HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-03-18, Page 7- , ?_P�,,__ T� --- - - - __��_
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0 were founded On absolute Information - � 11 i w.,dlr,'' ''I'', ''I 11 I -
11 Obtained b�r the Prittsh, �,Ldljltralty. III I
They proved, lie argued, theSoundurs 0 S ' Ivull ,, ., I
of his original roe minenahtions ta CROWD^ SEE ALLIED LEADERS WORRY M-!* ARA F" T
R VA,L1S&%r*S IN - GERM, ANY - the Department that all available 07" `
_�_ - 1, Ir , ,
� I forcea should bf i Concentrated 'in, Nur- I "' I G �
PO 0-,k opean wator-,, - N U FR 'A
."Wr_ "It was, of cour6o in the Gorman U K W I S . 161 16, 41 I
I , , Interest," lie said, "to create abroad . , Y. GNMEN HER` MOSLEm * OPIN ON, I
F, V4 tile luipresolon that t1.1ay were about *.*"*� I
� S'�'IZ" REINS 'OF W F,d X� to undertake submarine attacks Upon TORE ,----,—,---,-- Prot Crow Answers Critics .
i .1 11 , ,4 *a,
I the Anierl aa coast, and It Is to be
i I � noted that such rumors were coutin. .. Indian Ideas as to Occupation of Constanti- of 0. A .0. Dep't. . :� I
� ,
� ually circulated by German agents in Brealt I
.. 0 _—_---_-_-._? Europe and America for the purpoes . , Window and Sweep I Z,qu '__�' I
. of Ilifterieln, tile Navy Department , Jewels From the i
Pan -Germans, Under Re 'd I pople, Have WeIR . Iment at Provincial, .
� . Zt 10nary �g;e ;
.�4crally accepted rules of interna and t4 retain tile craft oil tile Allier- I
i I law" were orated In tb; Trays. %, ___________;_, .
� ican side. I ,.Plants ,% Disgrace. I
� .. 'law Instrument. PTOO(Irriptook the oath - "The fact that, cuch propaganda was ----..— . as .
, Leaders, Oust Ebert I lot Office on Auguat 2,91, and two daye not without effact oil the Navy De- St. Cath?rInes, Report — "If you �
l: . I later the National Assembly ceased partinent was, illustr..Z.ed by numerous M a Over want to may that the hortloult r- �
I r" 4 T -1h to Oxi"t, It bolng superceded by the cable,% from the Department mention- BARING RUBBER WWI A Tulkish ' Waters Swarm With U i
now 101chatag. al department at Gublph and the
. i
! - I -roops Me b 1) Philipp Scheidemanu was the first Ing these reports of .,robable rmbutar- __ � Itralt station at Vineland does not pro- �
. Se erlin Dissolve Ine activities on tho Atlantic coast, � i �
... y rainier of Germarl*y under Ebert. Entente Warships vIde you with needed Information, I
� OUEUVe Noske, formerly Mintster of Admiral Sims r.,A. numerou% me%- Chased by Cop, jump,$ in I I Want to say that we 4100 have not
I , ,
I � I sages alle letters to support his al- had the aSsIStUce from you t -hat wa I
., )ellio-bilization, and before that Gov- logations, . London cable, Earl Curzon' I L
National Assembly oraor of Kiel, wa,4 named the first that the Navy Department Subway A11111ole and s speclally-traUIO4 Bolaboylki prop -,1,;3U. might have had, I want positively to
. ---,-,-- Minister of Army and Navy. By 1,64� failed to give (ifective suppi.rt in win- I BPO'211 On' tile Turkiall rroblegi, made dist$ have Installed' printing p , msees disclalin responsibility for any of tho
� ' Flees. criticisms, cirected against these in -
Don of lils drastic enrorcoment of new iling the war. Ills testimony will be ' ill the House of Lords �resterday, and at AfghalilLtan, w1jere palupli'm stitutions", I
Paris Cable.—(Havas.) — A proclaination is,- regulaltIone, he became known as a interrupted to-�..,orrow to allow the � o'.. written In the vernacular, with a view said Prot. J* W. Crow,, of :
I dictator." appearance of HerboA Ilooycr, whoin lov Official and Unofficial state- to undermining BrItisil v4dthcj: y In the Ontario Agricultural College, ad-
, sued in Berlin to-daydechires that the (1overmuelit of "The Ebert Government underwent tile Admiral ilep)red to be aalled to INOW York, Report — While Broad�!. wants ,on tha subject are generally India and stirting up " dressI119 tile convention of the NI. " �
1 Way to-nlght was crowded with the regarded as sho troable on the Agara Pentrigul I I
, ba reason of political, substantlate his statements regar4- Wing that the Near Afghan border, are being airoduced. � a Fruit Growerg' As� I
ec34omic and popular demands, Ing the seriousness of tile food sitti- Rast taugl- �s quite sortaus, and is sool0tion this afternoon.
TWEmpire has ceased to exist, aild the power of the "'Y 0 - "gas by atregoors, three armed bandits Smash- causing th TURKS INDIFFER14�-4 4,
Voll ,�, 0 authOlftloa some anxiety T, The results you, will got will 4e, I
state,has pas§ed into the hailds, of Goileral Director a first real crisis to threaten the atiOn in Europe. . ad In the window Of a Jowolr, -*and anxiety Increased by coralpilea-
R bert regime, however, arose over the I 14 - . y store at Constantinople cable says: Numer. pend entirely on tile representation
Kapp', who becomes Chancellor and has alVoillted Gell- question of accepting the peace treat - - 37th street, IMPt the cro.was at bay tious threatened in connection with ous 4eapatches fr . you MAke- I to the department of Agri- �
terms, R an I Syria aild MesoPotam
I _ O'N CffJES WIt,' their revolvers until orn London uad Par- .
Ebert, Solieldemann and ( am)
eral Von Luettwitz comillauder-iii-chief of the irlilita],ly All. y )tJ they .is, The s 18 announci culture.
. had hadow 119 ,thAt the 811preme I 40A1 think that the 4e. :
. I a i n of say Of Indian and Moslem opinion Council has decided to take drastic
forceg Berlili despatches staLe, leaders, wore Opposed to yielding te,r WA 11 I. oral trays Oils tile dark. Dartment Is Planning to. give ;
into their pocke .problem, an . you any i
the Entente demands. ts arid then escaped, 0, It Is believed ac"1011. at 00nutantiUOPIO to more than YOU .ask for, Those lu� I
- 0 ,j the c,� ells of the allie' the ld Ing of Christians arid enforce
8110OU14 Influence. - prevent
dis�oI ' eclares the National Assemb] Scheldemann resigned and a pro- _� U N' One v0des,trian wh attoalpt- More tban. 1 un � � 11 stitutions are not doing what they .
� l . eaty Cabinet, trio 6 ad to Stoll them, a always Ira I
lyed, , y tr ludinv Dr, August " meatately ap- Peace ternis more radical might do for You, and the reason is
1, + I lylleller and ex -Labor Secretary Bauer . , URAFY E111 0 1 01,H)s A toll' minutes later three men I parent, . I 0011tOMPlated , bet tlian, were that the fruit mou stand back and tAll .
I it is ailnomiced that a new 61-overnmeilt is being former Socialist Member of the 11,10011� teredailother Broadway Jews, ell- The suggestion that the emp Marash. have b ore the trouble at to press their demand for attention
I ry store, ment of fOl .0 Pgalzn3t loy- Parent ludiffe ' een received with sp- fro, - e Agricultural Department.
formed. stag, Was organized, Bauer, in a � — a few blocks up town and at ter excite the Turks nilght rence by the Turks, the (I ft th
� speech at Weimar bef,*.,e the Natio OffiCig It _ to We have been maki .
nal 'I throwing Pepper -in a ; - general hostil y in the Mug only effect being the designation of ng requisitions
� The Socialist parties have declaredia general strike, Assembly, announced the GoVern- Greatest Scandal grabbed some trays o . ierk'S eyes aulman wor:d Is regarded aa one a slightly changed % the depar .
morit's decision to sign, I I ran from the store. Two men, &i- be stment of Agriculture for
t Jowelry ana that cannot safely -1binet,
the despatches ad1d. ignored, In Turldsh officiah; 07ja watching with years, and 0 -frar as I know the ro.
. . Y evidence of concern tile mov quIsitions I have made have ])eori. gu.
he backing of loged to be Illembers .of the trio, were that there is danger lf the Turks are - .
I President Ebert. had t' France Has Had. some quarters the feeling pro-jajb� Out an .
. The issuance of the pro clamati011 followed the oce'll- the moderates of Germany almost —_ arrested by the police aft . ment In London to firce them oe Ing Into the waste Paper basket"
11� I . P44011 Of the Wilhelyistrasse, NNhere the Govermnelit from th:, baginning. One reason for 4$Expertsll Cet - r- ropri er a chase, Ptessed thev May imrne,'.ately be of Europe. . lit These two Institutions, he pol&4 .
this wits that when he succeeded Wealth Oil etors of the two stores esti- Jo'ned, by tile Arabs. Tile Italian The Allied naval displays in tile Out, Migat be of great value, but on#
inated that thouiands of dollars worth View that it ..
I buildiiigs are situated, by ti'OOPS who had rettiriled from Prince Maximilian lie announced that Reconstruction. Of Jewolry had been stolen, employ Would be dangerous to Rospho��u��'and the British and French side of providing information .OR
against th(3� Turks British naval 1 arades, in tile streets of spraying trees very little Informa,
Property rights would be respected, T119 first robbery, in Which. Moslem and other Moslem troops In stantinople are Watched I Con- tIOA for 'fruit growers has been pro.
, . the. Baltic, alid had beeirill barracks at Doeberitz, ill the that no banks would be seized, and Schwartz Drotbori3 were t the service of the allies is evidently by tl,3 I)tll), lidIf-'erently I
Suburbs, The troops elitered Berlili this* that the Government ould uphold 110 victims, vIded. "At Vineland you have sim. .
I I moriling, it is the German war London, Cable — The *war -ruined was engineered, with daring. - While bftSed Oil these fears, ',a, The Black, Marmora
. ,stated. .losses and pay all I and Ae.,cail F.,cas ply a foundation Of an Institution,. and
1. I I clalms on the state, zectlun-ot Franco is % hot-bod of gr,lft, rubbing o1bows with passini; liedes- Careful watch is being kept are alive, with Allied Q,t the O.A,.C, I doubt it we havoeven.
. THE B-0,RLIN STORY, ary of a reactionary plot, in 11 � here Warships ieady to co-operate with that,$$
leaders were th ,.Vh'eh the The President, In a New Year mail- ,9D -called reconstruct.'rin ",'�Cp3rts'l are trIans, 0110 of the bandits slipped An On the meeting of the Syrian Con- land P�,rces In the defen he said with regard to the,de�
. ce of the
Berlin, Cable — Berlin has been a m mentioned ifesto, 'said that 1926 * iron bar through the bandl gross at, Damascus, and it is under- straft�- aad e ckade - �
I I would decide nmaseln,; fortunes frow,the coffers of as of thb partment making, these provincial In-
throaterled during th, night by the iiii. In tO-daY's advices of the plot's sue. 'whether Germany Would Maintain the Government door, so that it could riot p stood and decision or Proposal by should B1,ch action be taken. The FLUtutions, . I
Incillate danger of a . throusa Zoos dra%Nii fron, the Inside, Then a thO Peace Conference regarding Syria British have four battleshilps of the .
1, was ap- Wolild be. purely tentative. I -
ment had explicit fore�knowledge ol was threatened by a mob in Stuttgart. which they have no further concern. brick wr the Among. tile d os, four cruisers of the Growers had expected from GueIPlk
�. I v!o1ent revolution. cogs, would Irdicate that the Gove-zi. herself as a nation. A week later he for 1):aiis and estimotes of work with pod In clotl
It became �Ulbwn at midnight that., burled through. Iron Duke claB and Vineland informa �
reirolutionary bodles of troops had 'is-' the attempt, and this fact makes an 0 the preLeding Dee, 12, window, tion that -Was I
n ay's reports was one Cf--dlff class, six destroyers of, tile Obtain owing to. lack of -
th.e Ebert Such is the Substance ,of what ro- I impossible to , .
I gun to mo,'Ye "or. fferlin from Doe- explanation of the reported easy sue. Cabinet's fall was repor'.ad as likely port after baying toured the ba -43- At tile J'11'le Of falling glass, that Frallca�had been given .,i man- S,_-adfast class, two destroyers of the funds for conducting exparinients,
� Generals .n Oldershausen and von entering Berlin difficult of , 07er the Scatpa Flow sinkings. the Progress being made in rebuilding door and tried to I ave fertilizer 6�:*Perlraeuts hs an ' . I
date over Syria, but this was un- , Tomahawk class, and five Supe "" g 0 1
as a, r ult of the Allied demands tields and seen with their own eyes I tz ran excitedly to the Confirmed. It is argued Ili some quar- i dreadnaughts of the Revenge .1 r- an showing that at Guelph We
" berltz, cess of the anti -Government forces in F rank Schwaro
. . explana- I Pull It open as lie ass
I Wetzel went to U011. It may be noted that t ----------- C�-01_ I or hall). The crowd, also tors that France's hand's. are too full I Within easy reach of the Straits, with ins all 8' I
0vftA and Lieut.7(101, shouted f de; ment had not sufficient -land,
1 . he names the .war-torn cities, attracted by the crash, swarmed 0 Und rtake for carrying on such e)�perlraents. .
r nd warn them of of thq two men most prominent 6% The Financial Times, leading British t Vast I a this TesPonslb 1.11 47' several other warships convenient to
I . in - G I 3rltalu . is similarly re A I
about the robbers, two of Whom eon- ruled 0 t as a mandatory for the .
the donsegue.,ces; of their action, Military affairs under the old regime, . financial journal, discussing the ex- gaided the'Golden Horn or the Bosphorus. t Vineland and Guelph scientiffe
. I 'Trb9ps from the Baltic have joined Plaid Marshal von Hindenburg and WANTS TO KNUW perlences of the men, says: tinued coolly at their ing 'same reason, and the League of Tile Italians have -two battleships, m0n up all tha
I in the rgvoll,.. General Ludendorff. so far have not 1A "The whole worIc of reconstruction diamonds and rubtes out of the win- tions is looked to as the only ,NL a- one cruiser, and two destroyers In fruit growers' problems and thorough.
. I 'The troops whIL were concentrated been mentioned in connection- With Hf�ff' R 0 8 consticutoa one of the Most dls.,racc�fal dow, while the third , hOPe the vicinity. The French have 2 ly tnves �
. member of their for Protecting Turkey's tigate them, but that lunds
I .
I . at booberitz, includ!n:,, th,e Erhard slid the new development. The field mar. WILSON'S WU of financial scandals. The off4iials party ]'apt spectators at bayj subjects. . rion-21T011ern modern battleships, 2 destroyers, 1B for securing such men to a suftiolent ..
cruisers, 2 sloops and one transport, number I
. and other interested parties, Vchltects,, Seeing tile crowds halt arid f orm RePortEr are current that Ecplshe- the Greeks, Pointed out, a d h peal to t e
41 LoeWenfeld naval britgades, --leverthe. shal, Indeed, had only recently an- .were . lacking, Prot, Crow
. less continuod their advance oil, 21or- nounced Ills willingness to becorne EC enZneea, contractors, and tho whole In a seral-circle the battleship I
. . lin, and at 5 Wolock Lhis morning were � around the store, vist act!-V.ities,. directed agabist tile S Kilkis n a ap ad 11 .
go allies, 'inber's Of the asSO01 tIO a d a!l
a honest Inter- Patrolman Anthony Wei I (formerly the U. .s, Idaho), and 2 Me 4 n U
candidate for the German Presidency horde Of mora Or less n came rac- *have cropped out In co-oper- I dest I trait growers to jpin In an endeavor
� at the Tiergarten ra:Iway statloil. in the elections thal, were to be held France Inquires Just What Inediaries who have settled upon the Ing to the scene, ation with the Turkish nationalfa�s I destroyers, the cruiser Galveston and
I � . royers, and .the Americans six .
. I The Public Security *�Uazd devastated diGtricts of the Somme, tile ,Tust as he arrived ri nd in' nearer India, it is said tl,�It ' -several small craft. grant In -favor of the conducting of .
'his later this year, while Berlin despatch- to secure an, increased Goverriment.
,. -)K' Morning occupied the offices of ior- as in January credited General Luden7 I He Meant Pas de Calais, 'he Nord slid the Aisne, fight, his way ' through th-fa excited -------- .� Scientific ., in,vesti,gation Of frult�, 11
. of - ------- !_ like a flock of valturas, apparently throng', the robbers called it a day's '-"-" w---�-_--T-T_--.-_--_= growing problems In the province, �
waerts and the semi-official news dorff as well with the intention bd look Upon the work of reconstruction work, Packed the last of the. gems
agencY. The services to th2 Provilleas coming an active participan ? -_ � I
t In tile in &11��� He said tfi ' - I
#nd abroad were provis!onally Bus- next German About Militaristic Party in merely as a means of filling their their Pockets, parted company an EMAW at. -It the Federal Depart-
� Pended. Political campaign. pochets.11 d IN , Ment.of Agrl�ulture wanted a fruit . I
. It -was reported durl If there has in fact been an'effpc- started each for himself to carve a I experiment station in the province,
I that a maiiifd.,to had been Prop red ment in Germany, —_ Ole let them have,it, but retain the Vine- . .
t , - khe effects upon . AT I
� ng the morning I Control, Liberal Government grants turn. way through tile human semi-cir
tive overturn of the present Govern- t Ish these grafters the opportunity, Then came gun play, � A Budget 0 `4 /
I I an in, say awy Sighting a and station and Provincial manage-
. -s- the relations between Germany and Washi.gton, Report - President the greater,t icandal official France f .4 ir ews ,ested. To -day ' the
. d signed ' , Prezident Z birt, A? observers. It bids fair to bacome man break a from the crowd slid ment be sugg �
. � tel, of Def 3nze Noske anC, others, SUM' the Allies arid the carrying Out of VVI."301L wV. to -d -ay coneidering wheth- has ever facel. In connection start up Broadway, Welgen, with equipment .for work In hortl . . I
. . InOnIng the workers to a general the terms of the treaty of Versailles or he would reply I cultural
stfilro. wIth drawn revolver, gave chase. 11 s T experiments �at the
a . I T1_ a tutio Provincial insti-
... to the "repreaenta- proposals for the reconstruction of The crowds took to cover ns Is a disgrace to tile prbVlnce
I The names associated with the now can hardly be estimated. With a tions ma6e by the French -Government district including four small vIllageG, heard the crack of as they I I . From Ifle 031 ? Lan
, �co, the architects got more W . a revolver, but I "There is only
. � , %� .. � revolutionary movomea,, in. 0,ermany militarist regime In control in Ger. . because of hie charge that the mllitar- for instar elgen had missed his aim, I la sald I of Ontario, he said. .
. . 1rtdIcQ;te Its rea,!" nary character, .many there seeing little doubt that 10tic Party waa in control of Franae. than V0,000 after which they re- and the L .. am - I I - one Person worth wasting Your I
I . Tile Dr. von Kapp reported as hav- the outside pressure for the strict, The French Government's repre- turned to Par -'s and ceased to be In- robber sped on, . breath on In, regard to the matter of .,
I I � � . execution of the Stipulations of the sentationc transmitted to the State terested in the work, In front of the fugitive Was a Bab- retaining. the Vineland station for the I
, Ing assuiLied the Chancellorahipw it The Food Ministry has now PTO -1 Camberwell Borough Council Province Of. Ontario, and that is the
, Peace PRct would be markedly in. Deopartine�t ,by Ambassador J. J. jug- nt meeting of the Oven- way air hole, with 6 ted the "free" sale of L3ugar for has
1.� I.. . seems probable, Is Dr. Wolfgang Kap-,), 0 the cover off, arid htbl decided to build a garden city of 150 Minister of Agriculture," he'said. 'A .
� I creased, Particularly for su a SGrand, on explicit inetructiolls from eral Council of the Department of through this hwe the bandit jumpe home fruit preserving, 'houses at Red Post Hill, Camberwell, former Minister of AgrieLlt
s .
- I 11 � I . I a former Conservative rilember of the , as France and Belgium. with their the French Foreign Of -flee, are more the Somme, the Prefect stated that to the subway traclis, 15 feet below,'(1 ,Ili April the Air Ministry N1,111 0 ell - ure had
� I Reichstag, and General Director Of territory co In the nature at a "friendly inquiry P The Killay Colliery, ne told him that all tile hortic
". ntiguous to that of the despite the large aihiy of officials, as- He narrowly missed being struck'by a, achool of air navigation for officers ar Swansea, ultural ex- ,
, I the German Agricultural Sociot)% He former empire. It has been generally that .Its to ,9sy, they are put forth mi��e" timates for the Its at CalGhot, I was flooded wIth water from'an Periments needed for the province
. . was One of tile Deputies who early In rebuilding of 6nly a Passing train, for tile rear of IaAto, working, .
. conceded, however, that the military In ")sorrow than In anger" -yet it p, throe out of 38,000 houses dvatroyed prcigress was heard on the street 'SuMe publishers will Increase the Near]_Y� 700 miners were In cou ,10 acres of
� . old
� 1918 urged tbe Goveniment to speed requirements, of the treaty, Which have . believed he Id be carried out on
; . re that the French Gov- dif ficulties, and two men the experimental station farm slid
1. in the war had Go tar been aDprov- above a few seconds after the robber price Of now novels, Gays the Book- were ell-
. UP the U-boat building programme, He been already put into effect have reft. ornment is extremely anxious to have a . played his last card and won. man's Journal ,from. 7e to 89 or 9s. tombed for some hours. that the crop off another 10 'acres
,k I , . became President of tie German Path- 8, complete explanation of Just what 'a , For �*ir John Burnet, the architect of I Acting warrant officers -in Would pay for conducting the e*T_)eri.
L Orland Party, the notmio - dered Germany Mil!iqr1lv Impotent A thorough :nvestigation by the after the reserves had assembled 11 th,e war cemeterieg In Gallipoli and ar the navy meiits. .
5 the Pre,,zident meant. . Oroveinment Is lilfelY to result from full force and Searched the subway Pillestino is pre -paring piano to beau- for the purposes of Injar
� us pan-Ger- for a long time to come, at least so a to be treated as warrant officers .
The action of the ,French Govern- "ie exposures alraady made, Ler.,Id- from 42nd street down to 24th st Y awards and turning the Vineland station over to .
. inan organizati3n which urged that far as ally aggression oil her part ment dild not take the for .1 In discussion of the question of
I Or written communication, but was tify Rai;i'sgate sea front,' widows' pensions and compassionate I
.. .1 'Germany carTy on the ,rar to the bit- might be concerned. This, . however, in of a note, ing French newsr-alers and ilaruals they found no trace of the darIli.-"bra.'rt'* the Federal Government, tile mem.
I ter end. After the abdication of En�_ Is perhaps not true of th �ljl%,., -St.- "'Villian-1 Gusconibe J'ohn, the allowances to children.
I I ` I . taken LP the question ft"d dally dit and were forced to admit
i. � , PerOIZ William and th%, sl&nlng of the O French simply the -oral transmiecsion to the . new and ,no -1 astounding rpv,3 th, sculPtor, is an go bars were divided Ili their opinions,,
at lie
. d on a statue of Sir Edward Ward, In a White Paper though all agreed that more money
a- had strolled to the nearest station, General Aland ga
. .. arlirigtice, Dr. Kapp, . army leado-s, amon,p w!;I)m Marshal State Department by Ambassador Jug- t�:On.l Of graft ,WL being broagrat' e,,Of Mesopotamia fame, on the services of tho Londoll special
Mali for whose arrest the - has been Insistent Serand of tile Inetructi ,to Jumped tip on the platform and esa to be erected in Bagdad. constables, say
� Was One Of '�hO Foch in particular .
� I I d In one which he � lght. ought to be expended on this Instl .
. Socialists e-amored, o!1 ' . Pressing for greater military Pro- received from the French Foreign Of-, caped. I S tilat 67,185 men tution. Prot, Crow Pleaded for th-
. I ,,16 gr6iind tection against Germany for France flee. 1 ___0__4_,_ e The Birkenhead Board of Guardians served, and 5,424 di . ad while in the ' ro- �
� vinclal management, because the
war slid the liftid,trinj of r Tulle. dean Of the diplomatic, corps here - Vineland work should coincide with I
I th-A.t Ae slid his asLv##� ,.tag had boan re- Th second robbery occurred In the have decided to Instal a complete force, 10 being killed on duty, 7 dur retention of the station under p a
. spoilsible for the coiAhillatl than Was provided for by the peace Amlbaesad-or Siisser-and, Who Ja the r of Marcus Feldman, between kinaMatogral)"I apparatua ill t11G union Ing air -raids, �
. Of tile Pact Signed last . I
t . ,oace. 45th and 46th streets, where the the- for tile 011tertainment of the Inmates. The King has approve
., I *61 E PH" M A N r" R I N. C" E S'O ' e
. � . , hWor-Genf,r . Baron ,ion Luettwitz, --------- 3�� Would not In any way 41,3,cuas the Atre throngs are thickest, 'George Curl, aged EE3, formerly a d a special the work of the O.A.C., Nvhich is Im- .
I . . 1, w7lo, a --cording to the dearatches, has matter to -day, but it Is understood S as, Committed In the constable in the Berkshire - Posthumous award of the war medals portant from an educatio'nal stand- .
11 the reprceent�tions make several Ira- , fiLL ON Qop Both robber! Miles, (the 1914 Star, the British War Medal, point. He Moved that the Provincial .
. 11 boon nair.ed coluriander-in- chief, was I MCI" heart of the White Light district committed -suicide by throwing him- and the Victory Medal) to Field overnment be asked to retain the '
S portant pointa, V il
Bfillitar)r Qore=or of BeIgIu,11 for a ' I 0 U, V Were witnessed by thousands of - -Mar- G
I — period in the early days of the Ivar. 110 '1114 1 1 The firat of thwe is belief that -the per' -self over the railway bridge at son' shal Earl Roberts and Fleld-Marshal stationt The resolution that finally
sons, Broadivay was thrown into tile 111119 cutting.
1. later was a commander on 'the Ver- I President, doubtlOs3ly unconsciously, — greatest excitement!hs police reseries A reprieve has been granted to Earl Kitchener. i carried was that a delegation from
� has done the French nation and, more Lambeth
. dun tront. Wh-a ri, the German treaty G, uNg V F R N M E2 N T over the Preach People, a grave In- arrived oil the double track and work_ George John Lucas, sentenced to death Council, South London, the association meet with 0, dele-
cams Up for action by the Governme. I Tries to Deily Attack On I Ing on the theory that the robberies for the murder of his child, whose decided to pay the police rate Which -gation from the Onturio Fruit Gro�v- .
. I ' body h they had thought of Withholding as a . I -
.- last .1une General Von Luottwitz was —_ JUstIce by his charge that their des- were commit led tinder a railway arch ers' Association, to ask the MLIsfor I - , _11
. I one Of the leaders r- ted by two., different ai� Pq_ O' bur ,X . Protest agaI4 U ...
: �. of tile military I riedrich Lbert. - formerly head of tinieG are In the control ,of a milita - French Officers. bands, raced up and down side streefig _ ,� 0
. -*,,- ,rominent .n. ,,ppositton 'a the r Istio party. � _�_ "W a kham, .st the action of the goln t Agriculture for an appropriation .
, .. party r The occond Is that the French Gov- and scoured the subway for the four have never been able to upset Secretary In refusing to reinstate po- Of finances to extend the operations
. peace torms. - tile main committee or the Rolclistag,
. 1-16 has an Ainerlean ,,, I oradrient does not-bellev- ft ; , %, 14-6 -ft Q! Missinw baudita MOS03' laws Of hygiene and MedicaI lice Strikers. of the Vineland fruit eXner1iiie"f'.mi-
I a 0 t er & LAA0 . �
. - In addition to the Pedestrian who St,
wire, who was a 'X- Cary, of Plove. q oader 01 the Social Democratic operated or dominated by a nillitar ong .is Barred in . teaching," Said Sir Jamest ,Ca tile, at With the exception of the crowns ,of tion, It being decided that if ,,Uftds
land; He has always been classed as Party, waa oiec*ted first PrIpSident of latic party, and Would sincerely al) Martili-in-the-Fleld'o Churiclh Loll- the King, the Queen, and the Pr were Provided and a good showlu6 I
!nee of I .
There -has bee WaIGS, 'Which were removed for the made In service to tile frult-grow- .
preclate an explanation of the Prest- -_ . The Ho,ine Secretary has appointed a opening of Ing Industry, the station would he
thoroughly Prussian, the new German . Berlin. WA -1 shot, but not seriously injured, don. �
"Progrqaslve -Repub- one other member Of the crowd pue-
. n a strongly held be- lie" for -a term Of seven year,3 on dent'8 thoughts along this line. 11, coeded in getting Ills fingers oil a Parliament, the Crown rats
lief, both inside and outside Germany, February 11, 19�9, by the National brier, It Is believed that s Berlin Cable - committee to inquire and report oil Jewels have been placed temporarlly foil. Ined under provincial supervl�- I :
that' the ,an-Gernivillst M "Deuts,011and - ubor fllgltive� He was rewarded by a the awlst.'Juce which call be given by In 6harge of the Bank of England, I
, oriarch*st .Aason'MY at Weimar. He has been Point" ,1,3 Aesired by the French .Gov. alles" has sustftirad a disastrous de. crock on the wrist from a revolver I
Patty was- merely bidaig Its time anti characterized as a type of Dan-Qer- ernment. women in police d ties j�nd what Mr. George E. McIntosh, In charge
butt,which caused his arni. to fall hall)- ought to be the statu A-fr. J. H, Thomas; At. P.
Waiting an opportune moment to man or Imporiall.3tic Socialist' ------ 04 �__- feat, though by naillaricd]. sui�erlority u4s, pay and 0011- , unveiling of transportation for the irult 9rOw`_ .
lessly to )its side. . a -of women so am a 'War Memorial brass at Browning ers, emphasized the importance to the .
belief, for one thing, that taused the arose from tile ruins, Of the JT� .1,1,to,!loyed. Hal, ,
lt was the l6bert Governmeni wb1ch th- German$ won a victory over four Two rings, valued at $575'and A- Sir Erneot Sha vvalwo�th, London, said he be- fruit grower of his being a Member
seize control of -affairs, It was till$ mb.% gt� � dition
during Ills
considered Members of the F rench mission in the 450, were missing after the second lecture at the Philharmonic Hall, Loll- lieved that a revolution of violence of an association. "I don't think ��
,Allies'worry when they 201lern dynasty and which on-,.-,_- WATCHED SUBS21 "battle Of the Adion,,, s the riot in robbery, but were sP.Id by the police don, notle was not Only unnecessary, but also it will be possible for yon to git
tht newfiless of former Em eror Wil. the Xnt--nte Allies to conclude peace _,ad Mr. Dirneat Joyce, who
p SHIppING the big hoterg dlnft�rooill Saturday to have been found oil the two men took parfin both his expeditione and
Itain's retreat at Amerongen to tile with Germany, . I that It would be ruinous to all Soc� through another reason without Pay-
Oerman border, and prompted their The N,ttiouai Assembly, which night Is po ularly referred to by thL, arrested on charges of robbery arid a-Aea him to go on the platiorm, tions, Ing tnereaged exPr ss Mies," he sald,,
OlOcted Vi,bert, SAVED P � At ft joint show and sale of s but he suggested I
ottoUg representations to Holland of Wae tbrilled for the pur- Press here. felonious assault. The prisouers greeting him u "the saviour of the hoTt- that a schedule of
the dagger of the peace of GermA P-060 Of adopting a constitution, 1.ts Minister of Defouce Nosko P.Ave their names as Vilieent de Marco, RosG Sea Party." horn cattle at Aberdeen, Mr. -Tames rates be submitted by tile express
.n) document, which was approved last __ forbade a shipping clerk's helper, and Bartolo The not pr6rIt of Harrods Stores, Rothlebrisbane, Aberdeenshire, won companies, with it View to effecting
and the rest of Europe of big presence Auguat 2, provided that "the execu- the Playing of this air In the Adion Scolla, a barber. I Ltd., Loudion fOrthe Year ended J the championship wl h an 11 -months- Compromise. Ontario
there, In response to this the Dutch Or In ally other public dining-roonis - T1OMAtOeA
I GoVernmeilt Promised to heep a elbso UVO Power lies with the people," The More Done This Way Than In Berlin. Albert Anusewitz, a clork, was alone nary 31. is &15S3,05, which with e ane toughA for 5,000 shoull be marketed In Alberta be- .
Frenchin lt was the refusal of the -in tho store when the bandits enter. 406,480 brought forward a lou guineas by Mr. J -OS tween early July and the end of
Power of the Upper Chamber ol the Any Other. an to stand 111) when the air n nts') to eph Shepherd, Lou-
. I guard ovor the ex -ruler. Rejobatag Was limilted, drallar to the Was played that led to the fracas in ad, He was asked'to show the two , & 00,116, compared with 4887,144 the don, for O.Xportatlon,� August, lie told the growers, and ex -
Tile despatches from Berlin under British House of Lords. There were �
yesterday's date telling I the AdIon. rings, and it was while he was doing Year before. A dividend of 20 per The Scottish SavftAgs Committee re- pressed the opinion that this market
- of W tile 418CO'" L41)DC131 PrOtO010110 for labor, and Admiral Sims Criticises U. Prince Joachim Albrecht of prus. 80 that the popper was hurled Into his . cent, Is declared. ports salea 'of War"Savings Certifi- would prove a profitable one. Ite
=!nt!tt=n=__ ----. - 1. _-...1-,7._ __ __._.. ...___.1....1 I ... 11.__7� . slat the ex-Icalser's cousin, is still U11. 008- Boat& of Education regulations for Cates to the end of December, 1919, to had been endeavoring to have ex-
18. DOpartinent. der arrest. The warran't for the arrest Than the pair dashed into the street grants for the higher education of the following amounts., GlaSkow, 98,- Press companles Increase their o%-
. 4 ___� �.- Of his chief aide In the row, Captain and Broadway pichod up its ear4 at ox -service .Uien provide for a mdxl- 342,575; Edlnburgh;�V82,578_,602; Dun. Isting rate of $50 Dald in case of Ulu-
� a 1, I Von Platen, has not Yet been served, cries of "robbers," raised by Anuse- mum of X50 a year feea, X176 a Year doe, 41,497,9091 Abetdoen, 9.1,444,- ago to Consignments of which the
Washingto maintenance single 6men, .C200 niar� 30i Value had tot been declare
��� � I 11, Report,- More sh,V� because the OaPtAln*cannot be . witz and the blast of police whistles. , and Paisley, 4706,929. ,-d, but so
J folind. rlod, and, =4 for each child under far had not been succes.4ful.
A I I Prince Joachim has niade a statenlent 11111ifdredi of men and women Joined He
. . � ping Wag Saved by iteeping track Of 16 up to -a Maximum of XOG for Glasgow University has aceeptod an warned the growers to declare the
I I r I - to the Dross that lie had no part in tile In the ehaso, while thoUsands more
, German Submarines Z offer of 45,000 to establish a lecture. a
,.nd routing he watched breathlessly. children, ship In electrical diagnosis slid thera- Ing Shipments,
f . 0 . . .001.1 cleW--- of them than by an� Yes- "battle," ,but this did not deter t Mr. Philip, 6--nowden will retire from . value of their consignment$ on in k�
.. / , ,,, other VOrWaerts from printing a 'violent at. Detectives '*Investigating the 4
�--�:-���_ .e;. first the chaIrmalls' 11) of tile Politics at the West .1 - � 1.
0 � I I single 1110ftstire, Roar-Adnitral Sting trick oil "reactionary Insolence" under robbery late to -night expressed the Independent orn University. A I
I . J E 11, _ Labor Party at Raster, and among Beardmore Prize for Franco-14cottiall (r1a,whor')
. 94) R CNINE �, � told the Senate InvestIgaling Coln. the heading "Drunken -7rInao Thrashes belief that the bAlldito; had dellberato� thcGo nominated tot, tile poat are: History and Literature has also been Young 11opeful-IINVIlat does college. I
I 4Cft$1DJT014S. I I . ulittOd to -day. � , ROsPectabla People." Ali official I,,. ly planned to USO the subway air Shftft .Nfas�grs. Raw-afty Macdonald, It. Stoll- ofounded, Sif William 13eardmore haV_ bred Mean, dad?"
, *.�h..ih I The Adilliraps S4 Dad (reading heir's scho6l expenae-,z)
.1 ,atcluont was ,nSup vestigation Into the fraeas is under as a means of oseape, and had re- lie, T, Myoro, M.P., N. Maclean, M.P., Ing given 11,000 for the Ptirooaa. I --i � 1g logf, Percival.,,
: *1
Wt wig's, PAV .. '.
I . port Of hi", ch',1111,e that tile Navy 1)e" way, Moved the cover and placod a red lan- G. Lansbury, MISS 11. l3olldflo!d and To commemorate the silver Jubiloo I .4 6�
k, " �
I ('19 tit fi4s ..".. .1 partwont llad a "fundainental 1111scoll. The Pronell officers Involved ill the torn oil the stdowalk beside the hole. Mrs. Snowden. of the Wigan, St. 1-telons, Chorley,and ALSO 110PELESS.
0H V"A 'I' ` , I'll ceptior.11 of tile , probleln Of defending affair Indignantly epily that there was . -, _.,4,*-*--- 1.11r. John F, ftllgealit, one of tho District Enginemen, nottermell arid I
I . '' I home waters �11, keeping 'a� 1"'y Intention r,11 their Part to "I can remember when peol)le thought I
J)OL&AK ) ; � Alnerl( oldeat and beot-known solicitors ,and Dral(esman's Provident society, a the telophono was oomething lrapas-
. 0 , � Y a A a a 81ble.11
I I , . ad and vivrou-3 CO-01)orationll to tile discourtesy, declaring that,oDell , Public offlcial�s Ili Berko,hlre, ha,4 died well-known C01110f` Wotk i ' tr d ,�
I � Allies. land libel, allei,�11 is not officl,tIly tile 10min. ated Wall, ours is."
,.". - I ... I 1") "D CZECH .
6 I .0? ;:,., I 4 It q a h! POLEN" Ali at Wolcln,, He ,origin. t110 union In the Lancashire coal field, all ' ---'*+@. � __
, .1 .... A 10S,4 'Actual OxDerlenee hati shown,,, the national air of acrIllany, and that co-oporlative build -Ing .society In T�ast the original members now
, I , I witilesa continued, "that We could do therefore tlicy Rftw 110 reftqon for, tA n 11 surviving CANIT DODGLI 19;Nf.
. . rt�� .: � .1 Dand Upon heopin, re . Standing up wilan it was pl. I s, by Which about X400,00 wils have been preseilted with gold Medals.
, "o'l ' ayetl, OVIVAIntlel without Intercot to Ponple (11ordo Sector.)
� I _ . , 1, a2O'lable aceur. (Note.-Hithorto, tile official *00r. S -NOE", 'loll A house at Paddington
. . �. $) V h �11.` att, track of UIT subilinrlues at $ad. We CLASH [AT 1E, C, N PrIllelp"Ally of the working clasve%. numbered "What'a b0cOmin., of Private Dubbtlr
I .
. I I; - k i w wuld never have to Man national air has always I)et,,%Il i ThL% de,,ttll bag t,,tkell Place of RO_ 1112all Is to be "133," on the recorninon. 111.1o's a travelling Salesman."
_� � A 4� I I t deal NVIth but one or two submarines "Holl dir fill calgerkranz,1, the trino oI land. John Dormer, thirteenth Lord oiat,on of the London County Coun. ","Aill taking Orders, huh?"
I ..
, . 4 1 ,1,; ., Which Is the same as that of God Save Vienna cable says: (Ily th,q- oil. __Q.��� �
% s . 1� a till' Auso-
q, N . .104 11 ,�.,� ��� 'it ' 11 Illa 5qth year. Ile sue. -
'A ' .0 on our owneoft.4t, and It was the ItIng.1y) . "I',' "' I The dINU11 13 Announced at Harrow SOMSTIP10 ZOTTIN081
D11 "
44 1 0 .% .. , POSSINO t') 40 (1, gre, ClatOd Pr039.)-ATftUy Clw;hco between
. I C at de, -.1 the I)eerage -an tbo de.qth of
I �. , to'WtLrds The democratic and toeiallst ("M t ) ald, Proderick llurchooq,
�. � �i '4103, . , providing for tile I lli4 unta In 1900, wid the familV We. of Air. It
% . . satity -.)f slffp�plllg nolvq. PO ,4 all zt,clig Ili the Tiu,elien re- h who was the 'Mayor of st, Pancras :
v - # 1. � I it . Ili our hoine waters jvith�,,dt the'llso 6110to ftvolvo on bla brathpr, (,,,11)- In The last gAl) in the Lincoln, 11,.gh. i
� I I . j,X iklon are repoTtel Ili a4viem reeelved 'I taill the on, (1hftrk,q Dornij�r, 1J..N. 1005. !
A 't I on the Yrenclinion, aild gel�% UP011 It lo, d C 11
k,;� Ki '14 wlik'N I Papers vigorously donolluce tile attack
S, - N., .� # "4 Of allY 411ti-submarIne craft at all I w,fty Is being finlahed. Thle ton,akKed
,ke at the 1-18,1119 Of the 1ltLtIon,,tl. ,,�etcllea In ANOv&da.
.11 - I 04 1 � to stri here, whkli Bay that IxAh clde% have (retire,I)i ljriv,�rly Naval Attacile V.1 FOAtOrdOwn Port, Caterham, Sur. of two e,
, .*A: '� I A_ L - "
A�k7- . I i�." , Ist Aellffill(int In Goruntay. In 1qatit)II. takcn the aggro-mive at various times, Wkio. toy, one of the old London defences, �,
4mw. . �`111 - . _%#1 ;k Aamiral 811r.a Pre.",11ted eablo. allstle ,aircitia tile Illf-,ldo g using firearma and hand grenailcm. 11,
. .. ..�;. 00000" ,nt I. rogretted I A SoAth Derby-ghlra eartlic,nivaro has been sold by the Disposals Board An English ohip hoe been tiluipped i
, I 14rall:8, 11111101111eir.9 tbo, dpVtkrture wi M11111130 at R 111011lent villon F told ; said that a Prene.11 officor ww" boat- M111--thn Albion V%Y Voirpany- for 411875. I
.�AW I 00-ov I from Glerinarly of tile 1jr.4;t raider for Alfar,shni'von- Itindonburg'is c-andidsey ,an and a ."Idler killrd when the of. wor by tbe Royal Navy to Make ftuad-
,., I . . fic k,q art, ,ever ecal ,jeanta r1ri,l For Stealing a sheep Albert GInxc%r ing.5 ef the nir for Use In Map�jlss
. tlm, American (',0RA W1111" �
- er, who was PowmArkilng an Allied tn tili Middle ef 11. r1rh emitIlle.1d, are., Was sentenced to Ox Month* at Hipt- aar-Al routc$. 11
� 41. ,t, oWnt iaons than for the liational promident,y Is Iftn. detachmont, tried to diotarm, one parW. heing eomppilcill to fl!vrbargo a ijum. ford. Iliq brother, whcm the Imlice __�,
I thme w(..,ekil btfore *'A(, V(114.41el luipear. � linunred.
441� �etv Pd In Amerleart watem. The, riwisage%,
� 7 __ A#, I- --)-- —
_40;;;,�� ,��' 10� Vlrerieh and liallan inflitary patrols Imr Pf t�e4r ripn owing to Inabiltly to ralled, hanged hinixelf. - 1,
. (VAt,ta 1w PAId, were remarkable for the &c. The Cynical .Ca,Wor obs are attmr.pling to rontral th* oftwt- c6irtiry PulPeirnt ro-.11. . _., 4 " 4i ---.- .� 4overnnient bullttln I& litlthcrlty
rVA11 that tion. Nine kundred Pal,foeh AnWl,M U*dvr tkG W*ftrScIty (Sappi,y) Aaf, I for the statement that the grfig"t
unrar.y with which p -,pry Mo%V, Of th(l, Some men am reaNy oldw * h I Wife: "Woll, lay dear, I mri3r hav I
I W! -.*it COuld to Swtett r?--4N*w Yor,k World, onerny was fontr4d, WInz thftt tboy Inok, ath4vx ar( merotly m thati t 67 hAve b*on moved into l,)x*Jdqt.%, north. U3. fho gfjjgt�r of TrawtMrt ,hi%14,1 kept ysiv wjltiltt pjc i.g'e Istetor In the ,operation of the
I I 44"It -*K ot Twba, tke #Avkvs al, Rwaftm 11111, 3ohn ?. 0. Onall, form. - to 110 Wi(h bow . , brit I hoid nothing ci"l Plant ,.,s the WRY is WbIch lbo
�, , � . I ". . I - ,. " 1 . .- *., , .1 ynn watiod.,, w0au-it *tftm problika In iftlkndNd.
& %04 I I , I �_12A,k , - �
. I I I � 1w, I 1* I , 1, , I 11 i, 1!.f �, , I , '. . � I .. �,, � , I � I I
"I . I I I _.&.&&Aaw��A , .. I %, .. . :L "J' � "I , I &M I ... 1111 _ � I 11 1; 1 ., I � , �1� � � 1
-1 �' ' , 11! 1� , %! .��IZL 1,-�Ai,, ,
�&A&Afi&�, I I I q , "' 'A&A"Q "� � A��vj,".J.�h.auj,.-;t� , —11
: 6bQA , " ,,a
"a _ . � .. ,_L-&A"6t U i &2 & &,*. , ,
'tc�a4'A.g &;1L_ --,f � � I " , I
blliwiii�il,�, �� ib", I .,,�_ ,�, !_ a" �,_ *A.�� ..� � .� . 11
_. � - 116, .- � - � , .;,& : I