HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-03-25, Page 6­, I , 7 ,�11�,"��',`.' " .... r . r7TF-.W,-Z%V-r,.r r.wr �" I � �"',"­1111 ''Imlow"A11.911'W" —_ ___ _� — , " 1 sp I'll 1, . I - . I �-` I 1: � �, � i IF � 77 i� , I I I 1� F7 �.?* ; q, �4', , .;", I 77m,7717MR�, 77 I . 11 �.I�F__ , - , '. � , - , . 1� ;�.,,fe,' �, 7, ', �,� t , , � , . - � , , ;, wppp' 7777`747 � � 1.''i , , - 1, ,�,�* ` I " � -11, -, I- � I . I , I I I , 7 - " , ` i � - �,;., -, 77, 1 ., . 1 I , 1, , ­ - 1, 19 I X "I 77 q 7 .11 . ,�.,. . I I 4 li � , ,, t_,� � , ,'. IV I 1. " � � �, , -1 , �- I I , " "', -:. . ": "O. - ; -,, . " �W�� , . . . 1 I �.: . I . . . I '.. I , . . . - ­ - � I ", 1. � : , , t , ". . . . I I I 0 � - , W. ,�,: �'.�, , , 777r7 ,­­, " I If ­,� "", I I "1;1_11�.. �. WKI.. _ , F"�'17ffr,p� , �,� . . I p I , y;, I � 0, 4,;_ I.:, I . M fto ,_______­______._._ - ­ -1 ­ - �,110_01"0,10" - ­ ­ ­­ I -1 - I,— ­­ - - -------- :!�._­ ____..__ �. I I =1_111=ol.,"�111,,I: - _"Wooml - - � --- ----- --- --- !_ -1 – � ____ J1. . � I— . �, '6110W ___ __ __ - _ " I - o-w o-- — ! A '44 -11 1. . - -, ­­_ ­­ - 100 0141 � lip I - t 44 14,O)"'"'4, # t " +4411��, i I "�_ nl*L 1-1 IN lead leAmood so lar4*y in the P0410 I , 0 . #--% I - - -_ 11 ­ -1 i_.__ - 9 ­­ i __4;;.;;;="r.;� �;�Z=;-.��4&w. " - . "pave You Dver .1 houghtof 0", WXX QWte forCotton. Hot, too, W IF YOU HAVS A FRICN-D V004 eywy %saritlux, 40 tkwt tbo I a 6 : U a t - , X'6� , 1, t, - I. "000, , , M, . - I L I - I 4 "I 5,41 all % Alt; Ito ollroavoa tot. llio"­,W" i �­­­ ___ , - - I I nummood him ootagrat"Umu, but ansoatoonsom"01 8011"oe tlesh Of I I IN 11" HIS AILT" I th'10 OW. yPh-OU t1A0 WM44 I L" , .� �*W_ - W "L PtoAlbutly lie dleAppoAXed, 9 -t -ole away - 1". I ­ , Y " 14 , .1 E I I I f%" , .;..That �� -01most unnoticed. His brain was 0 .-*ao thia 00.0" fismalso toonto Wont, they ,wlu b's WII Jol sd more or le". At nIW - - � ", , , 'VW114!o00%?N0%.-.4%0%000!~ I . a Cup, , burning, he wan inwardly raging with grateful. the woa-'lt spriag has nothing to dism go gum-NMAX Dt"TOX-4-mlpx- r 014 A n' c"I e n Us - 40;22W;M� 'I I 4, , .. I -4 I ��� .1.1-vn- A wenoro.1 tonto for woMOn. growinir womanhood, turb It. I laz4; tile ardordralsod, 06.- . . fury, the ferocity of balked desire, of 1103114 bearinor, change otlifo. oto, , -o 0 0, . _­ � I __ __ . - f -a- 4 4 44. 1, ; thwarted Ambition. 441110NRAI. TO NJ C It I 0*14 *t , . go' Vary S"Y t$rM#. J&MOA RO4J[$d4$,## 1-11 . 0 - I 11 � -7 -,­ 4 1�1210 I "aTHIM4,910""MCANK rsoW t diroot In Plata ,Wftp. pAbWeV0n0nM of Yo ,' - .141Z , W=or,r , I � 4 Onus A*uth, I , ilton. . � Ut,10 0 *;.t v . . . � Lt wo . it t4 state whAll � �. Married! The railunclation was not . ; . ­ 1. � I por box* 4 Mm � � . I I - - I—- . - — -_ -_ --.-. I � - � , ik" " W 0 ot * lost Joke. I , � . I worth the Pam a which it was writ- . epwomoom 3-i, ,, ­ � ;�� I ".., A Young w1fe put down 'ter book., V . I'm ARM — = W T'. . , � ton. Sir WillIved 11&d returned, Clytlogr . t a turat 0 ; '. 1W 'No, b.t h eamlr*0030 ox AU, I I . � 1CO14 roorl, the W"A 4 0194. "WbAt to It, 4a4lus?" ly produet V owell f tar*4; � oven 4rurtag bia struggling, cAve- tot . i 1�1 I was married, then would bo. children � WORIM TO Tn WWZ Alsobt or anywhero In A ber husband galred, "Ali. dearest, I a � a ol li - M housse'. � barva, Ow ng O&ys, exprecosed,, mcat likely, 11 � � --of course,'VWro would be olilldren, � watch to sure oltboor to gain or lose. &Z Go happyf " She rep"Ied. "Yea,4 but r I I In iish-And p1q, or' In ., . a son And hair to the estate; Brantley 10014: caue" oiiii.tmodoa Of the mews Y04 bad ench & a4(1 look eq, ,* h*r I 414 v 01,00; I I tas 1. i4 -tumw IlArsel ��� Wild r I Char- , r _ 4 . I -ball 14 � Ito= 1. had paoled forever beyond his Macho For Those VM Use Slodric Ora used In the oonotruction of the watch, JA your eyes lottevi I VA. pr eat jokes ra __ and the Watch consequently gaillo now," 111 know, Iva been reg- ;_ . -'14 % J11. ild witty., ropra . I I He 'walked In A kind of dream, a Oood AdvIoe. ' About the Unbe,ppin"s thAt the, ,1-.Ootk D'kTRY FAA-Af._2* .&CABO- the Pt , I ' 11111 .. rrrrrrrrrrrr �� . r . frenzy, to the gloomy house beside the, , ', When fue best of the, body causes "I'll I'". -, . "FMM I . , � In AL Of men of genius have 41*as 0011 *4 t0ra7s Or Who 1 $0,W . � My likely lomlar Uttar- � - . � W =1 .416 45511 works. He tried t the parts to expand the pivotg And Ao � age, 4114� had ov.slu In form of crttl- ,.A-....,*., I .1 O console Ulmself had to, bear. Oh. Alfred. deari I'm Owner, Box 7, Brantford. clolloon the veroull4t appearace � I With the, thought, the anticip4tion of The electric grill to ouch.�;& woud, bearings will tighten up. slid the so glad you're just an ordinary aw. �i . dr m4nners or tastmo ug othem' :, I WU$04, IS One� Qf NatUre9S greatest his success on the morrow. He had orful coMfort that we should remain. wwtch will Iwo time. Thus , your ot tollowl" I . . 14&,AQRX8, WELLINGTON COUX- . , "I , ber a Watch Is slow when you retire and . . I , tY W por,Acra, choice A t of oorreoottve onsure, one r WiIIIAm!s fortune r few Important items regarding . ,,, 4 0 rr - c 1=b_0 as 4 harmless stimulat' beVe forever, they had gone from him; but It. Never forgot that the surface of I vary r 10 acres hardwood buab, Wei mi ' say, on t4*so who dare,d to i0g, ,Mgew lost Brantley And 81 fast When YOU get up4 It wil IM114014Z 1 d t froi4. the Acpapted rules Df the - . - 0 something still ram,it According to the temperature In which Ur And in 4 high state of cultivation, no � __ Ined. He would the beating chamber not in use should waste land, good water sup ly, convon. ,,,,.,,,r 1, . ': Porog N - . __­ ­___ I r M011 , It P ru0ning, An expeuelve we wfml BABY is CROSS IOnt to town,, school and ogurgh, rur4 I - - � be a member of Parliament to -mor- be closed to Avoid heat escapIng, Wh oll ba r .)tch C . . . . I . —­�­_, 0 .0 a cQlapenagting, balance, , is, __ -Y - - —.-- _____ . � I bitil and tolep o;* of Abo aticleat Creolc ___ row; a political career still remained When cooking on top of a three. .114inger are, hone. tood road. ,Tbo , . 1. . . I I 1. .. 1. 1. 11 -, - I — .11 -1 � of. course, not affeeteO by oUang" of **­�.00r � nearly' new and vx1a44 and 9mirt authoro Abound In Jeato. , 1. - 0,0_010._.�. MM , �. --- - I . r. . last r at sq,000 by Fire lasuranoo - OW �.. .1 r_.� � L .." �, 11�,­, '$� . ", ___ to him, He was still proprietor of the beat grill the steel reflector tor grid4le Derature. $*ine metals ex,pg In f, .1 . " . ­ � Pit Works, was a fairly rich man mu t be slipped, right ur.der the to% a.4 4 01, A 94eat' imuilier, Are 4everely per* ' � 414- Mot eta, when Your baby is cross- va,luaror. This farm has never had * , . I : and no crop failure and is second to a no -ring. .. . ; 0 � 00 he com. ' ' . I there was still a future before him, W eonq Of 9, cutting aud, oneoring kind,, 4 � I Ing chamber, to throw 1�a heat up, 10 And others contract, and t lieu lie cries A great deal o for . , 'I ,�� I Ponsating balance, Is made of both Producing, grain oi- )iaV, Terms reason- th are More I)Uus slid verbal, J - ---- ­ ­ __ __ __ l .1 He tried to console himself with the When ,cooking below the tells the kinds of metals, so t AMOulit of atteatioll'or Petting chooro able. Boy Moorefield, out, I O' � 11 ....6 ­ --- hat the. colitrac. 'him-soaa , . 9, I , Inealvable, 'of course, of being . I- prospect As he walked througli, the reflector ought to cover thetupper our- tionr rethlug Is, the matte*. It is ., �_ — - '10 ZZ lut� In p4gy . I . . of one may balance the expansion rr � r � ' ' I tra atod. 13 6 ., .the Tun dos- I � I AW V blgUt to"Is gloomy house. face. of the other. . not the nature of Uttle ones to be 320AC"s CI-IOICE LAND VOlt VeNkf entirrely;4;0_1 ii sehao-,,;6r rath., � �, , Ire lot himself, Ili with his latoll-key When using the deep pan on too cross and peovish-the well child to a . sale at very low price east half - , , � - . 10yerybody unowa that the proxim. section 04 or *ngeno­of the thing. As we And went to the little room adjoining of the stove, this should I I , -40.0 west of 4th Morldlan, 10 'tb . � - - I by th% �, be covered Ity of a dynamo will magnetize the happy child- Give him A (lose Of BODY'a .ratio, north or Cadogan, Alborta, B6 4oros re;C.4,,� ,o aaV4(jrJotk'a mally 01 I 'the works. His brain was In a whirl, � . theolix,�� I . �, It TV! I--- M . , griddle to Avoid radl,illon of steel parts of a watch And ruin It for Own Tablets and he will tillou be well ready for crop; U0 am -as ready for ,crop OU . I a 1. I �Stl .." " LLIA S 'he. wag shaking with confliorting alto- heat from contents of pail, again. The Tablets are # after discing, balance summer fallow and etheir ikei thts. bumor, 7 '� � . � tion "r.10aPpOintment, the � lose of When toasting alone the d6e:1 pail ft, A watch may be of, broken Jand, . , l,A4,,r,,,,,,N,',g, f'.19,100'. 4v bl'ought to; 1, - " I th- time bein , mild but , , -to thorough laxative which regulate the un � House 12X24 ft. Atable 1. . � A by oloottr'lolty without the own. 1644, 1049 and 10x12 ft; an abundance of Im ij ego 44i eval'JOU961" aa keen ' , L Brantley, the Marriage of Clytte, the shoull br, Slipped underneath, where er . bowels and stomach,# banisli consti- 00 ater,,. hi , � I , � , I I, I , I , , , , " 119i . I I I � � ft , , , , , , I ri. be I , I , ; � I � � f NP . I 7itll'y i. I L . I ' V a " , - '" , - "t IV, I'll, t , ,4 wi� Ir 014, I:i I. :1 %1�411 Ora t,440 amu �' LAD A I 0. - 'I ' o' q1,1 4 tl-w n 61. t U rr' 'I bk&r ' -A,--- J�Jn, - Vat � 444 r I I " Ill � �­' , I.. r I ` . I : ID "I I .. - - I - I - - . - � . ,having been near a dynamo. The ; dw Xady to school and ollurch. I 1. ­ - ___ � . I .fact tUat Sir Wilfred, his cousin? the It will be out of the. way, A= both 'ndigestion; break u rice 1%250; cone -third ca,sh, balance In , as sger. For llnet4uce, jh'j� quip from I L.O., � - I the uppoi And lower surface amount of electricity In someo people Patton and I P ' � - rests Ii.,-ILPproprIato and full ... I � At'. � � . *outcast, the prodigal, would bo. lord ,s of the he steel, colds and simple favors and mlieve A 6 Or 7 "_uat annum P&YX46ats With I �'� ", ; 80 at t at it Affects, t I k , An(Mt G , . '. WIU , to of ftalling to. airj;ages, " I . .. . .. . � of,-�Il� that be, Hesketh, desired and .heatlAq chamber closed tigpdy by tile other minor Ills of little ones. Brea 0 ft 7 Put, cent. Per annur%at, A44 � , ` . I . - fby a ta'Mative . . .. . , parts of " W40h' Watches slightly , � . a 01 W, Truslor, C%nilaqUio, helauq, asked " ", ), - �,..:,. t r . for'i�hlpll. lie had risked the gallows, =calls of tb � magnetized are. Often brought I to the ' , I r a griddle on top,, ailit this ­_,� , � . 1� � . . I . Concerning them Mrs. Oscar Bedard � , bi I how&4 Would I*,e to be $1141s'- , �� I r . . I Us went to the sideboard, pQured out Unies:44-i th for drtbfl toast Ar4 -, , .1 r 1_. _ I . 11 �� . r part watchmaker, who deniaguetizoo them. Ste. Sophie, Quo., writes.-­A113aby's 0VXRX,OOXING DUND.&S-19 ACIRZ8 ed, ropliodr: "In sRW0o."" � . L' � � � r' f(wz quick 11 -OW - toast, 'Mi*e It On top When delivered to the owners they Own Tablets are an excellent remedy ' . rely, We_ haVer - .11 I I . ----,,;, "a!, �� .. � , 9, ghkos of Brandy, and tossed It down fruit and garden land, beautifuti this, ou " heard 11 — '� his parched throat. Theit' .110 paced the colls, with pan. or reflector under- are cautioned to keep loca,t0d, substantial 7 -room boMe, WI& �., ... away from for constipation. They relieved MY appropriate barn and out -buildings: a,p- bof ; I -e-1- 'I ' But Jac Mollie, Lord .Stanton an(I.Lady Mer- 111) all be. a has tUe . ­ . U,­thoUgh it must be eon- 4- down, his'llands writhing neath, It saves current, dynamos. But, when a ma prokche4 'by & driveway, bordered by, � ' 10thens, of ,Atberifi, � -was Offered I ,jes, ed Ui . r � little one when nothing else would , , a ,hoart armed at the kindly vn,. were there, and there was a pe� hind his back, his face White and � - same trouble continually It Is proof and I can strongly recommend them evergreen treeo and shrubs. Frult con - so rather poor wine. When t�id , working. In the*courso of Tat$ pacing Minardl4i Liniment Cures Dandruff. ows Of Peaches, plums, pears, grapes* IT , w . p welcome -as whose would notl- oullar expression on Percy's face as I box . 0 * ap are sold etc,, 4na i0li is. especially a for tbaNtita, W, , "It"", he sb4ok hisliettil, and Lord Chillingford he looked on at the welcomo� 4,ceor4ed I.W. ,#. ,sixteeli y that the electricity in Ills body has to all mothers."? The Tablets M , . his eye fell on -the small affected hie watch. � � 4&ptid dry)%', m* "Il: �by med,'clne dealers or by mail at aar4oning. Will sell pribloo or silb-41 . .. t!�`,Vretty weak 'gracefully, which Mollie had given 41"Unlree - SCIENTIFIC ODDS AND ENDS. , '"i . r '. - , ,� " I ,I. Said, to Jack. For the first time during the .�. 00u An observait watchmaker said t 25 cents a box fro . in The Dr. Williams' PvId . for Ap Age - . roe , . I : r. ventr of their travels. r I . hat ri This Is A most desirable an - "We ,wan'f disturb Sir Wilfred; -but electoral campaign, Mr. Hes%eth Car. . dark people are, more likely to affect table suburban borne, J, V. Biggar. Millar lest l0r,.,rolated of Cicero. Medicine Co., BrocIrville, Olit. 205,Cly4o, Block, Hamilton, Ont. .Regoat � I hope 7you *will nof'Perwit -him to go ton seemed to take a secondary place, , Half-unconaclously, Impatiently, he ' Orain Inspectors moat 1know the ox? their wutobea In this way than light . 934. WA told At a bdff%yet that the wine took it - cut the strino and took the , , N% ,. 4, ­ �_­�,� . � , ',.', dtinl�lTxg.,43.,..to.ty-rear,olo.�. 440,P,Ouxx�uxanu,T,uew4*oyiriendsof Clytle and Mollie were In th - 0 I I Act; Amount mols re -in specimens people, and women more GO than men, . 4 1 � ,. , a back box, from Its wrapper and. ned FPANOB IS ALERT. '. Us in, he said.".', 119k-�My T 'his htheY have - Shaken hands with ground with Lady Mervyn and V-1ytio $10 , - I WtW It - It contained a wine-glam a Ville- submitted And a machine has been The amount of ol"trl,!Ity In the . .�00Q,CHOTCV PEACIK F ARM ma4e to. determine ltbia, in a 30,miu-. human body JvI of course, very slight, . . I.. I near' Vineland station, 2 1 " rairilt, himl I now call upon Mr. Hesketli, looked on at Jack's reception with glass With the Bramley cr�s't engra'Ved , Ute tost. The task -storey frame ,house, 8 rooms. bath and I boa ,4 age"wW.", . [ , . A14 liars Is the:-ilasgical form of Carton." a ,proud smile In her eyes and quiver- t I but a very small mount to required of iellabilitatkng tUe tolle4 bardwood large verandah. *., tho_W.oriian's age jbkla* " L He*oth had turned, as white as a tug on her lips. At Is .on It. A, slip 'of paper was, colled up. , ' I , to magnetize the delicate steel parts French -Merchant marine has been un. ceni,ritcallo, goolalobolrr5h and stable, with I � I t for a moment or two, but he had st the party In It' W'th-lmP`RtI0nt cUrlOstltY Us of a watch, Persona of high electric Cement floors 014ro, heartfig the *jfo� of a r,,o- 91108 settlefT down to the impromptu supper. , The field of tho farm tractor Is eon- I j all now, abund-krice good . � A . took. It up and road it, I lar Saw Is organizations 4hould . weq.r % watch dertaken In earnest. Already French Water, haxd and & t I I say that-4he it as but Iliad time ,to,recover ',himself, had -bad Lord Chillingford was In. his eleme. 47 Mary Seaton," shipbuilding yards, which were clos. Peaches, there are apricots. cherries, � ' ' nt, rom stwxtly extending. A circu soft, In addition to the M " tetrt! , .; 'y"=rs old, Si.t1d; "No doubt- it time to remember. thU Sir Wilfrid had and bubbling over with geniality. now rigged Up to, it revolving horizon- with a steel ease it they w* i good assortment small fruits; -well Io. � L , U'.o re- . I . I _� That was all. The glass and the tally and a large tree .16 cut down In . tain an accurate timepiece, � . ed down during the war, have 43 '0004, A money-maker and *111 take is 0cle, for It'le t,wantk, yetire now I renounced his marriage With Olytte, "I think,we really must drink Mr. slip of paper fell from his hand and a -few minutes, A watch dh�ould never be laid cargo boats and two mail passenger city property In exchange. J. D. Blj�; .1 ­ that be, Resketh w4s still safe. He Resketh Carton's health," lie sat4o ris, his face grew livid. That'was all; gar, 205 Myde Block, � .. that','- kaT#,ko§tr,ky9,4 J§V.It " .0 %4 as good as over Is,-thlo' lio.4- ,I came forward quickly, with a pleased Ing, glass In hand. "I would join with ._., � horizontally at night, but should liriers under ecristructlon, . while IS Hamilton, Ont. I " '4' If, 1. . 11 . but he'urL(larstoo,d-underit-6od,'thfkt Mh. TT.U�A, ,Q+a+&.-1..t7. +'k. — I 1k 11 I Rogen t 034, .I, . . � Alt palmLer AVID pw*; W.110 11our0644e expression and a genial smile, and be- it that of Sir Wilfred Carton, Who has tUe glass was the ond Inta wh1tell lie In electric steel furnaces, ­ WaAs 0 U1101. upon a liall, Change, mail Steamers, 32 cargo v ' I I . � I � In. tIC1041,114.1 - '4,% , I , .- Of posItIon wIlt'not affect it inbehaill- P i 20 - -'­wlts,�G40wu having over essels and , . 4�,ft , " . � FARM rion SALE. -Iso ACRES-ItT. . I . a olo?Go' . b� ­ an , iliANIOP , �944'� 1 � returned to us after so long an ab� had po%red the poison, But Xar'T 800. at the ,present time. This country cally perfect *14tch, but such a_wateh 17, tug,% have been orde- d and work,- ,eluding 10 �Lcres of timbeir; fair I I ' AXtist, Who' 'Lord Chillingfor4I ladies and geu- sence, and who we are also delighted Seatx)4?. How did she knOW? Now on them wil! commence sh I . bOa4ti�KL'*.Dt'.,bAlvinV..,-W�et,bh-eA. I produces anore, than any other Is yet to be thade. Should the pl.vot rtly. Most buildings and fences; 111A miles from Vil- , �, t " Out 11C tJ6ni6,.my .first *04'inuat' be one ot Ao see; but I leave that toast to young. ha she discovered, detected'him? And country. . - f these vessels are to 1) o of So l I . an e -No- _O.P�eq. of time, 1 -4- . a complete I: .- z4f.ur, � of the balaudiq�.'Wheel 14 In th� least 0 ,go; Ont, Otland, Apply Box 62, Soot- L . �Y'_so Or 1 . d nd I . . �%p ." t, � , . . xtrema pleasure and gratification er hands." Ile glanced at Percy. Mollie, too, knew? She had­)g1ven Ulm , "I . in the latter Dart of this year or early I " Yes , . OkA �iiod't ijir'*�ry' wslI"�,ejdd' : wc;rn the change In pooltIon will make - , A�p;Wce�!�!�.Vut­.I am,"Arivria66 th'at'YOU ,at the presence here, XO-Wght of my They drank Hesketh Carton's he4ltht the packet; and he remenitiamd that The distribution-' Of Ph6togrwhic the watch gain- or lose. The jewel on In 1921. All Are to, be of steel. it ,;j 4 I I I , , . I doidt-'��m1akb.-i,aeve tZbgr In, -.1voir Wilfred ;.Cartola, and to AS. And he rose and made a i�eat speech, which he had scarcely notld&'at the r ords ,.will The a notable feature of the under side. of the balance wheal, UOtow6rthy also that the AV MOOLLANEOUS I .1 , pittureo ,")no ,� 00 . I I erage I mi IN - "' , . I 1. I I , f �f.4 , . ime tir4e,,? Wtv him that no 644' ViO.'IcOlnes hisl He was as self-possessed and pleasant time, me strange flash In tier y . . speed of the cargo vessels will be well � . I . . � vX4,VA4Y1ko%V...^0 0: lu� th4f, Aq. - * - , " -, " , ,. � --- � . ­ � �_ . - "Mom gl�dlk And. w#omly, than I do, as usual; what had he to fe4r? 81 fact tbat she had not shaken bonds � ­ ­ HEN ORDERING, GOODS 33Y NAM . � I . . r I .. � I I 4- ' ­ -"'M Above 10 knots, compared to. t.,pre- . I Aocotd0ig,`t& tT'Ai*dQXl,i,.16'e AreAU,' , . L_ . W. sond ,-, ,Dominion Money Order, I ,. � ' , And tb, 'or tho,Adity I owe you, Wilfred's renunciation of Clytie, Arid with him. Mollie and VarY Sea- � Cdj,��_ . _at, 6utA I �, DIS war average for such vessels of about I � I � diulloted t0L -th'0 W)34��'Alpilios Tbr* onw . . Early pr1ing brings with It qO,TJGHS1 _ . � I i . 1, ' - 1)6 rayed n I I , .� - L should Ask your permission to omit with her the estates ,and the money in ton -the ' TEM S BED CORN. ABOUT 75 BUSHELS I I , � , .1 of otk'.i,colac�mvzr%#)1*efr,-, ljllro�paintof . girl he had t I ow It , PBX Be prepa 9� 9 knots, and, that the passenger ships ' . I . ' ' MY viseell'and allow Lord Chilling- Mr. Granger's hands, All was well. the girl from whom. he Uad . . I : ,.. I � bad,14&e" .�* I I I he I ­ ., ," to 19 is ,, ttiii4e'ana, pj,oilt * h , , will range In Rpeed from 15 well sole tede seed corn, Minnesot% ,� I . � � I ,C . . T orn eaembles Golden � . 11 � - �--�fW, isli.11r�'df flip 4k, -L- Then Percy rose. He was shy, but so. much to fear n6w�' had , do- "I knots An hour. Glow. Gives st _ �k �oo#u� I . to 0,..4Q)i39WV_ . (6id to-olose the meeting, that we , No.' t ­ i I L - "t �,M�­ W Is. r , 11, t", X1 citu"t'Q .- , ". L t4�;*br _Ltiip blight ,411 hav _lm. What could It mean to I 0 .t , ­ ,,, rong stand of stocks; . � I ' � 'a I o aa� opportunity Of through his Shyness slione a kind offtocted-� bd From this It is apparent that France yielded over bushel cobs per acre I � I I .... ,r , t, ''. � � . 4 -_1 cOb_, 1, PO , - -compound � dald 1' 9 S , HIS Distemm 1. . I IV, ,,j- , -W', I bim bit danger? The shadow of ther , -, -P " , . , grb�ilui Sir Wlgred.t' determination, of fIrmness, , last year, Was planted May 29th, and I b4or agull 'O-'o.lr0.# tHe", hoxo � of , does not propose ­) coati .ue Indefi- � ,_1 I I , 0 I at lie first sign of coug tier still, give it ,as a � . I � -1-A"ta �011,tilhel. , oThere..was o -Lo-d'erles. of "Go "Lord Chillingford has Asked rue to . (ftr g" , before he a ews sgns of zicknese. "SPORN'S" d gives very heavy yield. Price . I . I '. i^ . , - ,�� 0 beers t gallows, of penal servitude, 'at least, . - ,),,event sign Ves- before Sept. lst, Matures In 90 I � , ­ . . 'r his propose Sir Wilfred Carton's bealth" .of disgrace, shame, the t6tror., of a , , I IV's ly. well as Preventive or -cure. By reason of Its Aels which the war losses for . � .tO..,Wi'r- . I �� "I 01 li� r U�o.ejjrlbkltkw�. Z) .h s nitely, the deperld�nce on for one - this ,"bURO from, I onoo go'eal" and he I ac paln4w A ,,Ucot-Y ,., , _iVe on with g_ts .1 -at ced upon d 'P I I ,:A � ' " of a Sp i .rmt, qUalitle 9, it OX , _ys id�k . r., - St- c ,; ypA)r- �toecli. He Mul"Oe eaker Iblik,gination -. - I pels tho-disease gorms, abates ber., The sooner France's merchant I . . . . . , vo_ " , 0 : resto,res appetite, and condition. Sold by druggists. I . lw�,_ ,,,�$'ho '" A03r, vir ooken better; trial; his vivid , del f see or bushel $5. Address Geo. Ai L AI?L6 " I 1i ,c 1. he said. "I'm. not much. vublloL * fever, Trualer. WrIlachle, Ont. I last 0 .__-, . .1".. ,�._.:.. , ,. L I at r tIM48 he was r marine is rsstored or broug I 1 1.�4 ,!' , . 3 eally eloquent; ap- -haven't had the Opp saw It' 411 more clearly than � can be 11 11 zrf?� . � � - "pl4igse'ind c , hears liberally punctuated shal ortuVity-but I . �� I G -, . . . . I I I .. '4e -iXOW 101i, "W110ke the . ehoo I be very glad tcf do so, It you will or nearly to its requirements in ship- FOR SALE . � , 4 set, d6wn in writing. Shaking In 4V- SPORN MEWCAL COMPANY. Goshen, Ind., U.S.A. I . � I L Ili - - �r"31,erlg&., -took h1i stirring address; la -'a .word, the allbow me to couple with ft tile health L - .6401v, With , so- __ _ I I - __ I I ­ p pIacb**'!�� thog;�:*ao,*nt , ory limb, Ile fell into the -_ - - . -_ - he sooner will it be able to c . I . , ., ,_ � , _ . .1 � . - � .. I � . L I - ____ --.-- -___ -_ Ping, t 'Ut I . . __4 1 this WP �, , ,.A . , ; , ­ - . triamph Uv_hA4 lx#ticipated :�Yas fully of-�-hls -wife, Lady Carton�"` L the denouncing wine -g`1460 A.IMOSt. � I �: � .1-c ". - . , �. I .1 1, �. . - . down substantially the adverse bai- Beautiful soft * 11 L I L 'the ,coming preside ial OanVaeo in the is known t' .. I � .. - I. Silent . J10 W� KNITTING YARNS T w" _garlftl -,AWaoproya). , ,of rex ,IIzed;`Ahd .when- thelfioeting closedt There was an- Intense touchinj his feet Exposum- A'Uill' iM- nt as he, cap jewel, A ance In invisible trado through _1� . LAXES, WOOL I I ", _ . � 1 6 I.." - .1. , ­ a. The nd the no . ,.. I J ft PrIsonment, faced him; lit . !'der United States. T,6 a great extent four -ply. finger ng yarns In sixteen 0ol- I IT,,? it M"a.-n-600"eh, who�, il L 6�'t had any doubt what, company stared. from Percy Pivot does not go, through it, Ull- longer hP_VIug to Day for the S � . cas 0 a" 0 01 6114 - bres to Sir . ervices &C64�;fila, ."'4hj1".'.L ors. Just the thing for SWEATERS, I "', i I U ad - 6fir I . A611',, and over of Mr.­,1Te*k6th,.Carton!s sue, Wilfred In amazement, curiosity, then that lie soul Shriveled at' the Pros- they will take the place of '013tUMP lees the PIVbt fits right up against of foreign-owned ship F n's I � ,4)3�t t's, I I I � I beautiful wife. ., I .oil I cess At_ PQ . . nex ay, a Peet. � ea,kers,)o. S, In rancS'S PULLOVERS, TOQUES and ollildre I - � In � he, polut-Z they saw Sir Wilfred, who Was Seated The brain works quIckI ' at such a 7 1 th'-e call Jewel a change In position present position this is a matter of the wear. Mado - In Canada by Cana- I � �g �A.4�.,.%*� fpq dlans, f rem puro LAMBS, wooi4 �ttf,.olb -'�A ake the .Watch Icee. Therefore greatest . �. 1- � . � I I .;, .qg.pJq-. a hop.0 .,.NY R. le 0 - And Y Importance, and creditors . . � - ,� .el ku, 1". " 6 Id not Icave,t 6 all until next to Clytte, take her haA4� The varying level of the INTIsslesippi "vIll in I ,mad , b%q no .QD.e, but MY- * , � � moment; and he remembered that alway, keep your watch in the Game among whom this country is co�lspjc. and, nothing else and somewh4t . i f I %4.4 I , , I ­ %, rin ad been bed � I . w ore. ItZlIcuefi;ff, , � kot a '6 ht- of thes look round proudly-, while shehlus Stephen rtawdon had olse,ppoeamdg which has long been a handicap to Poo On a bles the � high class Eng- I I - rald t pt. t*06 " ;w- ir IfrOad's name was, and cast down her eyes. In confusion. � . ,and d Y. uous, have occasion to be highly grat- -Ile'91orryarns, but so much cheaper. as . I 11 self Now 4 i . '&, But Iti night . . . I . I iiv,JW&?6:�&.Je�Vy,� -e . left the country, so he had*boat, . the Maritime development of Now Or- . ' � . . 1, ­ai, lou ly pild onthusinott- Mr, Granger was th first to race er. It lo� well 411DAVIn that it watch will ified- at the energy with which it Is you buy direct.from the spinners, Price I . . the Wim.tei&­wervi�Made Ole tarot of . a Mary Seaton, the girl wh6ii,r'hie had leans' Is about to ,be -overcome by a twenty cents per skein or three dollars . I the I gat jiln� , ­P84SA-Ula,�, the ' . r "By Hemiteal they are marriedtl� , I 'stop for some linexplained reaeon and being attacked, ­F rom The World's per pound. Small sample skein, twerity I � � .11 ,,.pr;tA� 4 � . tgl� as Mr. Hosketh Coxton's-and It he Ignored,' passed over with�-dontompt, fixed level ship canal And -harbor. 'go an again all r!ght it it is given a I -.0.4'.0-- I . __ wao 0 7 � . R nir"01". ;i (4t, �i4�011: " by a , . .,,.gmo time before Jack was sur� exclaimed, springing t6 his feet. must have been In BramlOY; or4by' � . I . 'TESS. cents, postage ftee. Also heavier yarrui � I . . -L4.; . . Ot .Ili ` Ld�dlby.Uls'fathir" �old friends. "They've out the Gordian knot! No 1 L- �Sllgllt Jolt. The came trouble may PRBPARBIDN in homespun .style, all wool, to wash (Lt . 1, I � . pby,,_11(&1,_i,60_ . ,V�0g.,.1',at � wag roull - S -farm machinory 'not occur again, for years,- This is , (London "bit -Bits.) home, In GREY, BLACK and WHIT]it . I % , 't. e I . (Damage done to � 111'.: ex. -'of course, One Of the thOy've tied itl � I ugll exposure amounts to $1,000,- An accident to which all Watches are Green -"What on earth do you want Large I I nev ". ditiiiij '­reiplled- ' "Ile- � Hei�k�tll Was�p Married!" I 1. . thro . � , I firit to'shake hands * With amazing . The word was echoed Ili tones of .. . 000 aiinually, according to an eati- at Ono dollar, Xlfty per pound. . . . . olliftS near ,corfahIt.yo4.".1, - . . . - -stamps? Why, sample skein, thirty cents. Postage free. I I � .1 0 1,4 liable when wol�l on the, person. it with that sheet of Postage . . At ,tl&o�. V.0oulas , said 69livosgesslon- end coolness, he com- 'astonishment by the rest Of ,the party; � I 1. mate made 1by experts at .the Agrl- Is due to the delicate hat you've got a hundred there!" Postage extrit-on all orders under ten � � �; w. tA a r. . ". ' A ad comm.eilt; t a , Mille, - . , Ignpred. their former meeting rGpring dollars, Georgetown � tha� �ojsu ,:W,o I h 11 88P cultural 40ollege ,of the 'University of catching In the'liairspring stud " the -boat phyp! '41 the, 6ne , pletgl%� voices rose I excit Grey -"Well, you see, I've just com:4 Woollen � 11 � , 11 . W-ho,,d s Vat,en, 'with, the �ht ,W-Itfij,p _bo. . , someone called out: . I or' In pleted a poem and I may-er- send it Georgetown, Ontario. . � 6m. � .0 11 Wisconsin. - I Wh , �e . k, , Your Hil '.., I NOTr-CAnD- - 'wh , d,o tched t � I , � sl,-'th the regulating ilins., The cause is gen- MR$ and SPINNERS WANTED, USES I - r Id. i. t � .11 ,­­ . I . I , leaev , - 'a iftlig. ., 11,Yotir'Aturti, my dear Sir Wilfred," 0 * .. I k I I to more than one editor." I � I , n�` � � I - Sir Wilfrid, Sir Wllfrld!�' , . * TO -MIGHT TRY' '�":;L .'� � � brally a sudden jump or quick move- , 6 TO COUNTP,Y - X,IPU. ., I P I , 11, y . disapproving hotilk"lialght"Well have been an ear. Jack rose to his feet, urged by Mollie, I . An electrical -lamp has been do- Merit such as'bda W - -- 4 A I . *�, I . __ I I I - . . - . — I of W - A- . .. Mn, . . I 0 �, � 1. �._ , _� Ld �_, .- .- � . I .. I I I 'gioaL a .Weth-. Iiek ob4, earlier- by many years, but whos� eyes were danolrl�& who' It voloVed In Edrope which virtually Jolt -is given to the balance wheel HELI�". WANTED I V . a.'..,bprath ,, 1 I on I ' "Sealed containing attenuated ____ . " - -,?for. - � , , eaders the . � ­'­iir " A� �!b ofilot , . ­ Ji' * I ' no wild a come at a morb for-, laughing almost hysterically. He of a metallic are Inside� of a and hairspring, and this r Does It Hurt You � I ,­­­ - ­ . I I I ­­ I . ,swas Minard's Linj,.,,i� ,, . consists bulb . toot : � tL " iz..�� 'r , :'i lrlefid how, , tunate time for me� I .regard your for a moment, still holding Clytiqls � -#,,L,,, , catching possible, The jole must come I . I lkikltl',:��,�_, , �� behum, and noon gases. The wire at a part,oular fraction ot a second WANTED i . , I a" �h, I i fiie-. h6V;6r,,,;P� ul%14 -that- Pit- !-pr4sente and your support a$ just hand, a proud light in his; eyes, as Ito for that Cold and Tired nor; Ge to Bend Over ? - I . 1 9 tioul , d4o�lt6r, ,,- co.wd- - 'e.,,be,, so � cure ' mak-Ifik.g*my ieturn'to-mofrow certain�' looked round the excited room. - anode terminates so Closely to the during th; revolution of the, balance yIRSTCL_kSS,­ KNITTER, EXpBp � . I .. � 0.1 hj,�,Suq%klpn,.,14,, P4,44-plaq. anaw4r- Jadk iibddild, an(I.ehook hands'with "Yds, you're right," he� said. $#We Well, Keep Well, Kill Sp9nish Plu. edge Of the hemispherical fron cath- wheel, otherwise the spring would :, fenced on -DubJ-4 Flat pa8hlonin I . 0 't . ." �� , . � 9 '41t6'd,hlm� "Cf,: D110 aynd Anotbtr, Vr.:Granger stand. -M so Is am , . - � % - t � 0640 I "'A 11 ods, that the current Is d!seharged not , I . Paid to Oapkblos _ , � ad, ,"IF4._ 44 . .are married, Clytle I r ley�j _atch. Machine. Good wages - , 4-1 .VW ._ I . I by using the OLD RELIABLE. I I .1 bd.' oVrr,g,t% �Y­t!- I - � , Ing by his side as If lie had a proprie- mean, Lady Carton -and 1. How we . I across the -gap spontaneously, The A watch should , be oil This Is a Sign of Kidney Weak. man, Best working conditions . . �-� - d every An daylight mill. Mercury MillsI Ltd* . r I A,'SoyiRr - ;IW-Jtfos0 fig a, mdn,dur- tiiy iijfit In him. �Lady Chillingford came to be Is too long a storyl ,It's. a 'MINAXPIS LINIVENT CO., Ltd... rays have an orange hue and, are only eighteen months, because neo oil can ness, But Can be Quickly Cured Hamilton, Ont. 1. � I Yarmouth, N.'.6', .slightly, actinic, makingtho lamp use- . _r � � Ing a snowatorm� �dtire�y nude,--as�ed.% f c=#,for*1rd from the group. very strange one -we'll tell you some % I r — � . I � . . . . it be made which will not dry up in ? I ;r . I hint 4t he Vrets fi60-cold. "And you," I "You must come with us, Sir Wil- day. But We are Married, ther,41i 'no I fill In photographic dark room$. that time, A wt�tob will sornatiTes IES FOR ME. . . " , . I � , nes I*. I resPond'�d the. _M44� ""G your face (red," she said, with suppressed ex- doubt of that Is also recommended for use In ml ' ; and we Ake very happy; � liflamin run a number of years Without oil- Don't give up! You can be cured ---- r .. r I ... 001di" 4:XIDtAr a314 At least I am, and,'I hope , .. � . And Othir 1p able � I r%N,ell I or _ J� Vger';i` . the U1119- I citemewt�._ .."We,ara going to have. a she is," Ing, but the Wear and tear on a- watch and made well again. rJ1,NTLBAIA1VS HOME IN THE SUB. �., r' I r 4, aet.,tel 6,Vtio*, %VbLt tho,: - urbs of T1114onburg Is offered forthe I r 0 i kind of Supper; we are all hungry - Clytie pressed his hand and looked' that damning wine -glass, ihat slip of gase%. may The ipresent, becauee break- In Which the oil Is dried up Is much That backache and dragging we ' , I ,Ir I � . nakea"Mae-S rajohfide,r, . _ ,, bb Und with a modest pride that thrill- poPor? He felt like a man treading tug I of the (bulb Instantly extinguishes arl- sacrifice price of $16,000, could not be � r I Of law 'ind 04 liw't t!e:ay,� these ! sides, 'we all want to Aalk ov�r this ro greater than when It is regularly and ness can be stopped for all time. built to -day for $00,000. Two acres I . . i wonderful evorillig. And I have sent ad JacWs audience, ,,Wa,Vd hgd� �ho on quicksand which.at any raomout � the 11911t. . i3roparly oiled. Never attempt to oil groldrid, . combination barn and garage, � I tales tere ja�,30rdtsd�' . end of adventures ---- Iell you about Ism might engulf him. At ch 6 0 6 Those sharp attacks when bending i A'VomaW vailn,ly Vb�adina her case - to Brantley Hall for Clyde and Mollie. � MInard'a Liniment Cures Burns, Etc, Your watch. Let a watchmaker at- over,/ and that lameness in the moru- house solid brick construction, 3 storlo& I r I , es, T'dare say they are t day! -but we've Con's L back to r *'PiiO thought predominate6,41%at of . I out stom foundation, some hardwood � r L 1 M44Y tliwo'; liefore LrUI1'I.VF Of �'Vjaeo­ ' Dil' Y lred,, but Some- flight. That was his only -chance. 0 A 8 tend to It. inif can be overcome. ' hot water beat, they are YOU119, An Brimley, to the dear old Rqll, to I He � . I ­ floors. 6 ornamental � - r dotili re4ved at ,every retu;aIL the h m SettleL down there among our friends want up to his room and. pak'ked,% DISEASES OF WATMES. Ili examining a w.i.tch brought in 114ach ache and palu due to kid- mantels, electric light and gas, excellent , . . y"that be 'hait. not the tiMe." At tlrao'ln vhich to rest, and I -want them -her friends, I should say, for I'm a Do down And L to be'repaired the watchmakers near. ney weakn es will disappear quickly decorations and fixtures, plate glass win. .. mpl L , , YOU MUbtr , rtmanteau. Then he eat � ly all follow the same course. First once you start to use Dr. Hamilton's dows. avenue of maples, numerous or. last tier httleacq�.Wcaino, oxhaueted, very badly. come, Sir W11- forgot, we .*rote a note to 0octor Mortoit, and, namental trees,, Shrubs, property, to fa � _ . � all "do stranger. But I sb*VWt -ey examine the hands to aea It they first class condition and repair, ' I I and sl 4 d to h1m,_'"Then ceasc to tred. Bdlwalrd," to her husb d, . pacing up and down the room until To most people the whims and th Pills, a marvellous remedy long ago Owner. reign," The moin"Aroli, feeling that let ttathave the cairiigel Now, you shaln't forget, your kindaess, Thank I are caught, then they take out the made famous by its strange healing will take elty-proporty or fruit farm in . � . , I lie had dep.orved 10ils rebuke, Ititilidd-fi. Wo I n't desert us, Sir.Vilfred?" you very much!" L I morning, despatched It. - I copritee of a watch are a deep mye- balance wheel, look at the pivots and effect upon the kidneys and liver exchange. J. D. Biggar, 205 Clyde Block, �. ".. A t13 o Man is L ­ ately ga4-� eat W lior and rendered I gford,*1 There was no sitting still,,At, the . few hours later, so early that the ry. Th y par of the time- the ruby pin. Next they let down the Don't Walt till that dragging pain Hamilton, Ont. �(Regent 934). 1 "ThRlik you, no, lbady ChIllin table after that. The company pressed w6rkmen on their wily from Leah- piece Apparently enter Into a couspir- Mainspring and examine the wheels, In the loins grows worse. Start tile I , � .1 . ,, , W.I. - -_ 1. � - the justic 'that. h0rtAo6 merited. ' Mid Jack, In We -quiet way, "I thalr round the young couple, asking excited, port to the Pit Works, gathered' In I I " . "I The lafot part -they examine Is the cure to -day. I .. .SO CMANCIES r Anachat 6, the. Scythian phIloso- be 'Very glad to come." .questions which It Was Impossible to 'groups to discuss the - astounding aoy to the end that the owner, may . . 11 [. q)her, E@eA.Ing of the laws .of Soloa, I vt')­ fhry orrIviM st fhn Gr,­!;�P. answer, the men wringing Sir Wil- news; it was announced that Mr. He's- Miss trains, ferries And buoiness a -p- escapement, which Is almost alwang Del.sy will mean swelled Ankles - - - - __o, _L ...'r-ow"..".01 * " U 13 6,0T AND SHOE BUSINESS rOA ; eat � T I fred'a hand, the pointments. in ,good order. Sometimes a watch- and limbs, sharp rheumatic pains �sle established over 13 years, sw.. : werap like the web of a 1ho '01111IIngfords" place, they found - women crowding koth Carton had been suddenly taken When a fairly good watch leaves maker will puzzle for daps over an In the muscles and Joints, her t , , ; . I I �.J good fr& holding the Wite a large party walting for than, 111, -'and that by the advice of -his med-. and ot her partioulara, P. o. Box Boo, Strat- � � * 11 I I I round Clytlo With eXoIaMatJ6n8,ajAcU_ leal­man he the hau4s, of a reputable watchmaker Irregular watell. One of the moot Der- painful symptoms as well. ford, I f - L owlik?9 the strong to es- laid Jack WA� immediately gurrouni lations, and endless qUesti . was starting at-L'dnft for jt Is d1ways, In f1wt--blass condition. Dlexing faults to find Is_ L a little burt It you are always tired, have con- � , * . .� ons. L I , � tape." ., - , lind made it fuss over. Clytle and Mr. NeSketh Carton, the rAan -who the Continent for skilled treatment after- on the tooth of, a wheel. Thfis rarely tituous headache,. dizzy spells and - — A petti"thi,ptf Was bolug led to I I and perfect rest. Indeed, It ww soon and if It does not behave itself ARTXO�ES FOR SALE. - - , � I . .1 ­ N,Far,d -it Is generally the fault of th& happens, but When It does It causes specks before your eyes or ringing prloon. 0goies �Gald to him: "Fool, !!.---" . I discovered that Mr. Heaketh Carton � - -",.� 6 . I I I , or Woman who owns It. noises in the ears - these Are com- ]ROR SALE-BA9R ACCOUNT ' why dildlaRty-ou rdb -on a graad scale? , I ,; had already started; one[ -, to 'the III&IIi a good deal of -trouble. RID. � - Then It *�uld, liave been you that ! I V", ­ 'One very common cause of the Women and ,Watches do .not agree. inon symptoms that warn you of the gfstor-bargala. Apply D. Corbm4n, I * watch gaining or losing Is the dia- In proportlozi to the number sold Immediate need of Dr, Hamilton's* Port Perry, cont. l . � .� Amazement and dismay of' the party, .". I " I , - . would bd $tndangL'othQrJ - t6 Pr .1 .14340U�* .1 I r C�l " � � t his opponent was returned as moniber 'L'' ' , , """"'", ,. 31 "" The_ Sionciallist for Brainiey. "L I at highL If You there are twice as many Watches re- �pills of Mandrake and Butternut. Sold , The ab4i.#4 6i4ut ,o -._'A& .pe'rao , ", Position made of It -_ . I clothed ot fettuippod vith " metlittig �P­R, - WA R D I . ­ The excitement, the surprise,throw wear a watch next to your body dur. pglrod for woman us for Mon. We- in 25c boxes. roofs, partitiono and the like to ten. . ;. . out of al, koportion to hie size al.1- � �,`,1­1 I . the wholeplace Into a turmoil; And ft Ing the day and Place It oil a cold men rarely wind a watch UP rega- L 0 *+_ . der them fireproof or fire-reolstont. wayj giv � rise .0a. sm4a,'If not to . I , " Ni�AM-A SQUAAR, JIUML6, NEW YORKO J.� *1 L surface, As a marble mantleplece, at larly, A watch should -always bo ", ' - '.1 . I 11. I , t. May pafely be said that only_-'on4 ptr- __ .- - , I ASBESTOS. It Is found In most parts of tile loom 'It, � loem4k. '.Oq'b C0rAt11On7',' ' I . son . was exempt from the frenzy of ___1 _- ­ - I,_ L , _ I . I . world, chieffi In connection with tur. . , 0 VIAZ ile"et, ,$ the Ono abouVtho 610411 ; I I., . Mons Are You In Doubt Astonlallinwit, which raged like an oil- . � � 1. L I 11 . L . ... . . I � 1, I . . & Canadiq& PentI110, Sclentifi0ally, It Is described I 'L L boy wearl a veovy'latgog hat, "Hey, : I I As to your tft%6107 HAVS you gh the district. IL - Something About 'hatt Wh are $Ou S6 g wIth that 11 #rupt)6ft tMt" IS L hat r6alsoiAs Omsk Id6mic throui I - L , � - 1_1�_ � � ­­ - I ­ I �...�--l'-.---.......--��-.��.-.!��n.--.. ­ ­ I � as 0. highly useful iatneral, a fibrous . _*tUWroloo otitd trel* . , "� - , I variety of Several members of the bor" In � 11. . . That person was Mollie, Sho. raised �L :Z i Produot. � '� noy;­ a list eyebrows and exclaimed with the ­- I N ` I ,- ,ocero, the . �.j L Mont? , to thero- 4, orvous oo"dition WbM �, 9 I blond faMtIY,, 00inpoz.fad o! soparittolo . 1, jcst took is forill., I 11 � I does hot Impft"'In #pit* of 00#, dist ,* . others; but she was not surprigedi n I-- filaments, ,w!th a st' ,ky ?uRtro, tl,io t1b. � <)no do ' seellif UI�4 ohortstatured 0 . And In her heart there glowed that k .�, At Your Service. Although Canada is the great, pro. tetiples being delitatoo, rm,Tlbla . . sou-ln-lavr wearifig a long sword, he Medicine. Are you going down hill ammuJI113 eatiatoLetion which all of us feel when __1 (luter and exporter of asbestos, that - , cried ,out,,`*1Who,*4I atok, has attached - ': I ARE YOU NRRVOLta and Oetpandosrd# WORN . �, W;d7lastle and At other timbs stiff 1. 1k -1, I and tl6bilitat"- t1rold rnotnlAp; ho AmbItIQ4 I we have outwitted the, Wrongild4f Mid I .. 11 Wherevor You Live. . article, which IS yearly coming into Ana brittle. my son-ln-la.w tottliat sowordr, I "' - I . PL . Ished hilil, "I . -, I -W416, NO 411111411,4111101jr w0fle; , eattly fatig000dl 04 I utterly Varian , 1,-_,p ( The wohmn In town, or tountry, has 'wider use. is found fit many parts of 404i , At a t4l, to asoms In Spartti, Ali- oltable and Irtoltable; lack of oftorgy and OOMU (TO be continued.) I - : . MlnaeWs Liniment Relieves Nturailala droodll4es.,who wA& lawe. offered Wm- I 0-0 I . the same Advantage as her sister In the lUnited States. There are deposits � I !6 i 0, I ��� golf a4 a reartlit.c, When reftood. ta 11 I 11 donca? W the" failing pow*r, a drAln oA ft I In expert advice from tile I I V I L d0f*11so* L, Minard's Lialfrib I ntfor sale everywhere I the city in Maryland and VIrginia, Within a NORMAL CONDITtOg. account of his etippled, legii, bb 6%- , . tt I 06hoUlt W� old reliable sop � 1 .16�6 best-known firm of Cleaners and ABI , I elidn,ed* Of though you -were took- �-_,A5Z5W%Wj4*&WM athIPTOMA OP I VARIOUS AiLm mv* I THE SARDMAN. .. . Dyers In Canada, few )tile$ of Washington, an(lomAny (33ostoil Globe,) , Ing fbT taft to -fight, not to rull z �__*�iku,tii ieUJrfd $t&t* Lof t1iso �i . I ... - �(t I of the deposits of this country are h The - Dootor-You ,say your little booir , d! d 1. Parcels from the dountrY sont by mail as an abnormal appetite, In what way 6,ftyllo 1 121611 61100 I � worked on a commercial scale, jDes. I .,tA4VWY 19LOk 0; Will power, Wald ft, dim nlxhtd re.wor, V ., I Is It manife ted 7 .1� I 1, - I -� 1. L11 , "' . ' d1b or 01 L L When the long, hot qay is over, or express receive t:h careful LL "I oko 0, 0 goaUon, tm*rsy and cooncobtra X t 6 Vt2odn.' to And the sUn drops down the west, ft Attention as ,work delivered personal- pits this, however, the American In. Thd 1%toth"'TWo, lost 0,11 desire for � I '-vtg fo*911�0,5, and tend6no.* tb xleop�, UA III JP144 * t "IL dustries 'dependent on asbestos rely things that make hint sick, THO PLOV9 Or T11% r, AM I LY. 1611ft we%&O"I't6t t*in In b&6p,L JU:Xk=�� And the childish hands are ,WoOrih, ly'. . r 0- rist t I I CLI 1. ( are4WTAWpoon.) 1"*0TW 1141"06ninw Dr.w .1 th he 0 1 And the childish feet must rest, I on the Canadlaft Mines or the Cana. . ....Wip� , I I o , -..fi.k...1A.iwk l soL, == Ill the tret , 0it of roilla'. bug Tho Swidwah St"IA through the Pov. Wan quarrilli for their supply. ­ . -1 'L I I - -1 I ft , I-- - �= h =the =Tr I?ov# 83nnptomA. 'it joy n � tials ­ eanind and byeind 111. I ad ba46w&ItZ1ft6 with'W6 rlw= 0 4111 Ion .A . _.&TIQ - , � Asbestos Is & curious Aubstafteetitat - , " � 1 0% Is d ter, *hO *air not youvig y Xnat 11 I t � Where the dying sunlight gleArrisi - . � -W4 L. --- I ', _. khd 'touches has beon known for mAny cent. I a .�n.� - .. .j. 'and less t , and wag now lit ezvort .%,A.;,1b,M,,.lr 1# Wrong V10k )' .1, . I J the tired eyelids __ . �� I . t9kJ Clathind or 11ousehold hibrics urles. Many of the peoples of ancient -..-. .. r ­_ 140, *1, #ittet- 14twort I'to rh* . , �,r6us r44i. to6tino W And lulls thorn into dreams. — . 1.1.1. . . L . � � -_ -1 I a corner 44m trim darnages, stilre your "hs,41cia conditloi t; "llit"NUA= "ro"t bolo a W k14W OAY �*,Veh so, when life Is over, . For years, the name of "Parkerle timeg used It, And it was gometimes . I I 0 1 "y - L .. . I 11 0 fl�tUPr-14-14vr es� 36ut : L I And the long d&Y's, Marth in vabtoo .1 .. w,, " Here hit I to"ger. U*kt,up your mirk to cofflao f "d r will give the I LL has sJolfled perfection In this work wrought Into soft and flexible cloth, . pled kim, I` i falont to WMto--the one 14 eatment baAtod on the We wait Ila gathering shadowls of Making old things look like now, which was used as -a shroud for the . � h L -1 � � forg. Iftom XV.*4 us triwti"t 101110 44,6-60AI�l ts. Till the Sandman comes at 1&st�4 � . -D'you Viow,"I � ht, re ad, Bad are our hearts And wftM . whether pertonal garments Of eVen dead. There Are many varieties, alid. :, . I , . fetring t0 -1he r04119'Man's late part. Or, Wardle. Method,* U&Tvalfed, Thorolluoh and Pemalokook . And long the WAlting $eefflS,* _ the most fragile matorlal, or house- iumber of common And dos- 11 ­ ' W flower of my I . " * hold curtains, draperitfs, ruglf, etc. a I'll, names hit" been Applied to - " lier. ofths; gtrl 14 t : Lord, Iwo are tited children, L crW14%, , I tw *ft r"llsoi, tbkt You bay0b arm lit# toll#*40 you rftlko Touch Thou our eyes with dteaftW. � L " I Will .4 � . , 14Y -0 . , , 9 ,� t* & that lift 4 it h"Itht A 106 wotM liv%r � I theso varieties. Ligniform asbestos, Melt you thiq 0 1 7 lu wk othwmg rwt ft Take from the slackened fingers I Write to us for further partioulars or -, I'. "ad E, . solop Inswered the young 4 NOW401 V 02810 b"Ith U* Vut h*bip 46 a" In his VAVO. I Thb toys 4so heavy grown, I . stlid,your p4rools direct th popularly called "Moulitain wood," is imys 11in I 'i % . I I WM V It's &-pitY she WMO.1� off L � ", : Give to thy tl 6d children . I it variety presenting an Irregular fila'. I v TV .. L . R . � . , � %T" be %4" at he made I Viol & i Jok, one I ­ . I TM ,IWA& L t 61 Weatous strueturo like wood. Other I . Then, at 6 tL shadows I I _. 110kift oora_km 40 tftv ituallItor ",veroun rub at tho wkito . Dwrken Adov *est, .P�s . vatietica are i)oPW&rlY called roex 1z"....4-.- W 6.0 ftend to till LN J, . Sly vandfildd, I cork, mountain leather, fossil paper *4 1.W it $41100016 I 41004W Wt his cwt -sleeve. 11 00 U41 *-:� 11 I . . I. on I . 44 . ==,=" 1,, . " �, To "11 Thim *wft to rest 1. I . Rad fossil flax. 1160W L 1. Norah 1101tah4, ===== I I . " "k V66 I 11114111 VX1rAX8. . I 1 1" 1 416 0 i-, I I . I'll 11, -0 -41 I J Asbestos In MoOrtitimas,hoAtorne M"MU" 1 WrimW441 T191(or.) . A ComptauxXT. . ! . � to be very ioxtenslv,ely manufactured A k die P**w 8"VW do "6" � M# (sweltoy)-olor sorits Aro, in hat- I FREI CON40LTATIO" &XAMINA*M0,N0 . , (birminghtm An-Uft%fd.) ... . I - Into Incombustible cloth, glov6s, felt, I miftft &WAL"*W0"*(tk Itla I 00%aen,ve #n Pura about you- I. � �ks LIMIt6d U " =*4 "W-4 M *."14 e &"�=006X th4t Wt 01r 80r4t, IFAdY, tb*t to � W is hill, bu*w V" W , #*You used to pay me rtoany praty om. I 1, I is I . .1 paper and other artieles of tomm6a 4 Mko po 4J toopoogm of WW = t 1 to U 004 * 0 1 . , . . � 14 mb"11 11 " I L 4114ts lbefore, Me w6re MAIrriodo", said t , =-.0-flook W howtow, �ol . . )Mir toonloo, I use and Is much used as a covering "bw %% a* 6" "A W441 ""M N so VA *40 1 . 1A a) r 17J40f, 1A W L ie n . - & to I ANIt. " - I � % ro. MN". With a "Ut. L _.... I I 46aw uolloro And p1pod, N the 6011owilwoo," *4 WIrMfthoicroolow I 1. - y xtrlfum , -ar"I blatth'aw . ft * Tf I � "You women are certainly bard to . - , I I mnufaduro of gas stoves, and, tnlx6d ,# 1Z Fla-ali , `11 My i 11 t ! 1*604&� ,I 7 � ­ I � I *4 I== I Ill, W .1 I OV tell ron thLo" Wk ebo" vf *too I - 01 11-1 111L01,1-1 ol'il I JJ 'L di 9 I 6. 1-11 , 1110 I X peat " H 1:bMix I Aritold won V1L*MWd ga D"siabvr u * . , ­.. is t4 kv a 04 sqw st* sft�w"Wk V11 ? I" 4 L ­' gmwlod Mr, TA11U. I'DOn't I I - st-160"""" ront "fith mowl! " I taentt, It Is 40010yod .1 , .1111 11.1 ME I- Won *be J�Mlt A4414 *114 owul 0111111101111, 11111 11146" 0111 a To, IN turn'r, 11 AW111101i"M i , " V, wo"ft AIM441144o, . M_ - "'" 0" 0 . 1 4 � .. . , , � * , ,,&-.,,Aii�"ell� ,"d- I "lik, - L4* -I :; 1 .4 , : , ­ . Is �,: _�' �,� I.kl­' � I—, __�,�.*, " _-L:k_,_AL!1...1­1�_'�_ -11, .. I �Aw, 6"om—";,�1 � I ,:,-- nkft I . "'"60AN19, '� , L I � I -c . I , 1 114� ''I + .. . b",-_.,%L'i­