HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-03-11, Page 5r fur. Ittst 1000 TWOOOParty Line Telephone Service > CESSAR'Y curtailment of new construction during the war, followed by the unprecedented development since the armistice, have resulted in a universal shortage of tele- phone material. In order to utilize our supply of equipment to the best advantage, to re- duce delay in installations to a minimum, and to avoid refusing service to anyone, we ask those intending to order -tele- phones to consider the advantages of two-party line service. The cost to the user is substantially lower than for individual line, and the service of a high. standard. We will be glad to furnish full in- formation to anyone interested. • "Every Beta Telephone is a Long Dis- tance .s-tance Station" L. $inhley, Manager. 'i fie Bell Telephone Company Of Canada. 7. r THS W 114 OR A► 1 got 1CREAMERIES DISPU f1i PUBLIC' $0001, REI)ORT N, Taylor .... . , ... , , , , log �XXXXXX "r' X'XX"� _. ,...... „�. � .,. L• Hutton .. .............. 1!?Cf The spring assixea opened on Monday (Continuect from page 1) R. Binkley ... , ........ , .... ...... 233 �+ R Rae ....... . ... . . ..... . ....... 1$8 THE HOUSE of ; ALJT More Mir. Justic+: Lennox with four cases J. McAllister . . . .. . . ....... . . t , , , . 223 I, , Carter ... , ....:..... , . ....... 187 ' n the'docket. M, Mill ....... . , ... ... , 224 Lepard ......... , ......... Seaforth Creamery Co. v. Rorell et Al. M. Tenant ......... 224 I,, Fells. 234 rats a claim and counterclaim by the L. Groves .... . ........... .. , . , `' , " Z18 H. Fields ..., 131 Worth and Clinton Clreamories respect. �I M. Carr .... I$7 l� 108 rely, The Seaforth people claimed that: ( R. Wagner . . .. . .. . . . .... ......... 175 1)e proprietors of the Clinton creamery P. Gibson ... , ...... , .... 174 C. Carr .... . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . „ , 247 , ,..,...,.., 15G A, NewHutwn.,,.Y..................;"100 ad uttered slanderous statements regard -1 A (Hartnell .. , . ... • 9 l;. Stoaklay. . ... . . . .. . . . . , , , , . 183 is their methods of doing business and ' V. Campbell , . ^ .. , ' , . ' .. , . .. ' 147 L. Bennett..... • , • . .... • , ......... 1$0 W � have � ' ��� received � Goods •+ � ad thereby caused thein considerable ! J. McLean. 13 J. Clarke . . . ... . . . . :.. . „ , .. , . , , 151 our New Spring g toe o Dress ess 'LJF o o ds )ss o!'busineae. The detendants on the F, Ford ........... . . . . ... . .. .... 122 x It, Armstrong , ... , , .. , . , 96 ther hand claimed that the $eaforth I G McDonald....... , 104 x M, We1r..... ...... . . . ...... . ... . . 88Dmpan' Silks, S Poplins, ; Dining y had issued s ed tatementr letter regard ni; C. Agnawon......... . . .. . . .. . ... . . .. 75 Wirth .. , .. , ... , .. , ....... , .. , 80 S a ) VQIl etst and �7f'inghams, Now -Curtains d xl W cern. The claim and counterclaim were J. Lavin 2 x B Armstrong . . . ....... . . . . . ,. 83 Curtain Materials also 7 ,eYalQ of Rugs and Floor Coverings . Dch for 32u00 and costs. The trial judge M. Saint . .. . . . ..... . . . . . . . . ....... 60 Jr. Class, Total 150, •ied to bring about a settlement but was M, ' Sttt�an'p CLASS Mitchell ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 138 • s)suct essful in this, and the case went to J. Allen. , , . • . . ... . . . . . . .. , .. , ; , t .. , 228 Spring Silks Silk Arlene le jury, which returned a verdict for Those who missed one 4veel: marked x. J Johnston , , ,, , , , , , , , , ,,,, , , , , , , ,, 124 I 400 damages for each party, Each Sr. Class, Total 200. C. Blatchford ..................... 124 arty will pay its own cost. 0 L, Lewis, E. Bennett .. . ... . ....... . ......... 199 M, Hartnell .. , . , ...... , .. , ... , .. , , 120 All the season's newest and smartest A, new fabric of Silk. and'Woof Crepe C. (Chatham) and R. S. plays (Sea- i K• Reid ... . . ..... . . . . . . .. 196 W. Johnston , ., , .... , .. 118 shades In attractive silks, The excellent A beautiful cloth. firth) for plaintiffs. W, Proudfoot, K, j Y. Fox ................. . .... . ... . . 195 R. Brown .. , .... , ... , . , . . , , . 118 « for ladies' dre4ses. Alf for defendants, M. Robertson .... , .. ... , ..... • ... 195 M. Drummond .................... 112 quality shown in our silks are highly wi- the new and wante'd shades 36 inches �. Penhale v. Brenner, --Robert Penhale, L, Peterman .. . ........... . . ..... 194 J. Sturdy.. , .. ....... , .......... , lie pressed in our new, spring range. Bayfield, sued Ezra Brenner, hotel- L. Thompson . ............. . ... 103 J. Beattie..... , . , .... , . , .. , , Y 108 p wide at $3.7.5 per yard, :eper, of Grand Bend for 82000 for the L. Smith .. . . . ..... . ...... . . . . . . . 193 D. Wagner. , . , . , , ... , ... , . , , . , , .. , . 07 C e ams 1 n Poplins in two tone effects as of a registered stailign, "Albion's 4» M J. tinges, .. Y . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . 92• O p ' Tory", which it was alleged broke W. Dennis , .. , .. , . 87 also Taffettas, Sport Silks and Foulards m trough the flooring of the stall in defend- DR. Qi • H. 8055 H. Dennis . . .......... . . . .. . . . .. 51 it s stables and was so severely injured Graduate Royal College of Dental x H. Halos y ' . .. . . . .. . . .... . ... . ... 4Q Gingham end Wa�l� �ao�a Men's W�:a�° • tat it •died. J. C. Makins (Stratford) Surgeons SR. I t td J G, Stanbury ( Exeter ) for plaintiff, Graduate University of 'Toronto Faculty I MenS and• Boys llt��'4' Spi*ing° Suits„,' � . G. Fisher (London) for defendant, of Dentistry Those who mtssedone week ar more �l wonderful tang* Of C`singhams, ldgment for plaintiff for $400 and costs. Office over H. B. Isard's store. marked x. plain and fancy Voiles, Repps, Mulls, Overcoats and. Raincgats., • (M_'Rats ' a6d ` Little v, Mur h p Sr. Class. Total 404. 398 Foulards Prints. C F Y- an action on a tom. , ape, Shirts, Ties amid' all �Flx"r' nkshings. sory note. L. E. Dancey for plaintiff. E. McKay ; has Garrow for defendant, Judgement T. Henderson . , . , ... , .. $94 m ;' ttered on consent for plaintiff for $527,70 1 SELL M, Ferguson,, , , , , , , , , , ,,,, , , , , , 384 N. Rintoul..... , ....... 384 .� r td Costs, Town and Farm properties. Call and Jones v, Kruse—an action for malicious y g y p yJor A• I L L S o f .seem list and et nrl rices, I have N, Ha les . .. , , . , $8Q •. ` G Snell .,...,., „ ....... ....... 879 osecution—was settled, W. Proudfoot, some excellent values. C.; for plaintiff. J. M. Best (Seaforth) M, Houser . . .. . . ....... . ...... . . • 378 w, x tief'endant. M. Redmond . . . . .. . . . . .... . 374 The House of Quality Phone 59 We Want aur Prodttc' J. G. STE W AH i C. Coutts . . . . .... . . . ... , . , 873 J. Ellacott ......,.. • WINGHAtM. ...... 362 i'%%+��d�``iii�"'i►iii%r�i/$bi�i►ii, x �elgtaVe J, McKibben,,.. Phone 134. Office In Town Hall. M. Zurbri 350 Mr. Percy Scandlett has been in bed $.g ° --.......•�.••-.••..• ..... .. ..:....•.... - ..— — M. Cam `bel! . 350 x Esselford Henderson. ... , .. , . , , 285 s Howard Kar us .. , . • . .. , .. , . , .. 127 Annie Aitkinson. ith an attack of the :an. We hope he _~ p g 47 iii soon recover. DRUGLESS G. Burke, , ... , .. , , ...... . 349 x Irving Smith. . . . ......... . . 271 x Robin Lavin........ ...:.... , , .... 211 Jobn Cru s 2 0 PHYSICIANik hank ,, ss Mr. Brooks of the V. S. has been visit. x M. Mason ... , , . , ... 343 x Gordon Davidson .. . ............. 1.88 x Leila. Wilda , ....... 58 Andrew Scott A rew ^187 John Ma ire s of C STs' OPATH Y E. Shropshall . .. .. , , 341 x Wilmore Angus , , , ..... ..... 186 C Tota[ 182, g at Mr. Joh gat the village, _ lass II. Rosa g Xg5 x K. King ...Y .......... ...... 348 x Arthur Snell... ,.,,,..... 176 Gantswe The Farmer's Club shipped a carload DR. F. A. PARKER g ' George Beattie, ...... , .. 178 Mary Dobie T hogsthis week. CJs R. Copeland ..... . ........ . .... . ff35. x Hilton Dickson .... .......... , . 173 Mildred Bisbee... , , . , , . , , .. , ... , . 176 , , , , , , , 163 g Osteopathic Physician, only qualified x B. McGee .... ....... . . ..... . 334 x Bernice Wright ......... , . , . , , , 149 Stanley Marguerite Ludwig 149 g a ey Campbell . ...... , .. , 175 Harry Graves r X49 Mr. Harr Maguire and his sister, osteopath in North lluroct. Y g , x V. Miller, 834 x Willie Ledeitt. 147 Eddie Doubledee..... . . . . .. . . .. . . . 174 Bruce Cam b IL,. iolet will ascus to their future home Adjustment of the nine is more quicltly ' . ..... . ...... • , , , ... ' .. ' , .. P e , = .. - • . • '122' . secured and with fewer treatments than C. Doubledee. .. . .... . ... . .... . 332 x Ross Harrison .. , .... ...... , .. , . 131 j Scott Mitchell ........... , ... , , ..... 173 Average attendance. for Feb 8 , g 3 ., •. , ear Westfield. Harry has bought Mr, by any other method, - x L. Drummond . . . . . ..... . . . ... ; , 331 - oble's farm, W a hope him good sue- Blood pressure and other examinations A, Gantsweg.. . ... . . . ........... . . `326 •ss made. •_. - . x C. 11 diseases Deans ...... . ... . ........ 826 Mrs. Chas. Proctor is home after A is ases treated: x J. Dinslo .... .. 310 " )ending a few weeks in Brussels. OFFICE OVER CH IUS'T IE'S STORE x D. Miller ... . .................... 807 x E. Ross ...................... 296 _ �gc3f3C3vF3Qi3f3©A�C3©tr:Or36; F3i��f€i4CA3C3c3vn©f3ovt] x M..Templeman. .. , , ............ 287 x W. Gurney ....... ............ 284 IF YOU BUY OUT OF TOWN AND I BUY OUT OF TOWN, WHAT WILL BECOME OF OUR TOWN? x J. Lepard.... . . .. . .. . ...... . ... x R. Agnew.. .................. 250 220 • The Dollar You Spend In Wingham Will "Come Home To $oosf"• Sutton ....................., xL ... xM. Currie ............. ........ 227 108 �i Tse. Advance. B UYwATw �' H O M E Campa Jr. Class. ..Total 3It. J. Cloakey. .. , ........ G.burg 269 2111n t y ...... ............. H. Hartnell ...... .................1 Hartn 244 .Q_ Read these articles with care. They may present something you hadn't thought of before. Patronize the pasple whose ads. are here. They are your neighbors and will treat you right. The money you spend with them stays in circulation in Wingham. f SBE US FIRST when you require( 11e have not realized thaf Ii ffie eat Boots, Shoes. Slippers, etc, We special- y PURE DRUGS ARE ESSENTIAL to r they must pay the fiddler. good health.. We carry a complete stock !ze in foot apparel and offer a splendid There are some persons who seem to of Nyal Remedies. as well as Drug Sun-• f + assortment for your approval. A full THS' 00 DANCE be able to get through 'lfe witlmout dries Toilet and sick room articles and stock of Trunks and Valises.= -W Stationer Let us fill GREI3R much *fieri, There are some who pre Y your next pre- . � �������reed on the theory that the world owes ecriptiort —E, J AYIITCHELL. IUT PAY them a liviag and they proceed to col- lect it. They take what they can get QUALITY AND GOOD SERVICE at THE REXALT., STORE is criterion for and give nothing in return. Such- per` lowest possible prices is our motto, Let purity and wholesomeness in ready-made sons, however, are not very numerous. us supply our home with choice Grocer- Wrmutas Besides you have the benefit , pp Y Y. Most of us must pay for everythinf ea and Provisions. Our stock is fresh of an internationti: cervica Full supply People Cannot Take More Out e1 of Drug Sundries as waH. See me when that, we get. Some may have to pay and clean. We offer you satisfaction. -- your ayes are causing, trouble.—J. a Community Than They more than their share and these are, R BROOKS. WALT014 ?&XIBSON Put In. carrying the burden of those who get more than they pay for. The fact re• EVERY ,DOLLAR you spend out of --------- mains that; as a general rule, one can- town helps the town WHEN YOU BUY Boots and Shoes CO1t�PSE �S INEVITABLE not have much worth while without p You spend it in. Boost your own town. Boost Wingham etc,, from us volt era sure of securing sat- paying for it. Let Hanna's supply you with Dry Goode, scan iosa as to the quality and price. We The- merchants of any community Goods Groceries etc You will be pleas stand back of s our geode. Poi! tine � _�- are the backbone of that (community, Trunks Valises as well.• -W. H WILLISS pd with our service and prices.—HANNA %. Town Will Not Survivo Long if fie so far as Its prosperity and progress & Co. � Commercial Structure Is Tont are concerned. Individually there may POOR PLUMBING IS DEAR at any be some of them who do not exert MAKE Up THAT ORDER for Grocer price, Let us estimate for you on all Down Faster Than It Can themselves to boost their community', les'—Bring it to us andwe will save you kinds of Plumbing, Heating, Ventilating, B* Built Up. but collectively they are the men upon mOPey, We carry a complete line of Tinsmithing, etc, Our prices are right, _ whom the living of. Every person in Staple and Fancy Groceries. Fruits and ! We guarantee our work. Patronizehome. (t:ovrright, 1917, westera HMwsysysr union.) the community depends.. The success Confectionery Let us supply pour home: 'f business men, ---W. J BOYCE. He who dances must pay the fiddler, or failure of an individual merchant —R• S McGEE. TbAt Is an old slaying which is frill of - way not be of particular concern to YOUR EYES areour greattst asset. fit' The primary idea in this say- the people of a community, but the 'When they require attention the best ad- Ing, of course, is that one cannot have success or failure of the merchants as OUR AIM IS To SELL you a lin, of vise is none too good. By consulting me any pleutsure without paying for it ina whole is a matter of the very d*rotb• Groceries the quality of which will keep you assure ourself of proper treatment some way, but this !s not the only your money in Wingham. Our stock fa y y p Ix Est concern. fresh and wholesome. Our butter and G Lot ms pre"be for your eyes. -R, M. sense in which it may be construed. Provide Market for partners. eggs are fresh.—MRS, J, A. CUM- MCKAY, It means that we cannot pursue any ` The merchants; of a town, In the first INGS. ( foolish policy indefinitely without pay- place, provide a market folr a lArge Ing for it in the end. WE L1ISAD in trunks, bags and suit cases hart of the products of fhb farmers _ 7oTo man Can overtax his physical IT to our establishment will fust steric alwayson band, also cod tine Ill the territory surrounding the town« ONl3 VIS stn it l ass. n hands l >g cfa+it strength indefinitely without risk They buy the produce of the farmers convince the most skeptical that our Call wa will attend to your want Y• Ing ultimate disaster. Dissipation in small quantities, In accordance with prices and quality of Wall Paper, Fancy China. Books and Stationery are right, Taos, "W. or overworTt may be continued for a their need, and some of them buy to Let us estimate on your decorations.— time without any noticeable results, larger quantities for shipment to for GEO, MASON & SON, Wli Oi!PiRlt Y'OtT a splendid stock of but if continued for a sufficiently long eign markets. It the merchants could >� time the Inevitable comes to pass. The not do this there would.be no market skolf and hwivy hardware for your re laws of nature cannot be violated with at least for the small quantitles except WE SPECIALIZE in Halters of our quirerasttts. It Will pay you to inspect impunity. If one takes out of life more at ruinous prices, If the farmers could own make and s M a 1 I goods of all our stock and one visit soill rslisys the taocsui of ls9 sisowhsre. Order , than he puts in, if he tears down Ills not realize a reasonable profit from kinds for horses, A full suck dfHarneea. yaur coal ;rat � s RA11 89 THOMP physical strength faster than he builds their products, there would be no mon• stock, Traveling Bags as wti! ill a to in p stock. box repair department will attend *ON. it up, he must eventually pay the fid• oy for them to spend and there could to your breakages •-••J, JOHNSTON, dler. be no money to pay for your products What Is true of the laws of natut'e. or to pay for your labor. It Is there. ]PRI19TING AT HOME is often thought Is equally true of economic laws. Tho fore, of the greatest importance to ev. LBT US SUPPLY your home with af, by ignorant P46 Its to be of poortr people of a community may for a time tory member of the eominunity, wheth• 0rocart % Provisions, etc. One trial wilt grrallty batt that 216b you can get from roar down the commercial structure of cr a resident of lite town or a farmer Convince you our prices and quality are Lilt traysllor. 11Va know of ladies who a town taster than they build it up such as to merit your patronage vr%atch have "otparst wadding stationery print- In the country surrounding the town, this space for future special announce aU at Tdroato atlrit that printed at THE without meeting disaster, but it cannot that the merchants be enabled to pro- mtnts—R. A. GRAHAM, .AI)VA1409 sad found the latter to be be continued indeflnitelt, In the end vldo this market for at least it part of for ocipsrior in quality send workmanship. thoy trust pay the fiddler. the farmo a products. Skhitust Resources of Corhn1unitY• Every dollar sent away from a town G"'tlt22i12143A1Yf lAAAIt far tangy scoot The person who snakes his living is to a mall order house helps to dimttiislt a community', receiving tiie money of the abliity of ttie local merchants to KI N BROS$ )tad olslaaa, with t e orh andtrtationsral The the community for his labour' or the provide a market for the farmer's prod. - 1dg stotr+s Mtlt tilt es'hsll,>�riees. Call and +rmttpars prioss bwtota sanding your mon- products of his Iabor, and than spender ticts or to do any of the tnsny otheR G8NERAL MERCHANTS ay out of town. his income outside of his community things tatdeh the merebanto of every is holping to exhaust the resources of town do for their cotumunity. the community just as the man who Stillness to a cotntuunity Cannot be WH YOU* WA9CTCH or Clock ro- expends his energy through dldsipe.• eonduettd on a ono -sided basis. A man ARE YOU sigPARTICULARarouo about your Nirantlob bring it to Wiaghaaa'a tea. ;Our tear are of our own blending Wit'tfT*mW motor. '41i`o santse Dolt � overexertion faster than her cnnttot take out of tits cofnrnunitr a and give you a rlchnesa in taste obtain- flrott~ went tinct' a0"ttkA parlors ark eon• builds 1t up is exhausting his physleal good llving for himself and famliy And able in no other We stock Groceries $arta kt wo rehilm that,*” strain for you. resou reoa. 0aa tnan may do this, of give nothing tri return. Eta May do and Provitions. Prusts and Cotifettionery w W t'1.PATT91MON, courso, without nntIeftbly.af"lectlng the so for d short time and get away with as well ••J HENRY CHRIsm' econotale strength of theyconatnunity, it, but In that orad ho mnust (say' tho but when a dozen men or women do fiddlstr. TH9 ON9 PP.IC9 HotySg have od. YOU OU _ st A UIR14 Dry Ooodar it the +effect becomes n�oticeablo tined dsav0Uftd to atrtiripate the requfrenteuts trotd finger. ats, .Cam stars, rvhoo it lrandm#d do it this rstaouro* trt Thu s"t ponloy. Of thst rpan anti W*s of Win warf ft,4tv,00 oh **60, i*d sbo" sm, out the crox munity bo'c'an 6 exiaa'astod to it f# be'tt'or to t*.PVM=r 10%4 t1 NM ' fi:*"dln titer vtoxrlts'g rW, o a 4siNt is d aF rite NUarlsls 041 "W *01"A4 re 60 POW �o tallwtPS t Us 11141116"dl*O*W,, 1 a *MP 0 "ook tri Grro " s ZOOMIMS? *Ad gl"ty' 0066 *1W arts �b1a tw Mists s Lot tart y lrM&ok.-• X-% Thew , ' 1 1p *dm *V t'�7 * tinct may bs►". lam, ASt6i tt , R .,.,�+! �-�'�' ": M+....w�.:*k.. ., -., ., :.",, , ,., . �:,. .'.'!F.: �3,ri- w,1,' ; a.�,u- - .'�,;Yet' 'vw .�. :'r ,u i W�i1.'+!:,c�u�' �'�� '..,._�dn ��eu°'�'"r �• Y To La, les ! Anaemia This is a result of the lack of the ordinary red eorpscules in the blood. The too frequent neglect of this complaint, especially in the case of growing girls and Sroung women, is fraught with the great- est danger. Poorness of the Blood must lead to wealmess of the body, General Debility and such. a run down condition that the sufferer falls a prey to almost any epidemic disease — especially, Influenza, Colds and La Grippe. Fainting, Palpitation general disturbance of the bodily functions, headaches, hysteria, pale and sallow complexion, pallor of the tongue and lips, puffiness un- der the eyes and Heart Murmur are generally associated with An- aemia. Hackings Heart and Nerve, Remedy is the most reliable medicine to use. It will bring back the rosy cheeks and restore Vitality and Viler. Do not be discouraged and do not worry for you will only get worse, Place your confidence In Hackings Heart and Nerve Remedy for it is a complete tonic that will bring back the happiness of good health that you so much desire. Buy a few boxes to -day. Price 60c a box, 6 for $2.50. Sold by all dealers or by mail, postpaid. Hackings Limited, Listowel. x W. Latronico..................... 228 D. Atkinson .......... 218 x D Binkley ...... . ... . . . ... . . 31.6 A. Dennie 207 %A, Stokes . ................... . .. 206 x M. Kingston..., . ..... ,, 195 x F Saint,........ ...... ... 104 x H Templeman .................. 176 x 13. Goldstein... , ...... .... , 172 g H, Burgess...................... 172 x1. Wagner ................. .... 139 x F.. Armour ..................... 119 X V, Mellor ........... ........... 96 NIMAItx DNr,&ATluEXr Thote marked x missed an examination. Clan L Total 468. Joe Titfiii. .... , ... > ... , .... 496 Parker Campbell— . .......... . ..... 453 Margaret Lockeridge.........,Y.., 462 Jack Carr. .................... 461 Jeanette Corhyn...... ........... 446 ,'Harry McLeod ........ , ...... 430 Vivian Pilon. .................,... 426 Bruce Fox ........................ 416 George Young ..................... 416 y MauriceM844 �.,�,�cIntyre ................ 8 N'brmst coutts .......... .... ..... X Kish I04 SMith .............. t47 x Josopb Mot ........... ......... 840 2 04g—ol tvtt it ............ six 13e chb.......,...,.,... sit at b0itfgta* ;M�j ........... No 1. " New'Tr'ip1exS prings, Iro'n Out the. Wr i nanklic of the h. -Roads 1i: 1. THEwrinkles of rough roads seem smoothed out completely by the wonderful springs of Overland 4. Then §prings hold the wheels to the road, while the passengers ride in even comfort. The astonishing qualities of these diagonally attached Triplex Springs have Created an utterly, new 'con- ception of light car riding ease. Best of all, this heavy car bind of comfort is now oh tainable with econom3r in fuel and tures and remarkably low upkeep cost. Overland 4 is wed and, lighted by two -unit. riectric starting and lighting system,, It has rain -vision windshield and unit power plant. It '18 equipped with all the lates t car essontials and convenieuces. L.. Kennedy, Dealer, Winghain I4e%d Office ttad Vactories,. Willys-Overland Nrn4,,.ti,l Toronto, C".antoda Aran,hv.a. Tt,runt,•, Ntontreal,'4 innirm and %rginit u