HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-03-25, Page 3-- .1 -W --.---Irl ----11 -1-1151 V.V4-7wr ,r'14 � '4,7""-1W-'77- —I - - --71'1,1,A7-'1,,,- � . ,W, -�IAW -7 - 11 .. � - 7V7 nwq, � 7,
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I ;Succerm or failure In using an Incu-
. bator aepencte in ninety-nino caseo
Qut�,of a hundred on the attention
. .910a to Its operation. The ordinary
� iniftbator is emy to ,operate, but for
#Qdd results regular and painstaking
care must be given to it from the
time the machine is started until the
last, hateli. is out and In the brooder.
� Itkoub4tore have -been and can be
op6ratol In a great variety of places
4�.., , -1 with suem-e, but where only a few
small machines are used they are &on-
, erally run in a room or in ,the cellar
. I Of tha house, A special cellar or Ip-
411114tor house should be provided 'it
the Incapator equipment Is extensive
or mamm s sed, The
. w2ala essentials are to prov!do for
,good ventilation and against great
.1 ,varlattone In temper4tare.
i The, Incubator 6hould be set up ac-
loor4ing to the maAufactareris diree-
tio�s, with care that the machine Is
00fectly level. If a spirit level to
� Morallable, a long, shallow pan of
ilsot,on top of the inachine will'
. serve, its purpose. Be sure that all
(parts, of , ' the Incubator are in their
tprdper,positlona and that the regula-
. Itor works freely, If the door of the
I Tucubmtor sticks do not plane It until
the machine has been heated and
I . thoroughly dried.
I ,The machine should be run at about
I %02�',ddgrees Fahrenheit tor twenty-
Totl0iours before the eggs are put in.
Ilt-Jakes several hours for the .ma-
�h.jile,to come ,back to its correct tem-
IPO�t&e after the eggs are first -but
In,, Aherefore the regulator should 'not
be� �ouchid In that time. It is beet
to see to the regulation of the tem-
* 4
Per ture before opening the door to
� 'attend to the eggs, but do not change
. -Us rpgulator any more than Is aboo-
. �
. I lutUil necessary. The eggs tend to
. I . t1q4w qff more heat as the embryo
( .. I Idevelops', so that it ,may be necessary
. I _r", 1"e4elonally to change the regulator
. I . � `611glatly during the latter days of in-
' I I bubAtion. The manufacturer's direc-
I . 'tions regarding temperature should be
. followed un!ese conalderable, expert -
I , 'euce, Indl6ates they can,be imp-rGVed.
I .
� . . ,,, , Turn and cool the eggs according to
� . th�'.dlreotions furnished -with the In-
[ , cubtaor, 'The eggs are usually turned
for. the first time at the end of the
I . second day of ineubation and twice a
I . day. through the eighteeneth or nine -
I . teo , nth day, Or until the chicks com-
� . mence- to PIP. After turning the eggs
� reverse the egg trays end for end,4
� � . I and! from one aide of the machine to
-the other in bwo-tray incubators. Keep
� 06 Incubator door closed while turn�
I Ing.: the eggs unless the directione
I state that It should be left open.
� , t Jt ? I
Iie length of time to cool eggs
�, de�#ends upon the ,temperature of the
. lubjibator room. A good general rule
� � lo,"to leave the eggs out of the Incu-
� . I . , b4tor until they feei sllglitlY cool to
. the, hand, face, or eyelid. Plaile the
I traps of egge on the top of the ma -
:11 � chine or on a table In such a pwitlon
�. t4at',they are not in a draft, and etc
. � that the tray does not project over
. I ,t],ke'ed-go of its support, which would
. atjbw part of the eggs to -cool much
I . Ubre quickly than the rest.
. .
. - Ih a -good hatch the eggs Will start
. .
I � to .01p on the evening of the nine-
� teenth day, and most of the chickens
� wllf--�be out of the shell on the morn -
I tug.: of the twenty-first day. It the
� .
� . Innich lis much earlier or later that
'this it Indicates that the conditions
� I du�.!ng Incubation have not been right,
� Lk jilgh temperature may hatch eggs
- t9i;rquickly awl produce weak chick-
� . eii�; while a contlmuoua� low tempera-
� tui�i throughout the hatch will delay,
I it f�r several hours.
� qo�- it After the eggs begin to hatch, leave
Ito.machino alono until the hatch is
� � ,well over, Do not oDen the door to
oes-how the t%ggs are hatZing, as It
� allows the escape of moloture -which
� I Is r*4xmnVaI at this time.
� Xbep� the incubator dark at hatch-
Ing'.1.1me by covering the glass in the
� ,.. —
. - -----
� . . I
� kWitness Testifi`es
I .
! . *ampton, Ont.:—"About five years ago
i I t*gwa suffering with wornati�s trouble, I
� became all run-down
� . 11111)- weak and norvous.'\1
� . I " . 'I) I was so complet! 11
� V . down and out tba
. could not do -
� -/ . thing, could scar=
� iq AW dress myself. I had
It JW rAl the doctor and took -
� "-4? other medicine but
I �, 'f4V%�!� Without tretting bet�
, . ter witil I b093a
. ( laldn;t Dr. Pi-erwo
I . N..,� ,
I . I ., - r, I avoritn Prescrip.
I , - �
I . . tion and his Gold64
. MoNcal Discovery.
It was only ncees-
dqyformetotak about three bottles whevi
I Was comploWd rest tored to health and
stmength and I ave been in better health
ths& I ever was before. I bave had no use
fof riltdicino, since, but should I need it I
wduld take theme &imo remedies, knowing
them to be loxftlient.'l—MRS. HARRY
I 'UNIGHT, Jewb St.
I ft. Saskatchowaii, Alta.-PIt Is with
**t plemure that I write, the following and
I Lope it will help the many, sufferers who
do -not know the good Dr. Pieree's medi.
cines would do them if they would try them,
`In regard to my condition, I will may
. 4*0 suffered from eldidhood from A very
v,vo 'k bo
% ,it: I had the misfortune of having
vi"l meningitis when I was- one Year old
until t was 13 I &I not sco a well day,
I a very kind lady t: , Ad my mother about
. Piorpe4 ravorit-0 Prescription tind; she
ff-� I a bottlo, to try it. It did im so muth
. that mother got Iola rk hutfl,% Rtodnf�
ty I hapmn&l with a rar aevident and hurt
I back badly. My doetor rav# me, up
� . � id I *ould not live, but I t,till stick to
; . Pierce# Favorlt4� Pv!si eiption and to
.. say ir4rprise in three w�-eks I WAA Out Of bed
, "Imtter. lawgmy,ifstoitandoothlas
OW and shall at?" I'D without it.
I -If any OuSe"r *i:�ba to write I *M
.., RtAbor *ith PIA"UM11—UPA NOAL
I '! NAMOWUM - �
� I - ..
i , i�l ,
JK r
I" , i
0 � �11, J
,� �i.�
I � . , &
door with a 010tu of burlap sack, so
that the thick4, Will not be Attractod
to the front of the machlito by the
light and become restless, When the
chleks are 411 hatched rwzovs the oxg
tray and open ,the, ventilators, , After
the, hatch keep the chick$ In the In.
cubator from twouty4our to thirty-
six hours before removing tO the
The beet time to build a poul�ry
house to III the spring or early eum.
anor, for then it will ,have time to dry
out during the hot days. Lumber its
often rather damp, and It ,must ber
thorogghly .dried out before Winter Or
the %birds holleed in the -building will
be in danger of contracting colds,
Cement floors and foundation Walls
It malle, In tile spring will also UaV6
an opportunity to dry thoroughly, and
much of the dampness often attrilbutod
mugar and pour It over ths pu"n - - I.. I I � I I . 1. 1. -1-11 .
offAt "
in a. hot oven to brown. Prop Jo *on -nOt that tb* ftbobl
tit* top for ornament, I A SM00th Skfn '110', . tAnu 00, -P!* -- -0
0 , � U00004rilY indolent, but SiMplY be- . � fe
))ZLICIOUS R01) 4BRAGN. I , � 11 I 0� I 00,04 a 144a 4WOW4 of labor 10 $up. 41111 I i . cutioca � a
One small red cabbao vout tine, two W Any . I I . *1 . Ortinfts. Nature provi400 for near. I I
,greening apple* chopp . on 106roo Mon 1Y all our wants bar* 4* 44 most trop- .. wig 0 1 ,
o n ea hou One table- 1� Wash well in Warm Water 11041 countri*. Farming J& ,our prin. I � , J-4
spoon Unsalted Xat. ono -bat Oup we'tor, usitis.040114tely. Pure W4 , � I Y" Hai
oalt- pepper, one tablespoollivin 4r. One P; cival opAupation, yet there 'is not A k a;rllt
_ , 040 W4 tat �k 0
tmopQot% musaw. Put the 131 plow On itlie, Island. s'T*At Is un. - I Heirumun
Into a saucepan, ,Add the oklklolru aprilov, known And extreme heat Is never ex. i - Touch ro,,ts of
cabbage, water, salt and pOptor to tqste. . I I
$1mmer slowly for about gf siouris a4,4 84by's O" perlonced. Ninety 408roeg In t'he I I I � dandru And
ding water as It � Y. opii4le 1111%de would be gu unusually bigh . I . Itchint if Any,
flour over the ca 0 �atlr In; add tompera-ture, Our arade, schools Are - . I
vinegar and rugar. White ctbD4p �OAy Of qligh stamdar,4# Attendance bet � US ,. . with utkam
be prepared in the same we ,.' So , I � ointmonti
corouloory io months in the year. � Shampoo, with
BAVAD STICXO., —tills* Well—ati4 dry carefully. American textbooks exclublvely are I Cuticura Soap
Ad e t 4 MpInt of . , Used and 130CIAl life could not be and hot water, I
lukewarm water, dissolvo! 4J , 41s, .
W a tea- . , 4ta, :
eat I �
apoonful. of salt In tho beat m tilIgulshed troM tlia,t of tile IV41tod No40f vointrut
I t
white Of In the interolt of altat I . $04*4 00. ."
scient flour -to make a e4. I bom
dough; knead well for 10' lwtes, , Stand - I your 44, use Utille, Is One Of the Day 14140da, x . I I .E., 1! , 11
411,do for two ligura. V(n, light turn , . ,�e
1, tl
, on the board, cut offam0,11 bits a eS Baby'sOwnSo string of six yerdant keys in the Bay I � , . �
nd N, 41 I . I 111iPIX
� roll them under the ba,Uda Mto a cord, , , AP of Honduras, an Arm of the 0arlbb9an, 4%.
. 11P, Ums
like strip to fit pans. StAnd. in. a, warm I I I Abayes
place for zo minutes, ancA 'bake. for lo I 11aesifopBaby.atta sea, which were dlWovend by Colum. I .
, I ;�Nt
min"t- 1. a .ulftle- Oven ,rfte.. +#.I, % . J7-1 eA. I&- i, bits In 102. They were then thickly . I
to them will be Avoided. . I � . . A N. .
I are especially nice served with ealwa. � . POPUL'tted by native Indians who be. I . I
, I -
Opring or early vulilmor Is the busy ,PRAHAX I 'Qu -m. . I . I ' Sold overywl , 'Pamb Caves. The Islands now are In,
time on the farm I the chickailee Is one of tho moot Win", 1. hoe liabIted, vh9pr bY Bugllsh-speaUlng
see the need of Ilew poultry houses some of winter bir4s. ' FrlenMy, one and one�half oqpa Grahamj flour, Albert soapS LIMItA People, � I I �
next winter will do well to 'build fearless, Interested, lie can be woA half cup white flogr, two tablespoons � Urge, . . I
before very easily to tho intirnacy of the molaoses, half tea*;". a $044, Oine tea, AlqatroA III 1852 Settlerli on the Island ps, � I
them during the slack time oon baking powdeR, . ti. . �
, nQ cup m1m; IMIX I T10 tioned th0'9QVer4Or 0 B411zo.to ad, 11
1590 flours in. bowl, "I , , salt and a Ing I 1. `" . .
spring work starts, Do not, put the Window board, and the shy accept- t I I 0 IAK� .
powder and . -- infilleter them as a Brit4lh colony .
birds Into the new building, hawever, ance of food from the hand Or even stir w ellf, 411900 v 1*0 ill �— I � A
molaspea, Add to milk* en add to fl ur — This was done until 1960 ,Abtn th4 ,�
until It has ,been dried out. at times from the llps.. Not the least radually, beating wefj turn �batter ionto, idUttion to the restoration of dianian. Island was ceded to Honduras. #iThe , �
wouder he Is so ioved and sought. got gem pans and bake Ili bot.Oven. I (tied IndustrIles, crippled 1businessco change somewhat disco' , �� 11 I
FILED 10PPE CTS EGG YOLKS. Frank W. Chapman gays: "In addl- oe4o � � uraged tho .
, . 1, * land Weakened energies of the Con� people at first," says the lebter, "but .
In extreme cases the flavor a.nd tion. to the calls which have given I'Allies. Germany, unkler ,such they soon learned ithat the laws of W - . -
. him Ills name, lie utters also a clear,
odor of the geed have been imparted . Stops Pronchitit Cumijkly Itineirta
bigh Whi6tI8 of two or three notes. It IcOnditi011s, 00a be as well their but. Holidurals were equally Just and .al. -- —
to the egg. Onions have been fed In work aiMnst Red Bolshevism In Rue. lowed all the privilege . a In the pursuit �
sufficient quantity to bring Rbout this Is so musical, W sad And plaintive, so Without Any -Medicine '14im and Anardhism lon any of her own of life and happiness enjoyed under Ds Vinci Thought of Tank#
effect, Those who desire to produce filled With tender sentiment, that it to . borders. Germany thus can be made British rule, The administration I I
a first -claw article should not give difficult to believe such a, matter -of- .--- 0
feeds of high and objectionable flavor fact fellow as the ohlo%adee fjoems IL%Oth to protmt and nourish thoso she the present governor, R, Barahona Italy has Just celebrated the fourth
to their flocks. to The can be its author. When, on a THIS PROBLEM 80-i..VED WHEN Zas wronged and m4tilateil., MeJIa, whose headquarters are at Roa. centenary of Leonardo du Vinci's
In no cue should tainted feed be al- . winter's morning,"I heard It floating CATAR-RHOZONIE WAr* But Of Germany Is stripped of the tan, the capital, Is glyin is n In I
I . . � � g general death. H , . a e has often been
-tools wIth which to work, o'.f the ma- satisfaction."- e York Times. luentl ed during the war and his
% , N W
ation. Feed also through the woods, as a ,boy, I used 016COVERED.0 "to — --.,- - . pro "
has an Influence Of the to fancy that ,perhaps it was J.ack ..OP( tOrIal with ,which to produce, lof the Phetic genius recalled. it Is kno
� , wa
11 give Frost, with an 4olole to � . . ., ' .
on tile color . * �` I means with -which to distribute pro- ' AWH I that he intended to build airplanes
yolk. Corn fed exclusively wi .r a flute," ductlQn, Germany never willvi
a deep yellow or highly colored yolk, The Inquisitiveness of the ,chick- ThoUsands t1ave Bmn Cured vy the for war purposes, but it to now clat
gdee asserts Itself when lie answers . , Indemnity 'because Germany never LOSS OF STRENIf I ed .also that he was the first to think
while wheat fed alone will produce a %one's whistle, ,and by degrees comes -
much lighter yolk. A fairly high col You are nothing but a plaln simple will be oble to pay it, - of the tank, I]% his letters to 11 Moro
ored yolk Is usually preferred and closer to Investigate his human friend boob to suffer a day loiWar from And that wdll not be the womt of THROUGH' INDICE'STION he speaks of armored cars which
can usually be obtained by feeding J. U. Middleton, ,of the Ridgeway, Bronchitis, It's roil easy to cure- It. Germany, instead of becoming a . . could shelter the occupants and drive
a moderated amount of corn. Plenty London, whose lawn Is surrounded this has been proved time and iagain. ishield of France, Italy and Belgium , ' right amongst the enemy's masses,
of green feed Mso earicher. tile color with evergreens, has among his bird Roliet comes at, once whcfa you 09allnet economic. cha:ice ,and human THE STOMACH CAN OINLY DO ITS slaying and shattering all opposition.
of the yolk, friends -twelve chickadees. These g vapor lot CaT .Incend,la:rIsm, can lierselt become a. WORK WHEN THE $1.00D 15 It ft unfortunate that niore Is not
Do not feed green cut bone oftener have become such chums that the tarrhozone. Once Its healing, piney vol,dano bursting with tho ,powers . of IMOWn of Leonardo's intentions, and
than every other day. It Is best fed 19ast whistle brings them to feed from essences strike the brouchla,14 tu�bes, crime ant, evil, . RICH AND RED. ' I of the way in which he .proposes to
In a trough. Allow about one -'halt the little boxes of food that,Xr. Mid-! you realize that a powerful, treat Indigestion means loss 9, Wei
. . Frauqis's bitter Passions$ natural 6. I as propel hii craft. Ho
ment Is at work. suffering to many people, Loos Qf sibly have ingses might pos-
ounce to each ,bird. Should too ae- dleton invariably carries In his, eniough- after all, slie, has suffered, been ended, for It a
v�re or continued Irritation can't live In ,the throat strength, loss of time and loss of horse Could carry less-welght than the
looseness of the pocliets for just such hungry littleL have blinded her eyes to the greater �
bowels follow the feeding of the bone -feathered folk. The,winningota, Wild of a person Inhaling Catarlrhozono. it Money follows Indigestion and debili- armored motor, protection in h
It shouldbe discontinued or the quall- bird's confidence is perhaps a special Is so soothing, so warmIng,..so full of d1angers threnidened to her own safety ty continues as long as the indIges- t ese
tity reduced. .. privilege -given to certain peojjlb, but' concentrated healing power that you and to .the worIM3 safety by a Gtr� tion remains. Workers suffer from days was more easjl� gpt than now,
get results at once, I I mwil)r turned rav'Ing by a pblicy of But it Is certainly very singular to
. 4, 0-4�— So happy tare the results Of training the, Alblee whldh could only sow the l6digestion because their hours are read that his cars were to charge
that the chickadee waitch familiar Catarrhozone strengthens the weak windsto reap the whtrlwinKls. Iong, alla often they cannot -give Pro- ahead while the Infantry would follow
She Tells Just Wh doorways for food from sometimes a throat, stops the cough, removes that Per time to meals. , Then the APP" behind -for this Is exactly what hap.
0 y .stranger, and to h -o* the magic, backing irritating necessity to clear England of the ecoldr brain and tite b,ecomes fickle, dlgeWon
the throat, makes oven the chrionic Wider Vision sees In drastic modifteg,- . be- Dened four hundred -jears after' his
They Are So Popular touch of tiny, clinging-^ feet on one's Qomft feeble and the blood, bcome ter Guardian.
hand is to Teel oneself In league with sufferer realize that at last he has tion Of the Indemnity not what Is Wt- Impoverished. So the general h ---. .
the fairies and wool sprites, Then discovered a real cure, For coughs, Iter 'for Germany so mu& as what is suffers; langour, norvousi� 'troubles - -
MRS. OAKES SPE�KS IN PRAISE to note the wonder of the pale buff colds catarrh, and winter ills, noth- bebter for France and for E urope. and often sleeplbsoness, follows. It Hard and soft corils, both- Yield to
Ing in the family could be better Great Britain, in 'her steady way. of Holloway's Corn Cure,' which is en -
breast, the glossy black crown and is well to remember that the 'Whole tirely see to use, and ,certain and
OF DODD'$ KIDNEY PILLS, ' , than tile complete dollar outfit. Small -meeting terrific Useuce and her big sYetem relies upon good blood and
I brilliant dash of glowing black Imnle-� si�e -50c; tri.1 size 25c, all dealers., way of doing things In 'stupendoi I is satis(actOrY in its actions.
dia,tely- beneath. the bill, to study the. that good, blood Is impoosIble unleso 0 0 4; . I
She had severe backache before using folded wings edged WithL the frailest or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, licrims, oses; that the best hope of eav- the digestion la good. '
. ,'Ing
� fluff of down, is to see Into the CTreat' Ont, . , - F rau,ce is to save Germany. * The stomach. cannot do Its work WREN I GET NAPMED.
Dodd's Kldnej Pills but now 00 Heart of the woodland world. Care- ' 0 6*. 'And � there 'Is little doubt that, as unless the blood I,% made rich and
cays she Is quite well again. less of the cold, contagiously cheer- Saving Germany tO SaVO Zurope,j Great Britain resolves upon thle sai- red, and. so now blood alone can cure
l Hastings, Ont., Match 15th. (Spee- ful, irresistibly winsome in his at- � vage, so will P rance be compelled to indigeetio.n. It Is for this. reason Small Boys Give Their Ideas of
ial)-Among the women in this sec- tompts to sing his optimism Into the (Now York Sun.) go allong not a�s, a memy 1but ars -a self- that a remedy like Dr, Williams' Pink � Wedded Life.
tion 'who are shoutIng the pralses of heilrt, the chickadee is worth cultiv- / IOU nedessity. Pills which makes new, rich blood, , ,
�Dodd's Kidney pills is IvIra, john ating as a,sunny little friend for a * As 'Important to al -I Europe as to . � I
.0 � 0 ' � ourw. indigestion and builds up the
Oakes, gne of our highly respected. wintry daY. Germany, In the world ,sense lqvorx These Pills Cure Rheurrlatism.7 Whole system. The great value of "Uhen I get married," he says,
residents, Nor does Mrs. Oakes fall to .644 more important is the British deter, To the many who suffer from rhe,u- Dr. Williams Pink Pills In cases of "which I shall not do until I can pay
give the reason. � , IvidlIer's W*rm, Powdem Rot so mination, related. by one -Of*1ouT Lon. ma.tism a trial of Parmelee's Vego- this kind is proven by the etatement for a good home and the necessaries
"Before using Dodd's Kidney -Pills,', thoroughly that stomachic and intes- don stalff curresp(midents, to eerap, the table Pills Is recommended. They Of Mr. R. E, Small, Wfug,ham Ont., of life for my Wife and myself,, I
treatyl,s -in-demnity clal&es. 7110 GmYe;-'The truthfulness I no Water ran
she states, 'I suffered 'with severe itin-al worms are literally ground up have pronounced action Upon the liv- of my - shoufd go and see that
backaches. Now I am quite *well -and Pass from the child without be- No one need think Oat -thle British er and kidneys and by regulating the statement can be proven by scores of through the roof and dropped on the
again, iing noticed and Without InconVen- are unduly tender ,for anythIng Or action of these organs act as an al- my friends and acquallitanceEi. I am beds, I should not like the walls to
',I am highly pleased with Dodd's ilence to the sufferer. They are anybody German. It uOdhing else were ternative in preventing the adnilx- a glove cutter by trade and for six be damp. When we had been married
Kidney Pills, They have given me'the ipalliless and Perfect in action, and at at stake Great BrItala,md-ght be con. ture of urle acid and blood that long years, have at times been a for a - bit, With a kiddle or two tod-
best of satisfaction." -all times will ,be found a heal -thy tent t10 let the race willIch br,oug,ht causes this painful disorder. They great sufferer from complication of dling about the house, I should soon
In those last two sentences Mrm medicine, strengthening the infantile upon the World unspeakabW butchery must be taken according to direeflons ills, chiefly due to Indilgeotion. Gas want them to grow older, so that, I
Oakes gives the reason why Dodd's stomach and maintaining it in vigor- and Immeasurable destitution stew in and used steadily and they will speed- WOUI - d accumulate on the stomach, should not be awakened in the mid.
Kidney Pills are so universally pop- IOUS operation, so that, besides being lbs, own jalce. But howeVer ,cold the ily give evidemce of .their beneficial causIng me great pain. I would, dle of the tilght by their screanis. I
ular with the women of Canada, They an effective vermifuge, 4hey are toni- -British beart Might be toithe present effects. � I bloat up at timea and almost sufifo- should be a teetotaller, shave twice a
give satisfaction. Women in all'parts **D,l and health�giving Ili their effects. misery ot the Gernians. the British if 4 0 . cate, and- often when at work would week, and smoke two ouns i
be overcome by a drowsy oPpres6lofi twist a week."
of Canada are every day stating that .�---0---0— Ifilead knewe that (the great Teutonic AN IDEAL LIFE. which was almost Indledribable. Fill.
they suffered from kidney ills and nation go down to, .-Irrepa-rable ruin ally I began the use of Dr. Williams' Another boy sees it very simply.__
.found relief In Dodd's Kidney Pills. .1 I RECIPIES 0, without dragging doWn France, Italy Pink Pills, and after taking sevdn , ,,I will be my own master In some
It you haven't used Dodd's Kidney YSTERS IN BAKING DISH. And Belgiu,m, rpervilape evIen Britain. Tiny Bay rsland, utilia, Lazy feel like a new man, The things, but in other things I'll let
Pills ask your neighbors about them. 33 Q boxes I
eat one egg, two tablespoons of cold British dominion '.senso�,knows that Man's Paradise, . transformation they have 'made in my wife have her own way. My wife
They have been in use in Canada for water, roll oysters in this and then in blood ,cannot be squee,;�ed out of a --- me is 6imply remarkable, and while and "I will have a night oft every
more than a quarter of a century and crumbs; place close together in baking stone. But that 14P not 10a Only ques. Wing them I gained thirteen poll fortnight. Of course, we shall have
have. earned a place in the family dish; season with salt and pepper and Life in the Islo ot Utilia Is &13orlb- in lidst
all a few white tops of celer tion. British economic isense knows ;�,elvht, I may add that I began some children."
medichie chest almost everywhere, put in oven until brown. When hot At that* Franco and othbr financial ed in The Oregonian as an existence the use of Dr. Williame' Pink Pills as One little fellow does not believe
I I is very good. It Is so much easler vreaks on the Contitnent; can- be say. of unbroken ease. There are no Wor. a result of What they dId- fbi a niece, in heirestes. "I shan't get married
than trying and they are perfectly hot 'who uhderwent a critical operation,
DRIVES THEM INSANE. .,when served. . .. ed 'only by savhug Germ -any, the great. ries or ceaseless strug,Ies for your to a rich lady," he says, "because
. -set worker Of them. all and caipable, dally oatflakes. Nature takes care Of and, who d,ld not regain her.etrength she will be always wanting dresses
Dr. Arlflntkon� bjeadmaster of Eton, ORANGE PUDDING. I ilf there is a Tiving chance, of (being all that. X14111a's Place On the map until ohe started using the pills. in that cost a lot of money, and if her
recently told a aneeting that the ex- cut up five orangqs, put in a large. Ithe.greatest Producer of tb*m all. would be hard to find, but it'is worth her case they fully reatt)red her wealth grows less and less till she is
i)eriment Of letting 'boys at *the -ool. pudding dish and sprinkle over thern one- ,
half cup of white Set a pall con-, It the peace ternis permit Geme.ny disdoverilig. Away off in a southern health, and this -ocouraged me to op- .poor, then I shall hive to work very
lege Write wltlh the I -eft hand to do- taining a pint ofisuignaII& In a kettle of �o Produce and out of that production sea, never heard from before and but gin their use. wt -h, an I ha�s nlreadv hard to please her. I shall marry a
velop the right side of the brain �,Vag boilln water; let it boil. Stir together to uccumulate A sgrplua In excess of little known it comes to the know. ration of health lady that can do housework and re.
g " -
hurriedly dis-continued When an em- the yolk. of two eggs, one-half cup of � what the workers need to feed and ledge of the Pan-Ame;lcan union that in my 11wn case." quir6s no servants -a lady Who will,
sugar and two tabl . espoOnfUlS of corn- �
Inent scientist stated 'tbat ' it they starch In (6 little cold milk and With a ellothe themselves and, otherwise to here have Americans found a home You can get Dr. Williams' Pink agree to do everything I say."
developed both sidee of the bral-n at little salt. Add this to the boiling Milk, ,lift khernselves'out of -their industrial that others enjoy when they are dead, Pills through any dealer In medicine, The palm, however, goes to a
on1ce tbey became Idiots. lot It thicken and pour It over the fruit. niire. Germany can contribute by "We call It -a lazy man's paradlee;ll or by mall at 50 cents, a box Or six twelve -year-old who Promisda to be
Now beat the whites of two eggs to ; boxes for $2.,50 from the Dr. Wil -
Sir James Criobton-Browne, the a stiff froth, add a tablespoon of fine -�OXRCUY that quantity of surplus l pro- .says the message from this land of Hanle' Meddeine 'Oo.. Brockville, Ont. a husband worth courting. He writes:
,famous mental specialist, has given - ----.--.-.---=--: I 01 WMW 0io "When I got married I shall, I
ms views on -this staitemenit as - hope, agree with my wife. I shall
allows: . I - - SCIE11TIFIC JO XGS. keep trying to get more knowledge of
"Dr. Arlington has acted wisely In I .9& E& my work, then I should get better
� 11Ldk11L1L--1U :MJ93=M791Z;;= �&-LkJk---ALX1J1---11U 49M4 1 The last gap In the Lincoln High- positions In my trade, and that means
puttin'61 a slop to a, Tooliall, expert. . . way is being finished. This cods'lsited more money. I think that the more
ment a'. Eton v hich would ndver � I of two stretches in Nevada. money you get the better it will be
111avo been sanbtloned y �� I .
with a* little sound physiological f or the Wife. It I had any children
I SUN LIFIE ESTABLISHED An English ,ship has been equipped I should try to cultivate a hobby for
knowledge. I I by the Royal Navy to make rzound. them, I should give them ' a money -
"Th.) ordE.r to up -e the left hand , ings of the air for use in mapping box each, and allow them something
equally wdth the'right, has, I believe, aer"'al routes. per week to put in their boxes. When
JR. 'I
been all but universally evaded. Had NEW LANDMARKS in 1919 , they had got enough they could buy
It been observed only mischief would . I A silken screen, kept watersoaked
have been dono, . . while In use, Is sald. to improire the What they Wanted* provided it was
"Dexterity is deeply imbWded In New niflestoncs in the progress of the SuN LiFs AssuRANCE ComrAxy quality of the film .pictures projected sensible, such as a camera, frot,0-ork,
the braln-thle Palaeolithic -flint I OF CANADAwere passcd in i 9 I 9. . upon It. or foreign stamps, or any other liob-
I by. I should build a shed and put
workers were right handed, and It Is Applications received ............. � .................. I ..... over $100,000,000.00 them a puilch-ball and a few other
not to be shifted by a tow sch!iool . Assets ............................ 4 ....................... over $100,000,000.00 A Government bulletin is authority ,things in, and make it like a little
I tor the statement that the greatest
exerelsen, . Assurances in force ....................................... oVer $400,000,900.00 'gym' for them. Then I would put
"Aslitidex,tral culture,� useful per- I eirgilo factor in the operatloft Of the a hammock in one end of it, to
t1haps Ili retapect to some low special Gratifying progress was made in all other aepartments during the year. atemin Plant Is the way in which the r
movements in somo, specially ,employ- * ' � -1141, .. exhaust 6t.eem problem to handled. wifle to lie in and watch hot little
, , . . . sonnies Iparn to 'play the game.'
ed Persons, must on the largo scale SYNOPSIS OF, RESULTS FOR i9I9: . Xingfishere make their nesto ,of "It I had any girls I should bring
end in confusion, Assets as at 31st December, 1919 ................................. , ........... S105,711,468.27 I fishiboneo� . theta up with the boys. They co(ild
"Lord Lister, the great euigeon, Increase over 19f 8 ...... I .............................................................. 8,091,099-42 1 go with them on their inadcap adv4en-
while a stArdian't, realizing that em- Cash Income from Premiums, Interest, Rents, etc,, in 1919 ......... I ............ 25,704,201.10 Grasshoppers have their ears on turos, but still I should like them 0
bidexterity -vimld be useful In his Increase over 1918 - - .. - � ........................ I ........................... � ........... 4,053,101-41 their front legs, cultivate that quiet dignity so obar-
calling, diligently practited It, but Profits Paid or Allotted to Policyholders in 1919 ................................ 1,606,603.37 . actoristio of real ladies."
alitimately gave It up, as ba foulad Total Surplus 31st December, 1919, over all liabilities and capital ................. 8,037,440.25 Wood -paving for roads Was first - �
he was losing ih the rlgDt hand more (According to the CompartyleStandard. viz., for pasurances, the Ou. (5) Table, with 334 and 3iper ilood in Russia. Worms sap the strength and un -
than be was. gaining 4a the left. ceatintevest,andfot annuities, the B. 0, Select Annuity Tables vvith 3)4 Nr tent interest.) ,dermine the vitality of children.
"Ambld6xtlerity to [common In Death Claims, Matured E, ndowments, Profits, et(;., during 1919 .................. 12,364,651.15 Th e reAson why many deaf persons Strengthen them by using Mother
idlots. The hand centre In tile brain Payments to Polleyholders since organization ................ t .......... . ...... 91,227,532.30 hectr better NvbIlo ridirg on trains Is Graves' Worm Extermixiator to drive
Is linked up with that ot articulate -, Assurances issued and paid f6r in dash duritig 1919 ............ 11.4 ............. 86,548,849.44 because the rumbling of the heavy out the paraslb�s. .
vjpckth, and It I% with the right hand Increase over 1918 ........................... ....". ...... � ...... I ..... 1. .... ... I ... ... 34,957,451.40 wheels oi. the trt%ck causes the drum . - � - - -A- -
paralysis, that speech Is lost In a Lift Assuranew in force 31st December, 1914 ... I ...... .... I I .... I.* ..... 4..... 416,358,462.05 Of the ear ti) vibrate, and In this way , RF,S11IJIZ GUARINTEM).
right-handed man and with left 'blind Inertase over 018 .................... � ................................................ 75,S48,805.92 excites tile enpaillty to hear. "Do you guarantee results III your
, 4ff nerve treatment?" askod the caller.
paralysis It! one 'that to 10ft-hand,01" . Life Assurances applied for duflng 1919. . .. ' 100,336,848.37
60.0 - locrtago ovcr 1918 ............................. ::.'.*.",'.*.:::.*.*.:::.'.*::.',',*.::.'.*,'::.'.'.: 42.529,881.70 The Increasing Popularity of motor "Voll. bet I do," rePlied the special -
Cause of Asthma. No one can $0 . THE COMPANY'S GROWTH ,equipment on the farm Was demon- let. "Why, Inet week a man eame to
with certainty exactly what daUges - � I I., - strated r0eOntlY When One COMPAnY Me for nerve treatiment and Wheti I'd
the establishing of asthinatto condl- . wellibiteit a sh4pment of 80 care load- finished with him he tried to borro*
tions. Dust from the stre6t, from, valk Mcoms ASSISTS1 LIM ASSUR- ed with such machinery, The care .,0,50 from me.1, .
flowers, from main, and various other ANCES is ro lt�cs ... Were on the tracks Of & big railroad I - . I I I ,,, � I I .11
.- - :
irritants may set up a trouble Im- 1812...... .......... I.. I ..... .... 4. I ... $ 48,210.93 $ .9 ,46LOS 4,1.064.350-00 y4j-& jhd weN hoing shipped to agents
. 1884 ...... * ............................ ::::::' 278,3791.63 3 ,807.24 , 404.64 1 In throe WwAOrn States.
possible to irradicato except through, 1894- .............. O...." .................. 1,373,596-60 46t "19.63 " "" $60.74 HURSIVS
c a 1 1904 ........... 4 .................... 4,96i,936.19 � 17 ,160.92 ".,2 , ,662.85
*15,052,275.24 85 1835-IOMO .
Keliogg's Asthma Remedy. Tlneor- 1914 ................ # ............... :::::::": 418 1656-38 218"i,92879, As all economy in theatre operation
. 1919'......... ..................... I I ...... ::. 25,704,201.10 1 S 1 1468-27 ,462.95 '
,talnty may exist as to cause, but -- ", . a machine has bon Invented, I -or r6- '
there oan be no un,cortainty regard- The SUN UP2 Imes more ordinary atimt-ariets aonpal& than an claimitig rurrivIed programs which
9 Wer Comp4q 0 Uvo be Ai N OF — � V , 1; S
.y the ' . I
Ing a, rt-medy whiell has freed a &n- " .. .r British Ef?)Pire en discarded by the ftqueht" a
eration of astbmatic victims front thig I ., , � . I .1 I . . or6 of the house at each Performance. bociuse a
49 -V I I 1 : On their second klypftrance the obetts 11
, , .
I . I . I I I , are Issued as 7good as those fresh Mies X 08 *11at 18 ,claimod for It.
is sold everywhere. . 1. � from the Printing prem. 1'. Doxey, gradutto n4roo,
I � -*a* � UN , , . I . � Of 8220 Ulahl"n Ave.,
mourge of the bro"hIal. tubea. It t thTt I 'Inke,
�s . � � 60i., "I bave * %tient 0111"
THE C-HICKA0911. I.. I I I The neweat mathline for etching: � W116 ,saot.,
*� , I , I I "I �� glassware holds the plom by auctl6n fer*d urribiy *tth piles. &Z-11tit �
(Londoit Ailvertleer.) . � while the pift6mo Are lftftaded upon . 10 the'OftlY r*=,bd* thitt "it ho
caZMElff '', . . ,the isurftce. . rolfst I
Piped a tiny volea near by, k � � - -- 4 � O', — 11 I ba,ro U460, zw,tuk MY061f
Ony and polite, a, elletrtul cry, 1. ' , I I A Power of Its Own.�-Dr, T-homas' W th6 NWM6 1111hAld, 6106 for e6rft ,
"Chlek-chleka,deedee Ill Saucy notO, � HEAD OPPICE MOWREAL I Meftrid Oil has A, subtlo power Of ind uft and b0o tho Xmt*A
Out of I sound heart slid Marry 1871 T. 11, MACAULAY# 11re4ideat 1920 ItAl Own that Other oills (Abnot 1)r6. ,solid . - 1A, it."
throat, � 0od to, though there Are many pre- I
As it It 'mid, "Good-da,y, good eirl" teadert. All who ho,ve usm It kuo* I . .. I
"Plue afternoon, old passenterl this and k#*g It by th4n,m as the most I . a
ITROVY to meet you In thme plaom. 1 VMutiblo linliustit availtblo. It&, uses I
Wh6ro Pebrairy brings tow fteosl" � . 'y r 1, I I = - "AN 1 � -J11 �L ;1-91 r , _ jm I , �jjfd im 'I e,1 ,, ft r 6 are Illoomomble and for roAny, y"rs . . �
Introducing himse.f by sluglue to -- " , r r - , -,--r � ,& 01 ; It h" b"o prisod M the ?%dint Ad- -
"I '11
all the world hit clistryp 11 -tut fto*, . , _. WW"T1 ... �VTT " ", 11 As 11"r ka I INA I meat to "all #ad b*mt.
- - . I Xrx -11 -1-1-1.41
.- '),
I �;�� i 1! ;!"t.t.'I"110 .."K,
++-#++ "++++""+++4+444,-#,0�, I .11
Am �stvrda'm - " 07)
I. :
.-k- A 140A ,
Dia-unum , I
I I . .
0 4 0 0 se, 0 +# 0 4 0 01, 0 4 0,04 #mWi
The big market In Aaw#r4w,
where diamonds worth t4bulo" *"me
: are bought and- sold d4fl.Y J*A the *,mo,
manner that otockseboad4o,wto4 sl.k,d
: grain are ,deallt In on Aft .Otbn ex.
. change, to celebrating Its eilver J,%. ,- ,)
bilee. T,bJS officiStl fUnClJon #bOU14
'really have taken place in 1914, but
Vaii postponed. Iro-commomora" tile
thirtieth anniversary of the . asobanp
41--rvetom will publish a hqu(Igome me.
!niorlul. ,
The stock ,of this important orput-
zation which eistablIshco , the prices of
the world's dismonse Is a,% fAscia0las
a,14 the history of elthe,r the London or
New York Stock Exchanto. Iti, Wrty 4
Years It haa grown from a small $,To"
(If dealers assemb%d In a c9e to th� I
largeet m000lation �'Of 414mont, mar.
chants In the world., trawacting. their
: buOlnces in a magalfic#At building.
J30fore the war Antworp had the see-
, Oud largest dianiond exobalige in tbe
world, aud business In cut diamondA
In that city Was , even larger than W
I --- C -Mm. When Antwerp was , cap -
lutea by the German$. hoWever, -th#
'Alamond. merchants fled to Amster. ,
. v4m, - 11 1! I I
. .
ago tile (14A.; - �
Mond market in Amsterdam was slit .
Irregular affair, with nQ onaoization, -,
and no rules. Merchanter used to - .
gather daily in the cafe.. Rembrandt
On RembrandtSqUaro, it �waa easy for' . 1.
, crooks and shady ehafActore to mix r . I .. .1.
with tile merchants,, �aud swindles i�d -
robberies were frequent. These vleir .1
OU(3 elements brought the Open ,41a, �, r I � I
mond market into. filiph disreputectlIat', I
tile owner of the Cato, Reli . .
� � ,. branilt�m-. I :
fueed to permit the dealers. to ho14 ". I
the[r,meetings In his estwblishment, � .: . . ,.
Thle Was taken as ,an unwarrafited ,' . . ,r
slur on the dla , world trade, and. llj"r L . 11
I&A bona fide merchants organlz#d. A .1 . I -
regular exchange tuf4p, the .namt: of I . 1
Vs. . � . -
Beurs. voor dell Dlaimillathaxidel. . .1 ;
. �
new body held Its- nieqtlogs at, -,the .- � '. r. "
Goelvinck. The ,memligrohip, Oqon '
grew to about 300, and In 1890 ,.,�th' , _� r I .
. P 'r ,I
corporation rented tbq Casino buld;� ' r I 11� � : ..
r ..
Ing on Waterloo " i4quard; wnich re, - 1. �
malliod the home of, the dia-mond mer-. ' '. . . I .."
I." r . .
. chants until -A-lay, 191 ,�, ln_,190$, Wbel r I..
1) h .�� I r .
the membershl ak" gro*!n to 1,*j,-.1 Ir . .i
the organization -.V&t4-d jo erect Its .., � � ,
. .
Own building, After..'haviiij failed tor '. I
Purchase from the; 'Government *Iie,�- . r I
historical old arseital, On Waterloo'- . �
Square, the d1rectorW-lought a site on -�' .
6 I
the Weesperplein dod the AChterZ �' I
gracht, where a lbulldIng,'Waa erectedr I " . . .. I
r .1.1 . I
The cornerstone wie laid On Deepm- - .- "
. r
r . .
ber 1�, 1910, byAlip�'Burgomaoter a-.7," r . . .-., r
Amsterdam, and, tl�jr. iieVV exchal.19d; .1, . . .:
. r r
was Officially opefied ' by 7dinioter'.1 ' . . . rr I
Talmo on Septembe 18' 1911, 'b . I
r t, .T Is' 1 .11, , 11 .
* .
building of Alle exe-hange -was. made , . . � .
Possible largely by the ass!stanee. ot ' - . . � I
�tho Ineasso Bank, Which assumed cer4 . r , rr
. .
Itain financial obligations oil condftl6i _ � � I -
. Ir
that it should have the right to open .. - . I . .. , r. ,,
� I
- ' . �
!.,( -branch office in. the ,building, 'For . ' . . .
' , .
!the accommodation. of the d!amond,. I � . .1
bierchants a branch post office, , iq-' . I . r "I
, ,
I.naintalned, and as ;Sunday tradln�, In I .. r , �
QlamonAG .is exte'tisive, it hk kept Open", - .1. . . -
'oil that day. . I I ,� . I
� . :-
I The safety vaults of - the exchang4t - 10
-are the large6t in tile cltJ,, Thev con- - * I
' * . �
'lain 0,Dut 1,000 deposit boxes. A 4!a-'. I � � I .
. � .
Imond merchant finds a safety deposit , � .
box ind-lopensable to his ,,Iling. r . �.:. . � �
, r
I As the Dutch believe ,in combining . . ..
business with ,Pleasure, the diamond �r I . .
'exchange has a bill.lard room and ri� -
1,vall appointed restaurant, In addt,�. I I ..
"Ion to its numeroue offices and'asr '. . I . .
liermbly halls. , I � I � . . I
The diamond exchange now ties , . .
labout 1,500, members, ali'of whom are . I .. . .
f,men of the highest The ' . . I
, Integrity,
Irule.s and regulations'e6netning mellit,-, , ' - .. ..
1�ershlp are strict, and- the bY-laws, . N . . ,
UwAgned .to prevent ,sharp practicest.... . I . . I
'Ai the trade, are severe. 'Thin Is a � - � I
linatter of necessity, as, the dlanlo!L4 -
i trade depends upon c6fidence. It 4:1'. "s I . � � I
.: I
� 'not a trade that can bo"- carried oit by. .--. - � �
tueana -of samples. Precious st6neq , ' I . �. ''I
1,nuist actually pass,from hand to hand,. I .
'on the exchange, and. unprinclPlOd .- I
1porsons would f1pil nfimerous, ovVor-w '- . . .
�Luultles for dislionc-stY*-- . . .' .
Brokers are sdmet!t4es entrusted . t . I. �.
,with large parcels of valuable OtO1166 I I . ..
litlid the temptations are great. Ytt.ln . i �
the hirstory of the exchange breachea. ;.
,of trust have 'been rare. All parties
'interested in the diamond trade are I
Inientibere of the exchange, so that an '.
,cRenrler agalinst, the tules who for-,.
Teits his membership cannot tursue . I
'the. trade. , I ,
I All trade disputes are submitted, t(i .
'the ai4bitratlon committee, which 10, .1 I
an Important organ of the-exeliange',., , -
Go that these quarrels -rarely 4W4 . �
their way into the courts. � .1 I . -, � �
�.Nlenibers are divided Into * 7 two
classes, ,Tnercharit members and brok-w ;
,ors and cornmiselon men. To be ad- . I I
Inlittod an a merchant member the � I . ;
'candidate must have -been In the lradq I �
at least one year. A broke'r tatiot I
'have a three years' record, Fore!gn � , I i
merchante atid- brokeft may be adi Z
mitted as visitors wheir Introduced,bk- . 0 �
a member, who is responsible -for I .
them. Foreigners visiting the extr ..* .
osiange regularly may be admitted a� -� i
I � .
toreign. Inembef'O. 80ris and appreq,
. �
t1ces. or members, young men 11 tQ .� . I 11
I .
20 years of,age, learlilng thei-tradd . . I
` 4
. :
under the tutelage of their fathery 4��* I
�' - I i
.and guardialwt are recognized. a6 a0i ..:
I .
'pren&c% , ? .� �. I
I , , .
Saverat prear-i of members lot V19%
exchange have formed separate OVI � � . I
9milzations. sl1cla M the A68O0IRtt0nO1' ' -
blamond,,Alerchante; aM �tWb MOCIft-.1 I . .
ttono nf brol(tra end COrtIml0filOft m6nC - �
one of those dcalitig in jough dlo,! ; .
mond,s Etud anothek�dftling in out � , .
,itnnvt. Tht%0 AeAt6*TMOUS are dis-, I
tly,t rrc.11, tl,o parent,bodY. I . �
. - .�--- . .
.111:-, N'J."T"61011) IT. � ; .
u?l1p Oratol%_"l want ,reform', I Want
V�ovcloolelkt lerovin; I want labor rq, '
W11A. I wdllt" .
,vjicc- -ch1r,ro1*orra-"-Yal0 ltedOrd- ,.�.
.,+,*--.- I �
"Wilat.13 Itho trouble, old man?. y0il.
.Ook .-�olt (if weather-beateft." . � �
*iThat*s it C�Lact;y. ' I bet ten dolla.rs
Iliq it wouldn't sno-.V to-daY, tLT14 It
ald.11 —-*-*-t-� �-
11.1%,1411TATION VOIt ONK; I
--you siky tliero are m1crobom in kiss-
-o- tile young- lail,y asked the dootbr.
"Tlicre'alt'," lePlic(I the nie'diftl M&n.L' , I
,wI4!�t (n!ca.�e do they bring." .,p,albJt* .
, tion of tile heart, fa One"t I I
.. - *4 --
A 1";kIll 011uss. I
Tcic'aer: --Ili what battle did 001,
wolte. When hea.1,1113 'of Victory, ory 'I
lie, Imppy'? I
3(,I=6� ,,I thin% it was b1i last bkt�,
dc." ... '-+**- �
ovit vnk)f;ItV,,;$IV1,,1 =A.
sit. (,minel (tit.) Itopublican-Itegistei)
Tim, liceclast'd Wal) thme year.4 of 418C
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