HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-03-11, Page 1' ,
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Single Copies • Tore G�I>wts wnlIIAM, t)NT�, 'I'tlURspAtY, MARK 11#6,192q ``
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0� 4.49 PUBLIC SC000L RLP01KT .-���,,.•.},.w,,..�,M �,.�..,,y,}�-, `: INSPEt�'�ORYS t�DPART SCr VENGER HIRED �,.,,.,},..,,.�.,-».�,.,,�,
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LYCEUM THEATRE L?NTAANm CLAS"4 p School Inspector Fields' Report For Fast $3, 0p Per Day Will fle PAid, Her To ((S . low
M"1'e-r 0%, e^,e+,./•aatwAr+-'a•�w+,n1+'R}'M'�/.redY/ ' lit' n ♦ + .1%^^.TIT•`_%� _.'..,v�~1 *q.:1",-+.t`�}!M ,}T4A"AM1r,"4
Total 400, } Huron o. As Su4w1ttn4 To i}Qulity Supply Horse, -i
M. Casemore 378 Mr. A. R. Lloyd is away on his western Council ----"- A special meeting of the Wingham town' , • .1
M. Johnsen, .. , , , . , . , . ", .... , ... , , , 3G7 ,trip, _ A special meeting of the Wingham council was held on Wednesday night, /� r ,
h o g. s 4 V. Robinson ... , . , , , , , , " . , , , .... 3i14 Mr. Joe Saint of Buffalo, is .visiting at Thera were open in 1919 eight y -four own council was held in the town hall on The Massey Ifarris Co., wilX hold an �01� �r��1r � .�-9Z�4�'d �t~1 >��;� A
B. Dobie ... . ....... ... . ... . ... . . . 304 his home on Edward St. rural schools and six urban scl+ , :i?:, with a Tuesday evening to consider the appoint- implement delivery in Wingham next `'
total of 122 teachers; the sch ,ol in No. r•�•'+t_
D. Snell ig e . .. . ..... . ........... 303 Toronto forover C. G. Van Storie the week end, as up from 10 Tuckersmith was closed during the fall ment of the town scavenger. After some week, . , " .i. jai$.. � .
'C H A R L I I M. Pettigrew 3fi1'
J. Carr ...... > . . . .. . ....... . .... . .. 347 term owing to the bilildniti of a new discussion and cross firing the following McXibbon's One Cent Sale -Saves your Y
K. Carter , ..... , . , , • , , , , , , 341 Miss Annie Geddes of Brussels spent school and the pupils were divided be- motion was carried, -Moved by Council. money --A cent is worth a dollar ---March : '
' ` `" "' the week -end with Catherine Adams, ofOne C,0% I ,
C. Boyce , ... , , ... , . . , .. , 337 tween No. 0 and No. 10 Tuckersmith. lors Elliott and Currie --that we engage ill 12, .X3. ;
.. , , , . town.
A. Walker. , , ....... , . . ... . ...... . . 337 The regular Legislative grants this Ralph Thompson as scavenger p
C H A P LINL. Zurbrigg , , , , ,, , , , , , , , , Mrs. Maines of Toronto, is visiting with g r at 33,50 Choir carries of the Methodist church
835 her sisters, Miss Edith Rush and Mrs, T. year 2 rural schools aiutunted us per clay, with a bonus of 15c Der day at will be held on Thursday evening instead I tf IL -It , klo) a e I I i
M. Cruickshank , ,, , ,, , , , , , , , , , , , 335 $4873, 27; there was in addition a bonus the end of the ear, he to furnish his of Friday as announced,
T. Fields, Y " .«i
W. Kew . . ...... . . . . . .. . ..... . . • , 333 grant on salaries amounting to $1859.77.. I
" A. Fields Messrs J. Gallaher and F. Johnston own outfit with the exception of wagon or The lost hound advertised in T1Ix An-
. 331 The purpose of this grant was to induce -- .
ill ' ' ' ' ' ' of town, spent the weekend with relatives sleigh, and that the mayor and clerk v�NOB some time ago was. found in Rip- - •
B. Boardman ............. . . . . . .... 327 trustees to pay higher salaries to theirr� , s
4MMI Vagabond' In Palmerston, be authorized to prepare the necessary ley owing to the advertisement. J •
11 P. Johnson , , , , , , ,, , , , , , ,,,, , ,,, , , 32,11 teachers: It has undoubtedly contributed � t Fri., �•�� e"��,.:y . �
Mrs, R. Breen returned to town on agreement.
M. Johns . . ..... . . . . . . . . ..... 314 to this result. The payments were are• Crows are reported to have been heard
C. Hinscliffe ...... , , .. , . Monday after spending the winter with Mr, Robert Day appeared before the w
....... , , 304 ranged on a sliding scale according to the is several places around Wingham, Their .41
A Chaplin Classic, and F, Isard. , , . , . • ... , • ,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , 299 her sons in Grand Rapids• assessmentgf the section; as all bu# one council asking.. for financial assistance heraldings will be welcome this year. `
Miss Olive Beemer, Wingham, has because of his wife falling on the sidewalk , March • l 1 :
M, Patterson . , , ... , ,.. .288 section in East Huron have an asGesament ��//
Sri I R L E V MASON ' ' " " " resumed her position as milliner with at the corner of Josephine and John Sts, ,1� Milas Cameron will hold an auction , • ~ w
O. Felts..... , ......... , , ... , , , .... 251 of over 6100,000, on which (lie smallest p .
anields & Co -Palmerston Spectator on Dollar Day and breaking her wrist. sale on March 19th, He will draw cream
V. Bell ..... . .. . . . .. . . . . . . :........ 24,4 grant is fixed, the amount apportioned to for the Wingham Creamery this season,
IIs C, Pattison , , 224 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smeltzer were in this inspectorate out of the charter of a The matter was left with the executive X ,
.. "........ " .. " town on Monday on their way to attend , committee to deal with. A nn saved is'a Penn m
cc „ D. Levis, ... , 97 million dollars voted by the Government penny y ads -Spend .
The Final Close -Up the funeral of his brother, Maurice o at the last session of this purpose ase seems R _ ,_ your money at McKibbon's One Cent .
J. Pocock • • . ... , ..... ..... , , ... 91 p P Sale, Mar, 11 12, 13, and save many . , .
�����A---��� Btuevale.
J. Carruthers .. . . . . ..... . ....... . .... 91 very small. For example, the Cl!overn- WHY DISTILLED NATER FOR
�.Fiying Officer J, Harold Code, and his ental, Phone or ,.retail Al'dE'C'N •vvlll receive careful attention,.. : ,�
A. Fields .... . . .. . ...... . . . .. . .. • • • • 85 sister Miss Lottie are visiting Dr. and ment grants to a section with an assess -
Another Band Concert. B. Weir , .:. ... 74 ment up to $30,000, paying a salary of BATTERIES? Dr. Sinclair of Ripley, died in Kincard- '
70 Mrs. Stewart., Harold hes just returned 4(300, would be $115, whereas one of our It will a you -to call and r
The Carolina Girls, will appear in the C, Mason, , , , ......1. , .. , .. •. , ... ine General Hospital on Monday after pay y p oc ere a list 1
P L. Hartnell.... , . , . , • , 69 from overseas, after a term of fivean sections would receive only 355. The puttingordinar w undergoing an operation for an abscess of ll 'the Islets does not br1CI Alt oil@, t a
Wingham Town Hall. on Friday evening, one-half years of Military Service v, y , water in a battery is g g • A y
urban schools receive none of this grant the throat,11
M Mar: 26th, under the auspices of the JR. IV XMr. R. M. VanNorman has , arrived in a good deal hire putting dirty ice in a re • , . ' '.
and their other grants from the Govern- J".141
Winglia m Citizens Band. This is the last Those marked,x missed one or more ex- town from Hamiota, and we are pleased frigerator, Once or twice .may do no We are agents for the Bucheye Incubat- - =-------•---�-- ., •:�
Lyceum Concert put on b the Band and aminations. Total 350, Ment are merely nominal. As their ex- harm, but the trouble Iles u "
y to learn will make his home in Wingham. A p; and ors and Brooders, the , world's best. • -. :1-11
pedses for salaries and upkeep have in -
is worthX of your patronage. The con- J. Taylor , . , , .. 318 Mr. and Mrs. VanlVorman and family everything happens at once, Call and see them at our store, Howson
cert will be an exce'il�nt one as every girl A. Corbett ..... . . . .. . ... . . . creased #o the same or even #o a greater 3
, . ,.. • • . 316 will make excellent citizens of our town. When a storage batter & Howson. p�
extent than those of the rural schools, �� g Y i, built," says McKIBBON
1." ' iin the company is riri artisfof no mean ibis- C. Louttit . . . .... . ... . .... .. . . ... 301 �•, VanNorman has purchased Mr. Wm• Mr, Crawford, local representative of the • • ,�,
iii. Coma: out and show your appreciation D.'Lloyd. .... . . . ..... . ..... 300 , we lied urban school boards planning to Garden Seeds -Fresh this week, 10c a
McPherson s beautiful residence on Diag- Williard Storage Battery Co,it has in it
of the local band. They, in the first place, I. Hunter ........ . . . .. . ask for increased grants from the Govern- package or 2 for 11c during our 1c Sale at •
?92 onal Road. Mr. McPherson is as yet ment storehouse. all the elements necessary to insure saris- McKibbon's Drug Store. ... Dru,gs and Stationer = '
put .these concerts on for the purpose of R. McDonald . . ..... . ...... . ...... . 273 undecided whether to remain in town or factory operation. Nothing Can get out Edison Phonographs Phone 53 G, P:12 ickets ;t
raising money to buynew band instrum. F. Bell • .... , ......... • , . , .. , .... 204 There were last term in the schools of of it except t THE ADVANCE must meet some heavy •
move to California. p he water that evaporates,
ents and to far, instead 'of raising money M. Angus.. . .. ..... . ........: . ... . 203 * East Huron 9 teachers with first-class, and nothing' can get into it tireless it is paper bills, and would request all those
" they have lost over $200 Are you will- W. Mann .............. . . .. . ... . 263 __ ' 1u5 with second-class, six with third-class owing us accounts to settle same at once.
contained in some form in the water that �'`• -' •'0
ing to sit by your, fireside and see the G. Anderson .................. . .. . 258 THE DEA I tl DOLL and two with kindergarten certificates; We know you will sometime, but why not
you add. '
band go broke when they are taking this H. Boyce . . ..... ............ . . . 254 - of these 14 are mate teachers, three of now? —W • ',
honorable way of raising money instead G. Robertson ............ . . . . . . ... . 240 MAiJzrICE SivrryrLmzzcs whom at once resumed teaching on re '"If 'the water that you put in every
The yearly subscription price of THE ,
On Sunday, Mar. 7th, Maurice Smeltzer turning from. active service-- Mr A. L. week or so to make up for the amount St. Andrews Presbyterian Church . s►erw waiwfrrw�"W* '
of begging it, W. Sturdy ......................... . 238 ADVANCE is $2.00 per year, or $1,50 to
E, Fergie .. . ... .... . . .. . .... . . . ... 235 died at his home in Bluevale at the age of Posdff, Wingham, Mr. R, H. Hoover, M. that evaporatl?s, contains ever so little every subscriber paying in advance. It A Sacred Cantata will be held in St, i y ' : '
' 77 years. Deceased had been an invalid C, Walton, and Gordon Jefferson, S. S, iron in any form or other substance, this 1 ,, .
h Ellicott .................. . . . . ... 217 , certainly will pay you to keep your paper Andrew's Presbyterian Church, on Tues-' I
.�...........,,..,.}� .. -• D. Armstrong .... . ... . .... > , , , . , , , , 214 for years. Besides his widow he is sur- No .6, Howick; other teachers of East Will remai.i in the battery. A little more
is put il, each time, and soon there is Daid for in advance. day evening, March 30th, entitled "'Olivet � .
G. Angus .. . ....... . ..» , , ... , .. , . , . 203 vived by one son and three daughters viz. Huron who rendered valiant service m PHONE
Mr. and Mrs. David Finley wish to to Calvary" by J. H. ,Maunder, will be • • I .
Large stock of 201 Parker and Mrs. Wm. Hewitt of Guleph, France are Mr. Norman Geddes, Mr. enough to interfere with. proper action, ,• ..• • • -•
E. Carr.. , , , ... thank their friends for their kindness to I -
1VIrs. Lay.. West, whose home is at Horizon, Walter Stafford, Mr, Leslie Winch, Mr, and your battery wears out much more given by an augmented Choir of 30 voices. .
"- ? R. Carr ..... . .... . . .. _ . , , 195 them during their illness, and especially,
under the direction of Mr. R. T. Cowell,' -
" Books x N. Fixter ........ .. . .. . .... . .... 186 Saskatchewan, and Annie at home. Ewart Blatchford, Mr, Lewis Hone rapidly than it should.
take care o£ thein. '
� � �►Y V. Mrs. J. H. Finley, who came from Galt'to {
C.'Cooke ...... , .. , , 180 The funeral was held from his late resi- C.• of whom the last two were kilted in '"If distilled water only is added there is F. R. C. 0. Further notice next week. ��a� ����� ����
r and Bibles E. Williams ........ . ... . .... ........ 178 dence on Tuesday,afternoon to Wingham action. no chance of foreign substances worsting , Mr. Fred Leon Scott has completed the 1! - r 11
G. T. R. depot where it was taken on the their way in, and consequently the battery Dray Business Sold
M. Hill....... , • ...... < . , ......... 178 P There were GO changes of teachers at q Y „training course of the American Foreign ' r �,
x M. Gurney ... , . , , 143 afternoon train to Blyth cemetery for plates will give better and longer service. Mr. Thos, Deans has disposed of his You wants good, crap' .of Tea
We will be pleased to show them y' ' interment. midsummer; the cause of so many chant;- Detective Agency and is a duly qualified -
x M. Henderson. , ... , ... . , . 142 Cartage business to Mr; J. A. McIntyre without Having tp pay for some-
ta you. ea in most cases was neither lacy Of ail• member and authorized to carry the
x V. Fyfe , .... , 134 and wishes to publicly thank his patrons thing you cannot use. ''
Y reciation of their services nor inadequate Credential cards of this Agency.
- ....� Mrs. JOHN MA.R9H.ALr, - ,
x K. Dinsley........ •.... , , . , ..... , • • 132 remuneration nor uncongeniat surround- HIGH SCHOOL NOTES for their kind support 'during the past
x M. Shackleton ...... 116 Mrs, John Marshall passed to her ' ,Mr. George Damm, who has been in
Spring Stock of Wail Paper nearl�r. "''' ''' ings, but the restless spirit that seems tofifteen years. He also wishes to carom- .
P B E. Henderson...... , ........ , ..... , 114 Eternal Rest on March 6th. at her resid- the employ of W. J, Boyce, for some Bulk
complete. The choicest selection we have possessed the world after the strain XThe regular meeting of the High school mend Mr, McIntyre to them and ask for o�r D�1 gl8tldS
x E, McLean......... _........ , ... , 107 ence in Turi berry, Deceased whose time has accepted a Position as plumber a continuance of their patronage to Mr.
have ever had You 11 be better sat- of the war.' With such Constant Chang• Literary Society was held in the Assam- ,
ed if you come early. x C Dickson .......... . ........ . ... 105 maiden name was Margaret Boyd, was Cly Hall on Thursday, Mar. 4th. The at Mr. A, P. Johnston s hardware, and McIntyre, -
x ing educational interests cannot be best
90 very highly respected and attained the leaves soon for Walkerton, X He is a former Are decidedly Big. Value, and
served. President, Angus MacKay was in the Troy, p�eNa,
x M. Vansickle.. , . , ........... . ..... 9u ripe old age of 77 years, 9 months and 17 chair and the following program was Walkerton boy. ' • give supreme satisfaction to all .who
Salaries in almost all the scliools have A A (food Concert '
x H. Sutton ................ .. . .. . . . 58 days. Her husband predeceased her rendered. The storm of Sunday and Monday tied
' /� advanced from $100 fo 3200; even now, use them We invite you to fry ill
MASON �i O N ,Q, SO �r , , , , , , , , , about four a up the trains for a day. When old men Despite the fact that on Monday night •
' GES/ �HI�V a Ir x W. Levis... ,......... , , 41 years ago. Five Children sur- President's address by Angus MacKay, for tea. `' � •.
s x H. Wilde ...... , , . vive viz. Mrs. Robt. Weir, Samuel and they are unequal to what teachers could telt us this has been the most severe the weather was about as bad as any dur.
.......... 25 Distribution Houser.
for Victory Loan g January, the Murdison Concert Com.
William of Turnberry, and David and Command in other spheres of life. An winter they remember of, we are led to in
SENIOR T,xzraD Essays by Mr. Houser. The winners of
.,.,.}.................}--. Wesley at home. The remains were in- active campaign has been carried on both believe that we must have came through Pany was greeted wi h a good house, and
Sr. Class. Marks obtainable 405, the Prizes were ' as follows -In Lower
terred in the family plot in the Wroxeter in Canada and the United States by the a really hard one, the best of it is that those present' went
.. _
M. Christie .: . ... . . . ... . .... ... . . 351 School Miss Mari Cosens, Miss Mabel 1`lle lea ax><d Cod%e House
EVERYBODY'S COLUMN cemetery on Monday afternoon, Im- Press, the Government and public speak• home well satisfied with their evenings
W. Hunter....... ............. „ 340 ers in urging on school boards higher. sat- Armstrong, Mr. J. Armstrong has disposed of his ,entertainment. Mr. Murdison as an an. 1 • : I ''
' AUCTION SAL stook And Implem- M. Snell ..:. . ... . .... 337 Mrptessive Snelirvices were of Wingham lucted by Rev.and Rev. Mr• (Continued on page 4) In Middle School Miss Rebecca Arm- term to Mit Cooke and will hold a clear- tertainer stands high. His songs, "Bonnie •� irAreeaf
en's at , of 24, con 1. Morris, (Biuevale A, Laundy......... ... . .. . .. . .... 333 Strong, Miss Myrtle Deans, g sale of he stock and implements on
Road) o', .Aouday, Maroh 16th,.at one o'oloak. N. Williamson ..... . .......... . .. 333. Sinclair of Betmore. Frida Lucy Lee", Mc 'Ain Auld Hamsepti and . -
_.._.__.___�,..�,-._ In Upper School -Norman R. Wight- Y. March 12th. Mr. Armstrong `�"'^-�'':-^`
See bills, The pallbearers were Messrs. Arthur The Real McKie were exceptionally
R. B. TAO1iSON, Proprietor. A. Irwin ...... . .. . .. . ............. 330 man. y should have no trouble selling his cattle 4�* +, , o
T, R. BENNIETT, Auctioneer. J Yours Lincoln, Ralph Metcalfe James Barton, M. Patrick's Social. good. Mr, Murdison appears in Massey = ; •
-- g ...... . ........ . . . . .... . . . 330 ' Piano solo by Miss Eva Rintoul. as they are in excellent condition, Hall, Toronto, on April 15th, under the r "if I
Wm AbKaham, 'Wm. ,Breckenridge and R. Dont miss St. Patrick's Social in -the " � I
UCTIONSALE=Clearing Bale o! stock and 326 Debate Resolved that Travel is more The auction sate of Tilos. Weir was auspices of the 10th Royal Grenadiers Latestl�'oRcopd'.
F' Implements, Lot 1, Con. 4, Morris on. Fri- J. Field`............ Methodist Church, Tuesday evening, day, Maroh 12th. T. Robertson ........ . . . ... . . .... • 321 C. Weir' g 'benefit to mankind than Reading. fairly well attended despite the stormy He was ably •
. JOHN ARMSTRONO� PROP. " Mar. 19th at eight o'clock. Admission y supported by Prof. Cowell, - .
JAB. TAY"P, Auctioneer. W. McKibben ... . . .. . . . . ... . ..... . 320 The affirmative was taken by Arthur day., Good prices were realized, especially'
Mets, H>;NRY MATxi rets. 15 and 25c. The Victory Mission Circl •. as accompanist, under whose auspices, he u '.
.... $11 Irwin and Miss Muriel Redmond of Form for the horses, hogs and grain. Mr. and appeared. Other pleasing numbers were ��iW t fits . ` '
CLEARXNGr AUCTION +SALE—Farm 'stook A. MacLean ... . ....: . . . . . . . . : Death relieved Mrs. Henry Mathers of Barri ton Old Boys' II, and the negative by Miss Marion Mrs. Weir will reside with Mr. Jas Scott, g '
and Itnpiement at Lot 23, Con. 10, Turn- M. Mitchell.... , .... • ..... .. . , 31'1
berry entrance to Farm from B line, on Fri, a long and trying sickness on Saturday y f'l'ack solos by Misses. Sarah MacLean, Mar , , ;;
say, 1VIaroh 10th. Everything' must be sold G, Mitchell .... , ..... , . ..... w. 304 $ . Mitchell and Norman Muir of Form I. Glenannan, R. S. Campbell is the. new garet carrells, Madeline Walker and Edna a
xegardtoda of icer as the owner baa• sola his last, She has been a sufferer from cancer Harriston is holding an Old Boys' Re- l
J. Cowell .......... . ........... .. 295 The judges decision was given by Mr, owner of the farm, he formersy lived near V�G�.0®�� all PiI1q.S
11.011, see largo bilis. for over a ear apA bore her affliction union beginning June 26th, Mr, J. H. Mitchell, and violin selections • by. Mr. z,
MILAS CAMERON. Prop. B. Brown ...... . .. . ..... , .. , .... , . , 277 Y - Tanton In favour of the negative. Bluevale. Geer a Fr ,
with true christiap fortitude and patience. Shannon' was appointed Secretary at a g yf6gle who as is usual, was `
T, R. $ENNETT, Allot. J, McGee .... . . . . . . ......... . .... 276 D Piano solo by Miss Shirley Donaldson.
_ - - --
OR SALE -One Hereford Cow, registered, E, Hartnell ..... . ................. , 274 Her maiden name was Ella I. E. Owens, salary of $150 and stenographer extra. Reading of the Journal by Alex Nichol- We understand Mr. W. F. VanStone, excellent. Misses Eva Rlntoul slid Muriel `�``` "
Bull calf, 9 months otd, and she was born near Belgrave on Sept. Harriston is a home town which retains a president of flip Board of Trade, has Redmond rendered a piano duet which � j�' �i
, C'..T&R I32OGINS, A. Ludwig ....... . .... . . . .... . .. . 248 son, decided to erecta four compartment E `�' • SOW "' °
haute 1, Wingham. 7th, 1878, The funeral which was held grip on its former citizens,, who will no P Would do credit to many accomplished '�
' �� ;
D. MacEwan . . ....... . . . ... . ..... 222 Piano solo by Miss Irene McDowell. community house in Wingham. We musicians. In all the concert was ex Music Dealer
Lot 16 Can. 1 doubt be pleased to visit the old town
pOR SALE --Solid brick building known as E, Chettseburgh......... . .... ... . . 21G from her late residence, , , Critics remarks by Miss McNair. congratulate Mr. VanStone on his enter- cellent, `a a
e uric W hire condi Bard and soft water, Mortis, to Bluevale cemetery on Tuesday once again. We wish them every success
electric light; second floor six room dwelling, E, Swanson.... , , , 180 The meeting was then Closed by singing prize and would like to see a number of �` \\
Mics, 117, RICHMOND, • • 1G0 afternoon was one of the largest ever and they deserve to have it. - ��
,tit Jacobi, Out. C. Fry .... . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • the National Anthem, other citizens follow his example. "'� :'
ersseenwasin hasfaithful mehmbereof Ebenezer One Cent Sale. , � y � Call at the Wingham Monumental �tilttttxltfttlltllttyllittillit1t tillytilitilill�ill9tTll.litilit-t%t1ttti� ; .
� ARM FOR SALE—Sixty acres of prat o1as6 M. Sanderson ....... . .. . ........ . .. 130 D r ;
F land about twenty minutes walk to Wing M• Thurlow ..... . ... .. . ... . ... . .. 117 The one cent sale was ori in � • � • °.
ham Post Office. Will either dell or ex Jr. Class. Marks obtainable 370 Methodist Church and the funeral services g ated by the Works this month and buy your memorial •,,,,- .
j for larger place, For f,irtber particulars, were conducted by her pastor, Rev. Mr, United Drug Co. making of the Famous, !-eased Parlsh Hall, out of the $10,000.00 stock we purchased • •
apply to. F. Angus . . .. ......... . .. . . , , . , ... 258 •.^ .� : .
TRE ADVANCE. Burgess, assisted by Rev. Mr. ,Tate, Rexale Remedies and Toilets, Chocolates; '� The Wingham branch of the Great War many months ago, before the last two ;,RUBBER- "".0o.
-b•. -_ -
W. Taylor .......................,. 246 V I
ARld FOR SALE—South half of lot 42, Con, W. Scott ........ • ... . . . . . . .. . ..... 245 Presbyterian Minister.
Stationery and Rubber Goods, and they Veterans Association have leased the advances in prices, These are almost all E! ,
F 11, East wawanosh, containing 100 acres, Besides her sorrowing husband, she is use this as an advertising. means Mills Memorial Hall and moved into in stock now, balance arriving daily, and
nearly all under grain and glass. ',urge barn, A. Mitchell .. . . ........ . ....... , , .212 ...�r
stonestables, drivinghuuse and hog pen, frame survived by two little boys, one sister, Mrs. to get their goods before the public. their new quarters on Saturday. X while they last will be sold at the old a- = ,i
dwonina, drilled well,, windmill and cement V. Naylor ..... , .. , , , . , . , , , .. , 1$3 They put a fine sized package whether
supply tank with heat, 3 acres of orchard. G. Rlntoul....... . ........ . . . ..... . 150 Geo. Brandon of Belgrave, and seven g prices. Any work we were unable to w .. , Ime
Farm situated on main gravel road between 25c, 50c, or $1.00 in your hand for one Will Manufacture Soon. finish last fall will be Completed immed- � t -.0 `
Wingham and Bolgrave. timall pal!ment G. Lediet ........ . ... . . .... 1' ' ""�
. • .. 148 brothers, John, W. J.. Mathew, George • ,,,,,,
down and cal.0nce bre mortgage for a term of 14 Charles and Henry of the West and cent, The plan is you pay the regular The Aero Cushion Inner Tire &Robber lately spring opens. We thank the people
.�,•. e have en s Rubber Bots 1n are
,tare at 5 per bent. Possession any time. N. Beattie. 2 r Co. Ltd. are now in a position to assure of Wingham and vicinity for their loyal � '^"'
' Jour; W . rsnoica3oTToal, C. Tennant ............ . .. . , , 139 Robert Owens, who resides on the home- P zee for one article and gee the second tl3e good and wanted styles. '
Route 5, Wingham. "' ' � ' stead near Belgrave. The family have one of same for one cent, Mcliibbon's the public that they will be manufacturing patronage since we started in business
C. Ii►ngston , , lag a'- BOOTS made b makers we know ` '
OUS .)ill ,FOR BALE—Orben frame house, 6 ; `: ; the sympathy of a large circle of friends, Drug Store one of the 8,000 Rexale Drug teres before the end of next week. They here, and respectfully ask for aContin- y , • , � V
roomed, to good condition, Apply. J, Levis .... . . ... . ... 193 The pallbearers at the funeral were Store in Canada. United States and are now ready but for a few moulds that uance of the saine.•••-R, A, S.POTTON, = , S yl • . � `
TRE ADVANCE. , ... —Boots we guarantee! '' ' _� ,
a - �.._ . M. Moffat . . .... . .... .. Messrs, R. Johnston Henry Hopper, Ed. Great Britian is having one of these are on the way. This will be good news11
O1TSE A1+7I) LOT COR SALE -Good frame M. Cowell. , , ......... , . , ,_. _ _ _ . -: __..
" ' ` ` " 90 famous sales in his store Thursday, Friday to many of our people who have been .-r
house corner Edward and Y'iotbria Stu, $3 Johnston, Lew. Jewitt, Arch. ]3rydges Y S11AY't 501 t+A Boct5, ,ww
Water, eleotrlo ltirhts. A bargain for gltiok J. Brooks . . :... . ...... . and Saturday, Mar, 11 12, 13. You anxious to see this factory start oiler- Juniors Are Now Ont 0- , Medium Ciit:� .
eat®. Twelve rooms sulte.bie for a double P. Stakes ......................... , 73 and C. B. Wilkinson. + �'
house, Apply at, will find it the greatest money saving sale ations, Any person who has ordered any One of the best games of hockey ever a =. ' ° 1-1
7CIIte ADYANex. FoR,bI IV kind of machinery knows full well the witnessed in Wingham was Played be, 10- Boots. � ; • 1.
- aver put on in a Drug and Stationery
'WANTED -To bear from a man going West. Class A. Total $44 Moving to Winglial". Store, long wait they have had for it, and no tween Owen Sound and Wingham juniors =
-.0 I
next flask it poseiiite, wading tc cake a E. Tamlyn , ........ , 323 Mr. and. Mrs: W. J. Gallaher who one need wonder why this company have on Wednesday bight last. The game was
bar of aettlec'e ofeecte to Northam Salk. !.p• T j'�a ��('�Q� ��(��� � '� ��' '�� , � �� j ,'�'r ,
.... 314 recent! ' Jehnston is Cotn'rng OW. " ° •
ply to M. Isard,,,,, , , , ,,,,, , , , , , , , , , y sold their fine farm Horth of not been able to start before now. anybody's until the last tingle of the bili. #w••• ' .
TIIf ADVANbtc� • , , , , , , , , , , 312 Gorrie to Mr. John Dinsmore ate this Wingham amusehtent loving '
G. Robertson , , , , , , .. g public will Owen Sound counted three goals in each .► We e ilaVe alsry
�iVAltNilr"lI--Aboounts owing the undersign• , , , , , , 311 week moving to Wingham where they be entertained,on Wednesday rind 'l"hurs- Casket On Snowplow. of the first two periods, while Wingham," , a Corfil�let line o Ru-
ed are now bvardlie a*d mn st be se,.tied Y. 1vICl'heraon . . ... . .. . . . . .
' on or before Mar. 20th to eavo aided boats. Wy, Tifiin, ... , . , . , . , . , .. ... , , , .. , 30G have purchased a beautiful home on day night by the Siert Johnston, Big Because there wag no express' or freight managed to keep within reach during the * a -
B.Ilvxorsxeoh, E. Boardman..,,,,«.,..,,,.,, 305 DlagotialRoad, Their many and Magic and Fun Show, This Company samesesaionsby notching two in each. 17er BaptS, forOiGII,N� fc>1'. BCS
__ . _. _ .. .... X service on the Huron and Bruce lines, a
`x�ANTUD--A RITZ for sme,11 n:ivata family C. McKibben .......... .... .. . 285 neighbors rC et their removal from the as well as giving an excellent clever parr. owing to the huge snowdrifts that block. Wingham came mar tying the tally in the' E + �
Y/ fit London. AttrActive prolrositibnr Ail• , gr nd fo :GI -RLS.
!ply to, H. C3roves.... ....... . ............ 285 community, but can not refrain -from formance also carry their own Orchestra. ailed the road, a casket for which an last by outscoring the Sounders by 3 to 2, - � '
P. G. SWARDS, ........ 281 , thinking they are acting wisely in seeking Bert has been for the last three emergency call Caine to London from .
Care of Can. Eicpress, Town. 113. Robiilsbn. , ...... , Years Owen Sound -(8) Goal, Armstrong; w
�t7S1NE55 FOR S:A,t.l~ W. Johnston .... . .. . . . . . . .... . . . . . 280 a well deserved rest. We are pleased overseas, and many of the boys will recall Ilderton, was forwarded to that town on a defense, Ross and i)ault; center, Morris; ;;Z ° '
C,ROCERY F. Fuld ......................... .. 268 they are to be located so near by and some of the entertainment he gave back snowplow, Early• Friday taorning the wings, Whingeld anti ICreutzwiser; sub, SHOE , REPAXP,I G ' {
flood clean, stock of groceries In the town of iYX �r"rmpson ...... , , • ... , , 266 trust the friendships so valued may long of the line in France, Johnston is one of Wife of the station agent at Ilderton died{ . '
Winghatn, centrally Wonted and lu good goinK , • • MCClargy. � } ,,
order. 4took kud fixtures around elehtoon D, Scott ..............,.......}, .266 be continued. Mr. and Mrs, Gallaher the best magicians in the business and and it was found necessary to send to Wingham--(7)--•Goal, Aitcheson; do. '" Bring ill your old Shoe and let us put, .
hundredAP Pastore, . . ........ . . . . . . 262 will not be strangers to Wingham as they performs many clever tricks. The Wood. London for a casket: fenge, Cruikshanks and McLean; center, } '
Apply to J. Q. sT�,'NAYtT ti. Dobie..... , .... •
Bbxsin, Wingham ... 247 already have a goodly circle of acquaint- en Headed Family, consisting of Toni, The under tatter in London, to whoopHarrison;� ttiem sill good condition for you, ,
_ _._. C. Wirth ... • .. . . . . . . ........ q g Harrelson; wings, Sturdy and Morden; �s--
7' NDlEtt,S W Arif ED M. Mitchell .......... . . . .......... 242 ances. They will be greatly missed, in Jerry and Clara Trotter and John Brown the request had Come placed the coffin in sub., Lockeridxa. = ' '°;
••-�•- -- A- 5wansnn .. . .. . .. . . . .... • .... • .. 209 the various departments of the Methodist furnishes a big roar of laughter. Another the hands of the express company befdre W. H. Legg, London. • • . �" p
7csndet�s crests be received by the nndarrlgned G. Ery . ; , , .... I ....... I ...... 193 church, Gorrie, and lit social circles. We big feature is the selections on the violin was known that the evening Bract trairt The return game was plityed ire Gwen °" -
lie, t111 soon, moxab 211au, 1Sss. for the belie• .. , 119 congratulate Wi "-
fair of a n+,.r ""do, Id the •village of Wblta• D, Hatioy,... , . ...... . . . ..... . . ngha'm in securing citizelig by Mr. A. J. Smith who is a master in his was to lie concelied. It was dlilcover4d, d ill Friday flight and the Owen '"" .
ot, Mr. eaa and ottlb,gpdalto,tWhi10A, w h bre item . , • , . , , , .. , 99 such as Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gallaher. line being one of the six violinists in. the however, thtt a snowplow +amts ertllerlishd wore by a Ierge scoraq, l2 tC ', -
,sa ,��, t:ott/e's, Whitsahnroh. A S. Blatchford .. , .... , ... ,
riti►rloed airegnet of lii�; of the of retrace prion Claes B. Total 33500 They carry with #herr► the bent wishes of world to -day playing double grope. As to leave London at S o'clock in tsrdar aril wigs so x7ulwcYi larger than the �� I �'"
M y the tender, � � .
The lows" arty t6twat got itao"Wily N. Carr , , , , ,, , , , , , ,, , , ,, , , , , ,,,, 251 all to their now Monts.-»Gorrie Videos. the show is here • for two nights only, fight thtt drifts bbatwaati theca allyl 't'�i imam rim ",t our boys W rood, e
Teaderr for dii151 Wit porta of the , , v .- k'
ham, and lire order sehurad from this etrlttf
=► >narit r. G. Bpott,astl .. , , • . , . Mr. and Mie. C,ittedidr, Its 16�eitiatplfx of arid 19th. overt one should take advent« They report the Owen Sound boys hard T I T 01'� 1 " O kZ 11.7i 0I) 0.
M. Clgoaltarq ..
..... , .. , . , 244 Rrtgdere of Trs� AnvAtrc;x will wrlcon>o WedneedaY and Thursday, March 18th.
.... 4, dtepatchkr• ptirmittiug forr+vardirig Of that oppor nts but good ,sports. Both games • ` ~ , ,r
tir� (Cmunow errs; pop 6) Wim. of tela opporturrlty of tr�irig it. ahiprrWtnt by the ptog: watirc claratii aard fast. Lwh.wwawU " tIimululOWW ��r ��ulliW' ' '
I` • •/
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