HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-03-11, Page 8h
We are now showing a large and very complete
range of ladies" now suits and Cloaks for Spring
�'ln a0
The Store With the Stock,
`THURand SDAY MA CH � 7th and 1 Oth
Bert aJohnston Big Magic
and Fun Show
J 0HNS*f N
Tile Great Magician
. w Vaudeville and Concert artists , w
Added Feature--- A» J. :SMITH
Wizard of the Violin -Master of Imitation.
Magic. Mystery Mirth Cor:Ady Music Vantrlloqufsm
Box Mystery Spirit CatbMet,
Popular Pricew� Adults 35c. Children 2Sc.
_ �—••,t.:�.:�Yrw+!' 1�aea�atiailt`+" �. - y..
A V A.NiQxu
The models show tailored effects. Loose and
it 7e fashionable. Silk braided
belted styles will '1 s
series, tricatines, velours and tweeds.. Also in
Wheat No. 2 Spring ... , ..1 00 to
Wheat No. z Pall , .....1 95 to
Misses and stout models.
1 month and 3 days, Thefuneral took.
place from the Mune of Mr. ,ktugh
merston-Listowel combination crossed
Reasonable prices X135.00, $37,50 and 145.00.
7 15
F;dgar on. Monday to F'ordwich cemet-
sticks with thelovats. 'There+was close to
Laid........... ...... 36 to
Voup Inspection appreciated,
Yntlxtt--In'i'ttrilberry on Tuesday. Mar•
noise was dcafentng, The prt,b
Eggs . •. • .......... 55 to
Cattle, mcd., butchers.-• 0 W ter
�'ln a0
The Store With the Stock,
`THURand SDAY MA CH � 7th and 1 Oth
Bert aJohnston Big Magic
and Fun Show
J 0HNS*f N
Tile Great Magician
. w Vaudeville and Concert artists , w
Added Feature--- A» J. :SMITH
Wizard of the Violin -Master of Imitation.
Magic. Mystery Mirth Cor:Ady Music Vantrlloqufsm
Box Mystery Spirit CatbMet,
Popular Pricew� Adults 35c. Children 2Sc.
_ �—••,t.:�.:�Yrw+!' 1�aea�atiailt`+" �. - y..
5•-410 favour of the twin tot" loam and
we consider Lucknow bo; s did etve.ptiort
ally -well to hold the luck of two such
towns as Listowel and Palmerston to so
small a score, and even at that our boys
put up a brand of hockey that was not up
to their usual standard, and it is a safo
bet that had they played as } the' did in
Wingham orPalntc:teiouthe score at least
would have been reverwd, but excuser do
not win games or change dofoat into vic-
tory so we will religate this ;;game into
the limbs of pitst events and look forward
to better results some other time, 'The
visitors were undoubtedly the better team
and certainly deserved the victory. They
played as clean a game as avy we have
seen and acted like gentlemen. Kemp,
White and Rocker were the piek%*of the
team while the Johnston Tiros, were the
back bone of the locals, Bill l.egg of
London was reteree and handled the game:
perfectly, The brass band furnishes) the
music during intervals.
The second masquerade carnival of the
season was held in Lorne rink on Thurs-
day -
hurs-day- evening and although the weather
was very unfavorable a large crowd turn
ed out, Each event was keenly contested
and the judges had no easy time picking
the winner. The judges were picked
from the commercial travellers who were:
l in town that day and awarded the prizes
as follows: -•-Best dressed •lady---4iss
Money; Comic dressed lady -Rena Gor-
Mr, L. Kennedy will have
an expert from the factory
Cleveland Tractars
in his new show rooms op-
posite Currie Is Livery
Stables, on
'T'uesday and Wednesday
Mar -1- 116th and' 17th.
at„ W1rimpt'g, formerly of Gorrie, aged
56 years,
Dtvis--In Drayton, on Saturday, Feb.
14th, 1020, John Joseph Davis, (manag-
er of Loyal Bank,) formerly of Wroxet•
er, aged 86 years,
It1T�e111aRktlRn•�On Thursday, Feb. 26th,
Margaret R. Martin, beloved wife 6f
W. A. Rutherford, Wroxeter, Ont.
I'`.0Mt?N8CW • In Wroxeter, on Monday,
March 1st, 1020, Mrs; Edmunson,
mother of Mr. Milt. Rdmunson, aged
82 % ears.
GOLD8'rrrx--In Gorrie, on Tuesday,
March 2nd. 10200 Willie Goldstein,
son of Mr -arid Mrs. B. Gold,
stir; Aged 1 year.
JORAxx-In flowick; on Wednesday
March .3rd, 1020, Sophia Ortman, re-
lict of the., late Christopher Jobann
In her 60th year.
A Farmer's Tufts
I, will sing you a song of a farmer's life:
He has happy children, a busy wife,
A hock of hens to lay him fresh eggs,
A tall red calf with wabbly legs,
Some Attie fat piggies running about
With curly tail and saucy snout;,
He has heaps of fruit and flowers, too
Yellow and red and white and blue..
A handy stream, rod, hook and line,
A gun, atictpienty of animal sign,
A noble horse to ride when he wills,
A lovely -view of the distant hills,
don; Fancy dressed girl -Katie. Hill; -•-- - - A faithful dog to keep harm away;
Comic dressed girl- George Huston; Books to read on a rainy day,
Fancy dressed gent=H. 1lgnetf; Comic g Plenty of sunshine and good fresh, air,
dressed gent -•-•S. Gough; Fancy dressed And God to watch over him everywhere.
boy -P. Webster; Comic dressed boy - .
Ronald Armstrong; Mutt and Jeff -Tracy SCHOOL REPORT
and Charlie Webster, Marble race --Rosie U EEL UF1
Stewart; Bicycle race -Wilfred Murdoch; The following is the report of S. S, No.
Comic gent's race -Jack Johnston; Boy'sCouse Satisfiod'
7, Morris, for the month of February,
race -Neil MoImIi$; Couple race-ArctieSR,. Iv—,Tuttl•:t150,.Hondur4 855, Pass
and Jennie McDonald. p 710. Vera Edgar, tjQ1+ honours; Margaret
Campbell, 728; Bob Coultis, 721.
Another Oddfellotvs "At Home" was SR. III -Total 1I40. F, dna Campbell,
held in the lodge rooms on Friday even- 60SR.III olid 11 absent.:
ing, tt,hcn members and their lady friends SR, II -Total 1140. Bob Hopper, 088;
to the numbers of 125 were present and Jessie Campbell, absent; Bell Campbell,
spent a very pleasant night. Euchre and MRV FAMR,"ER absent.
Dominoes were the first part of the pro.
Jct, II -Total 1140. Lizzie Coulter, B3Q;
gram, the winners were, Euchre -(Lady)
Etta Belie McDonald (Gent) Jack John- When you get the highest possible Mary Hunter, absent.
ston; Dominoes -(Lady) Flo Cook, (Gent) price for your Produce. - JR. I -Total 800,.. Pass 480 Frank
D. C, Taylor. Atter lunch dancing. took Hopper, 505
place of games and nearly all participated We are paying 66c per pound for PRLMER—Norman Coulter.
Butter Fat this week. H. X', ARMSTRONG, Teacher.
in this amusement. Lucknow orchestra
furnished music for the dances, while ate`--�
beautihll Victrola kept all in good spirits Bring us your Cream, accuiate'tests 13syY(1
during the games and lunch, A most - guaranteed We pay cash at all times After over' a quarter of a century of
for Cream, Eggs and Dairy Butter, service to Blyth fortunate affair as a result of the "At } t and community as butch
Home" became known the next mot ning, er. Mr. J. C. Heffron handed over the
when word was passed around that Mc business to Mr. John Garniss on Monday
Lean Johnston was seriously ill, suffering joSh H i of last week and he is now in possession
from ptomaine poisoning from eating sal- having leased the building for a term of
mon sandwich. For two days he was yea,+s and purchased stock on hated,
very sick but is now recovering. It is a t Mr. Garniss; who has been in the em.
fortunate thing that no others were affect- ploy of Mr. Heffron muclr•of the time dar-
ed.. At the old. Davies Building, near Tug
A very quiet wedding was reported to the past taw years, is no stranger to
the Town Ball, the patrons of this meat shop, he is of a
have taken place last week at the home genial turn courteous, obliging and will,
of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs, David • no doubt, hold the large patronage this
Errington Rf West Wawanosh, when their- bought the old Bag holder plant and are business has enjoyed. He thoroughly
daughter, Lily, was united in the holy turning it into a flag will, was in town under -stands his business and customers
bonds of matr,nionyto Lorne McDonald of las) week renting land its this vicinity are fissured the very best in all kinds of
I:ucknow. The ceremony was performed for growing flax., meat that can be procured. On retiring
by the Rev. Air. Jamieson, pastor of Cal'
Miss Annie Blue has resumed herjio- from busmess Mr. Heffrdn severs a link
vin Presbyterian Church, St. Helens, in sitiou as milliner at Wm Connell s. of the past. During his many years of
The factory is shut for a few days as a service to the public he was found honest,
the presence of only the immediate rely result of a broken shaft. kept a good clean up to -date business
fives of clic bride and groom. and his presence among the busnress
Wawanosh passed away on Friday in the
One of the/old residents of West HELLO! missed. places along (ween Street, will be much
person of Mrs. Donovan. Her maiden name
was Hannah Fitzpatrick and her husband t AUCTION RALE OF FARM, FARM STOOD,
predeceased her a few years ago. She is IMPLEMENT$, &C. -Mr. C. F. Vandriek,
survived b a rown+u family and was , ...� . FARMER ' uctioneers has received instructions from the
Y g p Y undersigned to offer for sale, by Public Auc-
iti her 73rd year. The funeral was held tion, at NJ Lots15 and 10, Con. 1, Grey Twp,
Special prices for the following. Thursday, March 18th; atl o'elook, the follow -
from her home to St. Augustine R C. Ing valuable t� ropertY•-I general purpose
church with intermefit in St. Augustine Rags be per lbs. Morse 7 years old, ,1 gelding rising 3 years. 1
gelding rising 2 years 1 filly rising 2 years, 1
cemetery. Old Rubbers be • per lb. aged horse, 17 fine dairy cows 113 are, choice
Durhams, some fresh, balance supposed to
The basement of the Presbyterian Horse Hair 35c per lb. treshen).4 Holstein.cowA (freshl,1 steer rising
Agricultural SCra p Iron $1.OQ per 3 3 heifers rising 3, 4 heifers rising 1, 1 steer
Church has been renovated and remodel- riaing 1, 1 pure bred Durham bull. 3 sows to
ed and the old seals taken out and re- farrow early, V pigs 2 months old, 4 pigs about
' Bags up to 12c each, 140 lbs. each. 24 hens, about 150 but, barley, 100
placed by opera seatsr.all snaking for the bus feed oats, 150 bus. seed oats. 20 bus, peas,
Raw, furs Hides and Sheep S quantitly of hay, road wagon with box, farm
comfort of the con4regation. , , p kins -at wagon, combination stook rack, souftler, cut -
City prices. ter, Fleury plow, seed drill, Set 1000 lb, scales,
The congregational sweeting of tate set bobsleighs with box,lulper, fanning mill,
Methodist church vvas hell) last weak Get busy and pick up your. junk and sot double harness, 8o ro a wire fencing, hay
realize a lit edged fork, ropepulloys, &o., and otbor articles too
when a report of the year's work was g Price. numerous to menton. Farm, containing 00
given �4000 was spent Oil renovating the - -- aeras, more or less', will also he ofrered for sale
p g the same day, Subject to reserve bid. It is well
church.. The pastor's salary was raised fenced, all cleared and in good state of oulti.
Q vatfon. About 35 aorem Fall plowing done, the
$3oo and the amount of the forward &
Brown Sons, balance seeded. Spring creek runs through
movement has also been over subscribed. farm with wator year round; orchard, BCD.
Comfortable frame house with cellar, hard
Mr. Roy McQuillan had the misfortune and soft water in house. Bank barn : with
cement stable; and caaher in Stables ti -ht -
to have his leg broken one day last week
when his team ran away as.he was -bring-
ing a load of hay to town,
Conrad Decker of tow it was over joyed
due day last week why -n he received a
letter from his parents in Germany. .
This is the first word lie has )tad since
19x4. and be fnrtnly believed his parents
to be dead attd his brothers probably
killed in the war but such is not the case.
One brother was a prisoner of war Tit
.England for a coiisiderable tittle: while
the others escaped death and imprison.
meat. His father and mother aro alive
and well, one tiephew and a brother -in.
law were killed. •
Aliss Atlnie Lloyd has gone to Preston
Spritigs for rheumatic treatment.
Miss Margatet McClure left this wcok
for Battleford $ask.
Miss Tcua Carrick is visiting; in Owen
Phone and rural
cool and 4 mt,cs
gain gravel road,
nd under rash:
Alt given on ap.
Cent por annum
amounta, Easy
mado know on
>ropriotor or alto.
R1011Attn JottNSTON.
St. Augastitie
The regular monthly meeting of the St,
Augustin Women's Institute was held in
file' basenteat of Donnybrook church on
Wednesday, March 10th, at 8 o'clock,
Topics were as follows: '*Things worth
while" taken by Miss Mae Chamney -and
'•'T'he snaking of farm butter" taker, by
Mrs. W, Bray,
Tory Corners
:lir. Wilbert Galloway purchased t%o
valuable cors at Mr. W, 0 Strong's
_.. ... �.
hthg. McQueen a former resident cif pedigreed Ayrshire Wales last week.
these parts is visiting telativty )circ+ Sad/ It With Flowers We understand Mr. Oliver Viallaway is
She has leen a sttisslofutry its Scmilt � having rt tiattt on Mar. T2 rind we all wish
lifricu for years tuul gore an nddre:•w tit i �» qct w" ltitn good ;ucceLIS.
the I'resbyterisu church "n Xromlav i Iver. W. Hay.,satnd Camily. has the sym•
panty of the people of this locality Owing
A inda,rA0a daltee will. be i el',l is o to thedeath of hit, mother,
Lorne 0%* 0% Thursday evening. The � GAid to report the "flu" victims are all
brass+ %kat'.'f 0 wro 0y_ monk, This is' FUNERALS, WEDDINGS, ETC, rrcovcrinq .
ttrirmthing tai"ht"tlb8 1W rg atmta etile"t Caltalo;tt Mown o11 rKtiolt.,rnatrswl crf Mr. R. A. Ta e*xchxtt
.and we believe will be a aurce". Nexrly yk g'.,
ey,*•yone will try a thing once at any mle, WN. ` " "°'' Mix horgss with lir. irallarmm it wa<>r Mr.
Mr. Logan, a utarmber of the Arm tAbo m 144, wtoomm Kulllic+mto'f Milromay.
..,��...�aL^.�..�as..�.._.,,W:,,.,9•,�.;siei.. :'',°,�7 rte.- t�i'�t�,.,,.,�, .y.'�i�..;.��dvaStli�$�6Mi...w+.-...i,.:Vu ._..
They Mar, 1 I th 1920
Doublo murder
and suicide An Exceptional Value i
but -W
.....but for the Grace of God."MEN'S SHOES
NUr )ortgago a shamefully wrong -
ed husband started out to do
away with hiswife and the destroyer
of his home.
HE was intercepted, reasoned with
pleaded with. After two days
and two nights spent in prayer and
meditation, through the manifesta-
tion, of the Holy Spirit he was turned
form his `intense and terrible passion
to a magnificent attitude of forgive-
ries$• instrument through which
Just like the above Gut—a Man's Fins' Velour
ana wife were recon- . calf shoe with rubber heel, made on the fashiollabe
ciled-•and a ghastly tragedy prevent- English last.
.ed,- was a Salvation Army Officer. A shoe that will flit well, Wear well and look well
UCH a change of heart wrought
by the Spirit is not rare in the for the marvellously 10W price of
world-wide experience of the Sal,
6 5® per pair Army. •
308 Servi4i Post in In all sizes For men Ei to 10.
this Territory. y Use We are illustrating an extra good value in Wom-
them! en's hoes in The Times this week, --kook for our ad
in the Times on last page,
Where The Smiths Come From
.An old lady in London for the first time
in her life, saw a glaring sign on the front
of a high building, which read: "The
Smith Manufacturing Company," HWILLIS
"Lawks a mercy," she remarked to her • •
nephew, "I've heard of Smith's all my SOLE AGENT FOR LADIES'
life, but I never knew where they made
Mrs, Gillon and son, are at present AND DERBY SHOES FOR MEN.
their parents Mr, and Mrs. P. McGlynn,
Mrs. St, Marie who has been visiting
lier parents, for a few days has returned ��-,•��
home, dicitis a short time ago is able to be account of sickness. The trustees have
Glad to hear that Mrs,ames Dow who around again. i ads in the
J papers for teachers, duties to
has not been well of late is able to be Mr, and Mrs. Wm. King, and Marie, commence at Easter,
around .again. spent Sunday at Robert Messer's. The flu patients are nearly -all better.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McBurney also Mr. Will Grimmer was laid up with a Mr. David Breckenridge and family.
Mrs. King who have been laid up with sore foot for a few days,•last week, had a hard spell of the flu. We are glad
the cold, are on the road to recovery. to h'ear that they scion the mend,,
Glad to hear that Mr. Frank Thomp- Miss Pearl Payne has a situation .as
sou who underwent an operation for milliner at Drumbo, Ont. We wish her . Mrs: James Wallace, has' been' a busy
appendecitis at the Wingham Hospital success. woman lately attending the flu patients,
has so far recovered as to be able to come' No: 4, S. S. Grey is holidaying for She has certainly been a great blessing to
home again, want'ot a teacher. The present teacher, these families in her capicity as nurse,
Mr, and Mrs. George Naylor visited at Miss Ritchie, of Gorrie, has resigned on and good Samaritan.
Mr. Sonnet Tayor's on Sunday last. ------ - ---- -- - —
Mrs. George Naylor, senior is at present
visiting George C. Naylor's for a few -
Jalmestown - ---
A wedding is Announced for Wednes- - , �-
d,%v ofthis week. Particulars later, WINGHAM, ONTARIO PHONE 166
A good many from this part tools in The school with competent instructors and superior courses. Graduates
Dollar Day at Wingham last week. placed in positions Affiliated with the Elliott Business College in, Toronto
Mr. Wm. Holt, who has been at Guelph and the Centra. Business College, Stratford,
Hospital for some time, is at home for a Write for free' catalogue. Enter any time.
visit at present: _
We are pleased to say that Miss Edith
King, who was operated on for appen- D. A. McLachlan, Pres. Murray McLeish, Prin.
Ne wvv Sp'rin''
Ladi€les' Wear
Northway Coats
New Skirts
New Waists
Spring House Dresses
Silk Gloves
Kid Gloves
Silk Hosiery and Underwear
Men's Wear
Semi Ready Suits
New Boys' Suits .•
New Spring Coats
New Shirts and Ties
Spring Hosiery
Spring Underwear
New Hats and Caps'
Now Spring Goods Arriving Daily
Rugg, Linolouilns. Oilcloths, Currtalust
Window Shades$ Etc.
* ` I
A V A.NiQxu
Probably the biggrsi t°roved tht,t ever
I3tnktn-Irl .lfawirk, on 'Saturday, Feb.
.vatche d a hockey 4.etwl, wits purk.'d in
(Correct up till Wednesday noon)
28ft 1020, Janet Boyd, fid fib yds
Wroo rink laic Tuesday night whoa Pat
Wheat No. 2 Spring ... , ..1 00 to
Wheat No. z Pall , .....1 95 to
1 month and 3 days, Thefuneral took.
place from the Mune of Mr. ,ktugh
merston-Listowel combination crossed
Flour ......... . . ... 5 35 to
7 15
F;dgar on. Monday to F'ordwich cemet-
sticks with thelovats. 'There+was close to
Laid........... ...... 36 to
0)slnthtt5ixstlr. fatt�s stud at times tlie•
Butter . .. . ...... ..... 55 to
Yntlxtt--In'i'ttrilberry on Tuesday. Mar•
noise was dcafentng, The prt,b
Eggs . •. • .......... 55 to
Cattle, mcd., butchers.-• 0 W ter
2nd,1020,,Jvnnie Miller, beloved wife
of John .young, aged 50 years, 1 month
ably had as many rooters as the haute
Cattle, ltutChers choice. 1.1 00 to
and 15 days•
team, a large crowd vowing front Palmer-
Hugs, live -weight, , . , . 18 50 to
18 00
oitNwrow. Irl the
J General
ston, Listowel, Kincardine, Ripley and
Hay ..................10 00 to
21 00
to 06
Winnipeg, on Sunday, Feb. nd,%Hospi0,
Wingham to cheer thein to victory and
Cream ...
1 Lan1020,
Byron W. Johnston, of 581 Langside
they did not :livor in vain, Tla+ soory was
-^ ----.
5•-410 favour of the twin tot" loam and
we consider Lucknow bo; s did etve.ptiort
ally -well to hold the luck of two such
towns as Listowel and Palmerston to so
small a score, and even at that our boys
put up a brand of hockey that was not up
to their usual standard, and it is a safo
bet that had they played as } the' did in
Wingham orPalntc:teiouthe score at least
would have been reverwd, but excuser do
not win games or change dofoat into vic-
tory so we will religate this ;;game into
the limbs of pitst events and look forward
to better results some other time, 'The
visitors were undoubtedly the better team
and certainly deserved the victory. They
played as clean a game as avy we have
seen and acted like gentlemen. Kemp,
White and Rocker were the piek%*of the
team while the Johnston Tiros, were the
back bone of the locals, Bill l.egg of
London was reteree and handled the game:
perfectly, The brass band furnishes) the
music during intervals.
The second masquerade carnival of the
season was held in Lorne rink on Thurs-
day -
hurs-day- evening and although the weather
was very unfavorable a large crowd turn
ed out, Each event was keenly contested
and the judges had no easy time picking
the winner. The judges were picked
from the commercial travellers who were:
l in town that day and awarded the prizes
as follows: -•-Best dressed •lady---4iss
Money; Comic dressed lady -Rena Gor-
Mr, L. Kennedy will have
an expert from the factory
Cleveland Tractars
in his new show rooms op-
posite Currie Is Livery
Stables, on
'T'uesday and Wednesday
Mar -1- 116th and' 17th.
at„ W1rimpt'g, formerly of Gorrie, aged
56 years,
Dtvis--In Drayton, on Saturday, Feb.
14th, 1020, John Joseph Davis, (manag-
er of Loyal Bank,) formerly of Wroxet•
er, aged 86 years,
It1T�e111aRktlRn•�On Thursday, Feb. 26th,
Margaret R. Martin, beloved wife 6f
W. A. Rutherford, Wroxeter, Ont.
I'`.0Mt?N8CW • In Wroxeter, on Monday,
March 1st, 1020, Mrs; Edmunson,
mother of Mr. Milt. Rdmunson, aged
82 % ears.
GOLD8'rrrx--In Gorrie, on Tuesday,
March 2nd. 10200 Willie Goldstein,
son of Mr -arid Mrs. B. Gold,
stir; Aged 1 year.
JORAxx-In flowick; on Wednesday
March .3rd, 1020, Sophia Ortman, re-
lict of the., late Christopher Jobann
In her 60th year.
A Farmer's Tufts
I, will sing you a song of a farmer's life:
He has happy children, a busy wife,
A hock of hens to lay him fresh eggs,
A tall red calf with wabbly legs,
Some Attie fat piggies running about
With curly tail and saucy snout;,
He has heaps of fruit and flowers, too
Yellow and red and white and blue..
A handy stream, rod, hook and line,
A gun, atictpienty of animal sign,
A noble horse to ride when he wills,
A lovely -view of the distant hills,
don; Fancy dressed girl -Katie. Hill; -•-- - - A faithful dog to keep harm away;
Comic dressed girl- George Huston; Books to read on a rainy day,
Fancy dressed gent=H. 1lgnetf; Comic g Plenty of sunshine and good fresh, air,
dressed gent -•-•S. Gough; Fancy dressed And God to watch over him everywhere.
boy -P. Webster; Comic dressed boy - .
Ronald Armstrong; Mutt and Jeff -Tracy SCHOOL REPORT
and Charlie Webster, Marble race --Rosie U EEL UF1
Stewart; Bicycle race -Wilfred Murdoch; The following is the report of S. S, No.
Comic gent's race -Jack Johnston; Boy'sCouse Satisfiod'
7, Morris, for the month of February,
race -Neil MoImIi$; Couple race-ArctieSR,. Iv—,Tuttl•:t150,.Hondur4 855, Pass
and Jennie McDonald. p 710. Vera Edgar, tjQ1+ honours; Margaret
Campbell, 728; Bob Coultis, 721.
Another Oddfellotvs "At Home" was SR. III -Total 1I40. F, dna Campbell,
held in the lodge rooms on Friday even- 60SR.III olid 11 absent.:
ing, tt,hcn members and their lady friends SR, II -Total 1140. Bob Hopper, 088;
to the numbers of 125 were present and Jessie Campbell, absent; Bell Campbell,
spent a very pleasant night. Euchre and MRV FAMR,"ER absent.
Dominoes were the first part of the pro.
Jct, II -Total 1140. Lizzie Coulter, B3Q;
gram, the winners were, Euchre -(Lady)
Etta Belie McDonald (Gent) Jack John- When you get the highest possible Mary Hunter, absent.
ston; Dominoes -(Lady) Flo Cook, (Gent) price for your Produce. - JR. I -Total 800,.. Pass 480 Frank
D. C, Taylor. Atter lunch dancing. took Hopper, 505
place of games and nearly all participated We are paying 66c per pound for PRLMER—Norman Coulter.
Butter Fat this week. H. X', ARMSTRONG, Teacher.
in this amusement. Lucknow orchestra
furnished music for the dances, while ate`--�
beautihll Victrola kept all in good spirits Bring us your Cream, accuiate'tests 13syY(1
during the games and lunch, A most - guaranteed We pay cash at all times After over' a quarter of a century of
for Cream, Eggs and Dairy Butter, service to Blyth fortunate affair as a result of the "At } t and community as butch
Home" became known the next mot ning, er. Mr. J. C. Heffron handed over the
when word was passed around that Mc business to Mr. John Garniss on Monday
Lean Johnston was seriously ill, suffering joSh H i of last week and he is now in possession
from ptomaine poisoning from eating sal- having leased the building for a term of
mon sandwich. For two days he was yea,+s and purchased stock on hated,
very sick but is now recovering. It is a t Mr. Garniss; who has been in the em.
fortunate thing that no others were affect- ploy of Mr. Heffron muclr•of the time dar-
ed.. At the old. Davies Building, near Tug
A very quiet wedding was reported to the past taw years, is no stranger to
the Town Ball, the patrons of this meat shop, he is of a
have taken place last week at the home genial turn courteous, obliging and will,
of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs, David • no doubt, hold the large patronage this
Errington Rf West Wawanosh, when their- bought the old Bag holder plant and are business has enjoyed. He thoroughly
daughter, Lily, was united in the holy turning it into a flag will, was in town under -stands his business and customers
bonds of matr,nionyto Lorne McDonald of las) week renting land its this vicinity are fissured the very best in all kinds of
I:ucknow. The ceremony was performed for growing flax., meat that can be procured. On retiring
by the Rev. Air. Jamieson, pastor of Cal'
Miss Annie Blue has resumed herjio- from busmess Mr. Heffrdn severs a link
vin Presbyterian Church, St. Helens, in sitiou as milliner at Wm Connell s. of the past. During his many years of
The factory is shut for a few days as a service to the public he was found honest,
the presence of only the immediate rely result of a broken shaft. kept a good clean up to -date business
fives of clic bride and groom. and his presence among the busnress
Wawanosh passed away on Friday in the
One of the/old residents of West HELLO! missed. places along (ween Street, will be much
person of Mrs. Donovan. Her maiden name
was Hannah Fitzpatrick and her husband t AUCTION RALE OF FARM, FARM STOOD,
predeceased her a few years ago. She is IMPLEMENT$, &C. -Mr. C. F. Vandriek,
survived b a rown+u family and was , ...� . FARMER ' uctioneers has received instructions from the
Y g p Y undersigned to offer for sale, by Public Auc-
iti her 73rd year. The funeral was held tion, at NJ Lots15 and 10, Con. 1, Grey Twp,
Special prices for the following. Thursday, March 18th; atl o'elook, the follow -
from her home to St. Augustine R C. Ing valuable t� ropertY•-I general purpose
church with intermefit in St. Augustine Rags be per lbs. Morse 7 years old, ,1 gelding rising 3 years. 1
gelding rising 2 years 1 filly rising 2 years, 1
cemetery. Old Rubbers be • per lb. aged horse, 17 fine dairy cows 113 are, choice
Durhams, some fresh, balance supposed to
The basement of the Presbyterian Horse Hair 35c per lb. treshen).4 Holstein.cowA (freshl,1 steer rising
Agricultural SCra p Iron $1.OQ per 3 3 heifers rising 3, 4 heifers rising 1, 1 steer
Church has been renovated and remodel- riaing 1, 1 pure bred Durham bull. 3 sows to
ed and the old seals taken out and re- farrow early, V pigs 2 months old, 4 pigs about
' Bags up to 12c each, 140 lbs. each. 24 hens, about 150 but, barley, 100
placed by opera seatsr.all snaking for the bus feed oats, 150 bus. seed oats. 20 bus, peas,
Raw, furs Hides and Sheep S quantitly of hay, road wagon with box, farm
comfort of the con4regation. , , p kins -at wagon, combination stook rack, souftler, cut -
City prices. ter, Fleury plow, seed drill, Set 1000 lb, scales,
The congregational sweeting of tate set bobsleighs with box,lulper, fanning mill,
Methodist church vvas hell) last weak Get busy and pick up your. junk and sot double harness, 8o ro a wire fencing, hay
realize a lit edged fork, ropepulloys, &o., and otbor articles too
when a report of the year's work was g Price. numerous to menton. Farm, containing 00
given �4000 was spent Oil renovating the - -- aeras, more or less', will also he ofrered for sale
p g the same day, Subject to reserve bid. It is well
church.. The pastor's salary was raised fenced, all cleared and in good state of oulti.
Q vatfon. About 35 aorem Fall plowing done, the
$3oo and the amount of the forward &
Brown Sons, balance seeded. Spring creek runs through
movement has also been over subscribed. farm with wator year round; orchard, BCD.
Comfortable frame house with cellar, hard
Mr. Roy McQuillan had the misfortune and soft water in house. Bank barn : with
cement stable; and caaher in Stables ti -ht -
to have his leg broken one day last week
when his team ran away as.he was -bring-
ing a load of hay to town,
Conrad Decker of tow it was over joyed
due day last week why -n he received a
letter from his parents in Germany. .
This is the first word lie has )tad since
19x4. and be fnrtnly believed his parents
to be dead attd his brothers probably
killed in the war but such is not the case.
One brother was a prisoner of war Tit
.England for a coiisiderable tittle: while
the others escaped death and imprison.
meat. His father and mother aro alive
and well, one tiephew and a brother -in.
law were killed. •
Aliss Atlnie Lloyd has gone to Preston
Spritigs for rheumatic treatment.
Miss Margatet McClure left this wcok
for Battleford $ask.
Miss Tcua Carrick is visiting; in Owen
Phone and rural
cool and 4 mt,cs
gain gravel road,
nd under rash:
Alt given on ap.
Cent por annum
amounta, Easy
mado know on
>ropriotor or alto.
R1011Attn JottNSTON.
St. Augastitie
The regular monthly meeting of the St,
Augustin Women's Institute was held in
file' basenteat of Donnybrook church on
Wednesday, March 10th, at 8 o'clock,
Topics were as follows: '*Things worth
while" taken by Miss Mae Chamney -and
'•'T'he snaking of farm butter" taker, by
Mrs. W, Bray,
Tory Corners
:lir. Wilbert Galloway purchased t%o
valuable cors at Mr. W, 0 Strong's
_.. ... �.
hthg. McQueen a former resident cif pedigreed Ayrshire Wales last week.
these parts is visiting telativty )circ+ Sad/ It With Flowers We understand Mr. Oliver Viallaway is
She has leen a sttisslofutry its Scmilt � having rt tiattt on Mar. T2 rind we all wish
lifricu for years tuul gore an nddre:•w tit i �» qct w" ltitn good ;ucceLIS.
the I'resbyterisu church "n Xromlav i Iver. W. Hay.,satnd Camily. has the sym•
panty of the people of this locality Owing
A inda,rA0a daltee will. be i el',l is o to thedeath of hit, mother,
Lorne 0%* 0% Thursday evening. The � GAid to report the "flu" victims are all
brass+ %kat'.'f 0 wro 0y_ monk, This is' FUNERALS, WEDDINGS, ETC, rrcovcrinq .
ttrirmthing tai"ht"tlb8 1W rg atmta etile"t Caltalo;tt Mown o11 rKtiolt.,rnatrswl crf Mr. R. A. Ta e*xchxtt
.and we believe will be a aurce". Nexrly yk g'.,
ey,*•yone will try a thing once at any mle, WN. ` " "°'' Mix horgss with lir. irallarmm it wa<>r Mr.
Mr. Logan, a utarmber of the Arm tAbo m 144, wtoomm Kulllic+mto'f Milromay.
..,��...�aL^.�..�as..�.._.,,W:,,.,9•,�.;siei.. :'',°,�7 rte.- t�i'�t�,.,,.,�, .y.'�i�..;.��dvaStli�$�6Mi...w+.-...i,.:Vu ._..
They Mar, 1 I th 1920
Doublo murder
and suicide An Exceptional Value i
but -W
.....but for the Grace of God."MEN'S SHOES
NUr )ortgago a shamefully wrong -
ed husband started out to do
away with hiswife and the destroyer
of his home.
HE was intercepted, reasoned with
pleaded with. After two days
and two nights spent in prayer and
meditation, through the manifesta-
tion, of the Holy Spirit he was turned
form his `intense and terrible passion
to a magnificent attitude of forgive-
ries$• instrument through which
Just like the above Gut—a Man's Fins' Velour
ana wife were recon- . calf shoe with rubber heel, made on the fashiollabe
ciled-•and a ghastly tragedy prevent- English last.
.ed,- was a Salvation Army Officer. A shoe that will flit well, Wear well and look well
UCH a change of heart wrought
by the Spirit is not rare in the for the marvellously 10W price of
world-wide experience of the Sal,
6 5® per pair Army. •
308 Servi4i Post in In all sizes For men Ei to 10.
this Territory. y Use We are illustrating an extra good value in Wom-
them! en's hoes in The Times this week, --kook for our ad
in the Times on last page,
Where The Smiths Come From
.An old lady in London for the first time
in her life, saw a glaring sign on the front
of a high building, which read: "The
Smith Manufacturing Company," HWILLIS
"Lawks a mercy," she remarked to her • •
nephew, "I've heard of Smith's all my SOLE AGENT FOR LADIES'
life, but I never knew where they made
Mrs, Gillon and son, are at present AND DERBY SHOES FOR MEN.
their parents Mr, and Mrs. P. McGlynn,
Mrs. St, Marie who has been visiting
lier parents, for a few days has returned ��-,•��
home, dicitis a short time ago is able to be account of sickness. The trustees have
Glad to hear that Mrs,ames Dow who around again. i ads in the
J papers for teachers, duties to
has not been well of late is able to be Mr, and Mrs. Wm. King, and Marie, commence at Easter,
around .again. spent Sunday at Robert Messer's. The flu patients are nearly -all better.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McBurney also Mr. Will Grimmer was laid up with a Mr. David Breckenridge and family.
Mrs. King who have been laid up with sore foot for a few days,•last week, had a hard spell of the flu. We are glad
the cold, are on the road to recovery. to h'ear that they scion the mend,,
Glad to hear that Mr. Frank Thomp- Miss Pearl Payne has a situation .as
sou who underwent an operation for milliner at Drumbo, Ont. We wish her . Mrs: James Wallace, has' been' a busy
appendecitis at the Wingham Hospital success. woman lately attending the flu patients,
has so far recovered as to be able to come' No: 4, S. S. Grey is holidaying for She has certainly been a great blessing to
home again, want'ot a teacher. The present teacher, these families in her capicity as nurse,
Mr, and Mrs. George Naylor visited at Miss Ritchie, of Gorrie, has resigned on and good Samaritan.
Mr. Sonnet Tayor's on Sunday last. ------ - ---- -- - —
Mrs. George Naylor, senior is at present
visiting George C. Naylor's for a few -
Jalmestown - ---
A wedding is Announced for Wednes- - , �-
d,%v ofthis week. Particulars later, WINGHAM, ONTARIO PHONE 166
A good many from this part tools in The school with competent instructors and superior courses. Graduates
Dollar Day at Wingham last week. placed in positions Affiliated with the Elliott Business College in, Toronto
Mr. Wm. Holt, who has been at Guelph and the Centra. Business College, Stratford,
Hospital for some time, is at home for a Write for free' catalogue. Enter any time.
visit at present: _
We are pleased to say that Miss Edith
King, who was operated on for appen- D. A. McLachlan, Pres. Murray McLeish, Prin.
Ne wvv Sp'rin''
Ladi€les' Wear
Northway Coats
New Skirts
New Waists
Spring House Dresses
Silk Gloves
Kid Gloves
Silk Hosiery and Underwear
Men's Wear
Semi Ready Suits
New Boys' Suits .•
New Spring Coats
New Shirts and Ties
Spring Hosiery
Spring Underwear
New Hats and Caps'
Now Spring Goods Arriving Daily
Rugg, Linolouilns. Oilcloths, Currtalust
Window Shades$ Etc.
* ` I