix li Chap�llo Easter rebellion, but later was liber- man recently, ".,but When I found that recognized by us," the note adds "and ment seemlingly Is waning and work- seyeral pedestrians, In the Afternoon sprinkled on livery day, but it It !O terday, When Williarn Cook died at � � a.ted. _, . call on ' ' t yeo - . I to -day, The Spartacans proclaimed a _ ' ror several weeks my night's rest Te- ly hinder the resumption of our men aie returning to their jobs. This a large crowd tried to storm the po- kelpt uncovered-, it ough the go of a hundred and two years. � ' Sov.ot republic there. � The Cork district has been the fused to be cOmpletely restorative, I normal economic relations wl'th the le obpeclally true in South Germany. Hot station and -23 persons werp kill- daily. Sprinkle the -borax on fairly Ire 4'as borne in Febru&M 1819, on the I � . I - . . scene of several crimes of violence thought it ,time to conoult a doctor. Japanese Government." The L ex1pectation had been that g4; and eighty wounded, The Premier- plentiful a little exp northern shorts of 14ako Chatnplain. . 31BISCU15 ALLIES IN LICIPSIC. . . � � 4 .- . . erience shows Que. In 1837 114 Was v, despatch runner I I " within recent weeks, and it is ex- And thle in effect Is What he'told President Ebert -and his talt'llful Min- added that -the troops and the police when on6ugh has been ueed-It keeps at Laelxlne, Quo., In, the Papinealti, Ra� Coblmz, Cable - A spec,al train, pbeted that this latest killing will re- me: ­ I laters would arrIvQ In Berlin to -day to were now, masters of the situation. the flies away. it is well to wet WA bellion. - ,Tolnin.- the Hudson's - BaY 1. I . Ir made up by local German authorities suit in strirgent measures EKATERINODAP. FALLS join Bustav Noske, MInister of De- y he reached Victoria In *19� �. l being "You raudt learn the' right way - I - a small Srinkling can after each ,CornP&n - , ; I at the direction of American grmy of- adopted by the Government to main- to Sloop, and that is a thing voq few fence -and Dr. iSehIffer, uAllnister of' ` '_ - treatment ,but not enough to wash . *4-1 " �, �. ,�7 � floors, left this city at, 2.10 o'clock this tain order there. On the night of . People take the trouble to study serl. f Jusii�e, and aid them in their efforts 'BIG, FRUIT CRICIP. away tho'borax, If any egg e6capes n I I � - morning for LeipzIe to bring out two March 11, Constable Scully was shot ously. Yet what -a 'world of differ- '013caucasian Town is Cap. to StNilize the e�tuatlon. Informa-' I 11 I . . � . the maggote burrow all through the . I � iiiindred American and Allied business down and killed while on duty at I once it mialtc,3 to one's, health. tured By Bolsheviki. tion from Suttgart, however, I,,, to the . n. Lure and cannot fall'to come In READY TO PAT '. Won who are ,stranded there and re- Gleninlre. Two soldiers ad Of late years feather beds have effect that the departure of the Ebor' A Bumper One, is Outlook coan'tia-at with the borax that certainly ��` . =,�_ ported In danger. It Will take 1,250 civilians were killed by gangs in the I fal�en into diefavor, and Wool, hair . Government to the capital has been * in Niagara Zone. kills thein. .- I I I I [ r6tions, enough for tile 200 perr.ons vicinLty the day before. and other materials ate need Instead. Constantinople, Cable - (By As- Pcotponed, and that its appearance .Light or ten bushels of manure .1 . . I I i Xpecte 0 o. S n- ENTIRE OR I s . ei etea to make , T . I � the return trip and The latest outrage in Cork has caus Of course, the age and vitality of the sociated Press) -Despatches. from No- here cannot be e d b for u (and no larger quantity of iiianure . . I � the. m6mbers of the train crew on a r - I . . ed a widespreaddemand for*tho talr_ Person concerned n1ust-bo considered, vorossisk to -day state that Eicaterin- day, and possibly not until next'TucG- 'St. ,Catharines DcE4)atch - The out- should ever �be permitted to store up ____ , I I 11 I . Possible f1ve days' lourney. . Ing of special prc-autions bytheGov. For the young a mattrcse is best, but odar fell on March 18. (Ukaterluo- day. lock at presmt. IR good for a bulilpeq. on the home promises) will take from i _ Tilt, .latest reports from Lelpsic ray ernment. for the protection of life in for old pGOTIO ft f0atbOr -bed on top dar Is about 75 miles Inland in Cls- IN ]VIORILIN TUES,DA.Y. crop of practically everything in fruft 61ght to -tell pounds, of borax to treat. Lenine Declaxes Russia Will I I . that -the Allied and, Arner'.can business � treland. This is regarded as a partic- of the inattress, is preferable. . caucasla from Novoro.zisk, on the According to present .pialis, the Na- this �ear. because -of the excc�tlon_ rne refined kind we use In the house- � I ­ 0�1 men. Who have been attending the Lelp. .ularly dangerous and critical time, in "A fire In th in Black Sea., It IS not said positively tional Assenibtly members will leave ally favorable weather. . Not Welch. " . - i � a lyedroom, except . 'told costs 10 conts a Pound, Common � Zia f4i rhave kept to their hotels be- view of repeated assertions that have the clies, of illness or 'Very old people, that red trocn.s took possession of Stuttgart In time to attend a meeting Thus far few If any contracts have borax, unrefined, tells for much lcrA, I -, . . I . ! " . � I causp-of the disturbances In the city, boon made that Easter Will bring a it undcoilrable, but In very cold Ekatorlilodar, but .as a DoIshevik! of the Assembly In Berlin oil Tues- been made ty the growers of the Nia. and the crude mineral, colemanite" 103 ` , bat that every provision had been renewed attempt on the part of -the weaftr I should certainly "advise radio statement said that the reds day. gara, fruit belt for the disposal of the very cheap. each kind will do about Is Eager to Trade With, the waile to care for them and transfer Sinn Fein to organiz a general re- anyone who finds ene, experiences a were within a few miles of thattown 110pa had Vesit, entertained that, 'coming Season's fruit crop. JItepresent. equally well. Garbage, ce&SPools and - tlieVo to the train as Soon as it should volt. The possibility of an outbreak 1 sense of chillilicee, which is, not 000n on Ne 18th, it is believed here that with the overthrow -of the short-lived atIves of the canners have beell dumps which nave'r ehould be World. ' ' . I roach lelPsic. Is feared maii)r of those Who have Shaken oft oil getting into bed, to its captdre by the Bolshoviki has been Xapp, reginw, conditions resembling, thrdugh the dictrIct. lookfi�i for ton. tolerated within city limits, should I I Tatched the trend of recent events 1. effected. . I . J ALLIS S COXGR,,'�TULATE GOVERN. 1A n undress by a fire, wrap up well, and . I .0-0-,C�_ even a a small measure, those pre. tracts, but hl�'vlew of the uticertainty be tramted In the eame, way the Island., Jump quickly Into .bed. To got chill- . ,vailing in ntrinal tinl_­4, might re- as to prices so far not many growers There is no question lia to the offl- London, A-1hr&.1 Zi. --George Lans, � . MPDNT. I � but moot of the strike have signed up for tomatoes, cherries. cacy or this treatment and where it bury, ellitor at the Wily Herald, Just Berlin, Cable - 1(spreaentatIv(:,s Discussing, a ropott that deflaiie lid flight after nlifit' will result In rs In �, - - Berlin continued to-daY to absent ts used the filt-T dIgapptar with as- ,bac,k from a Six months' . tour Ot : � of Great Britain, Italy and Belgium plans have been f)rmulated by iflo Positivo injury and interfere ,conold peaches, strawberries, etc. � , In this city visited Vice-Chaticellor - Sinn Vein for an armed rising, a4A I crably 'with Sleep. SOCIALISM IS .'tu'e`m,soIve,3 from their Posts, Couse- There Is o, large donalid fo"r the 141a. tonishing promptness. It it "were uni- Sovifit RuE131a, gran4ed ft -d0- the ' 1�; Schiffer yesterday, and coligratult.ted that this has b -n known to the auth- OVE ALOADINO. � quoutly the Population still was ex. gara belt yield by 'diiiMted States can- v0%ftlily need all cities Would be fly- firet, Interview he has given gincO 1101 . I the 0ovornment, on the "speedy re- oritles, for going time, the Dilly Mail 1'.Aany peopio mal,e tue inl0take, c-, perlonclug difficulty In obtaining hers and fruit concerns, but tlxe grow- free. reituru. in the ,couliset *I! 4io coilver' supplie6, . moval of the Kappist usurpers," - says : ove-r"Daulug tac bw W1411 U,PV0.rl1lI;8, A DARK Ma E N A C E lid Situa- erts here say they -will not make any - The fly h-, a ispreador cf disease saLon lie quoted Lenbio's own sulu`; 1� . ac- "It to not believed that the move- tnue wauingt it ilupcostWe to sletp Until the disturbed rallrc contracts with the United States firms livery borax oprinkler from this tirtle m-ary of Russia's Position U foll*V�43: 1 � cording to z semi-official .- ows agency g to tuo -�",J"ill; W,11(w tion Is again brought to normal the until they held a meeting to decide torward ehou'd be doomed a Public- "Rusela c"ande r44adY to repay her 11 . annougooment. niont Is sufficlonVA7 Supported, to be PruponY ov�lll I situation will remain acute. Some ot ' � really formidable, although It Is pos- Weeses on tile WOOD% pts to what this year's prices shall be. benofactor. - entire dtbt to the rest of the World. � Lord Xf1marneek,'BrItIsh Charge ' the, tallroade'llave made attem . 0-0 — . . . I --*--*� I We ale ri,ct going to repudiate one � F d'Affaires here, Is quoted as saying the sible: there may be sporadic outbreaks ­JLXogpC In eXtrel;16 weather, two Churchill Reiterates Lloyd resume service, but their efforts, have - � . I penny, We are allowing the auditors L � granting of supplies and raw materials in certain districts." -good woollen bivoi.teto s4oul,l be suili- . .1 ft _ clout 811ul the ad(Iftioll ot all eicier George"s Call not ,proved altogether Guccermful. 0134 , n I of BrItloh baults to 00111fte to Russia k to Germany would be Dossiblo only if - - - - I � . '' -,- CHINESE BANDITS " ani check up their &bts preparatory $ 6 4 � i i .... +-*-*4-0-+ 0 6 0 avun quilt and Me usual sueetei, 1cleal train Is reported to have arOved In, -Off M to ropayment. ItussIA's natural to - i constitutional conditions Drovalled,and bodmouies suouLd he light and warm ' Cologiletroin Berlin this mornink, the 6 K S "AYOR . ,thera tould be ,tie such assistanco If I I For a New Part to Oppose journey having been without Incidento I sr,ur(cls Rro airp'e to take taro of all ; peace and or4or were disturbed. 10 tao healwy, and never on any ac- . and one will leave -Cologne for Berlin al Xree U. S. Missionary, But her IndobtvJnt1cc-- wgwAfin F on nzvotT LEADERS, Plants Can See, count should, they be pollen up over Labor. to -morrow morning. Another train � ASSASS11NATED "Ithgarding trade between Russia the mouth or noo,e, It is Obvious that ,reached Frankfort from Berlin during Seize British. . .and the rcot of the vrorld, we are London, Cable - It Was announe- e this moane ,hroathfirg imDUre air all - I od Itt the �,.,,den Met yesterday that �� Touch and Tast night, with the result that boFh blood the day, -ibut a train �fA-AM LIgAltz ' ____ — � ready and anxioue to resume COM- ,� LO"On, Cable - Winston ftell� bound for Berlin found the rn mortial negotiations and ready to , � and brain are literally voisioned and cor Churchill, the War Secretary, to. irfut, and ,could .0,traek ,o ,oudon, Cable - (Saturday, Morn- � the ribert Government had offered . 'Aal con- each'o A Pekin special cable says* The Ith gold large rewar,,*a for the, arrest of Dr. 6 ! 0 $* 4 4 6 6 I up tat 11 r . th.. L id goods for Anything .0 greater part of the next day added funI to the poilt capital, � lftg.)---Vhe' Lord Mayor Of L;Ork Nvah 'Rev. Dr. A. L.. ,Skelton, a n1frAtonary Pay '" . al Plants. pc4wwo at lonSt throo 6011610A a -y- Fc�'iec_ovor, The clothes zhould flagrAtIon istarted by the �,Vllefi tho, attaek, on the offlears ,shot dead at I o'clock this morning of the.Dleciples, Dt Christ Church, who we receive We are esteclallY R114 - Kapp and (!enoral Luettwitz, the * - md- a Proposal of " , .ous to begin trading with LN&I,and . not roach above the neck, and it the Premier Lloyd Georg I era of the recent revolt In Berlin, no- -a!ght, touch and ta-ite. Thoug cold -well, wcar a I to a AoWLDarty m that The ,Coal. occurred in the Solloonenberg see- The revolver was fired by nioalted por- wasj� captured by bandits In January at On - Oil head get3 very n Laoyakuan, near Yunnan -Vu, has -1 tl:e: VnIted ,eft,tes. We w4ut to Coro a despatch from Cologne to oppose labor and lion last night a mob first Surround- solls, wllose�jdentlty 143 unknown, Th�V stop fighting and get to work. . Ing to tbolr manner of expressing thCr emo!. nightcap. into a now party to opose labor been released through the efforts Of ,, to -day, transmitted by the Oxchango tiona, is very modAwt, they are far ..Vory few beft are made 'correctly, the extrellilsts , and ed tile truck in which they were rid- entered his resMence, and after firing the American Legation, and lei pro- Russia reallroa (ille CA1111,04; do bU41- I I � Telegraph vorreSpoullent at Amster- jllg.`� Soluer of tile workmen 6ftbed the shot OseaPed In an alItolllobllo� rlet,i; with 0e re�t 4 the World on i trom being Inert. A very brief into- Usually one finds the clothes ar- fil an article In tile Evening NOM, upon the truck, and dissuaded the coading under 0scort to. Yunnan.ru, cOmmun!otle lines -at least 110t Yeit- i AAM. SCHOONERS SE IZED. roscople study of their life ehow6 that ranged go that there Is twice as much Mr. Churchill ,reiterates the Premlerls , people from Injuring the officers, TWenty-soven ' police and Govern- wilero he Is due to arrIve next Xau- . thorefore wo are willin)g to trgad in ; thet posecea a sentient existence thicknee,o over the chest As over the tall of yesterday, and characterizes owing to t1fe fact that they were not Mont 01hployees, had been assassInat. day SIM41talleouGlY with advlc#s Of accor(T il�'e with existing cormmerelial I �t 't Haml)urt, Cable - The 0,.nian which, though lew porfect than that redt Of the -body, Thle Can easily the so-called Socialist ,Party as the arnlod.,- Tho. -truck was permitted to ed in -Ireland olnee January 1 of last the relea6o of Dr. Skelton, Carus news I a I sch,mmerg Schwamburg, Itc-g6naburg methods. I I - of the higher animals, In some ewes -be obviate(i by seeing to it chat the- most dark -and formidable means with proceed, but when It reftched Xlen- Year, according to an ,official go. of the capture by -the same band -of '-Regarding 4ilrect liegOtiationli Wkh I $Ad Wittleabaell were taken posses IS 0(lual to tile sentliont life . of the blankets reach only to the Middle of Which BrItish civilization is con. iienstranse another mob dragged off TIOUlloenleut made In the House Of bandits all, a l3ritleh infsalftftry named the Western Power,& T -stand ready . #Ift of at Xlel Without bloodshed yes- torfty m-orning by 8411ors Polyp& and spongee. the pillow, so that when the Shoot is fronted. t1lom luerel. Commons Thursday by the Chief See. Metcalfe, belonging to the China In- to meet Lloyd (�eorge. or any (A bid .. I at the 'Sight is the beat developed of the, turnea back the clothes cannot come the officers and beat . 1 nityu 6tatioll, after till, Govefilment In the,.meantline, Andrew Donar lessly, reatry ter Ireland, James Ian .Mae. land Mission. representativm at Ally Pkte StA at I . 4�_ tri In the station had been dis- ' table nenaes. By this wanoe the up wbove the neck, and are of thil Law, the Governtilent leader, is mak. This morning Spartacan Placards Phoreon. . _""�4.__ any time. I knOW that onto We T-ftet .1. vol'o Ing a speech also Upholding the Coal- were seen lit various parts 0 utrageL in t Woman's grahAost Age. I af*W, according to plant Deroolves till light, though it vame thick'acca all over the, body. _y tile Tile latast previous o he Ithe.rer will, be no mom lronbl�, but 11 reports from ,0 t . I X161' reelved here, The officers of. doL 110 distIngulsh tblecti. The THE PILLOW TRAP. . � ItIon. Labor has been quick to no. city. These accused Xoske of -To- 00r1t district waa Perpetrated on the there mu(�it be nL,90tlAtIW6 b6k" ''I . ;.­ �. the trul"r-a were d*pcged and the ea diebts are Paid and ecovomit re1*003W , .. �,� , rth worm. the coral Insect and tile " "Perhaps the bigge4t. tmp of all Is eePt the challenge, and labor State- sponsibility In the formation of the -night O� March 11, whon Conatable A Woman's brain reftobes Its graftt- .1 � whitfs fl&g wa,ll hoisted foyor the ves. he siam# amount the tifflow question. The Milow oftould Monte to -day ItIdiclatc, that tile labor, Scully waq shot at Gleiimlr,*� TWO are reolimed In full fome." 11 ., X ftla. The eaptojn, of the Wittimbach, of a-41it-, th-ey have to localized visual be of oufflelent thleknops to raiiie tho Item are prepared to fight.,to the bitter Kapp.von Luettwitz dictatortililp. soldiem and a. nutilber of civilians e6t weight about the age of twenty- ___--__4_V-6-_ . A 1'1�� organ, ,but they pereelve the DE MANI) DISARMING TROOPS. , the reMrlm add, comwilted xuloldlk. by , ene differ- hisad slightly, The uxual arrange. 141nish to determine which party %hall wtro killed by pangs In, the Zaino UVO, WU116 In the tage of a man, this "'Yoxi isay the. jury Is dellb,�ratft?** 11 , Ic ,e betw"n light and 44rUAAW. niellt of bolster and pillo d wvf,or in the 4overament. Berlin. March lk-lt fs difficult to Y;k,b%Ity the day before. does not oceur until ten years; lattr. "Yos 11 roplied tho* jmretlttle IA*7". 1 _ r �.,- ". shooting w, or one hot -_ - '. 0 �, When P, ray of 110t. ralaeltell them pillow on top of the other, Is Mml., form a clear Idea of the Position In ___.0_*,0 ­ This explains the assertion that A. ,,The Dilly Juror who hxf4 a tUirA UMMT AT ATUTT 'ART 1.17M. they 6ontract, undtir the etinaults. tively detrimental to heelth. In Ille, There is Aild to o lu the country generally from advices at With everything else going up It woMan at the age Of twenty -o'16 if% I" ful of brains Is probftbly telling 0 �0, I ", — = . , .1 , ��.,, Londgill, Nltreh 20. -Th# German 11 The Inflience of ll9kt 14 016101Y c"t of a child the plll*w abolald b hind foot of a rilbbit. At any rate, Itl hand. Reports have Wen received seams istringe people should -find it so IL better pvmitlon to give A matured numbakialls that MY cliftt Is toft." ,ck ,;'n the left I 1, X*Uoi*T, usembly will entinue its I shown by tills plan kept Iii a m*m 9i It WIdtli rklak will guppgrt �b skouldWt tat in tb* xoV,p. I �, �_i I t. : of an extreme railical movement In difficult to keep ap app"raness, JUdgWOnt 1,1111111 4% Min at thO SAM# *a. -191mingliAm Ate-144ftle. ,�O. I 11 I � 1�� . � - . I . I . i� i 0 n" 11:1 r, MM Ar , ,, 1� "k #Waft I I I.'I F40 L_� R N R. Ill I _" , , I � 1� - I I I ` I I I I I I I I I I 1 +.+4-4- 1 1 1 1 I � .. '# . . 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