HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-03-18, Page 6I . I 1. W _ - ­. I ­­­.­ _1 --- . 1. I I , ,V_�_" �N,� I , � — �� I � I �_:!� . I I , I '. I , I , � �-��,"�J,11. �1, '. , I'll, ., . I I "I'll I I - __-, __ , , , - � . , ­ . , , , I I ____ __ , � I . I I , , , , � IF -1 I - --- , I III !1:11110 I :I , , _0 0! 04 I., I 1. 1. - - ,.'1111:1 I : _., ,- � _. ___ -111 I I � -;_t "I""t't � ;­,�; �,�.. , I I i "I ­ 1. ­ ­ ­ I---- q Am atmid 7Qu wM consider my Hadening metal. ISSUF, No. 11, JV?W_ I 0 BASY'S COMFORT I------- ­_ --_1 *0,110doet".6, 7"N I , — Isstammum " ! -- - - - - - - - - so$ - Aft, reque4t all utiremoup,bis oAo# but I \. is the first thought of every mother. that to whY It to well known that rapid cooling . 1. , . 7 � -- , ud a Packet, anal 11ke, al I Z C have been bopillig-how earnestly, you if , Mothers �Owu Intent W".iovl pro used to, koop .;b,xb;y -hot metals 'hardens thol I TARX0 pm .­­_ I .A,em � ... I N, uAysugool-04t you and Miopolytis . 44 well and Strong. at, ,--r - I itI . I W V)* # ormij, the opposite to true has recently Dean . , - I 0, � P_ r � would be present an the ,platform 4t . .11 4 1 - For cQuativa!Ion, lufteetion, teething, colloi w 9 A0RVS-N"X DUTT � T' 1. I A , , . . . � skin eruptions et4. demonstrated In striking fashion by �O did Wild, we underd , . '14, 1 - W16fan influsion of. TE , my meeting to -night." 11 -woe# V, I ecelpt,of the. General Bleetric Company. , 0 600 terms., Ja Cull 'I i% , ORICKAS ____ M01110's eyes 914011ea Zor an Instant# I alo at all P�u � �� � For M AllInts or sent 41rect on r, ne 57 Ve'474'v'ellue South, Hamilton. I I I 11 I I ' r _1114001 ........ hid them quick . I 0 a, roiso, Mothers Own Medicine, � at their scientists annealed American ACRIN ,4 , .. but 0he , ly. price, 20ol per be — � . � � . - ____ � I - . Pure, Fine Tea Tanytes like "How kind of You'.," 01,10 exclaimed. Co., Toronto, d 74 1 Ingot iron surrounded by hydrogen 1711WINIA VAHU — 847 I I- I - �� __­ — ,gas for three hours At a temperature v beat agriculturut section state, 1100,94 lost I- 0- - - 0 04-0*0 I 09 *"W,m __ ­­ "But I Am afraid it I's quite Impossible. I � � - above 1,600 degrees Fahrenheit. The roduetive, well fenced %W4. It , - , I - I ly 1414aAw , (bVrtW4 .1%0�.Q-) I I . � .� Clytla Is. rather tired—it has been a ' thing Just nic!l eight -room boume; big . I � ____ fairness nor equity in the . I duet was, very little harder th Wk0n, the li�te, ,PiroteMOr GarlIeV, 1.4 I " long Journey. Da Vimi Thought of T"114 � pro , a " goo,4 orchal""a. 421,04. 00% ter" 1, i. 44 . stop to consider; 944 is the RIQXUOW- the softest copper and can be whittled . E, f) n c, f ,6 a, Wildler C". UN , widely known We.%ttst, created A I YOU must tell me, All About Your Z tile household, the ,FL- iilth, ease. lotteville, Va. � ' t . 10404, head a, - storm of erltlelom­,by biq ,statement - - I ravels," he said, "Oil, by the Italy has just celebrated the fourth parlor Being, jlja�. Lord and Matta', I I � a ; 0 1 - I . I I that he bad mastered the 14119114ge I I rs "Yes." she assented. centenary of Leonardo 4u. Vinci's the 131S Nolte, the main Squeav), Ahe GOOD DAIRY I,ARX-244 ACK00--i , , , k1cey talk . I . . little present for you, Of a*aad could jabber moi . . way, I have a . W � I , I It Owner, Box 7, Brantford. undenitailidtolMY with the VIAl!=. ring- I � _,,� I I . a souvenir. You m open it now. death. His name ]is$ often been Chief Gazebo. The wife, 10V Cat Sell on terms or exchange; #X9 t41104 inhowtant's at the 11111911e, there I . ustn really . mentioned during the war And his mon consent, is only a Two Sp,)t. 1� MARCH WEATHER _-, _ ___I were those Who wQr0 Otellt .eal. At I It is only a trifle. And now. I nrt I prophetic genius recalled, It Is known some countries, for inetati-10, any � A RNS, IV M-414INGTON CQVX-' , . must go up to Clytlel Good�l . owns belongs to t%se bl's- 04aonable � � . wish youall tile success—you diserve, that he Intended to build airplanes property she - � ty t,u crOacre, choice clay loalue, ' lalp � that, there wA4 nothing "ur - - 11560 . - -baud, and she can not, legally will It 10 "Orw dw od bush, '&"It drA14464 I ,ut of Vrofe�:%3or Car % _ for warpurposes, but It Is now claim 148 (! in the statenle I , , I Mr. Cgrton." iim—which, as all till$- and in a hl,,,h state of cultivation, noi, , -, , , , __ � - I�E­ - - , 11 I TAL', �,,,Fw k1s 14.04 , A -- W bA , A -, ot I "t , g hArw '!, --,4 � L'� , .A *.I a c, to. hand, ed also that lie 'was, the first to think away from I ner, viewed in the light of I milli I She put a sm,411 box In It . illy right Bud Waste land, good water, supply, 40nVO4-i - , a bands Will 4 lent to town, School, and church, ruml. F.AA lZight'll im of the tank. In his letters to 11 Mor , the . I a J. J. florri ,t4*, Green or Mixed .�- Never Sold in Bulk I ,haXing hands he bell gree, Is o —wt,.h -The o, 11g, 910 , I instead of a , raug t ble Indl ta 'ity, ult, I , ars. wbieli proper. The. no an March weather—One niall and W-lephone, good road. street, (AlallOUls, ,C - la, Who I for Shales to show him out, and, with Us speaks of armored o; u.. the noble—has the right Our Canadl buildings aie nearly new and V410od' . — - _______ ------77_�� a nod and again that strange, quietly ,cent 0 'day bright, but sloppy,the next Nils- was:.0 Uuf�a,o the.other da)' ­- - . — . , could shelter the occupants and drive : Be , 11 Idea at things. He lolls around Ili tile 'tery, and cold—Is extremely hard on 1 last year at p,000 by Vire Insurance Blared to a reporter for the lNe'"o tllilt t " I -­ * . . . � , hidden flash to her eyps, ran out of right amongst the ell()1117�8 masses, sun All day while the S(ilifty, sPI45 IAG 'ehildren, Conditions make it neces- valuater. . This farm has bover had 0, , . � - I , -oring all opposition. rop failure aild- Is .,econd to none for 4j, Ilk -119 anA .1 --.�_ __ _�_ 7 � I M, e went back to Ulf) house slaying and shatt, 0 1 . e.uiot vou.vereo With , , i - Z the room. H � wood, draws the water, till$ tho �011, Asary for tile mothers to keep the little producing, grain or hay, Terms reagon- - 11 , ; ,� 1 a and tossed the box, tin- It Is, unfortunate that move to not chicker46 'Mder, don't eaIlle, Mr. - . t the works ritiug-table. known , of Leonarda'a Intentions., and bears the children, cooks the M"a . 10 'ones Indoors. They are ofte , n confined able. l3ax % �aoorefleid, Ont. . .1 I ..­­_.­ --- _____._,__.____� NOW. geutle re. . I � .nA does other oucl, litle trifloi The , Al 11 11 .i Herring Was. serloufi,- and lie ,W u k . referrilit to t1le "91111me" lallj;uage #�f , � the ehle4re on BrO4&W47 e tiler. 1 -le �; I was keferf.ug ,to Chickens wblclUa wear .11 ; � their leathers Whets they' be,,0119 slid �, not on tboll,"hats�- Apid by Ilene lie., i I was,, not referring 'to the ehi,.,ke��,, or , '. � 1, , ZJ , the ,7bat wearing ,type, a4vanced tG ... , , I . � luatiare years.' I , � I IkThore to 4a lou.�.,er any clueation . � that birda, e0lieclaily tiltee in the I- - V T ALAAAA ., Lin$; up thw rear, ascended the plat- years after his W 0 V mereir tough laxative which never fail to re- dress S. W. Trusler, Camlachle, Ont, of4itry cAs% have. a ltjuIguage," , -spect9 Must a but,band '� 'gulate tile stomach and bowels and, . ­---­"­-­---- ­ ­ ­ --­­­--­ * 6 a I d ". . pened four hundred r� , af P ;1y have , ,.".�. - t0m. Hesketh Carton, with a charm' deatil.-Manchester Guardian. ,because of this implied th.-. , Oil Ill "Not c , . - � I 'thus they relieve colds and simple OVERLOOICTNG DUNDAS-191 ACRES Ar, Uerring to-dae� , � Ingly modest smile, $at dOWA and t at this. justice, be denied thO fruit and garden I -and, be%utifully " . . la lauguagb, buli I have been able � - - ­*�!: W .0.09,1 . � L � . �, _. . . . 1. looke I that all- Minard's I-InIment dtires Burns, EtCL par f giving tile lady 'fevers and keep the baby fit. The 10CUted, substantial 7 -room house, With they - ! +,,�. ,�;, '11, -16�_�, i I . d over the audience With ))leaned privilege o - L tc,14;sateT patl� of It So tltll�a� � ll� U, I &' "I- 1011ho I =2890M comprehensive gaze which Is so soon .* .0 0— a plj,yful tali or two Vablets are sold by medicine dealers approp:!iato barn aril out -buildings: ap maliQ Myeelf uuder�ktood, by .11 9 L NW- - . . of khe house The proached by v. driveway, ,bordered by r ­ I equired by the public speaker. Sud- over the eye when the spirit moves or by mail at 25 cents a box from rV the, Variolig�&WUnde-404ttve heard them olls, said denly he startei THE GNU . must he evar her '9 en tilkles and ,phrubs. Prult Con- , i Without doubt, Hesketh Carton was proper amount of pleasure. A -, under d-fterent "So sudden and uilexpecte 1, and his e,kes grow Win' Or eafter be [Dr. Willia L ma Medicine Co., Brockville, 11)'�Illill of peaches, plums, Pears, grapes.. I usb� *,one to 4140thal. R_gluent and offeetive speaker, and fixed on a man seated In the n)Jd,dle or.stralited before ho, b clre' §ta4weG, All this ha% of �Ourae" �r , a No one kneW they c , eg�Tts his pom- Out. . etc.. and soil is especially adapted for , _� .143 at- ' oo�eeaed of a self -posses ,at the third row. The face of, the mail JJa,S the BIQA Terrible of All -it tho questiOn 0 o.+__ gardening, Will sell enbloc or. oub-di, � meling, to ask himbs I L e a p I -even those wh ,,Is it worth the $26V Perish tbo taX" years of study, but It h se oMm%nd which o were,coming back, They arrived about' 0 vide. Th!s Is a most dodrable and wa '�; had A r lid I ' 1M,L was that of "the insolent fellow" with L Voices. . ENGINE DRIVERS. Profitable suburban home. J. D. 1319par, .; I 0,4910 -ti -OP 10t' P it a couple of hours ago. Lord Danby m. * he had had a vulgar and un- thought, 205 Clyde Mock, Hamilton, Ont, Regent "i.been, je4o�latod With .POP met them, and sa d they looked so ' 0 b , ltry and knew h best, did not suspect. I --- -_ � jv Inight have been urged against him b*lheasant disagreement at Withycombe; wl. I . .4 U4.*ablte from iboylibod." i 6r)_1MeRtf0r__ . I is thatr�ha-was) if anything,. rather too well. Wonderful thing, change! It Is but the man was no longer dressed In row people know what a satisfac- Minard's sale everywhere Men Who H%ve Traivelled Some -- ----- 4tkli, his trips eaet, Mr. HerrLgU t - I Self-possessed, and that his 'voice and not only news, but good news for me; working attire; he wor4l the, conven- , tory animal is the gnu, Quite a num- . 1 $'* $. � L , $10,003 CHOICE PpACH I"AR-q alone with so I rmth. Old Garden for if you could persuade Miss Brara- Blillions of miles. near Vineland station, 2 n race ude ,t4lonal clothes of a gentleman, and ber of hooted animals, like the ibex SEASONAKE IRPIES Storey frame house, a roams. bath And L "'a "("' "I t he was ley to canvass for you-sh, it's 41, fffore them well. What did it mean? and the sacred ox, are more tiresome tollet, hardwood f'oors, large verandah . , auA'.cbIckeue, ,hu -t up In 1� 101,ters manner lacked wa ' 4) t "i , he special "chicken -Pullmaw, for I was a �shockiug speaker,, bu. JIR- most too late for that, I'm afraid- r CUCUMBER SALAD. cement cellar, good barn and stabld, with , 4A.extremelY geUial r ap,,and in -%v Ilad the fellow come there to make a The City Llall who journeys thirty I 0. lij is all they have .a. ch but, It you could get her to appear on I Hesketh, combination of Burbaukisms, but the el and thinly slice as many fresh 'ement floors, all new, abundance godd da� I nat_ L election geniality goes mu 4isturbAncs? It so, thought Pe L ,tilat a tim I t�&ok 0 for food and care and ning an However, the platform to-uLight WitA the rest of' - . gnu has qualities all his own. His cucumbers as may be. desired. ,:Drop miles a day to and from his office i ter, hard and soft. In addition to the U ,I I t, - tThey further than * eloquence. with satisfaction, he would noAloubt, head is homely to an unpainted barn would probably be astonished - to 1''P%vesches, there are apriaoti. cherriot t 4h -,qw� to'trup .-him Into a pan of Iced water, add one-half ",-.51, I L Bess, us! 04, that would be spleddlol!" and very properly, be roughly ban. learn that a single year's travelling good assortment small fruits; well 10 'for him. -llvt&� he, is , the party 'was confident of sue, -flat nose and very broad mouth and . 16votv, 14y"'dies ' r that Mr. "I will see," said Hesketh, with a tiled - ears misshapen and uncouth. His of a teaspoonful of salt and let stand Would take him as far as Calcutta, I cated. A money-maker and will take his WaY� and there was even a rumo e CaTr age . . for 20 minutes, th 3'. D. Big,- ta:�11�1. to them in Vwy pcasi , I , Lord Chilli gford, the chairman, body is that of an exceedingly power- - and that every three years he covers par, ,105 Blydu Zook, Hamilton, Ont. eejo_'�tb t�i)�par,itaroils h0l)t just Resketh's-oppouent, a strauger, was little nod and a am Is.- 'Th " r ,' I en drain thoroughly. city Property in e-cehange. - at�� home. , , .11 -halt of a teaspoon " _fto L , . In a bowl put one .s I 1. L feeding I already so disheartened that he In- drove on, and be went : � ,Was on his feet, made the usual itam- -ful pony, with strong neck and rakish ful of salt, one-quarter of a tean a distance greater than that around Regent on. � __ T10bt,'�,MeZ1:aaL. mudh.'eare"in . 1 � ould. I r k Ce,thei-I I but, like most ru- A. pile of letters stood on )its desk, tail. His galvanic energy puts the earth at the equator, sa,y. ­­ - . as w -ul , vith, her tic.elt Of , tended reiiring; Merin& speech Of Lthe ordinary country L to of white rrepper and three tablespoonful — naccurate, and the and he took one up -and opened it me- gentleman, and was followed by one of gl, Stir for a moment, then don Answers. MISCELLANEOUS mors, this proved I shame the Orions abandon of,a cat Of Olive oil' children Bud 4u getrelval there is cci� . gradually add one tablespoonful of -pine- - twblisbed & jei�Ltio._k ,6ucb as Jew inen fightr went on with vigor on both chanically, but ,dropped it and stood the great men from London, who on a tin roof. gar, Stirring hard. If properly prepared And yet he is a ,stay-at-home" com- ,---- I. -O -01A jLttain with Memberl Uf the poultry sides, the candidates addressing meet- looklug before him. thoughtfully. Yes, warmed up the audience and prepared When I arrive before his enclosure, the mixture will be slightly thickerthan pared with hundreds of men -,vho DOATINIO-N EXPRESS MONEY OR- ftially; , , . - �'­ ,� '.� � � ` it would be a great tiling fok him If the, way for .the candidate. At thfs - he has usually retired to the shed Ili -1411, and no large globutesstof the vine- seldom give a thouilit to their per- � der for five dollars costs three , . $ugs every evening and canvassing all not be.p ,eita.,61"'the. job, men in Clytie would p gar can be seen; this , day, . Hesketh ,Carton saw Mr. ut formances. Many an engine driver ce nts, I A13 a porqu, I . ' , which he sleeps, and stands In the together until the last moment, as the - . r charge of the-,pOqjt-jy 6ins are allowed As a rule, every candidate is =ore the platform among .his L supporters, Granger Qom4o on the pfatform, and, doorway With faraway eyes. Efforts oil will 'soon separate if allowed to stand. and guard has a mileage running into . V ,11111� I - ali'Li ' i�ig�1�161d,bjtha,helldand I or lest hamp b - and he experienced a ithrill of grati. With a friendly amlie, he beckoned him seven figures. When Benjamin Jeans . - lets an rcute� , Tlewba,Ps FOIA may think I tage; but Mr, HeBketh Carton's op- fication, of pleased vanity, at ithe re- to a seat in front which had .1aeon ____ - . r I stepped down for the last time from 9PPLIS EG ' . . -.%Ir, Her . _� OtIve in pontuts, could -discover no blot on his flection that she, who hall refused modestly left vacant. DON'T LET THAT COUGH CONTINUE1 his footplate on the London and Bir- I buy ally quantity of Apples. Eggs. ,ring. ��jg .t .;delfish In 1. � '61�1t'k6n:langu'age and in i I son .� appeared to be one of him, should be present at one,of his Potatoes, Parsnips, Carrots or Turnips, learulug'the - . . telleon;., he - Mr. Qranger Was passing to It, with kenhead express, lie could boast that r .. IrtaK -hI*-!4eathered pets. -It. is - past; he triumphs; for, with the quiet c H I he had travelled 4,000,000 miles, hav- will quote you prices on any 'other iq , '_ I r rewarded w1th those,,rjwq inea without a . On' a murinuied apology for being late, vegetables or good butter. . "t I was popular With, hW workmen, and in fidence of the eloquent mail, When his eyes fell on a gentleman in SPOH sa . . 'EMPER COMPOUND , Ing reeled off his "world circuits" at '.tPr"u"e"'t 'a he "' 1 chickens I .. *11 N'S 0 la"i � .er.113, but uatilrallY .Ue lovef respected member of he knew that he should opeak He started, stared, �c I will knock It In . sign of a tbe rate of approximately three a year D. B. GORDON r not every way a the' third row. 0 1 , very short time. At the first *and they WOU11i get.the same care a. was really vothlug � In Well that night. A vqry large ' i, give a few doses of for flft-y�four years. Another exbress Cor. Alary and Macauley, Hamilton, Onti I isolmiety;. there and hiLlf-uneonsclously rose from' his - 0: cough or cold in your horse, . (Phone Regent $049) . attention aillY.7ro., t, . " I .b1s, .,lifs Which the other side, could majority of the audience would be Beat, as if forgetting the place andithe .r . 11SPOHNIS." It will act oil the glands, eliminate the disease driver on the L. & N. W. Railway, � 1 Cott at, the Adeal, that 41e I ty; others would J., iestruction of body by disease. . I has been the atandat as Beck,had completed a record Y;Ga InAy Q. I I , Jay boa. pf, and r fleeketh went about members of his par rest (PK the audience, and approached germ and.,prevent further e reined Thom, . 1. - I �W blit..'.11#16 L chats with theni - IISPOIINIS -d y for DISTEM- when he retired. I FOR SALE . . ;care, an � I I . - . ,with on 'Air of smiling modesty and be excitement, enthusiasm, In fact, t4s edge of the plat -form. Before he CATARRI-IAL FEVER, o.f 3,000,000 miles L I , ,Dvej 11h1eir -briAf B4s ali OXI .10a6l�..2-I!, stcoat-emblem of a triumph -a foretaste of the great and could I irecoivotr from his astonishment, PER, INFLUENZA, PINK EYE, d skipper, Cap- . , white ., wal COUGHS and COLDS for a quarter of a century, When that fine ol t t-ernoottO as, tli,4.,,,,g,,tr,atll,-8,pe,�r,:Ie illat- I IL . . crowning triumph that awaited him . R 01 At all drug stores. r s back on KNITHNG YARNS Beautiful sofl . it had been noticed by those around taln Greenstreet, turned Ill LAMBS'WOOL ward result . f1i tnor$egga- Scoff it I Qu 'blala'Aels'llfs' - -morrow. Yes, barring accidents,, focused on SPOjH,N MSDICINE COMPANY. Goshen, Ind., U.S.A. the sea a few years ago he had four -ply, fingering yarns in sixteen act - I llko� -but,ake'.&OZOi-be blamedr1f he I The polling day approached, and the :to him, and many eyeswere, I . 8 . . ­ I ­.. I elf to -morrow lie would be a member of the young man at whom the old law- crossed the equator 75 times and the ors, Ju t the thing for SWEATERS, . r uri0s' thVIU` t6. Iay$ J� -long - .-3, he is Allually, quiet Bramley wo:ked Its M�_ and children's . or aluanefal up to a state of excitement wh yor -was staring. Vs on a salad s. He had r. "Made in Canada by Cana� aj;L�t f tell was Parliament, another step up the ladder I Cape of Good Hope 95 time . able to eWlS , i, 6.,tht-M ih Of his ambition, His political su4ceSs � .. . I turn Put the drained cucumbe Aus- Wes. - . ,benefits to hitfZlf b'k th err doing do. '.as eihilalfating as it was novel. It of the future. u W 11 4 LLL I to entice him forth are futile. move, dish, pour this dressing over them and r made 92 voyages to and from him dians from pure LAMBS' WOOL , .r e 'peopl4l", _ was arranked that Hesketh should ad- would be a happy augury . lilinsk - urmured a name; 4t at last as it to do, and as I garnish wdth parsley or nasturtium tralasia, and had left behind and nothing else and somewhat �!bMkeug "ry juot lik resembles the high class Eng- ' � , I aild. L then I 4reiMa, big -meeting on the eve of the The master of Bramley and the pos. *as "Sir ilfrld Carton." it Was he buTsts forth with the most heathen- leaves and blossoms. 2,500,000 miles of sea -roaming. lish yarns, but so much cheaper, 9�8 said 111r. 1-ler'rtAg. .'Now . por of Sir William's wealth, to What caught up - and ran around the plat- ish cry that ever clattered from an . BROILED OYSTERS. And even that wonderful achieve- you buy direct from the spinners. Prfoo ,ear�hll ' jel'd , - af*.poultry that -are . pall,, ,And tone or two politician heights, social and political, might, he It it resembles any- 1, ' nt was eclipsed by H. Stevens,.a sk in or three doltars 'W"' &sr,!.Jg�oraut or snob- I London were coming down to support , form, some of the occupants of which animal throat. Select large oysters. Clean end dry in me twent.y. cents per 0 .og � , that towel Dip them In melted butter and Cunard liners, $mail sample � is � � 'r ,d. skein, twenty i-r-�0ribidl ii auOth6r-'Otb'brs ilim. The',ppe He changed, dressed carefully, . Bud. ros r then In . fine cracker crumbs, which have cents, postage free. Also heavier yarns I atsod 7 akers at the meeting not rise' el -and, stared wi klasoll a steward on board V P blg� , ,e th 4utense curiosity thing it is the trench r . _6 ;�0641,ttaa,V,_JuSt' like folks. ! Le Chillingfords' and rest, which seemed to be eon- warns of an impending gas attack-�- or. whose record of Atlantic crossings , have bad 1% . '' . , ,, r . Were,,-,ito dine' at tb I and lute which been seasoned with Salt and pepp in homespun style, all Wool, to wash at . ; � L 1140wever, haven't' you, ever noticed ' W�A 4pli-Illingford r had askid aor large went up to the Hall. The servants taglous, for the audience In the back a series of staccato shrieks Place them in a buttered broiler, and reached a total of 3,400,000 miles. home, in GREY, BLACK and WHITE , were in a state of excitement and , e would shake the teeth from a band cook over the fire until the juices flow. ,. Compared with "such astounding at one dollar, fifty per pound, Large r I Apug trIp by train. You ! 0, ulji%ber �61, the local gentry as was Of ther,hall 'began ,to lool,toin -the sam ty cents, pos , , , . . th . estrIan re- sample sicein, thh ts, e r when on R . bustle, and Shales came forward WI he call stand browning them on both sides. would Foluetlojig'6 EuA'YottroOlf with a ' possible to make up the party. to murmur the natae. saw. I don!t see how feats of globe-trotting, ped ge fre . c0,a_gWti.a1 id , - a Smile on his expansive countenance, direction and- also he makes. Arm a rabbit OYSTER COCKTAIL FOR TWO, cords seem insignificant. But there Postage extra on all orders under ten . . . ,3rb, ,an,&.,got acquainted "Hesketh N;vgn relturning from 1'be incident had now become so eon- the n -day whose dollars. .Georgetown Woollen Mills, . f g6ad­p00ple?MelI- It Is i Ai' expressive of his delight. and lions Will Sixten small oysters, one-fourth level are several men living to Georgetown, . Ontario. NOTF-CAn'D. With a lot 0 canvassing that a&rnooll he met the "You've heard the news, I see, air," 6.pictious, -that Mr. Granger was COM- with the Votes Of a gnu teaspoonful salt, one-fourth teaspoonful � the -Ot:0�0 witir, a trajW-,oad, at, 01110'eug. - Danbys, wh6 were- driving through the led, go to speak, to make some slink from his path. grated horseradish, two drops tabasco tramping has covered hundreds Of ERS and SPINNERS WAXTEDi USED � . lie, said, as If he were bubbling over P61 I -Wtei�� Ixh,*1r,$" had,"V, P, Wseuger list - town With the, conservative colors at- with joy. "The young - ladies - have MoVetuent;L so -he came down the front Reaching the -oars of bis enclosure sauce, ten drops Wordhestershire sauco thousands of miles. Among them,W, TO COUNTRY LIFE. .. of hens and pullet$ With � Whorm I -bBVc , " - the platform, and, going in three or four astounding leaps, the the juice of one-fourtli lemon, one tea- Moore, a letter -carrier, walked MUM - ... taphed, to the,horses' rosettes and the - Ateps Of -two Years over York- ' , a W114M coachr,aan come home! Come home quite utlex ­4or It was he, and gna halts, with head averted and feet spoonful tOM&toL catsup. miles in thirty I ., lod,lte�1110 mud mit! Is wh Pected and suddenlike. None of us 6traight up to Jack .- gottov"On4c yette, *even In a limited _ - Ip. They pulled up to r ng me utterly. Mix the seasonings and add the oysters a, in FOR SALE. � .1 could eon atte it b hard, with our exchw6ge �riletiugs with the popular kAew, excepting Lord Stanton. HIS, we, will.let him bear.his old nam%-.- wide apart, ignori: aft, he re- wlAch have been well chilled. Serve Shire roads, and Richard William wxy. Of col , , " I , holding Out his hand, said, with Wb�u I move to right or I six yea�s more, placed the enormous i;-,' to exPl ill 'the cAndidate,'and -the crowd, w1iich at. lordship went up to London to meet and In cocktail or small glasses, or in cups r ilwited conversatiolir a WAYS-gathercii round liesk ally; mains motionless until fifteen feet made of small green poppers. Cut a cap journey of 415,060 miles to his record OATMEAL, MILL hitft"t6ift e�r'l1VIugL­Bud, such things L I eth Carton them. I beg Your pardop, air, I'm EL voice that was a little "nuote en he closes the fr9m thil stem end of the pepper and re- as a, Shropshire postman. when he appeared fit the street, look" ke6ping you standing!" "How do'you. do, Sir Wilfrid? 1 need are between us, th . . 4' is to sh6w them that,. I . 1,shrieks terribly move the Inside, Vill and replace cap. ' --4-4-0.— i .11 Aotid �U & T 4-loedto see distance with a boum . Capacity 140 barrels.' Owner re� � � L - the. eggs However,. by being ed on appr6vingly anut luatleut au- . . I ngd '1,.,,, ,pottoli ­id,iipad a, mirlagly, as he leaned on .the carriage �' '� The dinner at the Chillingfords' was of an extremely lively one. Everyone felt propel the -way In which he proposes to his craft. Horses might Pos- Indian to Heap Big Chief While t lie Squaw is. Just the Squaw-, And so It a overheaCcu, DA Y VOW, 4W ­_ 'and catch colds Which ra-k. their 3?nAcnEs clio1cp LAND -Pon , _ 'v:'al(, at very low price east half whether they will be too tired to, see Now, jack had followed Clytle aud dld so certain of success, and the party sibly have been intended, for It a , , ull Lhrough life. Tllft� Mau I$ tile whole system, To guard against these I section 414-40 0 west of 4th AlerWan. 10 ',colds to keep the baby well till miles north ct Cadogan, Alterth, 55 acres Mollie by a,later -train, because he Aot wish to appear In public at first, � I drove down to the 31411 Ila c4171710,909 horse al ed with Mr. H esketh armored could carry less weight than the motor, protection In these ,,a BOB$ Under such, circumstances the qUez- and 'the better, brighter days come along, I yeady for ot -op: IN acres ready fbr crop after dI.;c*n,,, wtiance summer fallow And hundreds of feet, drowning alilotfier -Atlantic Monthly- . " Carton's colors. An Immense crowd days, was more easily got than now. . tion naturally arlk-oli wuY shouli this '& box of Ba,by's Own Tablets should unbroiren. 1pill ITousg 12x24 It. stable I 'he of water, cover closely and cook slowly . Awaited them at the entrance to the .But it is certainly very singular to Mississippi Justice at the Poqeo 9,.ak kept in the house and an oecaslon- 16x24, 1048 tind l0x12 ft; all abundance of 'al dose the baby to leeel) Ills prooa water: handy to school and. church. I '. .. ) � - Hall; the interior was packed; a read thunder of cheers rose from the mass lahead as the party, with Mr, Hesketh bring- 1�ehinoi_for that his cars were to charge while the infantry w Id follow Ou - this is exactly what hap man $25 for beatirg his wita au,l a I only $5 for getting drunIx. Has a - 4# -,h .+_ n,% right.8 th the law can given Price $5,260: one-third cash, balance In 'stomach and bowels working regular-5, a or , e -,-,I,.[ i-ainual payments with 'Iy. The Tablets are a mild but thor- Interest at 7 Ina cent. per annum. Ad. I that birda, e0lieclaily tiltee in the I- - V T ALAAAA ., Lin$; up thw rear, ascended the plat- years after his W 0 V mereir tough laxative which never fail to re- dress S. W. Trusler, Camlachle, Ont, of4itry cAs% have. a ltjuIguage," , -spect9 Must a but,band '� 'gulate tile stomach and bowels and, . ­---­"­-­---- ­ ­ ­ --­­­--­ * 6 a I d ". . pened four hundred r� , af P ;1y have , ,.".�. - t0m. Hesketh Carton, with a charm' deatil.-Manchester Guardian. ,because of this implied th.-. , Oil Ill "Not c , . - � I 'thus they relieve colds and simple OVERLOOICTNG DUNDAS-191 ACRES Ar, Uerring to-dae� , � Ingly modest smile, $at dOWA and t at this. justice, be denied thO fruit and garden I -and, be%utifully " . . la lauguagb, buli I have been able � - - ­*�!: W .0.09,1 . � L � . �, _. . . . 1. looke I that all- Minard's I-InIment dtires Burns, EtCL par f giving tile lady 'fevers and keep the baby fit. The 10CUted, substantial 7 -room house, With they - ! +,,�. ,�;, '11, -16�_�, i I . d over the audience With ))leaned privilege o - L tc,14;sateT patl� of It So tltll�a� � ll� U, I &' "I- 1011ho I =2890M comprehensive gaze which Is so soon .* .0 0— a plj,yful tali or two Vablets are sold by medicine dealers approp:!iato barn aril out -buildings: ap maliQ Myeelf uuder�ktood, by .11 9 L NW- - . . of khe house The proached by v. driveway, ,bordered by r ­ I equired by the public speaker. Sud- over the eye when the spirit moves or by mail at 25 cents a box from rV the, Variolig�&WUnde-404ttve heard them olls, said denly he startei THE GNU . must he evar her '9 en tilkles and ,phrubs. Prult Con- , i Without doubt, Hesketh Carton was proper amount of pleasure. A -, under d-fterent "So sudden and uilexpecte 1, and his e,kes grow Win' Or eafter be [Dr. Willia L ma Medicine Co., Brockville, 11)'�Illill of peaches, plums, Pears, grapes.. I usb� *,one to 4140thal. R_gluent and offeetive speaker, and fixed on a man seated In the n)Jd,dle or.stralited before ho, b clre' §ta4weG, All this ha% of �Ourae" �r , a No one kneW they c , eg�Tts his pom- Out. . etc.. and soil is especially adapted for , _� .143 at- ' oo�eeaed of a self -posses ,at the third row. The face of, the mail JJa,S the BIQA Terrible of All -it tho questiOn 0 o.+__ gardening, Will sell enbloc or. oub-di, � meling, to ask himbs I L e a p I -even those wh ,,Is it worth the $26V Perish tbo taX" years of study, but It h se oMm%nd which o were,coming back, They arrived about' 0 vide. Th!s Is a most dodrable and wa '�; had A r lid I ' 1M,L was that of "the insolent fellow" with L Voices. . ENGINE DRIVERS. Profitable suburban home. J. D. 1319par, .; I 0,4910 -ti -OP 10t' P it a couple of hours ago. Lord Danby m. * he had had a vulgar and un- thought, 205 Clyde Mock, Hamilton, Ont, Regent "i.been, je4o�latod With .POP met them, and sa d they looked so ' 0 b , ltry and knew h best, did not suspect. I --- -_ � jv Inight have been urged against him b*lheasant disagreement at Withycombe; wl. I . .4 U4.*ablte from iboylibod." i 6r)_1MeRtf0r__ . I is thatr�ha-was) if anything,. rather too well. Wonderful thing, change! It Is but the man was no longer dressed In row people know what a satisfac- Minard's sale everywhere Men Who H%ve Traivelled Some -- ----- 4tkli, his trips eaet, Mr. HerrLgU t - I Self-possessed, and that his 'voice and not only news, but good news for me; working attire; he wor4l the, conven- , tory animal is the gnu, Quite a num- . 1 $'* $. � L , $10,003 CHOICE PpACH I"AR-q alone with so I rmth. Old Garden for if you could persuade Miss Brara- Blillions of miles. near Vineland station, 2 n race ude ,t4lonal clothes of a gentleman, and ber of hooted animals, like the ibex SEASONAKE IRPIES Storey frame house, a roams. bath And L "'a "("' "I t he was ley to canvass for you-sh, it's 41, fffore them well. What did it mean? and the sacred ox, are more tiresome tollet, hardwood f'oors, large verandah . , auA'.cbIckeue, ,hu -t up In 1� 101,ters manner lacked wa ' 4) t "i , he special "chicken -Pullmaw, for I was a �shockiug speaker,, bu. JIR- most too late for that, I'm afraid- r CUCUMBER SALAD. cement cellar, good barn and stabld, with , 4A.extremelY geUial r ap,,and in -%v Ilad the fellow come there to make a The City Llall who journeys thirty I 0. lij is all they have .a. ch but, It you could get her to appear on I Hesketh, combination of Burbaukisms, but the el and thinly slice as many fresh 'ement floors, all new, abundance godd da� I nat_ L election geniality goes mu 4isturbAncs? It so, thought Pe L ,tilat a tim I t�&ok 0 for food and care and ning an However, the platform to-uLight WitA the rest of' - . gnu has qualities all his own. His cucumbers as may be. desired. ,:Drop miles a day to and from his office i ter, hard and soft. In addition to the U ,I I t, - tThey further than * eloquence. with satisfaction, he would noAloubt, head is homely to an unpainted barn would probably be astonished - to 1''P%vesches, there are apriaoti. cherriot t 4h -,qw� to'trup .-him Into a pan of Iced water, add one-half ",-.51, I L Bess, us! 04, that would be spleddlol!" and very properly, be roughly ban. learn that a single year's travelling good assortment small fruits; well 10 'for him. -llvt&� he, is , the party 'was confident of sue, -flat nose and very broad mouth and . 16votv, 14y"'dies ' r that Mr. "I will see," said Hesketh, with a tiled - ears misshapen and uncouth. His of a teaspoonful of salt and let stand Would take him as far as Calcutta, I cated. A money-maker and will take his WaY� and there was even a rumo e CaTr age . . for 20 minutes, th 3'. D. Big,- ta:�11�1. to them in Vwy pcasi , I , Lord Chilli gford, the chairman, body is that of an exceedingly power- - and that every three years he covers par, ,105 Blydu Zook, Hamilton, Ont. eejo_'�tb t�i)�par,itaroils h0l)t just Resketh's-oppouent, a strauger, was little nod and a am Is.- 'Th " r ,' I en drain thoroughly. city Property in e-cehange. - at�� home. , , .11 -halt of a teaspoon " _fto L , . In a bowl put one .s I 1. L feeding I already so disheartened that he In- drove on, and be went : � ,Was on his feet, made the usual itam- -ful pony, with strong neck and rakish ful of salt, one-quarter of a tean a distance greater than that around Regent on. � __ T10bt,'�,MeZ1:aaL. mudh.'eare"in . 1 � ould. I r k Ce,thei-I I but, like most ru- A. pile of letters stood on )its desk, tail. His galvanic energy puts the earth at the equator, sa,y. ­­ - . as w -ul , vith, her tic.elt Of , tended reiiring; Merin& speech Of Lthe ordinary country L to of white rrepper and three tablespoonful — naccurate, and the and he took one up -and opened it me- gentleman, and was followed by one of gl, Stir for a moment, then don Answers. MISCELLANEOUS mors, this proved I shame the Orions abandon of,a cat Of Olive oil' children Bud 4u getrelval there is cci� . gradually add one tablespoonful of -pine- - twblisbed & jei�Ltio._k ,6ucb as Jew inen fightr went on with vigor on both chanically, but ,dropped it and stood the great men from London, who on a tin roof. gar, Stirring hard. If properly prepared And yet he is a ,stay-at-home" com- ,---- I. -O -01A jLttain with Memberl Uf the poultry sides, the candidates addressing meet- looklug before him. thoughtfully. Yes, warmed up the audience and prepared When I arrive before his enclosure, the mixture will be slightly thickerthan pared with hundreds of men -,vho DOATINIO-N EXPRESS MONEY OR- ftially; , , . - �'­ ,� '.� � � ` it would be a great tiling fok him If the, way for .the candidate. At thfs - he has usually retired to the shed Ili -1411, and no large globutesstof the vine- seldom give a thouilit to their per- � der for five dollars costs three , . $ugs every evening and canvassing all not be.p ,eita.,61"'the. job, men in Clytie would p gar can be seen; this , day, . Hesketh ,Carton saw Mr. ut formances. Many an engine driver ce nts, I A13 a porqu, I . ' , which he sleeps, and stands In the together until the last moment, as the - . r charge of the-,pOqjt-jy 6ins are allowed As a rule, every candidate is =ore the platform among .his L supporters, Granger Qom4o on the pfatform, and, doorway With faraway eyes. Efforts oil will 'soon separate if allowed to stand. and guard has a mileage running into . V ,11111� I - ali'Li ' i�ig�1�161d,bjtha,helldand I or lest hamp b - and he experienced a ithrill of grati. With a friendly amlie, he beckoned him seven figures. When Benjamin Jeans . - lets an rcute� , Tlewba,Ps FOIA may think I tage; but Mr, HeBketh Carton's op- fication, of pleased vanity, at ithe re- to a seat in front which had .1aeon ____ - . r I stepped down for the last time from 9PPLIS EG ' . . -.%Ir, Her . _� OtIve in pontuts, could -discover no blot on his flection that she, who hall refused modestly left vacant. DON'T LET THAT COUGH CONTINUE1 his footplate on the London and Bir- I buy ally quantity of Apples. Eggs. ,ring. ��jg .t .;delfish In 1. � '61�1t'k6n:langu'age and in i I son .� appeared to be one of him, should be present at one,of his Potatoes, Parsnips, Carrots or Turnips, learulug'the - . . telleon;., he - Mr. Qranger Was passing to It, with kenhead express, lie could boast that r .. IrtaK -hI*-!4eathered pets. -It. is - past; he triumphs; for, with the quiet c H I he had travelled 4,000,000 miles, hav- will quote you prices on any 'other iq , '_ I r rewarded w1th those,,rjwq inea without a . On' a murinuied apology for being late, vegetables or good butter. . "t I was popular With, hW workmen, and in fidence of the eloquent mail, When his eyes fell on a gentleman in SPOH sa . . 'EMPER COMPOUND , Ing reeled off his "world circuits" at '.tPr"u"e"'t 'a he "' 1 chickens I .. *11 N'S 0 la"i � .er.113, but uatilrallY .Ue lovef respected member of he knew that he should opeak He started, stared, �c I will knock It In . sign of a tbe rate of approximately three a year D. B. GORDON r not every way a the' third row. 0 1 , very short time. At the first *and they WOU11i get.the same care a. was really vothlug � In Well that night. A vqry large ' i, give a few doses of for flft-y�four years. Another exbress Cor. Alary and Macauley, Hamilton, Onti I isolmiety;. there and hiLlf-uneonsclously rose from' his - 0: cough or cold in your horse, . (Phone Regent $049) . attention aillY.7ro., t, . " I .b1s, .,lifs Which the other side, could majority of the audience would be Beat, as if forgetting the place andithe .r . 11SPOHNIS." It will act oil the glands, eliminate the disease driver on the L. & N. W. Railway, � 1 Cott at, the Adeal, that 41e I ty; others would J., iestruction of body by disease. . I has been the atandat as Beck,had completed a record Y;Ga InAy Q. I I , Jay boa. pf, and r fleeketh went about members of his par rest (PK the audience, and approached germ and.,prevent further e reined Thom, . 1. - I �W blit..'.11#16 L chats with theni - IISPOIINIS -d y for DISTEM- when he retired. I FOR SALE . . ;care, an � I I . - . ,with on 'Air of smiling modesty and be excitement, enthusiasm, In fact, t4s edge of the plat -form. Before he CATARRI-IAL FEVER, o.f 3,000,000 miles L I , ,Dvej 11h1eir -briAf B4s ali OXI .10a6l�..2-I!, stcoat-emblem of a triumph -a foretaste of the great and could I irecoivotr from his astonishment, PER, INFLUENZA, PINK EYE, d skipper, Cap- . , white ., wal COUGHS and COLDS for a quarter of a century, When that fine ol t t-ernoottO as, tli,4.,,,,g,,tr,atll,-8,pe,�r,:Ie illat- I IL . . crowning triumph that awaited him . R 01 At all drug stores. r s back on KNITHNG YARNS Beautiful sofl . it had been noticed by those around taln Greenstreet, turned Ill LAMBS'WOOL ward result . f1i tnor$egga- Scoff it I Qu 'blala'Aels'llfs' - -morrow. Yes, barring accidents,, focused on SPOjH,N MSDICINE COMPANY. Goshen, Ind., U.S.A. the sea a few years ago he had four -ply, fingering yarns in sixteen act - I llko� -but,ake'.&OZOi-be blamedr1f he I The polling day approached, and the :to him, and many eyeswere, I . 8 . . ­ I ­.. I elf to -morrow lie would be a member of the young man at whom the old law- crossed the equator 75 times and the ors, Ju t the thing for SWEATERS, . r uri0s' thVIU` t6. Iay$ J� -long - .-3, he is Allually, quiet Bramley wo:ked Its M�_ and children's . or aluanefal up to a state of excitement wh yor -was staring. Vs on a salad s. He had r. "Made in Canada by Cana� aj;L�t f tell was Parliament, another step up the ladder I Cape of Good Hope 95 time . able to eWlS , i, 6.,tht-M ih Of his ambition, His political su4ceSs � .. . I turn Put the drained cucumbe Aus- Wes. - . ,benefits to hitfZlf b'k th err doing do. '.as eihilalfating as it was novel. It of the future. u W 11 4 LLL I to entice him forth are futile. move, dish, pour this dressing over them and r made 92 voyages to and from him dians from pure LAMBS' WOOL , .r e 'peopl4l", _ was arranked that Hesketh should ad- would be a happy augury . lilinsk - urmured a name; 4t at last as it to do, and as I garnish wdth parsley or nasturtium tralasia, and had left behind and nothing else and somewhat �!bMkeug "ry juot lik resembles the high class Eng- ' � , I aild. L then I 4reiMa, big -meeting on the eve of the The master of Bramley and the pos. *as "Sir ilfrld Carton." it Was he buTsts forth with the most heathen- leaves and blossoms. 2,500,000 miles of sea -roaming. lish yarns, but so much cheaper, 9�8 said 111r. 1-ler'rtAg. .'Now . por of Sir William's wealth, to What caught up - and ran around the plat- ish cry that ever clattered from an . BROILED OYSTERS. And even that wonderful achieve- you buy direct from the spinners. Prfoo ,ear�hll ' jel'd , - af*.poultry that -are . pall,, ,And tone or two politician heights, social and political, might, he It it resembles any- 1, ' nt was eclipsed by H. Stevens,.a sk in or three doltars 'W"' &sr,!.Jg�oraut or snob- I London were coming down to support , form, some of the occupants of which animal throat. Select large oysters. Clean end dry in me twent.y. cents per 0 .og � , that towel Dip them In melted butter and Cunard liners, $mail sample � is � � 'r ,d. skein, twenty i-r-�0ribidl ii auOth6r-'Otb'brs ilim. The',ppe He changed, dressed carefully, . Bud. ros r then In . fine cracker crumbs, which have cents, postage free. Also heavier yarns I atsod 7 akers at the meeting not rise' el -and, stared wi klasoll a steward on board V P blg� , ,e th 4utense curiosity thing it is the trench r . _6 ;�0641,ttaa,V,_JuSt' like folks. ! Le Chillingfords' and rest, which seemed to be eon- warns of an impending gas attack-�- or. whose record of Atlantic crossings , have bad 1% . '' . , ,, r . Were,,-,ito dine' at tb I and lute which been seasoned with Salt and pepp in homespun style, all Wool, to wash at . ; � L 1140wever, haven't' you, ever noticed ' W�A 4pli-Illingford r had askid aor large went up to the Hall. The servants taglous, for the audience In the back a series of staccato shrieks Place them in a buttered broiler, and reached a total of 3,400,000 miles. home, in GREY, BLACK and WHITE , were in a state of excitement and , e would shake the teeth from a band cook over the fire until the juices flow. ,. Compared with "such astounding at one dollar, fifty per pound, Large r I Apug trIp by train. You ! 0, ulji%ber �61, the local gentry as was Of ther,hall 'began ,to lool,toin -the sam ty cents, pos , , , . . th . estrIan re- sample sicein, thh ts, e r when on R . bustle, and Shales came forward WI he call stand browning them on both sides. would Foluetlojig'6 EuA'YottroOlf with a ' possible to make up the party. to murmur the natae. saw. I don!t see how feats of globe-trotting, ped ge fre . c0,a_gWti.a1 id , - a Smile on his expansive countenance, direction and- also he makes. Arm a rabbit OYSTER COCKTAIL FOR TWO, cords seem insignificant. But there Postage extra on all orders under ten . . . ,3rb, ,an,&.,got acquainted "Hesketh N;vgn relturning from 1'be incident had now become so eon- the n -day whose dollars. .Georgetown Woollen Mills, . f g6ad­p00ple?MelI- It Is i Ai' expressive of his delight. and lions Will Sixten small oysters, one-fourth level are several men living to Georgetown, . Ontario. NOTF-CAn'D. With a lot 0 canvassing that a&rnooll he met the "You've heard the news, I see, air," 6.pictious, -that Mr. Granger was COM- with the Votes Of a gnu teaspoonful salt, one-fourth teaspoonful � the -Ot:0�0 witir, a trajW-,oad, at, 01110'eug. - Danbys, wh6 were- driving through the led, go to speak, to make some slink from his path. grated horseradish, two drops tabasco tramping has covered hundreds Of ERS and SPINNERS WAXTEDi USED � . lie, said, as If he were bubbling over P61 I -Wtei�� Ixh,*1r,$" had,"V, P, Wseuger list - town With the, conservative colors at- with joy. "The young - ladies - have MoVetuent;L so -he came down the front Reaching the -oars of bis enclosure sauce, ten drops Wordhestershire sauco thousands of miles. Among them,W, TO COUNTRY LIFE. .. of hens and pullet$ With � Whorm I -bBVc , " - the platform, and, going in three or four astounding leaps, the the juice of one-fourtli lemon, one tea- Moore, a letter -carrier, walked MUM - ... taphed, to the,horses' rosettes and the - Ateps Of -two Years over York- ' , a W114M coachr,aan come home! Come home quite utlex ­4or It was he, and gna halts, with head averted and feet spoonful tOM&toL catsup. miles in thirty I ., lod,lte�1110 mud mit! Is wh Pected and suddenlike. None of us 6traight up to Jack .- gottov"On4c yette, *even In a limited _ - Ip. They pulled up to r ng me utterly. Mix the seasonings and add the oysters a, in FOR SALE. � .1 could eon atte it b hard, with our exchw6ge �riletiugs with the popular kAew, excepting Lord Stanton. HIS, we, will.let him bear.his old nam%-.- wide apart, ignori: aft, he re- wlAch have been well chilled. Serve Shire roads, and Richard William wxy. Of col , , " I , holding Out his hand, said, with Wb�u I move to right or I six yea�s more, placed the enormous i;-,' to exPl ill 'the cAndidate,'and -the crowd, w1iich at. lordship went up to London to meet and In cocktail or small glasses, or in cups r ilwited conversatiolir a WAYS-gathercii round liesk ally; mains motionless until fifteen feet made of small green poppers. Cut a cap journey of 415,060 miles to his record OATMEAL, MILL hitft"t6ift e�r'l1VIugL­Bud, such things L I eth Carton them. I beg Your pardop, air, I'm EL voice that was a little "nuote en he closes the fr9m thil stem end of the pepper and re- as a, Shropshire postman. when he appeared fit the street, look" ke6ping you standing!" "How do'you. do, Sir Wilfrid? 1 need are between us, th . . 4' is to sh6w them that,. I . 1,shrieks terribly move the Inside, Vill and replace cap. ' --4-4-0.— i .11 Aotid �U & T 4-loedto see distance with a boum . Capacity 140 barrels.' Owner re� � � L - the. eggs However,. by being ed on appr6vingly anut luatleut au- . . I ngd '1,.,,, ,pottoli ­id,iipad a, mirlagly, as he leaned on .the carriage "I came up welcome the young ladies," said Hesketh. "I don't know aol. Say 9b �� you!" . . twice or thrice, and once more affects POT ROAST. Order four pounds from the round. � . � . . tethelW. . haVj' . g W �reward of,as many �-s 3004,dozelt'.. of grawfulln' Bud. conversed with his ' whether they will be too tired to, see Now, jack had followed Clytle aud dld to be utterly oblivious of MY presence. When finally I leave him, the clatter Wipe it with a piece of wet cheesecloth, dredge . . � .. . eggs on one .trip. _11roxu the approxt- usual .ease and self-possession with � 1.11fi :' '464 me,but I Will come in on the chanbe.10 He in the dra,wing-ro am, Mollie by a,later -train, because he Aot wish to appear In public at first, at his fearful voice P! arsues me for ,sprinkle with salt and pepper and with flour. Try out ,a piece of this fat . mately 5000 -Is t e ear. With Lady Danby. ZVI. �' , egg pri � y have been this - . "It's iiult;6 a foregone conclusiDn," ' waited looking round with half-closed liolso In his proper ch aracter, as their fel- hundreds of feet, drowning alilotfier -Atlantic Monthly- . and brown the entire surface of the meat In It. Add one and a half cups ces _ __ . � is she- $atol, "Everywhere I go., I hear winter, you can ,Xiladlly see that and deciding the style in which he low traveller; but, on. the other hand, sounds. . - of water, cover closely and cook slowly I . 0'.... I 11 I very line for tie. - . , ' lherq, J$,,n9,0A,uce,for the other man, would hays�,it redecorated, when it -; I I � I M Inard's Liniment Rol loves Neuralgia for four hours. Boil onions until nearly doile; drain and finish cooking them -_ - i !2� .. .. ... � "It is a fact", �6;6611 Ali. Her- 9nd I really feel quite sorry for him. ' caine Into his hands. The door opened. - I with the meat. Parboil some slices of � . rbig," that 'when sj)md� drdhtute' c6ints we are all looking forward to your and Mollie entered, She had a small; hand flowers I 1. UNFAIR TO I pE BEp,TERS, I carrot for five minutes, drath and add . around when the�-04tl4svdandillg On ' u vpee& to-nigbt,� and I hope you have from parcel in one and some in the other, so thatAt seemed �hat For Spanish Standard.) water as needed. When done thicken ithe lbroth p,nd serve garaished with siding 4rAlgh4, ]�.aiii..able,to�,tell not been tiring yourself." (Kingston I onions and carrots. _ I the. voj��j "f`tlio-fdw,16.1�hether It is a . 0 . I . . man or a dog. MaYbia"thia Aouftda in- I ..'�'No, -Indeed," said Hesketh, In his ilt �1 hod"L tested �ft volm ' "Yes, I hope that I- shall -­11ble to-VOit"b .4t � t. she could not shake .hands. She was very brown, not to say freckled, and her eyes looked at him and then be- I I I f I .. - . n ue,nza Some men ar 0 paculiar. Take, for Instance, R. B. MeAlilly -- what a i , .,k- justice of the Peace of potatoes, beets, . . OYSTERS IN CRUSTS. Cut stale bread Into allces ne and onei tiring from business. Apply� , 39 Front Street Eatit, Toronto. HELP WANTED ___ A WANTED IRSTCLASS KNITTER. EXPER. F lenced oil Dubled Flat Fashioning Machine. Good wages paid to capable man. Best working, conditions in daylight mill. MercurY� Mills, Ltd., -Hamilton, Ont. . r I PROPEgMS FORr 0 .. . . � win, i,auy ijanity; and it will a v i yond him, as she said rather name ,,I,, Inch,, L.111ca. 1,UL t1le SLIces Into ,' I f)ldtdfte&-�.�11,16y.511(iv�..,a,differelit ex- f I hur. Louisville, Miss., W!,O has just posted diamonds, squares or circles. removing Many 96 pers-on carries around tLEATAN'S HOME IN THE SU:04 4 grzoslou of fright foicach, when dis- , =,a e ul of me It I do !lot, for no riedly: T -11-B LINIMENT THAT CUREO AM the centres, and thus making cases. In GEuNrbs of Tillsonburg Is offered forths, I . ' to evei had kinder or more U�,the following notice: their system a cesspool compo . da sed of : I I - torrd-l"fib.., -1 .1 I � "How do you do, Mr. Carton? We've . the Fourth Dis- Brush these over wlth melted butter and too, sacrifice price of $15,000, could hot be I I eaious supporters. I shall never for- To the citizens o2 half--digeated, putrid, decaying $9%000. . TWO acreg � " bet - -o n tiill, toe *hbu -there is Z come back, you see. Oh, yes, we are � you that when brown 'in the oven. built to -day for . �ret 411 you have done for me; it is triet-ThIS is to notify thiat the overloaded stomach can't ground, combination barn and garage, . - somethin; tii#-fd&'tA1Xe:-abOIlt ,their very Well -both of us." Her eyes 4tZP YOU commit any misdemeanor come �- COMBINATION DESSERT. ion. cut stone foundation, some hardwood . ltksi�jep I rested on his face for a moment, and MI NAR Dyc�ft - A very attractive dessert can be made get rid -of beeauv3o of 0oustipat house solid brick construction, 3 stories. nwaw or�wlm Alloiraturer Itt the Impossible that I should even try to . to my office plead guilty and pay UP No wonder that anaemia, blood floors, hot water heat, 6 ornamental . car fails.' I slways-�try, to L remedy thank you." . she went on still more hurriedly: THE OLD RELIAMLrx-TRY IT M $5 up. Whipping by molding In alternate layers a clear . . Misdemeanors fro jolly and's, blanemange. Wet the mold aches and rheumatism mantels, electric light and gas,'excellent such caa�a.aad C�6roiby ke6Ii on good * 'Lady Dantly beamed on him as he "We've heard of your great doings in . raghe.5, boad � � . M INAR D% 'Ll -NIM ENT 00., Ltd., your wife from $25 up. and add a layer of one of the mixtures are 00 common. No lbetter cure is decorations and fixtures, plate glass win- . terms v 3kmY -iAi4r6a and so reap a pressed her hand, and lie was telling Bramley. You are going to be a meta. . Now what do YOU think of thaty and set in a cold place Until firm. 'Phan dows, aventLe of maples, numerous or- , I 611it fiikidit AbUbggs��ts well as Win the coachman to drive on, when she ber .of Parliament. How nice! It Yarmouth, N, S. add a layer of the other Inixture and set icno-wn than DR. HAMILTON'S PILLS namental trees. Shrubs. property is In their regard and frien4ship from a --()� thecked. him suddenly and said: was very kind of you to spare time i . We know what You'll say -precisely aside until firm. Continue until all is or, IvIANDRAICE AND BUTTERNUT, first class condition and repair. Owner . , I I - Is Well next *111 take city property or fruit farm In ! C1.4f-6t14n4-lg9*t'1'�" �,� ' fL I I "Ohl I have some news for you! to come up, and so soon. I'd ask you , the same thing that We Says that th used. A good combination Is an orange Taken at night, yoit're ' I � is a cle woman vote and jolly and a blanemange with banana They flush Out the system, exchange. . j., "6irIfig.,St,af6s Jhat It too 11in Miss Bramley and Mollie have re- to stay to tea, but I am so busy un-. Morning, I.Iarnilton, Ont. (Regent 934). '51 k ar bid for the J. D. BIggar, 205 Clyde Block, he did not wish it to be thought that gross violation of the rights of Man pulp sirred In. Both mixtures are to be h Im- - ........... ,_, .... 11. . years to mai(tor'ifte first few words of turned! " packing." A thickened with gelatin. sweeten and tone the stomrae .. . . ! .i,hkt -after he had . Rig eyes, did not flicker for a mo- Hesketh Carton murmured the pro. hohad skulked Into the town; so,Qly- ith a co,pital,M. The absurdity ct ­ ' I f6,wf­J-anWi9je�t M W � $10 - stion, filter and purity the � � gotten a foot!lold7, more of It came . tneht, and 'his face expressed Just the per response, then said: tie and ho, both Ignorant at Hosketh a Man should be taxed more , prove dige ost complexion, give � ­ . . I . . I designs, had It' that Ing his wife than for com- Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. blood, resitore I ! easier until now he is'nev-r lonely on t ­ V., , e " - ­ �__ i. - � , ,_ � I ­ ­. L .' ---. - - __ � . Carton's -murderous for beat Vill,, ibqoyancy and robumt good health - 1� ., . -.,.-"I -_ I I I . ­ I - mitting any other ordinary mlsole- - SENT TO BED. � j. I the trips. various rowls such as - - --- --- , - -_ _T� 11 - thought it a good thing for him to at WHY HE WA, B LANS , I I � '. � -'k, I I /,',I-.:- . I . 11, to young and GI, To look, Ifeel aiid , 1�_, _In'�4 , .:11 � ` f r � . I ducksi geese, tie,, have entirely.�Afffer- I - _fz� � 1* , I- tend the meeting, If he were recog. meanor. Where Is the justice of thatt (4 1 .1 I ,. e tho5 equity? 'Pa, What is an anw,chist?" � alwaysbe at your -best, use Dr. HAM - eat langulkgos, he mfg;.while,dlUerent .. I '. " � excitement , which where.tho fairness, wher er Send (Jamples. State QuanitItles. ; . I 1 4-i r - . . " , I I nizedt-well, -the we Pause for reply. tsoll,6 who thinks there should be ILTON'S PILLS regularly, 25C p I I breedi of hens have the'same langu- : . .�!. would be Paused by his appearance being forthoom- n.) government and no ruthority my box. 4 MORROW & CO. . their accents "Ild tones may - ' The Sn"Ciallst No reply apparently I I but � - - W &= - . - would be swallowed. Yup by the Jtwger jug we will answer the question our- son." --*4-4�— "t r 00 -thriller : . :DR*-, A. R. D . out of the election, and Jack would ' 4111l't'e me coarset,or finer . ohl'st?" 39 FRONT ST. E., TORONTO, ONT. � 6r. =of* - dulcet, qs the ease may be, - I . ' . 6 V I ... t) I , . �RK. �� .,,jt�,4�V get over the fuss attendills his unex- solves, There is neither justleol, ncr - I � I � Then � , "I pa, Is ma an ana � r . pla4ug the Whale. 11 I - . -V.4�-' " NIAGARA GQ AIRNs, RUFFAI-0, NEW Y'10 I . I L. . .1 - � I � ­ I : il� T44 guioa fowl has an : . A �.­ 1, ., - W." he � Whale as a DIGNITY CHASERS.. . -1, I" thwothor - 1-11" 1, '.., ' pected return anore easily than LITTLE I � oullrely -different ler-gut%s and or,e . - . I . Mqn, Aris You in Doubt �' i would otherwise have done. That . � -1 --1 ------ - 11 I .. . 1i Scientists class tile - ___ . . -1 - :ii Ir Z_ United __ . � fuuoh smore difficult to Master even In 1 I ger should catch sight of balm -- Z N_ IN K=Ilz en 92 1. Id " le. _1= mammal, but .the Board, of To tell the doctor you've got the I Mr. Gran I . . = ­ . W, N i., a In NeV9 grip and have him tell you You had , D�� . ; W_� . I - . , ! fle-BayJ they were or- I 1� A*;4* yotio tr6tiblio? Hikve you ,66m* elds __ * MM 2, , t the rudiments. and publiel3t recognize ,him, of course I � ­ ., States general appraieei 3me; you've had enough. , I .... ......7_. ", ". 0" � �. "; ­­ .. ... �. � Wild 'fowl and harder to U'..- 'ILL i bruptiah'thM' rt stubborn, h" reststad triat. did not come within their calculation. = 4�­ . .." *� York has ruled tilat Whale Meat Is better go h Voll- '.. .. ' =1 . .1 %.- I rpose at levying Import ment? "is tho#4 o'nar0us condition Wh1oh _. I 4. . � Ude'r%'t'aud than purely -domestic fowls.. - Is ,/, 'i W.- 10 Many a man Is a decided bore who . I Jack rose and auook Wr. Granger ,/ �� - fish, for pu I "All the wild birds have a language ! do*s not 1r60ioi4 ,in opito at rest, diet $Ln - !�:! I - I . taxes. � - hand, Whispering'. � I . Xr ,= �� . . Whale meat which Was the sub- never used a corkscrew In his life. hill otoodjl�l =, -.,------ The t also," be said. "I personally khew A , medicine. Ato,y6U Goind d6will I ake, doet 10VS 11 a 15 -:--f �-_,__, - ,_-, w 1 - ARA YOU N.*RVOU4 sind datp4riddrit, W"k 17or goodness, a -.= .5 ____� . the discussion Was IMPOrteil , , � cow puncher in Te*As(.- who ,could call ' a ,%06neill He made room for I V'11' FS �,tn _. , �_ � .. '� . . no ambitl" " _. ,;��, ;;I-_,- )Lel 0�;_, leelse'aIttle. d was classified by the ond 06blllt*W- tired mornings; makc, I at entire flocks of qu-11" to -him In tile hoping that 'o . a iloids. I baye bcell. with him and Pool% - _4j&lg*s; movipoy gqno,- easily fatlqueo� 412?1� � Mr. Granger beside him, -11 :: customs offl4ftrs as "fish In till Pack- a , elublo'iind lrrlt�6166, 140k Of onerGY And cGrA%* the recognition Would 111048, If AOt'un- _&I "I't P-1 T10 ! ages not specialty, provided'for," and 00 mkk A401160 h= do It. When i�� 4111611 came UP to ' I fsljlln� powae, a drain Oft th@ noticea-It was too, fatb for tbat-but I N . R . at the rate, of 15 per TO "') UNNIS -F , I h,lfa, they would flitp, their wings, ' � doflb6t W. the" I I duty Wag levied � I systtrfit ConeWt -this old reliable spealalls%� without the fuss Which Jack hated And I I i - " �l cent. ad valorem. Importers contend- - I 1101 . spread. them out and wander about ' ill �� � !1 meato in medicines, as In every othqr p trying to find the quall which' Vas s,VM"*jd* -bit VAMOUS AILM aNTS dreaded. ed that the merchandise Was � talking to them, so Well had he mai- - . __:,_____ __ I � But,the audionge, already strung -up, - . Bud in a lengthy decision there Wad nateabity, th6 public Is satisfied I ­ , . � t . I -_ witti, nothffig but the -best I ThIs I: wi�k and rsiax6d State Ot the i)m i no moso detpohdoney, VW_ caught at his name, and, irlaing to Its . ­ ..I--- a single tact to support state- explo,lus the evot-Inerwing ddinatka toreo tho language. They tkid�vot ' I I 14, I 16 osition, dimintsh6d "-ffsr Of and ,cheered . . 'lot � I. r ,Will* powen t1=1 91r," Monts that the flesh ,Of the Whale, It - this . roghgo thitt it was the Man Who was . . tj ladkvf k L�t %I grortEponding danger or P"v- feet en waste, shouted Not ,only to , ! 0. onefty ind boucentra o $, unroatful plellp, dark Hn is 0 him. I for Z41A-Buk- Ilougallold I I it 10 meat, Is ordinarily accepted as i toluing and walked about over ilia , ,r tolitlitneast and tthddha to ah; Your cleanhid F a, . , V - Nd. , a meat of commerce. great balin the best I . - O*jm L r p4la In b4o 141101=0, 4 blot*, 06nst atio V4 61ble for th6 eb&Irm1J% � toot tr ; to find the bird which had . 3r _S 0 wwa _0 �4 th6 behll t OK . It twas Impos � the boards -day, but It In also the it A�a4lormoriMlIt'llulomiktaN� r - W, saw I.. 0 as nteat." eaM remedy to � . ftnia nervouii, Wood W Algift to ignore the Incident, and Lord, Chit- .. "Its Us i4alled Yttlesin I tirtwug4otloil Ila th, troaltv t g J, by Experts ,,to so limited that we have the rIgbt � inost economical. I = , 4 2 , tt was suggested to Mr. Iterring 6*. T 4 above Symptoms, an - - ) era n;t mentioned, show 044L- lingford rose and saM: to accept It as conclusive that COW- Zam-13uk'a superiority 10 d%* to ! thitt he should be'able to connect up . . ly tbAt something is wrong vrith yout Vh*sla�l condition ArA that YOU 64d "Laolles and gentlemen, I AM db� Clothing, househoia dr4perieso linen ana delicate meree has notplaced it in the doillain , the fact that it to all medfoindi Cott - i Was big hosu ( �, OXVM ht0fition, , v,p rA6 UAW# y" & *Igorouj m&". Lot .fto to, -in our fabrics can be ciesnea ana made to 1001C IIIS fresh A fine Salary WItIl � o' � , for 1O)AV I . lighted to dind that We have of meat; therefore we Mu6t 9M it taining none of the coarse animal i nuch, where he coold tolk ti the hens - Z��,Wwi�hrliluf on I A. . a by ordinaVY t -�#"ft,y4ur,Ohyska'. 0 on tc full waltlhoo& . IDon't ba a We*kI Uy midst the son,of Our 01<1 and value and briglit as whon first bought, the meaning understood fats or harsh mineral drugs fourkd � -aud tbus increase thelt Output Of 00,'98- , , . !04% X04 up Your' n to'Q6n%41 to ** "a I will give iffit A 01 ally friend, Sit William Carton- IWO hava people of common intelligence." -The Ill ordinary ointmClutd. Agalti, thO I I . .... F I.., It =1 1. lit this wly he was jirg�,,d, he could ' t t1dilvAto Nalk" 4 on* SU602001A e6trft6ht based On t "" r 8= 2to. all depored Ills, absene% and I am,tutO Nation% Businem, madielual,propartlob Are to highly belpr bring down the high CO3t Of liv- " , � Z , of 31 yoo��lrs in treat it ____ -_ you will, permit me, In your made, t6 and 1) � -eing � ._____-4*-$._ coneouttated that thbY contain thd, in#. I � Dr.' Wsirdl* Methods tiorrvallad, T�Orouah and Pdrolansht, accord him ahcartY W01,001110, "d, 'to Cleanina y NOT IN TH11,1 XITCHFUN. Maximum Amount of healing, 000th� q hitya, thouSlit of ftfv" - it'd , I � T611611*6 tut Invite him to come upon the platform t Parka's ,,I)Ict I understand you to say that Ing and antloaptla 11OWer, so'that R I ide, "and Maybe sotua day also, tuiLt y6u Ili^ 6wr 6na It* to 1tv"o You, �lng ,#,& h ,D=roa, I Is Properly Dons a Mr. Horrl Vt ftit f A. lita worth 111 = h1ere and support his cousin, 01Z Hoak- -- little of this balld goes a long VAY. it 6t that *to by it h"i 11 IJVO; parcels can be L didn't have 110 cOullially Ill tl'10 , 1,n try it. My neighbors have sonlo.. '4 - . * 31440 10 41411 th b" 1put *"O, 0, %6164 In 1114 *ft*6. - oth Carton." I It miLkea Ila 41fler euce� Where YO YOT Another toaabn VrhY Zon-Buk to 't on their I " , t The SaMO care and xtteft- g out, Xate?" t i -A-4 t4liMir m6n tho ,built w WAtly yofirs I kitchen When I WOLI It will keoo In-_ " n " I tim" eoaxed me --to :try . . , )at #tit flit" 1ho audience applauded vatiferoutlY sent In by luall or express. t I said." most economical. 0 V #4 , o v otims who, tot re"o" bwre not h I= 21s, munt, that's WIlft � 11 'fowlis. but, YOU A", I 66 Dot have 01110 __ ,g " I X044 and shouted'. tion to given the work all though You Ily0d In town' llut, I smell the tobacco from a definitely and retain to the last Its � (Ijough wi,h a oftnto flock lik.� that I , ftlo"1141! 04 gd *611. . 5u on, any question stroln purity. . Best for skin ly to warr.ant � "At -I'd V"Mm"At of no I 0bWotloh "*. "Go up to th6 platform, StrVilfrioll We will b6 pies god to Advise yl 1rough the house." I aen6. i%kin 31;;"- Wetcomo back to 31ramleyl (40 UP - to got Sufficiently frietiol " "a"M = WRITE US- pipe all I ; . ,a I'Vor OU lot 'disessae"s in Injuries, blood-pol%00- tltm Volag out at their way t I grant avol"t im rad*rding 01""Itio or Dyino I = V - ,,yls, nium, the policeman was here . We ftyots. it is oxi the long trips east, -------I ­- wi� ­ I . 1011t 0 " 04 blood coaditlo" where WO eon 806%0." . . . 11 11 . for half an hour, UM111, but we Wer(i Inglaud.,plitoI. AlI dealarol, 606. box. I (To be, ofttfritt,ed.) , . . : . � lx . whvfi va. pt thdMghlY aNtustnte 0,M09 MWRON. 9,$6wto a VA% *AWAY* -10 it.m. to I o.*% 1�, ­ t ... . , I - ­ I . � . ol, I I "416"� . I In the drawing room." , � - . 1 ______4-0�� , , _­**#,,­� t1i%t tk* &WIS got rftllT frinudly mid I VLTATJ*N, OXAMMAT1014. I . � I L _' 6 � I frillist to 60-ov*mAt Ili. mising MV FR11% 0ON4 I A MAT CUSTOM. pa 05 � 111 think the Picture IM)CS MMOS- , , , 4 XM 41two It* & . . 11 � aid the kindly critic. "Fact I t q I * vult to 1. . I . I ft"Adiii atatilditig." , 4; r :Ilm o the bTida?" Im', phore," A I I . -_-.1. - -# i 6, t&�*ejAt%0r%%ftMb=t V , G#pt#d &t n ooxwia u V#A *w,i "Did you kis 11 . L I -11 had a bitra. � I OF 4" t I U& 'Mow a- bu value. *1 � " I � ­ -, -, --- . . Ix 11 explaffied the art'at, I "r p 7 y "No. That almys struck Me 01A I L . I � - .-=; ti;no raising the wind while I *M 1� --- -Nomw Of mrae it is po"Ible for a wo. _^��_ L__ - , I � 17MM , ­ , owl I - 'L 09111 to ro4d & roan like a book, Pro- I I ;- � I.i. * .I * is 411*0*ft to 0% 00ftIAN 8. Y. � I JWno; %Avch likol MAMAS Your OVA I . _..­��S4___ painting it.,, ­Boston Trtwript. 41, � I . . I' '' ­­­­ - I I 1. 1-.1'... I-- I' - .1 � ­ M 111 . 1006 I - I L . 106*� o4a can 94k I Obn at tko lost ­­­.. _k.qg.�� t, #Wtoi- I . - -�-L !'t _..__­-­­ --.--- - , got VmJWu)m-ly1thrIUI%9." .,, , ____., n . � , *1 Z L - — 'I � I - 'A , - d"Pt4T. T '. _., 01 lil I I 1. ': " .. .. L I � I.. J' . I I I � ,4, 11 I L, I - . .. .,ii. ­ '. � 1� I � , I I . . " I � 4 � . ,.,, , ., . . . I I . I I I -1 � . I � I . ­ - - __ I --- . , ".., , k , "A' � - '" I - - , ij&jj"j�"�` _L� I I I . I 1. 1% akswski��� I I 11 I 1 � 1 I P W . � 4 &ka, 4 . ,". ­ , I 1. �;� .dff��I'A&:�";L'W'��' _W_�.�t��__b_'_',_ _-W.�:'k.1i"Wadii" �_., I - iiiiiiiiiii�l���l�i�������������������������������� � le I a I