HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-03-11, Page 24 . * . - ­ , . I , . ­ I I : . , . ,*, I :, , . V I T."W9 , , . I . - I - ­­ - ------- ­ -- - - 7`1i- - ­ - -_­_ ; ­ - _' P , I 1111 i IN 21111 119 I I I I 10 I =Z1*2 1, , _ ; . Kalz I th @ qqrsraj ch-urchae, otheft leavo her placa wiLij U41valling. She all _61MA&I . r IV - 10 tw I i "WO Maot yet rely Implicitly oz . : t y ar the littled ... 11 1VU8011 all fOO4 and roneolation, J)a su I I 11 . A, mly zat tile death WSW% over her *1 GlLm " a ]#(Jan$ Of T""nition". ae­ . , I'll, I W t Itall, ,,,. Zr . PINY fMAY gri X. IONIAN' WTI t V1,4064 a Alotland Yard official, "but MILY OISPUTE ' a, tbol P -_ liAurdered nlWresa. SHORT ITIMS , tru t Q"1W v IK Rom Then the great French deteetiv X All the AWO, they frequently lud, to .11 reawae,blo. it! 1W 40toetion I was an duty in the city ,_ X 4 .1 W BE'A, MUMMY btud0d In lite dragnet a couple of y some time ago when I saw a man 4p. U1 I 1) Questions.— who WrM6 tho Book N1116 who Were ullosing from Parts at a & 0 U C f U" I VALVA 011 - Oak T vroachlugwitil, earo of a very carlotio E NEWS, suabw $Lchobl, Luzon XT., elation? under what circum, 1116 ti'lle of the murder, and In 4c- formation, They upreadeagle like ' 11 01 = cordance With prilice luothoqj,or that aphores, And the lobes, or fleshy I I i otat Iftt it VMttQA? wi%. t b100%. Uatch, 14 , 1021 ! a th'r,l vor4e? I Ch I - is pronouliQ04 to tu Allies Will Not Protest On , I , t 40b4 ou the Isle pt flatmot view the remains of tile vietim. - DAY .fiW-;.J I. , print whoirt, were the Inessa"'i $out 7 daY. V14 suipoete were bronqlit to Turk Frontiers to Hold 11$)eawrts, were very noticeable. I ta- . Cooksville Man Shoots His OF THE U 4-111t, - . .ft,%Litt is mept I)y the wk.,04J10A 11 .. a 0ourse AS they were forced Into the room Only 6,000,000 People, , 't"', reealled that the- person sus. L . . I Alpha and Omego,"? Um,ribepthe . Vect0d Of 4 big diamond robbery had Brother -in -Law . . COWWTAUT—T. The Uav 0011 anI lot m he appeavd . CnO of the prisoner,% loudly and pro, all exactly similar peculiarity, . . 19-lels. Appearance of Or It , IS Sanely vociferated ble. obJeetiong. '_ Qf Jesus 04not (yr. 1-3). The Ut -ta Jqhu, What efftct had 111-1 Provided No Homburg "I went up to him and topped him Five of 0, P. X, I. Fa*ly, tioo to so ,unfolding or 9'revealfaw of r V11"At ., . At the sound of his Yoleo Tabby, Navy Wiped Out, SUltals On the shoulder. 'You are ---1 I " the N 004 ,gay a -00'a upon 64 apostle? N 7,Nt1,1r; On Throne, , with bylotling fur, and wildly wavine; , said, mentioning Lis name, Ile was Who Had Slapped Rim in I Die in Five Days of 1 !2 - 0 t9 ill$ son , seven stars. And the 'sphvvii candle, . Oway Small. . 4 4,00" 'hO 94YO It by An aA4Q stle,Us represent? taken by surpriseand muttered some. the Face. I I Flu. I WAS tist, . tail uth red a shrill growl and, fairly ft J0 , the apootlq- $041; made a VRACTICAL SERVET. London Cable — The queatiou flying from the top of the ,dreseerp to the effect that I was mix- . bithf, record of what we$ revealed . waa raised Ili the llo,use of Commons :6prang.and clawed his logs, as she e eava: The once pow. 'I am not,' 1 0414, , "Please — 44004,404 . to -d whether the Uovernmeat'j'ar- Lr.cd to reach hN face, erful Ottoman lOmpire was finally re- come . Ith me to the station., . CooRsville des,)atch: Angerd by to btre, as being, the VO4 Topic, The glorified Christ the. = 9f TedUlk- A' "146ift PoAtro of toonROetatl0n. Wltli a sbout of rage and tronil0a- duced to dust by tile Allied Supreme . having his face slapped followla , ,, * , " tentay "Ile made no demur. - We tue 41mouy LpAtmos- Ion had been 4rawn to the Uvr- '. S declelilli "'P-kly , a .g a KROPOTKIN. AUVE , il Ilk 0 apacad upon. tboaq WIAQ $hall der of BeIa Somozyi, editor of the wltli,fear the man struck at Tabbyt V01111011 tO-dAY through It A plied the tinge family dispute, Frank L. rson, a young - " 1. to iq re6trict Turkeyle future fron- 1, 1) r -print test, and very market gardener, aged 24, Is alleged . ^ ! rqao . hear the vords 'WrittOn And 11, "The baulauga apostle, newspaper - Napszova, at :Oudapest, vi -4 shouted 'Vtake that devil away. soon be was safely Ja prison for 4 — . - . ­ , .' Tabby had forceft to to have shot and killed his brother- - OLGA rvQ thalp. Ili. 110, 0101fle4 Jesus reyeale(l, alld whether Great erltain would vr(A- to be fairly ueim that they will contain a popu- stay of five years. I 114,v latroouct,ory warO (Ira, r Ptitmqs, the scene of test figallist such A regime ,w 445 ab4ndon her attaek, and couttaued latiell. of only Q,QQ%QQQ as compared "The, ear to 4100 it coranion guldQ ln-law James Davidson, aged 84, 4 Ron. D. "Caxmiohael 0hair- 1 , it, V I ratmo.i. - her strange actioits ao, ]ong as the with, Turitey's pre-war pollulation. or fariner of this locality, The shoot. A ` " .1*81.. , ' 4, Ta the skVO4 churOU4,01ch Jourvq bunighment, la 4 roQuey,aild continued Vince the 'overth.mw 01 the 301000100. for the public, They cannot divine Ing took placo In the kitchen of the man of Soldiers'. Aid i wA la Asio;—TbA Mesfte'trQm Pena. -tiyq intlao Rilugarlan Soviet Governmont. Wall redialned In the room. Territorially, the Ttirk.'oh r,way, wliat sort of print a mi I I fj: 44t1Tftse4 &tjujtel itb the aqven, barrel) 191and"AbQAt twenty ` Sir HAmAr Greenwood, LlUder-SE41 Tho wild looks; the norvoui 40. , ,ul's thumb will Larson house, about a quarter of a . ircumford0ce, I sltug . . y generally notice any. . .'A . tea, near the formerly exten4lug roui the Danube , make, but the mile Outside the village of Cookeville, - commi'solon, I I oul : rotary of 1-foxile Affairs, replied Mot., meanor of the prisoner, convincea . thing Out at the ordinary about I ,. ehurcueA V,M14",-`ay . Asia U Urolut 9 . f Asia - Minor-, ',Ill the Aegean tfie, British commissioner At Ilnd*4?6t Vldocq be bad the murderer, and to 'the Red Sea, % now limited to a his, on Dundas street, at about one o'clock _ . I " - ' O,Vt Ot ,WA 04,,, It, VA%_ sed as, ;( place', Qf.,,baw- 1.,. ho ' *Qkiift ,1 01nali corner of Amatolia. At the ears. More than once they baveb i I ' ' '!o%' `1 --a -, i . 'the Rompli 4A I had constantly urged on 'the Huagar-r when be accused him of tile Parime the Santo time tUQ Sultan, titular succes- a,ble to give us informatioll, of teen this afternoon, Following the killi . , wavp ',go r 4 IshmeAt b Ug Louis PlIVat, of Williamsford, near ,04 %r U611144 Vr6 ffn;, aperors. Tile , -Seven 0buteIr y 'tat Larson did not attempt to es ! i - ,Ian Government the, necessity -)f 419- villain broke down and, cursing tae .,,or to. Molianiet the Prophet, Will ex- Riga which has led to arrests." caliall Owell SOUnd, died after being Ill from I . stil, Orlig UIAMt6 6f 00 - cave which Is the traditional soane Of . - - Gracro - .404 the Revelation Is still shown, A cel , ties , this and but about two hours later Dr, A. 11 ga Ivau 1XI s. 13. covering, Ana' punishing the --Qu,',letoy cat, confessed. erclqe hie Caliphate from a circum- it will be remembered that In the IsleclPing mIckness for a month, I - i, . :4 . 4=1 Used 4 similat form ot ebrated, -PrecR mouastry was built 11 similar , So 'sooD as the halid-cufts were scribed area Ili Ana around Coustan- famous Slill9sbY ,baby case Justice McFadden, at Cookeville, was noti- The Swedish Cabinet has I *11101ir . 1ho 4bove.11t, T R.f. U,evOlhtlan haa p% 4 placed on the prisoner the cat settled thlople, under the perpetual menace of BargrAve Deane, who had heard the fied by Mrs. Larson, wife of another and it is believed that the Kin$ will 41utloj ill , tho Y'Vistles, '-- ,he DooX Q ix,t, Britain, however, would hardly , , resigned, , 001 justifled, he ail4ed, In protesting brotbor, of what had happened, and I - *rote"'!to soviin 41trir6la bh4rdboo boon! t4e. wwect, of inudia!'gontrover- do yn beside its ln atr vle body Alid Brftfab, French and, Italian uaval 'evidence at Sir George Frampton, the sk the Socialist leader. to form a , 10tow -blig—From "bovall. Is..vag.,.' j, J)Ut the. aboundial; .external and against the Hungarian people's 3,191A softly purred as though telling ber'do- guns. . I famous sculptor, as to the extraordl had the young man put under arrest a , . I I , stornit 0 existen,06 is Internal evidclices remove any doubt to chose any guoh regime as they J)r0- partcd friend lbat. Mle had avenged This, the Supreme ,Council on, nary resemblance between Mrs. Subsequently the ,two brothers, wTtij Ministry. I ; '6 ovided there was no restorat;on I their ,,father, were taken In custody to Bela Kull 1.9 still In custody In An$- L of its anthentiolty 4f oanoutefty. It , viol . . hero 141ared, Ile gow 4xists, ho I 'or, her death, Inced to -day, will be Turlmy" D011- lilingsby's ear and that of the boy, tria, A short time ago an attemT4 I I , ofilca the PW 4041 1110 W11V Q, , , asserts tss'ilf tol"Uavo b6oll"Written by ., tivier Hapsburg dynasty and no lim- - ' - Ishment for her war against the A]- found that the baby was that ot Com- Brampton and placed In jail there. I forevew soven 1. sm i ,Jci 0 .I n!.Jqrstood of tilItlos were undertaken against . According to the %tory told by to secure tits release by Hungarian I itA__,ftig, , r, 1 k J0104fl Ishes, aild 11w and the Armenian maceacre. menaep And Airs. SlIngsby, officers was foiled, I . any other 'tharl, the' aposils. .The neighboring states. I I , Warta are unsightly blem But the Cookeville residents, there Was 110 . must.adirtalulY mehit the Holy Ghost 94tiluony'- I lexAllder Vaida-Voeved, premier corns are painful growths. Hot- F011OWing a 1011K 419011881011 With court of appe4l and the 'house of , JXA it sfiniia between. tfib`W11d4ffWVW , Alia. early church seems of 11olunania, in an interview Printed loway's. Corn Cure will remove them. .Admiral Earl Beatty, who was called- lords upset the verdict. public knowledge of - any b4d feeling Sir Edward Carsoxi. has deelded to I j r be 4ale P* an4 the. Spirit. . ibe '. tU illi 164 A,'D,.' 04'pr 95, Varied In to attend tlil morning oeesion, the between, Larson and his brother-lu. recommend to Ulster acceptance, ,d . I in tho PaIVMall Magazine, to -day ' — 4 4 0 ,Our ears may, not yet'lle an Infal- law, Davidson had gone across to the new Irish Home' Rule ,Bill, tile . "I ''witness-­Tbe testimony of m6tb u - havq been - - - - - - - - Council a,16o determ4ned to wipe out lible test of -our identity; but they . , I v . I ,f Iterpretattim regarding the,appollatment of Admir- ' -, , 00.4041*_4410 *-+-04.. . _ . true an,d taith4d, No Part Opp I, to ttr? contents, the kernel of ' the Turk!eh navy, The warships that , the Larson house, where a dispute Daily 'Mail learns. I - ; 119 1W h I however. beat expressed by 4i. It'grthy as R , Y, I are left to. Ottomans will be either - a telltale. developed, and It is stated, that he Plans of the Winil4or rra l ,s r.nd . I egent of Hungary Is have already reached,the stage of be - Of It fall of tultilmOot, Tbq first hot'dd. '48 follows: it remains on I 11 I I —4Tba firstborn tho namf4 it gives Itself, "The Revela,- T . W . 64 ecrapped or apportioned Among tile `9 IY for crossed the room in which they we're Gabor Council to ,opqn a co,o1)erat,1ve , , . . tt' , of the OeM 4'Thi new flungWan, Regent Ill so%e Bertillon to find means of plac- . ti6n ,qf ,Tesus Cbrf6t' --thq revelation, SIR JOHN MOOK Aillee. Only a few revenue oiitt . gathered and slapped t I - ' ' ere he younger bakery have been abandoand in fa .. 11 I I Alojvue lxk y & 'L f ' I'TOAUS try In every possiblo way.to effect a I . 11 I I. Ing them the -Ilew""*W-M, 10, mw,,n, '., apeari g 0 1 . on a card Index, and the . , 110 , I Vill be allowed to fly the Crescent. . man across the face. Larson went for of a general store. I I 4n4 04:110TS wierfa iit_& d 1170411 cbrlzt , fiTist In hie restoration Of the dynasty With ,. . I It disclose$ 0 * 0 0 *4 0 1 0. 6 *-*-#-+++ 0 Turkey'o monetary indemnity has pizinlinal Will be definitely undone. I . I tb e &#Q, oUt tho W 'M $04 to,. file Marlea as King, Under H_ M, . _. I to get a gun, and returning is stated Bishop Michael F. Power, of St. Qi . , I . OrAL ,I , jeicftou. qtfleps, Ti1q, fq't, .:,,qdmIuto- On October 10th, six goose 0ame Into not yet been fixed. A comml I 11 . I , " 0 Or I to have deliberately shot Davidson 'George's, Newfoundland, died at zy- , J I . ' . 1XILAWT.Wesua. ar Voinli&`di k tcl'! ,tr*i1bns,' who tire . , reption, the Allied iSupreme 001111011 my place. X went out and called to wais appointed, however. to In ""' 0 -ER f 11 .IS tho body bearing a gunshot wotta a Idney, K.S., of pneumonia, following I I everic 4 v,,Ill At a ripe Inoment, be flouted and , as I I 04'r of 1. I I I . llv V" - 44 ft9F 'lr '11),'ThOrq a t 'kingdom es&bllehad. e Ottoman financea, am above the ear. thma and bronchitis, at the age of . . This I I V ,. 11 ipljqs, boill' th t `­ke schools of nA oOrk - 1104 -A; IAWen, (AL4ta, . ar wo theso six &easc, and the old gander all- gate tli f '; 11 __4 , , , , a c ­shall, come from a veot, , Allies swered, He knew me. i got twglvb cars realort will be wade' the basis ,a 1 ' i RV dd6l' wag forty-three, i ' interprotero, the historical I o flu- At three o'clocir, Dr. mcpa, , Wade. 64 atonement W:OUV slum a44 aAd_.fqtur1st_.T_Ue, former holds that "'The Hungarians believe the. of corn. and. threw, one or them At him. ancial reparation. c,llod by Mrs, Larson, Junior, arid I : , tW tti# offleacy, .9% this sto d6tit"b'dd- -411. bi, W are too weary to take serious action, Just as I did so the four baby gee e — *4_40— going to the house was told the cir- , ne I I & The City ot'Kiol, no longer a nav- -the. book. In the 10story- of There hka been a secret mobilization I - 'al base, Is planning construction of a . ,early 411 of the prophecies of . . . . wma AAlizeA the ,Tew- g I lb:lt IniIJvWua1 beliewerd n1l Ili the all,. bUt fie called them Internal parasites .In the shape at . .a Vaslitil -iay ov personal sine 161i race or of pagan Rome; the lat 0 dropped down. ,Then I threw cullist 'lees of the ';"00tiug by the 'free port on. the Wilrer Bay, north ig 4 betweeW th , boy , - 5 Inc Hungary of all 'men SEEKINe ,PEACE tlle'* worms In the stainach and bowels of I . 1, elder brother, who is a returned sal. I . fV , S ", . NO ages *of lit and 26. Aruld have been mOrO oat's ot corn, and each time the . . . Uri tt, 9 le, ,qs 'ter', that 'MoSt"Pf the`pook rate of the main town, taking the toNmn'ot i ''! , . , . rs to "alne I would happon; be would children sap their vitality and retard - .. dler. Dr. McFadden at once notified I I I I , Ade to, V4t.'fu6t'r'4," 40 Whiclt'pre edo, obtfthied in Austria arid efforts mad4 , 11,119 I Hamburg ai a pattern. I t, I . U-d prX21- otttsV TILas , i . 0 to,,, .sound .that low note, and evory VmO physioal development. They . Constable Copeland, of Cookeville, I , ldiloo , . 14'a e+isfi . . , , , biit; , . ''s. i ,, , . ­ I t 4 ' e46it - t . 0' ;b munitions In Warsaw." he did so the geese would cot'ne down. keep . John Law, secret4ry-treasurir , . - . h1i tolbvers 04 ", . 0 W Q., C 406mvally or f9ilow ". 4 , , d' ad eighth the child In a cons.taut state of Ina Young Turk Leader is NOW who found Larson in the barn. -Car* .,I . " *Wt, ­_­­ _ . . By the time I had thrown the . I I - the Tlllsouburg News and proprietor I auto 664. ,. , - . Trial Is Inp;jIlens I ive.-T,o those who car he had convinced them that alt was rest and, It not attended to,, endanger . . oner Dr. Smith, of Streetsville, was oFthe Tillsonburg Obi rv -r uivil , : , .1 I !Stan I .... . . Well, and they did not fly uly any more, life. The child can be 'spared'much in Berlin also notified by Dr McFadden, and I . f , . 7, %91 suffer from 'ayapepala, Indigestion, I 0 pi'd—The 4apt&ed V, ,.The Vanished apostle. It is ull- . h no1YstV;hgr9W that John w4s ban- anuary of this year, -tied a,- his,rcs . .- a It was Interesting to watch him trying suffering and the mother much anx- ., 0. T '. I 't omfug' f IT . I "I. I seem all , almd"to Patm ' YO that . rheumatism or any ailment arising to educate them to take the Iternel he empanelled a coroner's Jury, who i0lice, in life 57th year. I , I I I I 1 it hi#, It seem , all- , as. Tra§1t.JQji7e4 off lety by the best worm remedy that viewed the body. .- _ ouft , &r,- but It was strange to them, I I tL -_ h. , --See. ets ho. wag ban4he4 ,after IneffectuAl at- fr4m .derangement ,of the digestive the can be got, Miller's Worm Powders, The Paris-Buchafest train o . I .6ut re, izL, - .. 1. I sy;6tem, a trial of Parmelee's voge- He would get a kernel ofe and drop It And After Terms.With the The family has a good reputation v r the, .. I M Ingdo to end his life I I ­ a I shall &.04, him- . tamp s.. 6 which are sure death to worms in 4 * 1SImpion route has not put I 0 . t " 0- .. , , table Pills is recommend I ,, ny I 11, ed, Sho,414 dc% n,, but it was fully fifteen minlites, . ,my In. the locality, The father is. of c . . , ilill Artallito Ur,'Ovork IR crOlon' to, bolline 011. - Thp. . W . ith. before he got those goslillgs to take tile sha-p "'i I 81-8 .* I . . il , tha.sufferer be Ullacqualtated e. , I I Allies. I . Scandinavian birth, but the sons are , pearance fit Szeg4In for five . da, . yo. . 1 ;__ d , ilfeli: On' I tostl any Of Implient authorg corn- when they did st The delay Is attributed to ,roatlaig- . i , er silgo V art, they cleaqe4 oil P - I of tho ;% 0. Muteous, la ' it In the latter thent. The trial will, be inezile give. . Canadians, the elder . enlisted and . 11 I 1* ,., I d4v , I __&V, . I part at the il every kernel of tile twelvo p4q. saw service overseas, 'Serb disorders at Agram.* . . I I W . .­ .11 I I.. .. . -I 11,61 , df It1gn;*,at tile data,asglgn and the result wil be another %Ntl' 'told we these young goslings h fl POPUTATIQN, OF WOUD, . London C : ' 11 .11, . 11 I . . suall seo UIIAA b " , thbi4, " *hi6 ed lor The Revelation. He 1was ban- cuAtomets for this excellent never seen an ear of corn before, and . I able - The London An inquest into the circumstances Generaf Ludendorff, erstwhile Uekd . I " - Times' Berlin correspondent line re- . I I 4e# - Ir . of thd shooting has been called for taint, has I ., woulo, pot _-Uv, ,0,:44:_,WW-, M4 also*,, 184ed ,*C& ,thb Word 01 Goa. 4114,lor medicine. So effective is tile ac- that .thej? had cbms all the way from , of the German military sy3 I . ':'r6sp(kisIbId (Or idt- Hudson Bay without a mouthful and had All P60ple In. MnAd% 001,114 So, ceived confirmation from W wholly I ;ttloBd, who Were the to The, tion that many cures can tertallily drop ed down there. The old gander had . I 11, : in4epenrlent souree at the' pa. sed through Finnish territor 1 . etim6y Of Jesus Christ.' March 10th at Cookeville. ,y. on . . I iing, lilk t6 - AQ: ath' . ' . "SUIV 'WUII U11- , Ient in lfyde. Park , preselice I The generil who 11 . I I . Mas%ir , -himself* ' deelarO tj-'at tlig be traced to, their use where other led-thiam all the way down. . _ ,his way to Russia, . . , , _% . ''. : ., 10 1,11,1111-41f., Is"be-flik ,mild , 0% tegr - s have proved Ineffective. I -,otlier-in!-law,'S daughter and I ; In 4 Berlin of Rinver .Pasha, the for. ,tves, Worm Exter-mina- acconipanied by a large staff . L I I - . . _ I - - mer Turkish War 'Rinister and tor wi With a view to the ' . . . C"Go, . , . _ " , 1ibil:4_Uted, blra,.U baugd of his ,pill if; n Mother Gr. . . . . ,that -all tribd4 .-Ot the eulrtfi must t(i bily. ,tbaL !'t e works tUereof_gg ____ i coaxed the old gander and his five gosl- ill opitp Of thj , fgat that -the loader of . thq Young Turks, He ,4 11 drive worms train t 1pla,,Iag of tile i I - . - " "'t 0 Voe our I . , '. ' T Il rVf,slh, . Iligs into the coory and alit hold the I he dystem , %. ,,,i ,;t _. -."_*;#+t*_#_*+ I *10-*-+ . I W o the child, because dininistratio I *MA, tither ,"Iw, tok: h 111 - , . worl&'g' Vog'alation 16 widely 41.o- . Ithout injury t '4 n of Galt's , Zekitio:4.-4 1; " I h fOi"0hW"d440r tho door while I went In and clam I 6 Woe, ar . It," h . . IS L filped attas - credited with a desire tt), enter . I ,. Ong hoed. ulliil,: O*­ffi( ll or altar UO'SOU19 , 4, on h leg. Aftpr I. tagged m the, aptufa r 1* Into Its action, .while fully effective, is 'institutions in one man's hands 09.ltboj cr b4116440d for! .... I ook tributed, ilpgce, occupird ,P . ' V e I I _ , I I ­ - - , ,­ C.Sra. --w1b. 8. I -tlie tiAt#aQPy.9f,4aus-" Nyll. rogen4. . 7114 .tively gaigil, relations with the 101atente represen- 1111.1d. I . I . iney 6,fflll "ounga -us. 11 him,to the door aitd throw hilli out- c ,,rq tatives. There is no indication, how- , .#-- 'Public School Board has, deeld,ad 1 0 . - . , ­ , ­ TIRF - this ,same old gander that had been teII4 I . I nm h 0 U" W-1 kow speakip.s.. rd)p'!r68f'4nd'*6nf9-ftff 414blitgWlbu- . , a " "". , h gh," o4yo too Author of an App, . incipal, . . I . j_, .f, . Ing the boys and girls to smt the corn - : 4_ . . . . ­ C T f I L I ,00, oint a supervising 'pr ­ jaoiaa,nilGmegq ...th eardthetil'st , " . a. -,of Ili "John O' 1 wtdou Woo lr,' _ ever, of a reciprocal desire on the Ueorge Lonsbury wir6lesses frolft .11. tot, kltt ,-, .A ftollounile -typo 441010 Nlltente% aide. 7*- I a. th. - - I P I lu and stay there and not be aftald, 'Moscow to the London Daily Heraid, . . I )and Ifit last let." , . I Ift0k al p1biy, whAch is 4 living. rebut . : When I throw- the gander out,, did he fly ;' ou opilld. put U41 -T g hpudred I ng- '"It.,would be surprIsing," says V I . 0 t6 . _1'1 , _- i " . I ' , , 069 444 I. , ­ , I I : I . I . , ",,W j; 9 0 , , LIC .. U FRIEND gnd§ qgd, Wale@ Ili Aitg ,114, e AREK 't, indIC4 I - R ,0f Ing, Ading, will iwiiidn iii.iagonjm. I to the take? To know the 04nada goose , ,trA rguii ot Which he is the editor, thp.t he . yhibt , , I' , ,, . "I, ,,, 5, 1 cotrespondent, "it the Entente' I I I is to love him forever. -You cannot show et have 'Plenty of rQQm tf W%LU hais seen Prince Kropotkin. I he Qing," - . ' kI 1. The glorified Jesus reyeAled . I ' . 'wliq 1as . * islolk 4 J "I"" "Va 9 0 0 _* 0 f me -any of his actions that one need be KII , - - . 11 - showed it disposition to respond to I 1 ,round them, All t4lip peop-le, o4i. tliat* I been repeatedly reported as deao, , I . , afned of, not one. vapt . . . I , * q4Aty%W-*hfm"lf. vigIQD.* Q%, thli.,'$'Ioriflad, Ch st given, k Somo -people Con This -old gander it,nd -when Thos, Leonard Goodwin,, twbi4ty I . . I , '.. ,*4 tend thqLt a cat has asn 0optipelit 6olild be ttle4ga up fqr. Eaver's advances, seelttg, that he Is r . I . - , - 1. t J.he,jya , at'l I 0 - UsAbi , . - lip was" abo ut two = 1-lut., 'Iilqht 14 Ki:q4figt9A Gal:4009, All. a figure In the extradition list . pre- , I h : , - %20) 0 Tb lessen cOntres Ili 'the 'oubliThe MURDER LOYAL ' I K."'". I&MO oub I ­ Wl.. - 30 t I . ' W, , Ap"ouvVi, be . _ , 2 u - fll . _ . I I . '. years of age, died at Chatham Satur- I . &,, " ­, lit V&I I & , _ , Atellig4l1eq, 474qft, tor i4stque, 40 y he t rn tl ,o &.1f thpyp I "m0n on t.him since IM 41 I I , Y" can- I ostle JQ1111' ,, T11 96,46144. - , I arojild 6:fid ,looked back. IP/* epoll I laPA4 44 selited to Germany. Possibly partly day as a result of scalds and.burila 14. , , 4 .... .... f wli#lwtljkly 14 409 Qom eitInLes d!splays; ,that rt has UL'r,hta callin.- for the rest of his ('all ad a to ma p tli@r %iritiqll Tp,lVr;' f Enver Pasha Is anx- . - , . , . I I I 41:2--ne 'w;ao ;QtOR4, W. 1k.h0_"ffkAPtI-6_4 , '; le" 64 . - -Je came . 1. I . . received on,Wednesday when h61eli I in conjuou vi% i hik follow, brIstialls. iA httij, Out-* , _()he Is 40t 1411ropige& iao, Instinct beyond mousing; no a free- family in that little catch pen. I , rty timp, Ily0p V01C oius to leave -Germany. I .I atlelice I - I . I right back. to the door until every one 31140 biil till - He 11 900,000 ,Sinn Feiners All Into a vat of boiling lard ht a pack- . I la th . -. 141:1 .nvr4pttjrP4 sojor was . ff6rd " , of Jesus th4 -CON ov'Ok"40w­. 41on except covert love Inspired by ap, of, his family had been liberated, lie w6illd q 60*fort ing house. 11 ' - ' . . . -, 1 - - - .W, , 1 0;1a of its i ­ I I . . . ­ t t elied _with, he'g'l_§j .alA,4..1:feII 4t'llio, o,latlte; that It is sc;,Elsh, lazy and stop4 right there and fought for them. . caused him to be etyled the,.ItTurk- Prepared, 'Says Secretary. . .. 11 I ii* aingdom an4.. , , . . - 41P qt4ndipg Ionger enjoys the popularity which . %o& and thos0?'W om be v RS wd rop* -for p gry' IUhz_b1ttq1f0, I , , QW-tur", J it whL43do'brioll We ca4ght him tile socond time, put a with.44ce f6 mb e their elbfAwg- I . Five children of Wni' Watts of e nalned him "Sir . jpng eorg-0o, lidlan . Iffami*hIre, -ne .1, . I 4reaAff were 4101436"'tbalb -i , t for wreedy,'an url', C%- . , , , Ish Napoleon." ar Charlottetown, ' IN. ie,bu 8 -Oul .,bw g! -rat :Aal creature to Its tuft .on euch leg and U I , ^ subjects "That Enver still Is- IntrIguill- I ­ . -*toil, but al d 0-moant6a 14 llip4iif i1olon. '_11.1 pritted I ,t.',j1`en4a fT.ollp Uoorc" and we put on file tag . , a T., died between Tuesday and 9afr.r- . I . . 'the , n5 zodllioU ;, or nearly no doubt." Will Do Utmost to Main- . culd'ah,kins40-114 en,11611119-, 0131 _ is wIll enable men to 0onteqipl4t0v - and 4 nuisance ' o the neigh, xlum! et some 3 adurits of I - . . .. . I 1i , 0 . T110Y lt GIoT.y.-,,0t.*,pqr,Sqn Correspon4s to liorhood. Such people h . ave . ne,rer -Phi -pirsift of SJ,rlhturP: " No good thing a fifth I a f the 'entire world'o popula- I day of plieumonid following 111,jl lie " " 1, . tizane'llp- . ere I - - Vill, p iAthhold' krom then, that wtlic . *t, . --------.I-*-*.-- himselt is critically Ill, and '4.s seven . lig , = - .3m .14w , cm rneA the real nature of 6:ca.t. ' - th6p - I - . ." , Q 'r - bArtla'. . f4i; Me glory of 61iii ter. Roy4lty 4 1- iip)"Ig fly." , . Ron", bq al .ill they orb %cat a No Longer Dreaded. The - -'- ' "h , .0 tl . Asthm. tain Order, . . . I - 'irea$ , usual alid, on Majeh t4T d o*er a ' "I ' 1,700,000 . I I . ' iero .A3 n matt. -r of fact, "'Tommy" or other children are also down with the . wltb., , Al,q magistracy combine with priastll,004 .. . ­ pprox matelY - - *0 " 9f " ­,6f.i , . Vabby" Ifas character, Intelligence, I the boys said 'hey colild all bp 4o- . palewm""'01 ', , dread at renewed attacks from astU '0ctt8dq`aeAU - _ Ittoff .1. 17th follow ng, , "Look, disease. I . 66T41,1 * '41 Id Itke-Als,al U h Seen fieIg I square miles., 't . . mighi bo 'I . 1. . . . I -1 ' re- . In t e . his legs, .. I . .. m. * has ,!a hoI4 .qpon t1ioge. who llave . . r4ye4led:aff u - his fain- y ere . - ur6hbdan 'I dklng'tor ziore corn. V.ivp of commo. aled in a space sirt, x learlied to rely upou Dr. J. D. Kel- Qbo Sint, Feiners are all ready to. mur- arrested late Saturday night and es,rly - Unos-n-A-4, - - I - d, , , " - , . theW, reladoA Of J&UP- PU .7i, A patience and raal, .genuine aflec;, Md " with the two cuffs on ' nilo@ 4.3 London cable: More than 200,- Two hundred and fift men w I . 11 , - filr' of ftV4.46MU_1A:krfMY6 TOV61htibii, a or Toddy. Ily- had returned; ­ , ar@.4 ,4f logg,j I tilaiiii in tile 4eueo,ii $do not I flon equal to that of Carl he'llad taken or 1psa, -than hqlt thg Astlinia Remedy. $a safe do der the loyal subjects in Ireland, de. 'Sunday moriiing In Detroit, when the I I I . .. I It-1-ITivestelf'-w-fth iftal ,prp- The feline Instinct is develi tollr, 4. . - - ey feel that complete. reliance is Oared Ian MacPherson, C I I f.tpd,t,be.weater:&..Wg$t,.Dt-Greetd- It, fijd I . oped to a them down In the southern stateg . all Loil o wl,6filli the fc;iir-afillIi r d.ldp . . I I I . __ h rg itilP , . wititer, and , , th hief Secret- police raided eight alleged gambling ' lye 1, . 101igt aU4 % I i U I ,egrae, sometimes uticantly, and brought them back. The f1rom Charing Crosp; iybi$ 4 tiTly, . latlti in lil gh d I . ,placed on'this true specific-vith the I N 'I,' Im. ,_4, 1 In t Week In April they disanpeared and -in' le s thaii the Green* Park V I VasAn thik, I . . hilnAerbus_ are the etarl. ' X . nex tary for Ireland, in the House of bole- places in 'downtown d.stricte. . abol . , - es, ;the age$ in y heart sank when 1 opened aletter - V , I would hold 411 ­the. pepplp ypli will tQ-night In the course of an im. 'M.I!R Vil, 1 , - &ti - . - tl,lo , ceitaInty that it will ,always do all mons . . rt , . a'.1% ,. r,'V` . i 44 ; , I I 11 I ff_ At"111, 6 ; C cj%il j 1 *e ,produced, since Bast of Egypt froili, Port George, Jamea,.Bay; and . that Its.,makers claim, it you have Approx1mately $30,000 damage Was I , S - 4 - c d 4o,.,1mwed11d6,,De&1h I - I . I The Lor4GO Day4 Thd WHI 11 ID letter read: fl,Pd 11.4 New 'Zealand 'to-dqy. PAsiloned denouncement of iriji, Re- done t . . " apt4l& It . controlled a dynasty 30 centuries ago., found four'of the tags. The t I .. I . , hop dep I . not yet le4 ed oW safe yqu are Nifflb, publican activities. o the G.TX. ice houses at Bast 11 -, . T,q . 4 . I . 410ty jai w1ilch Vhtl4k, dee- U. Write " ltapy)elis bvFfYA1n1VyoU tregf lf,, ' One of the baat. of kh6 revalitlais' "The Indikin says that seven geese came 'Ag for the merp . pf peoplo ' , I - . . into their decoys, and they ktlled.four of In Prailee, =6 forty millions If ; Ithla 11re-n4raition at hand ket it to -day 41 Toronto Saturday afternoon by fire, : . I ­* . . . I and knoV. . . . . in 2-,6b,6h=VbV,r,b:r1, 61aaout re0ar4- wtu"'ViTh .'T00V`S" 011 Ales- Of Tabby' -s Intelliplice has been . a for jb rself.' I would not be surprised if, av!ter I . a - I , th#in. Vacb'one hAd a tag on lt.11,Ybu theth, Alphaiiond Pq believed to have been caused -by boys I .1 1. to ?)a eant to the i0VA chlircheA to never retwnt& , -Nothing 60 09tA14- vouched tor,.`by 'the Criminal records know just he* I WoUld" feel: althofigh , . rk, woold Vide --0.6-.0 1 . publication of the debate to"morro tvA igniting a bonfire near the bulldingg. I . . . N Mop,,. VnIo LVil,esno-This and anJ(",'§InI,e9'as'.V -.Corn ' x- ' ; Iff elboNi-.room K& the * lost chptw 0 ' many loyal And efficient officials were ' _g __", ­ I . I ,_ of r4lialice, which rala:te to the- saasam that is Part ,of the gamp, T4 the fo.110 . , 'tniiiila' 19 , L, 1 1 I Qthjf"Vli6Q^ %VtJb1ft: . , 0 &I . ­ - , er by '"o WaftL9 to shoot. lot him say this: them all; or for, the wtiole populatlop : $' , I -Ion. D. Carmichael, Minister vlth .11 I . -Ure:' ta-! -116 r"t `L try ' t ' "Tifty ' yaArs' suc- tional' Identification of a murdor I am not oviibsod to a i9an shooting a of Italy, with 250 acree ,to apare. ,G -, on4aAgered. We are up against a tre bverament I I wosthr,n Darp of A440i , bli!ao - 4, ge k`joi"arttlws It -4, rndrlt. * L25d I)ot- 11 . lucildolls situation in Ireland. The ,out port I G . . - -1, I . - ' . I , the victim'a pot eat. I 41rd or two, but will you not Join with the ' entire I . I 10.16 r0liellAQU has not been stamped 'nted ch. - ih6 I .. . , 1 i R. 11S, ... V I E I has been appo, airman of , follo In the Drury. , . he, V.orsoil vthQOQ V-6100 , . It You would bring L I T A 1% , t , 6 4-1 ; - Cen. in r the population of the United Kin I - L-1 . NA,,g, ,. , fliff * *81i'llealete, , In the, early halt at t1le laot - us'IrL limiting'your bag? .1teme be , 'y . t4 *W A "01 Ilb- . , i 1. , , gdom tp out yet, The Sinn Vein spirit Is mo Soldiers' Aid Commission, succeealn- , u*, b , OTI 'A ,... . " , , I I I 1. . _ tury thero dwelt in one of -the jsuburb$ bird "that falls 6ut of the air from . I 11 11 . I . d46ira ti: . L' - .0 re, . . , I ,Ot . .00P-Thase were, '-pe-V011, '! of the city of Lyons an old niakleti. deadly alin gives you and me a. little I Malignant than it has ever been. Hall. W. D. McPherson, who res ign- . , OK lid . - ence ! - deprives thousands of peo- Spaces to provide stqndln -room for 'AMS lalml 116fids, Ukadg of gold, -4 10 , out L ndon, you could find eliough P.ip* "HORRID 1RE- intend to do ray utmost to maintain od. 1 . , , I - . . P, them all without . -, - . '41UP,U_440 th on .0 . , " - lady-, reII6 of the "ancient regime," pie .of pleasure and reeribation In Seeing tre passing oup pit, , . I I VJV , I TS . . % , I I ri , 11 O,i - AN . . . % law a d order, A verdict ,of misadventure was re- . ; W -A it : . , -1-4 W_. W' ',',.! q, .-": ­ - which -had been sup,fAutel by th it olive. Let us consider vate grounds, though the - - _ I ..4 , , I turned to th, inquest Into the death I . .1 *.Awz,i $ %Z , """, , I 0 that; Pt us y nlimber V , - - , " slr, M VA!9 , " ' think it over. -Jack Xiner, Kin . "Tbe Government has no. inteution I _4 hikiiI, , , 11 gsvlllo, I I V" N'rbia wao Jes-4 "Imsell. Gar, _ ,, t It WQrs lot' tile 144ranch Revolution, Ont,, in National Conference on Gains well over florty-iseven millions. Even . . -1 % PTO , ' of bring Lord Mayor Kelly (Dub. of Robert Natuniel Batee, aged 38, a , '. I 1 6 gument !_ his anallent dame, still known as and Wild Life Corlservation (Commission B149hey Park wquld 9,ccomai6date rob d by Psy- .1 . Welk 40wis ta tb e - fioot-1 I I . . . . , Are to Se P a tn n h orted prisoneri to company director, and stated to be a I I , ; . .,-I- - r - 02 ' . .. I . . , , ", : , 17 , -, ,the 4 ountes6," lived alone in a small of Conservation, a4 hill of if I' l. s J - i* w'.th a little squeezing. . 'U , , I , "'?, .AL ._ 7 "I, ' I .V (&Wirol * d v,V00stly -,e114jW, tY. , , -y _ !.,'. . I I)tta - I triql," he added. member of a wealthy Canadian fam- _ . I '11i"1041i r t*r., . "I -P . ..g a _T.. ell, "", MacPherson's statement was 0eited fly. Ile d*, d in the Haymarket Hotel, - ) e_A_ 4k,znol . .*;; , %':' cottgge,'her only comp chical Reqo4y erg; I I I Ool&n VM&L-fi anion, befu And every eubject of King George 'r W I 0olit the whl4st, but over the , `-­­7` Aarge , white Angora c4t. * Internally And ixte'rnally It Is Good, throukhout the entire world 4 good . I . 1 I I . ,e I asyphyxiatod while . . f Met, the foldo of I It was know . n, however, that as X - -The crowning property of Dr, of the pe6ple c the earth, . I a t. WedgeW30,1- London, Eli-., , . . I .. t lialato ,4 (* . W1161 Zamd to. -Canada Dur- 1011"th Benn that the Chief Secretary was sleeping. 4it '14., ..' VM 111 6, *1 , -etric Oil Is that it can le _ _ _ 1, . , NW . "', " ­", _, , I . . r. .- " J.,. . last' ratio oi her former grandtiur she' . . a - and Ob . - 9-Lg-f)syi@ 6r­ ,'pur, - Tho. ` , " "' - 4r - ,0. - bd used Internally for r4hny 6041. * so illat you might spend r ViOU81Y Inspiring outrages In Ireland, A freight train running at, high NVIt ' im , I * ,V 9seaSed a handsome riecklac6, com , . . r,b4 , I " Thomas' N eta . Could ,1)0 collectiad, in the Xv, of Are V,Astem . - - i a5k 1_3A tsbaft , =, - I __K.1_6 0 ; ,::rA , . ..."_.f. as 'eXtepually. For aroDle Unle In looking, for . speed through the fog near Clissey, d .. Imon of the physI041 appearance 1 64, plAintg as well Vog 0144 'q , . dsed of diamonds and emeral .4- .1 N. Y,, Friday struck I - J " ilVft!, ArIh011y I - had inanated to save from s4re throat," croup, Who6ping-9oqgb, them. - They w6itld, Ili fact, cover '. . a sleigh and 4. I . - gf,ft VvIllch sh, , . ; NO STANDXNG ARMY i of ftrWt beild' - . wit thd trUiatigar1tion. a ns In the chest, olla arid roany less than a quarter of its 4re4. "' "' " . . dollars fll_, , tLa wr"I gf h.dr pstato.. pild whict, .R4' . smashed several thousand I I f*04 Jj of _:A, . I tiffer Selection for the L kindred aill[nft6 It 4as eljrati :L1 "As for lall.1he people that on earth London Cable --A pafr *of 11bqt1i tt'" L_ %S. - .It- . k I eye U 4-U'J9'-MW`-61'f1.f#-444 'L had Ilgen a'far4lly . AefrI46n% for a e worth of smuggled whiskey. The driv- . . I es 'A C a diwell,' the Isle ot Man 16 large - -Wearer ,14 - ' once er escaped, but kept on runnIng. . ^jj "-'1 JfdW*,brI1Ilgucy, lnd - tl i that ere -unsurpassed. d ed". i3lippers, which giyv, the t . as it Futufte 114D . Soviet . Russia, - . I cat", * i,) It n" . '101 ' A -MIDI cep"Te . - tie of it costs little end there to no enough to hold'every one of' them'on hqrroWifig dro4ina., will be investigA - , " . He I Ion . Bass ter, V"xiesa--of '06lon'. 19, . ,:, ­ ,'­. - '. 0 Ing, however, th . t &_ . s area." e4 by the,13rit;sh Voyollist Re 4rc AL loss In always having It At h4nq, little more than hatf, it se , b : . na, ' , ne rn d v4ir fail. E'ght-year-Gld 0, - V lao-Z941- 49*6, . '."J ,dffi d 'fit 'a"'tuf ed to take their daily stroll to the I - . . Peace Made With Allies, dau litcr of William Bassler, Windsor, 'An br4%0 lnolift alid at white he4t. Ott4Wii Despatch - A 4 I #4 8ocl6ty at an eArly 44to, - I died at Hotel Dieu on Saturday mid- . ` I , any. latAl 'Of 57,- butcher's and the baker% nor did . : -+++*o 0 4 4: vj,)I(!ft,a ** sp=4 C-4 '0 'atgr'g_ V2,IrAmlgrpto tp Canada during the' they make their rippeq,r4nea d4ring ,, ACUTN AGONY. I _* 4 4 s 4 #.+s 0 6 6 14.- Mrs. Clara E9vvluton, 4 London wo- I b I & a , , . _ I .. . : mail long,hl the slippers, which are London, March 4. -There will be no night ag the result of Injuries; suatalli- xothft e 1h X owlae I thought the prlmg dona eeemed irmy Ili Russia once a general ed by 50n automobile driven by ex-Ald. : , , 0 , , lai f1kva jeai 14 rg oitea fix' the oz- the.entire 44Y. ' " . standing ( dw,141ft . n I.," tfiotity . . upset about something." YOUR EARS at a peace is made, according to George I Robert Weber. I , wri , 'VX` -4ik- U1t4,?cpPT(`a.t,40 b ` t4 -1 : crimson and have curle&iRp toes, I _ than 10. o . Jla V gree U, op, I .04r 41put .)I tin- ThlAking perhaps tho little old lahe bad a quarrel With her ae- iledonia market. They Are obvious- Lansbury, editor of the Daily Herald, Ili Cou4leis wa3 Ill, a Idn4l3r disposed oompanlist Juat before the concert be- ly very old. a Wireless from Moscow. er w the roAr of the ocai: - r4igmtIon and Colonization, tabled in , Afolialebanald, secretary of the Russian The Chamberlin Hotel, on the w4ter . I n4iitbbor called at her home. Tteceiv- BE THRAY Y 0 U ' front at Old Point Comfort, 'Va,, was harnW. I& Itl his right hand' AV641 thO 11,010a of Niumotis tQ-day. Of , - knock, and Idu and he revenged himself on her 1. I "The first night 1 WoV0 WOW' she trade unions, said Iii -an interview that destroy st&M.r4lbe star$ mey Ing no response to his I ed by f.'re which spread to the _ teoreoent the theti 0,114 camo firom the iinited v, M monstrous ,fashfon.0 +-+ I 0 0 i 4 0 4 I #-#-+-* # 4 i q -,+-i says, 411 Ilad 4 horrible dreAm. I Russia's Soldiers would only fight ill. oja ' ,rW ralultit0i of the seven. §lates, finding the do.or locked) he secured "'What did he do?" . -4 t defence. There will, however, be A ter. steamer 'wharf and threatened the 0914 from the United Kingdort The science of idelltifleqtio Id q imagined I hAd cominitted murder a I ritorlat militia, trained not in barracks, churok . Wt of Ills MMttr,. W.-: I . , ft,06M 16t1let Buropean coun. the aid of a neighbor and entered the e each'tig her . .. . I . ht- a .bazaar In ,some E Astern city. Sherwood Hotel and other, adjacent 'Phe VIVD-eU66 sWord fittlig`17 reDre- house thro4gh a window. hi e&t 11ote he struck the ' wrong fascinating one, e4yb LOA404 ,'I . but at home. tAes. Vids compares with Imnligra- gh . tied In Wild panict and the terror fill. Lunsbury wireless--' 'There wIll be, a property, The logo is $2,000,000. $air- I " O$A.te ,'%he divine word. lestls'. ,FdL gedeA1,119 ve4t at 71,314 , Then to, the horror of the iAv0stl- k6y.11 i if$- . great labor confereAce, lit Moscow In oral of the guests were injured. I 1 tIp.;x .Xn tz.o, 'p ally awakftdd Me. I - WiarwX divine autWitY, - : 66m the yInAted - , States, - 2,178 from golors they found the. body of the 006 Everybody Is familiq wItIl tho $14- AVII, And I aM aaked to say that World snow slide lioar the Crawford , . , ' 0,onntess atratellied full length on the His PASSICN. . ger print method. I11fqllI IIIi7 14 "On the secon4 00eaalon the ScOlic representatives will be entirely welcomed, . A I 17.. -John ,9 I v4s.1sat Ill Engl.%ud. It aope4red thAt Tile route is open via Bsthonla." House, ill the White 'Alountalfis, which LUi at t4!e ,(Apt -pa dead Valtext R4nodom-An . , 1- 9 , as , , " to'853 from Toor, Avith her throat eut from car to claimed for tIlM by t4e polive, bqt V . . Ay ­ W, -bole by 'the'bilghtneeo".40 - nt1fien:taV'c6 ntrW.` -lie deloregse ,, Mrs. Flatbush-I understand her therer are some experts w4o refuse to my father,bad warned we I would bo. I 0 v 0 , buried the tracks of the Maine Cen- . Ofirrat's DWou. and by thd: Ag_tllq immIgrrtion from tho Ltnited ,,'Itat- 11 husband has & Dasslon for music. ,believe , owered by dread ear, I tral Railway forty feet deep, contrl- _161 wai lfke 1 vaf " *,Alt T - 43 per cent. over , that ovoij 6ni at the t4cq sloin. Overp . . life Voje.e,' 4W)ll& Oro: 3 On the top of a near -by dresser was Mrs. Beasonhurst-Wa, he has- sands of'Wil,lions of , eople wh6 bated to the Isolation,of Portland, 'Ke. I . "the I tal 01 many waters", , A14; th t of th6, prepe4ing yeAr; ,tho whiter Angora, her fur bristling, Every time she sings lie flies Into h I 11 .1 P. , 14. awoke. TURK' WARNED For the first G'me In a generation, it 11 ab t t e WorI4 Uns a 4ifforent design "'t -have visited the 'PUast, but I (lid , . . ad -Tho, 1?*ht'htftf f'* itidlft,, :: "-' hd U64US(_4 14 Wulnbar of IMmi. ne. . ' . my first Portland wag cut oft from common - i . . ow growls 0 ahe O' . 04 the underside of hii or her thquih, not recognito the setting In , UVO , " lmwet slid authority but gratift Ulls and the retirement of. viewed the neighbors fta.mining the - Ig it .possible that somo ot.her gyA. drqol. ' leation with points outside. I wbon 1414 thid Hi4i right ligna ulon 1.00 employees Wuosd Upelftl"Oss, was. b-ody cf her mUtress. A woman always has time for re. . . juycst lgators, who are not Uslltdl ' W. J. ,toneg, for many years a banic Joho" 'd exore"Od U40 love fbr in% A reported. I I Every' effort to Indrace Tabby to I fle tem. will be discovere4? BY THEALLIES "gft, otion when she sees a mirror. -, , . I ro orfenced elinflar manager at Bowmanvillo, died of .. irw him In his timd pe, I ._ "i, 111-11 I There is the eye, for ilqstq subject to dreams, exp, Ill a . A6 immigrittiod Of unmeoigl)Ufed . I I 1. .., 1. .1. k ... 11 1. . .111, I 1111111 11 i I I I I I, --- l I -- , ­ ,nO.e. Ije , , I 'a most Wonoert the: clippers. . 'heart trouble. , bf i. I I . I -is expeded,to tie re- , I I I 1, We have one of tA ul results, 11POU wearing , , , ,, , , , v V pr#f d I . Three men were seriously burned * 611 * & ... . to m4u, All eyes Leading psYebi , , elt' . onvinced London CAU10 says, Replying to a --oft gume* tlits"yeat,'aftet being suspend- I I I . Mechanisms knowli , es hero are t ee- when a two -toll ladle a oter.Zy of exWtenj*- l& Liveth . , t 04 since 1016, $flies then 29,034 ap- I __ differ, and In addition to that tl ero they are confronted Witt an unpre question in tile Houso of Commons t molten metal . . , I " - 1 _1.1 !1 1. 0. ; 2 Y'l, . 1, I . to what we nililit gall the setting. Eastern mysticism, . &r . exploded oil Saturday at the VIaAt of I W 4 '11 "r , eta - ddnted CABO -of to.(1gy rog(tr4ing the wassacres of . . I OtIrl, I r Ich, 0 6 I ". 't 4 , . r ict .. .1 p)jftt jbgs bald V.O* r9colved, chief zo I 1 1 the Canadian Crucible Steel Co., , = E *11 y through cliliften'g homes, for per- 0 0,4*, There are liazols, . with deep 840k6ig, $6me suggest the originoll owner may Meolans, Premier Lloyd George gala , . . . L. 0, blues with prominent,brolO, br6 V4 'ch Is still this had been the subject of vety ttli.%­ Windsor. Forty other employow Sur- . we$ true'. I obtlet used th migloA tqpntor Canada. . J I a Oriole Wh, . Avrftou and 06 4iifiIl - A - e I ) '3 ho.ve committed fared minor burns. - I i he toliftAti6a 'of allippIng conso- 1 0,$ I . with soft Overhanging skin, 4u4 sio hauntig g, the slippers. . falls consideration at the Allied cort- I - - ­ ­ . the 40 aftOr It 14 4AScribing Him- 4u Ant 4.Qn the return of,dependents of 6 , . I I , ,_. on. 0 I . 1-- ferenco, and the eonforces had rertelled A million dollar photoplay produe. 641f. *-%Allvo for everniore -.TNua WpA Lialle4isa g6ldibify Irom,AVOI)e is ex.. N a decision which had been communi- t'.on o.onipany for Alontreal Is the In- , I . 4' I ____-*.W6____ not fe,oaffer 4eath. apin. Have tho I I Then there is the Index of expres- XF,V TO GOLIATIL cated to their -Tepresentatives it Coil- test development the moving pletare , ,., ed 0 ObtAIA for alloth er year; 20,- I slon-aurely a soureo at lixexhaustIblo &7ath-4a risilis p I I , world, with plans for the eatablish- - Mt depen4enta 114vo been returned I Willis (just home from odh6ol)-"l stalitillople, , trow ',60' UaA Ile ocitauerod death Alticii July, 1917, and It Is estimated , i ., . ... variety. Who, does not know the cold, say, mother, why wAV, Goliath slir u it I . I t I I I steely glare or the man without 4 It Would not Ile 401-441)1% added tile Mout Of -1 m0t-'On Pletuft prod t1b &lid 4610ck*4 the 0060 of t1id"AlUd'. VU,'z'Aet*tefv20,00 and 35,000 ro- . 1-1 , '. soul, or the flashing eyes which speak ,prised when, David hit "'in la the Premier, to Inake vulitte at the luo- plant hefe. It ts to be known as TbeftdSUI16eeagatm 10;­20.Vb4 111fdn" to' bo''"lAtriated, I I \ . _ Of ardor,love, passion'" Betweeft head with 0: StOnc?') , t I(now.'k ment the character of that decision. ,,ptitriela Photoplayeris, Ltd.," and Its I 0043,W hem reeatveil hie commission. The report statos that there has Mother­ ,Ilm. D11ro I don Ua * to record %Ut 60110WWWW b&M h4 raloxatou In regulsttlooia gov. I . those "troines there are e0untlesa Willie (triumphantly) - "Because %Vhat would be donia rogarding It object Will bo tho elploltation of Cann. . .. ,tud Imperial subjects for Cana, i le -1 , , shades. would depend upon the advice to bo diall, . P"Arar his ,own ttmed Aud what eMing the adibimlon and rojeation of 1. . - such a thitig had never enterOd big be In the futars SeWILAF Mr- J*W - A police officer declared to the before.pr received from tho Turltlsh eapital. di..JU picture theatres, " , . head - _.0.V,4_ -- . 01, , t - gorg Uto :Canada Along the fA I 11 '406, -, t . Nr -.441V via*# r"'Ardtaff tbe an- ternitl6nAl'boultUry, M4,410gor Olt- . 11 writer that It (a possiblo that scion- -__44 *..-- I r, AST-II)TOUS. gel . I th6 churchea. SOMA hold the tontion Witt td Maid to -the future to I . I tists will one ddy discover a means =OSPEIRITY, UDERIAL DAD. ' 1 '06W , they are 'the guardian an- the selection of Intendins settlers in I of identification by thi eyes. "Isn't N.11(yj 11codelliL. tL Dartleular . 1-11, I I I - "But the tsunerall lie adds, "holds oud- " - . y 0. a no .119 l 11 .. " mow , 1118,he 1,rosperous?" "Yeq," said the youag wife, pr frimid U yollra 1 _ I I 66- - ,, , L_w---­___­ , Tbe I guess so. Instead of the family IY, "fv.thf)V 41wUs give %rc I tll* 4,Yt.* that's tho trouble. Shi a too -W-, , , , . I exwd h Dr, Ruth- ,1 out AlOst hope. All that to wanted U ooto ' t e whon lio Ynakes ,presents." p I , 11 vil ,p I "Moom , erford -tommise4on on taoft and bet. A system Of photographing tho 31urd- 4 r 'he now consults a specto,11W." Oxlftfi articular. She Veru",01 tie IWA ZZ_ I—— ­­­ "So I dicipavereo' when lie gave YOU 10 10* S :4) *700.00, 940401'd- . . es. etallS Which go toL ninko up -tt-_!t mtt--tt T ___!%,! !! t !!,_ "twtty", rejoblea the ,v,oilng hu6band, night." I 'o I , --- _444_____ T '" , r t I I , g tv statem Cm unforaleen ex- the human eye. Nere 18 it Vast field N,effilgly. *PAN'N I 1 All Z I " L I , C 1, . I : i , , , - I I I I I 19 !.I 'RE, I I I _. . I I i 000" 41h w JC7 71 1, I , I. i " 1 $w 41tha me I& I I I I ewil . 11 I I t U Intu 6rA I on 11 . Al I , I A I I - - I r : I I I 61,334, I '. I , .a 1, . ,h " 6 il, I I .6 I 'I I 11 ., gloryww ofttq h6 1.M ._ 9 TU ,I , , , K I . . %A 614 , ad = ul -== - . I I 11 , f- iL $ .A-M114L. fMA&M I PW A . I r V I , . . i I 1", , I . "I pan$" tablen In the Comoko,48 loAt for Invtntors. A fortune awaits thq w",, coft " .0op" — . .1 — IN PIOURt'111olu 1 V44" tbs "MAW4 night.' suet-essful man." 4 *cft, jyl?abld #Wulative , ; Ntra. A. -Are yon I ge, I., (^, 1. ,V, ------.Z- - -77 -.-, -­­Y -- . DID 111A I)T* PINE.T,Y. lV1h ,,*,,I V ) ,*a# . , .. , ;i . _­ .... I I Thm there % the ear, a less roman -f VAedfiane. ,$,,U in tl,rm d- In whatever Aphere of Ketlon 11, with your ebildren 01 .ft 110 . Inneh Vfaltor,-Uy dear Irene, yott muqt '6(600'ib it ' ' 0AV, h4nst'r-No. I $11 .A "" '11t- I future political courae may bP "to tellfrig the truth at vt%i,y Inopportune - ,,T 4 *W is 617 lotely in tiiis tfilly ft,tl I Vtotor (to patisnt): "You thou) J try to taks X little m6ro Intorett ly tulf of pooniblittles. In fact, Aural , ' ' t "'"i Afr. Mitelosti ought to be remembered InamentiA.-­11coton TrallaerfDt. I HAN Y THS LAW, - " Mr4. IL -No, but I stm *11h thf,ir 1. I. .1 &*V , 5 ii . 11, dftr. I bftt Ity I la your booness." Idlomyrieranim are Pionletimes so pft- ' .i4 *'t v tie. portion of the anatomy, but equal- "'I"' 1 ;,i ....... ** t V Ig'I" ipld" '. oil(, who In it ,­ - .,. eftry"S" _, O-N:3-11A. V , t. Ad .E vwfu as __ # bib . I ")untr' .. , I I , 09 1141911bb" 011 both 94"I - Landon I Patient: "I'd like to; but the I* w wenot let n% I'm a money-lon. nounpod ilo to atrike the raost un b- I 11"t COOK M-tolell-KK C's, b 1!6 high erfols did hIK duty I (in thti. ,other hand. It le nover too , .01 1--__ t n*- of .", 00M*%h1N4bV10"*'1 )OW. dar,`-Lon%lon Opinlon. servant Among Us. Tuk"Iv. OUT. Opvnel WJWWJ . * ` . - 1 , roftely. early to metift, ettlio.r. ,*, 1. . I I h I I // " 1.,i i I &.&,.; , -:,"t % ''I I , , , 1,-_; 4r"_ , _'__ , . 140001U 4" , k #, I " ., I - 1. , , e 1. :,:, I .. .. i , " , , ' ,,L , ­ . I Ze I # , . I .1. . . 11 I ., " . '. 'A vlkakj " - '' ,,,, " ", , , , 11 . . . I .." I .. a ., - dLAO A , j"Zw '" "ek, ,;* ...— _, *., " ,4 - I b 4'r_ I" - 11 — -A­.&.i , ` , — -,; , 1, I , I I t ,% . _.* ,-smi jmsi`- !", simssooi_ , , IN I -1, dg a 0b, 11 ­ X . - - —