HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-03-11, Page 7IF ,,
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&"rA , _ .,_*Ill ,III 19,0111.4 .. 110*po" - 00001404"40"""VA"Ol"" " ==,-.,= !, , _ * I owq" , - -- -- ! i ! i ; i 9 M ; i I I . I 1L. 1.11-1 --,--. - - - ,- _____ _____._
v__ . I I by bloody ropr(maton. This, however, _ 1,.." 11 .1- 1. -1 - .. ... - 11,
LiiE POtMO, WAY be 91VOU O1V,0acA IdAy saya, is having 040
0 ldltlo tile dempatch .
r"Aal 11jejeralAy bated, with ti UST F rojult In cauxitis the $Jun Fein
"W"WRIMTER iN MUCIA In of cream or boot juice r4ther than I lfellnlers to avoid provocation at 01
~1 I butter. of the vegetables, the best PT. A Budget of New,s i
I I * Ara m,para,mms top% 0111POIX, StOWOO, lo 1, a The Speech ot Sir Horace Plunkett 4
ekilery, et,rlug- beaus and fresh pea$. 'ON LONDON PA "Osit)"u-blin last night, in which Us .
one or these vegetables should be I sharply critiolsed the new Irish Home
"LAST STRAW" given dally--alwaYs well 0001041 And .- I Itule bill, taken with Tau blacPher- 1W,
. FOR ENTENTE - From the Old Land #,
, 1" I I I
washed. if Attempts to Settle Fiume so -es eetonoe of tile Irish Adraluistra. ; F I
. .0
_-1___-_-__ .- ccreals--Nearly any of these may tion in the liouse of commons, form. , I , I— - -1 ____._ I
11 0 Make be used: Oatmeal, wheaten grits, bom, Case Fail oil the basis of comment In some 01, "I'll, I'll 0000000 - .1, , 11 ..... I— I _--1-1. .. . -
Illy, rice, farina and arrowroot. It ill) morning newspapers. i The rateable value of London Is now Of over Z 2,000,000 b010118109 to 010 A
Latest Turk Atrocity Stiffens All"n t the grains Are used, cereals should be . , Beverely condolula- a '600"000.
, The Daily News, ,55, worl,icers of the town.
cc-oked. at least three hours, after , is Reply tQ Allies to U. S. Ing the AQw HOmO Rule measures : 'After severAl,pullets oil a Mr. William MaclKinder, the Soclal-l , -
l'iaving previously been 5oaked several asks, =tro farm a fox killed lot, who exposed- the OU0*110us Profits
go ' North B
Terms Much Hardff I id,ars. They Should always be Salt- 0 'President, . t Can the Ins", ere jugglers who are tile shpop-dog, made by Spinners, use been elected A.
I--,---- tea and given with milk or oream, bu hus mocking Me maddened victims Mrs. Blaol;laam, of Forest-roAd, member of Bradford City Council by
. I of their cowardly policy be relied. up, 4 Moomeley, has celebrated her 100ttil a majority of 1,221 votes over Mr.
, , I,xith little or no sugar. De$patch _ If all at- On to g!ve real affect to the slight ,
V t broths . are preferable to vege- WasbingtoD, birthday. She was bo -.n acar Cheadle. George Smith, Conservative.
ut01"toman to Get But a Small 0trip of Europe tat'lea" broths, Nearly 0,11 varieties tolil9ce, to settle, the Fiume coutpG_' promise of happier development Sir Edward Nichaii, x,p. torlpen- A chain of oil taults. will soon run - I
. roths are not ve Which Way be hidden in its orooXed rhyn aad,Falmoutla, has given .t2O,- round the coast of England., Several I
I may be given. Plain b 11, - of those tanks are already esta . blis ed
JZ end In failure, the Allies will
very palatable nor natritioua, but but Ono recouree, and It will be promises?" yes Viscount French, 00o to the South Walts* and Strays h 1'.
when thickened with arrmyroot Or the pact of London. The 1',)st chari I Rome. at the mouth of the Mersey, At Mid
, f Ireland. With re-. Her Oress composed of 6oz, sugar dlesbrough, and other large porto, but
cornstareh aud NN'lleu cream or milk lit rqply to president; WJ&Qrl'o com- Lord Lieutenant o c(Sharne.
I Is added, they ,,ire very palatable. Alun.'eatrQu. they oay they welcome sponsibIllty for the present tells bao.'s, a worrian went to a fancy dr6ss these are only. solitary links in tb(
full, position. The newspaper .
I London, CabIQ-- The Daily Tels- I TI-Ifl UN9PFi1AKA0Lfl TURKI Bread and Mseult$ (cracRers)-lil Amerlean participation in tht, Viu= . bull at the vlorld!s Fair, Islington, as proposed chain.
be given with oattIpmonit, they express the hope that tile Vice -Royal his duty is to order "Reduced Sugar Ration." Scholarships,at the Royal Academy -
graph 0 -day makes a featuro of a rq, , Constantinople, Cable. - British $01110 fOrIll tbOSO may so,me arrangement may be wcaUed , that after a given date all proven Four pboving brushes, Infected with of Music, Marylebone -road, N.W., have
po - rt that the allies have decided on forcea In the iMe,soPotallillan oil re- nearly every meal, 'betfer without Out only Jugo-aluyla and Italy,, guilty of crimes or violence be court- . ll -v Desire lklac"Bwau,
And butter until a chilld Is 4 years old, 4hey c allot disguise the fact martialled and shot, Otherwise, tile rtathrax germs o been found. -at been awarded to
the military and naval occulpatloh, of gions, palCticularly near Korkuk I crearit le a bet. bixt, a Newport Mou.) amous; A, consign- London, for composition; Morgan
Mosul, have been engaged In conetant, avi, for youlig chlldt'-en that, should no voluntary settlement post says, he ought to resign. aent of foreign manufacture. Lloyd, Wales; Israel Sablaen, Lon. X
Constantinople in cQnsoquence of the akirmiallee with tribesmen and Turk- ter form of faL All varieties Or bread of this klu-4 be attained, the Treaty "Viscount French was Appointed tQ ' The South IvAles memorial to Lord don; and Paul Board, Birmingham,
treatment of the Armenians by the ish Irregulars. may be allowed when stalle; also dried of Loudon, to which they oet their govern Ireland," the Post declares, .
The nurrors of Armeal,an rapsEacres bread, zNxIeback, and Oatmeal, (Irallam hand In il)15, Would then become the "He has failed. I -To must knQw he Rhoudda Is to take the form. of uii oil for -violin playing,
., Turkc, onceivable portrait by Sir ,T. Solomon, AX.A. And Arrangements for the sale of the
and deportal.lons during tile great or gluten biscuits. only valid alternative so far *aa they has failed and it is ine the foundation of a minink sob' .
, The newspaper's version of the, re- struggle are blandly dismissed by the Dessorts-Tho only one that should were concerned," how he justifies his continuance In . Olar' National Shipyard at Chepstow to.
! ship, . Lord Glanely's syndicate are, it Is
port represent$ GI -eat Britain As cle' , Turks, with the statement that the be allowed up to the sixth year are The State Department to -day made office-" Air. J. R. Llewellyn, the Welsh - oal- understood, completed, The purchase
tarrAined to occupw th2 TurkishloAlli- Turkish army .suffered at the hands of junket, plain custard, rice pudding public the reply-. and by Manday it Jo --------*, 0-0 - — owner, has given &,000 to the Aber-
tod, and says she has Invited Franco I the Armenians and that the deporta- without ralslus, and, not oftener than expected to make public the Freest" WHO price is About. R600,000, With this
. dare County School, to endow two sale it Is hoped that the loss on the
. I tlon wore nveeestiry, it is also con- orloa A wee,.iz, Ice cream (and of this deat*a reply thereto. eaylug scholarslitIfs In memory of hir' ational Shipyards Will be reduced to,
. ;Ind Italy to co-operate, and that their tended that the recent massacre at the quantity should be very moder- The outstanding feature of the LE FAMILY ' . N,
late f4hor. . about 9.5,500,00.
r,oplies art awaited. Marasb does not approach Greek atro ate). budget at 00111111111aic&tIOns, Was tile liMES Returning from an ordination ser, , - 1.
Loudon, Marelt. 6. -There lb I.Meli- olt,es against the Turks 'when the Frulta-Frutts should be given in stand of the Allies, that it all other vice, the Rev. W. J. ,NleMulian, Pres- , Four of the late Mr. Fairfax Mur-
alooti, that tile Ciliclan waseaere Way former landed at Smyrna last year ur%- some form every day, Ora,uges, baked eattlements fall they will bave, to DIE M yterlan minister, was killed in a ray's drawing by Turner were sold At
,t what the treaty apply the pact of London. Their -note Claristiols, London, for 9S,696, one
.c. w TarXeY l4ilch r i der ,orders of the Supreme Council Of apples are most to be depended upon. collision between his roptor-car and a
ea peace would otaerwise, have lett . Indicates the immediate necessity of I "The Vale of Asliburribam," realizing
,, the Peace Conference. Nat,onallst Raw apples -Iii most caeu abould not haste, however, if England, Franco - road -roller near Belfast. 41,800, against 9441 in 1908.
,her, according to eipresisiono ileard in leaders also say frankly' that many be given. Peaehes. , peare and grapes Miss Baden-Powell ,has presented .
4uner circles at WhIteball, where AI, clashes similar to that at Marash are (with ,seeds removed) may be given, and. the United States are again to Toronto Cleaner's Tank of .w Ilac- ' A glDay woman, reputed to be, 104,, -,
Ated Foreign Minlatere continue tranar hazard A, solution of the problem. It IS$ Olive Simmen4s, of the Ist C
Inovitable it the Europeans insist on when thoroughly ripe a -ad fresh, but ton (St. James) Girl Guides, with R lives with other nomads near Porth. i
Ing the Turkish esettleiment. It is be- I partition:ng portions of Turkey where only in moderate quantity. Berries says*. Gasoline Exploded, medul for saving A. wounded soldier cawl, Glam.
',Iieved, Among other things, the pro- are beet deferred. until childTen are "In conclualon, the French and Eng- , . — Crom drowning at Clactog, A Wigan man, who has been an 1
1) . Osed western boundary from L-4043, the Turks predominate, six or seven years old, and even then 11,3h Prime Mialloters venture to call Home Office returns allow that I,- Inmate oI one of the Lancashire coun,
031 the Aelgoall. Sea, to 3jildl:w. oil the "PERTINAr' GIVES VIEWS. should be given v8ry eparluglY. the Attention of President Wilson to And Father, Xothor, TWO 083 fatal , Accidents occurred in the ty 'Asylums slace 1880, has just died. '
Block Sea, may be abanj 0114ed. and the .. t never Pe given 0ho, urgent Importance of a speedy . And t.ilarries of the United A child has been liorn In a caravan
aine may be drawn much farther east. Paris, March C.-Comple,to agree- rKhe following eh9ule salt fish, .settlement of t ie Ad,riatle dispute --a Children, Perish. m1mes cz)mpired With In Newport (Mon.) Castle, which was
. , -giOUS ment on features of the Turk'sh treaty sauksage, pork in all forms, - Kingdom, last year,
Irbla would limit Turkish posciec to children under four and only oeca- 1jispilte willdh is now gravely threat- ,, . . - erected ill 1126 by Robert Earl of
.in Europe to the narrow peninsula has been reached, eays "Peftinax," siou'ally after that age' . oning the peace And delaying the re- . I . I 1 1,201 in the preceding year.
' NAarmora. political editor of the 1 icho de Paris, , .11 .
morth E the Sea' cf I ate, Hain, construction of Southeastern Nutope Toronto March S. -Tragedy touched Mr, Duncan truce, a well-tilow an- Gloucester. I
0 who adds that the Operation of the Articles forbidden - Me , Great Britain and France are In . . J gler and landowner, while fishing The baby son of David Burns, or
,,France and Great Britain are cred!t- corned'beer, dried beef, goose, duck, the home of Herbert Foster, 3 Moscow Rilayth, Glasgow, has died of Injuries
kleh finanelt meat accord with the President on his will- from the rocks at M41challs, on tliq
ed with being In agreement Jil this I Tur til control commission game, kiduey, liver and bacon, avenue, with a heavy hand yesterday east coast of Scotland, Was swept caused by Inhaling steam from the
there is less certainty Will be quite dist,not from the,admin- gropm roosted 1119nes,3 to accept an Itallan-Jugo-Slav d spout of a kettle,
,;roapect, but tReWS and dresellige .1.. decision; In fact, they say It Would . atternocin, when an explosion of gas. into the sea by a huge wave an Teak, from the Vindictive, which,
., res0ed AS to Italy's attitude, and istration of the Ottoman debt. The irleats, , be tile ideal way,ol! settling the ques oline accounted for the lives of P Oster drowned.
.Vxeo matter is,yet, to be settled d0fl- Supreme Council, he says, Is a -bout to Vegetable s F ried vegetableG Of all heir CO A fund to purchase 'V Tar Saving Cer- was sunk at Ostend ' - is being used in
411tely. Another effect of the Cillelan I talce up the establishment Of a judl- var.mtea, cabbage. canots, PotAtOes ,tion at lGaue, and , to $how t - ,himself, his Wife, aged 8; Bibien, %ned dur, the manufacture of n
-outrage is said to be unanimous 0011" cial commission and definitelY settle (except plain boiled or roasted)) raw 4peration they announce, in their re- aged 7, and Olive, aged 5, his two t1floates for each child orph which Mr. Lloyd George will receive
.tinlent among-anonibers of the For- zones to be accorded Greece, Italy, or fried onions, raw celery, radishes, ply, the withdrawal of the proposals daughters, The charred remains of Ing the war has been opened In the the freedom of Dover,
in Asia (*Aw or Of December 9 and January 20. Fur- the devoted mother and her children village of Bradfield, near Reading. The
Willaters' Council toward totally France and Great Br* tain lettuce, oucumbers, tomatoea 0 Ate$ A German field gun, has been de,
of an army, and therinore, they invite the Preeident were found by the firemen after the elaildren.Will be given tile cOrtific ,
01,11, ving Turliey ed would . ,
depri Itting ter to maintain only a Minor. Plans contemplat cooked), beets. egg plant and green to join with thorn In paving the way In ten years time. clined by the Farnham Rural District
perm scheme, rorbid tho maintenance of Allied gar- corn. party settlement, and h!e tire was extinguished. Foster died In Thr itsned with boycott, the Friary Council, the feeling in one parish be -
force, of gen,jarmea, This for some risons, but Allied Officers would com- Bread and CalM.-Ali. hot rolls and for a two- . made public the General Hospital at 7 o'clock last .
v,hl,oh has been discussed be dobaled mand forces of -Turkish gendarmes- bread buckwheat slid other griddle roply, which will be 'Ance of this evening. His home is practlCially , Brewery Company, .Guildford, Surrey, Ing that "the gun might have,eaused
:Jmo, seemed recenilY to s. particularly latey, may be An aeceRi who propbsed to Ilinit their voluntary the death of some of our men,,
to Abandonment, but it ' s UOw Said These officers Would be nominated by Cakes' ail eweet cake And -idea and a suggestion of the method ,gone, the damage being about $1,600. pension Scheme to non -trade union Marle Lantler, w , lid his died, aged
)f I the Sultan at the suggestion of the those' containing dried fruits Poster had a cleaning and pressing . I d diat all ,80 years, had for almost 50 years been
,to be the meet probable eol'UtIO11 ( , -roeted. lae, believes -beat to pursue, store at the above address, and for employees, have now decide , in the continuous s
powers, . those heavily f their Workers shall be eligible. ervice of the late'
lbe question. _____ - .-I... Deasert%-All nuts, candles, Pies$ business needs had a tive-gallon tank The ,War Office reports that since Rev. Robert Balgarnle, Scarborough,
r-`-__ =6 --- .__----._- -- ----- '. .-
. I—. tart -3 and pastry of every description; of gasoline In the house. just As 110, - the Armistice 3,893.149 officers mild and later of his family.
also all salads, jellies , syrups and pre- TO FIX AMOUNT . ,and his family were sitting down to men have been demobilized Or dis- . Miners at the Pemberton aild Or-
servee. cocoa, Wine, - dinner, about one o'clock yesterday charged from- the Army. Of these, 867 .reIl Collieries Wigan, lia e raised
N,E,W -ANTI-4,*[UENZA SERUM . Drhiiw Tea, ,caffee. off.) Afternoon, the tank suddenly ex-
:_ SUM- officers And 7,213 other ranks were X-10;000 for the widows .and children
. . beer, cider. canned and pre- HU"" MUST PAY ploded, filled the kitchen with released during the' week ended Jan- ,or fallen soldier comrades.
, , 1. I Fruits -All ,ffrled, out IV eating fumes, and ignited the wood- uAry 2g. . . Sir Edward Ts'llgar, the .eorilposer,
. . served fruits, (bariana0l 0,11 !fruits work of the building, Tho whole E. Pryke, Chancellor of
. I . PK"EVENTS AFTER-PNEURNIA Canon W. tlas been elected an honorary corres-
I . . 11 of season and stale fr dts, Particrl- . family were partially stunned by the 15ioter Cathedral, has died, aged 76 pondlag Academician of the Academy
. larly in the summoX losion, and the acrid fianies from .At A . -ringer's ft"16=1 at
-----,,*.*-*-- Best for All to Do So, Allies exp t bell of the Royal Institute of Music at
. I I . the burning gasoline robbed them 0 Thames Ditton ,a peal of handbells 21orence. -
Amy Medical Men in Mon-* — — I . :77-777 VOODOOISM Decide. sensibility, and the fire engulfed them was jung'over the grave. Sir Harlt!y Foley Vernon, whose
# I I without being able to lift a band to About' je258,000 has be7en realized by '
I treal District Getting Worshippers fo, Cuba ATe Eli- help themselves. Nerighbors, start- the sale of Lord Harrington's Gaws- Ileath Is anilounced at the age of 87,
, Act Everywhere to End led. by the detonation, hurried to the worth and Bosley e0atGs, Cheshire. cat as M. P, for Woreeater as long
. FEE[r)ING . vided Into VaTIOUS Sects- I spot, but were unable to rescue the Mr. Frank S. A. Hatchard, of Ponte- tago as 1868, He was created a ba I ron-
Good - Results. . I - 11 'at in 1885.
. I ' ' Extravagauce. unfortunate Inmates, The kitchen fraet, Ono of the best known men In ,
I . __ I The Voodoo worshipers of Cuba are e - . was A furnace. The firemen quickly . has The Rev. Dr. W. A. H. Collisson,
lr4ont;real despatoh A new ant! in- THE CHILD divided into various s,lcts, each with ... . the West' Riding of Yorkshire, 'M St. S-ohn's Church, Great Marl -
I . - responded, And set to Work to quench died. Ur,ough-street, I-toudon, W., and a
fluenza serum is now being Lteed by I I its separate god. The latter include , London, Cable. - The Allied Su . I gh increased -waaes and
d the medi- wo-_" 0 ** 4 _ decided it Is in the the flames. ' Mainly throu, 0 1rawIng collapsed
Col. Bridge A.D.'M,8._ 411 4, eoua, prerne Council has Meanwhile, Foster had partially re- bonuses to eivie workers, there is a L -room entertainer,
. I 1. D. No. o, aa a pre- A relative excess of proteins In the BabagueYe, god of I Sickness; H I interest both of the Allies and Ger- covered from his stupor. Not know- iv,prpoo.l rates being in the street at Hawlarden, F lintshlre.
cal off.163 of -1 0 1 of injury; Olorrun, god of misery many that th3 total of the German and died almost immediately. ,
ventwtive, not only or the Influenza diet is needful It the. highest etate. Ot go whom ag whether his family had been res- Aouble those of 1914. . Lord R
Itself, -but chiefly of the pneiimonlEL growth aitcl devOl,opment is to be at- reparation Payments be fixed at the 11 d the . Alfred addo, S311 ,'41! the Bearl Or
diseasee and Jung abeceaGea which and Change, tits terrible god,, to ,eUed or not, he staggered out of the A scheme to exten eW Aberdeen, and a member lot the Lou -
tallied, 1TIM is the standard growth human Sac 1, by building a 11
'rif ices are ui le. Chango, earliest possible date, up the con- ,blazing kitchen to the stairs, thence to Dock Birkeribeac I - -
,have proved more fatal than its ln food, and milk Is it protein food. Chil- ace.ording to the Voodoo belief, was . The report summiug e, occupied by Mr. and IOCIE costin 9680,000, has been ap don County Council, bae lodged a pe
flueliza. This is a serum known as I - the room abov . tition tk- .
, Ilren who drink milk, (two Lun1bI8V- tile so -1 or Clorrun and Anar4glia- He cluslons, roached by the Allied states - -Mrs, Spicer; Mrs. Spicer throw a proved by tile Mersey Dock Board 0ainst the proppsal to saule-
- ig a ste,am ticn 0 rrd,ay g,arr-es in the parkq, ^
the polYval8nt serum, and lit is ad fuis) Tor brealctatat and for stipper was slain by Blecun, the god of ln ury men at their conferences hore expres ..
mln:aterod subcutaneously, just as aflyou from a Col- ses the view that Germany would I)e blanket'around F Oster, and so On, to To help them In startir
l grow early four tirnes as fast as those and gSce -_(10 Into L odstuffs some extent, extinguished the flames, ' r Comrades of tb@ -About 94,000 has bpen offered to
waa the anti-typhold serum with the 4yo eu ssential to I trawler coluPan) * e asking the Cambridge Un
I who have coffee and tea. ba, or'god tree, In the 1110110V Of hi . ablea to obtain 0 . I 0
L overiseas troops. I I During the first year Of;llfe a child therefore that the ;3'-'uJQs ,bsOrVo and raw materials, gad, forther, t4at The police arriving, the police airibu- ,reat War ELt Rainsgate ar iversity by the widow
. , if DeP09PAry, ,lance, was sent for, And Foster WAS Admiralty for a vessel as A naval War of Professor J. Couch Adams, the
esterday that their only week, Wl n chatigo is ex- she Should be Allowed, . I astronomer, to establish the John
. Col. BrIdgag stated y requires alincat an cxclusiva 'diet of o the to raise a loan to oover her IraMediate removed to the hospital. trophy -
all the opricom and men ef the R, milk. The m0or!0, ot infants are gi- pecte,1 t make a e0k's visit t entered irountainville Presbyterian Church, Conch Adarr#.3 astbonomership.
- )y the ( The fire Out, the firemen
. . ven solid food too early and in too earth, 'descending I . ,Jelba, his needs. imerida t1lat I the building, and found the charred 'Lisb Ifast, has been oom- In 'the,War Offic uadrangle tha
0 R. stationed at the peel street bf,r . urn-Voad, Be' e q
rp, ka were this se- The The final reports recoo air They plet
litoculated with t I large quantities. The healthy infalft, sacred tree, always oil Monday. oly destroyed by a fire which *rig- iting,S Challenge Shield for cadet rl-
wlng a mild out- , of- armies 4verywhere be redvoed to tU rdmalus of the unfortunates. . eating Apparatus * fle-shooting was prepented to the
rum. last week, toll( . whether breast-fed, should -not have followers oi. Elecua do not directly so 1 ab . ed In the h
the Influenza at the bar- any sottild food (no bread, meat, eggs, ter human sacrifice, A7,!:iough their pre-war footing and Armaments be Vere uur ogn z - Is - I Inat .
'break of riditure I _. boiler -house. Royal 1%larine'Cadet Corps, De.al, who
11%dics. whotilter or not it was a re- etc.), until after 12 months of Age.' healers sacrifice the lives of some Pa- limited to the low0it exPe I . I were turned out On the have won the trophy 5 times In six
4ault of this treatment, the outbreak I The diet of a ilealthy child during tlents by giving them'polsOnOus Coil- co-ipatible witli security. . Ten Ships, . . with an aggre-
bad been of 'a. very mild character, )osedly a myzterious cure The League of Nations Is invited I Clydq during January, 3. This years, I
;1 the second year of life should oonsisIt e-Octibns, su?I ' ' - ITALY 111TEN S -gate tonnage Of $9,910 tM Since .its foundation In 1882, tile
___- of serl- I , _41 _+ 4 -rtler to restore to consider as soon as Possible PM , . .4
,and there flave. beva 0 , . -in( -- Pa y out these reCOMIneu- . I I I figure Is within 90. tons 01 T,iie recor
1. I 4uo after-coMplicatlons. at milk, some fairiiacecas food, bread, ior '- tient. Elecua posals to carr British Dominions Emigration Society
L 1. —.0-0-0-- I a smill amount of animal food such to houltli some rtho Iry, his followers dations. output for'JanuarY In 1912. magistrate I (formerly called the East End Unit-
' ,
. , being the cod of 111JL
. as beef at mutton, be,11! Juice, eggs and believe that good can come to One Per- It was further concluded that fileAs- Mr. 'Henry Barlow, a gration Fund) boa assisted 27,343, peo-
, I A PU110H WEGR-ESS. fruit. Milk should be the basis of the son only thr .,'- injury to another. ures should be taken everywhere and TO 1EEP LARS and county councillor, has ' died at places in the Rm-
I . . I I 11 'h +he 4 f " On- surly'ression of extiaV- I IrAlterinz. at the age of 62. In 1912 Z .
__. __
_ . ulet. Voodooism is nct, Praut, J . ..1. . n of eXpendi- --------------- Il. . -,
negroes Mono Mall e reductio Mr. Barlow was president of the Mas- ll '
01ri was ' Millionairess, for y Dur -n-0 the- first half of the second ky white persons agance and th . ter Bakers' and Confectioners' As- I Captain Reginald (lax, the son Of
a , (W.1 Mildren require from 40 to 60 secretly to take part in ture so as to bridge the gav between 'I I . -
also are said ' soclatiori., in the
unces of fluid food diily; during the an y of essential neces- 'Gen. Garibaldi Says Objec. ' the Right Hon. Michael Cox, the Dub
I Three Hours, .) their religlous meetings, a d accus4- demand and supPl rig on strike a week for lin physician, ehot,hlmself dead
0 Ascloi.,d halt of the year from 45 to 55 t'rns ha.ve been heard in many qVar- sitles. - After bel Union -Hotel, Belfast. He had been
. ouneas. This quantity s1hould ba giV- ters of the diff'oulties encouritered by Early steps are to be taken to Be- tions Immaterial 94wet time,, allowance (Compensation seriously disabled tn liltance.
4.-A milli on- ell in flye feedings; lour of these be- officers seeking to break up their cure the deflaticna of Credit and cur- .. tor wages lost tbr6ugh bad Weather), AS a tribute to the war s6rvice of
I ._Njuskogee, o1da., March 11 he because of the obstacles PIML04 rency by making Governmental ex- Will Hold * Territory On '300 bricklayers and laborer& at Meath, 'the East Surrey Regiment,, the Trin-
alress for three hours, sarail Itector o ing of offuAl size, Ono, usually t temples balance by ad- . . Giant, resulfied -ork on the old terms.
'Muskogee, the richest iiegro girl in the ro In ed in their. Way bY persons Of fla- pond'4ure,and revenue
'United SULteS, to -day signed a 4e,ed ot Id -day feeding, whiell is given An aeti;ve campaign by tile ditional taxation ,find the funding of Adriatic. A woman bell-ringer, Miss Stephens, Ity Chapel at All Saints Church,
W to connection w3h. meat juice, One to fluOnce. In X geton, Is to be ,converted into a
trust turnirig her $i,600,003 e%tate ovo uthorities in Havana All" Other parts short loant and the immediate It I- f Cliertsey, Surre has rung her first
dean, The 11091*0 three ounces daily, being smaller. a I 0 1 cat
of the Island tation and gradual curtailment Of ds e. triples"
the care of her guai 19, (5,040 in orlal chipal at'an estimated e
girl came Into the niolney to -day when h It bloSt have resulted In tile . 1. peal of "grah .
,e of 18. After the eighteenth mont ture of numerous Brujos and tile wite circul%tion, mim-a. feat that :of 93,000.
site reached the -, ef the teata are preeent, rare scraped cap es Parts, March 7. -The following State- changes) in 3 hr. 15 1, While piayiag In a gains Of football
I "The spipit.g m,gbt get it 11 she de . seizure of many curious and weird The Supreme Council recogillZ irtent by the grandson of the famous Very few women campanologists have
elitred, and she voluntarily e eeuted the beet or mutton may be given at times objects ,used by them. . that eap!tal for the -restoration ot the Italian patriot, Garibaldi, wasobtain. equalled., I between the Tower. Ramleta and Vp-
ai, od & trust. The girl's mothe", R050 In pjac(_ or the beef juice; not more . #-- -_ . need In EMU-' ping Town, George DrIstowo 25A Of .9t,
Rector, hits f1led a petition ileplaring the devastatedareas which OalftOt w4it* n attl- The dAath Is annOu W, Mon.. George's -in -the -East, London, WV.
belress Incompetent of handlirm jl,er'own than a tablespoonful of the scraped n_y pr j)e-.Iy be raised by anticiPA- ed with a view to recordi g the burgh Of the Hon. James
afrhlrg meat should be allowed daily. AfOr tory market loans. tude of thr.i -.ectlou Of the Italian crieff,, 'third son of the first ftron kicked -in the che'st, and died from
is etititied to the InOMY the eighteenth month a soft-boiled es that An OxtOn- lar meningitis.
I leases in ,the n4ine of heP NO WEDDING The Council agre army -that has been sialiDorting' Gab. Moncrreff, of Tiltibole, Ile was One t1lbercu
Tile ri fresh q, -g mq,y also be given once or slon period be given Germany In . up. Gen. OO&
tIhIro. , . 1 Jurne co
r.tl,.9AL1-6d1 herself folloWIV.g discovery of I riele crAnnunzio's r of the leading lawyers In the Lothians O:
oil on a stretch of otherwise worthless twice A week In place o,f .beet jule.e. which to make prolposals for fiXing Peppluo Garibaldi Is one of the "bit. and was 15 years of age. q ant soliciting subscriptions f
er loted to her frOm A Small ple ico of staie, bread dried in tile total of the reparation, payments- ter -enders" who hastened to the poet. During the past year there has been this magazine," said the canvasses
Indian land. She Is part Indian. th,,. oven, or a piece of zwiOback MOY . BELLS FOR ""MARY The Allies have instructed their 111 don'
I 0..* the reparation warrior's aid. In the early stages of An increase in the number of deposit- displaying a saillplO COPY.
.. I I be givell, neuAllY with the mid-dav — representatives on the latter's Adriatic adventure, and Ors In the Leicester Savings Bank of want no second-class readin' matte
meal: after the child has Inost of it', Commission to ask Germany it she Is s S around this house."
proposal has unqualifiedly stuck to him Allies. 4,170, and the bank now has depo it, I
MIMONDBIFFN temb. U^ ; j, 00.n Q t, -red to make Stich a , , — . '' ,-
. pillptIl prepa . .1
, in Because of his great influence over the —
I (orange, Strained oil V V? Wi and to inform that tneY are tea j,
Fruit Juice - , , 2%5, to auth- Italian soldiery, Gen. Garibaldi's state. -'::
I Irdw AER - - run 0 juice strained) may be given an Never Marry. ac;ordar,o with article atria to 'raise ment Is of Importance in Its possible
gs orizo 0(,rmanY and Au:
11 liz before one of the milk feeding 8 for the bearing on future events.
TAKt,) , IFE sovelot teaspoonfuls every day af0r * I a loan abroad to obtain fund (By GEN.
. the nlixth or tenth month of age. At- . purchase of food and raw mattrial. ir,,PPINO GARIBALDI.) -
, . ter the eighteenth . month a table- Will Devote Life to Pic Aytiels 2aS of tho Versailles Treaty "President Wilzbu's,theory in regard
be given tures. provides that food and raw materials to an Adrlsv'c settlement x' Inimater.
When Facing ,Arrest On 9DOO111141 of baked al)010 may I . osselitial to enable Germany to most lal The obstinacy of Jugo-Mavia'Is
. (without ,sugar.) lier obligat.ofts may be paid for out ,ro'
. -Swindling Charge, Too daily diet of 4 child 18 months material, The All' -al tergiversation
. , of age ohould bo arranged sonlo'Nb3t ' T,os Angeles, Roport.-Alary pick., Or the total reparation sum, tentative' Is, Immaterial.
- . - %e first, second, fourth ford Will itever marry again, I but Will ly fixed at go,o o0,000,000 gold marks. 'What Counts Is that Italy occupied
. I as followa, q is, should be ton or derote tlia remainder of her life to . , 4 0 o the territory in question aud
Ched PoigOnDOSe .Prom and fifth M11 do fact
siat twcv.ve onu-cea of milk prepareft with motion ) ictureg, Ace6rdfulf'to intends to keep It. D'AnnuftZlo lect
. Handbag. gruel. The third meal Should Consist terview she gave here lastnight1c, Plume so as not to embarrass the .
. Lost Angeles Times. This was'th"i IF EAR Italian Goverriment. However, should
, to t
. f s Of milk and I ANOTHER
Z '-f Jules, scraped beef or first statement she had niade to the I the jugo-Slave attack him With tho
. IeW )r0;tX RcpO,tt._Aurlotto Boa_, gruel, Willi be, , - -.senibling under
,d dried breia, water and frnit press sin,ce she was granteil a di Army they are now a.
- '
who beeanle Widely kn-OW11. In egg "' e allowed vorce from Owen Moore, Tuesday, at IRISH TRAGEDY Gen. Sween..-,, formerly of the Anierl.
ifter, , Diamoridell julee b jug the only t1lings Milliden, X*vo. can Expeditionary 111oree, Italy ,Will
4L914 as the "gueell Of bgtr,een the feedinge,
4through baying been charged, together "t Sought a divorce because I waut- lautieh 18 diviOlMst Which Are even I
er, with awIiidI;a9 I Children Can 113pally be U=llt to t ,J to be free," MlEs Pickford said. now fully equipped on a War footing,
4,NIth Joseph MISItLgi . (,rap .,it from 1.,"to 15 Situation Said to 330 Ohallg'
llewellel* Of ., Ajd p.V' 14jhjleout of je-wel- drink froM 0, 11.1ft. 'Moore Is a charming Inaft And 1119 Ra,pldbr- hovering ne-Ar tile border.
1r,V valued at tbogaqjj j, defied the po- months of 49Z. tit yegr of inost genlair!! but there ,-ire many I -d. I "Tile 'United Stdtes d"s not realize
41 ee to take her illive Wh011 th.07 Vrom the third to the isix ,,tanc
,_ ,es wilere n_ven two. genial liero
. . t1le serloileness of the Situation. The
%,Ought to arrest her toAay oil Lt I A -e millt should be tho basis 0 00 sous cannot agree, I Went to, Min- - feeling In Italy is Stich that every man
I 41,1, It ,1,s staiili.rl 91")"011 I dell three Weeks ago with mother. I .. Is ready to abandon everything and
f,r"h swindling charso, The Nvoeg ' ,4. , b,t,1,_; j* Only Co Can Avert -er agalft rather
to I
I , 1( 10 xii r,,quira a quart olness a
%yf 1)lamondd' WAA to the oriiro of )s alplrj bad not DIAllued to wore a divorde start tht war &II w
iAtlajagei , who also was Included 10 4ally. V,I-eavii is of great value In th6 that time. I was nervous And un- collision. than give lip Italy's rights to ,the
'the 0large. when d0e(1lv(,3 tried to diet" *.q1)eeirJ!y if thc)t, 1.3 tW13tiPl- able to worlL at the Studio, and want- Adriatic.
10'rreat her. Owl. From two to eight wancea may Pd a trat. Nvbile I was there I -,Vag —_ "Let presideut Wilson encourago the
*,You 11 sover take 1110 tCtivc)" 8?14 be given dqily. It 111,1ty be/ W.163 Upoll Informed that Mr. Moore was 110t far - I,oudon, Cable, - The Ortollic to. Jugo.slays; lot Sweeney start tits
rea 31 111Wn pate q t 11.i 4 n d away, Wbrking on loclition. day featurek; a Iliublin despatch, BAY Ir first rifk', shot Will be
is%elllmed. e! Litot h; b" - legion. The
I tier bsud flaahed front bar band- c ". tho Irish situation Is Chang- the Spark that 'Will let 10080 06 toll -
mixed with millc- Tfien I daermined It was the OD- Ing that 0 despatch do- fla
Use to tier mouth Arld 0e faulled do 11,ggg -There are ,I V21116111AN form of portune flinkt. 'I 11 'd no knowledga Ing remarkably. Th, gration ,which 13 likely to plunge
IfItntly ail. she awallowed, a acte cf , V ch-011i'l be fresh, lWt be.,, abloore would not clares that ,1101:111119 Can av(!rt a fresh the world again I*.to undreamed-of
later lo thfi proi ld. TI1( , orellal j that Mr. DO11108 horrors of )10w War."
0 1 never fried. I , Be- tragedy except the utmOtt 0
I - I `
,Ws n $he dlvd Z littlP bt)ii,,, ,l or'po iclied. but cont(wt Cle case, X0 I Immediately 11( authoritles and ,Z
1volunteer IloePlial. 1, 11511gilly Qgg,.t s1lauld not be 91V4111 Of- cured ti, lawycr And flied my com. rn the part Of t I
. that any Inerease In the rigor of mar- WI11i,.j%; Tilk,l BANI(MR, TIMMIMMI). I
in tho- htridt,95 the P011(10, Ifit" Ivnim,r LI'An U0F i4ber dly, A' ehll- DIRint "
ofarind unput dianionds valuel 9t $SO-- dren readily tire of them. N me ppoplo think my divorce Was tial law will InoYltably precipitate Now Reporttr--What was the worst
" and ,eeveral thommud cloollars in ,Vome form Of 111PAL OhOuld I)" gly- Bfttlrt,d to pormit me to niarry again," mueh n tragedy. !0
tab. .eyi ,onte s daY. The b,Mt IOTmx Ire shis continued. ,,This ix not So. Mr. , The etilef danger, at 'Ording to the fingrielo.1 pIftle you ever went through.
4dift Twarier worked jlq*ew York ircom son so,parated for (iraphle adyle", Is the wide-sprret4d Mr. MoneybAgs?
bepf_4 FbaSx--TAt 210 See. COW-
.1c, m%Itt0,1 c,,I,V %nJ roant Moore, and I haye bL
1013, she, 141t 4tuddlonly for I had wanted a dI- ponyletion tbAt a small Damin UVAtle Mr. monc .
I 10 -,..0 wifel"wiw in thvh latt*r .1 f1pk%r or Jamb. next to t.,lpge the,whito tbme ymrs and - .,
*. '. f.w I "olA In"+ It W" fklnlj&lv to avoid Awc,11% 'Pl' Joe In 1*11t on settinr Irelitud'R. in 01 e one 210t in the Atr"t W,
To #L .,All 14,n . - .
. s6vid later 'Aaldon TAnO dIMOnd ,at nr ehipiten or irc V;.,t,f sad a Vtt uatlon as ,I I*v,s fnnnd mr*W In youths into tko open so that #,, mOr- dropped a niente ,%nd gllZ&._Ch-Ica go PlAin Naler.
bt,1244 aniarmnood that th,*.Iv lntf*- jklic,illot Im bolli%;I or I)MV411. to Any that I put It off Aft "g." soe of the Sini Fein may lye brolteu Wnmer PIAIMLM It,
sb4mt $W,kii wOrth fl f*n?1##- n,qt wn ithnuld be RITI"n rarol.
. I . . I , I ". , ", . .
. . . I . N- ... I . I Ir , . 11 ' .
,. ti 41. _._.__% ,; -ki ;, -, 1 ft , ,"I'll -A, I 1. - I I I ". I . I I I ........ 1-1, I ,
,ti &" k& I A - :
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. I 1. I t 0 , , f
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IMM94" mm"d
111"711W 0&
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iii904 am*^ am
'Efidirm fAba—ft on 4
40 0* = =_
0 1&
P _.", ~ "T=W*
111111TO" ^ 90004k
1110% "o 01W
. - ____ _. . . . I I 10 NO Rj 4
DUO%7 WO",
, T%% ON
4wo" Nakw we^ **#a*
, -
I - ' ` 1-1
I. -
" _1 I
RA to"
wuwwm #A* 00%001"ft ,
upow 40 sow at *#" OW& I
*V"WA#& 1
1. "PI ' _ __ -
4A, Ur I iiwin
P.MS., L.P.&
loctor of DentAl Surgery of UA Vaum,
0 lvanle, Colleye and Licentiate ot Vow
t Y,
a Surgery f, Ontario,
CIQ,se4 evor$ lVoduesday 41teraoou.
Offico In Macdonald 131001c.
-1 I I 11 - I 1%
W. Rw HambAy i
I 01046f 11014-t O.M.
" *#oniion paid to AbOA&W
#4 .W-
ot"A and c1bodren, uvjus
fiken poottra4uote WO* in Nut,
Ivy, x4afteolOgy *ad 00140tift I
X94follno. i
OtiWe In the Xerr f"140WO, NO- '
tw *0 Quson's lutel O" 04 f
34ptiat . oh=4, I
us befts" &IT" WOW A#fflr"0*
nw" K , It 06. A" us
Dr. Rob
..., .'Redmond
. (VMS.)
. lo.".P (!Laond.) t
(ft. 4buhain's cad stand), -
I r ...
ft DT
Graduate of Tjulversity, Qf Toronto
Faculty of motolne'Lloentiateottbt
Dnt4rl.) CIDIlege Qt PhYsiclaft aud ,
I 03WIC14 laNT"SCE,
OF .
I JOSEPHIM ST. r PH()Nfl 29, I
_ assamwvmaysmasoaxmi lllllllllll llw . .
I :
. .11 .
In the Allied Economic,
After Conditions -On the
. German Loan. I
. — '
-Paris, Cable.-Prallee hast neither
signed nor approved the d0elaratiork.
regarding the economic situation of
Eurone which the 'Allied Slipietne '
Coun il has,proposed to makel it was
declared here to -day. . I
The original text Of the Allied dec-
laration, it Is stated, begins by act -
ting forth that small nations border -
Ing on Rueala, Must be obliged to
make peace with the Rueslan Soviet
Government in order that the econ-
omic revival ulay begm, ,' It follows
with the statement that GermarlY
muet be provided with -the means of
resuming Industrial ,activity and that,
since the prosperity of E e-
Denft upon the prosperity of all coun-
tries, It is proposed that a loan be
made to Germany, guaranteed by Ger-
man assets, In priority to rePatrla-
tion payments, the loan payments to
be controlled by neutral commissions.
Instructiono are being sent to 4in-
ba&zador Cambou in London, It Wafi
declared--th!c; afternoon, that be sIgti
the declaration with the following res.
ervations- I
F irst-Prance will not Join In - A117
prea uro upon. the small countries
along the Rusaian border to oblige
them,to make peace with the goviet.
Second-n-ance Will not consent to
giving Any priority over reilatriations
on any a,. z.ttG of Germany pledged lor
that purpose.
Third- France w'.11 not consent to,
the control of German payments WI
any loans Germany may make by auv
Other organization than the Repara-
tions cominlission. I
,_______.4 —
I I I . I
Sentiment .19 SlAfting to
I Terms With Soviet.
.Even Ludendorff is Veering
Berlin, March 7.-Th6ro to A strolig
shift or sentiment here In f4vor Of
getting 'nto touch with RUSSIA.
The C.Zman Government IS still Ad-
lierifig to the position officially that it
I can do little or nothing; that Its Own
hands are fettered so far as Any initi-
at, ve in rel .,itlous with Ru6sla are con -
corned. But it lias informed German
Ifinancial qud induotrial interests that
they ,.ire free to do whatever theY,efill
toward re_oa1,tb,,IshIng trade with Rus-
sia. circles which hitherio, have been
strongly ant:_n,jIShevIst are bow tak-
ing tho,atlijude, that it the Loulne Gov-
ornment will fork wear propaganda and
all meddling In tile Internal affairs of
Germany, a baula can be found for a
politleal. and commercial cutOMO ht"
I tv,,Ocil the tiva countriez.
B.ven Ludendorff who, Only twO
Weeics ago, In an intorview, appefilell
to the noil-Bolshev:ct nations to 90t
togetilov, and put down the presOnt Vft-
. gime in Russlet, Is said to have tO1111
to the Tpalivation tbiLt this clan no
longer be done, alld has been MI but
won over to a polivY Of c0nelll-'01011
with 3301slit'vist ItReAlft-
- ,4#.6.-_-_#.
,,What , would like In the way ,)f
1A wife would be an Ad rustid. with a
big fo . rtimil." "Y611 t0l"Idn't -Xflt 151111
a Wlf<t, ,Aqtj vnn,%Ln with it big for.
111,10 11,tg h,.It a eimire, to br-, an old
oietld."- liftitiniore Arn#rleax.