HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-03-18, Page 2Fr �k
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_1-1-11- , - I I i111 .1A111_ . -111,111, -11-.1-11--1 -, ...... 1- � I - - I
,,In one vary pod, 4%uca by t1o, I V . ' I � t. as! i I I I . . XWOM I
V, � RNi t;s,j wDOW . � _
# . ,
coox isiauders over thirty pervoris ' F t"4 0 ,
' .. 11
took part. Thoy 4&t down In titres 11 IN FRUIT M , N wwams' �
rowel .. ight � ' vim Inss 00, I
,, reproseuttux rowers In u�,mwei I Y )"'4
whi two acull and steer. They U44 ,. 11, I - Mlornlng"4 11000496 oft ;
I Saddles, ,and ,paddled to the aound Of ' � � % /_ '. � - %1A x" 000% 00%9^ 00% I
the . ee�rpYourE)/ , ON RECIPROCITY
rume. A, lookout supax swe.0" �, . p I 2bift U*" on 411 4w"
big Ailt, and . n -AC. 04 *4 ON6,40 1
horl7sou till he oeefj a � I Me �x *� 0,4 &-U% I t h
I in. One of 00 Cll"Froo tylo Cate tlo4- V.,4;. %�NCM;0#9.4 � - Aak�
the canoo rowa for h W-ift - 04 x . :ff%:� I �
steererr, sharpews a har,popu and ==�t�=__".___ -F1_1_-___ rd - 4"
nnasA.. If forward and the fjob (a I I Niagara District Growe . I I KOM$ Ot I 110
, ;09V.R�TWPQW
1 , ,
Q ;A 0 bor, WMAKI, V%KVI, Wq a ,% 4. 0 "O"
- lea --_ - _ ___ - 11_--...__ man dif000d in red) is, harpooned. an"" A 90""40
must stand alter parIng, cover Ith
.-� water or freshen them. (t veget"T Fear its Effect.
Some 40%,r 4 $75,64%605. The Assoto at the com- 'pbero l(i a treme"'Ous 'time "' 9"'I. POLES Olt -ED I I i ., . Avon% W%00%
,pd Interesting records an"18- lug him in; he runs ,around and On- _
In the lasurAnce bustuess were made P4ny were, Increased by $8,001,089and cold wate"' tc! p"ve"t Wilting � CHAOS IK, WAKE tangles 111'e, line among the bystaud- Their ---"-"~1.""M"""
now Amount to $105,741,468, while the coloration. , Would Ruin ,
1� Before cooldug, Put U040 ir%eitables Oro, Una finally UQ gets a second har-
,y, the ENn Life Mstlmtice, COMPUY' - report shows a net surplus of $8,037.. il poon in him, Is hauled on board, ;.md
440 ov and greens. in cola water to� one, 44out KAKS! OF REDS 'Bay It Business. DU416Y Holum 1
of CAunds, during 1919. Tile 49tb, an .er and Above all liabilities and with a tablespoon at vinegar to te, (111, �Pallt,DMJMO Out ill) 'With AU AX$ - ---
Aual report of the company 110A Just -capital stock which Indicates the - tin. move Insects, then wash very care- OF DENIKINE. ARMY dlememberod, and e*ten,bY the crew. . MaWTO04 60JOIT"ts M I
. been pi�ipgoqd, sad ahowe that the , parlance attached by the company to fully, Ever)ibc4y 1.9 In anotion but, it, is St. Catharines Despatch. -The fruit "U" "" ""% *00W I
oew bUI4,Aess ac,,uAlly Issued and paid safety (Ind protection. The company Drain all boiled vegetables 40 Boon rather a pantomime thart'a ,dauft. Seized Rails and Forestall. farmers at the Niagara fruit beit End . - � -
, � I I . I . -
$80.548.- paid out to pojloy-�hojders and their ,,In the ,,tfte.rnoon I went over to I I I .
for dury�g the pot year was � as tender -they become soggy It al- � . ed An Attack, thena-eww in ail uncertain state with � � �
1350, bsl�i,K an l0reaae of $34,957,467, beneficiaries 42,364,"O, bringing the lowed to stand undralned after cook- British Officer -Tells of A,w. see preparations for the fire -walking. reforeace to the United blarmeia' R. I . 11
or 47.7 per cent, over 1918.. The tre3n- total amount jiuld out In this C0111104- Ing. The water drained off allay bO. , Within 100 yards of -the Bhip a obal- policy Ili lavor of lower tarltl and SANN"MI"ll AM %104"Vft
44adous bustaeali at the Suit, Life.wIll Alon since (.1-ganization to *91,227,532. Saved for soup stoQk, � N! Retreat. low pit le dug about 0 x 20 feet, ,by mr,nL)rocity with the lunitea. states
J�tl realized ,410A Ills stated that,aA, 4nother record was made Ili regard to Most .vegetablaq are bQtte,, when IS inches doeip. Thle to to be filled BolsheViki Can Now Enter as laid t1own by President Qrorar' 111"W 40 boa 04 )ON 00%
Altmucea retain- Income with C4 total of $25,704,201, or amount of watQr ber w'th firewood, and ithe Stones, heaped ,611,ould a JOatuilnou election be miled I
plications ft new V � Ino the pre- cooked irl a, small ' on the wood, These are smooth., the Crimea, I . www""Al
W, during 1919 oxcKded, one. lhuadreil a , rease . f $4,043,101 over ce Bodies of ,Men, Women . . (Ind 1'. 01 �
a al Salt (1%- . d0ou It would I the countlaw of
A-glltari dollars, The,flaure creates a vious year, ir and ks. agat I I wat,er-wora, volqaxilc otonea of VaXV- Lincoln, weiiana, Wentworth and -ur J. Irwin
, , I
I�istinct Irecard n the, insurance buai- owing to t,her rowarigali1v develop- Solve$ out "'to the wate Y, COO Chilften Ran - slze, hilt all rather large and * lialdimana In a inuch-divided altua-
I It the water is thrown awa . I ging. tit. iron, 16 to 60 London, Cable -The plans of the � Arth
DOSS 0.1 %hia Dominion, as no Canadian Mont lit the business of 0anada's great- welghing, at a guess, tl s 0 10
on pliagibIg, � j3olallevilct for a big attacit oil is voies t1lon with reference to , upport f t 1
- I approached est life assurilnee corporation, the whole wh . I dis A% tD. by tile recent United 14' r e canditlates. D.D.S., L.D.S.
Tender spinach or lettuce 10n,`Vft,rA- ,P,ou . The number of eltonce W 1have lieed foros lled a m rG'
company has evrr bafOrQ tuolness In Me London Cable - obaotic con- ll,: t 200 -and thelr average length figiditing on the 11011sh aggressors, ac. The fruit farmers aiu ah.solutely,01)- Doctor or Dmital Surgery of the PeUA-
. . �
1. � I directors. teel that the quire no added water for cooking. Tt cor I a vania College and Licentiate of Dena
in �(oreQ aniamited to Dominion Is due to on roughly washea enough water will f- I
tuts 1tow. I the ditiong ta tile wake of General J)on, a -bout 15 i6hes. n to Inform tion received by the
ThO D7011114SO ormoudy expand iklue'a arVy p -s it retreated In South �, invarl- War Swee. The 11oles, the advices do- POGed to the reciprocity plank I,,% re tayll Surgery MI Ontario.
;416,�58.462, showl,ag an.1noreapQ ot,.dilring the Present year. cling to tile leaves to prevent buxxting. %r. "The fire them, I wn told I days 0�are, had no Intention of4oneert04 uo, erenca to triut, because, the), otate, closed even, tVedneafty Afternoon.
. , I � . . ""_ Delicately flavored vegetables Russia hefore, the BolsheYlki are vt ailily :burned for .kur or five tion against the Bolshevik), -but when It would ruin ,their busliticce if United
. I I. , � IkI Intends to
I 1 111114"1104 . 141T d4serlboIl by a.xion-commissioaed , bet Ire and tile etouei,a became coat64 Info;med that the BolshcV, 0 Office In Mptodonald Block.
, a- cooked sloWly - ' Statca fruit were allowed to come int -,
� . -should be steamed With I I learned that on one attack along the whole front tile Poles Canada free, At the same tlute, soma
. )OWng Water Officer With tile British e:xpedItlon4VY time.
. lit rk small amount of I forco. The BrItisb. voldier had lie�n occasion, tile Frexich authorities h%Lv- b�,gan their ,operation.% at strategic thy- - f
M until tender and the ,water bolls. - as. far north as. Taganrog, on the Gulf Ing XorbifldeD ,Cle priest to -perform points, which xesulted in the taking of at the fruit growers could see no ob- W. R. Hamb'
� I � I , tile lateral railways from the lialsho. Jection to strawberries, for instance, I
I ' ' IN-7'CR III Strongly flavored vegetables MAY to 4 " a.", M.D., O.M.
ASQUM ,HOT' I ,11TICIS""" cooked uncovered Ili it large -.Amount 09 Taganrog, An nrlu of the Sea of In his usual r'ace, he made the '*van' ylkI and bre ki g up their plans, neing aamitted free before the Ontario i
. AZQVI . of other stouea, heating &boin for 36 on the other fronts, the reports to the h .
I at rapidly boiling water.,and the wat- War Office say, tl4o Bolaheviki are hl%V- 01110grown berries are ripe. lavocial attention paid to Illiieas"
LN er chauge4 sever$Q times 4IXrlft9 t110. "Never have 1. seen qr parl'tielliated , b all their own way. at there n litylat.1 1,
I . Riug� W will have to be Go -mo very definite taken in Our* I
OF:fRISEK-T ]RIS" :CONTROL �114 4,,,, the old priest, Papa?lta, , things pretty mu Ilowever, It Is certain th of Woman and Ohildre
11 I r recent successes near the Crimean
in -slich. A voi-4mblel in. my lifq 11 the Ime I "tgra4uato WoW
. I coo soldier wrQte Iii a letter to tbQ Daily arrived. He beat tl7,e near stones Ith Isthmus ap lrently open a way for them underotand,ing regard the United gary, Vacterlology. s,nd flatontitio
11. Starchy vegetables s.1.1oulA be put On qlllAg 9f thp f4lit/ "We Were a largo bunch of TI leaves three to, enter thv� Crimea, which would be Farmers, policy on fruit -tariff before q . ue,dictne. I
�� __,�___ -----.---.--- and 000ked 10 4 *uftiOloutly, 'arge NqwO, t - _ hq ')iorst timeG, ano then began to Walk of considerable advantage as valuable Oedoe in the Kerr resl4ew* b*- I
- ': .. ___-, -_ - _-___.� amount of boiling wator to covu-� ,lucky to get away,4t all; and t .stores and some other war mater4als are Niagara district farmers will agree to - I
Britiob Rule K - More Re feature of, the whole business Irps tbrough, the middle rather hurriedly, support the United Farmer candi- Wo" tue Queen's Hotel aizthft
.QW, them. ])oil gently and keep ,kottiq . there. General Denikine, tile antl-Bol- . I
I . I t4t the tQwxispealile of Taganrog ,followed !by two acolytes, who ap- shevlkl. leader, still Is trying to make dates, And, a I armers ]?&Rtiut 0humb, I
� I H ' coverall, � r- . s the United r x nd
,%ctionary Than Within Itiarged BQlalteylki to a man at V.ie 'pearod -to shun the hot central ridge. headway in the south, but with Indiffe in this county have turned down an All VaAueu clvvku careW 1 tte m
. I ,I- BRITAUN - WAITS The time required for 1004V119 Vag- . ' (ireen guards are calls-
, , , - - finish., They looted everything, OvAin and w,alkdd along the sides. Then ent su-68ses, ft for support from the Indepena- pbos.o s4. 1!. 0, box 11 a
tivinir xen�q��, I etables depends on the k1no, Size and In his rear which the Bet- a or
,, rylt talahl; away tile swito y several; .1i; trouble on
vegetables. ludgment UlUt 01�oard_from (te he walked, bacir, Xo,41owed b Qviul are active al the whole of out Labor Party, there 4ro, likely to I I I
; - �. .. � deciding wherk they, Ate bin at great healqua.,Ears. -then back once more with an Increas- his fronts. The Dolsongki are ma. ng be intero3ting developments and an
-V0rMO7 . " lrs%� The equ, -aupply a D . Robt. C. Red Mori 'a
preparationa to p 4 leet. I f candidatee should an �A
zLondan, ' I ' ON � FRA NC -E, , ITA L rmousfetitillen It'h1glovoollilg3a for use in the Caspian Sea.
ChbIO7 Promfor , talophone ro Ing crowd, niost of whom avoided the he,i
quito done but oat oVerdonO4 "At RoatqV tbingEl were wo 11 oval r
-elected .. . to be 13ribod witil contra. One white 4boy took off his n 'led soon. The. Inae-
WeA. tec6utly re I I buglue drivers had The Doishev electio be' cat M.R.0,a. (Eng.)
-UuA!th,,, who . . at otand the heat lki are facing the Rounian-
to the House of. comm.ans far. Paisley, I � I'll "' r�uia and food to,proceed turlhor down shoes, ,but -could n atopped. lans along the Dillesser River, nor is pendent L-abDritca intend to put up a LILAOX. (14a&)�
.� ;41ght 'of Irloh ZQ
spoke scathindli, I D4. MARTEL'S PILL$ tZe lino. The streets of Rmt ir we�e upon his bare leet, and theic an evidence 'that intend to man, they say, in apite of the aLtitudo
1�js befgr, c ,the 1%lgbty Club." London Cable - ,1,11(s dontinued- ovept by liallstorms of lAaObIn3 gun ,"At this point I had tho, hottest dd so. Yrhe Roumanian V,'%beS are ex' of the United Farmers lit declining
(:audit . - postponement at the Attica' decision ' PORWOMENS AILMEN" stone of the ipile In the centre, on peoted to be out of 1-1ungary by A I 1. (Dr, Ohleho�m'x old staud). I
Qt Which he was -6-4ected prestdonL I tire while the boMes of raza, NVOM01 ?nl' I Labor support.
Nover in the memOty of the oldest ' with regard to Constantinople is at- Thoudands of women hwle testifie4 to the last so whIch the feet had certainly rested The fate of tile Russian army the �-
I and children, vho had li&an hanged rn north Is not known. Its remnants have
club members. he idId, had tho, moth.-.* trIbutod In PQ40 Conference circles V.ars. g�hft hoeing' Q;Mllues of D-1 several times, hauled out and placed b driyan into the desolate country THE SANDMAN. � I "wmm""�. I .
AWFILS IF, LB PILLAW ; , telegr4plv poets and traes 'by the )e -
to the hesitation of ri rance and - -, I ' were, t�w In the water bucket. k trif-le a the beetwIleen the Ovega River and the Arur-
� ods,at 0overnmont irk Ireland been so' lAfe 6repired rernedy for &48we � 01 - treating Denekine ,iltmy fu� a -_ P%
L imenotrus, I
Italy, neither of which ouutrles� it .a, water was apitled by the plunge, and man rallway, and it is assumed th, t
-reactionary'. or denial, of the elemen- . -tion. " pair is a raUnU4 T to see. The pleading volf,,ea and arp- . tile: at -my Is being dispersed or that it NVhen the long, hot qay is over,
poljticttl� is asserted, has definitely answe-.ed 40yer Am ;At yoor Dxu9xW- Or dbeA hard and continued DRIN K. L STEWART ;
tary principles �Qf' ei'VI) ,and I -oper- r1go-C 6, pealing faces of those %vilu could not the rest bbIled has perished. And tile still drops down the west, .
fj�e , rtles been so ,j4p#Lpieto,-So defiant,, Great Britain's invitation to ca I by $2.00. K0k3UAfttl[Av RfAeO COq ) 11ttful, 11 to do o tot, about twelve minutes. I 0 16 And the childish hands are weary, 11
W Awl. liapt Toronto, Qmadt(, b� allowed on t4e train won Graduate of University of Toronto,
, -
I so Insolent. aa'i Ww He charged p6to In ocou-ylng the city. t I � .0001, . I The whole scene was enpeted In a At the end of that time the stone And the childish feet must rest, I Faculty of Medielne;ticentlateoftbe
Mal 'lag a andle, Gdtdria College of Physlels,na nod
I that a,very 16-ris `0�oportton of the Italy Is �redlied with ntaln. w ,and isleet,'scj yull wap still too hot to h The Sandman steals through the per- .
� me in Ireland Wa4 dne to tho sense- .Xcluetance to participate in aRy dras- - Qmcn "It was a .cap!tal exhibition of Sa . r ,-is tials I Surgeons
I A can Imagivid the plight of th's- W 11 � v_ SMU, SCORES eams, OFPICE ENTRANCIII:
tic action, and to be rea,'ving the sup- I are magic and 'well ,Worth seein , but Where the dying sunlight gI .
I = polioy of the present Government, . SOVIET PEACE . . ' baniza.idlif n"no And touches tile tired eyelids
WhIld" ii�, 11,14, � , I ci I .I�lberaj - Party -port of a section of the.F.rencii pOil- . � uotbalg *more than tic miracle", Y And hills them into dreams.
' -. - . . . "This -place Is - 0 IN -
f*at, 0,-,d4ply coercion to lldfgns� notably, M- Barth", former den of thieves. T,l,e weather ' is Dvon so, when life is over, ZURBRIGGIS PHOTO STUDIO,
were plodgid -A BIG VICTOR And the long day's march is past,
. Vlpter,�UeY lver� i�11411Y pledged to Foreign Minister, till pretty severe. blit delpite this . We wait in gathering slia4owa
� _-4-6-40- 00TE Too' POLAND' - she men - are turned out into cpen Till the Sandman comes at
I the Home Rulb. Act it W on the Statute N .,, I DECLARE SYRIA I last; JOStIPHINE ST. 1`116NEI 29
2-1, * a A he venU11 think himself .N F" a annnt RP lr,HPP,d . .- . shads and calletj iwell t4 ;;lve ill) 1, Sad are our hearts and wmry, - . .. d�r
. very strorts; myors. suclA as 001)40
Vim, or onlous, becomm disAgraiiably OrD46
SUN LIV Iri SHOWS BIG to cooked too long. 0YOV0001KAUK also
destroys the attractive color of 0011116
I vegetables. .
GAINS IN ALL, LINES Cook: autamer vegetablOg 40 kOOA I
I after they are gathered as poolbl% 14
� ' order to preserve the flavor. It they
joth Annual. Report Is Issued, Showing Tremendous must be kept over keep In the too 140%
I or some � other coot place. , 1 �14
1 "il"glyi-Agn n'ht,%&nAr1 � "It I
ji,.4- i W,aiitr _16,1 wilil
6, . - � , �
Worse tjjih�% tra.Vtot'if lie asked tile Catarrhal D%, esa . . bodfk and bedding fo'.' the refugLes. ha Over Nationalists in South Arid long the waiting SOVMS; - - - . . ..
local applications as they Cannot Lord, we are tited children, �.
to ," cc�' t any fonn of have had, to walk about M - eyes with dreams. �
Irfah �oople I ,* _* I by portion of the ear. I?ollowS Quickly On, Pefeat -mg,ny men . Touch Then oui
epjf-g6ydrdment4e� 0(4a waa'qon7 r&dh-the d14OLSed I Catarrhal I sa niglit in their filic coats �a order A FREE NAT1011 African Elections. Take from the sl4pkeile4 fingers 11 I I
TI @. . Gnal that these Russians, clad, by thO' I The toys so heavy grown, �
1) rie is only one. Way to cure
. tained, In that a0t, -% an jut Is by a collstitutl of t6lshevikf. I -_ - I -by tired children EARNED PLACE � . I I
. I . I , ;OQI� d ti I I -
. frank and DgafA , 1 CATARRII BIEDICINTD' I nifcrai, MI!,111t Givo to t
The ged;�t - .to rein�%YNALL E .1 . , way in our U �000111Y� . __;�
. I ' --Wtwoen -ilfroli . - on tile MUCOUS . I . . Nrislohs of Thee alatle; . , .
friendly, co-op"I , a ,41ood � .
� . . r Great 40tS , h.to, - ' � - Then, when at length the shadows
. t; 9 gyp,tpm. CafArrhal Deaf their beds. us Will They Shirked the Republi .
Brit.4% ,%nd tile M t$d.�States, he as- gurf�&-% 0 * the'i a4"Iqflame.d. condition EXplallis moves Oauaod -by "Ond Of the 11111 brIgal"19 attack Congress at Damasc . Darken aclow4 the west,
, .
I I -au,4ed by , Or . send to 118 Death :
I Mte4 wfe BrIW_�,,4;'Iailurs to apply nm Is r of the. Eustachian . year ()f AttaClg." , ' -6d 9 tergeant =1 mystilf the otb ' I can Issue. , Tby Sandman, IN THE WORLD ,*
. �Ije ,I-hucous.,lining . 11
I L -y had Of I When,this tube Is inflamed you P t1te way t,j 'breakrast, I Make Feisal King. . To call Thine own to r,Qst. I
to ii7p)[ana the i;iI.u.cW1os 9 Tube moruffig On . I
jtjb� T'Joice Conference have' 4 rumblinx soliAnd.. or im f ect �. I . and lit whistled I bll.' Thia morn- - Norah Holland. .11
. . - . �
I hparing, V,nd'When It to endi pe.r.s., , 10�� I
� � bottt 14reed ,. . 'ely .1. .
I iwere,jhe gov6ruiuig TkInclPles of civil- Unless the In- . Warsaw, March O. -The �.QAiet Ing 114 ToPeated tile dow, but "a London Catle. - In the . solith I
. , , _', . I jjpa,fnV$s Is the result. . - ,in iviih tits . - 11 To New York World Backs . . . . . � .
.14011:61. I _ former flawmapon I* I reducL'd and this tube at Moscow yeeferday ,billied him Z11% dfUNC110 , Absolutely Refuse a French Afr'can elections yesterday it Is jinfl
, n be ar- Government � , on, $I .
)MY, the ial conditl6n, 4e' ,bobts A p erst- d that the Nationalists shirked
ft� 6rring .to, Tur � restored to it,q 00rM sent a second wireless pea -00 note 0 ,ud tur a, _. ONLY WAY
. Wer declat.e.4 that ,the. massacre,, Ing ,MV, be ijestroyi.od forever- Uai�y , 0.06 Mandatory. an Canada's Stand
� _ ,
I I . 041cla oughf,16 11W the, taet: blilip, 1 case$, - of J)oafnoss - are ,dailsed by the Follsh F orelgrx Off e_ .4, . the NpublIcan issue. A forecast of
I , , ' .. thf-,. result gives the South AWcan , Fr- I i
� . 41 ottom y _C I � P&rt) 48 seats, the Unionists 84, the
� ,, aii-vuld. � , . of ttv UUpous S41,fap 0.6orge Tehitcherin, the Holshe : 4P . Rpirlit, Syria, Cable. -The
I . r 0. �.
,4 . I ULISTE-R. � ONV. gTjKpytP,D DOLLARS for any * � Syrian 'attonalists 40, and Labox 12. Tbe "ICE 1�78 1 -*,;, s League
Cats'prilt, which is all inti4x4pil mAltiop communication, which is Zno�Tlb'
in BIU-04 r, OF I . - 9 Spankfng Doerngt' 0001" - P "" " St In Matter of Nation
tersmap�w 2vW .. END I 8
I , '. .. Itt Foreign. Minister, exuresses 6 desire Mn't think children can be cored of bed. N ft I , P
.� . c
I. ,�Ojr _ QaW� __btr d -ward Cat- cw�,of Catarrh%l Deafness that cannot -With Folaii,4, Put WcWinMby9palcAdn Congress at Damascus declared Syria pruent posif,lon ('f the lnirtle8 Ili the I �
I be eVred by n - fQr pE - � _ ,jV4cvx. Ttietrouble Is con
I � I ' 'get ' ude'r in an .ALvig c.AT4UUlt bj9D mce not onIv oftolom-A cannot belp it rwal se*0 toi be ail independent state. There c., A - ajilth Seat.
. :g6n the U16ter U61-oif je � with the other border states. 3 the CN crth African Pa iameliit Is, I
tv)t ,, _ . .
, . IC111VII. were fireworks to -night, ftn4 Beirit ,
'delegation, kll.'DrugglSts 15c- Circulars froo,h " ' t nwthcr lny'succe6dul bon"! .7 .a, j,,1ql;[,3ikijj-
. I ;a�4o& ta the -T.1g, t J to I The Soviet &vernment- declares, FREE: '.OMW .4 Atricans, 52; UnionistS a London Cable, - Giving testi.
V, - . I twa,tmelit, with fuu�jV&trucuol%P, , celebrated Its independence. It is re'- Ist% 21": Labor 5, an'd* Inhop)i(Itnt, 6; ;
I at viturned from a visit ., J, CherieY &.C`C1,, Toledo, 011 � In the note that. tlie previous pro I .. . ,
which, bag JU ' . -an troutle you in Mis way, sted molly to -day before the Committee on New York despatch: The New
� . tet, -said ____4__ - I 1. it ymr ehlitk ported that Prince Foisal-,_@04 Of th@ '
. d-*(1i6"30IfIte`d StR posals at the 11olsheviki hold good,, its in, ,.
to C,ilnada. an .mey,bi,twiit,tmeto-da�r. mytreatment the Hedjas, will b6 erpiwilled vattint, 2 Tax4tlou of War Wealth, B. R. Black- York World says editorially Allis
. "I been kept Ififormed of the: . The forecast of the result, avidently ett, Controller of Finance to the morning: .
he 4t I VZOATABLZ 'k(YOXY- and asks where and when the VeAce bri.se-hfir. reomu,mended to adutts Upliled WM . Klug of
of the jajototj tji Ddglidut, delegates 9t all thg A'LtOre-Tted, cOuu- 4�0; affricuWam lyr day 07 ntgbi. Writo,jos b= ', Xing of Syria to -morrow. p4lost'"' based on nearly incomplete rettirns, ' "The word mongering and phrase
I move�neuta _T4 .1 , ' , . i2w ^.=ttpeat. . , Lebanon and Northern lqesopq,q' .Preaeury advocated special taxation.
ji,nd 'fiad come 46 0�0,dOnlusl6i 'that t1l VV�:an COOR04 trles� May. i 1. t . 4 ,whieh Is given in the above bable, in- Ile, s,%Id tbero was real necessity 'for malting at Washington have pread I
r the svhole W, X=��at; '!t,Nxrjug 'the. it 'Olveq 1144 .. - kdvo. 1A. Summers are Included in the districts wl '
L '. � , I . 1, � I f1gla refrain from till, .jere t'#g dica�tes that the South Afric4ll pqrty� large contributions to tho reduction of r
I �, In con-.' . _0 is asked to 0 4-f 8. wix:asop.. oa,ado , Arabs are voting freely, appgrelfttly ' inokil S into Canada like a contagion, and the
by h,onated 1441� wtib are Properly. offensive In the note, the Soviet GOV-' 13 under the leadership of Ge .P'muts, the national dellt, and urgent neces- 1 Dominion 11ouse of Commons Is pain -
I .. t4t, ', byphenatefl ' Gar— � . *I lh� with the purpose of forcing t4e Page
=y ,'W,ith , .1 ining that its own op� has scored a decisive victory over the sity to obtain dtoh by taxat!on, For fully interpreting Senator Lodge's in-
"I �
,�#asF`on J�Lilr ighii. - - , on - "-*4- -04+4 -"-+ ecognize Syrig, 1444@r -
majaj� , . orgi a on the 141thuanlan'and White 0 V . Conference to r � Nationalists. The leaders of the No, thile it was most desirable, he said, to
. 11 _.-L.'e.'.4� � - rito$11 vogetablo�. ,sorved fr6ely. . was inspired by a threat of co-operatiqu wltll tU@ tionall � a present cam- torDretation of that clause of the-
. .
. I I . - ` . .., . �, � am stok, ess uthentan trouts C*AkR. . I Turkish nationalt I sts it indepengei st party In th I from got rid Of what he termed"Ithe ever- League covenant which gives,Great
. I 14�,, W4,,-..�%rrantbelhrered .. mean vigor and freedom f 4 ear that tile Poles intended ,to -441CO trabd-01 C UStl()MS .19� paign came .out for separation lasting rice In prIceo. Ile said the Britain and Its dependencies six
I _ ,v , _ � , � � , . "hosp a drive against 6, 14:11 W Great Britain, and endeavored to rally longer the situation Was left the worse votes.
,for !.t . who oat them. They keep the, Ukraine. . is refused them.
gqn, bo.. ottered when n The Arabs claim .tq ho,ve 149,04Q all the forces opposed to British con, I, Would be, for the vicious Gysteni "The President of the Privy Council �
140 P4 A " , � - - ,� itl ' .troops ready to co-oper4te witl4 t4e .
. . .e!, the. "blood as It'should be and t4e The Bolsheylki message camd Qn
- - 0 ,� P 4.4001�toj� $air.& cbm- - the heels at the announcement of aged
1 rou,�,Rpl _, p . - : 8�e body t:q good condition. A ooc of Tall'' Turks In Cilicia.and Ali nection to their standard. They w, Would continue and a crash would
the ,.aMdf;F`�W-'tj3' dil f4otlillag Wit condemns the apparent denial :that
I Y ()U' ' asked for it the the victory of the Polish trool�O at . I �qtoliq. AV- a bitter campaign, making rolltical , come Canada is a nation, and the purpose .
. . 00 tafn -to -aA ki to corns as. ,and helping will be g Mozir. The Warsaw press express- parently they are willing to, Accept
I . � I . As Corn ' : 4 ractor- vedtabies are cooked 'so tj�oy, gre re- ern- . . -"-*-O-*-*-#-#-O-"4-t-#-*-+-+-O-t""- . . capital out of the charge that York- Mr: Blackett said there were 21,- of certain United States Senators to . � . I
I A. fresh,ing and palatable. I ds the belief that tile Polish Gov . French adylsero. shire spinners have been profiteering 000,000,000 In treasury bills and 21,- I gate it to its former colonial.
. . . -, itfis -... h0m,L_ j � a(ilds ' An ,dgetables Just Out 61 e . .0 - When the boyci ot Tahiti ,oame . . .R. .1. . 000,000,000 in waya and meana ad_ re a . ...
I try � Ta"", c to , v * S<Ad b� ,all V the gard n Ment will " ready to enter lat 49; - e - hom, SITUATION SE IQUS. at the expense of South African wool status.
I . 461,668. I . � . taste best When simply cooked - gotlations with, the Soviet Qovern mar,llln, Q from thq world War A appealing to the racial vances to be refunded or paid off, and States is to ratify
08-lers. - I I �:,� "ned. boiled or baked- and serv- nient towards thi"end of the mont1l ,the ,11antattitiQ 'nativo dan,cce, the London Cable. - Official advices growers, ail t "It the United
� . AM I
; state that the situqtion in Damasicus prejudices of a ssect.o
. # . n of the Boers. until th'G was done it would be hu- th treaty an any condition
I . - __-4`-*4s._, at a time and place not Yet fixed. "himiplee" or folk son& which have I ' jt�was claimed that they also bail the po,ssib.1.3 to stop the "present vIcloua 13 peace -
� . , 461sal,'son of the ,
T�IE ;qUAVIOn. � .ed ,' ith a litle qalt. butter, milk or A Foreign illii be -en. goruvared to Waknerlart ,D.PeTa. IS seri�6. Prii,6�' r ' - circle." impairing the independence of Can
'. croom,' Often a ,heavily $easoned President PlIsudald ar * I ' I . 1. - support of a faction of the Label: ----* a, he said, that country, already a
,Rho - you used a& covers up the more desirable Ister Patelc have been in conferOnge and -the 4nelent' flro�walklng care- King of the Heajaz, has' been pro perliq ad.
� -Iftr1bg the- "rt4j sai .4 I � . I�imed']��Inig a 8- " party, As in the previplis P 1, mel -t, .66 � signatory, III refuse its assent, and
I , I regarding the Bols-lieviki QjfqT, m, on y, were ri)vlved to welcome them. 9 I ,f yria, apeoroing tq . .
� , eitable, Vivor., I . Premier gulots, tt is expected, will
to say 4,�fbre our rharriagq that I Was Vol , . 1.re�qiy . Bdirut. if through al.y irfliiAnce Great Brit-
� I . . I romed ,by' a4vices ed In Cairo jroi4 Get the Bost,
. %[ 6 of vegetables impaiTs I , The�e quatofae. all art of the U`nioniSts In .
,yo.ixr, Inspift4orl, - ,Vercooking . . "ut have the suPP . ain should fall in which such a prop-
. . '' 7 Oxasper . thej� tIsvor. ye.ry Ile So there !a hope- for mQ2t people as etvilizilig FreAch IV=. were Emli Faisal, it' is ex�lalneq,'th6ug�i . sult of the
I I 1141 Yo6i. '"d how �oulre, ml . ' - , lioate _tlliVors, Interesting ,prlacticeri it aavisabie' to summon the S�riqu Imperial matters, and the re � osition, Canada would Withdraw from
..,.� 'are 'destroyed, while vegetables with 'far as birtlimouths 4re 4014�01!11(4 among the moot 0 -a de- elections, as shown by the early, re- No artisan taeldes his job without the League at Once. .
, �
, Otto I . I I or P,Diynealan peoplo% Congress, which had threatened t , .. a
I . _ % 4�11 - � �. - !. � ... ------.--- � . � turn indicate that ther 1�roper tools. The average housewife �
I - _ . ----.-----I-- I . _;.4 -Were ex - Y of, s, is taken to ,y on the most "Here we have ail ultimatum for
, , - ;-.-:.------- � 11 1. � TOW wotmen tolled b clare the complete Andependenpe -withdraw South Is afraid to spe- d mone
- t . _. I I � alm,
. . I � - Kj I London, no less than for Washing-
� ", .,a.,-,. 11 , � j . iatly travellerA as !being the most the country au4 procl%im. 1. .11�', will be no attempt to
. . '. " .. 11 . . '' . beautiful .In the pacitic Islands; their The Umir, It is stat . . _ Africa from the Empire. aseful tools, preferring to spend her ington, and there is a great deal at. .
. I 1 � I ,ad, iucce'e&4 6� ___4W.0_Q_ health and temper. A comparatively reason behind It, Canada has earn- � I
/ . 1 fine phyetcal specimens; porartly In forestalling slich aptloq, ., small sum Will buy patent bucketand . A
. ��, I , won 4$tIjI are . . 014�11& ed its place Ili the world and, unlike I -
. I �", Ond tee earIly civilization of thig ISO- requiring the postponei4ont Qf t4P 'Qkw*'<Vhl@'�,%19':Zw'ql��10-->O'r'�r 1-nop, a polish map, carpet sivee or, of its � _.*_1
� � �";"i , � � , ,the Senatorial representatives
�, .., . latOd Ve3ple has Ilieen -one of the won- Meath .
� I I . . Ig of thg cqngTess, w�tcji 4a4 1% , t vacuum washer and light r le powerful nelghbor, is not afraid to as-
, I . . I . . ,jer ' ' 4 6, bq� t1le e4- Causd of I
1, . . I - . . ,s, of Gellance, Dean caled fqr ligar I � , # steps. Kneeling on.damp tie rs, ft. sume the attendant responsibilities,
. ..
� I . . I Th- Tahitlans know oome, of the. citement. w4a SAM to be so grgat t1ji
c i .1 . .Vt Ing heavy wash tubs and r ininj In beginning its career as a nation bY I .
. - lie )v4s pomppAlod to qcoe4o tO 040
. I 1�� - I . . � I oiioCellattane, naviguted ,by the Vasi I , Early 01dApe ah h hvs an huge doe. challenging both the United Stateil and
V , � I I I tiono of tho stars,'mado vrogrece'lla tiomaudg. . I V, tor's bills and much suffering. - Great Britain, It has set a smart pace �
I & - .
i � I I 1111116113 which I . tartin, yet'V,regsery sitlpn jigs, llepA eviden- 17 The celebrated PrJ%Mche4hof
, t 1, I- _e q. , 1 . 0 em Authqrity op ., early old age, Aluminum pant; afid earthenwaiv for itself." �
. I ,1� ,� , I L I . 'ed magy eavag . a cuietomo, duoh tie W in Syr -19, . qyer tile prop9sA 4T- --- t:asuroles make less work and easier � --2-C_-
. plucking -all eio from u human be- - 0 says thatit ii "caused by Poise
� , . � a4gentent foT. the fl4ture governmoilt ' 1he
: �, I � I �1111._, I I . - laded I� th4 mouth of a T , generaWd in � inteatino-" - and better cooRing. Dainty china is
LL I I Ing to. be ..p of fit - untry 0 1 food (p often more !I, t. -resting to look at -�-.,.,l
. . I I - I Priest as 44 acceptable offering to . e co . It Nvas repQrte4 from When yourstow&ch ditrosts
Pit is In Janti4ry that Emir (Prince) i properly. it is absorbed without easier to clean than silver. I'DENCE.
W� their go,de, and encouraging their ..r . ; 0
1 . Women to .5ti-ekle, doge, vigo a,ud ,p.ther Velsal had reached an agreement with formingpolsonougritaftem Pei- 0 Alake your kitchen attractive, You
; T � V iff -animale in high venera,tion. the French Government under which 4D son, bring on early dld affe alid will enjoy washing pretty cookery -- I
M -N I h mandate piremAturedoaffi. 15.to3odropti plain, dull potz are not inspiring. - I
� W-1111 Therer are s6me Intereotilag facts I L
11 A A for the 'whole of pyria, Ili return for of oSagdo ftrilp" iifter meals .4 �& i
In the diary kept bY ,tile late S. 13- recognize the makes your di-gebtlon sound. xo 0 �-x a N
. which France wotLid 'I AQ;,
IG's"'g GRADE OIL lie would recognize a Frene 9 OF S'A TRAGEDY '
I I . Langley, who yietted: the island near- __ �
, . ly twenty year,4 -ago and heard old- formation of an Arablan State to in- �Q,,;%we,ci,.rol.:Uol&,zb,,4'Z,S'e,',O &-I', G
� %61%.;ST , time pang,$ amd eaw native dances and Mude Damascus, Aleppo, Hemas and 000 .- N__ W SCHEME TO ,Dory Picked,,Up With Body, I
. AT , L, EA!;T "' I , rites been revived -to 1-1amah, under the administration of . L 11 i
I - Mate, I i
the ,men who fought under the Prince - R1 1. �
. Allied colors In �WJRCO- -ES HUNK HUNS . �
hon�tr which' have I Later advices, however, M O'R of
. indicated that the Syrians were Insist- E 00RAG I
I . $,h 43ing 11ilmi- - ing upon independence, . �
, - yoritr heat, 111ght tind Power ieeds are best served with. Imperial nice,, with Isome very striking 'eff"ts'll � . , , Fear Other 22 of Trawler ii
. - I
Itoyall'to Coal 0,11. Every drop h clean,,powerful and absolutelY . ho Wrote, "The voices have 60mc- ^ 00i I IN - OLD IRELAND Crew Lost,
. � , k.1 Royalite gIves you t�he highest fuel satwfaCtlon tiling plangent and metallic In them, - Berlin Cable - A proposition .
uniforra. Imper yet are melodlOW and In harmony. NOTE TO' TURK I � whicIA is advocated Ili the German �
I i �, � � .....____� financial press as an alternative
I In thq firet, Vong, at the end of each .
: 11 and cost� tio Wore thin ordinary C0.4 011. I I 0 an .,killed loan is outlined Elallfax, N. S,, Rep -rt, - Capt.
. . � . I . � . verse, uli otopDed %suddenly, giving I ,One Constable Shot Deadj Sol ame t indon 11ansen, master at the steam traw. .
- I I
I . . 11 f- " I Imperl'al Royalite Coal 011 ineeis every tes�t of a perfed Oil, A110WS ,, th6 effect Of the 'couttel of the opera STAYS SECRET by the correspondent ot the LC lei, Lemberg, which arrived In port :
. einger. 11, all tlics versee there waa . Another Wounded. Times as follows: this afternoon w!"a ihc! body of John �
. -yoU full poWer frorn tractor or statloftary engine. Used in Oil I an Ituderto.n.a. I)oileath th.0 eong. This - Loading groups of industry, agricul- nillison, of Dartmouth, luate of th.6
. I I heaterd and stoves, it burlis cleannO stnak undertone continued alone for a to* ture, banklu.- and trade, with the as- trawler Jutland, told newspapermen, -
I � eeroud,s dt the end at "eh verse, Cable. - A plan for sistalice of the Retellsbrnk, to form a
1. best for oil lamps, too.. London Armed Men Raided Durrow ,after the ship docked, that he be.
! A after tha suporpo8ed eong waig finish- lintuedlately Impressing Turkey th-at credit union -t*,e Allgemelno Credit lieved the Judland to 'he lost. "I be- �,
. 1,
. You c,&P. get Rdyalita eVeryw,here when y0a Want it, Our. UhUMIted ed and died[ out anparat,oly (and olow- she must. conform to the armistice castle. - Gemainschaft-this creCit, union to )love that the Jutland came to grief
11 . ke 'the, 1drone, at Come great bag- litui been completed, Lor,1 Curzon, the -.- raise credits by fl..ed interest- -six to either by a collision .c,w *,i explosion,"
� I IV said the captain. ,I liope it was tho
: InftAs of distkMadon assures that, P, 1. The " hativea gqve naines to of ,
I V . Forelan secretary, alpliOunccd In the Dublin Vable.- A number lid. eight per cent. bonds for a longterm,
11 � each of �ua, mine lbeing 'A.to-hl,' tiouge or Lards co -day, and, he ad,�ed, ditional outrages are reported to have guaranteed by tile Indurtrie8 con, former, as then there would be stIlI ift
.. I No coal all is better than Tinpetlial Royalite, 80 ,,yhy pay hilghq� . which Alleanq Inul a 1W 1nurleria" tbe others had sent Instructions 10 t�altcn place lit varloits parts of Ireland terned. possibility og the crew (if 22 men bei- I
I I I prices? "I won't out to the .public dancing their 111g, coin,,, lsj�!ancr,,4 at Conatali- last ],light. Police sorgt. xazer was it is hoped, Might be in,
I � ,1. Tito bond,;, Saved,."
. ition Jor tIllople to e,.teelito I.. it was inad- taken up '-.- American bfinknancl the, I` ;
1, ancT oluging, in, com-Pat The, ,captain said that th--arawler
- !, . � prizej oftered by the Government. It , vleabie to mak,-, th!a plan public Rt shot dead and Constable Ilayle was crLpital or indilistrIes therebysecured. Walrus, ,of Gloucester, ropartea irav-
. I . � takeq place In the oquare before the tile present, as Dublleation Might do- : Wounded at Ratlikeale, 17 miles South. . _..-*.#.4_- - I Ing s(,.en the jutl4nd at four o'clock
I 0overnmout House, and everybody Is �feat the Allies' time. west of Limerick. In the COV4 (114- OTTAUJ; 7-. Wi1GLN*8 AT TIOU14'. on Wednesday afternoon, and that
I a 1% ,tbpro, elther performing tir lookin With that matter eettled the eop- trick Inspeetor Mellonagh was. dang. (nalthnore Amerloan,,) nothing shlee hall boon seen of the
'do -, by It
IMPERIVA'L nkfthLITE COAL OIL on. Almost 'the W11010 V0,1111latiOn Of forence will attempt to decide up6h erously wounded In the head Charity �,oilectoitlllavo you any par-. slilp. The hawser of the dory, lit
I I I . the 4alan-1 haq come. the disposition Df Cilicla and Ar- bullet fro", d revolvcr while exchang* ticular use tor Your Old 010111esV ,, which Mate BlIlson's body was tound4
.. -n--sure. rin wearin- thern.
I "I I � "The clilef Itittre9t, Anlong -the Is- ME-r,j.,j. Lg many questions must be Ing allots with crowdg which attacked Citize liad been cut, Capt. 11allsoll iiatd, and
1-4 , . 11 V ,�rlj 110 s. Jill OLIld another officer. o1w,elvillan 04_�
I --- , .d � I ------ I larde,ra Geems -to llo, In the eomNtl- E,iji tp,tted to the Allle , iol- i nt h A. UNC01*N ! Vals ho took to Indicate that the mato 4-
I At L4 At . tioll of ( r be slow; hence, waq badly wounded during the figh Mrs. Thricewed-"Well, UISIO how 110 bad left t1le QhIp in a great hurry. �
jInging '111MInlC6,' and next the proeedit 0 will �
I I 1. I to that, Itj tjjg ,4aticlng, which lis T,,1arj,C,jj",on did not hope for thp leolyt- lug. . you like your new Palitt?" There was liothing to Indicate how
MY befdrA April 1. In Limerick, Constable liforphY WaS L��1,1,,1011, niallim". i10 go an luarry. .
04 , vantomil'Atc OV3 witell as regular. AS pletien of the tre. � mate died, he added.
V n%Al, .1, -d the
;1_1(� ..� - A of th(I native - ------* - .p. like that; lie's givell me (t whole
� � I Ambushed and shot and datigerously infr inc ,
I 9% I a publio, ellow, 1110C '01111tY West dollar." The crew of the Jutlawl aro Vlr,
I Fliv I i danpc,4 4re unprwuMble, ao, that, I wounded. At X11beggakC . tually till Novta 800flans.
I f mi � I I In buying your popularity beware
. � � 11 hnvle undemtood. the AuthoritioR of the, pr,ofitcez, Nle,kth, 100 ttraled nion rWaed Durrow !±��-i!�i�--!!t--,!-bo-*4,�-,�--------,.!!!!�:_It -_ .--.4-*-.6- -- I I
___ I -04 GUM I lI#,V6 bad oome difEculty In finding a !L*�!!�*�"e�!� (,,Astle, a privite residence, for arms. . Win XXVIONVII
i . I dance which will do for (meh at o,- . Root COMV=4L Tile family WOS absent, and 0111Y tWO 'S PHOSPHODINK* the -
i I , Th,* Greaf Eftglis.i ftep4reAted". In till (ac;t ond '81111day �rwhool
. L ,.�& � cilelon, i8svages are, here frota the C"14 coft iervants were In the eastle. Therald. I 4 Tones and invixotates the WhWP�l tmeher was talking to hur cla.9,4 about
I I . neighboring Wanft ft fine-looking Folkalloll Paid hi:, wii;doni.
. . , .4 srVe, relfMolaivridating erg gained V11tranec tO the building 'A relvous*ystem, lijakes new Brood "Wlalf tho Quek�n of Awlin taino fill'T
1) chief from voolt Toland taking a part, "Cairina. *O!j In thm de- sle In old Win -i. Used for NerVetli I hvitt jo%le
- I "I
I � � , , Rn -1 S vroman frora the 44ame Miami r as af strengur-No 1 V- by Slijamiling the big door AvIth . dgn __ Zvoligy, Nefifill anti 11raird4larry ,I') nild floo w111110.11t before Sell)-
lianiniers. nion. w tat did lie, #;,I-,-?"' sliv ti%ketl pre-
P,%Yi "7 '"" �xyiditx�. ths.1 �,f [`A�gy, pillpifalintl a 11 NoiVy. ;I "
I . �� , , �, R a littl(A nt the pre*entable part 0 �, 0 10 ------ *++- - .4 It. six Ono rmall ght, �Vllo liall vVidelitiv hAd
I I M ill I 11 11 _ I -the 111001A l(oola-1 Rot b<xl,,, would '40 L I " ' 114 Heart, aiiiag ff,6110,y� fit --6$1 r .
plurw"n alid .- I I
V t=_ t
bott 'I ..'
6 p
0 p ab
0 1
'I ; I st 1.
'I �
, 'I
1___. of .Iljwl� -Y ld- You never ,can tell. Thoso 848Y f,.r $5, Wd by ail dri 1 iqts, or r4a ed in a
I P quSyptrinK I!kt% it JellY find alid- � . - Ll , 0 , (AltolivI401A ill 411( -,Il jrinttt�r,;. prolillitly re -
b ;.. V. p ; , Mal
- 1M1s1KAEWZ11�v "I I dfnly Itrow rtgl4 U It 0fthie- a nnt- T"jt040KlW%:01I:I1N,K*W; galag people aro gomptimen Mighty pi,x on t"ript of lu:u Nosy iflild- -0%v intieh-d's,er want for the
MW " 4bly CALI i0reet. OW T"09M oNt (ftrm* vftww�) hard to stop. jl,mTWVft"* 4 101T,
. IN. - � - ..., --_1 - I I— I ... 4
� � I
.* ,. I . �.
I I I I 1. .� �. . 14
- � I . I I I � I �
I ,�Adkhli&, jA6ik;eA&A:"",W_, "I - .1 " I I .1 . I I I . I
iw�,* � . : ,_�.�_,Sm.,L4L, � � -_ M�A,Lk6 �, ie.., � _.k...r ��, `i*�W, I I
. :, , V��! I .. I I _=. ��A691&" 'j. h'jik,_��,,�, , .,A1...i...1,, � 11 ��
I �� , ,
� .df-1.`,j�k,;4.. � " I � I &ft