HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-03-18, Page 1W_ __ - I -_ -_ -_ --- .PJ'7 1 - . '__"_ W !;7 -A, ,I I , 77711t ' " -V'r il. ,. ' '! '7. 7 ,! , , , ­ , (RN I , , " -_ " I . I ', . "". , . : ^ - I . . , , P ,.I,.r , .. 1 . " I . . ­.. 1.rw - , I , 11 ,,WTXW 1.4 " , I - '7779 "`T- 7 , . * ,:1 -11. I" 1-1 11 ­ , I , " . . , 4 .i-' I I .. ., , It. , I I , . 11 : ". , , , , I I , nw, ­ , I I . W , :'. . I . I I , 7 PC . , ,,, " 1, 4 , 1 1 '11, 1 ,: , " 1:, i . TTV , 4 __., .w !­ . , . I '' .,! .- '... ,,, . I 1 .. - ; "' -,- 1 "', , _ I., . . ­, .1 , , . 4 I , I . , , - , " 1 " * I - ..' t , 11 _ , .01 . I , . , ".-1111 . .. . L ! . . ,;. .1 , " !, I ... , ,_ I . ". .. . . _ . " Wvq"v 7 , 1, . 1. - I 11, , "., I -, I . " il, I I ,;..; " . , . . -_ I I .. . I I I " I I I -&.W_ I .. I ­ . . . . .1 I . . I 1. . i ?,.11 I I * I I . . I I I . , . I . . .. . ,% ;'I _Abhl 'Ahk 1 I . %A;1.4,;. 'AL- im&i, - I I . . - -, '"I'" 1 I "I'll I I . . ; I 0 1 . I 1 ..r. - . - '. I ., , i 4 r C ,. , I . I ; 9* I , ; . I . , . : . i. 4'. 0. ,, e_.., .. I I I _0 _# . ; ; . I I . I , . . ... . I I I . I I I 11 . . . , , . 0 .. , I f I 1, , I I I . . 11 . I 11 71 , I ... 11 I I I _ I I ... I _, . _ .. . . 7 4 , I I . - - 110 0 ! 49, 011 %. I I 0 11 I I - _ ___ ---.--. -­.. ...l 111, .1 ,,, 11 "Igg gm ,pl - ---- - ,.."". ,, "".''.''.,I 11 ', , -.-.—..— ­j_==ttr _= —7-__-1-..-__ ---.—I..--- ' ' ill . . :': , , 11111 __ - _ - 411, 11 I I'll, 11,11,1111 1_1_r=d_r!%,_11 . 0 11 A" 9 M : 11 . I I _.Vr f the Wingnam kollizens' Band, on Friday evening, March 26th*.1 . "", 17' Remember "The Carolina Girls" in the Town Hall, under the Auspices o V I I . . .­­.". .__=:1:::X_ . '1. .--14%A,'1==W-=0!V %=__ N: _ 1. '.­­___ MINA 1: I I , I I , 1, --,27 ... - ... . I , 1. --- "fr­ .v=_'! !n! ....- _1= M."."__ ___!!=-.1-11 I I , 1 , _=_M!21111111 _ ,. . ., . -1.-1..._.1 _-1 — . ,=, ..1114­ I - - .I 'I ".. -__ __ 1-V4 M! . I .. . Y, MARCU 180, 1920 Subscriptions: $1.80 per year . . . . %1 Stogle Copies - Time Cents .- WINU"Ai i I ,, , — - - - - - - - ___-______1_1__-___- --..--- __ _ _-, __ ­ - - - - - - - - J...'kelolu'l. !, 111 P ­__ -­ - . ___ - I 4 , *.. F _- .11,111.1111.11,1111 11,11111, __ ; -1 I " Pill, Alla —.-------.---.--- --- --------------.-- , ­ _1- __gm I : MRFNWM I -----------"-q 1­r ", I I - 4 1 1 1111 I I I `...p 1. I I I ­­- ­ I F-- . ....."..,..O.—.----.e-.I% I . VICTIM OF LOUIS REIL —*-""'—' -'-""--""'—' "-"' , THE DEA111 ROLL . . I __ Oft-,-P'"*,6v,WIWOII-wft. 01-0"*,W"Wow.%" SCENE ATOPENINO OFTHE , i "I'L —.-- , W J ! loocal 11teMY3 ,J Gr"'401,01,006 I . le I LEGISLATURE f'o'creonals - M1tNA­iZ__­­ ) Lodgo of Manitoli4 Seolca . 1 Smoiv - - -,-,-. * W I ( Ity H.,l,yli ) ­ ­­"-" Evidence as to GrAvo. . I . LYGEUM THEATRE ' , _­­1_11.1­­ ­11-1 _, T lie death occurred on the' AIX -1 in t., of ' I . 22Z - I While there may be differexices. of . Miss Ina Gibson of Auburn, is visiting Mrs., Mary Rays, widow of t hi, late Robt 1 ,Iassey-lfarrls Company ualoaded two ---------' ' political opinion regarding the new , of implements at Witiobani this Winnipeg, War, 12. -To establish de - 1 a distant with iriends iritown. Hays, of Gorrie. Ont. lot the residence of car loads , firiately the final chapter of the tragic end Thursog N., 84-tv Government in Ontario, there is, Dr. D,mva Qf London, is spending a few her daughter, Mrs. S. J. Cynibraith, 380 week. . agreement among all parties and all I of Thomas Scott, the young Orangeman . The de.. i executed by Reil in old Fort Carry, in I . ,11, of tbott,lit, new and ,ld, up, 11, days in town this week. ,Victoria St., London, Ontat i-). Considerable alterations are being made PEPTU'* .NA .1 I attractiveness of the better buif (or. Mr. Bert Abell of Toronto, spent the ceased was aged 80 years, 2 rownths and in t he loc,111 office of the Bell Telephone 1870, the Dominion Orange Order will I . Bryant should it be better halves) of the new week-ead. at his home here. ._ 3 days. Death was due io ptwumonla. Co. by Mr. W. Rintoul. seek and record all available evidence to -,--:- . I I I . I ' . cabinet. And if the Farmers, whoure Miss Hazel Brandon, h . as accepted a Intqrmeat being made in Gorrie on the Mr. josh. mirst has purchased the red be incorporated, in the memorial to that ' I . I , . I , , now ruling, rule with the good taste Wit . ich position on the Post . Office Staff. I Oth inst. I brick bouseon Frances St. now occupied intrepid victim ,of the rebellion. The , . WWW ashburn governed them when they chose their The deceased was born in the, north of by Mr, H. I Thompson., Manitoba, Grand,'L.odge to -day appointed 0 9 . The Wonder Tonic 6 ,:" I . Mrs (Dr.) Evans of Ottawa, is visiting Ireland, on January ist, 184U. The a committed to take evidence as to Scott's . 1. I I lielpmates, we shall be well ruled indeed. with her mo(her, Mrs. J. S. Smith, Pat- daughter of Win. and Sarah CrulksbanUs, Mr. H. F. Wismer'of Aylmer, has in As announced in the press, afternoon ick I I , r 1, ,St. , . coming to Canada with her parents wbexi accepted a position as plumber with W. last resting plac% and the manner of his Just arrived a large sbipment of the'wronder tonic" I 1PY dress prevailed at the opening of the Unt- burial. Numerous reports handed down Miss E unice Pugsley leaves this week six months old, to powmanville. After J, Boyce and starts work on Monday next. by oldtimors ' "Peptona" a combination of Peptonized Iron; Malt, , ,-, , "Poor Boob ario, Legislature this year, but .the new assign to Scott's burial in . j, - I . - forl'orontq, where she will spend a few hermarriage to Robert Hays she came The W. 0. T. U. will hold its regular " . . . order really took nothing away, it merely the river by, the firing squad, secret Mauganese and Cod Liver Extract. A I -1, . Also a delightful 2 reel added becoming hats to becoming toiletti:8. months. . with him to.'ille township of Howtek ineeting at the home of Miss Lewis, Ed. ' interment by loving friends, cremation by . . 11 .. 11 I .1. 11 I . . I comedy, The only person who looked less, glorious E dtwr Brown of 'the .Teeswater News Huron County, where, she resided for fifty ward St., at.3 o'clock on Thursday, March the rebels and etibatitution of another . I .. . ernal call seven years Her husband p,edeceased 18th. , I body and slrnilla sensational circumstim- Reconstructive Tonic Aid for- . . - - , . than the Chief of the Province is wont to .gave our sanctuni'a pleasant (rat I I -Guv- r her by twenty-six years. . . look was, his. Honor the Lieutenant , ' We 4,re agents for the Bucheye Incubat- ces. The vicitiO is known to have had . -+. Mon., Tues. -and Wed. ernor, who was, not in -the well linown Miss Bertha Harrison, Toronto, visited She residedin Bluevale, near Winghami ore and Brooders, the world's bes4 his throat cut,11ter be lay bn the ground AmerlWa most emotional actress Windsor uniform, though his"aides, Dr. at the home of her brother, Mr, E, , , R, for several years before going to London Call and see them at our stdre. Howson by one of his executioners and the body Enriching the Blood, I I , . I .1111. . - I , . . Alexander Fraser and Capt. Some, were Harrison, last week. to live with her daughter, wbereshe re- & Howson. disappeared that night. . . . . . I I I .. sided for the last three years. . . I . I I ­ . PAULINE -- in wur-time khaki. Not for a long, time Mr. Jas. Irving of Lucknow, spent a She leaves to mourn herlo5s two sisters, Cottage meeting will be held at re- .. ----.- ­­_­ I Building the Stiength and . I I., 111 Ili.,, has the opening of the House biought sidence.of Geo. Mason on Friday even- I .1 I . I couple of days at the home., of his daugh, . I . . , (two having died several yearsago), Mrs Methodist Church Notes . I such a crush of people, and the Sergcaut- ter, Mrs, A. G. Smith, 1. . 1: ing, this is for anyone who may havp a 'Improving the health generally ' , FREDERICK at -arms and Mrs. Glackmey . cr had great . ': Wm- Burgess, Bowmanville, Ont., and desire to come. . The services'ln Wingbarn Methodist I * Mrs.(Dr.) Elliott of Lucknow, was a M A One 1. , in I's Ted Burgess, Head Lake, Ont Church next Sunday will be as follows;- I 1, difficulty in finding seats for the notables, guest at the home Ot Customs 9fficer and * ;Awayor Gurney received a letter thi's I I I I I and seeing that a certain order of preced-' I son, and one,daughter, viz, Win. A. Hays m 10. a m, -A - Spiritual Cmfererice to Large bottles $1.25 and guaranteed to give you I . ;.,. "Bonds of Love' . Mr.s. Davis diving the week. I oi Gorrie and Mrs. S. J. Galbraiih, of weel assuring him that thoi hydro sytste which all are inyited.-Come; 11 a, m.- . ... . , I , . . . , I '. I 11 1. 1% ence was observed. Mrs. RobE. Groves, Miss Edna Smith London, also four grandsoft and one would be installed in Wingham. before Public Worship, subject "The Victor's satisfaction. I 11 . .1 ! - . . . . A , . . 1. . I Among the first to enter were some of -Johnston Hays the fall of 1920.,A 1 I ..c , and Mr. Milton Groves spent the week- granddaughter, R. I and I , . I Robes"; 2.80 p.. m. -Sunday School; 7 p. - I , . .. I .1 Coming — Fatty Ar- the .Aves of the Judiciary, Mrs. Middle- end with relatives near Ripley, . of Howick; and Robt. 11. Galbraith, Dr. Already several Orange Lodges in this m, -Public- Worship, subject, "The - I . . .­: I I I.. , . top, wearing brown charmeuse With deep I . I -making of Man, You . I _ . . I I t I .. buckle in 46Love"I I Mrs, McLaren and daughter of Bel H. Gall;lraith and Mrs. (Col.) A. r3i. Watts, district have signified their intention Of Marring and Re I , .; , , ' . . I - bands of brown fringl6. and 9 , brown hat, visiting with the formers' all of London. of coming to Winghairn celebration on will be made welcome, Come and bring - . . . . . , fornitain are , .. I all ' . I - ­ , . - , . ns-ftw-^- P-Wft.0%.-ft_%#1-WA.fP ftb-01 with a rose as trimming; Mrs, W. R. Rid- Monday, July 12th, " "' , , - . 1 . ., sibter Mrs. W, D. Pringle, Leopold St. I — 1 your friends. , ­ - ,. dell, in white. iatin, veiled with black t I . I 11 - Z . I I I.. . , . . . I -_ Mr. and Mrs. L. Lavis and family -, .11 . -.1 - - . - . -_ tulle and jet and, a black and white hat; Mr. and Mrs, A Fox returned to their %----!- I ''. What Is Esperanto? McKIBBOR 8 DRUG STORE ..: . _. ... I.. I I I I 'T, ­­ . Mrs. Latchford, in taupe charmettse, with home in Battle Creek, Mich., On Friday moved to Clinton, on. Wednesday. We Tne Inteinatibnal.Language. . I I . . I I I . A;, . .. . I . . . . . 1 On I N 0, 'are soiry to lose this estimable family from ­ il . . I . . . 11, LL t the home of Not a "tinivetsal. ' but. an "auxiliary" Drugs and Stationery . I . ­... . . I .. . . . . . . I I I I . . . vest of palest yellow satin, with a beauti- after bpending the Winter a . our town, but wish tliern every blessing language; a'sec id language for all n I . ­ . .. . ' I I . I ations. I : . . . . . their son, Dr. J. A. Fox, D. C, Edison Phonographs I -Pbone 53 C. P. R. Tiqketi! ­;.. I . . .. .:-. - . ful beaded_oxament on the corsage and a in their new home. A living langiage' ,Lin daily use by large . I I . . ... . . black hat; Mrs. Kelly brocaded blue and * Mr, Ed., Small was -up from Walkerville C 0 M . : . . . " . ".... . . . . . . . . The Song aud Praise meetings in the numbers of , pe6ple in all countries, and . L. . I.. . I a . . ", :' L ..... ,., 1. . brown gown with blue and brown hat last Week arid moved his wife and family to . 11 11 1-1 , ". I I I . . . ..... I , , -1. I I.. I . . ,.. . . 11 1 er early -comers useoppozite Lloyd's factory, until I __________ __­__,_ Army Hall on Sunday afternoons are in- rapidly spreiditig'. I 9 = 1W -, 11. I . ., . .. - and French flowers. Oth the ho, creasing in interest and power. 'Theyare Simple, rogqlar, logical, ''phonetic, N"-,-- - ....., I " E-11 1110y 'A 11.1 . 1. . 1. ­ I , _ . '.. OW11171 .. . I onor to the left receatly occupied by Mr, and Mr& Jos. -A ril.-Wing- . 11 ,1 : I , " ­* ',. 1:, 1:0.'. I . I . :..1. who satin the chairs of It , Y_ I I The first weqk. in .P 'fully undenominational Jew and Gentile, -euphonious. . '-.'. , . a . I. ' I 11 1.,..,.,1­:,.W.W % . . . ... .. .. .. of the Speaker were Lady Wilson, grace Latronico. ' I . ' ,.,-,.. . — .. I.: . .. . I I are equpily invited. . . Easy to ledKp;', asy to read, write and -_ _­_­_'_'___________-­ ­_ __ ­ _' - - ­_ '_­­­____ * .: I.; I * , , w . '.. . I , . : barot has always I had its sha e of I . .. . . .. . '' . . ful in black chirmeuse with smart black Mr. lind Mrs. Thos, Scott who spent good Doctors. But there is 'more . The publi :will be lucky, if it 'gets $18. speak; nd-diffi(,tulties in pronunciation. Curling At Brampton. A. . . - do WRN*LVNNNM . . .-*-, . . , I I . i . , I . , . W., I . . . . . _ . . I I . . . ". .. , ... I . . . . . A I I 1 84 1 " . I .- ;! I t . . . , , I . I A Ift'n .. 41 , - -t , .0 - Th !4 h'a. Xbb rr I I I I I I I I .6 II 11151111110 Btu, TANNA ue ­ I I .11 . ., I " !! * .. . . If you - ;are particular. t6q tirimmed.with a wide varnished bow; 'the paWsix months with relatives in Xan- to follow. -St4r , . a .. . I coal next winter, if the anthracite miners Anybody ean'leatri it. . We notice'in the, Tororitp. Daily I . , " 1. . .. Mrs. Hartley Dewart. a smart black gown s , have returned home, looking haile a d. - . - I I I I , ... ., " . ... . , I I I 1! : I -It, , .1.. I . . . as 4 . 'Evay lettenhas one sound only. ,_,, , I ",,,- I ,,Phelan, 1 , I I ., -, . . . , abo IOU I . get, all they' demand; They are only ask- that'an old Wingliamite, Mr.,Jag' i C URI . . -5 . . ,. ' ,ut, y6ur'stationery y ' il 1, 4 - * , .1 I 11 . withwhite tulle inset in the corsage, a hearty and have re -opened their residence " The first Wedk in Apr' Every wqrd"has one meaning only, - came second i ",*.It" ­_ ­, I . 11 . .. . 1. ing a 60 per cent increase in wages, a 6 I in the final iingl4in Brarnp-' 1 I ." . , . . . . . 4*' .will be, *Pleasefi with - I large diamond broitch catching it, becom- on Diagonal 16adk ' . .. I hour day . and ifive day -week. .. The accent is' always od the last syll- ton bonsplel. lie re ived a. gold I medal. i I PHONE,". ` ' ' I i... ; ..... .1 . . . I . I ing black hat, with a sealskin rim and I ce I I . , 5W... -11, , I I.. 1. I . , I A . I "AN ... . ' . ;=____7— . . . , ..The.. I - The membera of the G, W. V. A. wish 'ble but one. ' I .Good boy, Jim. I . ." .! ; -----. . I I . . I . I . . I . "DIN i chinchilla furs; Mrs. G. Howard Ferguson, : . I' . . It is pronounced exactly as it is spelt. I . _____ 1, . . . I . ... I . . UTY29 Die Company Now Runniag I . . . , ­ I . . . black satin wid. . to kindly thank, Mrs. C. 11. Copeland. and . . . . . . - . I .. : . I wearing a pretty frock of I . I I I . rt. --i I The grammar, is so simple that it can be ., i I I C -i: I I , . . I . . I . ; . I . . Sold only by wide black hat with a knot of Pink floww in the and Mrs. S. D. Chown . , : .'.Whe fikst rubber Was grounCl at trie Aero. -Cushion Tire Cp's new factory o . n . d% in . vinap U 0, C I iC P I . Mrs. victor oini for their Id ness n . prepitring,a hot supper for them at t . he summansed 6na post-cbtr4! and can be I hour. * %. : . I . I ers girdle, A in pink and white flowered Georgette. - s will be Monday of thi week- and they - close 6f' thbir *first iiieeting held in. the learned. in an- I . , - I I . 0 EO. MASON & SON white satin slippers, big black hat and busy manufacturing tires next week..', I . I . . I I Will in parish hall on Tuesday evenlng . Three C000s Pound In Tree .. ! . 4. . . - 1. I" I Patent Medicines, Statione ry, I . grey brocaded velvet cape. I I . . Mayor, I , . . I : '' I Peter flakisey Sells form - ­ 1. , I - be the. . I Hou: I I The D. 0. K. Class of St. Andrew'p Thefollowing appeared in several dailies ' Presbyterian Sunday School will serve on Saturday arid we set it up in type be.- I * . 1. I . Books, School Supplies, Wall Paper 'etc. Miss Church, sister of Toionto!s a seat of honor, Mr. Peter Hdkney who has owned and Wingham Opera se I ' r tea at the -home of_ Ars. E. J. Mitchell fore we learned that it was only pa fly , , I I Fancy.GQQds, Toys, i . . . L __-.___ 1_~—_ , %_~-..-. 'J who was alsd accorded wore bronze brown Georgette beaded in worked the east halves of Lots 1 and 2 Concession 13, Carrick for many. years has I And wints t ad , a meet all tl,.a go and 'at. t, i I on Saturday, March 20th, from three correc . . . . - . ' . o'clock till'slx.' Freewill offering in aid of - "ReeVe W* Elston of Morris, felled a .., I , .1 . - .. . and a brown and gold hat, and anot her well-known figure, Mrs. Ferguson Burie, sold out to Mr James L. Nickel of How- - , The people orWingham, Dist ri charge s are Modernfe. I . .. - . 6 tree one day recently and the class, Forward Movement Funds. huge soft elo' * !, 0 I . . I sister of one of the Judges, sat with the ick a returned soldier. purchaser I I gets possession on April Ist, and Mr. His, 1 , was the home of a family The Dominion Day Spoiti Committee in the top Of'it . of racoons Nyith three lusty youngsters irl, I " , I 1. Make It nota bles, wearing a black velvet suit and and black hat, with ermine furs. Hakoey purposes holding an auction, sale he Do not forget the daae. I - I 6F----NWW11ftvW "W..S0AWaZWA1W% met on Monday eveping to make further I prepara I tions for the holding of Dominion The tree was cut into three logs which . I I .1-, I I . I Loolk like As the time wore on to 3 o'clock the before that dat4-after which will movp . I were sawed into lumber. They yielded DAy. July Ist. at Wingliam. The com. 1. I - .. . New I Government ladies began to arrive and. to Belmore., . I . I lr - . ..---,-.-- . I I mittee will spare no pilris to make this - I 2,804 feet,for which he received $98. 14 . I with GUDDIEN taki their seats to the right of the Throne ' * - - . . Would ot Linger Long. Band Cooncert, ftch 26th. I I . also sold the celebration one of the best ever held here. at $33 per thousand. He . skins of the coons for $70, making the I E.d".h.. The Premier came in with his wife on his' A girl was putting up some decorations i'All of the Lyceum Concer!s have been The regular monthly meeting of the total amount he received from the tree I , AuTo arm, Mrs. Drury looking lovely'in the in a church when the. minister nappened excellent and The Carolina Girls, which Women's Institute will be held in the and its occupants $168.14. Mr. Elston - I F, t _ best sense of the word in a gown of pale Georgette embroidered in gold, to look in. Seeing some tacks lying about , I are appearing it(the Town Hall on Friday 26'tl will keep up the Council Chamber, on Thursday, March . . feels he has establialied a record for high 25th three o'clock. Mrs, Pattison and - .FINISHES.— primrose . the pulpit, he said:­o"You .should not evening,',March at . finance in furs and lumber." - - I ' I ROSS' -Hardware, a hint of blue and yellow satin showing beneath the filinter fabric, and blue lining leave the tacks there. Katie, Now, what would happen if I stepped on'one in the reputation. .This is the last of a series of I conceirts put on under 'the auspices of the Nilss Anderson ate directors for this meet- We understand that Mr. J. A. McLean i;g. Tea will be Served at the'close Of Mr. Elston 4, - - - I the sash ends yellow- satin, White kid middle 'of the sermon' next 8unday?". ri 'tdeserveGa Wingliam. Citizens! Band a d i purchased this bush from and . the meeting . a number of men cutting it down . =t!: ==!= __. I . . . __ I EVEPYBODY'S COLUMN gloves met the flounced elbow sleeves her . hatwas a most becoming one of tulle, her I Oh, well," said Katie A there*'would be ,Wouldn't linger on long, packed house. Show the band boys that . youappreciate their effects to keep the .bad , Tim, ADVANCE isonly $1.50 per year when the t . bree young coons were discover- ' I to those who in advance, but kindly i ­ . ! . ,. jewels a rope of pearls, and her flowerq a one point you anyway." - ' . . band alive by coming to their concert, . . pay ed. Mr. Th6s- J. McLean who had bear in mind if you let your subscription - work informs us that the charge of tbe , , , -Farin. Farm Stock and , . AUCTION SALE " I implaiiients, on Saturday, karoli 27th at a % 2 o,clock. Farm consists of 34 &ore$ of oholee corsage knot of sweetheart roses. After her filed in the women who, with their - I Ilotel Changes . fiands . , . 'Died In Chicago, . . . run behind the price is $2,00. We find . ing any such money as we are compelled to strictly enforce this coons did. not , br .1 ! . land in Lower Winghain, with comtortabl " frame bouse. good barn, silo, hog pens an I a, husbands, have assumed the cares an& I - Mr. Gilbert Stevens has purchased the' ri ]eased the Mrs. Wim. Dore received the sad news last week of the death of her sister. M rs. reported and that the tree, while a very , rule. We can save You money on all ' was' great exception and was large one, t statiles cernent floored. t CHAS' PoTr.un Prop. I T. R. 119NXNT ,' Xtiet. responsibilities of officialdom, eaclf wife with a husband, who brought her with a business and contents and American Hotel building from M r. H. Pearl Freeman at Chicago. Deceased -no daily papers. . hauled to town along withOthter logs from I . I . I I __ - I J'UOTION SAL111 OF QH010E DURHAM 0ATThE-&tj Thos. Coalter's Sale Bara, LIU ust gallant air to her seat while ap- Mrs. W. E. Raney, wife of Zimmer,,who is leaving the city. Anothe r sale of a landmark was made when the 0- whose maiden name was Emma Campbell was well known to many of our readers. We beg to Temind our correspondents the same bus' 4. that we would appreciate greatly being . ; What A dood, Band Means To A Town t th, on Saturds3,, Mar. 27th. 10 fresh cows, .,, , I : ,_ 1111211pringers and id young L,,v Sr '04'Ate'ODONA'A P"0P"`, plauded. the Attorney-Getteral, sat next to the brown ith Co,, purchased the brick build- L. Grifr ing Albert wasNne. time, For the past few weeks. she was suffer- ing from neuritis and he'r arni was band- able to set up our correspond ence on Monday and early Tuesday, We go to In speaking ,about bands, and town hear . , JAS T . A , YLOR. AU06 ." - , Premier's wife, her gown of and cream. Georgette ornamented with hand- on street which occupied by the Frame and Hay Fence Co. ' aged, while stirring the fim these band n we sometimes press on Wednesday and sbould not have -,What good is a people caro-lemly say, 4.6 ............... , . AUCTION SALE Farm Stook ' Cl.BARING alld Implement- at Lot 28, Con. 10, Turu- , some heading, her. hat black. Next her These sales were made through Mr. A. E. ages caught and she was terribly burned. Death relieved her of her suffering a to set up type on that day. Send in your news on Monday please. . band in a town anyway?" Well, first take 01 berryo tmtrance to Patin from B i,ne, on Fri- . day, March 19tb. Everything must be sold as the owner has sold his was Mrs. Manning Doherty in grey charnieuse' with black bat with white F. Jones.- Stratford,,,Heraid. -'o - f Mr, Stevens is a former resident o oup of hours later. C le , Mr. and Mrs, 0. Thompson celebrated invmtory of the fellow who makes the remark. Y u may have reason to allow . rardiess of cost V 41 a 1 hilos r + . . IV*. 1. I . . . the tenth anniversary of their wedding at Excellence, of . - 111, 1.%-', . . I _: I . . ' . I Our., Teas 11, I . I . I I .1 I . . . I I Try a Pound. , . , . I . ' . . . I Brew" rl I ,,it mpe . Y. - - , .. ' . I I I . . I Test us -by it. . * .- I . . ! I., . I , , I I 1:. I , Judge as by 'it.',.,- . . r . . .11 .. "'.., - .1 ., I 11 , . ­ . The better theJudge"you are, 11 -'..- satisfaction, we are. sure, will be - ._1 . . .1 I 1.. .. I . I . . I . I more complete, - . I .. I . .1. ... . . I I., . . . . Your Monejr Back * ' . . I .. I . I I , , . I V. I . I 1. If our Teasand Caffees, Groceries " . - etc are not'what we say they are.'. " ., . I , .. . . : ., I . . I I I . . . . I The Tea and Coffee House I I U , **a-,AWWWWXMWOOMWCWMW*MM@W* I . I ... 11._1-1______. - I . .1 Q -WAkI111110000=01 * , , , - Latest Viotop Recopdo . ­ I . I I I . I 1: , I Newest Song..,_Iffi 84', . , - I . . I , 1. .., , . . I . z, Vlotp.oW an'd,_. lanos . I .i . . . . I.. . I H. W. SOWILEF.,11 . . I I .1 1. . I . , " . I Music D.eWer'-., '.. r . ; . 1. ... OW --- ft"W000=11 - . e a.a. I . . XrLAs 01,&=Rox, Prop osprey and wouquut. 0 Sy- 13 - - tis ain.. . Mrs. Ueorge lylacKeritle FOSACS ' the silly qugstion to go unanswered. But - . . . T. R. BENNETT, I AUCL , Others in order were Mrs. R. 14. Grant, Butchering Business Sold Many old Wingliarn friends will learn their home Shuter St., Wingbam. on regarding the remark more seriously, let --' ­ -----.--.— Tuesday evening, March 16th. They , SAVM -One trereford Cow, register0d. in a gown of black charmeuse cut on Mr Wm. Fields has sold his butchering with regret of the death at Alliston on us say that , a good band is one of the Millitillitil-tilitilililillillitillillilliill Foieretotit Bull calf, 9 inonths old. entertained a number of their friends. I -.0, CRESTFU effectively simple lines, with black lace business at Winghi n to N Ir. Thos. Fields Saturday of Mr George MacKenzie, De most usefut things a town or co mmunity ' ' I =." ho presented them with a large Morris . . I H' " " 1-m- softened it and black hat; Mrs. F. C. " . . . I Routool, MIN at ceased was a very highly esteemed old w can .possess; It is one of the best ad- &_ . 4 - , tbful in pale pink and Mr. Alf. Lockeridge4 We understand lady and was in her 75th year. Until a dhair, and an address which was, read by ., . I I PORD CAR rOU SALE -1918 M'd1l. Good Briggs, looking very you vertisements a town can have, Emerson 1 - = reasons for selling. Box 8W that Mr. .Fields' brother ift-law, Mr. H. B. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs 0 -.0 @ 4ftlyghtolm silkand lace. white hat of black straw. Harold Buchanan has since taken over few years ago Mr. and Mrs, MacKenzie Mr. - says something about the world malting § . I - a- - Mrs. Peter Smith, another young Cabinet ' ess. a beateiap th. Well, a good band Vill E I I FARX FOR SALV,-South half of lot 42, Con, Mr. Fields! Interest, Mr. Lockeridge and resided in Wingbam, their home was Thompson were completely taken by sur 11, But wawabosh. oontaining 100 acres Wife in a pretty frock of brown. beaded prise, and Mr. Thompson briefly expr e ,'- I . Mr. Buchanan 4re both highly respected near the bridge on Josephine St. north, mak all th4 roads leading to the town M~ i2early all under grain aiid sciass Largo arn, ,ed their gratitude. . Georgette beaded with blue and a becoming George beaten paths, even though the town's a-- a stone stables. drivinghouse and hog eutfra a young men and -have been residents of tbepropertyilow ownedby Mr. i lqqwmv dwolling,drilled vvell, windinill an cc eat hat, with pink roses in the gidle; Mrs. Care. Besidesher aged partner in life, Call at the Wingbam Monumental e a 4 i ris 0- 0 P . town since childhood. The former has oth r ttr ct a be not enormous, every - . = situat on n ravel ro between good band, I= _. asinen, Beniah Bowman, in navy blue, charming. been in the employ of Mr. Fields for some !hOM We are sorry to say is not at present Works this month and buy your memorial merchant is binefitted by a . 1, " I & a an 01 rave 8 all tertn ly embroidered and fringed with silver . a'- I a nan lan oil art a e for of tune andti e latter has been clerking in in good health, 'the is survived by a out of the slo,000.00 stock we purchased Many people come to town to attend the m- y at 5 or cent. . es ton &b ti 0. and a little straw toque to) match; Mrs. family of six, viz: judge A. B. MacKenzie many months ago, before the last two delightful entertainments, and they com- w- . . b 09to ON Sault Ste, Marie for the past few years. Walter Rollo, in black satin, and black W_ 0 06, hain: and Dr. George of California, Dr. A. F. advances in prices. These are almost All bine shopping with this pleasure. The 8 . .__ __ ­., ­ hat with a large corsage knot of Rich- , -of Toronto-, R. E., merchant of Belgrave; in stock now, balance arriving daily, and promoters of business and musical enter. '00= FOUND -A minall sum ofnioney, to in old $ I purse at wingham Junction. Owpor way mond roses; Mrs. H C. Nixon, in dark The YeArly Flood Mrs. W. Spedding of Toronto and Mrs, while they last will be dold at the old ,prises always have the satisfaCtiOn Of 9- 0 W ., touches of gold, and roses I prices. Any work we were unabli to knowing that civic demonstration from go - game by pioving property wid 1'ay"' blue satin, with Wingbarn p4pple, and particularly those R, Beattie of Alliston, E RUBBER S I I . * We wish the tiew firm. success. h1l" tor this acivertio6w6nt. THr ADVANON. and a charming bat, and living in tower Wingliam. have been The funeral was held to Goderich cem. finish last fall will be completed immed- t,me to time k 0 . ...N.W-" 1-1_- rANON at the girdle ,will be successful, because — . im D &TPj, SAL8-Five acros of Mrs. H. Mills, who wore a graceful gown anxious.about the yearly spring floods ettry on Tuesday and an impressive service lately spring opens. We thank the people they have a Arst-class band to lead the, E ; F pi -and With brJok house and goOd bar I , - NVO thing In good order. At"! of black satin, a close -fitting black toque this season b. cawe, of the great amount wasconducted bvRev, R. 0. McDer. ofWingbamand vicinity for their loyal way and att ' t the crowd. 'A band com- ' d be prepared for the TovM plot Mr- rit' = Buy theni now an __Aq - I == SO* i D. I to and a handsome necklace of cut jet - of snow, but at time of going to pressi it mid, pastor of the Pr eabyterian Church. patronago since we started in businFlis posed of able -player$, is a tower of 0010"- ith 'its frensh- I Ita acarlis to.- 14SPRING RREAK-UP99 %V I , lirsurance and Real Estate Many who bear iMportant office and appears that the flood will do no damage The Late %rs, Criacksbanks here, and respectfully ask for a contin- strength to any tdwti or part of country. = wit9ham, Ontario -, - __ well -know names were in the throng on Truj, the flats and prairie are covered but The late Mrs. Thoa. Cruikshanks who uonc,e or the same. -R. A, SPOTTON. It cultivates the public ear to -a high class W- - . I n I 0 ece = ets and slusli. . FOR $ALL-bne eight toot show oiame in good the floor of the House, but the most 10 - t i r ,tit cold weather has frozen up the I !tl _. =nttt!_ of music, and does it right at your doort condition. passed away at her homeon Scott St. on = . MeXAVIO Itestattrant. ored and honorable were a number of iround and snow so that the floods have too. R very eftterprising citizen will boost — . I Saturday morning, was an old resident of Changes At Whigham 0 Be prepared for aloppy streets and the danger of w0t f0tt, I 6 , wounded sulditirs, yet in khaki, who sat abated. Tile snow is about half gone the band oftls'town where be 9009. Pat- 4 LOBT-autt'st ro" of brown Ru8slan boar Wingham. Her maiden name was Ellen ,.,, Mr, chased the 0~ . - with the dignitaries and whose presence , jog. Pugh bas pur skin. amewhere between froxeter and and we believe the cause for anxiety is ronize the aoricert. Friday, March 26th. I I t1u6vale, Findve w0ll)e jewardedon leaving filledthebearts of Many onluohers, with Mary Mayberry and her husband pre- double cement house on Frances St. from 9;; Vor protecting one's feet is protecting One " IleAlth "d - ",we at, now w it over. Wingharn has a good - deceased her oeveral yeara ago. De- __ ­ 11 1 4hmhm __ !!! !!T__ = incidelitally s,,tving one's boots, . . T9Z AiDVAN41im OrV111091. 1, thoughts of gratitude. sized lake for at least Part of each geawn. Mr, Jenkins of Regina. The sale was NOTICE I . I Others noticed in the dento crowd of teased was a highly esteemed old lady, made throug4 J. G. SteWaft, real estate P'VE WAYS 10 MAKE YOUR eno, I humanity were a number ,of those Who Purchasing Llo0ofes. atidis survived by eight ebildren. viz,,- dealer, Mr. . Geo. Turner has sold his Rubbers fop mono 1ftUbbeY08 fOr WOM I . 1. . 'Mr,,A. Allan Vans'-styne of Wiligham - _____­ --- 0 1 Wtrd#man luop. bava permission toumo the graced the governments of otner years. ThN week Mr. John Becking delivered , bungalow on Catherine St. to Mr. Win. 11 Wilighain G. W. V. A. naftle tu C61100tift 'ill junction; Nlrg- Moorehead of Ustowel A list of live,41iort rules on battery care Rubbers for Boys" MlSsefli and ChlldPe . :. " , , by Mr ... , , , klud" of $omp Iron, ete. (in" brothov Perved it was a gracious thing. and a sporting tbt, firitpoles which have been ordered McPherson, - Thos . Deang has pur- o I , _ 0yerip-m and 067 helped tho Roid Cro" du- Ing thing also, if sucho an expre,idon ii per- tllt llydroCommission for their system in Mrs. In, Elliott, Sault Ste. Marie; Miss chaged Fred Forler's hou8e on Shuter St. has been w4de up for ear drivers by Mr. F r lArgaill" "' the w" aud aro 91VI, the G.,d% . A, tA Nellie at home, at.0 Robert of WeA Ham- Willard expert. These = ,Ve haudle tivithing ill th,v %%tiv 4 '101) lots'" 0 1 *r0ant6ga of saloic ew ho missible in a social page, for thein to ap. Teeswater. Sume of the present poles in Mr. rt. D, Biomfield is moving in the Crawford. tile local he such 'L 1,00f itivesti:114111t it, I - Rayeoo nvii for W& danian liro4,, ap thei Will ilton, and John, Andrew and George of . hishan otwh pricim for intilk of all Inde6 pear, and tiot only to be preaent, but to use on our local system may be used, but home until rei!entlY occupied by Mr. J. rules art easy to remember, and if observ-, E Rubber,-) t1lat RINVAYS 1-.14n e tt I I I W"rytowping tholt , n You 110110 U& — speak, as they did here and there, to old a great many n'tore will bot needed for the Wingbarn, All the family were present at W, Hanna on John St rind Mr. AM Mrs. ad, will have., marked effect on both bat- the eild. . . . I . I I - O" - — W : friends, words of generotxs appreciation, crettion of the povmr lino coming into the funerdl . She at," leaves twenty-nine ="P_!!1! !""_"=!'_ . . TMUS W;CN ED Hanna are moving into their new quartort tery,eftency gnd life.. . ­ of flood works planned by the Govern. Tmswater and for the completm of the grandchildren iknd ten great grandchildren. over the store. Mr.' J. A. Currie will L-Kmp btittery chstrged and lilkd to ­_ I I T4wdem will'be mcolvadby the tinderodirned mem And of cordial kindliness of thAr line w Win hani.) $he had reached the ripe old age of 76 mve into thf, house about to be vacated tke proW leftl with the distilled watAr. . ! Vp U4 W"a, Jdanh Una IDWY for Lhe Wld Litiod pm zra in devitand and the yftrzanddeath was caused by a para- ,-If yotir, sn&a doesn't start quickly T jr`111 ' lag of $6 ), vj&,100, in the v1jtQ0 of whit,o- wive& it would be impossible to snaM pvwtr Camlagen it not MWA ag sial 17t,ic strolo. by Mr. Dn" ,and Mr. Soymour Thorn- 2, tho ps and splilm are right. I'm ,- " qhiij *. aw omd *P**x110*t1*u- 4*n bdo NOW trAte jai who vr" pTtwnt, but in th* cUAC41 W twun OA WWa they aft WIne'.4m tonmominto th* houn now =uO*d mtka taft, TV 0 i o, tireer'. , &=4 ch W"116,16 whit"11mrob. A T104 fna* was hold to by Mr. Currie. Mr. Hugh Tuck*r 14 now a -Rtwwstarter at OrKt whtn engine I TO ch of lo% of th* aonkv4t; Pdoe muldtudo wwa noticed: Mr.. C. H. but- avviii"'C , It th, 0daftwd tit, tka 1 $" MdW. Md b"dild . , t4w, In tbu tritt cmdory m Mtiday aftornoon and woo comfttabiy VtLtW In his ntw hom M W= to rall on its OVM PQWW. 4 to4a Vol; h000ivadly Chic, In "a-wWM sauc cr,ritly qmheod from I& . Thorntorl. Mr. THR HOME FOR G0QQ.8hHa8t 0_ C , U 1ft*WtW ." Rt". Dr. ptnie, pmftr ef 6 - Xqp, S ,w Vairk pftl Iln Zmd Con - -1 1. 1 , , I diftmt P*rtv Of I twel gsor1vt* sod ba tWt1W, Mft 040ft% i §J.'Jkddft"r 4,or lrft ck Maron hes sold hh r4WWX* = 4'kft, , , 1 - I I dkorw 0% k,v. W ir- T v4r,m Of fftir I I I..,.. IVIIiiA . 0,7 ta b** Oft *& JW V= I I ,lt, IfiftAft. It, "" It ift ,W)d. i%l I I I .j "90Q1111111 I*." & I ;, -- ". , .. . _11 I . 1!41 liii V= 11 1W , I I , lilulitIkki.iluuli4lkilu4u"llk[1481,10w, "Ill . , . ' ­ " I . '. I __.L. I_ 1 'A "";." ,, JWTIVWI - I ,­ . ''. qja l, I I I -, ' 'W " .7. -4 . ". - " , I . I ­'­ . . . .... "I 11 ­ - 'e, .,)( - . . dw - I ", , , . , I ,, , , . .. , 'A 11 I , I 11 . ; ,e il PW_ V 11 ,!, . o _',' I'll I , I 11 I L 11 I , . . . . ? ; , A iL I I . I ­ - .1 j;a I ,­,,, I - 1. ii i" "A .1 ­ I - - , :., .... 0.% I I . ­ . ., 1A, .... :­ I I I Tl&i . . . . . . ia . t , 1. .., : I . 1* — ik. &'A I I' 1'&"WV, , _1# Z, ai" - — — ____ . -