HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-03-11, Page 6- '­- , - . W- '. � - , -71 1 1 ------ ­ � - -1 , I ­ ­ --- � �� I - 1 --7 -- , ­ 1, - . - � I "il 1I EV7, 7rFT7T-1WF1` .... -" I, . -- , 1 . I It —,-PFW' �, Ill - " , , .- - I 1: il I , — - , 17 -, ., it -P-W 10 I 1 I T ,,, -­ 1:: � .Fr-1T""*Wi- I I rr""Oplo" -- - I '. -'-:1;1 -I- 1; . ,� '771 ,9r — I I� ,Mw TIT � . . , �� � , .1 7. A7 ,� . - 11 —.1it"olall 1111111111II I --o ....... 4.,.11.- -­ ­ I 1001006114*1111124= I I �--­- 11 I'll, � 1"���"�Nll I. == -11- .=ZI;IoI!Z !! 1. ­­ 1-1-1 -- - , I . � W,49I 1 "I ll . ­ ... i -- . I --*V##-*******�#*1*****1l � �� �, . ­ - 0111-1111 ­ ... --1-1-- ­­ , .1 11 11 ­­=- I I I (� 1� 1. I I A , I I-- ------ � - . I = � 1 It, 1. .1 il­­- - I ­­ , . � * �, I 11 �- . I 0- tIons", be Xald, ower a V41"In. "but- . 4- 40 � I 1, .. 11.1111.--1- 1 I—- !, : i !I 111,041, � ftim ­­ ----.,,W- o :M*11 " , , - . � -- I - . I � "A " , I . � � , you, Mollie And x4ry 004ton, bell I a sullet, la Bran Twouty Yean. ! 1"V* ,0-7', 11 &*i*h RMU ' Keepyoureyt I I '" If YOU HAVE A FRIEN ­ . 'I don't Unders IT . ., a 4�� 1 �, , . tang jt,- X, . I �� I ... � "I � � -� , 11* to, A Li 4 blvA belom to creep over her IN ILL HEALTH After living for twenty Years with . , ,� d , face, , "�, JI,'. � -is B Ji 1 P4*5 1�14 genl twAlo tonic %I tb#y ,w A bullet in his brain, Bit jrfi�m ,xl��N� "**"* It -ad 1. . -********* # , r 2"Onth ra lt�,. I "Mary Beaton come over with us- , ill be Alt Instral gar ivitsus, VAIANS all A, I a' I.- .,,---'f* ..- -, gratefu e broker, of Trel N. -I ­�� , -­,�A­­ V 1 - Calcutta, IndI4­`kh0 UaieVouienta - brought us, $40 And her huob d 'her " I' " 0 0,11=1 tonla for w1mons growing WQm4nhOq4, J -P Was killed by A five -root full On t4ij y VAX " , - , G fon 4 ,g. Change- 0, ljf*. -oto. granite Steps Of A Now York hotel, funjoull dair county ,�� I , ot UrI Irript!on engineers In the to VM$11LU M41 ORGowl"i gplel"90911ro " 19014 at 4L.11 Druggists or sent diroot 14 plain W , ! ' AA� AN 1r)ZAL DAIR .. ThO OACTC^ that AeVet! diftp,polAft tho U11140 IS Mary RAW(IQU now. )$Ajjn0(;Am,% A011h, ��-'F(- , 11 Conattl Of the ailost im- k I 0 Ang Hatchley, I - near Norwi , � I,. Pu4j4 d-" f3he paused; the 0 ra;i. The medical examiner ,discovered thtl 0��;d pte, one ksnoot"Itiw ta teso 'v -s-4**, Per 04 r*QIQPt Of Price, 0-00i per box. 2 * . ! .., Prooelve *h , . %. , bluOh grew 4 bullet in 4101; . pa 1�0 I tho hLetpry 'of I ­ - . :� eeper. --- . .- . the MAu'm brain, thought p 00 Of I gores, ail jhdq,�.draja � . I "Me camo to EugJ4 ---. -- , If-MJI* troin statioll, two "tu"; bmk � uritioll �i I �,hoy, 14,11 ITClo.3114d ' ' ,,,, "imia; " :1 U4,n to prompt- . - �­"!�­- - I first ti q C, , , I � .. . .�Ouormou, . � I � -j a 1$AX ALAS wii by tiarn' Out-bull(Ilpirs, and drIllad *oil; !jW _ �j t4 , ed, In Amazement, his brows draw �at he had b004 Itua"Ountably . , � I oil but learn telephoning to 11. a lot *�,l b4ve, , I I I ob 111,wn as the FannY Dalry rarm; ol"a" �, 101111404 , �Jld - � � : � / ,,, Togetner In perplexity, WDIAN0. 104I from limbo above to those below. his home how long 330 ba tP t I proleperoue agri . I "To tell 'no,'# tattered clytj6, 91 --*...-l They ,Sometimes .4 varl the s . Cultural . ber leap boldly through , , I school. church, milk conden or ana .... .. Colonies, and hAve, ,.not- It .. bullet in ills, head. ` `v" 'actdry, will name ' attrIaotivo I . I!. "Pace twenty or more teet, wit lee for Immediate sale of this valuAblo 40MAI)Y, converted Ilie Put0ah Into , I I . eyes 4OwlacA6t, "TO tell X40 where;yvu ZA# ReMal ReMit RAM jo an they Ii ,A. +++— YlrrrA. Robert I)enny, It. a. No. 1, ' t4 ik' Q qtt,,ot luo - ludia"a 1,�nzl- . , , I I were," , spread out like a Parachute so that , H 40 ,,% . k . I 11 � ;1 � He stared before 'him, than Aodded they appear to be flying. They land ,!"toy, Ol ;, � ,, I , I-ViOXOP I th4l, iuteri�ilul I'� 0 I �� � " . Deternlined. , HOW's Tms? ­­ 4 1 16 9 I I as It he began to tinder ' - easily among the thick foliage of the We offer fioo,00 for any case of ca. $13t000 -21 ACRES BRARINO I 41 �, .41111QUAcement that the lrx'gatlort on- stand. ,�.*glpeera Of. the FunJab Are tainkipIg of . OMMOF amms I i "Yes, she know who I Was At least one nation In the Y,�Qrlil - tre0as and their long hair appearo to tarrh that cannot be Cured bY IIALLIS grape fruit, cliterrileAr, PI i , � i , , I I . I I . .1 I And she seems to have solved the problem of Ilell) them tu landing and In le . aping. CATAURIJ ME,DICINE, .s- Currants, And berries, vineyard I . . ,Q0.'0.AW*Q;%ftvL � -the Ug1hu.'urg of , h 4,�, k� I I sic betfty0d me,"' he Smiled half4bitterl I -� , trad'it I "Alld y- "self-determination.,,, And at that . . HALLI (1ATARRH jkXBDrCjNj,j W of 15 acres in bee , -varieties, YOU 444 Mollie c I I it to easily among the thick foliage of the taken Internally and acts throu the 00, . Ame out -to doubtful it any of them Frame. dwelling and 0004 * -their Ion Just a ontury a I "'A"Sealed Packet is Your Safe o' ' to , It condition and boot 4 i , , I vli�, the opening of tb e W estern --- I � --- --- � A 0 . find wall, ever read trees, and their long hatr appeared to barn, convenient to Static, , �. , I I - --- , I .� --- " ! P! -- - She made no reply; ollenco President Wiip(ll "Fourteen Points.## J31004 On thO MilicQua Surfac I and r4dial, 40W h �Iji, the Ick, -11 —,", - I , I ! �!!� . 11ely them In landing and In leapt System, I , , 's '10A,at by-,'tbo prWAI ' - - ­ � . ­"`�� like a ,Th ag. es of the 18 miles from 11anillton. Returns from , 1".. 1-11-1--- III" --- . dove hovered over 000 People, Are the San Bias in. proporty -- - � 'this Show profitable invest,, ." ' - - 0 L Sold by druggists for over forty, years, in I , :ye* 1810. ot that the Westor-i 10"Mu, .1 , regnuut wItfi them, a Silence dians, whose Mr. Lang, who ,hunted ,�them lu"Xi- PrICO 760, Teklmonials free, "Rt' a- D- BlUar, 205 Clyde 7 � .,';JuronA Canal of that date was by . I �. I -- � - .0" ­ P Y40110 Suggestion$ of a I country lies geol jobs,. In i al I , . , 11 11 , al , . British B 41; Africa, found I . -*.,.Conception or construct!ou a British I . IY In Panama, Just South Of the that they were not difficult to ap. F- J- Chene , Ohio. --------------- I 31ock I . I Intense import, 3' 04 CO., Toledo Hamilton. Ontario, nogeno o34, I - I � .­-, I :� ,01 ,—#.*�- ,' 'Work, for, the fire . You . Canal Zone and bordering the carjb� proacli Unless they had experienced I - . t canal fl .. 04- I ,� came out to find,me?" he re. ,be The Dill i I HONG 04Np . , 1, I . .1 ... il- . � . Pouted. , an Sea, hunted before. lie found them . . It Belaiall $0 ACAVS-ST LOAX� � I �- . ­, I *JO=na RIve was the work of ' -.----------1 . His face bad arown pale; he They got their nm bo'n , I ", acres hardwood timber, mostly � .- , r I our � ., " I ow'"� ver the upturned box, Afrilea. I "."'tughlo ILthe �wlddle of Alle, leaned o me in the papers to bgvegetArl And that their,elaief large body trees, 16 acres pasture 14n4, � � � , that the other day Q q roorps rough cafit house, bank barn, . his hands working armies raided a Panaman-tp L, - A I " I , ' served for a table, when one Of thelf littl diet WAS leaves and young, shoots. The time has been wbe:n 0410111; floor ,box pen, Other out�bl , ""tefto ;CQ, fi� .� Later. Emporokli - , , �� �� � I ,�'Akbir remo .1 ,restlessly, his eyes fixed searchingly, wn An 4 They inhabited the higher parts of news from Ings, silo, rack littet., delled plad, extended It. I , ­kjlled seven 0 a the inhabitants. Darkest Africa Ill the Congo regloo, apple Orobard, ;L I::�',', 0144 Of �ii4�t'V'rQ.�X�-OXI)re�!640"1)1'tiai� �i I I , I I � wistfully. With an eager hAlf-dol on Just Wh t 0 02 trees, travelling In groups of five or ills from churches and school o I , 1.� *.,A , : � n ..I SIR WILL . , hers. at the merits of the Col When they leaped they citteu present and Oil road ad;loInIng stone, road 6orth And ,"MDetl,041 language of these days- . * -1 MR. . I Rt six. Was dark indeed, but the , '4eA44.-. ,!p S 00" I'versywere It is Impossible to Judge at , , 1�-`bqltu 01418",' of �the canal , , 7 ?11 this distance, but It to i�ore than like, West from WaterdoWn, 15 nillon from "'A =" " ` 0. , I . I., �Vll'., �.,;�. ,;� . I made a -great noise. They have V. future of the tribes that embrue, all Ira. ,ton. J, B, BIggar, 2o5 Clyde Block " ,j own to, Hlsas�r, let., trow, both for' .1 She tried to answer, but failed for �-17 that the expedition was a punitive o 10 a told, solnethIng like 5,000&000 On. Ontario. Regent p34. , I . I n lay, growling howl. There . . human namlit -ehAd& and bl9psoriv.,be ,, 0 nIted-, t :, .. j A, moment; then she whispered, as If One. - theory that their coloration protects beings scattered'over a tropical ter � ri- lt-----n-��� f I Cilaal Iii aradise,' � I awwpwwffi-l� I - ... ; $be were ashamed of her own voice: them from their enemies, making tory Almost as large AS � B , $4,000 -NEAR BEAusvi . ,'.:iiiake it IMe''a If, I - 6 III . I I- ' I ­ s - I I . The San BIAS Indians are Perhaps t4,()m difficult to L1,111, $0 .� ,,,and In order t1i4t tlie;.'aweet riavor of ! e-­Mar7­0sJ4 You were -in dan distinguish from urope acres Clay IOAM, Including$ ' I . W11IL- L gQr.11 I looks full ,of promise ' ,acres bush and Pasture land, 7 room* . . . IN ... I , - � . emalming hermit nation, one reG briok house, . . only been Frank, Belgian stone foundation, good Col. 'j�,All." - , ". . I ,.., ; .4, � , China'& great 'Wall has not S 1, jrare fruits m4y rcAqh,.tho. Moths of - , . .., I ., , , . leaves and 'When, hence they have the, report of Mr. al' . Later again To � . --1.1 I been called Invisible monkeys. Jar, frame kitchen and W004 shed ver, .. , The canal was tin. I \ 1,le,,,!,-,,i3ii,�qi��, j . I .1 ,�- ,, He rose and Stood trembling, his Plerced but lies In ruins. Thlbet's ISO" Many Minister of the Colonies, covering the andah, I., �prol and a'branch carried to D31hl . C. D�;�.� .. �­­ J I - I I :. .." . 90 DO going from white. scientists, however, do not give much Period of the war . good barn soxac 9 I# � .. - ­ - . to red, Ills lation has ban violated a r- - by Shah Jeha4. But After the reign — � — -! � , —­.­llll.­- - - " . breath Coming painfully, . X� , and laying out wheat, schools ch , r h , acres fall . - ! .. 11 11 tent; that any m.odera a credence to this theory, Programme for the future. a Stier, AlltjAilg- - . u a e-9, etc., In CitmD. I 1-1.1 I ­,4cf the Sixth 2),fogul, Emp tally armed fore den, Village 4 Will talm . _ . "Ton thought I was in danger; and 0 i During , � -mll "14ek the a Slb'bol can penetrate its fastness, Perry MInard's Liniment Cures Ourne, Eta, 1� the war there has been Practically no. 'Ity hange. j, D. Big. . . , rapl;a fell Into a state of as Young, one he bad SO You came; 'but why?sf trouble In . the Belgian Congo, ptob. gar, Property In.e e away, 'She raised her eyes slowly, a , etc, Hamilton, Ontario, I "'rapt '110;, gh the, canal � quite Safe. Will you try and Stan , opened the doors. of Japan. White ex- I., 205 Clyde 131,xc � . " ., ,.4�i, 011119f. 4 .'. thou broken ,In before he left Parl ' � 0, 0 0. � ably as a result of the lines adopted � "a, . . ­ IV . , so th ?01 . s if the Regent 034, 1,* 611ddtl! ' W �u -j, till `0611ftt th6'Inid;, I I may see if' You are hu 1140 were heal and looked it him, ran Bias countenances no white vio- RE UUNINO THI,M, I l 149 .41gh-bred, and as full of spirit us an up Your a' t Plorem have exploited the Congo, But I � Arab; but the ruffian in frol of by all by the administration, for any idea �. . . cry of "Clytie! Clytiel" he Ittor-not even a 11spigotty,,, Jeweller -Why do you want the 4la- of forcing the natives into an uncoll- did land, til -SPLEN. . . . . ,-; lo.at, the OfWeetttlh oentur,y,. It then 11114 bo'll got� lils voice was still thick with the W With a . . . .A I . . I , . tell " 11,141k I #0 4ecAy � An& .1waso to ­ I I � a startp and Jack know OmPtion which thrilled through as down on his kpees beside her and It Is tile low of San Bias -that no mond removed from this ring? It's a , venr easy 0 underdrained, 0,. ' ,',�pll Intents. A &'ipu ' that he would lia*6 to ,call upon his every took her to his heart geftial mold has been 4bandolied 600. terms. -4- , . I :, ��When.4�6jd % C, rpOl nori-existeut 1, I * 'perfect stone.. �,, And $7 West avenu XanaOs Routledge. I - � .the 4ulinna I I QPoe to,do Its utmost. it wa c veln; but a change had crept. over hie ,White man shall visit that pure blood- . *940 Gr4bl the Country is being governed by 0 South, Hamilton. * -0toe6ed , CHAPTER XXXT. ed Indian dominion without express 11, I've broken MY lllllll�l � .JA 1803, mal hoWas beginjing to. tame]%, Now, r CIS I -We . ''I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ",I'll',, � , c ort than Derby, a Mr. Green anti It, - =:=:=1,,1I ... "I ... 1111,1,1,1 ... , 1, , j" 9 greater- imp , the . 30 vely had Mollie and permission with adapting methods to local conditions. 11 ­'. I I . �'Offlcer of the . a life so preclo r It. Mary, Seaton worked It, that 'only two I . I � "Not Only must We decentralize our I CELLANEOU0 � I a ."ung I race for life bar their parting, the reason fo and that no white mail agklfis��'In 6-16 JI tile, ring, 11 � r:­� Inn 1817 us' In b's She Stood up -he gave her his h . - . �Y'=Iplb ,.,- � Administrative organization," runs the MIS . I . ­ - e.0al �nglnterl eyed: that he a' � - I I., I 1- I .1.f��lajsi George Rodney i hook in the oaddra, and And to Persons In Brumley Were aware that - --- - � . � . . woe Ordered 'to the velas In his temples seemed burst- help her-anii Pushed from her forl the two MISS Bramileys had gone I t. ; - � 4 . ":, 7 . -,, , . j -,-- ��i, - ��.­­;;;w )report, but we must Continue to OATINION I EXPRESS ; 11.11 , restorq, the , Ing � I to -;, �� 9 I 1. ,,..fanal, and . . , head her hair Which had been blo*jj.� Aj�stalla, , � Money Orde to. Convey water once more . It,bad been alsolutely Juba- � H 0 100 M J= jLmp w -ft study and make the best possible use rnree cents. r. X`Ive Dollars CoBts . D h I ,'"With 'a Word :to the horse I loose by the ride In the wind. - M I .smr..- 1W I I � ,,,,,el., show " "that Beaty to tell Percy. because X . ,. - M of native institutions, respecting and, . ". I I �� . ,�s The,,'records . ' I . oille % "I . .w � I ",;. tfia`�"aolv of Sir 07111jert'� low 16vibi Its'neek, jockey fashion, and "Where are we?" she asked,.still in lenew 'very well that if he. thought -,f - I., ­ 4, or Strangles In stallions, brood mares, colts and all *th-, developing them in all respects, even , I ­' Ano, Bart, .�J-X,,',.�byslclan !n or- settled down to a swift but steady a dazed way. I. ers Is most destructive. , . . ,, ; - I "Can we got to Mol, they were on the Continent he would CP -'v " I 0 The germ causing disease must If . they offend our ideas and mora � I within lie?" Ill, P - M mr be removed from the body of the animal. To prevent the: conceptions, so long as thby ': Allaq 1tq, -=a I. -I I -11r-," 14' 1806 1 PPL' , _ ry.g , C POOPAO gallop, holding, the horse wel most assuredly follow them,and Would - - tiouble the game must be done. . '' do not � I ,)ie "ent"and the,flien op"'Irmy as Oment came Jack glanced at, the horses. HIS was buht them down, If he were compall- (A. % A, � offend against the � , . . : I his power witil tha�m for I . . 4 the decisive rush. He gained a little, standing wi A essential principles I buy any quantity of Apples, E � - I . . . I . . . . �.,.;&det. In 1808 �.�, be Jir"'ved and In , th Its legs apart, -almost ad, In doing SO, to tramp from � SPOHNIS, DISTEM PER ,COM.P,OU.,ND. . of humanity and justice. Economic- P es, Parsnips, C P y 11 . . 1, N 'rob' -,of -th4V,,,j*t,�,*M,.Wdrulttao4 to,- � 4, As be did so, he saw ClYtle glance , � t 0 arrQta or Turn vs. i . an town I Mrs -11 spent; hers was, -hobbling, dead lame, 'will do both --cure the sick and prevent those "exposed" ;illy and Industrially, the Congo ma Vill quote You Prices. oil any other I . I .1 . , I , I , �. I 0 - ' 'Over her Shoulder, And heard her cry feeding at & litXle distance, I I him quiet; but she did not tell him I .1 reasonably - become prosperous and D. B. GORDON I � � I At, icg'W, of � Il ' t ' , " " to town, She�bad to tell.him to keep . from having the disease, Buy at y v . I ­ vbI1aAt-fIre-W0fItdk In, Put,, A wist, owaiA before life e as, b F? C, I our druggist. Y cgetableB or good butter. . i - I . .Ahe­Art1JljaXY.-­*.. .10110117t, "time I-VIter.; , . Y .is "I am.4frald not," he said. reluctant. the cause of their journey, that Cly- I SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Sole Mfou., Goshen, Ind., u.S.A. Important in accordance with those Cor. Mary and Afacauley, Hamilton, Ont, I I , . I ' ''I'li , ' Itpi were, parched, the breath seemed ly. "The horses would not carry us Ile was married, or that millill 11 11 — -- essential fundamentals. . One may (Phone -Regent 3049). ­p*ard, howeverl a ')ft,$, � ' . -- I 1-4nega-In the,.'*CQrp,j-','V?tq,iP�04 all to hiss. ae it passed through tbem. until they have had a rest and some Carton was -what he WASIM — ------ �-:�—TTn!-" hope -to bear far different and better =m --- I I . ' iliklne�rs,- I . . , I ­ . I . .��'-And, was* eifaplO.Yed ?..� st ehld,'.*&-� i 10140 he raised his revolver And fired; food." . . "Percy had at first compl(LIned bitter- shall never be allowed to remain there ANCIENT CAIRO. things from the Congo than one has ­ . I ', lin"T's, Of(lc,e­ .R. w. -, 'but anything like ju'effectj�e aim un- "Then we must stay here andwa ,� fall. The penalty is an un- FOR J$ALZ - erved . I a� 8461stant au 4deir � jt " lk-Of the length of Mollie's proposed after night � heard in the past. I I -' I � j .� I S it "c!Attlt;� - '14"'I&OIll der the 61reallastances was Impossible. she said I PleS21tut Indian form ­---­­— . " 0 , �. ` I ,roypr,-u. 'A�d '11lis6nee, and It was not until Mollie, � 4 M do I . ......................................I .. I 11Nft1^----A1r �--- a officer U 4- h . - -,T, . . The i the bUl-. Ajol is!,,' W th evident distress, I of execution. I . � NITTING YARN. ALL WOOL, SAME I sy, and n �t 6, fl",the* -'Ciiit4 . -driven. to desperation, as -'she said, had People are not exactly agu I . I I K. qualgly as We made for Red Cross. I . .. .. I � -sent. to. ,'i"600101 -ft ,-,tIf6 � Public % Ively. 1 . Y 10. ji� one dollar thirty. Per poI � I .,� ' &-%ijc`.� 119. yba�� -116'� 'YATI need not be anxious tuitutored. children of the Jungle. Their ' DR. MARTEL'S PILLS' -� ' G,.r . � I Ury [ .jjn;Ttji'6. ov , It 'let Whizzed past him, And ,Tack fan- 4 I . The San Bias Twelve Thottoand Died of P1 I- ., '*ps. ' I .. � I -pled he Could hear him laugh derls- about given him a half -promise that on her law works only one way. Thoy are In One Day in 1492. .P. . . Z _ Mollie," he said- "she *111 kno rOfUrn she would -well, c'' ' thirty cents. . I ., I ': P,Work Q v that ease to laugh frequent visitors to Colon, Panama .... � :FOR WOMENS AILMENTS Sample of oln I Ask for ,. I , A.In. prQgr V� 44'�O,Amdnd. Uar�, I should come uii and leer when b our fine Lambswool colorW . : . I * , , tt . I ' Jack know that at the bottom of tho, to yon In time,,, e, should tell her that yarns, Georgetown " and �)Ioyap r, !-Ili,'� iia � he al and tile other cities of the isthmus, %lionsands of wornen have toistified in the last 25 Woollen Milks, ii,,.on� our t city IF, Georgetown, Ont. , . I . '*Qt4t . he sit -a I.. - ----. . .. I . . "That Is true," - he^ loved her, that he became sOlnel where many.of tiAem wear white mgn.% 'known to have existed near t ���� I. " �. -� t - - ­.--�.# - �k'­­t­ g. - 0 . I -,-,,O,r was At , down. which they Were disseend, she said simply. At the dawn of history a . _ y wq ,,,,a ,,. augor : P ­ . , , They stood for a moment In.silanca, resigned. �jna Ut.$ breafteck pace; ran ,a fork Both I Isla � I 'Lady Mervyn and he I . . . ft(r-.r-'0*4'he-.- � "hiftbil' ,'� In the ' clothes and speak his language, They of modern Prepared re' edy 0 and , 13 COX BARGAINS-OLp I . I I . . . ,,,Mr)r�t-U , -Tack utter. are hospitable, too, in their way,when 'Place of combat d q - W Disc � overies, SIX ECRMTS " � . .:-;Oou,ut,��_.Rii.tiv-QO,.ik!c�C-h,4..iRk-oj. :11114- Dig- . tb---., -, � ,...I.. I It" I -.11 - a; then war,, among those very rare persons I Xhleremobe, a of the Aver from the bed of which an awkward silene Cairo. called only in a P I'll, an(L No S � I , menstruation. Sq.1d ten d I r bOr, and continued to be , el go t ng thel gold.' Hie ad a. little sound of relief; he bad re- who can keep a secret; and the rest a white man Is alowed to visit one of ' because Horns %nd Hinge -cover Box. ; t. o I t, or books combined, 250 Pages, wor valuable . .. . Mill - Ce . . a e me th $1:60, � I emproVd &d.­k'- Jur�eyor until horse vould not take water readily; membered the hut. I � - I ,of d3ral though rather surprised their villages, but as the afternoon. Beth, of mythological fame, fought by -Wall, P"i0s U- o.k., " no only 25c postpaid. Write romotl6n 11 1. . . � the the time lost In fdroing It t There is a place ,near here, An 0 , Y' the girls' sudden departure. and there, says- a U Pion* SL East *ranto, Canods. , P I . outbiv.ak OI, tho.Wur*.,,Wjth INkto,lt, hrougb " tt-,, ,� n exchange. Seth fbi nd . Service Co., Dept. 81 110D .Toilette, Mon. . � 1 1.41 ' L , .. , shadows begin to lengthen the polite a treal. I : 1814III w hon h Inted sur- � man & furth I Gulch Yol , a pro;6n ,=.of his brother Osiris Cuttiln. . I I . I � , e� 'was appo -`l- . .. ­� thW Tiver--would give the ,Red rider's hut to which I can titie 'th ' 1 gation of their tent, Were host hands his visitor his hat with 11011 Ja 1. . veyor and aer4statti. Pj�jd engineer to ,or stlart. He put on the You can rest there until ' "not At 41111usPicious. Exception might Partl scattered the Cannot Denla . � 1. Spurt now; the*�Ivar,came , ,the Indian equivalent of "what's Your nd Gold in Britain. ' ' , . � the rield force. He, 'TeMa!ned with In sight, or some of them come W" Do" go cnl�'. be made In the case of MO. Hesketh -Pieces; whereupon-IsIs, wife of Osiris, ..,... I .� ... � �. I the X-1bice till the cloia � Shining dimly in the faint light, With He got- his h for us"t hurry"? Fortunately their country is hunted the frag,hents So that Sit !",-, FOR SALE I . � I I .- of the cam- orse and Iffited h r .'Carton, for there were times when he,,,Small, and by hurrying it is usually � 0 - . � . his teeth clenched, and urging his to it, and, supPortin . 0 0111 46fred Mr. Knowall was heard to assert ' ' I . . � Pl 1916 . Frdhi";Ulli till 1817 g her with his' I himself whether their stil possible to reach the border before he might* - erect a monument for, each. '0 . . � . . ... ... .� . he ;rgat L�a,hlana 'arid from 1817 h0l ,by voice, and Spur) he came arm, walked b Ide. Not a Word was- 1-tlikht and the length of their stay ch "Sicks the dog on you." that is why So many tombs Of Osirle, the other day that a gerson could JU - . � � . I ..... . . to le he was 'oup,erintendent down the slope like an avenging spoken. Ever"y now and then heard� � the'000tizient had any more serious are encountered in European history. legally demand gold for bank-flotes ATMAkAJILL '�* ** 1. . . I . . � , Of and saw his prey climbing the bgaondk' _ Naturally this qort of a law some- .. . . � - . Cana 1�-Aud buildings I !it the districts - of the river. lie raised 'his revolver her sigh and felt her quiver, as slie ,jeason -than that of feminine caprice times gets on 'white men'.i neives. it Not until a century before tba',Vnr. from the Bank of England. He was Capacity 140. barrels. Owner re- � . �. . . adjoi4`169 Delhi.-- �,"�' . realized all she had and whim. t, a modern period of Wrong, tiring from business. . I � . 11 � .1 _ and fired again. The man swerved gone through, ­ is all right to put an Indi YOU could do so before the Appi ! '3$ �, . H6,,`,'cP eno#d w6r1t,.,Qa ,tfioi'we$t. They reached the hut and he 1 , I I truth, .because an out of Front, street East, Toronto. y I I . 'kna , the Con- , him - , and, in doing iftedl Re dIdnot suspect the your house with the cat, b it Egyptian histsory, was the preslunt war, because tile gold standard was =====:�— . . . � � ern P Canal .In 1817JZ�opened It I 80�pJerked lClytie's horl her down and led her In. �� ...nothing bad occurred immediately be- casian Is not used to It. And there vre Cairo founded by Goblet, lead3r Of based on a ru . le which Provided that _ , - � I - t . I � to ttt ation *In IS19',' and in 1923 1 There was a pile of Sheeps ,fore thelf'depaitute to rouse his $us- the troops of the FatImite Caliph the ------- �— . . ' kins In some men who simply eannot ,,take a Bank of England note %sue must ­ HELP . WANTED - , "N" I I,— ". E I 'Mo 1 1 ... ­-­� I9906111i� :a '00, " mms� 99 , - A " 1 1 't- I, � D. I I I I �[ 11 � 11 I .1 I I I I Wateki ftain reached Delhi. The canal ; It atumbled, strove to recover Itself, the one corner, and he quickly made PIc1OU Both, ClYtia ,and Mollie, had dare," When to this fact Is addeil tlie Mulizz, following the Egyptian con' be backed up by a certain amount of . , ; � . . bad ;�Ias4d to"flow about the year. sad then fell forward. The ruffian re. it into a tough couch. I 1, � : been * . . . . I I . � . I leflSed the bridle, turned in 'his sad- . . . ", friendly as usual on the. after- twin lure of rumors of gold in the quest. gold held by the Bank. The gold - , . ­ 375S,fA'Vid it !4' 6087' to imagine the "Lie there I noon he had called to Invite them to streams and beautiful L C * le WANTED I - .. � . . ' t and yell a vol- try to sleep,,, h d atandard, however, could not be I � . 1114 to sbake hie fis and close your e indian roaMens . In the year. Olumbus diacovei' . . . . lstate�'A#to Which It bad not got through . Y�01 and* 'the picnic, And Mr. Granger had not in the villages, it is rm wonder that ob- F IRSTCLASS KNITTER, EJXpj]R. 1. . 131xt. '6$ Sol utie of oaths at ,his Pursuer, then a said. I . I I America a plague swept Cairo which earved when war broke out. . fenced an Dubf4d Flat F ashloning I . . Y,, enty years' TIO-.1ect. The dashetj in - Ghe obeyed, so far - discovery of more than one white adventurer has Is said to have killed 12,000 eltiz n ' Machine. Good w . . . ' to the water, swam across, as lying there Teferred to the strange a The bank is now under no obligu- ,Vs . eartlf.,�-Orlt must in pl4pea have been and WAS I and half-olosing her 0 Sir �Wilfred's renunciation. It was tested the hiw of San j3las aml fol in a day. It was a century bb S inan. Best ogieksinpgtLid tc0on`d&jPt&16bn14aP " � - almoo';"Obliterated, and the offtake I Ost In the wood on theother yes ` Want; but, f6re tion to redeem lie notes In gold as in daylight mill. Mercury 1whs, . , " , ,� ,.. froml,,�,�tbe . river. doubtleas necer-Isitated I side. 1. . through her lashes, she Watched 1him true that be, Hesketh Cartlen, could .it to be as determined as its people. that when Cairo may be said to have Was formerly the 0aloe, and the Tre Ltd., I . I � . . r I a COAsWer'ATO -.31110Aitit of original , moment or two -which - as- Hamilton, Ont. I � . . In another light a fire on the hearth, take some .not bear of any one receiving letters -- I .— -- - ury have issued Treasury ...... L� . I - I from , the girls; -but he h nt Cures Oand - I I I worW'�Blane !d6cided to feed *he seemed ages, 4OOnS of 4read and aux- fool tinned meat, b(s,-uiis and ad to ask Minard's Unirneo ruff. --- the value of MIR -111; - 9- -� . � IetY t* Jack -be had gained Clytie's canaLl a , channel known as . . tea which were always ,kept in ia�idt- cautiously, al letters might ba-ve. 0 0 0. I ' I � 4931ft - -Clay, Alt side Almost before he bad reached Cut,, tot4lflb I hough V riess there for the visits of , li- tbE come Without his knowledge. He to- HORSE -TAILED MONKEY, � 2 . )l `­ . f her,, sh# had struggled to her feek and � .0 0, V1 So -t ,, hM .14ng ;`anco 'izfAllen rider Wit -from the cupboard; tobed belled Inwardly at this check of his . 1 I . � � Into .Afouse, and�'Ih;4 "llow -oft ' sto',Id, avilaying a little as If S'le, were � , ' I I - I � � e.d,by that'� ly a (Ter dizzy anti balf-stunnea, and w,th Ib,r.r name on the ' -him as he went out lot v ter ,(a ., And Doming back, set the kettle to boll! hideous Scheme, but he was a patient man; he could afford to wait a few - Pe&000k 'of Speoleo Hu a Won. I I � � . mapaL!; ut the head -%vot Im"I'd Pressed to hel He can 11 ' . its, Atere only ght and only when. he turned to h�;, I " derl Cost. . , . .1 ." . I . . a SIW'41 Item orr.-,th6,pjO Tinme; it l.er oil his arm-clut,ched her, rat � . 9, her I closed her eyes, and pretended to be . I was 4.,' - at cry'rl tlf4 t&Wou-3 old -and pressed her to, him pro'.ecting- canaj�`f oin I � � TaUwalla to Delhi, about IY. He forgot in that electric rno. unconscious. . For there had be4la an 'expression In those -eyes .which . Of the recent monicey groups at the . I 1 170 4 1 .41 Do, and, Blaue was a,so at Inent their Parting, the . gulf that I . worl I % , . L,;;o th H4POI Yljj;�.nh. 17r -;I Yawned bet- -, " ,,she shral from his seeing. . f . . . V -��f ,American Museum of Natural History, .. none has Probably attracted mo -1- one, which are FOULTRY WAXI , legal tender for the payment of debts, � �,,,— , . Neither can the holders Of these de- T-IRNS WANTED ALIVE, -27 � - - - - wl oolio% A mand that they should be redeemed IL A pound,, any kind, any size. , NO do. in gold. ducti6n for shrinkage. I' from any station In Ontari ., Pay express The gold standard recelved fte final o. Ship Col. lect on delivery for full aniount in crijtq I blow on April 1, 1919, when the ex- or boxes or I Will send crat 0. , Al. port of gold iv,as prohibited, Nations bert Lewis, G66 Dkindas stpeee�a�ill To. � carry on their trade by barter, We r0ut�, Ont, . .1 . � I I I - � I send so much goods to the Argentine$ . 1. . 1. q �,� , , I * . � �. for instance, and they San I .. . I . much I � �Lll;,-�? 11 .1 I � 1. ­ V . 'jk you rested enough to tr And 0 Uor VIATMAILD-13 LANIAKENT I - I 0- . 6 ; . . .1 long."� re bi a tention. that that Of the thumbless �— - an the two, It Is Satisfied b.v, � ­ � I WISOIC,J10 Aler� little ex- "CL11tie!" he, wfilsperej to her eat something?" -he Y - BEST Liniment In use, . — � betwe . I , asked, "Ton ape�;.-.colobus, Popularly. known as . I the export of gold. Now that ou7 cm /A I'm' � I Pbrie$'c' 00 "'c`�Ir 6Viricer "­ there h-arheiy. "Don't be afr?.d. You will be better If you 'I got MY foot badly Jammed lately, attainbd its zenith. After the Plague r . .. . Zi .. i , ' 'us . A train , dl can. Stog, Stay I hol They have a Period of violence, rapine and mur- - . I -11. . . 1W tailed monkeys gold rel have fallen very,lo I'S * ,q j'-Uboro nate' staff or are ,a quite safe! it Is Ij Jack- Where you are, 'stay' i ,bathed It well with MINARD,s Ll Often been called the `h It le estimated that at the .. w� to Qu4ntities, , '�' �1 his 'a' d rest, I wil . end Samples. Sta . laborr., Ja ' , uglas, y&j know! andsomest of der set In, dment � I.''. . . . otinlmand,',and the fr6h- ek Do I . Are you brl you some tea." an MENT, and it was as well as ever next and sultans were an- they only amount to a twenty I I I NIBrftleb. Ifidla, as it was then, hurt?,, I . ey And tile Peacocks of the throned and assassinated with dizzy- nijjl�jon pounds -the a 6`0111 MORROWA CO. ' - tier " He brought her some food, and she day. I I monk Is, . Was a very troubled at01e':­It'*,-jo, ---" : manage to drink . tribe. Unlike other monkeys, the - overnment has 39 FRONT ST. E., TOAQlNT0,.'&NT. I I � ther � je, only rem ; He feared that she would faint, ex. tried to cat; she did . Yours very truly, � 'Possess a wonderful fur coat of Y Ing speed and informality. As early probl the exPort. Conaequently, I ., . . I . I . arkablb orgazilzitig , pected her to '10 so, but tuough she the tea. Presently, without raising - ; . long, As the thirteenth century Christian we must do our 'foreign business by '4�� 7 1 1 1 . ablIM. -Und energy on AFUblta!n Plane's ,ft, wllf - to and trembling, sho met his her eyes, she asked* � T. G. MOMULLEN. silky, glossy black hair, but from their persecutions took place. ------f�-- ' " .. I . . .. . part jkht Anabled, hf�,r -101 reel a "oo shoulders -and down the sides of their the city has been Islam, Since then the export of goods or on credit. -Tit-, from all hround th'ere arose the soun& . I � .1 .1 . I I .. . . . rain � _ Canal to lrrI Ilon in , two eyes bravely; and tried to smile. "HoW-how long shall we bave to bodies and flanks hangs a rich mantle 'Years ago an excuse Only eight Bits. *'� � I of simultaneous snipping of teethand � . . � . atit as far aG 4#XO, 1 am not hurt," sh:3 manfLgp wait?" of- long, silky, white hair. They have, ,� Of the Grand .. . . 1-10. ,d . . . Delhf IiJa three. to , . . 'Ruftf for declining to approve execu- of hundreds 'of . . I I --�- Chrfstlaia Zol. , � breathe. "I am not hurt; bul. I . "Three or four hours," Said Jack, a long tail With.a rich White Plume . black animals rushing toward the (oft. . . . . .. I ence ' lim-�-I am a little frightened. 1-1 after consId - tiOn Of 4 Murderer was that the crime . tiol . el "You must try to at Its end, reseifiblIng a horse's tail, I " , !,� - � didn't think you would save me. 1,et a d have black and white faces. WINTER WEATHER - Guns were discharged and the occu- � - . � me --let me sit, down ' moment," Sb -You must be wom out,vp - 11 Weapon not mentioned in th . L (L 0 % 1. j: 0 pants reached down, and slashed with . � ----­01�-* 90 to sleep again, for It Is -a long ride, Weeks or months for the accomplish was committed with a revolver, a . . a went of his fell designs; the prize was. These curious black and white an!- headquarters a Xoran. their knives at the swarming Pigs be- . , , 1. ­ - DIP." ; sank on the bank auldl "No," she said; "Istrangel mals are found In the dense tropioal � . . I � 111011000I and YOU I :" A � Wapoleon's . -A- .;�, , . while he stood Y enol worth waiting for. , I do 't feet tired. I am very I stron Calro.in 179 HARD ON UHL I � near her, so near that he Could grip I -n 9. The picnic came -off. 8, following the Battl� of - � . I, 0 was ' it Would not forest" of Africa, from Gambia to tbe Pyramids. The commander Bon- I H L-1) low, Numbers of these were cut do*n � . Candy; and H�w t Make It her to him If she showed much frightened, have done to have abandoned It, _ by the men In the fort.. but others, . - the least t - In deadly It Abylbsinja In the north to Angola and aparte left ))ehind was murdered. - Impelled by those in re,tr, threw - I . Sign of swooning, she fought f errorll�­she shuddered a lIttI6--"but Was a great Success, and enhanced Nyassaland in thEr South. .�4 " s . I . . I D630tibed. breath and composure. ,or that has passed, I sup . Herbert �1811 the French finally we In Our Canad,an wintera are exceed- themseNes forward, ripping andelpsh- I � � . . I !, P I Pose because' r Hesketh Carton's POPI Lang, assistant to dislodged 'the health of little ones. Ing with their sharp'tuaks. ... �, --..--.. "Mollie, Marl she panted. feel so safe," silo added, as simply as . Y; for lie Curator of inammals And Oalrols Independence was re -es- ingly hard oil � . made a splendid host, and was as at- a mi m o �has ,The weather IS, often Go severe that Suddeftly the attack cdOod. The � It 41 great dcal (-Lcuper E.,> d -I Elie ' "Quite safe!" -lie said, Booth .she had assented to his assurance tOntive, so altogether charming, as to hunt6d- them for scientific Purposes, tablished. I - .� the mother cannot take the little one, Animals had silently withCraft. Then ! lcand�.#i In a mixture or chocolate Ail lnglY- that Mollie would know that she, -Win the hearts of the ladies, . Who, when finds that they possess many remark- - out for an airing The consequence is Without a moment's ,warning save the I "They All on their way to Parl ClYtie, would be saved I Minard's Liniment for gala everywhere 14ULkl$ than iul&4 6.4,0&jIt YoW came III , Th6y �Are Picnic Afterward, vvere I When born, they that baby Is con ned to overheated, crash of teeth came anotheir . .J tc'albu6. wb&e' discussing the able characteristics. I � Jie%uis; W-lilure.pta" a b "I'doh!f like, to asi you tiny quQs- are white In color, but about a week -- il wild , owl .in unanimous In praise Ol tact And 'I If - - 'badly ventilated rooins; takes cold charge, and the ' fight1was renewed. , I _ 1! --- I ! 0- - . ,I . (.he f0ri of a ste9ftiltig f6& kettle,, -and - -�; .,,� . � ! . � -----�--- - I amiability. after birth their color begins to under- ,BURIED TREASURE. and becomee arl and peevish. Baby's pU-t .*111�1 ej�.Cl t'bCo, . .. -%'D I - - , 1 - Again the bigs drew off and Again � 11 . J;L t 1� 000101e, either. 1. * WA IIIIIIIIII --- About this time, Mr. Gordon, tile go a change, and In about two months - (Sydney Bulletin.) Own Table -I should be given to keep they renewed the cha,rge. Seven times Ila e' r cut - S dhoeo-` 'I.- . I �1 . 010 WEEMW - I- .. they have a coat Of glossy black fur 37ortuna Tollol ,will I � * .4 . ,111i4."L When the dhoco I I" , I 1. I I L . . member for the Bromley division, was discover a the little one healthy. 11'hey are a they charged during the 'night, and , . -% I with ,White sliky Mantles depending buried treasure. mild laxative which regulate the not until down was the last grunt � I late as Inialted 1�4,4rltlMl Of vomilla , , taken Ill; and as he was an old man Mr. Henpeck (resignedly) -yes, I know; W., is -two-th-Irds ,� I f uletill th&,"boi q "' ' ' - The %5 I? is a I 4I st from the Shoulders and sides. stomach and bowels; and, thuG� prevent , ton d t D Ro' , W A K' D - and had once or twice ipoken of re- These its my wife's first husband, heard. , full. ... Marc, or 'll,01 " ." .. � I . --,. signing, t1le L Conservative party be-' umpers of . I Pl­ . a ., - loss, chocolal�-% a& ­ , 4 I . . 10 monkeys are the greatest J - I cold.g. The Tablete are sold by medl- I 040 A r or lighter ehado Is deglred. " , �,. I " NIAOARA SQUAR91 IOUVALi), NEW YORK. ` gan. to look round for a candidate By any- Wheild Ignorance 19 bliss the folly box from The Dr. Williams' Niedicine — da ` ' '; ­ . , "I . They Inhabit the tree tops, and ` Dine dealers. or by niall at 25 cents a St4r .... tonally 41ta a. fork until the : . � - �"'..­%."'. - . . i" In descending they Q . Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgla . � ftell I 4$0 1 ftixtUr Is. warIfie4­ t1j�Oirk1j;, .l , *, I a strange and useful Coincidence, Mr. . _ take ,long ,Of Wt8dom always comes a cropper. Co., Brockville, Out, . L V n , " Men, Are You in Doubt Real Carton d 11 I I . IsPlayed, Just. at this, PM - . - I HE MAY BE A DUMMY. beat * 411 until AtUtii,ot itire astme conl- :,. �� period, a 9ftead deal of Itkterest fit the . 1. -- L I I Moston Transcript.) . f +44-- � ­- - - , - , ­ .- - I � slatepet. Wbeh'i I601d'Iork Is dipiied .: A* to .your rtrol �, - � Have - you s9r,44 OkIn Charitable and Publid Institutions of I . - - -­ ..---.-- ---- I PEOCARIES. "Who Is Edith to marry?" . . well UtO It t1113 1�6'0't shquId ion ,r)rf .. .. oruptioit gut Is stilibbor", hdt resisted! troat. the place; doubled his existing sub- . -- - , . I ::Ws name is Bridge, .1 11 � I.. -- - , ,O 9 a coat ng about Ila ., ­ .�, i I I I . — Good gractousl Is she Carrying the I slow ,,I Icavin , , , , I' 11 Montt 18 thOts A ;ncrvOto$ condition, 0*1j*. scriptiong, and subscribed liberally I 11. , �. . a craze as far as thl " ' NOW F006110 Wild Pigs' � 0I tot fin incWthicl(on !the fork. , , �� does not IMPrOVe In spite of rest, dlot oq where he had not done So before. The �. 011.� I ,, , . � ( .-1 I -60 0 . . It t -'- 1hick add ,A little ,wate ti,b�d Medicine, A're'yott toing jown hill 4"W4,1Y Wages at the works W4fe Increased, � \ -� I * duct Warfare, "-FOR ILLUSTRATORS OTHER, . d desondent, Wsjilk . - u ervice . r a6d 11 �� " �, . A48 YOU. gg.AVOUS ,in I A., �X At Yo IS I lbeat� kaln. It tdo' thin all jmore� ,,, . � I . . r � cb-I 4�te And fondant, . . sind d*bl1It9W4,tjr#d: morhifigs; no jiMbitign � ooid Mr. Aesketh Carton went among -11 GOOSE. % . I _ I the men with a smiling counjonallco. I 1-1 I I . Wherever You Livo. L (Buffalo Evening News.) " I . . 1� ). The South American Decearles "at. , DrolijUe carildIft, 'one, at f. i -, --liftre", In0l abno, -*gaily fatiguodl .ft� dropping a Pleasant, Word Or two when- ... I Are . Little Miss Murfet Sat on It tuffet L tinle, f - , a . I I! flato thts bowl; dIV, well into,t' b1tv"44,110id 1*1I 19Z.6fien.arily arid, 06tMo. I'll ( formidable because they -attack their Ing her ourds ant] whey. . t � h � e!nilx- , � ! dance? t9 thoro taill Over kA occasion presented Itself, ( � The woman fit town, or country, has Xler modish I 'Lure 1.0til en't ..W f I I ng POW691, a dNin "o"n "W . gown tight was simply a a frOTY-:cOl 'aIK lift ,,, -- lyirtehlf C641641t th* old relldbllo apeclalls* I I '% the same adVal as her sister In enemies In large bodies and with great Ight, tot- Poo - out *�Pltkolhg a fork m, . . I And yet he seemed quite Surprised % I plo who passed d-ei(WI Una""r the when a delegation from the patty,vig- the city In expert advice Vigor and bravery. The method and , lil 'yqw, . �,� the f I has from the . I ork ACrI the edge ,6f ; SYMPT01410,00 VARIOUS AILM 51I Ited him and formally asked blin'to lt-knOl firm -of Cleaners and skill of their c '�� " �* j, tbb 140*1 to rehl'ove 'All �sl%P011juUjjS 4 1 ' 41 oik 4nd't �1 -- . �) I - Dyers In Canada. h&rg6s suggest that they AT Coll GV1. I tv A%4d state ot the boad 401"Uhnoi, dt becolnO a candidate. He did hotTump are led by Countr t t,J)"g0te, and drop 001 lWaxled paper : .Is tY. latit of Ili oviddnoKli � I a chief skillful enough In I Y 'Visitor -So You're giving your it I t&1 0 4 � sltlon, dith nlaho4 �lli��ll��'1111111111 I. 0 them, by any inefths, - And aiked I son a liberal education. I g the for Iloatlon, onor" Ima Coal ont (-' - . I hold I . � r r or IMPI recelve the same careful � -k aa Wob or iwo above ftl d w 111; power, tbiij in IN i P06616 from the country sent by mail predatory warfare to d!reet the il at r of vendirig diLnge . Sur- Farmer-Liboral? aawsh, yes! I,m Sh#11. t -314 larofWallafts 0411 towel to 01641%, Ow"ttal dopi dark r n � . for a week In which to 60ASIder their f '. rounding And destruction of a power. 111, out all tile tIm(,.. . 1 �. .1 the "Oer. 49 4008, "$,or rm In 1*07C. If2tubt 06 -flattering proposal; ,of course the� Pr I �. Nu �4 Ill .?"v6p . N tl ful Jaguar. IN , i" 6 Viol 11 Aftsomnia. j rj&* 4 - . �.� con t .; 446- . alttantiOtt as work delivered Personal- --41A.%1k,,­ , on 11 6 .r % � "I ly. w,w4r you 166 " pressed him, Wad, at last, with modest k . The object to be stormed is sur- Wuttl 4)POing the ftecanUt bills "411200"i"Incilracl aff'r 6btel of- , ,,,, .. a it,* "In th6 troatmentor t njo, nervous, Death overtakes us all, 1,ji fact, -oice,oal may b." E "ou 0 relietance, he consented. . ... .11 I . rounded In stlende by A, circle Of hun. death 1.4 all riv,brtakes who geta the T *6 sylAptoll *U4 1141ay others not =tUttonod, shwo I RRIX's is wrong Wall your VU&I Ol and that y Mr. Garden retired, and, with the, I , dreds Of Peecarles. At A. given signal ' tt#nt sit. ­­ - � Jump on the undertaker. Plal Of' 016 1OP '61 each at, tbat:th�; 't, Cleanind and Dyeinj Wf`.som I I � : CAMDA , %rm *h* auf4r longer? I.*- 3,66 moo - - _�t:�.!tjL- a=,!t!Z ", , may bd distI12811181fod from the aut , hqual beletItY, the herding" broke ou,t .. A Simultaneous 81101)lug Of teeth tt- t!,,! .111111�0 1!.'k....*IIIIIIIII, � "' tora, Your,bbysicAl condition t; f ma - a irlsol wth. tat ..'ss too With Placards Inviting the elo :� 11 I 4 W4) Clothl'"dor 11011sehold rabirles OCCUr-4, Which Is followed by a toll. I � --- I .. Nu."Jerne's ,And pjoe,et 0, f;gs dl,p. lull ,dtotg to - 1, � � .. 1. I . . � ­ ­ 1 I � I . ­ I— 11 I .�� 4 holir n1elltd'u-1011"n fOlk- Mfth to so cacel one au000sdful� eaungat basod on Ito ex"lu I . � has signified perfection In this work . . 1�� �11 . . . I .. , 'Or years, the name of "Parker's" largest and strongest reach the front , I ., ro I . , = On't be A W ki verging rush toward the centre. The � U, UP four mIn4 to toll to m#,76d will give tbrGol "L%* I Vote for Hbsk6th Carton, the Work. , I , ­jL.f&y - pod I ", & V . � .1 I ft. malkli . , , I J, firwip . Men's Friend. 11 b - d"t � Eta Of a Years in troel t"" srA L entit. I * " - . I . � 'Ing old things look like new, 1* g." , * A* ftliefous. I v. � , . LU His 0160,tion address whe pronOunced . Of Mak fIrA land the -Miallost and weakest .1 Arap�l � by com I � 1. ,� , ". � . Cut, 016 stema opt 28111111to � "' Or- WA-1-d's Mithodt V1WrV&lId4 T1161I and PornisntML up the rear, Those in front are ,olcel& and ,dip each lik wbftp� vanilla � I . , p6t8fit AdikeS a inod(41 of *hgt 1. I WhAffior personal garments of even .. . ... I ,� )fto Y6&ljz# thgt r4u b*046 in address Should be. and 'wheii he ­ . ­. the most fragile material, or house. =d on by tile mass In the rear, so .11 . 1. -r?4140t, ,irelted 11% the chocolato 6 I Prain. 1 ­ 111 ,that the eftorfly Is constantly eon- 6 - , Of that 1110 brfiIr111h1i"*1gvT1fAAt1f1VtH6O &ou r"I%A tt, Uf�'% 4idip.00 ,� )AWItAr Most 4:a 6PI Pit the -largest hall,111 e10 Mama Md I May Wht %-A,t6 4 It . 4gloof, Of *no-* health b" "t ta" & man I'd �11 gr 167 to mill his first Important pub- �� ­ � I& fdroloo. U�nw al al aware IZA to a, wor JIM` hold curtains, draperies, rugs, etc. * I . s, no matter ,*Yowblb"atliottqttft"#"hweh4w,at�� ; --41*4— � U. tj L $ft Ito Political ilbe6dbs h6 Addressed an ­ ... 11! WxltA to us for further Particulars or how many he may have disabled. it 4 Jun ft Woe home O'l it:. , .;. I " .1. send your Parcels direct to An Ametlean engineer, while Aur- *0. the "Y4 I � ENGLISH MONXAY. HON ImMeftild 'Audience# and roused much #A* -00" Wa a thm$* 6 � file Of Welsh rarebit, ijonie . I � 00thuAIRIM, His 840POrtets Were do- . ­ .1 1. .1 I 1. - veying a DrAlziliftn forest for a lall- bko it td6l,'ClIll 6Vk*thIj somw ta * � "Islit, , "*4� lightad, and proplihied success. . I I WAY routes fteountered it herd of pj�e- . OIL �-, an Yon are having a late I'll . . I ­ I "O Z1d"9Affii'XAyVe*ft1r#4j%knga - till (TO be continued.) .. "J", .. � , . eAtias one night and With difficulty %" "Will V160fe"00hjua thil *Ill � 'falt supp", try longlish Mon VA , ;�a . — I f�ls I I . Otl, 1. . It a *up or state brtad ­ .1 .- "I drove them Off, 1118 experiol affordi The Uldo, Girl is f*hL - crUMbs In a cup of milk f4t, ,, ------------ ���� "I'll", I 04* - 141pp"PID. .1 - � jjprty .. "I , :, #,/�­;­ I . Tj � XW Oldgirl (Very zich)-you love , , 11, I I an 111tiqtration of the bravery of those 1%0 WALK!"t moust 1� . "I"t 0096AXTA 4*:' *X . I . I �� , I I lk wild 'pigs. tril &*4 "Kdol varA In *ue '�, .. .0MATION. , tIli, MI"AUtIft X01t a tabInpoonful of I . 11 *. I I � I , .1 . � . me now, but will Your love over I I �� Ill JIM tk#" 'Wl tmvwft ." . ,butter 9ft the, cliatins digit -with it half *4064 Un lift I ft* Visit f ­,­ - I One day he And his party came upon Wflimul to&-koo "�4ft . I, . it oup a , It Ales, 8Of4,Mit4 chaeof. Thtit :�" 11 To, I " I . I I Will 4 00 =60 *M" a* 6 Change? . , � LIMItOd A morft8g, the furrowed ground, trod. a4d tW' m0lfted eft1l An egg and . .. .1", " V*A gookli I I � !, 0 � 0" "I" - I � f , t t� fT �­ � l0"Wdio0"0jW4fTft*,ft �'' OF , I ; dell gralis, turbid P0618 andPIPtY odor It**& 1Wn*1brt"ft%,%0**b** I "Ms"ft4"40*r*6**f1-V4' � ­­ . "Onerss. Of whilch Indleated that it w1in the W13 ur M . W"42 141 Hunter (abstntly)--What &re yo I 10"OftlIft, Cook tbrea mlautf.q jjjj,A I tiavestmelats? I � . ­ t w, M htadquarttrs Of all the . . �r *"vs Oyer orisp stI .. ; , -- ­­---­­-.­­.,.­­ - . I oerp � - - - Pecearl In TheWALKERHOUSE 1 ­­­ ,� Many & rial ItIm In life I the vielftity. But not .,� . I. - - i � -.-- --. U r*4 11 ?91y0n9,k,8t".T-­- "Toronto' ,a pig vras to I I I � be "Wir"MI atrioted to O"tils 1111" . sieen. The O&TOP Was forl In , aW.-NI; 1 I i 01MIRRII I I ,-- - ­ � 1. I the vo,to', A,# n ­f & ks, f.-..... I --- ­"I"IllplIll ­­­­ tight thers c4M41 Art al Suddetily TO' CA*Ab I 0 , 1 4 , _,_ _"I � Ir . % ; . I.; .,�,� I - . " I . . �41' .. il � . 77F-711 ,,"W-7"1"`s"T,TW,-7-vT,T , � I - 777—P4 " � -­WTF-1l1P7T"9T"M` �., I ­ � -11- ,�� , . .I.Ill, .1 ­1� ,�., - I f � 19" 1� , 1 4 , .- ,-���,L-" I.Amokkafillil