HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-03-25, Page 57 7, 4: 4 77 -T 141. ,:Pla_ t6mol Mir. 11�tt, 1100 STAY YOU V IV -4 131ATV.- TWz' elAVAnA that represents the spirit of the times, youthful -and refreshing, appealing to- father as well as son—that' is vlle style that distinguishes'Society Brand Clothes. Our desWIffln, ideas and painstaking workmanship produce that quality of style and finish. It cannot be done by all -wool fabric -and silk trimmings alone. WITH THE 'VARIED GRADES OF CLOTHING FLOODING THE NARXET, LOOK FOR THE LABEL AS YOUR GUIDE LL SOCSTr 11RAND CLOT1118, Limited, C499dA A161:12ED D2CXRR A COHN, United stater Montreal New York Chicago Hanna's exclusive medium priced store for men opens Saturday, March 27th. our ad. on back pap e s, II 4 LIPA 11 .NEW, SPRING.... CLOTHING Our new spring models, have just arriyed in the /' Season latest styles, waist -seams, form fitting and dowible breasted styles in 'cwt rstreds and fancy tweed ef- fects. A large assortment to choose from, Young Men, and Boys' .Clothing. For the particular young men who Aesire perfect fitting clothes, we are showing some exclusive styles in Greys, Browns, and Tweeds at moderate prides. A full and complete stock of Boys'Suits. ranging in price from $8.00 to ti aincOats New Tweed Raincoats in great variety of materials and styles for .aprring and fall wear. Exceptional values and qualities. Call and inspect them, 09 Overalls Bull Dog and Kitchen Overalls and -Smocks ma from-,qolQty'w6Ve'n. fist e color deny. They are full cut, free and easy garments,extra full sized. Evert pair made to stand the hard wear. - New Shirts, Collars, Ties, melts, Gloves, Hatsi,­.,Caps, X., IA. DO I L L -S ,M The House of Quality Phone. 89 We :Warit*Ydur1-Pr1pduce, WHV PUSH OUr TUE CLU FC11? Morris C;T�alw,et Sprirg.,. t10*­,,,'A- farinet can work, A good many people ask this question f The Trustees of School Section No. 5a two or three tinlesqw faft-as'be. could, in "What's the use of pushing out the clutcht4e old days, 'H124actprcan, be: worked i Morrib. have purchased a beautiful fumed . `,.'.' "C when you start your motor, as long as the oak Music' Cabinet for their Braneveryhour of theda't'a Ltola . , . I shift lever is, in neutral and there is prac, from John T Bell,* line Nor S. who always ready ankr4iekand tires* p1q.t. flight IE ItI tically no load on the engine? ' The ques- makes a spPcialti., -of, manufacturing "When qutstioned., ori- this poifit. Mr.." M le Kehriedyadinitted'04. ailfis W4 been - Von sounds -like a logical one but as a musle cabinets. BeIV.9 us 01 . matter of fact it is based on a wrong sup- cabinets show eit!6eptionally fine, work• made that hirm&a 66W4 gqt on f6'jr6ued.. manship and are ottrac4yely position. There is really a considerable earlier with horiqg t'b�i.with .a.txa'oitor,,.­, ..f,finished' load oil the engine, just on account of the Any one wanting a music Cabinet should "But, continued Mri"KennedY,;'.if-ttierb6,',-' shaft and gears that maybe turned, ell beforebuying. consult Mr. B t*eregard.ing t.he*6d.yound'+htie0ty'P'e just try this test if you want to see how of tractor; wbith I d;ubt very much; much this load amounts to.,_Turn your EARLY PLOWING , ADVISABLE- certainly isnottrue.,of tbeX1etrac,-.Jhe! engine over by band some morning with Cletrae• trmiels,'oa! broad, -metal tracks-., the clutch in.' Then have someone hold Local Cletirao Dealer, Emphasises The' Its Weiglit is distributed over A 800 square the clutch pedal down, or fasten it down Importance Of Proper' Soil Preparation iaches of 'surface: ",' wilt pi vi, with blocks and try it again, If you turn And EarlyPlanting. or disc or "seed where -.t `e giound-'As 4 the engine over rapidly you'll see that soft for horses to.work; '! there is quite a difference and the load is Mr. L. Kennedy,• the enterprising 'Mr. *Kennedy also 'ftntioned -anotlf0r, much greater when the engine spins at the Cletrac dealer, in, a recent interview with interesting point in connection . with tracG,'. THD ADVANCE, rate the starting motor turns it. forcibly set forth the oefarming. Hesaid ihat too litanyfarm- It pays to keep in mind the fact that advantages of proper seed -bed preparation ers are careless about the cornors'afid, thickened oil has a very definite braking and the importance of early planting., about plowing up to .1ences. He went orf action and this action is very greatly less- "It is a well established fact," said Mr. to say that with a tractor like tit: Cletrac,.. ened wbeh you push down on your clutch Kennedy "that good crops usually follow you can get into the,coraers just as •well pedal. a bard winter and heavy snow -fall. There is just one drawback regarding a winter as you can with a horse-drawn plow and Ter nberfy like the one we have just passed through: that you can plow as close to a fence as, you can with. horses. owing, to the flu epl�emfc and the bad themelting of heavy snow leaves the land "Not only farmers, but - all in Canada, roads, the regular meeting of the Turn- wet. This delays plowing time and seed- are interested .in a big crop for 1920, berry Litevary. which was to be held lng time and makes a lot of rush Nvork. Since the war, the world has been looking on February 20th. was not held until necessary." our way for grain and, As Mr. Kennedy March 20th, Mr. and Mrs. Gilkinson "Under old-fashioned methods wheh I says,i;bere is a' 'bumper" crop in sight,for' entertained in their usual good style, after farmers were forced to rely entirely upon 1920. Tnh ADvAxcE hopes that every a good programme the evening was very horse -power, a late Spring invariably' possible acre will be seeded and the seed tn pleasantly spent in games and music meant fewer acres put into crop or else l planted as early as possible becaus4 the 12 o'clock when a leap year dance was poor seed -bed preparations and late started and the girls kept things dfvely planting, The modern tractor has large- longest season in some parts of Canada is until tire wee small hours of the morning, ly overcome the danag@rs and difficulties all too short. THE Triplex Springs of new Overland 4 make . possible the first light car with the stead- iness of'a heavy, long car. Public appreciation of the new features of Overland 4 is shown in,ever.-increasing de- mandfor this car. Upkeep cost is low because the Triplex Springs protect the ntechaoism from the usual road shock&, Light weight oroatas great economy of futol, and tires. L. Kennedy, Dealer,, Win�ghairl Mi6iim r por'-Z-..7