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The Wingham Advance, 1920-03-11, Page 4
1., PA01- uu, 'r,:' ` r� •T''a ",.. " .ni i°, .' . W!w. .;� !' , ,'.^a'..y{ N, TA "I"HAM w *,A 0 - ANOTHEREPISTLEFROM TIM Y�r Irl tk a%ttdr of repalra,or rebuilding. �� �r r� La 'c��,��Afin�a, 13ewwckzotal baa, havasvor, heart0 A. c4. SMI"rlii, noetic+ and. Prop. ,� Minther Edium - built thin year in Na 10 Tuckersmith, .,...,..�.,.,�.- "�r'1�11111t Deer Sur: Dental inspection of all school children IAR'S � Another and the proper machinery for coz'r,plugory � I promised to Sind you an account av = �IiiiRSl3A,Y, MARCH ilxlt. t ',_w`c.S�' attendence are features of Government l a �* our election av officers in the farmers' r .alt for the present year. lodge and I belave a man sbood always be The Ati a quick change artist March can ,c_ as ] nail as his word, barri2, certain excip• l lis continuation Schools at ilytb, a ! 0 n �w+ y t Brussels and .Wroxeter were never more � wr'ely beat them ail. ,' � b + ' ' . `fir � ,y { �- i ti:Ins, :ts ter insthlce to pollyticke, err prosperous than at present, while the • • 1? , ' . �.'a��,' Newspr fix,7 harse tradin, arr the tings a feikal, prom. 4 . Farm lands are rapidly advuncing ; high schools ill this inspectorate dis- �I Now that cat's hides are becoming w i,,� i�.es Ills woife befoor he marries her, arr if �.ushed themselves at the ]midsummer e Pro - valuable, pelting old shoes at, them is lie sells anuyting to. tbitn Wingham sharps i:i value and wise men aro buying. ting ` ' ' `' ' examinations above all others in the k'ro- '+t �, r' and titin the proice goes up. These are wince. surely a waste: of luxudee. �� . + � h,l,< :� ' - � � the exciptions to the gineral rule and g,p For a short time only we can offer ,a The meeting of the Teachers' Institue '� I F•"""""-' `f x'� to prove it, as the school maam says. l.,t] acre farm with good buildings: Goods HOSE Who lAS'C diamond", realize, � ' cici4e tel school and church. Caravel was held in Seaforth on Oatober 9tb, and t l Brussels � Well I was made sic4ryterry av the ",•°� w road, rural mail, tele on 10th; the program was. interesting and n her little eon, that the gents al'E' illi HIVE' tnit'ilt• t'ti lodgo widout anny opposition, bek g, its p11 e. Suitable Mrs. Een I dwarde a d Unlike manyother' t11111cs; all x�p plat cls'- citherfor rain or instructivh; there were lib teachers in We have Massed into stack shipments of spring two days old, passed away li Sunday a r, 1 l my mover said, the only littirary man in g grass farm, Cement i attendance. n Thomas 3t, Sire to assess they del not deteriovate it-, \\"?7 the crowd. My mover made quoite a ill ors, water and litter carriers in afteracon at their home n M6rp All the schools were visited twice during ' Goods for all. Departments, including New Dress Mrs. Edward bad beta in a critical condl ^� st<shles, A bargain, Owner not able value.�We sli:illfttlly�l'eset tltanitalxl;; c>z" t nate: llaclle about mc. IIs said I was wan av the most thrifty and hardest to work it. the year except two; one was closed and Goods, Silks, Poplins, Ladies' Spring Coats and tion for about two weeks from pneumonia other stones from old pies ec . Let ttw it was impossible to reach the other on and other complications. Her maiden , �j� w(irl;inest min in the township and used _ __..._... account of a storm. " ' ' ' ' show you exam les of this welt k, � p p Voiles name was Lillian Oliver Dale: of HuAett � 3 ll t,Iy head as well a5 my hands; that I Sults Ta Skirts Silk Crepe elate Prints, •lwiw`l s boo ht my sugar by the sack in Township, and she was 29 years of age 1 `y $ A jZ10.1%��, 1tj�'" She is survived by her husband and four ' When your glasses break save the the fall, and in the spring sold more maple L',l. #.�.t�l COSEN 5 small children. fragments. We can quickly syrup than anny av my nabers from the replace. the broken lenses. same. number av trees. Just here some Insurance and Real Estate Ward has, just reached Dere of the av the young fellahs laughed and I had to Successorito Ritchie & Cosens. tragic death of Wilbur, youngest son of t call the matin to order. It was carried Watson Ainley, formerly of Brussels, _, ., 'p . M • � e TI 1� Y o that I shood act as chairman, till the I -lead Wingham, Ontario which occurred in Calgary, Deceased r ! ?' r . 1\ lYl i1L� 1 s a Potentate wus elicted, a had contracted the "flu" and entered the - --- --- - - - - �-�------- hospital and while the nurse was absent Jeweler and Optician Wingham o Two min were moved fur the position, � INSPECTOR'S REPORT the roam he leaped from the window, Pete Boggs and Gam. Goggs, and looked to the pavement, 30 feet delow, death from the first notice a close run, as both (Continued from page it being instantaneous, min wits reprisintative citizens and had arias for their teachers as a matter of George Colvin, Brussels South: has a o e _ = o _ bh[d important positions befour. Boggs justice to those at r _ lead been pathmaster on his beat fer three 1 p }+sent in the profess - just received word of the death of his years, and Goggs was wance judge av ion and as an inducement to cap able men youngest daughter, Mrs, Albert Chap- olid women to enter it. man, which occurred in Brandon Hospital, — � .- _ _.., ... :^:'. ..�•-Y--- horses at Wingham fall fair,. so they broke following an operation for appendicitis, And wings will bear us forth to roam �i�f ` ear g� y MI avers on thatcount. Boggs voted fer the School Fairs were held at Clinton, Wal- Sbe'wae 29 years of age and besides her When that day comes, oh, friend of mine, DRUGLESS PHYSIGIVI Union Government and Goggs shupport'ed ton, Bluevale, Wroxeter, Fordwich, Ethel; husband she leaves three small children. We'll find that heaven is our home. the rifferindum, but as they wus both No. 4 McKillop and No. 8 Grey; they Geerge R. Wheeler, of Hamilton, took * sorry afterwards for what theyti had, done, were without exception most successful d G, 'r r' w%`tt^ ,here was small blame to ayther av ,him and in all but one case were favored with ossesaion of the Gerry &Walker hard-. ~� s ' 'rr„� a f 'fit<� + t , a wars store on Monday,. Does Poultry Pa3? ~!�.�`�:•����' "^^ b.� � on that score. Boggs can tell the Ovate av delightful weather. It looks as if they Henry Heist, who recently returned W. H McPhee, the old reliable poultry a hawb arr a cattle baste avidin a few were largely to supplant township fairs. from Michigan, died at the home of his man of Loyal, keeps strict account of -his c I PRAcT pounds, but Goggs is a schoolther judge av a and as they depend for support l local mother, Albert Street, after a lengthy Ill- flock cjj poultry, and for the benefit of harse; Boggs boards the school maam but interests and the industry and skill of the rices,” in his 52'nd year, Interment took Practice is confined exclusively to Goggs owns a tin Lizzie; Boggs is prfsident children it may be just as well; the tent ess,'io his 5 els cemetery today. other poultry men, who may be interested Chiropractic, the only and original Sys- av the bafe ring; but Goggs wus wance cess attending these is to a large extent p tem of Spinal. Adjustment, Effective in called to Goderich on the Jury Boggs due to efforts of the Agricultural Repre- he gives the following figures for the year i 95 per cent of all cases,hns, and fine byes they are; this sentative, One result of them has been February 1st, 1919, to January 31, 1920, as two 0 "Chiropractic locates and Removes made him shtrong wid the young ladies in the introduction of the subject of agricul- Salem for a flock of seventy-two hens, Proceeds i the Cause of Dis-ease: Nature heals," the lodge, but, on the other hand, Goggs ture in many schools; boards that ridicul-' -Mr. Win. Merkley has engaged to from eggs sold, $304.69; from chickens � had three purty daughters which made ed the idea a few years ago have forgotten rtoik witli Mi. Edwin Bennett for the sold, $23.24; increase in flock -20 chick- J. A, FOX, D., D. O. him solid wid the young min. It was their prejudices and are alive to the value summer and commenced duties last ens, at $1 each, $20 -total, $347.93.1 Also fully qualified graduate in Osteo bound to be a close, fight and seemed to of the subject. week Cost of feed and sundries, $160.08. This pathy. Phone 1(J1. Hours 2 to 5, and 7 be a case av countin points lolke judgin Consolidated schools have been a live A quiet wedding was solemnized at the leaves a balance to the good of $187,85; to 8 P. 1n. . horses. •There was fifty one prisint, in- question in most parts of the inspectorate: parsonage in Wroxeter last Wednesday, or an average earning power for the "" cludin nhisilf, and whin the ballots wus even where there has not been a suitable When Mr. Wm, J.Westlake was united in seventy-two hens of $2.61. Mr. McPhee's i NOTICE Counted they aitch got twinty foor votes centre around which to group schools, hilly bonds of matrimony, to Miss Anima flock is of a single comb brown Leghorns. wid two blanks. Thin av coorse it wus there has been considerable interest. In Wade, who recently arrived from Rug- We should be glad to hear from others ©11 town licenses expires on Feb, loth and np to me to give the castin' vote, which I three communities considerable progress must be renewed on or before the it•t. of Marchdid in favour av Boggs, as I always berry has been made and various meetings held: land. The young couple will reside cit who keep records of the earnings from this also.lutludes•dog tax for 1921). the groom's farm on the B, line, Howick their poultry. G. ,ALTMIN, (bticctOr his manure shpreader, an wan good turn among thesections about Walton, Ford We wish them .many happy and pros- -- deserves another. wich, and. those midway between Clinton 1 f +flier axetil- id Seaforth Four sections around .I and Ginghams, Ne'w Curtains and Curtain 1Vlater- ial, Rugs, Oilcloths and Linen Blinds, Corsets, Hos- iery and Gloves, Women's, Misses' and Children's Boots and Shoes. MEN'S. WEAR STORE TV Xt 98470 � � I` ii gt Men's New Spring Suits, Overcoats and Rain- ks coats. Boys' and Youths' New Suits, Men's and Boys' Spring Furnishings, Hats and Caps. Big stock of Mien's and Boys' Boots and Shoes for spring wbar, ,`Our prices will interest you." Buy one of our Fite -Rite Suits for' spring Nand be right. 90 X -I, Fie 19A RD sa C10 perous years together and aban voyageids Afther this t here was no u a question at the through life, meat, Goggs was appointed assisrant Walton voted on the � EXECUTOR'S. NOTICE TO We are glad to report that Mrs. jos. m' a is I Potentate, Sam Hill off side guard and annual meeting: two voted in favor and For Big Stock and Best Values. 1 O ar CREDITORS Wylie, Sr., is recovering after her recent ;;+� .'.: ` Bob White nigh side guard. It was de- two against. I am informed that almost ` Town - illness. Cided that a fee av tin cints shood be all, even in the sections unfavorable to it, IN TTTP MATTER N THF., ESTATE nl- JER MTAH DESMOND, tato of the Town• ✓ `+✓ ✓ � ✓�j�s�j�r���s ��.r� w�v✓� r��v charged fer min, and foive cints fer ladies who had children in attendance, were in ship of Greenock in the County of Bruce, yeo- A number in this vicinity have had an man, deceased. - attack m the flu lately. We (lope to see t but, as nobody paid, the appointment av favor of consolidated schools, while the Notice is hereby given pursuant to the , r r k tk,, a treasurer, wus oshtponed till nixt adverse vote came from those without Revised +editors of Ontario, 1911, Chapter 121, them all O. K. soon again. , 1 p that all creditors and others having dorms above Blyth parsonage. ® i + personal interests, demands against the estate of the above matin. p named Jeremiah Desmond, deceased, who , Some discusliion tuk place as to the With our Continuation Schools and formerly residod in the Township of West Miss Tena Livingstone, is visiting at The minister's Bride, will, be presented r, �d t j 1�r r Wawanosh in the ('aunty of Huron and who in the Industry Hall, Friday evening, s f ``"'�� tat l High Schools crowded to capacity and her home, REALMS OF PERFECTION prop toime av the moon to (till ]hawgs, g diol on or about the sixth day of January, March 12th, under the auspices of the and thin the matin wits .closed by singin parents in the rural districts better educa- 1920, -re required on or before the fifteenth i? t`S , -,?"" `, day of March, 1920 to send, by pont prepaid or The remains of the late Mr. Maurice institut•. Some day the telephone will give, c..,.,1,.,y} r, t,r t } `: the U. F. O. campain song. tional facilities for their children, it t0 deliver to James J. Donnelley, Pinkerton, +, ;, ;,t ,�' +; l+ , a s +'C+� ours as. B 4, appears to me that consolidated schools post ofihoe, Ontario, the sole executor of the Smeltzer of Bluevale, arrived here on Rev. George Heins, who so ably repre- First-off the number we request, It's purely a question of t+ld 1+i+ }t t, }' ,+y,,; I Last Will and Tostiment of Joremidd Des• live �axl!liittt�t+' ,+ T4s ;{.: Timothy Hay oxer the only solution; what stands in mond, deceased, their full names, addresses Tuesday, for interment in Union camel- seated the Goderich District in West Some day the family will pp y g t i } „k� s +.:,, and descriptions and full partioulars in %rit- At lowest prices for the best. Su 1 in more -and better _�•..- _�,,,. _ _, their way is a reasonable fear for trans- iug of their claim and the nature of the secur- ery, Deceased was a• resident of this China, is home on furlough to recupes- ,� —fertilizer. This is not portation difficulties, as unwise conservat= hies, it itisYy, held by them. ate. The Mission. Board of the Metho Some day no glass strewn in the street Bi l rave tal Io, s h last meet TARE NOTTsai that locality several years ago. He leaves a ,� s n and a fear of increased expenditures. after such last mentioned date the said axe. widow and six children. Mrs, Smeltzer dist church are sending Mr. H. Taylor to Will cut the tires on which we roll, theory. It is FACT. Grain heeds Nitrogen ov cutior will proceed to distribute the aasen of take u the farmer's work. At resent n arguments we'll meet Asocial evening of the Belgrave Farm- A gher percentage of pupils passed the estate of the said deceased, among the was a daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wme p p Some day o g. Ammonia to grow the straw'; Phosphoric Acid to er's Ciubb will be held on Thursday Mar, examination and with a higher standing, persons entitled thereto, having regard he is visiting the different Leagues in the, On methods for the world's control only to the dafit of which he ,hon Clegg, formerly of Wingham, hasten ri ening and fatten the kernel; Potash to 18th in the Forrester's Hall. Mr. W. A. than for several years past. This was hail have had notice and that the said axe District. On Tuesday evening, in the But w en that day arrives, we'll find - p Amos, Vice President of the U. F. O., the result of fairer examination appears outer will not be liable for the said assets • Mr. McCormiek of Trowbridge is visit- Methodist church. He will address the B t h or any parts thereof to ally person or persons t need of words one's thoughts d tell, give strength to resist disease and assist ill the and 'Mr. S. B Strothers, Agricultural and it may be better preparation on the of whose claim. ho shall then not havereeeivod ing his son, Rev. R. J. at the Methodist local society. - notate at the tlke to such distributions, And it will need no daily grind formation of starch. Representative for Huron will be part of the candidates. Dated at Walkerton this 16th day of Feb - To buy what earthly vendors sell. resent. Ladiets lease brie our bask- On account of the unsettled condition ruary,1920. - .. _ p p g y RoIIt:ha2seN Bt-MCNA13, The streets of gold will brightly shine, eta. and lack of labor, little has been done this solicitors for the Executor. „ f • (f AJO RA`s FAILED ®, - Mechsnic Gives Evidence There are eases where science in its possess these plant foods in readily soluble form -the identical plant foods most profound phases is absolutely that are supplied to the soil by barn -yard manure, but in larger quanti- balked, yet other help is at hand. ties and in more concentrated form. Experience is the best teacher, Tllis is proved by the testimony of a There is no substitute. inechanie, 35 years of age, who suffered, :at times, positive torture from stone SEND FOR THIS FREE in the bladdor, lifter trying mauiy BOOKLET remedies without result, he had an X -Posy photograph taken, which also failed to show where the trouble .wits. 1Z�R Read of the experience that scores of k'ortunately, just at this junetnro, / �jL `S S farmers in all ad' tions of Canada have had �,� Vti�/S in greatly increasing grain yield with when be almost had given up hope of �,S uSE� . Harab Davies Fertilizers. 'Fertilizer Re - any relief, Gin Pills were brought to R/r11� \�a�\` sults by Satisfied Users" is the title of a his notice. These famous Pills in a very \,) \ \' most interesting booklet along this lint. phorenabled M111o enabled to pass the �,U\�•+'��\�\� Wrfle fd'r a a copy—sent FREE on request stone whieh was the eauge of bis trouble. We will give tice nahne of \\}?i Ontario Fertilizers' Limited this mail an request. a Kidney and Bladder troubles should \\��� a �\ ,t '�'\1 _ Dept. W A. West Toronto, Ont. not be neglected. Tho, first symptoms shouldd be stif3fieient warning. fain in the sides or.batek, constant headaclies, ^,.�.....��. neuralgic and sciatic pains, rhennh- �y atism, dizziness, Constipation, gravel, highly -colored urine, specks before the eyes, all point to derangement. Cain • fillsshould be obtained without d<ly Druggists and ceaners cary them -5501 -your money refunded if not semisie+l Gray Dor Quality k`ree sample on request. The Xational Drug & 'C li rnietal Co. of Canada, Limited, e.. -ell Clear States Address, :N-a•Dru-C`1)., Ino., 'Jn'.: Main St., DtifPalo, N.Y. 254 In flltturfo lath ymtl.' the lives of 3,:184 persow, wvr(e claimed by Coll- vinnptlou. `i'lii;t Is all filo' more 'ler- The Gray Dort has earned the good will of its owners through rible. beeause niost of them alight its own .good performances in their hands. have becll saved had they been lielpc d in liana, It rides and drives easily. 1101e 15 kL C,Ne in paint. fOV0141.1 y"at is ;tgo a man (a llw to the Mas- It holds the road closely. t kokt Froo llospiia.l for Oonesun,p- 1 f ivt •a, Ito liati bcc•lt on Aativo. flet•- It wears down tires slowly and evenly and it 11 vitt, in 111i,^t, where hardship -.in() "lrtmur it til broken down, his makes each gallotl of gasoline and quart of oil dtlivcr full itealili n5picion of his sytaptolils nhllftgitt, lit rottg'llf oar ttltl. A tshnht tinl(� agth t ho wrote.,a ,,�X_ - `Fhrongh ymi )Fltixidttxl n snldlt°I" of Me scout' African "l'4ar regained > 111,4 itealtll nncl n fa.ndly it Happy Drop in and look over the latest m0dtl in '`1°III SPECIAL' howl,." we have one on the floor. 1 Thi!k is not an Isolated cane, for i,taiiv (rtlirrg have° been r"tored to -- •-- ---- health aired snxlotla f0tntlies- It tattts nine 32 inonvy to rnrry on file w rlf�. .. , g gift, for'<ahalt�vAr antonnt, Will hsme rkle%yup. e',�nttibttitc,nrt msonsar hP Hent :o �� ,ti Wlllwa (;ago-. R4 ospadintt nvpnne, 4ir Georg# A, Reid. 222 C:olla�m street, Torast o. Mir, N !dl MARBLE -ITE FLOOR FINISH if your floors are hardwood, Use Marble - Ite The Floor finish with a money -back guarantee. It wears and wears and wears. It will not near her scratch white and is not af- fated by water. Fvet That Never Touch the Floor A worn floor spoils the look of your home and is impossible to repair, but if you keep your floors painted, feet cannot touch them. Let the paint wear but save the wood. Save the Surface and you Save all.. SENOUR'S Floor Paint b easy to use, dries very hard with a Illgh lustre and will with, stand a great amount of hard wear. go skill is required in using SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT. Anyone can apply it, The result will ggrreatly enhance the beauty of your home and much labor will be saved for the floors will be very easy to keep clean. Come in and let us give you full particulars. We have a full range of shades to this and every other MARTIN-SENOUR Product. There is a MARTIN-SENOUR Paint or Varnish for every need. We will be glad.to advise you. RAE & THOMPSON Wingham, - Ontario e all P� The flavors like the Pyramids of Egypt? Because they are lung- lasting. And WRIGLEY's Is a benefcla as well as long-lasting treat, tt helps appetite and digestion, keeps teeth clean and breath sweets allays thirst. CHEW IT AFTER EVERY MEAL Sea(ed .ue,.rr d Right � .f9• /„i a 1